IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I i 1.8 1.25 1.4 1 6 li||= ^ 6" ►• % <^ /}. /a O ^1 ^a> w r#.>

L WIIVTE, Gen. Supt. P. Div. Gen. Supl. \V. Div. p. W. SPENCER, TIIOS. TAIT, Gen. Supt. E. Div. Gen. Supt. O. & A. Divs. T. A. MACKINNON, Manager of Transportation. HE :c 3-/6 i 4 I NDEX. I Ag<'nfcs' and Operators Air Brakes, Instructions regariling use of Enginenien and Traimnen General Rules and Re.n^ulations Injured Persons, Instructions re^rardinrr the care of. , Liquor, Use of Movement of Trains Movement of Trains by Telegraph Orders and Forms of Orders ♦Siirnals PAOH 4J^ 5e3, Train Signals SULJEcr. Ansu'or.s to Sigmils Ac«idoiits A r)|>r()iicliin{? Stal ions *.'.'. .'. Approacluiig Highway Croasiiias".! !." '.' * Asii-:)au.5 Agents' Duties . ... .'....*.'.'.'. ..'.'.'.'..'..'," Absent from Duty Attention to Signals ....*.' Agent to Keep Rules on Person.'.'! ,*.' .'. .* Bell, Enprino ^ijellCord " IIUI.H NO. 4. 18.r)| 7S, Id"). 140 00, 06, 0'.>. 80, 05, 98, 107 95 ' 07, <)0, 100 In, GQ 120 130 to 1 17 inoliisive 172,172.173.13-', 207 130,-,195 1:^9 ; 207 61,00,fi7 15j 17, IS, I9j 102, 103 71 8.3 C6 71) 87 10 GO 1 7 1^3 4 U IV SUBJECT. RULE NO. Brakcinan to Remain on Ron r Car 44,77 do to Rido on Engine 80 Brakcmon Carry Fog Signals 27 Rrakcmen 27,41,77,70,80,88,95, 100, 107, 108, 168 206 linggngcmen 90 Breaking Apart UG Bnikernen to Know Contents of Order. 16S IJrakcs 79,121 lirakos on Bridges. ^ 121 Itridge Inspectors M8 Bridgemcn M9, 154, 153, 15'J Blocking Highway Crossings 72 Blind Curves j 4 Conductors to Register Trains 40, 41, 45 Changing Engines 78 Conductors and Engineers Equally Re- sponsible 26, 103, 1 26 Clearance Order 47, 48, -iO 50, 51, 52, 13S Conductors Commmd Services of Others 78 Conductors's Duties 27.28,36,36,40,41, 43. 45, 46. 47. 6li, 70, 1 78, 80, 82, 83, 86, S7, 88. 80. '.H>, !») , «)2, !»;;, I 94. 1X3, 101. 103, lOi, 105, 106, lo7, 167, 168, 173, 190, 2(j6 Conductors Compare Watches ^90 Circular Books 91 Car Secure on Sidings 106 Conductor's Signal to Engineer 36, 113 Conductors Communicate Contents of Orders 168 Cautious Running 12^i Caution 129,204 Comivany'a Property, Care of 131 Cleanliness 132 107 Cars on S'ding Clear of Main Liue. 13-'^ Crossing and Detention Orders 136, 137 do Stations .. l.'« Copies of Orders 161 , 165, IW, 167, 173 Conductor Understanding Orders 165,173,177 ChangingOff 179 Conductors Changing Duties 179 do Rights Conferred by Orders 178 do to Keep Rules on Person.... 207 Ciisualties 105 Criminal Prosecution 181 Cars Loaded on Main Line 189 Compare Ti me 1 90 Causes of Dismissal 191, 192, 191 Civility 194 Communications of Importance 202 Conductor, P.arlor and Sleeping Car 208 Car Repairer's Signal 14 Cars Loaded with Timber, Wood and gtono 70 SUBJECT. RULE NO. 37, 108, 168 , 47. fill, 70, ), in , 92, !•;;, It), 1(j7, 107, :^ Pr.iwl?riclKCfl '58 Detective Truck to bo Koported 83 Distiirl) TiMck or IiriilBea,l'ermiss:on to 150 Delays to bo llcported 89 Dutios of Engineer 14, 18, GO, 86, 101, 103. 109. 112 to 129 in- cliKsivo, lt)5, 167, \M, 190. UOC. Down (jlraJos 79, 115 Doubt, in Case of W Deto'ition and Crossing Orders ]3(), l."i7 Delivery Orders 1»W, m, 173. 175. 178 DisF)atchcrs 101, 176, 177, 1S3, ISO Di.«niiai-al :9I , 192, 191 Dispatcher's Train Register lS.i Discharged Employees , 192 Deduction on Accountof Fines and Fees 198 Danger, Assist in Tip if 200 Danger Signals 1,2,3,28 Detonating Signals Carried on Person. . 27 Delay at Stations 133 Delayed Between Stations 43 Engine Bell 15,66,67 Engine Gong 16, 17, 18, 19 Exchange Tickets to bo Filled up by Conductors 53 Engine, iiight ,57, 127. 168 do Assisting 84 do in Motion 85 do Coupled 21 Engineers 14,28.69, 101.103, 109, 112to 128 inclusive. 165. 167, 168, 190, 206 Engineers Responsible to Master Mechanic 109 Engineers Compare AVatcbes 190 do to Sign Orders 167 Engine, who may Move 110 do Riding on Ill Engineer's Control of Train 115, 123 do Responsibility 123,126,127 Examire Cars and Sidings 147 Engineers to Regard Roudmastcrs' and Bridge Inspectors' Instructions 124 Engineers Changing Duties 143 Exclusive Services 191 Employees to Keep Rules on Person. . 207 Employee Discharged 192 do Duty of 191,200 do to Assist in Time of Danger, 200 ^Examination in Rules and Regulations. 206 ?^]xpress Messengers 208 Engineers and Conductors Equally Responsible 62,103,126 Engineers Communicate Contents of ) Order 168 f VI SUBJECT. RULB NO. Fla£?Sl;itioii8 09 l''in iivjH 109 FoKgy \v(Jii(hor 11,80,123 Fiisi Trains l';i«diiiK Stations 145 Freight, PHinted Rtd 140 Failure, TcicKniph Lino 16(> Forms of Orders 19S> and piiffo 00 Fiiio.-* and Fees, Deduction of 198 Firo, Precauiion Against 201 Fog (Signals Carried on Person ........ 27 (Jradea.Spccd on 79, IIT) (heen Flag 1, 152 (ianiislieu \\\\ (irievances 209 (jrcen Light on Switch 5 (jlong in Cab of Engine 10, 17, IS, 19 Highway Crossings 15, CO, 72 Head Lamps 119 Hours, OHico 144 Hand Cars 153 Holding Trains 177,177 Hand Signals 0,7,8 Inferior Trains 55,50,73,74, 85 do Rr.nning Ahead 73,74 do FoUowii'g 65,101 do at Sidintjs 50 do Overtaken 75 Inspection of Train 83 Injuries to Persons 105 Intoxication 103, page 80 luiponant Communications 2<»2 Improper Lingnngo 143,194 Instruction, Use ot Signals 29 in Case of Doubt 90 Junction Points '37 Late Trains Cancelled 38 Lost Time 03 Light Engine 57,127,108 Level Crossings oS, V2, 128 Liquor, Use of 193 and page 89 Leaving Company's Service, Notice of. . 190 Lamp Signals 0,7,8 Language, Improper 143,194 Lumber, Piling of Il7, 151 Manifold P:iper ' 164 Meals, Trainmen going to 180 Mail Clerks 208 News Agents 208 Night Operators 174 s^.t )r.l (1 (1 hit do| )br. ti< Mli< Kill do Dr.l' fpcJ L\ VII SUBJECT. UULE NO. ^^otico of Loaviiig Company's Service . 190 Jniors to bn Written .^i do t*. Work Trams 5.S, t).|. 