^ <^ BMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 7 // . s '^' # /^ '^ Photogiaphic ^^Sdences v_.ur[jL>ration 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 873-4S03 iV ^ Ar(i:i(l, Dr. liiiiiiliis ri'j,'rctte e.ilimies whieh enntrlliiiteii i'loni their piilj- lie revenue for tin- iilijiel. He helieveil that if they put into the hands id' the r(dii- iiists a little inme .sell'-j;iivernnieiit tlie\ wnuld he di-pi)sed tn jiay iniiie id'lhelr iivvii e.\peiises Sir // hnuiihi^ said, he .'ippe.iled fin relief fniin this cciiilrihutien in favcmr id an intereslii.j; and peculiar peijple, tlirewn haek ai this time of d.iy, hy the reniarkalil. vicissitudes in their liisiipry.fnr reaeneratiim, in their .'ioci.il, in nal„in{| pidit;i.il ccinditinn, and !" whnni ue had siileinniy ph il;; d a p.'cnii.ir and p.iternai suliiiinde. I'laced iin the Cenlines til' civilisatinn, these interes'-Tt.; Isl.miis 'ire^enled a wide and nnhh- liild f'nr inipriivi'ineMl. wlicil they e.itne under th'' ddiiiinii n ul .1 I 'hri^lian |«i\ver. lint it would ever he eon .!di red 1 stain 'n ihe histmv iif \'enice, and he inns; say in that of other Clirisli.ni Stales, ihal whilst the Ionian Isl.uids were used lor laaritime and Diilitarv, and even for spiritual purposes, as the hulwarks of ( hristi.mity afiainst the Infidels, iiu nionunient should lia\e heeu raised, to cointneinorate the possession \» liich the \ euetian (iovernmeiit so l.ioi! held, of those Island-, hy any act ivtiich iciuld shnw that, with real t'hristi.ui spoil, liny alleud- t'd palernallv to ihe moral and physical well-heinj; of ihe people, and the );enerai amelioration id' those most inlerestiu'; Islands. Tills was a duly which had de- vulveil upon this ^'re.it coiintiy. 'I'lu- Liloiy mid honour o'' our 'ji loved .S.verei^n. tlu ercilit of the ( iipvernineiit. the ihaiaiiir id the country wen at stake. W, had, umh r our protcctini; win;.' an inlerestiu);. a pecu- liar people, inliahilinj; a fair and cl.issieal re- piou. .Ail the sympathies and associ.ilions -cla.ssical, hi-toiicil, ancient and mmlcrn. which we imhilkd in our viuiili, and shouM carry w iilms to our iiraves— taught ustorc- j;.iriiwilh deep iutercsi, that pci nliarpeople, whose destinies we liold If trust tor ^on I (ir for evil -for our (.'lorv. or to our shame. I le slienid -larlle the House, shock tlie conn- trv, and wound the iluiraiter of any Uri- tish (Government, were he to (ell iif tliesa- etiliccs and pvivation- which were eiulureil to enjlile ihe Ionian ( i.im rinnciit to li.pii- datethefiMil trihule which I hey wnehoniid lu pay, and the nianin r and 1 \ti nt to w Inch the e\actiiiii of ihis lioml. nlaided .nniiio. ration ill the jteneial condition of the Ionian Islands. I Lord S(,n,/i 1, hen said, "It i« dolled Dene ' when lione ■ why wis he not tiilil of 11 - He appi .ded to ihc I oni- niiitei whelhir IulSii 11. Dooi'l.is) h.ivino repnseiiled the casi' ol the loiil.iii M.iiids, us now hriellv stated, in l-".'!"" to I on I lileiiilK, 111 l^d.s III l.oni Niiim.inhy, and in l-s:!',), 1-1)11, .11. d l^^l, to l.onl S. lie - .sill, .mil in l-sl.Mohis nolde I'ticii 1 the Sicrelary for the ( olonies, l.onl .Si.inlev — liavin^, loo, oil liis rt'ijuent, not c.illed tor the pn'diiilioii of papers which, hi .111 order of the hisl sission, wen I'ortli.oiiiing. he (Hir II. DohkI.is) appe.iled to tile t oni- liiittii, whethirtlie nolili l.onl liad lieateil liiiii I iiher as .1 supporter ol Her M.iicsty's (ioveriimi III. 01 as .1 tin ml nl llo nolile l.nril's, as lie otinht li. haVe done 1 uiiil lla'rel.i, , he I.Sir II. DmiKlas) woiihl (jii lkrilll)ill ihei.ise III h.ld 111 li.ind, williont now licediii){ what tin iioldc Lord had said. No oiiu who Win tliutuu^liiy ai<|Uaiiitid