CIHM Microfiche Series (Monographs) iCMH Collection de microfiches (inonogriq»hies) Cmm«mi ImtituM for Hictorical Mterorapreductions / Inttitut Canadian da microraproductiona hiatoriquaa TtdwUcal and B I M I upn ili te tttm I WWW liU mU Bii t M > t l mn pli H Mi The Imtituta hn iWmpfd to obtain Km b«t orifiMi copy avaitabit for filmint. FaMitraaa#M(M«VwM* may ba WMwraphieaily imiqua, Mrtiicti may after aay ol tha i w ipi bi tba ripro withai Tha laat raeordad frama on aach microflcha ahaN contain tha aymbol "^Imaanlnt "CQN- TINUB>'^ or tho iiwibel ▼ Iwaawlwi "BUOI. dif f arant reduction ratios. Thoaa too large to bo entirely included in one expoeure are fHmad beginning in the i^per left tani eomor. Ml to t and top to boctont, aa many frotnee aa Academy of Hedlcine Collection The Toronto Hospital Las images suiventse ont M phM grand aoin. aompta tomi dola neii o ii dor< conf ormit4 OMI fUmage. da le eo n d Wo o ot nampleiree origineux dont la eouvaffuia en pepier eat ImprlmAa sont fllmte on commengom per le premier plat at an termlnent soit per la demMre page qui eompona une empreinte dl iw p r eaaia w eo d I H MeuaUui i. aett per le aaeond plat, aelon le caa. Toua lea autres oxamplairaa orfgifMHui sont fUmte an commandant par la premiere pege qui comporte une empreinte dlmpraaaion ou dIHuatration at an terminant par ^ ^AmIA^ m, if , Un dee symbolee suhranta appareltra aur la denMre imege do cheque microfiche, selon le cee: le aynAole — ^ slgnifle "A SUIVRE". le >w ■ipimi-wir. Lee cortes. plenches, tablaeux. etc.. pauvent *tre filmte * dee taux da rMuction differenta. Loraque le document eet trop grand pour Atre (dptodult an un aaid eMchA» H eet fRmd A porthr do I'angia sup4rieur geuche. do gauche i droilo« et do haut an bas, an prenem le nombre d'imeges nteesseire. Lea i Uluatram le mMiode. 1 \ - ECTOPIC gestation; is of interest to the nedkal prof eenon and of value to the ^tgr. 'ha i^yaaian ia aaiiwi Wvmim a dkinoaia aai tha lay mmmmmuAmu'lmtiiW^ Ajiwl iwl >■■ Uf mivm of late on tiie aubjeet and tiMM in anQK ^MitiaM ttat raqaiN forther oooaideration. X Mia ft aanM aMrnh thioa^ wmar at tha avigiMt vmm- grapln wQfl»i»-Aaaoaia*io« of 0bB(atnaiip,lMa-io>ath«^3!^<^-a, j^ art-ei«ftJb w . — i I m n9«( able ht^tre a further reptttt of my ezjseiieaeer^iiS- app»d~t» \ thia4)aper^t«balat«d atatentent ot tha.eaflea upQg^^ahieL-it-in haCBck — All writers on the subject are familiar with the work of Dr. William Campbell, who was a teacher of midwifery in £din> bnri^ who published his monograph about 18^. Ha gave a large amoont of material with but little attempt at good arrange^ ment, aMq^.5!«ii, His work, however, is a landmark in the litera- tnre of the sobject On tibia aide ci the Atlantic, Parry, of Philadelphia, published a very remarioditle work on the subject in 1876. Again, later, the subject chosen for the Jenks Prize Essay of the C( Mege of Phyaidaiia and SurgMoa, Philadelphia, about the year 1889, waa ^ aSa^fioAi tM Mi^BMDt of e i Lta r witeri ne pregnaney, and the prize wa awarded to Joim Strahan, of Bdfaat. at» my ri»tohy» t» toi ">«» ^»«'»^"*»P"*'*»^*» <£' leetnre. I have a record of 45 eaaea (inelnding one caae of ruptured eramial imgnuMj) opmtod npeo. they include 3 eaaea opow ated on before rapture, 41 eaaea operated giont I have seen intraperitoneal worms free in the cavity of the perit<«aain in fiih, and I yraamaa ftat ilia tlw aiiatawuM of ttfi ^ trarm tint pravwte -AIb digeatm. Ttp ataaaaaii * MWi SOMNO OTRASMI. wall k only digeitod pott mortem. I feel, mjnelf, that tltiMOfli ■Momlnil pregnanoy fxr m hai not been dMMUtnted, thwt is ■9 nawi wbj it oumot oeear. A pregnuMj oirigiiiatiiig m an ovarian pregnancy haa not yet bean proifed to esiat Parry eayi "that if an ovarian pi-egnan^y doaa oeenr it moat be rare and win be eorioMit it never oeeora, •0 xaatk the better." Biaehoff and Barry are eaid to have dia- eorared ^ermatona on the rarfaee of the vntim (tf biteh« thortly after ooitua. If it is poariUe for the n i rmaln i u a to penetrate the wall of the ovary and prodoee an ovarian preg- nancy, then, aa a eooBMiiwiMa of MMkoffli and Barry'a obaerva- Ikma, avarian pregnancy dMBld be frequently met with. Thtie are two etmditiona that moat not be eonf oondod in tiie e l — tff jatt on of aetofrfe geitatioagu The lint of ttaaa ia preg> nancy in a bilid or bieomuate ntema, and the seomd ia a pregr aano} ogeorring in a mdimoitary ntarioe horn. llMaa eon^ •Mna Biiia% nowever, m aoMMefW u «t aiserautsai '"*gri I'Tti of an ectopic geitation. Pathoiomcai. Amatoxt.— After the impregnated ovnm haa beeome atw a lad in the tobe, a daddm avotiBa, if net a deeidna vera, ia formed; the chorionic villi develop. Thia devel pment ia beantifoll; diown in an early imj^regtrnted ntema of the rab- Irit I have a dide prepared from mnA a vtnna vdiite a ati^eBt in Zurich. The tubal wall, into wld< h the ehorioofe villi jmah titemeelvea, beroi ia thinned, and thia ia wdl diown in ma of my Bpedmoia oi nnmptnred tnbal pregnancy. The speeimen had not ruptured, but was in the ^int of rupturing. Still fnrfter diangea raw take place. Blood veaaels beoomo fBH Waaa d in aiae aad ia manben, the parte heeooM very mndi ooogeated, and the awelling of the tube, aa eeen nn aevend of tiieae ap ae im e n i , doady reaemblea a small myraia in in interior. A deddna ia fmased in die intnior of the nteriiM eavi^; this de- cidua forms early, but is not likely to be shed nntil aftnr the death of the ovnm takes place or the tube haa ruptured. I show here a qpeeimen taken from a wcsiian who died at our Un'on Station a few months ago. She died from intraperitoneal henKN^ rhage that was produced by mptare of a tube containing an ectopic gestati(m. Even though the pregnancy was of short -duration, ^ deddual