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Un dee symboles suivants apparaitra sur la darniAre image de cheque microfiche, selon te cas: le symbols -^»> signifie "A SUIVRE". le symbole ▼ signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, ate, may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent etre filmis A des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour fttre raproduit en un seul clichi. ii est filmi i partir de I'angia supArieur gauche, de gauche ^ droite. et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Las diagrammas suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 TF' H O. H. M. S. LABORATORY INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CANADA. BTJLLETIISr It^o. 187 DISTILLED LIQUORS, QUEBEC. 6494—1 PM" LABORATORY or THB INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CANADA. WF BULLETIN No. 187. DISTILLED LIQUORS, QUEBEC. xu 1 r. „ Ottawa, September 16, 1909. W. J. Gbbald, Em., Deputy Minuter of Inluid Revenue. Sir,— I have the honour to submit a report upon cerUin samples of distilled liquors collected m the Province of Quebec, during April and May of this year. This collection consisU of 40 samples purchased as Whiskey, 40 samples purchased as Gin. and 20 samples purchased as Brandy, a total of 100 samples. The inspection was made in consequence of a rumour to the effect that much spunous liquor was offered for sale in the province named. Instructions were given to procure samples at bar-rooms, and in such places as might be expected to famish liquors of the lowest grades. t u-^' " ""^ satisfactory to not« that none of the samples obtained give any evidence of being made, in whole or in part, from methylated spirit, or from wood alcohol : nor has .JiedisK>lved matter (See column headed " Extract") been found to contain anything of sji oojeclionable kind. Indeed, with the exception of 8 samplen, the whukiM may be dwrnbed as containing only negligible amounts of dissolved matters ; and may be cor -> • . merely diluted alcohol. The dilution is in many cases carried to an ex . ' two (2) samples are within 2.5 per cent of proof strength ; and if we «• •- die legal validity of the limit for dilution of whiskey which obtains in Oret *ir, 95 per cent of these whiskies would have to be declared adulterated by addition ,,f water. More than 30 per cent of the whiskey samples fall short of contain- ing hall the alcohol strength known as proof. There can be no doubt that this con- stitutes a real fraud, and calls for legal redress. It will be noted that several vendors announced to our inspectors the fact of having added water to the whiskey they sold The Sale of