IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /, / '// ^^ y ^-^ M ^ WJ'r y. i/j. «5 V] <^ /J ^ ^el y y^ 1.0 I.I :: li£ 112.0 IM 2.2 i.25 iA nil 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation ^ fSc ~>^ ^ lo'^^\ TJ!J': COM!! \i;i:^. I "I pr.iy tliop, f^ff a (Ltj, r'n^s cf niipulrli wir.c f.rt T()c (Miui.irv cii. !u i; r,,i, ii'iiu! ilcvil I.C within, !i>Hi That l<.:.)j>t:uio!i v itliouf, I ktiawlia wil! rhoMsi- if."' >UAKi:i'i': \Kr. I)!SIN() t!ic n-: f ',;! si!i:.:::l(-, nl' t!i;it V,'ar. v ]■ I rem DiKIMiji, ',!•;• illlll,-; :a!.,i;!(N| th'.' (i!;"Cl ol" lii., 1 u'i.iiUc ai.iliillii'i ; wli,-! ;:!i i!;c is i-ii'i-.s oi'ilie Contiiu'at wi-ro MilKill.Ml, ;.;) ! '!:■• p.v,;,;.. ,.';I..; B;r;-.h [slr^ ^.io^nl :.!MiMWt ■■ Tew nn". f.i it, Iwt fnal. -s .still ;" 'i'rit Ilocrii'';!!;^' Drinri v, ,'is jicni .1 j'l »n ci y \)i!,;-.'c a;;.! 'ia:'.'-'t, ;ni.; [ii • ;;;;!!;i:ii. ^^;ls of " i: -Try Kimi;iii( r«' 1 tiif? ci;; \^i;Il !!':it coil/ii-^ia-ni w'.ifli h;- ;;Iv. ;iv«s li'iiricd her i;ivaiJ> IS, ;tii.'i m. (..:. h ..\ -j-ilirown 1;: ;• (■;.■,..- liiii s. In t'u- rcMintu town of r,.\vpy in Cirnwall, tlif •tinmr:! fiir \', asjiisl at llir' Ispi-I.t ..fits tncrri-Mtit ; and iiio-i --cr^. \\ 1 ! 1 i„. X'lis;-:, i.i;::it.>, .1 .-, ,i)i'-. iiUjijiciy, ;iii-! onniui-i-; • oi.t ! ,.1 «•■• Til'.':;- nv..\ ••: lmis ti, i)(i"!:i: li.pijct.'. \l Uiosiini (if (Ik; .\i'\'i'-> il. .Ill 1,1 [he M;!;-i;- t pl,.r > \vr::! ti;o n I'^i) i:i:;i; ;-c:i- 'l.'/voiis i.:" i!ie --illt-it ^ :i n ■:!■ liMjr. ': I. ■ j>'irt\ .•..':- sisi'i! i)t';i ^' rje:i:ir, a CupK-:,!, and [wo '^jv.;'. --. \\',\\t ^ «);!! M ifwi l")!'^. 0:i .!:;; iiriii.-i|);il day o,' il r j^^ir ;•,. tht fiu •,< in th,: old cIukjIi .siri'ck I\V(d\c ;.t -mmmi, So uuiit i;^dl drv,v lip hii Parry, and ^tirdin- |iri:,r.' i:,(tt,' i.^i- eii'MiluMl Li; <\vord, and urd. ;\d liis inn.McintiS t.. .sf.ii.t; uj) " Tho Three Ca;!!];.-.." A I t!;i.s .«.iitid !l.e Bal;( 1 of cl:.- mour wari hii.dicd fjr n niruticnr, and the; flrkli; rvowd drew round lo hoar what lliis new candidate lor jmjMic G fnvour luul to say f<»r liiinseir ;- even llic tiioiikty of tho ljt show rail ii|» I'i^ I'"''- to ^'liii a \ irw, arxl Punch ?iii'l .ludv stopped ill tilt; iiii.ldl.- of tlicir jnr.— 'I'iio ilriiin heat a (|iiick .-l(.'|>, vvliil'- tlie lil'iT |tiili(Ml imi straiiu'd uiilil liis lace hfi-aiiie l!ii' ctjlour ol" inalio:,'any. 'I'lic Seijcaiit then unrolhd a iiapcr printed in re. I, and l)hie klti.T.^, Hi:d read an otier of riMist.iicnt into the "th Uegiiiient. 'I'his do(;niiiei.l proniised ;• lii'^li bounty and many other things wiii.di it avails net now to nionllon ; v.Iien tho Serjeant had conrliidiMl tliii annoi.iieeincnt. whieh was made in a tone oTvok-" t'nt rai.:ed the envy of tho Towu Crier : In; I'a'v c a speriir.en ^>i* !.is own natiKal elo*)!; set; >. has the printer's name '■ lo it : and l!io eor;,oia; wil! t<:!l you thj -aine. Now if " any of you have llio spirit of :•. Louse you will not. delay " a moment hnt talic tl.e jc.-t oCer that was ever made in " these p:;;r- — 'Iwcnty i'ouiul uml a Wuteli. — God savo " the Kin;; !" The Diua: an;l i'ifv) tiun E'.ruc'c un a lively air, and the party marciiei bade 'o their I'fjr.i'c/voUL-. Oiiposite tiio ICiiiy"s Head .>lood liie shop of rn Apothecary, or as ho ralle.l liii'isdf a Doctor of Mrdieinc !!ls apprei.ticc, niid clscf, or lathei- ■)ii;y as::;i:>;aMt. -.vas a fr;-:;dless orphan \vlio had lieeii I'.ved in service, by a -.-rirs of eve:its which it is not necessary to our pre-e-it p^:rpo^e to rehile. Tho voun- man looked through the window as the party drew np before tho Inn ; and as the Drum rolled, and the shrill Fife screai;iod in accompaniment, he felt a stran;:e swell- ing in his throat, and hi:, heart beat wild, a:id .luie!;. He turned from the window, and struck hii haiul upon the counter, with an empliasis that made the phials and gallipots dance, -4 will" said he, speaking aloud, "Iwillb- ft Soldier." His master entered at this moment, " Come Claude," said he, "get .some litit and plaisters ready, we shall have plenty of broken heads this fair time. What, i« not that bolus ready and the powders for tho bakor'* wifo : liO.'ivo your i'llo ga/iiig mid he stirriii!* ; or I fcnr IPC you will ruvor make a pliysician ofany cmiiicncc." Cluiulc :5liiilcs the way, to wait until sonic others wcio ready '.o accotnjiany hisn. When he entered the Tap Ilooin, a party \siis just forming to jilay card-', " \Ve want a hand .said an oM dragoon turn- ing round, will you play Johnny f" ' I cannot play," said Claude, ''ifyoii mean mo.''' "Y'ou anngvccn, said the trooper, pray where were you dragged up .' Here take H drop of jaekey neat, it will make you a- knowing ^ ns a jailor, and I'll leach you to play cards my fine fellow." Suiting t!ie action to the word, Jie otfered Claude a glat-s of gin. '-No thank you," said tlic latter. "Why .'" inquired the trooper with a grin : " Eecausc I do not think it wholesome, " said Clautlo very gravely. This remark caused a hearty laugh at the expense of our hero, who was glad to escape into the street, and pursue his way alone in search of his quarters. As he went along his appearance attracted the notice of more than one of the good folks of London, who look out for strangers with an alertness that docs more credit to their diligence, than their motives. His clothes were full of dust, and there was in his appearan.^e that look of wonderment that marks the advent of a country lad into the great capital. Arriving at Blackfriars Bridge, he for the first lime in his life saw the dome of St. Paul's ; this building was asso- ci.Hted in his mind with all that is grand, and noble, and he bent his steps towards it. When Claude Btood under the mighty cupola he was filled with awe ; for there was her« a quiet and noiseless repose, so unlike the whirling s IJ'irrv of t'l.' stiTcis from uii;,|, |;,. |,n,l ,„,t miPriM-.K n<' \v:ilk. (1 n.imJ lV.,:ii imiiiI) to toinl. of ih,r iili'vtii.,111 .>rtli.> '-tliiri \\.,rii iii'in" who liv.-.l Mild .Ik, I !•,.,■ til..- 'rlory rt'.iM K;'.;|, ,■:.!. Wl,,!.. !,(. »v.'i^ ,,;.: LiiiDncl" lo tli.; ••Ilil). Oil.' si. ..'Vi- l-.,,|)(.>.i to U.i [;l-..M>I, ,-!iMV. -'.l |!l;t lio •' ' ' '■'-; iJi !iriM : Ills |i;iir wis ^ri/:',:.'.!. :u!,l Iiis f,,,-.! WOfitljcr l.cutpii ; Im.I lie li;.d slill :iii ,,,mt .-.lul iniili.i npiM'.-irfiDcp, "V,,(iii:_r ii.-in."' .s;;l.I t'lc \. terMi, lor ml Ii Ii,- <-\i.!. Mt!y w;t-, •• I sc. 1 ;. x . ur i.:,!,,r,s, ii,;,r \..;i :.,.p. r.'