■'l -i" <, 'r ■ . .; ^''■. ■:>■.* with our business invited, and all enquiries promptly answered. Wos. 166 to 172 BarrinKton Street. ''■'..; Inc'cme of the fmest qnaUly »»» ^'^Kc^ <■■,■ \f/ ■^K , -v..^ p- ^ A. Eimiolly 36 Ksll^ 0/ the finest qmlily in Ub.cans. ■ ,,,. \ ■ .r :>\'' '>* ': v' ' ■, ■ ■ --■ i^tlrtWA*^ W / ■'*S£-£^S~-»:"=» WUM^dU tMM 'mmmmM ILf .It ^ ^wjr'WtMWMm . rgw9r—^s-w99 VULjnW > Bto beseech God to grant them a pure intent ion , and to direct ibem in the choice they are to make. Ltion,aQd to direct Q. How are the bodies of the sainw ro ri»e r A. Glorious and immortal. , ] Jf*.*^ IL-Mk^U^ M.mM. W.J».>«. ILlL'^UmUm<. ^^ m g V. Jiidica me Dfu«. ct dinctMne cftUHum meam de gente non saiuta. sib horuiu ■ iiiique ei dolo^o erue me i». D( l\ Domlu'i^ vobisfViiM mmmmmmmiiimimmmmmmimmmmmmmimimsm!'^^ mmtm^mm wi i i 't i itjju pi mmmmmmm '^' ,^7*- 'TrAoaiatea rrom me luiuaa vt di. M.i9urmmum Lii«awri. : Mm^^^^^m^^mmm^m^m. ^^'^ '^i^ W*..-1. ^^i:*>4i*^ % li "tkiJliJli ri'tl 2. — Behold the handmaid of the Lord ; ' Be it done to me according to thy word. '' Hail! Mary, &c. , , n "\' r 3.-And the Word wa« made flesh;" ' ■ ^' "" "'^ ^ '»*^'/; And dwelt among us, , ^ . •, ' -^* ' ■^ Hail! Mary,>c '^'^^- -^'i ::^0'/^;i; f ';,'• Pray for ns , Holy Mother of (56d ; That we maybe made worthy of the promises of Christ, Let u» Pray. Pour forth, we beseech thee, O Lord , thy grace into our hearts, that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may, by his passion and cross, be brought to the glory of his resurrection, through the same Christ, our Lord. Ameu. May the divine assistance always remain with us ; ,, And may the fiouls of the faiohful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. THE CHRISTIAN'S DAILY EXERCISE. Morning prayer being a duty, which God requires as t^e first fruits of the day, it is never to 1)6 omitted, and should most religiously Ixi offered to him ; the success of our actions for the rest of the day depends in a great mea- sure on this first duty of it : to begin the day without begging God's blessing, is certainly to expose ourselves to very great danger. Before prayer, seriously consider what you are, and who God is, to whom you offer your prayers ; a ptoper sense of your nothingness and misery, and of the infinite per- fections of God, whose majesty fills heaven and earth, must impress you with those sentiments of humility and respect, of sorrow for your sins, and of- fervour, love, and confidence, with which you should be always atliluated when you address God by prayer. • *■ » - >: - . *; ^ MORNING PRAYER. ' * * ^^^ Rising from bed, make the sign of the cross, saying. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen; and offer yourself to God; then .».V,.;*|ir. .-f^h.!"*^ r^^j.'-.ik-U^-i.-'if.. ^, ,1?^: ^tarr:'* •* »■..■ if Christ. into our rist, thy el, m£^y, ry of his Amen. ub; ough the E. ■■y- juires as tted, and ucoeas of ■eat mea- • without •selves to and who )ei' sensip nite ]>er- id earth, lility and love, and ^Ufluatbd \ 1- <■ . , sayint?, id of the ad; then 9 -■ " crostfiuj^ywurseif, , «iodest)y.ag;k»owledginf^ the pootlnesp of God, who gives you this day to lal)Our in it for the sal- vation of your soul, and consider that thiis day may he your last; when dressed p)ace yourself in th,e presenee of (lod in a respectful posture on hended knees,' and hlessing yourseVf, adore him with the most profquudrespeet, givo hiin thanks for his hcnefits tp you, e*!peciaTJy for having watched ovov you during the night; and join with aill the angel^ and saints in hlessin^ and pra^^^jngf his hojy name . ,• _•,.;,;--.} f \__ ^ -. ■ , , H\ \ . v. , *, . .w ... .-, Vi • J^ J n^v > j- *v> . vrv> - Aftei'ward.s recollect yourself, if ye^u offended God during the night, :and what were the sins you committed the day hefore, an-f<'i -.•iin. . ihe day by iude it also ay, and tho st the dan- ►le yourgieli' essary duty I ftost reli- ed with the bed, placo md begging )n yourself, f6r all his ;eotion over i of heaven, dness, and le day, and with your o examine ctions, and >f our stato fn life, and uu those vices, paawions, and evil habits, to which yoi; are most addicted. When you have brought to mind ail the sins and omis* Bions of the day, with an humble and contrito heart 'im< plore forgiveness for them, and for all your transgressions, and firmly resolve, with God h aHsistanttr, not to offend him any more, and caotiously to avoid every occaHion of Kin . Then offering yourself to God, and earnestly beseech- ing him to enable yop to practise those particulat virtues and good Mrorks which are most necessary to you. and to preserve you from sin and all dangers during the night, devoutly, recite the Acts of Faith, Hope, and Charity, and the other prayers as in the morning, or any other form of prayer yon are accustomed to say at night. T^«ie!taminalioa of conscience is strongly recommended as a very important Christian duty, and is one of the most profttablte and effectual means to avoid sin, and toacquire virtiLe — wherefore all persons who have sincerely at heart their salvation, and are tnily desirous to please God, wiil constantly and diligently attend to the examination of conscieiM^O Overy night. Prayer, said in common, that is, by many together, is certainly more acceptable to God, and more beneficial than prayer which is offered in private by one individual alone ; and on this principle is chiefly grounded the pious and edifying practice in many families of joining together in prayer every night; ^nd it is must earnestly to be wished that every Catholic family did adopt it. The many signal blessings which God has bestowed on those families in which prayers are regularly said in com- mon, tihould engage every head of a° jfamily to j^ihtroduce and establish so laudable acustom, particularly "at night, when all in the family may be assembled with greater couveuiouce. Where there are two or' tjiree gathered toother tn my name, says Christ, (here I am in the midst' of- them, (Mutt, xviii. 20) i ■?^;' 4^ t , i I n- «>* .Kilclija Ii'/;» bm: ■ LESSON I', '^""f^t "■-» »Vi«? >iijf i-f On God and the Creation of the World. "^ '"' ,, Question. Who made the World? ^ ,v,^,,j4J fri «.t..lH I). Q. Who la God? , -> .,t . .,',.. ■ - ^. |,, A. The Creator and Sovereign Lord of heaven and eairth and of all things. > ,. ma ;, Q; How many Gods are therQ? r < A. There is but one God who will reward th0 ^9pd, and punish the wiclced. ,,-^t, )l^ ^^ ^j.; j ,;;.., ,,^ ;^,;; V, Q. Where is God? A. God is everywhere, but is said principally to be in heaven, where he manifest^ hiniself to the blessed. Q. What is heaven ? A. The kingdom of <}od'id glory aiul of his angete and fiaints. Q. If 'God be everywhere, why do we not see him? ' : A. Because God is a pure spirit, having no body, ai)d therefore ca-nnot be seen with corporal eyes.i i;vjj,>i^ si;tii ... Q. Does GodMaee us ? s><, , A. He does, and continually watches over us. <,■ , Q, Docs God know all things ? ' A. YeS] all things are naked and opeh'to W» «yrfi, feven our most secret thoughts and actions. (Heb. iv. 13.) '^ Q. Will God judge our most secret thoughts and ac- tions? •. ...i:- . .'-, '■-,,. ..i.;; ,..■ r,.(- . ^iij,,j i.. ,;j o *:;if. A . YeS I and iei)efjt f<^ *'***<^ thkt then 9k(tll ^ak, they .fhatt render an account for it in the day of jitdgment. (Matt. xiiv36.) - :i. ntoiijii;; 7 jj,^, Q. Had God a beginning? A. No : he always was and always will be. ''" *'^' ^ ;^;'q. Can God do all things? Mirnl .^^....f^ i A. Yes; with Qod all things are possible; and nothing can be difficult to him. (Matt. xix. 26.) ,.' :",; • ' ^ Q . How' did God make the world ? ' = ^ ■ * ^ ; ' " '^- ' -'' A. Of nothing, and by his word only ; that is," by a single act of lilk An-poworfiil will. ••'\*''*^" 'y' Anc I I ■.V \\, «oi «£ I T^ *te gpod, and -ipally to fee in plessed i 'ni\< Ws ang«lB and t Bee him ? no body, ai)d r.U8. ■••<.■ .1 *«» «y<**> even ■iv. ]3.) ights and ac- II speak, they of judgment. *^d nothing wt fs'/bya I 13 ■Q. Wby A)f 'G od's d-dftturen, «omposei[ .of a' ^ofAif mak «oul,and mado to God s likeness. < *"i /. ..mj^JI) .«p.iii;U ; voin .«ii A. luliisKouI ?I)oD»»j •'^/ai'wha*Is'iMil'«fonTl*fce't6 0bd^ {[min v.^r ,/. . • Av lit' Mwf A «t^rit aAdtTinn<)iiai,ancl Inbt^ng e^Abl« jof knowing and Toring God ' - ' '■■■ • > ■ Q. ^VtifetWJo'jxfiiu ittean whtni ;irou -s^^ ;ldie floul i& Im^ anortal? :r}.\v-\:,:n\ .-.■> o.l i ./ ■'.;^,lhi.'r A. I mean that it'^an^iWer die T r t-.i:* .ju hvxii .. ' -v^I- Why-did^Qod.givi; u8 fioulii capabl^iof 1nofv4]bgAnd loving him? .«;k A . THat'^e^mlght fuim' the *nd for whicli he«Midaii8. •'>iQ. F<#v#lWI*eWd't*|4iGod4n|ik«fW8f ^^' -^-jj^.a J.. A. To know and nerve bimih^te' 0a eartl^^NMiiliaftbr td dsee and enjoy hira for ev^t i^,l^tmii'«^ . •<5. How can .we know God on tiiarth? . ^ ' A . By learffiiiVHtHe ii-nths lie hftg tau^t ' 4^. Where shill^eftiiMi the truths God has itanght 7 > . A. Tbe^ lareichiefljr c^tubadntd ioi t|i(i Ai^^eUAM'tiQreqi^.. • -Q. "What tloefr the Apostles' Creed containT • ■^•''/ , * A. The principal jnysteries of religion, .and ^ther ne*- •cessary mticlc'8. .y 4^ . AVhiehr^t'e tlwi iwihcipoi m^TSteriesof religion? ' A. The Unity and Trinity of God, thev Incarnation^ X>*'ath and Resurrection of our Saviour. oM yr - ^-^'Ka ■ K • ■ ■■* • H-./ ns'; 14 li Q. Why are they esITedpsfncipaf mysteries r A. Because most A«e««iBai^ to be explicitly IMievetf, and became aH •ther myatfriB» o£ idigioa am gsomided •nthem. (Johoxirv..^.)^ otb'i^ Q. What do yon mean hy mysteries of refigioii ? A. Be'vealed trath».'«riii|^ we caiinot comprehend. Q. Does God re^t^ of w to Iklieire mysteries of re* ligion? A. Tea; 6o«l req«ittt» o£ us to pay tbe homntS^af our tadentabdin^, moA tot sul^ioit •vr wftl to. hm ii^ jail things. (Bom. X. 10.) .!:!«! ^jr,-, *,. Q. How- d» w« ijagrlbe- baiiMBe of oar vndiemtaiUihe to God? A . By firmry ^tiieKing on God?» mkening' word^ what. •Tto^he haiRTOlbked, beittmsrsQiocompreb^Mihio-tfikUs. Q. How do! we submit our wilf to CEod ? A. TS^ri^evtSaXij'dtmm ObedieiMce to CM^^^ ihteg» whatsoever he commands. Q. What means tho vklity of God 7 i'.rf r. « i ?ff | V A. I^ HUMnfe tbore iS' but one QkAx wkI there cuiQoi Ike more Gods. thaOi one.. (Eph.ir.fe) -i,.