^. % #. v^, ^^ .0. V > % o 7 '// /f!^ Photo^phic Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. i4530 (716) 872-4503 d^ \ « ^> >\> % '^^ !?^^^ - \ JOHN st.e^\^a:rt,,.esq.. C? fK« t"*: fflVESTlGATlOS INf8 THE i'lffl-i IPIJlf ■«' ^ I. ny THS y' - i' COUNTY / OP H ALTON, ( /• JU / t / ■*■ ■ ■ J € , MILTOJ^: - .UCt^UJ^B A WIWDON, rniNlEKS, -v/H'itNA"' t«A:*« 18C8. tiS b\ \\ \ \ li\ i t ',.« Jl I b -~ ■, \ ~ Bl:\?©mT '^^ JOHN ^^ IE, ESQ., M,P.P., ANO JOEElsr VWAUT, 1T.SQ., C.v' TITK H mmimn-. i m mm mmm w * I • " 'S??^"'!^]'. ^.■!?f**',"-»: lUMT ^ ( ^s;^^# TOTpE MdITOH of THE LEADER. 8iB:^JfetiV tnh^ nttMlcat^ Srivcfl Mr Askin's cfitfrge/ of " dieloyalty' parliamentiyry?. rppreMntatltfe; , . „. White. "TnUfontleman's organ, .the C/«»a-. «ianQhm^vm, In ii« d amber o|-T^ur8day. last, virttwily admits the truth of the accu- eatlon. J^". birds of a feather flock to- gether," WSf. King, of OakviUe, who is an» avowed aAnjfeatlgbis; and a'BUBjw^er of Mr. Whimma^^^ommunicatiDtf tonfiAt par per, iniimanis ihat the language- he.a by Mr. White, and for which he is impeiwhedy was utterad «m6 rota, which the editor of that journal learnedly mterprcts to mean an undersfiinding that no adrantage was to be t»k«n of it. But does not thi« distinctly Im- riy mat the language was really 'Med— that fiicre wa«, indetd. something to b« oon- «ealed— and, to be brief, that whatever Mr. White's public utterances may be, his private Bpntiments assuredly favor the pretensions of the not .o^er-ecrupulouB neighboring re- As the a/tampion iB bo fond of Latin quota, tions, let him, if he can, adeauately render the following adage of old Rome into English, and then say what inference is to b« drawn as to the position which pruden- tial politeness would there have occupied, when patriotism was in Hnestion--" Carl liberi, propinqui, familiares— sed omnes om- nium caritates Pathia una complexa est." r- iaobv»t n AVVM«K 1ITUM Even although it should be made to appear |, OALWH "JOOBHAL" OfrlCi^ JlUJQV- then that Mr. Askin has been guilty of a i breach of conventional politeaess, however much regies may effect to feel it, certainly every honest man must be most grateful to i him if he shall thereby prove to have uu- ' masked a concealed traitor. ^^,^ . ^, . A BRITISH AMERICAN. ' llALTOX, May 5th, 1866. ..>^ P 1) c T I U \. ';,y 1 am w i A Milton. 20t:i Deocm'.' r, 1858. ' {'^otheEd:tfrandPr(p,i:torsofth9lLi/ton..:o,rnal.) GtNTLEucN :— We be? Icai-c to transmit to ynt li •»■ ... th iho rwr«»- pondence and cviJoncc taken l»y us i.i tliu i!jvc;i..r;»fi .;. oi"*:... difllcuUiai between iho Fi-cehaiacr.-? ami llour.vholdei-rt «.f iin,s(.'.. -iit d!:at1ieC«innty Council anil their onivftrs, tojT'lhvr witli q-\t fir t r.',) \ ilicicrm, wbiek ;ou ore at Wh-.tiy lu pnhlish Lr the h-^x^Aa of mi^' i,.!i .!> ,ts of the Coont If you pul»!i.*lj the evi;lji,co jtrJ r vi. hiil feal oli!ig« letter olAd ua \Vi s .n, ij ,(i., i. C , an lascrUoo. We fire, p-rs, "Vour ckdiciu .serv >! !•; 1. iVIHTB. Ji) .\ :. THWART. P. S. Shotili yen think tho (IojMj:ne;:ts of su i . i iinpurtaoM t* fubllsb tbeiu in pamphlet for!n,^vc\wili tai.e wOO to, .4. We arc &c., JO: N WiUTK *- "^ _. ,,Mt i^f jieotrai t miaos. ibihibbs, bauom "joobsai." omci, irnw. Xi w :^ i,lr k. Milton, SDth Deccin'.. r, 1858.* ( To the Ed'trr and PnprvJors of the ILilt/m ..o /yM,?/.) QSNTLEMEN :— We Ic? Icavo to transmit lo yn;i |i t ...xth llio cofr«»- pondenco ami cvlJoncc taken by us i.i t'lu invc^M.r:jii ..i or?!... (IKTictiUieii between the Fjceh.iKicr.-? anil IIoiss.ljoMa.rt c.f ti»i.s(.'.) w\. avAWwCwmtf Council and tl:tirona«rs,loj;;nthrrv.'it:i oir//^ r.y t thei«K>n, wbick you ore at lik^rty to publish i^r the Lc-n;«i;i of iii.; i..!i .l> -....ts of the Coant If you pu!»!i#li the eviJoiiCo j;n;! coi-.vr.po.ii} :; o .,<. Inllfei:! obltgtd . tf .you will al^ogive tho leticr of An, 1 J ,(.., '.J. ( * , an iascrtioo. We nie, sirs, Your obcUicat serv.! t«i, Jo.iiv .vniTB. JO ; s '.TEWAUT. P. S* Should yen think tho docnrncits of su .t > . : t impurtaoe* t* * f^blisb them in pampkk't funn.Ve will taLe COO to, <■ <. We are &c., JOI N \vmTl': • mt0 • •» *•* 'I ■ ^ y ^ ry *■■'.. ,-ar • • ■•• kin Through the kindness of John Hhito Esq^, VL. P. P.,. to mhim^ b •ODJuaelioD with Jiitta Stewart Esr|., lUo iovc^tigation. ot the vMt of Ibt •ounty finaDc;:) wasjitJiciotitly oiitrustud^ tho publi^hera are enabled to lay bufiin; tii-.; public all the coric^.onJo'nci; nnd cvidcoco of un authenti* dharacter pcrtuiititig to t!tc lab litis of executing tlic commt!».sioa. Th« escitcincntcoll^O(^!^-l)l o;i \\\i ui Jj'y fircu latcJ luaiours that all was not > right ill tlio (lisfpt-iiioa of tlie county futu!:;, ami i\\z hti!l increasing ftgtt&tion of t)ie|nililtc inioJ, alien rcnlcr it itiijH^rutivc that everything; relntiitg to the unravelling of tliC in/dturjr shouli Ic ijiaJu public with a« little delay as iio::..:l>Ie. Tho vast am 'u:ii i^f vala.ihL* inforTnti lion contr.incil in the evidenee of tho Counly CLsIc, unJ uls) of lliu Treasurer, will Ixj rcul with that interest i^rapdrtlvjuato lo ila mnit, ;mJ Uiq synnps'sof the leading featurei found in the fjn.il rKi>i;rt, oxI;ihilIn:); ;i t one glance tlin chief points of im- portance, i^houll be pcniwl witli care. Th3 two pcnllojnon who generously umlertoolc ihc task »»f sftHinjj the m iincn'.ous question of dtsputo bclwocii lb-.' pcor-lo and the County Co\:n.-il as to liio uccuracf of titu pubhc accounts ; w'u-) Lorotiiu burden oi urniy ilexliToui-ly airac!«(,h pr( liiia.'.r.co c:'.n M-aitcIy be attached lo the hgi\\ opinion of Mr. Ailam VViUcn, Q. C. xviio ihy unenviable poj^iliou of the members of the County Cou );<-.] coliictivcly and individually. The opini )n of a gentleman standij-.g ;.t ihc head of the lc;5al proiossloii in the Piovinca ought to beconcliuivo to tho people?, th^t the men whom ihcy selected to represent them in municipal ina Iters liavc sadly belrayed their trust. To carry out the advice of the counsel rests entirely ivith tho electors, •nd however much exaggerated or misrepresented, is only a question for the courts of law and equity to decide. Keason dictates that the perpa Irators of wrong should not go unpunished. It La much to be regretted that an issno of such magnitude should exist- fcetireen the people and there representatives, and when it is cousidartd * -ikat men win linve hitherto borne comparatively gootl characters iW directly implirat-nl in tlio inisuppropilalion,-!, tiie 'im\:. is gravolf to b# deplored. 'I'o Mi'. Bruwn who has lived in this (Juuaty upwards of thirty years, and who has conncsio.id or afqMa'ntar)L-c; in fvery ficction, tbo case is lauieir.'.ble indeed. Undfsir.ible h .nevir.as is hi:* position, h« Btauds not ^.lor.^ M •. MH.'r's i.i1uii:« .v-n- the Treasurer in drr- ectmg iiiiP in iiis disl-ursemt i.ts, an.l in advii,»..jhiin an (|Ucs{ion» of con- troversy, is too null hnown :cr illnslratioii. In some instances moiyy was niisappr, prial-d on th- sti fn|r:h of th ; W:ir h n's order, in which cauci both werecii p;ibh\ 'I'hi' dniii^j^ of Mr. lla.n' n^n.Cou t/ Clerk, if brought belorc a tribtinul (d'juJi.^c, will subjottt him o a ^•c.>\^!^c pon.iUy, Ilia own confession.; are tswlllcicntto c )!ivii-t li 'U of mis la.ni-monr.ani lh« ■ falsehoods he nttcied to sciven hii wrong tioiu^M will uA palliato bit negligence in the oye of '.lie law. In whatever light the present s'ate of mit'ers nuy bo viewtMl by per- sons ot diirerent lempeiarnonts, one Oi>irii n imisr le given hy all— that ▼arious caus s h vvc conspired to in:iu--ui'a'e h le'a io-iship jctwceo tb people and the County Council, far fiA;m Itei::- dcihuulc. TUE EDITOR ^t* ..c \W it^ KEPORT, &C. dk' t XM XT « 'Mtltoh, 4th December, IMS. iloilir McNauchtov, Esq. Mt uear fe'm: I havy this tlay cntf?rr'd into an invcst'jralion of the Treasawrt AC€6antswitho?i>Connty, and IshafI be gfaJ if jou will furnish m» with acopx of all t:h;ii--es tlint are prcforml a<7;^lmt Mr. Brown. Yo« wii also furnish mc uUh the correspondence of '* P. D.," ijow known At William Coh ill, wi!!» the Jl-lion Jonrnil nowsnapcr, aiul a copy of tbt Jiitimates subniitted to ihc? Trcasuror in 1857, .ns I can find no truce of ttem 10 tho mmutos. I regret to finil, also, Keveral omissions in tl» iwnutes of a very important charactur ; .but of this more auoii. Ian plewed to mlorm you that IMr. Brown ha^ OiTL-rccl to mc every facilitj to aid me in the invebtigati )n, by alloxvint^ mo free access t(. the book*. m wel OS answer any q itvsfi ,ns tliat 1 may deem it my duty to toake f«r m public ktciesi. This is.a3 it shouM be. Bw'lievo lue to lo Very sincerely yotifs, JOHN WHITE. M «, -, „ „ ^ EsQUBsiNC, 5ih December, 1858. iMiir WmTE, E.*q., M. P.P. Dear Sir : «^* All ^ ^'^^ *** acknovr]efl;?o ihc fftcoipt of your favour of the 4f1i Wit Allow mc to «ay lh.it it was not the accuracy of the Treasurer'i Acscounta m general thrU ;ere lirsi brou-ht under f5uspicioji,~.althou• «ebt so crcatea, and siiONvinj- m each aci-oi. . Bylaw spociary, as rcquirotl by sirn.iti; ; • publisliin- erroneous and iodiffercut stilc, :< load tliH pub'ic. ... - . I . fowtk.'