■•4*.. IMAGE EV^i:UATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) . » V 1.0 Hi^ 1^ 1^ 1^ |2.2 II Ir i£ 12.0 i 1.8 tk (maaning r'CON- TINUEO'1. or tha aymbbl V (maaning "END"I. whichavar appliaa. f :' - ■ \ ' • ■ ■ ., IMapa. piataa. eharta. atc., may ba filmad at diffarant raduetion ratioa. Thoaa too larga tô ba antiraly includad in ono OKpoaura ara filmad baginning in tha uppar laft hand eomar. laft to right and top to bottom. aa many framaa aa raquirâd. Tho f oilovring ^iagrima illuatrata tha mathod: r J— 2 ,3 4 L'axampiairo filmé fut raproduit grica lB| générosité da: ^ Division des manuscrits ApËhIves nationales- du Canada Cana Las imagaa suhrantaa ont été raproduitat avac la plua grand soin, compta tanu da la condition at da la nattaté àm l'axampiaira filmé, at an conformité wç iaa conditiona du Montrai da r-fHmaga. v_ . ;- -- Ua aKamplairaa originaux dont la couvartura w papi^ aat impriméa sont filmé* an commonçant par lé pramiar plat at an tarmirfant soit par la damiéra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'Imprassion ou.dllius^tion. soit par la sacond plat, salén la cas. Tous\laa autras axamplairas originaux sont fHméa aii commençant par la pramiéra paga qui compérto una amprainfa dimpraaiion eu dllliistratlon at an larminant par la darhiéra paga qui comporta una taila fmprainta. . . ■A .* ' JJn das symbolaa suivants apparaîtra sur la damiéra imaga da chaqua microfiçha. tf Ion la cas: la symbola -^ signifia "A SUIVRE", la symbola ▼ signifia "FIN". ' \ Las cartas, planchas. tablaaux..atc.. pauvant étra filmés é daa taux da réduction différisnts. Lorsqua la document ast trop grand pour étra- raproduit an un saui cliché, il ast filmée partir da i'angla supérieur gaucha. da gaucha è droite. et de haut m* baa. en prenant le nombre .d'imagée nécessaire. Les diagrammee suivant illustrent la méthode. ^ /J . t' 1. V ( c ♦ 1 2 t 3 . : -4 -■ ■ If 6 .. 5 1 - ./ / / OH Ow Wovembtt ^ovi. I / I I On a nJemorindnm, dated 29th November 18G1 ,/ro»i the Horutrable the Attormy , licneral, Loiver Canada, recommending that tindcr the autlwrity of the 3rt/ Pafagraph ofthe 32nrf Section ôfthe \mth Chapter ofth^. Consolidated "Slatutes for Lower Canada, thejolhwing portion ofthe Fées of the Clerks and of the Criers of the Circuit Court, held tanp other place than at the Chef -lien of a District, be reserved, to hc approp/iated in imanner hereinafter descrihed: \° Five per cent of the Cfross Amount of the Fées received and colleeted by the Clerk of the Circuit Court shall be reservd ; ' . - 2» Twenty per cent of the Fées for the services of the Crier, Assistant Crier and Tipstaff shall also be reserved j 1 * . . * That the amount of the snms so reserved, shall form a furM to be kept by the Ùlérk ofthe Circuit Court, tobc appropriated for the payrnenfi^o^M^jiÀntinyeneies or incidenta^ expenses necessar^m- the miiintenance ofthe CWcf, or éarrying Ifn-tlie business befoM it, phat may he ordered or sanctioned by the Gove^or\^eral in^^Uouncil ,^or by^-thx Judge ^ to wham the District l.i which the Court is situate is àssigned ; \ ^ _ ,. That the Clertr ofthe Circuit Court shall on thefint d$yjofearh of the nionths of Januaty, April, July and Octoher ; render to the Receivcr .Gim-ral, and to the Judge of the District, a Statement of thé receipt» and disbursemeitt df the monies forming'the àbovèfund, and if; at th^ close of any quarter, the balance shall amount to due himdred- dollars, it shall be investedin such manner, or shall be d^positcd in such Chartercd Bank as the Oovevnor General in Council shall direct ; ' • * . • . That the ate*e take efectfrom and after thefint day ofJamary next. ' >;- Thé Comr^ittee svd>mit the abmie recommenaationsfor Youi' Excellency's approval. Gertified, W^M'. H. LKE, , ,v C.E.C To the Henorable ^. The Provineial Secretary, r « V ' 4 • • t \ \ i • r ■ f • - ' \ "• ' •■».-- ■ , ■ '<■ „ 1 .- - » ^ • ^ V ^ ••»... - .1. ir '■"ÎV 4k • ..■a; 1 v. ■■'1 . ■ ■ . • * "'■ ■ ~ î:-: ï ■MM^M ^^ ^^^^^m ' 'W y /} ' - ! f a > 1 $ -