.-riii' ; receive llicn .1 !■ -s.wi iro: 1 mm .,M m-MI. r 1. i',.r(; f!ie t It;;'. .)f jis ini,- lienr!..! ;,ii r.r;;Ji>iiiiia!i :,> . w-r (01;:. lit lur i.i.- euiinrry. ':'■;. irtn:..' r the wor.Is oi" a;; .,M Huiii, v.-io sj,f.|it hi-- ix'st (hijvs ill ll.r >er\i( ;■ ; ' Dr f>:i. in ir'iu-ro;,urs : I\,,- (;-nl ; I l^.nnvr Ihe Kiu::; an.; uhr- III.'!- J, n:i r-hoiihl ho .'M-iy cm oil' ; or live |.l,,' jso ;i ,,hat- t. r( t tVi n. ti.,li!,., -nd -r f. fi:! -'()Uii-:y in the woild/' 'J'iio ia,-c ..i' llieold man Li;.died ?»- h' jooc-eedoti, and as fdande .:;i.:,^d on the i.;oni;niei;t oftheo'.'ad Hero and li.-.'-iiid to the uiu.; v,.,rii ve;. r..n, his li-art (hhited wi;h a i;.di;i:; of pride and i^ali.ii.etioii ; Jie leir that ho, was a Hritoii. Wlion our friiMul Claiuic arrived at Chatlr't:) wlicro his reriniont was stationed, he was poured t i a e.onpanv, and lhf3 ohi hands (a.s they ! .•rtn..d thernsr; ves) thoii^di .some of thorn hati,i['ii«.iiMri «ii.s I'oriri'f, aiiil l"' '>tii thrit hmnuht Irviii ;it)(1 l'lll«"iicl \\ ere (MMiM a li'<. 'i ';c tirsv cntnp.'.iui'd oj' (*! i'ii!v |,''iiirjil r,a (I lie \-, fir !i( -f .1. ,cr, I lie li''!iti-t rminii" Ili':itt - * (i,.i;ri r 111 till' ( () M t! ii\ , I ri.ii! ! ;ils(» spin \ urns — i. e^ f«'ll stnii- » t > ;i(i,:.ii;iti<»!i ; in fi 't li<' '.vas v> l|:;t in msMTilly U-nneil, u vcijf plfuK-mt f' :i(,u'. 'I'lif !lr<,Miii(Mit wim imdi r tx-tlrcs t\,f i'.r. '.ru EiMvi ,', l.ii' ilii!.!' (!('(*tiii!i:iu!j vv^s a> yrt ii:! iinvvn. •■ i t!i!? Ill 111 ti:i.e tlicy |Mil!»'.| awav imiii.v ;.t tvt'ry fyvvU'» «i/an»ii-i.'M;."i' I'l it Ch.uli.iin ar.">i»lil Viiilnors «ir il.nt h<»rn-t !.»v; Ji r( jtticf in i!;i ir :;ti. Kilv .Kid (':< tu iiis so; (ji iliii's Has tlie soul «.!' t '.rry iVtaU \\\::t Was. |ir,»j).'r:t'd ; :i!(«! (JltU'lo saw '.".itli rcTct tinit ii<,» ln'C uhb dail V Ic.-i.s liiN'fitiv" to his ddJfs.-^'.Vi;*'!! iT:!i;>ii.''ir.;ic «J \vit!i he w.iiii.l r.'ply " Ah yon ar«> always ;:iv in ■,• r:.<' li>!if» •i*turi"< : i!o vmi dncrnr t.ors tii";dc 1 n- ,f» \c:l. r.ilil! IS .i'-(»i».!i:t ii;» inopi.iir Hi i\ <.'• f > riii^'V I:!'- II. V. , •ill. I •■ I rivn: ii.;uil \\ i.c 11 in- 'I .1.1 h,>!-k lit the ifi< rry >i.|.' nl" i i\,\;\<^, " If '.vu Ina 1 a lifr wii !'i . i (111 Know 'vrM l^!:;u,ii' we, ,1 1 ^, '1 -.r!) ",^ ii.'i.'ci: ( !• ,!■• cd; not nr uii!US(';ti»'nf "s vo'i r lis.'-i' I- ;t I, nut tlii'! i-lp.iilil ■'• !» i .1 'Aiind iio .' ( \ r .-i.ti :il:l!( li 'o l!!>'li : •< V.M-- IP 1 ; .: I "l i ,i"l :ii:-!;l rl;^Vli :MriI ; la;.)! hi.< walk- Sv iiiii.x'it' : !"^ .M m itiHT (Mill :; in-r : 'iiiio ;in( 1 Ki|. lo ' I) :i t . I. i\ t: ill. t!i(; riiiu.-i i.l fill- (ii'par :i i: Miif'iit, tlicv \\( ri- ti* ;ro to J i!:i:;i- ca r: wiioti I.' ill,: a native ol t ■•e w • .\!.l of K; ii. i ii a VMMTli fatui^r and lii'.tlicr c m .• to liid liini i'arcwfl U'oiiKi:i accoiiip.iiricii tiu'in; whom hf told Clatido in '-oiili- dt'ijco was to ba lii.s witV, wheiie vlt he took it into his iitial 10 to niaicv. " This however ran'mt lio iiiitil wc return from nl»rca(i; i;"',vccvcr do rcttiin.'" . aid lie. '-All. and sliPtliiiiks Tit to wait f-o loiu','" sai'l Claml:-; — l''dI\von(l looked serious; ho h.;d ii^t !)ciorc tliought of the niaitcr iii this li;rht, and ropli„'d, " It i^ well Tor yi>n Claude, you arc not iroid)le(i will; any niii'.fl^, and have no O-ar of any woman's iti- roii.slai:<'y '■' The (imr^ (h-ew nigh for end>arkati()n ; ihe lots were (Iiav.r., to dclerinine the iiidividtial women to jro ; r.::d on the morninir of tiie e.iarehfor Gravesend hero was not en the wliolea hapjiiis.^ct offellows in the i}riti-,h F',inpire. 'J'here were howewr some r«;d exceptions ; wo- jnon to'nc left ijeiruKlehin;: to th( ir h isbands ; others parted A-otn their sweethoarls \^i;h the lu\:- tokens usual on .sueli oeeasions. HiniihM-; of hair, ihrcnd eases, little hoxrs, find j»roi.r; es of eon uneas- ed ; the I)r)yonets i'.s(H\ ; the; hand .--trutk up "The Girl I left hehiMd tne," and I hey moved oTias gaily, as if not a sad thoiiL^lit was earried willi tl.rr.i, or n breaking heart left behind. On the parade was (;ne iitilc grouj) left in deep crief ; ih? father and mother of Eilwood and his borroihed wi."«; Mary, 'i'he old man was a fnic specimen of a now rapidly decreasing ela.s, the stout yeomanry of Engh'.nd ; he was as eroet e.s a ))ike.staa'; and as lie i«lood looking at the eolunni partially seen waving and i;Iaiu'in;r throu','li the clouds of dust ; he muttered, " God bless the hoy and spare him to me, but I sliall be cold in the grave before he coiiies home again." " Conic Willi- nm,'" said his wii'c, as she gently puUetl his arm, but h« siiof.k his huail, i.nd remained still. There i- something in the grief of an old man, that for- bids the- oiler of the usual topics of oonsolation ; Mary turned to him withan entreating look, he covered his fac« with his hands, and thev led him away like a child. 11 Tho Transports that convoyed the "th UegiiMent pru- f'ocded to the Downs to wuit lor their convoy. In a f'u^T days a large lluet was collected ; and it was on as line a uiorning as cvim- ;dione on the white clirrs of Dover, that the co:;i!nodore huisled a higtial for sea, and lired a j:uu. Eucli t-ans|)ort gav.; three hearty cheersi. Claude and EMvvood stood r.t the <»anr,way el" their vessel with very diderent feelings. The lirst only saw the wiiile walls of a land w!i(;ro he had left nn tie ; and. before him the wide bine sea o-.'.r v.lucli !ie hr.d so often longed to wander. But. Elluood tlioiiglit of his fatlier, and mother, Jind Mary ; a:ul he !>lubljerc'd lii lat'-ly filled it ; i:i a few days lio-.vuver the soldiers got their .-ea legs, and l).';;an :u ],ii'.l and Iiai!! ^vitll right good wd!. Aiixn.g etlK.'r l!i'.')gs )ic\v to the recruits ,vas the issue of rum as;: \r.\n ofihc'.,- rations. This li([uor bears a high j»rice in I'ngland, and i:-: not tliouglit of as a drink aniung the lower classes ; j^'dlwood .seemed to relirh the new luxury piodigiously, and it e.xcited his naturally gay tem- ])':r to a thousand tVca.'.s : he snii'if his best songs, and daujed with a de;M-?e ot" agility which made him a prime fLi'.