~\rxc:rnV^r\ty in his Ti nann A f -^ receipts '.Mid cxpeudilure to caeli p>i;;' the sur()lns or tleliciency in each, :>mJ co:i •■ .: not spccilvin? sucli surplus or del..:ti'M-v, accordumly.imil as each Couuc.i, yoai .;• ; • own waniri'anJ fxpcnses only. ^ jp^Y'//,_.Kr. or ill the Council m pn^r' n ■ tax twico— viz., iKil by a special iiy :a'.v. ^ estimate. ,. . »Si,f'/.— Krror i:i t!in Covnc.l snnr;i-r-. triple tijn ur-— ;.- ■ lisbed .Niiiuitos hut i!.« Cloik n.ijit I • .'« ^ Trcasnior isso a!i.sii>ii-5 t» nilonl cv. ry ; ; «iU be atL- to pjucurj you ficc a-cir. > i • ".• Wry .*i.n''. .. ::o-mta for each «evmt t tvis raided uniJt tb#* iii:i was dottc, the© hf ■ sccounts, so aa to nwi^- s i:ir.)t vcstiict'ng tb» •i;.al y.ar, and >hrtwing ■•:-'.lItnato ift I ;;r:icr.iii:( oi' aiding il y ycur,sUou!dtupply»t»• u« to collcrt t'ac school ■ ai.i us spcciiicd itt ti» . b'o, ovo, simctimcs • ii.ia'-;. * J^utu ;^-( nor ally Vi .;\' p.ari'uul.tr spccifi* .. ('. Ivlil to ihc Warden, .;:,t b.. ia Iba Clerk't .-, V< •! (111.'' ^vb !(.' of **P« •.; /.viii%.h:vliit .-Trea**' ..,;. ;i,-.: ....... iulbe pub- -> io;, (;fa'd; :indn»tl» I (luubl Uw.1 but Uial te ...i:; M.NAUGIITON. J.; N,]>o.,iiabcr3J, 185a. GcoRCE rnow.v, r q., Tramine C(.u7ity IlrMon. Mr DK.'.ii -»i : T / * • E;uly ill Autnmn lipt, I mi-t ^v.. ' Square, id-n with Mr. Baiber, of Iv i'"-- Council; andduriiip; our jnu.ncy In !!;>•: : ^•• totbcqu'v-ti^inof you.' uocounti uit.i M- v • agitated throu^vh an nnonymous corr. s^p::r ■ :'. paper, and by pt'tilionii prcsont.-d t. tu; / referenre tbevclo, by certain inbubuautsa: t.;- »nd Esqi;c";>inj^. , ., ,, Durino u\n- cnnvarsation, in winch rr. \- quested ''to looU into your acronnt.= wm :o ri"-ht in rdcrencc « hereto. To tins I :u-a'. • occurred ovrr which I had na conlrnl, v present subject. I sliall tUoieforc led uld.^od if J^ou will pe«mi ■• •■. ::^\U^r, of \VeUingtoii :;.nl'tl.i cl tho Countf .*: li'.;t.- r nia.^c refercnco »,\vhicli w.i.s tittn being i'!.' .•.f7.'.-!.' /lu'rnai new*- ■.uv CV. icil, having direcl •j.'..ial.:pj. ol" Niifiaagawey* .'.fi- tool; part, 1 was m '.v t.» Kc4 Uif public mind Ciri unt.'itaticcs, bowcv«r# •;i pn-vciitcd Jiitt uatil tbo .i{;c,;tion. ' 1/ \ ;y I ■i 1 i 4 r^^pi \ y ••«. 1 4 ■i « i «aF*n w'u« .Mult. wbC. I m>y fed « my d"'} «• -"X" ^' *« »Adf •. av Un. I slull 10.1 grat.i;;i if Ik-res.,!. .v 11 l.avc a Und.ncy 1» Xy".;r.v-lic.,'.,.t tut nuyl"""-- ar.sca, «r row .ub.ist, » te pub.K ttittd in iciat^oti thcit'o. 1 urn, my dear Fir, Your obcdiuot «crvnn!, JOHN WHITK. Milton, ^th Djctrobcr, 1853. John WtiiTK, n^q., MIton. '''^ Vo"Vi.fcrnf th" n.l instint lias this r.nrncnt cnm^tolnna, •tafn- a r ,- .•.-rsa:i..n ih.l l.ul f) cunv.l .om,. li.t... u-a beiweL-t. yo«, m7 n'.vnM- :k. I >!r. r>:n!.cr, ....'..l.ors uf .1. • C nnty C ,u,.r.I r.^i.^ctrng tJ^ Cis w.l, .vi: .v.:Co lo .1. . char^CH uf au anunvmous w;.tcr m the ^;'-e;U Th !'vo to.av, ;t .ill nn-onl .n. |.!...^nr. f . ^u^ you any infbr- you rvny la.i •M^ lo.- ;... i..v.-s-i.ra i..n I y :ucrss lo «.,.• I ook. ^ I ,c«.l, as you a...i.v. ■^ .'O ,v of ,!..• Ar.o;;n;* ul lU. C.uuty fcr 18.l6. 1 ;i!ii, •••;"■ !^ii'. Y:>ur iiM St (ilKtHciit servant, „„^,„.. Cil'Xl. BROWN. Mr.Wl.i.', -. ...:.! s of in. ne>. com.ng JX vou. h .n.ls tiv vi.n.. ,;:on-or. c .ni> -. ,o . . A.:t -«^' '^^--T Munj- cipalCoiu.. i!> in Ui per Cn .il ■. an 1 to tl.e .5y-Iaus pas.rd by t„. Muni- cipal Coi.n.-.l ..,.!..■ the :u. b-ify of tlio s uu- /-and .1 not, why not? Mr. Biowu ikcl iKJ.l aa>wt'riu>; tli.- abovo qicsliiis. Mii.ToN, 7th December, 1858. ^^W^i^rto yun- rcqncst. I o=u:los. yon h.-jcwlll. a copy of the ehfr 'r, rcRM-ml . .ainsl -.u, f. ubic, I nl.ncd in n.y b tt«r lo you of So Jilill^ani; •;'.;! wo..bU.sp...,!u ly .o.,u .t y.-n t . make any explano- tions, by xvay o" nii^wiM- l!icre;o, wai.-h vo.i m.^v d. cii- proper. Tile qa r.s Nos. l.V. and H. wl, cb I M.U.n.ltod t .yon on the 4.1 inft, on tbc ri. .ii.t ol- vour t.ote to ...e ..f that d tte. y.m vv.ll not ». r.qu. ^d to 4Wvver uuii you ii.ake ibo e.Hdan.t.ooH rclcired to. On the uccipt of 10 four answer to the charges preferred, it may be prmsibJe that I may adopt the suggestion yo-j made ti ma personally of mi rely iiispcctinir yo'ii-book^, kc, and thorehy find a solution of tlie (:li;irn;es. if, en the contrary, I am of opinion tli;a the public iuttTcst may require nie to adopt a dit'ferent Bicthod, tlicn I prop:^sti to curry on the investiirullon in the manner first •uggested by me, ant! acceded to on your part." I udnpt th s course fro* a refusal on your part to answer the cpipstions siibiniticd lu jou on tb* ith instant, except tliat I would suLn it all such (juomIous to be pronoMd previous to any ansvcj-bein.,' «>iveii bv yoH. I shall also, at tb? proiMT tim-, furnish you r.ith the cvidcace of tbo Cisrk, Mr. Ilamburj^h, t.ikcn by me yesterday. 1 am, my dear S.r, Your obedient servant, JOHN wnrm QcoRCR Drow.v, Esq., Cotmty Trrusurer, i4( CHA \ Firs tcverul ei! of f of in 01 curreti' TJ;o to lai^, Frit for pti thereof Fiff tnd re ment, : respec «ach y Sin bands by sue I Vroviii Svt the Co able I . ,'privat< # And SI •nd uti ftbc Co Fin ibe tti •u«taiB John * I-;'),), 18.",7, iin.l 18.)8. T/iirJ. — 'i'hwt you have appro;;natcd moneys received by you contrary to lai^. l^tittfh. — Tltit yu liinc lonowetl runnel's from privutc IrKllvidnals for ptibl.c pM ;io. es not requisite, and chained ccrJaiu etims as intercH (hereof in your a -co i nits. nj'th. — '\'\\\\\ you Ikivo not fotnp'iod witli tlie statute, by not preparing tnd rctv.k'iiiiu; yo'ir ai'iMiuiits in dot.ii, showing a tni« and concit Ktato- fiu'nt, as \v»;!I as a coiroct l.al;in;:(.' of thi; aHiirs of the County, under their respective uta.ls, hf the current year, ending with tho Ulsi December ia leach year. fiiiih. — That y!'n liavu not invost(^d tlic balance of moneys in your bands fi'oMi time U> time, in order that prolit ibi^ht accrue ti) the County by 8ucl» tcmpor iry invostaicnt in some onu* of tUc jiiartercd banls of this Vroviuce. S'venth.' Tiiat you bxvc purcliascd (Tebonrurcs or other 9ocurItien\ and outstai.ding, n:)ttlue and pay- able lor sovot'il year.-j, and wliicli debentures or stcnnti 'S were hold by /private individuals, .su» h purchase b.iiijj^ made without lawful r.uthorily. And suppiising that the purcliasc referred to was valul, it was inexpedieat •nd unjust to make such purcli ise, as the circiunstaiices of the people of the County would not warrant you in makinj^ such investment. Eighth. — That the d,.l«?ntureH purchased by you were not fibtained at ibe then market value, but purcUuscd ut a greater rati), tiio t'ciiuty tba» iiutaiBiuf lli« fiarty who |>nf«'rr U th« charters to wliuli y tlciil wii!», and not t!ie prson prt^ferring tin m, yi;U wi I pieas* aak(^ ;ins*.%er 1<> tl em, ns rr(jiie>te4 in my list It'tter t(» yoii. If,o;i .'ipp'i<;ation, I tin«l that ll;f party wl;o v'hM'pi* tin* cliarirfs refuse* to perinii ine to aoeede to youi- request, 1 slii.ll IVol boiiml ti t'iv*' you hit- naiiu' at thi) tl St' "f tlie inv<'st'ga;i lu (wl.icU I ir>w fjiniuiMr I > »l .) ; and then you are at libotty t^ uialiu use of tin* iuiiTuution iu any maniier yoi»' think propei- to adopK 1 will tluMifon? r«nl ohIiircJ Tt n r<»p1v tn the charges CDchncvl with mj formtr idler, at your ear!i«-t citjivmlin -e. I am, ill ar S r, Your obcJienl servant, JUHN WHITE. Milton, 8Ji December, 1858. John Whitf, Fsq., Milton. \)v\\\ Sii: : 1 have nT.civ(-(1 yritir letter rf tltc 7th instnjil, (h'rHninij for tht present to give the jmuic of thi' p rly mnkiiv^ t!i? ciiarLics ynu prefer n£;ain«.t nic, I nt promi^w'U tii e,ive ilic naire at liie elos'- nT tli<' ir.vcsfio-a* tion. I accept the pioposition, and nntil ymi di so slinll c d^i'i v you a» the party mtliin? ihtMhnr-xcs. I tlieri f ro hi^pc y(ju ivill coi.tiMue your iovpstijiui in of tlj(! hook.s of the Couiiiy Trcn'-urrr. I shah endcavmir to h ive pit'pMred an iin-wer to the ciiarge.s by tba time vou ^ct through the exiuninition of llie hocks of acoeuitt. 1 aiu, dear Sir, Youi- ol'cJicut servant, (;!:o. nr.owx. Milton, 8th Dcceuilcr, 1858.. Peak Sm: I tttily received yntjr note of this «!ay, nnd hcjif loiw to state, is rep^y, th?t I nm snrprised to find you dislre to eliar;;c n-c with !»<\ng your ticcusr in (lie niatt:!;ite tti t yo« •'accept the prv->p()sili()n, and until you do so I sliall rnnsider you as tho person makitij;- the charge'!." In tiiidcjiakiiiij; an inrjiiiiy, 1 icTer you to my former letter of tin? 3d iust , statin;; hilly my vi-ws, and ti.e reasons which caused me to make stich inquiry, which yuu appeareti thn to ftccopt as satisfactory. I wishyou, tiiercfore, dist'nctly to understand that I •..'ischiJm tnaitving any chur^-e afi^ainst you; and in the inquiry I may feel it my duty tQ jTiake, I do not with to he placed in the position, at the »a*»e time^ of beii)^ ^'our aixju*tr unu jud^i, ''■ 1 am, dear Sir, • . ' - Yuuf ebcd;tst ser^nst, JOHN WHITE I u /OBN in0 a Count and, ii had t '1o SUt) meun dehiy tttbini I n r» 1858. ilojCvl vrilb WHITE. ?r, 1858. m\'z Tor tht ymi prefer i<» ii.vfsfisa* i',1' r ycui as t.litiue your gcs bjrtU »cr, 1858. 