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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. rata elure, a _i I2X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 f^-^ ''m' m mnm Uuprlnted from Jonmal ofthe KewEDgltind Water Workn Asioofation, Vol. XIII., No. 4. CLEAKIKG A WATER MAIN IN ST. JOHN. N. B. — BTf— WILLUM MUBDOCH, O. E. Engineer Water Works. ThB Dat Pbiht, New Iiondon, Conn. NEW ENGLAND WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION. 333 CLEANING A WATER MAIN IN ST. JOHN, N. B. BY WILLIAM MURDOCH, C. E., ENGINEER WATER WORKS. The city of Saint John is supplied with water from two sources about 12 miles apart, the east side of the harbor, which contains the larger part of the population, taking its water from Little River, and the west side supply coming from Spruce Lake. The east side mains are three in number, as follows: No. 1, laid in 1851, 12 inches diameter; No. 2, laid in 1857 and No. 3, laid in 1873, each 24 inches diametei. Neither of the pipes had ever been cleaned and Nos. 1 and 2 had not been varnished. No. 3 however, was coated according to Dr. Smith's process. The length of each main is 4^ miles. The reservoir from which the supply is taken is formed by damming the river with an embankment 300 feet in length and 20 feet high, causing the surface to stand at an elevation of IGO feet above H. W. datum in the harbor, whilst the summit of the city is 130 feet above datum and five miles from the reservoir. It will thus be seen that with a gravitation system, the pressure on the summit is very low; indeed, in zero weather, it has been known to disappear entii-ely and the water actually fall away from the, pipes and leave them empty. The two older mains had become so foul through internal incrus- tation that when No. 3 was shut off for repairs and the city depended on the other two pipes, all the portions at a height of 80 feet or more above datum, comprising an area of about 200 acres and containing a population of about 8500 souls, were without water. On the other hand, with No. 2 shut off and supply coming by Nos. 1 and 3, every pipe was full and water delivered at a level of 130 feet. This was an ample demonstration of the foulness of the old mains as compared with that last laid. In the summer of 1897, the Common Council passed an order directing that the mains be cleaned, and preparations were forth- with begun. There being no hatch boxes on these pipes> such i^i^H- 5^2 334 JOURNAL OF THK fittings were designed and cast, and when they were placed in posi- tion the work of cleaning began. Meanwhile a scrajier was de- signed and constructed in the workshops of the department, the pistons being of birch, built in layers crossing the grain and bolted together as shown in cut (Fig. 1). The spindle connecting the Fig. 1. First Scraper Used. pistons is of 3 inch wrought iron pipe, and the Hanges of the ordi- nary kinds screwed on and rivettodto prevent backing out and falling apart when inside the pipe. Projecting beyond the forward piston is an iron rod, fitted with two sets of radial arms, four in each set, sloping back, as shown in the photograph. During the operations in the year 1897 this style of arm and cutters w^is used, and with this we will first deal. Each arm consisted of one layer of No. 10, B. W. (t. spring steel, two inches wide, and was fitted with a forged steel fish-tail scraper made of such a form that it passed over any hard obstructions and yet reduced the incrustation considerably with each cut. The only main operated upon, thus far, has been No. 2, which NRW ENGLAND WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION. 3.'35 had an internal coating of tubercles varying up to about one inch in height, closely packed all over the interior surface of the pipe and resembling in appearance that of a coarse, jjcbbly walk. As soou as the first section, which extended from the reservoir toward the city, a distance of about ChVM) feet, had been prepared with a hatch box at each end, the cleaner was sent through and given three runs in one afternoon, the time taken in each case being about 20 minutes. There is one Hushing branch near the middle of this section and another placed at Hatch Box No. 2 which had been set close to a main stoi> cock, (the said stop cock being shut tight). .Thes'e flush- ing branches were left open in each case until after the apparatus had gone by. The water on such occasions was inky black, and after running about ten minutes weakened to the color of tea. In the evening when the operations were finished a two hours' run was given to clarify the water before opening the main stop cock and placing the pipe again into service. Section No. 2 measures about G,8G0 feet and rsaches to the next main stop cock near the front of which Hatch Box No. 3 was placed. In order to give the first section another cleaning, the ap- paratus was run through both sections, a