^^ Q. Why catukoi tfaev^ be moiie> Oods^ iStm^ «ne t : V A.. Because God^ being the su|Hreim» apc£ v^Tsreigit lArdy^caiiinoi hflnr» vi equal, i u •> rr * iuffr woait f> i' .a OntM 3tWni:(ifW // . A. 'nireo Dime Per«ons^ reaHy dfistinot^ and o^tiaf iik all things. (I John t.%.) Q.. HcMT do you call the ffiree tKVine Persons? A. The Father^ the Son,. and the Holy Ghost. Q. Is the Father. God ? A. Yes;^^ the Father is God ^ and the first person oi the blessed Trinity. Q. Is the Son God 7 A. Yes;.- the Son ». God, and the socoudpecMitof tbft blessed Trinity. f I •■lU!'. :/t ifl,..^ ^- ■>, » 1 T.9t'-'^V'L i jp Be!ieDe lorecaxmoi ' QoiQreiga r, fomj >yyr. d^qnai ilk t8? L-SQnoiiMi& MO-Oftb* i I r Q. In tb« Holy GlipstCktdf ^ A. Yei'f the Holy Qliost u CUxS, awl I3ke third of the blessed Trinitf. g, mi^-B^K^nH th« b^eue4 TiinHy t ■ j A. 6ne <9 :;,; ix:v',> TTr."' • ■ T ^. Q; What means th? iiw?arnationr"^^'*^ ^' L,^.H^Mj>ii:j. A. That God,tlie 8 : • •• ► . ^ m r y • c^ Q, What^y. CihriBt>»til>' §edf%j ju4»i9^«^(^ <(W. purlins ?)..(:...,- . ' " 'X. Yes; and delivered 'us from hell,^ and; fDOia» Uut po)^f>£^f thjIideyUH,! "f ■ i\hHj 'intdi odito -^mo hi -9«i ,|lu*r;'t t>ili.i.;i /* .iJ Q, Who were our iirst p^i^^nts?.. s\\ »,■; v,; Vh* i«>tto» ass-^j A. Adam and Eve ^thp iirst mi^n. arid wcm^au,^ t ..\ '^ Q. Why dfd Crbd' comniand our fij3t;,xi*^>^^vts,iiot to'eat m eihilelice ©n htm ; and ta try theif oJiedir ence, . ,.-, ...^ , . ,, . .>»,,., .. .■> ,. , ' .; * fi. ifho-fel6pt^if$^\4c^^ fruit? , , ,. , , , . ■ .,5,,. -f ■ • A . The* dtevtt , ^tiy^fhg tlieir ftappy »t^I ,A -■■ > ViL-. ;^ J (^ . '->'■'■ I n uiinn i;* met Acte th* *> i«i*.Y .A vilT W their (»I>ecU^ whom ^tofl Q W«;rp -tke ftjigdlfi created for any other purpoae 7 A YeSj to assist before the throiio ujr.p.o4;> ^nd tQ Q. wKy were any angels cast out ofheaven? A . lJeGa.i«|Q. xhrov^h pn(je th,v'yj i«l)tiUed a^^a^jif t Q9^<> i;^l^'^,?d,?,„ . , : .;._^^ ^ ..,., ,' . ■ ,,■ ,^^ ^- , A.'Yfes , he (j any oth^^:^€Qnid^ oit l)aa'imffel|^7 ■ .;^ 'y. . ^ ,\'' _'^ .^ ' ,'.'"•' ■•■'"i- ' A*. Yc'8 • ' ^ir '^tio (lie enemies to Goct • that , |h , al I wI^q die in,^ statoL Qt wortal sin ., . ,. /,' ' Q, Cfett any one come out of neil T ., ,j,. „, 5,^.^ .-,.' % A.. ^ ill »«^»o4*ow,i%al .,Q. IIqw did pod »punisk the disobedienct* of owr first A. They were dnven Ont or paradise,^ stnppjqa of origi-;* nal justice and innocence^ and condemned to deatli with all their posterity. . ., ^,...,.^ ^ Q. Did G€)d inflict i^f other 'jiimishment on our first parents? , > A. Yes^ he deprfv^ tSi^fn of all tight to heaven and of several other blessings intended for them. . ..^ Q. What trero the chief blessftigs intended f6r oitr ife^ parents ? ' A * 'A 'constant State Of hftppine$a if they remftin? d fiiith- fill to God. • ^^ ^i •"•»»^' )'"'-»»*•*"■'*'■**» •^''* I : ( *■- wmmmmmmmmemmmmm^ .,m^^i^K^^-,-^m^im^^ 18 J I' f Q. Were we coiidei|iiied to the «ai|ie ^noliha|6Bt ffiik our -flhit parents t " ." ' ' v; ''!.;''. V'-V' t A. Yes; we were fttt iiialde pirtakeirs '6f lEbeir «m ^imA punishments ,* as we wotild be all liluiretis in t\*tii; iiino- cencoand happiness if thej had been dbeditint ia God. I 'rj, .^ I did f ,.• •^^.■ mv^' ~'''mm:'0m>t:'^-^*^i. ■AiVlv- .«- 19 m tlitd^ ihnb- «« Q. Why Im it ctMed the day of the Am>mioiatk>nT A BecHUMT on that day the angel Oabriel annovnced io tb» Virgin Mwrf '.■ Bekudd, tkcm thaU conceive in thy Mfombf and ihalt bring forth, a, tony tmd Umi #4«ft eatt hi* turn* Jems. (Lulcei. 31.) Q. Oni vhat day was Christ bom of the Virgin Mary^ A. On Christmaaday, in a stable at Bethlehem. Q(, How long did Chrifit live on earth? A , AbMit thirty-three years y he led a most holy life, in poverty and sufferings. (i) Why did (Mirist Mre k» long on earth ? A To shoew oa the iray to heaven by hia instmctiimft and examplo Qi flow did Cb^t end hiki life? ^ A. On Qood Friday he wan ctueified! On Hoani OlTaiy^ tmadt^dy nailed tc>« croffR..(; Apostles^ Craed.) Q. Why do you call that day good^ on which Christ suffered ho painful and ifiirnoniinioas a death ? A. Because on; tliat day, by dying on ttie eioSS, ho showed the excesa of his k>ve, and parchased every bIeK8ing for Mb. Q WIm» condemned Christ to so cruel a death ? . A.' PMUiu* PiUUtf the Kbman goverBCMr,at the desire of the Jews, Q. What do yoii infer firom the ntfferings and death of Christ? A. Theenormityof sin, the hatred God bears to ity and the necessity of satisfying for it. • -f v x >. .^ ' S" ■■?■■ >>v wik.K<^ai.akd>MB .-.a. |,|^-r«^^^^|^l^ * f. 2l» i « Q. Did anything remarkable hfi^^i^a at Um) , death q^ deadaroM and appeared to many. (Matt, xxviii) (/•.,«| ..^..^ .»{ - ; . ,_.>•■. ; • 1 • • :;;.!-; .-til v.M ./. Ojft ChruCt dek^t'itito IMt^ ettid on hit Beturrection v; %r.t^, A The tjpvilh of the t«inti» inrfid'Sied 1)ef()re €9ir&itt . Q. Why did Christ descend into Litnbo? ./v A. St. Peter says, to preaek to ihote aptritt thai ii^ere *n pTtson.fi tfaat'ifl, to aunoitoce to iliem in person ihe/joytnl tidings of their redemption. (1 Peter iii. 19.) ' .. Q. Why did not the itouls of the saints who died before Christ ^o to heaven immediately after their deiith f: A. Because heaven was shut against them* 'by (the sim of onr first parents, and' cbdMAdtiw optJneA to any oa<* but-byfh<<. death of Christ. Q. When did thh souls of tlie lOaints who diod' befoca Christ 'go to heaven ? '/ ' > ■'■ '■ •' »«»v oh wVY .t> A. When Christ ascended into heaven;: : .")!< iQ., Where nrasOVirist's body while bisRouiiwas in LilnboT A. In tbesepnlchrei^ OTigrave. i ;» H^rtx'* 7.-n..f» Q. On what day did Christ rise from the dead? U' A. On Easter i^tinday, the thinf Idy after he waseriioi- fled, ke.4trou in body and soul, glorious and immortal, from the dead. (Apostles' Creed.) ■ Q, What does the resurreckioii of XDhrist prove ?. i A. Tliat as by dying on tho cross, he showed himself a reai mortal man, 8<^'liy raising himself from the dead«.ke |>rovcd himself God. j; i^^ jiiiixlu. , ')iiA&'r:\m rdi ti til ■wl i', ' 1 '^„ ii ^mmmmiiif ' **' ' '^ ^i ''"'%: ft; 21 Q . How long did Cbrist stay on earth aftei )i|8 re8U|rrcc> A. Forty days, to show tliat ]ri« wiw triily risen Crom the dead and to instruct his-apostles. Q. After Christ had remained forty da^s pu earth, where did he go? . ;.,r-^ rr'^'i^ ., '; 'r Ti > A. On Ascousioh day, he aacenaed from Mount Olivet, with his body and soul into heaven, (Apostles' CKeed.) ^ Q. Where is Christ in heaven? . A. He ^itn at the right hand qf God the FcUher Atmiahty. (Apostles' Creed.) Q. What do yoti mean by saying that Christ sits at the right hand of God ? A. 1 mean that Christ as God is equal to his Father in all things ; and as man is in the highest place in heaven, next foi Odd in power and glory. Q. What did Christ promise t6 his^postles before ho asfcended into heaven? '-Kiui ♦ I In >* i»u» ui^' ;• A. That he would sertd the Hoty Gh6»t\ tM spirit oj tntfhf to teach ti^em all things;- and to abide with them for- €wr. (John xiv. 16, 17.) ' • '• ■ ••ill r^'Mji* iit\\ If .^ •,.,■.,: ,.r , ■ .; JliESSON IX. I--; .'*^- 5.*T A. On the descent of the Holy .Ghost ^ on the New Law^ and' on ^ the sign of the Qross. : Q. On what day f and after whali manner, did the Holy Ghost descend on the Apostles? ' . . > ■ A.> On Whitsunday, ,/Af 4^o/](|v(?Aos< descended in the form of tongues of fire, and sat upon every one^ ;t 'i< ■• ■'>■ Tilia'4 A. They were all filled with the Iloly Ghoit, and they began to speak in divers tongues the wonderful worjis of God* (A^tsiJ.) ,^ ; Q. Why did Christ send the Holy Ghost? j; ; ,^ ; ,,.. A. To sanctify his Church, to comfort his apostle^, and to enable them to preach the gospel, oi the new law. .'^■'^ •sCiJj^!^;*.*'..'!- -^ Ul V I! «'■ 22 Q. Wliat do you nit'an by the n«;w Ja.w 7 , A. Th« law which Chri«t cstablishal on eartli. , ' Q. Whicli wq8 the old law ? . ^ A. The law given to the JewH. Q. How do you call the followeis ofthe^iew l^w ? .-»' > '-r'l** M i A. Christians. Q. Pow are we kno^yn to l>e Christians f A. By being baptiz<^d, by professing the doctrine of Christ, and l>y the sfgn of the cross. Q> How in the aijj^n q{ the citosH made.? ' . v'" ."■ "7. A. By putting the right hand to the forehead, tlvofi vndtfT the bceat^tf tl^u \o the left and right skonlders, saying : In the name of the Father, and ^f the Son^ and <^ th« H4)ly QJUoft. Ameo. Q, Why do* we make th^^ «ign of the crosH?. . , \,\,>t jfr. A To beg that Jesus Christy by liis qrostf and passiou, may biess and juoteot ufi. Q. Should we" frequently make the sign o£ tiie jnrowsT ; A. Yes; partfcularly in all temptations and dangers, and before and aft'er pt^er, but always irith great atten- tion and devotion . I.) .... Q. What does the nign of the crosa signify? A. It signifies and brings to our minds the principal mysteiies of religion Q. What mysteries of ivljgion does the sign of the cross recall to our minds? A. The blessed Trhuty,aiid iho incarnation and deAth of our Saviour. V'-t.* ih i^u* tn* i^f • 'rr.u ; ■ u ) 'Q. How does th» filgi* of the cross remind' us of- the blessed' Trinity? A. Because in ip^King the sign of the cross We Iflvokei the thr^e Divine Petsons, saying, in the name of tho Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ohost. / Q. How docs the sign of tho cross bring to qui mlhda the iriearnatlon and death of our Saviour ? A. Because, as he suffered death m human Hob on. a cross, the sign of the'cross must naturally remind all truo ChrJBtiaus of bi« incarnHt ion and death , ., - , u I i i| ' Mi r I ' l T I ■ H i im ■! ww ^ s?-Tr ' -.^ 23 leartli. -^^ ut'xv law ? i« Uo^trlue of ^ht oiionld^rs, ftte3 (>ros87 . J great utteu, ? ho priucipa) s%n of tho n and dertth '''' .i|'7> T ir^t^'n-V V ■• •'...»nint.**i '.iX ; ;\-,'\"5v i^iiu ,.iJ*3il5v.O :<(OnthetfueChvr<^h. ' '•«'U -.T A Q. What do you mean by th« tnio Ohnrcli ? , ! ' A. Tho congregation of all tho faithful, who l>^*nj» baptized, profess the same doctrit»c, pattalio of tlio samo sacraments, and are governed by their lawful paiitoris, under one visible bead on earth. Q. Hoir do you call tho tmo Church ? ' ^^1 if i: n i . A A. The holy Catliolic Church. (Apostle** Greed.) Q. Is there any other true church besides ttiu holy Catholic Church ? A. No; ^ thei*e is hnt one Ldrd^one/aitk^ one baptun, one Ood and Father qf att, there^ is but &n*^ trtio Church, (Ephes. iv. 5,6.) 