'f> to state, IB > !»<>■»"; your ;itt> ih i yo» you ns tho c:*M' you to tl;c reasons Mxd ikn to i forf U th« Mir t:hnrga Lvi I pleas* IPS refuect ' Haa^e* me ft cony of cig'.t .cfor;ea a-ai.ist me uh T.c;'*..r*T of tbit County il.ut v\v whcJier you liavc unyl.Miig further to ittbiuit. 1 ftini dear b r, Your obcJicot servant, GLO. BROWJIj 1 Milton, llthD.'ccinbcr, 1858. 'OcoRG" Hnowv, En I that the queslions Isaouli suhimt (it any) wouhl enly tcml to (.xplaia then*. ^ Id.M..'t cl.arly oomprohond the refoirnce in ynurnole, where yoj •tdte. *Mhir, i.i order to m ct »ny vi-'WSf ^^'^ tban-<;a the veuue ; 'OCither d^. I nnd.;rstanl its apph ation. I t.nsttbat this esplanat.o.i in itfc.eice to the whole matter itiH ll# gotisfactory. I will also add, lliat obscnco from liumc prevented ma froi* giviug yuu au earlier reply. ' •>' I am, dear Sir, * Your obedient lervant, J0BNWHIT8 . • .» \m tnalving my duty tQ • Sine time^ of WIIITR I »».jvip \ . * i * M Evidence taken on the Qth December, 1858, from Francii Hamburgh Esq., Clerk of the COunfif Council of i^ County cf Ilalion. Question ls^ Wi'l you furnish inc \\'\i',\ no insppctii n of l!»o AudUort* report to you lor the je.ifs Is;')!, IS-fjo, IsuC, unci isrii ? Ans^vef, I liavc no abstnuii furniflicd by the Audit-rs in my pr>s:*C8sIoil^ •J) c«»l.fi.d by Jliem. I produce an acdtiiit signed by Air. Jirown, ftt TruiiMutvr loi- ihc year 1S.VI-, for tlml year ; also, aHoUur ucciimt tor tht Mnic year, also hi^ncil by \Uv, 'JViasmcr. Qiirs 2fiiL Iluvoyou also an act'otiiu frOMi tlic Auditors for the year i35J, »etiin<; forth a dcuilcii staUititcitt. cf \Uvi accuuitU for tito Cuuutjr tor liuit )ir;ir. A s> N.» : I have none Q'trs. V.rd. Have yi»u also an ncrount fropi the Andito s for the yea? 185U, }Sftliii,LC forth a tltfliiil.-d ttatcuicnt of thu accoiiiil.^ for ihu County for t at y-\v'i Auk Vos, I have? a iU'lai!< »! stntcim >t,!sr,'i!cd Iiylhe Amiit ira, Messrs. HiiL'.il« and Mclvmdscy. I I'.rodiicc a prirtrd (b.cuitu'iit, hcath.-J " Sup frfcHit-'tit lo the ilalinn ,kvmuli i'iaahciul iJtatc»m:iit ui the Cuuoty « Ualfoa for the year JouG.'' i^u:». -Uk- liave you jiny wriltou report, bfarir);^ t!;«j«' own s'gttatu iayour pl,^S!;ssioI» or ciiMody, rt-Iativ*: tt» tJic at:f.otmfs jo'- IS;'))', ? Ans^ 1 have a roj y. I t;»;«k il luusji be \u ihi- Joift^ml t (lice. (^ucs, i:th. Ai«' y.)ii in pia.s;&i>!on i-f a copy of \U^ Ui puii oi tlir Auiti' tar» lb,- the year IsoT 1 ■ An>\ \t>i. Qvfs: iif/t. Will yoiip!«!aRC allf»w luo (o in>j>!?ctil?' Am Yfs ; I pi« abht-tt, aiid if 8i;;»«'d by ti.e Auditors ? Ats.. i »»;h put in po^itsj^ioH of ib- I ook proiluccd, >l)n«ing a fna^icial •tati-Miiei.l of ih? acrouatt! f.om ih;; l)Ci;t'» diii'js ol tiu' Covmei! t JiJts. lb>ysue. I «:>ipy tlicur Mom the MinulH ]J ()!;,a»ci they «r« •igo d ity the Warden, Ijcji-: (iist apprwvo.t of by tb • Coiaicl. Qi.es. 9;A, !).» th- Minutes > ( (,oiin> it nA nvl lin- (-'otirity, as wcU »H a J;.i jdiil jind ttiM' rcv! rd «if liio Kprcial fuads r.'trivv-d by Uiy Trear •urer, aaJ ruiidi red Lv bioi to you ? — :iii,i if «ot, '.vhy i ui ? >1<« A c(»py..l lti» Account:* is laid b.fojf ihtt '.oaocil, nnJ, whca ap{>r»ved of is pi lliBhid; i^u.^. iOh. in loo,..njf ovij the Miiiuic^* of d.uijc I, f cr.nnot find tbt A««:Mtiiit» f r tho yc.4rs 18y3 and JS.')| pu^lijlicd. llt.w Jo you accouAt for thi4 cmis^sK^n ? vif/j. liiC AJiaiilM of Council for the years* 1855 and ISHT wer» prin ed bef .je IIjvJ Ah I to.s' Kopori was uiaile, and tooy were published. Ml thj ila'ton Journ J lit {jfenvjial drtiribiiton, i>y way of unpploment to tka^.acvvspapcr. The.iVlu»ut«ijaf tomicil L,r IsSil will «liow a llnjiUQUI i >4 h' Francii of M Auditors' cown, at nt tor tht the year r !!ie yea? \i Cuuut/ 4, Messrs. •J " Sup LJuuDty < I'Sttattt novr fuik \ financial 'd by.yott ihey »r« st answer y, as wc'li Ihy Trear nd, whca it find tkt 1 account S'jT wer» published, t merit to ■"4 statement of the County viWh the Treasurer, from the organizattOD of Ibt Frovisional Council t<» llie end of the yeur 1858, Qurs. Wth, How dooH it huppeti that the E-stimafrs furnishcjl fcy flj** Treasurer, t'> m( r! the liibilitios and other t'xpcnsos for the current year ending with the 3ht December, 1857, has bocii oiniitcd in the published Minutos for that year ? Ans, Tiie Kstinistos never have been piihtlshcd as furnldtjcd by th« Treasurer duiin^j any your. I have orders liom thu Council in future to io so. Qucf, I'^th. Can you trivc mo a copy of the* Estimates for the yetf 1857, :ijj ruriiishoil by lliu Ttcasiii-cr to thj Coitncil duiing that year! Ans, I h'U'c none* for 1857. They must huve flicin among your papers, u you dn w uj> the I5y-b\v ; and i kiio;v you took it away, Quci l^th. Will yim furnish mc with :i true copy of all the Accouat|t. •f the Treasurer, ns uujited liy ihu Audilorji ? . . *^ *^.^ , An** Yes, 1 w.ll. «. , . A ' Evidence of George Brown, Esq,^ Trcasitr€^,\ ' \^ .> Qftes. \st. D» you keep a " Special Rite" Account ? and do yon iTo^iir the monifs rtri-eivid to that account, when received fiom. the Towfisbif' sad Town Trca-iiirois iVoai lime ti> time ? j1«.t. Vf:?, certainly. Qus. 2iiil. Wilt you turn to the «• Special Ilife" Aorount, and inform mewhat sums woiv icceivt-d f.ojn tho year 1851. to lc:^5S inclusive? Ans. Ill IS.')!', X50G 15s.; in 1855, £:)<)() 15s. ; in 1856, X433 18t. Sd. ; tlu'H was the .vutti of il5G \6s lid. paid rnc in June following. Nelson l)t'in;v in default, no sinking fund was received tiuring 1851 for thai year. 'Vlw. assL'ssmcnts were not paiil in full, and the Tuwrships of Kassag iwoy.i and Nelson have only paid $784 ,;V The other To;vu» and Townships aro in d •fault. Total am oint received, ;Cl,8S4< 5s. 5(1, Qtics. Hid. Have yuu received any suin^i on account uf Special Rate for 18581 Ans, None, Qufs.ilh*' Mow much have- you paitian that the Uy-JUwa ^Jtveme ihsl •nthotit . Qucs, C^h. What By daw* do you refer tot Atis. No!». 3, 5 and 1'2. Ques. Iltu On referencti to thojio B?-I.iws, Nos. 3} 5 and 13; at pUS- ■BOt, aie you of opinion that you acted torn cflyl Ans. \ think ii would hav<; b'en more correct if I bad cbir£fe4 ths-- iliicredt "Special iv;,le Account,*' •hould he ct»nsiil(;rcd as tiie ititeresf rais tl t(» he Ji|»j)lie(l to thf> po^tnentof Ibe tutorcst due un deLcntu.cs issued untler the autliurity of B/ huvs Nui. 3,5 and !2? Anst The interest (liarj:c(l in the County Accounts, atiJ paid out of tbe County ttind:^, :imount to the sum of X!,ii)I. Qiics. Mfh. If the atnonnt which voii paid otit of the County funds, •mounting to £1,101, had lictn eariied to th \ ilebit of the Special Rat* Account, what e ;iu ^llouId iiave b en carri d Ij SiuLinij Fund Accouut|ia ordiT to b dance tlie Spocitd IJatc Account ? (Mr. Whit*.^ nhjcotLd that the answoiMv.is not to the question. Ifr. Brown would not give any othiT answer than thi; nb ;»ve,) Ans. I have ahe.idy answered that tli'i Jimliing Fund and interest i* • Special rate. Qucs, I2th, Tl 1^ roporled that you havo invi»sfntnres issued undiT the anihority dI' certain Hy lawt of the Council. Will you pleaso state the amount s » i!iv .... 100 06 4 • "it M «< Ko. 35 .... 100 \)^ 4 e pccial rata Account," |iti}tnentof ' liuva Nub* nii out of mfy Tunds, K ci;tl Rat* \ccouut| ia ition. Ur. itcrest it • J of money III) Hjr lawt .st( 5 5 )6 4 )^ 4 m 2 )6 4 t4 13 JD 6 ^6 i )6 3 8 1 >6' 8 )6 9 *t 4 >0 14 2| 7 § 84 I 1 • ^ n t^iseeunt and Accrurd Inlcrort 1 OD Debentures . . • • 3;> 31. ii(5 9 41< Ko. nt«oo»iirt. G 5 rt '2 2 6 2 2 :i 1 1 G 2 3 r. 10 n 4'.; ,A\ 2 19 :n u li o G :) G IG ..!'> G G 3 i 1 \% 5 o 8 4 8 S S •)' Accntfd liiti'P.»»t. 1 10 6 6 3 G 4 8 G 2 2 I o 1 o 2 10 1 R 2 10 2 1» G K 2 15 H 8 4 8 3 a 8 5 r)ii.33 11 3 18S8. JuWSl. To Cash pr.id C udy cf llaho. D.Wure No. 8, lor •• '- .! «• To Caoh i^aUl i!i t » i-r ?*«•. -tS HJ»' Bopt. 4. Ko7. 9. no 100 jCOi 1 •^1 10 47 9 VG 6 S 7 Aif.o'.int of I) .CO-.il'.t. G i:l 3 10 :, 13 4 jea 10 Amount of Disctcn;. il :> ou.l.r fofn-nva ^ClJ*;'^ Amount of Dcbciiuires KoiUiiiiCi br .u.'.l.t «Umii '^^ Amount «>r Discount bnuir ,i r<.f.v;:r'l. . Aiuountol' Discoiuil biuii, lit d.nva .. «.. '• 11' n t jca.-.o i:3.>3 7 li 123 10 74 The!sin!dn£;run.nionry, vith wMH, tl.c a^ovo nn.omu ^f ";^ "t Banks, ana for wlucl. th.-y .v., h! .!..>.v tU.. pr cut, ^^l" ; '^^ ^ ^ ;^"^ would have Xo pay the 1>.:«:..ur.- I, ..l.-rs >rr ;.:/-.c^^'. vvi'; •' :,;! '^^ ^^^ « loss 10 the CuuHty o: .^..■y,..cr.. j, t :..m.:a uat.l ti.e 'J^'-" !' f; J^"^ mature; ^vherca., uy ..aUi..- up t,..- iV;,e....es, a ^.av.n.j ^^j' «<;' J" •eat interest per a.uuuu, :.nl *..••• pi^- c-ei,t cl.scount j.oi- annu n, oqual f» /IvHrj^^r tr«/, has boL-n -nv .1 «<> ih- To-vnv, aniounlnig to sum «l iJjifl4 193. 7 id. cy., uu l iic iii7jO'jl' Dtibouiurea jome.- flH 1» r\w amount *,( D^lfn'urcs f'deiww*! of tl:oiw> wlitcli harl b<>tn Iwntil lythe Council h .]