IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 1^ IIIIM IM m m tii m IM 12.2 1.8 U III 1.6 V] <» / '^ i. ^eK MUSEUM ■I P^I W \_ LIST OF ELECTORS, 1890. QUALIFIED TO VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. KINGS WARD. Allison, Lucius C M D Armstrong, John R barrister Addy, Henry G M D Allison, Frank O clerk Arnold, R Ileber ins agent Andrews, Joseph M D Adams, Arthur W clerk Armstrong, John gent Alston, John clerk Alston, John jr do Alston, Frank do Amos, John bliicksmith Allan, Louis painter Appt, Stephen fireman Akerly, James cabinet nir Alston, William hst maker Allen, Frederick noaman Ahearn, John laborer Ahearn, William do Auning, George A heir J. B. Anning Anning, Benjamin do Arnold, Wili'iam clerk Barnes, Robert R stationer Barlow, Edwin W joiner Blackball, Michael livery stable Bostwick, James J merchant Bustin, Augustus T music dlr Boyd, B C Barclay clerk Bond, James do Brigstocke, Rev Frederick II J Beverley, Fulton mercht Bean, Jamos moulder Bnrditt, William F merchant Blackadar, Frederick china dlr Boyd, R Murray clerk Barker, George B druggist Binning, Alexanorer Connors, Daniel bartender Connors, John machinist Costigan, Michael laborer Costigan, Daniel bdg house Cotter, John laborer Cotter, Edward do Collins, Jeremiah do Crowley, Timothy rigger Cain, Cornelius laborer Carter, Benjamin yeoman Crawford, Robert laborer Croley, John cordwainer Croley, William moulder Connolly, Thomas laborer Collins, Denis Canty, Timothy Corbitt, William Connors, John Condon, Redmond Carveill, Harold H ( Uark, Frank F Campbell, J. Roy f!lark, George C5arle, Frank B. do do do do cordwamer r r emp clerk attorney carpenter clerk DeVeber, Leveret t II gent Dowling, Thomas Q draper Daniel, Frederick W do Drury, Henry A oil agent DeSoyres, Hev .lolrn Dunphy, Wardlaw P bartender DeFoiLv^'t, Jdhn laborer DeForest, Thomas do Drayton, Williim V clerk Day, George K printer Driscoll, Michael laborer Doherty, Willijua seaman . Davis, Edward N dentist Duffy, .lohn trader Duffy, John L clerk Hopper. J)ariu3 hdg house Flewwelling, Charles H engraver Hamilton, Henry blacksmith Finn, William rijrger Henderson, William R barber Fry, Willi:im II ste/ioj^raphrr Hornebrook, .John W clerk Faiiweather, G Warren clerk H-iggerty, Jiimes laborer Foley, II Terence tavern Hazen, Robert P clerk Fairweather, Charles E surveyor Hooly, Timothy bottler Fowler, Burpee machinist Fitzmaurico, John carpenter Fairwrathor, Miles r r emp Flynn, Patrick laborer Fitzgerald, Michael baker Fitzo;erald, Daniel cordwaincr Foster, Thomas l.tborcr Foohy, David chandler Flynn, Johrt P printer Fairweather, Walter C clerk Fleming, Georofe W bookeepei' Fostei", .lohn H do Ferrie, Terence J tinsmith Gibson, William C jeweller Green, Louis tobacconist Oibson, Alexander (irilbert, Harold merchant Gillis, John li yeoman Gould, Cyrus blacksmith Gallagher, Daniel J butcher Ouild, Robert restaurant Gorley, Ilu'jh labf)rer Goldsworthy, William mason Oarnett, Robert laborer Gannivan, John laborer Gillespie, Edward do Grady, Patrick do Gallagher, James teamster Oilliland, .lames R telegrapher Graham, VVilliam R milk dlr Gai'side, John cotton operative quieu baristr McLauclflan, John clerk McDade, James tinsmith McLauchlan, William W clerk McGivern, James