.a5- IMAG^ EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^^ ^• {./ ^-M i^ 4i^ 4^0 1.0 1.1 Ik Ui IK u 1^ m^ 12.0 1.8 ■ 02 14.0 1-25 lllllu I 1.6 150mm p> *; 4W %^^ >1PPLIED ^ IN/MGE . Inc ..as 1653 East Main Street .^g ^ Rochester, NY 14609 USA _^=r^ Phone; 716/482-0300 •I^J^S Fax: 716/288-5989 e 1993. Applwd Image. Inc.. All Rights Reserved ^ |\ ^ ^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre filmAs h des taux de reduction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grsnd pour Atre reproduit en un seul clich«, il est film* A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche ii droite, et de haut en bas, en pranant le nombre d'imagas nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrant la mAthode. 22X 1 2 3 4 5 6 BULLETIN lOa. ^^^^ ^^^^ Ontario Agricultural College and Experimental Farm TUB SAN JOSn SCALE. (AspidhthiH peiDichtsuM), Bv .1. H. I'ank.n, I KOKKSSOK uy |{U,M..;V, OntaH.O A.MUcr,.T. U.U. C.W.LK.iK. PUBLISHES) BY THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AQRIOULTURE. TORONTO. m WARWICK' BRO'S & RUTTER, Pa.T'''' NTKRS AND B00KBIN»«B», FrO.NT «T WksT 1897. 9^1 THE ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE AVO EXPERIMENTAL FARM, GUELPH, ONT. HON. JOHN DRYDBN, Toronto, Ont Minister of Afirrioulture for Ontario. James Mills, M. A., LL.IJ J. H. Pantom, M.A., F.(t.S. ' v, t \ i^r " . ' " ^''esident. A. E. ShuttJworth. B.A. i, 1*'"'*-" "^ Natural HUtory and Geology. J. H. Reii), V.8. ■ • • P'^'essor of Ch|mi8try. H. H. Dean, B.y.A." "' '^'"'^'""•f '^ Veterinary ScienM. Wu. Rennie I'^^faM"- of Dairy Husbandry. C. A. Zavitz, B.S.A. . . J"""™ Superintendent. G. E. Dat, B.S.A. Experimentallat. H. L. HcTT, B.S.A. AgricuIturiBt. F. 0. Harrison, B.S. A. Hortioulturiat. J. B. RETNOLna, B.A... / " . "• Bac^eriologirt. J. F. Claek, B.S.A " !*""'•«"> EnKlish and Physic, R. Ha RoooHT, B.S.A. .. Rewdent Master. L. G. Jarvis .. .. \r.„.„ll at " ■ '^""'•n* Chemiat. R.F. HOLTERMANK.. ^*'""'K«'' *°d Lecturer ,n Poultry Department. Captain Walter Claree t ." ^*'"*' «>» Apiculture. W. O. .Stewart, M.U. ..'" ..*' ..'" ..'" " '°''''"'=*°' "> »'«» "d Gymnastioi. Q. A. Putnam "..".. Physician. A. MoCallcm \ * Stenojfrapher. Bursar. ADVlaORY BOARD. John I. Hobson, Ckairtnan r „„i„k r. . John McMillan, M. P. . Ouejpb County of Wellington. Edward Jeffs . . „ »e»f 3rth, County of Huron. J. 8. Smith .. ,, B«»d Head, County of Simcoe. G. B. BoTOE .. ,**»P'«^»e. County of Midaiesex. D, A.DowuNa . ^'0'«""n. County of Northualxirland. Wm. Donaldson .. Appteton, County of Carlet#n. ^P"'y Minister of Agriculture, Toront*. The the most as early four yeai and a we tion neec the Agrii United S our Prov 1. II has winte have com 000,000. giving bin young wh insects d\ generatior of several 2. In 3. Tl attacked : pear, plum hawthorn 4. Th the same sixteenth < 5. It BULLETIN io6. San Josl? Scale. (A»in(liotu8 pcrnicioma.) United State" NoTnsectTB mor« X,?;^ ^""^ experiment stations in the our Province ihafthis San J^rScJe ' """" ''° ^-it-growing interests of Wiir THE Insect Causes Alarm. h.ve computed tt« Lrp^Z/S^*"' °h Si'T '?