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(71«) 2as-»M«-Fm K-'/ I; t^ ^•' 'J ■ \ \ ^ \^ A LETTER / ME STOOKHOLDERS «|rTHB I I ■ . 1 MONTREAL MtNING COMPANY. ! , 'SUBJECT Ot THE REPORT iQiHirrsD AT THE SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING, Ob WediMwUy. ITth Vovwter, ISdl. V^ ""^ \,' \ MONTREAL: VBimw ST ]r. o. BECKvr, at HU POWSB-PBKM raiMTUfO JBrrABLnBMBNT, OBBAT ST. JAMB* felTBBBT. ■ . ' ^; V 1852. , , \ . • ■* . i % -I ■" -J i£.^^ ^iSLi^ \ ^ Sife%5^-- -.-^^•: I , f ■"««» ^.^ ^ ^ ^-%r'«-^ ^ j^p^-'j t ^ '•A- fiS- ^ti.f:^«. *' 1.. . * r "V '; !^^4^^ /m *. .• .„ ■"iS^ ■ ■■•,..jrc4': \ TO THE STOCKHOLDERS orVNi M(iNTREAL MINING COMPANY. QcrrLiiiBir, ,,. ,.',,,,■>, .1. ■ A Bepor^ wa^jtid before yoji hy the Directors, '\^% ypur W ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ uUimo, which must, f (think, have called Lorth aome AstbnisUmehi, as so fVr "from itf beioK a re|K)rt of the proclpcdit^gi* of the Com- |ipiay during Uie last three mouths, their jprescmt posi- . lioo, pr future prOWHx;t8, it resolves ittwliiuto a pam- j jphlet, by Wr, .ftuKb Allau„ President pf the Board, in, il^hicht a(W mentioning in a few linep^lhat everything'^ > .s4tChei|iinpsi8goingon satisfactorily^ that th^pile^ of skimpings, under the daily ,accun>ulationB now added \,%^>M,M^ b^Qnae JncQUveniently large, (as if the ftig^t Qr.toiif thousand tpi^s of stuff fornoerly C9I- cm las jb^en 1 !■ 1 ■' -^ 4 m t«U_.c- '«J, i.J wmmk^ . ■M ^ss^^^'. ^i ^ .f /. •«196 tcmii, whii^h wlnl**riHl In wlnKiMrr Swhttd,** IwHidi'M cither piir- culn, uniountinK to 540 Umn, of w jiii li 2A0 were then on bonfti Uui Hc'hmiiior Hiirel, tmi am now, 1 b«lU)ve in ttor« tl KingMton, giving, howotrer, to Mr. AtUin, if pretitlf ni next vear, the op^Mirtunity of twoHing his •hipimrnU "tlurliig th« (lh«n) prcaenl y«!ir," by "250 toim, which ¥ivm hrtniKht Jown by the «* If hooiier Sorel, aiul wiiiti^red at KinK^toit,'* an nc haa now |M)rt, with all attack of the inoit bitter, iiiahciouA, and jM^r- Monal nature, and of which he has made me the object. This attack I would have replied to by •d lift thtm r«lifi m^ tter«inG« Quixolir, mtd I hrNtUti) not to Arc hud hail \ W o|»|Mirtiiuity (d itcquiritig Ihd riuuimU' kiKiwkdKo. ^ .Mr. AtiMi'«atiiU'tii«iit,thiit(hi! only Inftirnmlion I gave him waa tJii) pbn of an atUclMiicnt for immping th«i Mine, ia untrucf, although (hat itii^ht be (lie only caae Auacoplibltt of proD^ i^nk i\» hvioc the only anl{|e€t coitiniittrd U) tiapcr,and I can icarrtTv b€!lirie hiai(ate- ntont, that he Imd "(hough( it. undi>r (li<^ t ircuniktiinceat *' tlie aaf«it plan (o pauae U'ron) puUing (he Compuny *'toany further eipenae in carrying out" thia pUu, incoiiBfqueitctofhiky'mfi, while ** ac<-id4tt)t«lly looking "over one of my U^ttura, written (othn l)irt;c(ora from ** the Mine, noticed (hat Mr. Vivian, the lhiti to Mr. llorron, for the pur|)<>ao of rouorting upon it, whiU) Mr. Dorron waa in Mon(n!ui in Nlay laat, and, (bo latter having Ictl id at the hotel there, reoueated ne to give him an expla* nation of it, which I uid, whik) travelling with him to OgdenaUirgh. The quotation of Mr. Vivian*a opinion ia quite an adcr-thou^ht, for had Mr. Allan acea it before May, he would moat certainly have uakcxl me for an explanation, were it not that the letters them- aelvea prove that thia waa an o{)inion cx^reaaed upon a different aubject from pumping the Mine, and an ap- plicatioo of the machinery of quite a different deacrip- A-' J ^ a3!S.---Tr»i' *•»«*. '«.?isr ■" lion to llm oim li» OMmlKm ; b«i Mr. Alkn IhiiilM Owi ■lia«'m«'nt will tril 111 hit l*v«»r, mm!, r«iiiiiwiw«mll¥» flofw not hifnltodt •InmiI utrBlrhing « |H)iiH. Hii Wi Milt, iti»»rf>f>vi»r, b 400 y«ril«i . » . , Mr. AlliiM concUidwi • |i*n|fr«ph ol Ud n^«min« Mid tiiggttrttffd •Utumtint, by ■•yin« t>»at. »<" »»« li*«l ■ppllMl to m« f«r infonimdon, It wouUl hnYn liwjit in orifcf to ivoia till) I'oufiM* I Ima followfil. Now M »Mr. AlUn (lilt tiifly (or inftmittioii, IIm Infflwnc* it unKvoltUhlf! I ami howefcr fliWillitifj w« may tot <• batlevo that t IMA would ict to tMU • |>trt, M^ ttmkirth«mMk of (riondlmi^i, to ©xtmcl inforiniitwm for IN eipfi'w imrpomi of Mng i^nmli^d t<» rrn«i»r« ■ntJ rond«inn th«i vrry jwrnui wIm», hclH^vinj^mn nin- ccru, h»d no hrmtrtlion in giving it to him; v«t