IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I '- IliilM |50 ™"= |M 2.0 !.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 V iV ^9) V ^O eiieral for each sum paid In Is sent to tlie deitostlor. If this acknowledgment does not reach Hie depositor witliln ten days from the date of his deposit, be must apply immediately to the Postmaster (icneral, by letter, beln'i careful to sivo Ills address, and, if necessary, write asiain, because the Postmaster's receipt or entry in the Pass Book is not sufllcient wltbout the further receipt for Ihe money from Ottawa. 9. Every depositor must send his book, once a year, viz., on the anniversary of his first deposit, for comparison with the Hooks of the llepartmeut, and for Insertion of interest. The book will be rrturned to him by llrst luall. At no other time should^a de- positor suffer his book to be out of his own po&session. 10. When a depositor wishes to withrlmv/ money, he can do so by applying to the Post master General, who will send him by return mail a cheque for the amount, payable at what- ever Savings Bank Post Office the depositor may have named in his applicatioiit 11. Interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum is allowed on deposits, and the interest is added to tlie principal on the 30th June in each year. 12. Postmasters are forbidden by law to disclose the Jiame of any depositor, or the amount of any sum deposited or withdrawn. 13. No charge is made to depositors on paying in or drawing out n; iney, nor for Pass Books, nor for postage on communications with tlie Postmaster General in relation to their deposits. 14. The Postmaster General is always ready to receive and attend to oil applications, complaints, or otner commimications addresso.i to him by depositors or jliiers, relative to Post Office Savings Bank business. 1.5. A fidl statement of the Regulations of the Post Oflice Savings Bank .na.^ be seen at any of the Post Ollices naiiuvl in the List on the other side. POST OFFICE DEPAUTMKNT, OTTAWA, January, 18S5. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. 10,000 3 LIST OF POST OFFICE SAYINGS BANKS. ?^ 1^^ 1*^ Aolon Acton Valo , Agnes Alliuiri Aluxiindrlu AllHiidiile , AlllNlOll Aliiiiiiitu AlvliMlim Aiiilii'iHtburK , Aiiuiis , Aikoiri Ariipi'lor Ai-lliMliUMkuvdlt) . Arlluir AiiroiH Ayi.mer, Kiifit. A.viiuur, \Vo8t Ayr Ayton Btiilon Hjurio Hulri lliiyHcld Hi'iiclivllle IluitlllNVllll' BeunliiiriKi s Ht'tiverlon. Xeoaocnnr 13«ll"VlllB BulwouU Worllii hnrililer liethimy ItlmiliPlin liobciiyKeoa ....... Hiiuil UuitU Bothwell ilDWinanville UnicubiiUgo lUuuionl HrHtnplon Braatlorcl.,.. t'rMuewHl^r Bright Brighton BrockvlllB Ziroule Urnoklia UruHSelH HryKim Biu'klnghara BiirK'rd iliirllnglnii CamhrHy — Cuiiipheilford CaMiihigli>a Capelton Cap !^4uiit6 Cardinal (-'arloiou Place Cavuga Chanibly Canton ., rhatham, West... Chelsea I lieslny Che»lervlllo Cli cuullmi Ciiippawa Clarknburg Cla.-encevUle Cluarvllle. ... CluarvlUe CIlHord Clintun .«.. Coutlcook Cobden Cobonrg Colbnrno Cohlwuler 4'olllngwood Complon Cook.shlre ..f Coiikstowu Cornwall Crocmore..... J>anvllle IJelhl DKHchambauU Sesmonlo iJrcsden T>ruinniondvlllo, £ Uuiibarton ■ Dundalkblatlon ... UundaH Ijungannou Duniivllle . Dnrlnua .. .. ■■ Klinira i'llora * .. J'liiliro' Kiln »-K~(>x Co.itie KxftL'r Karii!iain Keiicilon Kails Ki'ii-'U.s i'Miigal Font Hill Korl Hrlu hore.