>.': ''°8l\««"-' i «'«■<' rton nnn Tk«~. ~. u /"^t**'"y ™*y 'e»cn the incredible number of 3 000 Kbirth^toTivrg^t ?J^^^^^^ •" * rr- ^'^'^ ^-^^^^ 'e-'es of'eaSi young when aboit thirty days old Earf«Tf"'K*^" P''?*'^^ °' *^««« »'«»"'»8 insecfs during her li e fme Thus if ^11 h? 1 "fu^V"'" ""'«°°« l^O-^OO generations will soon S ks th.r« mL ^'^ f'**' *" «'«*^ confusion of It several generatbns * ™*^ '" "P^'^ «* P'**"* ** "'^^ ««"« the young 2. Infested young trefs perish in two or three years attacL?L3:rm'/;:fgttru^^^^^^^^^^ *". P"*f ^^'•^^ '»-' -X »- the L?'c jrt "?heTall Tf r,^««?^;°«X°l>°«t«- The scale is often much ..eenthof an inrh ^^:! ^ ^^^T^J:^ .^^^^ ^^^ 5. It is readily introduced by nursery stock and fruit from infested trees. i 's? 1 Its PRB8BNT DiSTniBUTION. Florid.; oX'.t,utra*^vL "fj .^-"^ ^<-^^ '» AUba... Mainland, New 'Ck? OhV5«';''i^^^^^^ Ma^wchusett. reported in British Oo umbU aS^ow Sortl.^ i "^'?"'* ' ^° ^^»* '' '^w to announce it .a present in sJuthe™ OnLi« a^ '" ''""* °^ ^^^^ ''^ »»*ve to have been foun/laet wilr n^i'Safham * ^"^ 'P*'"*"^"" "' ''^^ Whbn and Whencb it Oamb. originXzr cXor. "^hrrw^rnors •°^^'^'«*''°° "• ^^^^ ^' -- Valley as f*r back as 1873 In fsSO Prof n "** *t ^^"^^ *'* '^^ ^an Jos.? It 1. believed to have been introduced inrtheE«i?inlT«fi%K*?''';r * "°*'«' nursenes, one at Burlineton the oth«r I> t f**f o f ^^^'1 ^^ *^° ^^^ Jersey from the San Jos.^ ValCa variett of W * ®'^"'* Jhese firms imported claimed to be curculio pi^f. TlSSO or^S t?« "2' ^ ^'^-^y- ''^"^'^'^ importation beijan to be dintr h.,!^ i ° J " **'® *^"* "^^^y "tocK from this wa? first observ'ed^on JEe'^slt^n'^d::? SellTkv M T- '"^^ ?*° '^' «-'" in an orchard of Charlottesville Viwinia a^^^ .M°»^t»'n>- It was located extended the list of infeiteddScts * • ""'' ''^'^ «*«*» '«*"<>'» »>"« How IT MAY BK DiSTRIBUTBD. l»lpU»tr^rolX°tX°'T,iJe't{'.rj' " "»"""•.••"« quit. • few hours, at most a dav or twT" t/ *?'*''® movement is very brief— pl.ce. thensetUri^<:^2cove^w[th?sri/;'^.- ^7 ««hes 'rom its birth- mains fixed for 1 fe and b^^n. «.Ii • ®' *"'' "" '^® «»"« o"»>o female, re- becoming fixed, it l^ei"by ^fkin/S^ «7yr°«/\'*^"' '^'^^ •^•y-- After The malls have wingT aS may flJ I W L I .' PJ*'^* "P0° which it is located, wingless. Daring ife foj K « dlvs th^*H "*^'- ^"* '^' '«"**'«■ *'« '^''•y* j;ay getuponbird;.suchini:ras;ntTndsm^^^^^ "'T*' ^'''^ to other trees. One observer has noti!,!^ ♦!. * • "^V ' . ^^ **»®°' ^e carried often more common n^a7iJd's"er^a t,^ "'^''''^ ^"'"''^' *^« ««•!« " they present favorable condlSLTbebg SSsSl'" pZ? f" °.'T **^r*^«'' may have the scale upon it • even wind mil f-V -^ ^?"* infested trees that appear at first Z comnarotiveW ?2?^ T!* '"^ fPJ^«»di°K these insects Thus bi^s, insects, A tffiSnf^filT '°*T'' 5^ **>«'^ ^'^'^ efforts, all be important facers i^hrdirbuUrn^V^^ '^^' '""^ -"^ -^^ The LiFK Histobv of the Insect. moHt a day or two, then settle but a few inches from their birthplace and becomeattached to the .pot from which the female, never move. DuCg thSr rdXonS?!