Foods and Drugs Amendment Act of 1879 (Great Britain) permits the sale of gin at a minimum strength of thirty-five degrees under proof. Twelve (12) samples, out of forty (40) examined fall below this standard of spirit strength. None of the samples of gin reach proof strength, although two samples approximate it The samples sold as Brandy are with two exceptions up to the minimum spirit strength required by the British Standard. The absence of any legal standards for spiriU in Canada makes it impossible to pronounce upon the character of the samples now reported further than to say that they contain no methyl alcohol, and no substances that can be described as poisonous. I beg to recommend the publicatiim of this report as Bulletin Na 187. I have the honour to be, sir. Your obedient servant, 6494—4 A. McGILL, ChUf AntUgtt. BULLETIN No. IfT— Ukteof 'Naturruf' CollMtion. S*»niiil<-. , A* I 9 Niiine »ii'l Adi1iT»« iif Vi'iiiliir. C'o^T. Naiuraml Aililrra iif the Maniifoc' titrvr t>r Kuriiinlier, liM given Ity the Wminr. 1 <> tnHiiecti-r i K»i>»»Pt. (It not an »-x- prefuiiou <■* uiiininn ) DISTKUT OF IH'KBKC iwa. April 13. . . . Whiskey „ 13... . IS . , 13 . ■ . 13.. . 13.. . 13.. . 13.. • „ 13. • n 13. . 1 „ 3(iH43Cli' Rue I '•■ de 1» CiHirunne. , 30851|W. Uenimin, 4.V>RueSt. 1 .. Valier. 3 . 70 . 80 Uiitobe.,. . COT. B. E. Letellier, \Vhi«key (^ueliec T. I.M)roit ft FiU.! OueVx*. N. Rioiix ft CI. \Vhi«key (Jtleliec. «er.' Whitead ft Turner, Whinkey CJiiebec. I ker." Jnaepli Kalardrsii,| ' Wi- 'Wi Par- . 70 . 70 Unknown Whiskey ' 'Blanc' •Wi- UISTRICT OF ST. HYACINTHE- Aprilin.. . ao.. n 26. . . 28. . H 29.. „ 29.. May 5. . 6. . 6. H 6. Whiskey . 1067 C K. Birtc, Dnmimond- 1 qt ville. 1068.1anie« Mctiuin', Farn 1 .. ham. 1069I.T. Lalaniie, St. Hilaire 1 ,i i Sta. i 1070JA. Petit, R&xton Falls .11 .. 1071 Courti.iH ft L'Allier, Ar-;1 .. thabaaknville. ' 1072 I'. Mahmi, Victoriaville. 1 .. 1073 J. H. McDonnell, Sher- 3 I bnN»ke. 11)74 W. JamieHou, Lennox- 3 „ I ville 1076 F. J. Southwixid, Sher- 1 qt. brooke. lore! Hall ft Nettletoii, Rock 1 qt. I Inland. 7oIr. O. Brodeur, StlWhinkey 'Tel- '' HyaMjinthe. I lier.' 60iMcMananiyftCo.,'Whi»key'BUnc. SlierbnioKe. i 70'Lac«ille, (iendruni I ftCie, Montreal.! TOJHiidon ft Orwli, li oud e r h am i Montreal. i whii-key. 0O|McMananiy ft Co.,i j Sherbrixike. i 68iH. H. ( iuay, Vic- Gooderhani biriaville. flaiikii 1 ISMcManamvftCo. j SlierbruoKK 1 IS'Unknown whiskey. Whiskey 'Tel Her.' 1 lS|McManainyftC<>., ■ j .Sherbr«>ke. 1 oo! Rye. DISTILLED LIQUORS. KENI'I.Th tir ANAI.YM". Aleohol, iwni'ntaft*, KxMuination fur Methyl AWoliiil. § Refraction, «4 s 1 1 ■i w 1 Renurkii, uid '" of tlM nalyit. Opinion of tlM Chief Analj K. BELAMi, IXSI'KCTOK. II 'XAH\ iy• 90 ; 64 77-. 