V] <^ /a v: C: "^ ^V* /A y IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 ifi^i I.I 1^ 1^ 25 22 2.0 1.25 111= 1.4 ill 1.6 6" Photographic Sciences Corporation A // n i i'n> i- y . !? a r ii h ,li3 1 a c h c ii . U'ooni.AMJs, .MiiH.i.hv. Ml I ^ w (m; K 1 s i. i-: I, I c .\ 1 I I), , winmrr vvimsr i;im. inimusi and kx,-ui i IX ,K1 IHIM. HUN miKND, AM. ■ riiv UTiiKu's n:rHsr> ' hi'l;--iKK Mil." I'nnorbB vw'j. 10. I llr.^.k'M.ii.,-, !,ii.l.|,.„(l,.r. is^ .'ir>TOhiA. b. ■: au xq ^ Tlir rill'KCIl Kir.ISITK OF l)IKIM>. WHV lookedt tliim ko ifriin. Oh Dcntli '■ And Hljiik'nt Uiy iliirt. Pointiii)? with lioiiy finder, where lien(!itli. Frown 1 the dark hnritijfe, where nil ihai 'iiiiithe. lliive common part ? Strike on, thuii (.'vir-ly thini;, Toy dart hath now uiii»(in(;, ('oin|ileto thy Rtilij.i't Hlain, TliDti Kliall linve no lonjf rei^^l. Thy Comiiuror ik ri-iMi on hijjli ; And wliile in live iinmoitally. Death! th:v Khiilldie:' Why yawn'Bt thou, (Jrave. wi dark anil dreiir. Ah if no line Could meiiHure thy diami^ter. As if KO hrijilit. to make tlieeolear. No lnm)i eould shine ? Still Hwallow ii|> our raee. Tliou art tlie hidiii^-plaue, Where lie, thou eould'.-,'., u^iv kei p, ll'ildsall who in Ilini fUep; And hi artH whoHe liopeH the (irnve hii'h riven. Shall liii 1 the pit, 'ffniust whieli they'd M riven. The gate of Heaven. E. |. W ' ■ ■'■ • ■ / ■ " Ohiit. 20th M,>;i. 1.«4<|).' 1' ii E !• A C 1- \ The followini,' jiascs are an exiicritncn;?.! attemi)! to criMU- especially ain<)n|,'st the inhabitants of this lar:;e ami itnport.'.ni pari.^i, a iletiiixml '.ri«.li. Our local .uui.iuaries in the pa^t, aUhou;;h iii.lcfaiij,'ab'e in tin; lorination of .MS. collections of historic lore, yet were of too (inioroiis a spiiii, to vfiiiiire to place llieir elTorts in the haiuS of ihe i)ii!)li>hcrs. Nor huvc any jiublishers, so far as 1 know, evei male any empiiries, with a view of printing, into the LliaraL'cr of the loc.il M.SS. which remain ii\ the district, h is true th.il there are certain " llis!')ries of Ilalifa.K" in prim ; Imi by far tli-' most valuable contrilniiions to Incal history, are siill in manu- script. These latter are now of such intrinsic value, as to ilemaml exact literal reproduction in print; with the addition, in the form of notes, of such explanatory matter, as would be useful in attraclin.i; and ret.iiniiii; the interot of the ordinary imu- .nuili \W Aii!i'jiii!i,si]/' th, 'J\r;vn of' I/,!l:f,ix. w,is niade in 173S, by the rev. Thomas \Vrii;ht, afterwards curate of Ripiionden. This is a work nf 207 paj^es. and is but a po.ir addition to loc.il arch.colo^'y. Recenil> . this work has been reiiriiiled, and is now olTcred lor salcatal,iw Pr,j;u |irice. Tliis is no tausc of cnnf,'raiii!iUioii, as it woiihl liavi li'-.-ii nun.!i liL'ttor, t'l have txiiciiiic! llie sanii; lahniir and losi. m [.r..,liKin.Lr a umI .i.!(!iiii)ii h^ (uir l.n.il aniiini.iri.m lihr.irv. lis "i!^ ' '''''•>^' ''•• '•' ' '• !'■>-■ v;»!iic of uli.it rciii.iiiiin- copies mI ilu; HALLIFAX, AND Jt I S GIBBET-LAW Placed in a true Light. T o G E T rr E Fv With a Dcfci ipclon of the Town j the Mature of the Soib, the Tempei and Difpofltioji of th^iPeoiilcj the Antiquity of its Cufiomary Law. and ttic rcafonsMineri thereof; With a!3 iiccotuit of the Gentry, and other Eminent Pcrfoiis Born cn-J Inhabi- ting v/uhin \.\xt faid Town, and the Libi-Tties thereof: Wit)-, niany other Alatttrs .I'd TJiings cf groat llexnarii. never bcicxe Publilii'd. To v.'hicli are added, T!;0 Unparallcl'l Tragedies commitled by Sir John ELwd, oi Elxni, aad Iiis Grand Antngouilts. Undcn, Printed ly J. Ifr^; Tor milhrn Bsmh at nr.llifcx, in I'jyk^niic^ lyzd. iii^in.il eJiiii.n U'.rrr arr, in ihr h.in.ls of !ioo!; collectors, tor vhich liioy will uol ih.uik tl.c rc-prlnlor. riu: lllo.^t aniliitioii-. in ii^ ox'ciuii.n, of local lii^,i.>ric.s, l^ hat puMislicd liy the rev. JdIui Waison. i\S..\.. also curate .>t \ PnAi'-e. Ri|i|iiiii. It'll, :mi| ;U'l^r^Vllrlls rcctnr of Stuckpnrl. 'l'lli^ is a wink of 7'i4 paint's anil an iiuicN, piililislu'l in 1-7; ; .in.l s.mu' of iIjc jilalcs arc r(.'|iro(liKiil, irom iln' originals, in llic ["is-ossioii 01 Messrs. Whiilcy and li'mth, in llic full. .win;; jiairos, lliii as nia\ l)c seen by tliu sampk's w(; [iroiliii x-. ilie Lliaracicr of iliesc plati- is simply viU, A fow yens al'ii-i^vards, in 17*^1), a small, cviileniU piratL'd, ediiioii (if Wanoii, w is prime 1 hy I-'.. Jacob, llalifav This comjiilation was m i,],. by the rev. Kdv.ar 1 N'l Ismi. ( nr.iif of Halifax parish (hunli. as Wriifht and W.ii-dn had hi.-iii before liini ; and wliu e name is retained lo this dav, in the desi;;naiionof the street, where the old tnan.'r comihoii^.' ^land-, leading,' from Kin;; ••treet to the p.irish thiirih. Iliii tl,.- y,)ii-.t ambitious atteinjit of all. is no'.v beim; piililished in |«.ii;s l)ein>,' styled the sernnd edition of Watson's history, with a Idition- and corrections by !•". .\ I.cyland ; but, iinforiiinaicly, at the r.iie of its publication, this generation cannot hope to see i!-. com pletion. In l^}f>. a Colli i.u //is!' rv lii llalif.ix. by lohn Cr.iiilrei , (lent., was published by Hartley and Walker, of Halifax, coii- tainini; ver)- little matter not already jrivon in the older histories. Hill it is t'l the .M.'>. collections and other record^, th ii fiiiun- historians must look. Hut in my opinion, a sinj,de Wi.rk, pur- jiortinj; to be '• Tlic History of Halifax,' is not now ili-sirabbv Archxological taste li.is got past thai slap-, now occupied li\ the ^'uide books, .V series of volumes, containiii;^' the wluile of our local records. |)riiued in full, with or without n"tes, unuld best satisl'y the present needs. Siahaserivs nii!;li! be ternn I a " Collection of materials for a llist.iry of Halifax." and would form a useful (piany for the speci.ili>t>. in \ihicli to search. I'heve records are numeidus. lioiilrs many old deeils in llic- llo^sessil)n of loc.il collectors, may be named ; — The court-roll> of the different manors, those at Wakeiield, a perfect mine of historic wealth ; the ciiivch rej;isti?rs and epitaphs; local wWU at York and elsewhere, of which 1 ha\e abstracts df ab"U' 4000; and last, not least, the different MS. C'llleotioiis to which reference has been made. TIk' mo>t important of ihe-e are the three .MS. volumes wriiten by WatMW : one voluini.' .r. least, evidently filled since the publication ni l)i> hi>toiy. ( idi^'i Prtjaif. c()llctiii nil-. Hut ItrearclilTcV iiilletiion, .ilili..ii,'li ill ,i coiulilion n')i cre'liMiile to its fortunatt- liO'-scsiors, is %iill in e\i-.icn( c, ;iH(| i.ills tor iiniiK'.ii.iii; ailciitinn. \'\ nearly the whole of it was ptili'.ishi'.l in " Onr Local I'ortfoiio," in the lliiUf.ix (!ii n.li.ui. t>y my father. lint this uus over a i|ii,irter of a contiirv .ii,'o ; ainl ncws|ia|ier articles It best, have Init an ei'lutiieral existence, Siirelv our i Ialif.>.\ Literary anil I'hilosoiihiial Society, with its lar>;e niiinhei •; memhcis, anil its archx-olo ical ciir.itors. loiiM uiiiiertake -111 'i a work a< this, .mil ,1,1 inr ll.ihf.vx, wh,u the N'orkshirc \rclrvolo;,'ical anJ To|)OL;r.i|iliic,il .\ssoc: ilioii is iV<\\v^ for N'orkshire. l''or lliis |irescnt work I cl.iini no iiiirii. Miieli of il appcire'l III ■• I >;ir Local I'orifoli.) " twenty-seven years ,v^n. 1 ,im bit- lerly awire of very many iniiierfoctioiis aiul inconsistencies, in this reprint. Fiein:,' cMiLia^'e 1 all the il.iy, in an occiiiiation reijiiirini,' all my mental ahiliiies to do justice to, i have oiil\ been alile to ilevoie to it my spare oveiiiii^js. ILavin^' been over ino years in coinpilin;.^ tiiis small work, il will be easily seen iiow few those evening's must have been. Indeed, as my daily business occupied from 6-30 a.m. to 10-30 ji.m.. duriiij; one 'ear; and 1 have always been subjected to many interruiitions iiid petty annoyances, 1 am sure the readers will overlook any I'.iults they in.iy come across ; and I trust, if I am enabled to ienture a second time before their notice, to be able to make less call upon their forbear.iiice. X"7'(ii>h,r, /A.Vy. W. I. \V, N'oTK. In referring to wills and deeds, I have been im-t I .ireful to jircservc the orif,'inal method of s|iellin:;. The value of this, from an etymological [loiiu of view, will be found manifest. vicar iavour and his Times, On ilu' -^(iiiili >i(l< nf (lie iliciir ii) our vcnciaMc p.i i>li clniri li iliere is ,i iiKmumoiii uiiiiitii; of its kind. ai his h.iiids. and a bl.ick sKull cap on the crown of his heaii, and wears a snowy beard and mou-.iaclic. The statuette is evidently a likeness, and is as brilii.iiitiy coloured as that orijjinalU was of a more celebrated character, who .ilso flourislied in the days of the so-called \'irj,'in (,';icen, havinjf had the advaMlai,'e over that celebrated elliijy, ib.it successive Halifax churchwardens have renewed tiie varied colours, and not /;(i/«////('/ the nionuuiiiu (in llo i hurclnvardLii sense), i)y daubin;( the whole with a clean co.it of whiivwash. 'J'his monument records the merits and death, as well as the very lij,'ure in lite, of John {•'.ivcjur. for 30 Ion- \e,irs, a faithful vicar of IIalifa.\. 1 le was born at Scuuhampton. educated at Winchckter, admitted as probationer at New C'olle,i,'e, ( )xford. in 15;'', and became a fellow in I57>i. 1 le ,i;railuii..'d .is I.I..,, 31st .\pii|, ij-i>, and I.I.D, 5tli June, ijyi. Ho was in-- itutcd to the vic.iraj, ' of llalifav, 3rd Heceniber, ifijj. He was ap|iointed first sub-(! Mil of RIpoii ill if".;, and master of .St. M.iry Magdalene's hospital, there, in 1608. lie was collated to the prei>end of Oxton in the colleL;iale church of .S'liuhwell, 3C1II1 September, if'li, and resiL;ued in I'lij, beiiii,' succeeded bv his son John. He became prebend, iry of O.swaldwick in \m\: I^Iinster, September 2nil. 1614. and resiiciud in ifu;, on beiiiLf made precentor of \'ork, with the prebend 01 iJrillii Id annexed. He was also chapl.iin to .\rchbi>liop Mai' hew s, and icsidieiiliary of York. I'lCdr /']i7'0!ir ninl /lis '/'/mrs. A The circumstances of the parisli affnr.lcd ;in excellent open- inL^ for a vicar possessiny; laleni ami sincerity. Scarcely 3S vcars had cla] .>e(l since, by a harbannis murder, N'icar lloldswortli had been liurried beneath the Ljreat tombstone in tlic south chapel, which he had built in his lifetime at his own exjiense. I'or two short }cars ' Dominus John Harrison, "the lastof the "nn reformed" vicars, had held the churcli. I'or upwards of 34 years the parish had rejoiced under " jirotestant " vicars. But what a samjile of new order had they been ! Mr.st, Christopher Ashburn, who for six long years chcateti the rejiresentatives of his jire- decessors of their dues, and then in the next si.K years defaced and sold off " much of the housing of the vicarage," resigning the vicariate, then, to get his son appointed in his stead. Xe.xt, the son, Francis Ashburn, whose vicariate is a blank, and whose premature death in July, 1585, was very like a just punishment for the quiet family arrangement by wiiicli lie had been [litcli- forked into the living. Then Dr. Ledsam, who found the post so distasteful that he resigned it in 1593, and went to London, where he was murdered. A favourable trio for an earnest, honest divine to succeed I That Dr. Favour wax earnest and honest, he has left evidence in the i)arisii church registers. Tiiat he possessed more than the average ability of the vicars of those days is shown by the sculptured portrait on his monument. No one can behold that head and face, and fail to see therein evidence of ar. atlem])t at least to pourtray a man who combined within himself that happy union of learning with active minis- terial service, which it has lieen remarked was " tlic great characteristic of the Reformers," and " continued t>) distinguish many of the F-nglish clergy in the reign of James the iMrst.'' The inscription upon the monument also shows titat the Doctor did not confine his services to the sick souls of his parishoners. Their bodies claimed no less his healing art. Like many of the divines of those ilays, he strove to be the St. Luke, as well as the St. Paul, of his parish. The inscription runs as follows : — OiiiiT Die Di'.ci.Mo M.Mtrii A.D. i''i23. JO : I'AVOUR LL.Docr. .AIeou'i i'kuitis. v.t iitjfs EcCLKSI/f; PaSTORIS VICir.ANTISSlMI Kl'II AI'MU'M. Corjior^ et n'protnnt iiniiiiio; fremit unUiq; rixii Soilicnt orl)ii suo tiirl)u I' ■.vore jiicc;t. Kti Pnntor Me(li(?UK(] : uliit, JiiriFq; pcrituB : I, MC. 17.58), "]ian at I'resent is only legible. That which remains is as follows:" — I lie noRMir JoiiANNis Favoir, Doctor Sanctissimis lUJlS l-'.CCI.KSI.K ***»»»* Occulmit Keris, heu ! quod non serius, nnnis ; Nee longiovn maeris ciunm Ijona vita fuit. Qnani siicre velavit Hpeciosum pectore corpus, Dipnum e(]uidem fumulo nol)iLiore tegi, Qui >| U > dom extremam fidus permansit ad horam. Xon illi tun,ulup, sinl diadema docus. Thi«il()j,'ns, M(!dicu«q : obiit, .Inrisq : [leritus : 1, wMjucie in coelos, qui modo salvus oris. An I'",nglish translation cannot iinitate the word-play of this first line ; hut the pass,i<.,'e may be paraphrased : — IIerf. si.KKi'ETH John Favour, a most holy Doctor OK THIS C'lllKCH * * In age he died, not by old a{fe Bnbdued, EndiTi|T n life was not an lon)^ as (food. Thi .../, of Ko holy a soul the womb, Wort.iv at leant a richer, nobler tomb: The Honl, whoBC faith e'en death unwavering' found. No tomb require^", but ie with glory orown'd. Divine— Physiciun—.Iurist — hero he lies ; Would'Bt tliou lie saved, pursue him to the skies. He published a hook in 1619, entitled "Aiitiijuitic triiiiiiphiiig oviv Xovollie whei'ohy it is proved Ih.it Aiitii|iiilii' is 11 true and certiiine Xoto of tlio Chvistian (,'atliiilicku Church and verity, agaiiistall new and Into iip.'itart hert'sio.^, advaiieing tliciiisolvcs agiiiii.-it the religiou.s 'louour of I lid IJonifl, whose ancient faith was so much coiinuondod by S. Paul's pen, and often scaled with the blond of many Afartyrs and worthy liishops of that Sea. With other nocessaric and inipnrtant ciucstimis ini,'idcnt and jiropcr to the same .•-* vXJ.,vn_ / % Vicar Favour and his Times. In iho "I'-iiisile id iliu Kciulor" he rciuMMios iho acconm ot lliu oriifin of the work ("the request of ihc Most Kowri'iul F.ither in ( lot! Tobie, bv the Providence of (iod Lord Arclil>isho|i of Vorke, his Grace I'rim.ile of Kn,^'land ;ind Metropolitan mine iuniour.iMe gooii Lord and I'airo'i ) and adds "A lon.i; sickucsse sueeeuiled this lir.-l, imtidn : y.-i it ln•ill,^' rather tedious by coiitiniiaiiei', then vcxalinus wi'li [laiii, I niiidc^ it ailvantageiible to my imrimsn, .-loK' sd much limr for ineditatiun and searcli as furnisiu'd iib- willi more -',»■. 'd to pen it in that order whirli it is \v,\\ digc.-tcd. Whcivin nolwithstandinj; I had many iinpediincnts ucll kiinwni.' mdo Mil' (ilacos 111' my I'csidriiei' ; as lavacliin- every Sah- liatli day, lecturing evei'y day in tiie wceke, exenising iustice in the Cnnimniivveallh, i)rai,aising of I'liysieki' and l.'liirurerie, in the great pmurie and neees^ilie llicivnf in the eiiuntrey where 1 live, and that onely fur (.ioiTs sake, which will easily multiply bnlh clients and jiatienls ; yet the night hath afoordcd me that which tin" day wmdd nut idlow me : the silence and (luiet whcrcnf, hath ministred much matter and meanes to furtlier my medilatinna." Thoiesby perpetuates the account of an ad of his as precentor and residentiary of York, which would not liave been pleasinp; to the puritans of the next generation. This is an " MS. penes me "being Dr. Favour's " Jbitives ami Reasons for placing the Archbishop's .Seat ill the Cathedriil of York, where it now staiui.s, to obviate in jiart a Proverb (or Divurbe as he calls it) formerly too fieipient, that the Archbishop had neither stl'illiuii in clioro, vocem in cajiitnlo nor cancelhirinia in cunsu^/tirifi." Amongst the (circa) thirty-three mentions of vicar Favour in the local wills now at York, of 4000 of which we have copies or abstracts now before us, we have not space for more tlian one or two, which we prodiue as e\ain|iles of the inlbience of the vicar amongst his ]iarisioners. John ilogge of jackroide made his will in it'. 12, and remarks I'lcitr Favour ami his 'J'nitis. " Itwi. I jiivu for God's glmio mid tlio good iif tliu flommnn- weltlie vj li xiijs iiijil I'l lio yiiijildyol to siwlii" good ,'uul gnillie u^os w"' ill till' ij'isli of Ilallifiixo as liy my good fniiuloM ] )i'. iriiviiur ;iiid v yne ov'.iPi'rs of this my liisti- will sliulbe tlumght (itt and convoiii'nit." Richard Wilkinson, chapman, of Halifax, in ifio/, be- queathed — " Item, 1 doe giv» iind beciuealliu to Mr. Oontnr Havimr for his diildron L-IQ.'' Isabell Maude, widow, of Halifax, in 1613 gave " To my loving [nistor John fTr.vour, doctor of ihf l:iwt's ami vicar of llallifax, furlio ikmiikIiss and tu his wifo a silv'' huuU." Anne Norman, of Halifax, whose name and hcqucst is referred to afterwards in the registers, l)e(|ucalheu in M'lcj, " to god and godli'' uses the soim^ nf xx li to 1"' yiiiplnyed at the discrotion of my executor. Itm I give and heiiue.itli until my luviiigi' ante Mrs. ffavor of Hallilaxe my gcildo hrasdiies. Itm I give and huqueath to John and U'illm fTavnur the soinies tif my unile Dr. fTavor to oytlier of them XX li and to eyther of his daughters Anne and Judithe fliftii' iioumli's a poece. Itm 1 give and h('i|iipalli unto my brother Kubart Nnrnian twentie poundus. Itm my best gowne T give unto my cozen Klizabi'th I'o" r. Itm to luy grandnuithiT al Soiithaniiiton teniie shilliiiucs to make her a ringe and live .'shillingus to Mrs. .Siiiyihson my ants mother. Itm to everio ehildc and servaiite in my uncklea house xij il a peece. Itm I give to ^^r. liroadley of Sowerhye to Mr. ISharroekc of Kipondeu to Mr. .Sunder- land of Ealand to M . Halsteado of Sowerbye brigge to Mr. Herrii of lUingwor' '' ..iid to Mr. Boothe of Mixenden eaihe V s The residue of my goodes unbequeatlied I give and hetiucatli unto my uncle John iTavoiir l)r. of the lawe.s and vicar of Ilallifaxe wlionie T make con-til iite and ordaiiie niv solo executor." •■■*-f|!3^:^/-' '; /'/(■'/;• Fiivnur .iiul his 'I'inits. Xmow^ii main- letters eNtant of iuoiir s wc can onlv find room for one addressed to John Savile, esq., one of the Barons of I'lxcliequer, desirini,' him "to take order for piinishiny ono I;o1)i.tI Sn.vtli, i-niiuimiilv called li'cibiu Hood, that hath 1 "'111; a ion;,' tviiir a .-iorcBrcM' niid a trirtmiP-tcUi.T, a lilasplR'nier of Gud, and a si.mI of ))ni)r petJiih', iyimi-aiit IjuI i|i;(>r [lassin^' iihstinate and wilful : yetting (if servants and ehildren Imth ni.inyu and ajiparell to toll fortunes, and so fnllowinj,' all (Tiiyres and niarketts— one of the first ordiT nf ro,L'iios, and so U, be pnnisiied. Thd canons of tho Chureh severely censurinj,' such men Dated Halifax this 7th day of August 1598." The princijial material work of vicar Favour was the building and endowment of Heath (Jiammar School, and the wids of his period contain no less than twenty beipiesls to it. For although the charier of Queen Eh/al)eih was obtained in vicar iTrancis Ashburn's d.iys, yet there is no doubt but that for \icar Favour's unwearying labours, no school would ever have been built in his days. Mis celebrated inscrijnion on the master's house at Heath, shewed his pride in his parishioners, the holy people (pop Hi us 1,1 IK Ins) who had produced so noble a work in so bail and barren a land (/erra mala el slcrilis.) VViiat would be his words now if he could see his institution wrested from the hands of the Church, and handeil over to those whose zeal for the promotion of education displays itself in seizing the endow- ments wliich Cluirchmen have voluntarily provided, or in in- creasing the ta.xation of an already overburdened poi)ulation ! Such was Dr. Favour. The period in which he was vicar of Halifax was the Augustan age of the parii,h. Robert, arch- bishop of York, who with others was appointed a commissioner to survey the chantries, Ac, in this county, in the reign of Edward VI., certified in 1548 that "in the parrysh of Halifax the nomber of houslyng peojile is eight thousand five hundred." Camden, who visited the parish in 1582 was informed that the l)opulation was then about 12,000. Yet from this .scant popu- lation (scarcely a sixth of the number of the present inhabitants of the town alone), what a constellation of bright stars arose I Bishop Ferrar had been martyred before Dr. Favour was born : V/car Favour and his Times. bishop Lake was horn llic •y year after, and archbishop Tillotson sev2n years after Dr. Favour died; but during his vicariate, Tilson was workin.i,' his way up to the bishopric of P-lphin, and Richard Dcanc — a rare offshoot from the moorland (Hstrict of Sahonstall— rose first to the deanery of Kilkenny, and then to the I)isho])ric of Ossory. In the translation of the bible, which was effected at iliis jieriod, Halifax lays a claim to at least two of the plant minds whose work has excited the admirati''■/■'■', '/.■•' I 1 Vi'car Ftwnur and his Times. founded lpy Sir Henry Savile, and wlin can never be forgotten as the first who apphed and carried out the fjreat discovery of logarithms with which the name of Napier has Iieen made illustrious. Dr. Favour hi.nseh", through his marriage into the Power family, was the means of hiinging Dr. Henry Power to Halifax ; and we need not say liow iniimatcly that enthusiastic observer was conne/^ted with the residence here of Sir Thomas Browne, the author of the Jitligio J/a/iii. Watson, indeed, affefled to disbelieve this resilience, but modern research has placed it be- yond doubt, and as VVhitaker has observed, " It is no small matter of boast, that one country town has afforded an habita- tion to two such writers a Daniel de Foe and Sir Thomas IJrowne." In conclusion of this long array of Halifax worthies, antiqua- rianism was represented in that epoch by Nalson, whose MS. has been most unaccountably kept in the dark since Watson's days ; and Dr. Favour himself baptised Xalson's successor in chair of Halifax archaiology — John Brearcliffe. Vicar Favour's Registers. The first volume of the Halifax registers, which commenced in 1538, and is still in good condition, though its material is but paper, and the volume is a thick one, embraces the entries of five successive vicars, and closes in DecembT, 1593. Dr. Favour, therefore, commi-up the cxafl number of l->ajiiisnis, inarriajjes, and I'urials; aii'l also copied ihe names of all (he chiirthwanlens in the parish, with a brief summary of the church receipts and ex- penditure. But he soon tired of the former entries, and the lauer become few and far between, The entry of the first year's churchwardens would seem to show that ihe parish had placed in oliice its best men to ;,'reet the new vicar. They were — for Halifax, Brian Ciowiher and John Mawde, l)oth benefaHors and the husbands of iienefaflors ; for Sowerby, Samuel Wade; for Warley, (iilberl Deane, '.f Sattonstall, the father of Kichard, bishop of Ossory; for Midgley, (jiljiert I.acy, ^enl. ; forXorih- owram, Richard Sunderland, l)enefactor, and father to .Mira- ham Sunderland, tlie great benefactor; for Somliowrani, William Holilsworth, no doubt of the family of vicar I loldsworth ; for Hipperhoimc, Gilbert Saltonstall, father of Sir Kichard. lord mayor of London; for Ovenden. John lieniley; and for Skircoat-cum-Shelf (a singular association of two distant town- ships, which obtained in those days for some reason we have not yet had time to investigate), John Cooper. At the conclusion of the year (December, 1504). the <1 ictor added-up that he had baptised 377 (of whom 12 were mtrke 1 with a lias being illegi- tim.ite), celebrated 125 marriages, and buried 22S of liis par- ishioners ; and these numbers show that Camden's estimate of the populaiiion was not far from the true number. The church receipts of the \'ear were : — Of n (freat leye 3;f 17 7 Clnrke 15ookc 15 liiiriiils . Sum 1(1 07 (1 02 10 46 ir. 1 Of the expenses we have the satisfaftory record : — Hcrof they made a iust accompt & ther remayncd good in llier hands zlb. i8s. w'^'- was delivered into the hands of ]\obl. Ifardy iS: Roin. 'jreenwod ch. wardens a'' 159?. The only sjiecial remark made in the entries of the year is tlie following : — Dee. 0. Kobei't Wiiile, Scarby, vir lioiusius 5 lib: i\inii reditus dedit scliolae, \ lib. piuiperibus an\iiitiiu, ;iO iili in pceunij.s numuiati.s egcnis di-itribuendij.'*. ■^ !r.,..J~...^ I'l'rar Fitvoiir and /in 'J'iwts. 11 The will which thus r^vc /"; jx r annum to the free (grammar school and £^ per annum to the poor, besides ^^30 at once, was dated Dec. 30, 1582 ; hut we have an instance of Dr. Favour's carefulness, in a memorandum (still preservcil ai die vicarage), ill his own handwriiin:,' of the wdrds of the will. In the second year the doctor had conlrafled nuitrimony. having' married at Leeds, on the 12th Nov.. i-iyj, .\nne Tower, daughter of \\'\\\. Tower, 11. 1)., rei'lor of Unrwick. and sinter of William I'ower, li.D., a lady .Marp:.uct preacher at c'amlirid-e. The Tower pedif^ree, imi^allantly makes no nieiiiion of ilaii!,d\iors: hilt u inl(,rnis u.s that llie widow of John I'ower, a brother of Dr. Favour's wife, wa.s married to .\nthony Foxcrolt. and tliai his soiv. Dr. Henry Tower, married .Maru'aret, a daii,j;hter of .'Anthony I''o«i"oft. Ai the close of tliisyear (Dec. i?iJ5). Dr. Favour liad baptised 401 children (y of whom luive the lilack B marked a,i,'ainst them), married i;2 couples, and buried 275 The receipts diis year were only £12 \~.s. 8d. \iz., by theclerks book (for ortlinary fees we suppose), ^10 5s. Sd., and for 15 burials (possibly in the chiircli). £2 los. The e-.jicnses were : — Wine ... r> ifi 8 Articles ... 'J 6 Clark ... 4 10 JIt'UiiiTige bclJH ... 1 TJ 7 Roeliuck ... II Uegiatcr ... f. 8 ■Vwitation ... 4 6 Lock ... 1 4 In all /"13 I2S. 3d., which leftdue to the churtl warden I'is. yd. Roebuck was the sexton. In his third year, eii'iinp: Dec, 1546, he had baptised 355 (i'^ bastards), marrieil I 3 couples, and buried 404. Amonust the latter entries we i\ad the doctor's first record of a murder through the then common vice of d. iinkeiiness. lf)9(l, .IiiiiiJ 18. .bihu [snn ofl F.dw : Xortheiid North [dwra'u] in a'brietati! eoiifo--;iis ah lebrio cof,'nato sun .bu;nl)o IJldfecdd. The Doctor does not inform us wliat became of the James (JIdtield, who in a drunken brawl had slabbed his kinsman. Another entry refers to a thing which is more of the pa>t than murder and drunkenness unhappily are ; — Decembris 11. An infant found dead on nal[ifax] more. We shall look in vain in the present day for Halifax moor ; but > ; »^ -j.w i winai »?»feiK.n t i miiLi,. 1 11 I'iiiir Favour and his 'I'liihs. / two entries \vc liavc cisewliere met with I'lint to its loctiiit}'. Amongst tlic burials in iji;2 wo liavc •• I'Mw. Hanson, lla. moor," whose family name is still (ireserveil in the name, Manson-laiie ; ami on" of ilie consial'les in ii\i^) was " Thos. Ulackwoixl. on ninor," who Imilt lilaikwcKul House, as appears by ttie initials T'' H i'm 7, cm over the door. Thj expenses of this year (i;i)'i) only amounted to/":'- 1 ts. ; out of wbiili /".' 5s. jd, was |vai(l for " niakin),'e y I'ulpit.' Oliver Heywood's MS. atcijuni for t'oley informs us of this chaii!,'e of piil|iiis. While Mr. Henton was curate of Coley that Chajiel was eidaru;ed and peweil, and '' till' pidpit brtiuyht irom ilnlifax brin;; :m old pidpit ojipo- sitc to that whieh now staiifU in the Clmrcli ; fur iis tlii.s stunJs Oil the South side, bo tlint rruioved stood Nnrth ; fiieing the Soutli, ut the other great pillar." Without Mr. Heywood's statement we miL^ht safely have in- furred that this was the original (because it is the canonical) situation of the jmlpit ; but it is interesting to know when the change took place. However, boih jmlpiis have long since perished. This one was rencwoii very soon, as the cluirch- wardens' accounts verify : — " 1^121, Reed, of (i'egory i'atciiet for ilie old pulpit 6s. 8d.' (Jrcgory I'atchett was cliurehwarden of Midgley that year, and this entry suggests lliat this pulpit was ; u' np in T.ii 'd'-nden Church, relmili ami consccrateil 5tli Aug. I '124, (Jregory I'atchett being one of the witnesses. He Intilt tiie old public house at Luddcndcn now called the " Lord Nelson," and over the door may still be seen the iniiials and date, "(j. C. P." and oii the side of the string course "(;, I'. " The SF -ond initial would be that of his wife. His father, John I'atchett of Midgley, yeoman, maile his will Sih Sepiemtier. I fu 3, which was proved I7lh December following. The rela- tives named arc his wife (Jrace, and his son (Iregnry and In's daughter Mary I'atchett, and another son Jolin ; also his daughters Grace, wife of John Banaster ; Sara, wife of Samuel Midgley. and their children John, Richard and Judeth Midgley ; and his youngest daughter Avelyne, wife of John Clreenwoixl, and their children, John, Paul, William, Ambrose, and Mary Greenrvood. I'lair Favour and his Times. 13 He Iffi /3 6f. 8(/. to ihe i)0()r of Miilslcy and Warlcy, and ap- pointed his son (iregory his cxecuior. In liie receipts of the year we meet witii a new source of income in i\: Hii. "({athered at Midsomer and Sheriftornei." UurinR his fourtli year (ending Dec, 1597) I>r. Favour hap- tised ^^2 (didy 6 niarkcil with the l)ig H), an. Seventy years aftcrwanls, in 1668, Oliver (leywood recorded that " Dr. llool; hath a list of 35 young women with child of li.istards in Halifax this year," Amongsc the liirtlis we have the record of the liirth, i)aptisni, and liurial (if his lirsl born, — ITi'J", I'l'i;. 4. .Icianncs filius .Toannis Favoiis, LL.D. vicarij ili; llalifnx ipii fiiit iiatiis 30° Novendjris intiT horim .'i" 'l scxtc/iiiit.' rid: I'.aplis 8" Dcd-'iiih : s('|ml : ll°eiiisdo: The dncKir had by this time acquired a more intimate ac- quaintance with his parish ; and we find the result in his remarks in the burials. 159G .Tiin. 24 :— Willm. Kingi; Skir. M. Thi^ Willin. Kinye wa.s a swciin-r, drinker, mid a nmst filthy adiiltcii r, niii'inge others hee kept Imigo one Dorothy Brigg a wydowi', in whose ho\i>v and hand hee was .Htrii-kcn with suddou diathe, his last words were othos and cur.ses, lu« lyved after abdut 40 liowera but never spake wordc. This would be the youngest son of William King, the elder. of Skircoat, and he inherited from his father Jiairsiow Houses, &c., in 1554. Ifi'JT Juiiii 17: — l.whel vid : liich.wdi I'onions. Thi.s Kieh : Cipuimuiis was an Irishman, by oceupation a goldsmith, a comuM drunkard, a bla.spheuier nf (iod's huly name. Whc-u he haild spent all hee ooidd make hets sett fyre to .^trawe in y' fowur corners nf hi.s hnu.-ie, and hansicd him selfe in y, niiddest. th\i.< despiTatly hoe dii'd liul by (idd's nieivy- fuU pMvideiiee y" strawo \:i\n> nut fyre and so bdth Imw.-e and y„ towno were prosurved w'^'' he purpo.qi'd to burne. Wright's Hialory of Halifax, p. ?2, slates that the scone of this atrocious crime is " now the Angel Inn in Town," but cur- jT-sra^-T- Kill 14 Vicar Favour and his Titihs. rent iradilion fixes it to be the Globe inn ; and that the suicide " was burieii a little above the Town, in a place where four ways nieet, now well known by the nar.ie of Goldsmith's (.rave." and so called in i''i23. Richard Commons was a witness to the v.ill of William Dickenson of Halifax, Smyth, in I57V' The next entries will jiroljably require translation for the f,'encral reader. The first records the burial of a man wlio when he was drunk, fell from his horse and broke his neck. mccJnLT with his death near iMile Cross. The other notes the 1 uri.il of a traveller whose name nobody knew : — Nuvi'iidjer 13 : Edward Thoni.is als. Ilauckstuns eu ehrii;- e.s;:it a1) equo eecidt, et eollu .^ibi fre^it, jnojie erueuiu luilliare est invetus niortuas. J)i;ecinbrin 3U : reregiiiir. - ciii' ni ni'e inecgnitll. In the expenses of this jear we have a payniem of i/ yi-. jc/. t jr a clock. During- his fifth year, cndini,'- Dec. 1598, the docior ! aptised 2-fi children (7 of them wi;h the black lij, married 114 coujiles and buried 427 — an enormous rate of mortality. 'I'iie sjiecial entries this )ear are — in the baptisms :-- .bill. 1,'). 'J'h'inuis [son of] ,\lii;harl Wnod ct Sii.-!;ui Ciiiwlhor, llipl'[ci-holmo]. This Woi'd stole a liuise &• ll'^d hi- mini rye. Mar. 26. Wihii [son of] Ambrose Hai';,'iavcs luiii nni [i.r. sehool-niaster] Luddingden, MidgLleyl. .\n 1 in the burials — .liiii. "JS. John Di(;kinsou, Liidini'', Hal. .Ian. 28. Yid. L'obti IJaer.Howe nietetiix infa. .Vii infamous prostitute ! Feb. 7. James Hiudle, adulter luoit.jm obijt ropentiiia et iufanie. An adulti;rer, who met a .su.lclen and wretehi'd dralh. .Martii 5 ux : Georg. lloullon Skir. 'ihis (Icorgo IJuiilton was a coni'ou drukard & a leeher, liee soldo liis land, Jranke it, fled y" cutry & was elayii. Vitar Favour and his Times. 15 \Y:\s it this man's land that ,^'nvc to purl of Skircoat the name of Bolton Brow ? M Mj 10. Gnico Tlohlcwhiiytf, Hal. nieretrix. •28. Ivlward Watmougln.' Hal. ebriostis. Jui.ij. 10, Kichavd Sallmslall War. prodigus. Srpt.Miibr : 20. Thu; WhitAvhau Hipp: collu frcgit. Ootnlir: 19. .hreniy lil Wil : Wavtov, gen. famulus Jo ; Favoris vii'aiij. lirct'mljri.s +. .V mfi rlnld about llip a-^o of xij y.-ars, dnAvncd in Chaldcr a;.;ayust y* wni^lhousc. Sonic of these rcmark.s, copied by the Rev. J. B. Reade Ironi the Rc^MS'ers, were furnished to the Gentleman's Magazine for August"! 1S83, l.y .Mr. J. Y. Akerman ; but in the transcription numerous errors arose, for instance tlie word " Woodhouse " in the last entry is printed " North Br." The concludinc; entries of the year are of a better class of men, the fir.si being a man who died suddenly in the streets when going to partake of the Eucharist ; and the second of a bene- factor to the free grammar School : — Doc. 2(>. Wilhu. RiitclifT, Ov.".;;. pubitania Ufrte corrrptus in iilatcis cu fueh:a'i«tiri su-'ipisset. 20. r.ibt. Saltunstal, Hipp. iOs. in pcunijs 20s. anui ivdditns di'dit ct lepivit Hchol.X' gnTniat : vicavi.it de Hal. The will of this Gilbert Saltcnstall, of tlie Rookes, gentle- man, is worth recording. Watson states he i)urchased Rookes ,Sih Eli/.abeih {\-^'^i-(A. and is accordin'-,'ly mendoned .if that place 37 Klizalieih (ivj-V-S). ^I'* name •• of R.,.okes " occurs as guardian of two of testator's children in the will ol Richard Sunderlan.l. of Ilighe Sunderland, 1573. His will was made i^rd Koveniber, 159S, and proved i,ih January, 1=98-9. " 1 give towards the repuirc and inayntenanee ot the p'ish i/li\nrh of Ilallilax, wlieronf it pleased god to make me a p'ishon' the .siinu! 'if xx.s'," "Also, I give to tlie pndi'e people of the towneshipp of Hyi>pliolme. Um pouudis to be paid to thein in ten yeare.s next after my d-atli, viz, i-v'y y>-iire xx.<, to be deliv'e(l to them at my luat.se at the Kodltes ev'y xpemuas even, lather's name, as the lirst had taken m. of the rtntes of my whole landes nexle after my .said debtow paid, ■■uid at til.. diser(.tion of tin: .-aid Mr. Ijroadley and xMr. I.y.ster, to U. bestowed ujion tli,. p,,,,,,., (t,o „„,st of it or all ,mi those wit])in tho pari.dui of Ilallifaxe." He bequeathed to his sister's son. Miciiael lirooke /lo and to his "brother John \Vatterhon>e of Hnll n.y fath-r'.s l.i.e snnne £10 .lesiring l,ii,i and uiy cozen l.saac Watterliou.se of Woodhonae, to disp^so of tlOO to thi. di.scharge -,f my diiotio and iirondsse ell.s where speeifi,.,]. a.s my tnisto is in tireni unto my disehardge in the h,rd, at the end nf six- »er,o yearcs, if the partie live .=0 longc ; and in the Uicane lyni.., t.i di.schardge at leastu that dutie I owe unto liini for l,..s..o that shalbe my deialte, this =,>me also to be taken uiip out of tlic rents of my lauds at IJroadeyuates, and the leas,, of the uiilne (eom) ; my eozrn Caleb Watterhouse with his wif,. and ehildrou to be tenaida for twelve year- at rent of £18." He also bequeathed his chest to his sister Anne, and the residue of his rents to "brother John Walleihouse latelie de- ceased his heire and for wante of heires of his bo. I'i.-i'ii! -liiilio lifi liicriti'iiM^iu HcqufireUir in itbriL-tato siiliito lH'rciii]pius ost. ■ .laiiics Khi'^v Skircot J:i: Kinjjo, iiiilis, piKjificiis, (■liviiiosyiiis (li'ditu.s scliula' giniiiiit : Vicai' du IInlif;i\- quini|ue liliias tostnniento Icgavii. A more creditable jiid,L;ment than ihe one passed upon anoilier representative of the family ([irolialily liis brotiier). The Pious uses commission rejiorted of this gift : — ■• (t..'i]i. \vt> lindi- l)y (lie relation of Sara. Kiiige, that his fathur, -laini's KiM,i,'f, by liis will did give 51b to thu use ,.l' the ilVi- scli,,l« i,f Ifallifnxe." This Samuel King enuiiled his estates, Willow Hall. \c. i8th (JcU)ber, 1^134, He was buried 2otli August 1638 as his epitajjh in the parish church reconls. Aprilii IS dolin l!a.'r-t0[) F.b 1 Anna fil. Joaimis Fuvimr: J.L.I 'oct. vicar Hal if 1,1 de 'rt.\ ii.ita die sat. 20" JauuariJ inter husa.s .3 and I [lost nunidiem. ICOO Octob. 12 Susan [d. uf] Sanmel Dobson & Sara lA aroii.iydc, Skircot, this Sara is blynde & a conij whov_ hath hadd 3 bastards. 20 J'icar Fiv'our and hh Times. Ill tlic Imrials wu Ikivc iiiiolher libcrline suddenly sci/.ml wiili death in his drunkenness ; ;iiul a widow upwards of So }-ears of a.sje, who was pious and relij^ious and beloved alike of God and men : — IS'Ji) Frh T) Arllnn- < Hdfr.-kl War: fnriu<'a : ^•X pmiilis ili'ditus suhitiuira laurlc iiitrr jxicula C'lrrcptus iiif'Tiit, ;\Iartij 1:2. D'nu Anne I.acy vid ,Io; Lnoyc di; Hriarley Arnii,.; ; foiMiiina valdc pia ot ivliginsji*, Deo ct lio'iljus dilocta .^upra oi-logcniiia This venerable ladv had been tlie daUL^hlcr of Thomas Woodrove, esq., cif WooUeV. she had survived her husband nearly 1. 1 vears. His u;ravestone is now ]ilaced over ihe south door of the church, within the south porch. Their eldest (lauL^hler, h'.li/abeth, marrieil \icar I'lancis Ashburti. Dr. Johnson read the inscription a? follows : — ■ I fere lielh enclosed the body of John T.acye. of Hrierely es(j. ; who was buried the lyth day ol' Aui;ust in the year of our Lord God ----." The rcLcister supplies ilie delieieiicy, amouL'st the Inirials : — ri) Aiigusl, ly'^S- Johnc Lacvc r of Ids daughter Marie, and his father-in-iaw, ,)nhu Warhurtou, tutor of his son I'Mwavd. Augusli 28 .John Lniighothfi Nnrth vir vere plus et religio>us (piinquo libras scllolop glfiniat. testameto legavit, alia opera saneta [a'cstitit His will was made 24ih August, and proved 2Sth October, ifioo. He was a clothier by trade, and amongst a host of legatees, mention.s his relatives, Sibill his wife, Agnes his laie mother, Richard his brother, and his sons John and Isaac ( JVcir Fa- our andhis Times. (esccntoi,.). hmther-in-law John Drake of n.,rlcv-recn an.l hi- son Thomas, an.l -ran.lsons John, Francis an.l Daniel J)rakf, and his h. son Jacob Lon^'botlonl. " Also I do give, di^vizc', and bo(iupatli to tlir irrtM.. sclmnl of Fbillifaxc' fivi' poundps.'' Ono man -honest" and two " iruly i.io:is and rcli-ious ' make the year 1603 quite remarkable ; but the ^•ear ends the old way :^ Sept. 1\ Aliec Helewoll nuMulioa. ILd 25 Kirhard Stocks gravm:ddd. The curious entries ,ii the dcalhx arc i.anly in Engh'sh, and !lie rest will be easily maile-out : — lOOO.Ian. 19. (;ri-.,iy [.smi of] Mi.;li: I'aulde an iirrat liy I"iLlinticall l;.i>rr, Hal. Vv\,. L'7 iixnr Michai'i F.^xciMfi \\m: fuoiiiina pia t-t huncstu. JJodsworth records under Warley: — '• IS"' Eli7.abelh (IGOn-lj, ,,,11 107 in tli,. Common I'loa.s I.'i.-liaid Wu.lu liito of Quiekstavors, broke the close of .Mitlwel Foxcroft at Warley, within the Lordship o| Wakefield. Sanuiel Wade of QiiiokstavcrH was father of liobert, and dyed srized &c. :Mirhael Foxerofl -,011 of .-ai.i Miehuel" This elder Michael, would be no doubt one of the younger sons of James Foxeroli of Sowerb}-, who had possession of the manor of Langfield, and made his will 3rd November isCy. J lis >on .Michael the \ounger, lived at Kexbro'. The eldest son of James, was named Thomas of New or liarr Grange, and hi.- daughter Elizabeth married John Harrison of Leeds, the bene- factor, who built S. John's Church there. Another son Daniel of Weetwood commences the [ledigree in Dugdale's visitation i6('i5, and his son Anthony married the widowed niodicr of Dr. Henry Power before mentioned. Dr. I'ower forged another connecting link by marrying ^fargarei danghier of Anllion\ J'oxcroft. As vicar Favour married Anne Tower, aunt of Dr, Power, and sister-in-law of Anthony Foxcrolt's wife, the intimate connection between the vicar and the Foxcrofts is explained, luther thi.- Anthony's father or brother, both named Daniel, i,-ave one of the bells to the parish church, the 6;h, marked " Gero nomen Sanct: Johannis. D i5c;y F." ManiJ 19 Jo: Watmoghe de Tlinrulou hyghe eiistaUe ,1 kyude neyghbour. i 24 Vicar Favour and his Times. Dr. Favour g.ivc the lii,i;h cunstalik' no (iccasimi t.i l>c otherwise than a kin.l nuighliour. This is more than can lie ol' his iiredecessor: for at the Tourn heUl at Halifax loih April 1591, the to\vnspei)i>le presented tiiat : — " Leasiiii, Sa.'rw Thfuln-i,. Dudur, uiailo »u allray up-ii .l.'hu Wutimillgh thief constable the'e." He wa^ fined 3s 4d, several others were fined 5s for a similar offence, so the vicar was let off easily. There was a Michael \Vatmoui,di, lu-rcer, of Halifax, who made his will .'7 July 15S0, andhad brothers Henry and John, and children John, Mar^'aret, and Grace, and left his wife wiUi chil.l. Hii-'h W at- moii.L;h i!.l). asM^ied vicar Favour ; and in H'^.i. Mar-aret Watmough of Halifax bequeathed to her moilier (irace Wat- mough the residue of her goods : - '• And to lirr brothor -Mr. WaliiiMuyh, th.' Augrll wl.ieh ih.. (Jufue gave hiT." In the will of John Waterhoiise of the Cross hill, Halil.ix, he is sixled: — " Mv loving frii^nd Hugh Waturaigh cf 'I'lioniton, <:laikr." The will ol Marie Walniouu'h I'f Halifax, daughter of Hugh Walmough clerk, deceased, w.is ni.ule and proved in 1632. IGOl Miij ll.Miiy [-^'iii nf] Ivlward (Jib.son fhrinsiis bla>ph : s.irliaiius pi.nlil la, Hal. Another conjuror ' ,Ialy 18 Kub.Tl 1'. utley, Slwlf, John lienlhy, Slulf, Thomas Felher, .Shelf The.s 3 were stifled in a eolc/pilt w"' y" ilaiie. 2G Saiiuiel liainsdcu a coiuo drukaid died sudilinlye Noveliibfr 14 Thoiiiiis Iloni.-,' Ibdif .biietate et iu^ania mort. Among the receipts this year is the curious one " Gathered in V cliurchyeord o 8s. yd." The exjiense (if wine for the com- munion had risen to £-, 15s. " for 43 gal : 3 pints wyne." i /'/(■.;» h\V'ur aii,t /n\ 7'imis. saiil Aniif Xiuinaii ;_;;ivr also t" cvcrv inv.'iclir'i' in tin vicariil^'i! r)s. Ih-ydo ilnit x\"., u'' xx"' litjn;.' cniiiiiiiltiMl til y" ili-ri'ctinn nf h('r niiolc, wIki was hi'i' cxcculni', |im (listnlmtrii at liiM' ilcatli xlvi''. Ilru iimdi' ihi« piw in tlio chiilicrll fnr w.iiin. I'huirliiHl, \y'' cost xlv». llr Ki.pt a blyiid wciiDu, al hci' ivnucst 5 nr li \vmh, aijil gave x"'. with I'lm, iirakc, lii'V cjssin (iiTitiu, y' tiail iicitlifi' fatliiT ii'ir iumIIht liviiii'i'. The Pious uses cdnimisiioiicrs in I'uij, ruiiortci! of this t'oncfaction ; — '• iti'iii. wp finJc l)y th.' iplali..nof IJ.iht. \.n\\<', that Anne \oi-nian of Halifax, diil liy will ^'iv« -10 11.. which wa.s ccinf.'ss.il to tlu' said I-iol.t. by Mr, Dr fTavnur ; but we mithrr see will urn- wiitrin- In inaiiif.st to wha( iiscH and in wh.it manner tin: sanni was ;,'iven," IScsiilrs the above entry in the re.i;iMer, which evidcnilv wa.s not exhibited before the commissioners, vicar I'uvour's reply further on, fully accounts in a loK^l point of view, for the bene- f.iclion. Her will has already been ,L;iveii, Ai ihc close of ."March, 1602, Dr. Favour had to record the death of his royal patron, and the proclauiation of her successor, wliich ne docs with his usual tninuteness : -- I'Ji.t'J, Martii 2-(, irtijiis mOsis Miu'tij c vivis exci's^it screnis.s, Jii'iiiiia Elizalietha hnia turtin ale nicridiana. :2S" dcnflcia- tua est Jacobus rriiiius Kex Aug. Fra. et Elibernia hora 4 post merid. apud Halifax. So that it had taken four days for the news from f.ondon 10 reach Ilalifa.x. The name of queen Elizabeth will for ever be ])erpeiuated in this vicarage in connexion with the free grammar .school, which was founded at Heath in her reign. Dr. Favour had for four years i)rior to her death been active and energetic in procuring subscriptions for the erection of the school ; and his laiiii inscription over the .school is familiar to every reader of every History of Halifax. .\bout tl:is time also the parish was reaping the bcnclit of the doctor's energy in correcting abuses; in the lesioration to i i : - I'liiir Fiiraiir iinJ iii\ 7'/mli of ilio ih,i|>cl .it Kasirick, wliicli liail Ijcoii .ilic'iiateil liy a clerk nf the y in- fonniiiij lis iliat there was in the newly erecleil church at Kas- triek '■ onlinarve service so illslinckly done and iid I .iiid ps.dmes so well tuned and soiv^'e in th.it cha|i|iell it jjleasyd Mr. Doctor lavoiir (to encorage the people in weldoin^e) topreathc iheie in .M.iy, l('io6." The doclor'"! entries in the re^fislers from his i oili to his 131I1 year present a contiiiiied mixture of vice and virtue : — |6('2. l''i:li. L'. vid. Knl)t. lliiiitllfS, Ovcudi'll, fo!lliil;;i pit. aniiii ftru 'Jli. Her liusliand, Kohert Holhe of Myxenden tlielder, clothier, made his wdl i(>th October, iSf^.^ ])rovcd October isi in the following' year. I lis f.uiiily n.inicd were wife IClizabeih, d.ui:;liler Janet, and sons Kobert, (Jeor^'e and J spoko to his Con^'reyatiou from tho I'ulpit, it was willi that powei' of Tiuth, and oloi,'auco of Siik', tlwt he chann'd liis Hearers unto Love and Ail- niiralion." Such was the grandson oi ihe fivmiiiai plm of vicar Favour's days. 1602. Feb. 20. John Longbothu, Soar. This was a eOmr. dru- kard, wrote [wrouj,dit] in ye morniiige, spet y' aftm-noon in diinkiuge, & di(;d suddenly eve ingjit. ■ 22. ux, Peter llarison, Brad decol. Scarcely five months liad elapsed since the previous gibbct- ling. This time the offender is a woman, but ihc doctor makes no remark. 1G03. April 4. Judith [d. of] John FearGsydo, Halifax, thi.s was a wdioro and h.ad 2 bastards. Tliis family of Fearncsides seems to have been a sad sore in the parish. Fotiunately ii was by no means a common name, and has by this time almost died out in the neighbourhood. For that reason, and also for the purpose of shifting the di.sgrace of such a family into another township, as the overseers of ihe poor used to sliift those guilty of the (to them) almost more disgraceful crime of poverty, we give an abstract of the only will of a Ferneside amongst the 4000 in our collection. 12ih August, 1.51G, proved 3rd November f.illowing :— John Fernesido of Orenden de.sired to be buried in the ehureh or ehurohyard of Halifa.T. He bu.pie.ithr.l sundry small legaci.'s to hi.? daughter Agnes, and to hi.s grandohilch'en John and William, sons of his bom William. The moi,.ty of tln^ residue he left to p.iy Jus debts, nn.l the other half (o William, .lohn and A-uos his ehildren. : I'ifiir Kn'oiir niui /n.\ Times. 29 I'ossibly tf) Olio of those Johns, tiic grandson, helongs the dis- tri,-(Ht of rearing,' such a family. The ne.\l entry beiont^s to the same lownship ; hut in this case concerns one of the most numerous famihes in the parisli. It is not ad\isal/ie, even if possilne, to atlein|it any idenlilicatii.in. April 20. Tlionis WilUiiison, Ovendm. Thi.s Tlinms was u great whon^m'' in his youth and Ijuasled of it in liis 1,'isl sickness whovi'uf he died. -29. uxor, liolit. Douglity South [owrain] foeiiiina pia. Another pious woman ! luidently a synonym with \'icar ]-"avour, although not knowingly, for a mother of clergymen; for there was a Robert Doughty of Wakefield Maister in Artes, who made his will in i6f^i2, and his son-in-law Richard Cnorc, was at different times minister of Crostone, Todmorden and Tonge. An Kdward Doughty was minister at Luddenden i6''i4-,. Junij. 18. Riehanl Mcol South finuiu 90 vir ln.nestus et pins 4"'^ videt tilios cocidiiatores erudito.s. These four learned ministers of one family, sons of the pious and honest Riciiard Xichol of Soutliowram, add maierialiv to the array of literary men whom IIalifa.\ produced at this period. We regret, however, that we are not able to identify them all; as, unfortunately, we have not a cojiy of the will, if he left one, of this Richird Nicol. On the I2th .'-^epteiiiber 1625, proved 2ist March 1625-6, Richard Nicholls (no doubt, one of the four sons) made his will. He is described as of Coathill in Soudi- owram, clerke. His wife's name was Jiideth. and his childreiis' Josias, and Daniel, juileth and Rebecca. 'I'his secouil son Daniel made his will 81I1 November 1658, and mentions haviiu; jiurchased laidwell from his brother [osi.is. lie also meinions his uncle Daniel Whitlakers. his wife (Jrace, and his children Daniel, Samuel, Joshua, Judith. .\nne aiul (Irace. In Oliver Heywooil's aieount (wiitien 16(14) of his prede- cessors HI the ciirae\ of Colev . he mentions (no dnnlii) aimlher son of Richard Nicol, who was a niinisler. He wr e: — '• The. lirst preucljiug iiiinister after due Sir Ail.iiii, who was a reader at Coley, was onu Mr. Nicholls, who was a ;;M,id l< , n A- 30 r/iiir FiiT'our 111! (I Ill's 'J'iincx. scholar, an iilile expositor, :iiul did i^ood liy ciiti'diiziii^' lui'l fxpouMiliiig. His successor acknowlcilf^'cd tiiat lie liait followed liim in tivo places, and tliiit lit' hail laid a j^ood l'o\nulation of knowleilgi.' in thi^ ]i(Mp!e where he came. Yft he was addicted to drildiing and CMnipanj'-keiping. III! would have saiil to liis conipanii^ns, " Vcjii nuist net hoed mo hut when I get three feet ahove ihe ea:t'i,"l was into the ]iulpit. Ife removed from Coley lo 'I chapel, in i^radford parish ; where he lived veiT mahv years, got a great estate, hail many sons. Tin y all prnvcil vin'v had ; have spent all. \\v. died within tlii< ihiriy year.s ; wa.i very ancient." Although Oliver Hcywood docs not luentiop liis christian name, yet \vc have nu dilliculty in supjilying it from the information he gives. Amongst the benefactions to Heath (Jrammar School reponed to the Pius uses commission, was: — It: by Mr. John .Nicali, minister of 'rhonilon chapp: in r.radfordale ... ... ... 1 d In the parish church registers, iiowever, the sum is (lilTercnl, being entered under Southowram : — J.i : Nicolls uf Jfarsh, clerk ... .. 13 \ In I'^iJ;, vicar Henry Ramsdcn made an appeal for mote money for this object, and amongst the list of those who rcspoiuled (also entered in the registers) occurs : — Itm. Mr. Nicoll minister of Thorneton ... 10 Of the other two s()ns in the ministry, we have not at present any information to pulili.--h. We come nexl to the binh of Dr. I'avour's iast child : — ICol yept, I'llizah : .loan: Favour nata. 3'' Sept. circiter le>;;i w''. uto muridiana. muday. In tlie linrial', we liave : — M0:j Feb. 29. hif: Anniv Ingham OvO 1 W. I'his Anno knewe no father to \wx ehilii, hut being aii idioi was forced liy a stranger in thi' feild. hiul January 14 lii'.'hard liarocOougl.' li' KUb h^gavit patiperibus. S Vroir F(i7'"!ir ami his Times. 