lining can be distinctly seen. A tdml i^^BaaoT^ ia ficefoaufly inisredbir 4 mm TiMtlij Uood ii ihm ponnd oat •round the ovtua into tho teHtioroCtbotiibc Tho pNftM of tho oonditlMi mv dipMdi teply upon the aite occupied by the imprognatod ovum. Hm ipol in whieh ewlMrt rupture take* pUoe k oMur to, or in, tiM rtlgfaw wmU whMC t>» tabo p i wm tfct himwIw ■twwtewi of tth organ. The middle portimi of the tube allowi of mneh giwitr dirtwHti'Wj and, m • eontoqawMii, tho pregnancy in thk jHuiUih. win muMwl fti l fc w >m i M il n ptifi VkwtlMonuB k lilMliA tMMid liM abdeiriMl of Ikt tab% abi^ Vm. li—A, niptwtd tnlwl prafsaaqr ; B, deetdiui in (Mm. tioB is Uriilo to OMBr throBgh the fimbriated end. mda kdc SHgr only be small, or, in other words, a tubal "drip." Bupture of the sac may occur at any of the sites liable to be occulted by the impregnated orum, and the result may or bmj not be i$M to Htm notlitf nd nasf at majr not bo &td to Hit fetua. Tlw oiram amnrtres the mptore in only a very few eoaea. Tha site of rupture in the interstitial variety may be so small as al- most to escape detection, as is shown in the specimen here ex- hibited (Ilg. 2) and rqwrted in tbe taMo aa Ko. M. Tait says that rupture may occur as early as the fourth week. I think I have aeen it oeeor eaiiier. , In Thb Amwocam Joubkal worn I MTono owrAiMM. i or OBSTmiicB, October, 18f >. one of my eun w recorded that nip.tiped at • vciy rrly st , ge— I tlioai^t aboat two> or thm> wcaks i M t a tk M. ▲ iiistr m Hmm fffwi^ Amhi fecai — tm, but tbc plate does not exactly repreamt tbe aixe of tha tuba at tba ntarine end. It waa nnaUar tbao it ia tbm npn aatai vaA aoffwq wu ded more mtaif arMi tta cMidMea of Urn taMNil tto distal lidu of the rapture. Tha bleeding fr portaMri or oitnNparilaaeol. ht w y o rit aaeri hwwrrhmaaMy occnr in two wajrts fint, by direct mptnre of the tube into the paritoneal asvtty; atoand, by the tubal drip or a leakage drop Fia 2.— Intmtlttal prcgaaaey, tot mOg t«tw* (Can SM. A. (Mt at ^ieb ntcrint w«ii was to 9m!tm^mmmK»mi ^ *mmm 'miiii» •* bgr drop, of blood throogh tiie fhribrteted 00** of the tite. Vthm extraperitoneal it becomes so as a couaequence of rapture through the mesoulpinx into the l^ren of the looad ligaiMnt. A great deal of streai haa been laid upon this lattor font eeti(Hi thegr will be foBBd dodbM vadar ^ ligament, but intimatdsr aaaoeiated with it I do not for on* OKment deny that hmorrhage into the broad ligament does not oeetir, bat I nrait idtfit that very few of theaer cases are brought to the operating table. I take it that the bleed- ing tnm an extrauterine pregnnqr auqr be either slow or n^id. When slow the blood coagulates; when rapid it does not eoagnlate to nieh an «s- tent When tiw blood eoagtdates it produces a noMs; when it does not eoagnlate no todi bum fa produced. When the hemorrhage ia slow and ■9A Mlift ll flOAffDlSltfiB flu* h Matm are rapidly form- ed ■MBBd the site of tiw kmorfhaga, ntd in ft short time just as mueh tenaioD will be prodneed in this way aa ean be tmtad by the fatoia layers of the broad ligament. Aftw a tfane tito ■aaooat of btood BOM: ECTOPIC OIBTATIOH. T irill bt iacnaaad bgr lr«i^ ktBurriugt and tha tdhcnoM will no lBBgtrb»«M>tetetifatfc»aMMi,»nd,M»B a B Mq«wi i wi, fa<»W>dl wiU be poared into the peritoneal cavity, and, if in any large qoaatilgr, will ba found aahii^ op aatibe liver and Hileen. Wkm flw Weed I ow a ibw Iy tiwp aUeM l iliiw tttodaafiynaape and <>f pain, and if the hemorrhage ceaaes for a time they resume ap- pamt good haaUh. The maaa otmtinQea to inereaae in tba pd- ▼ia as bof aa Hm keauntega a — tinm i into n ri ttaM tt y. In support of his argument in favor of broad-ligameBt np* tax*, Tait aaya that peritmiitia nuraly ocenra in eaaea of t w d HgnMRt mptam aad that the talk aboat eoUaetkna of Mood becoming encysted is tiie veriest nonsense. I beg to assert that the blood doea baoome encysted and that I have removed such «n- flTitad Uood maiqr tu ment or into tite pelvic cavity may occur and serious and dan- gerous symptoms may supervene. Or, further, suppuratioa may take place with the formation of a pelvic abscess. If fBtea lives H »^ develop in tiie abdomteal otvity, in the layers of the broad ligament, and— but very rarely— in the tube itaelf . When it develops in the abdominal cavity the fetus is really surrounded by amaitm, tho&g^ it mtj be difflenh to make it out. In one case on which I operated the fetus hi^ escaped from a bicomuate uterus that had ruptured. The preg^ nancy readied full time and a secondary rapture of ^e sac oe- curred at the end of the ninth month. Primary rupture did not ntlce place into the brutd ligament The »ic surrounding the MM; BCTOnO OBRATICnf. f ftHm wof^ eisily have been BiiMaken for broad ligament at the tinw ot eptatioB. Hm plaiecBte after rapton aMgr ranain tnthin the omui geetation sac, or it may be partially extruded and, with the eontimanee of it» growth, may epread out over the B^l^hAori]^ viaetia. When tnbal abortion oeenta Oe pk w wt a is of conree extruded into the'abdominal cavity', and under mdt oircumstanees it seema h$mBf pvolNiila that it ean have any power of taking oa new adhesions to continue its life. If the placenta remains entire within the gestation sac after the extrusion of the fetus, there will then be two laes, one containing the fetoa and tha othw tlw placenta, and the cord will pav through M epeoing eommini- cating from the one to the other. Saa OF THE Rabeb CoNDinoNa.— /utrnMioI pregnancy is tat nurdy met with. Ihavemet withitiBOoeeaa^of whidithe following is a report: Mrs. S. (No. 3i in table). Patfaotofl^. 