«7 )00, xxliili I before Ktat^d in .VJsvYff to a tot rcitt ^u.'Ktmn, and ntnt the :».itoiUit <»l" liiscoimt. I miecm."l Iho DeU.ntuwt JnJcr Uu; auli.ority of .v rc*,o!uiio:i of the Couucil, anU ib« order of th»> •foruco. John ?i»ro»t, Jan., prc-cntcd No. ID for poyrocul. I iuMnas Joyco «* 35 u n Willl:ifn Joyce G. C. Mi^UiiidsPf AVilli.Tii .Ti«vc3 Ivoberl Murray »» i» j» »» «t •• III. ii'.rd i'anlioa Curije l>;o\vn »» »» 7- 77 I!"::!! F.) fvr 1M..T ^;-Kny •t If l» ft m t> »• f> »f l» IT ft J» 3i 20 9 44 4G 10 37 30 I! 12 la 8 4S Sa 7 »» ft » *t n H tt >» n ft >t It »l «» » Qti'f. Vif ). V. i! vMii prop.irc a tr.l;ular Sfnjfiront <.f t!'» «mount of fkf Drhonfiiros i';>-.«-,l iwilfj-i: .! .'M-.t'iority t.l* Kv-lr\a», .\,.,- y, .5 and 12 ►Iiuw.ii- ti.c tioti! (.ri: cir i-s:- .', J, . ,!;ir-> ofsiio. i!.o stmo-.r-.r ordiscouul un:lor such s:ii..., to •..•.;;.!« s ,t !. ;!iul tlif .laie vS iiulmiiv, v.-ith lljc uutubvr uul donuminUioij »)i :.acli Dchcuturo / DiU.:,' of May 29. « M «■. «. «. u •« <( I* «l « il «« t< H It «* i I '.■ « a la*' ti Ai;^. •hitic Au'f. Oct. July J(ine ti II Oct. July II 18 3 IS t< 9 8 o 10 II •t 3 3 10 i. ii *i K If '« .1 . jJlOWfl. «* ♦* J< ...epli liowt't. Davit! 8cott. Adam Sproat. ^\'i!lianl llarrisnii.- Kicliard Ii!irri8(n>.> liuLcft Munaj,. I i {SUlcrmnt, tfc., f(C, etntukiutl,) ]0lrtiErof Iwue. Mat 29 <( •< 1 I* M «< 9 9 1) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 llet. It « «. M «« •I M Aniou'lt of fatp of j;i>. AJ3>ni»t l>i.cuiitjt Irak*. IS r.) ill ii2 2:J iil I2'» 27 :;» •< > «■<■» :M. •j.t :/; •J.5 ^•) •I l< () ro ro f.O 100 CM ].,.) ! ') 1 ^) i ■) I'-) IvJ 1 •) 11 S'pl. 10 •» i^i'pf. 11 •« S«i>t. 11 " S.|.t. 10 ♦* OtI. 5 5 f) <( l< tl *• 1.) '♦ IJ " 10 •« 10 " Oct. Dor. N<-v. lUr. •Intl. MnV. •Inn. >J«)\'. N »v. Nov, N .V. 29 29 29 e;> 9 9 21. n 24. 21 r» G Ui 4 4 (; 21 (> ,lu[»c 30 .TaMius A|>p!cb«w «' ,hiUn .'^proit. " .Tmimim Ap iltibe- .fijn- » A|>|»lcle. , Geo. Jitown. N..V. !\ .V. IS'ij. .T:in. Tl l-cl.. ii « u l( (< (I II I' << (( II f( •i >on. j\l u. \l own. li .'.iiTt >iuri'ay. H')!i r\ Murray. A'.-s. l!n)\vn. \'. I.!. .lt'\ V.C. \\ :;«. .!< y.'c, Ksq's 11 ; »;rt .Muri'iiy. jl'i ic'it iMiinay. \V .... .!')ycc, NtFii . Vt'ni. Harrison. Mr. iM. iiiowiu ^ft Ift-C. Juno oO I-- •t «l M • . <« M H «:. «• . :<» :io :?y :io ;'o 30 30 :;o :iO 30 no no .so '<]0 .;i ■j I ;■) I ■ ' ..* ■• ! • • r ft s s Nt>V. .i uly li) lU Jn,v 1,; .l;ily «> 1 10 )0 10 Jiilv 10 Jitfio :..» r. .'«it MurrriT. " Will. !lu. lison. V.A. Ihirfirtiin. i:.-!.>-ii Murrur. 'In'-crt Murray. ]i.>b.::-t Murra.V. - ColiTt iMuiray. V Hi. il rrison, \Viii. 11 prison. \V;r.. Uii.riso I. Not .'•'. 111. JloWiri Murray. i!. iiiv riarrition, \V:w. iiirrison. Hole it Murray. 0«f' 1^"/ r-r.-cvpuivco-.^yoftho rnnnri;;lsti,t.na.nt rendered h/'^ TOulo"th.A.Jitur. itunudly :uul docs surl. stat.n.ent. c::l.,!al a corree* ha\..vnre of th • inc;..nie and oxpoiuliture of ull Inol,io^• r;:c-e,v.n1 by you, An ihu asset.s or ihc Counly lor the current year, cad:-.- w;b. uiu oUt y»- mm be.r in each yc^ar respect. vely ? .•■,0 .0 .■•0 ■■^ 1^0 ]«)0 1 iO:> J-0 1 no I'.) l.J 2 •:. >) 'I'M 2' IG Ki JO :6 Nov. Nov. .Nov. Nov. .1 •I I* «> «> 40 .luly 10 iO All-. S 40 Nov. 'i 40 Julv 10 oUfiO I. It i; 41 « <( «.- f< «< « . T liavo (ho b; o::s fr m w'lich flio finnr.cl.il sfntomCTit wt» miide, and wl.irli was r(M;<]', red (o il.e Cuiicil for tlu> y(«;nx IS-VI. ISo5. •and IS'G. Tlii.> ;iiii(iui\ls wore iiiMir up lo ili.' .'Jl«,t d:iy of Jaimaij' fol- lovviiiji t e clos-,' Of" cii' liof (ho ^( yo;irs. The ;uiuiiiiit fur tluj year ISot 'V»as rnadi' u;i to llifi 3I-;t, D.v (-m!) r n{ il; , V( ;,|- (,.■«?'.?. IC/'i. Do ti.e :iiiii)ui( - i(! \vdii( li W],i m ;' r ns ro:!(l'red 1-) th« Council show a (.•orr, ci I'nhui •■,' o\ i!ij.,i s i;i y u; h wids ;iiul u-m'Ls of th« County IVoin y(!ni- ti) y>^!r ? yl7i.v. Vos ; ii) the !-(.'s; o my \)hm\ ;;tid cvji^^ 1,1, i"o, Q?^ .s. JlV//. liow doc'.s it i!;i, lu'ii ihut m iho iidiuiirs of Cmui'iI th« accoiiMl.^ (nihil .V with iho :n t .•■.uuv- y, 1 -:; G, sIinvvs a baiancfMii iiand cif £sr;;5 ICs. L'.'^d cy., r.!;i c in I. i ] n 1 .i, i .•■;; tii!,' nt iM:d( icd (0 tL« Auditors lifr 1 ho .-ann' yrv.v, ; n : aid . cv i-ul . ta;cu)fii!s itiir|i:i; t iii^' to ex- ■hihit til'.' i-cc ipls and e;; ciidaua- lor !i,- si.;ii- |Mniod, the iattor shouvs a Lai, Mice 0! only Xll,:* iJis. .^■; : r\f. sc < :.p;M!!. yl-v.s. 1 aui not ii'.va.i' 1 iio i.ii-iat s c.i Coi/a A shnu' any bilancp. Tii* Auditors' n.'iior.n'.s lor ih.t ;. ar ;-li w ;t avi haianrc cm ii.tiul iVoin all lources or£^f)3 Id;, evi, wMico iha ani.;U :: i^ilJ l;).:. '.).',■{, cy,, was a I the credit ot' Ihj v^nnty !I;;;ioi;, a ; itouuiit of wi.ica' h.iauc* T annex : Balance C ■iinly of Ila'ton Belancc of School iMiad en and Balat!''.! of no! -fciad. til L ■.\id:i Assvs,!: ent, Siiikiii;,^ Vuud on I'.and Lunaiic A.syluai rate " ■- 102 1) 8 r>9.') If) ic-i. Id 7i Aniomit of I)alni!ro of ni'(M)rnt.s Los; inter; St pail Wiait'.vc. il; iClX'G 2 4- Deduct iateret,! paid .\cJ._-.ui. :<, :\as. R\l Co, 1. tiO £10U9 18 fi| £4G 2 4 ^ ;<.:n";3 H) 2 J Qurs. Mill. r;cas~o !:; !- at tic n; tni ei.tv.oiih on Debenture* issued Neison and IS',;ss!i-, v. c; ;, Road COn pany. " iJi.'Jl Ms. 'l}^i\,^ while iiithe iinanoia! staten . a ; ub i.-:!.;d Ji,e jaino vc.r, pnrp.oniu^- t» ■be paid on tlie saiaf acc.-uni, t,a; ;.ia nai a[ ] ea:.-; o 'he jC^i:' ILs. -id. Ans. 1 Ihini; it is only a uii-ia,-.e .!i j)imi!:!;^- the ni,i;i!tes ! Quc^i. 18'//.. I I'.erceive ill 11;;; 3,1. uier, ,.l ( ,(i:;c;i also there is anotlier mistake or di.serrp;, ,.y. I,, ,.,,.. \,aii,;es il,ri-.. „s ; l^o j.i;,ied nude- th* beading ^•'i.wv/ Conn,r.'.'s:' '• ; a. h paid lalMcs'; on JJeln ntniv^^, Tra- tidgar, Iv-ruesiiic;, ann W, ii, do, ' X^ •(;, v. h; ; on tae oii.er hand it is dil* ftjrent in the abs ract iUi'iloiiud i;.r iae ^aiiie \;\,;' ior the piildic as paid on tlie same acooniit, J2:X>''^. A'hs. Toe slateui, n;, ( I'aecou:.! j.'.iii'i he.l ill that f;)riTi g-ivcs a state* inont of amount due by iho .se.iT..! '\i a 1 vni;:;.ai;.es, and 12 iMile Creek brd ,eand imlud.s a halt \.-ai s ,i;i. lesi p;;,u .a !ho,"), which is uot hn^ught ^"^° f^' ^\C<'p;nt^)r roteij L, and ov.pini.iu'e .or LSru) annexed U, ih«i Muiui s of (he Council io;- that year.— i ..o aj;p:ii'.iit di.-.cropaiicy betv. eea the two statenieni.s is v\.\- \y a , ah year's aiAa\.,t on the ^aums duo hj ^ach ol'the sa.U Uoniiiaiue!, uuu Bndtie, eAcepi, ui Lhc case of the Is'elsu* i 21 kttd Nassn.'awcya Roa-l C )«npAny w hir.h r.anr JC()0 of il)*^ fin.tlnlf year^t interost, leaviiij,^ u balimci- o. I II, T T. ...... - , f XIO Hs. 2.' J of intcre-t inu;! t>y tli« h,. hiuidca lo i:.!:5l lU 2- !, ii.:n-.st l-aid i,. ISa;;, u.U . Cnuntv, w X2i2 lis. 'id, tli'-' i'Jnyuut 1 jany iia kti d cii-ulv^-''^ »•» ^'»^' aocouat ag.aiisl liic Coin- Ones mh. Does the abst a.t puMi:-!v.l shoxT what .u.n svns actually was p B Corripaaios, aud 1^ mile Crc.ii Brid-e lor the year iSofi / aad u so, %v ^""aL Tnc abstract vof;.rr.d to s',o.-s th . an, ..nt pal I by the Ccninty County. w!ul. th. ac.ou'.l nnne.od to th ■ ^1' -^ ^'iV :t':: ^"'"^y^ r^ ;U. Th. whi. .n. .u ,t rU'Kv .1 a,.:.sl th. (o.nran..san. wasp in lv5.3.wh::ot.. Inhuuv, £1903 0.. 7a w.sp.ul a. staled , a answer to I ist (iiK's'.ioii.iii !>•• ''>• , .,.,v.„;uo,| Q.CCS.20. AViliy.-.. nownutmy..r a.sw.r to th. rh.rr^^ ^'l^^.ttod tovou minvlou.T oftho .n^t., iVo,!. N :s. i t . S n.M.Mve : ;i;... Tucau.vvc..to year sov.rai .lu .tlo:.. i th.aU ar. aa.wcr. to *^a!ri'fi!" On what awhon'y di 1 von pu-'ha.. tho .cv,.al D.b^nture^ .nano;nwlm sun- es,lilyu., .vc.iv. .M.-..y t. u>;i;co i,.iya..ul Uicre- Tor, and at- wiiai, di-cciiit i* • , . - *>r Xi7.:v). I paid ioi- I'K- Ddx'uM. t^ ..la or the '• b,n iu: Jund. IhO discount la.-.M was <....!..;.• .:n..;>er aMi.um, ou luo Unic tu rw:. which Qu:s. 22. An. y.)u of opinion at au.!:r.s ut Umc^ such jarhml, sullies ejit lo u;i laiil you t>) i;r.c-t " >iii;.ii!|i i\iiid.' (lues. 23. \Vi.:Uaiu...n: i. t!)e a^.w. .: .lo of - -.obn;v I- u:.d ^..U the debit or that; account win :h y .u co :m i'T.d yo„ bad a n,. ... lo .iivct iii the pun-base of r^ah i»;;!.'M;.u-.. s u;. t . ih ■ p.vse .1 iinH; . .4.^. Tbc .n. .. .t .,r :Mi..:n^, i'aad povUcd 'or in tu. Ivslun.te. j^>r 1357 was 1,2a l<),vvbuhs;i.., in .lud d th. a.un, .1 to p. r,.i. <';'!;;;• .nd the three p:. ce,;nu year., t.v uhoi. ot w h .b 1 Im ,k I ^^^■\;^^;l'''^ to apply in K.lb.:n.,n/< 'onn y D.hcni.r s nndev r..uhd on ol .b UumtiU Uiowbuloofubudi sum wdl ha.c a.c-.ucd uIku me r...c la i4a/ ii ^"'Qjr2i. AVhat omou-.t, if any. U no-.v to the dJvt of ?i>i:cial Rati *^!4/l"^ The " Siukiiig Fand^' is the only •'* Special ItuU' ^^count I hav». ^%e.,. 25. Did yon in the pnrcha.o .f the D-bcn'nr.v, r.derred tQ, tjblfuu the-u at a o.^ater dscnuM thuu is allowed or tuk.a by law by tlu, cLartored i'mikr; ol' ibe Provim-e ? Au.. TlKMb.coantas I'b-l'o.e stated wa. one per c,:nt per am. p.n -m. time. Tiic Deben.ure,. vvuro Learin,' .si:, per cent per annum, lu.ciesi.. . ,.-, -.,.v..,>.''- '11 "Tiic oneper cent di^ccunt an J sis per cent intcrcHt saved vojII ariaal sevti ►per cent QwM. 2r.. Vv!iats;!ary ill! yon receive as Treasurer fo,M5i'> yo.