1^ r^r^T /IT! ^c2l ^\ I I j Lacrosse GMmpionsliip Diary I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Distributed by T. Quinm, THE Bill Poster, 581 Lagauchetiere St., Montnial. FFPFFFFr^r^ddd i i^dd.diidM HH r^rit^ Hrfi^ HHSl OOLE'S — AND- Ithletic Suide. Copies of this Guide may be obtained on appli- i| cation to any of the Advertisers, or of the I Publislier (if by mail enclose stamp), HENEY F. M. COLE, 1792 Notre Dame Street, Montreal I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 ! I u I I I I I I I I I I I I H J. & L McENTYRL, ifier®k€imt jailors, } 1 67 1 NOTRE DAME STREET, 1 J .,. MONTREAL. Eiitered according to Act of Parliament of Canada in the year One Thousand Eijjht Hundred and Eighty-six, by HENRY F. M. COIE, in the office of the Minister f.f Agriculture. THE Canadian •:• Pacific •:■ Railway -^18 THE — SAFEST, QUICKEST AND HOST COMFORTABLE ROUTE TO TRAVEL BY, — BETWEEN— QUEBEC, MONTREAL, OTTAWA, KIN8STQN, TORONTO, -A.3ac3. aJLX 3Po±iiLt8 £3a4St; aiiDicX "West AND IS THE ONLY -—TO — MANITOBA, THE NORTH-WEST — AND — British QolTdcnhm, ■^-mrnrn — COMFOBT, SAFETY AND SPEED OIT THIS LINE. ^^ See that your ticket reads by the DANADIAN PADIFID RAILWAY, W. C. VAN HORNE, CEO. OLDS, Vice-Presidp.nt Gen. Traffic Manager. 0. McNICOLL, J. ». PRUYfl, Ge^ii. Pern. Agt Ass'iGm'l Pas. Agt. Head Offices: Montreal. COLE'S Lacrosse Ghampionsbip Diary TO TKCE IFXTBLIO- Thia Diary being circulated through the liberality of the Advertisers, the public are respectfully requested to give it favorable mention when ordering from the firms patronizing it. HENRY I . M. COLE. CANADA SHIPPING CO. BEAVER LINE OF STEAMSHIPS SAfLINO WEEKLY BETWEEN MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets, Montreal to Liverpoo), $40 & $50 Eeturn Tickets - . . . $80 & $90 Aoording to Steamer. • ' For further particulars and to secure BertJis, apply fo H. E. MURRAY, General Manag^er, Iv . 1 Custom House Square, Montreal* f Or to the Local Agents in the different Towns and Cities. The Montreal Amatenr Athletic Association. Robert Lloyd, Secretary. M ' CLUB HOUSE, MONTREAL GYMNASIUM, r' , ' ; '. . , 143 Mansfield Street. i ^ ' .- ^ • ». / The following: Clubs are affiliated to this Association : MONTREAL LACROSSE CLUB. {For Officers, see page 8.) MONTREAL CRICKET CLUB. Patrons. His Excellency the Marquis op Lansdowne, Sir a. T. Galt, G.C.M.G. Hon. Justice Johnson. ^ Wm. G. Murray, Esq. Hon. Donald A. Smith, - - Honorary President. Hon. John Hamilton, - - Hon. 1st Vice-President. Hector Mackenzie, Esq., - - Hon. 2nd Vice-President, F. Stancliffe, President. James Smith, - ^- ... - First Vice-President. Hugh A. Allan, - - - - Second Vice-President. Thos. Trimble, Secretary-Treasurer. Committee :— 0. E. Smith, B. T. A. Bell, E. W. Arthy, E. H. Gough, H. Lock wood, Thos. Trimble. MONTREAL FOOTBALL CLUB. •^ R. M. Esdaile, - - - - President. C r. Cairns, First Vice-President. J. N. Fulton, - - - - Second Vice-President, R. Stirling, Secretary. R. Lloyd, ------ Treasurer. ^ R. Campbell, ----- Captain {Rugby). ' W. Galt, Captain {Association), Committee : — W. Cleghorn, F. Short, W. HodgBon, H. Dnimmond, H. Cleghorn, F. RoUand. J .2— JD:r. O. S. STROTJID, »j|- Apothecaries •:• Hall-fJ* 525 ST. liAWRENOE MAIN STREET, (Corner of Cotiivillu street.) Prescriptions Acouratoly Dispensed WITH PURK AND FUESII DllUGS. NIGHT BELL. ' SUNDAY ATTENDANCE. Patent Medicines of all kinds. ])rugp:ists' Sundries, &c. - XW A full line of Toilet ll'i'iuisitcs. 'TSSi Myer /VIyers, WATCHMAKER ^ AND ^ JEWELLER, ''^ ■' 1401 St. Catherine St. (near Metcalfe St.) MONTREAL. ^ ^^ Watches, Clocks and Jewellery Cleaned and °'" Repaired by competent workmen. A fine assortment of the above, Electro-plated Ware, Opera Glasses, Spectacles, &c., constantly on hand. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N.B.