i^ ii" nj^ j^ z^ r^ ^ UPON THE DELIVERED BEFORE THE Ol^MQEflE^ 2r TOE CITT If ©TT^W/^ in Grace ehurch, July 9, 1899. BY THE KEY. J. F. QORMflN, 5. fl. C. Rector of Grace eh r(h. Fotheringham A Popham, Printi '■'^"V^' AW'-. ■ • .V' ■ ( . . . , ')' ^^ >« f\ ^96 ^ C^ r^ rpox Tin<: s^rdDOnattndDim-^^ ?»/».?■* ^•>' darailfldDfiii ni:ij\-i;Ri:i) i5i-:fork inK Ol^i^EflEM gP THE CITY SF OTT^W^ in Grace Church, July 9, 1899. \\\ TIIl^ REV. J. F. QORMflN, 3. fl. C. Rector of Grace eiiurch. '^CORONATION DECLARATION.' My brethren of the Orange Order — It is with much |)lea?ure that I bid you welcome to Grace Church, upon this holy day which next precedes the anniversary of that momentous event which you will celebrate as ar. order, next Wednesday ; an event, let me say, which nieaiu