7?3K^;'^dte*:r'^^j;^ .-^ / «/,.. L'tr ^; ■A ,iaJ,-; If iit v ftiif" ^' Ar^oyef for GcSdaijcc -%. PSALM v., 8 (t[iw • Bella • Qlarl(e Si* »>■ ,"• -^-i-y/ ii0^- ;/ • • ■ ^ ■ >^ r ^ FOR - 6;ijiD/jf(<5E • ■*.■ '. ' , '. ■ * ' . ;» » • ' ' • . \i^'.t ••.-..«'•.■ ..■."*'.'!• ^yC ^ . . ••■;••••.•'• T Entered according to the Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, by Archer G. Watson, Manager Toronto Willard Tract Depository, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture at Ottawa. ^s^Dl^^YEt^ JL^; h t -- FOR - ^jlDAI^QE ® ® '«' V \ Uy MISS BiCLL^ CLA^HKIi: ARCHER G. WATSON. Manager Toronto Wiularo Tract Depository cor. yonge and temperance streets, toronto y / \ EflD rrie, LORD, in tiny rigliteoUsness because of nairie erierriies; rriaKe thy way straigl^t before rriy face. Psalm v., S m >^'" 0- ■^ ^\l\\ AKE Thy way strai^^ht before my face" O Lord, For I am weak, and apt to go astray ; And wander in self-chosen dangerous paths ; And so I ask Thee, lead me day by day. O O " Make Thy way straight before my face " O Lord, For I would place my hands in thine to hold ; And trust Thee ever to mark out the way That leads me upward to Thine heavenly fold. H» i ] ht^e epoo^^cc;] p>Iaee^ ^hpai^l^t; I V/ill hiPeak^ \n pieee^ tl^e 6ahe^ of kpa^, and eat ir2 jciodep tl^e bap^ of iPor2 ; Sr2sl I v/ill ^iVe bl7be tpea<^upe<^ of dap^^ne^, and [2idder2 piel2e^ of ^eepeh P'-SeC^. Isaiah X..V., 2-3. ^ . ^^' ■fll AKK Thy way straiirht l)efoic my face" O |1 Lord, ..:-:.. ^.. = ■.:.*.. '*' The vvav Thou chooscst must I know be best ; And though it somethnes dark or lonely seems, ' Walking with Thee is safe, and oh ! so blest. " Make Thy way straight before my face " () Lord, That I may never falter, doubt, nor fear ; As Thou hast promised so direct my steps, And make all crooked places plain and clear. J ^0- ■mm m j4^E rriade his own people to go forth liKe sheep, and guided therri in the wilderness liRe a flocK. And he led thenq on safely, so that they feared not. Psalm lxxvui., 52-53. mm- •mm AKE Thy way straight before my face " O Lord, Thy way, not mine, oh may I ever tread ; And like Thy people Israel of old, All through the wilderness be safely led. Until at last I reach the " Promised Land," The Heavenly Canaan, oh ! so brght and blest ; There see Thee, Lord and Master as Thou art, And in Thy presence find eternal rest. • 'i^m: HOU Shalt guide rf\e with thy counsel, and after- ward receive rrie to glory. PSAI.M I.XXIII., 2.\. ND then in the full sunshine of Thy smile, I I'll trace the pathway that while here I trod ; And see that all was well, through sun and storm, It led me safely home to dwell with God. ^ pr2Gl hl7C feORP 5^2^11 fuidc bl^ec eor2hir22:jaII^, ar2Gl ^ahi^Py bl]^ joal in dFOLifl^h, and ma^^e Fat t^2^ kone^j" ; an^l tliou ^f^alt be li^^e a v/ahcped fap- den, and li^