.^aj ^, -». .aj V] ' No. 9 Ex- press rtcRi; Ht Helle River No. 3 Express: if late appioauhing Windsor keep clear of all ordinary Trains. No. 6 ACCOMMODATION pass following Trains bound East: at Thorold No. 3 Express; at Ont.irio No. 5 Freighl West; at Uurliiigton Junction Train from 'J'oronto; at Duiidns No. 6 Accommodation; if late approaching London keep clear of No 9 Express last and No. 9 Express West. 7 FKKIGHT pass following Trniiis bound East : al Woodstock No. 9 Express and No. 7 Cattle ; ot Waubuno No. 8 Freight ; if late approochiiig London keep clear of all ordinary Trains. 8 EMIGRANT poss following Trains bound East : at Beanisville No. 6 Accommo- dntion; at P-rn No 9 Express; st Friiiceion No. 7 Catlle ; al Arnolds No. 9 Express West; at h.'ersoll No. 8 Freight; al Ciatiam No 3 Express; at Tecumseh No. 6 Mixed; if laie approaching Windsor keep clear of all ordinary Trains. 9 EXPRESS pass fol.owing Trains bonnd Eiisi : al Ilnrrisburg No. 9 Express; at Princeton No. 7 Cattle ; at Arnolds No. 8 Emigrant West ; "al Edwardsburgh No. 8 Freight; at Newbury No. 5 Freight West; if late epproachiiig Windsor keep clei'r of No. 3 Express East. No No No. LONDON TO SARNIA. Distances. Inter- , From mediate Komokh lOi lOi lOi 6 ICi 7i 23j 8 31i 9i 41 i 10 5U STATIONS. 1 Prei't LONDON.. Komoka, . . Stiathroy . . Ourrie Read Watford, ... Wanstead,.. Mandaumin, SARNIA, . A. M 3,45 4,3(1 515 5 40 6.10 6 45 7,25 8,15 2 ^fixed P.M. 3,30 4,10 4,40 4,55 5,25 5,50 6,15 6,40 No. 1 Freight if late approaching garnia keep clear of No. 1 Mixed East. HARRISBURG to GUELPH, &c. Distances. 6 12 16 I9i 2H 6 6 4 3i STA-Tiorrs. 1 9. Mix'd A.M Mix'd P.M. Ilarrisburg ■ • a depart 9,40 7,30 Fir.nnchton ■ • • • •< 10 04 7,52 (3 alt ,,,. (( 10,2f^ 6.10 Preston .... •••, It 10 3h 8,20 Hespeler (lat Giie ph c Newhope) .... 11 10,5c 8.30 arrive 11,15 8,55 Ml .li^ ^] Distance .a Going East. STATIONS. WINDSOR, depart 8 9 9 5 144 C 3 C *i 6i 5 4i 5 5 lOi 8 17 26 31 45} 5li 04 i 60i C9i 73J 80 85 89 J 94i 99J 1095 TecumaeU Belle River . . . StOlirjr Point. Baptiste Creek Ohalhain Vosbuigh . . . . Lcwisville 6i 3 9} 4i 5 4J 5i 2 7 91 31 4i 21 31 4 li Hi t) 45 5 5* 2 116 119i 1285 133 138 1421 1475 1495 1565 1661 170 174i 177 180} 1841 185: Thameaville . . . Bothwell Newbury Glencoe Ekirid Ceotie. LoDgwood . . . . Mt. Brydges . . Komoka ( ar. LONDON, < (dep Waubuno . . . . Edwardsburgh. IngersoU T a S 4 _6 G o u o <1 I 8.53t Beachville . Woodstock Eastwood. . Arnolds . . . Princeton . Paris 1971 2021 207 212 2175 2195 9i229 Harrisburg . . . Lynden Oopetown . . . . Flamboro' . . . . Dundas Burlington J'n. ( ar. HAMILTON \ i dcp, Ontario Grimsby Bermsville . . . Jordan St. Catherines. Thorold N. J O.W.E... FALLS^ A.M. 5,05 6,50 6 35 A.M 8,30 a> Cm A.M 1130 P.M. 12001 ^ e o u F.M. 9^50 10171 10,381 10,48 A M. 6,00 11151 11,251 11,351 11,55 p. M. 12,10 6,23 6 45 7,10 7,35 8,00 8,30 8,45 9.25 10,40 1105 ll,30 11,50 1215 12,53 1,00 6,56 7,07 7,17 7,33 7,48 8,12 8 22 8,32 8,42 8.52 12,50 1,12 l,37t 051 2,0U 2,24t 12,30 1,05 1,30 2,30 A.M 9,00 9,45 10,35 11.00 ll,a.i 12,05 12,36 12.50 3,35 4,20 445 5,211 5,45 6,05 6,27 6,50 7,30 04 U I'.M. 2,45 3.16t 3,45 3 45 4 061 4,--i7 4,38 4,50 5,00t "515 3,30 4,00t 9.28 9,55 10,07 10,19 10,33 4.181 10 .50 1 42:4U aToS 4,40 5,40 6,15 7,05 7,33J 7,45 7.57 »,io 8,24 832 8,55 9,00 3,40 4,35 4,50 5,50 1,26 10,05 10,68 11,16 1120 11.58t A.M. 12,08t 12J8t 12,55 list 1,40 8,10 815 10,00 10,50 11.15 6.50 7,20 8,15 2,13 2.20 2,30 1 i ,50 12,15 12,40 12,55 1,40 3,32 4,00 4,05 [2L Windior to London, Hamilton, Suspension Bridge (N.F.) &c. INSTKUCTIONS.