63 ; 67-: 74- 80- 76.; 83 I »R» ; c. P.C. 60 -0 1 48 + 1-76 60 + 0-2 86 -0 16 20 00 80 -OS 10 + 1 90 -0 1 00 + 02 30 +0 1 p. c. I 0014 oil 0191 O-lW IW 009 010 0-010 012 0009 30H43| Briow British (trad < Ard Htrength. 30M4| 36845; 3«846| 368471 I 3UH49I 368601 36e6ll ama] .1. C. ROULEAU, INSPECTOR. 09601 24-80 SO 16 62-86 -2214 09661 30 78 70 30 70-10 + 02 0021 1067 Below British stud- II953S 33 22 39 86 68 84 - 5 16 0-W72 36-90 77 00 76 90 + 1 0009 »rd strepgth. 1068 „ ,. 96.-)2 26 09 30 61 63-46 -2164 09869 SO-50 69 70 60 70 00 0010 1069 9r<» 31-81 38 25 6706 - 7 95 09436 38-44 79-30 79 65 -0 15 018 1070 09616 S5-79 SI S2 64 88 -20 12 0-9614 27 64 64-80 64 90 -0-1 0-009 1071; 09fi4» 26 13 31 72 56 89 -19-41 09801 29 13 67 20 67 40 -02 0049 1072! O!»750 17 75 21 79 38 18 -36-82 0-9784 16 92 44 80 44 40 +04 0012 1073 " n 09661 2»-r7 30 13 52-80 -22 09629 26 60 62 80 63 00 - J2 0007 1074 M II . , M85 9556 36 39 43 31-941 38 38 40 76 02 67 30 + 1 02 -7-70 09330 09393 43 24 40 16 84 60 84-80 81-60 81-66 +0 1 -006 0247 0086 1076 1076 Up to stsadaid strength inaloohol Below British staad- ard strength. T'^ BULLETIN No. 187— ill Dkta<>( ColUetUm. IMO. April SO . 90.. 90. . 91.. 91.. 91.. 97. 27. 27. M«y 3. NMiwof Sample. I d Z Nun* SBd Addr of VeiKlor. Cow. Nuiin Mul Addrfw of Muiufkc- turar or Kumi«h«r, M vivcn l>y th« Vmdor. Inipactor'a R»|wrt. (!• out ui »«■ lirrMiuii u( Opinion). DISTRICT OK MONTREAL - VVhiaker ; MOSl 40082 40QSS «X»4 MOSS 400SS 40037 40038 40030 40040 Loui> Lamourtjuic, ISO Coniniiwionen Street, Montrnl. J. B. Petclli, 19 PUtse Youville, Montrml. T. H. LiiRanni^ie, 11 Common Ht., Montrl Al|>b. CMmio, 32 St. M*unoeSt., MontrMl. (iruTRD .Simmrd. 964 »t. Junw Ht., Montrral. D. Oauthii-r, 12S Com- miHionen Ht., Mon- trral. Joseph Valiqoetto, 127 CommiMtonrn Street, Montreal. Seh<>tagne k Theoret, 6S CommiMioD«r« Ht., Montreal. A. Robert, 93 St. Paul St.. Montreal. A. Roncai«,49CraigSt. Montreal. Iqt... • 0. 86' 35 . 00 U Chaput Fill k Co. 000 0S6 OSO ...040 040 40 045 DISTRICT OF OTTAWA- Mar. 16 . " 17... 17.. 17.. 17... 19.. 19.. 19.. 19 . 19.. Whiskey 22971 22972 22973 22974 22975 22976 22977 22978 22979 O. Gauthier, Hull 1 qt. J. Fuumier, Hull F. A. (Jauthier, Hull... M. J. Laverdit!^, Hull. Mn. A. Delonne, Ayl- mer, P.Q. i U. h. Brule, Buckinffj ham. '. J. Blaii, Buckingham. .! T. Senecal, Buckingham Wm.Cam|>bell, Bucking- ham. I D. Bourgon, Bucking-j ham. I 00 Unknown . . 70Ottawa Wine ; Vaults, OtUwa. 70 Unknown 70 Rye, added water Proof, added water. Proof, added water. Rye Proof. Rye .. I Proof.. .0 70'Major Bros., ' Ottawa. . . . 