wit h«¥« Mr. AlUn'8 own nutiwirlty for •tiling thli M tim principle on which he ^^UstU Sach conduet mtf UMj with Mr. AlUn'« ld«M of honor •nd ctndoar, and he m«y viMmUier it within th« hound* of fklr-dcaling. undot fh«» Judiii* kiiw of Irirndahip, to ohtoln nccciMi to thcmn whom h« npprfiachet liut to betray ; but I do not thin^ that tha enunciation ol anch. •n opinion will raiae hiM in the eatimatjon ol the pub- ) Ik, aa, although it may iipeak voluniea for hia acutt- nen, It MTi very little for hia how»irtr. . Mr. Allan rcgr«ta my lamentable Ignortnwj rni ttit •ubiect of th« riac aiul fell of the watera of the Uke,, •nd I hone :k- » '^B'ljPi^aii&i:*'^^ ^ ■.J^^'^:_ ■ ^?^?^*%"'r,; ftMiHfMit «lliBni Mftiii bBlkfvc tli«>Uke lo be gfM)«f i «4|r«iliiidiii8^ Mid lUl anjr rite wm iMf«l^ tAftiporao'^) and lubjeot to local caoMi. AU tM%)>9W«fi«rp ii aal. otAjramm WMiriay^ M niMoair of lk« Torjr fagiiMt dMnptkm, NooMliaaevorUikMtilohoManrattoiia at iMMid «iiabl» Ihmi to gi«« • ttataaieiil of faota o%; tlwaaMect fivaa Kba peofOe raaid^ in tke aaiflipi. ^ bi>rlMiodfoitklgivaB«aoc«rataorrtliabl0infon»atioii provitt tbat tbiro «•• any fagubritjr i».tk« r«t«f« ^ tJba dib tnd ioir of the lak^ . l» tlie epring •f 1847. LsaieTiilly enmlned Hie roolwl»|Miineiima.plMeeb*» ? w- IMMi SanUflt Mnm JMd U Clo9be, tf diatanon of i" "^"'^^liO mik*i...Tktii wwfci, allowed two water-ouurkarm^ amim aiur aa I <«• feeoU^ot* about 9 to8 inphee abofo the Iken Iav«I of tbe Lakoi and tbe other about ft iadice or a fi>ot higher* > Tbia bttar waa belieyed to ha aft oldmarlc* t0 Hih^h the Lake nerer now naahed, tha kfwer one beang the le?el to whioh it waa HmdpBitood loriae whitn At tbe 4oodi. Down at French ^4hnftlhifftlia aiirh whieh ia probab^ high«r thftn.thCM ohafffvaA hytinei. but thia mont ba of con- atdnrpMa Age^ and Ihe hn^M n0w naqueetionably higher than it bee hedfti within thoimeoMyiigr of manrr^ 4!^llDHaHltattOnjl#t9(!W!^^ flfithiA ftf« yewv^ iiivet twee |few i^ 'Wriahed %lwro^^no«^ Itaiid th« fieat law of honaee lit tha Minei^ Mdithftt hkrgi atuoipahidtob^rootedoiilmlefolliiig ^ Tliei«ioetfailiillU0}^ieory ootMrM^t iap^haw^ tliilrthft Tlmind fiOl cf the htik^ 49,4fpiiident «in the q^W^ftliVtll iilM «^ MnoftP^of JMi^mMf oij^mm^ leU in A^1»jM ikie long i^t^iiily «p ftoeo^nt fiNi)th6 W^ , ■ ■■. * ■ , ■, * * ( • \ ' " * ^ ' . p \ ■ ■;■. '■.:'^' ^ -_ ^^- -r- •i^g^T^t - ^1 -* »^ . - ■ ^ ,1 3' j.^ -ii dT _ ^JSS&A^ fe^^>-. „^'t^^ t ^ » ^jjMM ^iiir»r'"' 'J^F^ . ' 01 IjiN lMl-« ftMt which nobody can deny. - - . - Beipe qnitthiff this talNect, I may add ii ifeHlct from m letter raceived twma tM agb from a gentlenian who waa at the Mine at the time Mr. Albli made his frrM re*' pert^ He says^*' There ¥^u only dne spot, and that **€Dposite thehonse youonc;6 lived'^in, where carts *« could not have passed each oth^r withont wetting a *< wheel. In this one place fhefi isa natural dip in the « road, and ^on will remember that Urn stoie foundation <'of thehottseisconsequeiftly higher than the rest. *< Owing to the rise of the Lake this year, and with It rough weather from the S.E., the water occasionally «< washed up to about two feet from the fduhdation and *< lodged there, even after the weather had calmed* ^ This was &e case when Mr. Allan was here» but lat* *f tariff and after any continuation of fine weather, the Uroad ia ft^m 18 toSO iiset wideiti that place, and last '^^taawtiM &rw 90/^ So that in fUet it is the S JS. *WMids th«t oeeaskMi the trouble^ ev^nittpreJIhanHii «|M ofthe I^ke, Mid Mr. Allan tnight to hare equally ponied i»rth his tamdntationsoverniy ignoraneeofthe naAnre of the winds. Mr. AUan olegakitly remarks upon my <• inordintite TMiity,^ and t itiight eaiily reply in the tt, ftr igfHoqui sty 1 e of nrgumeni I %vill not, y w . ■■ • , • , V ,«..> -. .. V - - -', •1 ' • ' I 1 ^ . f , » \ t 'C rr'illMiiiii'i 'm h^h^tsi ^^^ ••ism ^^^^^ ^ apfe^^.?iT:,; _.}• « , . V _:__ . f'.' *js3-- %* t * 10 how^T^r, Blodp tobmuiy ©pitlicli with hhii, %tft iheiW/ Idnt that he raurt iMive forgotten the time-h- tp'^' «y't« ?,i tf r1 »»#n '^h ^Ai- 'In the nett pamgrmph Mr. Allan** aitertion that I gtatcd " the diatance between the pireaent rkm ef «' homes iind the next to thiim in reigr behind the <• itore,*' (and which he mentioos probaUy eorrectljr^ ts 83 feO to be idenUcal with ** the diataiice between* *• M'GUl St. and the Place d'Armem" and which he KM dtmn at ♦• about 1400 feet»" ^ ««*P*y ^' »?