31 His will was made 25th December 1604, and proved 2ist Feb- mxTy 1604-5. We I'.ave not room for it here, it bcina:, 'ike bis desceuilants' wills, somewhat long; but the benefaction referred to is ibore. We liavc also a memorandum as to the manner in wiiic'ii tlie letjacv was disposed of : — Whereas Kichird r.arraclont!h the elder late ni Halifax dec. dill by his last will, give the Sonio of Ten Pounds to be disposed, to and amongst the Poore of the Towne of Halifax, att the disi;relion of his two F.xecutors Riehiud and Saiiniel liarraelough his two Sons. Nowe the said Two I'^Kceiitiirs did prijseiulie aft«r the death of their said fritlier, |iart and dislrilmto all the said Some uf 'I'l'ii I'liuiidsto anil amongst such of the said Poore of the lid tuwiie, as they iu their discretions stoode in ninst nede theruiif. lll('HA[iU liARAtl.OL'CUB, >SaMLK1.I, liAKACI.OL-Ollli. liiiHAiii) riARHAcLouoiu'; the elder, increer, married Alick (who made hur will 6 April 1G05, proved 10th .liiuuary IGOo-C) and had lilCHARI) of whom hereafter; SAMUEL who married Ann, an I had IJichard (who liad Samuel), Phodie and Samuel ; GICMLY wlio married Jolni Wilson and had .fohn, Sara, Mary and Fi-uicis Wilson ; ^1 L/C^ who married John liriiok.diank, and had Phopbe and f-ara P)rooljsbank ; and HK^TFAt who married William Platts and had Hester Platts. l!l( llAlih Hauhaci.ouoh smi and lieirof liieliard married PlUEiiE and had lilCIlAlU) who married Isabel and had Knbeit, lileliard and Phoebe, who probably miiiried ,bibn P^wer brother of I'r. Henry Power, vieiu' Favour's nephew, but, 'riioreshy calls lior Hannah ; 1)ANII',L who made his -will 21sl Septeiuber Ifillfi, pioved Febry. (ilh ICifi-T, and \v,is buried October 3rd Ifi.'ifi evidently uiiniaiiifd ; JtUlN wlio died before his father; '/'()!UT of wImiii mure hereafi-r; I'lKEIlE married Sam Mil. hell and had Sam, dair.es, T.^iit, ,lohn and Sarah Mitchell; and .I.V.V married Sam Clnugh and liad diacu Clough. TouiT IbvRRACl.ouiiH youngest son if Uieliard, made his will i'jth Jainiary lOtO-^U. He was churchwarden uf lliiii'ax in 1053, and high clin^tabie in 1G41-'.'. He niarricd .Maui iiA f 32 V/'car Favour and his Times. ii:ui;;lil('r i>f ThuiUii.s liliU'kwuiMl nf iliiiifax Mdur ( Illai'kwinMl House), hy wliom ho lia.l '/'(l/l/Tcr 'I'DliY i>f wlinin lirrc lifter; MAIITIIA iniiiii'il LinK'V and liiul ,J- liml thiit Aiiiin li.iii, : lOliS. it uas li;it 1a' Syiiimi IliMir.-- iiiid 'Jli'is Tayl"!', thill cc'iii-lalih's, In one Allan I'liiiiilijl'ili, anil tlial tlanu ( j'nwthri wiilow ''avr her word fir it. i '} In lh<; expenses Idr ido4-5 occurs an ilum of £i iCis. "In V" luy;;he coslalilo fur inaynieci soldiers" — a sjiccial |iro\isioii for their niainlenance which only commenced shonly belore this (late. IGDO .Ian. 3 ux 'I'hu .Mnrlcy Hal mcivtrix IGOGApiil -2 'I'h"ni~ Liter Ovii;, vir rclii-'ii'ssissimus it linne.-li.is. di.-lrihail sub iii..rlr iiaiiin'riliMs nIs. He was fireat-j^reat-grcai t,'raiidsoii of Richard Lille>;er. draper, who was resiiluary lei;alee. alon^r \\ iih testator's three sons, in the will of Henry, the lirsl Savile of C()|iley, and inferent.ally a son in-law. This Richard [.ister held a niessuai,'e and four acres of lanil, whith had I'eeii Rol'crt Lister's (prohahlv his fatiicr) ; and also inter (ilia, another mcs.^ua^'e a.iid 4 acres, late Richard llliiiLrworth's, and oct ins in a Ken'.ai of Ilalitax dated i/tli Decemher 1431;. 'I'iuinias Lister of (i\eiiden 111. ide his will 4di May 1(105, jiroved inii June idofi. IL- slated he hail preferred all his children, yet Lequeaihed to .Air. ( Jeori-c Hoothe, who married his daiiijhler Marv, /j. ( . .S: and the same Sinn to eacii of his oiner dan^uhters ; viz. L'dith, wiie of RoLar: Ilemini^way of ( tverlireare, (i race, wife of Isaack Ilojikinson, Siliill, wife of Jnhn U'hidey, ,;iid I'luehe, wile of .Mr. Keiniie of Hr.idford, and the residue to his youiii^er .son Samuell Lister. We have already given some acconnt of Mr. George lioo'.he. Mr. Caleb Kemp was vicarof lir.idford, ar.d his will was proved 2f)tli .Xpril 1615, before the dean of I'oiuefract by his wid( w. Samuel Lister, the younger son, was the lirsl 10 reside at Shibdeii hall, Souihowram ; and his son, Thuinas, married one of the coheiresses of that estaie. IGOf) MaiJ 3 Koht Ole,s Halifax, cleriins paMehiiili.< His will is dated Tsl .May ifii^ti, proved itnli .\pril 1607. He 34 I'l'cdr Faroiir diul his Times. is slyled " ]iarishe clcrko of iho churclic dI' Il,illif;ix," niitl left 5s. to jj;o(lly iHcs, Ho bi-(iucatlic(i :--- " Tlir- Iriisc of uiv (hvclHip^lHiii-ii' unto mv lovoiiiv.,- Mr. I ini'tor ll'avMiir, ami III iiiy l; 1 fn-iinl liaiiwll ll'.ixerdfti', to Ik; pillii'f |ii'i.'SHiitiy smiM, Ic^tt to fannc or nlliiTU isc (lisiioseil of, all tlii'ir .liscrctioii," for the liciiclii of liih chiulrun viz. two sons, not nanicil ; cKlcsl (laiiL^lncr Susan. 10 wlioin \w liC(|ii(;,ulicil ho ; yo^n,^'csl ilauL,'luor .■\iinc, to \ilii)in lie iicqucalhcd /jo, ami piaLod in charge of Danyeil ffo.Ncrofte " anil my ,i,'ood kinswoman his wife.'" Me left 10.V to each of the over.seers of his will. Daniel I'oNcnift married (Jrace, daughter of John F.ister of Halifax, who died 1587. HrearciilYe's ?»I.S. states that |ohn, Kichard and Roliert Oales •• had hcen clerkes at the church at Hallifax nearo So years." .\s the last died in ifio^i, this would brini,' the admission of the (Irst circa 1527. This di.sproves the vulgar notion that parish clerks were ci'ealures of the Reforma- tion, [n 151)3 his salary was live pounds ]ier annum, and he was succeeded as parish clerk by Flenrv Savile. The next entry would have enabled Watson to correct his imperfect pedigree of the Sunderland family, (Jn the 21st of A]>ril, if)of>, the baptisms had licen recorded of I'eter and Judith, children of Kichard Sunderland. The death of his wife speedily followed : — ■ Muij 12. Maria u.x: Kicli: Sutiderlaiid de Coh'y, generoni, foeniiuii dileota Deo, doleeta iiierito. This woman, so beloveil of fkul, and so worthy to be beloved, was the daughter of Sir Richard Salionstall, lord mayo- of T.ondon, by Suzanna, daughter of Thomas Poyntz, though Watson's pedigree calls her Susan. Hi'r husliand was great grandson of Richard Sunderland, of High Sunderland, who married f.ucretia f.eventhorpe. His father. Richard Sunderland, married twice. His second wife was ,\nne. daughter and heiress of John Rushworth of Riddlesden and Coley. Ricluuxl Sunderland, who married Mary Salionstall. was bv this second wife, and of course inherited Coley hall, \-c. ; but eventuallv upon his elder brother. .Vbr.ihnui Sunderland, by his father's tirst wife, dying without inaK' issue, lie succeeded also to I J'iiii. lunu'iir :Uh! Ill's 7'itius. 35 'I Ilipili Sumlerlanil. lie had i^ovoral sons aiiil (laiiLrliiLTs. one of them, Samuel Sumlcrlaiul of Harden, beinijllic I-enefaelor; and another, I'eter Snndcrland of I'airwealher ,i(rcen, ihe subject of some of Oliver Hevwood's interesthn,' L;ossi]). The eldest son, Ahraiiani, married l';iizal>etli dau^^hier of I'c'.er Laiudale, of lieverley, and sister of .Marnuuluke. (irst lord I.angdale. Their son, Lanijdale Sunderland, raised ant the commimion had risen to (n gallons and a half (costing £-j Ss. 4d.; and this year there was a •• lay" made which realised /"S5 14s. 8d. for the jiurpose in |iart of making provision for the increasing wants of the parishioners. The old communion cu[i was sold for/5 3s. lalo.s is .1, iu.iuhii.il.le evi.leme of tiie sprea.l of the refnimcl faith. In the year U>ch-y (Dr. Kavoiirs 14th .vear) there wa.s another lay of /"yo, of which I lahfa.x proportion ■^■^ /y 7s. lod., that of S.nverhy /, . 2s. S.l., and amon^:st the ilishnr.sements were : — Imp. hrend ,^; wine Itni. imlpitt (■lotho \- cuHnion Itin. for 17 trci'H lo Sir Ocorgo Siivilc In'syds L' wl' life ^fiivo Jtm. for poutintrc Klitliiisjc, Huwinjrn Itm. fiir Hiiwiniro .v hciriii!,'!! 4 rood.H of tionlK ,v ",") iol]lii-vc.>< Itm. for filluijfu JO ID tVuoH 10 11 10 1; 10 o S :! 4 :! ir, r, '.I fi r,es.,les /6 paid for carriage. To uhat c.nil.l the timhcr for tliese nineteen trees have heen ai-propriated } To uhai else i„.t the pewmg of the church : It must he reniemhere.I that Halifax church liad lon^: been famous for the preachin,- there. We may aid, as comH-ciin- I),, i'avour with the perpetuation of this l.reachiii- (hstinction of Halifax, the lollowin- passage from Oliver I leywood's M.'^S ; " AH thi.s," times, f„r .'iO y,,ars U..,~ih,^x- aiid upwards, ihrn, wa.s 11 famous fXen;i.si> maiiitaiiUMl evpiy monil, at Halifax, whereat not ,.idy iici-hhour nuiii>ler.s piva.hed in their turns, hut .slran-ers far an.l n,.ar were sent for to pnaeh it ; iwo s,n, i.,„s a day, heinj,' the last M'^dnrMlav in tli.; "'■■nth ; multitude.s of liearers. It's .aid this e.xereise was UKiintaiiinl in Dr. Favour's days, who was a i,Mvat friend to xNon-Cunformi.st.s, niainu.ij„.,i t h-o famous „u'n .-is Irdnrers lit Halifax, whom ho shrou.led under his authority and iutemst with the hishop, namely, Mr, Coys, banished out "f Kent for his non-Couformily, a eimiee man. veiy la- borious in ih.. work of the Lord, eateehized all the poor, expounded to them in the ehureh ,.11,. d.ay in the week' -'"■'' ""■"' '" '.V ; I liave th,. eat..his;u whieh l,e tau-ht them; and Mr. jiarh.w, Miat writ upon Tiniotiiy, a elKa'co man, who had been shiouded under Dr. Favour." The former of these lecturer.s was by birth a Halifax man, which was no doubt the cause of his returning hither when banished ,n,l of Kent. ( )f the I'xereises in ...hich he and Dr Favour assisted, a MS. tveord was presetved in that ex- i I'/'ivr Firri'iii- and his 'J'iniis. 37 I traordinary nmnlum ff,i//i,ium —T\unes]>y'H niiiscHim, in tlie shape of : — .Soiijioiis [hv;|(1iim1 at tli.' I''.xrn;isi> at Ilallifax, la- I >r. Favmir, viraf lliiTr, Ali'X. ('(mk, vicai' iif I Its, Jlr. (.'ulyor of liiaiif.ad, Mr. I.i.-hf ,,f W'akfliclil, Elk. Wales of Piulsoy, S.-iiii. Wales of M,,ilr\, .I,,-,.],!, IIill of r.ranilcy, (fatliri' of ' Jns,i,)i iif Kollieiliaiii) VAw. Hill of llutliiTslieM, Joliii .I:ick.-.,ii nf r.eiwiek, Will. Styles ot I'oiilfract. Jfr. XiitLr of ,Sij' .lului .Savile's, liathliaml, I'.arlow, Gibson, Wilkin- son, llnysi', J'ower, iVe., in thl'ei; vols, wi'il liy llii' two l.iollh'is Elk. aii.l Sam. AValus. Dut \vc ninst resume our e.xtracls from the rej;isiers. In l'io6-; wc have some hnrials of nien marked " reliifiosiis," one of a udni.ui calli.'il liy Dr. favour " mcrctri.v," and the foliowin.Lj three, of uhieh the (ir.st is simply a record of one who liuiii; himself and received not christian lairial : — HioO -lanuary- .loaiine< liiiuai' se lagueo jiiL;Mlavit in Su.jrliy deeiiijo .laiiiiaiij l('i07 .\u,^' 7 Hriiry IIovli', Hal. vir \al(lr piiis, h',i,'avit |ii;s nsiliiis cjiiiniiue iiiiin-.is He maile liis will 171)1 .\pril, i6';/i, proved 2IsI June. l6cS. " III |ir|is, ).. li.. iiijpjniid In III,, fmlheraiiei^ of lraniili,u;e, <'!■ ;lu' ivli'ifc of ill., ponii. (at till. disiTrii,,ii of mine over- soei>) wih in the |iaii-h ..f Haliifix. lliiv<. p..inides. six shilliii,t,'os and ei:.;lilprn(M.. '['n my mothei' in ]a\v ill tokiii c.f my love, a lille Lri'ld rino, to my uivr'siwo ;.isters that .in- niariod, {•;.|it|i and Isaliel, (■(he a silver sp e w"' a Kiinp ai llio .■ii^l. and lo my wive's sister (irace iij s. iiij d,. in like t^keii (if mv ,L;ood uill. Hiii:. 1 di'siie my lirvin;_;c freind and pasl.a- Jolin llavoiir doetor (if the lawes, and viear of Ilallifax, my lo\iiij,'e brothel' in law Mr. Hn,uh Watmnii;^h bachelor of Ihviiiity, my loving- kiasiiian Saiiiie 11 Ibali'. and mv h'Vino ^odsoiuio .Mich.iell llairstow, to lie the ovel^eias of this my li-t will, to wd(oihe in lokeii of my hiv.- If.wardcs (hem, l;;ivi' and bc.piealh a- folinwolli. To I lociur Hin our 38 Ficnr f'ta'our atul his Ti iniix. ■A ilniiliki .•^oveiaiLjlii:. Tn iny ln.iih.r W"hiiuiij;!i my l]i^'(jiT ;,'ciulil liiiL,'!'. 'J'n my i]i|iIii'U- Saimirll lf,,iU a silver I'iligc, lunl tn liis sioiMc; Saimu'l my guilsnnuf x s. Ami tu Mif'liacll Uaii'.stowf a iloul)lt! .suvciaiV'iif." Tic I'Cciuealhcd /loo to his Sdii Ilmry; an. I tlic rcsi.liic tn his; wife .Mariha and iwo dauglitois, l.iu tliuir parts ncit to "\c(.(.'d ino marks each ; and llic i;iiardian?!hi|i (if his iluec tinlihtn lo i;i-\Ml'e. If liis Min Ik-nry ilied a niinnv, /j._) dl' his was id he ajiplieil to godly uses : and if he .lied inlcslalL', then all to he apiilifd as aforesaid. John ffavom- and Kdnnnid lirearclille were two of the wilnesses. the foriiier ihe vicars son, and die- hitler father of the anlinuaiy. fohii lirearthlTe. Ifi07 8i'iit. II. Kiehanl Will'mson Mai ipgavil p.-.iiperihus .%"• Hr. Favour xx"'' 'I'lie constahlc heforcnieiitioned, "ho in 1^105 receiv'cd the hene- faclion of IIukIi Atwell, clerk. liis will wa made 27111 AuLr\isl, conlinned 5th Sepieniher. and jiroved lolh Noveniher. \Ul.~ . Ho was a chaimian by trade, and hei|iieaihcd /lo to his broiher Alexander Willinison, /20 each lo his sistc-rs .Amies and isahell, izo eijually anionirst the children of his late hrolher Henry, /20 to his sister Feild, ho to Josei-li Feilde his sister's .son, and lo the rest of liei children /lo C(|iially. to his Kod.son [■tichard -Arid.^dey, A, lo another godson, a child of .Svinon Midgley, js., i(< .Michaell Smith of Heath /lo, to HinnfiT-y Drake the writer hereof /in, to the jioor of Halifa.x /lo, and other legacies lo godchildren and others inclmiing : — "Ileiii, 1 doe give aii.I liiiiueutlie tu Mr. Doetov It'avuur f.n- hi-i childivii llKi." In h.is i5tli year the doctor is called on to record the vile end of another I'earnside, and ihe sndden dealh of a Hairslow 01 Xorih I'.ridge, an incorrigible dniiikaril, who must have been of the family of Wni. licreslowe, who perseciiud and perhaps aided in murdering vicar lloldsworili. IG07 .I.iu. 7 .Inhn l!a..-tnwe .\..iih!,ri,--, ,.|.ii.-iis el iiieur- ligihilis, iiiojrina ct subitiima mi.rli' pi-n.-uipliis .Ian. S Milhi'w Fvaivn.sydr oven ebiiisns nujite s diilaiica '■ovii'ptus t't iiignlatu:- liiiii luiTiuii lUiil Ills '/'iiihs. \Vi Tlic next tliree (.'iitries arc of belter tharactor'^. Firvt we have oiicol llie liiTiffacldih of Halifax- - ^I.Ul 1 L'. I'.ri.ni ('i"\vlliiT, ||;tl, |r-;ivit srli.il;i' ;4i-:ini';il. virar, i]r llalifix vi:' 'i litiia^ I'l |i,iii|iriiliiH rjiu-^ili in viila' ilrce lihras iiii'iii I'l'iMilii* ex ilMiiiiiio sivc iiiaufriii di^ Ariuiii in '•Miiiitalu Klinifl ill pi.'r|ii'tiiri. Tlii^ IJriaii CrowtliiT. bi- si.li's iIkiI xxx"' ammityi' f,'ivi' lo y" si'lmk' ;niil [iCKjrc uf llalifnx, line ^^avc x"* in inTsiiil iiiniicy to \)V<' disiriluil'Ml 1.1 llii' jiuoiv iiiiiji>'iiiiitly(; iifti'i' 111;* iliMllic iiioiii'.Vfi' xxxiij"' to tlir<» that I'li'si'iitly \v( ic or Imil licino liis si-rvaiitj<, (liv( IS ^,'o(iiiiii II:iIif,i\, at Mr. I'luinr ; hi-, ,|i-Li-.:lio!i ; .uitl 15-. Ill \\yj I'lior r l\'i li.i!-.l \Viin,|. lii'iiili'T , ill-law Kuln'rt ain! I''.il\var'! Siinlt'rlaiitl. ail 1 l-laiiar.l liiihlli'v. W.; have mily ln-i'ii alilc; id Liiiiiii'Ct ivcoiillv the |ii.vli,'iL-o III' the Siiiiilcrlainls nl' lli,i;li Siin- (Icrlaiul, Willi ihil iiito wliicli KhIuti W'ooil niarri'^il on tlic Sili Jillv 1577. The lii-Dllii.T in l.iw. IM'Aar.l Sun.lciiaii 1. in wIim-u i:aru lie cotnilii'teil his yoiiii^'i.r ■.mi 1 -..lac W.nhl. \va, (.uiair ul [■'.Hanil fmm ifioi until his iloaili in i'',;.'. 'I'Ik,- pi'-ain' hi-i will iiiaile 22n(l Fcliriiary Kuj, pnKx-J Mh .May H ■Aiiriiii III" lioiir,' pulilisla-'l : — •' i I'.l'.vir.l Siiii.l'Tlaii'l, iiii'ii'liT iif CiNrs umi.I ai; l''..il;iiiil ill ;lp' ciiiuity of ^^>^!;l•. a.;'' I aii'l S'laii'l iiii'-; ~ii-ki', yll nl' i_""ii| 111 •iniry lli.'uk' - Imm> luihi iImiI tluM'- f"Vi' Ixii'iwiiiu.- ll:ll I 11. list I IV, it li, !■ !m|i_'i; (l.'lP.irt ''Ut nf ijlis l-alllllv tahiiiliat'li' 111' lioily lif iiiiin', wlini wliric ami a-; itl .-hall [iloas.' (J. Ill ill nil I'cy ti ii|i|>iyiit. ia whnuiM 1 livr anil hn]"' ti ilii'. .1 I ■ diiLiiiii'. iiiaki' aa'i Ari-\ wf thi-i my piv-.ait ia-l ■,\ill aii'l tL'staiiimt, in iiia'.tiv ami laiiiiiii fMlliiwiiiLji'. Hirst I L'ivi' ni'ist huinlil' ami liarly tliaiikrs unto Alnii.i^lit y liii.l. 111 ui< s.iniii' .Ii-iis I'hii-l, fill' all his iniiuiiirralili' aiiil iiivaliiaMi' 111' I' lit Irs tnwar.li- isirr, a ii.i'>l ii'inii' cit ilun- ainl iiiisfi'alil" siaiu;', all tin' limi- "I' lift.' lA-'ii rvriy il.iy iIp-iv. "f. liiil aliiivi ,ill f,.v Iho u-' nf hi^ lU'sI lii.ly Wonl. whrli a- I liavi' as I kiiiw U'll h.nv .ifi.n rviiy ilay iImi vcJ (''.iiiiall ilralli l.y iiis hi'Iy Jiislicc. Ami I, jiiiiiv ^iiiniT, cM-ii fnaii ihr ;4r. mill oi iny haiti, ihir Iniiiilily ami I'ailh- fully crave anl i'Hieal his im-rey in ami for llio iiieniltcs ■if hii' ileai'o ami oiiely soini" .Icsns Chi'isl, fnr the five aii'l full reiiiission ami fyrijiveness ..| all my slums. Ami iiilii his iiirrrifiill iMiide"?, I ^ive all 1 rniiinieii'l my smili', whi'.'li hfi; hath sue dearely liiill;.;hl ami reiliamiod ; my lin.ly 1 leavu to the eaitli, In ln'e si-iiiely luiricl in llii! rhmrhyar'l of Ealaiiil. vviih ih'' l..il_\i-snf my lime ileiui: ami viii'V loviii;.'!' eliililivn Smniiell, Marllia ami .lereiiiiah .SiiiidiTlainl, iinlill the oi.nrra! ivsiirivctinn ami the last iiiil.riiii.ait.'' I uni lln' Hi-iun I iluiii .Cr..Oi', i / '.'I //.;,•,////, / 1, t ■-/(',•,•/•/ II , ',/.i; /I / /i,/,,ii/, ,,i . .lii|iiiV\;iicrli(ivt.s' ,/ IIuIvIIlx i//iii' t\^\v» /i/ai ,,'//// (, ■//i,/i /, //// ,/,yi /,;//; , ■//.' //,.y,, „ ■, ./■/,/,■ //,■ ■>■>,/,, u ,■/ /.fii.fii/y ,!///,•,• /Jj/i. \UH'('('('\\.\ . ///ii'// ii /'jiit/i\i/ff/f /// ///I' ^/iif //<;•/ -ffi.,. ^ ... /.ii,j/i.i' .Jr/n.i / r ri'mr F'lToiir iiiiil /i!.< 7'i»i,x. 41 Of these tliree cbililrcn. Sr.mncl riml ;'\Tnrt'na liird inf.ints. nn-', iIh' I'.llaihl ri/''isii'r "f iuirials rccdr Is nf the other:"- \']'l I, May U •'"viiiiiili \m< ,hlil. ■>!■,. -ns Afu.l' iiiii'i!-^ OxfuiiiMi- ii;i filhts imieus KihvKnii Suii'irrlaii'l iiiiiii-^ter ,l'".li!i:ili.i' !i>tatis ?ii'' 18 !nni d -8 s.jjliiii. Alxiut tlie jicriiiil of Dr. l''av(]iir's vicariate (o wliich we have now arrived ( i^oSj. anotlu.-r atlcmpt ajipiars to liavc heeii mailc to 1 in ■cure for Il.'ifax a <;h;',rter for a niarl;el. I'ossilil)- tlie anomalous position nf Halifax, ir havin.; a iiiaivir witliin a manor - the manor of the rectory within the ni.inor of the town- ship -accounts for the hea.d of the |>arish hcin,;,' devoid of that ]iri\ile,i,'e which hail hecn i;raii;cd to '.■.Ha;!.!, the centre of one of its suhor(hna!e chapelries. N'or is it gcnerallv known, th.u on the laps-e of the manor of the rectory into hiy liands, an nl- lempl was made to obtain ttie i>rivile,:;e lor tlie town of HaHt'ax. Tlie puliiication in 1846 of 77i, l^^nioii Papers In- the (,'ar.i- den Society shov.cd that in 'IVinity Term, i5!^4. Sir l''- \\'a\- sioL^ham wioie to .\1,. Iv^ertoii. then her ^hije^ty's Solicitor- General, respectini; the Kr.'uu of a cliarler for a weekly nuirkel and annual lair at Halifax ; it hein;^- projiosed to make the ;.;raiit to the inhahilants gcnerallv. llni A!r. KoSert V. aterhon.--e. as lord of the manor, put 01 his claim to the |iitrnt, which, ,is would appear l>y iIk f..llowing letter, was at once admitted. : — Td uiy vi'iie luvint; frinid .Mr. ]\:,'f rton, I'Scpiire, liir .Ma'li "s Snlii'itur. Sir, Whirea.i the I'st triiur. I wrilt unto yuu f,.-,' tlio niakyni,'!' roadie of a -. ii-tuyne hyll fur a luiTcall to ! >•■ h-d w>ckly, and one f.;vn' yearly, at Ilallifax. in V"rl: hire, .ii.l in 11. y Bayi h>t,fr Iraiiied tin- iid] ihitaiiii-.^ of Ih.il iowih' as ih" persons lo wlmuie this i,'rainit shntilil p.is.se. So it is that filu'r 1 d'"' uiider~tand tlitj .-ay. I Inwne U 11 liarcel! of the Mani.rnf IJ.illifjix. ;umI I; 1 .It W'ai. iliiiH*!'. .v-.f|uiiv, a^ (..'I'll cif liic uIimI.' .NhoMa-, siasiMl ..f ihal tuwiie. V, herrfMrr lh''i<,' are to piay you to make tli'' sayd hyll in sueh .-^orl as the ^^raunt of llii-i mevcatt and fayre laayi; pa>-; in the eavd lowni^ may have henrfilt th. rnrf. ,ind lir aVMyd such prejudieu as uiay. perailveiitiiie, Khn\ !■ lo lii~ iuliiiilani-' 42 Vi'ctir FiJT'flur iiiiil his Tim -s. vf till' Lrawnt wciic |i.is^i-i| in tin; nnun' "f ili. iiilia'i'iiiints 111 tl:a! Inwili' Tn wlli.'ll tll'rcl til.- i!rl.isr,l l.vil ri;ailiii. «1. rl, I [.ray y.iu Im all iWi- nf li.v yi'iir IniiM in la-e YuU fymi it to i.'oiilciue iii.lliiim piL-judi- iall to liir Ma'tii'. Aiul ^<'l 1 cMiiiiiicial ynii liartiiy to li'il. '•'r.jui my Iihum' ill I.diul'.'U, th'' xij'.h of K(iV(.iiil"T, I.'i>-1. LOUr l.iviii'' II ■11.1, FliA. \\'.\l>V?;iiJlAM. TliiN Robert Waterlimisc was tjiainlsdii to the Rcilierl Wnlcrliouse of ShilKlci hall ulio lifst ul>taiin.Hl on lea^e ll\e rcLlurial tithes, from \^i'-' til i-u. fi'<"" il'i^ laiory of i.ewL's. his uncle Ivjlicrt Walcrhmisc heiuL; liit- last prinr. A skclelon pcihi^rei; ol liis (Icsccm will 1101 l.c loiii.^: iinintcresiiiiK. SiK Cii.nKKT Watkkhhi sK. or Al> Aqiitv Homo Km., to whom was ;rraiU(j.l the arms:- '■ < >r, a ])ilc en,i;raileii sable," a projier finin.latioii fur a water l.oiise in a niai^hy ih>triet, was of Kirtnu in Lincoln-hire. I le hail by his wife Isabclhi, si-!er and coheir of Sir Jnhn de T.ontjvale, Km., besides a son and heir RoLrer, anoiher son :- - (iri.ai-Ki- W'mihii isE. who married Alary Haildon of Ilaildon, aH'l iiad : - RiriiAUK \\" viiaaioisi:, v.hci married the daughter ant! heiress of llollins of Ilollin>, and had : — IiiiiN \\'Aii:Kiioi'sr, who marrieii Alice, danuhler of Rookes ol l;„uk.., and haJ;- Riciiard] WAiKRilofSK, of lloUiiis, who by his lirsl wi. ■, a daughter of Mawd of .Morton Hank, had, besides his ,,eir John, Ivobert. the ancestor of the Skircoat branch, and Mar- garet w ife of William Otcs of Shibden hall : — KiciiAPti \V.\i rKiiotsK, second ^..n of Richard of Warlcy. In the archiejiiscopal register at \'ork, under date iSili August, 1468, is a dis|ienf.ation for Richard and Kabrll Waieriiouse, who linve married and have children, although twice related in the fourth degree. It va- i>-uei| by I'hilip, ; .irdinal-priesl of S. Lawrence, January loili, 4ih Paul 11. On September r' d to marrv iliein again without His will was made . a the 3rd. and proved on the ohn Ihodelegh is orde i-tli lebruary. i4.'''.j-5, i^ wdiicli are ii.nned his children r/rar i'avnuiiin.l I]is 'I'iv;^s. 43 George, L:iwrence, joliaiina, F.niina. ami Isabel!. lie had a iar^'e family. ainnni,'st llioin Koljcrl ihe last prior of Lowes, aiul his siiu aiiil liuir : — JoH.N WAiKKiiorsi:, wli'i, whcu a hny. iilaycl u|ion llic fouiuia- tioiis of the parish church lower, aliout a.ii. 145&. when there were only thirteen houses in Halif.ix. lie nianir'l Agni's, liauijhter of John Ki--lnv(inh, of (,'n!e\- ii,ill. I'lioii a pew (lour on liic south ;.i,le of the central aisle of the pari.-.h church, ne.ir to the jiuipit, there rem.'.ineil i^efore the restora- tion in 1S79 frau'Uienls of the only oM hrass nioriiiary memorial in lli.j diurcli. It represented ori-inaily a man and a woman kuee!in_;. ihe former with a fic;ok in his hand, the latter with a rosary hanuinj; from her wais'. ( i\(.r the former is a lal>ci — "Miserere mri Deus, et salva me" [Have mercy on me, ' • (loil, and --ce inej, and over the latter anoili'-r lahel- -".Miserere ntei 1 )eus-, secundum ma-nam miserico Have men \ or. me, () ( Jod. accordim,' to ' ' on a ' ■ ~ I iaie over ll:eir In-.; !-, .he thy .Dfreat n le.xt — "lam llif r.-suro'ctinh (i.nl ihu life .'-:titli till I ..id !!.■ ilial helii'Vi'th in me. Ihou-h Ik- .ti' di-aJ, yr; iiall \\>- live; and he tli;it livetli and lieli> vctli in me sh d) w\^■^■ !!.'." .\iid hy an inscription underneath \vc !r,;rn : . ue the memorials of "John W'atorhdws .if Ilalyf.ix, .ind .\ ~, hy- wyfF, which .lulin di']i'td from Ihy? worlde the X.Kvii A.w of .laiiuary, annii. I>iii, Mni . c x.\.x.'' They had issue besides son and hi r , of llollius in W'arley. who married Nabel, dau-iii< >ichola.s .Savile of Neuhall, by .Stones. dauL;hter of KoI.eil Wilkinson, vicar Wilkinson's broiher. and others: — RoDKi;r \\'.\rt:KUiirsK M-uaid son. of the .Moot (Mulclure) Hall in llalif.ix. In ihe an hiepiscnjial register is a dispensation, dated i.idi .M,:y, ijj.'. from (.'ardinal W'olsev, for Robert W.nerhouse and .Sibella S.nde lo m.iriy, ilie\ being rel.iled twice in the secoiiil degree. She was one ol the two daughters and coheiresses of Robert .'^.nile. who had inherilod Sliibden h.ill by his marriage with Jan. I, d luuhivi' ol Willi, na Oles. II I'lhir Fd-'Hir and his limes. Tho inlvivst of ibc Oilier cl.iu-hter. Isabel, Nvifu of John l)i-bum,w:isconvoye.| in i5."..:in.l K'.l.crl Walerhonse lluis l.ccamo i,(,sp.rs. however shows that tb- town was icalous of Mr. \Va!erhou-e's ilaim ;— To my very lovin- freud Mr. Thomas F.Kerton, V.f.'\. bei' Mu'tics Snllicitour (Ituierall. .Sir, Wh.'ivas, a-ood whih'siiier, 1 writi t ■ you for a patent to 1m; mad.) for Mr. Robert \Vaterhou«,^ lo lo'epu eerlayiie f'lyivsiu Halifax, wbieb yu dbl maku ivadii^ acroriUn-ly fo'rbir.Mu'liessi-nMluiv. ,< it is that lie! objrM.iioii beryi.- mad., a-ayiist ibal patent, :>ml the .■..nM.l.T,iti..ii tb.a-.-of by hir Ma'tie b.'uym,' referiv 1 ; . lie' Ma.4. r of lb'- R.'Hes, In; haih.', after th.^ b-Mryii • 'f dl obje.l i .!H. ma.l.' a .Iraw-ht ,,f ;, i>.w.. bv assent .f Ml Wat.alio,, .-s, a.lvei-.vne in this e;.w<' "l.i.d, .baw-b; 1 --.'1 iy..u ,nl.-.rib...l by lb.' M.'.-or ..f the l;..lle , priiyin,v'yiif. be suu.' m.iv lie eiigr.'--. 1 aii.l X X \ ^: ,;;;^ '/'/;.■ .l/< vui///■/■//< >/,,,■/' Ar/iv'i ■ /■(•///, 'i;; ///■< Sr). Vdur very loving frtnd, Fra. WAi.svNrinAM. XoUvilhslan(iing this n-reemcnt, however, the Kr^nt was nover ma.K- • Init l.v the folhnvini; memorandmn. which has just fall..n into on: ha.uls atn,m-s. oUn;r of Dr. Favours leuors, it wouhl seem that Sir ivlward Waterhousc (ihe son of tfie al.ovc Rohe-ll.alvnu the time of liis sale of ihe manor to Arthur In-ratu. of London, made another attempt to increase Ins privileijcs : — Quiiito Januarij ICOS. lit- .laoibi Augl. Frfic. & Hilicrn G'\ MMhat wh.a-a-. Mr H-nrv Ifarrer Ks^ilirr h:h witli mee .l,,h,. Ilavnur. ilr. of y laws i Vioar ol' llalyfax in Mi,:liaMni."r Twuv last, Imf.a-e liis goiiige upp to London .,f the; parishc luoiiy galhcivl for y" drf^ns.. of y" inai- kott, ll.- iu-t aii.l .■nlyiv MUiie "' yi- yuiird o yoiiniH lit 7'' y yuar.l xl yi^nr.ln of ,"-'1 y vninl xxxvij yi'iirilK iit, H'l nli; y' yciiril 1 -2 s L' l-* I I (i K 1 I) (I ft IC, I'l cfoxxix y imls SliertK, siiiouka, Hlieo.ta. C Bmouka uiici uliurtM at mv Iiowho eiicli ij yeiinls .v yii rein .. 'I'LIJ " .tI Wiilowt! Crowther hiitli in nhertH luiil Hniocks x in nfibtT ■■• ... .. .. ... ... XXV X BheelH at my howfle !! ytiinls (11 II I'ciri; ... xxxv a iriifit iiliDut ii liuarttirs ... ... ... li.ivi-rni.r^ .if fnv sehol,. ,,f llallifax, to 1m> payrd hy his oxi'i-ulm's. .\iso dOlii. t.i thr pM,,i i.f llallifax and -liirole, tn hi' dis- tributed in .") yi'ars nrxt afler hi.- ili'eiMse, wliieh suiue lio iippnihli'd his exeeiitni's in piy (.. jjis .'i nverscers, Isiiok U'.itcahiHis.., Dany. Foxerol't, .lolui liiiytii 'Sam. .Miehell, Vicar Farour and /lis Ti»n-t. 4" i ,111.1 Mi.hi'-l lli'k, \<> "ill. I"i '■^■"'■y '""' "f ''"'"' '""'''• '''"^ i. Id .'^ilV |<'h1i. i:is .1(1] li. ll.lllifllX p.iMi,., Ull.l tlir olllfr [.•lili. 0^. .^il.] I.> llir p."'iv "f Sliivolu. Al.-n 4IIII.. t.i 10 «{ ill.' iii-st li.iii.'^t p.'or triiclcsiai'ii, \vlifi..f vij lu' willed t.. 1).' (.f lliillifax, and 3 of .Skircct..., t.i wilt, (,. I'v.-rv ..ii'' ..f thi-m nil. lii^ I'xci'uti.rs ware "Sir. I'l, llUv .iir. iiiiil i^iilicll, will' ..f 111" Siii'l ■'"'ill Maii.li-- 'I'l...' will iiself, I'rovL'd ■.6lh July l6oy, cxplain.s the extra /i 4S. not iKUiieil in the coinmissiiiners' report. He liequeailic.l two .shilliir;-; i,':h1! li' twelve poor persons not able to conK' to his fui.ral. \Vh,it thi^ w;h in lieu of. appears liy a l.ecjuesi of .'JO for his fur.eral, if any remain to be p^'t-'n 'o ''"-' P"""". The (illiLT pioUb Injiiue'ls are as stateil above. He bequcathevl Icpicies to his wife I.s.ibei: ; -Michael, S.unnel, ami William sons of Ills late br.r.hrr Miehaell; his nej.liew J.ihn .Mauile ; to John Ikinii.i^ler, who unnieil his niece l-'.ffain ; Samuell an;! ,'^usan, (.hililiLn of late William Maude; Samuel, John, anil other children of (olm Kent; Dorathie wife of Miehaell llould^- woiili; loliii liail.-y of V.i!-keswould ; Anuc, (!au,L;hler of Alexander Hoodies. Ai in hands of her uncle Jauics lioothcs ; his -odchildrea los each ; an.! to his landlord Daniel Foxcroft. [liswi"ine aiiiiiiily towards the niayntiMMueo th.ri-.if. b- be i|i^|iiisi'.l by the overseers of her last will, am! I'l ilie poor .'f Il.illifax .t-'lh. t.. he lent from y.'.-ir to y.'ar. t . 4 f I'.i.li'sneii f.'V evrr, and ih if her .iveiseuis. or the m.)st ]i,ivt ..f tli.ni, sli.udd tnko sueli >ii.h or.lerasth, . uiiliniiane.' llier.f may remaiue. her rxi'ciil.pr was 'I'lin : liutterfeild ; her ovei.M'ers w. re I>r. tlav.iur, .'^.imu.'l l.ister. .'-'amu.l Mii.'lifll, and .b.hu CLiiiJi. [,-li.' burycl liihh .Inly liJl.'i, an. I -av in her lif time •Jdlb to piiivhase lauds bir mayntuiiaueu of a preaeher al Coley ('lia[.el. ] 4r, I'mir /■'.!; -iir .nil/ /n'x 7'im,.';. !icr will prow il I2tli OctDlicr ifn J, i-iin!irnis ihc aiidvc rc- jiort. 'riiiimas iiiiik'rffilil \v:is l:er ni'|ilH;w, ami licr odicr ri'laiivos nainL'il wi.to Iilt liroilici J.iines I'miurfcil.l of Kfi;;li!i'\-, aii.l I. lines liis son; I'".lix;iliu!li wiilow u\ iic]ilii'\v AU'xan.lir TJnUcrfcilii, and Isaboll her dai^diler: ni'iihews William, Ivl- ininid, and Koliert limicrl'i-ild, and I'luuna-;, Knl'erl, and Is.dieil cliililren of tlie last ; and niece l'".lizal)elh daii;;hter of y,>\cr Agnes (iarner. She also heiiueaihed le,L,'aeie.s in John ai\d Isahell children of Thomas ISmtertVild of West N'cirlon ; In die wife of John HarracionLjh of Halifax; to die wife of Rcjiiert iJeane of Wheadey ; to Marie Sliiudew.irlh and her sillers Elizaheth and Sihell ; and '• 1 t^'ive to my Invint,' pastor .lolin tl'avf.nr ii':etiirnf tlu' lawes and vifiiv n[ Ihdlifax, furtio iMumdes, and In hi» wifp a silv'' l»ndl. Tm my laudladie Grace Foxcmfl, oilier silver huull and /t." In iCioi) the three first remarkaMe entrie:- are : — Miirch 30 ;Vilhu. Stocks liiil. 1 ilro fllii>/f] April 'J vid jwi.low <>[] V\,iU:v, ll.il. UKtreliix itifaiiia |aii iiiiatiinu> proslilute] .lulij I'T i;iward Dentnii, \Vurli;y, vir prohii? cu a eoinonu in Capel. lie LiulJin;;dtMi doniii ri'Virl ; Kiiliilaiitra luurto cir- re[aus ohijl f.nte hfnii una elapsTf. That is--d'.dward Denton, an u[)riL;ht man, suddenly .seized with death a.s h. was returnini,' home from Luddenden church, and died witliiii an hour. The next entry is of another Halifax youth who had attained the university distinction of I!. A,, and the foliowini,' extract explains itself ; hut we may remark that a dash ovL-r a vowel indicates the omission of a letter, Ljenerally an n or m. Supt, 311. Kohl, [.-^on ufj Tli N"rlli. art hach. The onlv will of an Karle we have is that of Thomas i'/arle of Northowram, clothier, made .'jtli l''el.ra.iry i(nj--S and jimved 27th April if)oS, He simply mentions his wife, and his son [iilm and daughter Sara, prolnihly his son Rohort had heen diilv provided lor. I ■/(.(/ /•'in"lil itihl /lis rililiS, 4'J N,, villi. S. .I.iliii I'ailiii.-n. Iliil. .1 uirk.'d .liul<:il'l. IT.dilc- Cnwli.ur.l.', SkilT. .iMlin riiikiii.nl, :n:.l (Jilris ('..Wrhcanl Wl'iv cnmnli (llflkMlds, who llli^lilkill;..' y piviiuhcr ,v' ilnuiiicul Cnil'.' Jinlniiict iiX!i.vii... ..til.- ,v l!i;.^ lli.'V nn:i.' toy"tlnMvli U) I.e.' 1.1. ■s.-cd, and 11. .t t.. Im'u cuis.mI, aii.l ll,ci-f..iv w.ail.l ii.'V.Tcu 111 >■'• (•iiiurh a,L,'ayiK.. this lli. y l,h.-|.li.iu..l 111.' •'itli .'1 ir.l.iuii'-y, aii.l I...1I1 i'.'ll l.l'.'.-.-litly siVk.', ai..l ii.v.T ran..' 1" y" .■l.ui.'li I'Ut L' 1"'^; I'luy. .1. TIr- ciilri.s 01 l.iirials in the Doctor's I7lh y<;ar show :i happv |iici.(.n.!.-raiKc.. mina val.lc j.ia it ii'lij,'iiisj(^. I'hc ^rrand-dau-htcr of this ■■ Kobert Doane " was the w.i..- of liishop Lake. Robert Deanc of KnIlv must have married auiiin. however, lor in the will of his briiiher William, then of i'.aland hail. ilate.l 2Slh .August i'>i'', occurs "finiy hri.lli.'i H..l..rt l><'an.:, a silver g.-blel. and to his wife Ann.' L'fls." The same will mentions an uncle R.ibcrl Deane ..f Ov.-'n.kn. He wa^ under a-e in 1 5^!.. when his father made his will. His willow made her will 1 jlh September i'>6i, and his slyled Anne Ileane of Horti.n. widow of Robert Deane of lukisley, Rent. Her ejiitaph. in llal.l.ix parish ehnreli near the fi.nt, is as fiil- lows ;-■ " Heir ivst.'th the b. 'dv i.f Alili, ill.' wif.' ..f .Mr. Kubt. Deall ,'f F.xl.'y, wli.i .h'part.'d this lift, tl..' I'Jth day of S.'pteiii- ber, IGfil. Thi^rc in a Ooil " itli wlmni I trust My ROul hIkQI trhiniph, wOien my bo.ly is ilust Round the edge of the gravestone is the inscription :— .' Heir li.'th the li.i.ly of l;..beM I lean, eld.sl s..n ..f K-ibert Dean, ..f Kxh'y, wlm .lie.l .iaiiiiary 7. IfilD. An adjacent stone is unfortunately not completely legible; but ;i carries the pedigree down furtlier. r>(i J'i(;ir Fanutr an,! his Timts, V •• llnv liclli 111.' lH.,ly of l;,,l„.rt. D.M Exl.y \\\\« ilic'l .laii\ llii' Willimii |ir;iri nf Skiivnal dinl J.ii.y llil. IT.'il in 111.' -Jtlli yi;;,i' nf in- ;,;,'«■. ^U^ Wil- liaiii lii:(ii Mnii (if U'illiaiii lli'iui nf I'.IIiiiul Hall, wlm ilicil lliu-ilst ,lay nf A|Mil IT'iJ in llm lllli {,' 1 Itli) yiar of lii^- a;^f. Also William l>..,,n nf Klland Mall snn nf William |i. lUnf Skiimal who dio.l .laiiy Till ~U\ in ihr TOlh yral- nf liis wsy.. Al.-n (ir i>i'an tlic wifcnf William D.'au nf Kllmil Hill dicl Mawli Kill, I"").'! in thr I'l'Jlli \narnf Iirr a.^'c tlm \viff of Thninas I Iran of Klluml lliill an.l nf tlif al>nv.. William TliL'sc arc uvick'ntly lUc duscciuloms of Robert Dean, son ol William, i-on of Kolicrt and Ann Duan above mentioned. This Roliert I)e;'lii >old I'.xley liefnn; i'iS|;.io the f'iracme> : and \\'ai^(ni stall's he married and had a large family. I'cb. 1. Wilm. Ilalilyf. Hal. I'brinsus, aihillnr, iinpiiH. Win. RaiklilTe of llaiila.x made his will ist Jannary, \io. lie mentioned his wife Kli/abctli. an 1 brodter Robert RadelilTe. . 1. 'I'liom-i .Vmblrr, Sniilli. adult, c.'crniaiiiunii'atu.^. This is tilt! Ilr.^t instance we have met with of the doctor'-^ exercise of the power of the (."hurch, in excninnumicatinL; an adulterer. Feb. 11. .Miihutd Warde, Hal. juvciiijfs hniin; indnlls el relij.;io.sus. A yon.h nf u;ood parts and religious. He made his will, iiuii- cui)ative, ^th l'"ebniary, 1609-10, proved Jannary 17th, 1610-11 ; in wdiich mention is made of his wife Hester, and daughters Ann and (;racc. his fatlier Thomas, his brother Thomas, and his uncle Robert Ward. IT 'I'linms. Whitley Shelf vir inti ;,'ii'i' famn? pene tetis rmniil. A tnan of blameless reputalion. almost years of ai,'c ; we cannot make out the ai,'e indicaied. He was a member of tlie family, that afterwards were some importance in the district. I'itiir l-'iiTour aiiil Ills J'iiHis. .M I. Joii'is (.hvYilt.F.Y i.aiil 2x ivnl for l.iiuls in the .-rcU'-Uip (jf lli|)iK;riiolmi'. in \-\>\. II, Joh'ks (hv\ I 1 1,1 \ in i;,v , pai'l :;';, vil, lur lan^l- an. I i<' '■ niunts tiKTo ; anil in ij;i.?, jnln Wliitl.iy, and 1512. KichaiJ Whiilay, wLTc Kroavi'v nf I li|i]n.Tliolnie. III!, I'lioM.v.^ Wiiiii.K.u-, was lino of the jury who madi' a snrvry of cui.yliohiors, Au., in the -reave-.! lip of 1 lipperhohm-, m 1(107. iitherui,s(' nieniioneil in tlie list ; — WliilK.'ye ih^'s, (7 Aul;, 1.07;!) f..i nies.-na-,. ^S^ SJ acics aftrr a,Mlh '.r hi- f.ilhrr rii'iiiias, ill .>^ni(iurhill.s ,,, --'1. VVhitllrye F.ihv, niis,-i. ti ;iimcs aj Miclvnig-siMin ih'ath nf his tathor 'I'hiiiiiiis ... .,, ,.• ••• •■• -''• Whillnyi- .Mi''harl m. -s, ai;r lale LiimIs ><\ Win, Houlhe Whitth'V ThoH. part 'if •', avx \\\u. licivlh ,il -Mii'kl 'nos-i'fiis-e, -Js ;5,i. lati' p'ccU ui lanil of L'.s, ;!.l. Tlii- Thomas Wiiitloy is the snhJLCt of vicar h'avonr's eulo-iuni. lie tnarri.j.l l.efore l|:Sv, Margaret Ilooih ; an,! he i- ealleil hrother-in-l.iw in the will of Midiael lioolh, of Sliell, carryer, made in that year. It is evident dial ,she w;ls his second wife, as he names Thomas as his .son and heir; and ,she calls .Michael hereUlesl son. He made !iis will (uli June. iCio;,. proved .'i^th March, 1610; and i.s styled, laie of Sinderhills and now of Shelfo. He hecineathed to one of his youn!;cr sons, Kdward Whitley, ho and a messua,:,'e. i*;:c., in Clayton, and all lands, etc. there, which he lioni^lu of Robert lioihomley. \\;di reni.under to his son and heir Thomas. To another youn-er son, Mich.iell, he left I'O in monev and /lo in penn\ worth, and a niessiiane in Xorthnwram, at or near a place calleil Miclelmos.-efcid, with all lands. Sec. he late bon^ht of John Sugden and Mariraret his wife; and also lands lale liou.uhl of Richard liynnes and .^ibill his wife. To Samuel and Matthew Whitley, odie' : wo y(nniger sons, he be- ciueatlied a messuage, Ac , in Shelf, in tenure of testator, and lands. iS:c., late boii;.;ht of John and Michael Hoothcs. lie left the third of his gooils to wife Margaret. To his eldest son and heir ajiparcnt, Thomas Whitley, .\ls. ; to his son John, It) whom he had also surrendered hi.s copvhold lands, xls. ; to his daughter Ftfiii' Fai'our an:! hi,': '/'irnis. J'Minct, wife of Robert Sunderhinil, alrcaily |)rofeiro(l, five marks ; to his servant, Mar-rarct Wliiiley, xis. ; and the residue to M itthcw and Sa'iniel U'liitley, his executors. Mar.ijaret Whit r , late uife of Thomas Whillev of Shelf. iiia('e her will i;!); .\|iril i^io, proved I7lh January 1610-1 i. Hv the manner in which slie mentions her letratees, we may judge of their relationship to her. She bequeathed to her son John /40, and to /u'x son John /lo ; to her sons Matthew and Samuel /50 each ; to her lirother John Hoothes xxxs. ; to the wife of Robert .Sunderland xxs. : to her maidservant Martraret Whitley xxs, ; and sundry small le,:j:acies. She appointed her eldest son INIichacll. her executor ; also to receive /20 out of lands of Thomas Whitley of Sinderhills, and i^dward Whi'eley (x/'r). accorilinLi; to indenture I'lh Mli/.aheth. V. Thomas Win-"" kv of Sinderhills, yeoman, son and heir of the above Thomas Whitley, made his will 171! No\em- ber, proved 20lh December, I'lji. lie beipieathed 10 his son Thomas, all rents due .Martinmas last; to liis ilau-liier Marie, wife of James Otes /2co, to her husband /132, which he oweth, and to their children James, Jeremie and Josua Otes /403 each ; to his daught.-.r Susan, wife of Sinmn Fairebanke /200 ; lo Isaac son of James Otes of Whviiny roid, all lands itc, in Ossett, which he bought of ^'icl^oia•^ Mitchell; to his granddaughter Anue Whitley, /i,ooo; to Susan, wife of — Dalton, and daiiLditer of his late son Richard Whitle)' /■! JO ; and to Thos. Wliitlc}-, hi- brother's son /lo. He also 'bequeathed to .Mice, daughter of Richard (iibson /30 ; to his maidservant Lea Roioor of llip]ierhulmc, to be kept a- a stock and the interest distril)nted yearly; his executi)ih August, 1^162, and decreed that Joseph I'urness and I'lu.cbe his wife, executors of James Oates : J'l.lidi Whitley, Richard Law ami Hester his wife, executors or administrators of Michael Whitley; (irnce Whitlev, an 1 'oshna Whitley her son, executors or administrators of Joh.n Whi ley of Rookes; and Thomas Lister, executor of Sibel V\'inllev, who was executrix of John Whii'ey of Whcatley, should pay to the poor of Ilipperholme, the said sum of /40, with three years interest, and twenty shillings costs : w iiich monevs not being paid, a subpiena. in the nature of ,1 scire-facias was awarded in chancery against them. It woulil seem, therefore, that the issue of Thomas Whitley, who was buried I'ebruary 17th, idoi^-io, was as follows :— liy liis lirst wife : — r. Tiio.MAs Wunr-i'V, will proved ■'''31, as above. 2. Imiwaki). 3. [i;N'M:r. wife of Roln.-rt Sunderland, of Shelf, brother of ;hc Kc\. IMwanl Sumlerlaiul, curate of Elland, already men- iioned. liv his second wife ; — ., Mici:Aia., callccl eldest .son in his mother's will, who married ludith ■ and had a daughter, Ksler, who manied Richard Law. 51 r/uir Faroiii niiil his Times. 5. [ouN 'it Rnnkes, to whom tlie cnjiyhnld lamls were .snr- renck're.1 by liis father. lie nuirrie.l Crace, ami had John, uieiitiiincil in his Lrranchnolher's will ; Joshua, achninstratoraioiii; with his mother, of his father's estate; Matthew; Xathati ; Ornco married I!ari,'reaves ; and another ilaii,;;htcr married Riisl)y. Tins is the family so often mentionsd hv Oliver Heywuod in his Diary. 6. MATTilF.wof Slieh'e yconi .n, mani.'d Mary, dauu>-hter of Samuel Iloyle. He made his will 2<^\\\ August 1617. proved i8lh March 1 617-8, and i>e(iueathed all his lands tu his wd'e to educate his chiMren, --emainder to issue nude or fein.ilc ; in de- f., alt, to his '-rothers .Michael and John Whitley. To Alatihev^-, S)aof his hrother John, and to Ksier, iluuiuer of his hr.ihcr Mich lel, /lo each. To his late servant. Mar^'aret wife of i:d- W:.nl I'.roadlev lio ; to every servmit in the liousc lev. each : 10 everv Kodchild 20s. ouch ; to the poor ol llipj'eviiolme .'0,t.,aud of Shelf .(o.f, ; " .\nd [ doe id^o ^ive and Inviiualh foi and low.irdes the Uiaintonnice of n preacher at Coli-y ehappi'll hve poimdrs. tint Mr. .Mar.-deu, hcinve liow picachor at Coley ehappell. shall have Uvi-ntye fhillilines fia' a s. iniou A lliv huri dl.' Me meiiLioncd his uncle John Hoothes : and appoimed. h;- father-ind.iw. Samuel lloyie, executor, 7. SAMirr,, of Shelf, who made his will nth .\i>ril, provci 6th June. 161 1. and iic(iueathed to his hrolhers Michael and John /lOO eaih ; to his brother Matthew, all houses, ,Ve.. the sift of his father, deceased, and appointed him executor; to his uncle, John liooth, 30s. ; to James \'icars. 2ls. ; to .Marijaret Whitley, /lo ; to Mr. Ciibson. miiiisior at C'oley chappell. ,'i :■ and (is, 8d. each to "the three elnldnii for whom 1 was suielie,'' Mar,i5arel Wdiitley, who afterwards m.irrii-d I'.d.vard l!roadle\ nnist have lieen a faithful servant ; for the live le;;acies from Tliomas and .Margaret Whitley, and tlieir sons 'I'homas M.r thew and Samuel, amounted to Am. V/c(ir Fa~ and his Times. \'I. Thimias Whitley, who married Maria. AiiiiinL,'st several (Iceiis relating to llic manor of Soutluiwram, Watson saw and cojiieil ; — An I'Xt.i lit and el. -ar yearly vahicof all thii Mannrs. ^[essiia'4e-<, Lands, Tenements, and II(^reilitiinienls df Tho,?. Whitley, who died .hme ir)th, KHh Charles I. (1034), and which de.seended toThci: Wliitloy his son and heir, born aftiir his father's d.'ath, Droi-iiili.'r i.lrd, lOlh Charles 1st. As by two otliees hcrcct' f.anid, thi> first at Wakefield, Srpl. iJTlli 10 Charlies I., hy His Ma jostle's Writt of diem cfumif ij: I re III II III ; mid the nther at Pontefraet, .March L'Cjth, ](» ( liarles 1., by His Majesty's Coinission in the ik^Iiii./ of a iH'^liii.'i iii'piireinl ; may apiiear. At the end of the list, in the margin was written ; — " It is fiaind that tin' said Waivl's father beiiiL,' scizi'd lien'of, did till' day liL-l'me his diMtli, enVfiiant tn .-.taiid siM/nl i.f all his nii'ssu i'.;es, l.iiids, telieiiu'lits, ri-lils and hrriMlila- iiiciits, hid'l by him by free dei'd, and seized t', him and hrirs, with apinirteiianii's in Hurley, XoiiIi.iwimiu, .s^nuth- owiaiii, I roHiWelbiilhani, Hijilierholiiie, Shelf, Il.difax, Siiwerbv, (l\endeii, iiradshaw, l)ri;,;hliiij;toii, Tliiiriitnii, and Iliirtnii, 1" the n>e of himself fi.r lib', and after to Mary his wife, and her heirs fur evei'. The renrainder to his wife Mary, explains the alieiialieii of the Whitley jiroperlies f nun tiie collateral l)raiK'lies of thefamil)- and. issue. She married, secondly, Samuel Nelson, who died evitlentiv without issue, She married, thirdly, 'I'imothy Thorpe, !i. beint,' a iiii(.dity usurer. MikIi i>( it was -pent in H'lit, and this Tim : Tiinrp kiliini; himself \\ ith V/'fiir Fii: HI am/ his Times. dviiikiii.u'. I'l. M '.'I'l Wiis his plii^iuaii, llr iIvimI, ihf Ur (li'iiiini.V< 20 li. iuul Ujiwaiils for pliypick of his Ijr.nh.T JnUii, \c.. k~r V!I. ThoniP.- \Mutley, the posthumous son and heir of Thomas and Maria Wiiiiley, ^vas horn 2 ji-a Dccouiljcr. i'>34. He mar- ried lane Thomiison, and Oliver Ueywooii. ihe successor ot vicar I'a-.Mur in ihe Halifax eluiir of puritan -ossi], records lliat s'i'C ;— ■was h.inu' in Laav.'Si, her hmilicr .lyiii-, Ihe land f.l !■. ler. She was niaryed to Mr. N\'liill.y of Sind.a-hils, wli.., M-ith h.'riMUsent, sold her land, spent al.iindiuiee, rnr. a wild tho' short race, hastening' his deatli by exeesse, dyed ynun- left a s.m, whirl. dyrJ shnrlly afl-r. Th.ii iher.- wa>at irasl a prelene.- ..f marriage h-twixl Mr. F.d. Arlh and this yong wanl-ei widnw, tie.' hr said ih.'V w^-re nevi m,;n-yed.'and liine^elfe profest so on his d,.a'h l»'d, hut ll,.-y lived l..^-th.'r as man a!id wife : this see.eel hn^haud was blind a eon.siih'rable tin.e l.,-ftire his death, and -ie- abns,.d him several ways, as is n.-tononsly known, esp e- i.diy by her tno nnieh fandliarily with ihi- man, wh.. wi- lier" last husband. Her seeond husband lay b.ng siek, and was , XI liuLdy alllieted in spirit, dealt seriously with hi- rrputed wifr, adne.nishin,' lea' lo r.p,nl and r. form h i w.ys, aidiirj, ihil it may br. dralli would le.t -ive her lie' lik." warnin-, that it had -iven him. .-she .sonietine-s jes'- iii-lv spok,. of bis expression-, but mad.' a -.Mrn ..l' ih i!i W.i thisj^'iMitiemaiiilyeil, ami left h. r with chihl, and lie. !!.■ hail a great .slate, yet he cut her ..IV with sear.a. •JO"- a y.'ar, and left tin- eidl.l soin.' smal thing lo bring il up lo a cartain age, if it liv.l ; but il .Ive.l, and shr was .luieklv marrv.'.l to Mr. WiU. ( ;r.-enw..o.l. an alturney, born in Skipl..n, but b.aug tabled in In.' hou-o '.villi hi r. Sh.' bnryed herhusbaii.l, was.h.livriv.l ..f a . b.-l and buiy.'.l it, and w.is inarryod to this lr.isbvn.l. in les-e than ."^ we.k ■ spiiei' She eanie ami liv.'d wh.'i'.' li.r llist hu-b.in.l .'.>•. who had left h.'r a j.yinu.' ..f id.out 'in". |.. i ,i:i and ih.y -old loi ler lib v.hai Mr. Iiith h.el b b ' and made il away. Tln'v dbl i-" agree, being jeal '.■ I'/'tar FiiT'iiir an J his '/'/me.';. Mirli )tli(i'. Tlic (rntli is, sIk! whs iiin, lii.'i' hi)rrili!i? swcai'ini,' and (•m>iii,L;. wiix' loo w-l kii.iwn, hy al that kiim- lirr." He then iiixrratcs her luniil)lc end, falling from a mare liough! her by her hiishand, but of which she used to say, "Tiio Devil break her neck if ever she rid ui)on it."' Her arm was broken, i>ut she recovered so as to drink a:.;aiii ; and coiuiinied drinkin'j and died drunk : — "for >hi' had drunk six inrriliaiik (lols ful of ale that Aa\ shr dyril, W'' •was brfiuv 1 1 o'elork on S'aturd ly : biiirj Juno lf>, Itiill." She was sueh a mass of imtrefaclion, tiiat she wa.s buried that night: butl)li\er Ilevwimd notes, iliat althoui;!! her face was blue, and her bodv swollen to the size of three bodies : — '• \. t hi r logs anil feet were cf ordinary bulk, and as [luic, whito. .and neat, as evir vas living gentlewoman's.'' She was buried at C'oley cha]iel. which is not a bow shoti from the house, and she was buried on the Sabbath (!a\ morning, by thai time it was light enough to .see to read common [uayer at the grave ; and the funeral was celebrated al Halifax upon .Mun- dav, where there was a sermon and drinking, according to the usual custom : — " Will. I iiiTiiwood caiiii' to live at Halifax .I;''y Kni,'^. ainl Mr. N'.ilhaii Whilloy's daughter would ini ds havo him, bill friends iiarled thoin : bi .ko his leg .luly -'2, ha.l it out oil' .luiy I'i). diid .and was buriod .\ugu,-.t ."ith.'' During the ininoril)- of 'riioinas Wliitle). ward of His r^Iajesl). William liarralt, of Hamilton, his coinitte, apiioinied Samuel Nelson, of Sinderiiill, his attorney to receive die rents, v.>;:c.. as by a deed. >ln^:i\ 15th November 1635. On the ^rd June l'i;.|. Thomas Whitley, grandchild and liLir of Thos. Whitley late of Sinderiiills, gent, leased for i^i; )ears, at an annual rent of /j (is. i^f/., the moiety of the manor of Souiiiowram, and the 06 V/oir Fiivour diiJ /lis Tiiihs. iindivhlca innioiy of Cn.mv.-ull.c d" Wi"»lhuu.sp Skireut viv valde h.iuestu.H .'t rdigiosus xx'" pijs usibus tcstiiii-nt<. Icgavit. A man truly honefit and religious, who gave by will 1 20 to piou.- uses. He was the half brother of Nathaniel Waierhouse, the irreat Halifaxbeiiefactor and founder of the Waterhouse charities. Wc have already given tiie descent of the Walerhouses of Shib- den hall, lords of the manor of Halifax. This member of the tamilv, however, was of another branch : and their c.immon ance.stor was Richard Waterhouse of lloUin,, Warley, who married twice, and by his first wife (a Maude) hid Ji.hn, Richard, from whom ihc Walerhouses ..f Shibden halb and 1. Roiu'.KT W.mi-:kiioi'sk. the third .^on, consiable of Skirciat. 14^4-5. His will is dated 2&;li Jul}, 14^- He had two -nns. JOHX; and (IILBERT, who had Robert and others. Vi'air Fiiviiur oiid his 'J'lmrs. b'J 11 l,,i,N WAiKKMorsr. ul Skircoal.inhcritca lan.!>la;cl.is failiurs. 261U October, i.|S,. lie inarricl Juuanna, memi.me.l in hi, frher-s will, and luvl issue, besides son and heir y(>//^. .V/A' /..irA'A'.VC/;, a priest; A'DWAli/J, to whom h.^ father be.iuealliedlh.en.oiety of ail proliis and farms in certain nrv,- liouses in Halifax, lale the possesshni 01 his nnele (.1'- bert Waterhouse ; A'0//A7f7' of Hankhou^e ; f//7.//A7/ 7. menuoned as a .lebior for I7 in his falhers wfd, and. we think the father of !ohn Waterhouse of Cro.., Hills, Halifax, the benefactor to Heath (]rammar Scliool, already mentioned. : MARCARiyr wile of ! ieiiry Batte of Birslall ; and SI ill I.I. wife of Richard, son of John lloldsworth. Ill, John Watkkiioisf. of Xewhouse, or Brodeyetts in Skirccat. made his will 2r,ih January, I545-<'^ V"^'^'' '"^'' -"^"S"^'^ .same year. Mentions his wife Kmzaukth ; .\nne ,md lane, daughters of his brodier Kdward : Robert son ol hi. uncle Gilbert ; his brother Robert ; and his broiher-m-law Henry Batte. He had two sons and three daughters; viz.. 7(9 /AA' and MICJIAKL. of whom more hereatier separately ; f.SAHr.l. A'AV'VLl//-; and SIJIKL. IV John- \VMi::nvo.Ml, llipperholmo. and Brighouse nr el! wli.-.v in ih- W[Ai:: .if il.dlifax of the caste and p.ireun ui oulde iiiyliie and hmdrs th.leto beluiigiugc." He devised \ewhouse and Barstowc heies, ard all other lp.nd^ m Skircoat, to his other son .Ml( 11. 1 AY.. 1 le left too markes Ul his .laughter .I.V.VA' (who afterw,lrd^ marrie-l J )hn Brooko of R.ikes)'': and /23 and farmh.)ld at liayldon, to his basiaiv! son J.ihii Waterhouse. This .Michael Waterhouse, second K)n of John, was the M..\.. vvhose will and benefaction have already been menlione.l. on I'liiir F.r-riiir dH'i' /i:'x '/'///us. \'. I'iMX \V Ai KKiiiU'SK of N'lirwDi'd LjrcLMi, nwrric'il a (l.LiiLfluer of William C'i)(i|ii.T of DLMiiliousr. llo inailo liis will, i4iii Oclobcr I5y7, provcil 5LI1 January following,': in uliich he ap|>oiiiifil his lirolhor in law, John Cooimr, i^'uardian of all his chiliircn, and if he died, !>aac WaU'rhoiise of Woodhoiiso and John lironkcs of Rakes, testator's bnidier in law. lie had .1 son and heir ./0//.V. and three dauijhters, S/'Z.[.\\VA. .V.IA'J and AX.y/: (wife of John I'.nyes.) \'l. John \Vai KRiiorsK of N'orwood ;;reeii, married Annk, daii,<,'-hter of |osua Smith, clerk, who was curate of IllinL,''wli(ld iliiili-ni s.'puh ." This |olm Waterhiinsc made his will 21st September 1620, proved 8 I'ebruary i'>2i-.'. He mentioned his brollier in law, Henry Wriylu of I'.radford ; his sister Anne, wife of John l5oyes ; his uncle John Cooper of l)eanhou>e: and his mother in law Anne, widow of Josua Smith of llud'i cl.irke. lie had issue 7<)//y, yOSUA, MICIIAl'J.. ISAAC and ANNE. From these, acrordin-i; to liurke (Landed Gentry), are descendi.'l the Waierlmuses of rontefract. Riiii;ston on Thames, and so John Wright Waterhouse and W'ilmot I lenry Waterhouse of Hammersmith. .). ;\licii\Fr, WATicKHOfSE of Woodliousc. 3-oun_!:er son of III. John Waterhouse of Newhouse or lirodevetts. married isl Gr.vck Wilkinson, who was buried sth March, 15S1. lie married secondly, Cicir.ii-:, widow of Wm. Rayncr. He made his will 2ist November, 15S7, ['roved 30.11 January, 15S7-8; and be(|i;cathed 40s. to the poor of Il.ilifa.K and Skircoat. He had by his fust wife, ISAAC, son and heir: JOSHUA, CAI.I.n. AURA HAM. JACOli, Af/iVfAEI.. UKIIKCCA, /•;.s-y7;/,> ,111 ! a hack. By his secoml wife he had .V,-I7- U.