'fyftaoM, of Toronto. She had missed one period; had sli|^t hemonhafe from the uterus. Bef on the doctor saw her ah^ had fainted three or four tisMa. Had been t^t ill at boob on .the previous day with sudden, severe pain in the abdomen. She vraa sent into the hospital under my eare, and the case was, nnfortnnatdy, not eorrectly diagnoaed by tiia luoie largeQa;, M he thought the patient was threatened with a miscarriage. In the morning, when I saw her, she waa almost moribund. Oper- ated, hsmtnr, and tomA the abdiuaiiBal eavity fnll eral Hoqtital Ftttvfl- ion, aaaisted by Dr. Eadie, I opened the cbdoBMB Ib Om awAan line and found the abdcnmnal cavity full of blood, ^passing the fingers down to the right side, found a smidl raaii; Mi dr«w- fa^C itiB vp, fistnid ft "to %0 ouautom with ha wtopio'garia^ " iMteder its folds, running up to the surrounded Fallopian tube. ^ removing tiiiis sac the FBllopi;< '. tube was torn off; ovary tad ti** Ml tiiit ode were lifted with silk. As worn m fwta- Ite Mi distvrbtd a gr«at deal of fresh blood wm pound •■1 n»ifliM>tiK»llien pMMd dowB t tlM otbar side at a matter of routine, and to my surprise I found aaoOier g« at a t iff» •M eoBMOtsd witii tke left tnbo. This waa rapidly ranovad htm Urn adhaMM, and on its ranoval it btust and tha lienor amnii escaped, together with a three-and-ona-bali^MMitfaa fotaa. The two gcoUtimi saoa were, tharef««, of dilEnrsnt agea, and the right > taam of the right ovary; drew up the right tube and found an mlbagie gestation the sixe of the aid of the little flng». It was 14 MM: BUTOPIC snTATicnr. the MtfUMt imniptiired eetoj^o gartatte I ksvt mr imb. B*> moved tobe and omy on tiut aide. When making njr flnt report of Caae 1, in which ectopiv geata' tioD eeeamd twiee ia the mhb* pati«it> I hwhed m> the litara- tnre of the eiAJeet cod fevttd hot five itetkur lapofflatiHrt entbfeljr satiBfled me as to the correctness of the diagneaia in each ease. It cannot be poeaible, however, that I have had an ese^pli«mal eap eriea ee in HHk rmptek Ttgior aaja that vpwaid of fif^ aodi cases have been re^rded. In his own case I find, however, that the fiiat ectopic ge^tion waa not demonatrated by aorgieal apW' aticB or perta aer f gai tiwlnatio n, tad, in view of idttk I h«rt to relate later regarding conditions that simnlate mptared eztra- vtnine pregnancy, I am not pr^red to accept rqwrta without aadi aar gi ea l w peatei'Tfliai verifleatioai. b sgr eaaaa Ike fseih nan^ oeeorred fltat <« the <«e nde and than ea tiM ether. ViQ. 5.— V«i7 •Ml; aaraptortd tvtisl pNgaaacy at A (Cm 88). Coe has reported a case in which a lithopedion was found on the same side as that on which the ectopic gestation 'vaa situated at^timeof operatioB. TluadanoartratedtbefaettSurteet^pie gestation can occur twice on the same side. Ectopic Geatation FoUowed by Conditions Simulating Ectopie Oe$t9tion and Requiring Operation. Cabs I.— In the table t -'is case is reported as No. 1. Was operated on for extrautenae pregnant^ December 24, 1886. She had good health and bore ene ehild. Betianed «gain and was epncatad on Peaamber 10« ISSdf and a hematosalpinx, the blood of which was uncoogulated, was removed from the other side. There was no evidence to indi- 01^ ttat^ftia waa the wanh of impregnation. The uTurtrwi on the second occasion were a contii>ucd Sow fres ^ stKOS to- gether with a mass on the left side. MM: KTono OMiAnair. 1ft Cam XL— This caw k recorded in Um table m No. 32. Oper* turned on April 24, 1902, and was operated on April 26, when a tiibvarian cyat on the left side was removed. She eomphuned, on the second occaaion, of pains in the lAdomm, ehkflj OB tht left side. Had missed one week, but had no nterina IrniMlffrlnail The mass conld be felt on physical examination. Casi UL— CaM Mo. 13 in the table was operated on for eztra- oterina ymspanqr Seeember 24, 1895. She returned again and «M opwatad en Oetebar 19, 1^, for a hydrosalpinx on the left aide. Gam IY.— This ease is reported in the table as No. 17. Oper- ated oa ior extrauterine pregnancy on July 13, 1897, when the right tube and ovary were reiioved, U^tether with gestation sM on that aide. Left tube and o^tay looked beaUby. She re- turned again be ewtam that a condition givifl^ enrtamigni^taiM ia mdoidrtatBir mlm^ tf^ tion. I operated on the wife of one of our leading pnetitioBWB for a ruptured ectopic gestation. She subsequently became pregnant and bore a living chi](l, but in the interval, before pregnaney oc- curred, she was suddenly seized with all the apaptana-flf a^mp> tured ectopic gestation. No surgical operation was performed and she made a good recover^'. Can I state, in such a case, that the patient undoubtedly suffered from extrauterine pregnane on two diJiterent oc^sionfi? I have refrained from including thia eaae in my table of ectopic gestation occurring twice in the If ROM: CCTOnC GOTATlOir. same patkot, owing to the anetrtmiatj that tzkted, but I flad that there bave been maiqr liBiikr eaaaa raended wMMmt ngr greater amount of prodl. BnouMT.— Bekqpk i w tetk n aeeBia to be intimatdy a Mo d at a d win iBiHBBMnMMi Ok hh mWM> h boo Don waieo not no ip> flammation haa bam loBoiiad bf desquamation of the epithelium lining the nneono wuibnBtf, md that^ owing to tbia fiMt» tbe AMiher cause of the disease is undoubtedly mechanical ob- ■ti'uatiou to the progieaa of the ovum throo|^ Um ovidnat This muehanieal dhrtip e ti o B aMjr ba ea— d bgr pt—iu a ftmn wHh- out or within the tube, by growth, or as a consequenee of dis- tortion of the tnbe prodoeed by adheaiaia. It haa been atated that atroiAy of the tnbo is a eaoaa of extraularino pregnanqr, bol I have not noticed such atrophy in any of my cases. Tbe tubes have always appeared to be healthy and normal on the oppoaite side. It is evident that they were not haaltiqr or tiwy would not have required subsequent operative interference. My experience does not coincide with that of Taylor, who atatea that he does not believe that ectopic gestatioL is produced by a result of previous inflammatim of the tubes. I have al- most always been able to elieit tiie hiatory of a previona attaek of oiflammation from these patients, and this inflanmwtiQB big fre- quently been followed by a period of sterility. I have met with ectopic gestation in a young unmarried wo- man, and once in a bride of aeveit weaba who wa% I btfiovob • virgin when married. SnfFTom.