05 do EiiBinecrstoSiffM iH7 >uttif, Trainmen's ;** 93 do Etiginecra' 119 )btain Clearance Order, Crossiug Sta- tions iqu )ffico IIourH {44 iJutlit. Track Foremen. .!!!!'.'.'."* Itu I do ]{ri flge Foreman .', iVa Orders to Trains '" iJ;i*„i-o- ■ • ' """ Hf H;{. U4. KU to 1:7 inclusive, 182, >rders.When Valid ^^l.«l, 20G, JUT .. ,^K' "^" ^*'°*" Addr'eVscd.*:::.';::::: m, m t\ 1 ti :, 1(5() Orders. Forms of i ' 1 1 ..« ,opr,tor;:-:::;:;::::::;;:::-.: S,T.' """" '" IJb^roVuT^i's'r.'!'!?:::;;:::;;::;:::;; f--' •urves. 'rotoction of Trains jPasseiigor Trainmen .* IPersons, Injury to Pyuctuality of Trains ..'. igr'VMcy of Office and Messages. ..■"..*.* ' l^rotme L mgunge Prohibited IPilin^ Wood and Lumber " ' U'S CtS" ^^ ^^^^"'■^ '^''"ack or Bridges prosecution, Criminal.*..".'.* Jassengers on Freijjht Trains . .*!.*.* !!'.*.! *assongers C.irried Free 'recaution Against Fire .'."* IParior Car Conductors and Porters'.' .' .' .* .' IPorters, Parlor and Sleeping Car Property of the Company..:.. . [Promptness , '.*.'."" IRightof Road |Kegistering Trains legiuter Books Running Shunts Forbidd'^'ii! ■ xjsponsibility, Conductors' and "'En- gineers' , and" Vn"owt'Kd?^:f .':^'^'™"^^' ^""'-i^ Roadinasters.. IRemoving Rail ' .' .' IRepairs to Truck and Bridies'. ■.'.*. '.'!;.*."; IKed Signals [Repiii rs. Telegraph wire. .'.'.','.'.'.' .''' ■HedClothmg 'jport Violation of Rules!.*!.'.' ! 43. 44, 80, 90, W, 110, 151 94, 95 W) 133 112 14.-^, 19 1 147, 154 150 153 181 188 18S 21 >1 2i)8 • 208 131 182 33, 80 40, 41 40,41 82 26, 103, 126 108 148, 100 151 150, 151 151 156 158 187 vm SUliJEOT. Ktidoucss 194 Rul(!8, IfHuud un Tiinu 'iublu 20o Kiilcs, Kx|iliiii)iti<)ii of. 207 Koa(liiiii8tor8 to Kecpliului< uii liaiid . . 2()7 Jtcp.iiriiiifr Cars li Jlud LiKlit oil Switch I*) UiiiKiiiK Knffinu Boll 25, C6, G7 KupcutiiiK Sigiiiih 25 Kiglits Conloircd by Train Order 43, 18S RULK NO. Signals do at Stations for Train Orders... do Danger do by Whistle do Switcli do by Hand and Lauip do Semaphore do by I'lugnien to Stop do Obstruction to Track do for Car Inspector do licUCord do Curried on Trains do for Trains Following.... do Kepe 69 79, 115 71 81, 1.35 106 114 118, 160 121 82, 122 132 152 Hilt liCC lee Iwitl (1(1 lgi»l ^vi^l L'tI ali kill Lor«! Lop [OIH IX SUHJECT. RULE NO. ''lo" ••,; 123.155 frctioii ruroiaeii ](Jo iiccial Ruk's on Timo Tables 20o loepiiitf Car Conductors and Portora. 2tW ritch, (Jrcon Light 5 do Kfd light 5 Ignals, ('onductors and Engineers Kquiilly llesponsiblo 26,103 1% ^vitchmer» Curry Fog Signals 27* ' t<»ruis II s6 T>T ation Signals 2,28,527138.170.171 viicti Signals r, tdfcs and Stationery, use of 13I h>i) at T\'orking Under Cars 14. Whistle Signals 4. Whistles, Signals to Apply IJrakes ... 4. do do Acknowledging Flag- men 4. Whistles, Signal to Release Brakes 4. do do Starting Trains 4. do do To Rack Trains 4. do do Fire Observed on Com pany's Property 4, Whistles, Signal for Switch . 4. do do Carrying Signal 4, "4. do do to Call in Flagmen — 4. do do Train Parted 4. do do to Stop Train Between Stations 4. Wh'stles, Signal, Blind or Obscure Curves 4, !anadian Pacific Railway. RULES AIID REGULATIONS. SIGNALS. IlED is a sirrnal of DANGER-STOP. GREEN " CAUTION-GO SLOWLY. WHITE " ALL RIGHT GO ON. 2. At Telegraph Stations, the TELEGRAPH Train 5I(iNAL J^OARD by day, turned across the S'K"^'^- rack, or a RED LIGHT displayed in the same l^osition at nioht, indicates a train has to stoj) for Orders. A WHITE LIGHT on Telegraph Sig- ial signifies ALL RIGHT. At Telegraph Sta- |ions where the Signal Boards are not in position, ilie usual ])ANCiER SIGNALS will be display- ed for stopping trains. 8. A RED FLAG by da^^ a RED LIGHT Danger W night, a LIGHT swung across the track, the ''^'*'""^'* p)sence of signals where usually shown, explosion ^f a torpedo, a signal imperfectly , is signal to go ahead. 9. When Semaphore Arm stands at Danger, ARM will be hca-izontal and red lioht will bo shown at niglit : when All Right, ARM will bej perpendicnlai- and white light will be shown at night. 10. At Shtfions ivhere Seimrphore S'ujnals are provided, BemaphoreH mast alivay.s stand at danger, except ivhen lowered to allow Trains to enter Station yard and to depart. At Stations wdiere there is no Niglit Stati", Semaphores will be left at ALL RKjHT. Station Agents must stop a Train or Engine that has been preceded less than ten minutes by another Train or Eni^ine, it* less time is not o-iven in Time Tabic. Agents are re(iui)'ed and must be very particular in enforcing the rule with regard to one train following another. TJtey must have their sig- n(ds (Red Lamps, Flags, and full complenwnt of Torpedoes) in good order, and ready for use at a 7nonient\s notice. Semaphore levers nuist be kept backed except when man in charge in still be ble| Sell Lin .si^^nal ti> towaiNl- siiriial toj Danger, , i will 1)0 [ will 1)(" hown at nals are ^xiud at rahi.s to Stations )res will ^ ts 'must I > receded | •aiii or u : rfciculnr \ e train \ >leinent j fr/V UHC s must large is sbmding by. Tlie Standard Switch Lock must l)e usxl for this purpose. NOTE. — Agents, or whoever may he responsi- l)le for working Semaphores, nuist not lower Semaphores to ALL RIGHT until satisfied Main Line is free from obstructions. 11. In Foilffij weather and (hiring Snoiv Storms do not rely too much even on the distant Semaphore, but send out Detonating Signals a further distance in accordance ivith Ride cSG. 12. All Trains or Engines, when signalled to stop ly Flagmen on the road, must acknowledge same by giving one long l)last of the whistle, and at once stoj' and ascertain the object of the simial. 