9 . Are ail obMged to be of the true Church ? ■ i V A. 'Yes* no one can be saved out of it. (Acta 'ii.; Lukex.: Johux.; Matt, xxviii. 20.) Q. Will strict honesty to every ono, and moral gorHl works euRuro salvation, whatever church or ruligion out) professes? '"' r^ "- ' "5 i> i siihu. m;- - • "yvi A. No; unlesd such good works bo enlivenotl hy faith that tvorketh by charity . (Gal. v. 0.) Q. Why must our good works bo enlivened by faith ? A. Because tho Scriptures say, without faith it is impos- sible to please Ood; and h^ that betieveth not shall be con^ demned. (Heb. xi.jS; Mark xvi. 10.) Q, Are we justified by faith alon<5 without good works? A. No ; As the body ibithfmt the apitU ii dead, so alsofhith without good works is dead. (James ii. 26.) Q. Must our good works be also enlivened by charity? A. Y(f8? for St. Paul says, If I should distribute all my goods to feed the poor^ and if I should deliver my boi^ to be burned, »nd have not charity it profittth vie nothing, (I Cor. xii. 3.) •if il it 'I 1 1 ¥ ' ■ i ,! I !| <■;;; ^ i*' 24 Q. A do hii wAjcA he commands us to hear. (Matt, xviii. 17 : Luke x. 16.) Q. Which aro the niark8 or signs of the true Church ? A The true ChuccU is Oue, ..lioly, Catholic, and Apostolical. Q. How is the Church one 7 . ;"7 A. In hviin^ one i body and one /old, animated by s one spirit f undef o/2« he.) ,» .&t,j ,aurr i**' Q. In what else is the Ghurc;^ one?; : 7 A . Tn all its meimb^rs beli<.-;vmi^ the same trath8,:haying the saibe »acranteut4,a^d,.89.critice, ap^ l>9ll^g under one visible head on earth,; at', a.ij ij;ir<, ym« • r di > H? 4o9trinc and sacraments,;, and in tjx^nupj.ber of, it« child^ea wfio^jittye been eminent for holiness in all ages^ ; ^j ^t ,? .jf>r'.''!}> Q. How.itf the; Church catholic or "univerisal. 7 . A. Bj^cauae it Jias subsisted in every age, aiid ifi^to last to the end of time, and AVill be spread, throughout all na- tions. (Matt.;xxviii. and Horn, x.) mh{ 1 ,i}ji^ ji; 77 y y. How is the Church apostojioa,]? A. Because it was founded hy Christ on his apostles, and was governed by them and their lawful sj^cc^ssors, and because it never ceased and never will cease to leach their doctrine. (Et)he8: il. 20.) .« ., Uv^>^■^i:ii .vf.ua xit^ P -AAJ^J ... i'.ttia iiiiv A.' X lesson'xt.'"-'",''^'^'^ .'.\ The Churoh eontinmd^ Jr ,Q, Why do you call the Church Uoman ? A Because tlie visible head of the church is bishop of Rome ; and because 8t. Peter and his successors fixed their see at Home. Q. Who is the visible head of the Church ? . A. The pQpo, who is Christ's vicar pu earth, and su- preme head of the Church. ' . jiy^.j', ^ h VI C ai i k\'~ 1^ ""Vnai. 25 ulfipeakti?, ■l)i('h XXl&kOB us : to \m C/ture/t, 1 : Luke X. 16.) true Church ? Catholic, and mated by .-.one vs ChriiU, who • ' •■'WlU'.^lr', vr !;• > •!■/. ;ruth8,:hayi'ng ng under one ■'■'■i i' A. The bishops of the holy Catholic Church. ' ^' <*'Jf," Q , Can th<^ Ohurrh err in what it teacht^.is? A. No; because. Christ promised to tko;pastors of his Church, Behold I nm with you all days even to the connum- mation oj ihe world. (Matt, xxviii 20.) i jiki j. . , . Q. Why did Christ promise always to remain with his Church? A. That he himself direrting and assisting l>y his holy Spirit the pastors of his Church; might teach all ages and nations, * ' "i^ • Q, What else did Christ promise to his Church ? A, That the yatva of hell should ,ioi prevail against it. (Matt. xvi. 18.) Q. What other advantages liavo wp in the true Chnreh?,- rt.ii-.!-. •.«. {;,-,i!;!?,-»'i')fwv4 f>* rj'f >rrf hJ»..i.l.v jil// .l» A. We have true faith, with the communion of wjnts, and the forgiveness ol sins. (Apostles' Creed.) ;,i ./ Q. What means the forgiveness of sins? ' "" ■'■ ' A. That Christ left to the pastors of his Church the power oi /or (Jiving sins. (John xx. 23.) i\ . I ii , If : ( imi' f ^ » . hn'^,1 :t{ifi«fr >p. I LESSON XII. ^•i- iii H A. Any wilftil thought, word, d<^ed, or omfsBioti coii- tmry (oth«,!wBlof God. « Q. What ia mortal sin ? s" ' r>- ) A. A griei'wis.offei^cje; or transgression against the law of Qod. '>i\j\«i;, Q. Why 18 it called mortal sin? A. Because it kills tho soul by depriving it of it» true life, which is sanctifying grace ; and because it brings everlasting death and damnation on the soul. Q. Does venial sin deprive the soul of sanctifying grace^ and deserve everlasting pimishment T A . No ; but it harts the sonl by lessening Its love for God, and by «i^* • Q. Is grace necessary to salvation ? A. Yes; without »«», says Christ, ^or^ can 4o nothing. (John XV. 5.) Q. Is it a great misfortune to fall into mortal sin? A- It is the greatest of all misfortunes. Q. What must we do when wo fall into mortal sm? - A. We mutjt repent sincerely, and go to confession as soon as possible. Q. Why should wc go to confession as soon as wo fall into mortal sin? A . That we may recover God's friendship and be always prepared to die. Q. What should we do if wc cannot go to confession when we fall into mortal ijiii? \'ii'-\'iW i»i>iiMii' ntnariMiiWiTi' % »•■ ■*'/ ^ '**! *•.! m iih'dTi n r '.V' < ■- ■ . . - / omisBJon rou- ?ajniil the law ? it of it» true ittse it brings >f sanctifying g Its love for I'be Scripturo ^ h iittle and *n nothing. »I ein? rtalsin? r >nfe8fiioii as as TTp fyw rt be always eonfesuion A . We m\\»\ eTccffe otH^etV I.... ?> .0 it. A. A plac6 or Mtate of punishment m the other lifp, where some souls suffer foi a time, before tht^y can go ito heaven. (Matt. xii. 32 ) Q Do any others go to [)urgatory beside^ tho{ • u 1 II I i ) t ' w« «» ir i tempoiary punishment to be Ruflfered foi it ? , , -•- ;• A. Yes; very often, ftnd foi our correction— to deter lis from relapsing into sin ; and that avo 8hould make some atonement to hig offended justice .fipd ^oo ^ * ■' A. Jt meaas that all who. belong to the tnie Cburpb, by their pvayers and good works, assist each other. Q. Is it snfQcient for salvation t^ be n^ember^ of the true Church? , ' , ^ . . , , , ,, A. No; we mmt avoid evil and do good. (I Peter iii.),., Q. What ffood fhqil / do -that J may have li/e perlaBttngii (Matt. xix. 16.) A. 1/ thou wilt entfr, into life^ says C\iX\»if keej^ the. cojn' wWnim• i ■• ■ \ , I I .'II • » I • ,. LESSON XTV. ' ■'' "I' ^'"i^^ Onthe Ten Cornvxandmente:''^^^^"^''' Q. Say the ten commandments of God A. 1, — 1 am the Lord thy God; thou shalt not have strange gods before mo. 2.— Thou shalt not take the na-mo of the Lord tliy God in vain. ' ■ -u ,3. — Remetnber that thou keep holy the Sabbath-clay,,. ,4.'— Honour thy lather and thy niotljer.j),^ .^j,j. ,„( <> 5. — Thou shalt not kill, < ..j^ Ltui-./ iii '! i .6. — Thou shajfc not, comnaitadulljery., ;,./ {";•. ^ r/ / 7. — Thou shalt not steal. ..,',••, ^ ... 8.— Tltou shalt »iot bear f^ilsc witness against thy n«ig)ii- k hour "I '<»■:> ,ji*VT>.v;i.' j. j!,j 'iffU;-':. u»i u'ln ' ' " •* I Mill I' Hi - Mytiiiifinti -i^fmm^^mm^Mm^^''''^ \^n 9 1 (Di coi • i 1 .WS' m, 11 ^%^^i^^^^^ 20 ction — to deter should mak« ^nd goodnoBs ilieved ..W our, ill meir»t)ers of of saints, and '»ome thought to from their tint. ' inie Churqh, h other, emberp of the Peter iij^'f; ti/e everlasting f keep (he com' lalt not havo Lord thy God Jbbath-ctay^^ ' ■',-1-; '■■ . *j stth^n^igh- •ii"f^r> ;.iO It/; li • • A. 1 9.-— Thou Bhftit not covet thy neighbour'i wife. 10. — ^Thou ahalt not cortet thy neighbour's goods. (Exod.ia.) ' . ' ^ ' '^t,".'»;^-v::. ,u .. Q. I0 it netcesnarf Id keep afl and erer^ By.faith, hope, and charity, by prayor and s^rifice. What'is faith ? A ^divine rirtne, by which w* firmly belfevo wha| God has taught. ,, . i • v ./j .^ : il*^ Q . Howdp we kriow^trftA iitlb^s^mH*^di A. A divine virtue, by which we lovd God above- all thingii, for his own sake, and our neighbours aS ourselves,- for the love of God, . * ! Q. "^hy should we' love God above all for hts own sake ? A. Because Qod alone U infiiiitely good and j^erfect. il T -%>;' '.T ■-(■ 4^ %rM£^i^^<>.,,«i^\ 'K^Tm^^^lS^S^^S^&<^^ili:^'^t rw H) I i m Q. How are w to iot« Ood «boTe Alt 7 A. By, loving him "motft than oarselves, and mar% tbaa mi^fiii^g in tke ivorld V and b/ boing disposad to sacnifico ei^jthing that is most dear to us, even our verf Uv^t, if iMJpjMiaagj, rather than to offend him. "A|: Yes ; and parilcnlarly when we come to tlie nsii ql region,' and at the hour of death f^dfo when we fu;e temi^ied to tmV o^M^^i.#i^*^ Vc^i^*^ thiose divine vir^ea; find wIaa we pri)pflure ourselves io receive any flaoraoto^ Oa n / : ] I . p ' 0. 1^9*^11 forbidden bjr the first commandmentt ~ A. All ainr Oigfdnat laith, hope, and charity, an4 other dttties of religion. Q^ How doeii a person sin against ^ttit ' ^u . ., ,vf . > Ai By not endeavouring^ to know what dod mB fauj^ht, by not believing, what Qod has taught, and by not pro- fessing, hia belief in what (xod has taught. Qi. Who are they who do not endeavour to know wkat Ood has taught? A. Those who neglect to learn the Ohristian dootrli^e. U. Who af^ they who, dt nt^ heiij^yi^ whai God has A. Heretics and infidels. Q. Who are they who lun >^;ain8t faii^ 1)y not pioftliBs- ing their belief in what G9d has taifght? A.. All those who by any outward act, pi^ofesdion, or declaration deny the true religion^ or ChurcJi, in which they inwardly believe. Q. Can persons who deny outwardly the true re- ligion, or Church, in which they inwardly believe, expect salvation while in that state 7 A. No ; Whototwr^ says Ohrtstf thalt deny me h^ore nun^ I will aUo denn A^^ Im^ot* Mjf Father who U in keama. (Matt. X. 33.) ■ — • Chi ^I ■ai»i.-7i<« H|» il mn i iK.Hy. ■ '■»■"■'■ vf-^^m^^'- '■■■'""\ )s, ana aor« Quyi POS«i to a^crtifico Wth^ hope, and me to the iia# of awe fire ti^j^ ne rjrjtuea; juod in -ffoH .