— Going East. t Pi«in)f hut not Aoppincr Slu'iotu, provldins; corrcT|)onilin» Train Lu arrived. I I' iRg Slilioiu.— Slop when there are Possengeirt m, or fur. No. 1 FREfGHT pa» following Tralni Imund We.l : at Ingenioll No. 2 Accommod.tion fc»M ; lit Fnris No. I Accomrnodatliin ; at I.yndcn No. 3 Freight; at Dundaj No « bxpre't; If late approarhing Ilamiilon keep clear of all ' 'inary Traini. Na. 3 ACCO.MMODATION jmbs fcllowinR Traina "jound Weft: at Ingerwll No. I I-rriyht Ku.i; at Huiidas No. 1, Accommodation; at Burlington Junction Tiain for luronio; atllaniltonNo. 8 FreighlEuiti at St. Calherinea No. 4 Ejtprew. No. No. cnnmimlaiion ; if late approochiiig Niagara Falls keep clear of No. 9 Express West. * FUEIGIIT pass follnwinir Trains hound West; at neuchville No. 1 Accommo- ilrilion ; all nncelon No. 3 Freight ; at IVris No. 4 Kjpress | at Harrisburg No 3 E.tprc«s East ; if laie opproachnig Ilaniillon keep clear of all ordinary Trains. 5 MIXKl) pass following Trains Imund West: at Tccumseh No. 8 Emigrant- at Uaplisie Creek No i! Miied ; at Newbury No. 4 Express; itlate approaching LondiHi keep clear of all ordinary trains. No. ACCO.MMODATION pass follownig Trains Iwund West: at Edwardsburg No 3 Freight j nt UuiuIrh No. (, Acconimudolii.n ; at Burliiigion Junction train for Toronto; at Hainilion No. 6 freighi al Heiunsville No. 8 tmigrani; if late approaching Niagara Falls keep clear of No. 9 Express West. s "« • No. T CATTLE pass following Trains Imund West: at Tecumseh No. 2 Mixed- at Chatham No. 4 Express ; at Inuersoll No. 6 Freight; at DeHChvilla No Express Kasl; at Woodstock No. 7 Freiehl ; at Princeton No. 8 Emigrant and No. 9 Ex. press; at St. Catherines No. 1 Accommodation; if late approaching Niagara Falls keep clear of No. 4 Express West. No. 8 FREIGHT pass following trains bound West ; at Hello River No. 4 Express- at Thsmesville No. 9 Exjirrss East : at london No. 6 Freight ; at Waubuno No 7 Freight; at F.dwardsDuig No. 9 Express ; at Inge •■ *• Iltuii No. press No. 9 EXPHESS pass following Tmiiis bound West : at Thsmesville No. 8 Freight East • utiiigersoil No. S Freight ; at Beachvilie No. 7 Cattle East ; at Woodstock No ' 7 freight; at Pans No. 8 Emigrant ; at Harri*burg No. Express; if late to- i Falls keep clear of No. 4 Express West. , . - , „ X press ; at Ingersoll No. 8 Emigrant; at Hatn- INo. I Accommodation aud No. 2 Accommodation East; at Grimsby No 4 Ex- > ; If late approaching Niagara Faba keep out of the way of all ordinary trains. proacliiiig Niagari raiis Keep clear oi No. 4 Express Se€ InatrucUoMfor Trains painng Komoka Junction on page 7 SARNIA TO lONDON. Distances. Inli!r- From mediate Sarnin. 10 9i 8 7i 6 lOi lOi STATIONS. SARNIA, . 10 Mandaumin, . 19i Wanstead, .. 27i Watford 3-1 J Currie Road. 40^ IStratbroy,... 51 i ' Komoka,. . . . LONDON.. 1 Mixed 2 Frei't A.M. 8,30 8,56 9,20 9,45 10,05 10.30 11,05 1140 p. M. 6,50 7,35 8,10 8,40 9,07 9 ;!0 10,15 11,00 Sec Instructions for Trains passing Komoka Junction on page 7. , / No. I Mixed has right of Road to London over No. 1 Freight UU. (l%^£'^l//^ GUELPH, &c., to HARRISBUEG. Distancea "s' "s' llj 3J I,--.* 4 •ilj fi 27J 6 ST..A.TION" S. Guelph .... Hcspclcr (ihtu Ncwhojie) Pro.'^ton ro.'^ton Gait Biaitchton. Uarriaburg .depart arrive 1 2 Mix'd MixM A M. P M. 6,45 4,20 7,05 4,42 7,15 4,.53 7,25 5,12 7,43 5,32 8,00 5,50 C) TOUOITTO XO ia:A.3VIXXiTON". Going West. STATIONS. Distance 1 S gl hi fi H 1} U 6 7 6 13i 8 21 i 4i 25| 6i 32 3 36 2i 37i li 39 TORONTO depart Grand Junction* " Mimico " Port Credit " Oakville " Bronte " Wellington Square " u u A.M. 7,00 7,06 7,21 7,36 7,05 8,04 8,19 Waterdown " 8,29 Burlington Junction " 8.37 HAMILTON arrive] b,4a 2 3 4 CO a ■»i o •^ Ot o e ^ < £ A.M. r.M. P.M. 10,45 4,45 .... 