v^^ ♦' ^ \ \ o.> .^XV^ \ / f> pmprpirM >- 6 r t» p a g e q i T t e ^ df»«i tau* dM f 6(1 esl tr seu! (;lich(? aut er ' ri ( f f J N> 'K'hififtt, exHli'i"- to /•'/ Cc'Jltt^yi ij /'it-'W oft!- n^tr:tncr'. Dur.f:,- r/ •'■ ' '■•■••^' - '£.4-/A-;;9 jAMi:S SULLIVAN. O.ir-. mr cj ff'.- ]*iJ State. Cff- - ' jr,/i- MV iirv «in. ,_ ,,,, ,,.,,...1... ;.:,.:...:-lirV un^ I t ,tr, a Scivaor r; Coh-hns \". h . i.fii (.. II,-; ■ ^1" , 1 >'^ .-. . ui whtcit Jsn^icr* 111- ('.(•-.. I, (|,r flf'ur.l |3uriMitm««>i .i.nirtncc utir i ka ' ^'ii'.(r'' Til' so pr PMimi hnr! sfv liitic I 5.V t>. • Hi I I r,|.-,f |jrV'»'lull llO< ft 'Xllt . i..: I.;:.'!' ■"■■ 1'' I','*'*'* MJmbffr* of , I.Kt !ii>,. I I -tiU"!. and |>r-nurc•.• XriUOf. ' — • , '.. i.c- Ucn ,;in.-t,u'./. Or i» Rrcal ^^.i 'rnl ,U.n- r- ", uvk^'UMUd rtunmcnnl incn.uciit' iir;)ijnai"K' I.) fail. Imv i!.*;,ii-.ibk' v.oi it !■. ? :ive (i.it . ., •/;<•.;//> J. daivd ami p.it/.nl.cJ ' Tiu* would '.-iM.' tiridiued .1 v>.|iint:irv enlUa^^n, and incvenltJ c;ir-f LU-.idci, tl.e dRPKCi-b clearly dr • ••,,,.,; . i, '!;- fitdan; mind would »v>l I iti af^marv Icais, llie tr'K' iliat coiiiidtT;i!)lc tuin.Oerjj of vessels m X.\\k:\\- f.iUj'. «••'■ li'ii. ti.' prc'sciii sii'i;i:la''cc:' > Iv. n its iiio-^l iiUf.Tcs'.injf C'n\c<:'- V I'l-citf i;iiivf.>'i' ulj"' I'^Ttcd ill «>.i p'"'-'-*' *'"' '" •.,t. li.i •, -k L- , fr- in •■■f. 'l'■•■•■ ..illUl; spprL'llC.;-. • lai Itlli.'- ■- ■r.>-" (' 'lif jfxPi vt'.ivc rcw ^ .ai\c dcb-C''*^ SllS- Y :tc pi' parat'o' s. v 'll\': i)r..cf to di-t,i' ' J - 1 .11 «;ui.'m\ III J . Hbs".-d, as tot*.' 'I III i\>. )4-.l ilit-k-tiU . lll'.'tT t'l V ( i-'iM: Ml' ,>.\liin t" iraiion tii-' H"- jU u k , ■iion'le'! ' IlL' iTV Jl'.'. .11»il«* .( rib a ) , a d<;- i , ,u d •it .; ....r h: Hi UllC'.V Ui'*!. 1 liind on Mir t.i. t'l k' liC il !■ \ • ■■< iiif ») nipat /',;fjn " Especia S'.iU's. \>Jiich 111 U:\UrL Slutcs w siicdl piaptTUO! tact, tl.c CiiUiWi ar,» ptrU'iidcd. ch.tnt i' 'IfV l^'' in.piivy :il»ut W til- ClicsapoiK' c'lmiilainl I C! tliev lii.c tiiktti 1 h.iv: had m in thit time, ' Lcing taken 1 ii«kcn out b/ ! inquiry ct all in tliis vicir.K phiints againl Cjin gentle c'vi;n comrr.ci even vv-illing wT-e) —can \V. our f-Tntn he ttjc/T'. : Can men, »K.'», v)neg' he tioes not 'he pr ; tii^ 11 10 tak< r.jr.t \;cf[Ai^\ ingeiher ! — En^l.ir.d an( ale II be lurh ; to prevent by imprels, beggary ? 1 tlcrciuling commerce, ' und;.r ihe re iOi vinvernr p:i I il Jc^rc t ' •!■ Iill < ^'fl V ■,. \V the r.rililli '■ 2l.'be ; wm! .- lorii.