(> utndmeBtt Arity, ancl otiber I ■ i pp.d Lof' [lod IbM taught, kttd bj not pro- r to ItiiQjr. w)Mt stiiMi. clootri^e. wliiai Ood baa l>J AOt |Miofti|B8> profesftion, or i«Jh, in whio^ the true >e- >e^«ve, expect > M in Heaven. ^ Q. When in partfcniar arc w© obliged to make open jNTofea^iOD of our faith or religion ? A' As often ifts Qod's honor, onr rmxk spiritual good, or fifif neigiibonr's edification require it. YThotoever^ says Christy «A when able, in h|s spiritual or corporal necesisities. '■ LESSON XVI. .....:,{ ..: ,;. , ; ■ • • fPtrst Commandment continued, • ■ ■ '! ' Q. What cist) is forbidden by the first commandment? A. To givQ to any creature the honor due to God alone. ' * . I.' ' -1 J. .. <■. ■x.- f iii 'i lit n <\ iii I . m 32 Q. Are wo forbidden to hoaor the saints? A. No; if we only honor them as God's special friends and faithful servants, and if we do not give them supreme or divine honor which belongs to God alone. . Q. How do Catholics distinguish between th^ honor they give to Qod and the honor they give to the saintS| when they pray to God and the saints? ,, A. Of God alone they beg grace and mercy,, and of tliQ saints they only ask the ,afisistan£e\,of j^eir. praryer^, (Tobias Xii. 12.) ^ v.^.t Ss y^\ « „,...'. }.-,.'i . .» . 5^-;A • Q. Is it lawful to recommend ourselves to the saihts, and to ask their prayers ? A. Yes; as it Is . lawful and a very pious practice to ask the prayers of our fellow-cre^tuees ou earth, and to pray for them. (Thcss. v. 25.; James v. IG.) Q. Why do Catholics kneel before the images of Christ audof his saints? A. To honor Christ and his saints, whom their images rcprcBent. (Exod. xxv.) Q. Is it proper to show any mark of respect to the crucifix and the pictures of Christ and his saints ? A. Yes ; because they relate to Christ and his saints, being representations and memorials of them , (Acts xix. 12; Matt.ix Q. Why do Catholics honor the relics of the saints 7 A. Because their bodies had been the temples of the Holy Ghost, and at the last day will be honored and glorified for ever in heaven. Q. May we, then, pray to the crucifix or to the images or relics of the saints? ^-'fr.^ A. hy .np means, for they have neither life, sense,' nor power to hear or help us. Q. Why, then do we pray before the crucifix, and be- fore the images and relics of the saints? A, Because they enliven our devotion, by exciting pious ftlt'ections and desires, and by reminding us. of Clirist and his saints; they also encourage us to imitate (heir virtues and good works. (Exod. xxv. 18; John iii. 14.) xnf «n(| tnc de^ 'l)y| |tui *i ( ! .il« i ' il»«i t r^' n | im i» i lH Wii -Vfl,..-.^ttV»*V.-' --T - p^rjm^amxm-JmXS^ m '> Q. Say the isecond commandment; ^i'tn^^ft **H!J'Hi .O i A. Then sbalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Q. What IS commanded by the second commandment? A. To speak with reverence of God, of his saints and ministers ; of religion — its practice and ceremonies ; «nd of all things relating to divine uervioe, Q. What else is cojni^anded by tho second commMid* ment? "''"*^*«'«'«»'^'^' iruiij JMil M nihKn-hoi m ir-A'-' A . To ^eep out lawful oaths and vows. Q. What is forbidden by the second commandment? A. All false, rash, unjust, and unnec ossary oaths; also cursing, svtearing, blaspheming, and prnfane words. (Matt. V. 34; James v. 12.) ^ '»» i-. ^a Q. Is it ever lawful to swear ? ' ' A. It is; when God's honor, our own, or our neigh* bour good, or necessary defence requires it. I ..- ,<» h I 'i f'" f 'fill - \^ ;( P ^? 1^ ^0 ^ iiii I'! f X !tr f;r 34 Q. Wh«t yoir mean by an nnjust oath 7 A. An OHth injurriooH tO' God, to oTireeWe*, or to om ivighbqurft. Q . ] 8 a person obliged tor keep an imjm>t oath ? • ..iA. N«:{ he^Muyned in taking iot, and would ftn atsa in keeping tt. IV. It « p«rBoi9 oblfgiM temb«t thai ihoa keep Itdly the Sabbatli-diiyr. |, •'^ W)iat is-conuoaaded by^the third commandmimt? f:A. Tt sptnid tj»e SuDciay in prayer and other religious dftitfes. Q. Wliicb fire (he t^hief diitie» of religipn id whic^ wo should Hpend the Sonclay ? ^ A. Hearing MaHR deroijtlyyattcDdinf^TespeTR or even- ing prayers, reading moral an(( piOoti books , and going to commtmfon. v. . Q. Is the- hearing of MaKR sufficient to sanctify Sunday 7 ioJft. Ko; a part of the day should also be given toprayer and other good vrorks. Q^ What p«rti{'.ular good WOTktf are recomiucnded to IWBctify the Simday 7 l>nA. Tlie iroiAs of nieroy^ spiritual and cprporai, and particularly to instriiet the ignorant in the way of salva* tioa byi.woM'and esaKnftle, (Daniel xii. 3.) Q. What is forbidden by the third commandment 7 A. All imnecessaiy servile work, and whatever may hihdar the due observance of the Lord's day, or tend to fmHane H. Q. Is the fliB Ibe greater by being comiiiitted 6o the Lord^s day. ' ^j ;,. .'..r, .;• ., l.,'. • A. Most certainly. ■ i i !• .( " Q. Say the fourth commandment. A. Honour thy father and thy motliei;. i Al Al C(l .,y. Al all ii£^ jjipn ID whlcS we [▼esperffofeVeri- )k8, ami going to wiDctifj' Sunday 7 ff given topraycr ecomojonded io d corpora*, and i« way of salva* mandment7 whatever may day^ or tend io imiiiEed 6b tho .r-.- 35 Q. What \n commanded by fhe fdnrtK conymandrment? A . To lova, honour, and obey parents antl superiors. ^Col. iii.20.) ' Q. What is forbidden 'by the fourth commandnent 7 A. All contenipt^ stubbornness, lU-will, and dlsobedl- 4NQCC to parents and superiors. 3(> Q. What are the chief duties of servants and appren- tices to thoirmasters ? A. To be obedient, respectful, and faithful to them, to I be diligent in their work and sorviccs, and not to suffer [their masters to be injured in their property by any per. son. (Ephes. vi. ; Col. iii.) .^ ., », xviri. ' ' On the Fifth f Sixth, Seventh, and EigJUh Commandments, " Q. Say the fifth commandment. , A . Thou Shalt not kill . '' " ' ' . "V ,' ' ., , Q. What is forbidden by the fifth comma,ndment? A. All wilful murder, quarrelling, fighting, hatred, anger, and revenge. '; 0. What else is forbidden by the fifth comh^andment? A . All injilrioiis words, giving scandal, or bad example ; and not to ask pardoa;Of Uiose whom we h^vd offended. (Matt V. 39.) ^ ^ , _ , Q. Say the sixth commandnfkent, ■t \! '►' Vf ,/ V V:-' A. Thou^halt not commit adultery. Q. What fs forbidden by the sixth commandment? A. All unchaste freedoms with ftttol^her's wife or hus- band. .■■'• ,' '' \ .'"■"" '"'\^'C\[ ,"', ."" Q. What else is forbidden \>y the sixth commandment ? A. All immiodest looks, words, or actions, and every thing that is contrary to chastity. (Col. iii. 5.) Q. Are immodest songs, discourses, novels, comedies, and plays, especially at wakes, forbidden by the sixth com- mandment ? A. Yes ; and it is sinful to join in them, to eiicourago them, or to be present ^^ them. .,., \, ? ;/ " Q. Say the seventh commandment., ,,,,.»,,'; „,;'',^ vjr, A. Thou shalt not steal. Q. What is forbidden by the seventh commandment? A . All unjust taking or keeping what belongs to another. Q. What else is forbidden by the seventh command- ment ? A. All cheating in buying or selling, or any other in- jury douo to our neighbour in his property, (1 Cor. y. IQ.) UTSi il W ii K go] thl th uilamif 111 .in ' V •* >,•' ft' , HTr •i 37 Jrvants and appiroij. faithful to them to 8, and not to suffer ifoperty by any j,er. >mmandnient ? » fighting, hatred, hcomhjandment? ", or Bad example- w« liava offended! mmandmenf her's wife or hus- 2 commandment ■? c«ons, and every ^vels, comedies 'y the sixth com- *"»» to oncoiu-ago •( r# f\i >mmandment' «nR8toanother. Jnth commantl- >r any other fn. . (1 Cor.y. iQ.) Q . What is commanded by the seventh commandment ? A. To pay our lawful debts, and to give every one his own. Q. What are they obliged to do, who retain ill-gotten goods, or who have unjustly what belongs to another? A. To restore them as soon as possible, and as far as they are able, otherwise the sin will not be forgiven :them. ' ^r, Q. Say the eighth commandment. A. Thou shaU not bear false witness against thy neigh- bour. Q. What is forbidden by the eighth commandment? ' A. All false testimonies, rash judgments, and lies. (Matt, vii.l.) Q. Is it lawful to tell an innocent or jocose lie, or to tell a lie for a good purpose?-^ :jv ^im 3i t O J No lie can be lawful or innocent, and no motive, however good, can excuse a lie, because a lie is always sinful and bad in itself. (John viii. 44.) Q. What else is forbidden by the eighth commandment ? A. Backbiting, calumny, detraction, and all words and speeches hurtful to our neighbour's honor or repu- tation. Q . What is commanded by the eighth commandment ? A. To speak of others with justice and charity, as wo would be glad they would speak of us, and to witness the truth in all things. Q. What must they do who have given false evidence against a neighbour, or who have spoken ill of him or in- jured his character in any respect? A. They must repair the injury done him, as far as they are able, and make him satisfaction by restoring his good name as soon as possible, otherwise the sin will not be forgiven them. LESSON XTX.-'''^ ■"'-"''•* ^- •^•- i.^ j>> . "'I On the Ninth and Tenth Comn^andmenls, Q. Say the ninth commandment. A. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife. , ii ■ t m ■ ( ^' ' SL' r 'S f "'1 te-l ri 'il I) 38 Q What IK forl)iikU;n by tho ninth coraniana«i0iH( c»f i9iq^Hghti*,aQ4 desires, ixif? .'>Mi;'--.( , Ht:^ ^u tnufd '^■^^^^r-n•^ ..i: /> ' Q. What are the imnat'dMe ^casitiais i>f immodtist thoughts and desires ? A. Unchaste words and diiiecHurHes, immodest books and pir-tureSf aitd all amusemt-^oift daugeroiiW to chastity. Q. What else may be deemed immediate occasions vi immodest thoughts and desires ? A. Lascivious looks, »nd touches, idleooss, hail com- pany, all excess in eatmg and drinkmg, and wh^teTcr tends to mtlame the passions Q Ik it smful to have unchaste thoughts, when tber* is no intention or desire to indulge them ; l>y ft^F ^i^>^ action? . ; ^o • '.tiU'nd :nlt-k •■■ :'i;> ku(tr^^h'*''^v..n A They are always very dangeroas, and whea enter- tained deliberately, and with pleasure, they d^le the wul like criminal actionit (Matt v. 28.) Q Say the tenth commandmiint. .d v.rf'- - r.-j : » A. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's goods. ..