8&:U. Duval, Bucking hain. .090 75 .jo 90 ...{0 OOTourangeau ft Whukey Blanc . Champagne, ; Montreal. Major Bros., Rye .. Ottawa. Unknown Proof. DISTILLED LiqUOKS. t RnciTC or AliAiTMa. Aloohui, perwnuff'' I I ExMnimtion for Mi>th]rl AlouhoL * I Rvlraotioa. Ai Rauwrki, mkI OpiBioa ut th* ChM AnUjrM. .T. J. DOSTIOAN, IN^PKl . OR 9A 33-34 78 40 73 85 +005 010 40088 M M . . 96R7 S3 85 37-86 48-S3-36 18 9614 27 64 64-80 64-90 -0 10 018 40093 M 9649 S5S0 30 98 54 30-80 70 09S8S 45-41 86 70 86 86 16 013 40034 09877 S8 93 36 13 63SD-U-70 0-9436 87 94 79 30 79-06 +0 15 010 40035 *• M • . 097M 19-93 34-38 43-73 -38-37 097<17 30-75 63 00 89 00 -0 00 0015 40036 970S 31 46 S6-S3 45 98 -39 05 09639 83-94 73 80 73 00 -0 90 0071 40037 II It , . 09700 31-46 36-33 45 96 -89-05 09884 39 60 6800 68 28 -0 38 0015 40098 9633 36 33 31 96 56 00 -19 00 093S7 41-45 83 30 83 80 + 0-40 0011 400- '1 M It . . 9691 23 54 r-40 48 18 -96 82 09438 37 94 79 90 79 08 +0 15 0016 40 .. .1. A. RICKEY, INSPECTOR. 9638 9657 9660 95n I 96361 9492 96061 9781 9668 29-73 39-00 33-78 3113 37 98 33 9620 35-60 38-87 30 89 33 93 28 37 63-90 69 40 38 88 38'83{ 68 93 37 66-80 66 86 74-49 61 16 65 31 51 06' 60-16 100 600 06 300 740 5l'o 840 790 95 840 9686 9386 9368 9394 9407 933B 9460 9467 9677 9667 33-38 40 80 81 41 55 40 10 39 46180 88 43-33 36 86 36 73 30 06 31-19 30 K. '.0 80; 81-88 OO; 83 90 50 81-60 60: 80 SO I 70! 84-60 so! n-ss 80- 77-70 00; 69 06 40 70 601 +0-30, 0-182 -005 +0-10 -0 10 -0-90 +0-10< —0 06 +0 10 -0-50 -0 20 631 760 338 600 386 017 176 010 008 83971 23973 23973 22974 23976 33976 82977 22078 83979 22980 Below Britiih sUod ard strength. Vp to atandBrd ■tremrthinaloohol Below Britishatand ard atiength. BULLETIN No. 187— Date of • 'ollection. r.wT. 1 1 Xaine and AddresM In8pecU>r'ti Keiort. Nature of Name and .^d4 A. BcrK.ron, ISl Riic DurrheMtfr, t>ueli»'c . . . ' .t5" A. Larue, S4 Rue MV1 I'. Allaire, l.-.I!ue Notre Dame des An gen, Queltec. .■«W(il .\. Bedanl, (!2 Hue de la Couronne. (Quebec. »iW>2 .1. (ienest, 2Cifi Rue De«- fosen, l^ueltec 1 qt . 1 .. 1 .. 1 .. I .. 1 .. 1 .. ,1 .. KO L. T. B. Letellier, Quebec. '0 !¥) T. B. K. Letellier, I t^ueltec. HtlU. Turcotte & Cie, I Queliec. wMyrand ft I'oullot, j *^ueli*H-. 7ii!T. .Savard, tjueliec. 7.">'S. A. Clark, Mon- treal. 10 tC);T. K. E. I.<.telller, 1 ! QuelxH:. f\ no LauKloisft Tarailis, t^uebec. ; KG A.Touiwaint&Cie, Queliec. 80T. B. K. I*tellier, 'iueliec. ■)!•: Iiril 21 . .. 23. .. 23. ., 28. May n 11. lit 19. I07^ A. r. I'outre, 8t. .lean. . 1 liot li'Z'.t S. I'age, ( ;ranby 1 qt 1080 A. BouMiiiet, Ablx.tK. 1 .. ford. KWI I'. Cordeau, Upton 1 .. . 