\N I !'.L. tiie founder of Waterhouse Charities. He also mentione.l in liis will, the children of Win. Kayner. lat(; hus- band of his wife Cicilie. 5. Isaac Watekiiousi-:, eklest son of Michael, of Woodliouse. Vicar Favour and hix Times. 61 ihc siihjcct of vicar Favour's commeivlatioii, inarric'l Makv. .siller of I'lhu Crowihcr, arii! \\aA i->ue. IJe ma'r ill- iiii|iloyiii"iit !hi".'iMf t'l rnym' lv'simt-; of this my last will, to nnyo other good usos a-" to th'')i: shall si'oiuu goodt'. Itm \ j^ivf unto the i)oor(; of tSkircott widowt's, L'atifes, and fathcrh's children x\s." lie rccilfd that he had made an inili;nturc in trii-' for purposch of his will, I. 'til October 1609, to Daniel Foxcroft of Halifax, Anthonv Wade of Skircott, Caleb Waterhouse of Shibden 1 laM and John ("nr.vther of Ovenden, }eoinen. 1 le betpieaihed {< hi.s son SAML'P^L. two tenements and a farm in Smithowram. and also an annuity of h out of Shibden 1 !a!l ai"l certain milnes in Southowrani : to his son M li'li AK/.f, lands, tenements, milnes &c. near Nevvcastle-on-Tyne : to ins sons R'Uit'AiT and yoiIN jointly, lease of the scytc of tlic man'K of liarnesley, with the denieane lands \-c, except all tithes and a tytlie lathe kc : to iiis sons DANIEL and /.S/l.lC jointlv, all his tytlies of corne, liay, wr)ol, latnbe kc. in Harns- lev, belonging to the rectory uf Silkslon ; al,>o one lathe 'v.\ iIk south east side of liarnesley hall, c;\lled tlic'rytlic l.ulie. 'I'n hi- five daughters, SUZAN, MARY, IlKLILV. CUACI-: an.l i'.I.I/.A!UyriI. he left /icoo each, to remain in the hands of his executors, they p.iying after the rate of /" lo.t per /loo towards their education. lie also hecpieathod legacies to his brnther (.'aleb ; liis half bnaher Xalhaiiiel , Svinun, his brother .Michaell's son ; his daughter in law F.lizalicth Waterliouse, and her daughter, liis lirst grand cliild Jiisua, son of Abraham \\'atcrhou>e, and others. I le ;;p|.oinied as executors, his wile and sons AXTIIOXIK and SAMl'F.I. Vicar Favour and his Tiiius. each to ,t,MVc IhiihI in /i.-co; as ;-u|MTvisMr>, Dr. Favou: vicar of Halifax, Iiroilier Daniel Foxcna't of Halifax, hmthor Caleb Wai.'rlKHise, Lr'^licr I.>hn Crowlher, nei'jUlnmr Anlli'my Waile iif tlie KiiiL,' t'n.ssc, and liis Cdusini Wni. Slater "f Halifax, an.l .Miiliaell Watcrlmuse of Skircil. Tlie next remarkanle enrv in ilie regihler is :— 1009 I'Vtj. 28 Mieli;u, ..lerslowe SouUi. juvenis miilta \ncv.\\i et ivli^i'Mie cospiouu.i Icgavil eosanguinuis iiOnuila, pij* u-siliiis; ;")"' -\ vcutli eminent for much iiiely ami relitjinn, who made several I'cquests to his relaiivc.-i, and gave /." to pimis u>cs. ■A'e have before us — •• A nrito of the dir^posing.' (jI the ni y which was left unto the lielielil of the pool" by the l.ir^t will and testanu'lit of Miehaell ISairstow late rake of Horley greene, until John, son and heir of hue Robert liairstowe of Okewcll be 24, then to descend to him anil his heirs ; remaimler to the said Drakes. Other legatees named ai-e his four aunts, Grace, Anne, Edith and Mary; aunt EiTam Xorthend ; couzen Mary Wray ; his wife's brother Abraham Hemingway, and his sisters, Suzan and I\ebeti.a; Miehaell. Wiiham, Thomas and Robert, .sons of late Robert ISroadloy of Lane Ends; cousin Thomas Drake; three of uncle John Hootiie's children and others. The overseers appointed were Mr. Dr. Favour and testator's two uncles, Mr. Lister of Wake- lleld. and John Drake of Horley greene. (V,jr FiiT'iur till CuM ir.- tiuirociilii- |.h'..wiicil ill till' ' ' >l'li'i'1' May 11, .I'.lni l-nth, OvC-l,. vii vaKU n-li-iosns w itit-H'-iTinie vitre. riK- uncle of Michael iV.iirsiow. ju- named ; aii.l hrnther nf the r.-v. Ceor-e lio^lb l.eforcmontioneil. His will was made 2n<)clo,ieri6io; and his iwo children named were Mary and I'dizaheth. The latter aftcrwar.ls married Joseph I'nosilev Mf (h)nd,^'reavc• ; "ho d.icd a prisoner in Halifax, durin.u ,ts occn'paiion by (he Royalist f<-;. es. and was bttried near the font in the Hrearcliffe ;,'ravc. ir,10, in.rHiu, 17 Kichard DnerdOwf EreiidG dr.w.iod. . 'jD Xp"phcr Cosin, lU'ccjllattis. .\nother victim to the Gibhc-law I The name has haply did out in Halifax, hence we have no diffidence in ^ivin? the follow- int' information i. peeling the famdy. l;iciIAni. Co-YN wa.s a witness U tho will nf Nicholas Savili „f the Neud,all (als .f the Handle) es.itiycr, datrd L'kh Sc|itemlier, iri.'iO. OiUJERT CosvxE of Kalaiul, made his will 10th June, proved lOthNuveuiher, 1578, and appomtod his dair^hter Mar-ant his rxecntrix. He isiriitioned aiiKHiu'sl iudehLs owing to W.Klde the carrier, lO.s. ; and .leht-s due to him : Thos. Savili of liorne, U 4. 0. XpokkrComn-k of thoparisliof Halifax, made his will 13.-! May. proved 1st OetoiHT, \h^L lb' laMpieathed, to his son Aiislane, all ri-ht of fanuh-ld, and also a sh,,]! in Halifax, amino; and/4 (ach t- Jchn, William. Sanmel, A-nes ,nd Marie, ehil.lren of his snu John. Hi. issue was 1 .JOHN aliHvenamed, aiid of wlnun hereafter, 2 TIIOMA.\ w'nn... haplism .uTur- in (he register as T/iowa^, jilf"- Christoferi Cosyn th ()m>'lc», under date 17th .January, m%W. He made his will 13th Aneust 101 o, proved 3rJ An.CTst 1G14, heitif; styled of Halifax, Maelp'ii Ci.yii ih Scnlii. Was ihii til.' idii'iil of ihc (lilihrl. '.' .loiiN CosvNKiif Kalaiid, iiiado his will, piovrd 1st A;iril ir)S:i. He lie'[ili'athc>il to hi- wil'c AiiNi>:, aiul hi- -"n.- 117/,/./ 1.1/ aid rilAMJlS, ad Icas.-s .W'. oxivi.t ..m.' hv Mr. Ii'aiiisdcii ol' an housi- a" liackcsyd, ami i.inl.'.ni' laiidi' and half im-adows uomonlii' (.all.'d licamot cros.t'.' IVIIirS. Iiodswiinli, will, vi^ito.l \\:\\\U\\ :tli April i^m... recpi- : - Atl lllO Wol Millie nf 111,, .■lllllvliyiirii .■.tllll.l ill illl lllll|.:-llllllM' ,,f >toiin viTv f.iiiv. uvi'i till' ili-.ir I'll- ii,Trii.liiiu ;— ' In fnvnr 'if fliUH'li mill i'muimMV. altli, l-i tln' ^^l-iv -I Un- Mi'SmmI 'I'viiii!:, Tln-e .ilmislii.uMS \vi i . liuildcilbv tin' Clifisliin. clurily I'f IIill.'U II..]ilviiisi.|i ami .l;iiie ' "i^wthi'i' (.f till family of ll-iii:;-.u\vayiif ( )v.il,i-av. sisters wiiln-.vcs Iv IS iiiMin- wiilil.'W. - • f ilii' Www »l iiulifax, ami mie mi-lri-i In tiMch I'll l.iliirrn llic catiTliiMim, \vii..s,i „„.iiiniy !..■ Ml --('il fill I v.T. I'.le.-siMl is lie thai iml-elli uisi'ly i.f the ii.iiv, llir I.iiril shall lielivcr .lim in ihc lynii' ,,f tmnhlo. 1'-, Itliu;' Niil.- ihcs -J sisters -av /io p. aniiu f'.r \va>liiu;4 [-elives. Tin.- wills of thesr two sisters, and llio hislory of iln.'ir charity, ,irc too lon.i; for nieiiiion here. .-V short icconniol ilicir ianiily, however, will not he mil of |il;ice. I. ,IollN HlOMINiiWAY I.f Ihe hiays, niado Ids v.ill, 1. Lived li.'ird .S,.].lfnilier l.'il.'y, Maislir Dr. Ilaldesv.ith viiar of Halifax, -h.hn • a'-rhouse and Knhert his > ■., l.rin,' wit- nesses. Al a niaiiMr ennrl leld -JUth-lnly : ..il'<, Thomas Niirthmdc and ileniy Sharp rendered A-e 10 anvs of j;.. idelaml. /'.'■■'/(/'■» /mw vc'd Breir'i:/ n'v. "l.r of .'-^hibdeii hall, for / 520, the' pretni.ses named ab .ve, de-i.ribed in the imieiitiive us : - .\ messuage and teiieinenl, an ! 10 aert's of Koidelalid, (moi in III several elo.ses) in Norihowram, ami: — dm' ai'i'- of land lyin;,' on llu) fast part of 8hibdeii brook, all in the ncoui-atio'i ui lloberl lleiii'ii^'Way : ,\iei also !li.' ri..;lil to draw th itrse of water calh.l llri,in-i'oie>^ b)oo|<. tliloiigli tin,' giuuiula of UiL' hfirn of liohiTl Ileminoway. \ Vinir Fiivintr and his Times. G7 (■all. I >'ftlicTi'iiil nf I'.r .ilfvii}.', unto thf .-niiic cl'iso caii'4 I;i'Oi-i;> \')i^ &!•. We res^ret tliat nwini; tn sonic cnnfiision with nnoiiicr lirantli nt ihe llcmin-wav fnniilv of Soinliowrain, ."Miil.olm .md Wuli-jr- iloti-li. wc .irf not aMc lo cci-ify to li;.- cxiuiiii-'-s of liic follow- .luscent of the IlLMiiingways f tlv. l.ivar, .iitci. liu lovl's nutal in !.-,:-,n-| as- RU-'iii lhin}iigira;i //' clis lin: il'iii '■■"■at Irr.iina ih' r.-rtii tcrri-< iifci't iii.rtu Shi/Kh' lirO' h- '■,.r,it Ki-tc- holiar ^■■'^'''• I'h.' .•iiivy l\V'\\< ihit (.f In'.in ll.iiiin-w.i ■. -f I'.-.v.oye, wiiH pai.l ii.js, ix.i. In llie sum. ivntal lecurs nnuthef J.ihii llrmiii;;way. of Smith wiani ; wIm. pii'l ijs iiij A. for laiid^ ami ti'iii'nuMits calli'I Ih'Wran r. : :.• an. I Mitli- chiK!. \\'- liiini: lliis sani" l(ii-har,l nfcur- in th.' titiie eoni[iusitii.n nf I'l.'iS ; wliich is lln> ;^r.ainil 1' "Mr opinion tha' the tw.i I'-taO's \vi'ri' nioictifs of lin- p- . --ion ..f ;tii' .lohli lhaiiiH;.ov;iy, with wlioiii w- eoMim. la- our pi'.fjjii'e. Tlir twi; paynieiits arr a- follows : — John llvimjininoiv i>j NHhrhraj t,,i- hi.< ' ic/i jirop'r I'liii.'ti iti Xcrfliowriim ■ ' -' 1'' Hfliii. llnmjn'jr.r I.J ,.f Vverhr'jj for //(*■ '.»•// j,i-(>}i'-r t(i nils ill Nil, Ihou-i 'I'll inul •-^niithiiirram Ix. Iji/. W,. ao' not . itain. not iiaviiiu' a will lo rcf. v to, wh'lhif we -ivH the i^-M.- of Hi.-iioi. '- . 'I'll. IV lire several Hiehar.ls and we have no uii-a)i> '" '-ntifyifig th'aiL [t is v<'ry po.hahl-. that Ih- foil.. « -i RDliEliT son an. I heir, ..f wh.mi iu..iv h.-r.^ro-i. ll7/./,/.l .1/ 1 -j- tiscil -Jl'iKi .luly. 1,01(1, as son of l.'iel ir.! ..f Sle'U'. lie liia.li> his will -JSlh .lanuaiy, I r.y'J-lOfiO. pr..v. .1 lllh S.j.t. ItiOl, an. I iJi.iitioii.'il his wife FJizHbeth : liis l.o.th.'r h'.il.eil : F.il.'ii, wife ..f .h.hn llopkinsoii : .Ian.', wife of Ihvaii ('r..wllKr; l!oherl, .s..ii ami heir appao'iil ..f l;..l.i'rl (;,>< I'u'.rr /■'ir'ir ,!,:./ ,'ii'x 7'///lix. Hfiiiyii-w;;ii' nf ill- l,.,\v.:i' l^.-iiiv, un.l .hispci' iiml M;,vli;i l,i.sl,r..||i-is iiiHlcth.': .. ./0//.V lu|.li^.Ml -ianl M.iy, t.Hi. ;iF snii of L'iclianl nf NorlliMwniu. ^iii.l lu-iiUMiif-il ii. tli.' «ill ..f .Iniiii Millli-r <'i II llifax. wil..-!.;'. ,I;iUm1 J Uli .laiiiiiry. ir)',lL'-'f, ;i- lii'illi''' '■)' Mr. l.'-l.rM llciiiiiigv,ay nt tliK Ovdhrtii. lIF.LLF.y iiKiiiir.l .loliii ll(i|ikiii>nii of Sdwirly, irnli .liiin-. l'>T;i, biiii'd l.'ill. .Iiiiiuiiiv, KJUl. .She lliiulc hiT will Ort.il.ri- '.llli. IC.II'.), iiml '"miuimI Ih-'I t" liiT l.ivins I'iistiM- Dr. ir.ivuiu' I'M. T" Siiull, Ivtiilp' an.l I'll. •!.,., ,l:iiiu'liU'i-^ ..f h". '•i-;li") K..I«'H Ilciniii-Wiiy, Hon iMi-li. Til l;ol>i-r'., .U'.-i>Lr .\iiiiiiii, ilelli'ii ami Susan, cliil ilivii iif K. .iit.' : Iloiiuiiu'^v.iy, ■>.•■ lilt! Xrtlii-i' I'li'caio, /I iMi'li. To (iili-rl. ll.lliii. Mai-avi aid Khoy.l,., cliiLlivu i.f (;ilh..n I'oliiiiaii, .l.'CM-.'.l, /I .-aril (( lill n I (.'oil inaii liiani.M Miii\'avt!l ll.niinuxvay, l,~l -lnhf. iri.jfl.i Pli.' a]i- jioinUil liir l.inili.T. l;..l.. 1! llciiiiip.;\v:iy. of (iv. rl r.'aiv, iUnl .M-liT .laiR' Cruwlhci' li-r cxrcuior-, aii4 I'll iIk'Hi iIh- feU \i-'. aii'l 1 > lii;ii au.l liis .son .li.lin. tU'- l■.■^i.llll^ 8li.- !• ft Ii 'Mrli t.i ill hil.lrfii of JJoli.'rt iliMiiiii-way of N.'lli.-rl.na. iiaiiuil .l.ovi.', ami /I uacli ti' r.'.l. . .a 1 Maivalvll ( ■..Itliial;. ;!. I.'orKKi' Hemimwav, of Ovii-liii-ar. Iiaptixud VOtli Jiuu' l;"p;5'.), a.^ sou of Kiclianl ot iS'./rtliuwnini ; iiirtvri.'.l "itli May 1590, IMillnlaiigbti'i' '.fTli.mias I.ifi|.|-of Oveii.l.ai, aliva.iy iii.iil,iou..'.l. His iiaic.;as ..f OviH-brua, oet'uvs in lu <\->- lli.iii a il.izcii i;oiil.oiiiii;rary will.s, aii.l I'Vi'ii iii.nv fiviiuunliy in otlicr (liTil^ of 111.' |H'rio.l. In till' I'Ptital of tlu' t,';vav.- shiji ..f lliiii'-iliolnic ItiOT. lii'i^ uii'.fpd ... lioMiii- 111.' f..llowin- : jth April l.'iHii, 1 .-I..-.- t.ill-.l 111.' Royilos a.i 4|. l'''i' i)th ••.■f.li.'i' ir.Tl. lioU;-. ami ' a. a.', «.■,-( of liryaiisliolis 111 k. aii.l iiortli of v.ay from HilJli.-Th.-.luK: to XftliBrljivart; -.1. I'lurr Faviir mil h<:i TiintH. O'J I •.!l)tli April 15!)-2. Up- llci.'lirciy'Uiimse ami 7 i.'|(isi's iiiui);^ with I'.nMii C'riiwtlur ... ... 2!i. li,l 1-1 •SH]i|i'iiil"-r ir)!)'2, fiicli'Siirc liuid. ,il"i]'.,' wiili l'.i-.:iii Ci'iiwllicr, 3 I'linil? ,. ... ;'. I ■JTtli .\]iiil l-')96, cdttngc, !iiiil 5 I'lioil ui'iir Xnrth l''n.:.'g... M Mil Or'tuliDi' iri'.i4-. 1 .^ m.Tes UPiir tin' liuusf of \:\\<- Kiilicrt f 'mwtlici'. piu.-ic'il to Micliaul \V,„..li„':i'l r.ir lifti -mI •-'(;i; M:iy. Ii;itr). li'vorsioii uI'Lt .LmI]- i>f .\lah:i.'l \Vm...1„ id, nf !• lo.i.U. I. on the Hnn,:,h l.il ll.'imi.i' i.is will Hnl .Mmoli 1013-1, hiovd .3hl Aiit,'U-l itiU. He liri|IUMlh-ii I' liiswil'f Ivlitli, n;io tllilll nf Jill Ira.'ic.'j 1111(1 cliiitlollH. aiiil \\W\ hiT rights iii luii.ls ; to in- I'niii- ilnii-lilcrs Sylicll (liilor .loliii Wliitl.y), I'Milli (tnt.,t .loliu Li.stiTi. iiiiii FIhIm' (tutor, Siiimiol Liani-, to ai Touiit lo jir. l-'.ivoui-, anil tostatur's lnollii-i in law, .lolin l.isii-f "l' Little llorion. lo wlioni In- !'■ - ('•catlied /ID uinl /'Jfi iv-]...riivrly. \ ' I iloo give anil l"i|Ui'atii lowarilrs th.' inaintriiaci' (it a jiic'irh'T at, Cjloy ( 'li.ij'prll, th" siinif of (oitio |iMiinili'.-i. To tlip ^'ovi;'rn(ii.-< of (.iiunen Elii; ihelliV jliaiiiliiar school in tlie \\"\A\ of Halif i.\ /lO. My yi'i'iilr.-t, rair ami ilrdiv is llmt tny Minm- an.i .! .'lyh t.'ivs liiMi liriiiij;lit ii|i|i ill the faylli ami fi'.ire of (loil. lo know liiiii ami wli.iuir lie Imtii sent. .Ir.-us t'liristi'. in suiiio Vocation and callingc, wlcrcmilo flir-y .sluill.i-.- f"iiicl lU' -t tjili'. ill the ili-i-ri'ioiis of my ^aid t'xr.-u toi's an 1 ovi r.si cis. ■\llil I oivc otli'T (in, lo 'hci' lillt ll'oni lilllr lo lillic. to cci'l.iiiit' of tlio iii«st rolipioii> aid lioiii-.t ]io,iro m 'U'cayril tradosnion ..f the town-hip of .N.iithowi.iin. 70 I'htir Famur and /i is Tunc at tlif ili.sciuliona of my siiiil exi'cutoi-j< ami dv'si'crs, ami iilii-r tlnire diH^easi', iit thr liiscrelioi' \iiru!i«iit mall 1.1 the .-.aiinl li.wiir. wlium 1 ri-i| iic.» meii from time t" time, at I he di-eretion of I he exeentoi.- by hiT, nii'l ii sccoml wife, howevc'r, (li{!d out ; an! till' Sliil„:oii hall family (if Listcirs, was afterward-: .li'.vho u'avc j[\ 10 pious uses.- the second of a nialefat''ir who was liohcaded, — the ibird ot a young man who bore a ^ood name, hut was killed aiu! thrown into the Calder when he wa.^ drunk. — and the last explains itself :— lOlft. Martii 1 WillQa l»aws,«n Hal Cd-tali. legavil [lij* iisibus 4"' Hill. A[iiil 10 Thonis I'riyg.s decollatus Aii^iisi 20 .f'Teiny [son of] Rich : Wateriiouse trucidatus el in (.'aider cOiectiis eu aduius esiel. Oelo. If) lUiau llaldsword H.il. drukanl J'iiJi- F,i-uiiir and his TiiiiiS. Amonsrst lUe marria^jes no xl vc ar we timl the name of Mifax lamilv— the Wiuons-^wliicli ai ihai lirri.n irint eniiueiicc. ihou .'\\ Wai^Mii .seems to ha\c lieon niNe In i^noram ol uieir e xistcnce. We have a headv ((mnd ll'c followin;.; eiuries (. (Jill in the re^'isters ; (llaptised) 1591 ApiiH M \\:\y\. .Mamid) 101:! Sep!. 1 "obt. II. [s„n ol] miHiiwav oUvn Will.^i, Ami' ^Vi;^.Il llal. IGU June 13 .lo^r.ah Will-ii So;vii Sil.il I'lakc Kill Mairli lU ■losiia [son ol] J.'snn . n-iptis ■,!) ; iri.4) 1011 •'^1?!' Wittt c-i'hy •J7 ,l,H,M.h Witl'in S..\\'"ih.v iuv. la- A N'liuh excoe.lin-clv religious aM.' Hut the name should be Joshua Wilson's M S.S. in the T.eeds lihrary, is a y liirree ol the Wiuon faniilv. These M.S.S. were written by Uopkinson, w,,o Sir William i Ju-dale's secretary -.ime in i6f-.' nuics with coiisi and eonsi St, in a L^reat UK-a-ure, o lU the Visitation ol" Vork- \ Sir William - derablc additions Mr. Thomas Wilson, ■.s.,\. flative of Thoresby the anii.iuary. am 1 slvled bv Whi'.akei man oi oo -cure an ;|.i;iki!ison in the m.v.'er o 1 l.ilunderin.i; dili-uuce." did for the latter had done if exten hn,:;, what Sir Wm. Du^dale. i. fiii.isioiniia; ' h;— The pedi-ree begins wii TT"S- of >N ' St Apl.iiid, who uuurini .V.SXIS. I t.anii' ii I kiu-htti' ' f Mr. Ki Iciivcd to'iu a {illl'll I tl ,f Li.n.lon. '11 villw*' in thn n"riii ndnig \". ik-hiw Univiasitv hiiv A Hiel.ard W 'ton I! L>. wa.snwdo master ..t (.(-..,.,. ,, 1 '26, ami dwiu of U.iiliu. : ;.,. ('hn>tophi>r had i.xsu. r,.ii> ;.,ii in. till' dioi ni".»M*', and M V jDlISs f aiiul'T of it soei di.'d lilOl. \N" ITloX .•! I. ■0, H»' \Ni; daiiuli At:ii\VMtl>. Ttti>MA!>. L.\ nil- :ittM<: iiu.[ asm:. Ilo min M,t.-i of M hn Kidlry. m ■d Jiidly. IIkm-n d had "I.IVr.U r.'iiir Fin'riir tvn! /ii.< 7'iwi'. WILLIAM. .\LK.\.\M>i:i!. lJ'il!nTII)\ MAHTILA. i:Li/.M;i:rii ai„t a,\\\. 111. I I|.im;k WllTo.Vti .SKiptuii. ;;riit., i IduHl suii ]<\ tl:" .••i'i.'ii||.l wilV, i.p1' Till. III. 1.1 \'\"iti"li, ri'iMlinlirivs ill.' |i'.(li,.;l'i.i- ill 1 iLijilalf's ^'i.■•ililUl'll 111 KlIiG. lii' is ^tyli-d .S"ii iind li'ir. ill till' ..|i,i.'iiinl pLMli^^in-, in (ii)'..-i-~.»i^pii of Mr. Wiitnii iif I.iip^r; iriii. llr is .sliiirl 1(1 W\Vi\ m.nii-i I'J.I/A- liKTU, liiili^lUi'l' iUi.l liciri'.'iis i.r Iiii-Ii:i,il ( 1)111.;. hilii s:i>-. .I(iliii) il!iiii,'\voUli pI' Jili:i;iV,oith. Wo think lliis, limv- ( vcr, an iiiui- ; n-; may [ncsi'iitly a|i;".ii'. His will (^ivi'ii in (nil i'mm li i^-.t Undswnitli's oi.py^ \vu.^ lundi' llli N'.iViiiil.iT l."-(i-J. Hi.- uil'i-'.s iiaiiii' wa.s Iu,lz.\!;r.T!l, ,n.i! In- lia 1 is.~.ii-, al.'O iiam...l in liii will, y.V///A7.'7', {Willi' jUiiiH i;-l'iiti Wttlnii (It //'(/(7(W liui'ti.-(!.l liUli '^laioli ir..v.i) ii7/././.l.l/.if v,li..iii li \-<^W'\-,ri[klsTi)i'iii-:ii. /i7' //.IA7Ma l;ir.;.-i.-.M\'ill.pii HiuiriuJ Mu^mI.. ; li l.i..;i.|. iry li'Jtli .liiiiuaiT l.'i.'piJ), iiLIVi-'.ll ipf wli'iliialdi. !. . ■ , MAHdAHKT, IIF.LI.EX mx^\ JJL/ZAliKT/f ; ... :..i..i |p.-:li i.i.iuiL'.! l;i>liaiil L^m.^botloiu liKU i i ;•.;.■ r !."i."p',i). I'.li/ ihrlh till, wil'r, *\ illiuiii till/ SHU, aUil Sir Uolpiit Ly.-'i!.-uir..> lie;li;;ive llicti continues ir'iin tlic jili hc:: i Mivcr. v.-Imi he sav.-;, niarriuil !ir,^l. Su.viii, iLuigh'icr of .Mr. J . ■ liL-nllcy niyd ; and .sccoiiiily, l^liziibclli, ilaii ' I'i. .," ii \\'liii!cvii|\Vliiilcy,aiiilliadi.-.iUcJii.->luias(in,!i, . iCpinviit.l, This i.s cLTLiiiiily ;iu error, u.s iUcso marri.; ::".i, and Siii Xnveiiilier i^ij2ri,"4H ,~i.'r .'.lic'.v.s, .\nd()livi i s, the hn ! ii.'cuinlier 15V7. A».\ir.liiig lo il .( \cars old licforo he was married. T inrr, .,1 sreneration nniil'id : an.i t'n ■ . ■ . elK.i, ..IK-] .•- I VVi.ii.'ww VViiion, I'iirri; was, hesidi.-, siiLf,- (irohalilv, llic sou 111 iduir i>l .■^Kijpi.in. ilc i- si)l>..| \',,r.!,,i..\i.!ni. in the Halil'a.\ rei-i..!iT In :'ie fipiiiu\;iu- en;:;. at i:nA oi h.iol. . ' // ./'(/'/ li'ix iiliviTi ir/.,v''(-"'. 6.///. ; ../li ,.'.'/»/ Fib. .{iiiia Olii-rri W;/lliiii, litjit. I-',-:: >/ .lull) Tims. J. Olivrr Wl/lln". -ijnr'. 74 r/r.ii /■'./: "II r, I'll/ /lix 'I'inus. \Vl- Ihorcfoiv coiuinuc tho pcli^nvo wiili ihis Willi.im : a\v\ rL'-vcl we li.iveti') umrc inform ilii)n rospcciini;' iiis In^uc. IV, Wii.MAM U'irroN 111' Ovcn.li'ii, si.o.mtl s.m cil" Oiiv.r .>! Skiiilmi, iirmii-'l Ki.lZAlii.i ii lllii]„w..rlli. lltli AhlTH-I l,-,i;i. 11,. i,, u| iMursf, .iiiitlrd ill l.nlli \Vilsoll'^lHMli.^^•(• all.l tih' V^ikshiiv Vi^imtini, ill WA. II- WMS \vitiir..«'•■' 21at Srpl"m!iiM- irilili; an.l h<' iii mit-'il scc.n ,ly, I'ith .Nfay b"> l:")fil. (iciirit. 'nil April l.")(ji>, \. ni,ivi:ii WiTTiiN of Illinuwoiih, cloihirr, wiioni wo ,-iip- piw to hu son and h'-ir of Wiiiiain of ( )venilei], by Kliza bpth Illin'.;woitli. hi- first \s\h\ was ili... li-ir of Ki'lnrd lUiiigworlh of lllin^^worth, who mad.- his will !0;h Ai:,eusl provdd 8lh Uccemher, 108,"). llii.hn (Whcath'y). whose son .\li,hacl Whitl.'y, lornicl uiiolli.-r m Jiiii.oni,il i:,iniii.i-tion with the family, in the next gen. 'atioii. Tlei is.-n.' liy this liisl I'li.ir luiT'iur iiiiil lii.'i l'iiih<:. % iinni:i,'i', WIS KllW.MtlK l>ii'li"'l -''•'■ -'"ii'-. 151)11. iiichli piii'il in liU failic.'s will, iiml |>l;icr ! wwAi'x tli" l,'iiiir(li;iii-iii|i "f Ills ;;i"iti''l'iitli' 1-, .liilui Will' 1' v. (Im^ iMci I|.' iiMii'iic'l. SCO lly, Pth Nuvi ml, r l.'/'.i-J, Si .-an, d m-iilni iil.toliii Iiixipii III' I'.riillrv rcyil. .Allntlu'i coiiii' rtiMU of llr Wliitlev iiii'l hi.xiiii f.iiuilii'S, w.iti iiir.ili' liy tln' iiKirriu^jc ■ I .li'iiiH't, si-it'T of .I'lliii Whith'v th(^ cMor. nli(iviiiiciiti.pii".|. iiii'l Mint ofdraci', (liiviT WilmnV liist \vif'\ 'n .l..lin Itixuii..f li.'iill.y rnyil, IktliiT .'I' Sii.-^an, Oliv.T WillunV .-c'Cun'l «if''. Ily lliis .sccp'tid inairi'i^i', njlver Witi^.n ha, I i.-^sii- ./iiSlirA. !,.ii,li-i',l 1 nil .\i.iil l.'p'.il. Hi- will Wii- u\:h\i- I'llli li.'C.MiiliiT iri'.lT. provr.l 4tli (Ictolj.'i ir)'l.S. Ill' liii|!M':illi'"l lo his chh'.st .-on aM'l ln-ir !i|i]p,iieiil Ivlwai'il .mil hi'ir-, nil lii.s hin'ls in llliii;;\vuilli ; ii niaini'.iM- til Jo.-UM, lii^ \i'niij,'iT .-nil. anil lii-ir.-. Alho lo f-nn .lo-iia. ■JO mai Ii.- ipiu if irnLs iif ii honsi' anil cioll, wliii h (iiur^'c Wilsnn liui'll in ; al-o with hi.-; nmlhei', /Id lait nl' .Joim I)ii'kMinV 1 uiilii. Ail Ji'i-t lii'aiils w' '' an' air nu' li.xcil, to lii.- son Ivlwaiil ; an,! .loliii Whitley ihn iMpt to hi' liis ^.,'naiplian. VI. .Iii-llfA \\'nripN of ,'^imirliy, yi oinaii. ''ipli-rl 1 Ith .\piil l.'i'.'l. niaiiii'.l l,".th iliinc Kilt, ."^liilp i. ':;in-hti.r of iiilli.'it I'lalii^ I'f lli'ili-y (.iii'i'H, who.-i' -istrr, .Maiy. inariii'il -Inhn Ihi'a Ui'y ; curate of .'^owi'iln . Ilis L;ian'l- f.ilhi'i, •I"hn I licksuii iho I'liliT of lliiitiry ''liih'. ycoinan. lii'i|iiialhril him /JO, in 1011. Hi' niaih- hi- will on ilif ll'pth, anil was huiicl Mil till' JTth S ;.|' thI, i li;i4. ]|i- |pri|Hi athi'il tip his wifi' Siliill. wilh I'hiiJ, Lr thiol : ai il aoiiiiiiili'il hi.- lovin;.,' nncles, .lohn I'ii.k.ioi:, ami li'oh, it liuiiaii, iinii his hrothcr in law. llninfiiy iJiaku, his nvcisi'i'i's. ill- lift lo his niiplhi'i in l.'W, .Inli'th I iraki' /'! .■ lo hi- niH'li , .lolin I hl'k.-i'll. .lliil t'l ///,< SMli .1 1 111 US i'irk- snii, /:'i 0. S. cai'h : to .Ml'. .Ip'iiii ISiiiilrliy. [I'achiT at ,S pw.'ihy /li l.'l I ; lo Ih" roi'i- of ihi- i-haiii'li\ of -iiiWi'iby 31'.''' ; ami to 'I'iionia-. his man seiv.iiit, .iml M.ny, his niai'l .-i-rvant, 'is. I'ach. Hi- v.iih'W 111.11 riid. si'Ciinilly, Mirhacll \\ liith-y of llinlli\. ill .Soweibv. cliithii'i', hrnlhei of Iiit huslLiiul's I'.ilhrr's fii-t r.'t.ir P'.V'ur (!i>>.' //A- Time. \ wll'i'. II" IimI .•vi'lciillv 111' 'II mini, i li t' i" ;is lii^ I'l'iMivi. .|m|]i, :ina Mary, inv iiiniti .1 in lii- f itlji'i's will, ila'.' I IClIi .laiiiiarv nil-. Ili^ ""11 "'I'l i-^'l't.'i 17lh ■'nil' li; ,1. ana |.n ..a tlii ().'lul„T It'i.'!'.'. Il- lUlili .11- iii-; iii..tli.'r ill la'V, .luli li Dnkn; lii^ li...tli.'i' in law, lIuiHi'hri.y |)i-al!i'; hi; l>r..llHTa, .1 'liii an. I .los.pli Wliit l.'V : li'-< wil- Siliil, a.m^'lili'i' M irip, anU s.iii .1 -ciai Whill. V. lla als.i lH.,|Ui.ath..a /IK to I'.sliiia Wilt. mi. .|.H.-|.li Wliiil.'V, s.m of .Mii-hi.a au.l Sihill, "'a; a li..!iti'ii ml in ;1... iKirliani.'ntaiiaii aniiv, ainl ai-l "I liis woiin Is at S.lliv. His sisti'V, Man-, iiiarric 1 .I"iiii I'lirstl'V. lii' lir .rli'T of .l.Miathall IVi.'stli.y of I'n,.stloy .k'lv.'ii. tli.- Iii-t wri;.'!' ..r 111.- in.'iii.'irs ..f th.- l'ri..stl..y familv, an. I n.'i'li.'vv (if FraiiiM.s I'ri.'sll.'y, m' wlioni iifxl. ,Sihill Whitley, wi.5ow, niavri.'l f-r Iht ihii'l li'i-l-ni 1 FiMnoi-. Friuslli'v of Prii'stly In;.', i 'n his in ivri !;.'.■, •...■ ivninvi'! t.i li.Milli'y Ri\v.t in S..\v.Tliy ; Init. o.. ujs \vif..'.-i .ii-alh. lie w.-iit t.i livi. wi'h his ii.'|ili. '.v TlMni;'.-' I'li.'-lli'V "f II. his. woiih. whvr In. .li.'.i Hi' "ia i-aat.'.i (111 0:i.a„M' I'^c'j (llivi'i III'.'. w,i...l, in his li-l. .a' Mr I.'.J.t.'s In.l.'p.Mi.l.'iit -oia.'ty, llii» lirsl iiilro.lncli.iii .if ih.l '.'•'■' i"'<> Hilif^'^ parish, .~tatos nf him : — >■ 7. tfrancis Pii.'.-ll..y, ii s.iii.l an.'i. n! ..hri'tian, y.a iipcn hi^ (.'imiint: In live with his (wiv.'V) aan.nlil.T an.l s..:, i., law Th.. Pri.'sllcy, at. II.iMsw.irth, h.,- h.ss • niiprov.-a Mr. Knot's way, Imt i: '. .1 in the fiitli aliuiit thr yi'iiv ICjriO." Ills n mip oc'.'urs unvni^'st lliosp wlni voto.l for .IrKniiy H.M'.th'V. t'l 1.' weialitT (if parliam"nl f.iv ill' palish nl Ilalif.ix in IGril ; ami alsn am.in^'st tlmjiiry wIm cinvirtcl lh(. lat ihi'vs ,.;ibl).4ti..l at Halifax, nn.l.'r llic (.h! j.'ibb.t- i.r,v. in !G,")'.). lie had no issuo. VII. .Iiisiiiw WiTT.iN, if 'lliirnliill an.l Yuli. la.rl;, an.l liLSthumnus son of .h.^lma ami Sihill Wittmi ..f S,.wiTliy. wasb.ptizof I'Jtli March. IGll-."). His st.'pf ith.'r. .Miplnnl Whill. -3, hcin-atli...! him /Id in 16.'H ; ana .l.ain l>|.■'^.^on ..f IVntl. V r..i.l, his -r.at un Ic, l.'fl him IDs, i,, Id'.".). Up 3 WIS al^.i a li.._'ak"i' for /.I, in llip will of liii mothfr'H si.-t.' (irac.- DraUo, in 1019. I' •' luiV'Uir and li!\- 7'iiiiif. !!.• wii.i' -rill 1.1 ' '.iiiil.rii'u,". llii' i|''-tiiiiitinii of >■> iMutiy y'liii.. nil':, fi' 111 Si.\v..rli\ a! t!i;il in'iinil ; uii'l ill iliic tiiiio tunl; linly i'iiliT-< 11" Imt.iIii'- i'ii:i[il.iiii I.I l''i'riliii;iiiil'i, I.' 1'^ l'';iii'f:i.\, l.y w'li'.iii li.' U'JH iippi.iiiti!.! t 1 tlif ii.i:t.iry -i 'I'l'.iriilihl ; II liviii;.; ill.. (.Tiiit viilili' ..f \vh!.;li, hli.nw !,.■ iilil [iiii'ilau ii'.Mi'iii:iu'~ i.jiiiiiiiii iif lii- I. limits iiiid cliai.ii ii'iv 'I'liis rnrliiry h" lii'l.l uutil ill ItiG:.', li'.' juvf.-nv.! lu |iriiu:i|.li'-i III lii> living ; i.'iiriiij.' lo Vi.rk, w li. i.' li- 'li. - .iuiii. 1, 1071. Caliiliiy s;iy-i. nf tin; ivv, .I.i-Uu;i \Viit..;. iJi.u " hi. w.i- .1 iiiiiii iif an cxcflliiit lumin'r, nf ;i'.i: iii!i-Viily. all.) miii-^u.il ripiiiMly ;" uliil ii;.':iiii t!i:il h • v.a- "u witty liiail, all! gouil jiclml.Ti', of lai'i^o in:i|uaililillii:i. a;.. I ililllli iici', ainl lili'ssi'ii with .a ]pliiitiftll i' tati' ;" illlil llinU.'li Ciilamy Usually ili]i-< liis liiii
  • liall, ami MMvlA UK! . nianii'l 1.1 'rii'-'ii'iiiliis Slu'h.iii, clii'l. i.f 'In. prai.-.' f.ir tli. Wi-sl li.liii;.;. ii:> will wa.s mi. I.. :.'m1i >ray liJTl ; ami his f.v.. .' ' . til wh"tM 111' lii.(pn'alli.'il /I, ."1)0 ..arli, "iirc a].; 1 i..\r|.lll' l:;. Ill' lii'.pirithr.l tn his s U, all till' I'aluls iVi' 1, till. paii..h iif Mii'lii'M, piiii..ha..|.i! nf .""ir Mi;.:! Slapli'In i kiiigh! ; a!sn/|,L''iOilii,i tn liiiii fniiii I.yii,'..K C ■ '. •, t:..|, liy /-'Git a yuar, nii si'riii-iti of hi* laiii als.i a li mI ,.|- /.'iO;! fiiiu Ml. I|. my M • i V !, ^iiH .•!■ ; ami al-.i ; — " all my li.'i.k.'s, mn: i iiii..rc, niu- imii clic-t a:, .scale I'iii;.'; t'l lay ri^ht w.iiiliy IlViiml rimliia- linnkuhy i.-n. iw.iitii' ,i:yiiiiy>, avIlhhl. I iin: I'oiistiuili. aii.l app..iiil llcnir.-i. ill tins,, aii.i .': ,, lu liiv tvi.i ilau.;lil..i> " IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 5r /. {/ & ^ 1.0 llli 1.25 l^|2B |2.5 |5o ■^™ H^H s 1^ Ilia it lis IlilM 1.4 1.6 V] <^ ,%. /a ^l > .> y /A i • « PhotDgrapliic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STR6ET WEBSTER, NY. M580 (716) 872-4503 . / .

    iii 15tli .'c-ntnrv. lie had l\vn.^,.ns, h'/i'll till) and ./0//.V, and twn dan-htri-s .1/.)/,' )' and MAHCAI! IIT. He di.-d Ai'iil ir>th, 171S, and hi^ wif.' Au-. ■>\n\\. 17:^7 ; and 1- ih have nicist flatlri'in^' ('liilaph- to their ni'-ri'.iy. \\i- had also HEXRYaM KI.IX I JlKTlf who hn[\t dj.d y .iin- IX. Kli (lAiii) W'riToN uf I.u|iM'l isi|. nianii'd '.'(ith .\i.iil l"l.'{, .l.\Ni;, d.ni>,diti'r uf U'illiaiii .Mi'in-r, ald'Tinan and nii'iiliaiil (and ln'iirfac-toi) uf I.i'c.U. si>icr tu .t 1 7 T). witlinnt i-sUc, Hi- la-iher .loiiv, niaile ]ii-elieiidai'y uf Yur^'. "Jinl ."^iiit.inl.ia I7l.'i. luaiiie.j L'nd .lannaiv I71><-l'. at Sanl.d, .Mahv, diuiglil'i' uf ■ .Asshetuji uf I'nerlen in I.ani'a-^hire III' i> .-aid l. Iliswiduw niarii('! r('t'e,'i'ine Wentwuilh .•[ \Vill;efield e-(|.. l:l>t of tile llVlle line ul the call nf Slf.ill'uid, whu died in IMIS ajjcd S7. Ilewi-fu|- 11 yeaiv fe'ji-^'r ir uf the \\('-t iidiiii4 uf Vurkshife. On the ilc'rtth of .Mrs. Wunlwortli. the W'itton estates dcscenled to llie issue of her lir^t linsliatid's auiU. elder sister of Riiliard \\ illoii, barrister, the |iurehaser of the l,u[isel estates, viz. : — I'.i.t/MU- I it, \\ileof |olin I'err.irs of liasliall. ,i;( i;i. had : -- Wit. MAM l'"l KUAKS died ntltiiarrieii , aiel I lolioTllv did {• MZAHITfl (whu tniinieii a .ludrell uf Ye.ir-lev, w huse male line hecinie e.Xlinet ill her j.raii(lehililfell). r/iiir I'tiviiiir iiiul Iti.i Tiiihs. |i,)K'jiiiv Fr.KKAUs. inamml, J.uiiKirv, 17.(1, Rii.lianl Waliiics- 'k'v, and ii^id : !i lli.^ J.hlivlls. ;iii 111. ducally ijorijeil, or. Wo resume our cMracls from the resisicrs. with iransjaiioiis of such of the L.aiii words as have iiol a similar lonn in I'.u:.'- lish. 101 1 .hill. 4 I.'ielnr.lTheaker Sower, nd.riusiH in ii'liiieial.- Mlluilerstls A driiiir od. drowned 111 his ilrunkenness. — - :>. ('.eui-e KiWeelt Il.lllfax Ilehlll- |.l llii'f] lit. Al'iaha W 1 N"ilh, iiiviuis pins A pious V'uth of .urc.it iiopo, the elder hiothor of the Isaac Wood. 11. A., wlio w,'- luirieil uth Aii;,'ii-t I'l'iS. His will, dated 2(.lh Dcccinher 1(11 1, proved 2^\h June I'm;, mentions hi.s mollier Alice, who was the si.sler of the rev. Iviward Sunder- i.ind curate of Kllaiul, ahe.uly iiientioi!eei Hi,' so entered in the rental lor i'' ;, lie ai-.i left lier 41 marks :^ 'if she niei-twilh an hush.iud >M|ual to heoelt in j;riii'e aiil yo.i.les of this life." Thomas Lis', -if Shilulen lull, whose llist wife was Sihill. daui;liler and one of the coheires.ses of Rol erl 1 lemingway ol Overhrea, and sister of Joiin HeiniiiKway of Shilulen hall. married seconllv, at Halifax, lOtli July if'.54. I'liu-'he Wooil. MU (V.,;;- F.ivitur ,/«,/ In's I'imfS. who was l)uricil at Manchcstur 2ylli January 1643- iL-avin- mule 1SSIU-. which however liocamc extinct in I'.ic .secon.l -enciatmii rii; two next entries involve two -ooil famihesin ^!i^yr'lee ; ir.ll l''.-ii. 7 .IiTeiiiy Waterhouse Ihil. ebiii.nis inii'ii'-, [iruf;iinis Miirdi I'.'.I-annes Laey gen, Houtii I'aire vivet-, rotator inviiliLjius. A j.r.i.hsioiis arinker; liis (allier livinj';. His fa-Ler wa> jo', 11 Lacy, of Levcnihor]) ana Cromwellhoitnni, esci. whose sec:.n.! v-ifj was the daughter of Michacll Lifter of Krear liea.l, ni Craven. He had by her, ihis John an.l others. Anotiier son. ■|-i,oinas T,acy. soUl CromwellliolK.m \c. 10 Thomas \Vhille^ . i;-, i l^)bert Lawe, i6lh James I. I^^" more lopi.'rs ■•om;i!eie the year ; — Mil Martii -' ' l.'oht. ];innes, .S..w. rhy : potator. •22 .lohn Caiiifin.'t Hal. poMto!, I'iie latter is ,m unu.viial name in local records, !ii,,>i.\-' (:,\Mrt.NoTTK of Ovendfh, niani. d MAiioMiKrA llMhl.-vvonh. 7lh Septciuher l;").-'.',). On th.' :':Mh ,s, |.;,.., 'nev i:ill», was haplizi'd Manjarila jiliu Th' :-e Ciii''j" '^l I' (h',i,i.l 2I1I. diihe liil2, lb' 1... lit.. 1. I'lnir FdToiir iiihl /n.\ '/'imrs. 81 lil'dlhi'l' I'liMiiiiis, iilhl liis >isti'H, Aliiii', wife -ii' is-ue wa.s Joliu iind Miuliai 11 Savilr, ai,d ii daiiglili-i Amu;, will] liad an il'i'i,'itinialo d.uii,diti-r, .laiii' Haninntiin or Addinjjlon. The oniv olher will of tliis family uf have, is ihal of: — (iKipliiiE ( 'AMi'lNiiiT I'f W'aili'y. rliilldi'r. dalfd I'Jili Si'ptmi lii.r ItiTi". Ill- nii?i:ti..ns hi- wil.' Maiiv, hi- hi.ithi rs dohn and Xaihanii'l, and his sisters iViin, and Eu/uhilh, wifu of Saniiiid ( (atfs. Resuming our extr.tcis from the register, the next entry is th.it of a munlfrer, inijiions, a .ilruiikard. inipriiitent e\en in ileath. IGlli Aprill -' dnhn Norllii'nd iinpins h>i;;.iiid .iliriosus iiiipeniti-iis ad nn.rte. May -^i Uomjji' Iiiley iuipins |iiMfaii' s adulter iiiler pMCula .suliilani-a uiorti' o^'irrpiiis A wKked profane ailulterer, suddenly seized wiili death in his cup.s. .Iiiiiij 2t) iix Ahralifi S|ati>r Suutli. liiii.stai Augii.-t I Ahixaiidi'r liiiltirfirld llal. nuisus. (totidi. Lil Ahrahft Crabtri-u Hal, stulliis A fool ! Amongst what a catalogue of knaves ! ! '2t) 'i'hniiias Smith Hijip. I'hiinsu.s inf'us An infamous drunkard. H 82 I'iiiir /■'(iT'i'iniiriii /i/s Viiihw Then coim-s an entry of ilie death of Henry, I'rince ol Wales, tlie eldest snn of Kiuu' James ; — N,.v. C. I-liu< iir ii-i- sn.ruhiiit ninili ii,,liili-s ct mn^,Miii- I'iiiic. W^dlii- There was raised this year, by a lay, /28 !3.s. fnl. The amount iiaid for " wyne ai e»'>niunions' was /"; I'is. Thedniinr's -' 'ih y.Mr l.e-ins hriler lli.in iis predrecssor. Tlie iir>i rniry refers, no don!'t, to the wife of a man (Kic hard Nieoli; who was afterward- a hcnefaeior in intention at leas: Conlrarv lo his usual eiisl.im. the donor k'^^-'^ "■ '"^■'" >"•''''''■" name; and Ins i.raise of her. '•thai she was greatly e.ulowed as well in knowledge of the sacred scriptures as in charily to the poor," is the highest he has bestowed on any oi his deceased pari-hioners. ir,ll.' .I..n. r,. >,x l.'ieli. Ni-o's"- n.dd-,x ids. Anne liondlry n..'ie gel .\ ll-LM-towe foemina pijs-inia Miigna in eogniiieii- in saeiis lil-ri- (fJ elmritale in paup-res JHiedit.l. She was the daughter of jolm T.air^tow of the North bri.ige. tanner, whose will .laied i nh Octoher ^:->,. w,,s proved 2nd March following. His sister was the wife of John W.umoughe. Mis wiles n.i.ne was Kli/.abelh. His issue was Anne. ■■.dith. Dorotnv. Marv, Joim, K .but, Is.ibell. and ('.race; all men- tioned in 1=7., in it>c will of iheir grandfather, John Hairsiowe. of ll.difax.buicher. John had a son Robei;, who had a son John, under 2., in i^:,. We are afraid th.u i. was he, who was ,,„,i,.,l on the 7th laniiary 1M7. '/"■'"■'"■' •' ""'"■'■'g''"''^- He was the trustee of the benefaction of Henry Law of Xorlhowrani, thus r.-ported at the I'mus uses encpiiry in KM., :- - lll'lll, Wi' lill h' I li;,, 1|,.|, : Liwe of Nmlho: did hy Ins wi 11 .I..I111 Hurstovv ol' N^utlihrigg" tl.iM L'O ve M'S !„■ ,-h..u!d p.iy y-iirly to Hallifiix poore and |i ■;0 lb in (■(iii.idera oi-ii for ■MU annum (viz ) Vm. tn [the town] Hallil'ax d ir)s. to th.' pirisl Robert, the other son o followed his giantllalher s ( f li)!in Ba'slow of Xorth Bridge, lanner occe iUion of a bnlclier, am I died I'liiir /'',ni>ur and his 'Ji/iiis. 83 lieliirc his f.iiliLM'. iS I Illy 1581;; Ic.uin- a \\\ lie iiiiiIl' hiN will, 211'! M;iicli If |Hriiii.il justor an,! iD.istcr, nnd apiioinii'i \V •11 siKikcn am. Ill' 11. mi.' 1 1 ,|.' "f ih' 11 irl-s 11 llallil'ax, luv ITU- |i) hi-i IT fivml, ;.;ir l.vni r ml tut-r un Mvh til.; il.ui4liu;rs of John li.iirslow of 1- •11. inv ""i-'ii ,1 so,,. Of Grace nviiri^ Xoi-ih Bri.l,'<', tannt-r. .,1 lohii DiMko of llorlcy grcvn ; the uncc of ih.u Osliua W'ltton, Sil).;ll Dr.iki;. already mcntioii.;>l, who niarnc, Michae Whii! Francis I'riolley. '1 he mher 0,1c, whose marriat,'<; we have l''avour's |iane;;yri ll^co■.■erel c, Ann. w IS 1 he present suhjecl of I f Dr. ant iione I ha h) ni.irrie.l Willl.ini L- 1 lliii'leiey. .Michael. William au.l Mary Hma.mv, men- he mcnlioned in Us il ni her lasl huslian.l's will, wlinh wil place herealicr. The nexl entry trv in the re-'isie r is nnfortunale :n ii-- ] qiiitv 10 the above short ace ■oini gia>l to a 1.1, ho.vever, that we caiin rouL,'h |iv.lis'i''e of the family before us. IGI-J lah. S. i;..ht I'.a.isiMW Hill miiiiii-^ It of the liiir-low • nnily ,1,111. Il .li.Mover th.- -uhiec. iiilhe irojiin- W'e are Ih ii;i:; .Vp S. l;iol..ir.l .S.imer-ica .IfS llailif.ix. ."^nni'.'r- i;al('s oy aat.-.l 17lh Mar.-h ICIJ mi,.1 hy -unen.Uu- Ui all VH to H'llil l.awe 1 thi'ir ii.'iri-- a? Kiel, ; Ni.all and llu .pl.r.y I'raUe tVi'.ll'fus in tnist all iiLs l.iij.ls anil 1. Ill-Ill t-. th ,'"i„ Ovni.l.'ii aihl llalhfax y" pmlilS ihi-rof to },'0 ,„■.. ,,f li.ith lilt' llsiMi'lMU II his ll'fi'll'.'i's wi th th stall, i- of \" - I'luiichwanlens of ,)iil liiwiii'.- fill- \>" tilili- h.'iir^ r.ir I'Vcr iif lalo iii'W tnis toes lire eh lOM'll (vi/) ;ii-li : .aiiek an Nil all fur liallifax an ; -Iniu (ir.i'iiw i an. I iif (innl.-i'oni! .1 Aiiia llljii(nvnilh fur Oviii h'ti imw f.ir ll.i fax prnp.irtiuii is fin. lamls iyelh at K^-p-s 311). coma yiarly from l:U. f. aii.l pay.l t.i this .lay W^" i.ar M.iiiiil r.llaii. ami dveiulen i.Uhaw l.ine Kudu in y'' neeupa coll o if John Kijhle.) and paid jeily. 84 litir FiiT'/'ur iiH'/ /lit 7'nilis Hi-. (.Ii.iril;. li.is. l'nnuii.U(.'l\. lu'cn L-Ncni|il Iruiii ilie iis\i;il f;ilc ol siicli I'L'tu.'I'.u lion.-. ; lii'voiiil ihu ira'|iicssilile maws of i\w lawyers, when it w.is iicci'ssarv lo apply l" v. li.iiu xtv, fur appoim- iiioiil (if n-'w inistccs, .11 iH2(), however, il hail ncovorcii from even lliis inlh( lion, and now alTonls ruHcf lo ihu lioncst poor, for whose sole henelii it w.is inien.kvl. The iiis'.or.' of iis exislerv.'c 10 the pri'senl ilav. is too Ion;; for ontn here, aiui must l)e rescrvoi] for another opporiimiu. The ne\l three exir.iels arc of the iisii.il si.mip : - 1613 MiiJ y iix. Kihvanl .\la>"M ll.il, mlirios, .lunij 1 .\rtlii(r ( 'l.'i.'pe Ihil. iicImiI. .InliJ 1'.) .ImIui ('liMrli'ton II il. a nv''"', — '."J vi.l. .I^.hii Miw.l' ll.il. I'., mill I ]Mi lsii'|et;avit pijs Usihus p'liT '_'i'"' ipia'* 'Ifilil cap- lliB ilet'oley. I'lii-' wiihiwc Isnl)cl .MaW'l ;;.ivi' xx"' to |iiMeli;i>c l;un|s f il niayiii'-iiaci' nf a [iriMrhrr al •'■.ley e'' w''' she >.'ave in iier lyf(> tvnie x"' in y'' - -li'l'- in \'' aliie ~ lirnvsi'S .oiii 8"' In hce jpllt to \r p .Mlv. We liave alreailv ciilari,'.'.! upon llie enlrv of her hiHliaiiilV Imrial. We liaxe also nientinnr,! the snlii -i ; of the followinf; enlrv : nil.') •>,-■. >li. lU ( Jpor;;!' (,'o>in I've iinpi'.liui .Ipiin-ii.'. l."i 'I'liciTUs l!;U l()ii;^h Si.iitli I'lvrio.suH. U; Waf i'iillai-.l Sniith .■bri..-u.s. S'W. '2'} Thonis Waterhou.so Hal nihnlo. Dec initi 7 Jiilm Whitley Oveil vir pnw. The father of ' )liver Wilton's thst wife, Grace, anil of .Miihael W' i'!c\', the Seconal htishanil of Sihill I)rake. I'Ji;! [I Mlh I'J Kieiianl \:r'u\j," rf.aitl|..w ; tllis Uielul. P.i'l'i>,'e livrJ and dipil nil iiH'estumise and exeniiiii : piisun. He, however, made his will. December yih i'h;,. jiroved ^nl Au.ifusl 1(114. lie was a clothier, and lieipicilhed lo his hrnther "lilhert's son, Jonas [ih his lomi ()mi)es anil warjii fc ntfrh nJ 10 lis nephew, I'rancis 1 lioinas, a jiresse tor prcssinge chuli. am 5 pieces of wood, intended for a 1 liter. 11'' inetitioned .ilso. his wife Marie, and Eli/.alieth. lirother Samuel, and sisters .Mariiarei Virar Favour and A is Times. SS This is :lic x'loii.l iiisiaiuf we liavo met wiili, (if cnfortf- mem liy Dr. Favour, of ilie liisciiiline of the tliurcli ; and ai the laiii-T perioil of lii.s career, lie .ipjicais to have attcm[)ieil 'viih some viijour to ainenil the morals of his parishioners. The foilovin,' influential appeal forms the (freaier part of ,i letter wriuen to the 'locior. on some charity-Imsiness In Sir .Vrtliiir iiiirra-n, on the last le ni.irk 1! B H, shows that t.;;hir. mother anil olTspriuL' were alike guilllcss ol lej;ilimaiy. J'lie entries in his Jisi year lio;,an well ;. — lt;|:l. .Ian. I. Cal.h Watcrhc.Use. Hal. hnn.'-lus C.u.m \V,\ ri-.KiiiirsK was ihe third ^iii of .Mii.i;.ie! Waier- house of \\'oij,lhou,-e, .ind (iiace [Wilkinson his iirst wife, lie was baptised, 2ist ."^tptember ijf'i. On the 20th January i6io, he bought Shilden hall, Soiuhowr.iin. for /i,.':.'0. from .Xrihui' In^r.Kii .ij;ciu. ,iiid John llarvie. both of London. lie ii.id iireviously had the premise^ on a nine years lease from .'^aimiel .\rinit,iije, a mortgagee for /50.:) ; and, no doub;, \ relative of his second wife. As has bcea already stated, he resold .^hibden hall (i.! /lis Timn. Lett, his wife, an.! In l.cr h.v! iss,..-. Ml CUM: I ("In- l.i.l IsaiK-, Jcil.M. <".«l'-l'. 1"^'"'^' "'••''^•"- ^'■"'' •""' ^'"•"" • 701/X^^i Wasl.er lai:i-. (!..i 1 Anthony ; John, from whom i, .lescen.kvl. in the scveuth Kcncr.U.ou. I.oih niLhisive. thr pr.vsent representative of the IlaHfax l.ranchesof xW latn.iy. Mrs Catlierin.-draic I)oherty-'uaierluMi>,e); md yo.S//( A (ha.l Dorothv an,l Mar^. Ky hi> M.'to,„l wile. Kt.i/.vi.K.H. .lanshter of |ohn .\rmyt.Ai;e of 1 lu.hhrsr,..l.i hai:. (who survive.! an.l marri.Ml a -.■n!h-nian of th- name .4 N\ miei ) he ha.l SAMl-Kf.. SCS.tX an,l f/'A'.irA; ilis will Nvas made nil. Noven.her IM.?, provr.l .-.v! Mini. ,M,-4. He memione.l that he ha.l u lease ui,e.K|iiro.l, of certain corn mills at or near Pkii-ion ; an.l h.'-pieaihe.! fr.im ,l,e i.n.liis thereof, the f.illowinR sums m iiie o.-I.t flai.-.l. !•., his ehil.lren Susan an.l r.raee, /Ao each, then Ann ih'^ neM /no. lolin /.'--•. S.isan and < Irace Ao each. Samuel Itoo. then his wife Kli/ahelh /;o, then ...n j..hn /i '-u..l the resuhie :.. hi" five chihlrer, Aime. John. Sara, ( iiac- an.l Susan. He left t.. Joshua, son of his l.u.' hroihcr Ahriham. /^: to his hrother Jacol.s two chihhen, /l e.u h ; an.l to Mr. I)'. I'av.>iir, l..lin Uoves ami Hui.ilicv Dialv. his overseers, Iz eath ; - lt».,.. I .1 ..' i;iv- an.l iM^iueath ... S:.th .'.i.-ll \V..i.t1,o ,~ „is l„-,,;h.M. ir.rlv.-shilli.i^.-. t. !..■ h.'st..w.Ml ...i a l .■.' .'f l.l..;... It. 1,1. I -iv.. t.. Mi.-ha.-ll '.V..t...rl...us my son...', a silv r l...vyl.', t,, .l,„l„ia n.y s..,i.,e ...y silv,.,- .■.,i.i.,.rl..'ak...', i.u.l l...'ill,.'V nf ih.-.,.'a v:il.;.-i .-1 "••; t" •' 'I'" ■"> "■■"' '"" '■''''"'■ .-p.,„n.-s ih.n- a -uiM'-.l, tl...;h.T uu-uili ; L. Am... my .!;mglit..|-, ..th-r tw.. silv.i- .-pou.it-s, th..iif j,'mlt, ih.ither uu- -iiilt. The i-.-t .f i.iv plate, I ^'ive to aii.l am..n-.^t mv wif.., an.l i..y thi-.- y..uii^t>t chi We have alrea.ly written sever,.! tim..-s ,.lr cinrv 1 .; 1 :i •2». Vi.l. r.iian .'.-..wlhei rospe Hal. f.. I'im'j th'J following ■ii[iii;. .■1...111 'syu.s ,l.,lit:., i-.-. Tl.i^ .Ian.' ( ■.■.)Wth.-i', wi.i..w.. ..f I'.riai. * lov 111 .■IlllML'WaV- ,f tlie Over llica in N.irll.ow, gave t.. I „1 uses hy h.T last w.ll 6'" f..r ever by yearo for rinir Fir'iiir iiiii/ ln\ 'I'lmf^. f-i a schuliuMo ii'iiih tin- 1 10 i-liil.lri"' of Uiilif. ll>«i- cuir cliiyliio and tu rc'inl. x"' ill Iiluliy to 1m: lent tu li'>"li' f"lll. xx'" t" \ |iu HI' .-liildif', xxx"" ti) llui'C invaclinrs, xl» \»'\ •iii'Q to Mr. Mm>- liii- i>H'.s.4 iiriMcln'i' iluiiuK liia iiImkiiI Sill' (.MVc 111 1.1 1 1' i-llO lu.iyil •^ITVillll ]i;ii-t nf IHT t'llOlU lll.il xV ill iiiMhy. >lv "iiii U'T M>iiT H'liii lli.iikinHi.ii li.iiii;lit V" m'vIh aiKl I'liii; llip AliiirH-huwuus next tli'' ijiurch fur -U pnorn wiilnwis. .Slu' jjavf! I" .I". Kuvmhi. vii'ar of Ilal\f.i\, l"', aiid ma. I liiiu ..no ..f lj. i ixiTiit.'iH iii tniM, l.t-v.is iiiiiiiv -i.ri.l ,l.'.-.ls ill lii.r lif.' tyni'', f"r wli.niii' uiM' .ir ail 1 i,.| |.. |.ni_v-..' I I'j.l, uli'i t'Vi-r make- ii^ tl.fili' full. AdiI'II riie rcpori til tlie I'l.vi^ uses t.()iniiiiN.>.i(iii in I'uv. ti''''-'^ lunhii .iifiiriii.u.iin .i> IdHiiws : — •■ llciii, Wf tiii.l.tlia' .lam: ( •|..\vt'..r. latr .-f Ilallifix. ili.l 1;. Iior last will, iMariiiyilalftlic' IMlnlay .laiiiiaiy, l(il3, -^iv until I'r. r-'av.iurit utlnr-, a- trLi.lIi-s in lin-t A tlii'ir Inin- fur over, 1. 1.1 Aiinnilv nr yi.irly iTiit i.f ri^hl j. aimls, wliiiii -h.'H lia.l lat.'ly [aircliasml nf mn' Mr. I'mlsuy, i.f .\niii-fuitli. .lilt (if hin vv1imIi"1. ■mains tliori'. wliioli sln-i' uilU^l sli..iil.l 1h flnpliiyuil fir k t-\vaiil> min .m;1iiio1i' it silio'il" ma^ti-r, \vlif> .sliall tearh tll«' I'liililiou if lllf lioi'li:.'^l liP.ilil'- I'l' \\w TnWlli nf ll.ilifix, til r(>a.l. 4 liariK' tlu'ir iMt.ilii-nii', & \Vf'[iloi'j timii' tlia t lli.il i.s 5- 111. ..f tin- s.ii.l iviiU liuhiml lii'.siilc? a ^'leat ili'al nf I'liarLjc^ spent in .mi. in.; fur the sa ilciii, \vi. Iiml.' tlial lliesaiii.Ian.;<'r.nvtlirr .ii:l I'V In r said will i;ivf thi'somiMif T.'ii [inunds. tn lirlnit fmiu tiuH' t.i limi! fm ever, tn tin; j,'iidlyrst pnor i»h)|i1ii i.f lli,- Inwiu' of llrillif.i.s. up.. 11 Mi-iirily at llu' ili>pnsi tnrs and nvi'istfi- fur tn niijain fur ever. ti.ill k i|i~iTfli.'Ii ol inr rXi I'll- ThiMi follow two cutrios of iho usiial doscnption : — I I'll:;, f.'ii 4 III! 1.11 KIlis Hal .Tl.ri.i.s [drunkard] — II Wilhn Wa.li' Halifax a.|ill[lrivr] — iL'.Iullli r.li^;^, llalif. Iliiicatnr LnndillC'siH vir 1 lu- cl li.m.-Mus vi"' srlinla- t,'raliiat, iiijli. piiiili.'i ilm- I'sta nii'iito li"'avil. fiiit uniH (luluialnru .s.-linla? ~;t^L r i" 1*8 /■/<lii) I'V «lll jjiive /'> ii) dif K'r>"">i'"' nili'"'l, niiil £\ t(i the pnnr, aii'l wa- one I if ilie Kovpriiiiis of ihc M.iio(il. Marli.i I Ilii;;li [mom of) IImkI' M""!'' aii'l Aiini> Wilkiii-nii Suiiili i! iiic'it. Vm-tanU. — y K'llil. Ili'iniii'.;«My Sdulh vir li.n i'"!* i nvui-iti iiiii. li'j^Hvil |iijs >isil lis 'iipra f'l'Xii^.'iiita liliriis. A man of linij^f lonv^r^atiot;, who i,Mve t" jiinn-' 'i^os alur.i- £ho. He was ilic lii-oiluT of ilic liencfai ia"->fs. CiowiIkt ami HoiiKin-ion, atvl in liis son (who .Ijoil withoiii is^^ii'-'i. cnAvA tin- '.lir.-ct :n.\li- lino of I Ionii''.i,'\vay : llic iirojiuity |ia-Nin'j:, liy tlic iT)..,riai;o of his two (laiv:;iiti.'rs to two I'roihirs, into ilit: I.i-.Il'I laniily. li'il.'l Marlij I'O ii-i •(■•-.,.-|.li |lral;r N'oith. fi'ni. pii. — •-'! ii\ l.'i.h.ini ll.'ininKway S"\itli pia. I'il4.Iiin(i i;8 Khz. ux Idhli I'.riar pia fo nmia. S.'piuM.lic to Th'ius MntiiMfi'.'M nvGl vir ipliKi"si- piiiius villi' in in •■ciTia iMl<'j,'et '< A man/!/ w 'f/ rch^'ioiis Jtfe, blainolcss^ln tlie Churth ! ! His will wi- tna'lo (nuncupative), 4'ti Scpti-nil'er 1^14. jirovuil ^rd lulvifu;. Ilu iiicntiuncil iiis wifu Su>an, wiih ihiM; leasini; to his son Samuel, /So for his chiiils poaon, ami the resichie to the ihiM, with which his wife- w,as Kr*-'-"- •1'-' ap|iiiinteil S,H,iiu:l l-i-^ler ami William Whiltakers, tuiors of the former . ,incl F.chnund \V 1. .I'l'l his sons John ami Kilmim.l U'oo.l, tutors of the ihiUI unborn. In the \'-ar t'114. Dr. l'"av(iiir was called up to I. on, Ion. on some luisine>s comieueil with the jiarish : hut ol his visit, the followini,' curious ilebior am! creditor accrtinl is all th.it has toine to our knowleili,'e : - .My ehar;:.s at I.Mii.lon ioymy wlie I wOl for y« cOtry. Ivster tl'Unr. 101 t, li'KCKVVKIi I c-arii'il tn London w"' iiu'e x"' for .•xrhiMij,'!- of gold tln-r ii'j" ix'' .loliii .Sniyllison ree'' of Mr I 'owppr \ j"' Mor.. of .lohii Walnioiij;],,. x"' Morn t ikiMi iip|i of Til..: liinncs >:"' Mote taken ol Rulit. Kavo xv"" Su li"' iiij" ix'' riiiii /■'iii'iio .luil Ins 'I'nihx. 89 ,.lb NV l.ATii nmrii tl'.T 1 kn fur i,i\-,lf ihMiv f.ir liu'' liili.it.i 7 yi'iiiil~ l'liili|i ti (!iii)iir.v L' viii'l-' V(ilv> It '.' y.Midi »iilt>n a pciio iif ilifiii 11 riiii kV ilii'vii. V HcvC Mailiii 'laliiivi'V til tlu' lllllll'l' ])'' till' tiivl'ii /I r li/iuiiijn iiiiikiiii/r lie iij"' i" \J'' t'l'VO iiiv fri'iiil^ 111 Sdiitlpitnii xxvij. ill"' xvi.j' J« xlvj" xxviij" ilij"' iiij* XXX' xvj" viij'' V" vj'' vii' mv iniiii'v Ui Sniiihaiiit 111 jijil ijl yj.l xxx"" ix" x,i Wu.u material ■• I'Lilip ami i. lie) iiey' is «f know mh In Wliitakcrs /,//; .///i^> K.iJihih, i> a leuor to his wili- datcil mIi .Muv \Ui-, where lie \vrite> lor the new suit of cliiilies wliitli ilii' li.i.l i,'iveli iiiin, "ami 'iiN stiille cloake dI l'liili|) ami — : the editor lia> left .i lil.iiik. In Heaii- moiil and Klelclier's 117/ ,j/ or', (.;/:,■.,//. .;/v, act ij. lady Kiiimm> s„vs of ihirleeii |ioumls : "'Twill |iiil a lu'ly >iMiee ill I'lillip ami 'li'Miey, With tlilei! sliiall li||^;lf lace.-, like a c.lmilll"! II! liil." Svmiison, in a note, i-ii^ijests that the original vas riiilipiiine clieyney. " which !•- a >ort of >tu!T at present in loniiiion use. Iitit gojs now by the ai>|iellalioii of l>arraleeii.' I'lie other miteri ds for die doelors dress arc of tonuiion oiiurieiue. In Witts A'., /-//."'/> we have an epigram lie,'iiiiiim: - RuHtick .Sii|)irliun tino new clotliix hiui K"' Of tutfiita iii.il V. Ivi t faire ill »-i>.'lit ; Tlie sliuw iif wlii(^h liatli nu bcwiulil thr cit, That hi- lliii.kH ({cut It mini tn I"' liis right. riic c.i.mlot would he for his einak ; and it wa.s a somewhat sins'uhar clement of the times, ili.il havliii; taken /lo to London. he realised a prolit of .(s. ijd. in eseh,ini;e for t,'old. It i- pleasing; to find that the doctor did iioi fori,'et lu> |iocirer IrlemI- at .Southampton ; though his rcrnenibrame of them, no d lubi. ahri r.'i I. yri Very riMily in y" .'■eripturs, uilh iir'iiupt u^i- aiul :i|iiilii-ati"M as 1 have liear 1 iiiiy willi- i.ail li-ariiiiigi 161.") Dee 7 Miilial l.riny.l Sowliy l"'rijl ill liive i U vio- liiret .S.i'iallia Who ]ieri>heM in llic simw \Mien he iiad vinlalei! the s.ihh.ith ! Kil .") .Ian. (i .Mr. llri.m i,isl..r M'rlii iliviiii Miiii-ler vere ct eriidiln^ ct vila' >'elii,iir insi^nis k iiiinisier uf liiicl'^ wor.l. f.iiililul ami learned, and a pattern of iiolv life. U'e liavu already mentioned liini. once or twice. His will w,>s made "th December 1615. proved iitli Jnly i'>iii. He was St v 1 1, t " preacher of (loirs wonle" d'^ellin,,'^:' in ll.difax. He heqiicathed 10 the poor of Wakeliidd 4 "s. ,it the dJM redon of his brother William ; 10 his son John, h'-- U'ise at Wdiaddon. or ne.ire to Wlieddon ; to lii.-- d.ui^hter I'.ii : dielh, his oilier lease in ill.' Nori'n paries, and her mother s v.e.iring apparell ; and appoiiilcvl i.. '.luthcr i^dv.ard, .--ole e\i.i.n'or. " 'I'o my hintliiT Wiliiaiii my iiitiT hmall hilih' ; In my hrothei' l;ii hard Dr. jieynoldes lectin. < in two volumes; to my hmthi'i' .loscph, my 'rremilliu- hilile ; to my -i-irr Maiidi', .Mr. K".;i'isrs licati-is nf dii.(!i..ii to a Chii-iiaii life: to my >i-ti.'r Ann, Mr. De;iriii:4r^ In-tiiivs uu the Hchrewcs ; I" my cozeii, Mi. Itiriiaiil I'.att, my silver ei.pp. 1 rive I > my soi.n .hisi'pli /.'JO in live years, as hi.s iinelu F.dUiird .-hall thild; niret." A Kirhanl llatt, gcnilenian. had lands in the ,i,'reaveship of Hipiicrholme 1607, after death of his father John, 5th Octoher 1604. lleiir\- Hatte jairehased ( )l ewell from 'I'honias Ilussey ill 15^1.1. In the will of Micluii i Bairstow, nepliew of l!r' in Li.sier, already given, las heir w.is John, .-on of Ruheri Bairstow l'n(ir Fiirour and /tit Jimes. 01 ! of Okcwell (lecoascil. We ild nm \et fully know this roiinuclion lictwci'ii the li.Uls, li.iirstou.-. .iml Listers. Kil") .Imii. 12 Lnki) C'av ll;il li:\'iviH no IiLiir. Dr. [''av. iiir's conlraction.s here .;rc jnsi open to a doiilile mean- iwj.. If the cireiimsernHMl n inilitales a sniiiircsse^l " n," then was I.uke (.'lay not a ,i,'o().i bailiff. He w.;s the fonrlli son of John Clay of ("lay-li(ni>,e ; and was lia|>tizc'l, '^th .\|iril i^r'i. On the i.nh <>Ltol:er 157^), the loril of the manor conveyetl iz acres of land, lalelv l.iken from the wa^!e of (ireeiland, to Rol)ert and l.iike (.'lay, youn,i;er sons of John Clay of (.'lay- house. This wotilii probably be a jirovision or cdiild's ])ortion, made by their f.ilhi-r ; and ihe con^^ideration was 4s. of new rent, and suit at court ot Inland, and mill there. .Vnolher <_;rant of live acres was made same time, lo tlie same, 2cA of new ixnl. This Robert Clay, li ptis.d j;ril .\04ns1 1573, w.i.s afterwards vicar of llalifa.x. His mother was .Alarj^ery, (lau,L;hkr of llemy Savile of Brailley, anhip would explain both the appnintnient of Luke Clay as baililT of Halifax, and also that of Robert Clay as Dr. l-'avour's successor in tlie vicariate of Il.i'if.ix. In the will of iheir father, made 4lh |uiie, pnued -•7th .\uL;ust loi'i, he bequeaths a portion of the resiilue of his Ljood-.. to his t,Tand- cluld llenr\', son of I.uke C.'Iav deceased. IHii") Oiiol: I -J ^[r .H r.'niy Oilismi miui-tci' de C.'ley vir bniius et I'orimiat"!- diligel! i:; .\-.i Ma,_'. .V goo I m.iii and nio-'l diligent minister. ( >!:%. r Hevwooil in his at count ol the ciiraies of Colev' s.i\- of !:ini : '■'IIh' ni'Xl thai >ui'( liii Was one .Mr (iib.^on, a ;.:"dly ni.in and an ahl,' iiiini>lr|-. wli.. wa- I ibied ^t lip' L'ppi r Rri.ii, and iiftiTwaids did ni.uiy hi.- land.idy, nld Kiil)ei't lleinini.'- way s wifi', but livi'd nol !..,.:,' .ilin that. Mr lift xMiie plair In the I hip. 1 ih il hiiih hi^ 1 am,' U| .m il, yrt fniih- cdiiiiiij,', witJL a >;i' .'It siU r ''Up. i,'ill willi -uiil. in ihr hands of Mr, .biseph l'uini--M', ii\iii:,'in Ovrndii,.'' Samuel Whitley of , Shelf, beipK-aibed him /i:. in i''ii: |ane Crowdicr. the benefacliess, his wife's sister, left him other /lo in lfil_; ; and in i'm^, lie was a kgalee for /;. in ihe will of Richard Uoyd of N'orlhowram, cha|)man. In idij. .