18. A RED FLAG by day, or RED LIGHT l)y u.'cd w}h'1) niifht, upon the Eno-ineer's side of the track, si^x- ^"^^^^ '•*' niliesthat the track is IMPASSABLE, and nW trains or engines must stojj and ascertain the cause before ])roceeding. In such cases, the ilag or light, wdiich should be kept in the hands of a llagman when practicable, will be placed not less than twenty-four telegraph poles from the im- passable point, and two torpedoes beyond tlie flag or light. On double, as well as on single track, red signals and Torpedoes must be placed as above, in both directions from the impassable ^r/ SigrtiMl for Car Inspcc tor Engiuo Bell. r>ell Cord tSigtials. 6 point. When it is only necessary to Slow a Train, a GREEN SIGNAL will be used, an.l En(rineers will reduce speed NOT TO EXCEED SIX (0) MILES AN HOUR until it is olmous^ that no further delay is required. 14. When necessary for Car Inspectors to work under a car, they nmst protect theniselves by| attaching to the car a red flag by day or a red b'ght by night. The car thus protected nmst not be coupled to, or moved, until the red signal is removed by the Car Inspector. | When a car standing on a siding is protected by a red signal, other cars nuist not be placed in front of it so tliat the relit on rear of Tender, and two Red Liiihts on Buffer Beam of Enoine, when on road after dark. 21. All Signals carried by engines for trains or Engines following, must be carried in front of rngine (and on Engineer's side when oidy one signal axailable). When two or more Engines iDw coupl(Ml together, the leading Engine only shnll display signals as provided and shall give and answer all sit^^nals. 22. Two (2) red flaos by day, or two (2) red SiKnaia for ^-^ ^ , '^ -^ ^ , following hghts by night, in addition to the usual lights Trains. cnrriers will be designated as Sl^ECIAL TRAINS, whether Passenger, Freight, or Working Trains. I 11 ji.s at all tiiiH' as Liu Dis- itandard iio:iiieers it ions. MUST ITTEN lERBAL PON. in Time i:nger S, 2n(l SS. All AINS, rp Trains. 3.'5. Train?? of the same class have ri;;ht to Right of track to crossing station as per Time Table. FIRST CLASS TRAINS have right to track over ALL OTHER TRAINS. Second Class Trains have rifjht to track over Third Class I'rains. White Si^>ve Rulc, between two t(;legraph stations, the Conductor and Engineer will'be held responsible for the full protection of the signalled train till the first telegra})h station is reached by the Regular train, when the Conductor will ])romptly report particulars to the Train Dispatcher and to the Agent or Operator in charge of station, and obtain an acknowledgment in writing from both the '^Frain Dispatcher and Agent or Oper- ; ator, relieving himself and Engineer from further ; responsibility for protection of the signalled train. The Agent or Operator w411 then be held respon- sible for the protection of signalled train until its arrival at his station, or until relieved of such 13 on and cross or h(» same JKS or VaUv, it trains, 1 orders. IIAINS t wliifh to track RYING ; per the ions, the ipons 1 sible ;rani till by tho promptly liier and station, Intr from 1 \w Oper- further led train, respon- I until its of such responsi])ility by a direct order from the Train Dispatcher to that eHect. 40. Conductors before starting out upon their Conductors IIP • • 1' • 1 11 check over runs, and heiore passnig junction ponits or other Registers. ])oints where there are registers, nnist carefully eheek over the '^I'rain Register, and be sure that all regular an<»th copies to be handed by Conductor to his r^ngineer, who will sign one and return it to I'onductor and retain the other. When NO •^TOl* SIGNAL is exhibited and no special rossini; arranffj^d, it will be sufficient for Con- |luctor alone to receive an hy fast Lost Time. running except on special order from the Train Dispatcher. 04. Trains receiving order to work l)etween two Work Train iven points, keeping clear of Regular and Sig- nalled Trains, will consider this order good only 'roiii 5 o'clock a.m. to 8 o'clock p.m. or 20 o'clock t' the day mentioned, and they must be off the Iain Line at least 10 minutes before any Regu- ar or Signalled Train is due and wait its arrival, iiless specially ordered by the Train Dispatcher o the contrary. 65. Work Trains must not leave a Siding in [he morning until they liave been notified l)y lie Train Dispatcher that all trains due have 1(1' 24 i. I anivod or passed, and under no circumstances must tliey pass the limits pven in train orders without permission of Train J)ispatcher Conductors will, w^hen praeticahle, inform the Train Dispatcher when their trains are laid up for the ni<^ht, i^dvin<4" tinie and nund)er of i*ars in train, and where they desire to work the following day. When the Conductor of a work train cannot ohtain runninsf orders from the Dispatcher on account of wires being in trouhle,! and it is absolutely necessary that the train should proceed to its working limits without delay, the Conductor will Hag Ids train and pro- tect sanu^ by stationing a responsible Hagman atl each en) MILES PER HOUR. ()S. All Trains must come to a PULL STOP Lev el Crossings Bridges. for one (1) minute at Level Crossings with other ancrDraw raihvavs and at Draw Bi'idovs, and nnist not })roc'ced before ij^etting ALL RIGHT signal, and Ml\ST NOT EXCEED RATE OF TEN (10) MH.ES PER HOUR IN PASSINC; OVER IIIAILWAY (MIOSSINGS, AND FOUR (4) iMlLKS PER HOUR OVER DRAW BRIDGES. Watchmen at these places will he held respon- jsihle for reporting any breach of this rule Imd ANY EMPLOYEE GUILTY OF SUCH lUlEACH OF RULES WILL BE PROSECU- TED. NOTE. — When approaching draw bridges and 'vel crossinas of Railways, (conductors of Pas- sciiger Trains must see that their Brakemen are lady to apply the hand brakes instantly, shoukl the air brake fail to work. BO. All Trains must approach Fla run aliead oi a Superior Irani, is overtaken taking Inferior Train. 28 by the latter, the Inferior Train must take th«» first siding and allow Superior Ti*ain to pass, and will consider the order to run ahead of such Superior Train cancelled ; the Conductor and Engineer of Superior Train will also consider such order for Inferior Train to run ahead can- celled. 