• Q. What is forbidden by the tenth commandment? A. All covetous thoughts #nd :Q»just degires ot lOur neighbour's goods or prolils. n Iifrr, »/ v f^ Ip? • .,;> ^.-f!, ■r.r Q To how many commandments Bkay the ten com- mandments be reduced ? A. To these two piincipal conimandm(mt«, wliich are the two great precei>ts of charity . Thau thalt love tite Lord thy God wtth thy -whole heart, awi with thy whole soul, and wtth all thy ^rength, and wUh all tky mind, atid thy neighbour an thyself ; ihu do, and thou $halt Iwt. (Luke x j Mark xii ) „; . ,••.:- * ( Q. And who is my neighbour ? /Luke x. 29 ) A. Mankind of every description, and without any exception of persons, even those who injure us or differ from us in religion. .•<«. 'i i ic; > ;<• ( r tr •• ': ) Q. How am I to love my neighbour as myself? *, i i^'\A'^'^ 5 !•' i«?' .I'^V i^'^' 'f'V wilful plea- mantl^tueut ? hoHghUaud ^f immud^et f _ )de8t books tocbastUy. occa8ioa« i>^ 18, bful cem- nd what«T«c , when there any criminal when enter- d<^le the wul ^oods. Etndmoni? > l«Bire8 of our the tli«ar Mass on Sundays and all holyc^ays of obligation. t Ivr, 2 — To fast and abstain on the days commanded. , , f a.'^-To confcM our sins at legist once a year 4. — To receive worthily the Blessed Eu« haiiet at Easter, •r within the time appointc. l^) ^ ! 1 3-- I. t^.^ i p Pi n k ■'•<') • ^">)'^'' r*::V' ,s*.'« ■ k/' ■ 4''i'?t£: iltfeii -1 40 "A It is, if the omission be ctiipaWe; and fathers and mothers, masters and mistresses, and all such persons sin grievonsly, if without suffic^^^nt cause, they hinrl^^r rhildren, servants, or any others subject to them, from hearing Mtws on a Huhday or kept holyday. (2 Thes. ill. 4,14) i Q What do you mean by holydays? ' ^'•' ■«' ' • i-r^ A. Certain solemn days otdertnl by the Church to be kept holy, Q. Why were holydays instituted by the Church? A. To recall to our minds, with praise and timnksgiv- ing, the great mysteries of religion and the virtues and rewards of the saints, and that we might glorify God on them • Q. How arc wo to keep holydays? A. As we should keep Sundays. • > • Q What arc we obliged to do by the second command- ment of the Church ? A To give part of the year to fast and abstinence. (Matt . vi. 1 6 , 1 7 , 1 8 .) • '' '« "'• -''w »Jy "- « '- ^ i "^ Q What' do you mean by fast days? A . Certain days on which we are allowed but one meal, and forbidden flesh meat. Q. What do you mean by days of abstinence ? A . Certain dayo on which we are forbidden to eat flehh meat, but are allowed the usual number of meals. Q. Why doeH the Church command us fo fast and ab- stain? '' *"'■ ■ " '•* »""'*"^ ''■''S Jf» v'jiih y-/fii-;>o •'^txf oi />ii.'-. ' A. To mortify ouri^inful passions andappetHcr,' and to satisfy for our sins by doing penance tor them. ' Q Why does the Church command us tt> abstain from flesh meat on Fridays ? «^^mf»^t.; wiyn'..tJo to ,ifnl>;«f A In honor and commemoration of our Savibur's death. h'u LESSON XXI. *'y-«i' The Precepts of the Church continue^, ui* Q. What means the commandment of confessing our sins at least once a year ? A . It means that we are threatened with very severe 'f I ' '.-5'' '■\.-f^'j. nkSw^.-lk ^ 'ilkji.a.fto 'kr^ '"^^WM^''' ^nd fathers and |ll such persons Be, they hinrl^r to them, from rr--^ •; Wen to eat flesh [»f meals, to fast and ab- appetites', and to them. to abstain from » Sayionr's death. confessing our ith very severe AT. 'J'.V.tiT.r the 5#- . penalties by the C/hurcli if wc dc not go to contresBion twitliin the year. ^ Q. DoeS; a bad confeseion catisfy the obligation of con- fessing our sins o^co a year ? ;, A, So far from it,, that it renders us more guilty by thy 'additional crime of sacriloge. fe. Q, Is it sufficient, to go but once a year to confession? A. No ; frequent confession is necessary for all thos^ ."Who iittU into mortal sin, or who desire to advance in virtue. Q At what age ar q children obi iged to go to confession ? A . As soon as they are capable of committing sip ; thai is, when they cpmie to, the use of reason, which is gene- rally supposed to be about the age of seven years. Q, Where, t^nd frow. whom are we to receive the blessed Eucharist at Easter' A. In our own parish, anil from our own pastor. Q. At what age are children obliged to receive blessed Eucharist? A. .As soon as they are able to discern the body of the Lord, that is, wb«.n they understand what- the blessed Eucharist is, «nlished and received (as in Ireland), a clandestine mar- riage is no marriage ; it is null and void in the sight of God and of his Church. ^;,i l^/Mi ^J a^ ',v'.i..,ni W\i.>:^im W ' \ ■•, i. .^'V f ■ '-•^r-':~-:^/i-:di.^v- EM'^MmKil$^^ 42 *. ^ |. II Q. What 18 a clftndeHtine marriage ? * " ^- ^-'^^ " A . Every marriage of (Mholics is declared claadestiDe "by the Chtirch. at w^iich the parish priest of the man or woman is not present, or another priest by his lear*^, or leave of the iishop, with two or three witnesses. (Con. Tient. ses. 24 ) Q. Do the precepts of the Church oblige under paia of mortal sin? A. Yt^; ITe that wilt not hear the Chureh^ says Ctrrist, let him be to thee aa the heathen andthepuhliean. (Ltike x. 16 : Matt.xviii. IT.) Q. What is necessary to keep the commiindmetits oif God and of his Church ? A . The jfrace of God, which is to be obtained chiefly hy prayer and the sacramentb, / ■f'''^_ --' - ".- ) • '■■■''■ i-i •a) Mi -:yi >; ; LESSON XXII. tn^ fmt/r }i, \'p Q. What is prayer? A. An elevation of the soul to God, to adore him, to bless his holy name, to praise his goodness, and to return him thanks for his benefits. - ■ ^ i .-,..' \, Q. Is prayer anythinf< else? A. Yes ; it is an humble petition to God, for all neoea- saries for sou! and body. >"^ -M •^\ • • ?f t.iVV J. Q., When should we pray ? A. Christ himself says, «w ought altoaya to pfay. (Luke • • • • V xvm.l ) Q. How can we always pray? ♦ > "^M i'-' *»i{i >'i »jJ' I A. By otferinp^ to God all our thoughts, words, and actions; by keeping ourselves in the state of grawj, and by praying at certain times. Q, At wliat particnlar times should we pray ? . !, » A. On Sundays and holydays, eviary morning and every night, i^nd in all dangers, temptations, and a£Qictioni« i^ ■* l<^ y ii ■iV rf< i^<^rT i", ' 43 m ■t-f li^ lared clftndestfne it of the man or Ivy his lean^j or witnesseB. (Oon. ?e under pain of 'c*, My» Gbrist, w». (Lttkex. 16; ^maudmoiite of »»aed chiefly by »dore him, to I, and to roturn , for all necea- 9 pray. (Luke , words, and of g:rac«;, and *y?' -' f i ing and every Afflictions^ (' s ion, and ia a Q. What condttion« »e neceusary to rendor our prayers acceptable ? ,/ A. We must always offer thorn with an hiimble and ooiitritt? heart, "with fervour and persevcrmnco, with con- fidenco in God's goodness, with resignation to his will, and in tlie name of JoHus Christ. ,.. Q. What do you t?ay of those who at their prayers think not of Go?■/ «; ^ A. Almighty God, who is the common father 6t atl,^^ Q. What means hallowed be thy name? A. By thig we beg that God's name may be praised and glorified by all his creatures. , i^t/ ■,[.> • Q. What means thy kingdom come 7 A. By this we beg that God may reign in our hearts, ■•'Bl /I .Ay .A ^ ' Imr. ,^i imta Mill mti lifcaarb—ii r;e "< ^>', fi*!.-' I ! n ii ! '.^•■"-^ i'^' 44 by Jiis grace in this life, and that we may reign for ever ■with him in the next. . ,...;;;.. i.;i Q * What means thy will be done ? * - *' " ' ,^A. By this we beg that God would enable iis by his grace to do his will in all things on earth , as the angels and saints do it in heaven. Q. What means give us this day our daily bread ? ,.A. By this we beg for all necessaries for our souls and bodies. ' •s.-ii; 'I •;:<;•: ti Q. What means forgive us our trospaBses, as w6 for- give them who trespass against us ? A. By this we beg that God will forgive us our oflfences as we forgive them who offend us. • Q. Will God forgive us our oflfences, if we do not for- give out enetnie* and-all^hose' who have offended us ? A. No; God will show no mercy to us, unless we forgive from out hearts our enemies and all those who have oflfended ot injured us. (Matt, xviii. 35 ; vi 16.) xu Q. What means lead us not into temptation ? '',' A . By this yrp beg that God would strengthen us against all temptationiSi ; «.j>» | y Q. What means deliver us from evil ? ' A. By this we beg that God would deliver us in body and soul from all evil, particularly that of sin. Q. Who made the Hail Mary ? jjA. The Angel Gabriel and St. Elizabeth made the first part of it, and the Church made the last. (Luke i. 28.) Q. Is it lawful to honor the Virgin Mary? «A. Yes; whereas God himself so much honored her, and the Scripture says all nations shall call her blessed. (Luke i. 48.) Q.-- What honor do we give our blessed Lady?W ||A^We honor her more than all the other saints, b6- cauSe she is the mother of God ; but we never give her divine or supreme honor, which is due to God alone. Q, Why do Catholics so often repeat the Hail Mary and the Holy Mary. ';; A. To honor the mystery of the Incarnation, which that prayer expresses ; and to show their great respect iiiiti IffliF 45 Ireign for ever Ible lis by hig las the anffels ' »;•? ■ bread? I our souls and '8, as w6 for- 8 our oflFences ^e douotfoiw Feuded us ? 8, unless w6 II those vv^ho ; vi 16.) on? len us against r us in body iin. lade the first uke i. 28.) bonored her her bleused! ■'• .f.. ly? '' r saints, b6- ^er give her i alone. Hail Mary ^on, which eat respect ^eud devotion to the mother of God, and their special con- [iidonce in her asRistancc. particularly at the hour of death. • Q. And why do you always «ay the HailHary after the Lord's Pirayer? A. That by her iiiterces8ix)a we mAy more easily obtaia [what we-ftsk for in the Lord's Prayer. i.v;r .iff^T^-MLlf.. ! LESSON XXIV. W oX, ij^,,.p ' On the Sacraments in general and on BapiUnLC' '^^^ :a / Q. By what other means beside prayer can we obtain Ihe grace of God? A,^ JJyithe sacramenta, the mosi powerful of all means. ' 07 "What is a Sacrament? ''^k^A. visible^ that is^ an outward sign or -action, ft^ *t*t^ted by Clirist to give grace. f Q. Avhencae have the sacraments the power of giving grace ? A. From the afrits of Christy which they apply to our fiouls. ,^ iQ. Wb^ are so many ceremonies ^ed in the adminis- tration of the sacraments ? A. To excite devotion and r-ey«rence to thenL, and to signify and e^lairi their effecta. Q. How many sacraments are there ? • '--7-; ; 4A.