-oiirite with tiio sailors ; ho was in fact, the life of tlie forecastle, and Claude was pleased to see him so haj>T)y ; one fine evening when there had been dancing on th.o 'piinter ileck togeth'M- witii a variety of tritdcs and games, Cl.iide saw for th.e lirst tinu that Ellwood was intoxicat- ed. He' had been singing and had got drams from various pc'jiie ; he faultered in his gait, and became so vocife- r 'US that even those who had gi\en him the liquor, now rursed him for a troublesome fellow ; and he was sent below in disgrace. A few days after this Claude saw him listening earnestly to the instructions of an old sailor who was praising the virtues of tobacco. He had just thrust fiu enormous quid in his mouth, and thus lauded it. '* Why, you sccj I don't know bow a man could well do 12 o ^v>r•,oula^h.^v^•ofl..r^o,•; ifs thr iuH-t thin:: H.r tn^, as is ..Hi a^ 1\T tit. l'>vv..-. of spirits alt.-r a sprro ,H-tl,olik<>, itsl.-iM.- nor :i iia.ll.'." Kilw<,lto npproveof u>.s. m.xi.ns lor !:e uuv\c cv.ry ciR-rt to l..ani the iv^rninyW^un.rui uf >ninkii-, and alter hvwf Mil.!.- v.MV >iM:srv.--:;! tiinos he'.i his pur- „.c totho-vit ;:nnov:incc ofCh.u:!.' • wh^-e natural v.rliMM to this iuh' vas n,i: Hi i:..l■^a^..■a hy ihi. '-' a tc'V" -'.ircts f,t 1" rirru:!:^lar:.-. Civi.h' ;;hnur thS t,,,.- -e < ;■■- -t.-vanl. a:u!rni::;i:.'i>rr(l 1,( ■■tmii- a nanor n\.'v. ih^ rliipV- -f liiri: :al ot t':i- \"y;i:rv, i.-w IimH':- ],..■;•.. ,;!wl uurlli r. n.ronli:>:r=r.lh.:n,tonlui. ~lo^^lv. Wl.'-i ^hr ,i,.n .at . ^,, ,1,, i^Hv.a^th-^:. nn.M:vrnin_^ ih<-y iHd a vaiH ty oi rorh.sun.lrrthe-n.ranw.Ma- of y. .-, .in.h:.- thi-, term i.rori.rch.MiihNlcvory thin- ii ti..^ -Oiatte ul a rt,--y, v;^ ,hM.n,Mn.^(l to tc/'i/'' :i ^^t<.;-y. ,,vonr,l,:.t.Mna'tsiK-knnsv!.,!roa ■ !,ort u:ni; i .t,.ru ,i...v.,turr iVoiii i::-i.:n:i Ai:-nh.!K-'l him v^illl .tu::.h iits, Am iiis aiiil ]\(t !ia.! .. :i;,,,n<,n:,i:hop.' .!::.t: he ,r.-,:t ihiis pr<...u;-o n„.;Vrtoii ni ,OKL^^ho>;■>■;h,:!.^ rrnuirin- .;n i;,^^.■•^^- ,,,,,.,,;.;,, ,,,;;,;:. The -.o v. ,:,t .ai >lov. !y, .-s „,....,. .•a-,aUie.;M,.n!-!h; - h-n hell f.i h-.l h.- l.- .-.t ilin of ihe !-oa-,aia! th- p^- -• ''i'''' ^veie .;: pt th.i-o tro.! the ,. uiuseript la pi v.-. When .nil n-nar p,,o:MMlrtio.KtheNvat.M-hr..keove v., wriU!eraneat. .1 in tie i." Alhenr-'vi :a U;.' ion-iv;. i;-, Cluudc pro hi. jonrnal an.l rea ! t!;e iolh.uu,^ I ale; T I ! i: S O N S OF A I' O L L O. Hci>l)ii'o ri.i'^in. ..Italv tiiav he tlic hm.l of palace?, hut Enehnd i^ th« . ..' .. "... .i..,t ;,. «l);,-h our slorv- oi.eiis was ill ittuu v» ^ v-tw.'-, 13 the vicinity of London, its beauty and neatness wonl'^ have done lionor to much richer persons than its present possessors — a widower and liis only daughter. In all around this little hahitation, might be seen traces of tho hand of woman in ornaments and graces, for Catherine Haydon was never idle ; and a thousand memorials of a cheerful and happy spirit, rejoiced the heart of her father. But old Haydon was of a stern and gravij character, and .shewed but little outward signs of his joys or his sorrows. " Catherine sat in the little i)ariour, her eyes fixed <>ri her work, which it would seem from the fre(iuent Ijreak- ing of her thread, she was plying with great diligence ; opposite to her sat a young man, who ap{)eared to bi- waiting for an answer to something iie had s:iid. Cath- erine at length, after h;iving become more and mor.- ijurried, laid down her work, and fixing her eyes mouni- fidly and earnestly on her companion, sjxske in a low anrf hesitating voice ; — ' Dear Charles I do not want any evi- dence to convince mc of the truth of what you say ; but my father thinks you have become irregular, asid you know his l)luni nianner of spoalcing ; believe me Civirlcs there are not any of your friends that feel a more lively mt(;rcst in your welfare than I do.' ' It does notFoem so,' said the young man, ' when I meet with nothing Luit: ceti- sure and rebuke. — If you too desert me, I shall have little motive fr amendment.' So sa} ing, he arose. nr:(' making a C(jld and distaiit obeisance ho loft th.' ro:)ni. Catherine looked after him a moment, and then iiiilnu- her i'iv^r in her hands she w(;pt. They weri; almost the rirst tears of liittiM- grief that had sullied her eyes, and she ftdt like one that c^uld not be comforted. " As Charles turned from the garden-door, ho was ; r- costed by his friend Stevenson, or old Sieve as he w u« HU)rc commoidy called. ' Where now, my lad,' said the bitter. ' I neither know or care' — said Charles Ldo-milv li u ,f ' Well,' said Old Steve, ' I am goin^^ to a fi-co. and ca?y at the Fighting Cccks, there will be glorion^^ singing, Old Watty Simpson id prr>i Jent, and it will be all right.' — Old Steve gave a cluu-kle uf delight as he thought of it ; and seized the arm ot" Charles, for in trulh he was glad of a support. A life of liljertinism had lefc liim ' old and surfeit swelled" — he hobbled along beside his manly anil graceful companion, and stood i.i the comparison as unsightly a monster as a man could be. " The club-room of the ' Fighting Cocks' was prepar- ed for the revel of the Sons of ApijUa, as llio members of Watty Simpson's free-and-easy modejtly called thcm- iielvcs. That worthy himself had taken his scat at the head of the tabh^, and seemed as grave and important uj if he v.ere j)residing at a conclave of cardinals. " The Sons of Apollo n;ust have degenerated since the days of Anacrcon, for this veteran \va3 a most ungodly looking personage : his face swelled beyond its natural [)roportions by habitual inebriet}', was covered with pur- ple blotches, his light and fs'i-like eyes were dull and un- meaning, except when he was excited by licjuor, when they swam and twinkled like a dying lamp ; his head bliook with sclf-indnccd palsy, as he adjusted his specta- cles to Hiustcr his band. At this moment Old Steve and Charles entered, and their number was complete. Old Watty now rose, an intention of saying what he termed ' something neat,' ' Gent :' said bo, ' 1 say gent : I have h:ul the honour — yc.«, gent : I say the honour of gitting in tliis chair for twenty years — } es gent : 1 havo been in your service twenty years. 'Tis true I have lost many a fi'ie fellow ; but 1 am still stout and hearty.' — The harangue of the worthy President was interrupted l)y a tit of coughing, that well-nigh suflbcated him. The S )ns of A|)ollo raised a cheer that almost shook the houso to the foundation, and drowned the cries of the miserablo old man, who in vain attempted to restore silence. In- di'^'naat at this contcnint of jiis pjtharity, ho gav« on« 15 ihrill scroaTi tint ro^o aSovo tin cl.ippiiig linnrls nnd jingling glasses, fiMtl thou sunk po\vc;rle->3 in his chair. Ilis hand was cxlcndutl on tho taljlo, his jaw full upon his lireast, his eyes wore sink an 1 closoil, — he had burst ji bloo l-VL!s- I ; in I'ly up )K)gies were olTorcd and rccoivcd, a:i I m ):nentary harmiuy was rc-;tore(!. The candl>js flared, the roo.