7(). Trains of a like class running in the same direction must not pass each other, unless | on receipt of special orders from tlie Train Dis- patcher. Trains ^^ ' When any train or portion of a train is backing up. jj^ckiug up in any City, Town or Village, the Conductor or Brakeman of such train must l)e stationed on the end of the last car to warn or signal parties standing on or crossing the track] of the approacli of such train. Trains passing. Changing Engines. Accidents. 78. When from accident or any other cause itl is necessary to change engines, an order mustl be obtained to do so from the Train Dispatcherj Should this take place at a non-telegraplj station, the Conductor of the Superior Train mn ccpt WORK TRAINS. 108. Conductors and Enmneers will he hcM ('(jually responsihle for seeing that the Bell Cord is properly attached to the gong in cah of engine and rear car, and proving it in working order hy testing same from rear of train. Tliis must he done hefore starting fi-om T(U*minal or other points at which taigines are changed or trains disconnected; if found defective, Bell (\)rd must he put in order before starting train. Tail Lights, bell cord and tool box must not l)e taken in until train has come to a FLTLL STOP AT TERMINAL POINT. 104. Conductors will transact their business at Uniform stations with as little delay as possible, in onh^- spevd. that the time allotted to their trains may be used for rumiing, as a uniform rate of spoed nuist be maintained. 105. Casualticvs involving personal injuries Casuaitie.««. nuist be reported direct by wire to the (Jeneral and Assistant Superintendent. All other casual- ties must be reported by wire promptly to the injury to Assistant Superintendent. In cas«3s of accident '*"^^"'""*'''*' to l^issenger Trains, (/onductors must asce^rtain names of Passengers on train, obtain full par- 38 ticulars of injnrios reccivod by any of them, report in full by telegraph to the Assistant Superintendent and give every atttaition possible to injured passengi*rs. Written casualty reports on form 74 must l)e sent promptly to Assistant Superintendent signed by Conductors, and the Assistant Superintendent will forward them to the General Superintendent with his i-eport. Engineers must also send reports promptly on form 74 to Master Mechanic. Secure Cars 106. Conihictors, when taking on or leaving off* onMuinsrs. ^^^.^ ^^jj ^-^1^ tracks, must see that the cars on side track are left well clear of main line, with brakes applied and wlieels securely blocked, to prevent the possi})ility of cars running or l)eing blown foul of main line ; they must be careful U) sec that th<5 doors of all cars on their trains are kept closed and fastened. Trainmen 107. Conductors and Brakemen of Freight hiK sta-^^^ Trains approaching stations nmst be out on their tions. trains at least one mile from station, and must remain until stacicm is passed. (See Rule GO.) Brakemen on Box Cars. 108. Brakemen ani cold chisels, monkey wrench large, monkey 40 EiiKinocr's Sipnal to start. Starting Train. wroncl) siiuill, union nut wrench for hoso-lmgs, union luit wrench for injectors, 2 S. wrenches, on<' end J in. — one end 1 in., 2 S. wrenclies, one end jj in. — one end J in., 2 S. wrenches, tliin, one end A in. — one end J., 2 8. wrenches for glands (to suit), G tul>e phigs, iron for phigging tubes, 2 packing irons, oil can large size, co»^^ oil can, tallow ])ail, oil feeder large, oil fee small, tallow kettle, hnoni, 2 gauge glasses and rubber washers for same, key ring with brass tag with No. of engin<'. Three (8) Torpedoes must V)e attached to e.och lied ancl White Lamp. Engineers are responsible for the condition of their Hags, and they must be renewed or washe*! before they become at all indistinguisl ble. 113. No Enmneer is to start his train until the proper signal is given by the Conductor. He nnist invariably start witli care and observe that he has tlu^ whole of his train before he gets be- yond the limit of the station yard. 114. Engineers of all trains are strictly en- joined to start and stop slowly and without a jerk, which is liable to snap the couplings, and they are warned to be careful not to shut off steam too suddenly, so as to cause a concussion of the cars. NOTE. — This Kule applies especially to stock trains, the beasts being liable to be thrown down and injured by a sudden jerk, ii&en engines are on the road after dark. Should this be impracticable. Engineers must notify the Assistant Superintendent, and obtain permission to run without the Head Light. In case of telegraph line not being in working order, Engineers may proceed without Head Light, APPROACHING ALL SIDINGS AND PUB- LIC CROSSINGS VERY CAUTIOUSLY. Ash Pans. 120. ASH PANS MUST NOT BE EMP- 1MKD IN FRONT OF STATION PLAT- FORMS OR ON FROGS AND SWITCHES, except in case of emergency, and all fires so dumped MUST BE PUT OUT AT ONCE; l)efore train proceeds. ASH PANS MUST UN- DER NO CIRCUMSTANCES BE EMPTIED] O^ BRIDGES. Skama.Hi 121. STEAM MUST N(rr BE WORKEDl llJuw" OR JiRAKKS APPLIED ON BRIDCiES, ex- cept where absolutely necessary ; and dampersl 4S must ]>e cIosimI wlu'ii pjissiiio; tliroiii^h St-itioii yards, snow slieds, wood and Lund)er yards, and over bridges. 122. When sluniting, Engineers nnist keep a KnBincors sharp lookout for any signals placed l)y car re- '^*»"»*>"»- pairers, for protection wliile w^orking inider the cars, and must so regulate their speed as not to endanger men employed in coupling (see Rule 14). 123. When trains are running over the road in Enffincers FoLTs, Heavy Storms, or innnediately after sue) i ll*i^'' [''.'"" storms, Engineers will run very cautiously and 1'''»k^ :«"*l • • Stor 111 ."