-t KreligliHliurg ........ (.all , < 'ariaiKiqiio (inorgetiiwn . (ilL'iiallau Oiidurlcli llranlon UiiivuuUuriit ,. ...o. [Orenvllle ...Q, Orlnmby ...ij,. <;uplph ,.,*> TlagnrRVllle ...(). Ilailbiirlnn .,,<), HHirillldU ..,(>. Hn^TNton ...u. Hustings ...*>. Hawkesbiiry ...o. Hospoler ..<>. Hnohelaga...f... ...(I. Hull ...<> Ilumliorsiona ... ..u Hunllngdou ...<>. ilnnisville ...(>. Inucrsoll ..U Invcrn.'ss ..<» Il(l(plils ..(). .rmUHto ..<> Kci'nc ..< '. KeniplvilJo ..< 1. K'-(ii,.|)v ..<). Kliicaidino ..1 '• Kiim'sloii ., ..'>. Kingsvlile ..l>. Kltiinoniit ..I}.'N .Mills . ..• '. Klrklbld ..'.V k'nov.-ltou, .,..•,.. ..u. l.wHalo . (J. Laolilne ..() LaoluUe .M, I.HCIlUo ..o L^koiield ..u. Lanark ..<). l.anoasior ...o. ...*■>■ ...u ...a ...u. . ..u. . , o. ...() ,..Q. ...o. ..1) .. o. ..M- ...(■> ,..u. ..O. ..riltloii .MkIciviIo MliidiHvUSe Midland .... Mill bunk iMIIlbrimk .. Mill rto-then -Mlllon Went Minrlen Milonell .Wontrdal Vfoor« , , MorpeiU Morrlsbnrtt MouDl UryUgcB •Mount ForeHt Napanee Nc'whoro'...., , Ninviairgh t\fwlMii*y * NowciiKtle New H'dlnbnrgh I*rew Hamburg., .N'tivviniirkiit , . Niai-'ara ^iHgara Kails Niagara Kails South . . Nicdiet Nobletoa North Govver •• OrwlPh riorwiiod Oskvllle iide«Ha Oil i-prlngs iinicmui! Oranst'Villo Orllllii Oiono Osceola ilsliawa ')! tawa Olt.TVllle Owen .S.HiIld I'nisli'V I'aKinliani f'alniorsion I'ails ^•arkiilll Parry Sound Pc'inin'oka Hum laiigulhhono Perth Pet erboro Peiersvlllo... I'elroli'a I'k'kerlng Pi Ion P' .irovUle ... O ... o ....a ...Xl. ...,o ....!„(, , I » .!."o ....o. ....o. ....o. ....o. ... o. . . . ( '. •.v.-.S: ■:::l ... H ....o. J. ... o. . ...o, ... «. ..,.o. ....Q. ,...U . . . .o. ....o. ....o. . ...o. ....o. ....o. . . . o. ....o. ....o. ....o . ...o. ....o '.'.'.A)'. . . . .o. ....o. ....I). .. .o. ....<). I ). ...o. . ...o fl Plant ngnnot (; PlallflvllU .O. P.ilni St. Chirlcs .".V,".' .O. '"ortagodu I-'ort ! " .O: Port /»rlhiir Port iMirwcIl ,'. I'o-t Coltiiirntj ,,,', Port liiilhousle Port liovor Port Uglii .',■ Port Hi.piv Port Pi(i(,t PreHtiai •..'..'.'.'.'. iiieb"0 ,"" Ml von .,.,..'.'," ltonl'r. .o. .o. .Siirlngdekl st iiisieatl. .. stayner S'ovensvlllo. Stirling ..., Stontrvlllo .. sir«tiord .... .striilhrov . .O stroeisvllle. .O. sulton West, ....O Sydenham.., .Q. Teeswaler . ., ,o. Ti ainesvilltj ...I). Thedtofd .... ,0. ■lliornhlll ...u. Thorold ....O. Three Klvers ■t). Thumo .O. 'lllsonburL Toronio ..O Toronto East.. ..O. Toronio West . .o. Toronio North O Tottenham ... O. l'r,nlon O. Unlonvlllo o, IT.'ibrldgo O. Vankleek Hill Q. VIolorIa Harbor O. Vlctoriav .....O.i Vienna .... O.IVlttorIa .. O.iWalkKiton o. Wallaeebnrg O. Ward-vllld.. o. Wal Iciwn , O. Wn! iird O. Wai ,,io. East O.Waterloo, 0. Wailoril O., Waiibasheiio .... O. Weil .|m1 0.!Wpl!eslty O. ^^ est in... <'. Westporl .... O. Wo-i SVinchester .... O. Whitby o Wiario'i <>. Wln.l.s, .... O. W|Mi;ham O. Wiiiiupe!;, . (I. Woodbildgo O. VVonilslee .... O.Wodil.stonk O. W. odvillo .. — (J. Wro.seler .. ,. , ..(*.' Wvfuiiiug O. York o. Yurkvlllo <.i.' I'uuruEu Offices avxll be added FKoii time to tlme.