-s f"'t Af i Icr nil - :e ihe irc'iiii iihli. I.r.iid.l' I'lL-ak r.-..;CiV IT. j: thi- nvsn* of wM-, i Why r \\\m • :" J'e I \vl-.e;i ihty i M. •ij- 1 the re:i!bn! i ihj: Eir.br a. .1- cr» iiw r A •&• \ l.itU- hen of If wr.i , lie ftrii uiaii"ii n (TOuUi ilt.Tnnn- ■if'.<^r) — i.;n(Ji"}J. \i: dad p\rruJ avlv ilr- u!J ivil us, l!ie vfseeU ' . SllS- urse . ticic.c* :t. bcf ..K.jU. ....(».* g-f»». J t.' k.r.uf when 1 fay,t!.-ii Sf.i'fi, huv* l,ai.;.cn« Ucr.- to b- »uth |,.(i^c i,f publick m.n and Ol pub.:tK «» ' • rx'.rcji.f Hjit.paih) fur AiiuM.r.n <«'iirrcr. at fr.7.6. ^^^ ,„j ^|,_,j Lnowlcdg:. .inj vMlli folcn-.m;/, I c ir.n.r-v t ■ J U.. ., ,-;f:>n " Espct-allv i.i K'^ndc'ncu K>m 'lie i .'.nor . . ,^ ,^ ,,, ij,^t i h.ivc n;; c^nhiercc in f!i p on thefca ..pj S.\ilc». N^li.ch huvtt .V) wci.ntn, <■• tiom t.,o«c At ^. Horn or corr-^iuf. • f 0'>'ll<' ^ca- w.i» intcnil.-d the s.inll uii)|)..ri.oM to lli..ie of N-v^ f>>>d* iJ tu»l 0,c Ciiu-M-'B of tm.pltint are ;nuc)i w^<'-r tJian ar,. 'pirlLMidcd. Thty ordy (-ca:r in tl.c «»:.tis vklv.sc .'arncn arc ^\\uH\ native* Tlie ftrat ir.fr clKtnt t'. lU' U'tiicd Sutfk, in jrav^m p n>y late miMirv uU.iil ilrit».li impressmcits. njjs, « Siurt- tt,- Cliesupoakc ;ilbif wc have had -« -.hulc of c'lmulainl I cannot ivA w single i .at ."cc » lier- lliev' iMC t:.k'.f. one in;in xit of a miTrl.ai.l %ei»Ll 1 h.iv; had more ihan twcntf v-.Ccli arrtvcd in 'hat tirtic. without one ii^llancc of a mm l;ci:^g taken by f/^fw. Three .S-ar^^u *cte t^ikcn out b ,' a /^r.-rr.-^ ffi^ate. 1 have m.idc inquiry r<,-ii-uf.. prrf-rvc them In a!! the hr.u.chc. >1 ^wcru I i.-.Twimaii'in i* wur^- " • I h • kcuf tr.ilftigi; while ihf rr.trchjrt tllil. liitutn, Wi'.h in lUfnemus arm-d ('.; puud '?^''{n, v^cre ^.j-pcjl-:.*. to t^'i^ai'. 'm I I. !■ turet hai r f Tfr. rh A ct^urCc i.t ihtn.'s Gr I ,-'. ') a rii'h: I 'f picfcr t i-n!'. • ' It Hi A.e cur fnty fhoLl-nd nat. MTair ..t the Llul.p- .^• tlTV . tlV • -''tflrf ' ieamen gnd nfl^rmen to be dcpiivcd ot em ployment, and. uit!: llifir timiMes, rtdiiccd to want and bej^pary ? A'e our l.i:r..Jredi_ n/ thaufardiof f-rmcrs to bt corr^p^'Hed to let- , • - -- tcr thcii milli' ni in I'M pins p'oJvice to pe- or. tr, r-,A.- r-?. lilh on their h.indk, that the pi tfdent may d l"'.*- * l.nher .t tpcc tieen ahcai'v ihi!;d .v:-\ rvp! only rcr, ed that tb.e rn.ilh Gjn dcUMtid, as b^'f I-. ' 1 ! IH; hi: aoc« no I (land alone) that t.>-ner than ^ ,^j ^n expeiiment on - v'- paiietxe ard l.r- M.nr.er a tpcc adftiit the principle that Creat-iir.i.uo »i.id a j ^.^'^^^^ ^^^^ ^^.