with the Ionian Islands could, fur a mo- ment, douht that the peculi.ir circnmsianees, and auonialons eoiulitioll of those Islands, and the wants and necessities of the Ionian people, had not heen considered as they oiii'lit til have hceli. Those I.,lands are not, as the lion, and learned Menilier for liolton has inadvertently said, colonies. They are placed m a middle state, hetween the eoloiii.il and perfectly free independent stale, without havini;, in some important respects, the advantiioes of either. Their imidiictious are treateil as forei;,'n iinidnc- tions, aliliou;;!! thuir ships are admitted tu all tlieprivilc};cs of lirilish ViS'cls. .\iiel;or- iiinu.s duty, no less than lllj, per cent, is imposed on the expert of those" productions, to eiiahle the Ionian fiovernment to meet its iihli^ulious. That .source of revenue has tailed, liy the diminution in price from ahonl 7 f doll. Us to ahnut IS per HlOOlhs,, whilst the duty levied oil the iniporl of those productions into the United Kingdom, is upwards of i;io pir cent on tlieir'prime eo.st. I he pnigress of iniprovenicnt of every description in the Ionian Islands is vastly retcnled, and in some eases thrown hack, hy the esactiiMi of this lioiiil. The apiinipriations f'nr piihlic iiislruction are diminisheil ; ihf puhlie mails are l'allill^ into dilapidation and decay. There is no prison in Corfu; for w.i'iit uf that most es.sential instilntion an old fort is used as a receptacle for nflLnders. convicts, and crimi- n. lis of every age and ilescriplion, without the possihility ofclassilication or discipline. I.u- naiics were the inmates of prisons, associated with criminals and felons, fur want of a lu- natic asylum, until he (Sir 11. Douglas) converted another old fort into a receptacle tor those unhappy heings ; and nothin" has yet heen dune- from want of me. ins, 10 pniMUe asuitahle liuilding and i Mahlish- nient, ill lieu of those teniporarv e\pe- dients. I-A'ery practiialile exertion had heen made hy the Ionian (Joverninent to reduce the expenditure, and to iiierecise the revenue, to enalile the Ionian States to pay this eiiorine.is fixed tiiliule. .mil the other charges Inr lirilish pn.teiiKn. lie (Sir II. Hoiiglas) 11., 1st .idv, ri to .mother sad part of ihi., ,.,„ . '1'., give cll'ect to an let passed in ihe lime of his predecessor. Lord Nt.gent, he {Sir II. Douglas) had instituted a pour-liousc and liiiusi-i)f.in- diistry at Cnrfu, llir the recepi'on of men. dieaiit-s, .su niiinenius in ihe Mauds, and other desliiule persons, 'i'hai esiahli.sh. iiient h.id heen aliolished, since his (Sir II, Douglas's) dcpartine, althongli it eoiilaiiied three paupers iipwanls of ninety years of ige, six upwunis of eighty, and I'liaiiv other desiiinte persons, far advanced in life, lie tSir II, |)riugl.isi did not mean to assert, th.il the niihle I,, ml had ixprcssly ordeel this to he done; hnl he did iiie.ui to say, thai the iiislruclions to p.iy up the cim- irihiitioM — to insist upon our hotid, were so slringenl. as to leinlcr this, and other sacrilices necessiirv. ( )ii these gniiiiids, he -Sir II. Donglasi would ,ipp,al to the Com- iilitlee, to the ( ,on niuiciil, .iiid to the country, for sonic ahateniinl and iiiiligalion ol till M- rates and terms H,. advise,! and imploivd IKr M,i|c>t\'s (luvi niinent to cvleiid relief to the Ionian Islands Kdoie It heeame too Lite. Ihe piesent. cert.iinly, were not limes r ilaiigi r, hut limn of danger might conic, ,iiid it w,'-, tlieicfoiv, 111 he hoped that Ministers would ,iilopt ihe eourne he reciimmendeil, a» likelv to pnut creililiihle to ihciiu, Ives. iKueliiial to the Ionian MaiiiN, .iiid which •voind ensure to lhi» connlrv. the curl.istiiig gri- pillule ul' till' Ionian people