1082 H. Venilleux, Slur- 1 Uit bnH»ke. 1083 A. E. Cooper, Slior 1 rte, Martin ftj <, ' Co., Montreal, i . I 0") F. X. S»t. Charlenl ft Cie, .Montreal. I . 1 OOT. Berpr, Upton Melchers. . 1 10Unkn<-i .0 7.tJ. a. (iauthier ft De Kuyiier's. Cie, Sherbr»»)ke. . I (XI Unknown lO . 60 C. Ijilielle ft Cie, 1 1 Sorel. .;0 85i Melcher'n . De Kuyper. , hihHi DISTILLED LIQUORS. Krmi LT8 OF AKAI.T8IM. .\lcohol, iiercentagc. Variation from 85 % Spirit Strength. Examination fur Methyl .VIcoliol. Extract grams |ier 100 c.c. No. of Sample. Remarks, and >> 1 1 ■A 1 Volunio. Proof Spirit. >> Alcohol, [i.e. Refraction. i , J 11 Opinion of th(! Chief Analyft. K. BKLAXl), INSPECTOR. p. c. p. c I p. c. p. C. 1 '.l.'«Wi 4110 4S-54' K5 1)0 f 200«!0!)2!» lU4ii ,t7 II 9447 II !l3!t2 II !M<.I4 !I4TS 011472 11 tMm; :364 9381 9244 9428 9336 9311 70 9293 36 0-9;<10 280-9287 !>. e 44 68 p. G. p. C, 86001 85 90 KJ-TiO 83 82 40 82 18 88-20 87 33| 79 45^ 79 i 00 84 40 84 71> 84 10, 84 •x; 86 30 m 15 18' 85-r« 8.%-45 25: 86 50 86 401 p. c. ; p. C. +0 10 0026 +010 f»23 + 20 014! + 25 Oil 000! 0()23 + 015 0017 + 10^ 1)25. 36853 + 15 025 36860 rO 05 + 010 3 .11 85 15 + 0-05; oil 1081) 11-9320 43 90 61-53 90 30+25 300 9298 44 861 86-21) 86 10 +010 059, 1081 II 9475 35 6^ 42 46 74 39+ » 390 • 9429 38 28| 79 60 79 48 + 015 0033! ) 1082 9242 25 86 3140 .•)5 03- 9-970 93.52 32 76 72-80 72 75 1 05 269, 1083 II1I223 48 14 55 93 08 01: +33-010 9089 54 115 93 20 93 00 + 0-20 &^ 1084 '1-9478 35 66 42-66 74 89 + 9 50i0 9406 39 50 80 90 80 80 +o-io| 0W2 1086 11-9605 28 44 3440 60-28|- 4-72:0 9.531 1 33 81 72 70 72 80 -*y 10 016 1086 9217 46 91 53 62 93 98j+28 98!o 9161 61 S3 91 -60 91 28 +026; 0024 1087 10 Dftteof Collection. Nature of Sample. Cost. Name and AddreM of Vendor. I I BULLETIN No. 187— Name and AddreM of the Manufac- turer or Fumiaher, a* eiven by tke Vendor. Inapeotor'i Report. (I* not an ex- preaiion of opinion. ) DISTRICT OF MONTREAL - 1909. April 20. 20. 20. 21. 21. 21. 27. May .-». 3. 3. <>in 40041 Loiiia Lamoureux, 129 I Commiiuioners St, I Montreal. 40042;J. B. Petelli, W Rue Youville, Montreal. 40(M3.T. H. Lannniere, U Common St.,Muntrfal 40044 Alph. Caagrain, 32 St. Maurice St., Montreal. 4004&Geo. Simard, 9.54 St. Jame« St., Montreal. 40046. D. Gauthier, 125 ijom- i miiwionera St., Mont- I real. j 40047-)o«eph Valiquette, 127 ! CummissionerH St., Montreal. 40048iP. Vandelac * Co., 33 I Jaocjues Cartier St., Montreal. 40M9|L. Bachaud, 209St. Paul I St., Montreal. 40050 A. Langloii, 82 Bern St., >Ii)ntreal. Iqt 1 M 1 M t » 1 ., 1 M 1 ,. I » 1 M 1 M t c ..OSS .060 .0 70 . 60 66! .'o75| F. X. St. Charle* 70i. 70j. osoj 70 DISTRICT OF OTT.\WA- ^:. Mar. 16.. 16 . 22.. 22. 26.. 26.. 26.. 26.. 27.. 