\bni. 92 J'l'Ciir Fiiri'tir aiiil Ilia Times. t Tillctson of the Fold in Ship.len, yom', appointe.i his wife Sara, his execmrix ; and his l)rother in law, Mr. Jercmie fiihson of Northowraiii, the j^uarchan of his cliildrcn William, Abraluini, and Henry ■rillelson. Jeremy (nl.son of Ovorhrea in Xorlh- owrani, clarko and Mr of Artes, made his will i^th Octoher iCud, proves! 20lii May 1617. and appoinled his wife KdiUi. his execuirix. He left 10 his mother /5, 10 his iiroUier Richard /i 5, and to die cliildren of his brother Samuel (livinj.') /15. to the children of liis brother in law llumfrey liolden /15, and th. like sum to his sister Sara Tillel>on, widow. He ordered Wiiuiy- bankein Southowram, which he h.id K'^en on the nth Septem- ber, to Thomas Rawlyn of Overbrea, s.m of John Kawlm of Ki^diley, to be >nld, and all proceeds above /too, to go to the said Thomas Rawlin. " And I will that the overseers (if this my last will heroal'tcv nanieil, shall have deliv'eil unto them, «y the one of them, five poundes to bestowe the same upon ime faire eimiuidon eippe, with the aildie'on .if that little one W'' n(.w be- lon.^eth to Coley chapjiell, w''' m'we cuppo I d.. ^'ive and bciitieath to the u.se of the said Coley ehappell. Itni. I yivc and heqtioath unto my ^,'ood freind Mr. Hoyes. preaehei at Ibdlifax. my Arias M(jn/aiius int. r.ineary Bible, and to the said Saiinii'll Listi'r, 1 »nwiehani'.~ Iw.i \A<. of .Spirituall welfaii." Dr. F,;\.iur, .Mr. Boycs and his bro'lrT in law Samuel f.i.ster, were appointed overseers. Thomas Rawlin. 10 whom he gave Windy bank, evidently in trust, was the scrv.mt of Robert lleni- ingwav of Overbrear, and was a legatee in the wills of Helen Kopkinson and Jane Crowiher his sister>, for 40.?. in each. Wvndv bancke in 1574, was the property of James Heyley, and paid 'ill. tithe. In 1628, it was beiiueathcd to Toby liarraclough, by his father Richard, as : — "another mi'.-suage called llayley how-.' "V Windy baidie in SdUthnwram. late huuglit of Thomas Ibivli' ol Yipik, merchant, and in occupation nJ lue, nf Thomas Iwghley, and (i ge Hnckwortli." Samuel Lister was his wife's brother, and guardian of her children, at Shibden hall. ! Viear Favour and his Times. 93 IfilG ]).-i;iMii 1 Natlmnifil [snn of] lolin Crowtlier, Ovedc iiiilJiiilpiis tiuciiliitus sutriio. at[\U9. 1 Mill-till r.niwiu,', si'uex, vir pins An old. pious man! He made his will on the 20th No' ember r6i6, proved 20th May 1^17. He bequeathed to his sister. Jennei C'.rene, widow /; yearly for life ; to Raph Senyer and his children /20. and /40 forLjiven him. At the termination of l>is 23rd year, Dr. Favour had fdk-d llie .second volume of the Halifax registers. The third volume (which runs from 1616 to May 1644) commences "ah in- ductionis [oan. Favoris LL. Doct. anno 24";" but the docto' was not permitted long to fill its parchment pages. And of h..: remarks we need only cojiy a few ; — 1017 August 7 Kiiincis SeolfieUl adultrr Hal 1 1 Antony Dickson Hal. nobiilo .Sep 12 M;illh(.'\ve Whitley llipplionest/is et religiosus Alreadv given in tlie Whitley pedigree, his will being dated 26th August 1617, proved i8th March ir)i7-8. Kil7 August 11 OdUgo Ilolnip.s Hal. blasjih. (^hviosus. 17 Iticli. Xicdls, Halif. hcuicsU.s. The husband of Anne N'icols, buried Mh January ifti2. His will is dated 20th March i^if)-;, i)roved 2nd February 1618-9. He bcijueathed to his daughter (]race, wife of Thiunas Holden of Halifax, an annuity of /lo for three years, and to Robert. Micliael. William, and Mary, four children of his late wife. 40.f. yearly for four years, out of lands and buildings in Halifax. He left his goo.ls to Mary and (Irace, daughters of Thomas Holden ; and the residue to his son Richard Xicoll his executor. He be(iueathelyfs Kai-iie, didgivoand cU^vise to lodit. Liiw ;oid I'K'.; Ihndden and their licires, as Ueolh-ea in Triist. a yearly I'lit of I.'is. 4'?. for ever, out of a house and eerlaiiie liiid.i in Ilallifax [,il or near Mount PeUon], to ti", hy \\u\ willi Ihr eon- sriit of the CliurehwardiUs of llalif.ix for tlic tinii' b.'ing, payi;d to tlie uim-I needful poore of Halhf(K Towne [and llieh. N'icall, his sun, was liis exeeiitMr, wlio dyed 11th duly, 1G.)L', by f.dlin.u headlong, about I'l u'cloek in the iiighb into his (iwne Taveriie, and never spoke word after, and sine dohn Xienll, his son, did payabout IDs. ti the poor of ll,ilhfi\, in Chrisluias, Xiurl. witi.ess Tho : llinn-. and i'any : fueenwood youngerj. The next entry is that of a member of an old Halifax family, of which ue have had. as yet, little meiiiion ; — 1017 Mireii '.'O Martin Aoroyd, Hipp rrligiosus. d fr.oid Mr. I'liroii S:ivdi )iii\. tliisi'. This beari'r eravelli sOiiii' inonyi' w'''' f have iii>l. to spire y work liee linth doone is very well dooiio, &, if it please you ViViir Fiii'oiir and his Times, 96 In 1,'lt liim h.ivi- iij"' w'''' is lii-; il syri; li.:i! hdth well .((MiM've 1 it. it WiH ya'" pliia.-^uro ln-e sliouM l)iin;,'.; a note uinli'i- my li:(Mil. «•''•■ WHs y' ciiiHi' i)f v" \viytint;() hereof. I h ivm S'lit yo'' huik wliirh I Ijon-invi-ii ami hiive ri'dd it Dvci' II 't only ueihtliin \ini ni/lliihidim. for «•'"'' I lliimlipyoM, timl il yiiu ( ii spiu',^ |lr. lioll.iml I wdiild iilsn ipiul liini. w<''' if I ilo iMt eu'li' i-Hlrrit.tte.. yi't 1 will restore him «'j7.- yi'aV/// ///', aihl y' siiiiitlyc. The Lord Ji'sus jncservii you uiidur his p.iwi'rl'iill and providtMil ki'|iin„'<'. llir» my Imii.-ii' tliis J.'Hh ol' .luiy, IliOl, V Wo' m.isl assured do ; Riviur. riic leiier contains a postscriiu in a dift'erenl '^no douLu iiarou Savile's) hand. I.ciil t' Marlyii .\id' othei 3 1 part at the finish iiig therof & :.'0 Ih to 10 pooro .Se.lburj,'ii 3(diollers & .') lb a year for 4 yeai t'l .Si.dbroii'.;h pre.ieliei k '10 lb to he payed in 10 yeaii'S to iho repairiii.; of b'idi,'sit liiijliwayes betwixt Alarthwayt, midleton it killinjjtou it 20 lb to be payed in yf 96 I'iair Fiirour and his Times. 10 yi'iir to y poor of Mmthwnite & 10 lb to Imy lantls to maintain w \.wm-\wx of OiirsdiUl towiii; & 10 lb. to iniMcli at llullifax in \ yeaies. The Pious uses commissioners reported no further informiiiion on ilic subject. The will is as follows : — " I Willni llimison of llallifax in the countii; of Yorkc, beiU{,'e sick in bodyii !hou;.;li in p'fect ni.'moim ami w.ll advijieJ, doM make and onliiinc tliis my last will k tcstani', in mann^ and forme folluwiii^^e. I'irsl I biciuoatli my soulo unto the handea of .\lmit,'htic (led, in hop.' through ins m'cies, and the nuTiltes of hi^ only Ivf^oit-n suimc. my blissed saviour Christ .lesus. that my >yii!i('s beinge forgiven, I shulbe made p'takcr (d ev'ia.siin>;e Ihd and .'lorie : mv bodie 1 coniitt to the earth, to .xpeel the cOminjie of or Lord .Icsus unto judgemt : oonceminj;? my worldliL- gooiles wli^^rew"' I am blissixl by the good p'videnee of (iod, in tokt-n of my thankcfulnes unto AlmiKhtiu God, 1 lirst -ivo and b^iueath unto the gov'nors ot the free grunmin' sehooh', of f^ueene Elizabeth, w'lliin th.. viearai^e of llallifa.x, and coiintie of Yorke. x" of uiirrant Biii;lish monie, to b.- pai I to th.' said g..v'n..rs i., the us.' of the said free school.'. It..m, 1 give and bequ.'ath t.. the po.ire of llallifax x.\", t.i b.' .'iveu or l)"si.)we.l to iheire u.se in t.'uni! y.vir.'S after my di'e.'ase by xls a yeare It -m, 1 '^iv.' tov-.-.u-.tes tlie rep'aeons an.l iniMi.lii.ne .d High- way's near- llallifax, x" ; to be bcslowe.l by xls. a y.'are m livi' y.'are^, .ir ..tlu'rwiso as nee.l shall n qiiier. h.-m, I give t.iward.'s th.' Iirinttinge of wat.T into the t.iwn.' of llalhfix by pvp.'S of l.'ad, x" ; t.) be pai.l, mw thii-.i p'te wlu'n th.' said w.)rkes .-halhe begun, the otlnT thir.l p'tc whim it i-< half don, an.l tin- r.'maimh'v wh.'ii it .shalbe fynishe.l. Item, r give t.. tenn poore s.'h.dlers b.irnc in the towno or p'ish of Sea.lbarge, and br.)iight up in tii" fre.' schoole there, x.xn ; t.i b.^ given t.) .r, V'.vxi Av\\\ pnM'li ev'y S.i'uKitli ilaii' twi'i', In'l'.vi ••lii' llii' fiM'st nl' .\|)i;!l ail 1 hm .il S .iit.mbiT, i.i tin^ ii'i>li cl.iii\'.'li of SiMll),ir4i', ,'v ;i-< .if;iii th-i'ii' a^ th.' [I'tachcr t!irv ill. tint tyui.' |M .-ichotli \i', MiiHl'Imu and KilliM;^tM;i xx'', to bo ini'l ill ti.iun! yearcs liy xls a youro, or (■thi r- wis' ad iiiiMi sli ill reqiiiiT. I'L'Qi, I yiv' to l;i'! |jiori;.if NLu-.iiUMit • xs'', to bi; pai.l by xU. a yiMi'', I'll" t>'iiiii' y.-Mi-.'S aflfi my decuasi'. il-m, 1 uivi' to llif lo.vii uf (iars'lall x'', lo puicliasi- laipl towarlr.s tiu^ 111 uiii-tr'.iaiK'i' of a [I'la .■Ik'T liii-ii' ; and uiitill tliu said X.'' bij brstottiMl, I will thai xx.«. a yeaiv ;-halbi' givi'ii to a pi-iMi li' r tlh ••.•, fdlliei- by my no exrciit™ , or .--uidi a.-' shall have; tln^ lu iiii' in fli''ir liandcs. ll^'iii, 1 givf all I beiiuatli unto my hniny (■astor, John ffavour I»r. ot' L iwus ami vie cr ot' llallifax i;''. Item, 1 oive to a inraulur lliat .-'lall uriierlic iimmi!i in his ubsi'iici', in till' (.'hiiicli of llallil'ax, l.y liis a^ipoiiitiuent, x'', liv 1.^. a yeari' for t'owi^ yrares aftiT my di'ci'ase. lie also I)ciiU(jatliL-d the tol'.owiiij^ le^aiios to hi> i\!atives : — 'l"o Ills sisiir Alice wift- uf Ivicliard Nelson, li:j a year lor life, and to her four niar.iccl daii,ditor.s, /43, viz., to the wife of I-!d\vard (liiy/i;, to the wile of F.duard Iliiiitei- /ir., to tlio wife of luiward Melcalf /lo, and to the wife of John ]\ediii-.j /i 3 (is. 8,/. : To his iieiihe"- James Nelson /too, and foiijave him anodier iioo, which lie and others stood liotind for unto liitn ; To his nephew I'dward Koiiinsoii of London, /fo : To his niece the wife of Ivlw.ird t'orney /no : To liis nirce the wife uf ivolierl Maiiii/S ■, and lorijave him al! he owed him : - " 1 givu to my net'oo Maiii' llariison I'M), to llicharil Foster and Thoiuas Sowdrii ot'tlie \)"\Ax of ( lii;yli swickc, eaih 4Uj' ; and to Ol'O. Laii;^--tairi' uf (laisiiii, my old .-ciiol- tVllowe, •lO.f. To Natiianiill Wilson, soiiiic of .lohn Wilson. h,id-i 1, and to Willui, tlr' sonnc ol Koboit lin-diwood, to r 9t< I 'mil- /'I;: tuii/ Jiix Tunis. wlioiiic I WHS witness at tln-in' !.>i|'tii-in.', imcIi uI' tlioiii lUc. lU^m 1 ^;ive t.. Mris. Ilavnur, ivicf ot DVc.r tlavu'", xx"'' iioblff. And til .Inhii Siiii'.li, IliH writer ln'rcof. iijn vj' viij''. ' He left /lo a vear oiii of all lii^ lamisaml tenetneius in Halifax. to each of his nephews William Harrison ami Hcnrio Harrison, with power to distrain, and with loc. more of ninoiB pence, for each month of arrear. " To my uc-pliiw .Inlm Harrison [a blank],; t" my nephf.v Willi ini Harrison, uiy lias" of lands in (;ig.;leswii-kf, als.. niv lands ami tcnrincnta in Xorthwaiti', licniath the Bi'cki'. with the twii linusos and thi« garth- adjiiynin|ji! to thi^ said hi'cke ; to my nephew H.'nry Harrisin, all my lands and tenements lyiny ahovi^ the ''nek in .Sedharge, and also all those freT rents in the p'i;elson shall have Haeken- thwaite, and his other sun [saae the rest." He apiiuintcd as his c\ecn!ors, Dr. Favour, and his nejihews James Nelson and llenrv Harrison : — " who shall not only be Imund with sureties to the Lord Arehhishop ,if Vurk, hut alMi .shall earh give Ixmd in m" tu my overseers. Jnhn Midgley of Headley thu elder, William Slater of Halifax gent. Kdward Wilkinson nf Kemlall, & Edward Coi-ney of Sadbaiye, .supervisors, to eaeh 20 nobles. Item, J give to my freiid and hostisse, the wief of Kohert (ireenewood of Hal.lifax xl« : Alsoe ! give unto ev'y ehild it servant, out of whose howso I shall dye, as a remem- brance uf my love to them, V« a pcece." The witnesses were .Mich. Waterhouse, John Mallinson, John Smithson, Richd. iJoggett, and John and llenrie Harri.son. The next e.xtract is that of the baptism of our famous local anticjuary ; — HUP Aug '2!) Iiihn. Kiinmnd llvcinlilV Hal, V t I'll iir Kir "11/ ,iiitl his /'iiiiis. U'J llrl ;). l;-lil. I'nlill;,' Hill aiblll. Iioliulu, 16r.» Niiv .T. vi.l. Fniiici' Aslilioiinif S.mlh. fo'iiiinii pin ot icliL;ifi?ii, ^'I'li. The willow of l''nincis Ashl)oiirM:;of S'lmliouMin, ,i \voiii:in pious and reli.nious, and a .ijoiulowomaii. Ilcr luiNband li.id \n:a\ vicar of Ifalifax, and she was the eldest - dcii .V also ic.((ilhcr clo.-o lying (Hi )" .Sontiiside of y" Ingh- way leading lictwean Ilallilax & Ludcndcn lioW in y^ oeeu li.ition of (ieorg Denton or his a,-..--ignis To have .ic to h(jill(l V" 0.11 1 mcsiuagc 01 icidc li..(i.-t..~ bdiidnc^s l.inds |0(J /■';: III ,■•/,/ >/,'• V't'i'i, • ("Itisci until y "rii'l .'ii! II I.'vall i^ Iiis ln-irr-- tor cvpr i|iii' lly IK'rniiltiiii; Eliz. my n-cci- wit" "( .h iiti Siiiilli of Iliillifax shn|ikfi'(ifr to ii-t- ocpii]>yc it I'lij v willimit Irt nr ii'fjlrK- tiicion nl! thnsn 2 Bliuppcji W'' -lulm Sinitli lior liii-li,ilii| now liolils it nisi) nil thuso 4 cliniuln'ia ..vii' y ii\iil h1io]i|i pnicell of y" «aiil nn (•"iin^c or toiitc for :iii I linrcin;; y" t'liiin cf lier n.itunill life jiayin;; unto Jnhii Kyall iV iiis liriion sn lull}.' !\* ■lohn Smitii iiiid lii-i wifo ilotli Iwt GUi. iit I'liiito. i!o,it it M;irtinni:is yinrlyi' it if F.liz. Mirvivi> lnr niii.! lius- liaiiil tli(-'n piiyiiii.' y, ypirly rent nf i!0-< ..nly it f'T ili'fiiull of s-,i

  • t all my lawful drlits it fuiicrull ixpcnci'S lie first p.iiil foilh o( my wliol e.xtatc y"" liouseliold j,'ooi!s & plati- In my liouse wli- riii I dwi'll iiowonfdy oxcpti-d my 1" din^' it liiiiiiiiL' T will -hill i^'i along with y* said Louse it rcmaim' a- 1m ii'-loom-! ilirriii for ever & y' done I give toy viear of llaliifax al'ori's dd for y time bi'in};, or in bis abscnci- to liis substitute for an Aid- vprsryf '-■priiioii to b'? madi' in y'' piuisb (;bnrrli nl' llallif;ix by y said vicar or liis subslittito in !ii< alxfnca yearly on \' diy wlioriri in y« rovolntion of y y-'ar it sliall f;dl out I ."^liill bn biirycd if it lie not y lord's day, :.'l y 'iTM (if .■I-" k. thin to lu' [viyil liiii af't'r .'*ih. |ii-r oniiliiin |ii-r nmim ini'Toot for y" fuilicMniniN' llien.f in yi- nicnn tiini' all in (i pio-s silmc, to Mr. J.i; Cliil.i ,,f U'Mkf.-il.l i„y wiitiiif,- Mr. '20^. til Mr. .In: |'';ivor I'luiU 10!h. son f.f I'r. Favour to .Mr. Will: .Aim priMfh-T nt Il^illilnx 4')^. to y* Mr. & govi'riinrs of y"" •vorkhoii^" for y" poor '.vitliln y° t'Wii it jmri'^h of IFflllif.ix -'Olh. to Mr. Nu. WntcihnuRf. I'ds. to Imy a riin.'o witli, to poor pi'oplo w''' I ali.ill non;iiiati' to liiy c'X-'dito! to ciry iiio to my f,'riiv(' 20s a pt'cco to buy tliciii lil.ick coals witlmil A' lo 4 iiifii siicli iiii I sLnll ii.ime to liiy iii>- in my "jrivc Ids a pixTc, ami I give to 20 poor wi'iow,, ill Ilillil'ix L'Os a priMU' to Im bo.'tow'il atiioiii;st. tlii'iM at y" lii^fi-i'tion of Mr. Xft : Wati'ilnuise & .Mr. Tlio : Lister. 1 Liivo to y'- 3 cliinlMn ,rr. li'ifjli ItiiiiiFilon li'f vioiir lliilli : 1011). to lie equ illy (iuviiluil aiiiotifrst lliem I (.'iv.' to Tho : I.i-tfr fiHi. to Ivlm : HnnirclitTUVs. 'o 'I'lio : Aple yi-id Workman ."i!!/ & T ^jivc to y" said Tlin. .Aplyenl alli iimri; to 111' paycil him by "Os a yoar wilLin 5 years mxt, alter my ilc:itli if lio so Ioiil; livo I ;4ivii to Nallian soii of John \V Ilnnil my L''Hl.-"n '1'!^ fc 1 "ill my oxi-entor bave a full year in piun^ my Irjjacyo.'i in after my ilentb i^' I will y' (irai'e llollnirl bavo an antient p'^i-i; of f;olil sent her by ber praielmotli.'r .'^iiy'lill of vai.'W of ."ilb 1 .^ive to .M''' Ann IJaiiisileii .")lu. it to Hen: iMer eon of Jlr. Her.: Uamsileii 101b. k. to -lo: Uanndeu IiIa yo'ing'r son h\\\. k, I eivo to Cr.iei! Holland "Olb a', i.ve ><■ "ilb. & pt-ioe id'oold. & 1 1,'ive residue of my j,'(ioJrf to dolm Uyail whom beiby 1 nominate make & appoint solo c.xeeiitor of this ii;y pie- ■■•ciit \:\^\, will k ;'stam'' A- I doeiiiii.it Mr. Wateihonse' and Mr. Tho. Lifter to lie siipeivisois of this my will k aydeing to my executor in y" d\ie fXee'.itiou tberr.f, in witne.s wle'i-of I y' .-iiid Ann .'^nyd:dl bave srtt to my lu'.nd ifc scale. Sealed si;;neil oiilli.-hed it doeliied |o be b- r l,i>t will & tistani' in y" pie.-i'nee ..j' .iu : Faviiui >> t : Watel house F.d : Brearuli/r 'Mio : Lisitor .lams Holland iV .loliii ^Voodbl ad. 102 r/iiir Fitviir aiil /u\ '/'iMiX. This will \s an oviik-iKx- r>f t!n- interest cfm<;rii>K' in what, at lir.^t si^;hi, .\\>\iv.u dry and musty (luciiincnts. What a Kli"'!'-^- '' gives us of ihL- social cfuvliiion of the iiihaliitants of llaiilas. when contiiiLjeni legacies bore 8 i>er cent, interest, an.l when "he.ling aiulhnninf,' " were willed as " heirclooms.' Watsou gives a very imperfect account of tliis will, and he also omio the name of Mr. William Alw from his liM of lecturers. How Ion- ."Mr. .Mte was lecturer liere wc know not exactly; Inil, oii the tetiiporary triumj.h of the royalist cause under the earl ol Newcastle we llnd him at lUiry, in 1-ancashire, sliariuK tfie pro- ceeds of that sc.inestered parsonage with Mr. .Xiidrew I.a'.h.iin, the puritan parson at Coley, wlio>e exlwriaiions on the news ol the lirsl siege of Uradturd, le.l Captain Ilodgsnn, as he informs us, in his Journal, to rush to tlie rescue. .Mr. .\.lt, or .\n!l, from that period appears to have l>ecome decidedly preshy- terian, and he was one of tlie ten ministers of that persuasion wlio ordained Oliver lleywoMd, in 1053. 1G19 J:in L'2 ,Ivri.'my [-tui ofj Il.'nry Xcirtin'iid gdud hopp] • Spei [nf 1G2() April ;iO Jiihn lioie.s minister of llallifn.t Chureh who gave by will bearing date 14th duly IGlt), 8 lb. to bo K'lit 10 y" poore of HaUifax at y» discretion of hi.s ovsrsecrs who wiieJU-. Favour Will lioyso lii.-< broUicr. Jnlin P.oyse of lliilifax Hunipliny Draku Sum Lister John Whitley and Will : Whitak.M- We have alre.idy named him in connection with the exercises at Halifax, in an extract from I'Jliver Heyw.iod's diary; and as having been banished out of Kent, for wlial lieywood calls his nonconformity. He was one oi tlie overseers of tlie will of Jeremy (iibson, curate of Coley in 1616, and a legatee in the will of Abraham ilealey .,1' Oventlen in 1(117 for xls, and in tli.u of Richard Smith, clothier of Halifax in ihu). Jane Crowtlier, the benefaaress, al^i remembered him in her will dated iSth January 1(113 ; — " [till. I give to Mr. liil)soii, preachar at Col^y ch.ipell. the sum of ten p.iunds, and to Mr. I'.uycs, if hc^ eoutiiiie piL-.tidiu- 111 H.illifax, till til. diiy ..f uiv d-atli, olin 1 I -n I li.ir I'iiT' !tr and fas' 'I'liiii . 11(3 |Hiiiiicl-< ; iiii'l Sr <'ait, if li» rpiilimii' iiirati< iit lliillsinx I'l.iiicli. iiiil'i III!' -Iiiv iif my 'I'-itli. I'tli'M' tiTi ]V)tiriil.-<." Ilii will \v3'. iii.uli; I4ili |ulv \f>Xi). nil. I iinncil '^tli I'diriurv \(iin-\. ijcliL'iii;^ sIvIlvI jiilni Hmsc n|' II ilif.ix. |irt';iclicr ^f (Jods word. '• I (.'ivt- the suuv 111' viiji', \>> lie ].>iil li.ilio p...,ri'iif Hullifnx, 111 till' diMip'lii'ii "f liiv ovimcr^ lii'PMfti'r iniiicii, ur tins pi-i';i(ir [Kilt III' Ih'-in : iiinl [ fi'iiiii'-.t ili;it 1I113 Ix'st ji'vUi'in \\\.\\ iiiiiy li", Im m:iili' f'lr tlio Cdnlynuinri^ thiTi'df. frnni lyiii'' I'l tviii" I'll- I'Vcr. ll'Mi'.. I f^ivu to tli" pDor of l'Mst..ii wh.'in iiiv ImiiiI K'i ill, trii'tiii liliiiliiiniM." IL- lieiiiie.iilieil llie ri^iiliio In Ills live (1ini,'lucrs, efiimlly. ( )no llilril of III! lands in Wfllmriie ci.iv\ Edstnn, to descend in iiis elder SUM S.uiuii'l ; and also annthcr third, after the decease nf his wife Jnhan. Out nf the loinaininj,' third, |f^ 131. 41/. a year, fur ten years, was to he paid to hi-, live daii,;hters, and the reniaiii- drr to his yimnger son, joini lioyse. lie liO(nicalhcd /j, to his JTHihfr William Hoyse, and .) \f. to : — " lolin Stawi^ of Bid iiii;,' It'll, uiy wive's hrotluT, if and wlirn liii shall cOiiio to Ilallilax, to th» coiiirnrliiit; of my 8iiid wif.'." He a|i|i()inieil his oveisccrs as .ihove. His vuilo,v died in I'ljO, and the register for that year recor 104 I'htii /■'iirviir diul /i:s I'imcs. slmlbe fuuiid ciipiiblo aii.l fiU, tlniunlo, to whosu ui.-^.l' uni aiiJ ri'li;,ious caiv, 1 ruf.;r tin; saiiif." Mr. Kobcrl Sviiioiuls who iiiurrii;il one oi' t'.it; (l.ui-liicrs, suc- cecdca John liro.uiley as curate of So\vi:ri)y, in 1I.J5-6. Su^ .n, onu 01 the divushicr.^ ^A tlic hue Jeremy lirig ol FichihoubC. Sowcrby, bceiuc-atbod, 3rd T^l.ty, 1628, To ±r,iis,\r ii April :>0 .b'lni \Vati!rhou>L- Hal, I'a-qiii^.s. More good familicb in di.-.grace 1 ! How well nJiUnoi \iear Favour's dn s, rci>rcbent< the sluulv clianuin- of die nineteenth cenlury I \^)1-1 .'uhi- 2li .iohu lHake XurliiMW. divt'S. .lo : Drake v.ry rich (,MVi- iiothiii;; I'iia u.-lbas, n.jr to any h\il hid uwiii.- fliilibiu. i;y no means a bad eliaraeler, (irovidin.i; he tuuk care to remem- ber the jinor in his lifedme. Surely dealh-lied charity is us lilile t.i be relied ui'i'u as death-bed rejientance ' \Vlicniii' ye lievyl was, (-iiki', Y'' ikv.vl a monk wuii Ine : \Mii'!ir.e yu dcvyl waa «el, y>' (levy! a niuiik was lii'U I Til pri'Vunt nosiiii hiblandin;.', it may be well to cxiilain, that the above fuur lint-s an- nut to be li.iuid, to .nu' knowledge, in the Halifax registiTs. ,lohn ih-ake llifldcr of llnh-y grein;, yroiu 01, male his will tilth dune, la.ived ll'-'nd Aii-ust, Wl'l. !!■■ left t.. Lis eldest son, .John, soui.- funnlure, pridiably as heiilooms, to his second son, Thomas, tliH hr.st anil n' \1 pre.sentation tu thi' ehuich and rcctoiy of Tlinnii'ton in Craven, widi h- hi I ul viie ,;;ranl ol William Listei e.-i|. afnaw, uds kiiiuhl, II ■ Viciir Favour oiitl liii: Ti in:, Wiis iiiiii-IjIiMi 1(1 his thiid f,,!i, lM:,i;ii> |)r;ik(., in /)I0, he be- queathi'ii to him /I On inoi.-. At thi^ iii:iiriiij,ai nf his fo'ir'b son, Daniel, hi' protiiiscii !■. huy i;ii;'. hinds df vahie ol' /:'(! a year ; lie (irdeio'l tin: saini- to bo .loiie, but if hu would iiave Miiin(.>y, then /.TIO to lit! paid to him, 'J"o his youMocst s..u Samiiid, A31I), and the residue of goods to Thouias, Francis. Daniel and Saimiill ; tlii^ two la>t bein;,'ap|ioint( d cxicutors. Tiic p"dii;riT of the family of Drake is too long, and coidaino too many branidics, to be inneited hen'. Snllice it to .'-ay, that this John Drake, w.is the eleventh in desia-nl (b-th inidu.dve) from William deSehepden, i:-mp. I'M. I., witli whom tlie pedi^;r.-H conimpni;e.s ; and wdio f^'raiitel land-; to his son .lohn in l.'i'M;. His fatlier was Thomas of Horiey green, who eomnionei's the l"'fli!?i ill Dn,c,'dale's Visitation at Kn iresbcjroii^di, l.")th August, lOG."). HiseMestbrothcrwa,'^ (iiibertof lloih'v green, wh"si' frrand- Kon, John, was subdean of ];ip,.n in 1()05, and m.i:;i( .1 (uacu J-'oxcrofl of Upper Shibd.'i; hall, Another ),rother, William of Ihu Lee, married Lst, firaee llioa.lhy ; and L'lidly, .Nfarth a, widow of Edward Whiitaker of .SLvrkoyfe, and daughter .f Henry Nolthi'iid thelder, .d ihe Wharl. rs in Xorthowrim, wlio sur- vived him, and is neiiti -d in hia will. From tie-r-r de.-eeiided tlie Di'idvi-s of I'oiitefraet, and ainongft them, lie,' author of Eboracinii. Anotlier brother was Hninphey ol I 'ik. !. y, whom Wut.son erodits with fiilbert's oll'spring. .ioll.s- I MtANK, iIm' (//ye.s'of vii'ar Favour's register, Kiarrii'd r!ra(!e, daughlir of .lohn I'lairslow of Is'oilh bri.lge, and aunt of Mirhael l>airstow, w ho li.ft /,'( to godly uses. Ili. sunand heir J(UIN, iiiatiif.l .Mary, .lauj.ditcr of .'-■annul II .yl.' of Ifoyle hou>.', Lighlcdiire. and had a ."iMi Tie. mas wle^ died without is.-ui-. lie is nn'Mlioned in the wills (it hi^ aunt Sibvl, and hei hu-band .li'lin l.'iugboltom, alie.idy neiilioied; his eousin.s the brothers John Drake of ^■euh.Hl,-e, and Samuel, of Xoilhi.wraiu ; and in those i f hi., own brothers Samuel and Dau'.'l ihdie. 'llJiiMA., tho sri'Miil s aflei'waiii- hiMi'id his broth"!', is nieii- tiiinnl in the will of ,l..lin I'.urlv of ll.ibfa.v, eliaimian :- - " ll'iu I uive and be|Ui'aili unlo Tie mas Dralie, el.iike, •-on of ,l,.liu Drako id' ll-llev (ireelie, one aie'ell of gouhh" III-- f.ilher lefl him the lext pr.'.enl.ii i.in lo ihi- vi-l.trv of luc /■.(,(/ Fai'-itr uihl inr 'I'liih Thornton in Cmvioi ; .\\\\ hi> ..uiit SiLlell [.o!i-ii •tli..ni, 1..- (|iicatlu'il l:iii /ill aii.l aiqioinlcd liiin one ..f |i,t excriilors. From iiini a.- r. n.li-,l iIm.' Hraki-s ^.f i;:nnol:l-^\vii'k. ai^l liis grciil j^ranilsoii, Wiliiaiu iMak.? .i'M ii: \~i'.^<. ai,.l Irll liis cstatCH to Mr. l''rai,ris Piakc .■[ Halifax. riiANrl.-. the lliir:l ^ai, i.^ aNo faliicil in lli.' saiin' \vill.=, aloii^ with lii.-; la"thiis. 8.s.Mi-i:i., th<> f. luth .-on, nia.',.' lii.-^ will Gth Oor-nihrr, lO'M, pioviil 7th >hir(h, KJ-if)-;, in whirli in- iii>nti..n.T that hij hrotln-r Francis ami hc' have accounliMl i, gi-lln-r, ami thai h», Fram:i.s, was c.ntcnt to aixcjil WOO, ami or'h-i.< tin' .-aiac to he iiaiiUohim. II.- li'l'i to hi.shn.lh' rJi.hu tl^l; to ih- lioi)r of Xunhownim "JO.-;. ; ami to hi.-s n<'lilii.-w .lohn, >on of lii.s late Inothur Hanicl, /TJO, lait if he dii' hi-foro In- i.- 'J I, lln-n to U'stator's tlnvo lnothi-rs, .lohn, Th'ana-, an l I'ram-is, ri-?i(lnary h-^atccH. •' Itfin I iiivi- unto niv lirotln'r ■|'ln>n]a-i Drake, '\\\ ri-L;»i(l of his jorm-ys ami li.ivcll w'" infi- to York-, thi; sonm ot Iwi-ntii' ])nnniic'.-i,' l>.\.\-|i-:r,, Ihi' fifth ami yoiui.'''st on, niirri.-d Mary, ihi(yhti;r of Antlionyc: Oix-^on of Ililif'X. l.iii.-h,.r o„l Siboll hi.-i wifp. .\nilinnVB Dixsonilii-il in l-'i'J''. and hi- v i low nntriicMl nnolhi-r bul.lnr, .lolin llal.li-worlh of iiilifax. \t!:o .li-.l in|f'21, Icavin',' to hi-' witV's dan^'hn-r, Mary Mii-kson, money to ninko hor iiorii.ai /lOO. iiml al.-o lie.l aini h.-iMJii;.'. ana a m.>.-i-ua|;i. aii>l Ik„ k-!.!o in llalilaN. in ...-.-ni.ation ot .lohn Smith, f' r lifo. Ihn hrothor. John Ilicksoii, was l lim-hicf inh'Mitor .-ual r.-Mclnarv l.-pitco. Ilanh-I Ihakp of ll.-rl.'y tlif.-m-, ma.Ir liit will (1th Aj.ril H12:S, jirovi'il 7th M.-ireh II'JO^. Ho hnpn alhi-il to hi- wife, Maiy, InT lliinl of o,,o,l.-i, .':c. ; to his \ hrotlnas, .lolm, Thonia.-, Krancis ami Sanim-I, /.') i-acli ; tu his son John, a minor, a thinl ami roaiJ.i.'. \U h'Ttto his hrotln-r Thouia.-, lln- inl'-n^.-t in honsps in llilifax, by will of liis annt Sihi-ll Longhothom : to his <-on>in, 1 liomas 1 )rakc, living \vi!h !■ stator, 20.-t, : anil to i-vi iv si-rvant al.so livin;^ with him Vl,l a pieiu'. His wi.iow. M ni. Hiak.-, ni ..h" In-r will (nuncuiiilive) \'y\\\ i-'.Janarx, prov-.l 7th .Man-h. Kii^r,.-. Shi! ''■I'l to In-r motliPi, .Sibill Ii iM-wortii. /"> a y.ir for lil'i'. ami r-h'ay Mr, H .r>r„ll,;in.l to ivni.iiii in tlu.' haM.U nC thi.ir ua.-!.' Al.iMl.am, .n ! Hlm, ho •.oiiii'm- it up t., /:!!!. ,S!ie iipi.-intia lin- ,s.m .I.'iia I>n.k.'. cxiTUtui- iiii'l rf^i.luny le^al.c A (ii'.ivfsloiie mar tlir riir.. ill i! ilitax luirisli chucii, cvitl.^iill.y l.,-!oii-s to lliis I.miiou of th" Jl;ako fainilv : — ■•ll-ii- w,i> iutt-n-M l)aii!.'l Ihak.' -l' ll.ni.y (Ihmu, Nuilli uwiaiii. i'S(| .. . . Also .S..ir.iii'l his hiuiiicr wlm •lifi .lanuaiy IG, liJ2l. .li)iiM Druki- wli.' ..i'll .luiie It, lUi-. Ai:.l .1.1. luiah Diake who uii'.l D-c. :29, ITl.'i. All i.| th- s.iiiii' \ilac('. Als.. th.! licv. Fran : Drake nt ilalilax MA. ulio di..! March Ti. ITOri, Aii.l Mary wife of tlic aHnv ,J.-rciiiiaIi Drake, aii.l ilau[;litrr ol l;..1..rt Uooksby of Maltoli iicir Hall tv'i. who .licl Maicii ."I'.li 17IJ7 aeeil 78. Al!!0 Atkinson .SinM'iiiL-r Urako, sur^.wn who ili.Vi (X'tol)Mr ■28tli 1820 aop. I I'i. The first three nameJ on this gra\c'-io!ic. wonlil ho three "f the sons of John Drake ihe elder of llorley gr.on. Ik'twcen [ohn Drake who died in i'i42. iuui Jeremiah wIm died in 1745, however, there is a hiaUis to lie filled in. I'ossil.ly .\iuh.in Drake, of Norihowram, wlio>e will i;, dated iM^t,, nii) oceu|)y some of ilia; .space. He named his eldest hrolher JoU.i and /).'.v s-ii lohn : another l,roiher. Daniel; sisters .Martha, Jndiih, and .Mary ; co/ens Sam;iel Dr.ii.e, and Jeremy ,iiid Jolm Holdsworih, He ai-o beiiueathed io>. each, to 'rhom;is and .Mary Aiundell. Oliver Ileywood records of a l);iniel Drake, prob:, My the Inother Daniel of the above will, and possiMy the -on o; John, son of Daniel (the lifth son of John tlie elder of llorley green) whose will is ifiven abo\e, daleil i'12'i : "[ir),S0-81| Daniel Drake, of Noitlinwram (-Id .luhn Drakes »c,ii) fi'll Mck of a .-iirlVit wiih drinkine, hiv I tl days, i\\'}'\ Jan. 18, buried at llalil'a.v -U a-ed ."il.' And again at greater length, which we copy, as giving some clue to a future complete identification ; — " lO'J Ml. a lualtnian, living in I'onteiraet eoiiiiiig til his i-iisbaiiei... Ml Stump crossc, Spigs, Swilf>. \-e. .ill 108 I'/iiir /■\u'"iir ,iifil //'f 7't:iU's. nlehoiisrti, ;,'ot custoiUL'is to iliinlc willi him, uins'ni' l);uiiil ?)i-iikH ami two of Mr. Li>lri''s sniis i,f Shil>il"ii-liall :it tliDsc plac'i-i, till'}- ihiihk at a sad \\\U-, 1). |)|al>e t-aiu:/ linaic nut wcl (Ml tliiiiH lay Jan. '>, 1(18(1 1 liaviii:; li""ii nut fr.iin tlic Siltunlfty bcfnre, ami Npiut i ■^it:«\ pail of liis nuai-ler- iig(> that Kobcit Bairstow Iri't him (.vt'!' um.i 'rl^. a ycai) still he <,'ri'\v worsi;, the apo!hi>;:iry sai'l ho was fjoiic, it was a stufcit of diinkini;. li'.' said his liver wa.s lilisteii'd iind raw ivith stion^' sdiff. 1 went thv.'i' tiim-s to s"e him but found him \v\\ .-iinpid. only di-.-iiini^r hi.' niiyht live but oni,' half year to discover what anew man ho would be, but f;od thou_L;ht not fit to trust him, \\o bled rxci-s.sivi'ly at thi' mouth, was a sad obJi'Ct, lay i^aspiiig, I prayed with him Jan. 18, and wi:hin 2 or ."? hours he dycti, was bnryed at Halifax thursday Jan. 20. the other two yom^' ni! n were, distempered, escaped narrowly. Lord awai;e theiu and others." Hcywood also records the deallis of : — "Capl.iin John iMake, born in Xorthowram, dyed at London, March 2lth, 1G!)1-'J, a-ed GO." " Thonia.s Drake, sh(ipk(e]ier in Halifax, imdinii'.;.,' to (.Juaker.s, dy<'d suddenly Au^'. 17, 1700 aged 50." \Vc think it ])robable that these enlricH concern the connection recpiired to be established. That the connection is (here is evident, from the ii.se of the same .qrave. .Mary Drake of Il.ilif.ix, widow, buried in |une 1721;, left twenty shillincfS yearly for o\er, to the Lecturer at llalit.ix, and his successors ; for preaching a sermon c\cry second Wednesday in June for ever. She had issue, Thomas Drake of Halifax, grocer anil druggist, who made his will .March loth 1737-8, leaving all his estates to his brother i\Ir. ITrancis Drake in fee. This Francis Drake occupies a jijace in Watson's biographical chapter. He says of him: — " Lived part '<[ his time in H.dilax, and died there. He took the degrei' of M..\. and published '' 'I'ho nature of lyitig and of moral trutli, set forth in two sernums, from Kphes. iV. 25, preaehe.l in the eliureh of Halifax. Hali- fax, printed by P. Darby. 17<)0,'' forly pages in 4'", jire- cedeil by a sluut address to the Ilead.-r. The Author has also wrote a practical exposilion on the church eatccliism, wdiieli is still in nianu.scrifit." 'i(Of Fir,'"ur iiiiil hi.s Times. lO'J lie in.iili.' hiswiil \yA\ .May 1764, in which, after various bequests lio .Icvisi-.l u) his iiepliew janu's Dnike of llaHl'ax, his estates; leiuaiuiicr to his lunsinan, Joromv Drake, in tail ; reserving a rent of 20v a year, out of a close in flalil'ax iiank, payable by Ills executor, ami py the successive lieirs or heiresses of his real csiaie, ■ I the lecturer of Halifax, for a sermun to be preachei! antuially in Halifax church, according to tiie app'jintmcnt in the ie--t,n(tr's lite nimlier's \vill. We think thai the Jeremiah Drake, whose burial and liiat of lii^ v.-ife Mary, is n.-corded on the gravestone, would be another son of Mary the benefactress, and probably the father of |atnes the nephev.- :v.v\ ilevisec of Francis Drake M.A. James Dra!;e sold, July jtli and 6th 1770, the above close, sii!)j.;ct to the annual rent of 20?., to Edward Valentine Stead of Xotiiiigha^u, for /:So. Ifis wife's name was fane. In the churchyard, on a gravestone occupictl firstly with inscriptions relating to the Aniners of Skircoate, is the following : — '• Al 11 hi'iv lyeth tho l)ody of Grace wife of John Drake of Ilalyfiix, wlio was liun(;d the IStli day, nnd Abraliam his son thn I'JtU day nf DeeeiiilMH 1710. And also the said .Inhn hr.ikf was here buried 14lh April 1725." The Drakes, however, were a remarkably prolillc family, although, like the \Vaterliou.-.es, l)ut not to the same extent, thev are now alnuwt extinct in the parish of Halifax. We have mentioned Krancis Drake, the author of Eh-iniai'ii. as being one of tlie Drakes of I'ontefract, de.scendcd I'roni Willi.im Drake of the r.ea. He was his great-great-grandson, and was married in Voik minster, ivih April i7.'o, to .Maria, daughter of Johr) Woodyear of York. He was, in a measure, connected with Halifax, as lie was the heir ot the last male representative of the Drakes of liarnoldswick Cotes, the great-grandson of Tlionias Drake, rector of Thornton, wliose father, [olm the elder of Horley green, the ,//',-,v of \ic,ir F.ivour. was the brother of William of the I^'a. William Drake of liarnoldswick Cotes, made his will, 1 uh February I 75O-7, ordering all his lands, rents, and coal mines in tlfe parish of Halifax, to lie sold to pay his debts, legacies itc. but gave his cousin, Francis Drake of York, if living, and if not. t.i his s(Mi- William and Francis, the prioritv. if thev paid ^10 ]'ii,:i- Fiir'iKt ,!ifi /lis I'l'hiS /.ooo to his oscculnr.. An,..u;,s! llm lenauls n.n>.a m u n..,v i.ccx.cm.>l |.nu.,ry >7il>au,l ,8th .758, i'V ih. al..vc )■ ru.u. Dnik,-. surgeon: w.s Mr. jcv.mK.h Drake. In ih. suhscr„n..M. li.i m !),-aku-s _/;^-.-.a«,w A.l). .".V. -^"^ ''"^ iolluwiu- ..,^m.s intorestiivj; 'o H.iHf.ix readers :— William Dr.ikc esq , of PUudolois co. Hu.ks, \Ve,r W, Treelnn. a>ul .>• Holm SpaUlin,L< moor. The rev. Thomas Drake, recK.r ..I Xorliam in N.,,r;!,uml>criand. Tlie 'c^-. Mr. Nathan Drake, m'.nor eauon of the Culhearal Church of Lincoln. The rev. Mr. Samuel Drake, mmor canon of the same. ■I'iie rev. Mr. lose;.h Drake, reclor of Burlei^'h. Th.. rev. Mr. 'l'ranci> Drake of Ka ,1 ILirduhk. The reverend Mr. William Dr.ike of lladield. (.'a;".. William Dr.d^e. .Mr. Tiiomas Drake of Halifax. Mr. leremv Drake of H ilifax. The "rev. Dr. I.edi. vicar of Halifax, and prel- ndarv nt \>^on c.-ii. Sim-ie'l Savile esq. Kirhard Slerne eso>,, records Ihe l^ptism i fmlii.T, whoso tiexl. son was in i,'r.iti- imlo Lallcil •' I'avour," lull lived not to perpetuate the name. The cnlrii's in ili." l.isi ■, rar oi' Dr. I''avour's vicariate were black indceil, iiicliiilinL;- more of tin; oM families in disLrrace. IC.;:! (i.'i. 17 8:0101.1 Uidil.-ld. War. ndiulo 20 Ijiwii'iieii .Mag.SMU ILil. ncbul.i 31 ( 'liii.slo|ihcr Andi'r.^un Xortli. iirljiil') N'nv 5 ii.x ll-nrv Niihc! Ifal. iiiiarlii.x |)ii' •J,'J (JiM.r;;*" Fairhanku pi'fditiss: nt-djujn, viil,i,'o Viiratiir Slli<--l dcstinal to I'C idle. In liUlc mwc tliuii a nioniU wc have another entry : — l(;-.':i-l .Ian -0. •Ii'lm \.w'-s iicniiti.s : m.Iiulu i-l l.itru ilrrMlI.ilii-. 'I'raililion rcconls lluU tills John Latcy e-(..ii'Vil aflcr loiul ■lu- nation, and after residing in safety for scv-n years, .ml of llie limits of the -ibbct-law, ventured hack into Halifax, and was cau-ht and -iM.eted without another trial. As the manor court- house was elose by the parish church, and Southowiam township nut of the manor, he would not have f.:r to run for his life. Probably di'.rin- the wiiole of those seven years, he liveif within stone throw of the churchyard, knowinir that notliini:, except the Ilcbble brook, lay between him and death by the gibbet. I'ily he d.idn'l know when he w.i- well off \\\ Another tiadilion is told of one Dinnis. Dionysius was not ' an unknown christian name in the district. He had been con- demned to die, and havin.- k--s pretty nearly as sharp as the sequel proved his wits to be. he made tracks for Clark brid'jc. Churchyard and Ratten row surely never were so speeilily tra- \Lrsed, before or after. Crossin;.; Clark brid;,'e. however, he met several inhabitants of Southowium. pjil of the ancient Lacy man, >r. and tiiereforc freo of the baililT of the earl do Warren. These ,[;ood folks were coming to market, as their present descend lilts d.o now, but with ip.e adililional induee- ment ..f a real tra:jital performance, free, grails, for notllin,^^ We can imag-ine how they would ,i,doat (in anticipationi over the .letails of the comin-.-cenc ; the shrinkin- jialefaced culprit bein.^' prayed over, aii.l jierhaps ,(/, by the puritan minister, until he wa,-, rei>orted duly penitent ; and the 4th I'sahn (vouched for bv \Vii;'hl with such horrible certainty) played uiion the ba,-- pipes round and round the -il)bet, until the [-oor prisoner, if a man of musical taste, would be almost ;;kid lo die. Then the pullin,!,' of the pin by the .stolen horse or ox ; or die cuttin- ol the cord by the baihff-or his minion. F.ither of these latter would disdain to steal so small a sum .is tlii.iceii pence h.i'penny ; bin if tlie Pious uses commissioner^ reported truly, preferred lo rob the widow and oriihan, the poor and need}-, or. Iil^e their suc- cessors, the Church, because it was sale, and only Cod to fear. We can imagine, therel'ore, widi what jmius satisfaction these hone.-'l iurv-meli would -mirk o-.er die h.ippv de^patcli ol the I'/'cdr /');-■')«/■,;;; 'J'imcs, Wo wretched, pahry, lliirtc-'/ii]ienny li;i'|iciiMy lliicf ; while the poor ignorant country folk, iionot \\\v\ ihercforo mr-cifiil (nr anyralc, only ilillerin^' u-oin the poor sinner, in ili.it their li.i'l not yet lieen foiniii out) uM^pt'il wiili horror, the 1,'lilterini; .ixe fell 'uInllerin^' down the cliimsv up- and cut deei) into the wooden block he- a as ritrlit beams. ncatii, !ait through a luiinan neck 11— and the blood of a fellow man (I'cllow to them and fellow lo Uim, who had previou.-l\ underi^one it all. with a dilTerence, for their sakesj squirtci.l all over the raised up platform, like the lilood of a human sacrifice, offered up on an altar, to the .Moloch of the human iilea of justice. Hut we have left our frienil Dinnis crossinjr C'l.irk brid,'c ; and if he had no: made belter speed with his legs, than 11- with our record, it had gone hanlly with him that ^aw Our .Southowram friends, too, \.\ious uses commission, to en(|uiie how s.vn, folk get so rich, uhilc others hive to work so hard, and never seem to be any better for it, ()iie of them repeats a story : — Abc'Ul II C'luntiy w.,inan, riding dnwn past giblict hill, with li^r hultiT ami eggs f,ir iiiarhi't — viTv lati' tiiit Woman was til d day, her gooil man hud Ijciai suiunione I '.u a jury, and -lie had had to get him up in ideaii white stareh " .V mori) stiraijflit-laoeii juror thiiii tlirt rent Impanulled ou a Holy- fax Inquest." .lust as she ruih' past tho gihlict, mid ih- iiii-arthly silciin.. of tint e.iusuiiiiiiiliiu' vv\<\f nf ih,. -p,.,.'i u'lr, the axe fell, and the head nf Iwie victim Ih'w ell' with a J.Tk, v-eized the wonmnS a[iruii with its terth, and held nil with a hnriid ghaslly grin, till h. r ajiiMii was em away uiili a pair "f w.ilktr .sh.-ars. Tluai nlf he set, tn .sell her hmter and While heislinishmg hi^ tale, his compinioiis look up and see a man, the only one leaving I lalif.ix just then, ajiproaching some- what sjieedily. d'hev- ask him in astonishment, if he is not goiiiir the wrong w,iv, n ilU^ kl*l they " Dinnis to h-:- l-liea.lo.l to-, lay ? " ■• 1 trow ni)l : : " quoth Dinnis. A local poet, Thomas (.'rossley of Oven, Ion, p-ri.etuates the conclii'-ion in diainaiic verse ; - CmI!NTRTMAN. A drvish imswer, fftitli ! iillwiit untrue I W'lm't moftnn tliH fellow ot no iiHi'klinr''o opeed. Tiius hurryiuif from the wixit wliiuli otliuvH souk ? Majlw liu hits no tiiKta t'"r cxceulicms I (ilfi-H!, iirrii'f, ftU'ivcd ''.V the ttmb.) liAlLIFF. A fnir (■^.■npn, by io\-i:'. Hii'n off, my frifiuln: He's oroHse'i the lirMu-e— o"r jviri,*>Ufli,>n nncl.". T'urKUU were vaiti umil forlii.l'l'U ^rroiin.lrt, Here Unrdwick Ki.nrft hi-th its liiM-ful lioimin. Then let him ilwell with cU'Kpf:riitu outluwiid men, Tcimiit ihi- c:iviTn, nr tui' roljiurs' drn ; Kut sliiiiilil lie h.re return in uft.r timcH, His hea.l bUuII I'" tho f.irfuit of his crimes. c:ollci.iors of toll; lore : I'oor anti(iuarics like ourselves 1 ! H we had lived in those days, and never pretended to be any belter than other folk, we might have uni tlnu- ; another mhiilo (a simple thief) occuis in the buria's lor I'ebruary ; and llien another hand did kindly for Dr. la our, what he had so iren- thantlv done for his parishioners : - 1G.':1 Miirch 1:1. -iMliannP^ Kav.mr LLU. posLiuam :iM ainm- \- auipli.is l,//ic vcelesiae pvadui.-s,! I'lismr vigilantis.Mnius, .-ub etrta .-^pe ;;1 'rios.T. Vfsurrfctioins, plaeide itiDemino abd'TiunU deeiino .liu MartiJ, K123. After havinti been lor mi)re than yi years a most vi'.,dlant pastor .if llie church. Dr. Favour calmlv fell asleep in the Lord, on the loth March. lOij, in certain hope of a gioii(ni- re-urreclion. The followins.; is a cnpy nf hi will :— \'!,i\r l\iV''Ur aiiil his 7'imf.i. 11"' Jiiliu Favour, >Wior uf tlw. L«wp^, viciire ui llulvfux, im.l in-.'CMitNr of lli>' M.'r.i|wlilic,i;i chiirrli ,,t Vulcr, kv. \i'-\\vA<\ lalnly I'wuviTc.l liy llu- iiii^iryfnll iin.vi my Icisl will iiiid ti'stiiiiifiit, wrytni willi uiyiii' (iwnu liaiiil. To my |]iii-l iTVureiul liii'd ^inil iii;isler, luy Iiest StU'lye clooll'.', wliio'n 1 linM to be lliu lii'sl jowcU I huve ; iui(lto,\In\ Miitlhiwi', ii ilioiiK.n iiii;,'f. ill lliaiikfuU niacuibnuici' ol tlioir C'IiUhuimI ^'ivat love aiul favor exlfinled to luce ami iiiyiii", hisixcliiii^ji' tiioiii to t.'Xti'iiil the .sum' uiclu lli'iii, iiUi;r my (l''|iaitiiie, a^ tliMV aliall iii-li-vcr to ilesci'vi-, \vi liiii_L'" liiat my K^iine wi-ru litt for liis m'aui''s stTvic", anil woi'f alili' lo supiily sucli dcfi'divs as I have f'liiml, uiid arkiiowli'd^'e to havi- lifui', in iliu p.'if.irnmucc ■■f my diityc. Tm my iy4hl rcvfivml -^ 1 lord, my lord of I'Mtlm and WVdls, iinothtT di^nioii ryiige, jirayin.i;!; him lo ifiiieiiibur liiy Sonne, as lip InUli proi;iised, ami 1 assure iiiys^ilf. To my wclbeloved and ever dutyfull 6.. line, .Inhn Favor, my howsc in tin' Minster {,'artli at Yorke ; all my I.ooUos, save swell as hereafter in this my ^vill, I shall otherwyse dispo-se ; my he-t salt of silver and guilt, and my beat ealiinet!. I'o my s.iiuie, Willian. Favor, thu lease of my Inwse in Wood struel in Lond-n ; my liest Kngli.di liible, in my gtudye at Yorke. with ••m: of my best deske-. To my dun. .Indillie, my spowto p itt of silver, in lokon of my Inve ; ami I leave ber t^ her .L;ood ii::,!ii. r, who h.vi'th her, and will do for her, I know, a- >lie is able, when (Sod shrdl call her. My ilaii. Kliz., wife, and sonne, .Inbn. exrs. To niy brip'-in- lawe, .biliii Sniylli.-.ai, £,'1. To my gods.. mi, .lohii, the sonne of iny f.iythfull servant, .'1/ ; lo be jiayd for his use ),. his father, after Ihe child be 7 years old ; and to Kdiiiiind himsflf, Baiowe's I'liisieke in Knu'lishe. To my ?onne-indawe, Mr. Henry Power, one fif every sort of my bookes which I have dubblc. To my uephow, John ( lie. !'/',,!/■ /\l- Itr ■III,/ /hi '/'/"hi Iiiihcrli .. lOi. T" Mr-i Sii''.l;ili to wli miw I Live li. ui' iiiu'li li"lii>Mi'ii. my li"^t rill;,'!:, wliidi I iHii.iiiy wi'mt. I'r. ill Ynik I Nr.V. Ifi'Jl. Ii ^(.•i-ins iriiiii ilu' .iMiAc uili, that l)r. I'avoiir w.i^ iiiarrid luiie : ,ililiiiii.j;li wo ii.tVL- not I'OMiJ .icri)' ; any rccoril of ilio doatii, or Imrial of his lirst wifo. l!iu ilii; in tinier in wliUli ilu; giiarili.m- sUip of his yottn'j:esi d.ui'^'httjr, juihili. i> Icfi in her mother, ^iii^'^'osis thai ihi' rilaniMi-^hiii wa^ only by inarria':; . Tho \ii,ir also incniions a InotliLT in law, John Siniihson ; aiiil Anne Nor- man, iho niece of Mrs. [■'avoiir. also mentions in her will, iier aiiiit'> ino'.hor Mrs. .'^inithson. The vicar iH(!iilions a "-on in law ^^r. Henrv I'owcr. 'I'liis is not ihe fainoiH M.l>, of 'iliat ii.iiiie, lull iirobablv his father. Vicar Favour's Corre.=;pon(lcnce. Tiie cctracts from (lie rcifisters, woiiUl !)o incomplete: if we did not apiiend to them some selected letters from t'le doctor':* correspondence, preserved from a liery fate that befell a lar;;er hoard of .MS.S. discovered in the old vicara;;o, on the rciiiovai of ihe late sic.ir to the more pleasant site now devoted to the vicarage, ,\Io.4 of these letters re:''.r 'o local charities, hiil there are some -anicieii'Iv free from ie.;\ s to .tHow of their beini,^ here jirintcd, .IS .stun i ill;.': monnmen;.-' of the doctor's fecliii^'s and principles, ;■. well a. of h!:. ma;;.igjuient of the Icadin;; parishioners with ivhoin he was associated. It will have been noticed thai many of the minor benefaction> It thi.s period, were of small sums to be lent to deservin;,' poor ineu without interest, for various periods. And the doctor ap- pear> to have been very methodical and exact, in seeing thai each of these loan.s was duly secureil by a bond. We give a samjile of one of these, and notices of the nature of others, it will be seen that the lirst refers to a legacy which has somewhat siiigularlv escaped the search of two commissions of pious uses and the w,ii;eful eves of 15rearclilTe himself : — Xovrinl uiiiv's per pieseiite? mis Ni Aniivtad'r fe*' \Villielni7 Ariiiytadgi; de Ha ',f;i.v in ('"in. Kh.nu .■lothi'is I'lr^ir /■'.i-'tir iVhl his Tiinex, 117 /Vi^/ ... - i' ft l;ul''litiii l.',v-li\n.r!li •I' NnrttiouTciiiii. in d'l o ('nm ('litliirr TciiiTi i-t llnnit ' olili;,';iri .lulniiiiii lliivdiir I,i'i;ii Dn.-tni-i ct Vi.ruiid,. Ilulifiix el. \hm\v\\ )r..\cn,f|f ,|, ll.llil'.l\- |i'il ill il'ro CMlll. yoiii, in Sex l.ilydis ct Ircli'ccii, suljil. (jUiti: .!• iliiiiiir. boiK! (il li':,''iys iiiuiii.ta' Aii^liip S..| VOllll (MSll. ,Iulli (r.lVnlll- el Dllllifll ffllXCIoftO allt SlKM'Clt. Alt' II in hi' 1 li.ri'iT f.ic!"n.| Ul)li|,'aiiiu.s iioM ct (|iH.uilil,,.! ' " uu I "" ' SH pru t(ili] (.'t iiisiiliiln Im'I-ivIps cxocQ ct ailiii. ii'm- liiiuii. |)iT pn-sciitcs Si^'illis ii'iii ,.i. -)-4m'.s iiraiiy nf tUciu ilnc \\A\ uikI truly iviiiti-iit iiml \>a\ or oiuisc to 111- |i!ilil unto tin- iili ivciiiuiicl .li.lm H'avor ami W.inicll do^crofti' ,)r to tlirir crrt"!! attorney cxcciitor- iilni. or assi^'iics. Tlif Sonic of Tlirci- I'oiimls sixc sliil line's cij^lit jicncc of lau-fnll money of EnirlMn.l in ami npon ihc Tliir.l ilay of I Ire •ni'ocr w'l' .slialbu in the \i-Mt- of om l.onl (JiK^ Thoiisanii fSixc; Hundreil J'wvniic and One. att >ir in the nou-e (hvellinolionso of tin" said Daniell tloxvrofir in Halifax above^iid, and w"'' sonic is iiaicell of a pri-ater some given liy Caljriidl llarl.er of London jeweller for llie use of the poore of Halifax towne to lie .li-jposed of a~ :hey the slid -lohn llaviUr and lianieil ll'oxerofie shall lliinke lilt. That, then this ohli-U'on to he voide or els to 111" and st ind in full for.c |io\vei' and vitliie Suillaturae delihat in p'tia Nidiohis Annitad;,-e n'nim Mark 11 Hflfy Iirake \Vm. .\rniita elolhiers. and i'eter .Sii^'deii ■■f I!olliiij,'e in Bradloid .lale, f,,i' Xi to Di. j'avour and J>. I'oX.'l'ofl. '7 y "^ / &< I 118 Vicar Favour and his Timts. "An.l w''" iij"' is parcrll (if Tliirlic ruuml.':, -iv.n nv lefte by GiOiricll I'.iirlwr of Loiulou jeweller to Ik- lent oi".li.-trilmte,l of l.y iiiwl att the ait^cieli..n (..f tlic Siiid .lohii llUvoiu- aiul Daiiiell IVnxcTMl'tc" Witnesses iis l.el.e.i . i.V.'l AlnMbatn Aykvni.lc -'f Halifax collier aii.l llm,n.hre> IVyrlh of Skireoat clothier. £3 of sam.! money. Wilne.se-* llnfr Drake and Sanurl Drake. 102-J.lolin r.ronkesluink of ll.x. Mattlew l.une of liiir^'' Kolme, and .lolm Wood of lix. eioUuers (ail nurk.iueni £3. Witne.-se.s, Anthony Foxerofte and Kdwar-l II. ; kinsm,. !nl;-| lloiid of l!irh. (.ihsonde > !■> l-l .Ian next ; witness .lo .-inutlisoiiu & Tohy iioulhe-^. ir,|(; ^\Vm l.earoyd.of Halifax, haker ct llieh. Cihsnnof .■^ouiho'.nani elothier 40.,. from .lohn Snivthson -eiitlenian: witn(.,s William Favour and F.diie.nd lireareldfe (iIk- lin.'lor's son and his servaid ). |.,;1G .!,.hn Newton of Halif.x elothier >V W- Nie^.U ■ f Halifax ehaimiin 40s fmn, W" Whittakei.s A' .John Smith ,„u for n,e ,f the poore in town of HalifiX. Witnesses Samui'll I'rowlher it Kdmond i'.ivaielilVe. l.ilT John W lot' llaliiax elothier V-'ni. Kidihou-h and .la.s. (.,'rosley of llalifix lahoivrs £3 irom Dr. Favour; witnesses .lo Smilh^oini k, F.dmond i'.reaic-lille. lliJd Edward llemin-way <.f Shipden ndlne. yeotuan. aiul Klizaheth .Somor.seales of llalifix widow (sh.' siens with Kermaik) .fl from Dr. Favoui. wilnes- s .lo Smith.son and I.i.'o: il'awcetl. 16l-i Marlin Acroid of Halifax (IVeeiiMson .V Mary Wood of tho same, wid<.w, £1 of Thos. Cosen iV Samuel Crowlle-i, ehurchwurdens or Dr. Favour; witnesses ,Ju Favour do .Siuithson & Thomas Drake. I'lmr Fit V our (1)1 il his Tinu's. 11 '.I The will of Brian Crowther, under which Dr. Favour was ,\ jirincijial cxoculor, ajjpcars to have caused him intense and jin^ longed anxiclv. That lienofactor had an interest withl);i\'id Walerhouse, in tlic manor of Armine, from which an annuity i.l £10 'vas granted. i>is])utes were prolonged, until .\rthur hiL^Tani. l''.sq.. son of Sir .\rtiiur Ingram, was called in. How :he matter was ultimately settled, we may more succinctly stair in referring to C'rowther's charily ; hut the following letter, written while the settlement was pending, shows the zeal o' tlu^ do( lor and the sound principle on which it was based ; To the Wi.- and uiv vimv g I fri'n'sus] .t piisses>,i.iu uf yo whole, thougli I mu>t cOfessr my iicyghhours h ive int-n'sl in \nvi\ hut y*" \,.»i\\; srhnule ii::d po.ii.> people n'.uve 11 almve all wdi.'lin 1 rtill le'ViT rease t.i -lau'l lyll 1 have riMle.' 1 tliei- lyghl. you ,-liall kiMWi' al .ir iii.'i'tiiig.' wlial go.i 1 ..Ifiees liav. 1 ne jiirf. 11I..-.1 M 1,0114 ■ y" leiials hy Mr. l-gra.aiid hoWi 1 h.ive enissed laviie ..will' d.-^ygin'.s only f.ir appeasing.- • id thi's UHtters 1 know. I iiiak 11. 1 d.'U-hl of yor meliugr n- SI iie.ire yoii wli'T you wli.'U you u.'i'd not fear y liimlel'inge Init may he sure .if y^ fail her. ao of this Im 1- ti.'-'.'^e and therfore f.ir v" ■pn-^riil h.'lakr y.ei ;.i God w'*' eCiiuen.l. to you aiel all w"' y.ai. Iloldiui jlIowd.ai| ihi- :;."itli of AngusI liiJO. Yo'' assure. 1 Living.' freiid •ill : Fa von: I'.ven amongst the leading gentry, who ought to have ■'Ct .1 liettcr example, ihe doctor h.ul 1.1 lament many a lap.sc from the .strict imegriu he expected. < >iie instance of the doctors ex- vellenl mauagemciu of a ca-:e of this kind, may he lorii from d'l k I'iciir Favour aiiJ liis 'fiiiie^. ■ ho hisuiry of the tree gramm; l(.'i:it!maicly form a pa"' : — ar school, of which it woiiUl mnr. Mr. Thor;ihill's i-lcftinii to Im'o ^uvniior of y' five .mIioK'. |l,,,llhaiia h;iin.yiR'.-o in ho].r of yo^ «vlfaVM thc^c Ui..\ fiortilio vou llml th.' mo>t.' i^irt.' of th,. govonio" of il,.- frci^ .-^cholH for tlie vi.-ari.l-.- of llalyfa.vc h,uv m-tt an.t haVL' I'ttcuc cont.Mit.'a viTy lovinjily y.'t W- .■oi,.lilioi,.-^ to nwko clioyce of you for (lovni.M it, y..ur broth.'r's stra.!,. The coaitio,. is y' if it sh.ai i^mm.- you to |.iyo th. am.u a-osof ih.Mvntaur unto tho mIioI- \s-'' an' ll.rco r.^m- pa-l ana will vroniiM. hrrraft.T !o caitintlH payniri.t th.n.) thon wo(!aesirololMXvy..u on of u^. lint if you '.iii -lana in trirnirs «•!'■' u^ ana .hyw us to any suilc of law. .hon wrt' will ratlu-r hf-inn.- o'' suit,' b.'f.Ho you ar on ol ,,ur hoav<'. ihO intcrti-yno rivill war atnoii-.st ourselves aiel to haw'aetior, a-aynst on of our .>wue ineorporaii.ai. 'l iii- Ihivrwiylh'U in the name of us all who-e name- m una.uw.vllru al y" re.iuest ana w'=' the eo;:se:it of then' all, Imt if yo.i „hall refuse our eleelion on ihis eonailfon '.hen w.' have an other whonu- w^'e will i.ron.ane ,' a^ ehoseii ,„a h'.l.e vou will not he ulVeuaea if w.'c .