^ ^j,^ towermg prid.% the bound- j faaioti.b'.it f :; ri(;nt to take htrcwfi fubjcds from csf v.cr- k.f^ ;„ibiti.-n and unyuldinK paicvr^r.ce (M won:.d, //car . ;jf7f viif'ls, he would abanoon commerce ai- | ^^ ^ c-.rn.isror ( f E-J'"rf- ' '^••*. ' ^I'^t rca- f>? ^f /-^i/.*./. together '.— To what will every mar. n New- ' ,,, u.,\i.y. that m'eir, i Termii me r together '.— To what will every mar m N-.w Enj^land and of t!-c other ra^i-a.inj; dates, aicnbc lurh a fentiment i A iVnf.mtnt \xV.;ch, to prevent the t-mporary i"U et 'ivc u. i.. by imprel's, wuild reduce fifty thcifand >o bc^'g-ary ? Dut f'r the ICnvMrgo, th/ ufant.!. ., a J.r. 1 dci'ciulinj^ on ihe ordinary '^pcrati .rs cf lus.vc- commerce, would now he tmpl )ycd. l-v ■'. uiidi.r ihe reftraints of the ordeis of the IVit ifh vjovcrnment, fctaliatinp tl.c Frcncli tm :>b a ) a », tnc'.v i.liki id '>n f.ur h". V. 1M •.lui" ■ IS I 1 p:nal decree, veiy large porMon^ 'f' remain * -en to the commerce (.f the I States. We nuy yei puifoe onr trade w^u the r.rililh dominions, in evei y ptrt of th.e ?l.'be ; with Africa, wl h Ch'\\:,<, .•.;-.J uili 'li; c loiii-js r\- Franc.-, Spai-., ar.d H">i:.tv.i. Ard Icr me af,., wl-.ether in i\\: mU'.l of_ a ;nd peace, wh;n the P' ^.lilnr^ coli-^nies, ^a"oc!o, <•. . .. '.• trade with thcrsi t')th-.ir c .It 'xirrit u:, ai t , ■ y " •' ' )r»s, we ccnlJ ■ i iw / a cjinnierc: r.i ;Cii ir. >:.: cxterf'ive tliin ! prHflrciM: at t'li^ nv^riTit, it" l!ie Emba:,v. \v:tc i'o; ci I he ' WHV ^ \V:^y then fhould r. bo c':.:i!! i-'i ; ^ p,il.:.c;: f;v , Why riUier w-is it ever bid ^ Can '.iu.!-: be . ^^^^^^ ,j,. , ■ :-, lie rf;ifon4 f.ir tht; Embirgo uliici. ion plates the continuance ol : ■.<; cr b.;; ijo until (he French trnpcior repeals hi. decrees viola- ting ai well ! IS treaty wi-.h the United iUalCi IS every ntuiral ri-lu ; and ui.iil Bntain thertupcn rcc.iK 1 e< retaliaiin^:; .-sdcis ! Viy {hat timv -' c may h-ve nciil er thips nor fea- m n ; «nd -l.^t u prt-cilfly the point to wiiicli 1 .me men wifn to reduce us. To fee rhe ••; ;„5;.;.; : IS proj?a (to Call ilb, no h^illior aamc, and v.idiojt adverting to I r;.'.r views) Lt j. look 1).kL to former yv • Not'.vithllindinT the well f.H'.nd- p] , , vidiiaU, and the murui;; ol , .act. , ou.v. Itandiu^' the titquent l- cc'.i'ivc dcclara'h-is ol iniiinme aj^grtili'i :orT:n.;t;ed ':y Great I'litiin , ncjwtthi' > •ageou. decrees of France ai paiii, ar.d the wanton fpV.iatioi.s p'aclii' ■ d executed by I'ltr ctuilers and tdhnn.i I,-. Termii me now t^^ afn, '.»■!