-n was filled with smoke, every man Leg in to urge his separate clalin to tho attention of the company : wlicn Old S'cvc rose, and striking on th» la'ole, rang a ban !-l)ell. Silence was accorded, — broken only by an occas;,)nal hiccough, or an attetnj)t to rise by eome worthy, who thoiiglit he was called upon to speak or sing. 'Gent:' said Old Steve, 'tliis is the very v.itching lisno of night, and we must have fresh lights and mora liquor, fur it is not late. — Altho' it is 12 o'clock, it is not twelve a-piccc yet.' " This piore of wit wa? honoured v.ith a cheer, after whic'i Old Steve r^.ive tho song of ' Oic bottle more.' As th's sou;i 1 reached the cars of those half a-sleep, thoy roused up and jiiincd the chorus. When order was called, nil was silent except Charles and a young man about hid own age ; they had drawn their chairs a little from th« tai)le, and were arijuiug in deep and earnest anger. Charles was now quite drunk, and his face was flusheil aud his brow contracted with a fierce and lowering frown, foreign to tho natural cheerful and open e.vpression of hi« countenance, and sadly unlike him, who among his com- }6 pnnions hml been callctl the peacemaker. ()\i\ Stovo however would be obeved, and iiivisted on their shaking h.'inds ; ;i deriiro with whicli they most enifdiatically com- pied : — they joined their hands, and clasped them it would seem more as a remembrance ot" their (juarrcl than as a peace-otR'ring. This was (juite snflicient tor the eompany. — Whatdiil they cure how far they were recon- ciled, if their orgies were undi.sturbed by the quarrel. ♦ ***># " The .sun rose hi^'h and bri^'ht over the steaming a'oo- .nination.s of the modern Babylon — Drunkenness and his grim com|)anion murder slunk away. The room where llie overnitrht carousal was held, [irescnted an altereil .-iMMie ; the ditn an I lon:;-\vick(Ml candb's were stieamin^' on their stands, aiid contra^ttvl sliocluntrly with the bright d,iy-light whicdi broke throu:z!i a;i open sluittcr. A table a;id lie, Its were overset, and broken drinkinj^-vessels *catterod around, gav(! evidence of an alTray ; but nil the tiisjKiIanfs had dep l^ti^i, s ive one who was in the ' strict arresl' of death. — There dasiied on the floor lay tiie an- tai,'-oni;t of Charles. Tha lilb-f^iving beam of the morn- in-,' siion ^ in vain upon !)is livid fice, his eyes were start- '•u from tlieir sockets, liis blue lijis r>;u-ted over his clench- (nI teeth, and shewed the rat,'o that iiad ])o.ssc:ssed hi.s i)()som l)eforc the mortal agony of d(;nth ; — a knife stood huiied to the haft in his brcA>' At the heiul of the body o;i the floor sat an elderly fur;i;de, her Wee hid between lier knees. She raised her hoail from time to time ami looked into the dead-man's countenance, as if to be assured of the horrid fact ; and then sunk ai^ain itito speechless grief. One of the city-watch was also in the room, to prevent the removal of the body, until an in • «iuest had decided the manner of death ; but he, loiij,' Hard(!ned by sinfilar scenes was fast asleep, and the wi- dowed mother might be said to watch alone besiite her ai'jrilercd son." 17 Wlion Claude Ind proceeded tlitis f;ir a yonng Londoner cIiImknI ill witli "That ere is bciti'M'^o liardon a free and easy for I kiiow.i"' — •' Siloiiee yon eat faced luhber," said the hoatawain, '• i.; lliatyoiir mainicrs to cross the course of a story ?" ClaJidc proceeded — '• It \v IS a fine iiioniiir' in the ■sprin?,\vhcn old Haydon pat ill his f,'arden \rith his d Ui:,fhter. — It had cost liiin a ,stri!ir:^hj to forbid lur: intimacy with Ciiarlo^, and tho' ho f«iili i(»\ed him hetler than he aeknow Icd^ed to himself, lio could not hear the idea rd* her hei:i^- tho wife ofa man who liad hecomea professed iihcnine. ;itill Iii-- heart was pained as he saw lur pile and setrlcd •■ountenariee. — Siic was still as liusily omphiyed as ner ; hut tiicr.,> no song heard now in the cottii^e of Uaydon ; th ; favouiite gray linnet Stretched in vain, aui! ii-vti lud fur the notes he svas wont to emulate. — As she now sac sewing, »he old man rcgard- e 1 her earnestly. At tliis mouient a little dog camo into the i^arden, and ercepiii:r (.K.v-e to Catherine, aiid looking ivistfuily in lier lace, laid him-;(df down with a low whine at her feet. It was Charles's favourite iloj Fidelc ; sho took no apparent notice of it, but in a mome'.it or two after, her face sank down, and tears fell fust upon her hands. " Old Haydon re-u!ned tiie perusal ^f a now^jjaper ho had been reidinijr ; a [lara^rapli met hi^ eye coupled with the name of Ciiarlcs. As he proceeded he breathe I hea- vily. ' Uidorinnate man !' he said. — ' Who. doar father?' said Catherine. 'Ch:irles is' — ' what .'" s.iid she, starting on her feet. ^ A nvirutrci- '.' She heard no more, l)Ul sank on t!i(^ firroiind in tijiit kin 1 inseusibili'v t!;jl It'unt' for a time the fcnnje of allliction 'J'.'k- idd i: ;;!i b .e !i •).• into the cot';agc, ajid th'ew hii.n.-elf '. lier, the most niiscr-iidvj ,"alhi-r ii i!jo pi re. " At the iurniner \ >c 13 — th \ R. ne.; Ij^S.'iO li cir.- ,. c.j:;:-!:i^- IS Wilson appeared in tlio calendar, indicteil for iminler. The jud!,'e.s wore seated, and the pale eager face.'- of f lie lawyers, shewed that their harvest was come ; they aat iKUiii;,' their l)riefs and snappin;,' at each other, as if pre- p iring for tiie keen enconnter of their wits, which was nhoiit to coniinence. The prisoner was in the dock.— Tiie c'lanire of years seemed to have [tassed over hi^ blighted form ; shrnnk from his fair fnll proportion, his fyes fived and kistrele^H. He had heen jjreviou-ly ar- raignol. The trial commenced, and the first witness was c.illed— it was old Stephenson. He drew his idoate, Wi'icri it I. '.ids \i> crime. L'ntortininlc prisoner, 1 will not t; (Jspass on tlis; moments that divitle you from tin- grave, nor adil rcjiruaeh to the iiwfnl penalty you are about to pay." — The .sen- tence of (ieath and the short prayor for i.