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Couvartura a p domma|*a DCovart rattorad «nd/or iaminatad/ Couvartura rastaurAa at/ou paliiculte • r~l Covar titia minini/ II La titra da eouMrtura manqiia t'liittitut a microfilm* la mailla«r aMamplaira ^u'il lui a M poniMa da M prooirar. Las dttails da cat anamplaira qui aont paut-Mra uniquat dn point da MMiOtraphiqua. qui pa u >a nt modifiar una ima^ raproduita. ou qui pauvant axifar una modification dant la mathoda normala da f ilmafa lont indiquai Ci-tfHMUt. . :' ' . .^: '.'.'.. □ CokNirad paiat/ . 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OHolnal ooplaa In printatf papar oovart ara fllmad baglnning with tha front covar and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or llluitratad Impraa- alOn, or tha haok oovar whan aQproprlata. "All othOr originaUdplaa ara fllmad baglnning on tha firat paga with a printad or llluatratad Intpraa- slon, ami anding on tha last pagt with a printad or iliuatratid irviprasaloiK plus dali eonf fllmi '^W ■ Tha. laat raeordad frama on aach microficha ahall oontfein tha symbol —^ lmaanin#- "CON^^ - TINUep"), or tha aymbpi V (maaning "MUD"), whiohavafappilas. Mapa. plataa. charts, at^.. may ba fllmad at / diffarant raduetion ratios. Thosa too larga to ba omiraly Inoludad In pna anpoaura ara fllmad baglnning in tha uppar laft hand cornar, laft to right and top to bottom, as rhany framas as raquirad. Tho following diagrams lltustrata tha mathod:./^. papii par I darn d'imi plat, origii pram d'Imi la da ampi Und( darhl oas»- 1 syrnti Lasc film* Lorsq rapro da I'a at da d'Ima lllusti -■ .. -'^A^H ■■ :;.::i- ■;- ■.■■■v2-,- ■. :■ "3. : .-. • ' ,'\v ' ■ • -s^ ^L-^/: ;' >.....' ■■ . ". '■ ■■ "-." ':- : '" "' ;\ '^ .'. -"'^ ■■'^■'\> - ■■ " V. ■ . ' " ■ "'•'". . '"* "'■■■' '-* •■■■■■■ ;, ■.:1^, ;■■. _..... .JJ..^ ."."-" ■ - . -■.■■■:. ■■' o; J- :4V:::^ L'Mtmplair* fllm« fut rvproduit grlot * la N«tropol I tan Torentd R«f«f«jie« t Ibrary lald»fln Room iaa Imasaa auivantaa ont 4f4 raproduitaa avae ia plua grand toin. aompta tanu da la eoncUtlon at 49 la nattata da ranampiaira fllma. at wi aonf ormlt# avaa Iaa aondMona du contrat da 'fllmaga. .-. iaa axamplairaa originaux dont la eouvartura an. . papiar aat Imprimaa aont fllmatf>an Qontman9ant par la pramiar plat at an tamiinant toit par la '" darniara paga (|ul comporta una amprainta d'imprasalori ou d'lNuatration. aolt par la taeond plat, talon la oaa. Tout Iaa autrat aaamplalraa originaux aont fUniaa wn ottmmanoant par la prami*ra paga qui oomporfa un« amprainta d'impraaaion ou d'llluatratlon at an'tarnHnantpar la darni*ra pago qui oomporta una talla amprainta. Un daa aymbolaa aulvanta apparattra pr la darnlira imaga da chaqua mierofloha, Mion la oaai' la aymbdla — ^ aignifla "A 8UIVRK", la aymbola ▼ aignif ia "PIN". ,^ Laa oartaa. pianehaa^blaaux, ato., pauvant Atra film** A daa taux dfriductibn diffdranu. Loraqua la dObumantaat trap grand pour ttra raproduit w un aaul oiialiA. ii aat film* i partir da I'angia aup«riaur gailbha, da gaueha i droita. at da haut an baa. an pranant l^ombra d'imagat nadassaira. Laa diagrammaa aulvanta iiiuatrant la mithoda. ^ ^ 2 3 t * : V ^ '. ~ MOMOorv m o mi ioii mr omrt (ANSI and so TCST CHART No. 2) , v^PPLIED IIVHGE Inc t«U EaM-'atw-r« » ^m-M^^^mhi V ait*; ¥f'"^ THIRD SESSIOiV-HIGHTH PARLIAMENT ■ ^f m ,»,mwlf A .IM— ■ ,. » ^.i.»»... 1 ' ^ SPEECH v/f ^I My the House must pause, the llims*' iu^\. wait for the information before they approve of a contract whlcl>, while it heralded as an all-Cnnadian route. The JBter 01* Railways and Canals hirnself de I onstrated to-day that it Is not on kOanidian route In tire sense In which Ave Ired It to be, that Is, giving ns free a c- through Canadian tenitory for Cnna- Rooda without paying duties to Amerl- ctistora-houses. ^Now, there is another consideration. Iflphe Government say that. In considering contract, they were brought face face with a case of urgency fraught prtth many disastrous rossibllltles. In first place, they say, ihey had to »T^e ifor the administration of justice In It country, and that If we wanted fend up North-west Mounted Po- , we could not do so unless: we had Bportatlon facilities by which to send »ni. That caRs to mind the fact that Jor Walsh, who hon been sent up /here administer affalrsTn the Yukon territory, not arrived there yet I cannot give exact date, but I think I am correct In that his appointment was made sev- months before he started for the Yu- and during this (time he was goltig n A the conntry . — I h ope the