<" r. Allan knowa it. Whil^il^ltatM tMI^^4kii«HllM t#6 fowi of houset^ mentioned in Mr. AlTan's first . report, octoupied a ipaee " nearly eqnal in axtent to M diat part of Montreal encloaed between M'Oill St « and the Place d' Artnes, and between Great St lamei « Stand St Paul St." The honsea apoken of by him id hvi firat report, could only be understood to be the row on the beach and the row in rear of It; qt which latter th« It C; Chapel fortna a prominent object in the drawing in the office. The house to which he^ mea- anrea his 88 feet Is not behind the front row, and con- aequeritly cannot be sr« close as tb exclude back prc- ntises^but accotvliug to hirowti Bhowioi( i» hi rear of the store. The tWa tows of houses originally referred ' tiv run in an eaiterlfdirectlon from the road lehdiniflo the Mine, anr parJlel to e4ch other and to the trend of the* cdnstt The lenc^h of the back' row is, at near as 1! can inkk* H, laio ftet, (^ot wry far short of 14eo>, and the distance fr6m the betch about 580 . inland as the IfKmt row iQ ao close to the" water* jisd«» the 1ioiit$ of the bafck WW TO^ 600 fditrdislMit from ihe rear of the ffoat row, and i den^ Ihlnk H cab he T*erT ndWch more from 'Giek ». Jaiiiea Street to BPGill ♦Street Mr. Allah mlrfit at well reaaoii tl^t two teasels of the same length, bre«dth» .^^ / 4 ^K ■^w^"*- ' 5 nf '^^m ^^E? / I' *., 1} ,fi' booiuie the leqgthi of the one WM 900 fo^t, M)d. thi^ breadth of the other 40} and 1 migh^^M L desired to roldM^r Quote hu owa wordf, and aay thatpi "^irom thia (act the Stockhokieni will be able tojudga *<«wbat cop^entie cm be placed, io the aeoeral cor*,^ •* rpcif eaf of ills iiasertioiu, whiqh ara j ^ ki^ ff f t ^ f mif <^[|ratbaif by boldneii than accuracy.fr m *. j h i}^ .,)ilr. Allan quite mistakes if he thinkn that I denied, thi4 many of tha articlea mentioned by hiui, in hia da-» scr^ption of the fUHi ojf tha boaob, w«ra to bo found, there. iVhat 1 denied was, that they ware in the, atate deacribed by him. Mr. Falconer ingeniously; get^ hipiaelf oi^ of an awkward position, by teatifTing to (h«| ** general oorrectnew" oi the report, a« ii hoi had said--" Tho liat oC articles is tolerably* correct,- •« .Jmti as to the staVB or position of each Or any of theai^ « the descrii^tion depends very mnch upon tha opiniona *<^and views of ^e writer, but 1 believe thai aU, ot, " nearly all, M^e articles enumerated wei^ to be foun4: *.*, aomewher^ between the wharf and the Si)[^l|Ung^ fUoi^** True, and so they were, and In very safe- and prc^per i^ajces. The coaU recovered out of the J^e tli^ summer wore, I suppose, partly inundated d^ri;»g^«w SiEi gal«»» «vl left, high and dry when, Wia v^ei^tl^r mod^ra^. In opposition to the qu^t^ If^k ie^ of Mir. ti*alconer and Mr. Bofroo, I extract agsin« from the letter, beftiJre referred to, and the original o^ wWcii> at l*ia service of any one who washes tojper- uf|6.it A^r giving A UflA of the articles on the bfMichi fhowing that 4 haq omitted from mine a stttmp.headi and a shaft for the spnr geer, witl^coui4in|;s, the writepf addf ,^*.V, ,, .V ; . ( , ,;. ! it ithere was anything ^la^ tha^ ^«^^fisc|ipea my memory, \\ wasi rang^ with)^l9 ^an4;eo)»ld not be said to be lying aboutj' ,:ji| i.,Afr.;AQan, (^extdeclarof hissurpriflfi thattfieC^sJiiejP of a iBanksliouid prefer «^^|^ system pf book-keepjpg ^ k <»a^^i^i j»>»^J# is, -,.' " r «E * fe : J ^i ' i!J ^ ! « - 'T ''- mm It •^ i^ \w- •* which hM no merit that he t«J taj *«* «^,^JJ; - fring wry trrniinetion," to what he calli • w^*"' •* it 5f hooitt.*' The tyatem in qucaiioo. while it em- hncM " wiruUr eete of hookii/* ie certainly not what MfTAJIan tneens hy that term, aa it ■impliftea f ery much th^ method of keeping them, and redncee the amount of hbor required to the loweBt|k)«§ihleaiitpunt irwr. Allan knew anything whatefer of the iy«tem wlopted in Scotch and fertgltoh. *«<* " '"•T, •?7' •" i^^l^ll^Tt conld not but aee the very doee timilantt between It and that formerty pnrtued at the Mines. *? I;-***/'^: iagiin almost exact g^py of the former. /heh*«^ ^fe^»8en»nts," "Sundry Inroicea," «f •» "J' ^ M^n reaembknce to the •"•^•y>«l*f "^ V w!.^«i- LedjreroflJepoaH Accounta.'