-.'.'k,; our a,!.' hy orainan au',1 fivnaiy conr-' .f lawe. I haa lhoU;.;h' l- have come to yuu my selfe hnl in truth 1 have verv mans uupe.lini.'nts that I eanne not ana iherrf'.re hav w"' th" v'-! iulreatoa this hearer to pres.'Ut yu w"' our a.-y.,s a: knowe yor i„.r,nitorio answ.re for y' our tynie limit. a ;u ,,v h.u.'i's i.al.'Ut.- is almost expired. I h'.p" -lohn llan-m iulh allrea.li.' er.uniui.'.ae.l nut', yn the elle.t heie..f an.l lia h..p.' t.i h .V.' ha.l an answer frr, liim hut nivu" .'xpecla- lion was fruslral.-l a.el ih^v f-re I pray you 1,'t us r.'eeve v..ur frenaiy answer.' hy ihi^ bear.'r ll.dyfa.K this 'JTlh .'t .Inne, Hill Vour lovin;.; frenas .].) : F.uoi i; Huii.Mti) Si'nij:::ii..\xi.i; l).\Nii';i,i. iio.\('Hon Anmionv Waih: .IlillN 11aN>i .n IJoiiT. IIkminow \vi: Konr. hi.ANK .Ions nuiufii: I I ! i I'lKii /•'irt'iir ii/ii/ /t/s Tiiih-s. 121 The wilv luil lliu^ l.iid siicceeilcd, ami HRMrcliiYc. wlioin his MSS. |i. 'M li;is i.oi)i(.'ii ihih letlcr frmii liic oriu'inal, li.is -.iiiiiciiil^d to it llic loUuwiiii; :--- 28 Di'c'. 1612. Mciii'iiun.hi v' Thu: rhmnhill .4' lixliy, c.^m- sum.' ui 1 piMiui^,. ill y"" HVim- >(-li.".lr iicni- Halifax 1m>- foiv ilivcr.s nf y> ciirpuratidn y' ln' would cuiitii'iii (Hic \\\\- iniilyc "f 211^ liy year isstii'iii^' foith uf his lands and t'MicniiMits ill Iliiiii'iholiuB to y'' use of tlir .-aifl trrci' soliool mid pay the siiinf ii(:ordin.L,dy >it such days and liiiis as Hi'y:iii 'rhornhill, Esii. di'i-misi-d did i;i'aiit y" saim-. Tiki: Tiioiiniiii.i.. in v" nii-si'iH u of >is do; Favirui', Kirli: .Sundi'ilaiid. Daiiy l''o\crofl, ■Icihn I'.ii^'^c. The doctor did noi, however, free himself from nil troulilc with Mr. Thoriihill. liy coustilutin;,' him a sovernor : as .ipiieais l>y the following : — LcUiT from Mr. Th"ni,is Thondiil! aliuut y'-'sfli li'l and tilli ..f his II. ill'. To till' wor'full Mr. Dockti'r Favc i;.' Hal\fa.\e lliiese. Mr. Iloektrr for my ln-iiiL; linhind wilh the .-' ; '!1 whin my reasons are know to the j,'ovc>rnors I need le.t Ii" as ashanu'd wilh luy staying; of it neth"r of my pi ne in any resjiiek eousaiini; yoii or it. f^r lie' prohal of my undr's will nnee proving wilh 2 witiiessies I think niave sulli> e for one will, iiill Send me. word hy this hearer what wili giv yo -:.iti~- faelion for the prolnl : and I will cm.-' him ih.it li.iiii maih' lah.iis 20 line's to miki.' l.i'i'air one'' mole ; llrsidc my sielf >[r. Kookis iliveis times foi;:;c.'ifulliies of my men lialli C'lllsi'd the oiiii-.'ing 1 am >o well reni'liii'il 1 will maki' amriid> in scndiii',' il \.pii. Thus wilh my haitie cuniinendalioit- 1 icst yn'' fn'iid Tlio : TiiiinMiii.i. Kii.khy, .May s, ICl-^. I ( lli'J /■!/: 'iir .!■:. Ir.is ln'cn iiciileclc'd. The ilclav in I'lo seitli'inen'. nf I'.iiar Crowllicr's affairs 1ml. in ihe vcar lfii;-i, i > a short inn iliaraclorislic passa'^c of Ictli-rs lict\vc( i\ ili'. ani 1 iil iieen criMli'il a liaroncl ill idii. 'I'lio -oal (li Sir II. Saviie's Idler ina\- scr\r. by llie wav. Ill corrcn an crrnr in W'atsMii. wlio iiialoi't h,- dyveis of i\w tTeHtlf.-cs of y'' frup >.'h....l,. .,!' Ilallyfax wlm ii ive ofli'ii o mipiay ned y' the .'iOnib. tdven by Uryan I'rowllier y^ still unbestowcMl wliere- hv iliev I'oii.-evVB y' iiionev HiHJcrjjnes some R-iaualtip^ t'lv ir,v iiwiie parte' I never spoki' w"' you hen in but 1 louiiJe \ou ti> jiivi' a reasonable answere. And sue they (lannol ileny<', but you have att sev'all tymes ]iiumi.sed eytJiT to fynde land-* pnipertioiialjle, or t" put y'' ipi'iidier- tiiUeli hir y"^ loaiio wf y niuuey into a puhliipie elieslo l)eliait,'eii]ge to y" .siivd suho-de and (his hefoie a day prefixt b\ yn. Ilul forasmuch as this seems to he siill del.iyed ;uid y' I presinuo you doe n.itlange concerninge soe charitable a busyneH withnut y.ioil discreeiuu and upon a reasmiable gnMinde, .-Vs I was iiaimi! a h'Olfee by ynii and y n st aflei my hilhftr's death and aa mueh impnrtun'd I'l pray y" piafnrni ariee of yrfurmer promise for bringing;!' in the tiomlos, 1 nnisl intieat you to give y'' present and resoii:dde an.swiTe to this bu~ynes wherby y'' -ell'e may be treed from all eoiluur (if imputaeon and all men i^itisfyed y' [iretend any interest of trust lhei(dn. .Soe re.st \''' v.'iy lovinge freii !e Methcdi'V. ■-'.'•th d.i : ir.js !l. .Saviie. 1';. .;; F,iT"Ii'' ■m / /i;.< I'nii, \1\\ Till.- Ici'.cr was L'n;ru>'cil for i!cli\i'r\' m tin' \n'c\ i!i\ii uho luul cuiisL'il il 10 lie uiiuL'ii. Willi wli;il lolly iiiiliLni.ui.iii. docs ihc ijooil old vicir iiml'u'.r his m ( usur ! Till- I'opv oT ,1 I'll' wiiii II I I Sir H. S iviln iiboiil II' sclmli', '-!" M.ulij Hil(S Silt phi : ill l)'ii.i .Ii'' il li.id hfi'iii! s line pmci'ssi'. llul li">? tli;il MHij^lit to disriciiil iiiiM' oy llM ijijlilioiis iiidyii lilt was aii'stcd hi'iisidl \\"| ;i ('iipii- Hid Imd ki-i VmiUi' imsiIu if :l liilislliilll id' \u'"' llilil no', st 1 llis i\t!:Mldill;llii' fri'iid. In ;1h- snail- Ih-i luid laird for nii't', 'va- his owni' iooti' taki-ii, ll'.ir thr (iiiil.iils i.! \ i ' i'n-, 1 1 • r is ii'itliini,' tii'ln yuii, yiyou luiiihl iml uiil' upon s;;. c liif.M iiMC'iii, niilhiiig lo nil- liul wh.it I lakr in vi'iir -••■ i p.ot.'. Al- though it. iniinili.'slith hi.-- excei-dinge maiili' n-i- iuiMinnci- y'- tcii'lernl his cniiiphiinl In om- ( hivi'iriii- lu ;lii' nam.' uf :i I'riifcr, v.hi-i IS I'ur giivrrniiiOt >tand'-lii in i i ni- tin' in dm- part.-, wlmini- I have -ali^fy.-d. Ilm- r\ i-rv p.-' iii-uiar actiun niiisl not 1)1' .ii-i-iiiiip!i-d f 1- Im i-vrr\ -""jnlai ^nv-ihnr lh.it i- ali-rnt, v' nituhf liinli- a man nrit-n ncn! n-d, to lillli- pill p. I-'-, 111 W''' ra-i- 1 klUIWl' ni\ll- nWll. stl i' ii L'l 11 aiid diitii- V. t til sati.-li- yi.' fi-.'ndly i-iin--! i iiisi s.iii- in l;''1ii lall ilial siiu'i- \o' fathi-r's lynii-. no n. in hath dout> >oi! minth ill the sohii.dr alt'ayris i-; uiy si-lf. ^uu^e oave Hniio iiiiliiingi' at iill, lull 1.1-1- wii.- I vii ,it any of our nn'i'tin^'s. ihoiighc i-vr|- siiil tor, ,ii..i waiii'-.l Ci'itayiilye. I liivi' uiy sidf (.'idh-d ihi'in .Old 111 vi'l- ln-iii mu'i- ah.-M'iil 1 .Ian- .~ii.' siin-i' il Wiis a srlml.', \r''' i.- iioui' ahovi' x.\ M'ii.i. I will iiLstifyc y' niysrlf li.'f..|-i' iiny tint i.ow.- is, w.isli .vcr- iMi- (i-X(-i'pit .hihn Hali.snii) pi-'i-nr-.l il imi ill, yil idiiio.-l. all till' ii'Vi-ni ui- ihal lii'l'inj^rlh t" y'-' ^i-nol-'. 1 liavi- dniii' mailing I. f inv^i-ll' lull hy tin- i-nn^.-nl -f .ill th- ( lovi'inois / lli.ll well.' p|. am', Ori ill..- "••1.- •■\ --.I'.r ii lit . 124 l'i,(ri /•',':■ ■IP •hiln\ '//',',',■«. 1 will ivtVrvnivsclt' uiitn tlu-in iiH, I will ii.it pxorpt ii^'Hiimt iiiiy (.IIP, tl,..ii,t;lu' yen- I'n' innwileth tlwt ..fl.'ii c..iiii.li\int \v.\\\\ l..>.Mii' ma.li'. Kont l,:i\v.- nriv h;iv.> ronil.lain.'.l ..I'ti'U, ns he railcth every where, yet h.' is le. (;..v.Tii..r M..r hath ui.ire t.Ml.i.' with th.' s.'ho..le then tie' ]>'. .r.sl in;iii ni tiie piirishe. iJrfi.lesit 1 wuul.l iis.-uiiu' sv. iiiiieh or liiul ollVe.l wroiio.', y.iw \\M\y ii.it thii.l i< my vuiy liirty dwire, iinl tli:\t nut for f>Mr.). Imt l'.,r Invr. 1 know.' myiio owii.i iiit ■^:ri!yl^ I will '-nivc! MO |i.u'.loii I'or iitiy wi-on.L,'-! I hii\" 'Ion", or imrpo.so to doe : whi'U you skill in' in tli.i cQiitiTij I ui.iy .-nliir,!,'!! this dis- co\irsc, or el.'' whcr, \v!i'-u it >ii dl \\\>\i^f < lod we iii.iy nicet(/, tlio sooii'T the Ij-tlcr, but this -uiU'T 1 sliiil !).■« the most imrli' iit YorliP. aud in the mi'mu.- time huvu more and -real. ■!• iruployuiGt ih-u lli-s are, wluMvioni I cease to liee firlh^r Irid.l'.-.Hue unto you, and uutyl the, or cvr, netal;- vou to yo mercifuU |irolo':li()ii id' Almiglilv (!od, llaliiax, i;2'' Martij, lOiS. .\ sample iv.- m iiiah> ;^miiiiIm Ijy tilt.' iKiliii! of Ki'le of \x''' r"iit I iioM lli'iii i' /r-t fevla but imt '■ Iciiiil- "t Dr. l'r,u Fii: fill iiniii uf Xnrtlio'.vr.ini j^iv.' t.i thesi'ho'.l at llallilax b\h. Answer And hath I n iuipLuivd t.i the lis.! of 111" s.l. selio.'l as it may app'ar nii ler llir hainis .if IX (J. IV. inns, )'re-ent|"d I Ivlw. ISro.'tdley of llailifax y^' ,id i i is iisus x lb .'ViiswiT .\n 1 aNo WIS imploy.-d one lb.' sen'..e iindi'r tb" „.sentl..l]tl..-v. was Ss an.l t. i>h.- yav :.;iv,.„ to tl,. Im.- H,.l,ool !,v tar Maa.l of WakliM. out, of black Inl,-. at.l ,.„int.M' va»l. (Answer) Atrl was not .v,M.iv...l, ISs i.s .onld by'il." ors for 8'" n.l y-t r Ibr^-vv,.. „ir..>vllM;on.i.ositionrorthe pkeotho ^;ovonwvs o„-ht to look unlo il. l.,.„s,.nt,.d-lan.'(:n.wlh.T wi.bw gave 10"' to ho lout to ,1„. , ■ ,,f ll.ilifax npon ^iecurityn of tli« stocke. Answn an.l l.ath so nnpl .vM it on poor mM'ordlngly to her will .n,ls,Mnmtysuit.l,l.foriti. intlMMian.lsof it. W a !.■. ]'nM,.nt..a-.I.io. lI,.-gof Shelf gavo a,i pins am^ (>'" V.VV^ V„,,w„r. l>,.f.Mf 20s ,v.'re jjivon to two poor m-n in Shelf hv his own appointment an.l b.'f.n- his .leo-asu ; the fsL w,. l„.st,oWP.l np.ni Ih.' aeh.)ole as appears up^.i. th.- a«r..unt un.lcr t!i« (loveinoi'H hands. Thus far HrearclilTo has prescrvcl the .loctor's viii-iicuion of hims.Mf iK.f.Kc the commission of .M.> A letter amon,,'st the vicara-e papers, fnrnishes a fnrllicr vindication, un.ler the han.l ol Mr. Hyron. the master of llie free -rammar sclex-l : — A note .,f sue', .somes ..f iii..n.'y 1 I'av.' ro.-ave.l of Mr. Dr. tYiv..ur sin.'.' n,y li'st . .-,myn,^' t.. b.' seli..h'""- of y" f,,.e sch.il.' of llalif:ix till this pieseut yare Iti'JO. Impiiniis for eerlaine yoaiea 1 receave.l (as my pr." ,l..i:ess..r Mr. Wilkynaon had roceaved hefoie nie) out ..f his liouiity y.'arly l,ui. in the y.Mie 10O3 I r. ."av.^l ..f hi.n for ^lisse s.a in the win low. 's of the kite!, in Urn. f..r pavin- in the sch..le ,UM,e in r court and ti„. harne aiel towards fh« tillav'e of ih.^ prouu.l Nov. l"., 1001 ... 3 11- \ Ih. /V(j; /''iirnnr iiiiil /lis '/iiurs. \\m. I'lir citliijr ri'|i:ii;iti iii.-i ;is inMri' us I i'iiiriul)i.'r vj-i. Itni. I'll- stiililjiii),' ,V pliwiiij; Iwu in'iTs cjf }■" siliulr laii.l liWH) L' III, It. riM-.Mv.Ml Aiiii'i li'iii liiijs I'lii' iiic iiu'l ilii' iwlii'i' iicfinsliii^ to till' iluiiiitiM iif I'lryiii ( 'luivtlii'r itr( .iv.linj.; tci niy rciui'iulir.uicci tlio .^01110 oyllni' ot' Nix 111. X-. nr iiisl ... ... ... ... .\X 111. Ii. .\iirio liiil'J towMi'iis lilliL;' ifiii'iio _L;iMiinii .iml iiii l'Mirij4 it with w.ille.s, ami fi)i' a liooii^ nl y enti'iii'.,' into y' s(!liolo ... ... ., ... Olli l'!-. Itlii. the ycai'i^ ICidJ .V l''il(l tln' iisl,i-r llini Ihmii- ri'ciMvcil ipC .Mr. I)i-. Il'iiv .r lli.' Ii'^'auy uf .Inlin main! (jf ll.ilifax viz ... ... ... I'O 111. Kivf'M liy liiiii to the I'n'i' srlin),. Itiii. Anw th" year,! of m' Lonl lOll 1 ivccavi 1 of liiiM for 1111^ ami till' ii-liri' accorJiiiiT to !lii> gil't ol liryai) Crowllior carli yrai.' the ^mw of ... I'O lli. I'ayil liy .Mr Bla^loii th.-two la.4 ycaros (.■itht-r y>' r '.'l Ihl:!,-. Id, It. Mr. l)r. tlavoui' Hot Iohjt after my being solml. ""' of y" ,«aiil soholc luLstowcil on the .scliolc a (a\ le ('oU|«'r's dictionary aii'l a fairu ( IrnrK-c Lcxirfi, ajid [MiK'nred a fayru JMigli.sli Ilibli! in ihp I ar^'est volume f^.r ri'adin,L,' aoiiii' chapli'rs at o:ir orilinary prayers morning and cTening, w""'' .s.iyd three liuolts wire tln'n worth in value... ... 311)0-:. 8d. And above my ordinary nceipt.s yuarely he h ith payd m« and y" u.^hiT for teaeliin- hi.s children very liountifully. lii) : DvHiaiN'. ]!nl probaMv iho highest e\iilcnco of ihc force of the doc'.or's cxanipiL' and cnL'r:j;y, i.s l;! von in iho follnwin'.; short nolo r ■ pcclin,i; a gift of ^40 by .Vldcrmau Lister, of lluii. to iio disirilmlcd to the poor at discretion of J)r. I'.nnnr, Air. Snniler- land and Daniel Foxcroft : — Dain.dl llbxeroft.s note sunt to Mr. Uie. .Sinidr /iirnur'.-i ilcnih, it w.is .lt.i.i.I wc \v:il t.i Mr. iv-l.'f 111' sp.ilio w"' liim t.i hiwi' liis npiiiy.." I wli .ul I not li iv,> iiiv iKUiii' bv.iii,i,'hl in qiiosti.ui to i\r:\\f lii-^li'.iu'stlyc t.il' til.' p.Kil-c, This points us to the sccfct of Dr. I'livour's usefulucsH As in the pithv samm.iry of Ch.iiK'crs exiiuisite p'.ciure of the ■' pouiv I'crs.iiie of a io\mi," Crint-i-B lore, iinii his njiostli-s tw. Ivo lie taugtit, Imt lifst he I'olw-c.l it hiiiinelve. In lino, the cir.ifacler of Dr. l-\iv,uir is that of one of the most eminent of the luirish p.iesis of the Klizahethan period. .\ ni.iti of action, he was yet a man of tlioii,L,'ht. To him n. p.isscil (.\ii,i;ii>l 24, i^'5.i) "toiuhiiiL; in.irri.i^os aihl llic rci^'i^ioriiii^ tlrjix-iif ; mil also louchiii.u; hirlhs and hurials." L'luler the ))rctence iif proviiliiv^ ;i bctler rcj,n.stralii)n of iheso events, tlie Iriuinpli.uu L-neiniL-s of the ( 'hiirch MiUL^lit tu sever Ifiiii lic-r wluit apjieiireil to he lier sole rcniaiiiiiig hold iiponlhe alTcctioiis of the iKitioii, namely, her sacred soleiniiization of the 11110: i,d cereliiom". Willi this view it was proviiled tlial, from \\\^^ .illcr the 29lh Se|)teinber, 1653, the entire preliminaries and ci.-renionv of marriaijc shonld lie matter of civil arriinj,'eineiii. 'I'iie parishes were to elect a rcLjistrar, whose business it was to receive " the names, siirnanie>, additions, and |il.ices of a!)ode of the parties to he married, and of their parents. Ljuariiians or overseers " at least 2 I days heiore the proposeil marriage: and to pul)li-h this aLcreenient for inarria^'e " three --everal Lord's davs then next foUowiiij;, at the close of the ino;ninLC serNice, ill the imhlic meetini,' place, commonly called t!ie church or chapel, or if the panics so to he married desire it, in the market place iieX'. to the said chur(di or chapel, on three taarket days in three several weeks next lollowint;, between the hours cf ele\en and two." And npnii (eriilicaie of this due publication, the jiarties were then l s. '!,('. I'., 'I' Ifie. ill the presem'e of (!'">, "'C Snirchn- i>f 'ill H'-'irh. lid'' fliei\ A. '\. /or m;/ ire,hh"l Inishnol ; ii:,il do „ho III III" pre.ii'we ut '■'"/. '""^ ^'1'"-'^ ''"'■'" "•''""*•"■■-• t"'"- „,:>■<• tv l,e link, Ihee a liiciinj, f'vUifiil, "'"' "Ml'"' "-If''' The ring \v;\s, cvi>leriti.v, looked upon as u " bauble." if not a " relic of roi>crv : " lor on llie above words liavini; been sjiokcn, the justice of ilu> [.cace at once pronounced the couple hence- forth to be man and %v ife : and the ceremony ended uidi ar entry of the fact, tlie -.i-na'ure of the justice and record of the marria-e bein,L; certilied by two credible witnesses. We lind bv the followin- entry in '.he Il.ilifax re-ister, that, seven davs before this act came into oiieiaiion, William llorton, who had from the ist of December, 1644, been pari>li-ckrk. was dulv sworn-in as parochial re-istrar : — The -J-^lli "f SeptiMid.rr l 1^' I'O of .\pr':i of Miv 1i;m Cnmmomvctilth Maniai^c^. 133 ■|-1,,. „iinTi:\->' li-lv,vii(;,Viili,iv.' ninm.l I'aiilr (u ii.'Wn,„l ,i;.' 1 [li lili'l] yciur ami y« «iiil Judith Newluii iig..! xix \va< sulfliipiii-ca iH'furo .Sir John Savill kiiij,'lit Ijiut' one ..f y"- ju.-licM.s (.f s- iMM.',. for y wrst ri.lin,i4 in v" C.Ainty of Vuvk.' ill y" piv.^riHv (,f Anthony Wfst.Tiiian nnil Thomas j;i-gf, two iivailih: wiliiosscs accoriliii^; to y" fonm; of y" Slatuti" in y' casi' niaiU^ ami proviili'ame year the marriage of John Stancklille, oi Northon- ram, yeoman (2<^). and I'hebic Lnm {2\). was celehrated •• hoforo John Hodgson, one of tlic justices of the peac-" 'Ji.- Captain Hodgson, of Coley iiali, who it will he re- had married into the SiankcliiTe family. We have out wuh Cajitain lloilgsons matrimonial services also, (where we had not expected to find ihem recordod) in the registers of .\lmond- liuiy church. T'he bulk of the publications take plac, parish chtn-ch ; but either couples were fickle or the . ..r idle, for few celebrations of marri.igeare recorded. In oiio case, however, the absence of silt li .i record is accounted for. I he register informs us : ■ Mr. tjliver lleu.od of Xorthowraiu chakc ag.d 2.'i ,\r:;rr.^ it Mrs. Kiizabilh .Viigvr of !i-iiloii, Co nlh'W : ag.'d L'i umivs ■,v,i> inili!i:di''d alt ypuhliiiiK^ meeting place called llallifax ( liurch, alt \" ilo-r of y" iiioiiiiiig rxereise upon 3 Lovd'.s liayes (to wilt* .\prill \" 1: v" «: .V 15: H).').") 134 Coiiimvnivtiiilli Miin iiii^tw. The rev. Oliver Ilevwxxl was marrieil ;U licni'ju Lluipel, where the Uiili's liuher prcacheil ; and the eircuiu>UiiiLes eoniieclot with the marriage are suliiciently curious U, deserve nienlidii. The rev. Mr. .\ugier's iiniiiii.n, we are tuM, was that marria-e slumld not unlv be pubhcly soleiniii/ed, l)iit tliat it sh^uid he preceded l)y a iiuilua! and reh.^i.nis toulrad. This icnirael, which Hunter (luaiiuly calls "the dkl cereimmy <'f hand-faslin- or esp.iusini; " w,is, iherefdre, .i,''one ihroii-li in Mr. .\n;,'iei-.s study a month bel'nre the niarriay:e, after a day spent m prayer and faslin;.,'. and a sermon preached hy Mr. Nathaniel Kalhhand Iroin S. Ma'.t: i. 8. The marriage itself took place in licnlon chapel, April 2-, ifi??, when Mr. Ihtrrison, of Ashton-nnder- I.yne, preached from Kphesians, v. 13; and nearlv a hundred persons were afterwards entertained at the lahle of Mr. \ngier, wild, with an evi.lent reference to the marriage at C'atia in (ja'ilee, ■' love 1 to have a luarriage like a marriage." All, however, were not like .good Oliver Ileywdod: audit aj>pe.u-s to have been a mark of advanced opposition to the Cliurcii, to have the notice of marriage iiroclainied in the market p;,ice. '1 his clas.s, however, appear^ to have been rare in llalilax. We noted in the register : — l-M'.viod Hanson of IJaslriekc yiM.ijian i*^ Anne Ayekroyd d( ll.illifax spin-tf-r was i^uljlidicd alt y" Mavki'll. plac" in Haliii'a.x upon :3 niaikcil daye.s in :J sevrr.dl wrokrs (to will) y" l»")th -J.'ird & .TOth of Sept. 1651 hut their marriage is not recorded. Iv'ward Xortli'Oid of NnrtlfAvram yeoman & (".race IJraith- waite of Claiton. :^Ir. .latnes ( )at('s of Xorthowrain g(^ntli'nian (aged GO) & I'hehy Uickoiisoii aged 20 Thomas AVIiilley, griitliaiian & .laiip Tlioniji.son Nathan Iloyle of Halifax yronian (48) it .,i.n Briscoe (52) John IL.dgsoii of Skereoate cloth iiiak. r (li") it Margnrett I'.M.lo (28) Richiml C.ili.soii ol Halifax yeoman .igi'd 31". yeiirs & Annah lloolh of Ilorton (34) Cniyii>i.iir,i\iilth Afreservin.,' ll;e pnwer of the prcsbytcrian iiriesthnnd, ^\hich then usurped 'he riirh's of the excluded episcopalians. The rev. " Robert Towuc, clerk, was Oct. 17, 1^153, chosen parish register for the p.irish of klalanii." and Look the oaths at Kildwick on the i^iili of Xoveniher in the same _\ear. .Vnd under this arrani;enieut main- cf the eniries at ]'',!land are like the foliowins; ; — (oorj,'e IIu l.son of Scaniotiih'n in Ihc pni-h of lluth' r- f'ild Mud Crnee liotloMiKy flaughliT of .h.hii iMittoruley of h'isli wotili ill y"" paiisli of Kland, published 3 times tVoiii 2 July The nianiiige betwi'eii (icoryc Hudson of Seaaiond.i-ii ii^rd ;!2 auii (irace I'Mittoinley of Kishworlh ofjcd ."53 was solemnised 1. fore Willm: fiarrer V.<.\. .Tu^tioe on August 17 and at Khiiid Aug. 2'.", 1054. liy mr Ko'.erl Towne, Kcgistrer. William l'.al.er of ivdand & Mary liawnslcy daughter of Thomas Hiwnsley of Ealand were thrii c puhlishrd, last time was .\prille eight, certilied Williri l'.akiT& Mary Uoundsk'y .laughter of Tl.omiis Iloiinds- h'y boih of l-.lkiud, were mairinl hcf.ai' Sir .loliii .Siivile, Justice, on till- tifth of May cS; at I'lland 7 by 1!. 'I'owue One advautaLTe of ibis arraniiemeiit would be that a couple C(Mild eiijoy the unusual pleasure of being married twice ; but some little confu-ion would necessarily arise as towliich was the ai'tual, ami which the additional, marriage ceremony. The rev, Kdward Hill, and probably many of bis jmritan brethren, set- tled this diflictillv in a manner wliicli set the Church e^'e. lua'ly above parliament. Mr. |oseph Lister, the historian of the siege of Bradford, in his (juaiut and interesting autobiography, tlius records his marriage with .^arah JXuiKm. " dangliler 01 [■'im Denlon. a gracious holy man : ' - Now at this tiuii- tln-vi' wa- R law that justices sh.add mirry jirople ; ^o wr piiiposi'd to be nmnied first by a j';suee 136 {jommoiiivuitth Mas ridi;a. comjii jKirson, move priv.itoly, i.ud wnil to Hi.iil.ix U^ jilslio' FallMi'. in.n... l.ut ,ny tMiile,iiiul her f..llaM', aiul a brothei-in-l;iw, airl my luiclo au.l nunt Spoiion', lliat m.t us tlici,', b-in- wili, u.. Sow.' lii-oiiulit tl..' Inia,' lioiiir tci lu-i' f itli.'i's hi.iisi', aii.l tlinv loRlior for fourteen .lays, i\w\ tli'-n we iiiieii.KM lo have ihe |,aiiy of our frieii.ls ; and I, haviu- an uuele, who was a "one Mr. IvUvaid Hill, he offered to -ivo us a wedding; sermon, and if 1 had not known my wife siiu-e lh(^ justice married us, he would, afl.r the .sermon, marry us again ; which he did, and after tl i.s w,- settled in our own hou.^e. ( )n. the restoration of Charles the second, one c/f the first siamtcs which received his royal assent was that (the I2lh Car. ii. c. 33) which k-ali/ed all the,-*- marriages. J!ut it w„u!d ajipe.u that the anal)ai.tists who had risen up ai this period, still h'ankercil after civil contra/ds of marria-e, th(ni,-h, in the fe'dow- in'.,' c. -c. they substituted witnesses of a less prosaic character than ju.-ie.-s'of the peace, joimey's HiHory of the Jial.lisl.<. vol. ii.. p. -')'', records of the liroms-rove meeting-house. At a eh, rch.meelin..; upon the Mlh day of the Ktlh month, 1G92. That civil contract of marriage wa.s between dohn Hayisaud «u.saiiiiuh f>ucks, s.demidsed and perfuinied, Wforcthe LordCud, /l//;/Ws, ami UH who were thm wit- nesses at tiie liuie, and several members mala and female. .fuiin Kcklea, sen. Ihirud Mir, in ih< Pay inn C/ii . .//. l;i7 ■ Buried A]lv(! in the Parish Church. St.'lit-S nf blliril^ of p.MSntlS V/iin "■■•l" linl, (liwl. llUt Olll.V ill ,1 tnini'C, :iiv not niifniiim..ii in varimn cmntiirs. I'.iit it ih ii r.-uui:nfa.:t lii.it in mnilcri .hys Ihry aiv VumWd. as iviM.rl.'d ,.,nnMl, rvci,;.salnH.>l. .Mliirly to a i.urti-n cf tl„- co„t„„ .,t nf Kurn|i..,aiiachi(llvtuli.e|icMisnnMvucliiir-.v.iun,i^crs. VViial-i-.a ;:,,.,-i.-lj> nics ap' to llii' I'ufoiv,.,! i(il •iic-s of I'.iitrlish ivi>urti'iv. a:itl th(! sea s.-i-pi-iit to till' Amciii'iiH. lln-c, Ir'nilili' .stories si.'i-i;i '■' 1m' to till- F;riu:ii,joiiiiiali-tn. A.tiiis^ on this almost national l.-iit, a Fivii.h sivaiit — M. .Iillia 'i" Pont-ii.'llo inibli.-br.l in l^U, " Meilico legal l;rM-aivli..s on llir i 'ul'^m tainty of the Si o,s ..f D-alli." ill whirh he coli.'Ct-i ali'iil one luituli-('il oa„i;v-" to ivi.l. tlii: .i.'na.T ■ whole (irM of hi-:t,>!-y, .Uvii,.ll.-.l .1 .u-n, on in-^lv.-ti to a nnm- bor of (■.-rlain instam;.'. ,,f i-noivoit ov ui.fvil, pivmatuio interments, with a few iivobl-nutieal ea-^es i-e-tin,; on m-st .lo iM- fill te-liiiiony. At Fianlifoit an.l MniiieU the !' ar of sUi.U a sad oee.unviie.e lias h- 1 tli- -overnmeiil to ei.M-t, ilea-l \v in llorl<-i." In \\w best n;u'i'aliv«> of this stoiy, tlic lac3y wlii was Inuii'd with Iht rings, was said to liavi^ dii-.d in oliildliiith. Tii'' ;,'ravi'-di^'|^»rs were tho intfiidiii.i^ UiicviM of \w\- riii^s ; and wIumi sIki suddenly came to life they mil away, leivinjj llu-ii- laiilliorn, witii which shu was ahio to walk ti) Iiim' husband's door. To her knoi.k tiu; servant answered with thn fnqiiiry " Who's thi'Vc ! " And whi-n tlie startlin;,' re[)ly was "Your mistress 1 " she rusliod to her inasicr, who ruhuk('d the girl for her folly, hut. lookin;.; out of the. window for himself, hisird the well known voiee exclaiming' "For pity's sake open the door. Do you forget that 1 have just heen con- lined, au.l that cold in my condition will be fatal ! '' We certainly ai'ree with the reviewer, that, howi'ver chararterislic this incident would be in a loiuance, it is scarcely the remark wliieli mijrht have been expia.'led under the ciroainstances, as a matter of fact. We have thus prefaced our record of a local tradition (for which we aie able to ■,'ive plaices and names, aud an approximate date) not with any de.-ire I iitimate its problematical romance; but wilh a view to allay .he natural alarm which would be exeiti.'d if we accepted this incident as one likely to have, many counterparts in tlie history of the ^ravi'. With the ordinary precautions, and the usual time allowed in l''.n^land, between death au'l sepullure, we may walk over the forgotten ami the unforgotten ih'ad in " sure and certain hope '' th .t they have been spared the )Mn,-s of a sepulchral death. One tradition of buiial in a trance is a portion of the history of Halifax : and the event occurred siiHiciently far back to allow the names to be priute.l in full. The case, as oeneially tidd, occurred lo a Mrs. Ilaigli, who resided at Lower Shaw bill, and was believe 1 to have died, and been bulled in the pariah church graveyard, with some valuable, ring's on her llngera. These excited the oreed of the sexton, (who was staled to have been old llothery), who, availing himsidf of llie lateness of the buiial, and the gatlu riu^r twilight, left the collln but liltlo covered with the earth, and in the en.suing night went down into the grave, un- screwed the coffin lid, and attempted lo pull the rings oif the fingers of what h.' supposed to lie a <• apse. In this elfort he cut Ihnial Alive in Ih, l\v iJi Cliiinli. U19 „ne of tl,c lii.Kcvs, an.l .Ir.-w bl..o,l, wl.irh at onco ur.macd tlu" ladv from Wx traur... ,uul slw sit np. Th. j,m.iumm1 story wa. tliat, tl.ou.^U tlu. s.xton in i.llVii^lit ran iiNvay, his hunianhv inauccd Inm tont.rn, inM ourry the huly, on his bu.k. to the house oflu-r hushund. knoeltinj; at ih. .h.or until tiio inmatos wor. aroiis..,!, .,,,,1 lh,.» ruuuin.4 awav. An-l it was a^.h-J, that. Imvin,,- h^on tak.n in and wanniMl, sla- snl^.^quiMilly iTCOVerod hrr health li,„n,u"hly, and had, alt.TWards, a .hild. Sn.d. «-as tl.o g.-n.-ral .tatom'rntol old iuhahitants, who w.rc familiar with tho f.uuly i„ ,in-slion, and could siato their futur,. history. It r.-r-.n-l to no ohs.ure or vory distant period, and had in it (as will lu' sr.n), litlKi element of romance or im iRination. After sonu- years of enquiry, however, we found in js.';', an „ld, re.Hpoetal.le. iind thor.ai-hly tru.stworthy man, who lavnished details, evidently thoroughly a"ihe,itic, of this singular ease. The house where Mr. and .Mrs. ILd^h lived, wa. the ea.sternu>ost ouo of two square, well-built mansions, which formerly stood ou iho .ronml between the toada b.amd,int; olf at Lower Shaw hill, the one hMdin- to Dottoms.and the other down to Paris ( lute.s and so across the beek to Whitejrate. The whole spaee is now occupie.l hyawing of Messrs. Holdswiuth's factory (Shaw Lod-e Mills) ; hut' the In.uses were oceupied for years, the one nearest Halifax by Mr liales, and the other by Mr. Addi-on Dunean, clothier, and .surveyor of the lladderslhid turnpike road. 1 n this hou,.e, lived Mr. and Mrs, llaigh, and there, the latter was l,elieved to liavo died ■ the aunt of mv iuloimant living,' then, us domestic servant, in the house, and her husband workin- for Mr. llaJKh. My informaufs mother was then .piite a j^i.l, and used to p. to the house as a day .servant. And, as >he lived fdl si,, was 87, and died in ISr.l, the event (supposin- the molhei not to be less thau .ix. nor more than twelve year.s .dd at the time) would be fixed between the vears 1770 and 177(;. The former was n,.l deemed too early an a-e for ei,ls to ;.o out to muse, k..., indeed, the Southow- ram' accounts, for alnuit that .late, contain lueraorandi of rhildren put out town's appiH-ntiees, who were barely s.-v.n years ol 1, and one who was "near seven years ,,ld when ,shee svwit.'' My informant'.s aunt and mother, therefore, h.ad both .iireet moans ol knowin- the facts, which, they said, weie as follows:— 140 Hill h (I Alivf in the Pivish Chinfii. 'I'lio filluiMl I i k pliiri- ;it llii' |i:ui»h clmrcli, ainl lln' "IljiIv'' ■vva-i liiiiiril inn vault, williiii tlin aiito-climvli, niMr \\\'- .slaliic <>\ "Old 'i'ri-itiaiii. ' 'I'iifri' was, llii'ivf,in., no nrci-sily fiirllir scxioii, whom 111. y raii'Ml "I 'r,,!; y WaMi," to jiru'liiv any .l.r.'|ilii.u. I'lid colViii was left in the vault, to In. aftoi'waiil.s walled up, asid in tin- ui-jlit, tl;i' sfxtnn i>liii'ldid fmni ob-ia-vation liy tin' vault bi'int; inside the cliundi) t'l.k a 1 inlh.H'ii, l."ik i>ll the jilanlis, whirh had been laid uver the ;;rave, and uiiseiewcd the eollin lid. 'I'lie lu.sh (d' fiv-^h air ujii'ii (he "(;or|ise" instantly revived it, and the lady at once sat up, The.s'Xluu in fii,:,'ljf, stumbled up the short ladder and r.m a.-s for his lil'e ; fortunately iiavin.L; thi' ladder and the hintliorn b.ddnd him, and also leavin;,' the church door open. 'I'he lady ,!,;i.t \\\i and walk.d, unassi-ied, hone' ; and il mu.-t be reinoinbeiM'd that, except tor a few old houses near the churehyard, the way l.iy oidy bvtwi'en llclds. Arrivi'd at liouie, she iMjipiMl two or threi' tiiUf-, llotli thelni-bmd and the snv.iid he.ird the rappini,', but the latter ^'ol to ;he u in.iuw lir.-' , and, on lMokJnL'"Ut was startled liy tlie sound, in a wi-lhknown voie-, cd' the cmliui m I "Open the door, I'm youi- mistiv^s," In her imuie'liile surpiis.-, .she fxelaimed " Nay I u\\ mistriss was Imried to-day,'' liut the instant reply -'Oh I no 1 op'-n th.' ih.or '. '' recalled her senses ; but slio was w^x'xu ti-rrilii-:! on beiioMin,' the pie' ii;.,uire, staielin^' in its erave el- lies. The serv.ud, however, ran to her master, who ]iut his head '.ul of thi' window, to Piepiiiv ; liut the sound of Ins wife's voic', eallinu' him by liis cwi. naiiir, and 1-iddino him o,„-n the thpor, put avMV all t'e.ir, exe,.i,|, Cu !e-r sabty, I'lii' .!o .r was opened, .she was taken in, and wrapped up v.eil in warm .jolhes, and she then told the wliolo story of herrelci-e. ( )in iid' amant concluded liy statin;,', tlii.t Mrs, llaij^ll afterwards had two ciiddieii by her liusband. It I.S impossible to disbelieve a story, so eireumstantialiy told, upon eviihaiee (if those wdio \vore eyewitnesses, at h'ast belore and after the actual recovery and return from tie- orave. I'lie husband of the servant, who was in the house at tiie time, worked for the Haioh.s for 40 years, and in th.'ir family, the story was never ilo.ibt d. As the burial was n'l linaliv concluded, liy the wallini: up oi ih',' vaidt, no record would be niaiU' of the ecre- monv, in tlie p ui.--li church re;.;istei.-. And tlie clei;:y, in the days whin tbi- incident oi'cu.rr.d, iv-ie not of tl li-s ..f 1),' lUivK.I Mi.; in Ih, P.irish C/iiiiJi. II K.ivoiii' :iii.l Oliver ilcyw.i.i 1 ; wlm, n-i! iiiiiy l)u quito suri', wuiild 11 ii liiivi! faili'd I .liivr^rivfu tliririii^us full licence, in ivportin;,' -^ii tiiiunu il uii ocelli teller. All I'luitiiiy iiiti. till- lii-tury of tin? llai,^h I'lmily, lixii.-i llic Jicriu'l .1I...V0 ^;,ivvli, for tli" l.mliabl'J •l;ttc of tin.' liOriltlTlici,' nf the t'Vl'llt. 'I'h'' l.nw. r Sliiiw liill . ,( iti>, (iiio,. tlid iiiln-riUinci' of llie (IriMtiii-s i.f l''Al''y, v/.is s .111 ill IT'il, !iy Sl.jvin mii.1 .losliua. .smiH cf .loiialliiiii LiiyiMi^k, to •lohii Hiiii^h of ( UoiUiolt. .lolm Ilnii^li, |iii)!.:ito of will iliit.il L'lllli Au^'ust, l".")'.', lj.'(|Upath(Ml it to liia i^ccoii.l son Williiiu ll;ii-ii, tlir husb.iiid ..f the flulijcct i.f tlii.s story. Hi' ilii-1 iiiii>:-.l,..u' in 177S liMviii.L! ii wiilow, Mary, who iiiiiiinli iti'Iy iirt-rwiinls ihiuIh 11 will, rccitiii;,' that by her iii;irii:i-o ^i-til.iii,iit. Aii..'ust, .'ilsl iiii.l S.-pt-iiili.'r 1st, 17«V2, Ihi.-i Mliitu w.issL'ltlinl uj her Willi power to ilividc. She isde-icribeil in the. lallerilee-l as Miry l;i,liiiL's. spiiHtHV, ilair^hter of Samuel ; aiel in 111 r will iiieiii imi- her I hreochiMi en Willi, 1111,. John aielF.slhtiMary. Aiioth.r iliiift, >■{ will ilatecl 178'J, and re-dated 17'J2, iveites that she ha-< only iw.i eliildreii, .lolin (to whom slio liequeathe.s all her estat..-), and E.-:tlii'r Mary the wife of Niidiolas (Jrimsliaw o( I'lvslon, geiilieniaii. In I 71).') she joiii.s her .son .John in a oon veyani'o of the whole psiali; for .£'2,.'ViO to Chaih.s lIud,-ion, mer- chant of Shaw iiill. A stone in lii« late aiile-ehiirch of tie' [larish ejiuich .-iiitains ihe lolLiwiii;,' iiiseripti'ms : — '• Here lie interred the remains i.t .lohn llaigli al Shaw Hill. Merehaiit, obt : Janiiaiy 'J.'itli, 1 7,");!. .-ct : G.'J. \Vil!i.iMi Hiii,'ii. son of tiie above ,]ohii 11 ii;;h, obt: May ord 177S, ,et : 18. AVilliani Ibdeh, son of tlio above William Hai-h obt : Novem- ber 11th 1701, a>t : 20. Klizabeth Ilai-h, cl le.jliter ..f -1 'lin and .\ia.y llai^;li obt: March l.'lth ISU ', 1. 1 : M month.;. From llii< it wnuid app.ar ihil Mia. M iiy Haij^ii -lid iiol visk a s ml Imriiil lii H.illl.ix chiireh. I'roli.ibly .-lie would remove to her married daii-hter .Mrs. tirimshaw, and the recoid of herd.ath uml s. -oiid burial mu>. be l...i'.i. 1 l'"r ei-wbere. Hii Au'illitT Wife tmriiil ii. a iiiimc Another Wife burled in a Trance in the Parish Church. ft msiy Roi'iii s>iiii''\vliiit lit issiii' with \\w ^'oin'i;»l i'oii,fiirtin(» ciiiisiili liuiniis, wilh winch (iiir ftccoiiiit of llic hiiriul of Mrs. lliiigh ill II tninri' in tlic piuish i'hiiii;h, in llic iuiuch ca^cs arc revealed amongst lln' hiunlrrils ipf thnusan.is of buriils, wliicli have nii(l(3 the soil of tl^' parish ohurch anii its ;,'ravi' yanl, almost, entirely cmisl |liit"il of byj^one an'l p'riihei] imrisliioners. Sntricient also for the historian, that he is only soberly reconlini,' what actually has occurred. In a systematic f.Kaniinatioii and iieriisal of tln^ ancient registers, whicli t'orni so tiniipio a portion of llni treasures of our parish Lh'iicli, a curious cniry at the loot of a pa;;e in the first vol. attraotoil uur attention many years ajjo liut the inipeifec- fctioiis of the list word f(U' a Ion;,' tililo puzzled all latinists to whom the |)aB-;aoe was referred. Tin) entry is in a larger and 11101" atteiiuat 'd Imnil than tlin entries of ihu huiials on that and the adjacent pa'^es. Vet llio ink is evid ntly of tho same ))erioil, and a lii.mU lell on th" pagt^ hearing the entry, shows that tliesp'.ce was left lor some, unusual entry It occurs at the end of tho liuriils for October, l;")/-, and reads — uielinus Scolcfeild sepelivit nupta et and then bej^ins the ilifliculty. The last letters are a r, an /, a n in which the first down-stroke is eontinui'd downwards, bendintr to th(! right, (either a slip of the pen or an endeavour to turn it into an .«) then an iin])erfect luttiu- as if a wrong letter had been written and then eiased, aiiiiuie. William Scoleleiia hi.rie.l his wife, a.i.l if this had heeu all, the record would have I) 'eu r-?iiister.'d in <1uh coursp. liut it waa not all ; and anv tr.uislation wo„M concur in explaining' the reason for the uniisual form cf entry, viz., that f-he afterward*, was living: j\nd fori unately a hirlher search in the parish ehurch registers. aided by a search in the arehiepiMiopal ret'isterH of wills at York, (■nahled'us to estahlisli this early oa^e of recovery fn.ni prenia- ture intorment. Wni. .Seolelield was lor many years curate in the parish church, and afterwards waa presented to tho cuiiiey 'd' Ifeptonstall chuivh. lie appears t(-) have nianied into a good Halifax family iilmost as soon as he eanio to his lirsl ciiracj , for tlio regi-'ter recomls thai •\Yynm .Scoliieldet ICly^iih.ahe lialdesworth nnpt. fu. rut xxiij day (if dulye, 1571. And the register of baptisms duly records the baptism of .S,ara lil Will" Scoll'uld curat, de llalyfax 'J.'J March, 1D71. Next in order comes the entry of his wife's bnrial and restoration, and following these (with no intermc.iiate fresh mar- riage) are the following baptisms : — Klyz. lil W'" Scolfeld curat de llalyfax, 11 .\p., 157 I Maria lil Will'" Scolfeld cniat de llalyfax, 2 .Innc, 1.577 Francis lil W" Scolfeld cnrat de llalyfax, 15 I'ec., 1579 Roht. lil Will-" Sc.df.dd curnt de llalyfax, 1 Nov., 15K1 Grace lil Will'" Scolfeld curat de ll.alyfax, liO Dec, 15.S'2 Will"' lil AVillmi Scolfeld curat de IIx., 5 Sept., 1585 Agatha lil Willmi Scolfeld curat do Halyfax, 3 Aug., 1589 A RootUy array of offspring from a wiffl buried in 1572 ! T.ut the wills of himself and his wife, who became hi- widow, show that they were all her (dTspring. As curate of Halifax Wm. ScoHleld was placed in positions of trust. In 1 57li " W" Scolfield clerke '" was a witness to tie; will in J,v. '//;./• W ir I'lirii'l III It 'I'l;!!:,,. r , (,f XirlKilils Wc'n-t.T .if lIMil'.ix. Ill- \v;i-::!snpMiviM.i ..nil. will (,f .Anthony Watci-liousc A N' arl^v, ^-.lU l.m;i!i. (aatc.l Vu^), au-l was l.niin.l f..r i.bvI' .nuai • ..i'lii" will with Anthony's fallioi'- in-luw, 0....ra.' WlKsitl.y, ..I l..p!..r..-tall. -entlfinan. Tl,.- l.ilt,.r ,vi,..nhi. niM.l,. hi^ will in ir)S5 1.. ,iu..al!,r.i I.. '-ShW^' >-..!|i..i.l ..l.uk^ c.niito ..f ll;lliii,xe,-' 10s., i.n.l th.- Iik.';nu..u.,l t...:..lin Ilanh.y, curat,.- nf Ih.i.ton.-tall. anJ \o A.iam .M.inis cuia:.- ..f SuWL-ri.y, au>l ."i?. to \V" Iivlan.l, .hiik. Wato .n, in his lli-t.ay of Ilalil'i:-, p. -H-'i. ni,ik.J.-isuoces.iv.MM....i!..s .,r 11. pt lU.lall ..Itiim- of tlKW.'H'Btw.s, vi/,. V"' li-.-lanliu 157'.',-l"hn llaii'..y in l.'..Si;, nn.l .S^'h.olf.'il.l' in K'll-^- ''.i" !''• '"■^v..v,.r. is ih,. .la',' „|'S. !„,in..l.r.s a..alh. Tu- ll..l.t.insl,ill •.c^'i.t :-of Imriahi ic.. .nl-^ Mr. ychol.-f; il.l,' luinisl.r .lo IL ;.; .n-tail, '.i .\n., U: 1 ■"'>. 1,1 V..1. XK>:i:i. .>f 'ii' arohl.-is •.,!, il r.-ui-t-rs at Y..rk. .it P. -u^K is th,. ^Nill(.l.it,...l nil April an lpr.,v-.l :!.lulv, l()l."))..f Willi, ,n S,:h ,l..|V.il.l. ,Jnrat.M,l' l[.-,i;„n,talt ; -■via,.' his •' Ihhl.- t„ .lohn (;,vii-u-u.>.l, -^.nin. ..f Sim...!! ( Ir-n.-w.iu.r' ,in I tli.j n'si.lu.- .,1" all his ,.s'ul.. I,, hi.s wif.' Klizah.'lh, s.;l.M..K,Hai!ri.>c. wh., is .|ir. ,-te.l ,., l„.-l.i>v /•'! ti-s. fror.i his riin.'ral ,-;p.-MSi..^, t.i i„. ^iv.-n L. ll.,- po.ir. An.l ,i. V..1. .NN.KV. ..i' Ih.- Y..ilv r.ui-t'V.s is th.' will (.1 it,;,! lillh.lan., b;i8, an.l prcw,! ith M ,y, 101;)),. I' F.ii/.ihcth .~;,:li..i,- f.il.l, ,,f ll,-pt..nstall, lat,- wif.. .,t .Mr. Willi lai ,s,;lu,l.'lViM ; ih,' l,...pi,.sts ',1 ul,u-h, u-'f.'r t., iiiaiiv .,t ih- ..■hil.lr.'n wh.. (a.s 'V,. hav,- ,.,.,.n) wiic In.m to h,.r an 1 h-r hush.in.l afi,r h-r ;■ tnpoiary .s,.p,iltur,'. .---he ta.'illy ,-Nplains h.-r Inisbii. Vs b...in,'st of a l.ihle t.,.l,.hn, .-..u .f .-^iiii. ;u> nw....l hv j^'inn-! -.,.,.■ ,-hi.st nil, ,1 a l-'laM.k.r.s e-hisl t- h.M- ,lauf.h!.'r I'.li/. .h..lh wif,' .,1' .-^vni..,>n Civ.n- „. I." Sh- htMpi.Mths an arU t., li.T -langhl.'r Mary wil'.' ..f l.uk.- Wi,l.l..p, an.l ao..lT.rt.5 Cvar- Snl..'liir-, aiM liO.s. ,a,-h I., h.a- ..;,;,u.hhihiivn Kiel, U-.I, (Ira,-,.. S.ira an.! Mary, chiMr.ni ,.f .i..hn 's,il,.lilT... .\n.l sh.'irivf.s /l,.a,h to li.'V ;.-,■,. n.li'l. 11. lirn Ivlwar.l an.l Kiizah,.tli, .'hiMi-.n ot tVt.r ( 'laMnc, wa.. nvist hav- mariicJ , ithor .~_^ ^.yl WiU) ,„^ |«-Vtrt* ^V*.*^ > I ^ ) — • i«,; iy6iA'' Raiiarks on Ihe Rrgislers. 145 Remarks on the Reoisters. The r<-/it/i''ii.'<, tliiil i-. till' u.cllil.t'is of lln- iMoli;i~l !'■ iUkI scUii- iii'.iKi>'ir (]ri!(>r.f, wric tho ri',^i.--tiius of njiciriit (Liys. PiUl fur tlii-ir zi al ill rei^onliiiii passing,' evi'lit.s, llie liistoiy >■{ l':ii<;bui'l, ,ind i->ii..ciiilly of till' F.njrli.-ii, fi i the oarliesl liistoiic era, woul'l ]..• almost, a l/iaiik. Nor i"iu tin- ilclit d'le i.y Kiii^laud, to t;:-d the woiidiy po>ses- .sions of the relioioiis lioii.-es , and perjinvd nun, aecoidir;;- to Fnller, Sprlman, and o|h,T eieditahle iiisMriins, were suhoriied to procure the di.-per.-ion of lie- monks and nuns, hy means oi ^^landerou.■i eharge.s: other means weie invented to .--iruie the .lu.' re-istrati >i ecchsiastieal events Whether any iv.'.uds relating; to Halilax (diuri-h, were kept hy the piior and ne.iiks of Lewes, who wi re ils rei'lois an and hurials, to !•,• kept in every jiarish. It i,s luueh to tiie credit of III. Iliddswiuth, the thiiteenth viear of lialifa.N, that th.'^e registers were eouimeic -l immediately upon the receipt of th.' (irder. Nor was this an unwilline ohediencr, for after tin' record of a baptism on the ISih October. hVi'J, oicurs the entry : — .M'' that the invention of this Rn'^ister booke was to vprie good purpose. Hut this opinion seems to have been exceptional, as v ry lew registers e.\tant, coinmencu so e:iily. < in the ai-eession id' (pnuii 140 Ri marks on lli,' /uL'/'x/irs. Eli/iil)flh in irir)8, the nimi'liite was rcpPiitiiil, iiml shnitly altiT- waiils, I'vciy parish piiest, al his institution,' waa rcquinjil to prniiiisi' : — I shall keope the re^'ister I)Onkc acrnrtliii;^' to the (^lii.^eui'V ^^,ljl■sti(•'s iiijuiirtion. Many mi:isters, and llii'< transeriiitioii from loort. into a wk pan-luiii'nt ri-udstcr. in a measure supersuiling them, il is probable that many weie lo^t or destroved on this aceoiml. The three sepaiati' paper reL;isters ot baptisms, marriiifjes and burials at Ifdifax, so far as we know, were not transcribed as ciij'iined : Imt tiie ordev t'lr the piovision of a parchment rc;4ister, had been aiitiripated in l.T.I.'i. upon the iij'luetioii of vicar Favour. 'J'liese constituliniis wei.' formulaled in a canon, the si!Ventieth, in 1003 ; but the eailiest traii-erii>t id paroelii d rej,'ister3 at York, commences in I litJO. ()ne(j(!i hardly inia;jine tlie vicars of Halifax so neglitrenl, and as a ea-e was roporled in the (Ifiilkmiiii's Maijn-iiie for 18 lit, of a Ymk trades- man vvrajipin;^ up cln'ese and bacon in veijister transcri;i's fioni the ili.icesin re^i>try, a vcasoii f"r th-ir non-existence i- :lr.rebv .suggested. It is possible though, as only four dioceses are reixirted as having transcripts before ](!, Anil till! new ^'tisi)el of the huullliiifr hom-. When mi 11 throuiih t;uill,'H (lih-conhnit }j:niMut ran, Euiliu^- in niur.lcr, wimtin hcIiIkui Imtfiin; Ami. iMVi-icii wiLii a Min'.umouiims i,'u:si.', Siiiiii-il iis they iileiiseii, on HerililUie iirinoiples ; Nor wich the'tlesh'K weakness were perplexed, Prejiureii on nil nceahions with u text. Were iilwayB ready with an eiiniil zest, To Bpuiit a winiion oi to npit a priect. r t W I.uekily, le.wever, tlin yvv'^i of lliilifiix, v icar Maral i, eseiipe,! liciii^. .siiitteil l.y the piiiitan soKliery ; whu were .-o iiiif^ry at th. ir fiiiluiv, that they slal.be.l tlieir swonls intotlie. lied where liis wife l:,y, ami so wounde.l ami IVi-hteiieil her, as t(, oee.sinii her pre- iiiaturr lahmrin einhl l.iith, ami her death. Not .mly iliil he I'seape beiii- spil'eil, hut he lived ui appear, in hi.s surplice and hood, in Halifax elnnrh. al, !he liestHialinn in ItjClJ ; and tu turn out th- pniitaii -ntrudor, Kli lieniley. willomt the aid ot niunlennis swunls; and most elTeetually to prevnt any hypo- critical claim for nonconformist, iiiartyrdnin (i) with respect to Ilalilax. Sine, this time, 100'^ the parish re-islers '.hrou^huut the kingdoiii, have heeii mostly well kept. In 1(',94, on the occasion of lovyili;,' a ta.\ upon inariia.ies births and burials, the due keep- ing of the 1,-i^ter by the el. i-ymaii. was enforced under a penally of fldlb Tiiis also inoJuded the reoi-,ter of births ; and, in the foljowiiij,' year, aiiolher .Act was passed, to liie same effect. An Act of 1711, provided ihe form of re-ist-r to be used ; and further te-i-l.ition bearino upon tlie question, was passed in 1754- and I'^.'^l. Tiie present foru ot r.gisu-r was Mxed by the .Vet of l.^l-J, wirich reipiireil separ.ite le^isteia for baptisms, niarriaoes and liuiids, and came into operation on the 1st .lanmny lyl;?. As wi' have befoie .••lateil, the lirst vobime of n-i.-teia at Halifax, was orioinally in three separate I ks, for baplislns, marriages and burial-. This might b- doubted, were the follow- .iw:c 148 Rtniiirks 0)1 the Rcf^ixfers. in^ extnicl fmm liroirolilTc's M-'S. tliu hdIo aonrce of inl'iiiinn- tion : — Y'' i.lil pajipr ri'pister of Iliilil'iix eiiiis 31 I)rp. 1503 iiiui Ij^.^ius ■JJ Nov. 1538. I'llt tliis rpiiiiirk would hi; writtun, iiftcr I5rcnreliffi! luul liiui'^elf procured the bin ling of the three in om; volumn ; for liis JISS. in anotlicr \t\:\C', record the following : — Disbursed by -loliti Ihvarcliff, overseer of the poor, for and townrds the reparation of the jiarish cluiroh of Hallifax, by the consent of the 2 present ehureh wardens, Jiinies llod^'son & AVira ; Wood, 1G.V2 : — [ni]i: t I bind .'! c'el paper ri'_isters ail in one vobiuie and clasped. -s. yd. T : Jo : KicliardsoM for e.\ehan;.;ing L' largo parchnit. Kkin.s. 4. T : 1:.' jMivbuient skins more. 3 10. 1 : •J4 .Inly, binding the purelimt, regi^ti'r. 1 2. We 'j\\-i' fiic-fimilrs m autotype, of the lii-t j'agea -t) known txeculion, that of Uicdiard lieverley, (H(.t l!eh;lry) .,1 .s,,werby, in lofL'. Ui'earcliffi- seenrs to have originated llie mi«reading of the entry, wlnidi is as f^'Uovvs ; — A'cmiirlc: "// ///(• Rii^islcrs. 149 Kic'us i!(ivi-|i'y ik' Simrlij' dicollat. et sepnlt. fuit 21 Mnrch ir,t2. ■Tilly, l.")i'i<>, is writti'ii : — P.'rs'ciiti) thciii Lovrl lliat )ifv.=p'niti! mo : fi,i;>it tlion with tliem i\iid sliiy tliniii, tliyv shall iint flco from sin anil sis thi!< 'lily t;avi> mi"'. '\'\\pw \vr aniiposi! to b(.' th« winls of vii'ar Christojihi-r Ashbinno ; who, iis I'lViUfliiri' reci'i-ds ; — was iM-titii!"il in y" hcf^'inin^' of lent in 2>i of Elizahetli. and ri'.-i;.^ii.d it in \Tu:\, Sc lie d.'faccMl I'ic sold nuu;h of y<' honsrin'.; ''f v" viocariili,'! biiryed at Hidlifax 7 Di-cenibct ITiSI k. was y' Hrsl protrstant viccar here. His jiii,te.4(tiiliii"i is undoubted, and boars thi; tnn' Imll mark thcicof. Ho /-»(' lln' Uttli; church bdl, to tho Lacys nf lirercdy ; whicii wan fi'lcht burl,- to the church, in Dtocnibor 1626, The r(.4i> tor also records that in lo().!), iho law condemned him to n-pav to tlu! rrprcscntativi! of tho late vicar, certain duos belong- ing to him, whicli lie liad misaprojiriated. It would .sewn that vicar Asidmrn<''s protestantism extended also against tho secular law of the land ; fnr at a T(iurn held -tth October 1566, the jurnrs from llrlilax p^'sented, that the vicar of tho church of Halifax l^rit id'HSMm iijion tli" baililTof Halifax, in the execution ,f hi- dutv ; and the, viear was lined "is. He had also a dispute with the people of Klland, respecting tithes and nff-ring.s. Yet arild)isbop Crind.il in ir)7G, specially c .mmouded the preachin:.; it Halifax, to.|;ieeii F,li/.:ibelh, C I'" ri"r Social;/, Griiidnlt pS^O.J Ovv the baptisms in I'lIT, occurs the foUowin,^' remarkable viiliy : and others of a similar nature occur in 163:3, at the end ul the third vlume -.^ M'l thai 1 Uo.uer Walker curat of Halyiax liy tlio vertue ot one le liath lyoansed heiirye ferow of Halyfaxe beynge vcrye feble and sycke to eate flesho for one nion^ th y' y.^ from y"" xxix dave ,if .luuii a» d' I'lGO untyll y'' xxvij daye (if Julij the next fnllowynge. On tho 21st April 1."'10, were bapti-ed tlie : — First V'- were chiistened i Kn,i,'lish beyng T.i.ske Day. 150 Jitinaiks on the R<\i;isf(r.<:. In Aui,'ust 15.'>1, Ililil'iix was visileil wilb tliu sweiUini: sickness ; ami tho buii;i!s, whicli w,nv 13, 7 & 11 iTsp 'ctivvly in May, .liui- and July, ami 'i. 8, 5 ami 4 r.'spKclivcly. in .Sr|>iciiil) t, Oct.ili r, X,.v.!in'ii.T ami D.ti'IiiImt, r.Mch..,! ilir r,uiu;iarali\vly liu';.> lulai • if 49, in Aa;^'ust. 'I'ln! firs', ciili'v is : - Artliur Miu-il ill' Ualilax s.-pult e'- ij Au-us'i Ann > I^ui 1 5:,1 primus laoilii" e' ex snilou'. Tilt! secmi'l v,)lanin of rogistor.s i.s pretty wull iliuslralr.l in tin- ■ ■arlii r pagi'S iif tliis w.nk. It roconls from 151)3 lo 1(115, m.l is cviili'ntly llio bonk referred In, iimuii^'sl ci-rtain i>aynii'i,ts I'x- traet.'il Ijy lireari-lilie : — 15'JU parclimt'iil liouk \'2i. Al tha cMi.l of this Volunic, ar^ cntiMvd iIh' nani-s ..I' honcCai'lni>, to ll.Mtli ^'laniniar seliool, and \\\" prfscnlnient of tlicjuiy.;il IIh eonunissiipii of pious usus held in 1019. The third voluni' of rof,'isters commcncs in loli'i. and is .•onipletcd in May 1614. It contains tlie cntrii's of \.\w bap- tisms of two cliildrcn, who afterwards yrew \ip to manhood, and • •a.di in a diff^r^'nt way, wrote his name in the annals of the tjliurch of Kncland. 16lM. Dee 5, .fohn, Thnmas I.ak.\ Hal, * lOoO, Oet 5. John, Robert TiUitson. Sowb. Tiie former beoiaio bishop of Man, liristol, and Chichester in .-uoeession. But the mo.st magnilicent po.sition to which hi! att.iined, was in the days when bishops were not afraid to Milder;,'!! teniDoral sulforinos, and, greatest tri.al of all, to despise p.Miulu-ily, rather than permit the secular power, whettier ifjfal or vepiiblioan, to inierfere with the spiritual authority oi' the Cliurch. IIavin,^■ siitl-n-d, durin;^ the great ri!l)ellion, de]>riva- n~ J" ^ 5 ti-n from the rcctorv of I'le-twirh, iml braved the opposition n 1 c^ A '^^ *'"^ '"°^' '''' ^''"'^ ""'^ Leeds, he was not afraid to with '^■-* - ' *' ' _ stand reoal tyranny ,: and was one of the seven bishops iui- /'■-< a-A-^ ^'^- piis.ined in the Tower of London in 10f<8. And afterwards, f^i^,.'^^ rt^i^^ "I wlien this very impiis)nnient had done »•> much to d. -throne til" kin;,;, his ci.nscienee wouM not p'-i-mit him to unsHn; his alli'^iance to Jaiues 11; and. in consequenre, be was nni.'e more deprived of his prefernents, and died a nonjuior, 3tUb August lti89. lu^.flf^A }^-"^ -^ '^y J-J c ••/- '1 ;-K-t< /!-' cA^ ,^ U-^V^ ''^ <3^*-^'H llii|i S:IIK'r ll.M! away fn>ni his Irish dioc-sc, duriii<{ the tvonbies of tin: i'.)ni- ui.aiw.ahii, and cimraj^vimsly I'xcrcisod his apostolic ollic- in ViakiiiiiT, filial llio diyth of tin: arclibishup ii\ 1050, until his own di-alli in l').')5 ; and, neither last nor least., fur the Hat could tie i.'n:theai' 1 liy th.; na-nes of Deano, llorsfall, Carr and others, one of the chapiMs in the prrsfiit parish chur(;b (and once pro- posed eathedrall of Halifax, was built in accordance with the will of William Uol;(d)y, ar.hbishop of Dublin and vicar of Halil'ax, over :?.')0 year.i .ujo. Wii-n lldifax has suppli -d tlie t Miurch ef Kni^l Old, with bishops to he martyred at the stake, to be put to i^TMominionsfligiit. to lie persecuted oft, to snllVr deposition for conscience sake, to be east into prison?, and to die in povi'rty an ! destitution ; is it too much to ask of the Church in return, tliat the tlirom' of a bishop of Hidifax, should be ereeted in tlieparisli ehundi, wlii.h siippii^id them witli their .-piritual Ijirth, and their means of grace, and where their iininories lovinoly lin:4ei- rveii y(;t, in thcise. pr.'senl days of comparative vest and quietness i ( )n the ,':)th dune, IG'iS, the register records :— About half an hour after 12 in y" atternoone was y' South K.ist corner of y" steeple taken off by a tlmndi'r clappe aiei bvnak much Timb"- Tliack and ISatli'tn'" of y« Church aiei .South porch without further liurt. In 10:51, the plague visited Heptonstal! and Errii.o.len, ami was so viiulint. thai thirty six deatlis occurred in one moiilli ; and the townyate of Heptonstal! became so deserted, that it yrcw grass all over. In July, the same year, the plague spread ti> Ovendeii ; and the, Halifax register in four niontlis, contains tlie names of .'lO persons who : — U.. , "«- ^. UU 'I '1 ^^t^ 152 Jimark!: ml Ih,; lleghUrs. '>(,^~f^^ ■ uir.i in ov.-.hKmi ..r ih* r-^ii'-'"^'- ""' ^"">'^ '""■"' ^'■"'"' """ ihvelliiigs. T..NV.,v>l.s tluM^nnrlusi..!, uf th« tl.ir.l vnlmnr. n,.fi.r i„:,nv .r.tri..'. in llu' u.gist.TS. of HoUi.TS iM-lon-in^ to l\n' lovalint furr.rs, whl.'l, entered .1.1 -ani^om-a HMUix, nllw ihr ,1. f...l of l!.. |mni»u>.T- avians, an.l .•apt.nv -f l;m,ll„„i, -luly 13, J, UVi-^- I'rev,,,... t. Hut Jalo. theiv are thiv.- eul.i. vLicntly of iuniau.,..,lau..u soluiers ; an.l on li.e ocniutiuM ui ll.lifax by t'.i.^ r,.ynli.-t-, l!..