Govern- =s=: North-west Mounted Police accompanying him remained here for two months after their appointment before they started for this district, knowing the severity of the winter, and knowing all the conditions that prevalltMl there, making travel In the win- ter season tlitllcult, if not inipoHslble. Hpeak- Ing from memory, his appointment wan made In the month of Auauist. and he and his prtrty did not stirt on their trip until almnt 0<'to»»er ; fully two niontlis ehipsed from the tini" of his appointment until he was sent away. Well, the «'(»nse of population, only one con- stable was needed for the whole commun- ity. Law and order prevail, and a man's life Is just as safe there as It Is In the.clty of Ottawa. People could travel round at any hour of the day^ or night, and without any fear of being molested. However,,! think It Is quite a proper safeguard to send a forde to the Yukon territory, a moderate forw. not one involving such an etjormous expense ; because I think the returns will Show that the ex- l)ense of sending so larg»> a force up* there at the tlino has been very great, and that It was not a wise arrangement to have made at that time. Now, Sir, I come to another lmj)ortaiit point, the necessity for building this railroad and for making the bargain the Government have made with the contractors. The Minister of Railways told us that the estimates that hod been made of the number of people who are liiie- : ly to go In there; he did not venture to mak& the estimnte himself, but be told us tiiat men who ought to know, men who had given ^ the /transportntlon problem a grea,t deal of attention, expressed thiV opinion that 250,000 people might be goltig Into the Yu- k>n Irijihe jear 1898^ while conservative estimates, niade by these same gentlemen ' would not reduce the figures to less than 100,C00. Bat, said h e , taking half of th e win explain the reasons why Major and th6 officers and men of the lowest estimate that was made, look at the enormons number of people that wonid re* '-^•■M'Wx'ifi.- s«f^ ^ iT. qnlre tninnpoHntlMrnollltlp^, look nt tho abnoliitn nwoHHUy of n mllwny tuMng biillt in thpr«. Ii« n tniy yoarm of toll, l)y nn liKrl(Miltural roiiiniiuilty, hut on«> bclnu brouKht Into llfo and i'xImIimko at owe, a country wlildi may nV«'IVf nn InMux of lOrt.OiM) poopio durliif; a mIiikIo Hcanon. Mr. Speaker, no <>annot toll yi't wlmt tlicy aio to got for huildlnn: thin railway. Wo an> not told wliat the company l« to ti*'t fnr these HteanierH which ihey ar<» to Inijld. But If .von takn.an nn an cstlnintc for thin cheap traniwiiy that they are polnjr to hiiPd. ft 5.000 a mile, which I haT« no heHlt.ulon In Baylnp will amply Hutllce to build tluit road, yon have, two and a qunrtcr millldn doIlarH, and .von can add « million t« that; »» th? coMt of the fdelt'h,'^<«»d. ;^ ' It belHR Six o'clock,^ thq ap(»nkpr >ff the Chair. ^ After Recess, Mr. WALtiACKJXMr.,#peftkor, when you left the Chair r liad.foferred to the fact, which I lamented ivrid which I am sure the House and the country will regret, that the Goyt^riunent when they came down with this Important proposition, and Bubmltted It to the IIouRC, were not; able to present a dejrly cnt statement as to the facilities for bplOKlnj? In Canadian goods Into Canadian territory. Transhlpnient could take place at Fort Wranjfell, under direction of the Ameri- can customs autborltles. The Minister of Rail|ways hod to confess that If tranship- ment took place at Fort Wrangell the Ameri- can duty would have to be paid, but he expected that out In the open sea they cotild transfer goods froin ocean steamers to flat-bottom steamets, but would have to go up the Stiklne River Into American terri- tory where the American Government would not permit transhipment or business to take place. It was claimed for the contract and the Bin presented to this Ilonse to-day as its great merit that the proposal is for an all- Canadian route, signifying and conveying the impression through the country that "this route has nothing to. do with the American customs or anything to do with United States control. I was proceeding to call at- tention to the contract itself. I had referred to the fact that the cost of the road, IRQ miles .of construction, would Involve nn ex- penditure/of $15,000 per mile, and I assume that as an outside estimate for this nnrrow- ^uge trjtmway which has been proclaimed by the Prime Miniister himself ai^ only a temporary structure. Taking the cost at » lB.00O/|>eir m ile, the total expenditure theraoii would