27.. (iin 229811 A. C. Latour, Hull 1 qt 229821 D. Charron, Hull 1 „ 22983 T. A. .Tames, Shawville.ll ., I 22964'C. Caldwell. Shawvilie. . 1 „ 22985 N. Tellier, Hull I „ 22986 S. Desroarai., Hull 1 „ i D. (Jra.elle, Hull. .. jl „ Cliaa. O'Connor, Hul>...|l „ 229«9 J. F. Kennedy, Quyon..|l „ 22990 .Tames McCann, Quyon. 1 ,. 22988 90Ottbwa Wine' Red Cro«i;added Vault*, Ottawa, water. 56 Melchen,Berthier- ville. 1 00 Chaput Fils k Cie, I Montreal. 1 00, Unknown Red Croea 90 Melcherx.Berthier- ville. 80 fnknnwn 86 P. J. Major, Ltd., Ottawa. 75 90 Chaput Fil« ft Co , Montreal. I 1 W P. .1. iUjor, Ltd., Red Ciom . . Ottawa. I n DISTILLED LIQUORS. RbhULTA 0/ A.NALTSIS. Alouhol, percentage. ^s Exuninittion for Methyl Aloohol. % qJ3 I Remarks, and Opinion of the Chief Analyst. 1 9 9 ■3 ■i 'i if P R-frKt-'.n. q 1 -J 4 "3 I % i\H n f > ft. >^- < W fr- 1 c * w" V; J. J. CO.STIGAN, INSPECTOR. 28 31 9499 9606 9601 9SAS 9e98i 28 97001 21 9541; 2H 9608 27 96131 27 I 9468, 36 p. c, 41-32! p. 0. 72 41 58 i 43 19; 75 p. c. j + 7-41'0 - PMO - 5-47'0 + 1 980 - 4 340 -10 5SjO j - SHO I - 6180 ! - 6-47 +10 700 9492 p. c. 34 90 p. c. 75 90 p. c. 75-75 p. c. +0 15 p. c. 0088 40041 9535 32 66 72 60 ra-50 +0-10 Oil 40042 9635 32 56 72 50 72 50 none. Oil 40043 9481 36-45 76 40 70 40 00 019 40044 9607 34-Ui 7470 74 75 -0 06 010 40045 9607 21 54 66 80 65 30 000 0026 40046 9647 31 81 71 30 71-40 -0 10 0080 40047 9606 28 06 OS-iW 65 60 -0 10 0014 4)1048 9446 87 33 78 60 78-40 + 20 015 40049 9289 45 14 M30 86-80 000 0034 40060 .». A. RICKEV, INSPECTOR. 9442 37 94 46 IC 79 04 + 14-04 9386 41 60 83 00 82 86 +0 16 0269 22981 09286 44 86 62 53 92 06 + 27 06 9016 57 42 95 10 94 90 +0 20 010 22982 96T6 29 53 3S-66 62 49 -2 61 09494 34 81 75 40 75 60 —0 20 047 22983 9829 43 71 61 32 89 95 f 24 95 9290 46 09 86 40 86 25 +0 15 0063 22984 9327 43 43 51 02 89 41 +24-41 0-9886 48 00 84 60 84 26 40-25 036 22985 09599 29 33 35-43 62 09 -2-91 09609 34 10 74 70 74 60 + 10 469 22986 (1 9547 31 75 38 18 66 93 + 1 93 09572 SO 33 69 50 69 40 + 10 129 22987 ■) 9598 29 33 35-43 62 09 - 2 91 09546 3, 87 71 40 71 60 -0 10 347 22988 9487 36 40 42 29 74 10 + » 10 9565 80 72 69 80 70 00 —0 20 026(1 22989 li<)341 42 14 49-66 87 02 +22 02 09279 46 69 86 90 86 70 + 2 021 22990 1-' BULLETIN Xo. 187— Dateuf Collecticn. Natiirv ' Saniplp Cost. 3 Xaiiif ini»l Ad In :«s uf V.ii.|,.r. i I I s Naint' anti AtKlrcMA; (if the Maniifac- turtr or Fuminher, an (fiven by th>- Vendor. Iim>«:tor'» Rf[iorr. (Is iiiit an Kx- pretwion of opinion). OlSTHICT OF QLKHEC- 1009. .\|iril 15... .. 15.. .. 15 . ., 15 . .. 15. Brandy 3tW6H .Vhilumw Matlii.ii, l.Wliit. KlH' ill' I'cillt. l/iiilifl-. .