^Sev(!n.: Baptism,, Confirmation^ Eucharist, Peh'ahbe, Extreme fJnctlon, Holy Orders^ and Majjlmony. (Coun- cil of Trent, Ses. 7, c. i.) ,.!!'.. Q. What i8 Baptism? ^;^^,. ,.„;,,;, .n-,^,!/: ^J^: ,::'. (jA, A sacrament Avhich cteahseii us frora original sih, makes us Christians and children of GtKi,and heirs to the kingdom of heaven. Q. Does baptism also remit ihe actual sins committed before it? 4.. Yes ; and all the punishments due to them^Vr .tlov flu ^ Q. Is baptism necessary to salvation? A- Ye*! ; without it nie cannot enter into the kingdom c/ fjlvd. (John iii, 5 ) fi > :*■ .. I ^ /;■ 46 Q, Who-are appointecf by Christ tO" gfrc baptism? A. The pastors of his Church r but in case «f neces^ iffy liny Ia3rinAn 6t wcmoti can give it, Q. Httw is baptiknu griven ? "^ '. " C'l'' '•'", '• A. By pmrring water on the head of the- |J^rs6n ti> be bft^pt^ikbd; saying at the same time, / baptize thee in t he- name of the Father f gmf efthe S&n^ ttnH of the Holy Qhoet, {Matt, xxriii, 19.) Q. What do wc protnise in bi^tiiiiti ? A. Toreuomice thedt;Til,.with all his works and pomps;. •iil/^ '3 ?»vWk LESSON XXV. On ChnfirmeUioti. . Q. Whaiis conffrmatf on ? 'A. A ^aicnnki^nt, wMcH m^es ns stiottg^ find psrl^t Christians \ '"''' 'f\ l •'.'' '' .••'.'. Q. flow d6<^8 i^e bffin^gire eottfhtniktibli t A. By tl^e fmposition of hands and by prayer , that is,, he hoids ottt hfs h^tids and prays at t^ same time that the Holy Gliost may descend upon those who are to be «6nfirined; and? then» maites: ttke sfgni of the cross, on their #orehei|ds with chrism. (Acts viii. 15,, Vt.y (!}. why does the b1sh6{> glV^ i^e person h^ c^ptiflmirs a stroke, on the cheek ? . . ; " " ' . "' " ' . /.' ; ' ,'"" [' ' A J Tif> pnt them Itt mmdttia^j.'fey eyair fl fi na fionr, they are strengthened to sixflfer,. and, if necessary,, erea to die for CJhrfst. 4. To recefre ccoiftrmatfoa worthily Is it necessary tok Se in the stat^ 6f grace 7 A. Yes ;. and children «f an age to> learn should be in-: stnict^ in the Christian doctrine. Q. What specftir i^pttratfcNn should be made- for eon- itrmation T A. To- make a good conffe88fon,.and by fferrent pnyet" 1o beseech your hearonly Father to send hjs Holjf^ Spirit ©nyou. (Lukejtuia.) ....... .... - V./. no-Ki (i What do fon t)iink of thoiye Who recefre confTrma- tion in the grti|te of mortal sin ? A- They receive m» benefit by it,, but Itecome more ^« ^anw*,. I•^:,^ \ 4*»v> case ef neceg. ■* 't'j, fj W«(? Mtf ■ C _ V / ayer, that hr^ kme time ^at 'ho are to be croca on their l»'9 coJiflmig n *o», they are- 'en, t0. die for necessary' t(> fiouldbein^ ^ ft>r con- ^irt jlrajer ffoiy Spirit • confiiroa- 47 fslnful by adding to iheir former gnilt the horrid crime of sacrilege. :;..;. Q. What graces are received by conftrmation? ' ' ■^• A . Th<; fieven gifts of the Holy Ghost. v V ^ Q flopoat the »even gifts of the Holy Ghost. ''^(\'^[ A- WiscUjjn, imderstarKlin^, oonnjsel, fortitadc^ ToicNr- ledge, piety, And the fear of the Lord. Q. What obligations do we contract by coniirmation T ' A. T« profeM our faith openly, not to -deny our reli- gion on any occasion whatsoerer, itnd, like igood soldiert of Chrii^^ i9 le/aitjy^l 1o him unt^ death. A. Yes; e«pecially in these erSl days ^ when foith and morals jtre ek^osed to«o many and snch viotent tempia^ Oa the Bletsed EKckarist, r^^.^f a ia»n. i^ ' ' ' • -4-...i.»»iiU j;iiiT .i. 4Q. What u(t)]^ble«fted Eucharist? , ;^ 4.' A. 'fhu ltM;>dy And blooci, Mial aiid •dlv^inity of jetns Chiist, under the Apptaranccs of brewl and wine. . read and whae^ %vhich still remain aftttr the bread and wine are changed into the body 4ind blood of Christ. •Q. Are 4»oth th*i bt>dy and blood of Clirist under the appearance ot bread anrl undi;r the appearance o^ wiiief A. Yes^ Clirlst Is whole and entire^ >r«tf God Aikd true man^ tinder the appearance of each. Q. Are we to believe that the God of all glory isnndor the appea'tance of onr corporal food? ' A. Tcs, as we must ala© befierc that the sanie God d iM glory «uffered. >•< .. P 48 I Q. How cnu the bread and wine hecoxae the body and l)lood of Christ ? A. By the goodness and power of God , with whom no> word »hall he impossible. (Luke i. 37.) Q. Are we asHurcd that Christ changed bread an^ wine i4to> his body and blood 7 A Yes ; by the very words which Christ himself said when hti instituted the blessed Eucharist at his last supper. Q. Which are the wordr Christ said when he instituted the Uesaed Eucharist? A. This is my Body i this w my Blood. (Malt. xxvi. 26,28.) uta''> v '•u-).; or .fii iiwrn iiir r ^. Did Christ give iH>wer to the prfestg oC h&s. Church iO' change bread and wine mto< hia body and bloiod ? A. Yes ; when he said to his apostles at his- last sup^r : Do' this /or a eommemotaiion o/rne^ (X;< . ylt% \jj|^ |-^^ ■ i). rt i m. :•♦"'« .^^y ■*?/♦ >m* the body atni ^,wUh whom no> i hvcad and wine rist himgelf sf^id ithi«lu8t«upper. »en he instituted i (MaH. javi. ad blood?' ...,f, his last supper: xii. 19.) of his Church sandallnatfona > offer to their RkkI ttt^ ttourish ! ■ ■ f igionjTv-hemby- ^ ovel" m, and '•■i i . L 'Chrfst^whfch of bread and for thii living toftho: cross? e offered h im- fon the cross ^ anner, by th» 49 Q. Was the MasH offered in the Old Law ? A. No; so great ft saciifice was re8(.'rvc*;ijaii-i Q. What are the ends for which l^asa is said? .*** * A. To give God honor and glory, to thank him for his benefits y to obtain the pardon of our sins ^ and all other graces and blessings, through Jesus Christ. ^viL^HTUsu ^ i|i Q. For what other end is Mass offered ? A. To continue and represent the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. This do^ says Christ,/or a commemoratiou of me, (I Cor. XI. 2o ) ,,jj vjj'jy ijtaiKf'j Q. How, should we assist at Mass ? * . * . . A. Witli great interior recollection and piety,, and with every murk of outward respect and devotion. Q. Whi( h is, the best manner of healing Mass ? A. To ulfer it to God with the Priest for tUe same pur- poses for wlii( h it is said, to meditate on Christ's suffer- ings, and to go to communion. ,^ ^,v:^v>< ,..>i . . i . /, -U 'T LESSON XXVII. '^ On Communion and Penance. 0\ V'vyrl'.V^4*Hv\i ,♦.1 .1' «it Q, What do you mean by going to communion?., A. Receiving the blessed Eucharist. .•' Q.. Is it advisable to go often to communion? A. It is , as nothing can conduce more to a holy Hfe? JJe thai eateth this bread ^ says Christ, shall live Jot ever, (John vr. 59.) ' Q. How must we be prepared for communion? A. We must banquet of his love. Q. And iiow are we to ^e inflamed with an ardent charity? ''* ^^'"'*'^^f'^'^*''^'' ^'' ' ^ ' -'si'i:^: - ■ r . * A. By returning love for love to Christ, and by devot- ing ourselves in earnest to his service all the days of our lives. Q. Is anything else required before communion ? A . Yes ; to be fasting from midnight ; and we should appear very modest and humble, and clean in dress ; showing in our whole exterior the greatest deyotion and rijverence to so holy a sacramtmt. '^ '■ '^ '' Q. What should we do after communion t A. We hould spend .some time in meditation and prayer, ana particularly in acts of thanksgiving. Q. Is it a great sin to receive unworthily? K <' ,.> A. Yes; Whoioever receives unwaxhily shall im guHiy ej the body and blood of the Lori^ an J eats judgment^ that is damnation to himself f not iiseerning the boiif «f the Lord. (i Cor. xi. 27, 29 ) Q. What do you mean by receiving nnworthily ? A. To receive the blessed Eucharist in the state of mortal sin? Q. What should a person do if he be in mortal sin before communion? A. He mtist obtain pardon in the sacrament of penance. i;.vy '.'^iolV :.;■.: ■:' ::r ;•. /^ On Cot\fea$ion:*ttid Indulgences^ -tv Im; f Q. What is the hest method to prepare for a good con- le'ssion 7 A, First, earnestly to beg of God the grace to make a good confession. Secondly , to exainino ourseiveK carefully in the commandments ot Qod and of his Church, on tho seven deadly sins, and particularly on our predominant passion, and the duties of oui: station in life ; that we may know in what mklhow often we have sinned, l>y thought^ word, deed, or omission. Thirdly , to make acts of faith , hope, aiid charity. And' fourthly, to excite ourselves to^ a sincere contrition for our sins - . . „> . „/ vy \' Q. What fo contrition? A.. A hearty sorrow and detestation of sin, for having offended God. with a firm resolution of sinning n» more. Q- How may we excite ourselves to contrition ? A» hy the ibllowing motives or coitsiderations r the fear of hell, the loss of heaven, our ingratitude in oflfendir.^ God, who is good to uB^and the Injury our sins, do toGod^ who i» infinitely good in himself. Q. Do you recommend any other motive to excite sorrow for our gins? A. Yes ; to consider that tho son of God died for our sins^ and that we crucify him again a& often as wo offend him. il / I I m '^WW Q. Which of theJBe ttotives is the best to excite contri- tion? ■ '"" -v^ '■■'■;• ' A. To be sorry for our sins, because they >re Offensive to God , who 'i6 infinitely good and perfect in himself. Q What must we do at confession? ' "^*;-l 'f- A. We must begth« priest's blessing, say the Cbnfiteor, accuse ourselves of our sins, Usten attentively to hiff In- rttractiohs, and renew our sorrow wh«n he gives absolutfon. Q. What do you think of those who conceal a ioiortal' sfn in confession^''''''! ^'^'^"^ ;*^;'^ '*'■' ^^''f '--^^ •^' , A. They commit a most grievous sin by tetling a.tteio the Holy Ghost; and, instead of obtaining pardon, they incur much more th*» wrath of G,od- (Acts v.) Q. What must persons do who did not carefully examine their conscience , or who had not sincere sorrow for their «ins, or who wilfully ccaceajed^i mortal sin in iionfessio^? A, They must truly repent of all such' bad an(ji Sjocri-. legions coi^fession, and make them all pvera^aiu ./i "f ' ' Q. What is the surest sign that our confessions' were good, and that we had sincere sortow for pur sins 1 A The amendment of our Uvea. '* "* Q. What should we do after confession ? ' * 7; '•'■*'' ;^ A. We should return God thanks, and rfiiigCTitty per- form ibe penance enjoined by the confessor Q. What do you mean by tbie penance enioined by the confessor t"'^ iv.