be $2,250,000, and, aUowlng a vert large margtn indeed, thd-«qet of tbe cbonp flAt-lMittom ■tenmera for rlT«r ,«, mitiht i^ placc<),(KK). The coat of operating the for one year might \h> placed at |7B Which Is aiNo a very extravagant eetli and this would- place the cost of road structlon. ^tcnnicrs an. how do the figures stand as to celpts from the railway and steamboatf tor they bave got into operation ? The suit will .'ipptar like this. One hnndl thousand passengers will pay' $100 each, ( I am very much below the mark In plac I it at that llgure. Those people going In thus pay sjflO.fHKMMKK Assume that one-l ' the number should return during the people will be going and coming cons,.u.M -and pay the same rate, but they will hfil ' to pay higher no doubt going up than « I Ing down, there will be |5.00(),000 from L sengers making the return trip. Taklagi estimate of the Minister* that every M per will require a ton of frt>lght and pUm» it at tlio rate of .$50 per ton, the receipts U (ler that heI«>w tli» nKiirnii — «. Takliitc, th««n. tho rt'colplii rts $m,. ' from piiHiHuiffflra comlnjr In, |5. rtpta durInK INON would ronch |1»0.(K)0,<)00. »_^ • total «xi>«u«llturo for fho ooniitruclloii op«rntlo« of (li« roo.l for tho yt-rtr iind — DUUdlDK of RtofimotA and nil oxponiioN I 'SS f* IMXM),tKM). lcuvln« tin «'nori»onM Bflt for the contrnotopx. mu RuppoHliur It lnBt«'nd of 'Jr)().(KM) pooplo. wlih-h tlu* Iniater IndlonttMl nn tho nuriihir llkoly to ^100,000 upon which liill(---^? .•*1*^' '^"y*"ff for tho on«v ycnr a net mm ot |().0(H)3i(K). over all <«xiM.n.||.",".s '|Wt w© nre tokf thnt thoy aro cntonMlHlnj: *.i'T*"' ■"<* ♦'•■* *»»• OoTMi»n«ot baa proTlded that tho lino ahall Im throe milea at tho lmM> nnd oitoiullng up whororor tlm conipnny clMMmow to loi-nto. Tho «<<»in|Miny ^nU of .onrno. hxato rlRht away, luul wh«n > •*v^.^".'*"^*' ^'*'"'" •'•"'•■ »■'»•( tines an.l llviw , their hands,/; thnt tho (Jovoinmont. with l^he inforinfntlon from infnorH who havo -ught down^KoId. Avith fho roportu of thoir TJ![l"fK**7,l'"^ oxooodln« rlchnoBJ* of fho atry, thcynovornmont woro vot afraid t6 ae the ^uoBtlon. Ktit In addition to jrlv- l«C 5, fo«>trnctor« . «nd ox: ¥f^7 ^ntrol. for ynars to oomo ovor this SSW'J* rf!f"'? ^'"' «'«-OlnK of pn««on- "0^ and frolffht. What moro do thev fflvo keae crtntrttctorH ? i am nioro than ainaz.Ml. '^^ '^7« /»»rt l>y the hoo. mombor for WelllniBrton (Mr,. MoMtdlonl. whoso I nm afraid. In obsourod by thnt at noprlna. that Mr. Oqllvlo n^portod SVji^®'® ^*'' ^25.0()0 squnr*. mlloH. or 80^ WWO 'acres, of this Kold-boarhiff country. *i. '^''""* AVould 1)0 onlv ono^ ncio » S7®° •^' ^' ^^'^ ''"°- nionihor'for North relllng^on gives thftt as his oplukm and otes It to affirm Its truth, thon ko much > niore consuto upon the Oovonimont at they were afraid to undertake the WK Instead of jrJvlnff those contractors an -MrmouH quantity of Rold-boarinff lands for . eonalderatlon whatever, because If the •mber for Welllnjftotk Is rlpht, the very later to bujld the road aijd run the stonra- I on the roqte would give them more than jjroper recompense, Sti#Mr. Speaker, Ikt »l)Ottt those three and three-quarter "'*T« of acres ? The hon. member for WeUIngton (Mr. McMullen) tried to 1^ *w«™on liway from the fact that ^ vr - J ^ * country ta placer mining, lo- in tbe beds of the rlrers and In the 1, , *' •■»%•■» nw^i\j, mill wiiwn hoy do loottto thoy Hii» to havo hlmkii of t iroo nilloH by nIx ndl»>*«. or In nil .T.'.5 of ll»w I,|,M-ki». Ah tho MinlHtor ox|>lHln.>d Uiaiifhoy havo lo take nn aroa of hIx nijlog by twonfy four ndlvs, of wlibli ilio (Jovorn. monf NhnJI havo ono-half and tho coutrnc: bHM f lo oiiior half, thon. on noofmiU of thoMo blo\lth groat (piniitiHoH of >told. TiU' Int'or ovl- dom-o IH only ofmllnrtatorv of (ho ovidonce ,«lvoii lonn aKo. Ix'cauNO iUvnif rich dJNcov rorfos havo b<'on made l'<»r yoars. I roniom- bor (luit In l,si».-». tlvo years ajro. I wont a cuHtoMis olllcor up thoro, and the llrst year ho returned fotir or Iho lltoilsimd dojlam In oustoiiiH rovonuo, which has be««n In- croasjnw" year by year In consofineuco of the nunibor of pooph* Kolng in there. How- ovor that niay be. tho enormous richos of .that country wore clearly ostabliHhed In Docomber. 180(1. nnd the news of It came out to clvMlzatloM In July. 1807. Hero la Mr. OkIIvIc's reiwrt : Twonty-one above dlsfiovery on nonanza wa» the one which first proved the value of the dU- trlct. Tho owneil of this claim wbh In the habit of cleaning up a few tubfulR of dirt every nlKhl nnd paylns: lil« workmen at the rate of a dollar and «(, half an hour. Claim No. 5t, Bl Dorado next produced a pan of $57. This was succeeded by one of upwards of $80. Then come ona of 8112. Soon after, claim N6. 