\r 18551 And oil uhiit ::i:lli(,fiJ/ (i.d 3011 take siutli sa!,..i/ ; un lur v\ !ut iiy-Lavv aikl ' Wijea such By-Law wa;, p.jsiod by thu (.^uuiifil f wlr^?, I rofriv.'d X' rJ,T UK th.a y,ar. I jjuid myself iinj.-r thu anthmtj • cf By-Lt.w No. i:>,!uj.| tt,i Waj.iui's » r!e.-. The iiv-Lnv -.v. a p,,ssed on the 2jia Dcccjiil tr of th:it y-ar, aud I was j)a:d «-'ji 'Ijj 'i'Jr,! ui t.io &na» uiotith. Qu:^. H7. On r r.rcnco t3ln-L;\\v No. l'>, liin.! (I; t llic fallowing words occur in the tirst clnus.! : '^ Tiint lV(,;!j :iii!l a.tcr »!; ■ |. tsM^r of th« « By-La\r, file !,,i',)U- Ji.v -im.; s!i;.il la jKlid l-i .1;;; ^,l:;o^vi;;;; iU-,iutrH AUti '• othais ui'ilhs iUvMit;:' llo-.v tloi-s :! !j:i;.p;f;i ||.:-.! vci;i ir.i.'r, :• I tho By- Law to ]i;iv«; a r<;tiv)-.ii;;.:i;v.' ^^(l't^^^,t, juid lo l..liO ]).iy uado;- ti.t' aijiiioiity of tiiat By~]„;iV,'. f If llu; y. ;ii- J-'iii ? vim-. ! !nJa'v.» ila; iiy-Lav/ \vfj? \nvvv'i\ to provi !«; f ^r tl; ^ tnvmcnt ol ' IIiesevo:;;h.> !icc:» !"!c-.- i^i na:!,- i .:i.; l:v-hc.< l-v Council »t the tt!u,^*.:' j;rts-i.tj i!.:: :v.i:;:^, ii> tlio Ic- 1 ii" :>!y :»• .0:: .•;i„r:. ' Que:. CS.An; .vo!i ;n' pi .i.)u i;ii>.t tlic rcci.-iv:ii.r o.* ili- .viii;i Ci'.C\2T^ under the provi.u,.. o;i;. 1.:. < ,. \:> r,r lirir ;K.rt .;:iho ;ii.t..„i .-c.-r previoin to its pass.i^rf, bv \ 01, w,is sir c-tiy I.'-a! ! -4/i.v, Jii'II.-\iii.': t:..: i .tv!ili;.ij ..fi';,. J,v.^TW V.MS t-i !:r.i;:.I; forth* rnyoKrlttuf CTtiin ;;.':•! ir.s, i i.-vcr Co .si-i^r. 'i liir 1- ••,! . -,i,saactiott «J/^f?f. :M. i'oyouni coiislvr ;;:..'l-;rj ,■,;• tr'ii-'iri ..r Hv-Ln^s of th(. Cm, H-,! i , t!. . .!,.i-!:u-^ uiyw.rdi.:y iv:;c:i :u-i!i.,^ • u.lv { u: aulhoiity ©I such JU-!,;iv,s '{ Ans. I ta;cjh.^/.'M ::k1,, ^,7 ,.;;,,,,".;.,>/,,, ,,f t<.^ l?.-.r.tu-s for my fr"H!.in filial u,t:r., aw; olj'y.r/nv No. 1^ i r.:rr:».:,!y t'::;..; ii wont K> provide lor p.i; i.,.;,t ;., r. l;..|;.s ('nc ;. r 1 -.",!>. f^'^^'^. :J0. i;„ viu c.,a>i :or i:y-!/uv N,,. 5 in r>r(V ? L'n. t, is a'iv part of It hiwi- r;oa^ •:>.-. "^ * -1'/J. N;i ^M:.^:it. .i.y.: l.,',u p.il u:»:h;^ it si'J V> Bv-!. ;V No. 13 (?/<(X :]J. T:i l;)oV!:i:r Ov-rrr,n.r :;frV),;:. ! .f:,... ^ M,:ns.„. Ms.n.^o*. andthtity.,:, |..iVi» . h, ..-1 s\„, ('..Mufyr. s:v.,\ nf.a. ry..s i-.t. r rt l!K're{\>r. Un whit ,,.,r. ii' V til! v».u ni •;..« sue.t !o:n J umI ivila' '..• ••• :,;•.• tlid tlicr© exist (,.r l.;.r;..,v;; ., ;,,;,.:, .,,;,„, v-Ij,.., it a;.;. • :n; ;in. h;r:vi -:.as w re at tti« credit «. tilt- Co.ni^y iVmi.i t i.-io: :o {'.w. liuiin ; f.i.j.i y.a.- \\\ wa to.- jf ■1"^. At t-ic time {:..• !o .(J U'ls ii<»j.)?;;i(<;I.XkO a ) i.<- j, n.;v.»!:c.d trm- porurily hy ,1- r.r i:.?- }!:ty;,..r.,s ,;»' .fan-rs. It wr-. !..:;. ■,■', a; c... ::nd by - :iif> Couji: il thru 111 i;.^-y '.vo'.ild he rcijuir'd J » pav tli-; c::iT •m' i;x'M»(is<'f5 of t.l;c Cuu:.-y, thorrf.n-;! |.,a;, Vvasi!c;:-,!i.l. il for th.' :.::j u .t rj'htdinl to. Ill Mr. ll;!-r;.:,ui'.s<.-a,v- a H;>tc ua.s --ivn ly t!i;; W'anlo.i wA >.'T, payable Mie fust , J .lanurr. y lo'lo'.vifi;; ; tliO ;aiJ..U!U ^i^lvarJvca l»'.' IIJO W;.s *on tbft tuine torm-i. [ai s.'- frtot f.a:i. t!v> 1 ulnn.? » nr sums 0' < ffloncy u» your hi:, Is in any Ij.uli ? Aud if bo, did vvu Uc-i, ct.cli sv-parato 'Irum your own privulo ucc<»iint ? t ir « •4 23 Ans, Idepositod such mimsn!) I thoiit wnulj nol be i.'qiMtrd to b» 'Wed 80011. In lunking the p lyrnents for Cointy pnrp )«',('^, I uiulcc the«« deposits aa fioqiii'iitly as I could without fiiin^' oxt i'< !v !*»r jsurli piti^ 'poie unless wh.n I hiid u l;i!gL» snrn on h iii'.J, in tvli.-n c:«si.' 1 went on purpose rati^ior tuan kooji it long on hiii.l. I {■/.» cr :i>ri;,' tines liopocjited -tome mon«y ol' my own with mi op :ui.i<^ a piiv.iic rt c un'. Qmcs. 3'J. In th:.! event of iiif;ni.!.s lu'i cr f luitl re t» :>ir(.' for Counff ;p»jri>o,so.i C'Hiiil y.)ii n^t liavo ohtidn;'.! iVo.a t'l:? \,t\': a t'juporarj advance i'is:«;td o; horrowing fri>iu ptivatii in :i:i.suu!s to >■; ' %'■ such tern- jf/Orury want-t ? j1«.<. I d;> n it know. I dM n.»t t;v, rrtl dij not si.>!V)^(i tlie Dank WO'.iii) grant .-avoiits to the (.'.ii'iity it\-'\\- ■:» to \\ \ n:;- j>«'r< mh. Guru ut. Di 1 vou ret-eivc anv fciun .•* t i.;.s o:".m'.;»;o.- ;..s iitwCrcol (la Jlich (k'pKMt.s '{ Ans. I Nfvn* rrofiwrl nny i!i!crRstn> n:^v d;v,-.oi's pi d^ hv mo nt t!r« Gore Bank. The I'l'ik ol'i'orou'.o :ii4-i.iscy ui Oik. il;...' ;.!l wcd three pi'.r vCCnt on deposit; niu.U! theie. Qt/f::. ii:>. 1 'i I y )U (!cpo;iit monies at any o*hi.r than Ih:; (:orc Jjank aa'l iiank (d* '!'»•: o:. to. Afis. Ail njo!.i..'s r .reived from (M>vi'r:in!- .,t vcTf- r; c- iv*-! s-.t the Bank cf I'^ppcr C 'Hi 1. 1. an I II;or.> iciiUii ic;! >r/ .|.' t.i:* a- •or..' \vil!rlr.t vvn. Qk^v. 30. l.^id vow k.i^on a p..s< I (litl; s': 'uin^j tltf n'ln i* a« d c?wt;'nt of tiie dep« i-i's ra ide in l!ie 6;.'V>Ta! n^.;ko '] And v.il! yo i ] Ictse produe* ■uch piv,ss-(»Oiik>* ? A}i:\ \>s, IC:^vcr:\!.ic:it in tlta l^itiik cf ('jip'.M' Cm-^di. I pro I; •.'.;.« til.' p I ^-h.iiiA'. Qncs '^i. li'yi'U ha 1 uc; o-ll 'd iho i!.ii:i;-:, ja ;^ oii- h:-. !•" in;!cr th« rt^sohsiion «,f ihcC.K'.icil, p:l-^ d in t ,(.' :!tii ,n «Ti:-:)7. if li:-- Husk of Toronto in^ti ad il' !i:i.iic;!i •<; th;' a;;.' u.i. Jr. iL; (m>'> ••;.;•!., v wa'd liot nhir^e stim have ;nMM;;\l \r, tin- V iKi'v .;: ''. ■ lii'.' nl' i;/ :•; - ;i!l \\v.\ i y t*iv: ii;irdv , i! •; iv-:ii' , hy \<:\ \v. ;) i; l.;.::l!iti )!i. Ans. Idid .!i;|-.(>>it til I! r:i:'y ;a ili ' ;: ;,f nry r.{ t-i. i". a^ir T ;• intf* at Oalcvillfl a.s <.r(l.\j hy ih.* ('u(i!i ii. wwA ■'■.i\'::\ ■•.' ! • ' !v .'•• < 'u'.:o:i of Council to (h.'x ^ir, m jions ,• o :f !i in i I'oa:, h.t.; and! not an a!i,sw«;r l<» lliJ (|ac..liiii. .'ir. St'V.::t \. ;: ; i ! . ir ,'i.i:.- i.| iisiiii •jui fally cciiic.ded \vi:h .Mr, W'iiiio. -M;-. 1 hi; vva p :>"»«■.. !y -i.; .:a -d •. r.iiij •ny othtT answer. 6w?t', .3S. ]>'.d you nn! n-jo y.nr it n'.io:;(::' with i.;' .i.'wv-; {.''"u'^n.-Il in procure tli(? rsrii.j.ni;' if t'.,(» Ktsoini n u'(::r!..'; ;■ i 1" ('^rc.'-it tiiv innnh^s III you hand-) at ll!C J^ank ui" Toiiiisl i, \vi.i:i. ia '-rv^l w;..s -^ ;,id Mfi •uch deposiis ? Ans. I stated to llic Cnnncil t!i;if it ums n'^t very rf.;'\-"tt:. r;t to !!nv.» the SCcotint nt O .!;ville ,\.':';ricy; t'lal I had s >>', w (.';.rtj;(.' t'.» 'i" >i'.)'A -aad o!h» .to Jlatulilon.and ,»eth iiail i.'i on rctunn.i to i:.i'. QitiS, 2«J. \\'\>\' wc:e the t"ln';pv s n t ;r::ou tu yr.ij J An$* 'i'hi pir tiv s c-id I I'oi nia';«; ii-u »t' 'Ii ni. Qh'.s, 39. C«»!dd y II nut j.avo «na:l • a 'in^o.ii'nt^ • i'h i'.!" nnna^rr ■ef thy Aj'f.'jicv al (). kvill.-, to havi» \y\\A \m 1 r v(»':r ''n;'!!. n •• at"' sijfn f.f ^iu!ns which you di'sir,'d to pay < n yon.' w !• cut at li.ijn.;to:i or i .rontor? AuM* 1 did ii a try tuiitukca. y urn.n<;cm.iits. It ?Uf*. 40. Wh it antounf h^'l vnti om f1«p 's't i!i the Gore Banl froi» litnc to'tiiiie dtiiiuo- tl.u year 1S')S ? AnJ what cash balance appeaw tO" tiio debit of the Comity m ynii- h:» ils f-om tim« to ti;!ic on the O. •ach niotith fro •» Jhe lirst .lay of .Uuivli lo the lirst day oF DccemWf » •ionivcsno- beariii'T iuioresl 1 Am. Tho I alun-Ds upjeur'n^ m ths cash book wbich I now •ttbmd vu: Tbuo the sums 1 h m1 on hand. Ou th;j 1st :s\w"\\, 18")S. •« A;, il, '* M-y, ,« June, '*• .Jul.-, '* Au:rn:t, '< S j.'-.n'.i.T," ()c;oi(v, «* N v !!,h»'r, " l./V'ccii.h r, «* «» i< M H i< U $ 9554 61 11151 00 7117 00 2.")3S 5d 13:J2 5 242t) 24 367t 33 VM'S 11 3301 00 The sum? in lh» IVuikr-.: :;»-!-'> .«<(;!; A\ iwstlie ninf>!intil<'ponitC(l exoi.pt sucB tunis as H'cjo leciMVC'Ll from ■:» .vcriiinoiit at th« 13 in I of rpner C.iuada. Q:u $. il. M'h.it ju:i U't oi'iii'oifV'i was alloAol yoii in your uccoun^ witli ihti Aj;i.'2!ey ui" iho iJ.tuk ul To.oii!!) ou tiio iiiiuuut tiepuiiitcJ by you tlicro. ^1;?,«, The f;:iiO:'.':t a-. ,'MMni; in Mu; ]!:im!; 'siolc orthu Bank of Toronto Agency, to uii, 8^;) iH ;i:i 1 ^O :]7. To ^1 :>n;) 7-1. Qv.cs. A. \'»"Ii I! pi.ii il oft t!it; d il you l thi; a',Toi»nf at ih;' bank of Tor.'nt I. \Vh,tt niiiosuii il dy u oejio-it aiul vv-iut was the avera^-c amount ■t time of ;•;!'; 'i t!i;;)..)5i, il. Ans, I i!-;,o.>it d th'io on t'c 1 llh ari'l r2ih D •rnrnlvM-. £'^^1 18 whi.-li [ c!;o;^ii.\l ,ju: ir ):ii lii.:e I » li.ae uii.l w.is uil willuirawii o;i the 13th Dec, Inst. Q« A. 1- ^Vi 1 y .'i jirol'iC!' «!i > nr.;.» oivon to M •. IfM-'risui, I') \vhlcU you rcicjriL.l iayour a.i.'.vjr >io. (;jl) in le |>:>,l i'> Lie '^yO') botrovvcJ bjf you. An^. Yt's. ? |)i lu'e it. I'lc mio i^ tlat tl l!ir« 1C';> \?';»y, IS.j.'), paya- ble* <«n t!i' -'ilsi \y (;.. hi- 1 iM.;- ititci- 'st*.!. si\' pre- it )) r aii;at!ii. Qhs. \'\. Wi i v.,tj HO iiKo I'.n; ("ii;.(iui.'rf or Wmcliurs maiio to th» ei-editof t!i • ^;();e i'.'";!^ ( Ak<. 1 cui) o.ilv • i e v'tu t'le " u!; rvi-st-^o ,k. I havi: not tiie whob of the (ylieques. 1 ;>;■,, ii.eo tiiusc in i.;y p •-cs-ioii, (ilia. 11. Ill :.i) I v.^xx ynii- ;'"c(>i;.;f aiuunlly t » th' roiin'.y Cojnclli 4o ViiuconeiMve it iu 1» • r.;»i:- il wy i«) m !;.