^ • without regard to making time, (see Rule N().)' They must run very slowly on approaching all curves and places liable to wash-outs or slides, and see that the line is clear. In case of doubt or uncei'tainty, they nmst always take the safe course and run ikj risks. 124. When on the Main Line, Engineers will Engineers regard the instructions of Roadmasters and J'uetors'to IJridge Inspectors in so far as relates to the safety e^'-operate. () f the track and bridires. 125. Enmneers must n^nember the riixhts of Engineers the Trackmen to the road for repairs; one long xra"k men. and two short sounds of the whistle must be given before rounding an}^ sharp curv^e or ob- scured portion of the line (see Rule 4). 126. Engineers are equally responsibh; with Engineers* the Conductors for the speed of their trains, and {Ji^jf/y "^'' for any violation of Time Table Rules, involving risks or hazard ; they nmst always have due re- gard for the safety of passengers and property m I 44 in their chai^^v, jiinl ju^vci' take any risks \\>v ilic l)ur[)()s<' of makini;' u\) time iM'twccn stations, (»!• ai'j"ivin<( at terminal ])oints on time, laiilt will not h(^ founy wliistle calls to Brakemeu wlien necessaiy ; Brakemen failing to res))ond pronn)tly must he reported to tlie Assistant Suj)erintendent. Engineers ut' LiKht Engines. Level Crossing 127. An Engineer in charm' of a IJi^lit jMioinc Jias the same responsibility as a Conutius. Tilly Stution«. No del II y to Trains. No Notice of Special Trains. ( 135. Agents will be held responsible for Main Agents Line being kept clear wdthin the station limits, f^JP*^"^'^'" and for all cars which are placed on their sidiuMs Switches, 1 • 11111111 *"" ^*^^^ l>emff securely blocked and brakes set on same, on Sidings 1 5 n 1 L' 1 • 111 being clear and tor all iloors ot cars being properly closed of Main and fastened. Agents are also responsible for ^'"®' the safety of switches which nmst always, except Il 40 W'lu'ii a man is stainlin<^ l»y, be kept set and locked for the Main Line ; and they ninst examine sucli switclies five minutes l^et'ore any train is due, in order to make sure tliat they are set and locked for the Main Line. They will not allow cars to he loaded or unloaded on the Main Line without permission of the Assistant Superinten- dent. and^Defen- ^^^' When a train Order is received, the Agent tioii Orders, or Operator must FIRST, and before acknow- ledging the receipt of sucli Order, TURN THE TELEGRAPHIC SKJNAL TO DANGER, AN]) SEE THAT IT IS ACTUALLY IX THAT POSITION ; SECON]), SEE THAT THE TRAJN ORDERE]) TO BE DETAIN- ED HAS NOT PASSED; and THIRD, ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE ORDER, by repeating it as received and signing his own name as receipt for same, which receipt will be holding order for train or trains named. Agent or Operator must not allow such train or trains to leave or pass his station until he has received "O.K." from Train Dispatcher to sai< I order or orders. 137. When the Train for which Detention Order is given lias stopped, the Agerit or Switch- man will then lower Semaphore and allow train to pull up for orders. CONDUCTORS AND ENGINEERS NOTE. Train Order Signals. 188. At Stations where crossino; fimires are shown ni Time Table, or to which ^ ignal iias been carried, the Telegraph Signal, Flag or Light 47 MUST JJE SHOWN AT ])AN(iKR, .and if such ti'Jiins havo orders to procccil, Conductors must show such orders to Af^eiit or Operator, and OBTAIN CLEARANCE ORDER. i»SO. Station Agents, or Operators in cliarge of Attention stations, must see tliat the Telegraph Signal ^"^''^"*''- and all other Signals are in perfect working order ; and at Night, that all lamps are clean and burning brightly. They alone will be permitted to place or replace Telegraph Signals. Any other person doing so for them will be severely dealt with. 140. Station Agents are required to report all Accidents, accidents occurring at or near their stations, and t". communicate such matters of interest or im- poitance as may be useful in protecting the interests of the Company ; they are also recpiired to report ''o the Assistant Superintendent all violations of the Time Table Regulations. 141. Station Accents must open the Ticket Ticket • • • Otfice Office for the sale of tickets at least thirty minutes before the arrival of trains that stop at tlieir stations, and keep them open until such trains have left. Tickets nmst not be sold for stations at which trains are not booked to stop. 142. Station Agents and Operators are in- Privacy of structed to keep their offices strictly private. Message". They must insis^ upon all business with trainmen and others being done over the Counter. Privacy of messages nmst Ije strictly maintained. Any iieglect in this important matter WILL BE SEVERELY DEALT WITH. 48 Wire. ll'.'^. Sfcru;^^^liii<^ for cii'cnit, using profaiu^ laii- i^uagr in the ollicH^ or over tlu^ wire, aiit in thuroULjIi iTp.iir, and lookt-d whrii not in iiso. TRACKMEN AND BRIDGEMEN. 148. Road masters and Bridtje Inspectc vs must pijections make themselves familiar with all instructions masters issued for the government of trains and train- iHspectors^ men, and must promptly report to the Assistant Superintendent any neglect of duty «>r violation of Rules that may come under their notice. They nmst satisfy themselves that all foremen engaged hy them are competent for the work in their charge and are thoroughly conversant with the Code of Rules and Regulations, especially as to the faithful observance of Rule 151, and they will he held accountable for their men havintained, unless in the event of tlie tele<^rapli line >)eing out of order, and that delay in doing the work W(juld cause serious detention to trains, especially passenger trains. In any event the track must not be disturbed until the proper danger signals have been placed. 