^ - Deposit Receipta. ••BWt ' .^ I V. ..;.] ,■# ■At - finr -****• J>^ ifK^^^^np^!^^ ir'» x t 1 ■u i4 ^ 4 AJ _«J Iwft ' ,1 •TexfNirt^iioe ih WMM^-mimmt;. Ifeer. Wli»» I •«" w«m that h« hja hfti ••«» •ort $««pe|ieiioe wli«tew in ladgins Oi^ v«l«e oC coowir iorTSd mttcE k-tthe yfeW ofjt »f^2»JP«*d *»{f $Um portion of foreign m^UMnila, Wdw tlie oroit- NiMjlP- This I hid from Mr. Borroii'i mn Iipi. awl ^MMnmiMl1ott«» toBnd him #•»« ■• ^«^«^ff^S n3I« iMpi how nmnj fcthcms of gwm-l W««W«d Pa^i^Mfiki not i»r to work, •iid wh»t TI^ yield of the Mine. 1 heve mu^ h wofd by the aiamlMt modiftcaAm whK:h Ms ^yS^ of^he ptodu^tMrene- of tha Muie hate ^ iLl^r of Se l»tk Otot, when he candWIf itatee WUneoS turneAput flloM H*^*^ ^f ore pr fcthoj. CotTJo I of alon. or 40perj whafeifW othei dire bilMi ibe- dfeieing ifloore . #^ iKm 4viringJbe |wiii*ef,,}iil^ ^ , 'S. JL_ ',> , f- . ■ »''' ;am- ssfif^fs^^w^^^"^^* ^ dMM0d Op, riMidy for raarket iii||)rl»g» And Uko gMmi *9ilMr (br rti« •dofKion of (ribntti^ jmui ^>-iuv# ydiTTr ^*$lMng lhtt% I lio|)«, MtialkeioHtj fKipoAiHl^i Mf. ;ilnaii*t raply tty the two or thrM jptoinUriQ mr Mtifr ^hlehhe thoQgbt he could ttivwer, leafing tho r^ ^hidBT of my ttaiements, with the exception df that regirdini; the engioe holii^, unqnettMiMd m 'fhdr ^eradtj[> I <;dme to what Mr. AJba doubt- IbM eontid^ra the itrong point of hi« eiae. The.: "tt-tHat 1 atid not Mr. Vfyiatf #ig renponaible ft|r Hie engine bouae erected in 1848, and fVom which it '^•deeiiied pradent to rennove the machinery for ibtr jpf icctdenta; and betib I may ati^ that Ihia remoynl ^w«i cOlitiictorBd b^Mr. Virian wholly unnecenaary, he tijienliUld tobpeqii^tttly, in 1860, inaiattng to the Preri- mitr tbit the bdnae waa a good houae, atrong and well ' buili bttd ndmirablv adapted fbr the purpdae for which itiiad beed erectecU; 'Sv.; "ifK- 1»< », *. a._, 4^y u^i^iu V . *J|{ontrcal on t>^ Jtoth OcCdbar,, 1846. The Wlow- Jims iii «f «>(F«9t from the letter ^dres^ to him ^on hia- letTink Montreal, bj the Hon. Q. Moffkt; io *ffff**l.>nh .^fer .Ji(^ ifK*^ !.nn .?^^'r.un^ -f.j Inir.thai foUo^a what Mr. Attai|^tea tobemn extract «#{BihialeAterff datadSMhODt.^ 18rl8.'V |i« ifectre- Utoniiak tbatdilea toJndaptthf birfidPtibatlhiii was tl^.leiler^tf imitiiiotiloni wbich^ iiOUld . naltlrally be <'SrriMflBlo;*iei Aff tli&lFteaidentiiaiid ieotived|irerioas 4«wniigr.(leaNriig Ifbirt^ upon ftbi» ;4xiiMct tliAii^i ttM/wboleldr bli caee.ri He ^acbrefiilly onllbd -'firwooyi/lettemj numgmpbi ! .and aenteoc^ wluch) He ^i[|i%ltti awteil vbiy . ta^ tiwitk iuMtidna raiuirkB'; ib«t Ihia (^xtrtotia really tbe ; ItMilJia Kigy^^^ -^ th6,bey.ia lrantpg,>Md /" (*•" ■ I .r y »• TrtojpuJ upon tiM Mwroir. Md llM.^-VetoZ be-Art it i, Bo« •» ..UMt from the l5to?of k- ' » ^?'l'r?" ' •"lioeqwot OBB of tte Mth. writtMi S^^r^. '^ L^ •kow thi.. not is tlHw BtocklioWeni of wUfttl MrV^intoo of tht tmS, and of iMdeociJ fiOtiW to fult hi tt#ii WiitwUlrSrtno^-^ To do ihif I hftTO ballo My WoriVwi the 1^ ^h I S^ ^Tr^J!^rJ^ -y l«-iioii, .nd ^Inoh I lire in Ml. Id llioAiiitaailtliUi |>«,4"^A« -.-^rf:-- i. A.'-^'afcayr„ .s..t,..-- --..^-t-4*yXi-^'- /*• r*'4»i b^--*|E '-^M^V^^-%^ •»pr"» Vi ncoD in IPIIOD pf illgOQU- porMto rof m- UAeraot « •n4 of r itate- tMd br tiak of oti# and liil^ io rioteii. mr>al^ #hkli #9^' It' ■ a (♦' 1 1 ft*!- •»»! f« »i Aa«B. H. Cammki., Ktq., Iltcft^.' « «'■ ? (■n-i-t\ *» ' ,„ #• .» lit tA #|« -|>i»**t» .-» . / s tl ^ »»i|» »l=.« '»«»'*» '» I 'MMiM fm ^'Im d^atott of vottri«p«rt• pr«M«t o« tb« r«li»Mi«at **5'*®'?**r*: ^"^ J'*** "'" •»•"• »*»• lOodiWM to iiot«> Md r«. )p«M to lull. Mr tkn iHftniMtlcrn of tb« llo«H, tli« tlAio of iimu«m |tlMir«fhp M IN oMiblltlrtiktfiil at (h« ^riod of liiU dlMi|#.^^' A» .Mr. PHgHm U MMwit«M« f»r l iiJMrt o m<|^m4 fe» ill ditbiirMaMf If »t th« l|tt«t, U w^MlN liHR^uUr KM wor* oHiij SyrtUafcl^ "T*? "*. *^J' •*••* '* *• "^ '"'•■<'^ »• ^»«^*** *'*fJ^'T?*j''""l'^' ^ 'Ji* ••*l*H«Uodom. wliloli «IU b« pr«. fal'i iffl** •^^■••••"••i »>»<»•• hmy b« miKfo oo th« instAll- .1 J* /?