-ierey follow- ed. A:^ lie pronounced the; words ' Lord have men-y on your tfoul,' there was a shuddering movement in thcdenso rrovvd, and a deep Amen rose from among them. '' .V.11 was now finished, c.xeept that last scene of de<»ra- dation and sutVering, that wes to lay this involuntary feltm iU an early and dishonourcil grave. '•In the autumn of the same year I stood before the house of old Haydon ; more than the desolation of that leafless period hung around it. The garden gate wa>4 thrust iialf open, the hinges rigid with disuse ; the wood- bine broken ♦> om its relissed su[)port, luing round tho porch which was filled with withered leaves : the rolling stone lay buried in weeds, while as if in contempt of the old adage, moss had gathered on it, and a spider had drasvn its web through the handle ; thecag-! of the linnett was cast broken on the ground, and a gaunt and wild looking cat sat on its former stand. The door ojiened, and old Haydon came forth. The moon which had risen very briglit shone on his figure : lie was no longer erect, but moved towards the gate with uneven step?. — It nught be truly said in the words of the patriarah, that his grey hairs were bending in sorrow to the grave. " Behind hitn came Fidcle ; the little dog crept along as if he knevv he was the companion of sorrow. The old man passed on, and took his path to the neighbouring church-yard of St. ****. — It seemed a well-accustomed walk, for he did not look up but passed over the sliie, and entered the mansion of the dead. He crossed to an 20 h\ obscuro corner, anil up.cuveri'ig liia licati, knelt down liy a 8!ii ill ncwly-laiJ marble tibb.r, it buro llio biniplc in- Bji ipiiun — C \TIII-. r. INF, M AYDON, ETAV 20. — KK(illK.sC \T I .\ PACE. " Wti'^ii lli-^ \\\:\c \y:\~ piiiii" I at lliat ff=ti\e buarJ, All 1 ill'' JDyo'iH rcvfl iiiadi' ; AV.H |i!' I. iiir 1)1, .Jill MiDi'i' (lc(|)lv l)iiit<.;lit, Oi- li ihiilvt;- I'lrll it pai'l."' When lu ill 1 oo!i!:lii.lo(l, "0!i!" sniil the boatswain,. " ihcin sort of twistciri nbaiii churchyards and all that 801 1 ot" tijir.g, MiiUcs Mio cs stjiialniiish as a marine; (so ■ ayiijj^ lie gave a .-;i:^h like the bla.^t of a forge bellows) — but (ito[) my Ih! i:-ty, you s!iull have a snifter fur your pains." Sos: yinr he went belon', and broui>lit up a flaslt secured rniinl lii-5 nock by a lanyard. " Now my boy, hero ij a drop of sinlf that niivor saw the face of cold wa- fc, or the dipping'' stick of an exciseman." " lie smug^ded llio slulT, and I know it," halfsaid and half riunif tiic carjieiitei". When a toothful was handed to Claude, he declined it. " Give it to me," said Ell wood eagerly, " ;ind I'll .sing you ' Jleurt.i of Oak' to euro tho'.s qualnis." " Do my hearty, and ihankie," aaid tlic sailor, " and I dont mind if I tell yoti about the fitting of t!ic r^Iary Dunn of Dover." " Ay do,''^ said .se- veral of the crow, " for thal':j a regular cramraer, we'll chorus the song after." " U[)on my veracity," said the boatswain, '•' its as true as I'm telling iL to you, the Mary Dunn of Dover was built iu tile good ould time, she was tho biggest ship as ever carried a keel; when she stood rouiul the I..izard onced, the fly of her ensiii' swept a thousantl sheep off tho Innd'd end. llcr hantls entered fjr seven years, and when they went aloft to reef topsail.-), their time was with- u thrco weeks of being out before they got doNvn. There was a nua bad a brother aboard, and he was three years 21 in the craft ufuro he could li|;lit on him; — »nd where (f< you think ho ;iot htiil of him at last? why the chajt as hr was iookiiij,' for belonged to the fourteenth mciis in \hr Hkysail truck. The skipper of her used to riile about tin- dt'ck^i on a donkey, and it took him three days to l;o fur- ard to hail the hands to hoist the jil) — "' When he had cot thus far in this veracious description, the ship's captam called through his trumpet. " .\ll hands, reef topsails" — tlu! boatswain instantly thrust the bottle into his bn-cclics, and repeated tht; command, " All hands reef topsails, a- hoy f" ill a voice that made the rats in tin; hold lly to their deepest hiding places; and then blew on his cill a summons so shrill, that it would have turned the edL,'e of a but(;her's cleaver. A few days afier the >liip's stewarl was callrd on by a inim!»er of idh.'rs, to r('ad a story he hid promised ihcm he proiluced a idack lertcr volumi', crititlcil, '• 'I'al^s of t!ic Wars oftlio Lea;,^u.'," ^ii'd rvuul fivcii it the fdlowin,- legend : — T II E E X 1' R E ? H. " ^IinriMit-i like In ilirse r:i .r.s livo-i int.) i.ii;iii)rtalitiL'r." -nvunM. " The inhal)itants of the imperial city of Vienna were assembled to see the, troops of the empire i)n3s in review — the vast army was drawn up in masses on a j)li.iii, stil! and motionless ; the approach of tlie emperor was an - nouticcd — a sinj^Ie trumpet sounded — then an hiindiel voicci gave the word to prepare. — There was a momen- tary and glittering movement in the senietl ranks— the banners were lifted and danced gaily in the w iiid — a forest of spears and lances were uprearcd, — and swords rushing from their sheaths, as if with living instinct, flashed back the sunbeams in a thousand hues. Then all was still, not a sound betrayed the bounding of a thousand ardent and fiery sfjirits, which composed that gallant host. 'I'ho emperor .;nd his splendid cortege advanced to the centre; 22 \\ m wh'To iho. briiif^r of tin c:n;)iro si)rc.vl iis ample Tolch^ t.'ioii l!i.> i:,a I I <.ihiU- was {rivr.-i, swonls aruJ bi.nncri tIrop{M,l t ) t!i,- -r );ir) I, r.ri.l ilir- iiiiisi.; strucU i.p with a tfii i,;,liii^ « V..-II. Tiio rii ):ki!tI. rod,, forward u:icov,'ri>^r I,;, |,,.i,|^ jjj, I |,,.„ii„, ,,, |,i^ j^.,,,,1,,. j^y^^^ r.3.-..:ivcl ul-l. 'iroid hi Miliiy' il,,; of lii^ jral- lint:irriy. Th , .«;. nm.i -1 : ,, .w proi-n.-le.!, aii.l a-, "th. diir.-c tit .llvi;i rt; oftli" army u !i M,.|.;d slowly pa^t, tlicre ^'■'^ '' ' ' • '■!'' •> • 1 - i<^'i -'.^riniMl adoiiratioii as ihf Hunjra- nri h iv^ir; — T', y ^\.-(! lli,' ll )\v,'r of that gallant r.'xu ):i, Ti I w T,- I • I \>y til- IiiMvTst ami most chival'-oin of iti -, ,',],.,. .*.; ,:,.,,. J. .,,„,, J, ,|,r. ,.,ii,KM-or spokn to an n'l rr''i-rna:-.s!i,!! ,-i' M- .i I — ' _\ ,,,,,1.: .Man^fcldl is a ffa!- ' '"^ '' 'v- >i ! 'V,!! ;| . :, ,1 ,.-t , !,; ; „,,i,j. h')ii-;o.' 'Ay .sire,' * u i tiic -nnor ll, ' v.-yi !i^ 1,1 | • , i r!,., at t!, ■;.• ;,,;:, I i-, [.ithuaiii,'.' ' I hnv(>. I, »•. l->-_r ri,-!i s li ! t!-> oiiij to-,' howin;,' "rariui:^!y ^ • * » • • " A: '", ' : r;p>,-; il l-r:- t'; i! f .Hovel, ynuij Mans^'Mt w :' r.L-i-r • : in a riii')»)>'r, liiit !,'avc iniicli criMsp Car sur- ^'' •■ ■'' f ' -^ 'i 't nrw lirnr was intended him. Honorpd l.y his sov.