distance of about 13,200 feet. This time our cleaner came to grief, temporarily, in the fol- ing manner : The leathers, having worn out during the first clean- ing, were renewed with a harder and stiffer quality than before, but they repeatedly caught in a new joint made while inserting the hatch box. Each time the lid was removed to ascertain why the cleaner did not start, it was found firmly fixed by this imperfect butt of the two pipe ends. After twice extricating it, and again finding it caught in the same way, a jack-screw was applied to push it past this obstruction, the lid was again put on, and the water let in at 4.05 p. m, and this time it started. At each of the five flush- ing stations the gate was left open fully ten minutes after the cleaner had passed, ind then closed. As soon as the gate Avas closed the cleaner again proceeded, and the scraper, with only one piston, reached the end of its run at 5.25 p. m., having been one hour and twenty minutes going 2.5 miles ; but when 50 minutes of total stoppages are reckoned, the machine was found to have been in motion 30 minutes. As stated, only the forward part of the cleaner arrived, and search had to be made for the remainder. Nothing was done on the following day, which was Sunday, the 33G JOURNAL OF THE castaway piston, which was lyin^ obliquely somewhere in the pipe, having but partially obstructed the How, and the water was left on until the Monday night following. A receiving chamber unites Nos. 2 and :} mains, near No. 3 hatch box, and they are controlled by stop-cocks on each side of the receiver. It was therefore an easy matter to reverse the cur- rent of water in No. !} by closing the stop-cock at the dam^and opening that at the receiver, as well as the Hushing branches. This was done, and men were distributed along the line to listen for a rumbling noise, which at length was heard withii. about a quarter of a mile of Hatch Box No. ',i, from which the cleaner had been ex- tracted. The sound was followed along the line towards the reser- voir until Hatch Box No. 2 was reached, when the derelict was taken out, after having travelled nearly a mile, and crossed a valley about 90 feet in depth. It was fouml that the pressure of the jack- screw in forcing the cleaner past the uneven joint had cracked one of the flanges, with the result that after having travelled about 2i miles, the cleaner fell apart. The forward pa^-t, comprising a pis- ton and the scraper, pushed on, but the spindle attached to the rear piston fell to the bottom of the pipe, ploughed up some dirt, and finally became embedded and jammed. The reverse current strik- ing the piston as it did, drove it back with the spindle trailing be- hind. The apparatus was repaired and three more runs made through this double section of 13,200 feet, on October 29Mi, with- out any further mishap, the time taken for each run, including 10 minutes' stoppage at each of the five fluslilng stations, having been from 1 hour 46 minutes to 1 hour and 5-1 mitmtes. The cold weather being on when the next castings arrived, cleaning oper- ations were susjjended for the season. On testing the efficiency of the cleaned main by shutting off No. 3 from the reservoir to the receiving chamber, where both unite, and bringing the supply through Nos. 1 and 2, it was found that the pressure in the city wf>s as good as when No. 2 was shut and the whole supply coming through Nos. 1 and 3, thereby showing that the capacity of No. 2 had improvad to such an extent that, whereas with No. 1 it had formerly delivered to a height of 80 feet only, v/hen unassisted by No. 3, and left 200 acres of the city containing 8, .500 inhabitants without water, now the whole city could be supplied without the help of No. 3, and the water rise to NEW ENOLAND WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION. 337 a height of VM iwt ul)f>ve high water. The cjenernl improvement in pressure, with all o Si hoavy uiiiierinl, whicli would not How ot^ l»y tlie driiin, romaiiicd, and liad to Ix? t.iken up in buckets as it aceuniulated, but all the more pulvornlent scrapini^s \v«u'(' parrieu otV in tb»' drain, and, as Btatod, blackoned tlio \valm\s of the Iji'ook upwards of a niik away. At tho other hatch boxes, where the current was much stronjjier, an agt^n'fjata of 44 bushels had to ))e hoisted out. The improvement in pressure, ascertained in the same numner as at the end ot the 1H!)7 cleaning, viz.: by sending? the whole city's sujtply throuf^li Xo. 1 and No. 2, and leaving? No. 8 shut off during tlie test, amounted to eleven feet, that is to say, that the two pipes whose combined capacity before tho cleaning began was only equal to that of raising the water 80 feet, can at the present lime supply the whole district and deliver up to a level of 141 feet above high \vat< v datum in the harbor. The lightness of the cleaner is a great advantafije, tho entire weight boirig but 2