— The symptoms of ectopic geataticn mnt be eon- sidered: first, before rupture ; seeood, «t the time ol nftaK; third, after rapture. SpmptOHU htfwif Jh^ytsfW.— History ot > prefvioiia attaidf of inflammation and sterility; a missed period, more or less subse- quent, more or leas continuous diaduu^ of blood from the ulevus; pdv^e dia c oHifo rt; bcarfak|far>te|« fto™ the utjnM. Rupture of the bbuWer JVw me oeeomnee and gweraUy a«oriated with trau- Itii^nymptonm of preg«iw4iia »ot be pre«mt and there ^l^t h^Ln uterine hemorrhage. Perforation of stomach or "Ss^ea. not dn. to tn»nmati«n, may closely B,m«late ectop« gestation at the toe of wptnre. Symptom, of P;ep«J«y^ Serine hemontoge will be absent and there wiU. m aU^ abiUty. have be«i symptom, of pre^iating inflammatory or Ser^di-H^e. B«.pt i« «— le to out intrauterine pregnancy. , After the abdomen was opened I found a imaJl quantity of blood and a large adhesion binding Qteroi to tfwpdTie rtrue- tures, that ha'd been torn through. fiBie ABwed IrtW flo, in the fifth month, in the early morning, and I saw her at 3 in the afternoon. I never had wash diffienlty in cenoving a pUr centa ; it was univeraally adherent. She reeofwed. I met with one other case of severe vomiting of pregnancy and ecdlapse that simulated a ease of ectopic gestaticm with rup- ture. The patfwit was threatfflwd with a iBiM«rrii«e and there- fore had uterine hemorrhage after having missed a period. The pregnancy had been allowed to go on until the ccmdition from ez- eesmveTomitingWM extreme. Su^tei pain Md faintneas ae* in. Upon careful examination, however, a correct conclusion wa» eome to and a miscarriage induced, and even then we feared that tte pcttettt would meeimib. A lew dajn ago I saw the patiei^ ag«tw in a similar condition and was struck with the eloae re- ■enUoiee to a case of ruptured ectopic gestation. Afiw Mvphm.—JJ^leta^ diagnorii matt be made from, first, inflammatory disease; second, from tumor of the ovary > third, from pelvic abscess ; fourth, from myoma uteri ; fifth, f rwB flnrnual pregnant; sixth, frwn pregnancy in tm ffl-daydop«d horn ; seventh, from malignant disease. The mass discovered in the inflammatory diMase is usually ntuated on both sides of the uterus. It is harder and more sen- sitive to touch. Great elevation of temperature is noted. Tumor of the ovary is not accompanied by symptoms of previo» rup- tured eetopifi gettation unless it has been twisted on its pedicle. An ovarian tumor, pelvic in situation, that has been accompanied by uterine hemorrhage, and whidi has become fixed and inflamed as a Mmaequenee of a twist of its pedicle, will be difilcult to diag- ttofe from a nma left in the pelvis from ruptured ectopic gest*- tion. Pelvic abscess often results from ruptured ectopic gestation and breaking-down of the clot. Perhaps ectopic gestation is one of the most frequent causes of pelvic abscess. If of inllunmattny origin, the history will assist in making a differential diagnosis. Mymna uteri is usually more solid in consistence and rounder in outline, and the voisaim on its snrfaee a gnat miktaam in making a diagnoms. "awfe will hw* bam no snddMi onset ><^ Toronto Oeneral Hospltd. I found a bicomuate uterus ; the mass to be felt to the left was one horn apparently only slightly at- tadwd to the eorvix. Tins was determined by the situation of tliO round ligament joining its outer angle and the abeenee of broad ligament between the two uterine masses. A year or two later I was called to see the patMnt with I!Kr« nown. Ox loromo, ana xonna ner suiieruig ifubi severe par- oxysmal pains and obstinate constipation. She had been suffer- ing from these pains for some wedos. The rectum was obstracted tcoA a large mass irai to be IMt in the pelvia md ooOld be Ciit above the pubes. I knew dwt the patient had a rudimentary uterine horn and decided that tiik mass must be retained men- gtntA fttM. She wis not living wifli hm hnlMi^ XJpen. puncture through the vagina a large quantity of black, tarry blood, resembling retained menses in cases of imperforate hymoi. esMped. Bftd I Mt knowii the eztet nttare of the mm I itwM have taken it to be oae of pelvic hematocele caused by a rupture of an ectopic gestati(m into the broad ligament, bat would hare oeen puzztcu oy me carry appeanraee (htm dioocl €6t%ml Pregnancy.— In comnal pregnancy the round Kga^ BiBat wffl be found to nm to the outer aide of the mass, wherea» ROSS: tcranc amaAnoK. in tribal pngnancy tbe roond liguMnt nuw to the inner aide of the BUM toward the nedian line. D^trential Diagnosis at FvU Time before Death of Child.— Thb il^g"""" moat be made at thia time between eetopic gesta- tknand^s; a aornial iatrantniac pngaaa^ with a very thin wall; (h) isplacement of the pregnant uterua by a fibrocystic or nyematouB tumor; (c) bifid uterua with pregnancy in one dtamber. I have met with several ea!"