— Medals, Cups, iSsc, Manufactured and Engraved to any design. -3- : MONTREAL BICYCLE CLUB. J. D. MiLi KN, - - - - President. J. B. 08TKLL, Vice-President. W. G. KoHH, Secohd Vice-President. R. F. Smith, Secretary. Comtnittee : A. T. Lane, G. S. Low, J. T. Gnaedinger, F. G. Gnaedinger. Horace Joyce, Captain ; J. T. Gnaedino^er Ut Lieu- tenant , E. W. Barlow, ^nd Lieutenant ; W. F. Crispo, Bugler ; J. H. Robertson, Standard Bearer. ArrangementH for the Season : — Every Tuesday even- ing, ride t(» the Athletic Club House, start at 7.15. Every Stiturday to various places, start at 3 p m. CANADmN WHEELMEN'S ASSOCIllTION, Okganizki) Skit. 1882. {Open to all Amateur Bicycle and Tricycle Riders.) J. S. Brikkley, St. Thomas, Ont., President. W. G. Eakins, Toronto, ** Vice-President. H. B. DouLY, Simcoe, " Secretary-Treasurer . FOURTH ANNUAL MEET AND RACES WILL UH HELD ON THE Shamrock Lacrosse Grounds, Montreal, Que., —ON— DOMION DAY Al THE FOLLOWIl SATURDAY (JULY 1st and 3rd^ AT 3 P.M. EACH DAY. J> < Grand Street Parade of Wheelmen on the morning of Domitiion Day. For pamphlets and full information address, F. G. Gnakdinoeu, P. 0. Box 1988, Montreal, Que. __ ALBERT DEMERS MANUFAOTURER AM> , IMPORTER OF 3Pe]R3FIN6 6O0DJS 71 f;PEOI^IiTY. -♦ ^ •--- 1840 Notre Dame Street. BRITANNIA FOOTBALL CLUB. Headquarters ; BARNJUM'S GYMNASIUM. :| .'.«. ., -•' V«--:t ■«'T- H. M. Belchrr, - • M. S. Blaiklook, - Rev. J. R. Barclay, A. B. GwiLT, - - J. Arnton, - - - P. MoKjntosh, E. Judge, - - - . B. T. A. Bell, • - i'.'fl. •■' '*! '1,-i THE CHAMPIONSHIP OF CANADA: *' ^''' Section 1. The ** Championship" shall be held from the first day of November of each year, for one year from that date, and shall be awarded the Club wiiuiin^ the greatest munber of matches, in a series to be played between first-class Clubs. ^ Section 2. Clubs proposing to play in this series must announce their intention of doing so at the Annual Con- vention of the N. A. L. A. Section 3. The series to consist of three matclies be- tween each first-class Club, and all other first-class Clubs, to be played as follows: — Each Club to play the Cham- pion Club three matches, two of said matches to be ]ilayed on grounds named by the Champion Club, and the third on grounds named dv the competing (^lub. All other than the Champion fJlub to |)lay each of the others three matches, the grounds for one of the said matches to be named by eacn Club, and the third to be named by the Committee of Management, hereafter mentioned. Section 7. In the event of matches resulting in draws, they shall not be counte I, but if the^ are found at the end of the season to affect the standing of any Club in the series, they shall, upon order from the Committee < f Management, be played. In case any Club should tie (m the whole series, they shall play off under the order of the Committee of Managemenit. The proceeds of all such matches to be equally divided. i , i; . r ' Section 9. Protest or complaints shall not interfere with fixed matches. / At the annual convention, held at Toronto, 9th April, 1886, Mr. Dan. A. Rose, the Secretary-Treasurer, read the annual report, which reviewed the past year's contests under the rules of the Association. .* • • ■ ' • ■■■".yfJ DOMINICA >; .- / V » ■ , , .HIS ^^ I ^ PURE. M Strength. ■ t A' J >'i WHOLESOME Puies the Blood. »,■ • ■ ',■"! »'.'< i\t i #/ » <<^ BIFRISBrafi Aq Agreeable ToQic. G00LIN6. Just tlie thing for Hot Weather. ■v >' • A.: .r» •«■, . • A fr :■ I ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM ALCOHOL For Sale by Grocers and Druggists in Pints and Quarts (Imperial Measure). — EBFINED EXPRESSLY FOB — LYMfiN ^ SONS«&-CO.,« MONTREAL SS'A Liberal Diacourt to the Trade.'^ii -7- The Council considered that the want of success of the series system was due to some ejttent to the smallpox epidemic at Montreal. A new rule was adopted : - *' That any club making defa>ilt in any championship match whall be ruled oat of the series for the seat4on." The next convention will be held in Montreal. The following Officers were elected for 1886 : v , ' Dh. Gukkin, - - - - President. R. B. Hamilton, - - - First Vice-President. Du. Allan, Second Vice-President, W. J. Clkghorn, - - - Secrcta)' I/' Treasurer, Council : — Messrs. Comfltock, Fuller^ Woods, O'Lough- lin, Sibald, Currau, Bailey, O'Meara, Ballantyne, and Craig. 