10,51 4,51 6.40 5 06 7,10 11,16 5,Z1 7,40 11,36 5,40 8,32 n,46{ 5,49 8,52 12,001 6,03 9,20 r.M. 6,12 9,33 12.13 6,20 9,46 12,20 6,30 9.50 No. 1 ACCOMMOD ^TION pass at BurUnglon Junction No. 1 Accommodation on Main Line West. No. 2 EXl'HESSpass al Burlington Junction No. 4 tx press on Mam Liue ^Vest. No. 3 ACCOMMODATION, pass a» Miinico No. 2 Freight j at Burlington Junction No. 6 Accommodation on Main Line »Vest. No. 4 FRKlUHT pass at Port Credit No. 4 Accommodation East Train, from Grand Junction, if late approaching Hamilton, 'will keep clear of those of e qual class from Hninillon for Grand Junction. li-A-lsaiiriTOIT TO TOROISTTO. Dists s ince hi EB Going East. STATIONS. _1 s o ^^ A.M. 9,00 9,06 9,1.0 9,22 9,36 9 45 10,04 10,19 10,34 10,40 2 *^ « r.M. 2,15 2,22 2 35 2,5C 3,15 3 37 4,25 454 0,30 3 a '(1 r.M. 3,00 3,07 '3221 3,36 3,44 4,u2 "4,29 4 35 4 u li 2J 3 6i 8 li 4 13i ITi 25i 32 371 39 HAMILTON depart Burlington Junction " Waterdown " Wellington Square " Bronte " P.M. 6,40 6 45 6,55 7,05 7,20 Oakville " Port Credit " 7,31 7,52 6i 5| u Mimico " Grand Junction* " TORONTO arrive 8,09 8 26 8,35 No. 3 Accommo- No. 1 ACCOMMODATION pass at Burlington Junction No. 2 Accommodation on Main Line Kasl. _ No. 2 FREIGHT pass at Oakville No. 3 Express East | at Uv dation West. No. 3 EXPRESS pass at Burlington Junction No 3 Express on Main Line East ; at Oakville No. 2 Freight East. No. 4 ACCOMMODATION pass at Burlington Junction No. 6 Accommodation on Mam Line East ; at Port t redit No. 4 Freight West. Tminsfrom Hamillon, if lati- approaching Grand Junction, will keei) «'«", f '''°f'; ''' equal class from Grand Junction for Hamilton. No. 2 Freight Last will be an ex- cepiion l. this general rule, and will have right of road to Grana Junction ore. no. * Freight West. GRAND JUNCTION. Trains from Hamilton apnroaohing Grand Jmiclion must be brought to a dead stand before reaching the Switch, and wail for tlie Swiicliman's Si^ia) to proceed. • Between Urand Junction and Union Siniion run bj- Union Tune I able, and observe ns •tanding and special Rules. ^— BURLINGTON JUNCTION. Irreguiar Trains on main track Kml must not pass Burlington Junction, to come into Hamilton Station, on the time of deimruire of a Toronto Traiiu neither shall UTegiilar loron o trains West pass the Jmiclion 10 coine iiuo Hamilton Slalion on the tinii; of any time taDie train West from Hamilion— the Conductorssliall enquire, by telegraphfroinJuiiction.whetner iliey can pass 10 Hainillon. ,11... j.„.i TrrJiuLfrom Dundiis or Toronto, approaching the Junction, must be brought to a aeaa -land bef"r<- r'a'hitig the Switch, and wait for the Switchman's Signal to proceed. ' All Trains from either direction, before passing on to ihe UESJARDir.S Canal liridgc, must be brought to a Bland, ami remain 3 minuies and until Seniapliore is 'owerea or Sigral givrii,— and when crossing this Bridge Ihe rate of speed must NO 1 exceed IHKI-l, MlI.K.'S nn HOUR _______«_»_——— 7] KOMOKA JUNCTION. A« a general rule, in ihe absence of Instructions giving right of road to any specified train, Main Line and Sarnia Branch Trains oflhe same class hare equal right of road between London and Komoka. Conductors of all Main Line Trains bound East will invariably stopat Ko- moka and enquire the position of Sarnia Trains and niform Enginemen. Conductors of aU Trains from Sarnia are likewise to stop at Komoka an4 ascertsin the