Q ^^%#- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 4r z. t 1.0 ! I.I " SiS 1111120 IL25 ■ 1.4 — 6" 2.2 1.6 P^ <^ ^;j / 1 iiuiugicipiuu Sciences Corporation #^'^ f>^ gale *a rt-5 K ~ IB a> • 6 1-0 ..^H •>: a"— * o at I) M ■So £3 CS^ «.5 h ir** ^ u o _ o • .S O ^ O- B », 3 i!'^ «iT3 ™_ • oj 3 IT 5! t) *! u jd gs g B--S'- Wfl J2-t!0; V c * o ** o •y in -a ♦" c O w VI M » c c "■ «) o "a >'S « Sbi''^ tl £• *-* •-• ** O i7 a ^ ■M.aa;:*iij(iUU3>JAV t/t ») — a" - S f' s <* " • . h1!|b^«2^ What Practical Railroad Men ^ay of Thenl. 13. E. Tilden Co. Gentlemen— 1 have your favor and heg to say that the Tilden Improved VVrec'cing Frogs is all that could be desired for the pur- pose of replacing engines and cars. I have had occasion to take charge of wrecks personally, where I found the frogs of great ser- vice in replacing engines and cars. I do not see how they could be impioved upon in any way. M. F. bONZANC), Gen'l Sup't Phila. & Reading R. R Co., Philadelphia, Pa. B. E. Tilden Co. Gentlemen -1 have put your Improved Wrecking Frogs to the severest test and they have given the best satisfaction in every case. P'or replacing derailed cars or engines they are the best I have ever used. C. W. COLKM.AN. Gen'l Despatcher. N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R., West .Afbany, N. Y. B. E. Tilden Co. Green Bay, Wis. Gentlemen— Would respectfully call your attention to the fact that we have your Car and Locomotive Replacing Frogs in our V "Tcking outhts and can most honestly state that they are far superior to any other wrecking frog used on any railroad in this vicinity, and that any railroad company would save time and expense by having them placed in cabooses, engines and baggage cars. Would add that tney are all, if not more, than you represent them to be. Yours truly, W. B. WOOLFORD, Trainmaster, C. M. & St. P. Ry. B. E. Tilden Co. Gentlemen— The Rerailing Frogs you sent us are giving excellent satisfaction. We have had occasion to use them under derailed loco- motives and several cars, and they have done the work much quicker and easier than the old frogs, and not going to the blacksniith^sslhtp tor repairs, as with the old. and I consider them far ahead of any- thing we have ever used foi replacing derailed engines and cars. E. RICH \RDSON. M. M., P. S. & L. E. R. R., Greenville, Pa. B. E. Tilden Co. Gentlemen--As to the working of your Replacing Frogs and the tests to which I have put them, I will say I have thoroughly tried them with cars and engines, in the yard and on the road, and they have never failed to do all that you claimed for them. 1 consider tliem by far the best wrecking frogs I have ever seen or used. R. H. BRIGGS, M. M., K C. M. & B. R. R., Memphis, Tenn. B. E. Tilden Co. We have the Tilden Replacing Frogs in our tool cars and in use generally as a standard. They give hrst-class satisfaction. AVERY TURNER, Sup't A. T. & S. F. R. R., Newton, Kas. B E. Tilden Co. Gentlemen— Replying to your favor I beg to sav that your Replac- ing Frogs are the best that ever came under my" notice. They give us entire satisfaction. Yours truly, J. J. CASEY, Ass't Supt. Machinery, I. C. R. R., Chicago, 111. B. E, Tilden Co. South Chicago, III. tientlemen— After an experience of eighteen years in train service, I do not hesitate to pronounce your make of Replacing Frogs by far the best frogs I have ever used, both for efficiency and being easy to handle. M. M. RICHEY, Sup't Calumet & Blue Island Ry. B. E. Tilden Co. Freeport, Pa. Gentlemen— We have used your Wrecking Frogs for the last three years and they have given satisfaction in every instance. H. N. MILLER, Supervisor Pa. R. R. Co. B. E. Tilden Co. Gents— Yours received and am glad to hear from you. In reply would say I have your Replacing Frogs, and would not be without them. They are first class in putting on both cars and engines. C. S. YOUNG, Supervisor Penua. R. R. Co., Jamesburg, N. J. the • tion. 'henl. the Tilden for the pur- ion to take »f great ser- iy could be ? R. R Co., Jelphia, Pa. 