1. i». MONTREAL LACROSSE CLUB. {Champions 1886.) Dr. W. G. Beers, Honorary Permanent PresidenL Will. H. WhttE,"- - - *1'^- t President. Wm Cairns, ------- First Vice-President, F. M . Larmonth, Second Vice-President. Norman J. Fraser, Honorary Secretwry, RoBT. Lloyd, - - Treasurer. -♦- SHAMROCK LACROSSE CLUB. William S. afford, - - - - Honorary President. H. J. Cloran, President. J. HoOBiN, - - First Vice-President. T. Meehan, Second Vice-President. J. A. Cloran (P. o. Box, 1685,Moutreal) Secretary. v Fi. Mansfield, - ^ fl*|.<5!^J- Assistant Secretary. T. Meehan, - - - "»'4^J<*''''':M' Captain. P. McKeown, - .^vrvv^^s t?S? * Assistant Captemi, MONTREAL STEAH DYE f ORKS 38 Sanguinet Street, • i Branch : 106 St. Lawrence Main Street. Blanket Salts and all kinds of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Clothing CLEANED and DYED in the best style and with despatch. Troprieiw* T. CODERRE, I.HEMIST ^ AND ^ iRUGGIST, 87 and 80 St. Antoine Street. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OP IPerfuiHes, T>vigtt, Patttnt Medicines, Toilet Articles, Jtrushes, Combs, Soap, etc. Open -Sundays -.—From 9 to 10 a.m. ; 1.30 to 3 and 6 f o 8 p.m. /O Chabi^iltez Square, -DEALER IN — V r/lCR(DSSES, lALLS,!^ «i,!" ^^lyiSEBALLS, lATS, ^n& nU kin&0 of ^iiortins iSoofis^ .J i^ir Special Terms to Clubs. *^ —9— jr\ T k I TORONTO LACROSSE OLUB. ''' John Massky, President. Wm. Logan, Vice-President. 0. Orr, - - - Second Vice-President, F. W. Garvin, Secretary. C. A. McHenry, Treasurer. J AS. S. Gahvin, Field Captain* . ^ .^. K. „A. I.. ;;, .. ■ . ■■ • . , •(■', .... S. I, i> ONTARIO LACROSSE CLUB. W. MuLOCH, M.P., ... - Honorary President. Ald. Hastings, President. Peter Ryan, Vie-President. : > D. A. Rose, Field Captain. ' '■ ' R. McPherson, Treasurer. H. Gerry, Secretary. Committee: — J. Glenville, A. Martin, D. Hull, J, O'Neill, T. Grown, and J. Bailey. CORNWALL LACROSSE CLUB. R. R. McLennan, Honorary President. Wm. Cox Allen, President. R. W Turner, • First Vice-President. J. E. Plamondon, Second " J. W. Young, Third '* M. M. Mulhern, Treasurer, r y .•, ^-.^ . E. W. McLellan, Secretary. '' . ^n' ;■ H. Turner, Assistant Secretary. ' Committee : — R. A. Hodge, J. M. McDon ild, A. R. McLennan, C. H. Young ; Caj^tain^ G. R, McLennan ; Assistant Captain, A. S. McDonell. ^ ■ *? t ;' -I ■" . ■ *■ '''.(-. S1£A1VISHIP AGENCY.,, ! ( ' i '. » . II NEW YORK TO ENGLIINO AND THE CONTINENT. J. y. GILMOUR & CO., .'"» '■" Afcefits for the following vpcll known Tilneei i THE GUI ON LINE, sailing every Tuesday for Queenatown and Liverpool. . THE INMAN TjTNE, sailing every Saturday for Queenstown and Liverpool. THE NORTH GER^IAN LLOYD S.S. CO.. sailing every , Wednesday for Southampton and I'ronujn, and Saturdays to Cherbourg, Southampton and Urenien. THE isJTATE LINE, sailing every Thursday for Glasgow, Liverpool and Biilfast. THE RED STAR. LINE, sailing every Saturday for Antwerp (for Paris and the Continent). THE HAMBURG AVIERIl^AN PAOKET CO., sailing every Thursday io: Plymouth, Ciierbourg and Hamburg, and every Saturday for Hamburg direct. THE AMERICAN LINE, sailing weekly from Philadelphia to Liverpool. NETHERLANDS-AIHERTCAN STEAM! NAVIGATION CO., Weekly Mail Service, Rotterdam, Amsterdam and New York. ;_ ;^ :; •; .^ -i . '• \: ■ '" ri; i ' l:. ■ ■ ITALIAN lilS'E—Xavigazione Generate ItaHnna,Florio Rulmttino , iiue— New York to Gibraltar, Marseilles, Leghorn, Naples, Palermo and Messina. THE UNION DIRECT HAMBURG LINE, weekly sailing, New York to Hamburg. !j And other American and Canndinn Linos. Round Trip Tickets at Low Rates on All Lines. Rates, Tickets, and all iaformation on application to ; \ JcY. GILMOUR & CO.I -i i § ? . 