16 showed up a pan of $212. , " »••" One pan, held lit n man's hnnd nnd the gold shaken out. retnrned $212. Why. lam told that rt i»nn yleldhig 10 or 20 cents makes It profitable enough for a mail to earn f 10 or .$20 a day, while here Is a single pan making $212. And this Is what caused the lnten«e exclte- meht^ln that country. I believe the excitement outside was even greater than It was there. The news went down to Circle City late In December, and It at once emptied itself and came up to Dawson. The scenes of the Forty-Mile rush were repeated. Tho miners came up any way they could, at all hours of Uie day and night, wl^ provifllona and empty handed. " *• 7* ?![^',,^.^^^ T!*-:^*? ^^'**° recognized for yeani aa making moat conaerratire eatlmateg^ and yet he aaya here : > •04 lldondo GfMki K0ord iMtwMn UMin tlH nUlma. ^ Two liuiiflnHt ntifl m'fnnty «lght clnlniit. Mr. BUMiknr, wouUl luil Im< hm many im itri< In CludiHt In lhn>«> by n\x nilU'tt clalnm of wlil<-h tlii< <-<)iitni<-ii)i-H iti'l H2«i to diaIio u|) tholr tlircu nnU ttirovuuarttfr tnll- llon «rri»«, Thoir i«i«orfil ■miienta will yteM «■ many niorc. and ntiAily all of ihMn i-lalttift/'liro good. I hav« no'haaltntion In iayInK tli»t aliuUl a liun- drnd nt thoan on llonanza wMI ylnld tip ward* of |.10,04IO,(WM), and iilioiit thirty on tha Kldnradn will yinid a lullllon «'«lr dniiH, and I vHituro to nny tlmt, while thby have nii niniy of railway build- ers vorkliig there day and nlRht. tlioy will Lave another nnny of prorfpoctors who will take pOBRC«Hlon of nil those crooks that Hho^v to be uny way rich. Does any one nicnii to tell me that KIdorndo nnd Bonanza aro ,. tV only creeks with enortnoUH quanlUlos of gold ? No ; there nro othorH and othor», and this company. havlnR the right to take theeo for every ton nillos of road I hoy build, will every flft(u>n dayn bo enabled to lake n _ frosh claim. They will have'Kldorado and Bouauza creeks Innumerable for this con- tract. This Governiuont has jrlvon away half of all the riches up thoro, and I shall *how oleftrly that they have Klvon a laiRe part of the other half away. too. Now, Sir, how could this be a case of ur- gency wheB the Government know all about It In July ? They certainly know It In Au- gust, and they did notbln^r They knew It In September, October. November and Deoom- ber, and. yet nothing was^lone. It Is true, that the Minister of tWr Interior went up there and started Major Walsh on his mls- iio*i when It was Impossible to get through. He ta now hundreds of miles from Dawson .. Olty, wh e r e h e will hav e to r e main until navigation opens In the spring, and perhaps •f^r. all be will wait to get through on tbia n«w railway and thla now llM •! at 9.1 UN* ni. ^ Hut wo wore told by thn Minlator of IU1I> waya that lhi'< htd fried In t»vory way ttt got thla oonlray tli*"**' f»ntl» men. It wn« ninioat piithollo. Mr. Hpimk9tt'*J to hoar the hon. gentloinan roolting to tbM ' IfouNodho offitrts thnt they had mndP. Ili KlH'd oonloua toarn wvldvntly. nnd boaougllt these Kontlomoii to accept losa than 2{V.wO acres pT-r mil.'. lie wihl that it was not the spaHiiiodIc Hlio>l(llng of tonrs, but tbat dny nfler day he waa Hiirroundod by a larwi coinmltteo of tlie grentor nuinbor of tM iiioniborH of the fnblnot. who ImplorM those lianlhoarted ooiitriwtora to qonMnt lo take lews than 25,(K(0 ncrcd p<^r mllo. 1 uni r» of thm Cnbliiot wore not pnMout. lain quite aur» that tho MlnlHtop of Tubllc Worts (Mr. Tnrte) was not lh>ro. lie had many otlMr public duties to perforin. lie wna down til the province of QuoImjc quelling ^la r»- bellloti, lluhtliig his old-time frlendsi 'J Hf had his hauls full. It appeared at oo« time that his liniids wore more than full. I am oerlalu that If the Minister of Pat^Uo Works had been there he would not b«t» consented to glv«< this mntiact to Memn. Miu'konzio & Mann. Ho would bar* undertaken the Job himself. He haa manj Irleiids who aro on the lookout for aoiiM- thing too, as past experience has proTCd» nnd If they had known that these negotla* ^ tlouB wore going on fi'om day to day ttMjT t-J would have been JjAj'aU^l- ' Tho MInlater of Hallways tolls Jra^rat ho was down on his knees every di^|Bpseechlng these atony* honrteil contractors to accept it "**'* Ie«» than tiR.OOO acres a mile, nnd ho Implorad us Oil this Hide of the House