- nurao wl.o ba.l lle,l away IVoni tU^^ vicarap' Mi nnU.A. u'illi tin- inf.nt ,1.11.1 of vicar Mar»b, would ivluni ; ■^n^\ uc liu.l lla f,.llo\vin- ■Mitry aiiioiii; lli>' baiitisms ; — 10, la Sep 7 Cathariho, Ki./li '. Mai^U. Tii^'ol : /.■.in. vie. hall. \ttl.eeu.lof vnluuuMiian' s.-vral .li^jwusatin;,,. fr-n, la-Un. i„ L.„i.a:.lea 1M:5; a li.t .,f church rial., of whi.h W > i. nv,v..f silvr. .Ial-1 Oih F.-hvnruv 1(S.-)1 ; a pavhi.i. nt, I.mI c^u- tainu,:, an .■xt,a<.; (partly .M.c,.,!) of tl,. A.t of i.^il^O r-lati, gt.. uioiluari.'s; ami the followiiig :— M.moran.lua.. thai Mr^ Walton of I.on.l.n, lirarin- oi ih- p.,.at innab..rof poo,,., in llallifax, ami ih.'ir no l,..s,.e want U,rout!h d,.aith, and dwvln,-.. of tra,iint4, in the y ar,' lOl'J, sHit f..u.ep,mnd.st,. b,^ .li.tributLd :.nM..nu>t lb..m ,.f h,-; own..- tr... giacc, whi.jh was ,lon.. ac.!or.lin^ly .Inly 1th "^*'-^- ltat..st,.r.Io: l.ake.^ tunc trmp.rin Min : ihi.l. Th... fouith v,.lum.. .d- repister. cxten.ls fn.n; dnno lin.l 1041, to M:,r..h KiilT; but the uiarriaoes only t.i IClti. Very early h n.c.,r,k..l the burial of ..ne of the greatest bonefactots of Halifax ;— lGt.-> .luD.' (i Xathani.ll Watterh-us, , Hall : Ihi^ y.ar, the plaou.) alta.:ked llalifas, heinj,' n.. .l.jubt oc-'asione,! 1,V Ih'e, overerowdin:^ &c. canse.l by the present of a large Scot....h ,„.,ny. lirearclifle gives ns the dates of its c,..nnienoeni..nt an.l linisli : — 3rd Aug; 1<'>1.'> phig h.gun in Halifax ::i .lanui. 1G45-G ^hirtha Onyon huryd and was fiist .'.erin,..u.l vi,. : Wait p'ohod a' plag. ... /s ■> f\ iC.) ^It^lf^"^' \,.'^:r: ,5-,, \icCb,J> w,*f^<^f' SW>«^<,>^ |>"V>-f(-') ^«-' ■i-.-^v -wvu^./? / ^» r^M»>^ 3u^«-^ ^V^ -^v-^»« ^ortji»i W!^«.rt' f^t- -'t'f'X ***" **"/J'~' ■»»^j \it?* 4 A'liliiirh- "I! Ili, A'ri,'is/in. 163 lii.X-! •JTlli .laini : \IU:> low ciiil ll;ilir. 'I'mWii -..I lil.cily a' plic,' 111 Aii^'iit SI. S,.|.l(.|iil>.>i I.'):!, Uc'tiilu'v JIO, NnvMiili>'r ".'i, unci pi'iTiiil'ir i:!, Ijhi'IuIh lire rei'onlf'd in till' ii'j.'i--liT ; mimI llu-iv is I ti;'(liti^ II, til il 111'- |.1,il:ii" tnok ell rvi :■>■ soul liviii.i,'iii tlir.Mulcliiie lull. VoliiiMi! V. i'uiiiuiriic('-i «itli ih" j' yt'iil utoi.Im :- - KICO Any' Hi. l)r. .M.n-li (.'aiih' to us ;i.;iin ami rcl the Birvicc 1111(1 ciistpiifJ T) iliijilri'ii. Vrl.iuiiiy :'., Mr.nlia A:. Mary, .■■'■•'•pli H'ouruis Nmtliow : was til" liisi l.iiilirtiil ill till' ie-iiv,l.ril Hunt lit. Ilalil.ix. Ill the v II' Hi''" 1 Wri.s oiii' ouM Ifoiit ri-irictr.l lunl the lii.-l r.ill w i-i I as-Ill lii'W. \t till' I'li'l of llio voliiiu-, iiri' lliti "'nti'ii's of niaiiiigi's .luiiujj the 1 omuH'nu-.aKli, 111!' liist ilatiil H.i.'i.'i, aiul the last M'^'u ; .iml tin- . I 01)11 Is of the a|.|i..iiitiiii'iilsot' paii-li ri".:istiars ill li;."):) lUnl Hi'iS. Voliiiuo vi. I liiitaiii- till- iicnr.l- iioia Miicli Hi'lS t'l H'l'J I, mil on Jii^'- iM I. is an aci'oiint o|' (In; titli" [layaii;.' liy llio liiilis III till' p:iri^n "i^H^ ^'^ L- .'■*'. W l.U iuiihirK~ on !'.i: Hiirixhrs. Aiintlier instii'ico uf loiigev' ccurs ill tlic lirsl volni K lit. lav uf Dccrhoi irx'ix. Kogcr r.rook of Ilalyfiix sepuil. xj lay the age ii'' vj score iviul xiij yeiiis. Till' i'i,L!hlh volume roaches from 17-'G to I'."),"), ii;i,l ihe nihlli t" the end of 17D1 ; iiml this is as recent, as wo c'are to ivcoia iii this placi.'. The inarri.iges, however, begin in separate- vohiiue- troiii 1754, and there are ten volumes completed Kefoic il.e ci'iitury ei' Is. F, K k A r A . I'ai^'c 5, /nil vie), tor .S'/^?'V7i(/.'r read Sluininkr. .. iS .. 24, for (Com) read {Corn.) ,, >\ ,. i), ior Fu/niim /if) riind Fu/k •I'll /h. .. 25 .. 30. for S'aa'i ({/' rcail Slncliff. . T,\ .. (k tor 'i' read 0/. ,, 121 ., I. iDv /Ir.dn////', raad Biiitr'/i'/F' In(l( N ndex iNominum III rcf'-Trin;/ in any jin-j-o, \\\t: re;i'!cr is rccnminciuied m I'X.imiii'j il lliri)ii.>r,, xfi, lie, 117 Aiuii.i( 1 107 A^llllurll .. -J, I'l. 21), '.!'.', 14!) A^M()n ]l ', 71* A^piiiiill '.'!', 101 Auviil ;i. ■ :'"■* l!.-|.'ll. Inf L'J IliuMiiii ... ... 4L' liMirsiiuv 1 1, 1'.'. :.", :>>, I)'.', (;;«, "4, f)i, >•.<. IMl, '.l| lul, 10.), lOS Hukcr l.:."> liMinistir 1'-', 47 llarUr 117, 11 n lliii-liiw ;Hii, ;t7 Il:irriiflinij.:i ;iO, ;il, HI', 4-, M, VJ Hiirrtit 57 Harrow lli) HatiH i:i!i ilult f.!l, !Mi, HI Ki.tliiiivl WrlU, liinlioi. of ... 116 HfiiiiliuiOH liio iitnifinmt tihd rU'tc/ur ... -^'J BiTk L'ti, 17 Buili-, Veiitrul.ie >'■ iicuV -y //., ID •-'!, 7-J. rii, l:il, li:t, 147, Uh BfViricv ll-'. I I'.i Uil.i.y ■ i-.i Uiiiiis ;)o, 51, f^o, h:i, ^■^, '.U. lini BiHM.lt. .. I'i Hlii.kwo..il l-J, ;)■-' Bl.'i.lin Il'!» UoikdUlc HO BwiMi /■/.'., 11/., 6, L'7, .13, 47, .'.I, .VJ, 54, (ji, tin, 118, i:i4 BiHIou.liry 61,185 Bdiiltoii ... ... 14 BovH 7, nil, ;i7. fio, hti, 87, y2. lov, lo;i Brii. kin />«, '.111, lol, no. 111. II.-,, 116. IIS, IL^I, 12L', iJit. ]'J>, 14«, 1411. l.Mi, 15L' liriiir ... ... s,« BridfTP. Britr, HriKU'w H. Kl. 4iJ, 71. sj, .S4, b;, IU4, l:.o, IL'I r.riwM.'j |;4i r.iou.il.y .", Is. 10, 4-.'. ,5-j. .-,1, i;.;, 7:1, 75, s:', s:(, loi, n,.-,. i-j7 Hrook Is, 5'.l. i;0, .s,i, l,-,4 BniokHlmnk ... ;4I. I Is Hniwu !i, ict liruntwlut ... ti4 r.urk ... 10.-, liiiiiriiirM ... ;:. 4S, -I. ,.> B.vireiu .. .'i. li's_ |._-i) CilllJll.V ('ai)iiliii ('iiii.piiiot Ciirr, Bishop Hart Clmrlton C'liiinctr Child Chrysostiiui, S. ('lav (:io>ii.'h Coukroft Colliir C'olliiif,' Coltmau t'Dinii'.onH (',,.!;.' Coi.pir 1", l.'D tViorc Copley Ccirni'y CoHin ('..Hard Cra'.jtri.' Cn imvill (.'ri'^^U'v I'ro.vtliir I i\j, r,.', .sii, ^7 I-. i;o, 70, h.-; i. .s !■. .-0. M ... 151 ... loH ... .S4 ... Kill ... 101 S. Ill ... HI .•il.47 ... ;tt) ... tiU ... tiS k;, 14 37, il.5 . I ■.'4, >. 11. ;! till, 67, «8, 111 118, I in, 1 •.':', !l'8, 1l".i 1, <;4, Hi' . 1 :!:i, \ lif, yi, !i ;4, 12 »l, IIS ... 4y .s|, 144 145 14, lis 4i:. lil, 7l,.s5, .4, lo:'. •5, lL'7, j 1 15G fiuhx X' mi num. ' Dnlton \>S (liirner 1^ | Dnrliy liis (Jliskell 7il Dawnnn 71 (jlihHon 24, 37, fi2, f)4, 70, ^0, I'l. Dcauc 7, 1(1.32, IS, 4;i, r,o, Il'ii, ir,l !I2, 102, 118, 134 IJranlen ... •• ... I'.lt (iiovir 132 Doiiringe .. !i(i Onieine .•.o, 141 Del'oe 1» (Jrcave.-^ ... ... ... 23 Denton 12, 1.x, 52. I'll, l:t,', (Irecn 72, !i:! Dickfimon 1 1, I:il Ureuuliau),'!! 3.'i DicksDii, Dixnn 7;i, r."i, 7li, ICi, IMli Greenwood 8, 10, 12, :,:'., .Iti, .57, , DitjlUnu -14 83, !I4, !I7, '.(8, 132, 133, 144 Diunis ... 112, ll:i, lit (irinish.'iw Ill % Dolwoii Ill (Iriudiil, arclilip H'.i DridHWorth i;,"/, 7:i tiny ... '.I? Dopffett ya Doh.Tty-Wakrhou.'* 8fi Hnisjh 1.38, I3:i. Mo, I 11. 112 Douirlity 2'J Hall l.-.i Dowiuham 'i'i. UnlKlead r, Drake 7, tl, 3X, (:2, 72. 7.-.. 7.:. ,H:i. Hauler 37 8-t. Ki;, «,■<, 1(11', lo:t, li.) to Uanlev 144 110, 117. llrt Han-on 12. 120, 123, 124, 125. '. DuekK IM 12i;, 134 Duckworth '.12 Hardy lo DiiK'll'li; ■•■ 72, 7:!, lll.i HarHreav(?H ... 14, 54, 12m Duncan Ki!) Harriuffton 81 Dyer 17 Harrison 2, 23, 28, 05, yd, ',(7, ','8. " Dyson ly, lln 127, 12.8, 134 Hartley i7,. Enrlo l.x Ifarcie k5 1 Eucleg l:!ii Hawkrttones 14 \ EfTorton \\,i\ Ha worth ... . 148 Kiiiiid //., i;b ]fd\l.y Heuloy 47, y2, 102. HM Ell)o«ton IHH H.'iMis ... i;!(! ElliK 87 Uci)l■let.ll^VIlitO ... 1.5 r.xley m» HelHwell ... 22 Hemintfwav 33, «2. H5to7l, 72, 7:', .'airliank .Vi, .'>:;, (55, 81, III 85, M!, 88, Itl, H2, 118, llio I'airl'iix 77 Hey wood 12, 13, 27, 2'.', 30, i)5, :i>l. I'iurar 6, :(."), 15, 77, 7^, 71t, l:)2. 5l..-,5,5(;,57, 7(i, yl, 1('2, Io7, 1.S3, 13,"), 13B, U'.l, 1,'il 1118, 133, 131, III I'avour /, 1,2,3, 5, 13, 17, lit, Hill 37, 13.-,, 1311 22,23,2.-,, :;i), 31,31, 37, 38, Hindlo 14 ■t(i, ■!.■,, 17, IH, fi2, (>H, CO, 8fi, Hirst 10 87, !I2, '.13, iir,, ',i7. !I8, !i;), ini, Uodpaon 102, 133, 134, 148 lii2, ihi. 111, 114, iir., iifi, Ho)f(f 4, 12S 117, lix. Hit, 120, 121, 122, Holilen y2. y;i. yt 12,'i, I2ii, 127, 128, Ijy, 130, HoldHWortli 2, 10, 3s, 47, 5y. (15. HI ri.fii, 10(i, 107, i:i',t, 143, 14.-> 'M Fawcett 7'.i, 118 Holland y5, 100, 101 FciiriiKiiltB ... lit, 2.",, 28, ,Ss HollinH 12 Fcallicr 24 HnlmeB ... y3 1 Fcrnuul .-.8 Hooko 13 A Field ... . ... 38 Uopkinwin 33, C4, fin, (Ki, (i7, 08, 1 Firlli ... 4('>, »3, r,fi, 118 72, 87, 88. y2, 118 1 Foiiteucllc Jc 137 Hiini.r 24 1 Foster 48. ;i7 IlorKl.ill 107, 151 J Fournosa ... ,13. !tl, ir)3 Hiirton ... ,-)5, ()5, 132, 133 j Foxcroft ll,2i, 34, 4'!, 47, 48, (il. Hnw ... ... ... »'/. 1 (12, C3,!t'.l, lor), 117, 118, li'o, Hoylu 8, 27. 37, 3>, 54, 83,92, lor,. 1 121, 124, 12!l Ill, 134 ') Fulicambe "1 Iludsou l::.'-,, 141 1 Fuller lir. Hunter y7. Ml <\ ilussey y 1 \ % \ 1 < J 1 !r.,h.\- A' 157 Illini^orth ■A■^, fit, 71!, 74, 83 Mt'tfialfc ... 'J7 Iii^'hiim 30 Mi'. Midgky 1 2. 27, 38, .",3. 70 , 85, !)8, Iiinii.n 7.") 125, 120, 15,( Iivhiijil 144 Milnor ... 08, 78, lo;i JIit,,-liell 17, 23, 31, 40,47 52, loi Jnokson 37 .'Miioro ... ^'' .fiicrl, . a J. Morley JiiiniH I. 2, 8, 1 (i, 20, 82 Morris ... I-i4 Jen miiilj Proi'h't -'7 .lo,lnll 78, 7i» XalKon re, 11 .loliii B»|)tiht S 28 Xupier 11 JoliiiKon 20 Xawtliriipp ... 81 Joiuey 1 30 .Nelscm /(■,, 55, 57, 68, ';7, 118 NcwcaBtlc, Earl of ... 102 Knv" 88 N<-wtou ... 118, '12, 13a Kii'hlcy 83, ',12 NicluiU 21), 82, S3, y3, 1)4. III, 118 Ki'inp 33 Xiuhdlrili!! 25 Kiiit 47 Norman 5,25,20,27.35, liO, 127 Kiiu' ... 13, lit, 128 XortliHiiil 11, 62, 05, 7u, 105, 131 -^1, I02 I,ncy 7, 10, L'd, 21, ■.;!, .-.! , vo, ok 141 I'al:-i»t'„ ... 12 !.^ylr(^^^(i 21, '.'0, llh I'uHl. S 2, 3, 20 LhIhaiii 2, 24 Pcile ... 134 U.' 85 PfiiiiingoOii ... 33 U-h 110 Pilling 2'* (.(■vc;iithorp ... 21,34 I'lilltS '.'. 'u Uv'iauJ '■'/• Pollaud ... 84 Lilly 40 Power 5, 1', 11, 22, 23,31 37,115. I.irley 32 110 l.i.-ier 1«, 27, ;);!. 34.37, '7,53,02, Poyntz 10, 34 I.li, OH, (ill. 71, 73, 7H, ^o, 81, Pril■^tl.•^ ... 03, 70, 77, 83 ^.■i, s.s, '.10, 111, ".12. 101, 102. Piulecy' ... 87 101, l()8, 118, 12:1, l:io, 135 l.iv.hley 81 Umlolillo 1 5, 50, Sli MM.V.i 79 RauiBiii-ii 8, 10, 21, 30, 3," , 52, 1 Luiigbottom 21, 22. 28, 00, 73, 105, lol lOfi, 127 Ratlliltuiil 37.131 I.iinsrviiU'de ... 42 Uawlyn ... 1'2 Liiku S. '1 KawUi-ky ... 13.-, Lum 133 Uavui;r . . . 0< 1 ... 15 MuK'son 111 Ui'iiiiir 1'7 MalliiiHun its K.yi.olil,; ... lio ilann '.(7 Uii.'l:ari'.i-iin .. ll'^ Sl!iif(l;!,'i; ... 133 Miiwilc 6, 10, 4: ;, 40, 47, 50, 58, Kiky ... .SI 70, 84, S)0, 127, 128, 12;), l,-,0 UolKirts no. i.->3 Jli.y 77 Uoliiu llooil McUcy 117 Uoliinsou I'o, '.'7 158 Index A\>m:nuiii. llol)uck .. 11 Uojfors ... ,,, ... 110 Roktljy 77, 107, 151 Hi'okcB 15, H ,4-.', Ilil HootH 7li, l:!5 Kother.v 138 r.iivil, K.idfs f.-.', fi4, 70, 111 Hii'shy ... 51 raiKluvorth, Uii-lnvortli 1! ,43, Il- Uj-a!l 111), il III, 101 Sultoustiill 10, 5, li;, 34 Siiucrol't, AreliliiKhop J51 S:ivile 6, 7. ft , 11, Hi, -it. : 4. 3!;, 43, fi;<. T*, .SI, in, Hi, 115, 110, IL'L', \2. i, 133. i:!,-) SL-arIiiir(iu},'li ... iiy Schepi^'ii, lU; ... 105 -schoiofiuia 'A 111', 143, 144 S.-niiii- ... ;i;; s i.-.ukMon .. . ... 74 Siiarp 1 il, 05 Siiiirruck 5 S'iiaw .■ . .<• ... 7t S!)e;u\v ... 35 Sliellim (7 ShutlU^wort'i ... 4.^ S.'K.T * L', Si, lis Sniilii i\ :'s, , ;>s, ijs. no, 115, 110, 11,^ Suyiiiill 17, 1*1», !('«', 101, IIG Sdll'llHCiU'S »,3, IIH !^»itlllll ... 21 hiLvik n li7 Siicluiiiii .. 145 .S|.fniTr ...I3i; St;in<:lifr« L'5, 133 Stii])!etoii 77 hiawo ..^ 103 Stenil ... 1011 i^imw ... ... 110 Shii'ks Jl', 4-<, fiL' SlratforJ, E;;r I'of ... 7S Sli ICB .. 37 .Siiu' Iiii 51, 117 Suiiiit'iliinil r.. III. '{-,. 84, :;.-), S'j, Jl>, 41, o-J, 53, 7l , 7i), ■S5, 1:^1', 12 I, iL'4, iL'i;. 1 L'll .Sutuliffe ... 141 Swiro ... ... no .SyiiionilcH 103, 1(14 SjiiipBon ... Ml Ti.'l.lcrvcy ... M» Taylor 32 'rt;llll««t ... ... 133 Ti"iliiw ..• .. ■ 32 Thi'ukcr ... 711 '1 hoiiuis 14, ^4 TI.(ini|)i), ^ Itcvi rlty ... Kiiliiin^'ilfU BirkiJKin hall Birntal Uinhoprio of Halifax ( !.■! liisst lilackliill em! Iilarlil..,ltf,., Ux, ... Illarkwooii hoiLff ... Hlaitlir.'vd Holtmi lirow Hook liy vioar favour Booth tcHii Itoriiu BnttoinH ... l!o«liii(f ... Hiuikenbcd i(i;i. 11, M'.i ... IL'S ... (H ■1:.', o!) Ill, W.I ... 17 i,s, r.;* ... r.'j ... (iJ ... nn ... Klli llo lil i;i ;^7 , 7'.t til l.-.:i 101 ■•• Hi, ... lO.H ... ys ... r>9 [llDIlOBod) ... It) W, 7il ... IL'M IJ, ;!2 7 ... 1.". ..-a, I ... iii:i ... »!.'! .. I HI) tilt, 1 1 7 iM, 110 7li, Bradford ,•10, .'IS, 37, CO, 102, 1 \:in, I. -,2 Bradley ... BrndKh.'iW Dit.to. lane end.. Brail liwaita hall ... Brandt'V .. Ilr.'iir'with Bravwell ... Brciir .. ... ti.-j, lirt-arclin'ii'H JISS. . Breaitn* ... ... tW', till, Brwirlcy ... ... 2o, itl), BrianHcoltH Uitto. brook ... ",'j, Brii.'lioiiBe ... Cy, Bri-tol ... ... ... 1 HroadiiiK ... fi.", fin, BroadyatfS ... 18, , ■.'J, llrockholcs Broiiisj^rove lirooklioiise Hrookins,'... Bruntoij ... Buriod alive .. \',i7 el sv, Burliitrh . Burh'y Bury 17. M t>7 ■iv) Hi; liH r.i> 117 tio ri lHli IV. H7 7^ lit- 110 (^ahuH CaMer iTvcr Oiiiuliriilifo Canidwi Society Cana (d' Galiko Caiiterbiirv ChicIi.-.-l,r C'^l^l^^ B colli'yc. Cam Church accounts lo, 22, 21, :'.i. :;.-,, ; Churth I'utochiisra .. Ml!, 12, 13. 148 Churolivard 6.->, 112, IHS, (.'indi r I, dirt .M, .-,2, .".■;, oB, ."w Clark brul^'e 112, Ciav hotiKO ... ...f- Clujton .-.1, CiiTk ot the iioaw.. Clifton Cloi.-k ... 11. Coalpit daiiiii Colcv 12. 211, :ili. 31, 4:t, '11, .■•4 Cuhy th ipil 12. 2y. 3», 47, ."C. ri7, i.y, 7ii, .■<4, !'i,y2, 1112 (Joh^v hall .. Common pitas roll . lo2 t. Tl I, 77 134 Ibl l,''i n lll.s '11:1 , '.'1 i:;i 77 14 1 I. Jl . yi .-.1. 1 ;i:t ICO /iiJi.x Li'i'^rum 1.1 MisCilhniiornm. C'dinmoinv.'nltli imirrinj. IS i:;i ,/ IViiit, Unlifax ... «:!, Ili7, l,-,;i aniiiil: I.'H Fraiikuirt ... ... I;t7 C'onimiin'i.in yV.Af. ;\:>. :'(!, .".•.', in. Fri arhiail ... ... Si) ':■:. I.-.L' Fr.'.in;,..:oii ... '.!.", I H (.'(miimiuion wiiif.' 11, •j\, I!."., :\c>, I'lui.n.! cxiirnscrt ... 47. Iiil ,s^ Hi.. F.-nii.m ...r.-.:, ,'il..".;. loo fnni'^lirimjjh . . ... ill Ci.jil.'V ... :i:i Ciiol. !fx: l.-;i C.it.ihill ... ... -!l (rar ..l.ilij ... ... 1m;, !i7 ("oiisiii lime ... M titnlJi i.<'iii'. M"i]'t:inf I.'t, IH. (;niviil»ii[rtnii 7- Uaiiua.iin Kul ... ... 77 I)'-;iliiinusti ... i;o Id'iith of priiiou of W.i cs ... 8l' Ha-'li... Il..iif.''i ... (5:i, 111. ]}. iit..ii ... l:iM, i;tl IImIiIm;. I.iiiik ... . . lo'.i n. |.llonl... ... i:i7 llnlUiv (liturili III... T'lli, ir. Iiuirl''!!/ /„!■ I'lilitii- ir.i . lir, llali.'a.v, Ili^torir«ot l'.\lii .. UiKiirii-iutiojiH IL'. 4."<. Mi', 15:; Dillo l,ii( r.irv ami Pliil..- Oi^-^oliltinii i>t ri-li;.Mou.s h.iuHe.s 14.") HI.) liii-al Souiity D.)iiM(! sovcri'itru ... ... :ix Ditlj iiuKir ..." 11, IL', :<•_' l)iillil,>.l ... ... 1 D.U) iirupoHtsl bishopric 01 l.".l I.)r-i>'lilirijr'on ... ."».'. liaiiiiii. }siiiitli ... ... (in ll'n.|-:ii ... 8, l.M 1laln|.t<.li .. ... ., ,'i7 DiJiinnj^iDn 7 llro.uli ... ... ... :'..■) Diirli.iui ... ... 72 H.'iriiwR-k fonst ... 1 14 llar'.K horn, ll.v. ... ... .^;^ i;,i!, t.:K i;o, 711 '.1."), '.II., 120 to U".i, 132, i:i:i. Kllniul liall 4'.i, .10 i.-.ii Klpliin I Ilcl.l.!. I.rook ... ... 112 Klllfli"!!, lil'l li:i]>tiMll i 1 ... i;:i H.l.t..|i»lall 27, :t!i, I4;t, 144, l.".! Kiii!- -op:!! Halifiix ... ... l.M I into chaptl ... :t9 Krriiij^ik'ii ti;i, 1..1 ]Ii;.'iiniy, lii, 22, 51, Kxl.y 4!i, 6U, 141 f.2. .".:;. 51. ..', .".s, ,-,'.1. lis, 81, UivouJ hull as, I'la !i'i '.i.t.'.H, iir, iiH, I2i,i;i3. l.-,:< IIo' !-.vor;li . .'1' JVu 41,44,4". ^Nirwcallii rfrri'i-n ... ... H5 11.- i,.'~ .•, 1.;, ,,^ Kasi'ntr ill l.iui ... 14'.». If.L' H..!iu. - , 1 • ... no !•'. .11 1 rM.mu ... ar, H..rl. (12, 7.-., 814. lol Kli ..illUUlM! ... lol . lo7, lii'.» i'ixUy ... IL'l Il.iiii.M .. ... 411. ..... l:i4 ri:iiiiterR eht'Mt ... 144 ll'in. nil liivd ... ... ii7 I'. .1.1 ... '.'- lIl.U.llM ..". ... ... 11!) l'(.lk lore .. ... Ill Iloj If house ,.. ... Kr. iiiii.x /.'i"'niiii ii '. I.*! Kin;,' C.-uss 112 KiiifrHtonoii-TliumcH ijii Kini: -tiv.i't, U-t Mr Kirkliy I.-^. -'I Kirldii 12 Kuig-litliood tiuu . . .. 71 t.iinil''^ (i\'Hti''j ... HO lijiiiliniiTe 1 t, -M IiaiH- iihIk ... (12 lijiiifrliiM iiiiiiiiir , -.'It Lucluriiiit llMhftix '.III, '.i-j ,117, im, lIL', lliii. 111'*, lli'.l !..•.• 10."i. loll Lcii liii.lj;i; r.2 LeiMla ... M, L'l! :i7, CI , 7S. 1,-,') Lee, 117, ll.-i. |-.'4. l.Vl. 1,-r.' r.onjfevily ir.,;. i.-ii I/oniilry . ii; l,(iiiiii*liorouKh 7:i Lower Bn«r tlK. 71 Lower SImw hill ... Ki'.t. i:;'j. Ml Luiiilen.l.n .!■. IL', 1(,J1I. : .•., i», '.IK Ditto rl.Hiiel 12. L' .1, .So, IS Lnilwrii .. 2!l Ijup«et . . 7 (, 7k, 7!t Maiineil hoUlicru ... ;i:i Mall:! Newlionsr ■,;i, (io, 112, 10.-> Newniaiki ; .. Ill NotK'oiiformuy ;;'.i, ur Nonjuri rs .".11, ifii NorhaUi ... ., l!i> North bri9> XS. •'<;t, lii.% Ncrlliowiam In, 11, 21,22 27, .•!», 4ii, IS. .■■!, ,^2, 6.'->, OS, an, 117, BS, b'J, 70, 71. 73, 79, N.', S.H, 111, ft?, 1<>+, 10,-., 10(1, 1(17, I'lS, UK 117, 127, i;i;i, i:u. \:>A N.iitliowraui l."i»k .. Ill .\(.nliwait<.' . .. SIS Ni.itlmi|]l.erlai,.l ... 7S, 110 .\( rwooil (rreeii .'.It, liil Nottiii(,'liiia l(i» Ok. Will .. (>/./ '/'li^liirii OsHeti (JsHory 'Iswalilwiek 111,, I ;' /'- (/■>'(• no, yi. lilt Mil 7, HI I 16i! finl'.x T.-hi'nim .I A/i^'Jl,! Ovenden 10, ir>, 2-.'. -'*. L'S. 29, ;i(l. ;i;i, as, .ii. y . .-.■!, til. 1;:;. «ji, (it. i;s, 7 . 71. SO, 8;i, S4. SK. in. ip;i. 1 ' 1 \\i 11..'. 104 111. I'M, 1 i>- Ovenileu wociil .. fid Overbruiir .'i:i. >'• 1:7. li.x, 71 7'.l, MO. \n Oxrcr-l 7, s, 11. -,■> O.xlon .. 1.17 Painter ynnl . . 1 L'H PariH (fiiti s ... i:i!) Parish »|i|.i-ciuici' .. IM'.I Piirish clerk, 10. II,: .■!.H1, no. l.HL' Pnikcr Soi.iiiy ., I4'.t rarluimfnt, Hx ; iiic iiilur of 7li I'arliurni-iitariaii miIi iirH 7fi, 147, r Prilip mill (Oieyni'V H!* I'ik.^lin- ... ... 10,-. PiouB iiH<;» c'iiniini!->^i' m l,**. I'.l. L'l;. ;i», ;i-.'. :i.'t 41',. 47. .-li. 70, xi'. >-7, HI. Hi;. llL'. ll;i, llli. IJi), IiiT, iL's. \.V2. l,-.0 PliiKUij ... l.jil. loi, I. -.2, ir.ii Plate 8'!, 11,-, Pljnio(,' ... .. 711 Pontefrnot 7, ;!;!, !."., ;>r, .';.■.. <;o. Ill,-,, 1117. Kill, no Pi)|nilatiiin fif Hx ; ■;, 10, 11, i;), 14. 17, 4:i Pmynra fov tue lii'ini ... 20 Pre.'vuh^rM, cnilowiiK-nl of '.p7 Priwtou ... in Pristwiiih ... i.-.ii Prices 41;, ,>i',i Pi'icKtley ^m'.n ... 711 Do. iiiK ... 7(! Priestley mtinoirrt .. ... 7ti Proiiliinmtion ... 2H P. W. K. .U't ... 14(> PuilKoy ... 37 Pulpit ... 12,36 Qiiaker.s ... ... 108 iliiitfti'rh/ lif-vit.w i:i7, !;m tJiiiekBtavers ... 2:1 Raekentliwaite 98 lUkes 59, GO Rnstrick ... ... 134 Do. cImiiLl ... 27 Ratten row ... 112 RugistiTN !l, 11, If., 2,-., 72, 73, 74, '.i;i, \\n CI snj'l (: Repfi.'tnir W. K. .. ... 78 Jlelitjiit Mi'itici ... y Uiili'llcHiIen ... 34 IlUliagton ... 97 Uipon ... ... 1, 7, 17, III.'. UippoiiilcTi ... /, ///, .") Ui.liwi.rtli ' .. ■ .. ,:i.-. Ilokcliy eliafi ... 151 lii)oil-«i;rc Sanilal ... ... ... 78 Saviliaii lui.re.isorsliip ... h ScaminoiHlen ,. ... l;i,'. Scotch nolili'TH . ... 152 !Seill)nrf,'h .. 9,1, '.Ifi, :i7, !i.>i, 127 Selby ... .. 7i> .Scxt'o" II. 22, l:(s, |.|i) SharileliilH, HiicltM ! ... 1 III .Shaw hill ., . s, 141 Sluuv 1miI:,'c millK ... ... 1.1:1 .Shelf 10, r.l, 22, 21. M\, .51), 51, 5l', ,-i:;. :,\. 55, i;;, 91, 12.S Shili'leii 7, .1:1, 42 l,i, 44, .".s, (il, (l;i, lili, 71, 79, "5, !'.', 1(15, lliS Shibileu hrook ... 'iC, 117 Do. mill ... ... lis .Si I ketone rectory ... ... i;l .Skiplim ... ... .ili, 73, 7', Sii Skircoat 10, l:!, II, In, 19, 21, 22, 42, 4 K, 47, 49. 5ii, ,18, 59, Cii, (.1, (12. 105, 1119, lis. lij,,. 1:12, 134. lo,l Sinci.toii ... I HI Solnc^.^';all■K ■;liari(y 83, M .Sorcery (!, 21, L'l Southumi'tiiii 1. 5. .v;) Southiiwr.iiii Id, 22, 29. :iii, 33, ,Mi, 55, (11, (12, (i7, til). 71.80, 81, 84, s5, 88,9a, 99 112, 113, 118, 1:1:1 Southowram h.ink Do. chapel Do. nmnor Southwell Sowerhy 5, 8, |ii. 18, 19, 22. 2:; 28, :ir., :i7, 55, tit. (i8. 72 7."., 7«, 77, 79, 80, 90. lo:: 104. 127, l:!::, i;.(l tjowerhy hrijge Do. chapel Spiga Stockport .. Sdiiiiji ori'Hs Suitoii-on-1). rvvcnt S»-calin({ hickiieBH „ 150 Hv iftH ... ... .. 107 ... 4(1 ... 30 53, ,55, 57 ...1,17 114. lis. I 1:1. ,.. !li7 • I'.l ... 107 ; 'l\iverna Ill7, 1(18 T III, I,X /.■', >iuin 1 / Misitlhiitiiiium. 10.'! ■riiitk ii.iiij.j^ ■ « Water supply 9.'i, !ll! 'I'luiriiliill . '.; . 7ii Wiilhcpn'H .M.SS. i\,, II' Dii. ruc'lury . " \Vel)»,t(;r (IruJi-) Cs riitiiiilirii 7, :';;, 1\, "( ,;..-, i(i-i, nil!. \V'(!tl,\V()(l(l 'J'i Kill VVclliiirnc .. . lii:! 'I'liuiiihiii iTctorv 104, lull WcKi .\|il:m(l 7- ■I'itlii-. 1.'. 11, i;r.', iL'i, 145. 1411, l.-.:i Wchl .Norton ... 4S Titlii' liitlic, Hdrtii'liy ... (ii Wlmd.lon HO 'rodiiiiirtlt'ii • 1' WiiiirliTH . ... lo.-> Tukiiiifli.u Ii; Wlicatlfy 4>, .•)3 ri4, 7;i, 7 J T.)U(f '>'.) Wliimicy royd ... .•|L> 'luwtr of ihiiroli ... 4.! \u\ \Vliik};ato .. i:;ii 'I'cWll- (if Ldlllllill l.MI Wiki: . 70 'rntldii III) Willow llHlI I'.l Tv.rHill ... 77 WilMdllH .llSS. Winrliesier 7-', 7:i, 74 1 riiiv*ThHy 4R, !m;, i(i;i Wiiiily bank !!.' I'nivirMly collfj^'e, Oxon : ... -•> Witton '2 I.'j'lHTlirii.r 7ti, 7 . !lT WddUhouHf, Skirc;out \': !'-, .".■<, l-p|i(rSliil»l,n li.ill n.-, GO, hf, \\'oo(lhonM(', I'jiHtrit'k 1.'.. l.'H Viciirii!,'i5 liciiiHn 14!i 1 .-,L' Wood Ktrt-ct, Ldiiduii ... 11.-. ViKifttuiii (if YurkK ; 111.-. 7-', 7;i M, Wool ley Wrayhy I'll, iM Hi \Vak( Held lii. IS, -J'.!, :i7, ,"., «:.', 77, 78, T.I, 1)0, loi, IL's Wiilker HlicarH ... Mi, 11:1 Walt<'ri;lon(;li ... .. (.7 Warley S, Ui, IH, 1,-|, L'O, 'JL', L'.'t, 'jr,, HL', ;'.■), 4l', 4.-!, 4.-<, .-.S, (Hi, 7:'. «1, 111, 144 Wnrley wood ... . . s WasliiT lane . 8i; WalorlioUM; oliaritv 7. TiS, CO, Id], loa Yuiirnlfy ... .. 7.S York iij, 1, 4, 7, M, L':.'. 4:'. 7l', 7ii, 77, 78, liL'. iMl, Iim;, IO'.i. i ii>, ll.i, no, IL'J, 11':;, iL'.-., 14;;, 141, 14i;. ;,-.ii YorkMhiro Ar i,ii'iiUi;:;iual and To[xij.'niplii(iU .Vssociatiou I'l) Yorkshire woMk ... ... 47 iiiMiBin^i " DL"scri})ti()n ol Plates. l',vntii}'i'''r. North-eiwt \iew of Hiilifiix piiriHli rluirdi, Bhowinif Iht Hokiliy nonli ohiiiul; lui'l, to lh(i Hnuth of tlio iliurch- yurd, tho old vi■/ //d't/.ir, contain- ing:— (I) Tomb of John Waterhousc of Shibdeii hall, who married Jane, the heircHS of the iloHvilcH of ConingH- borough. lie died in ir)»4, and she iu lf)'.»2. C-) Saviles in Elland chapel. 'i'u/.icc }'. K'll. Plate IV from Watson'M Uistmj •■/ thi'ifi- Thoruhill and .Savile figurcH in Elland chapel. , containing 7h f.H-t 111. First page of marriagcH at Halifax A.l). IfiHS. First page of burials at Halifax A.D. I,"):I8. i Prctacc to Api)cr)(li.\. Till, fcillowin^' (/i pp. represent an unsuccessful atiempl, m;ii!e ilirco or four \cars a.ijo, to produce a coutiuuoiis pulilica- tioti o( the early ro,4fi.sters of Halifax parish church. Tiic cir- cumstances of the time permitted this publication, only "i the pai^es of a local ma.ijazine, connected with the church. The .success of the archxolo^ical venture, therefore, depended up m ili;il (if ihe p.iripchial i)rint. So the local antiiiuaries, whn had forme 1 iliLiii-eUes into a commiitoe fur the former, made them- selves res]ic)iisil)le fnr the pecuniary success of the latter. Cir- cumstances, however, over which they had no control, precluded the possihilily of carryiu',' on the local ina'.;a,Miie succes'-fully ; so, after a tiial of twelve nionihs, tlie j,'uar,intee had to be with- ilrawn. An effort in procure the puMicatiun of the first volume of rei^isters, in a complete form, for which the vicar and clerk- in-orders n.'.idiiy gave their consent, also fell lliroupjh. So the matter rested, until we, ourselves, iiaving become possessed of the cflects of the committee, determined to utilise what had already been attained ; ami to present it, along with a few ii'ilcs of our own, to the iiublic in this present form. We are. therefore, bound to acliiiowledge the share, uliicli the llalifaN Re^'ister I'ublic.iiion Connnittee l-.as had in iliis jiresent work ; and I'.inicularly John Lister of Shibden hall, esipiire, who so ably acted as co|nisl for the ci'minillee. We lia\e alreailv mentioned the willingness of the vicar and clerk-in-orders, to the pulilicaiion of the re.gisters ; and we ha\e yet to add nur own obligation 1(1 Dr. I'igou, for his permission, so readih' given, to lhi;/ii(-.u'm:'/i' re[ir()duciion of the lirst pages ot marriages and Inirials. Nor would our duly be fully performed, were we not to acknowledge our indebtedness to Mr. Thomas llling\ajrlh of llaiifa.x ; to whose exceeding care and ability, in pholoi;rapliing the two pages, the success of the reproduction is mainlv due. We trust that this is but the conmicncenient of the work : and that the near future will see many such /^/c-j/w/Areiiroductions, illustrating a coin|>!ele publication of, ai least the lirst wilume of. the registers of Halifax iiarish church. W. i. W. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // // ,^ V^ if. 1.0 I.I Ui 12.8 12.5 |50 "■™' m^S 1^ 1^ 12.2 1^ fe" 2.0 1.8 11-25 11.4 11.6 V] <^ % /^ 7 'W' ^4 '/ • 7^////j /A Photographic Sdences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 145S0 (716) 872-4503 ,^0 V Index to Appendix. NoTF.— The si)L'!!inj,' of Mirnaiiics h;is been alicrcd in ^tr.w iiisiances, to its modern style : as lieing ihe must useful i"mi Ml modern cni|uircrs. W'lirn \ naim; neinirs more than onre m die same pa^re, the number ol die \tx^c is given in dillerent i\|ie. At ilic same time, the rcailer is recommended to examine liie whole page, in every case. N'.inie^ nf phices and inisiel- i;'.nea are given in italics. .\. Soc nlro II. AJ, IhU.lM Uairntow 4, 7, 8, It, 10. II, IM, 19, -JO, '.'4, •Ji>, •.'<;, ^H. :i.'. .•ill, :h, 47 liulli- lihik.r llurnnloiitfli «, II, 17. l.^, :VJ. 4(1, 62, •)4, (i!^, 77, s:', «s, '.Mi I'liirwijfli liuUs 4, H, ai,:i(i. 3!l, 51!, 57, 69, 70. 74, HI. tl.i liiiwilwiii (liiUilwin) •• ", li.'twilweiiiMjn Hi, ;;4, 33, 74, Hi.wiiii! J!4, liMiiiiffcirth Hrninnutc lleimmout lUiiiiu ikuHun Hcmt.iini .. HI, .V.I, 7.-. Ill 1(. muy :t, 14. 1», •■('.•. 4:l. 54, B.-i, 40. .')i;. tin, tl;) f)7, II-'. 71, 77. fill. ill.'. '.i;l M.-), r>-.. 1)2, 71, M IttHt li, ;; j, 32, :<4, in. 4 7, f.7, iw., Hi M HI, sH li.ti|mt ... 4.' Ill li.^i lliv. riiy 7, 1.x, 4u', .JU, iji tin ItijwiH 7;4 ;t7 liiiiiw ;i, 17, '.'ri, 41, 4(!, ."it, ri'Miii, fi.-. 7r, :!4 liirklin.l 7ii, H« niishit ... :(•.', r, 7, xH :;:t ICi.rkburn ... '.i. '.'1. .-i?, ko 7.j liluiid 1^'* Ti lliiltim "■">. 73 Ifi, HcMitli I», 2], 43, r.4, r,i\, bil. S4, 33, »■'.', '.in fil, licit Miiiiliy 11. i",:t, 7-.'. 7.",, h:t, '.il 94, llnwliiiul IB liny ... y, 411, r,2. (il, 87 ,•.1 liAiHfind ... 7H, .■'3, K7, ss •.'(i liiadJ.y lU, '.'3, 7« !):; lir;.illiwnit(' f'-i :ill. ItriKP' I''. '. I-. •'. -3. 3'.l, 43. 48. 94. '■'<»- h" liriuhoime 17, '.'0, 80, SI'. Sli, 89, u-> ilO, 111 tiO, /ii-Hf/inUHf ... ... .. 7", Urilu.lli •, 4. 8, -'-', 30, 43, 4ii, 113. UH t,l, '■..■', 71, H?, H!<, Ml, IIJ '.13 Hrmik l;>, -'4, r.7, lil, 74. 7n, ^ii. 1)5 94 Hi Hrooknlmiik l". •.'!! h« llrou(fliluii . 17, .1'. •>7 14 lirowu .. n, 17. 20. 44. .vj !ifi ItruiiiliyM ... .. -3 (>C liuckliy I't. '•' 3'.t. 41, 4ii. ,".7. .".s, 110. (ill. 73, 7li, 78, 80. '-'">, a, 17, L' 7, 4, 14, ,')1, 14, lil, 4:;, Index ■'" .l/>f>'iii/ix- 11/. I'l, •.'.', L'H, :t Il.>l<'<..'k>' !iiiiitijf llnrliy H,l,:,l.-,l Huriilc.v ■*. 11. Itiirtiin Knry Hu(l.Tft.l.l .. fJiilyiir (jumiicnc'tU; ( 'iippsT (".iriiiililuH Cirt^r :^, 11,28. :ti''. fathm- rii'iiiiii'TH (!hii»ter Cliirk.! (")iiy Cliivt'iii ciiir Chtl'To ('lou(,'h (;().'kr(.t'l (.'iii'kNiii ColcyLT Oi!)inwiii Ciillmiuiiic ( 'itlnf (tollman Oonwiiy i„/fl,i/ Ciitiyn C(lW|!jIlll Crabtreo Criiv™ ... "^ Ciomwtlliotlom ... • IrdHHley OrowlluT », li, II, M,-), :if), It), n", 7li, 71I, t*:1, HH, Cryar s, :'0, fiB, r.7 Cumminif (■', 7i; C3 54 S2 ■.III ati 17. 51 11'.' .-.1 H'J l>4 ■-M, :i7 J4, 4.-1 21, "'.•,!'« 37. ir., -,4.1.11. II , 7ii I -i, :•:, M, 7;! ... n ... r.5 ... 11 7S ... HI ... 10 i:i, 7'.i ... I'.i 7, M) , 4M, 4',l 01, SI, .-JS, On ... 8,1', 47 57 41, 45, 7;i, 83 18, 'JH, 1'4, 3,1, fiH, (i',1, 71, 74, :i4 fi5, c,t^, -0, !in 2i I C, ;!:t, 4.' Daryn^on DiivanBun D«yl« Dean 4, !•, 1«, 18, ill, B7, l-,4, «7, 71, M, Denton I, l:;. Dickhon, Di.xou it, 1:1, 4(1,41, M, &i!, .-1.'*, DiconHou ... 40, 51 Dilworth Dolwm :t. Hi. 'Jl, Ha, 38 83. 85, ".'■> 33, 4 s, 7.'<, Ml, 38, LI, 21, ■.',;, 7.1, (II . 71', 44, 5iV 15 72 fl ur> '.15 33, 82 , ■ 5 IK I . '.'li 79, I lOlIcHOU Dtiuffhtv Diiiiiilax Drake : DranHliil.l Du Fawi'ctt Fawkcs FawHtil Fcriii'Biile FM.I Firth Flit»;h(ir I'oriHt FourucHH I (>4, t> Foxcrott 4r, .■,1. III. 13. 23. 5S 1", J',1 1 1 KT 24 74 2t 21, 2.-), 55, 1)2, <■', liO, 4.34,64, 7, 15,17, 111, 37, 89, !i:i 5,11, 17. s^. 13 58 1,1 s« 81 2.5 04 8!) il>. 20, 31, 4:; 18, 23, 20, ;;, 84 (liili'IlU'l. C;iiltliur|ic Gaukn.'.'iT i r,2, oy Gencn UMirt Gibson 7, 13, 41, 4.'', 53, B!>, 75, 80, "Jl, ',13 Gill Gliilhill 9, 10, 13. 6,\ 77, 78, 8;i Cm",// Ucwk'hall Gur'ciul GraniUheige .,, Grave Greaves Green Grceufeld -' Groenhftutrh Greenwood 13, ,38, 67, 59, 87, Ul 33 r,2 53 IS, 5S 35 o;i, !I4 50, 24 !) n. 88 56 ^38 3'.l 15 tirt, S'2, ///./,.»• /" .\/i;i,n,l,.\- firiliiclmw l:i, L'l.H 1,41, r. 1,51, hS Uiiv -JO H. S<« ftlso tln- VOWi'if* Hnlirviik-littiu 5'.t llii-h 57, M IM.i.rlrjH .. !1() Hull :•:. M. !;■<, 75 \\.MM\ 17, I'M, li>, 47. 4", 74.91 llRr.liNick It) Hnr,l.v !»<,(!« lli.rjjreiivcs 12, l;i, -'0, 23, -T', 27, :i(i, ;fr, fis. •;'.', 79, '■•;>, 11(1 lliirlaud 7:t HiirriHoii 1-', I'O. 2.", 51, SHl Kiirtlc'y !■-', l.-< I'.i, 1'.', NS», ;iH, ill lliittrrton *ll".-l'Ml'l .. h?, llrlliwill 7, L'<;, 111. 1 ' f..-,. ii7. 76, llciniiigwiiy S, '.1. 12, It, 21, 27, •M\ HI, 3:.', .'t4,:i!t, 42, 55,r>ii, 57, 74, No, '.HI, 94, W lh)>tonslili l"i/)/i'i/ii ... H >vwa.l llrylttn-i Hiyliiy (Unloy or Hi(flil.rth 1, 2, A. 7, H, '.1. Irt, IH, in, 21, 2;t, 2). 36. 37, :tS, 42, 4;f, 45, 61", 52, 53, 55, 5i;, CI. 77, 7H, «ii, 84, ••*:. 89, H..lKi'te 4, 2y, 44. 54, <).•• Holland Holmvfi... Hii)ikinBon H,.|.iiny... H, 11 tier... H,ir»fiUI 4, 311, 35, (!7, 21, 21, 5y, fiH, IH, 23, HortoD, Hnwi^liton y, 23, 42, 53, 55, (i2, yo Howny... ... ... 3, Hoyle, Hole 2, 14, 15, I», 32, 3ri, 41. 43, 51. fix, .. 41 2 5,87 ... 36 12, 13, (;7, yo, ... 42 5:l, hii 5y, y2 ly, 5s ... 10 ...4, 5li l^86 ... 5S 32 10.11, 32. 33. 47, tH, 66, -K yo, y4 , SI, '.':, ... 51! 6tf, i*» .. 45 «7, yo 72, K5 , 5 I , h( I 30, 40, , •••«, 93 23, 25, , S2. H3 lli„l,l.,Kii.:.i .. 24 Hll'lHdU "'l, •.■.-.."li-'. yfl I/h/I >•• ■ . . ly limit' 1* A rltiintiif M lliiiiliiwdii 10, 2S,'44, 51,H3, H7 Mii'lMn 31 yi Hj iiei!iiiif<^ 84 ///;«, ."id .I:^;i:.r M, ti*,, ^;l y.'ft•'. i-H, yo, y2 Ln-jg .. .,. 4t! 51 \,:,.v . 50 50 '.12 I,,-.; .. 21 LiTiiilc (LcMro^.l) 25 51 l,i-f.(.il ... IS Li^VKli ''. iV 34 4ti sy l.„lhhl[irr y, 10, 4i; 51 til 83 l.i'llllhtizrh 15 Lintcr 2. ", «, 7, H, 1 2, 15. iii. 17, IX, 21, 2y, 32, 31, 3', 1", 113. By, 72, 7y, f2, s."i. 88. sy. '.12 IjOl^kWlHl.l .. . 7 71 [-■illgllOltdlU 2, 3H, 52 55 7(1 8(1 l.-'irer il:tr\ .M, ri'.i, fii;, 7:1, '.Mt, '.Mi Milmr L'. f.. 20. -':. -■.•"■'. I'S. ■'■<• 57. 60. '•':■■. 71,70. 7S M;,i;li.H 4, .-.. 14. '■"'. -'.-'■>■ •■>'>• 32, 38. 411, n', 44. 7.N M, -'.' Miltim ■"' Molwm **!' Morr «:i. «!' Mii Ni.tt.T :!■-',::«, «H Oiit.s 18, 4f>. "i>, ^-'. ^^. 00. '.'I. '.!•> OMfi P,,.'.. ' 6« /•„./.•" 7H rarkii'Hou "••,!"' I'asli-w ., ... ... ••■ ** Pati lull l.i, H7. 41, 4r., '<5, 8(\ lV,k.^ .. fil' lVlhn>{t..u -'4 Vrnniuirton '.'1.40. s'.l I', rmm .. -'«,31! I'liilil, •-'. -'7, ■!>*, 2!), HO. .-(7. «0 I'i.^kl. K ' rvt;h.-leH-) 15, LT,. I'.li, 4:i, .M, 112, (i«, 7;t. S7 PilkiiiL'ton .. fi*' /•/„.,. 1!' Pollani 20. 'JH, 77 Pi.lt.rli.ii ... 20, H4 Pri'nton ■*? Prk>tl.'y Ifi, ;i4, 4:i, i;2, 73, "1. »o, ',i."i PriHtot '''','■•' PiiUis PnjU, PuUii.v 14,41,60, .M Ua:iiH'l.'ii 4. 1!>, 4x. 4il. .-.:(. OH. HI. S4. '.Mi HatrlitV «', '•'■"> llawlrii fiii Itawwin ... .-,1, 72, 7'.). .SI ItaviKT 17, '<*• '*■'* Kaviifiirth .1. 15, 2H. 24, H«, 38, ,h7. R<'(].,liHWK'li 1 s, ;i i,:ii , .52 , 55 56.68 Heiliiian .. 6ft Hiiii^lrnt 16 UIkmIi'H. \liMa 6, 4^. 50, 65, 81 Itiiliar.lson 7'<, VA lli.iinjr . 25, 55 S7. h'.i, !i;i Uil..y 2. i* 40, .-,() 68, 76, !I5 lliKliworth .. 6» UohlTtH .. 11 Uoliiiiwm 1 r„ H2, 36, 46, 54, :ui, 57. ,-0, 11 Rokel.l 47, 54 IIOIHT ... 4U Salainoile ... ... ■•''' SalalKiu SaltoiiHtall 3, 6, 24. 28, 28, 3 1 , :i«. 3!», 51, 5!!, 54, 5.",. 56, 5'.i, 63, 64, 70, 72, 73, M, 113 SandcH ■• '-' SaviU' 10. 13, 16, 27, 42. 44,51,53. 511, 66 Scarliorimj^rli .. -'*■ 7" SchofioM ... 23, 3.-,, 4!i Scott "'•"4 Si.raliclen '"^ Slia.-kl.'ton ><>*.■•*'•' Sharp ... 2, 2.^,71,87 Shaw 2, 4. 7, 23. 25. 3r,. 44, 46, W 50, 54. 60. 61', 70. 77, .-;5, ;m. '.15 Sl„.anl 1.-.. 21, 24. 3;) SIu-iiIk nl H, 52, 57, 62, 77, '.16 ShM;,.. 23,21,72 Shipley • 33,34,55,^0.-1 Shore 2», 43, 1.5 Shuttleworth 16, 33, 66, S5 SknlNin 36, 45. 5o, 5.s, 70, '.i I Sluilon 3.7, 16, -'1,22, 24, 211, 44, 63, 81, f!',l, '.12 Sliitor ... 16, 24. 33, ,-<8 Smith 2. 4. 7, 14 15, 17,20, T>. 23.25. 35,38, 311. 41, 14.45, 4ti. 49, 511, .-.i, f,>, r.ti, 71. 711. 83, .S4, C5, 86, 87, f^'.', '.14. '.'i'' SncU ... . 22 Snyiipc .. ... '1. i_,l SnrnfrPi:aleH .. 12. .t>, ,2 SonnTtoii Ill Sowooil 4 18, ;H(1, 44, 68. .X2 '.10 Spfi.u'ht . 2,7, 16, 25. '.12 S|)eii«i:r . 11,22.25 Spyvfi ... 14 .Sijilili'ley ''7 Stalihw 5' I Stuni'liffe 11. 33. 311, 43.511. 71. 73, 78, 711, 88 StRiuU'n 3 .Staiihfild 25,(8,81,8- StupUiton 7-^, il3 .Sll!H.l 52, 55 Stevensou 3,28,43.11,! //;-/. .V /" At'^'fiidi.x. suirks !i, I'.i, !'.">, L'!i, :m, ;)■<, B", fiB, 6fi, TiU, Cfi, (ilt, 7il, 75, »ti, Hl», yu, 91, '.':i Slutanl HI SiimT ... 7^1 Suu.liTlnnii lit, 2i, iic, B"', Bfi, 1)4, 71,72 Siitclilfo ... 2;i, -.'7, 39, 4B, i;n. (14 Swift IB, 4H, .SU SwyneHon .. ... '•"• Tnttcnmll 4, ."., I'.l, 49. B.'., Di , 7 1, 7.5 ThiK^krDW ^■, 2(1, :;•.', :1B, 40, (!(), l». '.yi lli.irntdii ;V.I, BJ riiiriipelunil ... !', 'A, Ml TilHOM ;il,67, 7W Titteriiifrton 17 TowueD.l 4. 7, 21, 2!!, 24, 2."), 4."., 47, B4, Be"), f>7, r>H, (ii', 73, bti, h", Mt, '.Kl 'rottiilcy 1'^ Tiirmr ... 18, M, 4'.i, 69. "'•'. '■'! TunUi-y 25. 4'.< Itli-y ... lU 20 Vi.iiit. 20, 21, 21. 27, :i.'->,:i7, 48, 55, Bi;, b;, 72. 7a, si, S7 Wmldingtoii . B.'i, (U), «,•) Wii.l.! ... 12, i:), 21,. -.7, 110,94 Uiicihworth B, 6, 17, 21, 22, 2H, 2B, ici, b:i, bs, B'.i, 74, )S2, »8, y(i, ll„if/iWi/ 24 W.'ilkiT .-., 12, 27, ::i,40, .".2, i;.., 77 Walslmw ... ax, h7 WiiltDii 47. .".:', .'.a. Bii \V;iril l,21,a:i, S7 WiittrlKiliKi! Ii. H, 10, IJ, 19, 2a, •.'(■,, aB, h;i, 51, :•:>, Bl^ .".;, bh, i.i, iia, r,,-,, :l', 77, 711. 88. ;'• Wiitmiiti IB. ri'i Wutsoll .. HO Wwt. . ... 7B \Vlial;iM ■<••< Wli....|wri-ht ai Wli.lh.rh.'Vl yi Wlu'Wiill i'j\iciiwnll) B, 11, IS, ;tj. a7, 47, BB, Hll, 71, 7-, K< \Vliitiii:ro (,WliiltiikiT)tl, I.-,, (111. (1,<, 7 'J Wliit(.' B7 Wliiii'lifiiil Wliilcll... Wliiti.'v 2a, 2-<, ad, II, ('>(!, ;i2 Whilw.-im (,Qwytv!iiii) Wll.M'V \Vi.l Willu'V WiikOiHiii a, 2a, -J I, ao, an, Ba, bm, (.B, 72,73, 74, 77,1(1 Willftti . '"' WilHjii B, 10, 11, 14. IK. 2((. 2a, 28. ai,35. 30. a7, a^, a:(. id. b2. (l(i, (17, (.K, fo, ^a, 84. -a, no, '.(a Wilton 2. a4. .■.>nUm or.liniifioiiiin .-lalul'iium sivo in liilms sfiiirabiii-^ l''i:i« i=*t- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Henrici 8 Baptizati 1538 December.) In piiniis (Dccpnil. r.) Xiiirgai ■!;; liliii \V illilnii Wli- i- * * «i Ann.i lili.i Kio.inli llaM(S\Vnlt^( * * * Willcluius filiiii : inborti M — A^;iiis fllia if i: * * '•:■• ffrre full iu)al lh» >'!iirl'!! iimv eiitirr y ;"■'•' shed Kicarilns 11 — lt<-ni Artli — ItiOid-aus filiu:' ThonirtJ' Will.lnui- filius Ivicai-'lus tiliu.s ■* * ft « *■ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ♦ * * ii„n - AU-xaniler Fmntt, \mM,}y <■( the fa.nilv <.f V.m.n. of Kniott Hall. tTawortl, Onate at Ilaw.n'tl, until abmU .he jear l.nin, «hou l.c renn-vcd to Halifax. /Itilifiij: I'iin'Kli Church Hfiimtrrs. Kirariii- tili'i-i Ivic — 111 III Aliri.i filiii Item Aytii's tilia. * Hire fnlliiiocd H »'»///iV.s ot irlu'cli llf iiavtf^ hm-i' hfr.' ln»t, (Baptizati January 1533.) Isiiliclli liiii ('l.iiiitof.ii \\\\.\y (l.t NiiitlioiMiu liiptiziila I'nil Ivlvvuulii^ lilius Klwanli lli'wwnil ilo Wiirlcy liiiiilizitii- I'uil ■loliannos lilius Nirhulii ilvirynn do Sowiliy j Item .lrj|i;itin!i filii .l.iliiiiiiis Myli.r ,!■• Inirtizati lii.-nii.t Skynutc I .Ii.liiiiiiin lllia (iriiiirii Siiiytli ill' S.iwcil.y I linn .|..li,imiii lili.i .Inlnuuii-i Jlii.lc.swoitli ili- li.ii.li/.ili tneniiil ll,iill;ix I Johiiliii.-s liluis l):istarilm Tlioiuo lliilcucko df .Sowciliy l),i;iti/,iitilM luit I'odi'iii Alicia llli.i Thoinu \.\>Wr ili' ILilil'-ix Imptizita fu'i xxi" ili.> mutmis. WillrlmiH lilius IiH'olii I.ystir ik II iliCix iMjiti/.ilu-i t'liil xxii" (liu mriisis cjusili 111. Aym'." lili.i Ivluar.li l.-.n-lidtlniin «le NVarliiy liaiiiiz.ita I'uii xxiii"" (lie iiuMisi.s cjnsileiii. Marsiwta filiii Hfniifi Wyltoii dc Ilyin r..iiio Imiiti/ata fnil xxiiii'" ilii) mcn.si9 rjus'lciu. ^\■illc•luulM liliiis Gilliprti llulc .!.■ 11\ inioiiic'. Item A^'iiis tilia Clui-lolVn S(-liay .li" \Varl:iy j luiptiznti fupninl. lia.sMiila x.wi'" lii -■ Item KobiMtus filiiis Ji.h iii;iis Soliaipi.! ilo | cjuscli'm. Xorilpi'iiiii x.wr" iiu.' iiR'nuiM Kicanlns lilius 'riiciiii.' Uniiiuf'irl!! dc llalif ix) liapti/.ali fui'iiuil lleni Maigiirota filia (lillji-ui I'liylypp lU-,- xxviii" iliu mun-is Suw.i-hy \ cjiisdi-m •Tac'jlms l;liu(> .Jiu.'ulii IUiIi'mI.' lupti/iitus I'uil xx.\" di,.' uuii.si.s ojusdcm. (February.) Agnes lilin Julian iiis .-^p-yt,'!!! do .SMUthoi'om bapti/.ata full sccundu dii' luen.-ib iVbiuaiii. llnlifiix V'ly'ih Ihtii-eh Rcgislen. ^ Mi Imrll lilillM .l.ill.inili-, l|..l.l..~Wul(ll .Ir Nullll.-lolll l,:il.li/...llM fiii; li M i > ili ' ini'imis i juili'in. .|,.h.i.i,.sfiliiw l;,.l...|ti Miu,;ia. r..,l,. Lapli/fttiis fiiit w- Cartel- .1,- Sowcil.y l.i.i.ti/..ta liiit l^'ilii- II rll>ji I'jilHlli'lll. Nlai'iiMa tiliii IJiiifiili iM-iiU" H.'ttvi'ii.l.n ItriM l-li/.ab. tlr. liliii iJi'ai.li IWiin.s .!,■ / l)^,i.li/nli iMoninl \V,„l,v """ '•'" ""■""" ll.'iu l;iciir.lii.s liliii.s Kio.inli Ny.nll ,1,; \ I'l-biuani. S.iiilli. I'lilil Miii-^arca lili.. IL mi.i l;.iv.i. f. ttl, .!.■ Wttil..y liapii/atii fuit xv llic lUfllHis cJUmI' 111. Cill.ortii- lllin- Tlwii... \Vvll>yi,>nii li^iptixaliH I'uit xvii" (li. mi'nsii ojiis'liMii. i;i,:,.,l.is liliiis l;i(Mi.li •trviisoi, ).;.i.ii/iilu» I'mt xix'"".!!.! lUfUM.- rjlisilclil. Kli/!il.(lli.i filial tiM-^tMi-.Ia i:.lwiir.li Sflay.1.- .Ic S.Miil.yft MiirpareU Sl..nao]i (If I'a.lnii iMfti/Hta f:iit xx".li.> iii. ii-is iJiiMlnii. .loluiMM- hlius Wilirhnl Mnr-..l.i...l,. >lc Waiiav Laiili/Alus fuit xxi" llic iiiiii-irt i'jiis>liiii. Tlioi.,a>. Iiliiis Ki.ar.ii Ilawmr >V SuwciLy » Uai-li/ali frnMuM lUUi iJicanliis filius Cliri-tof. li 11. lUiay \ .o'i-ui .hr.tuniiM-. «gr Kli/nli.tha filia.Ioliai.nis I.^.y >1" Myti-liy lujitizata fuit xx" ' dir iU'.'iisi.s iju.-iiciii I'Vl'iiLiiii. I'niir i-iiliirf ii'iir Ji.'liiiifil. (March) * # * t..n>l..ll .lo Wailay linjiliziHus fait inimo .lie iu''n-is Mairii. * ♦ • Mi^;^:i.lay .1.' Mi;-'i."-lay *' « « -.» .),,liaiiMi,< Dfl'i-'M il.' Wallay Vvajili/aH!!' fait (■ei-Uiiilo tlic! iiicii-i.-. . j\i-,l(Mii. llalifa.r Paii/'li i'linvrl, It'ninli'i-a. yr/iiis \^,^U^\■^\ r-ailcn il" XuitlKHom l)iiiitiz;i!u3 fait ((imito ''ill mentis i.ius l.m. # » liliii .I;irril)i Scli.iy .I- Nnrth"r..tM | )';\pti^i>i liionint Item ,I.iii;inii.'^ liliiis liiiMr.li i;.iiii'-<.|.ii d>- vi'" ili>' mcii-H lijllPI"lllO I'jiHil'iii. Miu{,'.u'etn lilii Iliiirli Iliiliiu-i Mn Nuilii .nmi lajiii-c it » fiit vii" iVw lui-ii-i-' »iii~iioiii. (Iracii (ili:i ll'iirici r.acliili>r di-iu. lt''m liic'iuvlus filius l.a-tarlin .I..li:iiiMi-i r.roldoy d A^m-tis Hynr' dr Halifax fuit liapli/.atiis imhIcmi dir n iin'iisc. Kalomi,. lilia Cn;,\tin (,'iotliei' do Suiirbye Ijapti/.ata full xxi" die men-is cjusdtm. Jchaiiiics filiiis I!..tKMli i».yiii' do Wailay hnptizalus fuil xxiii dio men~i^ ejtisdiin. Sibolla filia bastar.Ia Kicirdi li'Miiic do HypcroiMo d >riiru'iri.'to .S,,w...)tl do Knitli.'iuiii l,iptizi!a fuit xxvi'" dio lunisis ejiwdoMi. (ifu-j^ius niius.Ioli iiiid-i Hi.ljatf do Ovoiidcii | baiiti/ati fiLTUiit Itcii" MaiL'arola lilia Kdwardi Forosto do xxvi'" dio iiioiisi.i ildif..x ) (•,iusd..|ii. !;..ljorliH lilius .Iidiannis Tiuiiosull do Nniih-I bapti/ali fucniut ov,.iii xwiii" ilii' iiioii.-iis Itom Wilb-liiius tilius ejusdeni Jcdiaiinis j ojusdem. Ivlwaidus tilius ha.staidiis procrentuH iuter Thomani Faiow de ,. <, * * * * liiplizitus fuit ultiiiKi die moiiais Mnicii anno doniini JillifiU I',iii»h Chiiu-h I'KjiKtert. [Nupli 1538. H. 8. 30] Sul....quuntMr i.Mnimi rt co-iw iniim omnium uuptiarnm veil ,.,,nui. .|Mi miUuMHiuuiii iiivin^m , on ■ — fuonii.t in I'^^'in >lr Ihlif.ix i.i.'.lirU .u.i.o.im! .l.mi.ii 1538 v^'-wnx nnno pot.'.itiH iiivKli-imi'iU' piinW,.U ac .lomiiii il'^H a.-mini Mohiiri O.'Uvi Ah^'lio .t Kr. Mcio cl .lomini llyl..'rni.. li 1 iquo !),.{. n.H,„r ii. t.r.H r.rl>»ie An«li(Mi,r M.b (Ini-to C.i .^o .Snimiiii CipillH tii^t^-Biiin." iiro umo i\iiiio iiit.-^n. ut -ipia- In primis. l- in.un.hu \V,,l.!..w.Htl. .'t M,.r;^iP.ta Koxcvfl- invir..m ini.tr;. iu..nium cniittaxonuU viriuto lie. ntio .liqvu.^i. i-ni^ in lacie e.cl.'^i.i; pnMli.t.' s.,l.Mnniz..tii:ii xxviii" .lio m.iisi X-v nil.ri^. Gi'.b-rtiH Wl.fnwali .•( ,loli,nn;i Il.Miwitto inviiiem inaUiu,ot,iini colitiiixorunt xxi'"" 'lir ni. n^in I.innaiii. / invii'cni luatvimunium .I,,li;innos WvNon rl, Kliz.ilM'tli.i ■hit'Tsul ) ,.,„,,r,,x..niiil \xvi" Jic •ni.jui:i.s Myai..41 1.4 \>Ak\U Nycull | ,„^.„sis .laiantiii. Willpln.iH Myln I toil! 1 » Tl,™. Iii^^t -it u„nls eniMMl m\ iho w.mU •■ i,.,i"'tuis (c.ii.Milus duraturn " »uli?iiuiuil. ( iuviiM'ia in:itiini. Ilium n.iH Myhi'-r I'l [-.ulii'lii I-ysl'T JcontiMX'Tiinl xxvii" IImIkiIu.-' r.-iiwniMt AgMM WulUiir | |j, ^^,,||^i^ ,ii,nu uii. I/'dijax Parich Chuich Ri-jlfters. [Buryalls in Hallifax 1538.] ,). II. .s. [.Si>])ulli] aiiiKi ilniaini loSS. Siil'.si'qiuintm' iiomiiui ct cifriioiiiiiia I'nium oiiniiniii ci'Kinirn coijujra sive cailavpia si'pulla fiicrunt apiul Halifax viJdicct a xix'"" din nionsi:* Novemliri^ aiiim cloniini l.'i38* ii-(|Ui' is Jiilninues Foriit'. sopultus I'uit xxiiii" '.ii' nnn^i.-; ,\ovi' Johanna filii KicarJi Uoslc jsepulli fuil xxvii" dio ni.Mi.siB NiiVi'inliii.s. Willclmus tilin.^ Willrlmi ISaronlou^h ,-opiiltus I'nit xxviii" diti nii'n.-ii.'i Nuvt'mhii.s, Mai;::\rcla uxiir Jacobi Waldui^woith s.'pulta fuit ai'oundo die inrn.^i.s Decembiis. Agnt^^ liiia Uio.udi liry^i^ .-irpulla fuit ten.'ii tlic ija^dcni in'iisi><. Alanus C'"ckeson .M-pultus fui', ix"" dii' im n>i.^ 1 li-ivnilnis. Jell inm'> fdiu.s Julianuia Yii^lnini tcii\;Uu.> tiiil x'"" die mon.^is CJii ;dcni. Aynis nxdi- l)iouisii NMiylacar si-puUus fuit xix""^ 'lie m.'iisis 1)( einilui.-*. Iiicliai- lu^i Waterhou.so sepultii- fuit xx''" 'lie cjusdeni iiii-n.-is. Agnit; lilia lleniici Fletcher sopuUa fnil xxix" die eju^dem men.sis. Jolnnn".-; Illiu.-* 'rimun^ Uuodu de llalif.ix s. pullu- fnil i\' dio inen.-i> Jan\iarii. Eliz.ilielha Kiuideli de Halifax sepulla fuit xi.\"'" die mengis ejusdem. •I'niM'd III (Mill of .-eiUiMiee. and llie woiil.s " porpctiiia Iciiiii.jiibus iluraliira' suli.-.utuiL'il. ll(ilj,l.r Piii'isll Church Rrrf.^ter". .folwime^ I.ystcrde llalir.ix s-imllus fiiit xiiii .lie mcnfisf.jus.lnu. \Vil!c.!ir,us tiliiis .I.ilianiiia ll'.l.lcswnrth de X.Mihu.'uiii sriuiltvia I'uil \xi""' ilio mciisis JaiUiuiii. K,limm.lus M^.w.k- >U Wa.lav sepuUi.s fuit xxii''- dio oiusdera \\w\\A%. ,I„l,,,iin:Milia(;oo.-ii Smyth d.i S-wrby .-upulta fuit xxiiii'" die cjii^dcin uii'U>is .laui! u'ii. Oraria uxor Olivoii lii.nsi.-i .laiiuai'ii. LMckL^wu.id de Skircoto prpidta fuit xxv''^ di' Wil!"lnnis filiiw lia^taidiis RicirJi I'.crstow de 0?i'uJmi .-opullus I'liit, xxviii" dio 111 'tiis .laiiii laiiuaiii. liiciidiis illius [;.il)i'rli .'-'cla vdc-u do MvL'gelay sepultiis fuitprimo 111' inriisl: Fi liruarii anno dnuaini l.'i;!8. Alicia uxur C.'osli (Cunslantiiii) Fysho'miino do Soiithurom sepiilta fuit 'J''" dio mousia Feljiuarii. ,Ioliiniiio9 infantos (,«/c.') Stopliam Pad. lay d.. Halifax sopultus fuit xi"'" die ejus. lorn iiioii>is. .Udiannos lilius Edimiudi .Mawde de Iliilifax .-epultus fuit xxi" dio inen.-iis ojusdoni. hoiii Altiios uxor d.iliauiiis Ilolowell do Warlay. Itoiu Johaiiua uxor .luliauiiis Cowpor d.' ) sopulto fuoiuiit xxiif ) dio inensis Fobruarii. Soworliy ( 'icilia tiUa liastarda Arlliuri Gibson do Xoithnioiii sopulta fuit xxv'"' dio nionsis cjusdeni. Jacobus Fournesse do Southoroui sopultiis fuit ultimo die la.nisis Fobruai'ii. Marcii Mensis. Doiuiiius Kicardus ISvvko Canluarius apud jlilifix I consopulti luorunt Iti ni Willolums ■I'owu.'lo ndo do Mytt^olay ,-sicuii.lo di^^' men.sis Itir-i Elizabitha uxor Cilb. rti Wood de | Maicii. ."•Hiworby Alicia llovorlay do II difax vi.lua. | ..niigopulti fuorunt c,uarlo Ito;n dohaniios f.lius baslardus Ueorgu ^,j^. ^^^^,1^^;^ ,.ju,s,leni. g\v\tyam (I) de Sowcrby I Jobannos Spoy^jlit do Sou>horom _ ^ o„n3opnUi fuorunt Unu .lobauiia .loppos..u do Skyrooto vidua , .j^,, ,,5^ .^^^^.j^ Itoni .Johannes hlius Kicaidi fechay do ^.j^,^j^^j Myggolay / Jlnlifaj' Piiii.-!i Unirch Unjistors. ♦ Dominus Joliiinnes I'asli'W Caiitr.aiius jominus : nono lUo uieiisiH cjusiitin. IliililUxsc] \iltus fnit. Mavgiuctii imp'T ivlicla It-.l.citi IsUwAa 'h: .Souil.y vidua sq fuit xi" (lie iiicii.'-is ijimloiii. Kicir.lus lilius J!i' Midi llriiiyii-way ult;i dirt ct liicnsf. J-idiollri iiuppr n^li' Ilalil'ix vidua dcS(dii'lir,-:'iiultu>!fiMt codem :(a Xicli-Iai lii..ddcl<'y d.i i .•onscpnlti fiUMUnt xii" diiMliC'llsis 1 jlls- \\l du <'adi' dc 111. Wd'iliinn filins d.'liaimis TlM.ri.pi' du 11 viuH'ine bc) ultiis t'uit xmi" dii' ini'iiM-* .Miiu-u M; ilti t'uerunt Tlioums HaMoswnHlid.. ll.dilix. c-ns^ i.i lleiii i;..l,oHu9 lilius WilKhid Fan-..w d,. xv'" dio nifiisis My;-.day (.jr.ad^i,,. Mai'gaivta fdia liioardi Ciyar d,- ll.dil'.x s.-|,ulta I'uii xvi" die luensis cjiisd'-ni. Ki.ardus Ma;r;,...s..„ de W M'Uy \ ^'T"'"' f'" •""' Il,.m .l„l,:,Mn,i lilia JloWili llrnddday dc- xv.vdi.. ll^•nM^* IIvpeVulUL. I cju-dc.i.i. JohannHdia l.'ol.erti lUnn^day d.' ll.diiix s.puUa fuit xx" di- iiii-l;sis cjusdcin. Kufoiuia nuprr rdicta ];ol„.rti Ilaxvwoilh iai'n>i.s Marcii. Gi!or>:ius lilius Mai;istri .lohaiinis | ontis.-|m!li fiicrunt Lacv d.' (Jruiiiwi'd-l.ollnnii AriMi'^rri \y^^\\{ ,|io iiuair^is llfiii >iMr;:aivla lUia Jnhaiuiis < i'l'-dv'-'n.i^.T 1 j^^^^,^,^^^^ ill' Suwi'iliy '' Johanna niip'T Mii'ta Will.liid XycM.l.-on | ,,„„„,|,„i,i f„p,uMt vidua dr Xi'ilbiii"iii -xxiiii'" -iuhoiMi DdvIo la~tar,luB ft .lol.anno Gmvu Miii-inola lilia .loliannis \\ ooi Lv-hK'lyl Wooilili' tli- TiHirisalullu lilia F.ilmunai (ll'iUliyll 'l'' ( 'i baiitizatc I'ucTunl quinto die "^ * .Sibclla lilia b;i-tanla Chnstnfori lloaiyiii^way ft Agnetis Tliii'|ipu A baiili/ati: fuit vi'" diu inensis staiili.s Aprili-i Anno Domini l.'Ki'J. ^r .T-.bann.s libus Thonu' Sto..k.s de llalilax bapti.atus fuit x" me iiicn-^is Ajivilis ggr Mar^an-ta lilia Hi.ardi Hygynn do Sourby baptizatft fuit xiii" die im-n.-'is ejus Item Alii'ia lilia duliannis Uyckesou d^' ) . ,- . . ""^ ,\ [ liaptizati fuerunt U,.m""lnl.:mnr.s liliu.s Johaunis Parkynson Txiii" die lueii.is ^ de lialilax Isabella lilia S.lh Catlowe d" Wavlay baptizata fuit xiiii'" die Aprilis Anno Douiini It,.,n •ri,onK..s lilius Oe..r«ii Kylay de Sowerby baptizatus fuit endeni die rt uiense. Cbiystid)ella Idia llobel nieiitfis cjusdeui. ti lldilon ( le AVailav baptizata fuit xV' di- Arthunis lilius .lobaniiis Bovo do Noillioroni baptizatu.^* fuit xix" iir nii'n.-^i.s eji idem. ) lilii lliiai'dl lleivtow do I .-IS e]\ ]''.dw:iidns ItiMii l;..lieit\is i' N.nthoroni Eicardus fdius .lolianias ( H( xxii die niensis fjusdew. .Toliant.a lilia bastarda Jobannis llald.-.worth c T.aune ?.m baptizata fuit xxiii" die mentis cjii Jilar.-areta lilia Item Cilbeitu bajitizati fucruiil lie men- vieesimo i aleUl dolivll do Halifax baptizatus fuit t Elizabcthe rimnio lUaekebmnp de S.nyerby \ j,,^^,,,,^,; fuerunt i;i;ii^ Cilbnti Mawdede Warlay I .,.„t„ ,,,onsi5 tilnis (.1 Itom (iilbertuH lilius Tbomo llebyltwhayte do T ___ X'. ..4 L.ti'ittn ' xxv'" men.-is Isuilborom 10 Ilalijaf P'li'n'h Church Hcf/islers. WillolnniHfilins.TolinnnisITvf'lHwm d(' Howcrby | Iwptizili fucr- Iti'in CluisUilhi'^ lilia .Inbanui-s I'.uU'Ock .In unt xxvii" ili« Wavhy ) m.n.~i>! Jolianiuis iiliu.s .Toliaiinis Ktall : ills Jvlniundi InMstow do Nortliorom i bu|.tiz;di fiurniit * s filiu.i AVillelmi Clyffo de - (piuito die men- AVarlav \ i"*-'"-'^'-'^ ejiisdem. ^^ar),'areta' lilia Jolianiiis llaldeswortb de ' Nurtlioroin Elizabutlia filia Laurendi llardeweku do Halifax l.ai.lizutu.s fuit xvil • ilii' uiriisis cJKacli'Ui. It. n, .I„haiHirs liliius ,InlKUini.s l;,vro('lou-li do Hyperouir^ hnp- ti/itiis fait eoilrni d\r rt liieiisii. Milo tiliuM lja.st:u-.lu.s Milonia Diiw.lncu parocliio do L'.'llno ct Marirarete Spmsos bapti/atiis fuit xviii" dio mcnsis (jusdeiu. Xicli.d.uis filiuH .h.l.annia Toxcrofte de .Sowcrby baptizatu.s fuit ciidcHi dii: ct ini'iiSc. .lohauues filius Hu^onis Caller do cadcui baptizatiis fuit xxi" dlo iiu'iisis cju^dom. Gracia fdia (;yll)riti Haldesu-orlh d.. Sowerby liaptizata fuit xxii''" dio uicnsis ojusdi'in. Sibella lilia Tboiue Kent do Halifax baptizatus fuit xxv'" dio nitnsis (jusdriu. ll,ui i:..lM.itu.-i iili.H Will.lmi Ruboit de Ilyporomo bapti/itus fuit eudfUi dio rt mLiiSf. Kicaidus tiliu^ Ib'iirioi Xycolson do Wailay baptizatiis fuit xxviii" dio iuon,~is cjnsdom. lt,.ui llieavdus filius Kioardi Thomas do Oveiiden baptizatus fuit oodoni dio et mouse. Robovtn. filius Roborti liorstnw do Halifax baptizatua fuit xxx" dio. 111 Itom ^[al-areta fdia bastarda Jolmiini. 1 laid worth do Xortliorou. ct .\j.'iioUs .Ia:_-i,'er do Hyporoiuo "" * ,T„baunos liliu^ Kdwardi StauokclytV do Northorom baptizatus fiut ulliuio dio [June 1539.] luoipit iiieiisi.s Juuii Anno Domini iri39. AlioiafiliaCilborii Whololl do Halifax baptizata f.iit toioio dl' luou.si.s Junii. Iteui Elizabotba filia .K.ban.ii.s Uotbumlay do Wavlay baptizala fuit eodom dio ot meuso. „ , I baiitizati fuorunt RicawbH filius .TubanirH Wylson do \\ a'l-'jy ' ,^„i„to dio moii- ItHii .Iaoobu8 tilius .J.o'.d.i I'.urnolay do Scliylll | ^^^ ,^„,ii_ Mai-arota filia Jaoobi ( lldfrld do Uvoudeu baptizata fuit .oxto dio monsis Junii Anno I'oiuini '-' 12 Ifiill/ax Padxli C/iiirch Jtr'/istas. W Gicir.lus tilius Johiiniiis l-ystcr .1.: Soworby bnpli/.atii.s fiiit xi" (lio itii!U.>is cjusdem. hum IvUvur.lus Hrvlny fiHus Ivhvar.li ll.-yloy .le (Jii'ivlon IjiiptiZittus fuit codem die ot mcii.so. Eubi'Vtus (iliiH Ktjberti .Somcrscdialos de Halifax bajitiziitus fuit xiii" di(! nioiisis cjusdem. Sibidla tilia Omfiidi Watcihouse Je Sdielff biiptizata fuit xv" die meii^^is. Item Edniundus filius Roborti Crother d.i Soweiby b:iiiti/.iitH>< fuit eudein die et mensia. (Sic; :) Willelmuri lilius Jobaimis Cockecrofto do Ovcn.lcu b.ipti/.atus fuit xvi'" die nieiisis cjusduui. ■\Villflmu3 filius bastardus Kicaidi DucksbiTy de OvL'udi^u ct Eli/abahe llargreffos de Halifax baplizatua fuit xviii" dio niensis Willeliuus tiliv.s Jacubi Walker do Warlay baptizatus fail xix die iiii'iisis i jusdiiu. Kob.rlu!! lilius Kicardi llcniyiigway do Noilhoioiu baplizatu-i fuit xx'^'rtio nicnsi.s cjusdoii). Agnes lilia WiU.hni Nycolsuu do Halifax baplizata fuit xxiii" die mansis L'jusdeni. Eobcrtus niius Kicardi Brygo do Halifax baptizatus iuit xxiiii''^ die mcnsis ejusdeiu. Elizabetba filia Jubanuis Hai-ysou do Halifax baptizala fuit xxvii" die iueii!is cju.sclem. Johanna liiia Willclmi KlystoiiL's ile Halifax baptizala fuit (juinto di" immsis ujusdem. Willrlmiis filius Uictardi U.TsrofTL.a d^ Warlay bapti/.atus fuit sextu ilio niynnia cjusdeni. s, =;; :;. hast.mhu ISriani Sayvdl ct Elizabotho Grymeschay )iaptiziM.s fuit vii" die luensis Julii. * ^:^ Willelnii Faulu-s du Halifax ))aptizatu8 fuit viii" di' nienais ejusdcm. * * t. filiii .T,,hanni-i I)y(keHon du Sonrby bapti- zit.i fuit ix"" die meusia ojusdem. « filius OloTcii Whytton de Xorlhorom bapliz,Uu!i fuit xi die mcnsis Julii. * ■:= =i= lili.i Thnmo Waitlio do Halifax bapti- zita fuit xii" die mensis ojusdem. /i../.,'ctus filius n,. belli Towmdye de Myi7;-;clay Item Klizalielha liiia JoUaiinis Mawde de baptizatifuerunl .Skvreuto j'xiii" die meusis Item llii.'aidus lilius Xirliulai Duckewoilli de I ejusdem. II alii ax A'^nr^ lilii Kranoisci Faweoto do Halifax baptizata fuit siiii'^ di.' mensis eju.