354 St. Paul Street, ' ' " <.i ■> ■: '^ ■ sat'- p'mMi im ^ *-% iiK — , ■. , l:''^ —11— Record of Championsbip Hatches, 1880. SHAMROCKS CHAMPIONS. I Si e s a I ^•^*^JSr2^^ ^ h o g 5? b o o c ^^^S^S^SSo^SSig^SS^ P ^5 kH -C .<=> kH M -^ TH©rHCNOr-IOCi> , t • • « • * • ^^ • • . • i o S 8 c oil oil c o o'i o o -♦_i fci fl *^ b c o c^^ c c^ o-s 50 S^ a c fl S 00 ,J<1 k^ C ^ O ^2 ^ O ^ O ^ fl ^ C O ^ 1^ ^ SHcoEnl^ccHMHaaOSOHajSaj »4 h t; »4 (^ U s s s s a B JijhH p a a a a ?^ papvva^ooDiD ■^aJ-«^4^.l04-><4ii3-4J-«id4A4i3.4.3.U4J>.U4A4J.4A «eO tH fq (N - rock. To. ronto. On- tario. Com- waU. May 24. .Toronto vs. Ontario " 29.. Montreal vs. OornwiiU.... June 5 . . Montreal va. Ontario .... '• 5.. .Shamrock vs. Cornwall •• 12. .Shamrock vs. Toronto " 19.. Ontario w«. Shamrock... " 26.. Montreal vs. Shamrock... , " 2G.. Toronto vs. Cornwall July 3.. Montreal vs. Toronto .... *• 10. .Cornwall is. Ontario •• 17.. Toronto vs. Ontario •• 17 . . Montreal vs. Cornwall " 24.. Toronto vs. Shamrock.... " 24..Montreal r«. Ontario " 31 . .Toronto vs. Cornwall Aug. 7.. Ontario vs. Shamrock... " 21 . . Shamrock vs. Cornwall *' 28.. Ontario v«. Cornwall •• 28.. Montreal vs. Toronto....; Sept. 4.. Montreal vs. Shamrock... " 4.. Tor onto vs. Cornwall.... *' 11 . .Toronto vs. Ontario " 11 . . Montreal vs. Cornwall. . . . " 18.. Shamrock vs. Toronto " 25 . . Shamrock vs. Ontario " 25.. Montreal vs. Toronto Oct. 2.. Montreal vs. Shamrock... " 2..0ornwall i/"s. Ontario '* 9. . Shamrock vs. Cornwall. . . . ** 9. .Montreal vs. Ontario -14— CHAPMAN'S GRAPE SALT. * (reqistered.) "' FLSASAl?!, BSFSESaiira, COOLXira AHO IKVIGOBATX^a. A Panacea for Indigestion^ Biliousness^ Sick Headaches and Naitsea. ' I \ k SPLENDID AND SAFB j r . ' «^pil^?'F;OaKj\cpEi^-:/i,^D:CGR^KC'FirE.-H' . - IN BOTTLES, SOc. EACH. , ., ' To be had of all Druggists, or Proprietor. CENTRAL DRUG STORE, Cor. Craig and Bloury Streets, Montreal. miDorieai. Out-door Games, &c. Send for price list of all the reqiiisitos for Lawn-Tennis, Cricket and Archery, Footljall, Dirtci from the Best Loiulon Makers. Also, a large assortment of Bozing Qloves and Prizes. GOBLETS, CUPS Af^D TANKARDS, IN STERLING SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATE, Suitable for Prizes in Rifit Matches, Boat Racen, and Athletic (^ontests. Gold and Silver Medals Of any design Made to Order. A LARGE VARIETY OP USEFUL ARTICLES IN ,,', V Watches, Jcwollsry, Dressfng Cases, Biding Whips, &c., &c., SuitabU/or Prizes in Athletic Spo?^ Fencing Foils. Very Superior TIMING WATCHES in Gold and Silver Cases, at very low prices. R. SHARPLEY & SONS, 1678 & 1680 Notre Dame St. —15— <>^* !T' % Sirt ^mp0pi^m ♦ ^ FINE MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Ties, Gloves and UNDERWEAR OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. --JvOUR SPECIALTY^^— IINfBClOfSTOM BHIRIT ALSO COLLARS AND CUFFS. ♦■ ♦ THE OELEBRATED SHIET OUTTEE, 130 St. James Street, Cor. St. Francois Xavier St., (Opposite the Post Office.) ■Ir' ;;"'.,'T."^ ■ ■■: TT- Special offer for Six Months from June Ist, 10 per cent, discount to all bona flde members of Athletic Clubs. DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 1886. 1. Monday. 34tei May, at Rosedali Orowndh, Toronto^ TORONTO V8. ONTARIO. .Ooal Keeper.. Point .Cover Point.. .Defence Field. ...Centre.... .Home Field. Home It 41 Captain Won by .„_. Games to 2)4, and 4 Phillips Square and 45 >^ Bleury St., iYERS flm ©LMNEl'RS. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Clothes and Blanket Suits Gleaned and Dyed. FEATHER DTEINQ and LACE CLEANING a Specialt7. DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 1886. 2. Satuiiday, 29th Mat, Montrkal (iluuuNDH, Muntrsal, MONTREAL vs. CORNWALI^ Goal Keeper Point Cover Point Defence Field , ...Oentre..., .Home Field. .Home. Captain Won hy Oam*»s to. I ABUT ^o f /••' Oor. St. Catherine St. & McGill College Ave. Dleuj Store I New Stock I New Styles I Has one of the Best Assorted Stocks in the City to select from. Some Fine Sporting Pictures en view. . PICTURE FfiAMING IN ALL STYLES. aor Artist's Materials. ^®" Amateur Photo Outfits, DIARY OF {JUAMPWNSUIP UAIiJHKd, 1886. 