• a ]'' n :> '• .1 S'uteiinMit in (le(;'il, •ho\vin;^'-a lui • yiji'. .)i";ii! arco'' js o." lue C.-u.i y Ibc li.e current year, •odin;' \vit!j ih'j ."il -t I !. c. in i> -li •«•;!:•. An:. Vox i!)e yi :;." 1 .")}. IS").». anl 1S')(1. I :ri)>liT i! {'i!'^ rireo.mt up to liii! 3 Ihf •>i'.),iiiu I." • fi OkV I! ,• III • ci.iv.) oi* I , I' I oi ; It. ■ • y .Tr'.ip'.v, in Vwiir an:iU5 #tatu:i)ciit ot a ' m «b(! flta< lln C Toi Fur tiio A rate »rn lion Q ther IfV( Kd. of J vou! film iust(.' » addc< t'.vo Q; •0 ih A> Qt •aver De**! «evti the a A?i iein:(l j.l-2'.n the ill Am the an fuse tlie iu ; nny statrm'nt ivhon rcnd^'ring my flnnoat ftate,Mor)f ol a..co:,nN ol baJ.iKcs ^ra.ses.s.ucnts due iVom the suveral WnnK i})ail;(;s oi t!,e Count}'. Q«..v -1(5. If. roiening to yrmr answer N... (2) yr« sfatcl f!mt th» til r„u-ii.:;i;torN.!s „ u.,s iiMio:-.,,!. ia nnki:,:^ ,>:,yu..:;t ofihe Sil.kinJ J^j^^ar 1S;^(;'? '' "^ M'"ucipni;(y la delUult ibr lu.y ^rculcr .u„, (bJ yj«5. TiiJ'Tour) Mp of N..!son was in dofanU £321 8 1 of rmmf- Q ri-. '17. In yo!ir iiMi.ij.i? s«:,((nno},t rovKlorcl on llic 3lsf JriT)v 1.S57 thej-e »p,Kars lo be a hj.nc. ofo:..!, i:, f.an.l o!" ^13^3 ^"^ If > oil h:u| .......UM llio auK>iii;t in diiluult l;y |]ic Tov7„sI,:p «f * P T "" "i'/'.'i,"'' ^^"' "'•" >■*"*■' "»'• "otpaia iinlil «lu! 3r(i day of June. IS ,7. iMiniiiilitiir I,, ^ _ irouia r...l .he aciiKii Lulai.c.i lo i!,e crevljt oC t!»o Cuu'nty 'bV t liV •urn of.......... . -^ ^ lUSt,..lo; ,;en.n!;.U:;b:,h,KV0i-. i:!:]^i3 2^ •ddcd.tl.>,.. .. ..'. ..t.c.s.b:.';r,iceoalKn.dat:;a en I <,f i!,.> your, tire on. f^T; ''':■=■" :'''^' '■'^'':"^; = '''^::'''"f^nd r!iip:^i;l to tl.o CoKntv fr.,:n tf^ tht 3Ut ev.r;.! Mmm: ,, ::.K :. so;-.u.('o.H.,yol- lie ;.....,eJ rates or l^f,7 :t Z iose Oil. ic y.:,ir, w-.s .;.,;{•..>•) N f,. '"* (iuv,. i,l) \M=:.lnMM,:.l, iruMV, vv^st'.o C.iinfy!i.!,!(. r, pny out of the aui»..t uv.i ; srt. i..,;!, .;. y.u • iw . la t ;,!,s;vor,. |br ll., yc,,r IS;? ? thc^h^ • 'ih ^^''''I "- V'V" ";,"^''^'-'^ '^ 'J' ' >•-" ^^n'icipate to pay .luring lUC tn.«,i .f,|| y.-ai- o, 1;-..)S, 1 ,r all jniij.o (;s ? ' "^ •* -1««. 1 iiiul in!, rost .in., 01. \h:h^:uiuv<'s Junn last ;V2S, i-sM.'.] nmlcr W-Jl tile. lh.,,;,|,nv,..(!io ^u.n of .i7ir> 17 IKh... as fees t. C l!oe. to..,utIo.vuv^ a «a X.,7.; M i, I..;,,*, il,. .rant U Cu.nn>or, Sd., •.!. X «.^a.no.at p. .s ntc.s^ o:. Udu-.tun., i.,.,ed under Ti^H:^ tl !t J«. I d« no. .kink it my p.rt ..f m, duly to ok-'"'.' '"'•>« ^»'';;^ refuse togivc It itJ— ">i i".iip. ,- , ,, ,...,.>. i ,...,, „• HI i!i» a» tlse tim» gums mntionctl ill your qu!-'*' 'Oil : ....,r. 7 <) T"^vn lip Oliltxrs, IV. >. -V.' IS Municiptl -rrait to tSch.ols •• -J*^ *^ The ill crtv-t tin MlioiiC'd iiicp;»v>i'<'ii''-^ "''j'*' iu 18:,8,aii 1 amouiU as ubovc sUtcil I • i.iO ^_^^ ^^ ^ ^^.,^ ^, ,^ sumoi' '-^ LT-'rirs* To wlich a.U tho cash balance oa la.ul t)Ut I^ccc.bcr,! ^.7 |.|^'-ULy WomM liii.i;.: a total cf. • • •• •;;•;*: V,;'i''jV (j'.i;* O.. D:.>/. U i..t .nio.nt of tip a)>..v. ..U. • V ■;;.:; ^^^^f.^ aWiiaiern',iilcatoth-roiii.tv,uiil.K-.»i -It-' >. '-;./.,,..,,. ..Vui by the 3lst D....M.h..-, ISD?, inrluu:,:: th. .rn .,ni ..u ;•,. -^ -" I l>^"^i ^7 ;oU as iat..v.to., .l.bontun s ^i^:^ oa «!;•;■;.;;:':;.':;. V,','.^ i:..i:n.fos f.>r I857,.vhich an; .u>t, d.nhieto I IV.n J;.;^ .^--"i;:;-; -;. a f .U^thi Js. 9.I1K. ^^'^'''^'' '^'-'^^ '^ !.a!;iUtu o. Xo. .U.j 1..>.. .'.n. CounfV. li:ul ull i>< ci» pJiid ws^. ^ ,. .. „ | ^j, g.;..:)U^. ^>v-u•a,ls^v.r to ^rU..1 .0 .-■>-,. ; .^^^^ ^^^^^ not ihi.k It a:.y v-rt ot n.y duty t. r ..,.,.. L- - ^ ^^^^ AV$. I bvP Mn.ioUbt ..t til- ^Oi^.ll J '" ^"<- '^ ' . ' . . ., ' on ilio lit .■aiiuru-y, Ki.w, r.i \uUi- haii.'.?. .^ Ana. .i;i,:];i:5 :^. :--..l>l- ^^ U, r. rr.'v f. r 187)^ nt i!» 0,;,w 'ui'i. \\\^^ a:!;r,Mnt ^va^^ tin.: lo t Ij.. I.. i.r..> i r , «loi, au.l i-.nrail.aua Nvlndi inay have 1..m.-,. ic..i..a i. .> • "i;^ IVTowislip of N.ISO. wa. du. t„ the County ^. , ^ ^ r -.tcs, at tu« closo »»': the y.a:- LSjO, - ^. ^ ^ Linaiic Asylum u.:l', ^p j^. j^ i-chool MniiuiiKa grant, ^.-j j,. ^j biuUn- Fund lat^s ji^u^-fli Of wlurliamomit. thcTown.lm, yasrnl-il'-J ti.a ' drawUck, f.r colicci;..- ratet;, lllc^^ua ol ^.--—1-1 AH the other Municipalities l:ad paid up. I 'ing to j A?ts. proper i fee appl , : in .7 our i of in fere y Aus, tad not t other rca M A71S. ■from ilie ■Account Ans. lHonie.s, i; ■*«r these ^fender ,*St, #r8. Jfii •'idue to \\ ^aler.(f J do nol in th* lie tlmtf jJuctinj ) 8 & 01.") t s ij'S* :MI U louiit on . il to tlttt •i "I do iij> <1ik; hf liclj-aUlie* J ■; — aui if 7.') 'Q^^« 58//». Then ihe caf^h \i?ance of ill ♦'i?i q. o.j >ntiiu (];e ..f, .ojioijii t.> lii,. \,f ,../-,n; 1 • ,, '^ ''M<'<'r l;umfs by •ml ir,..o., « In-,,.., . '■•''''■■'' '^^""^'' '"""•'■ '"= """'".i,^ of ,„,,, i^^J". •^^'I'-iii'ic!^ litilii iLov u-ero p'lM ■Mg t„ L U.- ? >-W IVU 1,^ ,,;„ Ic, J,„„„i,. ,Vs,!u;„_ ,,^.,„j. fee appl «M .!l....:;;i. v ^ ^' '. ' " . '"'^'^ *'"' '"'''^^' -"• =» ^P'^ILmI pnrpo.eto oi-interct a.d ,o rn.u:. ^!; "-l^r^K^lll^^ "^"'^'•- l-P"-^ll'au li.e ,.:^:nent Q-^.fi.f.. 1 ;;:':,';' ^'^ '••'"'^^'•-"•i •'"■-'-- .....e to answer. Account? ' r^.M!Hntol n.omcs uut oi' tl,o ** Special lUt«? »nof?^s iii '•;"«;:;;'','';;!';.'' ';••;"' /''^ ^^^••'^^"- f'--., (;,„« lo tin^o. to rar ^4,r these „. ni, s ,i. ' 'i ^ ''\'^ "" ""'^''" "'^•" ^' '^'nl^i";' Fnnd." cJ^J . ^Ques. 65. What y,>ar did v«u u- or -^r- H- m, ! . • ti,* The vnnirg fnml l.« been ...J ev«y J.ar until «.. r"'** ""l^ T..e Lu„..i. Asylnn. nUo was -;> - ^^a . _^^ ^^_ ^^ „, ^ iT-nf. I O ^7r~Did vou in u r»!)lic .»-'"^''' n.bmU Mici state of W *'ounci!. ^ .^^ .. ncc.uiUs vcuil.>rca from ti.iie to time,. > ' qucs. 67. It appear., from ^^ ^'^^^^ i'.^hI" yui. b:vl on hand ltemporarily,in Order that \nltri,^\ ni.„»t ""l^:;^Thc«.Sin.i., Fund'' was nevcrlons on hand until it was «sca. Au:Sitor. an account of all tlj. ..o.vcs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ u>c Mun or HUinf ^Tir I ^i^ not ...U «ny st.t...ot ^otll« C...y Coju^^ of tnios vccciv.d l>y nu. a. rate. - -- ^ '^,J^ Un.U. I uovcr that i did not consider .hose -^-, ->„.J^' ^,h. Sacl/ sau>. vrcrc paid , brought them into the CouatyAecoan^^^-^^^^^^^^^j^ arcr'tothceveral ^^'•'^^•H>;^l'i;*^^ ^■■' "'';^» \y\.,. ,,;,,, ,,« required. n«cs.CS>. rioase say ^vhetUcr y. u '^- ^ '^ ;"VvnsoT.haioa Act, to «,£r section. (i9 und^74 oi tho A-- ;^ i:!l;L^ such account.?. Submit tb..s. accounts for an .t, and r,,.>, I U ^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^. Ans. I am of opinion tl.at .ec^u. .i • « ^^^^ ,^ j^^.^^j, ,,a « » ^Udution Act npphcK -'f^^'^^! .^^ ^,^' "' w .n 1). U- n:..e. have aoi charge upon th. N-n r-^-» ^'^ ^ ^ \l ,,t think the accouU. rea"'^* k-cn issued oa the crcdil ol ^u.U tun^i, to l.e auuilcd. ...pn'snsc„-nh.>in h-nd for IHrJtnnount- 1858 would not U.e County Cnunc I »''^^'^ !;!,'.!: .,; provide f.r instead ot th.M-nor.u >us.u;n OK > ,-^^^^^ ;^^ Mr. Wui.cobiected.nd -H-;^;;^^'---^' :;.,.; on. but thai tb. withMr.VVlnteth>»tthcqnesuoa uas not 'V I » answer was not satisfactory. , . ^,„„ .vcuI'Uk^ at tl»r^ credit of tl»« Qu... 11. ^^»'0,oust,.^vl.at.u^2c!n.r,ia^t!u>iialmitieBoftl.^^ year when the Wunicipnhl.c. have ^.U up auo for that year unp;ud ? ... .^ .,.„ gj^t Dec, iS.')', t1'«'«'« «»« »» band a cash balance vi t^-.^-.'^-; / u,;\ .id «p a. that tnne »h re would have hceu U4408 1^ j^;- '^:^^, tUi. purposed case d.d «o* for 18:>7 and expenses ottoliu I. n^ J v 4yxist fi r the rated were not i.;;.a up. ^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^ j, wonrt, of tbf i iog 10 £4408 12i. Bd. 1 o«i«r Tbere ^ Cohoo eolJeol of tilt 11 to l^ to time,. , on band yr did ytHl- 8 used, .va or to tb# uriiig th§ or suiAi kvilhia tht r Auditor*- s reiisun— I never were paid ■t(»a Act, to locoiiiits ?. Luws Coo" d, and is » ■A liavc noi u«.t3 rci"*"^* n ^ County Hates rectii»6il Sinking Fiiml... >1C075 8» i'U'Kttic Asylum iCatV!.* '^''** 05 c P^: . - ^'^ 31 Scliool Money 'GOi 5G TOO 00 •««' »l.ich dca,c. Schod Mo«,....Jw„ 00 ^^^ Hi 4.-, — • UU 21 '*e!'L''r if!'" '^"''» •''^«'- ''''^luc.-n^ iiG^cT IVomtbe'/WtiofMilto, ^-,, , . ,fr'»!''*^>-^i^v.iic... ::;:;: 43 « f* ■ » lraiu.gi,i- a, (J 5 JJ •r*7 f,mo«int» :st jna'csior assess €*■ Mia. vvr.i-tf>gre«4l but tlal th» r,^ait of tb« liiitica of that u a5a»issmeo* tlifro wa« on all the rate* e III '>e would ehool money case did iioi jmourt, of tbf t> •:■<:.■ f ; f A:^ '. . FIRST REPORT. TO TUB •irVJ- 3ul)abUaut iTrccljolbcrs - awi CjonDcI)a!Su-ir^ OF TIIH COUNTY OF IlAXTOISr. In t\v OHvU- rastof la^t rttittttnn the mUl^ct cf .liTrtiMirc V-c!;v.'cnccr* fart!, in two peMiou., xvlii.-:, the T.c.hoM.r. u.ul n.av.holi.rs of ilio.* «.cMi:tH p.x>s-iac(lt.UH'Ccnncilnr:»yin-ior :i./ nnr.s.i..;;.t;o:i into »hc rtate or tl. ) •IVtv.su y. » l.osa r-a'itioi.. Mx- .n^.t Can •.! : hou.'i.t proper to