-dem. /Inna lilia Jacobi (lybson de Northorom baptizata fuit xvi'° die mensis Julii. us lilius .biliannis Koeliyn do;llypcrome baptizatus fuit xx" die mensis ejusdom. /Ignes tilia Willclmi Cledi-hyll dc Sdwerby baptizata fuit xxi" die mensis ejusdcm. Item Kli/bi'tha lilia (lilberti Hcrstow «lo Xurtluu'om baptizata fuit eodem die aniMi et mense. Rosamunda lilia Juliannis I.aey do Cromwelbothum baptizata fuit xxvi''^ die mensis ejusdeui. Johannes filius lleniiri Kent de Nurthorom baptizatus fuit xxvii'^ die meusia ejusdeni. Edwai-dus fdius E.linundi Heyloy do Ovenden baptizatus fuit xxviii" die mensis ejusdeni, 14 Hal! fax J'lirisli Churcli llegi»(er^. [August. 1539.] lucipit hir ini'iisia August!. La>iivnr;ius i-ilius .I:\oolu Sinylli do Suwerby Inpti/ntus I'liil frecunJo ilip niiMisis Aiigu.-'ti. Thnini^ llliua Ivlwardi Wylsoii il,' H.ilif.i.K l.uptizatii.s fuit vii° tlie nieiisU oju.scU'iii. EJwav.liis liliiis r.ricir.i Ciolhci' do Wiirliy Iwplizitus fuit x" dio mi'nai.s Au;4usti Anno Jlouiiiii l.').'5'J. Johanna lilin Jaooln Spyvo do Warlay Ijiiplizata fuit xiii dio Im■n^is Augi'.sli. Elizabcllia iilia Tlionio licntlay de Sowciby baptizata fuit xvi'" dio niL'Usi.^ cjusduni. Johannes (ilius Juhaniiis Coaniout de Mi;,'giday bapu.itua fuit xviii'-'^'ilii; nicnsis Augusti. Johannes filiu.s Jobaniiis I'ulln do Sowoiby baiilizatu.-i fuit xs" die ini:ii.--i.-~ cjubdem. Item Jcduiiines filius Ricardi Jleiisoii dc Halifax bapti/.atu.s fuit ci'dfin die ct lui'Use. Sibolla lliia Johannis Ib.l.' dc Sowciby 1 baptizatcfucrant Ikaji l.-abella lilia Jidiaunis NorlUend de ■ xxiii" .iie uionsis Nortlinivui ) ijusdeu). Marpmi!^ fdia Tvicardi Mychcll de Halifax baptizata fait xxiiii<" diu mclisis eiusdeui. ,, , ,, , ^ baptiziti fu'Tunt ifm'i/areta Idia i;.d.cvti (.Uvruwall de Ovenden | ^^-^ ^;^. ^^,.^^^^ /ton • Johannes hlius Ladulpiii TouU do /y„„„,,j .\mio J iKauiiii 153'^. tSoweiby Hie incipit niensi.s Septenduis Anno Domini IDS'J. Sibella filia JSep.^ — AVillehmis liliu.s Thome Myehell do Halifax bapti/atus fuit ipiarto dio tjusdeiu Johanna filia ba.^Uuila IMciirdi Bene et Alicie llentlay de C-]U sdeni. ]lipei-oiue baptizata luit viii" die luensis < Southoium baptizatus Kobeitus filius Thonic Heuiyngway fuit x" die mentis cjusdem. Il'ilifax Pwinh Church Ili'fjisteis. 15 .Idliaiinii liliii liubditi Schcrd do Ovcmltn l)iiplizat:i fuit xi"* die im;ii--is (•jusdoui. Juhaiini s lilius EJwanli Minvdo Ju Northorom baptizatua fiiit xiii" Jio luonsirt cjuHiloiii. AgncH lilia .Tohaniii-i Swyfto ic Xoitliorom baptizata fuit xiiii'" ilio inciisis (•ju3il(!iii. Agnes filia Eilmuiuii Smyth do Warlay baptizata fuit -wi'" ilio lliclisi.i c-ju^rielll. Agiii's filia Thdiiin Cironehawgh dp Sowerby baptizata fuit >;ix» die n.onsia oju.-di'iu. dobaiincs liliu'< Willcimi Wvuki-. de Halifax baptizatua fuit xxi" die iih'i)>is ijusdrm. ^^al•gall■lu fdia Willcimi Witmaim d« Halifax baptizata fuit xsii''" di'' Mifii.-is i>Ja-dolii. Edwnrdus filius IMwurdi llrnckesbanku do Warlay baptizatuK luit xxiii die cjutidfiii luensis. Einiuota lilia ( iilborti I.umi' do Soland , Iloiii Mai>;aii;la illia bastarda Koljorli Iioyiiu- | bnptizall fuciuut foitli pt Jidianue J iaiyiij;ti.ii J-xxiiii''^' dio mou- Iteni .loluiiines tiliu^ (ivrnvii Hdolo do L3-ght- ( sis (jusdc-u). haspllos GilbertUi) fdius llcnrici Scrabedoii do Soland baptizatus fuit xxvii" dio inonsin cjusdi'in. Th(ima>i illius 'J'Iiomk! .Myclivll do Skyrooto baptizatus fuit xxviii dio niini^i^ pjusdcni. Elizabftlia lilia liriani Farrow de Halifax baptizata fuit ultimo die .Soptembiis. [October.] Iiiciiiit inonsig Octubi'is Anno Domini ir)30. Elizabollia lilia A\'ilK'lini Py;,'hp]i'3 do Myggelay baptizata fuit Bocuudn dio moiisiri Ootobiis Anno Domini 1539° *Eobertus filius Johannis Lystor de Halifax baptizatus fuit torcio die iiiensis Octobiis. Edwanhis filius Edwaidi Fmnes.so do Sowerby baptizatus fuit sexto Jio mensis ejusdem. * Ucilierl I.vstcr. MA. ami n.T... Follow of Jlasdalon C. llcge, Oxford, Prinfipal of Majrilaloii Hall. l.'idT. l!iirii;d at Oxford, in tliu Church of St. rclcr-iii-thc-ta.st, 24th July, U',02. 16 //„///(« l'iiri.-liu. KobHlu. Iiliu« .la.obi Mawao ,!,• Snutl.Mom barti/.atus fnit xi- di,. niMii-is Oclol.i'is. [M,,>,..vaM.lum ibat .1h, Inv.nlioi. „r tl.is V.^\-Uy T.ook.. «a. lo vciie t-'oud inirp'iM' ] tus lilius .Iohai,ni.s Solio.yhvoill, l,:.,.lir,tu. full Nviii .'...■ ,„,.n.-.U(lclnl,ii.s. .l,.„.lizat.fu.TU,.t Gncialilia.Tac.bi T-avdwrn^on de nvi.rT..nu. ) xix'"di,. lu-nsi, iS;Lia.niaTl,„n...n.hH Haii.x ^-;;;-,^-> Elizabetlmniia.Tobanni. I'obs..n .!,• S„urhy bai.tiz.ta fail xxii die mi'Dsis ijiisiUin. Jobann,.s lilins Jol,a„ni^ Sayv.-U ,1,. Sl^yr-ot,. | ba,,|i.aji i|>..-;t Ite„>^^,,a.,buB iiUus- Tl,.u.. ^p..,.k. '-,-,,;;;' '-"^'^ H,,n'i,l tdiu. (!oor;;ii .Iak,.son do North.rom bapti/.at,.s fuit xxvi'" die iiirnsis ciii-driu. Ali.-ia lilia Uiranli Flvn^voHb d. Kland | b^M'ti^^'tr l'"""'"' di-n ■' llic incipit mensis NuvMnbiis Anno Domini 1.V50. Johannos lilius .Johannis Pryst.day do Habfax ba,,ti.alus fuit ii'i" di.' uuMisis NovcnibriH Ann.. l)..niini l.^:'.'.'. G.orgius filiuB .]ac,d.i i;..byn.nu dc S.,w..>by bapti/atu. fuit iii'"ilii' ni.'nsi.-! .jiisd.iu. Ant.min, fdius Jol.anni. I.y.te. ,!.• Habfax baptizatus fuit .ininto die cJiisd.'Mi ni.nsis. Ge-.P'iuslili.is I!..b.'rtiCrabtn'd.-S..w(.i'by \ Item' Al^xan.icr liliu.i Cbiistof.ri I'l.i. t..ui' du Halifax Item \Vir...dinu- iilius Wilb. 41111 li,.ni isa\..dla liHa l;..b,Tti Apnst.dl.'s d,. ca.biii , ll,.in .loi.anna iilia bastanb. K.hvanh Sdiiter | ct Mar>;arete Hyndyll > „. , J baplizatifiioiiint IlalifiiJ! I'ari^lt lliurcJi llgUtcrs, 17 lit lueu- I;..l..Mlii. Iiliu- l;..l„.|ii I'nimii- .Ic Hallux li:\l'tiz:iliu fiiil vii"'" ilic iii.-iiHit NoviiiitiiiH Aniiii liuiiiiiii l."i3',i. Anna lili.i Jolmimis SniUli ili' .Skyifuto Wiiti/ala (uit, x"" diu iiiiiixin ijiisilfni. Mailinus hlius llitlurai l;iy(,'liu\v.-c >li' nyi"Toni ba|.tizalU3 fiiit xi'"" ilii' lucn-i-* cjusili'iu. .lolmnncs lilins Willulmi 'Ivt.ryii^tun d.' Uviiidi/n bai.tizutus I'uil xvii" ilii' nil ii-i-' iju-'li in. Maiia lllia IliMnu.li I'.awim'l'oith dr Halifax jiiaptlxali fu.'ru Il..|„ A'.'livs (iiia .InlMiiiiis Navl.T .!,• S,,w..iLy \,^^^^'y,.. ,ij,. ,„e Item .Marn.adukc filius Aitliuii Ilaiie. u 'I" ( aj, ..jamleui. Ilaiilax ! ■" Ciwiii lilia C.illuTti l;ayiuT >io Ni'iUunl bai.ti/ata luit :,Niiii'" Jio ojll-^ilrlu ini'll-irt. g^r Margaicia fiiia WiiUcliiii Tanor 'yp;<.lay liapti/ata fait xxvii" die niciisis ijiLsdom. Anna lilia Will.lmi l!AiM,d..wgli d.i Halifax l,apli/ata fiiit xxviii" dii' nionsis cjusdL'ni. Sibella lilia Tli..nui l.ryi^li do Halifax Imptizata fuit xsix"" die meiisis * Item lii.diiu-diis lilius Willuhui iSynnys do Korland baptizatns fuit eodfin lUe et nie».-v. Itom ].-aliella lilia (iillnTti WaddfS\v.,ith dc Wnil.iy baptizata I'uil ciidem dii' it * Item Thonias lilius Kiidiardi Lystor dc lialyfax baptizatus fuit eudrm Anno J)niuini et meii^f. Hie iiicipil nuMisis Iiccoinbris Anno Dumiiii irt"'J" Johannes llliu.H. J ohannis lirowpbten lU- Wailay baptizatun fuit prime dio mensis Deccmbris Anno Itomini "' JnlKinna filia .b.liannis Fourm-s dc. Halifax bnptizata fuit tereio die ('Jo-deiu LiOnsi;'. Kidinrdus tilius liicliardi Biygf,' de Suutburom bapti/.atua luit quinto dii) ejusdim meiisis. Agnes lilia Eoberti I'.i'ownu de Soweiby baptizata fuit .sexto die cjusdem menhis. IS fliiHidr P'iriili CliHirli I{ifjti4lert. l; .loh,inmi niia basUnla Wilb-l.ui I.-ssot \V,.>l,,v -t Elizal.ethe CIlilskT bliptizita lllil Vii"'-.li.' m.>ll>is rj.IS.ll.Mll. 11 Ak,i..s lili.i l.a.l«,M. l;.>)...,ti S..W...1 -t Sib..ll« Otto. ImptiMtu fiiit it""'ilio iiioiMis tj.wl.'iii. Johiinu.,. lilins Xi.:h..l.i llynU >!.• N...th..rom l.apii/.at,iis fuit xii"'" ti» cjiisitem. Agnes niia .loluiMii. 1'ucImU .lo S.laiul bapli/.atn luit xiii"'n .lio lllc:nHis ejus. 1. 'III. Mari.iDii lilia .loliauuii MurgiUrod .le Warliv tmpti/.alu fail xviW dii! mt^nsis .•jumlciu. Rob.Ttiistilius(lillK.rli Wli.uall.le Northorom liaptizilin (nit XX" ditf iiiciisis v]iisili-iii. ,. Micha.ll lilius l.a.sur.lus I'Mwardi Hardy ct Ali.io UhLI-woiiU baplizatUM fuit xxvii" aic iMii.^ii .•jiis.t.iii. 'Hioma-s lili.18 Ivlwanii IF.^ll .1.: Mii.erumo j baptiznli fuoruut Itom Gcui-ius lilius (iill..Tti CIcmMivH .b. xxvni .h.. in-».-.» Sowoil.v I "J"^"""'- . Thutufts filius l;i..liar.li UIIcm de Halifax baptizalus fuiL xxp;"" .lio iiiensia cjusdem. Hie iiitiiiit iiiemis Jaiiuarii Aiin.i Domini I^IVJ"" Johiiina lilia Iviiiiiindi Crodar do Ovondeu \ j^,.j,^,, ,lie ni«iini.s lli'iii .b.baiiius alius J.jhannis Kc.lehaw^b ••''< ,i;„n,arii Aiin.j W'ailay ( Ouniini .b.l.aiina filia .lohan.ii.s Doyno .1(> Halilax buptizata fuit teicio die iii.'usi.- cju.-i.luni. Kicl.aidus liliiis ('.i'o.'Vli Haru.ldW'ili dio menais lloni r.riaiiub lilir.s .b.liannis H.Ttlcy d« i ej,,^t/(.,„. Wailay ' ■ Tln.miis tilius lii.diaidi I'.o.veilay .!.• Halifax baptizatu. fuit septini.. .lie uiiMisis (■ju^.d''(/i. Jtcin .b.Iiann.': .iiius Edwardi Turner dr. Sowtrby baptiznt.i.s fuit ( o.loui dW, t;t asini). .b.lianiia lilia Tlwiuo Lystcr de Skyroute baptizala fuit viii™ dio luonsi-i .'jusdcm. Ki.liardus filius Cliii.4of.ri H.irsfall de Northorom baptizatus fuit ix liii.' nii'n^is Jnuuarii Anno ])oiiiiiii ISS'J. lltiUfax Pariih Church Jlfjluteri. t» MarKM.ctii fllia .lolmnuiH 8tut.ir.l .!.• Si.w.il.y liipiizilii fuii x" ilii- iiiiiii»i.-< tjusili:ni. ItolMiitus lilu.-. Jol.anni. WjImom .1. Ovh.I. i, l.:,,,ti/.:iti.- luit xi' ilii> nii'ii^U I'juHiliiii. I,,,,„ .lilbrrtu. tUiu- llicliiiMi \V.a,Ml...w-a.. Skyvc .t.. l..|.ti/..l.« full cimIi 111 clii! iiiiiiii I'l inijuai'. Thoiiin. liliu. Echvanli (.■l..yt..n .lo Il.lifax 1, .r.i^:iln.-. full xil' ilii' U1CII>'W fjll.-ill'lll. „,,„ .loli.mm tilia Wilholmi Fuwrncs- Uo S,.l„.llT.. Imjiti/at,. full i-iHlcni iliu el uimis"'- R„l.,.,tiH flliu. l!:mmr.li lI.vU a. llulifax ,;l .)ol.aiih. r„wi„ ud iKipluiituH fail xiiii'^ '"I""'- * Johanna filia Edmundi Ol.let'eld do S.nvlh.row laptizata fiut ultimo dio nicnsis ojiisdoin. " i Of " Plaec"— There are now two limnes, •' I'pp'r '' and •; bower." Joan. daa. and eoli. of Kdn.und OMfeU , marne. John hay"""*!. Gemieman, of King.ton-un-llull, as by Deeds dated ,! Mi^. 20 Hdlij'LC Pni:.
  • 3D. Henricu. filius Joli;.Mhis irarLml's ,!.■ AVarliiy l.aptiz.if.H fait soonua.' .lie uii'U>i^ F,>!iiii;uii Anno Domini iri3'.>. ( li.iiilizalo fiienint Silirlla lili;; Thanip iliiiTysoii .!,■ Ilalifax ) jj-,:,, _,jy ,.ju;.(l,-m Item SilK'Ua litia Tlionio Masou .Ic oadom ^ mensi.s. Wilhelmus liiius Alcxari'lri iSione ilci Halifax bipti/aUii fuit (jiiavto ilio inctisis Frbriiarii Anno Domini 1530. Eicliaidu:^ liiius Klwai-Ji Sclayac-n Av. My-^;. lay liaiitizatus fuit S(.xti) tlic imiisis 1-Vbruarii. Isalii'lla lilia Kiclianli Mercer baptizata fuit viii" die incnsia cjusdem. Thomas liliiLs Willu Inii rottcrtou do Warlay baptizitns luit ix»" die mi'nsis cjU>di'Ui. li Wilhelmus fdins bastaidus llenrici liutterfeld ot Klizal.olho Vicar^H baptizatuH fuit x'"" die mentis eiu-.d>in. :vlar-:ireta lilia Williehni I'oll.rd de Sowerby bapiizita fuit xii" die imnsi.s Februarii Anno Jlomiui ■ Hem Alicia lilia Juhannis Wylsou de, Sowthoroni baptizata fuit cod>'m die mentis. Thomas liiius Uoberti Mylner de Warlay baptiz.itu.s fuit xiii die men.-is cj'i.-dem. Item Jii^-..bus liiius fieoruii Smylb de Sowerby bayaizati fupvuut hem Mar;;areta lilia Thome " L!ry-lio\\vo de | eodeui die et Ovend.m /■'""'J' Item Johannes liiius Johannis Thaekrow do J Halifax JuUunnes liiius Joliannis Clow-li de Nortborom l)aptizatus fuit XV" dio mi^n.-is ejusileiu. ii Hem KtTanim.' lilia bastarda Kichardi Mylner ct Alide Ttleley Viapliz.ta full eodcm dh' et aiiiui. Kdwardus liiius Juhannis Woodehedo de llyperome bapti/.atus fuit xvii die ui nsis ejusdem. , ,. I baptizate fuer .\birpareta lilia JoliauniH 1 Imrpe de llyperome ( ,„;,, ^yn; ,i}( Item Liina lilia ducobi Oldefeld de My^;. lay j mp„,i„^,jus,l I! Urnriciis filius bastardus Alexandri I'.rowncet llar^-arete liorstow baplizatus fuit xx" dio meusio eju.-dem. 10 cm. llnlij'ii.r I'liriult Clunclt Rrgi'slcr.i. 21 Aniiii lilia .lacobi DohBOii ilo Sorliy )jiiptizatii fiiit xxi" die monsia cjiisdem. ,. ,, , . , I linpUzili'f'ui'iunt IsiiIh-Uii liHa l;irli;inli Ilonicr .!>' Soworby ( ^^ji.iM.iiu „„.„,>,is lli-iM .Iiiliaima tili.i .K^li.innis llalLs do paauin I J.:,|jjy,„_ Elizabi'tli.i filia Xichulai Towntihi'ud di; Nurlliorum baptizata fuit sxiii din iiii'iisi:i (-jusdcin. .,,,,,, , ) baptizale fuiTunt A^n.. filia (b.uriru llvlylp d.- how.iby Uxiiii^'^die nionsis Item Isalii'lla lilia .)ar,, l,i Ly^lrr de Halifax j ^.j,,„1j^^„,^ ,.,• , , ,.,• .1-1. L ) baiitizati fucrunt Item IJizab.'tha liba Alatii I'ciiii.Mirrtnn '. eoili in diu et Itciu Kuboitus llliu- (borgii llawoilli | ,||,.,|^^. A"iie.-i liiia .b.liaimis I/'C '.V,i"- Cilb.-iUls mills Kieliaidi Waddcsu-uitU df Wailay luptizatu^ fuit xxvi' ' dii- iii'.ni,^is eju-ilnu. Clnistabidla filia Jlobevti Wado do S'jwerby baptizata fuit xxvii' die tiiensi-, cjusdi'iii. Kuberlus liliiis Iwnlar lus Looh.inli lli myir^way i.'t Mai';,'nr te M'aidi! baptizatiis I'uil xxviii die meiisis ojiisdeiu. Wiih.liaus filiiis Wilh.dmi Dyckesou de Hcjwerby baiitizatu.s fuit uUiuii' dii! iiieusis Febi'uarii Aiinu Duiiiiiii 153'J. llii; iiieepifc ineiisis Mandi Auud Domini iriS'J. JoliaiiiH-; filius Jdhannis iraldcwonli do llypcvome baptizatiis fuit pi'iiuo dio men.sis Jfaicii Ann i Domini ■■■ Item Jidianiia tilia Edwnvdi (Irymescliay d's Xorthurom baptizata fuit ei]d"m dio mentis et auno. Anna Idia NViliirlnii Vycares de Xortliorom baptizata fuit ipjinto die Maieii Anno I). -mini 1539'"^ Elizab.-tha lilia Cliriatoferi Ellys de Wurlay baptizata fuit sexto die mensid ejiii-deiu. ,l„Uaiu.es lilius Cieorgii J'.oyte:^ de N.utliorom baptizatiis fuit vii" dio mentis ejusdem. I!ic!iavdu3 fdius Kieliardi ricliurd du Oveudeii baptizalus I'uit viii" die men-is ejusdem. 22 IJaliJax Pwich Church Reginters. Wilhflmua filius Johiimiis Slayilen dc "Warli-y | beiptizati fupnisit Item .luhanna niia Johannis Thorpe de Skyv- ■ ix" diu meiisis coto ' ''jiiMlem. (irei^'oriu.s filius Antonii Smyth de Ilalyfax baplizaliH fuit xii die mensia cjusdom. Johannes fdiua Edwardi Wadeswnrth do Wailey) baptizati fuerunt Item Margareta filia liichardi Scoffeld de V xiii" die mcnsis llyperome ) ''jusdem. Thomas Alius Thome Bulcoko de .Sowerby baptizatus full xvii die Mareii Anno Domini 153'J ■J'homas filius Robcrti Sunderland do Eland | baplizdi fuerunt Item Kiebardus lilius Johaiinis Drausfeld de xx" die mensis Sowrrby ) ejusdeiii. Wilhelraus lUius Wilbelmi Duglity de Oveiiden baptizalu.s fuit xxi" die mensis ejuadem. Sibella filia Jacobi Spensos de Halifax baptizata fuit xxiii''" diu men.sis ejusdeni. Johanna fi'.ia Christoferi Snell de Xorthorom _ Item Kiehardus filius Roborti T5rodidcy de Hyperonie _ ..,.,.,.,' xxiiii'" die meu- j baptizati fuerunt ".'i- .. ^ . , . , ' xxiiii'" die I Item Kiehardus filius Georgu Gor-end eujusdam y ^j^ ejusdera. pauperis ^ ^ item Agnes filius Wilhelmi Salanon de Halifax • The middle letter of this name is blotted and illegible Hall/ax Parish Church Registers. 23 Nvpti. Anno Domini 1539. Fiobertus Tnwiiolionil ct J Elizabellia Farrow j invicem matrimonium contraxerunt xiiii'" die mensis Aprilis Anno Domini 1539. W'illu'lmus Pollard Alicia Wood et iiivicGm matrimonium contraxerunt xxvii" dio mensia Aprilis Anno Domini 1539. Eobiu'tus I'ryye ct Mabella Tlicbcjttcs Item .Toiiannes liradiday I ct Joliiiiina Talersall Item Kiohardiis Wliytlayl el Johanna Wylky nson AVillu'hnus Elystonys et Johanna ilrunihyld Item Johannes llaif;refr>'.s ft Agnes Kcyiiclbith '-^'- Nicli(jlaus Bi'ldon de Olli'lay ft Sibella Watcrhowse istius jiaruchie Thomas riiilcoki' ft Kiizabftba llar;^rcii'i'S Item Kicliardus Siitclyll' et Margareta AVylson Wilhelmus Haldeswortli ft A;,'iies I[a\V(,'hton Item Johannes Hanson et Johanna .Sfliawe Item Gilbertus Wood et Margareta Gledfliyll Wilhflinus Hole et Isabella Mychell Item Williflmus (jreiif'eld ft Margareta Yngliani Item I'Minundus Lumme et Isalifjla Crotlier Item laeoliiis Smyth et Elizabutha W'liytheyd invicem matrimonium contraxerunt quarto dio mensia Mali Anno Domini 1539° invicem matrimonium contraxerunt ([uiuto die mensis Mali [ invicem matrimonium contraxerunt [ sexto dio mensis ejusdem. iiivieem matrimonium contraxerunt ■undfciino die mcnaia Mali Anno Domini 1j3!}»>' invicem matrimonium contraxerunt seeundo die mensis Junii Auno Domini ISSy"** invicem luatriraoniura contraxerunt viii" dio monsis Junii Anno Domini ■ 1539° invieem matrimonium contraxerunt T , ,, ,, ,„ ■, xxix"** die mensia Junii Anno Domini Isaliella llorsfall , ^.,,,y Gilbertus Waddesworth et •Nicholas Baildoii, of Baiidon, married Sibell, daughter of Richard Waterliouse, of Sliibden. Uuil. AJ.S.S. 0070. 24 Ihtlifax Parish Church Itri/iflers. "Willicliiiii:^ Si'licynl d iiiviccm matriiuoninm coiiiraNcrunt , xiii'i'ii! iiifusiH Julii Ann.) Domini Anna Wylkynsvin j ];,;>(jo / iiiviooni iii;itiiniiiiiimn <'ontriixi'nint ,Toli:>nnoR Novthcii.l d 1 virtut,^ lic.M.ti.; a.-siM'nsiuMonis pro Isiiliulla Ol.b li.'M ■) (|Uait() jjnulu ciMiaiin^'ninil.itis xiiii" ( iliu iiu-nsi.s .lulii Anno Domini 15:VJ'' Ilenricns Hrlirllwliaytr,' t-l Ai^ni's Ciiiiiiililis ItfUi Cillii'i'lns IVllyii.L^ten t '^"^|,y el .M;ii;4arcta Maunni' .) iiivicim nuitrimnnium ccnliaxi'iunt. xxvii" (lie incn.-^is Jiilii Anno iJuuiini Iliifjo K'.'yucfortli vi Alicia ' Kivyny f Rieliiirilus Cummyng di^ Waikfi-ld cl MatiKla SaltiuL-tall imper relida Iviclianli Saltoli:xvii" die mei!.4s Auynsti Anno I. •mini lo"!) I iuvicci )>xvii" invicom uiatrimmiium rontraxerunt xxxi oil' m« nsis Angnsli Anno DMinini 15.'!',) matiininnium invieeni contvaxiMUut .-ardnn Fyld il _) ,„,i,„„ ,ii,, mcns-ia Soptenibris Anno JIai-aveta ]• wwnodo | L),,^,!,,! 1539 Thomas Campmottn fit . ■ , ^ Mar-aretallal-U-sworlh invici^m matnmoimim contraxerunt ll,.m .U.hnnncs l!ioU,i de vii" die mm.Ms .Septembns Anno liudiTsli'ld et 8ibolla\ Duiaini lo3'J. Dlackuburne Jacobvis Ilawditwonson it \ i,^^,;^,,^! niatrimoniuni contiaxorunt Isabolla Vycareg 'xiiii'" di« mcn.sia St'iitendiiis Anno Item KdwanlusOotlu-ret 1 j,^,^^j_^; j-.,,j_ r I .... C.1.it..1ikn I J.ilianna Sclayden WillirlmiLs Hpi-sIow et^ j iK.d.rlla WoUar Item JolianncsTowmdiend TJ,,,,,!,,; ij;j(J et Acnes Obbdchl .' ) invicom matiimonium rontiaxi'iunt • xv'" di 111 niensis aniioqiK!. iiiatii;ui)liium iiivicclii oiintrax- ciuiil xii" die iiiciit^iti Ocli'biia ' Aiinu Domini \5'M. j -I iTU'cli rm-niiit in Hacranicnld matrimonii xiii" di'' i (ctobris I Auiio l)oniini 1539. I 111 tiinioniuni invic'^ni c.'i.tiaxi'i- luiit xix''"' dii,' niinsis Octobri- I Ai.no llumini 1539. I matiimoiiium fontraxenint xxvi'" die nii'iiM.s I Ii'!..bl'i8 Anno Iliiihilii I l.v;'.). .Idlianncs llollc et dolianua Spmses Antonius Smyth ct Margiivctii ytansfeld .loliiiiiiii't^ ' 'hamnifrs .'t Johanna nuii( r llclicta Milonis Fildi' Kiancisci.is F.okysk'y ct Mi/.abftba nii|ici Kelicti .iilianni.-i S ri'dit ( inviccm inatiiiiionio con.jincti fiiciiiiit ii''" die nicnsis Xovcinbris I .'iiiiio l)omiiii 153'J. I mnliimoiiiniM coiitiuxciuiit iti- ' viccm x'"" dip nnnsis X(jvcud'ii^ ! Anno Doiiiiiri 153'.i. j iiivii.'riii matrinn'nium contr.ixcv- iiut xvi'" ibc X.Ai minis Anno I Itomini 1 o'!!!. (iii\ic-uiii .ontiMXonint raatiiiuo- niiim xxiiil''^ liic i'ici;sis Novcni- ( hv.f Aniio ]»oii ini irio'V Item .lohiinncs lllyirdviiriic I f c.'iitiaxM'iin' maiiimoniiim coik'm Agnca T\irnnlay \ die anno ct mens^c. 26 llaUfnx rnrish Church l'ii]intm-s. WilliilmiiH Siiliimo'lu I't .luhiinna Lacy \ Item .li^hannes llynncs et 1 Mav^irpta li-lida Kiow I't Klii! I'.K^tlia Mars;li'ti ^ Item Joliaiinrs (^icki'orcfte ct A-'in-i .TMc-lc-.>n / Wil!iclmu'< (•)yff''l \ .Idliaiiiia nujx r iJrliclH l-'.dwanli lyvii;: Item W'illii'lmu- l>\keJ«"i) r^t [s;il)i-lla ( !i,\vk ger Itrm iIolinDiii'S Wotlilo ft Elizabi'tha Uarki'i- > inatvimonjum cnntvaxcriint in iMcir iv-clr-qc xix"" (lie iiwiisis .lamiarii Anno Domini ir);i;)»" .Tdliapivs Saltiinstall et Ktttcrina llayrtone rachavdus Saltimstali ct \ Maij^anta Relicla Ili'niii.'i } Fayri'baiiko Joliannes Elywell ct Isabella nupii' Rulicta Johaniiis Gawkenii^cr viituto Di.spcnsiicioniM liiitimo (sic) (malrimoiiium • 'ntvaxc runt in faeie ■^EcdesiL' xx'""clio inensis Januai'ii (Anno Domini irp;)0»" ! invicpin matrimonium contiaxer- \unt in facie Iv-elesic. xxviiii'" ilio nirnsis .lanuaiii Anno Domini i5;j'j. S,:n,lii I. ■>:(') i- Imiipit nion-is A] ■: is Anno Domini 15^)9. (Aprill.) Ivlnmmlus (»yo ixtramms scpuliiis fnit primo die mcn.-is Apiilii Anno i lomini 1 "ili'J. Rii'lianhn Lumm^ .le Sowiibi H-puUiis fuit tereia die mensis 1 i'lsili'ni. Ealifox Parish Church Registers. 27 i'li.:iii;is Siiyvcll filius Tlinnio .Sayv. 11 i'nr!lK)nirn ) di'iii. Eirliiu-diis filius Wilhidmi Ecky^ry do ,Si>wlliuioni sopultus I'uit xii" dio moiisirt ojuhdmii. *I«iboll:i Walker lllia (iilboiti Ualker dc Sowerliy baptizuta i'uit xui dii' monsis ejiisdi'in. Chiiatoi'onis Haudca do Waiiay sopultus fnit xiiii^^' dio menais Apiiii- Amm ]).>iiiiiii ITiIVJ, JiihanneK Lnmc de Sowrrby Item Wilbolmus Mihiii ib- Ilaliliix (■oiisepiilti fuenuil xviii° dill monsis ojnsdom. Alicia (111:1 'I'homo, Ifarj^nllos do .'.rworby sojuilta tuit xxii'J diu moiisia Aprilis Anno iJcimini I. WO. Johanna Idia 'I'homo llcbyUwhato do Nortlioroni sopidta full xxvi'° die mensiH ojiuulom. Polaf^ia I!oli(;ta Wilhehni Sutolyll' nupor do Ifyporomo sopiiltii full xxix" dio nionsis ojusdoni. llio incipii oii nsis T^Ldi Anno Duniini 15.'?'J"' , , , I I'liiisoi nlli fiiermit pvimn d,ic ,ao,d,asnen>ynpwaydebovvtl,o.on, \ ^^^^^J^ ^^,^^.. ^^,,,,^, ,,^,,,^i,^j Itrii, \\ ilbollims Mawdodo \\ aiiay 1 j ..jy Jobanna infans filia Tbouio Uraki' do Xdrtlinioiii sopulta fiiit socunda die inensis ojiisdeiu. * "biittizata '' a|iiiaieiitly a clerical error for " ^opulta " 28 Halifax Pitrluli Church Hefiisters. jr.ircraveta uxor .Ti:li;inni.s Drake do \ Xovthui.TO ( .•niisrimlti fucnint toir.ia Ilmii Kichanlns filius Richaidi < die lucnsia cjustlmn. Stevi'nson d(^ cadi'in / Iliuhai-aus Uli.is infantps (siu !) Edmun.li Horstow do Nortliorota sc]inHus fuit srxto die iiicusia cjusdem >rargRrota lilia Ilug.iui.s Cartur do Sowerby "fpulta fuit ix" die nit'n?i-< pjusdori' dohaiHK's Sunderland do Halifax sopulUis fuit x' dio uieiisi^ ejusdein. ,1(,lmiines fdius infautos .TohaniiiH Wvlsm, ''^ ^ .^^^^^^^^^^j],; f„„,,,„,t Si'lmlfo Vxi" did uir-usisoius Item dohannp.s lilius E;^idii IIycsoli.-^r,!i de ( j^^^^^ Sowprliy. ' .(ohaniics niius infantes [Mvdic'i •T"'i'iii"is \ ^^^,.j,„|,i f^e,,,,,,, Wilson do Si-hollV Vxiiii'" die niensis Itom Agnes Rolicta WilliMmi Person do i pj„g,j^,„i_ Sowovby viilua. I'dwardus liliu= IMchavdi Salloi...tall do ^V oansopuUi fu-ri.nt Warlav fxv<'^ die m,.ns,s Item Robertus filius Wilholnii SohavburjU ( e)usdcm. doHalifa.N ' Henrieus Scharpe do Xortleuom sepultus fiiit xvi" ilie lueiisis ojuKiloni. .lohar.iios fitius Hu-onis C:ivt..r do Sowerby nopultus fuit xxii''" die ejusdeni mensis. Auues lllia .Tolinnnip Tliylepiie de Oven.lon spt.ulta fuit xxiiii' die monsis ojusd' ni. di.liannes tllius Willioluv Wh-thiy do Ilyperonie sepultus fuit xxv° dio inensis ejusdoui. Milo infans Milonis IVuvdweii .lo Sowerby sepultus fuit xxviii'- dio monsis eiusdem. Jlali/ax Parith Church Jiegialera. 29 llic ituiiiit iiicnsis .luuii Atinu liumini 1530. Oi-orgius filius Joliannis Holgiitc dc Ovnidcii sepultus fuit viii" ilii.' iiii'nsis Juiiii. Idhuniios lilius Jiihr\nnis Lystcr do Snworby sppultiis fiiit xi" (lie niiiiisis cjusiliMii. Ricliiiidus AVod do (Jvciidoii aftpultiis I'uit xxi" die monsif ejustk'iii. IdhiiniiL'S lilln., infiintes Joliannis Ecky.--hiy do Sowtlsorom ■^elMlltn^ fuit xxvi^dio mcnsis rjusJem. I'.liiinnos Idius RolxTti Dcynt! de Ovendeii sopultiis I'liit xxix"" dir ini'HMis c'JMsdi'ni. Ilic inceiiit niftisis .Inlii Annn rimniiii 153!) Wilholnins Scliore do Skyrcntc si'pultn< fuit ii''" dio imiisis dulii Anno Domini 1539. F.lizabethii lilia Jolnmni.^ Oldcd'eid do .S()url)y srpiijtn fuit ix'' dit- uiciisis eju.sdeni. ■liiiiaiina tilia .lohanniii ElynthorpL- do Sowurby .sepulta fuit x'"' die mentis ijusdi;ni. (Jiilvrtus ."^claydou di' ^^ychellay .sepultus fiiif xi" dio iiioii.si.- ejupdi'in. l>d)flla niipor Rflicla Uicliardi lli'or;l;>'sb;inlve do Warlay s,|.tdt:i fuit xii'' (lie nicn.^ii ejusdoni, •Margareta lilia ,I(ihanni>'. T'liylypjie do Ovondon scpiilla fiiil xdi' die mo7i,-is cjui^doni. ■Idhanncs tilius Thome Stocld's '\r llalifa\ sopultus fuit xviii^ ' dio nien.sia cjusdcni. y w llidifiOi I'iifiKh Cliiirch [ii'ijUltiii. 'J'Luiuiis llliu.-i liicliiu-di IlriiiviijTway Av, Suuthuiuiii mpiillus I'liil XX'"" ilir nuiiijfis (•jusilom, Kiulmnluti lilius Joliannia I'hylppoili! Ovi'iuluii sfpultus fiiit xxi" ilic iiiisiitiis cju.'di'U). UoIk'tIils i;iough tilins lioberti CluU),'h do Nuithorom 8opultu.-i xxii''" dii' iiic'iisifi cjusili'iii. Wilhelriiu-i Cryiir Jc Uvciidrii .■idpnlliiji full xxiii" ilie iiK'iisiti ■ liilii Auiio I)omini l."i39. Maii,'rtn't;i lirudclcy iV llaliiUx scimltii I'liit xxiiii'" ili(! uioiisis ejusJcm. Alicia (ilia liichardi Bnniiw ili; Hiilifsx sopiilta i'uit xxvi'^" diu mousia t'jusJeiu. (lilbortus (iiiiia Tlionn' Wylkyn.-on dc llidifnx sepultiwfuitr xxvii" dii> Jiilii Anno Domini 1539 I nuiii:is idiu.s Ulivcn W vtliiii il(i iNdi'thiironi ) ,,. ' ,. II inn Llizalmltia Touinioijon do ILililax . , ( i;,)u.pnltu.s fuit x.wi'" dio miMiti.-i cju.^ili'iii Rolji'i'lUM Ilemynt;\v:iy do Sdwtlioi' m -."pultus fuit xxviii'" die niuiisis cjusdcin .Inhaniii'.s liliiis (ic,.r''ii Th.nnas di. Ilalyfux srimltiis fuit xxx" dii: inciiKi.s (ijimdeii). 'J'lioiiias IIuKdii do Halifax scpulliis fuit ultimo dii' ttuwU Augusti Aiinn hiiMiiiii l,");{;i Hie iiicipil in.-nsi.i ,S( ptcnibiis Anno Dnimrii If).'!'. Margaipta ux..r L'oljiTti Wnlkav is r, , 1 1 ■ e r<\- ] Seiitoiubris i\iiniioiir Il( in Joliaiiiios iiitaiis filuis(|,ui ooruiii < I), -mini \i>M Jolianiia uxor Wilhclmi Gawkoiofr,., do Snwoiliy .sipulta fuil vii di(! inonsis cjuhdiiii Ague.s uxi.i- Kiobardi ^aUoii.stall d.' W'ailay sopulta fuit 0" dio luuiisis ejusdim .Tuhaiuios (ilius infanto.s Willicdiiii Myliicvoi' do Halifax dofuiiot.i Hopultiis fuit xi" dio inousi.-j oju^di'iu 32 UaUfn.c. I'lirisli dhnrah Iti'f/lnteri. ''',", , . ,,., ,1 , /xi.i'"" ili'" cjUrtilrm Itim M.irLMrctii lilii IJoIhi-u U iHunv.iU ill' ( ■> ,,irt' t'a'lem ,.x„. loliaiiutM tiliu:< iiil'm^ Uu;h:irili li-st i.- (.)cl,i.l)ii- Anno iJo'.nini 15.-i0 Margavota Maiuli: do .Sowevby srpulta fiiit xiiii'" di.- mciisis I'ju? dflU. A;,'iios fil Item E . TT 1 -. .1 ( ciinsi-pulli fupi :dia Riclidrdi IIi>myii^'wiiydo .Sowthoiom J ^^^^j^ ^^.j,„ ^|j, davi) filia J(>lmnui.s IVreson dii i'.yr.stmv j ^^^.j^;;^ ,.j,is,leu RicliardusiiHiis Eadulplii f.yti'r inip"r d." Hyporomo sopultus fint XX™" die men>is cjusdi'm. Ifalij'ax Parish Church Ut'giater». 33 .Mrlii'liiiiM iillim .InlmiDiiH Foxciol'i dc SoworLy n'lmltiis fuit ^xili dii' iiit'iusis cjuKili'm, A.i.'sliliii lui.-tiirda IMclMi.li liaMwuitli dc HyiN-ioiii fcpiillii. fiiit xxix (lit mcnsis ijusiicm. l.'k'ii.irihi.s mills ,I(]li(iniii-i WaiMcwoiih ^\,- \ Warhiv I (■'■ii-'rpiilti fiuTint Halifax ' jcjuwdom KalaiiijH lilia Giwgii Crother do Scnvprly .'-Pindta fuit \dtim.j die lUL'iiMis ijiihJoiii. Ilii; iiici|jit, Mifiisis Ncvfinliiis. GilbcrtiiH Devil.' .1.. AVaiiiy pc|.iii(iis fuit quartd dio pju.-d.'ui meiiais. .Tolmnnos StancUlf ,!,■ Il„lif;,x sf|mltu.-; fuit .sexto die mai.is XdVfiabri,- Anno Il.jniini l."i.".',)'"> .Tohaniii's li|i„s .larvl.i I),,l.M,n ,],. ,S(,W(.rI.v scpidtus init ix"o di • nll■n^i.-l (■jn>d( iii. Gillifitiis l!,.iv|o\v dr XoHlua-om Hopultiis Aiit x""" dif. nicusi- ojnsdcni. A-n(;S I1X..I- liiiliiinii .'■^clater de Ovciidcn sepulta fuit xiii cii,- iiiini.sis cjupdfiii, JFargar€ta lilia .Icd.annis Scli.>tyl\v(..itli de .Sowciby si'i.ulta fuit xiiii die nl(■ll^is ojiisdcii'. Ji.hannes ] licsoii de Sii\verl)y .-oi.ultus fuit xvi'" di,-. uiensi-i PJllSll.'ll). (ifni' iiiN lliius biHtaidus \\'illiolnii JiaccliMar ct Agu.lis Xay! . Konnni 153'J"° do eadoni • Stephanus Paddeli'V de. llalifi'x J ci.nsepulti fuerunt Item Lucia uxnr ('liristdferi Wyls'^n de xxii'''^ die monsis .Soweiby ) ejusdem. Mart,'»r'ta lelicta lleuriei Ilevbvltwavte i , • r ', V .1 . w .; 1 i;,,nsoi)nlii fuerunt ()e JMirtlicnim I ... ' ,. T. I 1 IV 'PI \\- 1 1 ,-xxni ;areta >ixor Joliaiinis Thoip.i de .Sowthoroni sppiilta fuit pnnultinio die mensis eju.idtin. Fiolicrtus lilius doiianni.s Hionsfeld ile Warl.iy .sepultu-! fuit ultimo die mansis ejusdem. *Tlii-«, llic fir.'-t rofcrciirc in the ll<'ni>iei-.< I" llio " Halifax liilihot F.aw," seems lo have escaped Ihc notice (if all ivnters un thai siibjoct. ^, /<- 36 Halifax Parish Church Registers. Ilic iiicipit iiiensia Fclmuirii. [February] ■Tolianr.is WhytLiy de (Jvtuulon .ojpultus f'tiit priiiio Hie iii.ts Fubruiirii Aiiuo Domini loliO"" I consopiilti fiiiinnt '_i„.„.;., .1; , ,-.: Johannes filius llonriui .Ski'Iton di.' SoWL'l'bv ^ Item Wilhclmus liliiia Johaiinis R.y,,,- ('1'-''''=""''" '"'-""'^ r'-'" fdi'th (lu Warlay ) '''''"• (ioorgiua iiliug .r;icol)i liobyiisou ill.' Sonvrby srpiiltu.s itiit ■■xto die ejusilum luensis. Johannes filius Jacobi Scliay ile N'ortUorom scpult.i- liiit xiiii' die monsis Fobrnarii Anno Domini 15,'iU''" Elizabetha uxor Thome Wylkynson di: ilalirax s..>pulta liiit \vi' die mensis ejusdem. iiit Henricus Nutter de Ovmiden \ , . Item Johannes Wyl.on ot ( consepulu tuevun (k'oi-iu.s W'ylsou (ilii Thome Wylson C^^'''", """'*'' do Schelir ■ ) nl Johannes (iliuslmstanliis Thome Grenowod ct Elizahethp Oriincwod i i .■ i- r l Item A''no3 lilia (.lii-isldl.-n Snivui an ' ' ,. ,,, " , • ■ sexiii dio inciisis bkyri'otc I . I Item Isabflla film Joliannis Denton ile \ ^ Sowthoroni ' J'h'imas filius (Jilhoiti W'onrl do Sow.'i-hy hiipLiz.atus fuit octavo dio racnii.-i Aprilis Anno !)oniii.i U)40. i;ich:iuhi.s filius i)ii i-rdus Th-m ' M.vru.'ll "t .loliiinno SonKTscalle.s baptiziilut? fuit iiono die mtnisis I'ju.sdtm. Ai-thiirus liliua Jolim.iis H.iMoswMrth d,' Ilyporome bapliziitUH fnit X" dit' niriisis cjiisdcm. Michaidl liliii.s Kdwardi Mawda do .SIiy;(:o;u baptizatua fuit xiiii Jii." ini-'nsis i-jusdem. Item AguM idia Williidnii Myidiril d,! II\p('roni(' linptizata fuit eodum diu et anno, Item Johanna Hli i Thoiiif Wyli^on de lidifax b.iptizala fuit f..dfm diu luensis ct anno. Edwardus filius Tlionn: I!ulc.d;n de Warl'y baptizatus fuit xv'" di(! mentis cjusdeni. 1! Margareta filia bastarda Wilh.lmi My-eley | ^^^ ^.^^^^^ ^.^.^ B Katerina lilia bastarda Cbristoferi Holle I't ( ■' , Alicia Walschay ) ''J"*^'«"'- Helena lilia Wilhcdnn GrL-ucfeld de tSowthorom b.iptizata fuit xxiii'''" die niensis oju.sdrm. Wilh'dmus filius Robui'ti Dobson dr llypc-r- j baptizati fuiTunt ,,iii(. • xxiiii'" die niensid Iteiii Johanna filia ThoniL' .Smyth du Halifax) i*.jusdi-ni. li.ibiTlus lilius Wilhclmi Stockeado Warlay baptizalus fuit xxvi*" ili,' n,ennis Aprilis Ann" Ilomini 1510'"" Margarita tilia Uugonis Krymforlh de Halifax baiitizata fuit xxvii die niensis cjnudem. Gilbi-rtu.- lilius Richanli Longbothani do Warloy baptizatus I'uit xwiii die tncnsis cjusdem Item Agni'S lilia Ilichiirdi Saltoiist:dl dc Ilyporome Ijaptizala fuit eodcni dio mon.-is ot anno. I/'ilifax Pariah Church Rogisters. 39 Ilic iii'ipit iiu'ii.>iin Mail Anno Dumini, 1540. .Marpnrrta iiliii Johannis Saltonstall \ ,^ j^.^^j f^^^_,^,^^ ^^^^,„j^ de Ovtnd.n 'mensiB Waii Anno Domini Item J-.li/.iilictlia filia Ihcme btan- | .,,(, cliir ilo Xortliordiu ) M.irf;ar(;ta lilia Tlumn; ISryge de Warley baptizatn fuit 3<' die mi'iisis cjusdciu, Mart,niret!i (ilia Kichardi Wylsnn de Tx f" '^ /..• 1 . 7 ' bartizati fiierunt quartc Item ,liicoinj3 II MIS ijastardus ,-,• ■ .• i . u illiL'liiu llionutmi ot Isabelle I •' llarocldugh Williilimis iiliiis Edwardi Im'IsIow de Kortliorom baptizatus fuit uttavo diu mtnsis Maii Aimu Domini 1540. .Joiiaiiius liliiis JuliaiHii.s Watdl'.uwsu de HypciMme baptizatiis fuit nonu die iiiuiL-iis oju.^diui. Item Wilhclmus lilius I'.duaidi Stiiytli de Halifax baptizatns fuit eodiiu die anno et mciisu. Miugareta fllia \\'ilb"]mi Sclierd do Ovenden baptizata fuit 10' die nionsis ejusdein. Sibeila tilia Thome Tiaytcs de Xortliorom baptizata fuit xi" iWc nieiiais ijusdcm Item Johannes Et Thomas Thome SutclyfT .:v ouuamio J.1JI.U11 ........1 Iti-m Johannes filius Slephani Jlylner dc I anno. Slsyrcoto I) Johannes filius bastardus .lacnbi lieulliy et Johanne Cnppi-i baptizalus fuit xii° die mensis cjusdem. .Fiihanua filia OilbiTti Wardo de Warloy baptizata fuit siii" lie mi'iisis I'jusib'in. Item Jolianne.s fihus J.ihnnnis Groncfeld do Xovthorom baptizatu- fuit eodi'in dii' anno et mouse. Agnes lilia lleniici Hemyngwny de Hyperome bapti^ta fuit xv''-' die mensis cjusdem, > lllii ''enu'lli bastardi "> , ,•,•,. , J ° I baptizati fueiniit utclyfTet Johanne Nvcoll /eirdom die mensis tl 40 Halifax Parish Church ItcfilMen. Franciscus filius Willielmi Eckyslcy de Sdwtln imiii Vnu'tizahH full xvi'" ilie iiicnsis iliiii Anno Domini IH-K). Itom BHfinus tilius liriiiiii \\'iilker Jc llypi.iome bajiti/.atus fuit i-od\.:m ; filius Mdwaidi Tlioipe I'l' Hyp' iniiii' Imptizatui-' fuit xxiiii'" dii' iiu.'ii.-is ojnadem. Alicia tilia ^^■illR■lllli Myeh' 11 d(; Oviiidi n l>aptizila fuit oodeiii di(.' inou-is ct annn. Karolus filius Karoli llarocliaiyli dc Halifax bajilizatus fuit xxv' dii' UK-'Usis (>jusdem. ItfiM ]-".lizal itlia tilia Alaiii Alai'di' dc Wniliy liaptizala fuit (•udcui die aiHiu et uieiise, Itfiii Georgius fi'ius t.'hiistoferi livioy de Ncrthon lu 1 nptizatus fuit eodi'm di.- lucu.sis et aiiiin. Kduaidus filius K'llicM'li Ilortim yks(jn de Sowerby baptizatus fuitxxviii" di«' uieiisis cjusiliuu. It ui I'inniiota filia Rulu'vii Xoithend dc Halifax baptizata fuit I i.di'Ui die nipiisis et ann'i. Tboiuas fdius Joliani.is Hanson do \ Sriwerliy (bapiizali fuorunt xxix" lt>aii Hcnrirus lilius Fdwairli [ die cjusdein uieiiKis. Jlci'well de Sowthoreui ,' l.'clii-itus filius liicliaidi liiciiuson de \ Selii'ilf ' bapMzati fueruut ultimo Item \Villic'liii\is filiu< Wilhehui ( die mcusis tju.-deiu. r.dilstoues lie li.vlifax ) Halifax Pafisli Clmrch Rf!j''. ■iters. 41 I[i(j iiu;iiiil meiiKid .hniii Anno lii mini 1510. Isabella liiin IMiuuniii lU'.rstu-\v dr Niiithorom baptizata fuit ix"''iiiu iiu!ii.-is fjusdom. 42 J/alif'i.c J'l'rl.-'/i Church lu'^/isfcs. Jobaiinos (ilius Jiriuni Dou'cbson do Halifax biiptiziitun fuit riiii'" diu mill: ih ojusdoiu. OubaniiHS lllius .loliaiinis I'.i'verley de Sowciby bapli/.atns fail xvii" di.. lutMisis fjusdi'iu. WilhelniUH filiiis bastaidii' Winu'hiii ][>viytibcli:iy di.' SciM-irby baptiziitus lull xviii" liij UKiisis t'juidetn. Wilbclniu:* lilius lleiiiiti llcitlay de Ni'i'tbovoni baptizatr.s fiiit xx" dio iii'^iisis (.'jiisduiii. WilhrliauH iili(i» 1,'i'liavdi lliniyijgwey de l>cbelfl' baptizatus tnii xxii''" die lui-iisi.-. cjiisdrui. Sibi'llii filia III bcrii Mycbi-ll do Ilalilax bajitizata fuit xxiii'" die miusis ejusdein, Kicbiiiilus iiliiia l.'i.dinrdi Ikmsfui do llab'fax baptizatHH fuit xxiiii'' die meiiiii.s ojusdcm. Jacobus lilii;R .lobainiis Klcwi 11 dc iSu-wciby buplizatus fuit xsv'" die meusiH ejus'li-iu. Ipttbidla tilia ]>'i'bcrti llorton de W'nrlcy liaptizata fuit xsvi'" die uiousi.s cjuKdi-iii. Giiijurtu-i iilius JaOMby Holdeswoith de AVailey baplizatu." xxx° die lui'iisis cjus'lem, Elizabutba lilia bai,(,i3 liovlbeie de Skyrcoto bi.ptizata fuit xsv'" die luei'^is eju^dem. Aliria Piiia Uichardi Wood du .Sowtlidiim l.aptizata fuit xxvii" die ini-i;.4.-i ejusd' ui. (;lin>talM:ila lilia Edmuudi Mawde de ^\■alll•y l.aptiz;:!i. fuit puiadtin'.o liic lueiisis ejudem. Sibeila Idia Ilicbavd' .De!^l de Ovflidui li.jtizata ftiit ultiuio die uieii^i^ eJMsdeia. 44 Halifax Pm-ish Clmrch Hi :fintcr!>. llio incijiit iniusis Spptcmliris Anno licuiiai l.'i-lO. Isabbl'a liliii EL;i(lii llictliUM.n.-on ilu iSowciby bnpli/.alii fuit. tcri-io die mi'iisii .Si.'iitimbii.s Ami'i l)i.iuiiiii 15-I0. Ij Jobiinnes filiii.s bastardiiu iiii biinli Myclic-ll et Sibello Tlionius baptizatus fnit iiii'" dit; incnHis cjusdum, Jacobus filins Wilhchni ])i>b«(in (bi JSoiliy li:i[)lizatu.-: fuil cjuiiito dio mousid ejusdeni. liobertuB filius Wilbelmi Seliiydiii do Warlt.'j baptizatus fuit sexto dio nicnsis f, jiii-dcin. Johannes Alius Ednmiidi l)obsun dn .Suweiby l)aplii;atu3 fait viii" dio nicnsis ejuedi'ni. Eicbardub fdiu.s Ilunrici Elyiigworth dd iSowprby bnplizatu.-t fuit apud Heptonstall x° dio niousis f'jiis(ieni. Ij Eichardus fdius baatardiis riobeiti Hylyiiwurtli ot .robannu ilycbell baptuatus fuit xi" die nieiisis ejusc in. Thomas filins Eichardi HoiLjato de Warley liaptizatus fuil xii die nionnis ejusdeni. Elizabotlia fllia dao.ibi Smyth do ifygg'diy baptizala fuil xv'" die njeusia ojusidum. Effame fdia Georgii Browiio de Halifax liapt.izata fuit xvi'*' die nifutiis fjusdem. Antoniu.s- tiliu.i 'I'bume SayvHJl du Skyrpiito baptizutus fuit xvii" dii) niou.sis .Soptcniljiis Anno ilyiuini 1 jlO. Elizabetba t'lia Christ. ifiri Scbay du Warloy bapl:.:a!a fuit 10° dio tiai'usis rjimdini. Alicia filia Edwanii Sowwond de Ilypdonio baplizaia fuit xx"" dii' mensis cjiifdeiii. Mariona filia J.pbannis Tliuinas du .Myj.;gidoy baptizili fuit xxi" dio nii'U.sia ijusiktn. ll'ili/'ax Piirith Oliurch Itn/ie/.'.n 45 Anna (ili.i rii-iini Olt"8 ilu Xoitliur'Hn b.qitiziita fiiit xxv'" die lucn.-is .Si|iteinl)iis Anuo lit suiirii. Miirpjiirota fili;i 'I'liduic ('Miiipcnct ila (Jv(^iiilc'ii j biiptiziita fiiit Itoiii Hlizahflha fili.i liielhiiili Miiwilc' da ' xxv'" dio tncn nsM Eli<;iil)ij'lia lili:i .InlmnnU ('i-abtre dii Sowcrby biipliziita fuit xxvii'"" (liu uKMisi.s fjuiiliiii. Aiijia lilia Itnlciti Smylli ilo II ilifax liiiptiaUa fnit xxixn" die liii'ii.-ii cjusdi'iii. Hie iiicipit iiieiisis Ootobris. Alici.i lilia Ilicli.irli Itdd.-wiirtln' du W'lirloy baptizatri fuit fuciindo dio iiieiisis Octnbris Aiuio Domini 1540. Item JdhMiiiios filim liicliardi Wod du Xortliorom baiitizatus fuit t'ndiiu 'lii' Ul'Misis it Mliliii. liiclmrilus filiiis k.'bri-ti (.'artur do .-o'.vuiby baptizatus fuit ipiarto dii; inoiisis ejiisdoiil. Elwaidus liliin IIi u.-ioi Wliytacarrea do Sovvorby baptizntus fnit xi" (\u: iiiciisis I'jusdem. Agnf.s lilia Kdwarli JJontoii du WarJay baptiiata fuit xii" din lui'iiais Ociuliris Anno Dnmini 15tO. Kiflianlus liiiii-f Joliaimia Ilopkynson du Sowi'iby bapii/aUn fuit xv'" dio nii>ii.-is ijusdeni. Elizaiii'lba liiia Th.imo Cni^hfy d'3 Sowfland l)aptizata fuit xvi''' dio moiisis c'yisdc'ii. Jiichardus lilius IJichaidi Sutoljff de Sowoi'liv luibfi'ius lilius Iluuiici Si;rU>'U do oadoiu (an ( bajitizati fuoruut ' c'odoin dio mousis oi •Juljanni s liiius Jidiannis Townr iion^le de M^'gi-'eloy baptizatus fuit xvii" dio luonsis ejusileiu, 46 Halifax Pdiinh Cliur.'h lleijisti:r>. I! Cliri(!!)ljpll'i (ilia l);i*l(ii.'i i IJii'lj.inli ^^.■lv.•l!l) du SilWl-rliV ft ElizullCtlli! I'isfwod I l),iptizati fll'TllUt 1' how JiiIkujiius fliiit.^ Iiasiiiiilu.i iJijliinli xix" din ih'MihI^ F(:nvcr!i(-'8Si.i d'l llaiirnx <■', Rli/ I'l-llii- | ejiimlinn, .Milton 1' EUzniiL'tlii llliii basLir lii Ivlwar.li S'llmv nt, M.irg.iroli' KnhyiMoii l)iipli/.ita fiiit x:;'"" .lio mi'!i.si:t fjusc/t-w. JllCl)l)U.^ liliiifi Thdiuii Ilnvland do Uyji'iMinu Ijajitizat.ii-t fi.it xxii'l'^dii' rm ii'is (-■jii.s.iaiu. f'rv.ici;! fill. I Iti'diiirdi P.ii'.c'idtlo 1I.3 My^'Ii;;,' bnptizita fiiit xxiiii' ' dio luunsi.i pjuiidum. IlaiM A:,'!i'.'S flliii Tl\i):aj L •i'jli Jj Il'diCvx bi^iUzala fiiil «c iiicnsi! tt iiiiiii). ilari.';ii'0l:i lili.i Tii t\rtn Smy'.li do .S'/\\tlii)ri>m >nijvtiz.di I'uit vi(;o.-*illl. ((llint.i dii' lni:l;.--i'-. I jii.-.di-lil. l;ii',li'Uiiu-< liliii.s b.i^liirdu:; !-Miiiui.di l.iii!,' el Antif Sc.itt. liapti zilu.s fult \.\vrl" dio luijii.-iis pju^dcm. ]!jb"i'tus liliu.j Jij'.iaiiiiiH i'.yiiiii'rt di; biiwci'hy Ijaiili/.iUiH fuit Mxviii" dip nit'usiH 'Jiiiiliui. • tilljirtiis liiiu.-; il(iliciii:iis Dprsto-.v (!,■ lI.-iUCnx IjnplizitU" fiiit xxix'' dii' OL'tu'.Mi.-< miji" doiaiiii l.jtO. \.\ 10 Mills j j,j. (-.p^j,.^,[j (',.,, jj^ev ,),, Sowri'hy bajilizati fiicriii:t ,' " 1 liitimo dii- meiisia ciuMdeui. A-nos ) ■' Wv iui:ipit lucn.-ia X.jv ii.l».i- Aiitio I) iinini lo\'<) .loll i:n>.-< filia- ThiiuM \Vyl~oii dc Sciu'lfl' njxpli/.iiuu I'uit i'linn' dip :;)pn.^is 2sovcMiil)ri.i Anno iJrinini l.">lrO""'. (iiacin (ilia IMnmudi I'.ii.iildeliy do Xoillioroni liajitizala i'ni! 1 l''"dii' tu'iisis fju.-dini. Eliz.ib..'Uui ll'ii .roiiniui^ Myliioy d." LightclyfT biipli/.:U.i fnii eoJuiii diu niuusis cl anno. Hiilifix Fariuli Clinirli L'r'jiyfrrs. Marp'n'fitii filia iTo'niuiiH rT'iMo-iWoilli ''" ") i,.,ptj,,,,ti f,i,.ruiit Norilu.rolu , ,. „ , >UToi.i' diu ...unsis Item Jul\;iunun lauis Ricnai li lii^rr.cs ili< 1 . , K-^iilax Chii.-tQfi'UH (iliui -lohnnnis ( Hili'fVM do .Snwvrliy liHptizatus fuit ot'tavn die mci^'i. ijiisdcDi. W'ilh.dnmt liliui iiiomo I'oiiioHoii d.' Soworliy b;ii)tizatus fuit. noiio (U« tHcnsin ejusdeni. ■ Idlmiir.fs lilius .Tdlimini.^ Oifsl do "voiidcii b^ijtiz.itui fuit x'^ die iiieiisis iNnTi'i.ibni Aniiii iJu'uiiii 15-10. Klizab.'tlia filiii Jolmuiiii' Hansaii ciijnsdiiiu pan;' ri? vauMbuii (liquo biiptizat:; I'uit xi" dir iiiciisis ■ ju-d^ni, EduiiindiKs filiuij U'lbiii'ii f'^wowidl Jo Ov 'ii'lcn baptizatui fuit, xii die mciisis (•jus'l- \ baptiiiti fupviuit iintbuiu, Armi^^ori • xviii dio i,ieii.-.ii! Itoiu Alioiii filiii Koiiniti \V".lt'ni do Warli'V I fjusdpni. (v.hvardus filius Wilb.i« Ilalifr.x I - jUiJi.-m. Itv'iii (Iracia lilia ll'iL'eri Kiikpld d<: Xn^thnrom Kiohardui filius ll.jbarti Towncliuu I dc Jlyi-'g.:ky baptizatus fiiif xxv^o die mcnsi* ijusd'.'m. 48 Halifiu Parish C/nirch KejMcrs. IhiJiiias lilius RicliavJi l!o hik n ilo \\aili>v ) ■ ,,, ,. Utjiii Aijuos tiha Kobi-rti Lr.ibtio ao houi'iby i . , Hie iiifipit ineiisl-i JioccmVivia Anno ILuuini 1010. Eobertus filius Rt>l)orti Dv}-!'.') Jc Ovoii'lv.;- Ii:iptiz:itii3 fuit primo Aw iiiuiisis eju>(l(m. Item Eli/alx'tlui fili;i .Tin'iihi .Si'liay do Xmlh- | j^ , OVOlll Item Murgarcta liliii Ivhiuuuli VicareK ()vt'i;il(ju i|itiz:ito fuonint , uuilcmi dio mciiais t il aimo EdmuiuUis liliua Eiclmrdi Mawdo do War!'}' tiajitizatus fuit toroio din mciisis, Doui'iubris Anno DiPinini ITi+O T, .,. 1 ^- c. ;■ 1 ,-. 1 ( liapli/.ati fuonmli Joliaiines Idui5i.1ar.ibi Swyflode Ovi'iidi'ii ) ^.jA,, ^j^^ munsis Item ddhanna lilia Kdwiirdi LuiiumId Sowland ) ■,,,,,„ I t' I Uol I ' 111. Georj^'ivis liliua Kiobardi licyti'' '''' ^\'al■lcy liaptizalua fui!. xi" dio niensis Docembiis Anno Domini l.").JO. Elizabetba fdia liiobarli liuiiUis do Ndvtl'ni-dm b.iplizata fail xiiii'° ilii! iin'nHis I)i'C(.Mnbiis Anno D.miini 1510. Antonius fiiius Uicbarili Uaiisnu da Halifax biptizatus fuit xvi''^ dio ineiieis ejusdeni. .Tobanna lilia Jpl.annis Gawlcorog.T ^e | ,^^^|^,j^^^j^ ^^^^,^,^^^^ ^ ' "^V 'i '" n- T 1 ■ I. 1 /-xviii" dio niL'Usis Iluni .Kibauua blia .lolianuis l>i'ygi) dy („,•„> ,„ ."■M.vthorota / JohaiiMi-'^ liliua Joliaiinis Noddyn;,' df" lldifax br.pli/.ilus fail xxi'^ dii' ini'UHis rjusdeiii. J(jbanuos IdiuK Sctli ILddawoitb do Ovcndcu b!iptizat\is fuit xxv'"dii' iiioiisis ejus,!''!!!. Jobunna liba bastarda iiuiduiiibi K'l-cliay it Jubanni; W'ndbuid baptizata fuit xxvi'' w nii niis .ju-/. 7?i. Halifax Pwisli Clmrch Ri'i/ister.i. 4 'J JacoiiuH liiiiis Kicliardi Clay do .Snworli)' baptizatUH fiiil xxvii" (lio luchsis cjusJtm. LJmundus liliua Jolianiiis liopor Jc XuitljOiom b'lplizntas fuit xxriii'^ liio iijcn.-o\vi I'by ; . eJllStl' m. Jolianuf'.'i lilins ["rainiaci Eil;yi"yt) de Xi-.itlioi'im -ix." dio iiici»i« Sib'lla tili.i l.'obcrti ^I'offeld du Iliiioionu! \ ojusdem. Isaliolla lilia lb;iirici I'yson de 8o\v«rby Al: .vaiidur liliua .luhatiuia 8uiytli de Skyrci.te baptizatu.-^ fiiit s ilii' iiieii.si.-* (jusdom. DO Halifax rarlnh Church Ri'yisti'rs. I; Jolinnna tilia baatiirda Joliannis St'iblosso et lilizabi'tliu Ii'v3sbo- wiiith bapUzuta I'uit xii" iliu inensis ejnHiloin. Agnes lilia .lolinnnia liuidii Je Soyland liaptizata fuit xiii° did meusis cjusJum. Leticia iilia Jobaiuiis I5iyj,'ge do Sowerby baptizata fail xv'" die inoiisis ejusdcm, .roba;iua filia Johamu.s llaldeiworth dp Hypi'.rom.s baptizati fuit, xvii" die mcnsis ejusdutii. r Elizabijtha fiiia Vifliolai ITy^'vun de Sowprby bnpti/ata fuit xvii" die uioiisis ejuadc'Ui. EdininiduM lilius Wilholmi Gledubyll d(!\ Soyland I Item (iilbertu.T filiu.s Jr-oolu Hiiiyth de oadem I baptizati fuorunt Iti-m Wilbelmiw liliiu Edwaidi Stotdifs de \ xx" di>! inenaia f^owthtirnni | ejundciu. Ij Itom.J(ibannfSliliu3 IjastardusTliomo Oldofeld fit. Aguetis Ojluyge Elizabetha filia Henrici Law do Ovendcn baptizata fuit xxvi'" div! inocsis pjusdem. Elizabutba lilia Milonis Skellou de Soworby baptizata fuit xviii" dio mensia ejusdem. Autonius JohamiiH Nicolt^on de llalifux. bajitizntus fuit xss" dii; meiisis pjusicni. Alici'i lilia Jobauuis I'yloy do So-werby Ijnptiznta fuit eodem diu t.mjn L't monsy, Dicbardus filiu^ Eduiundi Gledbyll dn| baptizati fi unt Sdwnliv xxxi" iliii m.'nsis Agues lilia Jobannis 8cbay do Mygcluy j cjusdoiu. Halifax Fan'sfi Church Rcijidnrs. 51 nil! incipit miiii^ia Februnrii Aiiiiu Uoiiiiiii 1540. Ilenfii'iis filiiis lia.stariliia Briiuii Sayvell cX Isaljolle Gryinescliay ba|it:zaliis I'uit primo tlio luensis cjusdoui. Marj^iirotii filiu Willialnii Pj-ghvlles d.; Itom (Jiaria lili:i .luhaiiiiia Saltonstnll ilo f ba])li:^a(c. fucnint ilyiiiToiuo [ lircia die niul'.sis Item babella fllia .loliaiiids Woud dc Oven- \ (ijiKsiiem. di'uo / Isabiilla- filia Eeiialdi Wliytlee de RishcwortU baptizata fuit quarto diu iiiciisifi ejiiKdcm. Item liic.-bardus liliuB Gjlbmti Hole ile Lyfjlaclyll' baptizatus fuit eodMiu iliij tl meiiBo. Isabella lilia Jubaniiii V.'alerho\v8i' do fjorby baptizata !' dt viii" die meusis ejusdfiii. Jobauinjji lilius IVtri Horsfall dc Snwerby ' die iiioiisis ejitsilem. us iuit noiio Ehvardu- filius i;..bi:rti Bertou de Xoithoruin baplizatus t ,, die inuiisid ejusdeiii. Jcibaiiue.s filiua WilUeliiii Smyth dc Ivyngwortli ( ? lUiiigwoithi baptiziitus fuit xi" die uiensis cjusdem. Elizaliethii lilia duhanuis Leioydc de XuvthoMiii bajdizata lui* xii" die meiisis cjusdeni. iiiciiardus lilitia bastardus Edmniuli \Valcrliow80 ct Agueti-t DyconsDU bapti/itus I'uit eodem die anno at nionue. Agr:cs Dt mouse. Item Joliannes CiWw Joiianni.s ^Vliyllcy de Ovonden Ijapiizatun fuit, eudom clio ot nuii^o ct aiiuu. Margarota lllia liobovti l;.iiwij4li de NonUorom baplizata fuit xx" die nifusi.? Fobrinvii ,\iino Doiiiini 1,'iJfO, Anna filia Olovcii Wys^^nii de Xoitlionim Item Anabolla lilia .luhaunis >ra\vd(! dr' / , . , Skvrcotf. baptizile fuorunt xxii rtemi^.ups filia TbMuio Longb,abani ,j„ I 'H^ 'uen.is ejiisdim, Sowthorom Johannos ot Jolianna lilii ;,'emelli Ifeurici Itcd.diawgli do Warley baptizati fucrunt xxiii" dii! imnisis cjiisdeiii. Eichardua filiiis Unb.irli IIull do Halifax j baplizati fuenini Item Joiiaiino.s filius Jobannia Walker do ■ xxiiii''-' die uimmis Ililicrome j oju.sdem. Eliz:ibith;i Hlia l^iMundi Dykosou de Suwerby baptizata fnit oodom die anno ot moii.'ie. Ilio incipil iin'nsis !\Iarcii Anno (loiniui l.")40. (i'Oiyiufi filius Joliaiinir, Soheppnidi' do Halifax baptizatiin tnit priiuu die mon.si.s Mnrcii Annu Domini lO-lO. .Maiy.m'ta filia Tlinmo irddwnnh de Halifax biipti/.ata fuit .•■■oi:undc) die moii^iis Mircii .Vniio Domini lO^'A Ihilifnx Favisli C/nirch Bcjintt'Ts. 63 i; JoIkwiios filins la.-t;iiilns C'liiislofori Wiilt'ii nt Alicie Gybsoii baplizatiis ftiit 'luiiitd ilio iiiensis eju-f/o/f. riMs;umiiiilii filiii Vril'ii;!ii)i }iryg;;i;I .'y do Wailcy baptiznta fuit Tii° dio inou.^is (■jusdi'in. Eiliuuiiilus lilius liiluiniiin Sayvell do Skireote buptizatiia fuit ix° die meusiri Maicii Anno Ddiiiini 1540. Willicdiiius filiui Jilnniiis Drake do Wail.-y Item Isalic'hi (ilia Willielmi Ilnrton de ' llalifax i . , Item Mar-nr.Ua li!ia Wilhelmi Murgatrode \ ''^"*"®"'' do Warluy f luiptizati fui'i-iint V WillieluiiiR Alius Uicliardi 8;>ltnnstall de ■ Wail.'v \ Item .M:M'iraivta lilii Jidianiiii 'A'^rKyiiaon d, Ilahlax Ite:ii Willielmus lilius ( lilbcrti OldefeiK, , . , lie ead'-m •' jj Iteiii Wi'dudinUK fiiius hantnrdu.s Eoberti I I'othuiiilev et Alicie Thomas ' baptizali fuerunt xiiii'" dio meusia U'ilh'diiuia tilin? IJiidjardi IFugyuii de \ Sov;erby ( baptizati fiHTuiit xix Itni:i ];ichaidii8 lilius Ivlwardi / die nielisis ejusdem. Waddeswonh de eadein. ) Isabella lilia (iilberii Drake do Xorthorom ( baplizato fiK'ruut Item Marioiia lilia Uiehardi Murcjaterodi- de xx" die uunsis Solaud ( ejnsdem. [\ Juhaiiues I'lliua liastardus Jolianiiis Gal'liorpo ct [sabdle Ilaldi wonli baptizatus fuit xxi" die mcnsis ejusdem. Johannes et ( lilii gemolli Johannis Nycol' '.o flyperom.- Wyllielmu? / baptizati I'uerunt xxiii" dif meiisis ejiisdi'm. Item I-abella lilia b'i.diavdi Itumesden de WarJey Ijaptiz.ita tui: eodem die et iiieiifto. 54 Ildlifax Pun'g/i ahitrrh llcjish Nii/jH. Anno Domiui 1540. Kogerns Kockold i^t. (jiaci:! (Irymcschay JolllUlllljt l;iiU^;r rclict-i W'illu'liiii WiHide Item ■loliaiiiies Bunu'loy ot Alicia llolgate 1 iiivieom iii.UriiJi.uiiiim poiitraxeniiit • iiiidi'cinio ,iiu meii.sis Apiilis Auuo (D.-mii.o l.VtO, t matiimorjium adiiivicciii coiurax- ,• eiuiit xxv'" ill', mciisis Ajivilia I Anno iJomini ir)4i.t. (aiHuviconi i-(i:.:!-ax"ruiit iiiadiiiio- I hiiiiii xxvi'"' liic meii.-i> Aprilis. I iuvici'm ' I'iitiMXeniut mahiniouiuL, • xxvii die r.!en.sia Ajirilis Aimo ( noiuini IT) to. ( iiivii'em iiiatiiinoiiio copulati • i'lU'iunt eeeiiiulii ilie nuiisis l\[aii ( Aiuiu Di.miiii 1540. ! iiivicom iiiatriiiicinium eontrax- ciuiit XXX'"" dio uieii.-i.s Mali . / Anno Domini millesimo 4ii. I m.itrimonium invirom c inirax- • erunt si^xto die ni'jii.^i.s .liinii I Anno Doiiiini 1.540. (inMceni mitiiraoniuMi conlrax- ■i>run' et allldaverunt .suptimn dio I me;., i,- Junii Anno Domini l.'ilO ThiJlj"..r Pwish Cliiirch Rfjliltrs. F) .Toli.iniU's Vir.in'S nt .Inlliuillll HalillWiiftll ItiiMi .Inlianiit'S I ii'vne ct Ai,'iic3 nupi!i- VL-licta liicliixi'ili MlliJCSOtI Item I >iiicjriilu.-i i'.''iu.!iiy el .liiluniiM iiup'.'i- n;lii;la Wilhclini Criiir matrinii 'Ilium iiiricriu cciitraxcvunt xiii" cli<) iiieiiai:> .lunii Anno Juiiiilii ITilO JnliauiiL's 'I'lioiiins tt /\f,'iies nuppr relicta | invicum cnntraxerunt matii- .IdlKuiriis 8ii!i(liMlaiiiI •iiioiiiiiiii xiiii'" Am: incnsi.-; .juiiii Ttoiii I'Mwuiiliis S iltonstall ut ) Annu iJoniini 154(1. Cliristabt'lhi Ul.!. W'A -' Tiidiiias I.aii^ljut'iium ot A;_'iios. Ili'iiivii!,'«ay Item I'.iianu.-! Steik ct l.sabi'Ua Sloki'S Thoiims Scliopiliy ct Ma' (.'•'ke'"!! ' ci-uut vico.^iino scptiiiio liin Item WiPi' liiiiis Hi'^Iande et ( iiiciisis Jiiiiii Adiio l)oiiiiiii Ivatiiiiia 'I'lAviicliejid I matrimnnium invicom contiax- oniiit y.\" ilin iiionsis Juiiii J Ann,. IiiMiiini ITi-IO. 'a \ invicoin niatrimoniuni contiax- et / nii'iisii ) 1540 Kaii.jus (il(>di'li\ll et Isabella Arlkyiipou Tlionia« WailyiiLloii et Ihm1ii'1I(i Ik'Hiyngway Itimi liic'liardiis I'.ollou et Mart,'an!ta il'irluii Johannes N^'ali-rliuvvfo ct Klizabclba flolm^cll Thnnias Wlicvreil et Au'llc:^ KcdclloWf'h j invicftn inatrimoniuni conlrax- • eiuut quarto dio luoneis Julii I Anno 7)oniini 1.'.40. I invic"ni cnnlnxi luut matrinio- 'iii;ini roJ (iilbertus l>y' 3n et Acrucs l.'oh; iscn Item Hohiicus Lawe »t Agni;s ]5yniie3 Johannes Saltonstall ct Mai'ia Goodehalo Pelviis ijruiarode parooliie da linnudi-y et Agiioa Ilaldewnrlh Item Juhaniies Xoddyng et Kiili-iina lloUande Tli(illl:..s ^5l^yk^s I't Elizalx'tlia Watcrhowsc j invi.M'Ui contraxcirunt niatrimo- \ niuiii xxvi'"dii' nir'nis Sfi'tLt ( Anno Domini 1540 (•('tLmbris I ihviconi cnntraxerunt luatrinio- uiniu tercio die munisis Ocluliris Anno J)onuni 1540. ! inviceni matrinionium contras- ciunt quarto din menais Octobris Anno Diimiiii 1540. jinviieui contiaxerunt niatrlnir,- '' iiiuni undecimo die inensis (_)cto- I bii? Anno Iii'iuini 1540. \ Ji-'iiainn s ^ivooll parocLiu de Kl.iJid I't" Eiiaib-thn Pyrkynton llf-m liobeiliid A'icaros rt Agnes licdoawgh Edwai'dus iioytbes Isabellii Cockcroft iiiviconi mali'imonium cintrHX- •tnint xvii" die niensia Oololaia Anno Domini 1540. invicrm contrnxerunt matrinionium xviii" di(- uu'usis Oclobris Anno Domini 1540. Halifax Pariah Church Rrukhrn. 