-rriu'n a-id am in;;.?d t ) o lo of tho faircu of tha l'eau:i<;s of tli::; G^TJim co-i.t, j/r.-cc'd with military ro- riown, an 1 \rAy.-ci\ \^y all, hr> Mi^^ht ho said to be one of I'lo h i]);ii..v.t of rniukiirJ, .-n ii;-v.a3 one oftho noblest and Lr;:vc.:t. "At tho pr^riod of \vlii;-h v:?. ppcnk, tho povcn^mont expresses wore convey ^d to ;ill p;rts of tl.3 empire, hj couriers stalionod nionrr the ro^ils forthnf pur{;n?c two n» euch.«ta'iun. Midway between the capital nud the for- ti-cs.^of Lirlienwald, whicdi wis thnn used as a state pri- son, lived B.vis Vail Ilalen, the jolly host of the Black K^gle, he was the imperial post-imster and inspector of the royal couriers ; ilietw) who were st.rioncd at his hiuiu werj called Uunwcdo and Leopold. About three 23 m".:ii!n rifior t!io rovi:!'.v, tlirj C)'.!i ii-r r.o.">[) )!,| was .scatcl on .1 Itciifti i;i tli(; |):tr.'I» iif th:) inn, \vlii!.->t Mariiita ih* «l.iii:;litfr of tlic lio t I);it!iv->1 lii*, \v!ii.-Ii was Ijruisr.l fii.l sw.illfii ; licr inDthi.r Ur.^iila st;)i):l hy rarin:» liii j[| no very lucasurrl term;. 'Vour neck \< l!;j i:o.\t J lint yna will break you sot. — I proMiiso yo i t!io l\-;)\ ;), I (if Liclirriwali! sliall deal wI'lIi y )u. — 1 \\i!i I c)',,!! writo aiiil til.:; c;ii|):.M-or s!ioj!J I;;io-.v tin* (I)i;ii;s oi' U'.a iMjiiricrs ; ay ai:.l tin; iiisj).': :tor.; t)o,' .-.liil ^hv, i! i;tir;;^an Hn:,'ry look at V^^n IIa!c:i, who stoo 1 i:i.;,!(,' tlm il )t:r wiili th it linii I look of r(_'-ii;.;np.tioM, comrnnn to coiifirinorl .t.j?». " At tiiis Mioin.-nf, lin:i\vf:lc \', li» Iki 1 l)f>c;i at Liclu ij- Wuld will) a (lisj)ati:Ii fi'.rii ;!iu c -.jiit il, ro I;? I) t'lc (loo-, nnJ disniountiML,^ sat tlov.ii on illo hrnch si;,'!!; il I'ea- \ily. ' Give Mio »orii(* il.-iiik' said ho ' f n* I tir.c ho".vr iicw/i,' the inuritrs of tlio inn :,M!!iorcJ ronril Id n. ' A,' said the courier 'it is t;jo tri;;>, tin; irililo Coint M. n :il!dt i.s condctiKUMl lo dci','!, ho dies at -nnrlio ! i-;r.,i:T.^".v. ' The Governor ui' I.iehen-,v:ild .-iitxd; hi hnad wlicii hr SuW ihc three bl u:k seals r.!i th'' cxorcis I Iii-,>; :Iir ; ' but /is » Bunic driidv .Marincit, for I a;n as thirsty as [j.e Daliic- ocean.' ' C(m::o leiMic to iii ilit gr.'.;d lIiinwiiL' paid the maiden, ' for Lc )[)Oid Is 1 itiio an I cannot li Ic ; ;iiid if an c\[)rcjS comes you unit briip^ it on.' • Ilii !i r/nl' t;;;id the courier, ' if I hive djuMe \v.):k [ rou ;t h ivc douldn drink. ^Vhy I have jidh.'n ov>.r li,)() and li;:n ^vhcn I was as drunk as a stato-eonnml! );■.' A par;y of Pomera- nian carriers nriW arrived, and Ilunv/ehj s'nn for.':..! that he might be oljligcd to ride at a mo;ncnt.\s notiee in darkness over the worst road on the ba'ik:^ of tlio Ilhinff. "The sun wh'ch the g.-dhuit Mansfcldt was to pgc rise but once more, had long descended, when Marinett called hastily to her mother. ' What bhall wo do ; there is an express coming from Vienna, thco is a light at ^^'"cdburg to warn u.s to be rcaily, and Runwcde is so drurdc he can- not sit on his horic' Th« shrill voico of Uroula notr 2i f-;^:iilcl till) sluin'iorin- couricM-. = Ri>o hoot and sa.ldlo !!,„ii liiin!)prii)- hnM-lstoot.' Riuuvclo roiH^'.l hy her .,'V..-l;iiiKUi<)Ms, starU'.l ii|>. ' W!i'>f «:'i'l '"^ i'-aiii, ' tliero ;^ no n\-,t lor ma!i or hr;\ I)eiif!i it !)•! thnt I am chaiLnjd with, was committed nheii I iiad iiidulut'd ill w i:ic, until my rLJison had becoiiiL! (jli-cur- ed ; my toiioue bofo evidence ai^aiiist my.-elf, and iiaa ruined my name, and lorevor stained tlic honor of iny uncieat. !ion-o. f)Ut at tiiis last hour lielievc mc no dis- l;)yal thou rlit ever entered my hreast. I. el my couhtiy- nien take waiaiin;^- of me, and reform this natM.!i;d repioa(d), it unmans the soldi t and heirays the |)airi »f, breaks the ijond of soci.d union, and the lies of love.' I?^is voice f dlered — the governor turned awiiy his face and wavc(] his luuul, the Count bosved; and the i»roces;ioii <.'oinmenced. '• The garrison had formed a hollow sijuare, their faces wcvo moulded into that stern sadness, which is eJjove the wecilcnoss of tears. The Count and his escort advanced, Jiis sword was home helbre him — they halted ; the Count advanced and stood alone, the sentence of the court that tried him and the royal order for his execution were read. Tiic commander of the troops, a tall gaunt old man, came forward to jjcrform the ceremony of hreaking his sword ; as he look it in his bony and shrivelled hands, he shook with a visi!)le tremor : he raised the weapon, and s'.id- tlenly bending tlie blade, it ilew in glittering fragments on the ground — no unfit emblem of the traii-ient glory of its master. The brow of the prisoner Hushed, and a groan escaped him. " Tile tiring party and their victim alone occupied the space, and a dead silence ensued ; he glanced his eyes to where tlio hjok out was stationed : he hail a lingering hope of incrcy, but the ofijccr looked through his ghiss with correct attention : no horse or man up[)eared in C 26 .'- uou„„ „„ ,„ .,„, „„ ,::;• o,;\ ;; „ ;;;r r,:" l-njo.ue,ll,i,l,„,„l, ovc- 1,:,,, „,„l tUo„ m S: governor i„„,cc.l again ,„ ,„e ..i,„„, ,„„„. ,; •,.^, ^' "o change .■ 1,0 ...nercl his laec, waved hi. ha, , and ur„., away. The pur.y levelled ,l,eir „ieee,,- ,„ ,"^ reVdea'h " '""'""=">'""""" - il-J-winghis s!vord: road ., Liel„.„wald «i,l, fiery ha„e ■ ,l,c il ^ V T° full ,>:..-.lon ,b,. .„= C„„n, Mi.,,!,;; ,1 "iLt"'.';,: f:.r'tc:ii:r'?;;r7:ir''r--"-- fu"ka,.d i!„„;ed., t:,r;:; ,1 ;::,.'t har;'"" hi,,: "*■""','■" ".' '"■' <"'"''"''' ^"""•'^'l 'I'O otrlX ; ,: .;\:t- ": ,""• ^^ -"^^ -og..i.ed°rh: Y"" t,i,u -poid u,jnld not save their salhin. chief- an.l .^"V y and „,„ur,„n„y they pn.sned their way to 1'^::' " T'l"";. '.'>' •'» ^■'■'^ passion lo,!, I '^ l"-^ ili<' H..tti...l, Kuinv,,!,. ,,,-u-r ■ ^ VVhcnI.J.a.Icondudcd, the ea.