  • ^r.'>s.' of ir. :i iu^un^K hnrm^lo»t wUl. i!. • i:n.o-;ui-:.: «i luc sulyeCl. mial ali.Mn r.-rr-urc to tl. • ;.!<- a ain,^ ■. .k.1 m .!v.-;s.:Uor^ an. ;i.cU..vUns. n on:..>:t Cv.co., ih .t ll. , C.a... J.^y M J • In. i;aH AfM/c>. o> nj.l.nn.-a in liieir piTScmMiit io ii.« (. o;:. s: u; ..u' l^ ;^^y clr .'.' 'oi 1. ' v^i;.- i.».' a ll. .:u r;ii un-i^.^U' jUh! • !■ f :t • in .: • ;.il iis ii' it ^vjiULJ^iiilJlu e Cotrt- ; iiito thft _______ •^' ' ''*' ■^"■' ''• ''*^ ' '*' lunrt^-r,Hia ir p:>su;Mr :«r.iv.'at t;..' tr.ia n.i rr;^ .iii.y ^ nie;a. 'i".' ln\A I uctvdcil, ;!a.l P>s- .:.. ii-.-.x • ui vr.r.c..i»- to t;;« task.. I of rnur<». t:.:»(l • i:i .u ry cM t:»r C .-::.y f ^: ^'^ii'^ i>^«' <'''' n-c:'s^(;r7 rrc-a. uhic!.il.-la.v,oq:.;rv. ii • ; l^o;.! ! :! >' v*:.;!y To;- .;>s:KTtK>n. but "uja .in • luv >.u pis.: w.,i/o. th n ;.:t.ianou, but (■xpro^.oa himsrirvtT" a:;:...»u:;.:ii'a 1 sUmiU! ox;uir.w; intotl;^ laaUo;-, Mid o llu, ..nd .equesti'a nu. If» <-dl £.).«« fimo d.ui;.- the ^Mi.u.n- ^^ .vl:. XV l.cn I fta'lel I'c .-tat^a that. 1 '.vhiM not examiao tlie Acruu itntili iv.e -./ce.c next ibllo'A-;n.-,a6la^ u':.ist;.oalm.y mahiag out a wh,,te Ktnl.ai-.tol those \cciKuA<. A pi'L'ss of i>;ivat« bu^^iritis- occiiircJ aiy nUiaiti aa i.Ucrvvavda tilith> be'MV>Min^ of tin. mo«l!.. On^the 3rd day of Dor.M.bar, 1 address ad a n )le m tl'.i Traisarcr asking,?>craii; iv, •.•c Ootrt- \ iiito tliB .' »'X>:itu'«», ;K t;isk., ' (S;>'.'Ctia!i, • Wt'.YO CO ;»;uiy will* u iiispec* ,'Ut Jis li^ • lid to tills When T \;ceiv next 'it of ihoHti i.ricrvvavJa 1 iKldreB*- .Vccounts, me to tiiA> .1.0.1,1 b. ,v .„;„,, ,/a i ;,;''''■■ ■■■T'''''''''-^"'''" i'"""- impn.i,.T "v..u:.;; ,:,..' ::;'';,;'-■':.''' -»-' -- -^i. im:,,.,.,;., "„? fn.m h.m. T.« •o;,.! „-l <,r ' f. W ' ,'''";'' ""^'"^ '"^-* b^V'» ex.H cted putdouM J,y t, . ./,-,..]•„ . .', "-:,• '"''"-"-f o, the CnuvM w.i.s ru-.^uiOr V 0-1- <-r,. .:. V, . ;:; '^^ -- «i^e ^.:..,.,, .,. ,,, ,.^;^-; / the Cnnu.!, a. T., ... | ;h .;:;'',;• ;^^'^'^'".^'-W'P«..rci p.,sor,a!Iy l.oibra l^aindit mM:.s,r....,, M,,. ■' •'',V'^"^'''"-^^^^'''^!n-r *•' f:.i. m ;ttcr. I ' l-e^n ill,.! an I ... {„ ; .„.;.;,. ,;. ■• "^ ;^;-^'^'-" y-;^»''* P-^^t, «h..:h s':o:.Kf I,ar, *i");l^:uc^ ^"'^■' ''"^ AuuH.r. to ,iq,o.it tl.c.u wit;. Unn iu ».'i.-l,T tli;M-( :if.' ! . .,• u > i , .' ■ • • • '•"'''' oi- IJini- ■•atiou lo/ ta • '■,.;;• ;' ., '] ;.,: •''■'■'■ *;'•' ^ ' '''"^"'^i* C^rpo- pi-ecc:in-i!,,j, ,,„.. j;,. ,7 ,(';,.' "'''/"V."''^ *'''^' "•' -iJ^-e.aoiT «hy jiin,s ii.s;,..>r(, ,, ,.{■,.,. „ • 'i •• ■'^'•™'-'^-''' ho .rs be oner, t, ^ "';.'''«»'« -«:^tract or exln.ct. lVo:u th. san Htln: V '^ "^ '"*^"^^ "' ^« •:^!"J in !ik« m uiivr ih- 'h'! , "/".''.eai^uro. ' tliatpuiposu, ail tiieprocQeO,- in-rH of tlu> Corporation of wliMih.-nlnll 1)2 CI«rU nnJ to ni;iko rr-jrulinr out fto or icwoiu 10 lie ii.i(itc;icn ol ;.ll insscriK, ut &.1 Ki suUiiUl* times anil l;oii s. , . . 'J'liiis it ui.l bo t»(H-n l!nt »'»i» »! ost 'mp )rl:\»tt clii' e», imj^cr^jvc itpoa lllis oViicor, bv lh<- Mnni ipal Actl>.;\0 b^M. s.t :tt (1, f.. lirr. 1 rriirct «» gay llut no ;i! n lli.- atiswors •;>. n by tlif ClerU to my (lu.-Nfi.Mi'. T.irvaio luli «.r :i,!!ni^«i.»n.s a.i.l c(M.;n;.l . l;.;ns iiu-- worlhv of .Mr. linn bu--, i,ii ! »*Iiow r .. lu^ivcly b.nv I ,c ikIim, s' s and trust ^'coinnu;tL",l lo tlic Couiijil m.il lli^-.r t Ilicoi.'S li.ivc bc.n j rulLttt'il. I am s )rrv for bi^; ctii.diH-t. - i Arter'snhiiilliiii'Mo ;i f;ooit (leal cf niif,o<'i'ssnry :ibnNr» frrm tbo pnrtiOf imnlicito.l. b;it sUl i!t:;«v, iniM-Ml ibv lu) o!.f<;a I ; .^lio.iM li'v.art M.y c-.Kor- tion.s ill ocluriii ■• 1:k> r>v.l f mhu Slctvavt, IH.of Es-iMcvin;'-, ;mu1 w.ia his .o-<.;»eiatioi pio^ceutiMl th > o.Nain i.a(M>n. ^ ^ . Tbe Tre-iHirL",' h i .i.^. rclus-d tr.givo tins-.vers 'o my !ir>!' t ir. •• ^|uorlf•^ I lauded to ij.m llic charges Pii..tcd la t!j<' jirciiuMiaru:; . i'lli.- ii».-. .MigalitJii. NOV," roil TilK CIIAHOKS. T/i<7 r/Vsf.- -*' Tb(^ cxi tonco f pvu^urrs ani IniorliiicatiiiM in th* norcra! books i)f AccouMls (»r t!i.' Trras'irrr." _ Tlio bost pioof 01 f'.i:; is a;, i .sp .•(in,, of the 1.0(>l:s. A -b.nro i.s suffi- cient to convince ai'V on' ill t \U s is ih- oarji- ; ul!b;i,_h ut are luf from iinpu.iii- t.. t!>c 'i r a .upm- any i:,t. iilioi' t» pervnl tb'> Aceo.uU.s. Tie S'iOi/d.—-i\y^^ tb- 'I'riM^urrr -'p.^pind ar,.! ^,.^.!:;!t,•d lo tlw Mnnic,il);il Council .d" ibi' (.'o-r.iy of iial.ou (•:;<, i'-ir.;nt IMinaiors P'.'f- ^ porlin t,) bt; sums of D! )ii"y recjuiiod t» ructjt tlio lia'o l:t;' s a-. I cuunii- t EonL expenses inv t!ie curiei.t y^';;rs \H:X), 18.'.7, and Ui3S.*' i'by ///c'r^<'- l^f^^'. ^^^ leii'vi! liia', tb;) K.tinialo was orrei, oxc'pt llmt sullioieu;. piovl-i .u w:.s .01 made f.r tb'^ pnyi.;"!U of mon.f: due tla Cuunly of VVeutv. u'tb. i";diii;;.;- duo caily in ibe Cusiiui- ymw i'V IH.IT, wc rt-rel to iii.d a v.r,U!:.::nl aud (■.•oubil lut iM.mato mad^ W(! b:Miuv(;'lhil: then: w a ^ ,;d'-ed. i.vrr ;nul abovv wbal w.io n.eijt^sary lo» that vcar, no les:^ a >u n t/au yl'J.COO, or ibcK; iboui.d For VSo'S, t! Ev.iii.it" mnde l^y Uu; Tiea^mrr iom,xtlbi« current ('::p uses, nuionniin-j; t. • v-*-')"'* we b dicve wouUi bo co.roa ; iu:t the Ciunii.il, no! satslird wJu H.is, l,vi,d ;•;,••. ;• -^^^^^ •tid tb," Tica^u.or oni/.ted tj .leduct Ir.uu sueb r.sliuiale ilic Ccudi babiiice on band, umouiii iuji; to nf r i* Tj wL'ich add aincnul duj from tbe Mui.icipabiM;,. . . x,J,.)IS Tutal, !^-^^,&"l? 7M',- ry per* bi any IN 'J '4 I with- juiiiibl* C ItpOB lirct •<» iiim I ' ClerU s und tcJ. I piirt'iOf I to tilt ahi.iblt u I' tit lot ric^ 1 10 ^^alitju. In tKt is suflJ- are luf 10 th« OXC'.'pt due tLj .20,271 21,32S G,05t 20,5 JLt ; Lesi dno, n«j pop anixrfr tr> rnjctinn No. 50,. . . / $5 172 To pay ijitcrcil Jnc on Debentures and to iVcotworth,. .* 1,1 H -^ — 6,883 r, Ralnnce, ..,,.,, 419 GS7 rom trWI. .le.lncf, to replace S\n]dni. ami scanity of moni-y, In years of un- I'xainp ed ti.aU to li.e IVoviV.cc in ocM„.ral, wrro hard to l.oendnrod by he people olthH Comty.^ \VV a.ecNcc.dinoly ,,orry that the businvss .( tb..-iCMUi.tyMcor.!,H-li.d in Mi:-h an uiisatisCactory manner, and that Iho connn.u,.iy, „. trying' tun s l;ko th, s^ had to hear the burdens in our opm. ,n unnec, ^^sar.ly imposed upon then., and Ml.ieh should have been avoded hut h.r the con ,uc» of those who had the control of allairs. Uc Ihrd d.ar^r., „, .. 1^.,^^ ^y^ 1 reasurer api)ropriuled monies received WJr II m coiitra;y to law. This is a.hniitrdly the Treasurer himself, and not only by him but by 9th.T members ol the Councd. 'i he rc.s;:onsihili,y i, nnt conllned to tho I K-asurer hvcry ,nen;ber of the Council from iho AVarden downward* u jri\'0i \ eo, „,.J't -^ r'- '^/ = ''' ?;. " '^''"* ^'"^ Treasurer borrowed .nonios from piua'e .ndu-,u,.alsl„r pr.blu, purposes nut re.iui.ite, and char .ed certain iUUK^as nitcr.'st tliorel,:r ill IKS/Vccnnuis.-' ^^-n^m We ilnd in ?Jay, i653, Mr. Biuw,, paid out to pa:fe.s of his own find. On or b.-fore the l-2th May, the same year ho received from "^'^ ^"^ ^ Yanous sources ^i-a « • • * • • «... .i^ 1 Leavino- in his favour 'HT ]^' On th.it s:jme day we (in:l pl:,c;d tj h:^ c.ejlt, 'ir)** "' '' liji rowed from James llari.v;n i^r^ 20O Balance on hand on the sam^ dote "^i^C'r^o'l We find ihat at t!^e ei;d of every niMUih dnrinu^ tliaVyJ^irVy' h's own cash bool., ho h: d la.-^o h hn.e. .n hnn ! pre.lndin,.!,o neeossil/of horrowin-^- more ban ll.eL.^i7 19 5 as e iu^'=^;^."eace of ih. balance at the Treasurer's credit a. tho (.ore bauK. he cnul.I easily iiaveHncct^d a temporary lean in.tral 01 I nowMio- mo:ncsfora larger perod than was re(iui,-iile,the County diu.i H The Pff.h charge is, Thut tlie Treasurer 'h is not complied with tlie stat- uto, oy not pn'pariii;^ and rentleriti^ his Acconnls in (Unoil : ai.d -l- per cent on tlioso o\er that, periotl ; but the Treasur a- used lis iidl iciice with the Council to withdraw from th" branch at ()a' deposits we;e ;m tiie 'roronto l)..n:. ?*>.")9 74> of inten-ost accrued to t'le Conut). Had t'luse ilcp .s.ts been coiit!iiii"d the am )unt tiiat wonhi have been yiidded :u ntereiit to tiie C lunty would be considerable. This loss is unaceiMintalde tons. M-ne ial'y din'in_2,' p()s;l , a \eiy handsome am. lunt nii^^'it be reali::ed by ti.e („oaiiy in interest had ihd ohanpe mt, tak.,m place e.iiJ itr,'piived the ocrluxd jteople of c\cty fartlmiit of tliat inleiest. The scrcitlJi ciiartie. ;iccus's tlnj Treasurer of pe.r(di.;s'n:^ Debentures pr (jtlier secuiilies of the County, wliicli were i.ssui'd by him and out- standin.j,' not tlue, aiid payalde ibr hcveial yeais, wliicii were held Uy privaie indivniu lis, siit'i purc!ia.-e bein^' nmdi! w tli ;ut lawl'iil antliority aiuL-^uppo-i itiu; ;h ■ j uria.iiSi; xa'id liiat ii v.-as iiie.vpedieiit a.d unjnst to n;n\e t,iic!i pni'vha'.e as Mu- c.rcu.nstanc s ot' ibe p. ople (.d" tiie Coanty \vo;ilii I ot warrant inm in ni:.kiii>j," siicji invi ,-iiii -nts. JMr. Ijrovv'u hinv-elf atlmit.s tet^ n o>i ol tbe abfve (liaijris. Uis . vai> n 'e sil.'.Ws \\ u\ I II" pnr/ln.SMej;' de •■etur s llici to biieself ! 'J"ld^ is ille^ai and hi , ly tolhc ''as hi en c ,riie ; 'ii \\\ <■ s \e.;d n Ir, it niV'i fii II ti'!>?pin' i r., ; io ■ ol ( ha) gi s. m 1 Ills II aait seii.nsr r, pr. 1 eiisilde. .""'l (in Is Cdi ' i ;i V tn 'ft the id :t niV'i fii 11 ti'!