3. Saturday, 6tu Junk, at Jarvis Strkict Grounds, Toronto, MONTREAL Vi. ONTARIO. .Goal Keeper., Polut ..Cover Puint. .Defence Field. •( . ..Cuiitre.... .Iluuie Fielil. , iiome. «• Oaptain Won by OnmcM to '^Rosemary V and ■■■ Quinine ■> Cream-Ji' An exquisite preparation for promoting the Growth, Strength and Beauty of the Hair, arrest.^ and prevents its falling, removes all Scurf ood Dandrutf, and Imparts a beautiful glossy audsilk-lilte appearance. MILK OF ROSES. For removing Tan, Freckles, Sunburn, Blackheads, PimpleR, Blotches, all Roughness of the Skin arising from cold or damp weather. Ladies will find this a most useful and elegant addition to the Toilet Table. Nicolle's Fine Old English Lavender Water (l\1itcham), This Lavender is made from Finest Old Mitcham Oil, and is guaran- teed three years old. Connoisseurs of Real Old English T^avender Water will recognise this Delicious Perfume and thoruughlv appre- ciate it. These Preparations are prepared only by J. ..-^- nsriooi-lUE, Dispensing Chemist and Family Druggist, 1186 ST. CATaXBXI?S 8TBEST, KEA5 BLXTJS7, kOKTSSAL. -19— DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 18M. i. Saturday, Btii Jrwi, at Corvwall, BHAMUOCK vs. OOUNVVALL. .Ooal Kaeper., . . . . Point . Cover Point.. .Dcfunco Field. . .Centre.... Home Field Won hjf .Home. (I .Cai)taiD ^/ OitnieH to WOOD, GLASS, WIRE AND CANVAS Window Shades, Banners and Streamers. SHOW GARDS A SPECIALTY* Visit my Show Room and inspect the Samples. Special designs submitted on application. j, , A. A. DTJITSBT, - 29 ST. JOHN STREET, - MONTREAL. — 2()— J DIARY OF CHAMPiONSHJP MATCHES, 1«86. 6. Batcrday. 12th Junk, at Hhamruck Oroundn, Montreal, 8UAMRO0K Vi. TORONTO. Oo*t KMper Point OoTer Point Attftfuce FiulU tt ...Oentre.... .Home Field. Home •I Oaptain Won by, _ Oamra to. MONTREAL RIDING SCHOOL, 77 & 79 BURN SIDE PLACE. „ni., Cheapest Place in the City to Ride. " Only best Saddle Horses used. Horsemanship taught in all its branches. Full Course of 20 Lessons, $17.60. Sati^acUon Guaranteed. "_ ^ FRANK ELLIOTT. —21— DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 1880. 6. Satuuday, 19th June, at Shamrock Grounds, Montreal, SHAMROCK vs. ONTARIO. Goal Keeper Point Cover Point Defence FielW. ...Centre... . .Home Field. .Home. It Captain Won by Games to ,JfEi^LEMIEUX,MOH Fine Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Furnisliings -— :S«IN THE LATEST .S,TVI,ES.«|=— '■■ .^dif'^-^^: Also, a full assortment of > s , ■( '■■ " ■■-"'* ■' "■■'■ ■ ■■'"' " ■ ■■'-■ ■ ' - '"' ■■ ■ '"'" ' 'i'S'',' ■ ■'•.: ' ^'"■-•■■■■""" '■■' ■'■ V As well finished as Ordered Work. ',,.-^ Address; II0.J St. Lawrence Main Si.. Montreal. —22— DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MA TCHES, 1886. 7. Saturday, 26th June, Montkbal Grounds, Montreal, SHAMROCK vs. MONTREAL. Goal Keeper Point Cover PoinU Defence Field ...Centre..., .Home Field. ,Home. Captain , Won by ;............:....l; Games to \E IPORTING^ iiOODS. XjEt03?osses, all st^srles. ^f ^^^ . ^ Ba-selDELll S-uLn.c3.i?±es . Lawn Tennis. ' Croquet Sets. ^ '■ Footballs. Bicycles, Velocipedes, - ii*^' t*.^<^^*CE^L>:.i. rr.^up-w ;/^«i$>i ..K«i*ViCWf Fishing Rods, Hammocks, <&c. H. a!1melson & SONSJ^ 56 and 58 Front Street West, Toronto- 59 to 63 ST. PETER STREET, MONTREAL. ■23- DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 1886. SATURDAY, 26th JUNB, AT CORNWALL, TORONTO V8. CORNWALL. .Goal Keeper.. Point .Coyer Point.., .Defence FiAcL. ...Centre.... .Home Field. Home Captain Won by__ Oartips to. Ijiddell Slock ^ Cornwall^ Ont. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Imported and Canadian Woolens. Gents* Furnishings, Hats and Gaps. ^ >;. r V Custom Tailoring a Specialty. fSF The only establishment in the Counties employing a First- class Cutter and skilled mechanics. Always in stock the latest and most Fashionable Goods. * ClotUag 8ud0 According to Sngliili or Americu Plates. ,. f- - *-. , i-ji..