^ of thin utniiM wall with intrauterine pregnancy that felt as if le pregnancy must be out- aide of the uterua, but on more careful examination I was able to aatiafy BQrself that the condition was a normal one. In caaes of displacement of the pregnant uterus by a myomatous tumor I have never had any diflSculty in making a diagnosis. I have met with one case of bifid uterus with pregnancy in one ehamber, and the report is as follows: MIm E., »t 23. Had menstruated and had a discharge cx blood from the uteras. Ifenstruation then ceased and she had seen nothing for two aonths. There had been no abdominal pain and there was no hwtory of collapse. Patient looked in good healtii. I was so uncertain as to the diagnosis of the case that I decided to use the uterine aoond. This passed in toward the right a distance of atxrat three inehes. A tumor eonld b6 dafthMtly made oot, to tin left side of the uterus, as large as a pregnancy at about three and one-half months. I felt satisfied that the patient was pregnant and dedded that, as the ntems was onpty, the i^wgnanqr mait be an extrauterine one. There was milk in the breasts. Oper- ation was advised and the abdomen opened on November 22, 1900. I foond a tomor that lo ke exception this opinion. I am satisfied that the eases < . ■ raporitoneal h<.!ii«toede ure not uniformly fatal, and I have operated jn cases that I feel satisfied might have recovered H^thout operative interference, and have left unoperated on «am^Mae% ^ hm reeorand, ^ had hsoi ooQqised m& al- most moribund at a considerable distance of time before I saw them. The fact that the patients had presented all the symp- toiBS of intrapnhoinal h a motilu iy showed that soefa mm «Mt mover without operation and that they need not uaemmiify %• Mses of hemorrhage into the broF.d ligament. ROBS: tCtOPK onTATION. Bat it mum to sw Uiit waOk fine dktiiietimw eumot aerve any gooa pttrpoM. H > mgaoria mi ht mat hOof r upU u » -u iA that it can frequently be made is now beymid diapnte— the ab- domen ahoold be opoied, nther tiiroogh the abdominal wall in tioat oe fbmtigb Ubi t^ihte %«tow, mi the mmiptand tube should be removed. It is not necessary to remove the ovary if it is healthy. This will be a Very simple prooedure and the mor- ttBty, in di^liaD^a>>oaUI1watnaak«a. men mptnre has occurred operation should be Undertaken without delay. I have in one iiwtance taken the patient in my carriage at once to the ho^tal it 1 A.M. in order to save cMay. I have never regretted rapid action in these cases, but in two oases I have regretted de- lay. We should not attempt to quiet our fears by endeavoring to dedde between tobd ^Mp or mufim, and tubal raptore into the peritoneal cavity or the broad ligament. If your experience tal- lies with mine you will not often find the rupture into the broad If you Avill do me the honor of earefuUy reviewing my taUe, you will see that the lowest mortality accompanies the eariy operation. When puzzled over these cases one should send im- mediately for further advice. We should not wait until the not day. If one consultant cannot be obtaiite^ viOg to tiw latenen of the hour, another should be procured. Waiting means in- OMMMd risk to the patient and inereaaed diffieultiea for the C|[W> itof. An operation Is tte oi^ form of tfeaitmeiit in MlMii mm. The terrible contingencies that sometimes arise when the con- dition is allowed to prooeed ue particularly exen4>Ufied in Case ^ cases recorded in which great difficulties were met iinth in getting th« child out, and only two eases w^ known to Mn tst whidl the eiM had been extracted aUve. His ex- perience is similar to mine and was sufficient to deter him from making another attempt to deliver the fetna in this way. He wrate limt fee w«M nemr, nnder any dtvowtaMM, atttdk a subperitoneal pregnancy from the vagina. He considered that the child could not be dragged out without tearing tisanes in i^dA terge sinosB ha;v« ben atmovnaBy devalued, and throQi^ Straetures i^jrielding as they are this can only be drnc with mneh fnree and with the likelihood of losing ita life. If large vessdi be ttmi it is simply iuposstt^ to fiad flMBiand seevt tli« Ueeding points. In one case, that of Mrs. J. (No. 19 in the table), I operated in this way. The fotlo'tving is the history of the case: The patient had been ill five weeks. Had missed a month and then had gone five weeks after that and then went six weeks. Sudden, severe pain in the abdomen came on, and when I saw her, after she had been ill for five weeks, she was profoundly septio. Uterus was pushed forward by a maps as large as an adult's head, and I was satisfied the case waa ather one of suppurating hematocele from ectopic gestation or retained BKUiteQal fluid in an unde- veloped ntonne horn. 28 ■088: ccropio enfri.TKnr. Vn. A. •ho. I. Nn.W. IMn. U HJ. F. W. BMI. II 1- IMn. UM id. )Mn.ll. 76 I Mr*. O. a.G. Sowe. BoaptUI wrrln LiUMn. Ko. tyn. tjn yn. C. B.' Cutb- bert- • OD. Only mar- ried 7 moothi. t w ai n 10 daya OTW. Wentr week a. Sdaya., I weeka. ScMBliar'^SirLS? •d UU Juaarrt. ■atiilar to DaMa- btr.ilBoatlmpro- tmi. Imm I* wa pah «' termlned to apa> rateatcmoa. Had a mlacarrtage three yeara before. Temperature and pulae normal until llTe daya after Brat atteefc, whaBd aowa* rvNunoad. nillllli il labor jp^a. Doetar toM I DtcathaafteraMr' BteaO nta riage Mii>«d with and- dea pain, right fide, low down In abdo- awn. Went to bed, aeat for doctor. Cold Bwaat. In bed one aad a half days. Up Abdominal pain, un- comfortabM but not aerere, luted two weeks. Was striiln- ing at stool when sudden serere pain seised, low down in rlcbt side losrer ab- •lomen, Crawled to bad. aot op • (s« h a m after, patara- to 'Va?fe Larfce mass eztendinc neatly to the lerel of umMllcns, dull on percussion and fluctuating. Utems three and a hall Inches In length, empty and In centm of perns, pressed by the mass back aaalnst sacrum. Diagnosed suppurat- ing hematocele, but 801 sore whether dna to ectopic gesta ^ felt OB ri|^ aide of abdo- men, low dowa, IB froBt of ntaros aad appareaUy betwi utema aad bkMlder, not morabla or flae- toatiag. Otagaaste PeWla AIM with a mass. DIainiosrd ruptured ectopic Restetion, com- Bumeing snppura- ttaohnateblMddot. Operated abotM week. Ar ' •tettartaath Tumor Mtbi right la- Doaa about thirteenth or four^ H!5i"'»i}«lV«»F traathwsek. Masa fouud ap- **^:. yirt teHay pareatly la broad Uguaeal Osrvtz aad aot reaiofabla. Boiopti gtatatloa. Opeaed and wash ~7 T-z- adoataaeaaddrataed. Bern i5S=z =j=i»Jj2- on*agaatlBter»alaforao»r pSSKiS^TJm?