to say how much loss we would have asked theae con- tractors to tnke. Mr. SiHsaker, I would have nsked them to take 24,000 acres a mile loss than they got, and then tbay ^ would have been getting an enormous profit ^vjj I am sure that I am not speaking at random ^3 wheti I say that If the contractors of tllUkt;^^ country had known that the Qovemmwit ? were maklnjf a contract with some one, or ',» were anxious to get some one toballd th« f. railroad, ntid were offering such enortnona. -.J such unparalleled subsidies, there wonld A have been n hundred Such contractors in 'J Ottawa within twentyrfour hours ready foi;^ bid each other down, and to toke far leM than these contractors are to recelvfe from r. the Government. But, Sir, these negoti*>„ tlons were going on ; the people of thla <"^ country knew nothing about them; no on*,.- knew that Messrs. Mackenzie & Mftnn>' were in Ottawa, day after day, negotUtttng , and planning to get this contract If tli«m. had known It, there Is not a contrtwtor of J n capitalist in this country wHo would "" hove been willing to' put his money Into . work without these enormous subsldiM^ the richest mineral ever seen. land the woild SS^bki^6)rM>k'- f*?^ Now, Rlr, thM bon. MlnlM«r •«%• : " What W««« w« to do T " Whj, Htr. arw th« OoT«nimrnt ln<*A|i«l>l« of tnklnff miy artlont Ras ttiM Kovortinifiitnl iiiiii'hlnivrjr l)roki*ii dowD, ik> (tmt th<« (lovoriiiniMit nn« inca Mlbl* of iiiKlortnklna niiytliliiK tlininiM>lvoM J ■l«HwrN. MackiMixtti A Mniiti Iihtm Mur- ronnlvi>H with ('oin|H«lpnt iitiil capahin •tiKliiiNtrN, with ntnttn of ••x|M*rl«>np niipllnncoN n«>('<«Hi*nr,v for rnpltl rnllrdrul l)iill- li«T«, In tho world to dfty— ni<*ri of export- •ncd not only In our owti country, but In •11 othor roiintrlfM. 'I'ho (hivorniiKMil oonld luirA Koni) to thoNo nion and Maid to thoiii : **Wo want to linvo tlil« road Itiillt nx ox- fwdltlonnly nH money and appMiiii(>«mlly and hAnd^omidy for your Horvlc«'« for nix monthn or n yoar." Could not the tjovern- Dicnt hiivo Hpcurod the xervloen of able and competent men. of the very men who nro dolnn thfi very kind of work In thiH coun- try to-day ? Why. Sir. It In n reflection on the OorePimont themNelren to nay that they wore onnblo or Incompetent or unable to undertake nuch a tank, when the nrsency Of tho cnto required that Canada nhould l)e np nnd dolnR. I»nt It appearH that they wore letting the months ro by, one after another, and dolntr nothing until the mniith of .Tannnry came, when they said; "We mnat n>e«»t Pnrllametit In February and ■omethlniir mtu4^ !><« done, no that wo can fo before Parliament and nay, nee wlint a ' progreiwlve and enlljrhtened Oovernment Ion hnHc." Even the Minister of nallwayn InMcIf did not aeem to have any roporfn. or any deflnltc knowledKo of tho nituatlon or of the conntry throusrh which the road «aa to be bnllt, or of the oont of tho road. , He has not explained any of thene thin^rM to thiB Houne, and I pronume It wan boeauHO be had nothing to explain. But, Mr. Speaker, thiri was tho course that «'as taken: a rash, mad. headlonp;, precipitate barKnfn was modjB without due cons!(1eratIon of tho TOnsequenoes— kIvIuk away for tiothlii); the ncbest koM flelds tho world has ever ncen, and Rivin.r them away unneceHsarily ; be^ cause plenty of men would have built ihin road without ankln^ for any Kuch bonun. Now, Sir, the bon. member for North Wellington (Mr. McMullen) nald before six o'cloclvtbat this was on excellent bnrRaln. He said tbnt If tbene men do make money they are risking enormously, an«r eoiit of the orlglnul prumotun of th«^ hmhIs own theni to-day. Well, 1 <-hnrai-terliie that na a Hlmtlar stat*- nu'nt. iH'cjiuNe I do not Whink the hon. gon- llemjiM (Hii uii-titlon a Jrnad today which 1*4 In that cundlthm. If he can, I would like to hear from hlih viimt one It In. Now, Iherrt Im one other point, nnd I think It Im a very l4U|)ortnnt one In counet-il(ui with liie building of IliN r6nd. We qre told that ihe (loverninent are Imponlng a royalty of III |ier cent on nil the mines operated by all udnerN ibrouirlHuit the country. Hut ihlH company in not to pay 10 per Cent to the Oovernnjent. but oiiU)' 1 per c«nt. Now, Muppone Unit a mliK> In [being operated nnd that It coMiN yiNil lo produce !