-po„tor remnrkcl, 1 Hat . uot couic. of sending Ui^.m^crs by luhberlv 'orscnon; ,i that ere lettc of advice for the savin. ot|^ 0..., e.nan'.s lifehadboen senU,y a foa , oulJ have romc „. tunc, I'JI warrant me." '^ Strike tho J'oll, and call the watch," gaid the nmo Th- broke up the party -^^'^ operation 21 Aftc- a rather tedious passage ; the fleet Kin:rstor Tl iG arrived at 'roops were disembarked, and lodged /j/ci ..v,.v. nisuiijuaiKCd, aiu in Barracks ; their first care was to examine their new island as thny wore pleased to term it. To Claude every thin^? was now ; the i.inJ, the sea, th j jjoople were diftbr- cnt from any thin- ho had so;m ; a:id he felt that wild throb of plea are, which arises novelty. While ho looked rou,. . him in jilcascl poi-plexity, he saw amonirst the persons wh > wo:-o cmpi.rv,; 1 in giving' ovor barracks to the new c )n-rs, ili ; idvuM:; d oM m in wiio had given him the advi„-o in t!if^ <■ i;hr.!:-.:il of St. F.iur.s. " Do you not kno'.v mo?"' ^-^A !ic. ;;;)ii!,^' nj) to him. " No, my Pul," replied the ol I min. " I -iw yon ilrsr," said Claude, •^in St. Paul",; in London."" '• Oli, I rc:nember," .said the other, ovtendin- his hand; "you look well in tho King's unifoi-oj. lam !)usy now, getting your regiment into th'jir barracks, and have not been long here myself, being appointed Barrack Serjeant on this station; I will be very glad to see you to-morrow— any one will show you where I live." Claude now went in search of Ell- wood, whom he Ton id in the Can-.een, widi several sol- diers of the regiment lhr>y came to relieve. He was siu"-- ing in great glee when C'an le entered. The old stagers were swartliy nnrry looking fjllows, delighted with°the idea of going home. They asked a thousand -luestions, each seeming to think alTairs stood in England just as they left them years ago. One of them offered a tott of rum to Claude, but Ellwood whispered, '■' its no go, he does'nt take any hard stuff." " Well" sai 1 the entertain- er, " I must get him some sangarec." Claude found this an agreeable drink; tlie bustle, and novelty of the scene, made him forget the caution he had hitherto observed, and he soon became too happy to notice the quality or quantity of what he drank. As a set off against the sing- ing abilities of Ellwood, the entertainers produced a fel- low who bad been a strolling player. This worthy was 28 t')o far gniK; for any scenic attempt, he however com- " ' I'liv is lii.s lionrt u!io for liis Country Ti^'lits, (hicmpi) — ilf; on ill,' (•vc of l)iltlr can rcsijrii liim-fll' to social plrasmr, S\V('t.'t(,'.st then (hiccu],.-) wluni daii'^'-cr t o tlicsoMit r"a suul cii.I(.nis, Tile luiiiiafi joy ilii! iiivrrniay (sCi^^'M-.-) ict'.iiii.' " Voii miHt cxcii-io ii\o (.•odirailcs, I ciii't coiiip it at prc- soiit." '•(;>) it Jark,"' roared all liamis. "Its a fine tiling," \v!ii.-.[)t'nM| tiie person who sat next Claude ; " on- ly he's a liiiie cut at jiresent — lu-s hccii in a real play- house in his tiini>." The K'\aii ot'lhe — rh regit.Mcnt was eoiHiilelely beat, and tiin)bled forwards at hislen!,nh on tho lloor. 'I'll? noise and confusion inerea-cd, and llllwood nmon.; ih.-' rest S;ink to sleep. CI, aide still retainin-^r |,i.s senses, went in seareli of the l)arrack serji-aiif. hut he iiad not <,'one fir i:i tlie open air, when his lirain reeled, and Ju -uiil; CM \]]Q .-ji-oiaid. did not awaiven to eoiiscion^ne-- iiiiiil the in )r- iini,>-of ta • i')llouinir day; lie felt a i,;iriii;i'j tliirst. his e\ f s v.i r,; -rwoil Ml, and fi ■;-/ red. hi-< head wa. • as h(-;;vy as if it w.'re a -ion-; ti'i I w l:;:'i he tn )v«d, his tei,}j)les ihroh- I'ed as if ;li(>y v,\uild Imr-t. Fdlwc:) 1 who w ,,s watehiii-r hiiii. i)r,.;ii!it aves-(d oi'w.iter ;, he drank e.aprerly, ;ind ftdt '■•■ii'"\'e !. ■• ! tli!>ii2ut: yo". \v-on!d !iL'V(?r eoiiic to,"' said ^-'''•■■"> '; •■ 1 liavc- hecn all ri_du thnse three hours; t.ako ■". h.iir of i.'to (l.,g that hit y)U.'' So sa^in^i, he oHered liim a ijottic, hui the snroM.r iiavc!!'.r ern:ilc;] a liorrid focl- in.r of n,i;i.-ca. One of tli,; — r(>-iiii 'iit w !io stood hy, ])r<;;v> :,; iiis lakiii!,' some l.-ifteiv-, ■• Tiii^y are an (wecllent t'lii.;,^ I) sU-en-nhcii tlie slonuieii," -a.i,! tlii.i liin | adviser. jIc ,Lecordi!ig-ly ijii.v.; I • .onie snake-root. Iimii:iii jniee and ru.n; Ci;!M.!e drank it, and frit eidi\ened. .Vfier some lime he wont in search of the b;uraek serjennr. whoso h)ii-~f stMod in a liitlo ^ime uf trees. The old iiian re- CGiwd !:;iii very eool.\-; (!■ sired Jfm to sit down on a Leii'jh in the vc .mftali, and asked, '• How do vou like 29 Kin?;5tou: noon inuc " Calutlc hosltatf: ,1, an.l rcl>lic.^ " I have no t h of it. So—l siiprns.; ut)t, yo !;istniirht."--Clau;lc start ;tci 1_- Y. II were too i!ul vou have aUin:?tlio ho-uinnv l!-U ll I!. !!"■ (jlltlU'V, »> 111- lU th i imruiiv.^ (Cl.i U i; know wli look iit th if ive y «;i"\ w I- ;is,;s filrink- k)-I )p:i .l-(!i- 1 ),);;!;o a') >'Jt to s'i will Mot r> ;):vir this; ( ic } ;it a s hort •o;;iii j;',?(l ht^"); sec -^'r' :;".u ■:!,. ,,■,,,,;!. .i,;.viio noo'iU^ live co:n(i l) -111 uiu.ii.\ L ',,,-,.< u-,:i .1 .. ir>..:a-.v.;>rM,,.,,,r.on, .Ins n.iu niL i>ui>- , 1 ., . (•.,, .m 1 T);Mn- maim- --;*'"^-'T'"7^:r;':i;;':,;:.Uo,. again, cd o!.l nrau .;iin o;r, .t not, la • you again. He ^^ ^'^^' I ' ^ ^ ^ ^^ .,.^„,,, .U-.a iu- had ever lertCUuulcmoreinortiU:,la:.lx..Mm a hpfoiv l>-ca When he vemrnoil to l^u* .u •.., ho toe betoio n-t.i. <. \v,,ii " .i-l t !■) h-.tter, "I ElhvoodthMvholcului. ^Y •,,■ ;_^.^l,l,.„,,,^d- hopcyouh:u-om..o.mntta,u,tot...^ u l__l , i am sure said Clau le, I tii,i... ^ ., .,^ ^,, oi l,-- sale to (lrii:k lU tliv, c....K.t> • _ ^ .^^ ,kin.^. .ovoral of their co:u:>anio:i.'.>,h. it cann were sp ,1,0 hoiToi-s cV.wnn;,!.;, ,.,>mi i . , , , ,■ ,„. th-1- had l):cn on out;, bat thoiiew c.aior.ia di'op ot th. ■ iM---j).cd UU5 iiv i;u:o.i, :i;rl beastly the wad now willing to gi\ Iwoo best iu the ir^laiul. - ■ ^ . liUv..,,(. truk r'=='' 'f'r^;:;:;:':: :■:;■' K^' :' will y-u .«..■> ^:- him a-ide— '• N- h,.., • -^ . »5 I .'.vpt kiii^'V \vi.,i. I.' --ay '■''J straugo rcg.m M.t.^ I ..-).i ^ -^l'' . .^^, ^,^,,,^,^^,^ tho white grave .lo.c. met h-. e w . ...d .. -.u 30 1011. II (.' ro I'licd, '•' Say uli.'u you j.leasc,!.!.) not lijt KlIu.H,,! turiHNl muttciitr^ :i\vay, the wonls that <^oul(l he .listiiii,niishc(l wcro " fool," and " coward." As lit' iii;i,|.. tliis cvplaiiatiou to the party in 'vaitiu^r, they went oir with .. iou i lai.gli. It grato.l harshly on the rars ol Claude, hut he horc it and coiKiuorcd. 'l"hc comrades were divided for a short tinie, Kllwood hr'niir s d,s^r,a,.;., and are already acrowiiied a drunkard. '•Nvhat, sdiof)linir nie again .'" .said Kllwood pertishly. •■ 1 1'.!^ you rlKM-eis more friend. !iin in a plot ofruui, tiian '■I a .hum of I,utt::rn,ilk." On these terms tliev j.artrd ; < l:nnle. Iron. I.eing regulr.r in his habits, respectful in his •■o:iduet,and I'unctual in the obedience of orders, became '■■'n,-l, liked, and as far as his situation allowed, trusted ^vlth thm r- that ••<-,. .in.l -liligence and activity. He got -!")'