S do McMann, Silas C merchant McGivern, Richard P jr barristr McCormack, Daniel W hotel McAlpine, David publisher McCarthy, Daniel r r emp McAvity, Stephen S clerk McGregor, Charles druggist McFarland, Rev Armor J McGill, Lawrence cordwainer McDonough, William tavern Kl[XG8 WARD. McBriarty, John J cook Mclnnis, James A tailor MacKae, Rev Donald MoKean, George L merchant McLaughlan, Patrick yeoman McCallum, Michael tavern MacRae, Alexander W student MacLaren, Murray M D McCormack, William P hotel McCuUough, Henry A clerk McGuire, Thomas cook McPherson. Charles D clerk Mcllveen, John carpenter McSorley, Terence cleric McCarthy, Cornelius grocer MacGrecjor, Charles 8 cler': McCarron, James A M D McMaokin, Howard J clerk McCallum, Daniol laborer McAlpine, Lemuel A M D McCarthy, Randall laborer McCarthy, Martin lamplighter McDonald, Daniel agent McDonald, Patrick butcher McLean, Charles F helper McGratb, Michael grocer McNamee, William laborer McCarthy, Denis clerk McKay, Tliomas laborer McGrath, John stone cutler McCarthy, Jeremiah laborer McCarthy, Florence clerk McCarthy, James laborer McCarthy, Char^ s do McCarthy, John cartman McAlpine, Hezekiah agent McAlpine, Thomas clerk McCoir, George news agent McPherson, James salesman McPherson, Robert laborer MacRae, Kenneth John clerk McDougal, Alexander carpentr McDonald, Daniel do Nyhan, Michael yeoman Nealis, Hugh clothier Nagle, David scowman O'Loary, Timothy yeoman O'Neill, VVilli«^m boiler maker O'Connell, Patrick laborer O'Connell, Daniel do O'Leary, James do Olive, i) Millar accountant O'Neill, Henry bar tender O'Neill, Philip grocer O'Brien, James laborer O'Leary, Humphrey cartman O'Donohue, Denis laborer O'Brien, Timothy do O'Brien, James baker O'Neill, John nail cutter O'Leary, James do O'Neill, Charles boiler maker O'Grady, John cartman O'Brien, James laborer O'Leary, Cornelius do O' Riley, James brushmaker Prince, James marshal Prescott, Gideon gent Pugsley, Gilbert R barrister Pugaley, William jr do Pender, James nail maker Pierce, John barber Porter, W Alexander grocer Potts, Thomas trader Purdy, Walter O nailmaker ' Preston, Edwai'd A M D Peters, Leonard S porter Palmer, George H traveller Perry, George H fireman Perry, Xenophon tru,der Perkins, Wnlter agent Powers, John axemaker Prince, Albert E clerk Powers, Frank laborer Pierce, Michael helper Pound, Alfied M clerk Palmer, Frederick biakeman Price, Thomas mason Nagle, Richard Nagle, Maurice Nixon, James Nyhan, Denis rigger stevedore chandler pony cart O'Gorman, John O'Connell, John O'Brien, John O'Brien, Edward grocer tobacconist do laborer ! . trader Quinn, William H Quinton, William Quailey, Timothy fireman Quinn, Joseph teamster bdg house Robinson, Thomas W yeoman Rainnie, William gent Raymond, Thomas F hotel Rooney, Daniel L trader Rankine, William grocer Ready, James beer 'maker Robertson, James merchant 1 KIKOS WAKD. Robertson, Strnan drnpfgist Robertson, LeBnron H trnder Ritchie, Robert R barrister Robertson, William stamae'r Rogers, Janiep N grocer Richford, Philip chirk Ross, Charles porter Robertson, (ieorge M clerk Rolston, James gardener Roiirke, Thomas seaman Ronan, Michael laborer Robinson, Robert S clerk Ready, Hugh bottler Robinson, William clerk Rigby, John R clerk Reardon, Thomas