^ U.-k-arthsfrom Jnaa n walked hoivttal. Izaai tioa found Bteas. TO ratWB In two da^ Uader chloroforra a inorable masa (ait drOBB|M[ iBlO Doae aftt flre weeks of sup- purattoa Patleat profonadly septle. Washsd oqt chrts from abdomea aad ramored fetel sao of about twelfth week (rem amoaa tataattaea -and uneoBBcoted with tube, niote iB abdomen had become aatonr ad- !a aad had ersd, Be- COT- COT. ercd. Operated i Toroato Hospital Died. encysted by baakMaof - Fouad secoBdary rupture of a aupporatlBg seBrf-orgaalsed old ceto»te gtiteUsu dot Re- COT- ered. Eighth to tenth week. Abdo- men llllpd with blood, gru- Sa- OOT- arcd 3 Mn.II. MBoWM a Mn. P. 3jf • Mn.H. 3# lOMim. B Doetor. T.8. wan. n I a. Ubon. Me. 1 yim. H BMpttal lar. J.T. Fother- inftSuun t wmkt tokiM blood OUmt Mr* Ir •IVWM& Mkni with fMntnm*. Dootor found her IB MBil^laptrd coadiikw; colii pKrapiraUoB and ward oonplalDol of Irritaunir of rectom; 4uMu- ■too. Improved aodwHup Taken 111, aad dootor thiragbt hjraWri' oal. A«alB Im- prorcd, and then Motbrr attack wiMB I MW bar. ,|Tamiaroa p regwe. aiSTtMittoltMS!! bookadllL Ro vmptOBa of pmoaae). Out walklBKWiwn nd- denly ntaed with pain in abdomen. fWt faint and ttUTM IttOT^B fana(MM«ela(,Moi lijr Iwdftili iMiwtu At OBO* oooetaiM H wH raptnrpd utim-i •lOtlBMlvta. oidcd to wait ooviito of (■»■ to pnimf ■mt. but luddenlT took wom, aiid D. IT Mn. B. 6^0 )Mn.W M. WrI- W.J. rietob- He. IT » lar. T. Web- ■tar. two mat H bMMi to taim; aovlferaeMwA • Uttto wkttf la Jas- aaa.bMkMboM ■Ufciiii tofM to - M—iUU' Ttoi oa aad Umb waat 5 P>Aa . I I montbst : and then I beKan to , flow. Se»er recolar Am* flnt babr- •4ari. Menitniated in Jan- naiT and rM>ni- ary. MlMOd March and April. In May raipilar. but (mall quantitjr and Terr painfnl, and faint spells walUag or Ob Majr ti obwoB and eottouad aa- tU Juaa IT. WeU (oratawdaraaad ttaDoama on^o- Opmtad sss^ Heart beat hM«ttr with leMt excnlM orezoitemaM. SwellioK of limba and pains from knaas downward. Appaltta poor. Vtotoont daaira to urtnata. aad pain nttttcmt fait iSoSm tattal soma th inn. aapaciallir wban ridlnrbl Faimtal Some oiot Ro On namiBMloi feoad ricbi tub* mnall at ■to( )lMtMlalB J, MM teiat- «4. Ootte wall pra- TiOMfr. Tkte oe coirMatlr.*. l'»ln cune oo (addMi- I7 and iHMd two houn. VsiTMTm PWd aonManaek ■eblng aeroH bow- ela. OouM not baar clotheato touob bar after pain eeaaad. Pain oommenoed witb flow and In- craaaad each day. raintad. Ratchlog dnrinf time of pain. Oonttanad for two weaka before opera- ttOB. Intenaa pain about toar wena prertona to operation. Three week* preTiooa, ae- Tere palm, and oon- tinned for theee thr«e weeks. Pain Uka diaeoBif ort from •sMrlatadSTS — lotfT Hoa man fall of 1, , _ MMood. Tabaaoti bat bioad oooM ba I out by 1 tad; pncnaaer hadautoi brialad dialaad. P"gw» •« »i« »^S««>?^ «»»ltJ h«U o* blood. > •. ii...t. waahad out eaonaaaa elou from bahiad alam. fiba eoatalalnit tea or t mSi * ^ Baada cold raUJd, uxlout ap- pearuee of face. Polaeieta at wriat. Prtoordial unaaai- naaa lying on aide. On tamloir on baek dnfawea introat die- apoeared, ihowlaR oTIdenaa of flold ia Wrttoaaal cavi^. •Mac of tolaaaa b round large maa* tying in left broad Uinmaot. ned^oJt left tube aikt orarj, aad remored old eotoDks caatation. Sz- trmnely lumcult enuoleatloa. Rigbt lube and ovary louia- what Bzed and durlas exami- nation b<>gan to Uaed, tbere- _ fore removad tbem alio. BM»o»od^taaBd(OTaiy „ towMSMafSdRuum.*^"" I «f Doug' dot. *Mwd MM ia troat wTalanN «■ right Under aaeatbetic found maaa to toft side, and ooaetaded ntrauterlaa naney. Drew up ectopto tared to a aH under autfaee. but DO blood ia Re- er«d. Re- UMn. J n Mra. p. 40 Hn. MoT. Mn. C ^^ run. L ▼mo> J. Dwyar. ». W. • a Me- KeaM Ubon. No. Mot 1 BOMh Tkanwant 6we«ki. ter. J. F. W. Boa. A. tadto. MlMd. ««Bt6 Ohm 01 1 ■onth before mats waeki overtime. Hived 1 BiMrtblr on ud iMtod ewne oa ■ad ooa- tianed 8 week*. MiSKdt period. •ttaek of batMMlfinvMa- tkm. T«tjr««ak. jlaaelith- t^Mt ovary ata. In eraeied peristaltir ■etton at boweln noticed throuKh ■Un. XndeaToreil to gat up, but falBted three Vomited, of abdo- I Bot in- ereaned. Tempera tnreeleTatcdto99° « of Pnlwi When doctor mw Seeoad ope rat ion for cctoptegeettiioD. While in atora mddra wltti palD ■Bd Mptia Vtmxm ymktt forward b* ■Mi tbm ot mtaiA hmd. OMMd cBl- d»«M. ftaaU nil- (ol o( «loli la tin* at ' Hum found behind ate' roe, niliu aBl-de«ac of Douglia, nad ez- taading from (ight tolittiid*. 1401 Omf . Had toopea aMtaawto InestnwlioaetfMji. After dUBenit mwitpeUittoe of Ke- ilngan la eaMe-aa* ct Done- ooi tae. tateatlBiil •dbe«ionel ercd bnAcB down and Mood elot Urethra on „ tion rliowed or wowed ^Bjpne BMMia. nohad aarHv of mem tJSi. i ■helled ■ete a le ■Htattoa at ■d«aSial\SbaoaMt ■ •■■Mh«(«M,air Re- OOT- Two or three dajre af- ter abdooMn ewoUca, dnlneea on pereoe- ■ion on lide been ly- iaton. rurtatfaam could feel blood ekx breakdown. fOnad. Drained, ■eloplo geitation at outer end of tube on left aide, eighth or ttath itaek; iwaoved. Tnbe renoTod by chain oatgnt m- tare, hot thleellpped, then tied withellk. Peritoneum darken- ed. Inteetlnee corared with blood; pelTiB full of blood. Oranr not remofad. atthmich ■mair flbroid aajKtla on rarfaee. Clota " No drainage. geetatlea Mad out eetovio naidtr. Seooped out hand- fob a Hood idat. btaaHan dark-oolgtad. Waabcd oat Orataad. IMoBla ■ iila llL n on right ride Tnbe and oraiy canorad. tab paStM af Maad etol eeooped «at of perttoneai cav- ~T. Waabadontaaddralaad eetoptc^iMatloBaae eaal^ mt aai «Maaed .jRemored eetopio gtetatiaB of I right tube, * — { ovary behind. : ovary adherent and remored. . iEctopicnitatlonof aboutelgMh week fn left tube. Tube and I oTarv remoTTd. Aleo oyet of ■ OTery. third ter. Re- Re- cov- ered. Re- cov- ered. Re- cov- ered QMraliaa Toronto Ocnml im. OpnratloB laa B09I- Miitataak- Unmi 'nmn- lured. 