^zo U ,v!' = ";;'<'J i-'^ v;*-w i; . w.u; , i-j., A, The prayers and otheip good'wbrks wnlcli lie ehjbihrf on penitents, in satisfaction of theit sihs. Q. Will the penanc^;.i . i;> A- No J but whatever else fa wanting tiiay be supplied by indulgences and by our own penetentlal endeavours Q. What does the Church teach concerning indulgences? A. That Christ gave power to the Church to grant in- dulgences; and that they are most useful to Christian people. (Council Trent, ses. 25 ) Q. What is the use of an indulgence ? ''''". ' ^^' '* ' A . it releases from canonical penances enjdfned by the Church on penitents for curtain sins. 2 \ t*^ f 53 y e ir re Oil J? 01 e Q Has an indulgence any^dther effect? A It also remitii the temporary punisbment with which God often visits our sins, and which must be sutfered in this life or iq the next, unleis* cancelled by indulgences, or by acts of penance, or other good Works. ' . ' Q. ttas the Chnrch the power to grant such indulgenni* Q. Is an Indulgence a pardoti for sfns 16 come, or a licehse to commit sin? A. Noj nor can it remit past sins; for sin must be remitted By penance, as to the gnilt of it, and as to the eternal punishment due to mortal sin, before an indul- gence can be gained. Q. Why does the Church grant indulgences ? \y^^ **^ A. To assist our. weaknesses, and to supply 6ur, in- sufficiency in satisfying the Divine Justice for ou^ trans- gressions. Q. When the Chtirch' grahtid indulgences, what does it offer, God to supply our weaknesses and insuflficieni^y, and in satisfaction for our iiins? ' A. The merits of Christ, which are infinite and super- abundant^ together with the virtues and good works of his Virgin Mother and of all his saints. ; ' ' " * ^• Q. What conditions are gefnierally liecfe^sary'tb gain indulgences? A. A good confession and communion, and a faithful compliar.ee with the other good works which the Chui^ch requires on such occasions. Q What are the othc^r good works which the Chutch usually prescribes in order to gain indulgences? A. Prayer,fasting, and alms-deeds, which good works be- sides confession and communion , Indulgences promote, arid on this account also, they are most useful to Christian people. :i:' I i JU Pt mxrii ii H ii mm ih\ 54 LESSON XXIX. a/er8ons in danger of death. A. No, only tosuch/as arc in dangler of death by sickiness. , .>t*!V^ ^'.. Q. How should we prepare ourselves for extreme unction? , A- By ago^ coQ{e86i9n, and we should he truly sorry for our sins, and resigned to the will of Qody.when we are recivmg the last saccament. Q Who are appointed to administer the sacrament of extreme unction ? A. The priest h of the Churchy as St. James teaches; and so the Chtirch has constantly practised. (James v. 14, 15 ) Q What is iioly orders? A. A sacrament which gives hishops, priests, and inferior clergy to the church . and enables them to perform their sev<^ral duties in it. (Phil. i. 1.) (^ Q What is matrimony ? A. A sacrament which gives grace to the husband and wife to live happy together, and to bring up tlieir children In the fear and love of Qod. (Matt, xix 6.) Q. Do they receive the grace of the sacrament of matrimony who contract marriage in the state of mortal 8in? ;:,,„,^ A. No: they Rrc guilty of a very great sacrilege, by profaning so great a sacrament ; and instead of a bless- ing, they receive tlieir condemnation (Eph. v 32.) Q. What ^lonld |)eisonA do to receive worthily the sacrament of marriage ? A. They should make a good confession, and earnestly beseech God to grant them a pure intention, and to direct them in the choice they arc to make. .;...,. te ar th h4 w tl o n -V u I 3i^^'m^^:imm9.-m^i^0^ >^^^^«^^#y 55 \ .tr" ; and ength Q. 8bould children congitlt their parents on their in- tended marriages? A. Yes ; and be advised by them according to reason and religiim. They should also give timely notices to .their pastors. iwija.! Q What is the reason so many marriages prove un- happy? . A Because many ont^r int« that holy state from nn< worthy-motives, and with guilty consciences ; therefore 'tiieir mi(rriage» are not blessed by God. ' '' " '•■■ ■ > ' ' Q. Can the bond or tie of marriage be evet" broken? A. It never can. but by the death of the husband or wife. (Matt. xix. ; Rom. vii ; 1 Gor. vii.) Q. Can the sacraments be received more than once ? A. All can, except baptism, conAimation . and holy orders ; which imprint on the soul a character or .8i>iritual mark which never can bi» effaced. .ax^'^«\ ^--^ Q. Which sacraments are most necessary fbr us 7 ^^ A . Baptism and penance. Q. Why did Christ institute the sacraments? ■'■'". A. For the sanctifieation of our souls, and to prepare us for a happy and glorious resurrection . ■ •.. ^!'i AJf ,.' I li /. * • V -.7 it "Q. What meftn« the resurrection of the body? A. That we shall all rise again on the last day, with the same bodies which we had in this life. ..,.1 . v Q. What do you mean by the last day? ' ' ' A. The day of general judgment: when we must all appear be/hre tke judgment seat of Christ ; and then he will render to every one aceording to his works, (2 Cor. v. 10; Matt. xvi. 27.) Q. Will our bodies rise united to our souls? '^"! *i A. Yes ; to share in the soul's eternal bliss or misery. Q. Hfow are the bodies of the saints to rise ? A. Glorious and immorttil. «' • '■'<• LESSON XXX. -I ijtjv^J:*.! ly. On the General Judgment. •i(M r,t vfiir. t<. ''ff-^C ^j .■??j . I iQ. Aie .tl»«' Uxlit^s of tli« daiuii<^(t to rise ^loriowH? A. No; but tb«^y simll liwo immoitHl, to live lor ovt'.r iu eternal flatnoH ' i »,,Q In wliat inaiiner will Christ como to jndgo iis? A /n //*'? c/ouh of heaven^ with great power und majethff an J uH the nngelevfUh him. (Matt xxiv. 30i; xxv. 31 .) y As every one is juUgwi iminediHtcly aft«!r death, what utMKi is there of a (^nerftl jmigraeiH? A. That the providence of (^JotJ, whiioh often here |h5iv niits the good to sutfcr, and th4 wicked to, prot^per, tnfty appear just t*eforo all men. ;i. > v' ,v>Q What will Christ say ta th<$ good on the last day? A. Comt ye blessed y w// F'lthrr ^j^to^e^ it\g .HHjffion* prfr pared Jor yofi (Msiti. xjjv. 34) ^if%-.ttt£,Ty^-A '»H> r-' ■ . 7I Q. Wluit will Christ say to the wicked on the l^t day ? A. J/epurt Jrom w<, ye cursed^ tnto everiuating fire ^ which was prepared jor the devil and his attjffels. (Matt |XXV , 41..). Q Wliere.miuit the wicked go at the last day? .; t^v A. They shall ffo, both body and soul, »«'o everlasting punishment. (Matt xxv. 46>> . ,, .g Q And where will the .just go at the last day ? < ' A The .yu.?/ will tauter with glorious and irpmprtal bodies into life everlasting. (Matt. xxv. 46.) r , , "; Q. What means life everlasting? A. It means, that if we servo God faithfully in this life, we shall W: happy With him for ev«r in heaven. y What is the ha[)pine8« of heaven ? A To see, love, dwl enjoy God in the kingdom of his glory, for eviu and ever. Amen Vi What means amen ^num. t^iii A. bo be it . fnii >.'...,* ii-l, ^'j iUvmh it't^ oi> u%iVtf \} Wx, '■, '■ ••••■ ' - ' ■; •■-. •;.> .^ ;■ ,A Wj.,. «. Tape MAN^KU Of SBRVINO A PRIEST AT MASS. ... , ■ ^'P.' In nomine Patris^ ti Filii. et SpiHtua Sancti -r-Amen, P. Introibo at tltare Dei. .'»,/ n C Ad Douni ciui lietilicat juventutem meam Y '_ P. Judica me Deua, ct discerne causam meam de gento non sauc'ta, sil» hoinin.; inique et doloso erue me i,> ^. d ' i „¥'."■■ :>-'?^*?;0^^iV 57 [ath, [tnay ? a C, Quia tu or Deus, fortitudo mea, quare me repulisti? Etquaic tiistitj intedo duni aflfligit me inimicuR? P. Gmitto liicem ttiam ct veritatem tuam ; ipsa me deduxer(iut<:ta(Uli|xerunt in montem Haactum tuuo^.etin tabernaciila tua C. Et ihtroilio ad altare Dei, ad Detim qm Icetificat juveututein meam. P, Confitetortibi In dthara De«8, DeuB meus; qaare tristin us anima moa, et qiiare couttirbas me? » 0. -Spera in Di o, qiioniam adhuc confitebor iUi, salu- taro vnltus mei vti Deus meuH. P. Gloria ['atri,»jt Pilio.etSpiritnSancto. *f C Sicut orat in principio, et nunc et semper, et in 8«ecula weciilorum Am«n. -> P. Introibo ad aitare Dei. C Ad Demn. qui Irtrtiticat juventutem racum. P. Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini. 'R«H»-»1 ('. Qiii ft-cif rcttluni et terram. -;;.;;;.. ; ;*H ;? P. Confiteor Deo, Ao '-; < (y. Miseteatuv tui omnipotent Dous, et dimissis pec- rati« (uis perdmjvt te at vitam teternam. P. Amen. (/'. Confttoor Dto oniiiipoteuiij beatw Mofiac senipor Virgini. beato Michaeli Archangoio, r»eato JfKiiini Bap- ti«ta', Sanctis Aposlolis Potrg et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis <>t tibi i'utrr, quia ptjccavi nimisy eogitatioue, verbo et opcre, mea culpa, mea cul^a, mea maxima cul[>a. Jdco piecor beatam Maiiauisoiupoi V^irgimmitbeatum Michael- em Atchaug«')uni, bcatum Joannem Baptistam, sanctos apoKtolos i'etruui et Paulum, tunnes sanctos, et te Patfer, orare pro me ad Pomitjum Deum nostrum , P. Misoaeatur vestri, &c. 0. Amen. lnn^^ ./i i Et plebstua lajtabltur in te. " *G i*. Ostendo nobis Domine uiisericoitliam tuam. ! J C. Et saiutarc tuimi da nobis. »*l Domine, exaudlomtionem nifam. ' » #«nHm rW Et clamor meus ad tc veuiat. '•* ^tw^H oMV ■> Dominus vobiscuni. ; rf tnttj-*k/ifqf' )l '4 P. P. O, P. p. •J ^/ ,. .'.f*J..^ ( . / „. 'S'-\ % .