--. ;, ,>ai^;2y. ,.,..-. J., .. PRINGLB ^ CO. —24- DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 1886. 9. Saturday, 3rd July, at Rosbdalk Grounds, Toronto, MONTREAL vs. TORONTO. .Goal Keeper., ....Point .Cover Point.. .Defence Field. ..Centre ,, Home Field 5«jiB«u; r .Home. «i .Captain Won by Oatnea to PARKER'S FOUNPRY, 19 to 29 Dalhousie Street, * ' '.' <■ r .? ;•(; MOWTlREAIii :■. , • If you want your Castings made of good iron and delivered ' V - PROMPTLY, send your orders to ■..A.i Telephone No. 1089. .■! 'if. —25- DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 1886. 10. f ■' Satuuday, IOth July, at Cornwall, ■ CORNWALL vs. ONTAKFO. .Gual Keeper.. Point • Cover Point. . .Defence Field. ...Centre.... .Home Field. Ho rut- Captain Won by.„_ Games tc/ •^LjiCFiOSBEB. i-,9-M p LALLY, '■• ''■ I Manufacturer Of the ''STAR BRAND" the best LACROSSE made, well strung with good gut, and made of the finest •easoned '*Hlckory»" and used by all the principal Clubs in Canada and the United States BOOTS AND SHOES, The leading house in Town for Boots and Shoes, No. 17 PITT STREET, (opposite the County Buildinur). Order from FRANK LALLY, Cornwall, Ont. -2(5— '■ DTARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 1886. II. Saturday. 17tii July, at Rosedale Ground^ Toronto, TORONTO: vs ONTARIO. Goft! Keeper ....Point Cover Point Defence Fieicl , *i . . .Centre.... .Home Field. Home.... Captain Won by Games to r-vV'/. #ll&/iCROSSESi^ it' ^k^^'A Best Goods always on band, Sporting Goods i|^|Cj nmri T ISHING I ACKLE, 414 ST. PAUL STREET, MONTREAL. -27- ~ DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 1886. 12. Saturday, 17th July, at Montukal Groundh, Montreal, MONTREAL y». CORNWALL. .Ck)al Keeper.. . . . . Point .Cover Point.. .Defence Field. ...Centre..., .Home Field. .Home. Wok by. .Captain. Oamea to. S. GOLDSTOKE, GENERllL PAWNBROKER, JEWELLER, k, 1744 NOTRE DAME STREET, :>^ -* j (Next Quebec Bank,) Money Lent on Collateral Security of every description. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.-^ .,u, ,. , —28- DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 188ft. IS. Saturday, 24th july, at Rohbdalb Orounds, Toronto, TORONTO v«. SHAMROCK. .Goal Keeper.. Point .Cover Point.., .Defence Field. ... Centre... . ,Home Field. tt Home M Captain Won by. Games to A. BOYER, . • . Late Cutter at Mr. F. Leonard's L. BOYER, Late cfNevs York. (3. 13 • MERCHANT TAILORS, 177<3 Notre Baime Str.eetf • RJM*_ '««- (Opposite Carsley's) ti «i*«i •*. MONTREAL.* ,,:i«:.i -20- DIARY OF CUAMPIONSUIF MATCHES, 1886. 14. Saturday, 24th July, Montreal Grounds, Montreal, MONTREAL vs. ONTAKIO. .Goal Keeper., Point ..Cover Point. .Defence Field. •I ...Centre.... .Hume Field. .Home. Captain Won by OatneH to O. A. WILLIE,. :' PRACTICAL ■'' 1790 NOTRE DAME STREET • >' {Corner Si. Peter Street) / ^j ^^ ^'-^ -^^ -*^ •'=^ f and all affections of the Throat and Ohest. Sole Agent for Canada, t ^^ Medical Dispensary, •' Oor ^r St, Catherine and Peel StreetSi i —31— DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES^ 1888. 18. Batvkdjly, 7th Auo., a.t Bramaoqk Orouvd*. Montrxal. ONTAKIO Vi. 8HAMROOK. GKmU KMpor Point Cover PoinI 1)( lence Field. M li ...Centre.... .Home Field. Home. (« I Captain Won by , Oamea to. A splendid 3 oz. Hunt Silver Watch, with Jewelled Movement, for $10.00. Waltham, Elg^n, and Hampden Watches, from $7.50. iSTWe thorotighly examine every Watch before offering it for »ale.'W!k HENRY ROSS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, j 137 St. Peter street, ! 3 DOOBS FROM CBAIQ. _ __ DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 1886. 