36 BOH: acTono obbtation. jBlIn.J TV Mmm. Mn. L. U5 aoMn. C. as Hospital lenlce. as. U lIn.W, US'- Mrt.S. Hn. Hn. K. ■n. S. Dootor. O. Parker. G. Gor- don. A.Eadie W.F. Bryans. Mo. Menae*. Kot Mom. 1 week over period. Not miM- ed. Kot , DliM- ed. SooM attor bIhIbc Three MatiBC at HemorrluRe about two weeka pre- vioualy. Dootor thoufcbt a mlMsar- aad caret A tew daja past peri- od. 1 period. Imgolar OtkariVMVtoaia. Itautmated ooo' aadailkte at Itboaciil NipiOes looked du'k. Falntneia. Al- most died from tbia. Went from one talBt to an other. BeTatioD of temperature to israttarearrstte- In btanfcd brtaats. ■Ok la theai. Doctor found her al SUfhthaaNRhaKe. with cUed amais ooi- aMl fWat- Doator de- had but tkm oatfl my re In two tluee dajra. af- ter rallying, taken home. Fainted three or four times. Beads of penpiratloD on fawiaail PBlae 87 Cnunp-llke pains, pu- osjinml. luaa Middenl* with MlB while iB ohureh. Ckrried to • kooia Tak» in at noon pre- ▼ioin day witli «ad- daii;wm« pain in OIMM paekod high op, t uunwl i t < larged. Pawd muHl two and a half tneliM. ITtenu piwaed forward and latinetlT felt on out- UOM, OckMtru. ' oa ri«lst I Wf» toaTteg towa on table. Saline baneatb breai t i. Draiaaice. Aa Extrauterine pra«DaBer about •bdoalBal oMr, M eiota Two weeks after when I WW her, found maia nUIng pelTie, ■eal-OBCtaaat. Tern- to Utene puriied CsrwaML looked like contataied liz waeta fetus. Broke down adheetoaa of omentum, bled f reelr. When mass bunt Into, fluid and por- tions of old clot escaped. Fe- tus felt wltb flnger and with placenta remoTed. Blood gnabed out immediately piaeeate touched. Uterine arteries clamped preparatory to hyiterectomy. Portion of left ovary left behind. Hem- orrhaite from adhesion ter ribly profuse. AUnost died on Ubie. Necessary to pack with iraaae after toucnlng surface with iron, rressuie externally. Rectum paded and Taglna partially packed, ■otopk! na£stion and hirge mass ouuide of tuba. Hole in side of tube quite Ism. Be- mofedmaa. Bowel folded In over site of oU clot. 8ao flmly adbstent to omen torn and abdominal wall. On f rii^tful hemor^ase. ■ ■ latoeacD removed H e mui i h a a e continued jyrtBrigtoiiiiBal wall. toba raoMvad. Ataoat died Died Re- cov- ered, Re- cov- ered, Re- cov- ered. Removed ectopic geatatioa from right broad tta iieBt siae of cocoaaut. B^Eior- rhage coasldenhia. Keoaa- aarv to pack fai gause to con- trol. Snbcntaneoos Injec- tions under each breast. Omentum adherent in fi-».t. Pulled op and out fras.i' d fluid and dots. Point of het i orrfaage difficult to find. Ri-- movsd tubO'Ovarian cyst on one sMe. Blood ooaiog droi> by drop from small spot when tube eaters uterine wall. Con-; gested appearaaee of vestelil indfciated voy early ectoplci >estalk», Interstitial and of a few days' duration. Salines injected, arms and leas ban- daged, foot of *«ble elevated everything to sustain life; almost coDay ied aa tabla. Ra- Re- cov- ered. Died same af- ter' noon ation St-Hi- ehasll 98 Mmm. Mn. L n lIn.P.n 5 n.a ■wtttt. R> C uninth. aRMn-R Mn. J.L. 41 A. EmUc [t*. B. Mn. L. Mn. E. Mn. T. Daator. Lirimn No. W. J. Fletch- er. DO A. Eadle, W,B. Waltera. T. Noble A. Eadle. O.H. Oanetb. MHn. R ■OD. Only m lied 7 ITOI. 4 year aco ninad 4 Not mlw- ed. Not tnlw- cd. Begu- lar. Nota anw^ aaaaaal InNovaflBber. oo.i «.••«•*••«• OtiMri CtaraMoo of, trai- peratare after aec- ond attack. 102°. Pale Upa, quite pal- lid whan 1 law nar atBlgM. Poor health for aome tlaa. aaaaayaan tiOB JoitlaK IB r- - to honMal brouffht on tamam- maUon. Bore aod dMndad. Etora- tloB of tampeia- BentowWtilde.. on and laated Umr dayi looKtr tbanaaoaL No aymptoiDa of praRnaocy. Bath- ed la ooM pargta- Tboo^t Bhe r waa pregnant. Coo- ilderablylB dia- tended. Hoi aymptoma; of In Auguat awnatru ated; In Septem berbutTety, very little; October very aHghUy. Soine ptecca of deoMva bttd eosie •way. Takes B ^ Tfamrwttk open bed 1 period .. Some... . i montha aso mil* M 10 day*. Beiian to Uaad and contiattad four weeks. Seelor aaya be saw pla c-nta and that abe hadanriaewrrtaira. No bnaat aiatp- tonu. Very weak and ptoalrated. Manand to dnw hanaR sjprtain •Bd Ue down. Thraa mootha ago bad atekneaa at atooaob, paln. Prarioaaly oparat- adoBlnrdvaywn hafwaCar omHm TkiM ■Maoka of m- iBdateitapaiM... One tUcbt atUok of MiD wban eraeuat- in( bowels. Three week! after, aerere attack of paiD while lying In bed. Serar* pata la abdo- 8udd«i, tennv*'-' In abdomn what walk- lnKoaafaaat.