151. When a rail is to be taken out or other work to be done which will render the Track impassable, a Flagm^Mi with a Red Signal must be stationed, in each direction from the spot, 1,200 yards or 24 telegraph poles, or double this distance on heavy down grades, and two torpe- does nuist there be placed upon the rail, two rail lengths apart, on Engineer's side, and Track and Bridge foreman will be responsible for seeing' that this is properly done. After track has l)een repaired and rendered passable for trains, the danger signals nmst be removed. 152. If work is being done which will rendei- track unsafe for trains to pass at their usual rate of speed, a stationary GREEN SIGNAL must be placed at least 800 yards or 17 telegraph poles from the spot, in each direction, on Engineer's side. lioaded 153. No loaded push or hand car is to be liandC^rs. uioved on Main Line, and no rail is to be taken out during fog or snow storm, or at night, unless absolutely necessary for the safe passage of 51 trains. When not in use, hand and pusli c*ii*s must be placed entirely clear of passin<( trains, and locke"os. liable to washouts, slides, or defects of any kind, rendering track unsafe. 15(). Trackmen will pay particular attention Repairs of to the telegraph wires. In case they are found fvircs*^!**'*^ l»roken, on the ground, crossed, or in any way <>l)structed, they must be repaired in a temporary manner immediately, and when such repairs are impracticable, notice nuist be given to the near- est telegraph office by messenger, or by the eai'liest means possible. Trees liable to fall on the track Troosk»im or wire must be cut down, cutdowq. 52 Cnre of Switches. J Outfit. '\ Iff Red Clothing. llcport any violation of Rules . Reports. 157. Trackmen must carefully inspect all switches, especially those outside station yards, and, when usin;^ them, foremen will he held responsihle for S(^eing them set for Main Line annl» r caro- L Con- •r will inder- ir and b time litials ordci' ^HEN "Unities' I statr of an iv, nor [('(M'ipt. has Icr. pr<»- tlu' his I so i'oi' |u-in ('<'!', spond* llcr til"- r'ondnctor's on ono of tho sai«l orders and rctnni it to the Conductor, ivtainin^ possession of the other one himself. 1()(S. The contents and sul -stance of all orders iimkemen must he conmunncateil hy the Condnctoi' to his ","«'„ f"""' Ihakenian, and l»y the Hn»i;ineer to his Fireman. J*,"*i^*;f"' Knt^ineer of Lii^jit Engine must hand per beinijr rs for rsons rsons i heir meers ., they ; they i per- io;in£j; iseiit ively their order t oh- Train eived, tcher re are lied to OF ITRSE SATISFIED WITH ^' THINKINd THEY ARE RIGHT," but MUST BE POSITIVELY CER- TAIN OF IT ; and always keep signals out far enough to avoid any POSSIBILITY OF DAN- GER ; and reuiend)er tliat the connnission or omission of any act, thereby endangering Hfe and property, will l)e severely punished and render them liable to CRIMINAL prosecution. 182. All promptness consistent with safety is enj(jiued on Station Agents, Telegraph O[)erators and Trainmen, in transmission of responses to telegraphic orders, to enable trains to move promptly and run regularly. 18.S. l^ispatchers will keep a Train Register showing all trains 7'un, and their time of passing the difierent Stations, which Operators will [>romptly report. 184. Time will be sent each morning (except Sundays) at 1) o'clock, and must be acknowledged by each Operator giving " 0. K." for same. 185. When a new Time Table c(jmes into force, Dispatcliers must iKjt give a Train Order to Con- • hictor of any train before getting an acknow- li'dgment from him and his Engineer of receipt of the new Time Table. Agents and Operators ri'ceivino- Holdini>'I>itch- er.s Train Register. Time to bo sent caeli mornini,'. Receipt of New Time Tables to be Hcknow- ledKi'd be- fore issu- inff Train Order;:?. J)ispatch- errf not, to Vary I'ruui Rules. ii! '! 60 FORM OF ORDERS. FORM 1.— An (3r(ler for an Agent or Operator to hold an expected train : AGENT AT HOLD TRAIN No (Conductor's name and No. of Engine) at for orders. When an Agent or Operator receives this order for a train, that train must not be allowed to leave his station (no matter how many orders may be received for it in the meantime) until he receives order Form 2. FORM 2.— An order to Agent or Operator cancelling Form 1 : TO AGENT AT ORDER TO HOLD TRAIN No. ...... Conductor's name and No. of Engine) AT FOR ORDERS IS CANCELLED. FORxM 3.— An order for a definite meeting point : C. &E. No , at C. & E. No , at OPERATOR. (Crossing Station). TRAIN No (Conductor's name and No. of Engine) AND TRAIN No (Conductor's name and No. of Engine) WILL CROSS AT 1% ■.*?■■ 61 Upon an orecomes a party to the Order, and will hold the trains to meet, unless he receives orders changing meeting points. FORM 4— An order cancelling or changing Form 3 : C. &E. No , at C. & E. No , at TRAIN NO (Conductor's name and No. of Engine) AND TRAIN No (Conduc- tor's name and No. of Engine) WILL CROSS AT INSTEAD OF When order " Form 8 " is given to an Operator and is afterwards cancelled, order " Form 4 ' must also be given to the Operator. FORM 5.— An order to Conductors and Engineers to hold at a certain station for orders : C. & E. No , at TRAIN No (Conductor's nauiu ami No. of Engine) WILL H' )LD AT FOR ORDERS. On receipt of this Order the Train named nuist not leave that Station initil order '* Form " is received. i 62 FORM 6.— An order to Conductors and Engineers can- celling Form 5 : C. &E. No , at ORDER TO HOLD TRAIN No. (Conductor's name and No. of Engine), AT FOR ORDERS IS CANCELLED. ti FORM 7.— An order for Special Train to run between given points : TO (Conductor's name) AND ENGINEER, at Special will run from to keeping clear of retrular and sifjnalled trains. NOTE. — The name of Conductor, who is in charge of Special, and description of Train nmst be entered on order. FORM 8.