*f ^ •^'?" *'*f^ "f »k* WiM li 61 to Ivor ovtt «mm. lSr*i>i!l-^ •rf»lwb»o to rmnAlQ all wiotor. ;ou will do ao, km if lb« ttow krrMgoiiMm worhi •mdothl/, and /ou tblok It don** et taarj to rraialB kiafar, ymi may loavo In Maion. to bo boM for th§ 0«Mfal l|«ailnt, t«^ kold In Mruary Mit j in nitkor «aao yo«i ''AL^'S^**^ *1P~''?'"' »•> «*■• Hf»« •J'k •!! Iko d«iaili ft . iikiMd rhtm tko Minct for tkf A««val R«porf. _ Tkatliwjmomloiwd In tko lattort Moontl) rMalvad from ik« MlM* aa llkoly m bo r«qiiiKod for ^itinff op tbo ma«dilnarf, la ao Mk kojMd «|at tkt Board kad oooe^vod Id bo ooeaatarr. tkat iJl!.*'*?-?'V**.'^^"*'«^^ •dtraacod by tko omploynioai of addiUonal nAobanka^ yoa will ondaavor to proeuro tkom. Tho Board kava bitkofto auppoa«d tkat tka maokinery wduM bo la'opor- allMi In jMkoa to prapara a laife <|«amltyorore for maikai by tka nMfQik Iff Juno, kadlkkj^ aUII kopo tkat tkia may bo aotlof of tka Boaid.aiid «{lko«wli«o oidor wat made on tko oocaaion tkat it waa th« for iof o( tko Oirvolora tkat tka atopiog ayatom akould not barollnqultbrd witkoot tka aaadWI oTa poraon ofaolni«t#lii Alll aadosporitMn; km iklo la aoliaprrdude tko sinking ot onaor t«« ■kaJI|Mf doomad adviMiklo, from tko luformalion yau obtain >qii tlit tid«uriW4riHii«f B(i^^ hy %^tum iki^l ba tatVnduead, doUplid i / P f . 1 , • % • . I • • ' "^K . ?} ^■? ♦ .' • /' ■ Ti: ■-^|pr^ ^W (l 'f t' t li » ■ vHb • TtHir of Pri««« ^r Toofah N cUrkJ*. «ad iW ••• tf Mt- WUhlrtC y^ , . .The ktler of 26th Oct, fpom which Mr. Alkll UKW hia extracts, (for there are two, although printed to- gftb^r so M to m»ke them appear one,] is as followi : ■ '^mV ^.y. ' •^'^Otifea-bflfMl'lf^Wil^r1lhdatCol* •i«Hi» UNiI C«i|H«i** DuiMiMn'* «4M«^«t»i« of tMi4ti« «l«(««umi iMf* «tf«li||VMhm I mm (1i«|mi«««nlroll««l Mniil h« U b«u«r acquainud with iko rllm«i«««Mry »lp«nM. You m«v rrquirn nia naaiatnne« in m«naur4ng And aalimaiing tb« B«r|aini, but h«»/«nd ih|« I rMo«nm«nd tbnt lin abnit not ini«rf«r« In Ibo Mining l>«p«nm«nl, whidi i hav« liiila nfl«ld. I aneloM tbia to Moflaitt, MurNy 4i Co.. mha will forward tt, il 70U ahould hnvo laft Toronto, hut I think it will Oftr- lako jou thnro. I ftiiit dtar tir, /our ob«di«nt Mrvtiit« O^ NOPPATT, Pr«tkl«nl. # 1 have printed in italics the words omitted hy Mr. AlUn, which, while they explain the sentence lol- lowing, give an entirely drflerent signification to the whole letter. The extract given by Mr. Allan wan intended, and would lead to the belief, that Mr. Vivi- an*s authority was to be confined " to the mere work (ngof the engine," and that to this Mr. Vivian would probab^ object ; whereas ihe letter shows that it wss i|o the part to be performed by Mr. Greenfield, in en- gaging men, providing fuel, &c., th*t he was expected tt9t reoftanee. But Mr« Allan does not even K ' 'i "■'WW** ~ f" -f^'W^'"^ "6 ♦ »<¥(, ■■#• 'Sfc ^> cjvoln ooffii^ljf. Wot coBwiif wflfi iiNivnMF otrt ft j|icf of fuch iin|MifiAnef , He inl«r|KiUUf« i liUl^ word nCich, boiir«¥«r, leUt •iriMigtv. Tl>« word mtr# » ^ ^ «|«»uM conAtM lilt MlH^ty to Mm iiofkmK of ti«t ** «n(ine ftud ita K|)|ieo <" OMirt** HffiflciiUy put lo to kwd to t|« jBttf Oial Mr. Vlfttt WM^ to b« p«rtiiitt«d to mltfWbiity ^ ingt, byt that thu «u||)»rtiit4iiidiHiCii of tkk mH oC IHI wofil Wifl to he imd«rt«k«)fi by m«. Mr. Vlvbin*! autho fkjr Miing coodiii«d ** to the intf i iMribfif d tM mi* |piSlA«r U WM •rvGtad, but i j^wmi oCwt Iftlltr flMlf, wbiob k pwen iiiitipt, wilt tnUflitca tkr iilock- holderf m to Its true mettnkif . Tmjt will thai ••« tb«t it wM opaitd«r«*tm up to V ^erring toJ|HBk all tlMitcma] ^ maaonrr* ia nnished, and W^VmCi expecta to have '•^the walla up the whole height, rtady for the roof in i^S' fortnight The crushing-houao, which adjoina, «llM \m done at Iho lama time.*' Thia, certainly, ' ■^:ii^^'*^ 9 '"^ ^^T '^^ ^ ^^^ ^*^ either benn aent up gl^Pio bgttd or aupenntend the building of tlia bouae, or Y had^p^ltta that reapoDaibilit|r npon aae of my gwn moaii. After raaJing tbeee Mien a^ exlncta. I need acaroely peini out how comipletaljr the quotation llrooi my lettai' of 1 Ufa ^im^ codfirmMpg lif. Bobia- L>» ^ Mr. I|^iil.|pigeii^ Wi. i^HlMsr ■**. «t^i v\. Tsr v.. -y iM'' ■ \ I. -^' ^^1 \ \ I I 3r 1 »4P '""""^ ^ '" .'W # n^ of in ttwi i)ArAKr«)>h«tthrU>pttf pifi 13,iNy %i mi4iir«a hy Mr. Vltinll for ikm (ittf||«}M ti| i,^, Jl,AO& I WM ftdHafd hf tlw MdiiiiKC'MKtein 4if^h«r niwW ofgvttinK IK* nN)utrf#Mipplj, and twirii«(t%i^ oofiunaitiratMt willi Mr. V(*lin on thn rat^wiet. wl^ gftvn htfl r« MOfM for th«f iixNlt of pfoiNHliifi« h# lngi ■ilt|AKi } Mni (lin*, dtliough tlm cost «!