^1^ iioca. A mk before had behind utama, and latiiaed blood dot poured uot br mptwwd ectopic fwmd first AdTiiad watUaf weeks. Than found enlargad ■Ue. to Large blood okXbaUad a ^— Gaatatloa lao in tntaaaettlag np to left oa top o( dot, about twelfth V 'n, fror^ tea dara' to two waaha'dBca. tloo, in left tube, with ovary. Abdoma* blood, waahedout. Abdominal caTlfrr full of Uood. Ectopic geatation aac under folda of omaotnm and run- alov up to aumnnded ntllo- ptantube. Removed thia and « jile doing ao tore olT tube. BMBoead tube and orair. niaa Mood poured out. alao ■aatattaaae bMt aide about nwaaaadahalfmontha Por- UmtoiMtoaarrlaft Waahad oat Md draiaad. aaltee In- JaMad ~ thhkaaaa of Oagar, ^-iaalr. Miofbtood. - — vie gaatatioa of foor or tre wii ft IB rigkt tuba, ta- moved with tube behMTMMkI miiiiilu ■* '* rupture Into ered wRhBa- Re- Rc- OOT- Ra- COT- aiad. Unim- tured. Ra- eoT- Re- cov- Re- Ra- OOT- llamatliyi OomUAI. FBHOIAirOT nn.B.» Doctor. Dr. Mo- No. • 5rrf, Monna, Not Om mlioatrlaitr. MeoitruMed J air 1. ISM, beosnui ttl. Mb Soptcmber M, IM. La«t goao- tlt7 of btoodoM WMk< TbMC#MMl ted of Btptviubor* a ■wollluf, riM of iMTRComn, to be frit Ic right iliac TofcloD. Doctor In ooMtant attond- •occ (or bearlDE- dowD paiu. In bed two moBtba. Larga witli ohUd whan aba got up. LegaawcUad. Felt Ijagai lite In left aide. Bicaata luve and bot. Felt life be- fora Ob rlatmaa Op«ied the porterior enl-d e me tiiroag^ tiie vftgiiui and re- moved a small pailful of dots. These clots were in different stages of dflcompoHition. It wm found to be impowibhi to cte- Ihrer Am fetas, aad, as a oanacywea, I was faread to opea tito abdomen. After the abdomen was opened I was able to remove the fetus, about five and <»e-half months, and hastily ekiee the «^)eaiBt aad padt fta aai^ af liw h e mato e de with gaaaa. The polaa had now reached 140. Tba patient did not stand operation well. Oave a very unfavoraUa progWHis and left for home. She died within a week. There was not much hope of reoovaiy in this case, owing to the profoundly septic condition of the pa- tient, and she died from this prolonged sepsis and not as the re- sult of operati«ntk» should ba done without ddajr. I think that this is v«7 sound advise. Any attempt to destroy the fetus by medicines or the elartria current is to be candeainad. Ifany instaneea in whieh tUa haa been attempted have resulted fatally. After the death of tito child growth of the placenta may c(mtinne. I had one such case in which the woman bled throiq^ the drainaga toba for a period PrtTtoorty brM III off aad oa tor two or t^roo wMks. Dootor n^Mtod drilTtry of DIoohaixe of blood from vairtM nsdw enmlnatiaii. wtth clots aad d«bri(Uk« plawnta ordaddoa. Ooaalaa* pala. Es- taraal iialjMlaa nm fotal nrtllb round ateraaliMtk all ualoolUa* rmporltnaaal fat yww abuB' daat. Opaaed parltooauai aad atomod all Ueodtat points, nrai adhaslons to- ward pub«s In froat, blad freoly. On prssatag abe*e, Ihild gnahad out Bao waU iMlBiad. Uqaor aauitt la ■MliilaalcaTlty. Petua fall Mar* icmoTsd. Faalaasd taa to abdominal wall. Cord dmwa out. Dratead oavl^. Flaoaata Tnitiiiiiilia nfttoMgr. A piaee of idaoe^ nIdM wi tttwo ^eodsaei fra^ quently grave hemorrhage for two or three months after mis- carriage, and yet the placenta does not increase in sise or grow, aad when removed it looks organized, but not pitei^ aadi doaa not give rise to the idea that it is active. I presume the same iModitiaii may exist within the abdomen after what correspond to a partial miscarriage is eiEaeied Jhgr means of operative intav forenoe and the fetos has been removed. One thing is certain, that surgical interference in the fourth and succeeding months when the fetus is alive, is extremely dangerous, and surgical ift- terfuaaee in the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh months is man dangBfoas ttaa it ia towaxd the end of gestation; aad that toiv gical interference at any time before the death of the child ii muidt more dangwons than it is after the death of the ehild. Fidt 2^ a/tsr D«ath of CkOd.— There is danger to say wo- man who carries an encysted fetus. Abscess may form at any tine and the fetal parts may be extruded tiirough the vagina, titroiq^ Ite reetom, or thnmi^ the Uadto. But soeb a «^ dition need not be incompatible with « klig wmiA H£a^ pt^ vided that no abaoeaa forma. I aaw a Ufltopediai removed by Prof. BUlrt^, when I was • s Indent in Vienna, that had been carried in the abdominal cavity forannmbnrof yeara. The patient died aa a resalt of the oper- ation. fitetedBOtbecBgn^maaBT«^aBaedhyhtt«aHittkgi ■ad I him alwagm felt that it would have been better to have let Treatment of Placenta.— In the caae on which I operated the plaeenta was left in litu. The opening into the wall of the aae wm ftMlmed to the abdomiinal opening and a Fergnaon'a apeeu- Inm waa paaaed in to act as a drainage tube. SjrmptooM of aapiia developed and irrigation of the sac waa carried out at frequaat intervals. The plaeenta came away pieeemeaL The sae ftMiBj doaed and the patient made » food XMOfveiT* tbon^ tt« valescence was tedious. Tait considered that the umbilical cord should be divided doae to its placental origin, that the plaeenta should be emptied, as far as possible, of blood, and that after waibfaiff and oleantng fte - aac it should be hermetically sealed by closing tha opening into it with atitdiea; and, further, that if aymptoma of aeptieemia ariae the aae ahoold be reopened and drained. Ha bad, howevei, treated three cases in a manner similar to that adopted by myself. Thegr all aarvived, but only after g«Mng throogh a proeeas of of- ftnaive aupp uratio u tliat hwted far Moatiw mH ft«t nearly kfflad them all. Theoretically, the method of closing the ne ought to give good reaulta, but in practice I am afraid anbsequent sup- poratkn wBl b» foottd to e«Bttr. And now, gentlemen, allow me to thank you for your patient hearing. This evening's address has given you the result of part of nqr^Bwoik. BMOrda hafv» bean earefolfy kept for tUa pmw pose and I cannot, in my lifetime, reduplicate them. Lawsott Tait, my brilliant and much-admired master, has already jMuaed into great bqrond, but not before he had instilled into me, and into others who had the benefit of his teaching, the habit of keeping accurate records of cases requiring abdominal operationa. To tibis habit you owe the preaentatim oi thaae eaaea and tbe ka- aons to be drawn from them. I feel that I have been greatly hmuaad by your AMoetaHo i i ud will atways eury witt me a pleaaaat raoo&etkm