- v^^f,^--^M*''^^H^r*ir>'^v- '■<<»« (^ V C Ki rum Rpirttii ttio butrJMl , IV Kyrtw wkriHon. O P. Kyri« f>lei«<>n (J I*. Chfi6t6 elolfioh C. P. Kyrie f tuition; C I*. Kyrie eleiboii. P Dominns ▼otiiHrnm, or ftectamm ifcnua (J. Ktnim spiiitti tuo, <^/' k5v*te P l*y^ooin:a stccnla HtrcfiUwum . At. the eni cfiLe Epistle, say, ihio fp-atiiM. P. Seqnoiiift M^itti Evau^tilii. &r i sh- O Olorta tihi Domino. .'if th/; end ot the Gospel ^ Hay. l-aos tilii Chrifiio T^i ui« vobiiioum . i, Kyrie defwon Christe eleison Chi'iste eleiRon Kyrie fl«iHori O. Amen l \ i-A i;ttiLii ftpivttn tuo. ■- P. Orate, Fratr«« C Snscipiat Dominns iRUfCriActinn rlo manihus tnls; ad laudeAi et gloriam nominiK Rui . ad atilitaten. quo(|UH UoRtivm , totitisquH ouicKiTc. Bucr Ranctad. P. Vor Omnia 8aH-uH saeculorttm. - Amen DomihuJK voliiscnn^ - ,.. ^ . - Et cttMi fipiritn tuo. i-.ilnK Kiir«um (orda. i l -xA-yX -Wa HabemiM ad Dominnm P O o. p. c p. p. irj. rratias agamiis Domfno Deo nostror it •. i" r«r Diguum et pistum est. Per omnia Hseruta 8HecuIorum . Gt ne noo indacas ia tenl^ationem. C Bed libera nos a ntalo. ^ P. Pocctoinia BK'Cuia Rfeculomm. * P»x Domini Rit »emper ToVnscum, »' rj k? C Aluen. f 'i: ti C. Amen. P C. P. p. P. o. p liibi-' Dominus vobisoum. n'^irfa. i;! iff) Et onm Rpiritu tno, >:.;,' p» ,.; Per omnia Biipctila ewcukwum, Ite m's«a est. or ^ euedicamus DOmino. Deo gratias. K'iqniescant in pace ':•? C AmeiL O. Amen. W^^' 59 ion Ion U |«n '■■"■r^ ad ; , u« i 1 in 1 \ I -^. ?-, i v« ' ' n. I Pro fHMihus Defunetis, P De profandis clamari ad io ; Domiafe, Douiine, vx- audi vocem meani. O. Fiant aiii«B tiue iateiidenteFi in vocem di>pr«c«ti(»ni)i men;. P. Si Iniqifltates obseva^'eris, Domine, Domini, qmih 8ii8tinebit? C. QuiaafHid te propitiatio est; et propter legem tuam suotinui te Domiue. P. Suntinuit aoima m« in verbo ejus; gperavii anima me& in Domino C A ciuttedia matutina usque ad nociem, 8pt>ret Ii^rael in DorotBO. P. Qiiiaapud Dominuia xnisericordia, et copioea apud eum Redttmptio. Et ipso redimet Israel ex omnibum iniquitatibus ejus. P. R'jqiiiem wteriiam dona els Domine. . v 0. Et lux perpeiua luceat eis P. A porta inferi. CV Ecii« Domine animas coram. P. Reqaiijscant in pace. P. Domiixe exaudi orationem moam. C. Et (^moT mcu8 art te veuiat. P. Dominus vubiscinn. C Et cum gpiritu 8an<;to. - PKAVEH TO OUR ANORL-OL'AROIAN . ■I s. C. Amen. O Angel of God to whose h(»ly care I am committed, enlighten and direct me, dofeml and govern me thiH day^ and during my whole life. Amen. ^ THR LITA.N'\; Of THE BLBHSED YIROIN'. Af.them. 4 •A Hub tuum prse^idium cou- We fly to thy patronage, fngimus, 8anvta Dei geni- holy Mother of God! de- trix, nofitnis di^piocationes spise not our petitions in our ■fMainwiini <*«. i»» I A: :*:-. V )' i h- k ^1! 60 IS f» a o S* 114! dcBpicias in nooe^sitati- biiK nostiis, tied a pciiculiu cunctifl lilfera noK, KeiniH;r Virgo gloriosa t^t l>eneflicta. Kyrio t^leison . Christe rlt>uKm. KyrieHeiHon ChiiKiti audi hob Chritte txauit no». Pater d« ccelis Dcus. Fill, K^emptor mutidi, DeuH. Hpiritufl Kanot^ D«ii«. SaDcta Trinitas, iiuuh Dens, 8ancta Maria, Sancta Dei genitrix, Kancta Virgo virginum.; • Mater Ohristi, Mater diviiuj* fi^raticni, Mater purissima, Mater castisRima, Matsr inviolata, Mater intemeiata^ Mater amaljiliH, Mater adnirabilis. Mater Oreatoris, Mater Salvatoris, Viijjfo pnidentissima, Virgo veiieranda, Virgo pnpdicanda, Vifgo poteiis, VirjiTO Clemens, Virgo fidelis, Speculum jutitinp. Sedes Sapientia?, Causa nostra^ iHptitim, Vas Spirituale, Vas honorabile, Vas insigue devotionis, nocefibities, Imt deliver us flora all dungeru, O ever glorious and BleBseii Virgin ! Mf 'Hi .thi.,1' 3 •?y:A. ;!'.) Lord, have miRrcy on as > Christ, have mercy on ns. Lord, have mercy 6U us. Christ, hear us. ^ Christy graciously hear un. ^ God the F«thef of lieaven, 3 Qod.the Son, Redeem ct 2 of the world, God tho Holy Ghost, Holy Trinity, one God, Holy Mary, Holy Mother of Got!, Holy Virgin of virgins, Mother of Christ, Mother of divine grace. Mother most pure, Mother most chaste, • t Mother inviolate, ..j '; Mother undetVled, ' Mother most amiable, JMother most admirable, "^ Mother of our Creator, .2 Mother of our Redeemer,'^ Virgin most prudent, ^ Virgin most venemble, S Virgin most renowned, Virgin most powerful. A'^irgin most merciful, ■ * '' Virgin most faithful, Mirror of Justice, Seat of wisdom, Cause of our joy, Spiritual vessel, :i • ' Vessel of honor. Vessel of singular devotion, It J 1 I 1 J i I ] 4- ■/ ■^■W^^im^^^^^^- %,^^, A F'r IIS IrKin! 18 ' ier;i o I. 5. I e. i .ft A 61 ft a Rosa myfftica, TuiTiH Davidica, Turris eburnea, , I)omuH aurea, Foederis area, Janiiacoeli, Htella matiitlna, 8alii6 infirmoniin, Kefupriura poccatomm, Cou^olatrix ai)li( tonim, Auxilium Christianorum, |. Begina angelornni, S* Kegina patriarchArniu , Begina prophetarum , Bogina apostolorum, Begi na in ai t yru m , Begina confessorum , , Begina virginum, ;--7 Begiiia Sauntorum omhiimi , Begina nine labe originali concepta, ' Agnus Dei , qui tollis pec- cata mundi| parce nobis ^ Doinine. Agnus Dei, qui tollispec- cata mundi, exauii nos 2>o- mine. Agnus Dei , qui tollis pec- cata mundi, muerere nobis. V. Ora pro nobis, sancta DeiGenitrix. R. Ut Digui efficiamur promissionibus Christf. Mystical rose, Tower of David, Tower of ivory, House of gold, , ^. Ark of the covenant," ^ '■ Gate of heaven. Morning star, n&n Health of the weak, *fe Befuge of sinn^^rs, ^ Comforter of the afflicted, ^^ Help of Christians, ^ Queen of angels^ S Queen of jmtriarchs, Queen of prophets, , jvyv/i« Queen of apostles, Queen of mart3'r8, Queen of confessors, Queen of virgins, Queen of all saints, Queen conceived without original sin, Lamb of God, who takost away the sins of the worbl, Spare us, Lord. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Graciously hear wa, Lord. Lamb of God, wlio takest away the sins of the world. Have mercy on us. V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of Goti K. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ, im yrir ii. tt;fW : pray. ^'/^'^f Pour forth, we boseech thee, O Lord, thy grace into our hearts^ that we, to whom the incarnation of Christ, \,ttu:;i;i; 1 * Jjei us ■W- W'.]:!'^- %,'■■: -'/-V: v^^.^ ...,^- %^:^^:'^>M^t m m ■y€ 'l-« ?i, m m^' ¥ hi' ,. .f 62 thy Son, was made knawn by the message of an angel, may by hiii passion and cross be brought to the gtory o| His resurrection; throutgh the same Christ our Lord. Amen. '2r''fvn TOP SAIiVI BBOINA. Hail I holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our ttfe,onr sweet- ness, and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished sons of Eve ; to thee do we send up niir sighs, mounting and weeping in this i-aliey of tears. Turn, then, most gracious adrooate, thine oyes of mercy towards us; aa4 after this our exile, show uutu uk the blessed fruit of thf womb, Jesus. O most clement! most pious I «nd inoin; sweet Virgin Mary I MBSfOBARK. .1 ' (7%^ Prayer of St. Bernard.) ' Remember, O most pious Virgin Mary 1 that it is ^ thing unheard of, that thou ever forsakest those wlio hav« recourse to thee. Encouraged with this hope.Aod cpnti- dence, I cast myself at thy nacred feet, humbly deploring my sins, and beseeching thee to adopt me for thy child, and to take upon thee the care of my eternal salvation. Do not, Mother of the Word Incarnate, reject my pe- tition, but graciously hear and grant it. Amen. ' \ PBAYBR TO OUR PATROX SAINT. '^" O happy Saint whose name I bear! pray for me, that I may serve God faithfully in this life as thou hast done, and thereby merit to be united w^h thee \n .pcaising and glorifying him eternally in heaven. Am fin. , .^. hail! uary my motbkr.* 1 With all thy affections, My soul ipraise thy Mother, Sweet Mary, thy Mother, And Jesus, her child. *Tranilated from the Italian of St. Alphonsut Liguori. Hail, Mary, my Mother, My sweet Mother Mary, Hail, Mary, my Mother, And Jesus, heir child. I ;,u \' »>^-* •\,^ ?iP^lP|lWlf^'^W^^?^«*.'«J^«:n-^— 1 . «^M»#-«JB-«««»-MM*>^»« 63 rei, of )rd. iom: 2 Tbou pureKt of Tirgins^ < No stain or impreMion Of Adam's trs^ogression Thy soul hath dbfiled. Haily Mary, etc. 3 Tell Jesus thi>^ sliineny Thy children here bless thee, While bright angels praise thee, TheH^Queen , fair and mild. Hail, Mapr, etc. Far off I salute thee^ All virgins excelling ; The infant 6od'H dwell- ing Is thy womb undeilled. Hail, Mary, etc. 5 O Refuge of SinnerK, Star of life's ocean, tn deepest derotion I'll praise thee, most n^ld, ^ Hatly Mary, etc. '^.'t / ^AfLl QUCCM or BKAVKir. 1 Hail, Queen of Heaven,, the Ocean Star, . Guide of the wand'rer here below I Thrown on life'^s surge we claim thy care^ Save us from peril and from woe. Mother of Christ, Star of the Sea,. Pray for the wand*rer, pray for me. y 2 O gentle, chast, and spotless Maid, We sinncjrs make our prayers through thee, Remind thy Soni, that he has paid ■ wfxt The price of our iniquity. Vii-gin most pure, Star of the Sea, '{ Pray for the sinner, pray for mo. >^r y\^ur' 3 Sojourners in thiff vale of tears, To thee, blest advocate we cry ; Pity our sorrow*!, cadm our fears. And soothe with liope our misery. Refuge in grief, Star of the Sea, Pray for the moui'uer , pray for me. ML wissi. 'v.^ ■Jts" ,V '^ s f i <»««piMi(|piiiii l u.jmi ip i i 64 .-^■'- Do thou, bright Qaeen, Star of the Sea, -■"^^t Pray for thy children, pray for me, ^?ri!;*f«ii8V- — — •:■!!! ayiCi.ii. y.ri j^,l Daily, daily smg to Mary, ,* -'i iji Sing my soul, her praiseR due ; -^i^ jvy.,uQMitri:' All her feasts, her acnons worship j;}tj_j, '^ With the heart's devotion Iriie. Lo8t in wond'ring contemplation, t Be her majesty confest ; Call her Mother,. call her Virgin, Happy Mother, Virgin blest. 2 She is mighty to deliver; '^^^ ^ a- nt> Jii li i Call her. trust her lovingly ; ' *' ''^ -'*' ' ' ' When the tempest lagcs round Ihe^/ She will calni the troubled sea ; Gifts of Heaven she has given. Noble Lady! to our race — She, the Queen, who decks her subjects With the light' of God's own grace. 3 Sing, my tongue, the Virgin's trophies/ Who for us her Maker bore; For the curse of old inflicted, »"■ :< ." • / . • •: f THE IND. r \ / ^ i t r \ ■kh^fnt'WHim^-^o'^^ t ./-.tf- '• ^ \- A / > & CO. Bfos. 166 to 172 Barringtou Street, HALIFAX, N. S. Manufacturers of fsirac u AND GONGS, PAXENT SCHOOL INK WELLS. Churches iu City or Couutry Fittctl with Stoam Heatiug or Hot Water Warmiiiff Apparatus, FURNACES, Etc. Also, with the IMPKOVED SOLAB GAS GEJfERATOR, being the best apparatus for making Gas from Gasoline now in use. . _ Correspondence on subjects connected with our business invited, and all enquiries promptly answered. 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