•■•• •fBfc to i«t ih«m go wr TiI«t htpt* ftilMPqtiantty mf^i^ ka tli0 wititur, with m^ Viviin's cofi«urrf»iHm te^MM rafuaing u> taNt at ^VA ptr hihitm f»M lln Vivian «illlb«t«cl wmiltl be doiMi for i? • Tb« alow progreaA of the biHHing nAer th« bugiii^ iiimtiif I)ac., iMMt natonilly ••gg«at«d the idea of ft-Aitiing and boarding the up^r yari ; and after cott- laltatfoii with Wr. Viriap upib the auhject, Mr. ^ €^ea«4•id and I wdivI over the tlnber, Imt ft)and that ^ thtfi wa4 npt avfBeieiitk I wa* mvM^ir qiiHe tiaable \omm ^ ^>>«t would he reqairtif, and Mr. VWian wmw fli little ahout wooden bnildhiga and the tinabar ieccMary, aa I then did about hkiiMiog in Mone, and^ iMMMtt^aefitlf, Mf CSr^enfieltf w^ applied to Ibr tii iNK^aatry Myraifttiod. Beaii^ liTi Greenfield hehig tm^kmif of the eMabllAhineiif, eveii it he had decided •ny oilng, I r«iUj do not aee thai there woold have mm any gt^M inn(iropVietT hi the mMter ; hot l«iiat ^0 Mk OfMnQM tttejuitlce 16 aay, that hi hia idler- Mmm wHh Mf. ^iHiH (wlio wii hia inferbr in l^e), IM^ diMlajaM great ibi^MBanmce attd good fiMftfe^ witl^a Vina' iiMFforgttftig diii|Miaiiioii^ cfren in IP ■"^felt . ^c£- • d i£ dHS -^^"mM^^IS^' a t^.- *;wj*» ^^j^^ '^'■■'Y y^' " ' ■ *^';. '< - > the foce of much provocatkiii ind aonoyaiice fttaB> 'Mr. Vifiin. i^i'^-i^wmi " s.;,i->".«i<; » |ui';i/ito^,'*|r/!.ift>' Mr. AtUn*f quoUtion fttno my letter raganitiig the leeervoir, it eoarc^ly • fair one* Had he gifts the whole paaMge, the Stockholdeni would hive eeco that 1 tWuld have heen aadli wantinff in mv duty> in ftet, raalljF oulpabk, had { peimitled Mr. ViviaA to carry out hit icheoie of making a rraerToir, at a coat| of atiieait, X900, (o perfonn ^ duty which wai ei^l- ed int twenty -eight ihillinga* Here ia the entire eoitMjCt: fiUi'f-m-<'AW'- '.; .1 ' .^• ** AlUir the deptrturi^ of my MM letter, I had a viilt « fWim Mr.' Vivian on the aubject of allowancea, when *Vhf told me, inttr alia, that theJpary was not the ^* inducement to come her«; mui Sal he woald htfe '^.Wi^am whether be had been engagped or not, as he* ''intended to try hia chance in thia country aa an ** engineer, and wished to have a perfect engine made ** under his own superintendence to refer to ; that he ** would not have engnoed for nxire than a year, had •< Mr. Gillespie not ^olined to make the contract <* contrni^ to instructions.- 1 told bun that if after <* the engine waa fiiirly at work, i)t was found that *f a lees experienced person could work the engine* A, ** had no d^ubt the Pirectora woukl agree to his leav^ V ing, ^o long aa the interests of the Company were - not affilctiBd. lie is evidently TCiy much disap* ** pointed «t the position he holds here. He expected **. to have the control of etvjsrything and everybody, *<4od hmted gently that the mine would not auc- <^;.oe^4; until hehaj. tlpia, Imwever, liear, woidd be •f no ip^prpv^mimt, He seeps to work very much t'jpegfrdifns q(frm^f»P^^f FOi ioflance, how«i *' M^f^tolki^l&a iioservoir on tti^hfll* about hatfrivay •• b^tiwe^thf Bogine-Jliouae aidwl the mine, lor the piir- ^^poee oir ftlUng the MIeni *t ^^ wd ""^keii H wila *• r^Misite, to clean them.. I .dou^ beliefe it eouM t >^'llayi, at a coil of one iiound eight ■bilUnga 1*^^,1 >«, * , I may add, that the engine wai nefer during my itay at the aiinet, worled With more than one >oller, ei- cent for a few deyi aa an experiment, to ascertain. iHiethiBr bhe or tn^o boilera cqpsumed moat fuel, and that nj^r of them h^wjijlfed cU?anin| up to thia time I left. , , - ,: './..I irjMt/.. iiti:rH^iii'.i:^ * And yet <*yoor Mr. Vivian," criea Mr. A"»n.-^ '^ tnubbed ^n every hand— not allowed to manage *^^6 engineerii^ de^rtment, mu^h leas permitted ta <^ interfere with theHbiiildiagi-'' Kow, what, in the Bpline of common lense, haj; the knaking a reservoir , to do with building the engine^houM 1 The boilers twere filled, and that was all that was wanted, and yet Mr^ Allan argues that, bepause Mr. Vivian vms not all^^ed to throw away a couple of hundred poupds 6n the former, thai be was iUterfeted with in the building o( the Mtter: What amount of engineering % \- Mr. VlitliW»t claiiris to the title of an engineer, must be sm# jiideed, ifth^ d«^Ct|oii of th»i will damage his' professional' if%lata^b^,."'