position of Main Line Trains. „. „ ^, . „. , . _ This rule applies particularly in the present Time-Table lo the Night Bx- press East, No. 8 Freight East, and No. 2 Freight from Sarnia. ENGINEilEN mast approach PASSENGER PLATP0BM8 very Cttutioasly, sounding a low prolonged whistle, especially when one Platform is occupied by another train, and PABSENGEBS atanding on a narrow INTERMEDIATE PLATFORM. «-Duripg night journeys, or in foggy weather, ENGINEMEN are to approach with great caution all Stations or Side Tracks, especially those at which Trains should be met and passed, keeping a good look oat for signals, and having their Trains under such control that If necessary they could stop them before reaching the Signal. When Passenger Train ENGINEMEN do not find Freight trains at their proper passing stations, they shall look out for them at each Station or side track until passed, and have their trains under control so as to stop short of station or siding, if necessary: and at places where trains are being met and passed, Enginemen and Conductors shall bring their trains to a stand, and make sure that they are pas- suig the specified trains. No verbal communications must be deliver ed or received by Train men while they are on Trains which are m ^ RAILWAY CROSSINGS AT TORONTO, G0ELPH, PABIP & LON- DON^The Semaphores will always show the STOP Signal, and all trains, from either direction, shall come to a stand before passing these crossings, and wait uutil the signal to proceed is given. CONDUCTORS must always have thefuU complement of Brakesmen on their Trains. . , . .. x, . i, ENGINEMEN and CONDUCTORS have their attention specially directed to the written notices issued from time to time respecting the movements of the different Construction Trains, and are to keep a good look out for such Trains. „ . . .. When Conductors open Bwitche8,8WITCHMEN shall see afterwards that Switches have been left locked for main track. ENGINEMEN, while shunting, or running their Engines in Passen- ger Station Yards, must not exceed five miles an hour — keep a good look out, and give warning of their movements by a low prolonged whistle; while pa.saing the street crossings in London this rule must be strictly observed. . ,_, . ,^. Special Trains must be run between Stations by time of Trams of the same class in the Time-table, and must be shunted clear of the main track at least 10 minutes before any ordinary train is due to pass. Heads of Departments will be held responsible for each Employe under their immediate superintendence being furnished w' h a copy of the Company's Rules and Regulations, for which a receipt on the proper printed form is always to be taken. „,„„„,„ PERSONS travelling WITHOUT A PROPER TICKET, or a PASS from an authorised officer of the Company must be charged fare ; if they are entitled to a free passage, the money will be refunded by the Managing Director or Assistant Supt., at Hamilton. Passes are valid only for the person mentioned on them. Conductors neglecting to en- force this order, will subject themselvesto dismissal. The foUowipg officers of the Company are authorised to sign passes, which must be upon the printed form: C. J. Brtdoes, Managing Director T. Rktnolds, Financial Director. W. C. STBPn«N3, Sec^y. E. S. 0. CoLPOYS, Afsiitant Supt. Eastern Division. T, Bell, Gtnl Frt. Agent. AU pas-ses must be strictly examined, punched and collected with tickets. O. L. RgiD, Ch'f Engineer. R. Eaton, Loco. Supt. 8. Sharp, Car Supt. Jas. Peacock, Aiaiitant Supt. IVeitem Division. J. MovitJS, Agent, Buffalo. Trip passes are to be