IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) Toll to he paid by the Grand Trunk Railway for the use of your line as a double tiack between Weston ami Queen Street, ns a', reed .nOOO 00 ('•I Tolls to be derived for the use of Queen's Wharf and Elevator, as agreed 3,000 00 ((/) Twenty-live per cent, of estimated traffic from the Wingham Ih'anch, which AFr. Hendrie objects to build, but which the Grand Trunk Railway will construct without any monej' from the Toronto, Cirey Oi: liruce Railway (i.OOO 00 (' ) Interest on bonuses lost to this Company if the line is not worked by Grand Trunk Railway 1 ,">00 00 l,/"i Interest on value of bonds to be issued at (.say) par, instead of five per cent, premium 2,")'J0 00 The caK'uli'tions made by these gentlemen art truly astonishing : — (") is an amount to be paid lo the Grand Trunk Railway Co. yli) i> an amount to he paid lij/ the Grand Trunk Railway Co. And yet both are not to be payable under the Grand Truidi agreement, but are to be pay- > able undi r the Xortliern. It also appears to have escaped their nn/mory thai the Northern has a track from Weston to T'oronto, and ecjual facil- ities with the Grand Trunk for doing the business of the T. G. & B. Ry. Co. ('■I This is an item of detail, which i;an easily be provided for in the Northern A: llannlton X- NiU'th-Western Railway agreement, and tliese gentlemen have no ground for assuming that such a payment would be refused. (il) The (irand Trunk Co. has not agreed to build the Winf,'liam Branch, and I only objected to its being built by the T. G. it B. Ry., there beii\g no money available for such a purpose. The amount voted l)y the munici- palities to construct this Rranch, would pay about a quarter of its cost. The estimate of !?('), 0110 to come from that ipiartci', as proiit from tvalllc from a town the size of Wingham, with the G. W. Ry. already est:il>- lished there, exists only in the imagination of these gentlemen, and will never be verified. (') Ihe biiuusiM for which iuturest is here chiinii'il, are so burdened with con- ditions, which will cost HO nnich more than the amount realized fiom them (o I'ullil, that even with the Graml Trunk agreement it would be better in the Company's interest not to use them. (/I Tliis is the most marvellous of all the calculations yet, and nu'iins that under the Grand Tnuik agreenu'nt, the iww issue of bonds will sell at o per cent, premium, and only at par under the other arrangement. I venture to say, that under an agreement with tlie Northern it North- Western, (he boiuls of the T. G. it J}. H'y would sell certainly as well, proliaidy better, than under a lease to the Grand Trunk. At the iireseiit moment the Northern Ry. •■) per cent, lionds are quoted in iiondon at lo.">. and the Hamilton it North-Western at 111, ami the T. G. it B. Ry., both JH'W and ohl issue would take prooudence of these Hccurities, and therefore be more valuable. Tlio whole six items have heen mauufactured for this occasion ami amount to nothing. 3. The superiority of the Grand Trunk connections is now put forward, hut they are not named. The following, however, nre or will he the connections .■itcured hy the X. & H. & N. \\. lUs., viz. :— The Grand Trunk itself. The Great Western. The Canada Southern. The Ontario A- Quebec. Consider how much more valuable to the country, as well as to the owners of the line, it will he to have the opportunity of making rates with all these lines to the seaboard and the west, than to be under the control exclusively of the Grand Trunk, and compelled to accept such terms as to rates and fares as they choose to impose. 4. This objection is very general, and is disposed of in clause 1. •5. The assertion here made that the Grand Trunk guarantee is good, but the N. & N. W. ll'ys is doubtful; it is singular, to say the least of it, to tlnd Mr. Wods, who is familiar with the history of Canadian railways, endorsing; this statement, as he mmt know well that the past history of the Northern bears a very favorable comparison with that of the Grand Trunk, and he oughi to know the present value of the securi- ties of the two Companies before hazarding such an assertion. It does not become these gentlemen to make this silly attempt to decry the credit of great puldic com- panies, for the sake of some special advantage to themselves, and to bolster up a weak case. The n'.vt attack is on my statement that the Rnilway would he better worked in the interests of the shareholders as an independent line than under the Grand Trunk agreement. To tliis I still adhere, but as the large majority of the proprietors are desirous of leasing their line, it is to all our interests that we should obtain the most wo can for it. With respect to the §200,000 of tlie paid-up stock, which it is proposed to give the Grand Trunk, there is no mention of this, nor any provision nuim ili • circula". In the event of your approving the course 1 have taki'n, and of your being unable to attend the next nu'eting of shareholders ralU'd for 2Hth June next, to rejed the proposed agreement with the Grand Trunk Hailway Company, ami nceept tlmt of the N. & H. & N. W. lly's Co.'b, will you kindly sign and return tlu> em losed proxy, enabling Mr. E. 11. Osier, of Toronto, or myself, to act for you. Yours respectfully, WILLIAM HENDRIE, DniKcinii, Hamilton, i)th June, 1881.