^,^ \^. "i^v.y^ ^ j4 It appears almoM Me>^(ni^%^ fioti^e'Mr. Alfan's (BXtract from my letter of 19th February, where he eyidentiy iiitendil the words, "when the men vrent to wiUdb tkis^enung^'^ to b<* understood as alluding to the masons buildii^^ihe hotis^, Instead 6T 1^(^ rntueirs j^tMg i^ work jift^^ Diuring that se^'ero lleatber, no out*door work of any description waa don^ as far as I can recollect. Most certainly no 'h ■• '.,'%^ J.-;. .Mr . •. t ..^!B building wtiatt^^pted, Tjhcr^ it W^ Sfnteqpe. jioir. HV ^t. rti tm^mt, Which, alttii^li .»,ort. iMlPRorttPV ■i prov^ig i{Ht> w^ the p«rfO|i uiHi^int "rMtitig th6 buiMhi|^ and maehinery, on cbunt. no doubt. Mr. Ai^ omiiM It, It lyhich 10- ♦• of havioc oi^ rendf to ihib b? Id Slif * litter of si March, a^r deacHbuiK the ai [?: sacribing ine aciBia|!K,.au ^?W'SiLT>^*-'*'' 3 i;"rc 'll;,%W feirtil a )|)id|iliettt on tbe _ /' / V ■k r '* '*'*-"^i ^Jd^£ „ 'L<^>AS^^^ ' msi;~ t I- i/ ■/■ / V MM. J>... *^-w*'* 4Ai^4li('»/*IMMl«« t» tli« •fMikNi ^ «iM liigtMi, ii, rVflliil toaijrvltel «y «nmm imni k««« W«n «»>• ikift imliaMl. |iM«i«d 9f •••b>iMili»,lMl*p»iNi««« boiiM. I AmhmI ■ mm or •Iim«i 4»« .•kiMry upon it, would, I Imiv«> not ib« •llffhiMl doubf. b» •li«it«r«d iiBSfei** ¥? ^ ^*''"'*^ ^ »*^ «li4 r«,k. te. I»X« Sd uZ ^MBit^, wllk large op«ning», aad built in ili* niMt Mr«lw« and hiM. ff!*B?^'"!^^*^ "^"'** "^''''* ^ *»• ••»«'^> •••Wit tfii. alt of tOft«Mf»W.lbo«NMort^«||«„l,p«M«illfflliyMftlbo MNMi, ll^ '"•r"?™ ••'*» 0««Bot, firoon the iui«T«na«M of tb« mtAW DoMblT ^M«ht toMtria. .iM. Tu fcou«» ii~iSi^ piii;a;7SJid^ ^ Aft^i* dibeiriii^^^ pOMibilitT of mairink tlie bouse* uid giiring tiM reMont a|^ (t, 4he Ifeport .ffft*<^f *»!)•'►: ,;i^^».i»i*rt?''*#-|r;irif'»4.!i v i>\\f^-v.t \> II "i%' \' ri9iiiifUM»Mlj ooBv|ao«(^ tbau b«4.ii4d«r!Sira 4mi .^^ tej!ffla?!?f^* -H^otu*-. t'lw.^Aii ftiJ!:s[;ni^ ifPfrfitfiUfi^^ kHfl- (.£.'- ' < . >/* •.591 «> "'fF'pr^^' / V $ ' J- ,' i7t: »' . t ^j«itlir'»l..ti. *i' froM th« MliMi. Tfc« Dirvalor* MnMt, llowtf*.. (IImiIm Hi* feb. ltd .>Mte teems ttonece(ii|tfy^!tiiA4'»tH4V-'#ytftmKf^ •• '"'l^ "■■ lianf nwie pMMgee might doMMleM be quoted' from ihe corre«Mwdeoce ami r«portt of the period, confirming the itiitewMnta I hete made, were I illowedf, a6c0M to the aoenOM^ jui iliie CH&ce of the Compeoy, but thif baa been denied me, except mi cendiaon thatr I wiM* ill the wot^ of the Sljcfetary^ letter, - state in ** direct terms that I wUI nU adopt any legal proceed- " inn " in leipeet oC the report lately pubiiahed. In <4er wordf, V*"- AWap'S"^*' ^^"8^ ransaohed thei whole papers in the O^ce^ and made eitiaota and, quotations, which, by a peculiar system of legerdemain, lU baa omkwced into eridence of the tfHth of hia aecmatiohs, ttJftwes me^acc^to theje rertr Wpi^rju, knowing well what would be the result, unless 1 wUl IccaUy releaie him Arom the punishment, to which h»/ M^Seiitiy ibeia he baaJakI himself open, in hjj tecettt poblicatMin--^ao attempt at cttercioo to whil* I 'a&mi M alt all incttneij toaibmiu lam, therefore confin^ in my, piwfii taiheiwifinal lettew from thie rresident*. andsomedraltadreopiea of letters and reports whfch^ I I b r tu rtiiitey him rttiwed. ^ ^. .^.,.n.,«ii:y.i.»Mi» ^ need hardly point out to the Stockholders the un- inaalinesaiif Mr. Ailing eomkielttt this >mall^r,fln^- cularly j»a K tead Wlitden to tbe.8fec*eUfy, plaitily and. 4iaiinetly:atattisg^ '*^»»^ ■^^*!'^ 'f I^T^tfiS^^ •«1ng oitwMSis from the mmn % #,##y^i •'Office, for ijurcili tbwhicft I %lied, il for the pur- ■#■ / . s . ' * \ ■ ■ A ■ / s ■ - - 1- 1. -■■^ ... ■ '.' : 1 . ■',..■ .' :' '".;, ,, ;:\:*'':» ..: ^?T, / / *^ noM of framing t reply to th« l«te Report of the *^ birectort, and not oonnected with the adoption of **'my legal proceedingi, aa you wuy it reported.** To iiae a common but aM)ft expr^iiiire phraaei it ia all of a pie«e with hia other proceedinga. But I moat haalen to a concloaion. This letl«i^ fi already too lont, but aa Mr. Allan promiaea that it ie to be the laat of the feriea, I hare endetf ored to give aa full particnlara aa poaaible, in order to prevent the neceaaity for further publication, which, aa I hate not the advantage of a 0oard of Directora to endorse, and a jmMie conipany to print my atatemenCa, is nith«r m, Urioaa consideration to the itOQc yeesel, regarding which Mr. Alhui ff bfe«ka eut into auch a paroxysm of fhcetiousneat^' a few woida am all that are required to ahow that he haa committed a al%ht mistake in giving me the credit of the production. The veasel was origin* ated, planned, modelled, contracted for, and superin- tended by Mr. Qreenfllld, and was mofe than half built befi^ra I even aaw her. j.