— A time order giving trains the right of tlie road between certain points on time of ruling ti'ains : C. & E. No , at TRAIN No (Conductor's name and No of Engine) , WILL RUN minutes behmd schedule time between and All inferior trains receiving this order may use time specified between the stations named on the time of ruling train, but it does not give the inferior train the right to use the full time speci- fied but nmst be on sidinof clear of main line ten ();3 (10) minutes before the limit ot* time has ex- pired. See Rule No. 37. FORM a— An order for one train to pass another and run ahead to a certain station : To C. & E. TRAIN No , at To C. & E. TRAIN No , at TRAIN No. . . ., (Conductor's name and No. of Engine) will pass TRAIN No. . . . (Conductor's name and No. of Engine) at and run ahead to NOTE. — The above order must be considcuvd as only a privilege to pass train ahead, and does not alter its right of track in any way. Conduc- tor of train passing and running ahead must be very particular in advising all Agents and Con- ductors of trains in opposite direction of the nund)erof his train and that he is running ahead of No (which he has passed.) FORM 10.— An order for Train to work between given points : TO (Conductor's name) AND ENGINEER, at (^Conductor's name and No. of Engine) WILL WORK.....^.^.^.r:l.ll'!l:.\..B AND KEEPING CLEAR OF REGULAR AND SIGNALLED TRAINS. Explanation. — This order gives working or construction trains authority to run between the points named, and return to either of tlie places it 64 iiaiiietl to cross trains or obtain further orders, and is ^ood from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. or 20 o'clock of the day named in order. See Rules 56, 64 and 65. FORM 11.— An order to carry signal between given points : To C. & E. TRAIN No at TRAIN No. . . ., (Conductor's name and No. of Engine) will carry Signal from to for TRAIN No (Conductor s name and No. of Engine.) Name of Conductor who is to run tm Red Signal must always be given in ordering Ree liable to immedinte dis- <;auf'cs for missal for disobedience of orders, nei;li^'ence, 1>> «»»»' »'•»'• misconduct or incompetency, but no Employee is to be discharged without suf Helen t cause. 192. An Employee dischargcHl from any De- partment shall not be em]iloyed in any othei*, without the consent of the Head of the J)epai't- ment from which he was dischargtMl. 198. In the interests of safety and efficiency, use of in- the use of intoxicants while on duty is al)Solutelv '^''^'c'^"^"- prohibited. No instance of intoxication on duty will ever l)e overlooked, but will be followed by immediate dismissal. The habitual use of in- toxicating liipiors will be considered sutHcient cause for dismissal, and preference will in every case be given to those wlio abstain from their us(\ 194. Employees must be civil and obliging to Civility all with whom they are brought in contact, espe- ciall}" in their relations with passengers and tlui public, nuist answ^er (piestions politely, and en- deavor to give satisfactory information. No violent disputes or altercations will be permitted under any circumstances. Any employee using 68 inipi-opcr lan^ua<^(' wliilr on duty, coiniiiittiii;^^ any act of nulcncss or incivility to pa.sscn<^(;rH, or nicciving any gratuity from the public, will be liable to dismissal. Kinploycos ab.sunt. 105. Employees must not be absent from their duties without the consent of the heads of their departments, and they must not expect pay for the time dui'in<^* which they were absent. it Notice uircd leaving on service. 190. No Employee »^overncd by these Rules is allowed to (piit the Company's service without oiving fourteen days' notice. On leavini^ the Service, he must deliver up all property of the Company entrusted to him. Any articles im- properly used or damaged will have to be made o-ood by the party in fault. Cleanliness l'^*^- Employees nnist give du(^ atti^ntion to cleanliness and neatness. Special recognition will b(» taken of respectable appearance and orderly deportment. '% DeJuction on iicoount jb'ines, &c. 10(S. The Company reserves the right to deduct from the pay of their Employees such sums as may be imposed as fines for neglect of duty, fees for mail and medical attendance, and for rent wdiere the Employee is a Tenant of the Company. Giirnisiiec. 1^'^- ^^^.Y Em]>loyee subjecting the Company to the service of a Garnishee Order on his pa}' will be liable to dismissal, and wull be held 69 responsible for all expenses incurred l>y the Company. 200. All persons in the Service of the Com- AU classes ny are recpiirtMl to give prompt notice of any oeHtoaHnSst in time of l>ft"y obstruction on the Main Line, and it is the im- [/Jmgur pei-ative duty of every Employee to prevent danger, and if from accident or other cause the proper Servant or Officer cannot perform his duty, any other person on the spot nnist act promptly as re(juired in the emergency for the due pn^tection of life and property. \)\\ to ition and 201. Every precaution nnist be taken to pre- Prccnu- vent loss or damage by tire. No rubbish, oily Hgainstfirc. waste, rags or waste paper, must be allowed to accumulate in the offices, depots, or buildings of the Company. Matches, oil and lamps shall l)e kept separate and in secure any proper authority, and ISSUED IN CONNECTION WITH THE THEN CURRENT TIME TABLE, will be observed and remain in force (>nly during the life of the latter. All other special instructions given by proper authority shall be observed and remain in force until cancelled. No alterations sliall be mae su])plied witli copies of the Rules an;ons in charge of individual cars are subject, while on !' the air brake, it is of the utmost imijortance that all parts of tlie brake be at all times in perfect 72 working order, and that all trainni(3n Le perfectly familiar with the bi'akc^ and the manner of operating it. ENaiNEERS. 