^ TK °''''^•*'**J^^8'•/•*''" (antenna) eye. and wings in the ^d ma.S Jf i^u" '"T f '"'^^'''^ *° one-twentieth of an inch in diameter. ?he b^rJ .h ^•*^' °' '^fu''' «™y •'°^°'"' •^'^^ """^"y » "»'<'»» the same color a Th«i!?«U 55 "P.P'^'V''^ ''°*'^ "»y *^ * l'»^« y^^o'' or blackish color The scale cf the maleis oblong, with the nipple near one end, and is thu. r^Uy dist.ngui.hed from that o the female. The female brings forth living X«f dulif1.r7^'"t^'".u®*''"?*y^"'^8 into existence from 100 to 500 yJung during the six weeks of her existence after reaching the adult stage ^h^J^^ males develop about a week sooner than females, the latter takins t^^ Jt^r'"'' ?•* emerge from their scales as exceedingly mbute two* .rn«:?geJl'Sor?.^o Jr '""^' -'-'^ ^'^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ •^ -^-^ — soon IJiL'SiV ^^^'^j'"^^ '» formed from a waxy secretion which commence, .oon after they come into existence, and form, a protective covering as devS SrvKlTow Jo". '^T''7 ?f»8e.°'«~"'»»'^««-'« presen^'a somewhat grayisb-yellow color, and gradually become, darker. The general appearance upon affected twigs i^ that of a craviah slichtlv Zii^iy.'"'''^^'^''^ I^'^'^'' thenatu^l reddish colofTthettng with ashes. If the scale, are crushed, a yellowish oily liquid will awj Ir from the crushed soft yellow insects beieath the .cales.^ Examined n sum dS bZL^"r ^r rT'°^°''^.'"""''°°'^y-"»»i'« youn, scales, mingli wiSi old bromior blackened matured scales. This insect produces a peculUr red- dening eff«st upon the skin of the fruit and of tender twigs ArencircSL S^;::^S:^urnt"'"'^ rr'^ *t? '""«•" °^ -«^ ffmale scari v^y* marked on the fruit of pears. The cambium layer of young twijrs where scales are massed ,s usually stained deep red or purplish Where the^cTles^i few the purplish nng surrounding each is quite distinguishable. Kbmedies. whalJonZn*!'"" ^"""i ^^' '""'^r P'"'"'^* ^^'^ ^^'•'"^ = ^'"•'•''"^^ ^<^f^es, such as whale oil soap ; penetrating substances, such as gases or kerosene emulsion and tlJe'you^g""*""'^*'""''''^'^ ''"^^^ '"^^ ««*'«-- *° P-venrthe e^'pe of itis oilvIIlLtSlKf hydrocyanic acid or the gas treatment is very eff-ectual, but itS^k ^ 'Z tn •" "^'^lu r.'»' especially in the treatment of imported nui^e^ r StaS::&:'^r--n^^ -^ -^^ -u rac„ a nttle leos rhan six feet iong, live feet wide, four feet 6 2. One of the moat effectual remedies, and one readilv aoDlied i« tt,o „« «# •pplictioDa o( Z .il^ter™ ; "f J!! 1™ I'll r.'" """"f- ■""" "" 'o"' tion. i. decidedl/lhe mort .uooMfal treatmmt witb Wrong „|„. Sdogestions. in inf«.^"d"i^o,r'""^ """'^ """ *■"' '-^ "' "'»■" •'™8'" '">■" ■"""*. 2. Jf only a few trees are infested destroy them 5. Examine frait from infested localities. 1 Agrio NiNga: Appearai X nil mon tiollmt cut taken from Bulletin 3, U. 8. Dtpurtmeiit .-of *''-'"T„v^z'i-iuv^-^rc73T^^^^^^^^ yi iU Newspapers receiving this Bulletin will please notice it in their columns, calling attention to the presence of a new enemy to fruit ^rowmg, and advising all interested to apply to the Department of Agnculture at Toronto for a copy of the Bulletin. iie*