|it worth of Uold, the 10 per cent llVey hare to pay to (he (Ir)vernnM'yt will bmve the enterprise without a dollar of protll to tlume who are dealing direcl with the tWtvernnu-nl, but If they deal with thin comnany, which only payn I per cent, lliero will l>e a clear .prolU of m per KHi. What more\v Take Kldorntlo and Houan/.a ('reeks. wuer«> Mr. Ogllvie cMtlmnlen will be taken out li*,lMN). wliiit In to prevent thin company going to theiii> men w^io are iidnrng on those creeks and itnylng to them : Drop your clnlnm with (he (sovernment, we will take them np anc\ make n bargain v\itii yon. We will divide tlie 10 per cent, taking ft ournelven nnd nllowlW .vnu H, You will thus save 5 per cent, ruid Mackenzie i^: Mnnn vvtll make an equal aiiiount. That can be done, nnd (he addlMonnt ndvnnlnge to thene miners will be (hl«, Ithnt whereas r.irh miner has to pay 1?IR for a" Itccnse each year to th*» (}ov#rnment nnd only pefs a yearly license that has to be renewed with .the Oovei*nir\o|Jt ; In the ♦ I '( Mnpk«ale, fee simple [h<» Orowu Ithout ntiy no mining iiovcrunicnt n miner's » »w w en t Into In their li v e s . — He tells oa ' tbftt the experience of the United States tatluu theae road* are not profitable. I unoi casi» of lands obtained frotn it Mann, they will havft the] for ever, they will have (rrnnt trnnsrerrert to them ' conclitlon, nnd h.ive to pay liceuMc. Hut in the case of mining hindn. tlie inl|ier must pfl license, must work Til.s mine, and have the license ren<»wed on his Halm every year. So that there Is every Inducement to the men on these claims to make another Imr- Wiln, and make It w»lth Mackenzie & Mnnn rather tlwui with the Government. That r consider nn euonu«uis advantage to these men. because It t.111 mflke It the Interest of evei'y miner In the cotintry to pay tbem tribute. But the "Globe" newspaper. In comment- ing on this scheme, told us that tlje Govern- ment has wisely prevented agricultural lands from being glTen to this syndicate, and has p r otect e d th e farmeri; up In th e se n or thern regions. Mr, Speaker, British Columbia ex- tends to 30 degrees north latitude. All iKl frl«n4 lla told it of tb«' iwM thflm llnr Rtiit*- lion. ((AD- ly which I would In. N(iw, think It lion with •in* told II roy II I ty o|H>rtit««d ry. Itut r tfi»r»t to It. Now, ■a tod nod worth of <» piiy to •ntorprlM who are It. but If ilch only mr ;proflt KIdorndo . OKllrls oon |«I0,- » pr«vont w^io are to thorn : nuMit, we bartcnlo , per cont, II n. You Itirkonzle nt. That (Ivnntnfre whoreai for ft'V lont nnd an to bo In the rnckfllBle, !• Hlinple Crr)Wll lout nffy mlnUinr i'oruniont I iDlner'a hnve the ■ry year, t to the ther bar- He Mann That . to these' Intorest my them omment- Oovern- ral lands and has no r thern tlMM "laiMIs which lb* Ch>TtniB>f«t Imito ftv«n iiirtal tM« north of that till dovrvoN. A* a uiatlrr uf fact', all th«i iiilnt>ii that hav» be«n dIarovnrMi are proltnltly north *uf tVt d«*gn>t'H. a region whi>rtt th< cnii Im* no aKrlcnlliiri'. for lUli U |h<< Airllc <-lrcln a region wlit>rt> tht>r«> U no (liriniiig tiinl no n<*«'<'ii«lty to prot«>ct nnd to pri'Nrrvo agrl- rultiirnl lanilH. Thi*ii«> contrnolorM do not want ngrlciillnrnl IntiilH. What Ihoy want la mining In'iidM. Th«>y hav«> H2Tt of thoao cInliiiH, llirco iiilh-M by Htk iiiltt'M. 'ru«*y hav«, wh*v«ir (hoy may cIioono to a«>liH*t thetii, an*l Ihi'y will iiniloiihti>dly iM>lt>('t thi'iii at tlio pInt-i'M diMfovi'riHl to \m valiiablo tiilning lorrltory. Why, ihoy can mt ihvir landN up I'nlo aliiiotil lniiiiiiiPi-abU> mining clalniM niul plac«>r dalniM. . I m«>(> by tlitt mining rugulntlouH that a bar digging claim may be llN> fi'cl wld«, and dry-dlgging haa ^ to \w KM) feet. H«inaro, or oiiC' fWth of ntt nrn*. tlrtwk atui rlvor rlatmi nlay bo noil feet long and not more than KM) feet' wide, which Ih Hoiuowliat Ichh than an acre. The bench claim \n to hi* UNI feet HqUare. or Icmh Ihaii oiiellftli of nn acr»». Why. with 'jr»,iK»i> acre« for one mile of road they could have 2rt,iMN) of thoHo aoro claliiiH or 2.~.(MMl of tliOHc Nuuiller clnlnw and be iiracllcally ownem of the country, iM'canNo a Oovei^ment claim, Hiibjuct Uf 10 per cent royalty, Im not nearly ho dcHir able a property aH tlie Ooverumeut contract- ora' land with only one per cent royalty, and with Iho fee Himple and no yearly llcenHo to pay, and ut)ne of theae oneroua reHi)on- ■ihllltlen with which thu Government may saddle the placer and other luluea In that country. I iH'llove that the (Joverntnent hIiouUI take some uieauH to efrectually return to Can- ada a part of the largo expenditure which they have Incurred nnd are likely t<» Incur In the future In carrying on the (Jovern- nient of the country, and In carrying out the regulations which they have inipoHCd, but It npitonrH that tiic llrHt regulntlonn