>?pjir i r., ; 10 ■ ol ti.e pe. pic i, on v \ hi h i., li .^ i^^5 (^n ||uy ^Lii^cr a^Il.ativq y^r cxtvity, i.U^ \\l;ci» u^ un^- t.;..c ijcis 85 l!ie we' fare in law at.Te1:,nc^^ nn-I m^,^ le.d (o .nn^equcnre. .li^ash-nus to ... .. . >"l'^'t' "ny. Wlut l.oslhe .si,,ku,r n,:Kl U, da will, .n.culan, de.. tares Slu.ul^nt not I.. le.Mn,act Ib^l. • .n.-pos^s ini'^l^Ip ''^ U . an' . ,ny !o fi „l I:, it t !i > Ti'easi,,- r has lra:,>^,vss.,l lla- l.u' m - s'nn..,r.,>n>i,niyl,ysa:.inn.:,,a>.. such m s:.,pP.pria,:o,' '^ L I 1' C. s ' III' (!;• Ill t. , ,.,,'• I- .'V I , ' ' '. . '"' ■eaur ;''''<'i''Ve.Ml..>.:.k,,,. Fundi., the |,u.c!:as3 .f (o.uiy /; i' i>-:i ^n.;h nvr^Mn-,, |„ j.,. „,• jHlvaiila^e to 'ho 1^- -lnv.no u„ i,|,,a ns..:,dor,l,sbch.^tl..o^iti,tnc '- ^. -'t'>-.ise n! til,; nia ,_v lli ,t are l:cii ■fr.led. ^' «^ li 111. ia. War Ic, i. .everolv to b'ai!;e i\n ncolpc'iip- lo v^ rnnn S . / "^'ii I) .o.c loi.rlanv '1h; .S.nkino- i-'und. Tl;,;; would Hy.. '■"•'" ;"■ 'i xciise iM.t instra 1 utnavin,' a,iv la^^.ivin -s .... t:..> 1 .," of i'^i^Kicss •vul. V :v, I, .,,; I proMjcuIe it ui 1, -,..1 '^ ^'' ^'-^ '•I ',•'"". n .. t .. C,„u,ja ,d ihel.,.,e f, r.n, uM:, tli... 1, oi, ,,],,, , •. t >. t.ii- Did) iitiiiv;, nn.ld, . .11 ■i;,.,,||.. „j-,. ,• • . , . '.!"' ' .' • ' ' '"' ' ' '^1 '" H i)m"n IS! <• iMf •• ^- ,v., ,. 1 • I • - ,>^' lo. I'O,^. If „ ,31 . lV,v:, . h .< ,n ,,,■''- ,\ * ^' ^' ' ^"' ^V-'•^'•■VU^1 U:'! ^V^O.^C- , ii.s n.i^sa-.' i , ,; ,,:,;i!. ' ^'' ' ^- '"^' '^^ ''• •'•'^•" '"' ^•^■^''■'i luwiitu i)>-:urv5 • ,t.'!„.:;r:f ,'■:'!" :;'\ ".,:'.; ;■■>■' • ■ ' ■:•-'"; "■ ^''■■' -" -^ <-■-' I'a- A ■r-oii , ,, in .1 ,■ i, i i, , , 1. „. I V ' ' •'•' "'■'''' '"' '^''' ''"^-'i "1 ^ <''''--''t,at.a.pa,i>.u:at ,,.'c :.!;:,;:•';;, :^'; ';'t-C^:•.s Caa -■':::";■'^;.-:;:-'T;::;;v;l-^::;:;^:■^:;::::;::T;■^^ .•;h. Jr llio oian.l |;e,-iisa| ,iiii!,. :,t||, ^._ Wi' lijiv • I ,) V p'a'o i b ill'.' SM;.;,;i t. ill I ■ei b f :viiu^piihPcn -ai ,.:'i 1 s'a!.,!,.!.t „! t'." ro.:"". „'■ iV* . „. . • ' '■•" '^- 1 .^■(■X-^. i = ;,..i .. ,s ;t.|. H Off* .. .ii"V nrf» to t*:^ f«*o'>y In f""! •^«» J«r* o*" rp»iV»j «Vn» f V Tr'^«T»f^f rftl C' <.; 1**. ;'• t t '■'' - «; *^'- •! , . '' ■■■ . . !•'•;' ■'• ^ • '■••'• l>.f ;m I.. .■ .-..■.1 *>' ••■ ' '•' '' *" •■' "•' ' «;•.;• v.- ;vi J y .i..riii,r u!» atl »)» jn^liiv lo uU c'e*:' y { r ^iH { (tv (..v.- ii>!il» oi :h.' liv , . .. .,.,., .. . .. ., -t;';-.!!*.! Jl f^.cit ii f ..«i l:i;s :;li- |K'-- niitU-: o c<.i vr.r i..,li.'.! 1 ■.•■.! ;s:. ;;!!i;.i- '.!.«• Niu-ir p»i Ai-J Ur.tn-c a (liii'l Kt.tT. ;;inl ii.i.' il '.i iv.L- vl tuiit-.s in 'viii*!* s-ciiii y i«> p o i riy wia ii. a mt'iki ly suuJ :|u.» nii'jesty Ml il.f I:r,v ii .-c ii ? NVi- bo' ev>- ii i^ ;«• .liii''. riaiil In mr.> \:vt UiVj.i'ato lk'Ui:o4i'ity oi 1 1;- Miiirc'p"' A< t aul iiu- I'v-Liv.-i tr m lim • t • ti,i..' iii ioim ns oiirci;i..-^i.tu:i;itt!il ila:tt>r. I'ivory in iivi ;ii;il in t .i- ittaiiiUi ily \::\< -m iHti'ri>t alsia'u' ii» b' c'tnl • r tluf ccuiiqiiciKis luiiv 1).' sfii IS, l! i.- Our ouwu- n tii. t i!k' | t? i;i!c_ <.f_ Hn.li.ii sltniiiil liu.un.I tl.iil i<> piiii tl..!* V...J i*.u j».iii ? f!,<-!:kl b.- .'■jii ri'. «>• . j),i miu.ty < nui uJ. In cotK'lvisi..ii v.o tr;>! t'i:tt '>!!!• <.f t!;« r ■■- U? of «»!»• 'a!»^'iiis will In* lo iu'rtultice a nfonn iti t;!i- uv,rr.goiue..iuf»jm' C amy i'iuutic.s, u.A iit '>'e l;>tj»n; oi uur Couuty A'.t-'uiu.t-. Tliis report :s by lo mR.ma corrj-lt-fc. Th-vo ore v«ry ijnp'»vt:i!i« p;»rts-, i'oms, ar.J sliiksi:oit!.s wliica Wi' «n> ii< t a» }.r.'..o!it in :i J o-^t o t M trh.-. T.* s|-oi'ii> I »• u) lnTi* Is unti'i ii:;i'Ji >!iay Icr.o bitfi »!>•;•• cii I- lovxitiiji iiiilivi lu..I<. Aj^C O •'« tlii'y t • • U-i-.vr.- ,u\ a i ; ;itl.is* r •: « nj't-'.l l-s paruiituuul lu wvi-iy u:I;cr to. •iUtiullwu ';;ua f.vli..^ liAvuvtr kwh m- s. ii'.i!i\c. JOHN wiini:. J0J3X STJ£VVART. 37 UUiA US 'IC'l. lil iiv lo uil i xp;Tl» lire ltd. !IS 3 IS ;!ri- jH»-- ■ i!;1 «'«-;'!* I'J Ijt rttti C jMitif ill In r li ' y ■<:':.» r, si; tl ly SI lit J lio ii;vj«i"ato ' ill iiiKU III iiitrri>t L'll « r til If (.11 sItKiiiti ■y s'Jii;*tul ntii uJ. [i'rti(lt!c(? :i n ; ui uur irts', i'oms, I .s| K'ssjn^ • liiixit.iiii r. APPENDIX. ,j^^ „ « MitioN, December 2LUh, 1S5S. UEO, BllOWN, Esq., ' 'J'/ciisurcr County IlalUn. DnAn Sh't : Wo ihu! tl::'.f y.-u li;t vc aj.propnatiNl ;. Jat^vc ,nv.n of th(> f.uul.s in your li.ind* j!ciu,.H:!K.to,li.yyon ::■, '* ^vinking F,.;,(j'' In ih^; purchase of Coi.utr I)ebeut.!r<-snof, vctduefur r,4)ve:(!l y.-ar.i. Wo aiv ol' ciiiui.m ll.ut you have nut.m t^iilior J.iw or eqi.ily,any rif;lit. or autlia; it vt.> invtvt sudj monies lorniiy otncr pufpo.vc i:i;:t. the rocleniptirn of such Doi)entiires when they mati:r«,auil \xn>xv p-ilinilaily a.-^ vv(. con.Mth r Jh.it vou are not only iuvest- ing llio '< .S.nkin:: ruml,-' but a!sa the funds of ih.- Cr.unly. ^ Wo t!in-<>forf,f )r th.^ aI);.vo an-l othi>r rca;s«)n-', protest a-ainst the further lorestni'jnt oi any intnu.s ivhicii may bo in ^oiirpusscsaioij or custody. Wo nrc, dear sir, \ our obinliont servants*, JOHN AVillTE. JOHN STEWAUr. (COl'V.) w^ ^„ £. Miu-OM, nil Aprif, 1858. 1 luu! il.;. oAIt of n XIOO B.-lcnntrc to-dny. 1 did not take it in, as I t.lMnvc !, !)y roholulion of Council, the consent of v ovcrnircnt was ur.st to hi! ohr:.iticil. Win you pli-;iso v.rlte what I should do in iho case— .sl.ou'.j 1 ta!;c un tie iVthei.tnru or U'jL '/ * I a:n, my dear Sir, Voura very truly, fti;|?t:;:f Mrf.t.i:;^ K^q , i5ar.?.u i^iintj njl^n, XiLon. OEO. Diiowy. (COl'Y.) G. I!, u-.. V q., XK..s.N.9U.Ap,iMS3:<. iivv..';//'. In i:«..v,tr I.. youiM.f i!:o Sh!a, yon say, Iv the r.'.silution, w,- jire t.> g*.-t the ivri, I n! of tk; CovcruK iit to !;'.;y «i|) ilie |)ol'i;:;tur.s. .r Lunty ; njid if to, I -.rodd .l.> it. Tut I ciinnot WvA u„ytl,i,ur their «Oiis?!it nv'cessarv. I am. Si 14 and 15 Vic- «. 109. gee. 7. BoetioB 8. ^, .. -,„... Toronto, 21st December, 18 5«. ^ e eections or r centum per annum; and m the event of this anfhoriiy not bcin^ -ranted, that the same be placed ,n one of the chartered banks, at the best rate of interest obtainable. ' Tiiis report, I presume, was adopted br ilic Council. l'P"n the same, the U'r.rdon, wi-hou't rpplyins/ to the Governor for autiioiity Fo to apply the Sinking Fund, or w)l!i.nit obtaining it at anv rate, il.reeted the Treasuror to buy up all the Debentures he could; and afc;.rdin^:rlvthc freasurer bou-ht from his relations and himself peben- t.i.vs. u;.:,-hthey held with tiic proceeds of the Sinkin- Fund, and aU» «v Ui th;- .vemTjil County Funds, to the extent of (;(>,fiOO. v' ilus time tbr'MViis at the credit of the .Sinking Fund Account, if , r ;!c.h- .;,.j;t._|o;. evcythmn: w::s entered under ihc head of tho" Spccid ""'"'■ *^';.'o-'',"T;?''' '•'J.''--'^ "'-JOG; yet the redemption of Debenture. ".iw .;i-,.>.0 i).).100 beyond ilij money in hand. i^ ' ■ re|.revniled, also, that the Treasurer has rither lent to the County. 1' .• -r.^-'i lo df Ml, mniwy of Ids own and of Ms friends, and has paid tfl :"' «• !.un.v.'li mlerest thercfoiwv,iKm there was, iu fact, fithrr -i-yuii 1 ou ha;;d without tiic necessity of burrowing at all, or thera Kit; '..){ (cciMon for borrowing'. _ it .p;. ;u>,; U, tl.aija thj Uepurt ofthe Trrn^urer of tb(? Oth of J,v^^ , i ^.|;.^.u>j^K.t(.. fa;.t ...JIS Wi.uia have to be raised Ibr inferut en Debem : .» u t >;:>;- /."f)0 15.. was required f.,r th^ Spernl Kafe,Tvhic!j ^lecabi SAP ,;.uilv ,n|; i. miu. ,\o»v, tin's asacu.rit includes ivt-rcs( crer ^^Mz, ri ,j I. 33 ..i i Then that £1,68S 5s. is required to replace tlie l^inJcing Funii,M\9 calls It again, for 1854, 1855,ana 1856, for monies withdrawn from it : thia *gaiu including- inierat, I cannot, on the whole, say hovrmucb Interest has been so improperly placed in this Estimate j but it seems there is eomething not quite ri^-ht about it. » -» o I am therefore of opinion That the Council conl^ not redeem the County of Haltoo's own Dcben* tures, cither tvith or without the Governor's consent ; That all parties concerned in so doing have made themsclvef liable for it ; That the Treasurer eould not buy tip any Debentures of bis own, however justified he might have been in taking them from others ; That he was not warranted in charginc^ interest as on money borrowed from himself or from others, while he had public money in hand, or whilo there was no occasion for borrowing at all ; And that he Is punishable for having done so, and for baring failed to kceo proper accounts in his books, aati makin"' up wron'^ful esti- mates. «» * o ThoI2th V.c. c SI, § !71, the 12th Tie., c. 81, § 172, ns amended hr tha 13(h and 14tn Vic.,c. G4, and the 16tb Vic, c. 182, § 76. show what the Treasurer's duties are. Proceedings may certainly be taljen against him and bis sureties, upon Iheir bond; or ne miglit be proceeded against as for a mifidemeaaour for disobedience of the statute. I believe I have answered all the matters referred to rae. .^ftfy I remain Yottn very trnly, ADAM Trasoy. / G ■ r K ^- \, %• 1 1