57 ('hiistijf.Tiis W'liyile IviitfU'iiia liciitlcy Willii'lmii.h Sclic]i|):ii'J Miu'j^'iint.t llcilclst(jnes Itiliaimt's He.-itn et Klizulictliri lidliyiison rtfiii ],'iibi rtus 'riiwiii-liciul et • lulianiiii Cnnlior Cdiitnixcniiit inalrimciiiiiiiii xxiiii'o die mciisis Oclotm.H Anno r)nmini 1510. J'MiiitniiliiH Mylncr et ."^yljellii Jljliior Hugo Wliytf I't Alicia nuiHtr rolicta JaRiilu (luniyiifiWay Item liobeitii,- f,'l;irl<(; [.iiiocliie tie liyi stall et Isalii'lla iiupcr n-liela 'J'liiiiiie Wuti.riiowKu |oiiiitnixi'iuiit (;l iiiviceiii alti- Idavcruiil iiialiiiuoiiiiim xv' ' |dii! iiioiisis Xovejuljris Anno I D.iuiini 1510""' I mntriiiiouium irivicom cou- tmxerunt. xxii''" die inuiiiis Novcijiljiia Aniii) Domini 1,)40. Jai/olius )l!nloyne et A;;IU'.> ( lieiiewood Item IMumndiis Tylgnn et iViieia WunJdeeoke Item Cai'olus Iilok(; ( t Mai>;aieta Wbytliy Item .lohanues \)ldefeilii et Maigareta Wodd inviceni cnntruxenint matii- ■ moniiini nltinid die mensis Jannaiii Aunu Domini" 1540. ( niiitrimoiiinm conlraxeiunt, ^ sexto die mensis Februai.i I Anno iJt.mini 1540. Iiieliavdus lii rslow et .lohanna llyiiL;\voitb Itonj ^\'illll■lmus Jlaiuh Iiaroeliie (!.■ i'.yistall et Isabella W'livtiev i.^tius paiochie I e(iiitr„.>.eiunt matrinmniui;. .septinio dir neiisis Febiuaih I Aiiiio i)omiiii 1540. 58 Halifax Parieh Ohurch Registem. Scptilti. Anno I)(iniin! If) 10. .Tolumna uxor Jolianiiis Wiiailpsworlh do Wiirlc .m'1iu1I;i fail xxix dio incnsis Mavcii Anno Domini ut suju-a. UlarsJiarctrt nqicv relicta AVilliclnii Derstuw do Halifax n.^imlta I'uit xxx" tlio inonsis I'jusdijni. Robettns Graven do Skyrcoto srpullus fuit, iiltim.) di.' w>u-\^ Marcii Annu Ddniini ir)10. Ilic iiicipit mcnsis Aprilis Anno Domini l.'ilO. Mile Ilergrcffos de Wailoy sopultus fuit primn dir iiu.uHi.^ A|nlis Anno Domini 1540™' Itoni Jolinnnos fdius 'Ihnw Wylkynson sepidtns fuit .■odmi din. conscpulli' luM'int quni'tii die nuiisi.s I':iizabiitha uxor Umfridy Heyley do Item Anna filia Kichardi IIo--'- do Scholll I ojusdeni. Itobortus fdius bastardus liarnardi llyll vagabuudi sepnltus fuit soplimo dio monsi.s ojusdoui. .I„i,anna lilia ^Vilh.•lnu EllystonL^s do Halifax rvynlui fuit xiii'^ dii! mi'iisis cjiisdom. \ coii-!o|)ulti fuorunt Williolmus Dyckescju do SowiTby ( ^j^j^o ,\\,, mentis Itwu TUouias lilius Cilbiuti \V,h.,1 do cadoui j ,,j„^,i,,,n^ \ oonsopulti fuiruut '• xxi" Mo nion^'is ejusdoni. IMuunidus Fawkcs do AVarloy ii.iii .lacobus lilius (!e.>ri.'ii Smyth do .Siiworby Wdluhuus lilius lionnci 8kclt(Ui do Soworby sepnltus fuit xxv"' dio nionsis cjusdiui. J/ali/iu- J'arisli Cluirdi lieifisUr.i. 59 .lolianiP'^ liliii.^ Kicli;\i(li Woinlde do. Ualifiix) (nii.sepiiUi fuonirt Iti'iii F.liz.ilii iliii !ili,i JnliiiiiiKMiup.r iclicla xxvi'" liii- uiin.-i>i iliii .luliiiiiiio llylylii do SovviThy i coiiH^piilti f'ufniiit iins Willi. •lini StoU.'sd.. SKyri."';,. ' x.wii die iiionM,- MiilLMn l:i lil Jiilmlinc'M lii .loliauM.i ll:diryiij;liuiii iiiicillii Willn Imi [ ■■ju^dcm. MvL'i'liV di' cadi'iii j ci'iiii'i'nllc I'ucninl wviii" dii! iiH M.-is .lo'iaiiiia lliiu-nrth d.' Hidifiix Hibrllii lili'i .Inliiiniii-^ lirothi'waith.' do .- SkyirotB ) cjiisdfin. Liiwr-uciiH (iylisuii do Halifax si'indtua full xxx'"" diu uu'iiMs Aiirili-< Aniiii Itciuiin I'llO. Hie incijiil inensis Mail Anno Domini l')!'!. Thoiiias IditiH .lohaniii* Wntcrliowso dn ] ei.iistrpuUi fiUTiint Suwi-rliv , ^^'''li" ii'iMisiri Miiu Item Miii'gaV;ta liliii Uicluirdi lly-yii di; cadoiu ) Anno lioinuu l.Jlo Martrar.'ta lilia Edwaidi Wadcsworth de Suwul.y sepulta fiiil vii" dii' iiji'ii^^is cjusdeiu. Mai^jaiula fdia Tohaniiis .Saltoiistall do Uvfndi;n srpiilta fuit 10" dii' iiu'nsis (.•jusilem. Alicia inipir irlicia Iv^idii Gcnen vidua de Halifax si-puita tuit xi di'' iiii-nsis ciuHdem. l-aKll.i rdia lii.diardi I[onior Ar Soworby sepulta fuit dutideuimo I'ii' ur.iisi- Mali Anim liuiuini iri40. Chiistiibidla lilia Thoiui' ISoutliam dr Halifax sepulti fuit xiiii'" dii' iiiiusis jusdriu .lacobus (ilius bastiudus Williohni 'J'hovueton sopultus hiit xv"° dii' uiiMisis Ma'' Ai.'io noiuiiii IM-d. UicluiiduM I'l'cke dii Halifax Ttom Nfar^aicta nuper ndicta | cmsepulti fui mm Jnhannis (li'cuowod di' Uvyndi'u -xvii"' dii' mcn.-is Iti-m IsaliL'lla lilia Tlionie sfnnlcpolyfr di' j I'ju.sdnni. NoillnMom CO Ihilifur Pdvifh Cliureh Heiiistum. A^'ius uxor Johnnnis Srliay ih' Afyf^wi') M'piillii fiiit. xix" iiii'ii«i-< cjiisilciii. .loli:uitii's et > i^iij ,,,,3ti„,li Thonid Sutcliffc ) rMiisi'imlli fii.Timt I'lioiiin \ . -xxi" tlii' uionsw .Nrmililii imiiiT volii'.ta AVilliclini ( i,:,,^,!,,^, Fli'tclicr lU' Snwerliy viiluiv ' ' Ali.ia mil Alani Aken.ac do \Varl.< soiniliu fuit, xxiil' " .iiii m. iiMs Thoiiiui filius Kol^>'iti Myl'icr du Wailoy ( M;ui Anno Doiniiu ' 1 .1 Id. Ilic incipit mensis Junii Anno J)oiii'nii l.''i40. Mulil.l.i uxor Kdwardi R'Tstow d- Northop.m .s.'pulbi fuit jninio dio tariisis fjiisdi'.ni. I,,l,anur; IllUis Uirlnrdi Schay do ^ry^^.•^•y j ..•.msopnlti fuonint, Itvia .lohanna uupor reliota Hichiudi Wad- -^ v'- dio uicnMs Junn dvntond... Halifax (AnuoDouuiu lOK) .l,,l,ainui tdia Kdwardi I'.aite.s do Sow^rhy scindta I'uit xi" dir iiii'ii-is I'jusdi'ni. Ric!i:udu3 Kent do Halifax sopuIUia fuit xiii" di.. niru.sw dui-ii Auiio Domini irilO. Mai-p.ovta I'ulliU' d(! Halifax vidua ^epuita fuit xv" dii' uv-nsis t'jiusdiflu. Milo l.liu8 Laavoucii Pull de Soworby sei)ul!u3 fiiii- xvi'" dio uiouais ejuwlevn. Ilallfiu: Piirifli C/ntri-h Hfiijinfora. (11 Rihviuiliw ihiis .lolianiiis \\ (KidaliiMil (111 , . i,. .. ,, ( coiiHC! iiilti tupriint llypiT'iMli' ) ....:::,, .: : It. 'in .\!"\ iinliT liliiH Christufi'i'i PioGtmir ll.dil'.IK lUI' I . will" (III' inoiiiK .dill, nines lilius Ivlwiirili T:it,iirs;ill do Sowcrhy sepultuo fnit ullimn ilil' lurii.-i ; ijllSilolll. Ilic inoipit iii'.iisis .liilii Anno |)(iu3ini 1,140. irpiirini.i I'll)' L< il' ITilifiix srimltii-i fiiit primo diii inonsiH pjii-i.li.iii. Uolii-itiis filiii.s \Villi.'Imi Fiiwwi'll iiiirocliio do KyliUnvcki .-rpultiis Tiiit ti'iinu dii' niPiisia ejiisdem. ■loliiimii's lilius Uiiboi'ti Snyppi' di' Lyirlitclyf j coiisepulti fiii'iunt lli'in .lolniiiiii uxiir ivlmiuuli ILildcuurtli dc ■ x" din iiicnsis i-jiis I ivi'iid. n ( dim. Wiliiilmu-i llrolif lid ■Ilypcmmi) Hiipultus Itiit xiii" die incn.sis .Iiilii Anno l).iiiiiMi l.")40. ■loliiuini's lliiiu liriiuii DogL'smi do Halifax sejndtiis fnit xv'" .lif lU'll-irf rjllMlclll, Michai'll lilitii Ivlwiinli Watcvhowso do. Skyionto sepultus fnit xviii" dii) iiicnsis ejusdem. .lnli:iiiiR>s iilius tiaslaf lii3 liiilicrti llylingwiirth (ft) Klizal"'tlii' Vni,diam s. piiltu.s I'uil xxii''" die in-n-iis ojusdein. Willi Imus fdiu9 Wiliielnii llerinseliay do Sowerby .sepultus fiii!, XXVi''' dii! lIli'IHis ejiisdoni. Tlidiiias (liaveii de Xorthoruru stipnltiis fuit xxvii'" die raen^i- ejiisdom. C2 Halifax Pttri-'ih Church Registers. Ilic iiicipit inensis Aui,Mirtti Aiimd J'oiuiiii ir)tO. iloiianiics lii'nJ"V i' j Schelfr so[)ultu.-: fuit, ] riino ili'' uifU^is Au^'M-iti Anno . miiiii 15-10'""- Jol uiiiii mijiur rel.jta Wilhelmi Miirgaterodi' ilc ShwhiIa s. pu't,i fiiii iiuai'to dio iiieusis cJusiUmu. Miiigiiretii uxor Joliaunis OMriVld d<' Ovoii 1. ii sijmlta fiiil, quinto die iiiijiii^i.-i ejusdoiu. Mai't;af''tii uxor Jolianni^ Barn'cliin;,'li do Sowtliorom Item .loliaiUKi" filiu.^ I'obcrli Wund di^ Halifax con.-vi'i'Uiii fatitii.t viii" di" nii'iiHis '■jiisdi'iii. Eiiwanlus lllius liobrrti Hurton di- Warliiy s(>|iultu,-i fnit uoi, ilii' moMsis Autjusti Anno Duuiini 1.540. Elizabi'tlia uxor 'riionie Kent di! Ililit'ax si'pulta fail xii" die tneii^i'i Aui,'usU Anno l)(jmini 1,'>40. .loliiinu's tiliu-: Roborli Wond do Halifax .-iepulUia fuit xiii die uuMisis I'jiisdecii. Margareta uxor Wilhulini Schupardu do Halifax sepidta fuil wU" die meii.sis Auyusti Anno Doniini l-'ilD. .loaanin'ff fiiius JuhanniH Pru^lloy ilu Halifax s. pultus fuit \is"" die meiisis Augu^li. Kiizabi.'tlia uxor (Jliristoferi ljaMLl(iWL;li du v u »• i Hypenime ( ,...„„ Ill ill rlobanna filia Edwanli Qal.n^e do .Siweiliv iiLre do ( " .' ) eju x\"'" ilie nu'iKSi.-i Wijhei.iuH lilius .rcihauui.s OMefidde cb' Ovoiiden r?.'puhn- fuit xxi'"" dii' ni.'n-iis cju.sdfin. Kichardus Feyld di' Halifax sppuUu^ fuit xxv'" die iuen.~is Ausjiisii Anun Honiini 1,540"'" Wilbidiuus Auielei' (b' N'.Mlboruin ,.• n i ,, .,. . ,.,. ,,..,, , • ,. , , 1 cons(^pulti tuernnt llein .\lioia Idia u ilhelnu (rii\vlvero''er de I •. ,■ ^ , xxvi' die lueiisis Item Elizai,el-lia l\,niiylles de, Il.difax ' 'J""'"''"' Hnlifax Parish Ci.urch Rrqisters. 03 ,„.,, , ^,- r 1 ■ r I 1 a ( i-'onseiiulti fucrunt ^\ .ll,r.lmns fi ms .Tolmnins Lyster .le Sowev,-y j ^^^,;j/, ,,i,^ ^^^^^.^ llflii A,i_'iic,s lIi.Mia.-lry a.: SinvTi-by lnjusdoni. Georf,'ius >rylner di) Sov.oliDVom sepultus fuit xxix" ilie iiieiisis ejusdt-iii. llii' incipit mcnsis Soptombris Anno Domini 1540. .Toliiinna iixnr Ii'lcliiirdi NycoU de Uvenden sepulta fuit octavo (lie ini'usis cjn.^dt'ni. iiich:iidiis filius lOdwnrdi Ilcyley do Ovenden sopullU3 fuit ix" dii- nil iisis (.'jusdora. Jlicliardus Towiiolicndf do Sowerby sopultus fuit xiii" die nirnsis Sriit.'Uibiis Ann. I 15t0. do Sowprly ) con^epultp fiuTunt rodfridi Si.lton-v xxii''" die nu-n^is ) ejusdeiu, Agues nxnr HoljiTti Aki-Todo do Sowerly ) con^epultp fiuTunt Item Jiilianna niipcr rulicta Go " stall dc llyptTuu; Johanna Idia l.'nlniti Waterliowsn do Skyrcotc sepulta fuit xxv'" die nunhis ej\i.-d( m. liicliaidu^ lilius Uiidiardi Stevenson do Nonlionmi senultus fuit xxviii" ilii) niensis ujusileni. \ Hie ini^ipit niensis (.trtobiis Anno ITilO. Kichardiis Sclaydiii de Myyeley sepnltus fuit vii" die^ niensis Getobiis Anno I'ouiiui 1540. 64 Halifax Parish Church Registers. Ji.liiimifi filia lli'inici I'lolcli'T do SnwcrLy wjiuHa fuii viii" ilii- iiieusis ojiisilcm. Willi' liMUs iiliu.s Edwardi Ilettitow du Novtliorum sopultus fait xiii i'ii> luciisis cjusdeiu. duliaunn fllia Jiicnbi liuckluy do Sowciliy si pnlta fuit xiiii'"dir inensis iijusdcm. Apuos filia Godfridi Snllonstall nnpor dij IIyi>oi(>nie defuiicti sopvdta fiiit xx^' din im^iRis i-jusdii!!. Ali' i^i inipLT lulicui Tiiiiiiio Jliiry de Snwiiiorom (kl'nnvl; wjiiilta luit xxiiii'" liii; iiU'iiKis ejiisdciu. Lo.oiiirdu- Lacy do HypeiMino Siipultus luit xsvii" di.' iiiiii>i^ (■jilsdeui, li'icliardiis filius Kicliardi Sutcliff do .Soerliy scpnltii.< fiii! :- IJiiii:-" Willndiiu IjariK-liAvyli de Halifax scpultus i'uit ' .iW'o iH'i mentis cju-ideiii. ..'i !]nniic.'= tiiiiis I'lilwardi Fi.nsl do llalilax s^epultu.s uiit w.wn dio i.iiiisi~ fj isiifUi. •^..ijaiJi.a AdiiiijS' II de llalilax so])idta fiiit xv'" die inen.-i-- Ni'Viiibris Anno D'Uiiiii I51ft. / 'Icia iiXDi' Kdiiniii 'i FnineK di> SnwiTby Hopiilta t'nif xviii" di- laon.sis cjusdi ui. i.iiiiiiiiii iixiir Thiiiiie r.ri'dolry i!' Fialifax .-cpnlta luit xix" dif ii'.'iisis c ju.-il.'iii. llaliiax Parish Church Registers. 05 iiiibritiisUiilkcr a|)i)iiiiticiiisRichiirili Liiiison ■ ,.. ^ ill- ]Kililax I ..,, '^ ,. I. t 1 .1- 1 1 1 M--U 1 ■ ■xxil"" dio iiici]ti> Ituui .loli:iiiiir.s iiJiiLS bastiirdus W ilhouni i . , lu'Miiiiui (el) i.sibKlle AuWBun ; •' A;k'i:i .-ivva Williiliiii ( 'I'vui' iIc Ovcmieh at'pulta fuil xxiiii'" diu uii'iisi.-^ iJusdcMi. Kii:'.;ii)t'Uia uxor Juhumiis t'emju,' de .-'(-iby sijiulla fuit xxvi'" nil' moiisi.s iju.sdt,-La. .l'j|(iiiuiL.< liliut* Hui^'.ui.s Cait.-ir dt: Sowi.il.y .-oiJiillus lull xxix dii' ni^M.-^is cjusdcui. llic iiiL-ipit mcn.-iis Deccniliri.s Aiiuu Domini 1540. (iilhurtus .Solioio dc Ihililiix .-fjiultus iuit i[iuirto die inonnia 1 lecerubriti Anno 154I)''- i'li.iiii.is lllius ];ii biiidi Ili.lyaK- do W'ailty hOimll'.i.s Iuit octavo dir iiii'iit^is eju.sdnu. li'iibeilus Stockfs dc Sowtlioioia Miaduis^ iuit xiii'^' dii.- iiitn.-is Uccciuljiis Anno i.'ouiiiii 15 in. •iHb.uaK's filiu.s b:\.staiili!> 'i Iniiiu- \Vylkji..son (ft) Ayneti.- llcj^.d.-i sc'|)ultu.'< fuit xvii" dif iiii'U.-ii.-i I'jusJem. I'inmiolta linwuay ^W Halifax .'-tpulta fuit xviii" di'- unju.-i-i I'jU.-iiU'Ul. M.ii;4ar''tii uxnr liiuliaidi Ueyk-y de Ovondcii sepulia fuit x.\ii dio ml;u.■ii.■^ ijusilmi. Ji'iibortu.s 1 baki' d.' Ncitboroni s^i jiultu.i liiil xxiiii'" dio Docombiis Ani.o 1 1. .mini 15 in. .InbaniioB niiu.-- .lulianiii.s ^ioddyii;^ de ilaiifiix ffojiultus fuit xxv'" dir mel.sii iJu.--doiii. li'icl.aiilu. libii- L'obeHi ^\'alo^llll^^.-l• do .Snwi'iby .m|iuIiu^- f'liit .\.\\ i'" die Ui' \\~\a iiu.ivli ni. 06 lIuUJiU rnrlxli Chiircit Iler/istcrs, Willi.lnius ^r,v},'poKy de Myggnloy sppultus fiiit xxvii" dii^ uii'iisio ojusilem. Xhnu uxov Eiluiumii liyniics dc Warlcy .■^tl'ullii fuit xxviii" (lie mi'usis ojusdclii. Uic iiicipii iiiinsis .I;inu;ivii Anno Doiuiiii ir)10. Maivrtveta iixm- Thniuu Wliylacaics ~j ) cousciiulfi fucrunt p:imo do llalilax V.ij,, mciisis .lanuiuii Ami" item .luhann.'s lilius .Ic.haimis Il-st i jj^^^^j,^; ^^ ^^^,j,,.,, de: oadi-m ^rarsan■trt lilia Tlivuif Smjtli de^ ^.^^^^^.^,,j,,. f,,^^,,,,^ ^^,^.„„,,,, .Sdwthi.roiii I.J.J, ,ye„gig .iMiiuarii Anno Itfm Anna lilui A\ illichni Sayvcll ^ -^ jr,.,,, du Kali lax ) Lauivni'.iua SeholyKvovtli do rcumsciinlli lucTaiit^ toiri.. llvpo'i'nnio " ■ dii^ nuti.sis .lanuaiii Annn Itcii! Alicia llaldrworth do uadum ( 1510. Kiidiardns Tnwnrln'nd servus IHidiaiJi Wylson pultu.i fuit vii° dio nit-nsis cjusdrni. Jarolius l)ow-(las du llalilax hcpnltus lull i ctavi. die niciisis cjusdi'ni. Si.pi'.aniis Hardy di' Halifax 11,11. isab.dhi uxov Kicliardi Guyistow d.' coum piilli liierunl ILilifax ■1-'^" '!''■ i"""--^'^ \\,iv .iolianna nui^'M' irlicla Jnliannis ) cjusdfm Whylli-y iW (Jvuulcn vidua lliulnvdii^j Mawdii di" Warb y Ittin .I'ilianua nuii-r ivlirta .lacobi ^i^cUay dc f conscpulli In. lum ()vi.nd,.n / X" i-ju,^dim. Halifax P'lfish Church Ri'ijlsterx. G7 .\givs uxor Willielmi Fourucs Cm Sowcrhy s.^pult i fuit, xiiii'" dii) mcnsis ejusili'iii. Kli/abfthii iiiipc!!' relicta RiclwnU lliiyloy nup'-r .Ic Wtirley S'lmltii fuit xvii" ilie niPiisis lyusJeui. Gilbi;itMs lilius Hilmuudi Dcyno de Warlcy scpultus fuit xx" dio nii'iisi.s cjugdcMu. \\m\ uxor Eduuiudi Hoppoy du Halifax Hcpult.i fuit ;;.vii- di'; lucnsis c'jusdcm. Joh;uiii:i liliiv biistiirdii Jnhniinis Stablelcy sopulla fuit xxiii" die mi'iisis cjusdem. Isabella nuper rclicta .Tobauuis Kyng do Skyrcoti; s('[ni;ta fuit xxvii" dio lueiisis ejusdem. h'icliardus Wylson do, Warl.'y sopuitiis fuit xxix"" die men.sis Jaiiuarii Anno Domini 15 tO. liobortus Nycoll do SowtUtu-oiu .sipultus fuit ultimo die nu'nflis Jauunrii Auuo Uomiui loio. Tli.' incipit uionsis Fidiruarii Auuo notiiini ir)40. rsah.dla filia Tbomo JIawkoyord do Halifax sepulta fuit quarto dio minisis lAduuiuii Anno l>omiid 1540. I-Jobortus Holewell do Slinnni I'llU. Il'iKfiu Parish Ghnrch lloijMcr^. C'J Apnos iiupijr velicta Wilholrai Rorstowclo Ilippiow viilun .-eimltii fnit ti'vcio i!ii^ monsis pjnsilem. .TMliaiinos Liius Joliannis Itisslii/wdrtlif il'- ■ Ovcndcii ( C"n3"pulti t'm.'ninl rtion Isiihella nup'r r.^licta i Miiiiitn die. Kdniuu'li TunicT do SiiWtliororii vidu:! ' I.iliann"8 filiiis Olovcri RonHdi'n do Soworby ^Odiisi'pulti t'ucrunt Item .Johannes (ilius liicIiardiOawkiToacr !" .'^oxto die iiiensis I f'ju.^dciii. Item JohannoK eailem M'uvar.'t,:! ns-n- TiiMino P-iytns do S't'i rbi • -ipulta fuit xi" lio moiisis (jjnsdoiii. Willirlmus Xuttor df S'liiollf s y\\\.\\-i luit xiii'' dio iiiensi,-! oiii:ruiil Una Kiilvilus Ciyli.'-oii fllius Laurom.ii ( xx" dio luonHJ.s Mnrcii (Ivb.NOii iiU]ioi- do Halilax dofuaoti ■ Anno Di.miiu 1511" !'• ui Kdwavdus llliu.s Joliannis .Stockcs do | (sic.) * Tliu ciitrio.'' here arp sonu'wlial invirular io, onlcr. Tho.^c dati"! after •Marcii .."itli properly helanjr tu l.")ll. 70 Ilalifiix Parish Church lieijistm/. Johannes lilius Johaniiis Stoki^s do flalifax ^coii.-^cpnlti fiuuunt Item Aniible uxor I^Iilonia Skeltun du ■ iiltiiiio die meiisis .Sowpiln- (I'jusdem. (1511.) rtapihafi. Anno I'lnniini 1511. iWhis ( ■! a ) Williolrai Skorhuragh do Halifax baptizat;/-' ( ? a ) fiiil -xxv'" ilii' iiii'usis .MaiL'ii Anno Domini 1511. Johannes filius IHi:hardi .S-li;iy da Wai'K'y baptizatus fnit I'odcm die incnsis p.t anno. iMargarota filia ('.ilborti Scliav do Warliiy Itonii Agnes filia liicliardi TUom.w do Jlygoley Item Wilhi'hnus (iliu.-i Edmundi Saltonslall df Warley Itom Omcfiidns filius Johanni.s I'laito.^ do •Sowerbio bapti/.ati fnerunt xxvi''' die nionsis pjusdom. Isabella fdia Richardi Ci'yar do Halifax baptizata fiiii xx'- dif niensi-i ejii.'^di'in. Ilio incipit nioiifii.'^ Aprilis Anno IViiiini 1.')1U. EiL-bardns iiliu,« Riehardi Ilawnn! do Sowland ( Viajiliziii tihTiiiit / l)a|iliz:iii tii-'niiil ) prini.i die lueir i- Iteni W'ilholnms filing' Xicliolai AViy-lit l.liu. (iuwcii Davun.-o.. cjusauL. | y ^^^.,^^^ f„„,„„t I T 1 .--v 11 • o 1. 1 11 1 >XV1U" illC UIUUBIB Item Joliiiiiiia luliii Jolmuui.-i Jinlluii.-liiU ilo ( . , (ull'LTtus liliii.'^ li.rfliU'dn.i ]!iyaiii Suiidcrlanil it Marg:irctc Kauscn biiplizntus li'.il xix" ilii' uicnsis cju.-^di'iii. liL-in Joliiiniies lilius liicluudi Oldtfuld dc 'W'Mrliy liMpti/idii- fuit ('ud(iui diu iiim.-i-i it anno. Jobaiinc's iluis In'niui ( ulvar dc Sowtlmrdia / , ,•,■,■ Itcui iiiiduiluu.i hliiis lUiani hiiiHU'ilaiul di' KdllilOlOlu 1 , Item Isabella liiui Kichaiui ilniucr dn .Snwerhy \ ' XX" die iiiiiiai.-* f Willalu-.u- i.liuj lla^laldlls Williclrni I'.otbunii.'v C zauis i'uil Axi" .lie nii:t,sis cjiisd. m. laiiti- Eicliardus lilius Jaculii Wadrlin":-!- dn >S( hybduun Iiaiilizatn.-i t'uit xxii''" die iiii'ii.-i.s ( jufdi'iii. Wilhtlnius filius Eobi'rti Soiuersliali-.-! dc Halifax haptizr.tus fuit xxiiii'" diu Apiilis Aiiiui jloniir.i lull. .lacubii." l.lius .Iiiliaiinis T-ystii du Halifax )ii|ili/aHis ; .: xxv'^' die nnusi.s fjujddin. IJiiliaruiis lilius IJnliciti Vvearcs liajli/ati^* t'uit n-"'iiii die anin it meii>:e. Jiiliaiiries lilius Tiicuie ^\ ylkyn.-oii is ejiisiain. Johannes filius Jolianiuij Vycares de Sclii^lii Kapf./atiis r.iit eodem die anno et inen^e. I tTlie spnce in the ei-i:iaal u lilaiik. Ilalifajc Pi(ri^h Chiiirh Heijlxtcm, 7;i Hie incipit uiciisi.s Miiii Anno Domini iritl. llcniicns liliua ,la<''ibi C'l'lfgu ilu M)j,'gw!fy Laptixatusi fiiil ti-icio ilic iiu'iisiH ejuailt'iu, I; WillMliiius liiiiH b,i>(ai'liia Willii'lini 'riireiu'laiul ot Margaii tn C'roai.sliiy liaiai/.iitua fuit uctavd dio nii;ii.--is eJii.Mlr)/(. H .Iiiliiiniios fili\is liastiirilus Oiiifridi Stapldmi tt llclcnc Ikws l.aptiziitus fiiil ix" dii^ mciisis ijiisdeni. .l„lK.i.n..s lilni. Kdmundi rnastloy df . ,^,^p^;^^,,; f^^.^^^^j ^,, , -^'!',"''"""',. „..„ , . ... , -di.; niDiisis Mail aniHj llcm (iiiicia lilia Wilhidtai \ icaica dc | , ,, ,, ( >vi iidfii ) " r • l;i(luiidiis (ilius .Jidiniinis Trc^llcy de i^icliclfl' baiitiA'itii.-' Ciiil xii" dii' liU'iij-is Midi Anno l»oiidiii 15-^/. A'ii.ia lilia Rohcrti Towiifhcndo de Warloy baptizata fuit xir.'^ die uiL'iisi.s I'jii.scb'iii. AgtH'9 lilia Hictiaidi .MNggclcy dc ilyygi'lry bapti/.ala f'uil xv" li.i- liK'U^i.s (■ju^■^k■la. Ivhviirdus liliiis .lohaiiins J^uistow di' Halifax bapii/atus frit xvi'" dio luenais cjiisdem Jsabi'Ua lilia AVilliidnii AV\lln do llalil'.ix baptizata ii .t- sxiii" die meiu-iis cjusdeni. Hfiiriinis filiiis doliaiinis W ylliynsun dr IFidilax bnpli/atu.s I'.ii, xxvi" diu mfiiiiis ejusdeni. .lohannes liliiis Joliuiinis Salton.-tall df llalilax baiili/alus fu.;. xxvii" dio mcusis cjusduin. A.mus tilin Kicbardi V.iMi'W df llnlilax b;iiitizala fuit xxx" .i;.; iiii-ii>is Maii Anno lii'inini \\l sujira. Hie incipit iiirnsi,s .luini Anno ])oniini 1." 11. Ki. bardus lllius 'J'lioKii' Standill' do Nuitbonjm baji:i;;atus fuit prinio die. Ifeniicus liliiis Heurici Tlarlamlu de j Ovcudi'u ' baplizati fwcruii; ijuii.tn Iti-ni Klizabclba lilia llenrici l'v.;liylle3 Alio men;; d.! Warh'y " ) I t;is (^('.^(Ic'iii. 74 Jfdlif'i^ /'(in'.i/i Church ItojiKlciit. r.ilwatiliia (Iliiiii riioiiic IFcminywi'V ilfi .S(jwtliorum Ijiipti/.iitu.'* t'liil r-i'xto i!ii' iiieii.'^i.i Juuii aniiout su/ira. llnu JiulH.'iiiiM liliiis \\ illioluii UnAm ile iJalii'ax liapli/.atuH I'uit Godi'iii (lie lui'iisia. iliiiiuiis liliuM (Jillit'iii Pii'atli'y ili' Nuitlunom iMptizitus t'liit uclnvo iliu nionais .luiiii Aiiiki I'Diuiiii ITill. IsiiIjC'IIr lilia Thoiiiu AVylkvii.-uii Jti Dvciidi'ii IjOjilizata liiit ix" (lit) lueiiJ-iH Juuii Aniiu Dumini li)il. I.sabi-lla filia Joliaiiiiis liaytk-s iiiiprrdo SowiTliy dofunili bapti/ita I'uit xv''^ die uiousis .lunii Anno lUmiiui i.v.J/. I'.lizabttlm lilia. lm.-ti\r(la 'J'lionio Schull et Aliciii iSmytli va.;a- bundo baptizata I'uit euiloni diu ut * Edwnrdus tilius Jniadii liawdowcnsDU de llipuionir bapli/.atus i'r.it xvi'" die mensi.s cjusdem. Gilljortus iilius (iiiborli Dcync iln Warley baplizatrd I'uit xvii" die uiensis Juuii Auuo iJouiiui '■■ Johanna filia liichavdi Hanson dc Wark^y Ijapti/.a'.a fiiit xviii'^ dii' uu'U.-is cjusdem. Edwaidu.s Iilius Jiilianni.i Waddeswortli di' J b.iplizali fucrunt W'arloy • viiMsinio dio nu'ii- IIliu 'I'humaH filius Tli ftiit xxvii" die nnusia Junii Anno Domini l.")ll. !lnlif(u: I'liriuli Cliurch Ili'jIiterH. Ilic iiiiMiiit iMi'ii«i-< .Iiilii Aniin Di'inini ITill. .Iiiiiaiiiios Qliuj 'I'lidiiKJ ISoiitli.iiii il' Norlliiiioni li;i|itizMtus fuit fcciinilip (lio iiiiMiHis I'jiisilpin, Ali'in lilin limtiiivla lloln'iti llutluimlcy cl liiilnlli; Stukkcs viilun liMptizuta I'uit \\" dU: mi-ii,iiH cjiisilciii. ■ luli'.iiiiiii liliii Willii'lmi (Jttes do Nurthnniin biiiti/.ata I'uil xiii d\r. ll|iTl.--is I'jilS'lclll. Isiibclh lilia 'riu'iiw I)riik(! iln Xortlioi'dvn li.i;ili/:it;v fuit xiiii" iliu ii:inHi>; .Iiilii Aluio I'oii.itii 1511. Kliz.iliotlia flliii Tlmm - Stol;es di; Sowtlioniiu iKiiitizila foil xvii" ili<^ riiuiisin cJiisiIpiii, ludi.rliis liliiis N'irli.ihii Ut-Muudu tiowtlitiroiu liaplizatua fuit xi\" die iiif'iisi^ cjusdem. M;ir;,':\ruiii lilia .!.ili;iiniis Woddi' de Ildif.ix lnjilizala fuit x.\" dii.' iiii'ii.-*!)- cju.-d'in. .Iiilii\iiiip.s fdius (!illii-rti Wiiddc d(> Sourl\v (ba]>tizati fui-ruiil ]i"iM At,'iii.'s fllia WiUioluii Tiyki'iion dc-^xxi" die m(.'ii-.., (•ildciu (cjusdclll. Alicia filia Ednmudi Tatci-pnll de Snufliy liaj.tizat.i fuit xxii" di ■ meiisia rjn.«d(uii. Itt'in .loliaiiua filia l.astaida Arlliuri (iyb-on ft .Tobanii" Br^ike baptizrttu fuit fodcni die. Ant'iiiuiius lilius Antbiuni II. ill Af l!iygeliii«>e Ittuu Uichardiis lilius Kichaidi Ilaideswortbdo | baptizali liifuiit Halifax. J-xxiii'-' dio niuiibi'. Item Eliz.nbi-tlia liliui< dnlianni-i Cukrixfte de j tyusdeui Ovohdon. Johauiie.s filiu.^ liidinnli liyiiucs do Warlcy baptizatus fuit xxiiii'" ■ He nieiisi.-* didii AiiiKi I»omiiii I'tW' doli.iiiiH'.s filius Jolianni.5 West de Xoithoioiu baplizatu-- tuii xxvi'" die niensis cjusdem. 70 Jlali/iix Parish Cl'iireh Iic- Halifax baplizata fuit primo die lui'iisis ejustlem. Oeorgius llli\is lluberti Crowtlicr d'^ .SowitIiv bapti/.atus fuit (juaito diu mensis (■jus i. Agnctix nuci.c'sb.iry baplizata fuit ix" uie inensis cjasdem. Elizabutha filia Oilbcrti Hidewoll tie ^fyggcloy baptizat.i fuit x" dio meiisis pjnsdeui. Thomas tilius .luliaiiiiis l!uli:ol;i' de Wailey ba|)tizatus fuit xiiii'" die niensis ejusdem. Maii^aieta filia Eiliuuiidi Jlylner ile Halifax baplizata fuit xvii"' ilio meiisis e^'ilsdi'Ill. If.ibella filia •Tnbaiini.s HeUnvidl baplizata fuit xix" die lui'npis ejusdem. Willitduius (iliii.s WiUKdiiii Mawdo de .Skyrcot ^ bapti/ati fui.TUiit item Alicia filia .luliannis Itrowghton de > xx" die ineiisis Warley ) eiusdeiii. Halifax Parish Church Registers. Margaivla filia Laiiraiicii Farrnw da Soworby baplizata fuit xxii" (li(! .\Iargiiri;ta tilia Riuharui Gldiohill de 'lowlanil baptizata fiiit xnvii" die * * .luhfiiinef I'oUerde filius Wilhelmi Polletde da Sowetby baptizatus fuit xxviii" di(! incnsis cjusdcni. llnljurlus (iliub riubtirti Walker de Snwland baptizatus fuit xix' die meiisis '''- .tohaiinps filins Jubaiinls Wooddchedo de Hiperome baptizatus fuit sxx" die luensis ejusilc,),;. Eiizabi'tba filia Thumu fcihaye de Oveiiden baptizata fuit eodcui dii^ nicnsis et anno. Hie iiicipil monsis Septembn.s Anno Domini 1541. .Jubaune^j filius Tliomn ISontley de Soworby baptizatus fuit »t.'cnnd<.i die inensis ejusdoni. Llizabftha lilia •Johaunia AVjlkynsou do Halifax ba])tizata fuit qiiai'ti) dis' nicnsis cjusde»i. '' ;;• .s lilia ^Vilill'lnli Scheppcrdc do Halifax baptizata fuit viii" dii' niensit; .Si!]>ti'nibris Anuu I)oniini 15//. .loliauni's (ilius liicbardi Haldeswirtli do Halifax baptizatus f lit x" die mentis ejusdeiu. .Sibolia lilia Joliannia Wateibowse de Warley baptizath fuit xii" ilie uii-nsi^ ejuiidem. hem Marj,'aieta lilia •lobfiuiid Haroclnugb do Ilipcronio ba]it:.:a;a fuit eddi'U. die anno et mense. JiibannuK lilius Egidii (ireyvea do iSludlT baptizatus fuit xiii ' die mentis Septcnibris Anno Domini * Itmu Elizabutha fdia Wiilielmi ClyQ" de Warley bnpti/.ita tut codeiii die uiensis et anno 78 Halifax Piin'.-/t CJiurc/i Uruistar.-;. iSebella filin I!icliariU IVTstow il.<. Xuitlinmm l):i]iliz:it:i fiii! xvi''^ die ini;ii.-5is ojiisilfiii. ^Mici.i lili.i Jnliimnis TaMi'ii ili> Ifalil'ix 1 lni^iiz.iti fuci-.int U'jiii Ivhvnnlus lilius .[i)l]nniii-i Clnwu'li d'' . xvii" ilio nii'Usi> Sowlliorum I rjiisdrm. l',Ii/.:ili.'lli,i lili 1 .ImU innis ].)>'yno do >ryr,",'"liV I liiii'liziti fucnuit It. •Ill Isdipllii lili;i Gilberti 'ili'dliyll di: • xviii" di'' in nsis Soworliy I 1 jiisdi'lli. 1-1 1 .r -n \ r I) 1 i /. i ( li.ilitiz'i! i filcnilit I/lmumuis liliin 1j iinnmli li.Tstow dc Ov.'iidiMi I •. , ,. Iv.'iii Ann I lilui \\ uhelnii Siijcr df lli|icr(iiiio i . , ' ( I'lusd.^m. 8ibi-ll;i (ilia Joliuiiiis Unidlidi'V do .Si<\ii>ao bnpti/ it:', fiiit xxii" die UK'Ilsis cjiisdcm. Mar^'iiretii filia bastard. i Kiidinr.li Mychi-ll ot -Idbanin' \Vvbn<(.v baptizita fiiit xsiiii'' di.' ni.'iHi.s (.jusiiir:!! I,'..br.ruis lllius Gilbi'iti IIald.--v.-,)rlli (d.-) Hip. i-'Jiiii-' I litijitiz iti fiu'vunt I-abella lilia .Tuhaiiiiis INfylnei- do .S|[argnrota filia IJu'lm li L'nltman do Halifax I 1 .i|.l izati-. fiicriiut. xxviii" ilii' (111 nsi* I "jiisdem. Hii: iiitdpit iiii'iisis Oi-tobiis Aim.. Ii.niiiiii 1.">!1. (JcoifriiiH mills (imirgii PlaiiclylV dr lldif.ix b.ptiziiiis fuii piiuhi die niiiiais Octobris Ann.. I'liniin l.'ill. I.iuroin'iiis liliiH liicbarili liidiaidson pn'onhi. .!■• lir.id. Ciib baptizalu.-i fuil si.cuiulo dio iiiclisis cjiisdcin. f 'hri.s'alitdla filia .I.iliannis \Vii...l .lo .S.'weibi liipt;/ila fuit .piarto dio nionsis cjusdoin. lli-iiricns lilitis Tii.iino .St.an.-f.dd '\f .'.iloin. IliiUfnx I'arieli Cliiircli lii'jisters. i) Agni'.s tiliii MiKvanii St:iiiclyfT ilo Ncithoi'oni Ijapti/.ata fiiit, ijuinlc] tlii' iiK-nsis cinsileiii. .loli.iiiiH's filiiis Jdlmniiis l.'au^Ji.n ()•• ' K-f nilen ] Ixiptizati fucrunt Itciii ICliziibetha filia (iillicrti Iiickson do - vii" Jio luunsi.s Siiwi'iljy j fjusiii-'iii. * * iiiumli 'I'vlaon lie Sowcibi baptizat\is (la) I'liit x" ilio iiicnsis Oi-toliris Ann ■ I'oniini IjH" ■■'• *1' 'liorti Wiiti'iliiiwsi? (le f^owi'ibi biiptiza/M.s {] a) xii" (1" unna filia Jobannis Dobsun Jc S.iLiljy baptizata I'uit xiii" <\\o niiMisi.-f cjusibau. fiiiif,'.' (^ a) llobi'ili Si.iytlir j Jbapfi/.ati fueiiiiit (iilbrrlu^ liliiis cjusclciii Li'Mni Hi ile Ilyiiri'oinu xv'" ilio nu'n.-;s Item Iliianiis filins 111 mni ('I'uthcr ) I I'jusdeni. j bapuzalu tuci-iii.t -; XVI'" ilio nipn.^is Aj^nis filia Edwauli Luiuiul' Je Snorhi Alicir. filia L'obciti Mur^aturode (di') \Varlwy ') V , ^ ' •' ( (■.lusdeni. 11 .\[ai,u'ai' ta (ilia liaslarda Geui-j^ii WlivtHipior et l!li/.abeth Hiii'gi'eUes vidim baplizta I'uit xvii" din inL'iiais ejusdoni. ( 'bri.stiiffr liliiiM ( 'bii^lc'fori C'nsyii du Siic'ibi ) baplizati fueiunt Item .lobaiina Klia .lacubi Ili'i-gii'tTus do ;• xix" die np'tlfi- Xortliiii'iiu j iju.-dciii. Meov^'iiiH lilius .lobimnis Dubrii^u di' Nuwci'bi baptizatus tiiit x.\i' dio nu'iisis i-Jnsdem. ILenriciH lilias .Tniuinnis I)yi-onsoii deSidn'llI' Item Johanna lilia Laurencii Tumor ilo | baptizati I'uiruat Si.iweiiiy -xxii" dio mensis Item J-'.lizabotba lilia Wilbidnii I.y.sti'r do 1 ejusdem. \Vi'lH !i.iu>i idius ba.-tnrdu.-; Tbmno Cairddu.s tt Siliillt- JVic il baptizatm fuit xxiii" dif mt'usi.s ejusdoni. l^abi'lla lilia 'rhunii' lli'byltwliati' do _Niiillioiom ba[)lizata (I'uil) xxix" die luiiisis i'ju>deiii. 80 Halifax Pariih C/itirch h'egister/i. Hie, iucipit menais Xoveinl.ri-i Ainio Iinrnini 1511. Johannes fllius Eilwardi Unytlies du Ovi-iidrn baptizatus fuit HUarto die ejusdom mcntiia. Tliomas liliu.-i f!i!ln-rti I'liyjypdf Sowi'iliy ) baptizali 'ucriiut Itfni Alines lllia liicbardi Wylxnu di' :-(iuiiitii ilio niciiHH Halifax ) ijusdom. Allies lilia Caroli ISrokn do ilipeniiiu' lia]iti/;ita fuit so\to di") nicnsi.s L'jusdeiii. • loliuniii'y llli'.is Thouio r>lal»is t-jusdciii. b.liiimii.s filiua Johaiiiii.s Halde.iworllic (dc) .*^(ll(•ll^ baptizatu.- fiiit xxiii" dip men-is cjusdcni. .1 diaiiii.i filia liiclianli Oybson dc Sowlljorcm Implizala full x.xiiii''^ die lufiisi.s ijusdcin. Maijr.iretn lilin Tlicnic I'iryj^ohowHc ilc dvcnil'ii bapliz.ila lull xxvi'" djc iiic'isi~ I jiipdeni. Maifjareta lilia baslar.'.a .Idiani.i.s lier.stiav et Sybyllc l;obyn-oii (dii) i.udilyiiKdcii baptizairt fnit Nxix" die niensiii cjii.siloni. T'.iomas filiii.s r'liii-'t.'f.Ti Hor-f.dl dc Xnrilinrom biipti/atn.s full uUinio ilic iiiciisi.s cju.^dcni. l/ii/i/ox J'arini Hie iiudpit inor Wilhelmus filiii.i .laoolii Rcjby piiino die Dccciiibris anno .lo'iaiina lilii (Jeorgii Craven ( nii.'iisis cjusdeni. .I(diaiines ct i tilii ccmclli (!ill Wiliieliiiii.s I iiierunt viii'' di( Jolianncs lilin.s Jobanni.? Rai xi" die ejusdoin niensis, (.'liii.'ftoferus filius .luliannis Ki xi" die iiien>i.s ejusilnni. P, Ivlinundu.s tilius bastaidus V .Stan^feld biiptizatus fuit X' Item Isab. lla lilia Kicliarili anno et meii.se. JvdwardiH li'ius ('liristofeii Fil die uicnsis DfCembris Ann Mart^areta filia Thomo Scheplu die iuon>i3 iyisiti:in. dubannes liliu-^ .lobannis Uoyd die iiieii>is Deceiiibiis Ann Hie iiieipit nii'nsis Deeemlnis (si Klizabotba lilia Edniumli Vic prinu) dio mou.ds cjusdetn. //ii/i/iu- Parish Church Regtslera. 81 Jlio iu.Jpit inur -is l)(M;eiiil>ris I5-tl°' Willieliiius filiii.i .lacolii Robynson do Sowurhy baptizatus I'liit iniiiio die Oi'C'Miliri.s iiiiiio ITiH. .Ii)'i:uinii lilu (ioiii-frii r'raven de ILiUfax baptiziita fiiit tercia dio mi'usis fjusdi-iii. .I'diaiini'S ft I fdii fjpmelli Gilbi.rti Sclaydeti de Warley baptizati Vi'ilhiliini.s I i'licruict viii" die iiii'iisis ojusdcni. .loli.iiiiics lilius .Iiili:imiis Uausdu dn llijieruiiio baptizatus fuit xi'^ die I'jusdom lilc'lisis, ( 'liii.-i3 I'yiidiju. .Iiilinnntis iiliu< .lubanids lioydi' de Halifax baptizata fuit xxix" die lueiisis 1 )uc(.uibris Aniu) 15.^/. liii; iucipit iiH'Usi.i ])i'femlii'i.s (sic !) [Jumiaiii] Anno Diiinini 1511' Kliznbclba lilia KilTiiundi Vicares dc Noitliorom baptizata fuit lirinio die mou.is cjusduiu. 82 llalifiu I^ii ish Church Reijusteif Christdfi-nis lilius Kamli lliivdclouL;!) do \ IJalil'llX ( li;i|lti/.'lli I'lh'l'UIll tiU'i:l Item .Ioli:iiiii,i lilia Alexajuhi IJimwih^ ( ili.^ iiii ii-is i jii.-dciu. (lu (jailcm ' (Ira('i:i liliii Juculii OldefiM iln ilygclcy baptizala fiiit vi'" din iiiciisis vyi.ideia. JiicliarJiis Idius \\'illii'liiii (irciirwooddi.' i\i' Halifax bapti/atus I'uit xi" dii' iiu'ii.'-is oj'isdi in. 1) liolicrtus filius lla^tal'd^H lioliii-ti Siiwwiiod rt SildUe Otlcs liap- tizatus fuit xiii" di(^ Uionsis cjusdi'in. JIargareta filia llnliri li iiiy^i'liowse <|ii Xiirlli.iroiii l)aiiti/ata I'uit xiiii^" diu vlnAtkin meiisii. !Margarcta fdia Willudni! J^lyslnni's dt^ Ilalil'ax liapliziita fnii xv'" diu miMisis ejiisdcin. Richai'diis liliu.s Edniundi Wadi'nWcutii dc ^\'i^lll■y liaiitizatus Tuit xviii" die liKHsis rjufdrni. Johannes Tdiiis liicliaidi Woud di' (Jvmidfii Iiap'.i/atu-' I'uit xix" dio meiisis ijusilem. Anna tilia Richardi 'lieonson ba]iti/a!a I'uit viorsimo die lui'nsi.s cjuiidem. .Tohanii(;s filius Thiiuii' I.v.'^lfi' di' Ifaiil'ax l]a|i;izitn:- I'uit xxvi'" ilio niensin ijusilriu. \\'illiiilinu- fdius Johannis ])ykcsMii dn Snwcil'i b:i|.liz.iius fui' xxvii" difi niensis cjusdcni. Joliaiiiia filia .lubannis llnlle d'' Sowirli bapli/iti fidl xxviii" die mcn.siti cjusdeni. Itiru r.li/.ibellia lilitt .I.icobi I'.urlev d.' Srli.jffe baplr ,i full c im^nsid oju.sLlein. 'I'luiiiiiis filiux Tliiiiiic Kulcikoilo Wurl'^v 111 Hi(^lmril lie cadc'iii liiilj'Tlus filiiis IMminuli llnllo dr Ly^'litclyll' liajitizatim fuit ultiuio il'w iiien.~i3 pju-sdem. Ilii; incipit, laonsis F^liiiuini 1511. 11 W'lllu-liinis lili'is b.i.-tanlm Il'lic llntluuiilry piirocliio Ac. V<\A'\'in\\\i el l,-al"lli' M.iiv Ijaptizatiis fuit secmido die mensis t-jasdcm. Maiuai'ita Idia Wiiln-liid (ilidlivll Je .Sowuiby liaptizata fuit teicio ilii: meii>i< cju-diMii. Ii'-rn .ii liaiiiirs lilii!.- 'i'liomi; Jiulkuk de cadcm baptizatus fuit I'lideiii dii'. ilolianiia tilia Willirlini l»obsoii dr Soweiby b:iptizatu luil (juiutu dii- I''ibruaiii AiiiiO jlipiuiiii latl. Joliaiuu'S liiius Thdiue Wadyiiglcn de \ SowtluiiMiii (^bapli/.ali fueruiit ix ' die lu-m Juliamiu.^ Idius (iilln'iti ('lutlier ( iiiei.dis pjusdeiii. i\f rudi'Ul / Agnes Clia Uirliuidi Wyls. u do AV;iiliy liaptizata fui', xi° ^lie tni tisis ejusdi L.1, IteUi .lolialilia 1 ! ;i lifsoil de .Sowevby baplizula flut cilclu die el an II I'. Itiiii i'.li/iilii iha lilia Oilli.ili L'I•o.^l(y de .^oyliiud baplizata fuil 1 odnii die et Ulilio. Kcdjeitup liliiis (ieorfjii Ifukwurth de Si.ui rby . baptizati fueiiint Item A-iie^ llliti .la'ol'i liiikel'V de iM.iem ' xiii" die niensis Item (,'lnislnleiiis liliu.s didjaiiiieii (.-ic) | l*'ebruarii Anno Oldel'eld de Ov.iiden ) 15 H. 84 Halifax PnrhU Church Ix'tgitiers. Tlionins filius Mduuiiuli I'lynriimrco (I) ilo I[;ililiix I li.iplizuli fiK'iiint lloiii Lauri'iitins liliii-; I'/hvar li' dc Nnitliornm >xi.\" ilii< meiisis Item I'llcna lilia .l.ilianiiis \\'vl-on ilr Halifax | cjiisdcin. lU'iii TinMiias lilius Aiitliunii .Suivlli di' i-adriu lU'iii >Sil)fll;i lili.i (iilbcrli llaldt'swiji'lh dc lliiioiniiie liai.lizitn fuit xx" dill cjiisiliiii iiifiinls. Eicliardus lUiiis Thomo .Mjcludl de Halifax baptizatiis fuit xxi" (lit! liu'llsia rjiisdi-m. Ik'tpri^da filia lladidpid I'ullc dc Snwcrliy \ liapti/.ati' fuiTiint Item MaiLiaiL-ta Idia 'riiniiic Hawiu^'lotUi di' ^ xxui" diu iiicn.sis Halifax ) I'jusdilii. Isaljcdla fdia IJioliardi Wi'ddc do Knliiax liaptizata fuit xxviii''' dii' lucnsi.s I'oliruarii Anno Domiui ir)41" Kicliardus filius Ivlniumli luiiiiL'.sdLii du Halifax brijitizatus fuit xxv'" die ('jusdt'ui. Item Htdiim filia Jacolii Mawdu dc Sowcilij' baiitizata full eodcm dii^ anno ot nicnse. Richardus filius Wilhelmi I'utton dc Warluy baptiiidus fuilxxvi'" dio inousis ojusdeni. Itum Margarota filia Jdlianids Wylsun dc Warlay baptizata iint oodem dia anno ct niense. li'ubciius filius Jciliannis (ilcydcliyll do i Halifax ( baplizafus fuit xxriio IlcMi (icnr;_'ius fdius Georgii Ijotlius dc /dii; ujcnsis cjucdcni. K'Tlllnldlll ) Isabella lilia linbirti Haldcswoitbc dc Mygolcy b;',ptizida fuit xxviii" die cjusdi^ni. Item Jacobus iilius Joliannis Lumnu; do Sorbye ba|)lizatus fuit eodcm diu anno (:t niense. I/dlifax PitrUh C/iurch Ri'ijieters. 86 Itoiii li'nliiilus lilius .rdliaiinis Schotylywoitho do Sowerliy ImpU/atus fuit eoik'Ui dio. Clinstiift'rns fi lus ] icliiin i .Scliav do ^ i ,• .• <- . ,, ... I liiiptiziiU fiuiunt llliilf;ix .' ,. Jt'iii Lli/iibi'llia film K'liauiuli \\<-i\\mI1 tic yowei'by •pun I cjusdem. Ilic incijiil men.sis !^^arc■ii Anno Domini 1541''' Alicia tilia Itobcrti Ileniyngwny nu[icr do Suwthorom defuncti baiitizat.i fuit sccundu dir- uicusis cjusdem. JuliiinncH lilius Julmiinis raclii'tt de JIyf,'geley bajitizatus fuit tcrcio die meiisis Marcii Anno I->omini 1541" Iiicliardus filius Laiironlii llorstuw de Nortliorom bajitizntus fuit Rcxto die Mircii Anno Jii.mini l")!!. Item .Iiilianncs lilins AVillielnii Fnrnir de \ , ,.../. , ,, , J baptizati fucrunt r \7 " 1 /■!• 1.11-1 1- /codem diu anno et Item Alargarcta luia liastanla hdniundi JJiccin>un et Mariiarclc Tliomas )■ X3 Isabella filia bnstaixla JohunniK Thomas do Ualifax baptizata fuit octavo (lie ojusdeni. Johanna et Elizabetha lilie Johannis Sraytho do Warley baptizate fiu'iunl ix" die mensis Marcii 1511" Kichardus lilius JoliHiinis Ibjincr (dc) Warley baptizatus I'uit xi" die meii.--i!j ciuiidcm. (Iraciiv lilia Jacobi Lyster de Halifax \ Item Kdniundns filius Jiichaidi l)id)son (baplizati fucrunt xii" dc .Soweiby Item (Jciii'gius filius cjusdem dc eadcm dc .Soweiby (die mensis cjusdem. Anna liiia Wilhclmi Mercer de Halifax baptizata fuit xii" die meusia Marcii Anno Domini ut supra. 86 llilUf'U relish Cl.iireh Uriji!'!!',!!. 'rii(iiiri8 lilins .Iiiliaiihis Siiiytli.' iln Shyi'i-nti; l-'Mpti/Mtiis t'liit xiii" die iiii.'iisis c'jusil'Ui. Item l^'icliUfius liliu*) I'Miuuii'li ^V^ll.| ill) NMitli(.iroMi liiipti/Htu.s fiiit oiiiliiii ilii' uniio ct iiKMist'. AqiR'H lili;i .(.ii'dlii Miiwile di' Wiiilry liiipliziilii I'liil xiii" ilio uieii.~i-i I'Jiisilora. Klizillietlui filiii Cluistiifcii licntli y ile Soworhy )i;i|.tiz:it;i fiiil xv'" ilio iMi'iisiM Miiioii Aiiii'i I'oiiiiiii l.Ml" .Tuliantii's filiii'* Tliniii' l\«'iil ilc llalit'.oc . Ituin Willii iliir.s lilius .luhaiinis llililr ili' ) , ,■..,. r. , ' liiipli/ali luiTiint xvi' ^^0^veI!lV ,• ,. ' . , ,. . , ■ p|. .,., ... 1 , ( (111: lm'ii.-<)n ( iiisdi in. Item ■loluinii.'-i lilia^< 1 Iimuii' MoUrs (!.• I ■■ N'oillidinm Allies lilia ^l'icholai llynlc c!e Nnilliii-oni Isiptizila tin' xvii' dii; nieiisis cjiisili'iii. Jiiliaiino; Firucsydo iiliiis Williilliii Fciii'sydi' i!(. Uviii.K'ii. Itom I'.lizalietliii lilia .l..h(inni.s Liraiisftdd dc Xoilalld I l):i|rl'/il'- fiU'iaint. Iti'iii Is:il)flla tdiji Jiicliaiili ( Mdi'l( Id diM>;idi'iii .-xix" liii' ni>'i,sis JU'lii Isdiidla liliii iOdiuuiidi J^nn^i Ijutliimi | fjiisdiiin, do Wuiluy Alicia lilia Jvlninmli I'aidiet di .Myj.'giday bajaizatu full xxi" dia mensis cjiisJei]!. Cleui'f,'iii9 filius .Inhanni^ '{"nwai li.-iidc di' ) lia|i|i/iil i i'liriiiiit My;^g(li>y xxii" die inciiMa lleiii Anna lilia didiauiii.; Lacy dc cadciii I cj\i-dciii. Mdiliuiclus lilius IJicliiiidi IIiycclicuM' Cm- IlypniiiiH liaplizaliis I'liit x\v'" die .Marcii Antw lli.iiuni l.ill. JJi.il./a,i /'iirix/i V/iiirc/i l>>,i" 'IT ,,. . ... .M.ni .Aiiii'i liohuiii millr.-.iiiiij iiuinL"'iite3nii'j [ ([UUilil;.iilIMn Jil'imti W'illii'liiiii-i IIiii'liyn.ioM ct iM;ir^iU'ctil lvi.-(lbunii' lU'iii .Ii)liaiiiic.-i I'yj^liyli-'s fct i contraxi'i'iiiit iiiatiimnniiiiM octuvo ■' ilii' iiiuiisis Mail .\nii() liiiiiiiiii TlldTiiia Iluf'th el .lohaiiiia IJcviicrorlli (viiitr.i.Ni'runt iMatrinioiiiiiiii xv'" diu ini'ii'-i> Miiii Aniiii Duiiiini luillesiiiio \ nuiii^i'iittiiimii it xli"' CliriftofiTua et Aliciii Wal.niiuuiii)i| | I'oiuiiii I-'ill"^ Dmrpnoius Dukosl.ury ,1c E lari.l et ;,^^,.,.^,,^^ cntraxorm.t Jnl.aniia l.oye | ,„,atrimonium xix" die Item Ui'''oiu.s iioyer .le liradcloitli (I ■ .... Jsabclla l;r(ali-lcyf! I , , . ■ , - , ,„ ,, I , ^. ,1 . I . n ,.1 . .' I'"Uiiin l.iil"- It.'iii •lull, miles .Sinvtli ct l,-;aijclla ( laytoii I invicrin cniitraNcrunt .Nicliolaus Wooddnlii'icl parochicde ISiadc- ) luatiiiiioniiiiii wvi''^ furtl. lit iV^'ncs KidyiijT i.-^tin.-! [lanichie'! ilicuicnsis lunii .Anno ( D.iniiiii l.'ill. acol'19 ^ciiaiii ci ^•\,i,'Uc3 iiaiuo.sw.iruu! \ tciii ;''rbiiidi a (jreiiewoil |iaiMcliie dn / iiiviceni cnitraxcru Klaiid ct .\;4iHK Siiiylhc i.-tius parochiu ' iiiati'iiiionium tcrci ( (iic iiuiisi^.l \ Ddiiiiiii l.'i lloni .Tacoiu'.ij Dniwghti'H cl Alicia Townehcndo runt cio iic iiuii^^i-f.Iiilii Anno II. •-%. ■'' ^>. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^ /. :/ f/. ip % ^ i 1.0 [ri^ i^ =^^ .s. 132 uuioo I.I 1.25 1^ li 2.0 1= U il.6 V] ^ ^ ^ Tv 6^ <^ i ^ 88 Halifax Pariah Churoh Jin/ufers. ciintnixeruiit miitii- Joliaunoa Hoainjiato jmrochio dc I'^llaiiil el 1 nioiiiinn quiirlo ilie ell Agnes Wiiterhuwso i.slius parochio 1 nicnsis .Iiilii Anm: ( I'liiiiiiii l"ill. Johannes Whalas et Johanna Ottys Item t'lilburtus Orutlier I't Marr'ai'cla l>arocli>UKh fc()|iulati fiierunt ct C'liitiaxi'iiint inalri- ■ ili'ciniii '■ ■ [torn Wilhelnms Miu'ceret Isabella nupur I ui'Misis .liilii Anno relicta Roberti ^logeson vidua Domini ir»4l" Christofmis Woodo et Alicia Sclator Itora Uiohardu-! Mannn ct MarKiirota Waddeswoitli Itani Edmuiidus Stansfold et Ahcia Shakyllou iiivn'i'in c'lntriX'-iiiiit uiatriino.iiiiiii xvii" (lie inensis Julii Anno Domini 1511 fcontraxciiint niatri- moiiiiim xxiiii'" dio Item Nicholaus llalterton et \ nieji^is .Iiilii Anno Margarota Bland ' I)oiiiJiii l.'iU. Johannes ReyniT do Eland et Aynes Mawde i.siiua i)arQclao (■ontiaxoiiinl matri- moniiiin iilliino iVn- wensis hilii Anno Duinini 1511" Wilhohnua Lvster ut Eflame Waterliowso (oontiaxoiiint main- nnoiiuiii vii" dio j nieii.-is A'lciiKti Anno ( Domini 1511" Thomas Lacy et Agnea Waterhowse Item Kieliardus Xoithendo et Elizabelha Ainiielar eonlraxi-'i'unt raatri- uionitini octavo dio mentis Aii^riisti Anno Domini I'lll" llenricus(j!rymeseliayel Klizahetha Craven "i Item Kiohardus Haigh paroiliie de liyrstall et Jolianna l>e,-t istins paroc'iie Item Rouerus llapprdlyi^rd paroeliie de nradcforth et Kli/.abe'iha OliUeld istius parochio Item Kj^idius (ireyves et iUizabetha 'iyrkeheid contraxenint matii- moiiinm xiiii'" die ^mensis Auj;usii Anno 1541" contraxorntit matri- Johannes I'.roddeley et Agnes Stanclyll , „„.nsi8 Augusti Anno ) 1541" m /laliftuc I'aritli i.'/mrcli Heijislern. 89 ,„, ,, , , T 1 T. 1 1 ^ c'liitriixi'iuiit iiiiitriiuo- iniii.ns r.iirtiiii Pt .lo lariiia llrodilcv 1 • ,, ,• , , ,,..,,, ,, ,■ ,• / unim Ml" liii' tiii'iisis tciM W ilii'liiiiia Lowlier piiriicliii! ill' '^ , . ,- , i, K\i;lili'V fl ( , , .lo i.innii !r\vih',• '"■ .. ,, ,, ., . f ii.iit.iiiiciiiima .wiii" ilio ,,,,., iiii'ii.--i.^Sip|,'nibii.sAiiiiO ,, ,, • 11,1 . i-i' 1 .1 ' !'■ iiiiin l^itl. Item lli'iiriciis Ilerteli'V et r-lizuu'tliii 15iivllic.-< 1 iiivii'i-Mi contr.ixcniMt HiclianliH Lyst'T et F.lizahetlia IlryK'HO ' nialriiiioiii\iiii torcio din 1 mi'ii.^irf ( )t'tolri; ) l>o)i)iiii l.'i 1 1. •■■■•• ".T — ■ -i-r-r, Ilt'ii) ,loli.ii.iu-.< SlcJke.^ ft A^'ucs Mule 1 miii.^irf Ootolri.i Anno AVilli"liiin.'< Siiiytli I't ') ii'vicc'iii inatriiiniuiim alVuiavoniiit xvi"" .Mait;arcla Maw^le) ilie lut'iisis Uclulnis Aiuio Ooiniiii ITill. Mil li iriliis Swyflii ila\ci die Klizalittlia Foine.-> ^'iruehie de Halifax j iiieii.si.s Movemliiis ' Anno Domini Kil 1 ' liieliariii!'* Myoliidl i.nlins paiochie el i^aiM-r ■ . . . / 1 Ki.nd I to Naliella W hvltoli Ipaiocliio del .. i , . : ... . ■ ' I nmiiuim xni" die luensis ','?!,, , ,, , , "l N.iveiidiii.< AiiM'i Domini ■m \\ dlielmiH rt'iivi^ton ct / i - 1 1 , 1 •■ 1 il oil' 1. ' '•'' ' l.iizaiietlia .Selittkyllon I invicem contraxeiunt niatiimn- .' niiini xiiii'" dio mensis Nnvemliri . lli'luious Ivayiiefnith et Aliiia Deym. Iteni iiidieiius HrVL'eliellsa ol I ", ,. ■ ■ ,,|i ^^ .1 1 o u . 11 / '"'I'" Domini irill Matilda .SaltonMliiU V I. 90 Halifax Parish Church Reijistern. JnlianiioH ll.'niyiigway <'t. I cniilrixiTiin: mMtiimnriiiiiii xv'" did I cuntr.ixorimt inatriiiiiiiiuin xx" ui" lili'n-is Novimil.-ris Anno lioiniiii I 1541° onntraxi^runt inatrimoniuir xxi" ilii> ineiisis N'ovcmlnis Aiiiin l)iiiijiMi ;")11"' Aliciii L'nar Williclmu.: Wyllin rt Altiii's Miutyii Item Iviiniiniliis Hrvlpy ct Alicia Wad.l.swortii ItPm Ivobi-rtiis Watson ct Agin's \\'ylsoi) Jlicliacl Ottes ft ) cniitraxpnint mitrimoiiiiiiii xxii '" Kli/iiliotl.'a il^iipoy j ,li,. moiisis Xovcmbris Anii.i 1 J41. Ridiardim Xdrthond ct ) invii-cia copulati fiionint xvi'" din Agims llrygiimiso 5 niciisia Jaiiuaiii Aimi, Jiomiiii 151 1'-- ('cimfraxiTiint iiiatri- linbGrtuslVrkynsnnpnrorlu'cMlcKvldpwekct, moiniim xxiii die Llizilicllia Towiibciido tie Halifax , incinis .laiuiaiii [Aiiiiu U.pmiiii 154 1* Tbninas Swynoson et \ Klizabrtlia llorton ( .■nnlrr.sPriint niatiimnniiini Item lohanni's llaldprlcvs ct , •'*■"'''■'■■■"'" """" 'ii" men^U .lanuaiii Mawirctr. Wade " ) Anc.) Domiiii lo41"- Jnbaiinos Haldeworlli ct ( coiitraxcnint inatrimoiiinm xxx" die Alicia Lacy ( m.-nsis Januarii Anno nmni'ii 1541"- JobaiincsDvhvoilh paroobi. d-llcnionstall ct { <'0"'raxcriiiit matii- Isabclla My^'clcy dc Halifax -' ""'"i""! Mmrto die I'.cm Kohertus Sowod ot Sibolla Ottes i """^'^ IMniiaiii \ Aniiu Domini 1541"'- Svpii/li y.'.;/"- .lolianii-H flliiifi J,,hannis Nycoll do Hipcrome scpultus fnit xxv'" die luonsis cjiisdcni (i.e. Mnrrii.) Wiibclmiis fdiiis .I.diannis XycoU do Iliperoinc Hcpuilus fnit xxvii" ilin nil nsis cjnxloni. IlalifcLv Piiris/i C/nirrh I'etjixli'rs. 91 .Inliatiiiii (ilia Ridiiiiili Turner de Warlcy pi'imltu fuit xix" (sic!) i!io iiii'iisi.s ijusili'iii. -lolianncs I'mitcs ili- Sowcrliy Item Itobertlis tlybsmi liii'is I.iiiri'nlii | i.oiwi-imlti fiiiriint xx" <;ylwoii iiupor (Ic Halit'ix ilcl'imcti , ui'^ incni-is Maioii Itoiii Kdwardus iiliiis .lohiu.nirt Sii.cke.s de | Ami" I'uniini lull" liiiiifax .TdliaiiiKislilius .I(Jllanni^ StokoN ik'Halifax j c..iiM'|iulli lui-riint riciii Amiable uxor Miliiiia Skcltoii di^ \iltiiiin die iiiunsis SuWiTby I iju.sdoiii, llii; iiicipit iiion^is Ainilis Aiili'i Duiiiiiii ITill. ]{ii-h:iidns liliu.s TIlhih' Ma\vd.> dc; lliiicnmin uqier defuncti ecDidtus luit piini'i die imuisis ijiirideiii. Robcitus Iluiisiiii cli' Sowtboruiii Ittm .luliaiina iiupcr iclii-la liiibaidi '^ llmison di' Ilalifiix dcl'uiicti : cdn-epulli fuenint lU'iii I'adavn-cnjiis.lani piicri iiiasculiiiuod ' scciiii'io diu iiifnsis iiiY.ntuia liiit infra villataiii de ^urtli- ) Aprili-> Aiuid iJuuiiin oioni h)41"- Item .Ichaniii's tiliiis Juliiiiinis llolliimdcy di' (Iveiulrti / didiamia uxor Johaniiis Wylkynsipii de Halif^ix dcfuiicli MipulU t'uit liM'rio die uuMi.-is (•ju>dclii. Maivarota tilia 'Ihomt^ Bryyehowse do Ovi'iideti st-pidl.i I'uii iiuarto die meii8is ejusdelii. liidiortim (jreuewood do Ualihix s°pullu.s fuit (punto die uwnsu fjusdcin. (JilbiTlus Olti's de Suwllioroni scpultus I'uit vi'" die ii.eii?is ejii.duiu. RatcM-nia mi|"T relicta Tbciiio lluttni, de | ,,„„^,.|,„|,p f,,,.,,,,,,^ Halifax vidua vii" die nu'iiM-. ejus- iieni MavL'areta tilia (iilbedi Scliay de i ^^^^^ Warley ' Jobaiiucs Clius .liiolii M.r.vde dr WaiU-y se]mUws fuit viii' di.: lai-nt^is pjusdein 92 llnlifnx Parish Church Re^ii-ilns. irnrj,'arct:i uxir Tlioiiic NVjbsfj do Skyrr, eadcm ■ . ... . Ilcin I'-lizabclha uxor IMiiiunli Ilcylcy do k ', ' .". \. , , " ,,.1 J J ^ U.imiiH I. ill. \\ alley Apnes lilia Knborti Sclayden do ^^yggell'y 8f]mlta fuit xxiii" din iiicnsis pju.sdcm. Marj'arota Tliiirpip de lliiicrnmo sppulta full xxiiii'" dio nien.-i.s eju.sdeii). 1 1 ,- 1 1- 11-1 11 . (conspi)iilti fiiiTUiit ■lolianna uxor Kd wan li Uliytlpv extraiioa ) .,' ,. I. I 1 I 1 ^' 1 ' , XXVI'" die luen.'ii.i Item Johannes Law de howeibvo I • i (ejiisdein. Jobauna tiuppr relicta Radulplii I.yslpr liuper du lliperom'- fii'imlta fiiil xxvii" die nieii.sis pjusdem. Jobanup-^ Xnitbcnd d(^ Xnrtboiom ) cdnspiiulti fiierunt Item Johanna filiaJohaniii.-i liunipley deSkircoteJ- ultinm dip mensis ) ejusdein. Ilic incipit mensis ^^aii Anno Domini ITitl. Elizabetha Chrislofeii Bontlpy do Sowcrbi sopulta primo die nien.-'is Mail Anno l)..mini 1511. Iiobertus llliii.s Juhaniiis HpIi'WoH do Sowprbyc sepultus fuit (pi irto iliu iiiPiisi.-i Maii .Vnno I)omiiii 1,')41. Johaniips filius Kilwardi Hij,'yn de Halifax sepultus fuit quiiito die mens!.* pJMsdpiii. .,., ,.,. ,,. , !■ ni 1 , 1 Tf IT ) pon.spiiulti fiieru I houias liUus IJieliardi ]'. Ivl.stonp.s dp Ilahfiix ( , ' ,. I. «!• ■ iM- ij- 1 1- ii 1 1 > octavo ilip iiipnsi Item AliPia lilia liicliardi Hanips de cnd"m 1 , ) pjusdem. lit nsis I! all I ax Parifh Church Registers. 93 Isabi'llii uxnr .Inliiniuis Slokus do lliperomo mpulla fuit nono dio meii,-is cjnsilt'iii. Eobertua I'.iiitcs de Xortlioroiii sopultus fuit xiii" die inensis Maii Alllln Dninilli I'lll. Eichiudiis Wodde fdins Cbii^tofeii Wo.lde nupcr de Ovcndcn si'imltiis fuit xvi'" Aw nionsis fjusdum. WirlmrduR ■Wyllsoii do Halifax | oonsepnUi fiier- Ilcm J.diani;cs lilius bastardus Omefiidi • iinl xvii'^ dio .Slapilton do eadcm I monsis ejus loni. WylKtlmus Nycoll de Sowthovdiu wpultus fuit xviii" dio mousis rjiisdem. Wilhidmus l''ornes»o de Soweiby sepultus fuit xxiiii die mensig ojusdem. Ili'iu Jobannos Ilertlcy de AVarloy sepultus fuit codom die anno et m(.. so. Isabella filia Edwardi Gybson de Northorom sepulta fuit xxx" dio niensis ('jus\v Ilalif.ix Mpultus fnit xiiii'" ,]i,. meiisis liicliiiii]ii.s Waterhuw.so (hi Sliyieoto BPpiiltiis fuit xviii'' di- iii<>n- fcis pjiisili'iii. Margaretn uxor (Jposgii Ciutln r tlo NoiUinioiii ^.i-uhu fuit x\\- din IlR-|i>iM cjllSllclll. EdwnrdusGyll do llipeiMiiu' scpultus fiiil xxvi die m.'nsi^ .luiii Anno J)(iiMitii ir)41" Kolieitu-filiiis Wilh.liui lir.ikcdo iralifix i coiiscpiiiti fii.Tiiut Item Aiiiliniiiiis llliu>< b:iM,ir.iu,s Tiioiiic xxv'" die uii'iinis C'lyderuw ft .Icili.iiiiii' Wiilo ) ij\i«dc.Mii. iHabullii JJarocloWfjh de llipcTomo s^'puita fuit xxviii'" dit> moiisis I'jubdclii. Johannes llaldcswurth do Xiiithcji-nm Ecpultus fuit xxx° dio nieusia ejusdcui. Hie iucipit menais Arj^usti Anno 1541" WilhelnniH lilins Ilojreii lIiTtelov niipci- de i Warii'V defiincti ' | I'onsopulli fuerunt Hem .Inhanna lilia Willirlmi l!rol<,. nuppr /l"""" ''"' ""''"*>* de Hipei-cnne defiincti ) '-.I'lS'le'". Johanna lilia Thome Waytlif d,' Halifax sppulla fuit .[uinlo die cjiimI. Ill nien.iis. Kobeitn^; filiiis Ji.'ianuis Morstiw de Halifax sepuluw Init sextn die n;ensi.s ejusdcm. Elena uxor .lohannis IIeiii\ n<,'\vay de Xuithorum sepiiita fuit nctaVD die nu ii.'-is ejiisdnni, rtiehaidiisliliiis piediclidohaiinis Heiiivn' way \ de Ndilhoiom " ' ' / ';"ii^''! uIH fn.runt Item Ocilia tilia Wiliujlmi l!.iroi-l(,wj.b de (''f J"" ""••"*'" I Halifax I i-jimd i llnlifcu Parith 0/iurch Rfijintem. 95 .^'llalinl■.^ liiiiH Wil!i>'luii I I'-yn.? ilr Wailoy sopiiUus I'liil x" ilio ini'iHis Aii^u?li Ai.iio |i>riiii]ii I'ltl"- .I..I1111UI' s lilius l;ii'|i:irili Srliay (lii Myijoli'y sepultii.^ fiiit xiii" ilio iuri,.-.i> Aii),Mi>li Aiihii I)i>iuini 1511" Alioiii IJlia RiiUorti llrr^'nn'rs ili^ Warlcy 'Ojiulta fiiit xv'" ilio nun. is Aiij,'U.~ti Anno iKmiini l.TIl"- Alii ia nx'ir •lnliantiiM liyii'y ilo Sowcrby sopuita fuit xvi"" (lift inensi.s I'jii.sik'tu. iiiilianna uxoi ,!'i|i:iii,ii.s Hawme do Halifax si'pnlta I'liil xvii" ilio incnsis cjuhIiiu. Alicia filia TliMini' RatelyfT ilo So\vi'r])y scpnlta fiiit xviii" ilio niinsis ijnsdeni. .liilianni'R Unilsnn dp llaiit'ax 1 con^icpulti fuenint Item .liilianiia IJlia .lolianni^ Ciavun >!i' ' x\" ilii: uic'n>iti ijns- Noi'tlioiMni I del I.saliolln T'risliley d'> TIi])pronii- pcpulta fnit xxii" dio niensis Angiisti Anno Uoniini 1541. Flic ini-ipit nijnsis Septcmliris Anno 'Donnni 1541. Isaliclla lilia .Inl.anni.s Denton de Sowtlioroin scpulta fuit iiii'" dip nipnsis t jiisdoin. .Iidiiinna uxnr Tlionie Holt'ito dp Sowerliy sepulta fuit xvii'^ dio lucnsis rjiisiliiu. .lolianna Dutlipis do Nortliomni sc|iulta fuit xix" die niensis pjiLsdein. liobirlMri Ilimynuway do [lypernnui sipultus tuit viie.simo dio nil Hfis .Si ]itonibn..< .\nno l>iiniini 1.>H. Williclmus lilius .lacubi I)iibsiin do iSoworby sppultus fuit xxvii'' dio nipn>is ijusdoni. Wjlliilnius Murgatcrudo dn Warlpy sepultus fuit xxix° die niensis iju.^dpni. I 9G Ifdlifiuc Piivinh Chitri'li Kegidi'n lliij incipit Octobrin. Kiitcriiiu iixiir Richariii Umiiusileii ilo lli[i('r..ruu (jcimlta fiiit (juiiito iliu iin.n.-is Octobiis. ,l(iliatiiii-9 SdiciiiiiTilo Ao Halif.ix it "j ciaispjuilti fiiiTunt Joliiiiiiiii lili.i baslarda Kichunli Wvnwn iln soxln dio iiKiii^is Sbultr j iJuhI.mii. Johanna filia Tbomo Harreton ilc Halifax .'^I'lmlta fuit xii" ili" munsi.H ejusJeni. Alicia filia K.jberti Miir^^aliTode dy W'arlov Mc'|iiilta fiiit xxi" iliti mensis ojnsdotn. Agnes fdia })aslarda Edward i Mawdu ct Siliellc llaii ejusdcm wcnsii. Elizalii'tha uxor Jolmnnis licyrstow dc >'or- | cons-'pulti fui-runt thoroiu ! ix" di" uh nsis Iti'ni .Jacobus fili'i.-' .lacobi l'>url("y dc Scbclff I cjusduiii. Edwardus lilius Johannis WaddgswoUb di: Warley sepultus fuit x" dio mensis ejusdcm. ■>