..^, ->. •a* ▼ .0. >S* f IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 |S0 ™^= ■ 56 1^ 2.5 2.0 1.25 1= lA III 1.6 V] <^ /2 w % M o 7 Phptc^phic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ,s Pope Pins IX.. of llio 8ih of December l!i«t, p; lelaiming to the whole Catliolie world a plei.ary iii(lulf,'eiice, in the loim of a Jubilee; ami, acooinp;inyinir this most impnilaot ami consoling, document, a (Syllabus., or ealalof,Mie of cerlairi capital and pernicious eriors of tlio presi/nt »'r,-, against wbicn, in liis pastoral solicitude for the flock oi Christ enlrusleil to his keepiiin, lie seeks to put all ( hristians on their yiiard. From the summit of the Ap stolic di;;nily to which he was ran-ed, in the person of Peter, whose lawful Hiid i,'!oriou» successor he is, the .Soverei-n Poi.tilf, commissioned hy jesns (. hiist to fiiiard and to Ice.l wuh salutary doclinies iho children ol men, views with bitter sorrow Ihi' sjiread ol blal errors which the enemy of all -;oiiil sows hroiidca-t in the liosom ol society, thereby sliflimr the good seed of the pure and iiuchan^iiii; W'oid of God and causiii;,' the rmu of iiiimmeiahle soids. Guided by the Spirit of his Urvine Master, he has spoktMi ; and Ins words dictated not by flesh and blood, or any human expediency have already been heard and seen, and felt thiou;,'houl the world, tilling the iiearts of true believers with joy and consolation, whilst diey only excite lhe'ra<'e and indignatio I ol the enemies of (ioii and His glorious Spnuse the Church. It is our most pleasing iluly, dearly beloved brethren, at this season, which we have chosen as mosl favorable, to call your attention to these teachings and admoiulions of the Vicar of Jesus ( hrist, giving to them the adhe-iou of our whole soul, and at the same time to open to you the overllowing sources ot g.i.ce and heavenly sweetness which a meiriful (Jod has prepared for us during these (Uiys of salvation Hefreshed iiml sanctilied in the f.iuntaius of the Saviour, during this mosl „..eptable time of the Jubilee, in union with the Visible Head and all the members of the CLurcli. we wid be eiiab ed to present ourselves with confidence before the Throne of Grace, in order to draw down lioni the Father of li-hls and the (ioom any or all of Ihe above condilions, and lo enjoin .some other goiHl works m their stead. The Pri.-sis ol this Diocese, and those ot (he neighboring Dioceses whom they may invile, are aulhorized to absolve from all cases reserved lo the Holy See or lo us, and lo commute vows, except tho.se of religion or perpetual chastity. Ill conclusion, dearly beloved brethren, let mo exhort you to duly appreciate and avail yourselves of Ihe .r,aces offered you during these days of salvation. This Pastoral shall be read at the Parochial Mass in evt'ry iMission, and in chapter in all Ihu Religious Communities, the first Sunday alter its riiceptioii. Given al Hiimiitun, liom our Kpiscupal Palace, this 6lh day of August, llie Feast ol the Transfiguration of Our Loril. t JOHN, Bishop ok llA.Mii.roN. By His Lordship. E. J. IlEENAN, PrH., Skcretary.