«t this lini,. what is termed the llrst step to a genenil ofilrer— beii.v niade Lance Corporal, and thouL-h not of a vain temper. l,e found himself casting sundry glances at t!ie arm whi;di wore the new ornament. The day he was ]>\ircA on this (irst step on the ladder of advancement, he v,-.'in to see tin? barrack Serjeant, who was now his chief friend and adviser. The old man was very sprucely .Ircss- •• Land was reading an account of the earlier campaigns of the war. •• Well done, my boy," said he, " perhai'is you in lyjivc to be a field marshal. This is the glorious day of J^'iniera. [He pointed to his hat, whicii was adorncll with a sprig of laurel]. See, here I am in print;" he read ns n.llows:-" ' The left wing of the gallant ~ rpninicnt mnintaiiied the hdl until the flank of the enemy wa.s turned; their loss amounted to thirty one killed, and forty wounded— one serjeant severely.' That was myselfj' Slid t!ie old man, drawing himself up. and waving the .-.ump of iiis arm to and fro witii great satisfaction. SI .. Uc, a,Ml aft.^r that, I wa.s ia a French prison f,mr j oar» anaon.luuulrcJauUsvclv. days, an.l got a! n.y hack ,,,V, and oi,lU pounds, ihr.. .Inlhn^s and Iwop.nco halfpenny f.rthin;., smart and pr./c .nonry.- Hut I have sunio j;o»d news tor you, th.rc .s an assistant want-d in the g.nor.d Hnpit d, and [ have spok.n ,o tlu. stair .sur,rcon about yon,-l told hun yon had I...M. a sort .,r.dacu,r's nv.., an any rlun- tor mr . C in a Trench p-o» to,.U. r. The ,cn,l.nK.n .ho were prisoners used to .ive Bill Owens and n.e ;;::yalJt,eot^vh...tosin,,hen.^UuleCn,ann,a..^^ MU-hr.k.Mt u-ed to keep up our hearts, :.Md v.Mh. t.o^,- ,>.Uin- rascals of Frenehn.en who .ruarded u< C!:ndeohtan,edthesitnat.on,andfonnd,l.eoh..rva- tionoflusoldtViendtobojust;tor ualt ol at l-a^t tie, ^L... were caused or rendered .nenral.le hy nue,npe ,,„c^ Abontthistinie h<-ot a letter l.oM.Ld wood. 1. ^L a lU of illness, and dunn, one.,, th^^ paroxistns of ren>orse to whu:h dru.dcards are .ubrct. but we give his own words— .< C „nrade,-This c.n>.s tointoru. you t!>at I am ^vell that is, not exactly well, but ^ettin. well oi a t.ver ;h;ibrot:htmo very low, I had a drean. durn>, n.y Ilcknes., or .nnnlung Uke a dreatn, I have put .t tutu . rhyme for you. M I!) N I G II T. <.Twa5rit.l-.'op;ni;!nl::ht,.v.lm;uuldca.l, No till' souud i!>n.- ilio silciicf,- In-okr, Save mv owa louL.-lq).-' n.eaMuca tiXMd, Wlicu Uui.-, my iuwai-a Hi,irit npokc : "O, woull I lilt "ly initio f' \v1iil;s^ I'gricvi; that. I ;ea Ica.^iw t uil'.i tlie'j ; For l)v-ganp limi- illduifii Iniii!,'^-, Of what tlic fal'are }0l niay bu. 32 'Wiioa first t!iv' inf.iru ( Tl in:^!'' ciul.i bl; 'ss. Th i)s:^j')y-- ih:u tiirj cannot one rraso. y \v IS ^ ^.. AiiJ all th ! ■ ti-.illi ai)l pl.'asiiitiies "Cut evil wiiii thy stitcrc -row, And Mill nii>r,i!,>.-;..;;!M m,mv a <]ay; Th.f. (l.oy ul,., 1 ,vM tlicc— ah, ho^^■ few) '^\ ''lit a.-' i!i,y i.irii'ii aw.iv. "Now r,' nil \vill i,| (I,v r;,ll.i!ls I;,Mrt I v.iKi a voi,- nfwai: aii.l dread: I I.):ulh.'l ) ■'..._., ,i|..t dV.jKuf, Wlicre si;,,!; I ! ..,[ | ^^ K.j i "WIh:. li.:. i.o\.r,t'.. i;:a>w,n.d.,.f, •':'HMM"ki,!.iuhv.ii,u-i:ir,; I— f.rf'ii ,;-i;,y !,-,Kr., „.. ,,^ Shall f,.- i!a-u;iii,cJ a-; {...rr. "MorM!,a.,'nn>i O.- ofMav^ Thattl.,:,,- ..■!iiii':.,.,rn .!,,,|.now: X — viciiia ol rl.y cvltv fi imp, Shall, likr tlK [.o'.tvV ghrr. " nil, ihi.iko 1 :;■) -;!:ii->;-t;!,\ fi',., Ho- !;vi^'H, I, ui;,..,. ;,,;,, Lo; Tamk.a,h.Mrnt_:,.,.ri.-,h„,,rcat, ihat ha- on dice. nsjust as I inotight olit. Your.s H. Er.r.wooD." Ti,„o pa,«l o:,, n„. ,|„.o= your. '■ •Tuoro lo„. ,„ ,cll »n:„ bi/ ;:.^:;!':;'' '''i '-■ ^^^ ''-^- ^ ■'- «-'-.. '""-upe.ioi, I a^cxiii!isi,.,| ; ovci y son of na- r„r "■■"'" *''"'"""■''■ "'^ "- voice bo. ".ne broken ; ho „„ l.ajor bore avvr,^ ibo i„i.o in .ha 33 I t rnco • nor led up tbc merry .lance ; his gait was unflt« his look titnid, his .le.noanour a siv^u^c contra.--t of w.l.l exritt.Mcnt and miserable .lospon.lency. The pa.s.oi> lor drink ha.l swallowed ail that " was lovely and of good n-port/- It was like the daiij-hter of the horse learl, still cryin.^ " give, give - altho' it hatillf..rlM-.:lM:n-y. tvy had r.>.ch.d ,h. ,Lrsofth.II.^p:r.d.,,FortP.;,ti.-yn....the.-ur, .. under.ho.H.and,h..wa.;andoldKd.vo>. rc,:..«t. ,,.opinr.nofhH...n-,,dM-a- ,,l,,„„,|..s omrd.rod him,'" >ai 1 1,..- I h. ..n ge bPckoned th.> old ma,, int;. an o.lhv, l.f,V- "Lr>:;h"^.^" -li I the o :i-er, - 1 \vni U'.r ...t. - V h -l.-hi^UiV-Ciu the l>ok on,K,.,.te the vou with h ) p."-^ lo ni- ..H ^ t..,t- -nil- ,•,,,„,, i„t.m,..M- :>,. h»lm,.-) "Fo-,- a . x-,. .,U. ,„.. r. c. U „o 1,.,.... VVU„ t!r,s ..v,l U-,„...< »:* u.l m U.o •■ - " When .I.e. 1. ..-.v c.,.c.-c,l .1... W...-.1. H.....-.V Lmv.,.,1 1, ,.f t ™o...«- . .> .l-v„ 0.. o:,ch .i.lo or 1,.... a..a .ouU 1... 31. hanth ; his fallirf stood at tho foot of ilio narrow bed lookin:^ on his riyinn bin. '• F f.tii glad to sec you," said tlio invalid fcchly, '• for I am near my end ; ISIary I release you from your onragcmfMU, I hopo you will find a hus- band mor.^ wirthy of you ; [ am dyinj. fjc victim of my o\Tn inisoralilo folly, justly pinHshnd for profurriiig to tliose thnt loved mo. iUr. company of the heartless, tho vi;ious, an 1 tho idi;'. I ij-i vrvy faint, I feel heavy— do not lcav(! me— fatlier — mo'iici-, — .Mary— oh ?ny God ! His eyes c! i-e 1 lor a nioii;- 11% an 1 t'.cn o;.cned, gla/.ed in tiif jTriz,. oi'ilralh. Ill- Was 'r )'ic, a'li'i \vr will nor evm i;i idea follow him into r.'crnitv. Wlrw. w.mI I it av:ii! to d-pict tlirj hope- up. it uouM Itj Init draviing oMt .;)!it»r_\ !';-iiin-' iVivk ,I) . ;'r>at uia.s^ of humaii deso- 1 aion a;id ni--iiy \viii,-!i is dady o;;,;aslon('d by t!ic .snrno (I 'i.-iv vice ; \, ii'. '1 j .ii\!i .>;-, iho heaiTs oftl.c bravo, ])er- r M',-' ihi' ^\[t : ui rnhiu . ; ^in:^^■; t.'i^' umw li('!:ciil!i the bnita en c;'.f !h, r;;ii in. ui-s tlj." pen; !iy (if r.r, cloriiity of woe, ^■. oicii b- ivc: hi'liiii ! ciily a :.ii)!t. d iiietiiory, and an awful but ala«, too ofi.M a fniiriL vs c\amjde I ! ! S.r.sral ye .1-^ after tho death <-f I'diwood, the old Bar- rack S 'rjcaut retnrn",'! to Ilnrope. lie wa.s .'-itting on tho poreh .v;'at of the ehn:-,'li of the viila:re of *■*»* in the west of Eu'^lind, hi.s old companion Bill Owens was beside hill, lie ])'illc*d out a fiOiidon Paper m hieh had just coirie by pnst— «•' Road ih;) Army new.s" said Bill. He re>.l i'nr a lew moni^nts, and then su(l