-'v-,.?* 'h-;- lu'i r* ^ The simple iaet is, that daring the winter of 1849, the n^ceflsityof barinra veasel of some sort for bringing stone, lime, vegetables, hay, &c., mtm fbit, and as there waa no place nearer than Detroit, where oiie could be batlt, ffuch vestelaiire not boilt at Mackinao»} Mr. Qreenfield, who continued to oc^upr the situation of Siiperintendenl, and had charge of all connected with thetooition and inpplies of every descrlpfion, proposed to have a Seow biiik on the spot, ati^ting that he fbit quite confident of lincoesB, and tbet tlnere was a man then at the'MiwM, who waa p«i>feetly^ competent lor the woHt, having been brcmglit' n{i as a bdat« MIder it Sorel. I long opj»oaed the plan, donbt^^ ing its sttocesa^ b»| waa at last oV«r-per^u«ded bf Mr. Gre^nflehlj who offered tO" ; build the veasel ^jilii ;f0#it»ui^9pdiaibility, nod blr«' Mr io the :\ ^ .'•Vwa! ™" 'iSfViM I'^r' lE^I^iSSSSSVS^:^ »- ,' J 1 'I- m ■ 7^ 'IT'W^HPSf^ / **••'.,,,» / I CompAiiy* 'Po lhi» propoail :j 4l(i not agrBe* Imi' k»«aUMiviiod him to makn ft oontmct Hitb ibe boat* Mlliler, whioh b« dMU ftod «• 1 wift weil mwnrn thai I km^w •othinc sboui the tatMmr, aad had enlnuted it entirelj to Mr. O r eti i ltold, I » urcely •?« Viaiied the l^tnuMtthi where th« men were workings «nd Ilid mm^f ftnr ide« of what the wonld bn IiIdb, ttntil^ t«ly iaidbed. Mr. Qti>mMA, whM tdud wlbst) P9^k9 profoaed building it, atatad that H wmM be Ofi thii tnodmi of thoae uaed at Detroit; ai^d I iiMnt do> Mr. O. the Jiiatioe to Mjr, theft I hare ae«rfeaMhiai Detaiiiof a aioaikr build, aHhoiigb tbej aaenow uMdIjr built looser and ahallower in proportion. I waa nel> anveveofthe teadeeey of the aeow to tipaeti Her fbiiU; on the only oeoaiioe when I waa on board ot^her^ e»4Jiaden opportunity of Jodglig, and dnrMir which i4 wae> blewuig a gale, waa maiing toe muehleew^, I eaaeot believe thai the Beoka do not ahew the coal of the Scow ; and| L an aati86ed, thet had Mr. AUa» deaiied Mr* Fili^rini to give hiii the accomit,^ ha wouM have done ao ; but if he expected to ftnd a aeperat^ aooount in, the Letlger^ an^epplied to tlie iedeot, endeff the lettcra W U, \al li pfohable be Woeld be diaap^ peiMled' iii,hif laearc^li. ,i .^.;*h«t.4'»^; •■< .'>.^i ■ ^■■,-^'htWi^^ Mr. AlkaV leal ato4e«ent» tkellievinrMMi^^ bifAding eiealil, I ^ ordered a wheleoboat, oeppereil feed eopper^aateiie^jlt with all her tfppurteoaMea; Jkad taheft npi^ Mid lAlmaltireid bfi^iina«it»y«aM\t 1111846^ /iW partMfmr»iMd4tit$ ^§tlf90^$tfH^-t$itmt tkti ■ > CveipofiM, |m fiiet^ •engagefitentf liPHMr blie%|iifapiing^.i817 lit Itfi^eelie^baclhredil thpt Mr. Alla»i4aetiietBar th«iM«* Cookkom^ elated • • \i/^ < 1 »«• . ' ' ,' ■ • ■ , ■ ; • " .*■ " '''. ' 7 .v-'i / \ -,* ■' .' ., f ■ ', :y^-'uin. \-: ^^iW^^'i ^^ai#" -."> ;'^;- /" \ -^.:t\i-- S-' . .■■;«. 4 MMlt Of Mr. aS!L% oiii!!*i!i^^ . jMof^^n f««iUo* In t«4e, iiii which iipraMlr • And n«ch former^ co(rt seven dollars. ' ». AM ;eWses his report with a string of qnaU- noetions, which he stfUes lae ito poMM jwtriy y ■s > " ,^-. '»•, WW'^E'tF «P3? If . /f ^ l«ag, tKoiigli Ml so JififilM* •• ll« fM of oilc«t Md prMidMlittl chain Ailed by bimaotf. !!• wax«lb axcMiling wiilj, nioitover, u|Mm whal k* «,t;<' -a.,'?'.' ~ifU]¥w. ii4Uia*» taat aanlence iato mynterioua that I aaftr— ' Mt undaratand ita amact meauioic* It ia lilia the llelphio Oracle, to ha liateoed to and baliaved, but llbi.Mirpt^^^ton l«ft until Uie fuUUnieot ahali.ahow timmm^f it ought to be read. I thinlt, howefer» llMit tbO uncertainty of t^e exact quarter of tho IU«¥aBa» where thia woodroua luminary ia to appear, JTAtbaravguea that Mr. AOian, under the figure ol tho ' aun borattng thiongh the dark clouda, intenda poeti-r oally and unoal^ntatioutly, to typifir hiaown aplandid ami varied UkUniM and achie.venient8, he being the peraan ^.connected with the Company, to whom the Fat Knigbt*a Account of Dama Quickly aeems beat to ap- ; ply, for coiiainly "a roan never knows where to: •%^ «;giiiil4