which they made Imve' been nl>rogated. | New regulatlonH hnv»> been mnde. which, j we are told, will be equally unHatlHfactory i lu their results, and If It lye triie that the contracloi'H liiivo only to pay I per cent. | while thoHo worRlnj,' the (Joverniuent clniniB ^ will hnve to i)ay U» per cent. I am quite sure thnt will have the moat unHatiafnctory teault. HO far a« the obtaining of revenue by the (Jovermuent from these propcftiea Is concerned. ' Another point that I d'«l not understand the Minister of Railway's reference to Is this. The Parliament of Canada, at Its Inst session, granted two charters for build- ing railways from the Pacific Ocean Into that #untry-. I would like to know from the bmi. Minister what ^e proposes to do with reifegence to these. » ■lone. I iirmuiiiiM we ar« not foing to ia< terfofn with any rightM glven^hy |>iirllani»Qt. Mr. WAIil.AdK. 1 hey do not nt M,' iKNi acr«s of mineral lands |w*r wlla. The :urNlNTKU OV UAlt.WAYH AND <^\N'AI.K. I think the protwblllthM WNt rather agaliiNi (hat. .Mr. WAI.L.vt !•:. The other one has tot It all. 1 ihink there are two, ways la which Ihu tlovvrninent have l>««n n«cll- gent, and liavu not acted aa they might have lo protect <;anadlan Intereats. Wo have aeen during the imat aena«iu- and I. |im aure It niuai liave Imhmi a matter of regrei III every ('itnadlan that It was pMS alaleiitly heraMi«rt Ihronghoul the world that Ihia great (ulneiai weallii, theae great inlnea of gohLvH'ere In Alaaka, in tlie territory of III!' .Mftlfcd Htatea. And ! am told that &m1ili', «iii the I'u title coast, la doing tho iiirgeMl biiNliicHM in providing prtvat4> otlt- IIIM and auppilea. What I b|/inie the OdT- erniiieiit for la for not iiaving taken at«b« In the llrat place, to let it be known throngb- iiiit tile world that tlieae mlnea Were in tho lloiiiliiioii of Canada, solely under CannilltHI control, and tliat Canada wna going to look after tliem in her own interest ami tho iitereata of tlie Hrltiah people. And anothor tiling and tlie leader of the Oppoaition (Sir CharieM Tiipper) rererred lo that the other day, and, for yiy part, I think it la one of tii.f mimt lmp<»rtant inatterH that baa to bO dealt with In regard to tiiat rich country— wo fihouid treat the United 8tatea In tlila matter exactly aa tiie f'nlte<| Hiates treats ii'^ <'anidlnnH. 'I'iiey will not permit Caiia* tllana to go In there aiid beivuiie free min- ers mid to tak > ii|) tho mining lands as wo permit them to do in Canada, and why ahould we give them grenter privileges than they are reudy to give Uh ? It may be quite true that where Ve are Inviting people In, where, wo nre ui'ging them to ccuiie in ana nnalHt in developing the country, wo mnat make ilberni regulntiona In order to accom- pIlHh that end. Itut the peqple are ruahlng to that country, tliey are boiind to get thin* Not only are CinadlnijiH g«»lng there, bnt people' froin tUe Kiiti^b lalanda end^TirlfTih resident K from Africa, Australia and New /eahiiid iind residents of t'oreign countries ao well, I contend that the first d.ity ot thO. Ooverniuent, seeing tiint there are such en- ormous rlclies In that countr.v. w.js to prcH cinliii tliat we will have reuuiatUiUA) reserr- Ing tlies«' rK'iies for Hrltish subjects. But tlie ffOvernmont jnstead of considering these thlngH, instead of taking that loyal and patriotic stnnd, linve; utterly neglected their >i»port unities. Wfe fouml the- mem- bora of the Qovemment scattered during' recess, scarcely One of tn-'m being found In Ottawa. They have utterly neglected their datl e s In regard to thi s ' important ra a t f r . ' '■■■ ?l m The MIinSTBR OP RAILWAYS AND CANALS (Mr. Blair). We do not propose do. aoyt^ng. Wo teave them aeverely They allowed matters to drift along tdmotl^ until the time that the House wm Bit, and then they made a 'predpltnte uSSt • # » y* ,« vImii'afMr and not foirt •!■ liit ofc MiA, llM people nre nubliig In l_y6v>eoald not keep tbem lent, Bvt you can make rcfralatiopR 'i^tvlll confine thts wealth to Britisb W4 are told that the buBlnesls of _jtiy U* lllpping into American chan- piUEorti should be n}ade by tfie Got- '|t to Often up avenues of ttade and to ,t|lo; entry of Canadian goodn Into .^nmtry. Few realise the enormous |t^ o!r- goods consumed in a mining tf^ Take, for instance, the West Koo- (tcmntry. Bight years ago the cuntoms dltf ndt amount to f!