1. Fill the oil cup on the pipe leading to tlni st<;am cylinder, with cylinder oil; open the cock in the l.ottom half a turn; this will luhricate the steam cyHnder. Kerosene oil must not be useops at 85 pounds. 10. Never use the brake in switchirii; trains or when brakemen are expected to brake. 11. Keep the main reservoir free from water: also, the ti'iple valve under the tender should be draineil daily, to let out any wat<'i" that niay have collected ; there are plugs for this purpose. 74 12. 8eo tluit the tender Injike hose is always liun^ up in the clij) fortlie purpose wlienever it is not in use ; tliis will prevent y reason of any accident to the hrake i^ear, is to sei; that the rear of the train is protected, and to relieve the hiakes by openino- the cocks in the ends of cylinders or air leservoirs unch'r each car as (juickly as possiMe. are iible ^ints see nec- lo as m up not The rear brakenian must, ui)on the stoppage of the train, ininiee di'aiiK'(l niin,tli(' patient is citlicr (-vnnission ins('iisil)le oi* lieations to the head and face and turn the patient on his side, so that th(^ l>lood can run out of the mouth. Also keep the feet warm. INJURIES TO THE CHEST. When one or more rihs are broken, seat the patient in the chair, with his arms around the neck of an assistant, who will lift up until the patient's body is on a stretch, then apply the wide bandage, taking four or five turns, pin snugly, then hiy the patient flat on his back. FRACTURES. Wlien the c(^llar bone is broken, tie the slioulder JJrokcn back by ban* higes passed un^^ "cr-l ^^.■i'^^ ^'"^ W '/// o / Photographic Sciences Corporatioii 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 %, w, % \ Broken legs . 82 In'okcn hone is l>ent towary pnllin<^ in direction oi* the angl(^ nntil the ends ot* tlie hone apjJi'oneh each otlun*, then strai^ditcn the Mnd>. When the ends of ])ones have lieen tlirnst thioui;!! the muscles, you must first release them from this unnatural and painful })osition hcfoi'c^ attem])tino* to straighten them. 'J'he ft)llo\ving diagram will illustrate : FRACTURED BONE ENTANGLED IN THE MUSCLE. FRACTURED BONE RELEASED. S r 01 FRACTURE ADJUSTED. When a fractured limb is reduced and placed in something like its natural position, there should be very little pain ; neither sliould there be nuich pain in reducing a fracture if the pro- 83 por care and gentleness be observed. Fractures sliould be aply the bandage above the wound, after which ob- serve this rule : Put a larger cork or a hard roller bandacfe on the inside of the limb under the bandage ; then place under it, immediately on top of the cork or roller, a small stick or lead pencil and twist steadily until the hemorrhage stops. Care should be exercised that this twist is not tivmer than is required to ari-est the bleed- ing, nor continued longer than is necessary to reach experienced help. 86 BURNS AND SCALDS. a soluf.inn ,.f ].: _. V ^''PPnou to reJiftvp i^n;^ . scaJds. "P with sweeVX '", an^r ^''/^^ ^-^^« '-*«" oi; a solution of bi-caX 'nf^^I'l'"*' ,*" ''''''eve pain ; winch can general'; t^i''"'''^ C-kin/soda' nade by dissolving thm, ,?. f '. I^''-''^ '"'"'^e) FROST BITE. "'lit hour to three hrmvc i ■ , \ ^roni ono- '•emoving the frost fromThe S'" . ^' 'P''"^ '" the frost has been expdled th5 !•' P''""''^' ^''^r removed to a comfvit h P""*'"* '''"'"''l '>e te'l and lightly coveS' "'7' *'"* ''■'"'' '-''^va- water and .sweet oil .^'^'^^'^ "*' ''i.-- RUPTURE. 86 extends into tho scrotum. Wlienever tliis occurs, place the patient on his l>ack in a recmnbent position, witli tin; limbs flexed ; then pl'^Xi the hand on the tumor, and press gently obli(|aely upward and outwards. When it is reduced k^ep it in position until you find a surgeon. When, however, it is not easily returned, do not u.'^e violence, but make applications of cold water until the services of a sur^reon can be obtained. NOTIFY SURGEON. Notify sur- geon at onco. Wlumever an accident occurs on the line, the conductor must immediately telegi*aph the sur- geon in whose charges the injured person is to l)e placed, in order that time may be given to pre- pare for reception of the patient. Injuries to tramps. TRAMPS INJURED. In cases of injury inflicted by trains upon in- toxicated persons on the track, tramps stealing rides, etc., where the emplo^^c^es of the road are in no way tc blame, the injured persons must, of course, be carried to a station where humane and proper treatment can be bestowed; but as such persons are generally without means, it is not advisable to take them out of the county in which the accident occurs. All such cases should be placed under the care of the county authori- ties where the injury occurred, as early as pos- 87 sible. In no instance are they to l)e removed Not to ho beyond the limits of sncli county without express frdnr^* orders to tliat effect from tlie Division Superin- county, tendent ; for, if removed beyond the county limits, tlie Railway Company may be held responsible for treatment and support. USE or LIQUOR. use Liquors. The continued or the excessive periodical use Avc.'ui of malt or alcoholic liquors should be abstained from l)y every one engaged in operating the road, not only on account of the great risks to life and property incurred by entrusting them to the oversight oi those wdiose intellects may be dulled, at times when most care is needed, Imt also, arid especially, because hahitual drmking has a very had effect ujyon the constitution, which is a serious matter for men so liable to injury as railway employees always are. It so lessens the injurious recuperative powers of the body that simple ^^*" wounds are follow^ed by the most serious and dangerous complications. Fractures unite slowly, if at all, and w^ounds of a grave nature, such as those requiring the loss of a limb, are almost sure to end fatally. NO EMPLOYEE CAN AFFORD TO TAKE SUCH RISKS, AND THE RAILWAY COMPANY CANNOT AS- SUME SUCH RESPONSIBILITIES.