•S«; Charlc VVzina. »ii 1!,,^ | .. D«"*fi»M *. ' >i|'-lnr. S c. 1 "31 K. Savard, '.iutlxK!. Unknown . 1 2u I 2«iT. Ledroit & Kil», 1 20.\.Toii»sainttCie, 1 ilJ I'nknown DISTRICT OF ST. HYACIXTHK- .\pril „ 'JS. . . .May 5 .. „ 10 .. . Urandy. ItWili;. .\. Uivard, Karnhain I qt 1090 H. t'arti. St. .Iiilin... 1 ,. liWl W. I^n^lciB, .\ctKui.s.-«'aii, K.SIii-r- 1 .. , l.t.Hlkr. KKW l>. l)M|.iii«, St. .liwf|ihdo 1 .. I St. Hvaciiitlie. ;i tOFkiivin, Wdnon &| ] Co., Muntrpal. !. I 00 Unknown 1 I 2n.\. K. .Malletle * Co., Montreal. HennesM-y 1 15 C'nknown I Pelliftflon . I 25 Founiier & Four- ' nier. .St. Hy'cty. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL- .Vpril 27 . . . Urandy .. 27 .May 3.,..! .. .. 3....| ., 3....; ., I 40051 .Schetiigne & Thwiri-t, (lo'l ((t Cciiiinisrttont'rM Stret-t, Montrfal. 4ll N. Xwl, Ayhiier,P.g.. .|l „ ; 22093 A. Maisonneine, Buck-!l .. I ingham. J . ; 22904 L. St. Pierre, Hull 1 „ i I i 22JI0.5.M. Dnyle, (juyon 1 „ I 40 H. N. Bate ft Son, ! Ottawa. 1 40 a. J, Major, Ltd., 1 ! Ottawa. 1 250ttawa Wine I ; Vaults Ottawa. 1 40L. H. Major, Ottawa. 1. 50 Ottawa Wine I Vaultn, Ottawa. 13 DISTILLED LIQL'ORS. Kksiltw or Analysis. Alcht.! , percentage. 0-. Kxamiimtioii fi)r Methyl Altt'lml. t- >» " ^ W It Refraction. « x e F ^$ - I 1 k .^ ^ Variati S|.irit 1 X i < i i ! II 1 M Kemarkn, and Opininn of the Chief AnalvKt. § i V. v.. llEFvAND, IXSl'KCTOK. |>. C. p. C. p. C. ! p. c. 1 !«» 43 2» no 87 «9 16i + M15 '.«.-)!» 38 tti 45 22 70 25+ 4 25 itr>34 Xl lU 40 C7i 7127 - 3 7a'o r)34 3!t 75 47 08 82 60 ( !t:V)2! 43 701 51-38 WOT '■ j )i. c. I p. c. p. c. p. C-. p. C. I «I72 5!l ») »li OO' !)5 85 +0 15 73o' *««;< ItlOll 53 5' !>2 !X> 92 70 -0 20 5!I7| »i8ri4| it458 30 67 ;: 80 77 70 ■ 10 43 (10+15 (WO 9359 41 85 83 20 83 20 II !l378i 44 36' 52 01 91 1 1 +16 14' 9382; 45 4(! 86 FO 86 CO 9157! 5[ 08 91 2(» 91 10 f !I3«5 41 55 82 80 82 90 I ' '■ 1 11260 16 46 87 60 87»»: l> !)195| So 39 ('■Srail 35-20 ti 9431 38 89 58 23! 102 (15 ^27 (150 1 42 (Nr 73-72I- 1-280 I 46141 80-8CI+ 5-860 { 0(10; (l-r4i5 1089 i i I t0 2(>, \m\\ loiNi 1 I ■ lOi 344j 1091 -0 10' 620 1092 I 00 223 1093 .1. J. COSTCGAN, INSPKCTOR. 11 952I, 34-67 l> (I"i04' 37-89 I' '.1449I 38 39 41-4 +21 370-9WIO "« 05 •« 2o' 95 20 IMIC 491 400561 •1. A. RICKEY, IXSl'KCrrOR. II !>2ir, 4509 52 77 92" (8 ,17-480 9181 5004 !I0 CO II 9138 I' !i:«9 )« &5 40 97 82 31 + 7 31 (» 9316 48 90 85 20 43 43 .-a ()•.> 89 4l' +14 410 9119, 5.-, ((9 92 60 90-3( 85 16 +0 20 + 005 '(2 30 4 20 !I290: 40 86 54 62 95 71 +20 71 I' '.1162 50 87 91 2tt 91 00, +0 20 O 250 22!I91 666 22992 274 229!l.'< 1 156 22994 iil40 38-89 46 14 80 86 + 5 8 ' i I '.12701 46 (HI; 87 20] 87 00 + 0-20, 0-3".t7 22<.»9.--