>•? ma: tiallv vicwir^.e thu iul -.d, v\ii! !,.• ncfs to fay th 't tint evi'l- ■• ph.i itMnc '1 ' '. Gicat Bril.M ' V. li ' tation as a ritii of c ;"i;, .; ! will fay it : Who 'Jut I'.i-atd: and welfare of i.i-. c- ii ry v. il! i*> r thf.n can juliify, w ! ' r , courfe t-t cc'rdU(5c v> : ;i .'u') m '• ' countiy into its r.i.' i (i ite ot .d i •p (rr.-i'Tiiunt HnJ 'ar a t.;iut ulolp-;; tlierto ciii/e". r- ; h. a c c 'J I'.", '."IJ 1.! ,'X-0, rr..'.latfd w^ il'i annually i ihe , hai ifi", / y i !". V CO ;"•.'. 4 1 ^cealed fio!.! .Mnr;r;f;. at 'i-e rr.omen- ; Ar when they aro rc(j uired mit:c! r. tb.c realons to be found in the di:'p:vc;;es ftoni v ; > Thcl"; l.ava been mrvcu !t; ; ^^'' ,r,. ".jn was q-ulhed b} tl.: advccat.: lit lilir.bargo. \V);y are tli'l--' .! .p' lUxccntiv^ ? VVl',-.\ v.! ^ i ». h;r th.ouf.mJ T;/ d have d>n,K-ycd our comn re:illy d.^ne \k no cfr-ntiii ■ * 'iiai the other hclli)',t!cn- A M..- rd\rnir.;d by iomc Kt;ii-' ;-"-,l L-w, andhir.i'.ed by t!ic fmr.l if'T';, have not ir,f!A*^>'d -j',. ' • I 1 . . '■1^ ■ de! , w^lal n woL.':d, Yet in th' : '.^ i'. Kicr.ly I no ./• t.r, i2i ,,o; "^ ■' ■ an fciifjl ai ,-n..A Mr A'l^ili t be l'-^' ' ,.a:a M.n oi the J the French Emj^ idJloilL F.ouland tvi ^t'f ' •n" a.- : r r d ,'. t d.t^rC M 171 1' o n / I?5 I 1 P.- /p. (^ P!u)k;*4r;i{)hi( Sciences { orionitiiHi c,^ : wrn; On .r.,y ' I .in ; ex ■.\\':t en m ■5 \v;',.', -J 1 *iucu h) ll. n ihe :-'P W Yet mm ' JccKirt ! iMi* .i\ ; >.t*r 1 •!• • ■.l.:ic U Mli. tlu Ur. r.KTch^ til..* 1 , 1 1 w 1 » I , .;}»t vet rrl- , roljundiy ivk-c..l i!' per or, -i . uiy,h llic! • V aiUi mdcpcndeiK ;.e, arc wc, by u ihoulmd iitu,4n triilr.Mc; pici'idicc:, .ird b/ txcttiVy; )u.,. ui'^iuricv?, to Ij: drav.n prat'iLil'v ini" :i wu Nrhh Gicat Br. lain' ^ Why aniuiu nnxlety of the puh'ick mincj, kept on the rack of fsatlul c:pt':>: j. ,,cj-.,i„c:m well kn >\v !l..i; CV, liiitain is p:r .. Vit-r-h ditputciKS {— In llus conce-hnrr t 'j"^^^,.^ .-,. ^ .„ ,,,i, ,,j ^,-y arrani-rmcnt ih,J Jangcr. In this concealn-," ' , '■ • wr:?pt Dp the real CT'.f.- .1" 'he Tr^^.n^,. . ^.j^^ ., ^. On .«iiy ("her runpoCr.io-/. it i--^'i?l'ca»-''''- r . c i,nr,c i.. ; I ^^^ .ilur.jcd, Sir, at ihiv p.Tlr.u n.is.^ ni ,, ^ „.^ . ir, nf;rce.»i.. ictc....J T' r .<<',c>- lilt: l-cMi.i J-uii;r. r.>ui.u u;. ... '.Ha ■ 'U, ?.ud wi')i •'■•'" :! iir H> u in the itr*f f thi''.g h (:ic I'nitcd Stale.. ■ n ^ . . .. • to pab' net reprci- 'iy 'cu The p'.iplf urc adv;fcd to ^^ .,, ■ r;..ir cui'ftdcorr ;;C CX-- Mj.i .,r,rr^ ^«•! r'-. ■< c <■■ ■ ' .; ar, .tjtiiv ai ; ' With hT r