^ per day in le of that country.. . To-day, as the 6f Onstoms will tell iyou, there is Income of more than $1,000 every p9e«Me«, there is an enormous quahtl- "'Oanadian goods consnihed. This, for Ition of 20,000 people^ gives an Idea • MionndUB trade in such a country. iiaaj- be with obr Yukon country, that Mt «f countries, With its 100,000 people, rill Mtlmated there will be at the end of ling fwiason. This moans fipm $5,000 MKK) a day of customs duties to the of the Government, besides the sale liiunense qunntlty of Canadian goods 'eonntry. But^ so far there appears . » ti^n apathy and neglect and utter of etmslderation for the Interests of hy this liberal, by this progressive nent that we are told is always tp the interests of the country-^but fails to do anything when the oppor- .^ pfCers. ■ ^ ■ 'I i^ftiiTe lihown that tbe Government has V» <»Iear^ut, deielBive knowledge, of how idian goods are^ to go into that icountryv If thla railTili^ were built to^morfow, int paying American duties. They gLventhls company a suhsldy by glv- |ldlein pticticallx ^n exclusive right to a road there which will yield them a iMM-l have shown, of more than double Mrt of 'the road in. the first year. They jiving them untold wealth /in mineral rwltfch they are handing over to them, are neglecting .British interests. In iiftMiIness operation in connection with sltunntTy they 'have not consldwed the its of the t>eople of Canada, but have practically permitting the United J to: control our business affairs. But ;%«8 moriB humiliating fttlll. Sir, we ^^sted In the papers th^t the American ' k^t was sending (linp^lles in there the wants of these people. Why,' «»lor (Mr. SlflM) ton to ooniult t)Mi becanse the Seciretaiy of . could not come up to consult 'irar ment in the matter. What bad the taty of War to do with giving tollef ^ti starving humanity ? Are there no otiier partments of the United States 0«veL_ „ ifhal-ged with that duty ? The reason tll0to'. action was, as I read It, that they wuatMr^ to get a military foothold, they waoled tV'', get some sort of possession of our Oansdiaa^ territory. We know what tfiteir dealln0l -* with^ Canadians and British people hat* I been. They get a foothold here and h foot* o hold there, and when they once get posse** i^ sloa. It Is exceedingly hard to dispos seiM them. "We were told by the Minister of tiM Interli-r yesterday that ccgotiationa wen going on at the present moment for Amerl' cm troops without arms to go through Oan.- /j adiah territory, so as to reach another pot^ tion of ITuIted States territory. 1 shonUI ■like to know what portion,^ I should Uke to knew why this permission should be given, or what necessity there is for their got through Canadian tAritory, a prlvlleiEtv ^ never granted to Canada by the Unittil ■>?> States Government in the past, even whwl":;^ it was urgently required. The Hlnisterofl the Interior toli'. us that whatever right* ^ we had would be sacredly guarded by th«; Government, that he-oi^ould see to it that ^ hone of the right$ihat Canada possesses t«>' i days phonld be sacrificed to the .United J Stated. I remember him st)eaking of that In Kainloopsi and that sentiment was loud- Iv applauded by those present. Bntl n^aa, grieved when I saw In the papers— It w«»J denied afterwards— that the American army was going to be pennitted to go In. The ^ statement made yesteirday Is a partial «c- '£ knowledgment that negotiations are on" ,^ foot for that purpose. I think We ShotiUl ' give the American Giovemment to under*' ^ stand, that if there is want, if needy peopto'j are to be provided for, the machinery pi our Government is .amply sufflolent to pro* ^ vide what is necessarv in that regard ; that< if the American people see fit to sena supplies to those of their people who nra,l^ need, they can trust the Government ftim Canada fairly and honestlv to distrit^nte ;H^ without permitting American soldiers '■$00^ perform that duty. Sir, I think that Is ht ' mlllatlng to the people of Canada. It I ^ quite unnecessary, and I hope the Govetsk-.! ment will In future, as I am afraid they^ have not been doing In the^past. study ' _ interests of Canada and of Oanadlnis oidyi«^ '4 >' 1 '/i'^'lS'J^, ^ ■. •*' ^ V '. , • . m. l:M ■■."-■-''■ jM ^^^^^P ^'./.: ■ W i';'* ' ■ ' . : ' ^ ■ j^^^^^^^H .■■■(.. T-: ■., ;;:._..;._, '■ * . ■'■■■'*' - ^ ;■.'■' m ._ _ , ■■-' '"..■• -■ ♦■ . •■ ^^^^^ ' . .■- " '* ■: ' ? " %■■ ::i «p i-O ■ ' . i," ' " ' " . ." - " ■■'■': ' ■ -■■• .' t . ' - "** ■ « • *■' ■■■■■■' ^ " ir- /" y ^'^:;:^' t i- f. / ■ _ ^ « ' ■N^ • ^ . 4 ' V, ,-. ''< . „ 1 m * V * s M. (i § 1 «) Wl^ •• f * • » K " ■ • ' c ^•., ■jw \ m # <* 4 r •- * • • «r- ■ 't') a J 1 , 1 V <» s ■\ 1 • • A % V I I «W»^