17. S^TUllDAY, SiflT AUO., AT SHAMBOCK OROUNDS, MoNTRJkAL, CORNWALL. TA BUAMBOOK. .Goal Keeper.. ....Point .OoTer Point.. .Defence Field. ...Centre.... .Home Field. . Home. It Captain Won by ' Oatnen to W. G. MARTIN, ; -< Pfi0t©gr<3pfiG:r IK i - 141 ST. PETER STREET, ■• vi^ (BeUoeen Craig and Su James Struts.) X CABINET PHOTOS, $8 PER DOZEK. Inftantaneous process used exelusiTely. Txlsphovx No. 63. __ DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 1886. 18. Satuhday, 28Tn Auouht, at.Tarvih St. Grounds, Toronto, ONTARIO VH. CORNWALL. Goal Keeper ....Point .Oorer Point .Defeiioe Field • %• II . .Centre .... Home Field .Home. ii Captain Won hy Gnmes to Indian «• tooDs cr)ii?s. — AT— ■'■'■ ■' ' •■ ,50 BEAVER HALL HILL. , • *./>« W. J. CLARKE & CO.'S. '^-'^*! __ DIAJIY OF CJIAMVIONHniP MATCHES, 1886. 19. Satubday, 28tu Aug., atMontural OnouNnn, MontrbaIi, MONTUKAL vm. TOKONTO. Goal Keeper •«. , !... Point Cover Puint DeftMicu Fluid . . .Ceiitru. ... • Huuio Field. «« .Home. Captain Won by ^ Oames to. CREDIT! * **.>j^ B. J. ATKINSON EROS, k CO, General Furnttnre of Every Description, and all Articles pertaining to House Purnishing, TERMS— We will give from one month to three years to pay for goods purchased of us. Suc> liberal terms are not found in Canaxia. ' 28 St. Francois Xavier Street. 35— DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 1886. 20. Saturday, 4th Sept., at Shamrock Grounds, Montreal, MONTREAL VS. SHAMROCK. Goal Keeper Point... , Cover Point Defence Field ...Centre.... .Home Field. Home (I Captain Won by Games to.. :fi X J.'., (T.^/< v;^^ .;H-''>'n? ., - ■„' D. McCORMACK, BOOTS No. 30 CHABOILLEZ SQUARE, , :\ MONTREAL. —36— DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 1886. 2L Batuhday, 4th Sept., at Rohedale Grounds, Toronto, TORON TO VB. CORNW ALL . .Goal Keeper.. ....Point .^. .Cover Point.. .Defence Field. «« ..Centre.... Home Field .Home. 4( Captain Won by Oatnes to. ROPIN& Sfi^UR. : \ ui» , , Lace Leather and Loom Strapping. ';;:,.' :;:' DEALERS IN , , Gard Clothing, Rubber and Cotton Belting. MONTREAL: TORONTO; NoTEE Dame Stkeet. ' 86 Kino Stbebtt East. TdepJione no B. '^ TeUph&tu 1101, ^ —37- ^ DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 1886. 22. Saturday, Uth Sept., at Jarvis St. Grounds, Toronto, TORONTO vs. ONTARIO. Goal Keeper %.. Point Cover Point Defence Fiv •I , ; , IMPORTER AND DEALER IN 5 ' ; ; ^ Pictures, Engravings, Mirrors, I . k Art Novelties, Pancy Goods, etc, 2m6 WOTME JDAME STMMMT, , (First Door West of Chaboillez SQuare) MONTREAL. SpeMal«itestoclub«. > V.W i Sl-th i' H'l j _40— DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 18fid 36. BATU&I>AT, 2&TH SkPT., at JAKTIB Str. 0XU>UVD8, TeBONTO, SHAMBOOK va ONTABIO. ] .Goal Keeper.. ....Point .Cover Point.. .Defenoe Field. ..Centre.... Home Field .Home. tt Captain Won by ^ Games to.. CAMPING OUT. • — ^ ^m ^ • Camp Stoves and Utensils, Goal Oil Stoves, Lamps and Lanterns, '^^ ^ Lamp Brackets and Chandeliers. ' I ■ ^iK-l FRED. R. COLE, 1792. Notre Deme Strset, Montreal. —41— \ DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 1886. 2fti Satu&Ojlt, 25th Sept., at Montrkax Grounds, Moktrkal, MONTREAL vs. TORONTO. Gtoal Keeper Point Oover Point Defence Field. ...Oentre.... .Home Field. Home , II Oaptain Won by Oames to THE FLAOE TO GET 70UB SIGNS PAINTEB —IS AT THE— 782 ORAIO- STREET WEST. JAS. GILMOUR, Proprietor. Signs, Banners, Streamers, ^ , Glass Advertising Signs, ^-•^ ^ Show Cards, etc. DesiffnaandeatimateB/umisl^d, —42— DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 1886. 27. Saturday, 2nd Oct., at Montreal Grounds, Montreal, MONTREAI. vs. SHAMROCK. Goal Keeper Point Cover Point Defence Field ' ...Centre .... .Home Field. .Home. Cnptain Won by Games to. Steel Letter Cutter, Die Sinker and Engraver. ^ steel, Brass and Bubl^er Stamps, Burning Brands, L'eals, Hat-tip Dies, BooliLl3inders Eand and Fress Stamps. Designs ^»H|ffiB0m^ Cheerfully AND Estimates I^^BWWHKiP Furnished. c-^V-TJar BEST IN THE DOMINION.-V^-, 782 CRAIG STREET, ^^ MONTREAL. •43— ^ DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 1886. 