'ogs to the every case. I have ever patcher, bany, N. V. Bay, Wis. to the fact rogs in our liey are far oad in this ind expense ?gage cars, esent them St. P. Ry. iig excellent jraiied loco- uch quicker niith ssli )p lead of any- iid cars, enville, Pa. gs and the ughly tried 1, and tliey 1 consider sed. iphis, Tenn. and in use )n. ;wton, Kas. our Replac- They give "hicago, 111. :ago. III. ain service, ''rogs by far being easy sland Ry. PORT, Pa. e last three . R. R. Co. ii. In reply be without engines, sburg, N. J. ti.E. Tilden Co. GanburV, CouH. Gentlemen— Soon after r'eceiving the Replacers ordered from you an enjfine and ten freight cars were derailed at South Norwalk, and by using two pairs of Replacers, everything was on the track and clear in 45 minutes after the arrival of the wrecker. I consider your Replacers the best device I have eve/ seen for replacing derailed cars or locomotives. Very truly yours, F. C. P.WNE, Supt. N. v., N H. & H. R, R. R. B.E. Tilden Co. Aurora, III. Dear Sirs— We are using your Replacing Frogs on this division, and have tested them several times in replacing engines and cars. We think there are no replacing frogs equal to them. We have had engines square across the track, and have turned and replaced the engine on tfie track in one and one-half length of the engine with your replacing frogs, which cannot be done with any other replacing frog that I have seen. Your replacing frogs in the hands of men who know how to use them will recommend themselves. Yours truly, F. J. CULLENHIVE, Trainmaster, Chicago Div. C. B. & Q. R. R. B. E. Tilden Co. Gentlemen— Some time ago our wrecking cars were furnished with the "Tilden Wrecking Frogs." They have given perfect satisfac- tion. Our wrecking foremen say they are the best they ever used. JAMES GEDDES, Sup't L. & N. R. R., Nashville, Tenn. B. E. Tilden Co. Gentlemen— The Wrecking Frogs purchased of you some time ago are giving entire satisfaction, and in my opinion no railroad should be without them. C. H. WARBURTON, M. M., C. L. & W. R. R., Lorain, O. B. F. Tilden Co. Chicago, III. Gentlemen -We have thoroughly tested your Replacing Frogs sent us some time ago. They have proven themselves much superior to anything lieretotore used by us. I consider them the best thing of the kind in use, and am highly pleased with them. Yours respectfully, E. M. SPENCER, Gen'l Y'd Master, L. N. A. & C. R'y. B. E. Tilden Co. Montgomery, Ala. Gentlemen— The Tilden Locomotive and Car Replacing Frogs are the best device for the purpose I have ever seen. They have given perfect satisfaction. I would not like to be without them, JAS. E. WORSWiCK, Master Mechanic A. & W. P. R. R. Gentlemen— I must say in regard to your Wrecking Frogs that they are all that you claim for them in the way of merit. I think that they are the best replacers that I have ever seen. We have them in six of our wrecking outfits. We have tried them under severe tests, such as putting on mogul and consolidated engines and loaded cars, and always found that they work satisfactory. J. R. HOFF, Foreman Car Repairs, Mo. Pacific R'y Co.. DeSoto, Mo. B. E. Tilden Co. New York City. Gentlemen— We have used your Frogs under all conditions that any replacing frog could be used in replacing both cars and engines on track, and also have used them at different times in slewing trucks that were askew and not in line - 8 to 10 inches away from tne rail— and found they did all you claim for them in both cases. Yours truly, IRA A. McCORMACK. „ _ _ Train Master, N. Y. C. & H. R R. R. B. E. Tilden Co. Dear Sirs— Regarding the working of your Wrecking Frogs, I must say that they worlc satisfactory in every respect, and 1 like them better than any others. They are simple and any common laborer can place them. I have replaced a 50 ton ten wheeler and several light engines with them, and they work very nicely. PETER H. PECK, M. M , C. & W. Ind., R. R. and the Belt R'y. Co. of Chicago, Chicago, 111. B. E. Tildcn Co. St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen— 1 have several times had occasion to put your Wreck- ing Frogs to the severest possible tests and each time found them to do all that is claimed for them. They are especially useful in replac- ing derailed locomotives. Vours truly, J. B. KENDALL, G. Y. M., Mo. Pacihc Ry. B. E. Tilden Co. White Plains. N. V. Gentlemen -In regard to the Wrecking Frogs ordered of you would say that I consider them the simplest and best replacers that have ever been used on our wrecking trains. We have had occasion to use them for replacing locomotive and passenger cars^nd they have always worked with ease. C. L. KU.SSITER, Sup't N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. B. E. Tilden Co. Gentlemen— We think your replacers the best that are made. Yours truly, J. R. RENIFF. M. C. H . Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry., Norwalk, O. B. E. Tilden Co. Gentlemen— As to the service of your Wrecking F'rogs; '.ve have used them extensively for the last five or six years, and 1 Jiave always found them to be very efficient and the best frogs of the kind 1 have ever used. Yours truly. W. B. THROOP, Supt. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R.. Galesburg, 111. B. E. Tilden Co. Gentlemen— All of our locomotive and wrecking cars are equipped with your car replacers. They give perfect satisfaction, and we consider them the very best in use Yours very truly, J. West Virginia Central & B. E. Tilden Co Gentlemen— We have several pair S. TURNER, Supt M. P., Pittsburgh Ry., Elkins, W. Va. of ^ your Car and Locomotive Replacing Frogs in service on this division, and they give excellent satisfaction in every respect. Yours truly, J W. KING, Supt. Lehigh Valley R. R., Sayre, Pa. B. E. Tilden Co. , , , Gentlemen— Your Replacers are in use by us, and am glad to say they give entire satisfaction. Yours truly, W T WEST, Trainmaster, Southern Ry., Richmond. \ a. B. E. Tilden Co. South McAllister, L T., March 28th, 1895. Gentlemen— Yours of March 26th, asking for our opinion on your Car Replacers, has been received, and in answer would say that I do not see how anything better could be gotten up for the purpose of replacing cars and engines on track. I have pulled en eight cars and a part of an engine at one setting of the frogs. , „ ,. Yours truly. JAS. CUNNINGHAM, M. M. Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf R. R. B. E. Tilden Co. City of Mexico, Mexico, Feb. 22nd. 1895. Gentlemen— We consider your Replacers by far the best frogs ever put on the market, and use them exclusively on this road. Yours truly, F. W. JOHNSTONE, Supt. M. P & M., Mexican Central Ry. B. E. Tilden Co. Dear Sirs -We have your make of Replacing Frogs in use. As regards their utility, they are all you claim for them, and after three years' experience with them on this road we have discarded every other type. Yours truly, HENRY E. WALKER, Loco. Supt. Southern Railway, Puebla, Mex We have on file several hundred similar testimonials from railroad men of many years' experience in operating departments. After thorough trial any practical railroad operator will readily appreciate these frogs as being the strongest, simplest, cheapest, most convenient and only practical invention for the purpose of re- placing derailed cars and locomotives. The track is not interfered with, and being constructed on scientific principles, the frogs never fail to replace the wheels upon the rails, without any failure or cost jior repairs. Partial I .Alabama I Atlantic & Atlantic C .Allegheny .Atchison, Atlantic & B ildwin L Baltimore Baltimore Hay of (Ji Beech Cre Belt Raib Birminghi Boston an Boston & BrunswicI Buffalo, K Burlingto Calumet i Canada A Cape Feai Central R Central R Central V Chesapea Chesapea Chicago & Chicago ( Chicago 6 Chicago & Chicago t Chicago i Chicago i Chicago, Chicago, Chicago, Choctaw, Cincinnat Cincinnat Cincinnat Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Columbui Concord I Delaware Detroit, I Duluth, J East Ten Evansvill Fairhavei Fall Broo Fitchburj Florida C Georgia i (irand Ri Great No Gulf, Col Hannibal Houston Illinois C Indiana, Internati Iowa Cen Partial List of Railroads Using theje Wrecking Frogs. Alabama Midlland Ky. Atlantic & Facitic Railroad. Atlantic Coast Line. Allegheny Valley Ky. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R. Atlantic & Danville Ry. Bildwin Locomotive Works. lialtimore &()liio Railroad. Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern R. R. liay of QuinteRy. Nav. Co. Heech Creek Railroad. lielt Railway of Chicago. HirminKham, Sheffield & Tennessee River Ry. Boston and Maine Railroad. Boston & Albany Railroad. Brunswick <& Western Railroad. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Ry. Burlington & Missouri River R. R. in Neb. Calumet & Blue Island Ry. Canada Atlantic Ry. Cape Fear & Vadkin Valley Ry. Central Railroad of Henna Central R. R of New Jersey. Central Vermont R. R. Chesapeake & Ohi / Ry. Chesapeake, Ohio & South-Western R. K. Cfiicago & .\lton Railroad. Chicago CJreat Western Ry. Chicago & Eastern Illinois R. R. Chicago & North-Western Ry. Chicago & Northern Pacific Railroad. Chicago & W'estern Indiana R. R, Chicago & Western Michigan Ry. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf R. R. Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton R. R. Cincinnati & Muskingum Valley Ry. Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Ry. Cleveland, .Akron & Columbus Ry. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling Ry. Columbus. Sandusky & Hocking Ry. Concord & Montreal R. R. Delaware & Hudson R. R. Detroit, Lansing «fe Northern R. R. Duluth, Missabe & Northern Ry. East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Ry. Evansville & Terre Haute R. R. Fairhaven & Southern R. R. Fall Brook Ry. Fitchburg Railroad. Florida Central & Peninsular R. R. Georgia Railroad. (irand Rapids & Indiana R. R. Great Northern Railway Line. Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Ry. Hannibal & St. Joseph R. R Houston & Texas Central R R. Illinois Central Railroad. Indiana, Illinois & Iowa Railroad. International & Great Northern R. R. Iowa Central F.ailway. §^^' •^ c/) H P^ w W H p: U W uj ^ Wo w < O O 'A < w p< p W "^ wow W W < G W ^ O H ^ W u A o < O O H W A ^ ^ < W ^ Q ^ A W W w WWW P^ M H W < o 1^ w p^ > w w W > W Oh o u acksonville, Tampa & Key West Ry. \.au»as City Belt Railway, vansas City, l*"ort Scott & Mcmpliis R. R. vansas City. Memphis &. HiiiuiiiL'ham R R. > ^ Q -a y. < -0 c m C«:J V] hJ i4-> < o y *-• o >—* r^ h V 1— H u 1— ( r3 Q < u Q^ ^ r> (— t y X w H-l < s ^ ^ > w ^ > w w > x w y y oo ^^ w H C/5 u p< Uh y C/2 t— 1 r t-" < m (A o u I— I )-. Q 2 <1- u w 1^; z o o CO U ^< C/3 A trial has convinced the most frugal manag^ers that no train should be run without these Replacing Frogs being a part of its equipment. When you order new locomotives you can specify Tilden's Improved Rephiciug Frogs that will replace ne in each hand) with greater convenience than any other wrecking frogs. ( )ur recent Improved Replacing Frogs are about 3 feet long and 8 inches wide, made of rehned metals, with chrome steel interchangeable wear plate top, or of the strongest quality of cast steel. These extra improved Replacers are adapted to any ro.ing stock and all T rail. Price of our extra improved Replacing Frogs is $18 per set, delivered free to nearest point on purchasing road, or to any road in the United States not west of the Missouri river. To roads west thereof, wei)repay freight free as far as Missouri river, and for export we prepay freight to seaboard at New York or New Orleans. There are infringing replacers, without braces, being offered for sale, but they recjuire different size replacers to re-rail to the different height rails, and are short- lived in heavy service, as they are only shells. We respectfully solicit a trial order, and are confident all railroad managers throughout the country will be l)leased with the service of these frogs, and be convinced that their adoption will prevent the expenditure of many times their cost in a short time. The use of these fro^s, on all engines and cabooses, will largely do away with sending for wrecking trains. One man can replace cars or helpless engines with our frogs and a pair of jacks, without any other power or assistance. Furthermore, these frogs are adapted to every variety of gauge and height of rail, replacing any derailed rolling stock with the greatest possible economy of time. These new wrecking frogs were invented owing to great necessity, the inventor being a practical railroad man of over twenty years' experience. These frogs are simple in construction, easy to handle, and positive in action, and will pay for themselves in saving of time over the use of any other replacing device.