rigger Reardon, John laborer Rodgers, Fr mk agent Rainnie, William J clerk Russell, Andrew laborer Russell, John A teamster Robinson, Thoma?, milk dealer Robertson, John D agent Robinson, Kiias H sniveyor Rankine, Allen clerk Reid, Robert printer Robertson, Blair clerk Raymond, James T grocer Robinson, Gilbert M cleik Robertson, William B i v e Starr, R Pennistop coal mercht Smith, John R mercht Seely, Daniel J merchant Smith, George F gent Smith, James VV bdg house Schotield, Samuel merchant Stanton, John carl man Stothart, Thomas teacher Shea, Michael clerk Straton, James barrister Short, J) Henry livery stables Sloven, Thomas W watchman Seely, James D clerk Sime, John machinist Smith, N Berry druggist Short. Charles K do Schmidt, Carl C jeweller Stewart, Charles W milk dlr Seely, J Frederick clerk Scholl, Emil photographer Sullivan, James T waiter Shaw. Rev John L Stocker, John E traveller Sullivan, Jeremiah laborer Sullivan, John do Sullivan, Anthony lithographer Stark, Joshua watchmaker Sheehan, Daniel laborer Sullivan, John surveyor Scovil, R l^ruce accountant Saunders, Tobias ship carpenter Shiels, John laborer Shiels, John jr cordwainer Setchel, William T teamster "^hort, George laborer Seely, Frank spinner Strain, Thomas laborer Secord, J Edmund accountant Slader, Edward P carpenter Scott, Robert blacksmith Sandall, Edwnrd machinist Sheppard, Benjamin broom ipr Stockford, James L baker Scott, Alexander machinist Sweeney, Daniel laborer Sullivan, Eugene seaman Sullivan, Cornelius laborer Sterling, William do Smith, William H do Sutton, George sail maker Simmons, Frederick janitor Scott, .James clerk Secord, Jamss carpenter Stewart, Charles D clerk Smith, William M enyineer Swinnock, James feathhr cleanr Street, Warwick W manager Sealey, Thomas M printer Standing, James cotton operativ Secord, James O Seely, AHred E Smith, Fiederick Sterling, John Sti'ain, Thomas Stuhbs, James IJnd Vicl War Whi Wil< Whi Will Wil Wal Wei Wri Wal Wil Wir Wa( Wal Wil Wai F ales man clerk drng clerk seaman porter baker Tufts, .fames A merchant Thorne, William H do Thorne, Arlhur T do Tufts, Frank L clerk Travis, John grocer Til ton, John clerk Troop, Stephen M laborer Tower, Charles P bdg house Trainor, Thomas founder Tierney. Michael laborer Tobin, John do Toomey. John do Tierney, Patrick do Tabor, Charks W. C. student KINGS WAKU. 'M IJnderhilli Jrtcob D clerk Vickery, Ernest F clerk Warlock. Daniel O'L watchmr White, Hirnni B merchant Wilson, VV^aUer aawmaker Whittak«r, Junaes E aopraiser Wilson, .lolin E enj^ineer Wilson, .lamea concnraaker Walsh, Jonn tavern Wetmore, Alfred B draper Wright. Arthur W accountant Walsh, James laborer Wilson, Alexander sawmaker Wins low, Edward P accountant Wade, Charles F druggist Walsh, Patrick laborer Willis, John do Warlock, Henry D watchmaker Whelan, Thoman spinner Wilson, George carpenter White, J Hunter clerk Withers, George p o employe Ward, .John seaman Wilson, Williim restaurant Weston, Jamed T news agent Wilmot, Robert D. heir.I. M. Wilmot \Vinslow, Wunen * '■ hen* George Carvill Watson. William H cclerk Whittaker. Joseph P ins broker Withers, < 'harles J mariner Withers, Frederick machinist Wiihers, Nelson A mariner Yeats, John merchant Yeats, Charles do "wjr i n i w i