28. Satubday, 2nd Oct., atJarvisSturet Grounds, Toromto, CORNWALL V8. ONTARIO, .Goal Keeper.. . . . . Point .Cover Point.. .Defence Field. ...Centre... Home Field, .Home. .Cat- \u\. Won by Ontnes to. R.S.CHESNUT&CO. «. ' ■" (Late with H. R. Guay) CORNER OF MOUNTAIN AND ' ST. ANTOINE STREETS. ^4- DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 1886. 29. Saturday, 9tu Octobeii, at Cornwall, SHAMROCK Ti. CORNWALL. Goal Keeper. Point Cover Point , Defence Field M ...Centre.... ,Hume Field. It .Home. Captain Won by Oamen to McDonald & mcdonald, . Furnitura Daabrs and Undertakers, ' Dealers in Musical Instruments. Sole Agents for the GENUINE BELL ORGANS, r Guelph, Ont., Stephenson's and New York Weber Pianosi UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Pitt Street, (Opposite Court House), •'-'- CORNWALL, ONT. -45- DIARY OF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES, 1886. 30. Satuuday, Otii Oct., at Montreal GuorNDM, Montreal, MONTREAL V8, ONTARIO. .Goal Keei>er.. Point ..Cover Point. .Defence Field. It •I ...Centre.... .Home Field. .Home. Cnptain Won hy _ Oatnes to "DO YOU KNO^V That about the most useful^ as well as ornamental^ present you could make to > nur lady or gentleman friend would be one of those tiny, Gold Medal HIOTJS E S..A.B" E S ? This may not have occurred to you before, but on reflection you will conclude it is io, t^Come and see them. ©OLDIE & Mcculloch, >,, 298 St. James Street. . > i i j. ■A TiJ'jRBJD BEJJiTiN", :M:Ei33.eigre3?- See Outside Cover. . • . . is .■'.- , ■ . -46- Dealers and ManufaQturers. 6 "We make a specialty of ^jaEl^IC^J^ UMOQM^ FURNITURE, SUCH AS — Bedroom Sets, Sideboards, ';. Dining Tables and Chairs. 652 ORAIG STREET. —47- ESTABLISHED 1830. Dominion Type-Founding Go. CHENHEYILLE STREET, Iwfl:03SrTI^B-A.3L, Are preparod to execute orders for every article required by Printers. Tney will be happy to sond Price Lists and EBtinmtes, and they feel warranted in claiming thai tbey are iu a positiou to supply #:• YPE ••• NKS, AND PRINTERS' GOODS GENERALLY, On better terms than any other establishment in the Country, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE JOHNSON TYPE FOUNDRY. And Agents for Gewge Bruce's Son & Co., James Connor's Sons, Farm( r. Little & Co., Wni. H. Page Wood Type Manufacturing Co . , Chas. Eneu Johnson & Co. 'a celebrated Book and Colored Inks, W. D. Wilson's News Inks, and Messrs. R. Hoe & Co., C. Potter, Jr., & Co., the Gordon, and the Peerless Presses. SOLE AaSITTS FOB THE "BELZA17CE" WBAS7EDALZ. PETER A. CROSSBY, Mar^ager. —48- ®[RAND^RUNK I.AILW/1Y TUB — Great International Highway between every Olty in Ontario and Quebec and all principal Points aoross the Amerio&n Continent. This Great Tourist Line reaches all the famous summer resorto : Old Orchard Beach, Portland, White Mountains, Quebec, RAPIDS OF THE RIVER ST. LAWRENCE, Thousand Islands, Niagara Falls, Lakes George and Champlain, ALSO THR FOLLOWINa BUSINESS CENTRES: MONTREAL, PETERBOROUQH, LONDON, OTTAWA, HAMILTON, CHATHAM, BROCKVILLE, ST. CATHERINES, SARNIA, KINQSTON, TORONTO, DETROIT, BUrFALb, CHIC AOO. ETC., ETC. Pullman Palace Sleeping akd Parlor Cars are attached to all Kxpress Trains and run through on quick time. An extensive variety of Tourist tickets on hand at all the principal offices, comprising the most popular and interesting routes on the Continent. g^ Through Hates at Zowc»i IPares on tale at all Stations and Agencies. WM. SCQAB, L. J. SfiASaSAlTT, JOSZPB BXCSSOIT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Traffic Manager. Oen. Manager. Head Offices, Montreal. 60LDIE & Mcculloch, QOLD MEDAL FOR BURGLAR PROOF, GOLD MEDAL FOR FIRE PROOF And Highest Awards at all Ezbibitions where shown. 298 ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL. (5 DOORS WEST OF MeGILL ST.) SECOND-HAND SAFES OF OTHER MAKES nearly always in Stock. We let them go Cheap, ALFRED BENH, MANAOEK.