IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) V. ^ /. /. fk, 4to '«\% ^^ fsrjk. 1.0 I.I 1- IM ill 2.5 lllliijii 1^ 1^ 1^ :!^ 1^ i^'° Uuu 1.8 11.25 111.4 IIIIII.6 p^^ % #» '^, A ^3 ^a 'm m ^jr >;- cf-^ ->. V M^ o 7 /a --r p •■•/■ Photographic Sciences Corporation «? ie-r^^ ^^ "our|f, «Tanuui*y V, ISOG. /1.4j.^....&:<-:^yper Canada in the matter of its JIuuicipal Loan Fund inuebtcdi ess, liave dotciniined (considciin;,' the present position of the Province as presenting a favorable opportuni'y) to brinu' the matter under the consideration of Government by a deputation uppointed for that purpose. The reasons and object of this corcluMon arc various, but will be cbxious fioui two considerations: Ist, That the Deputy Auditor General has been investigating tiie i-ubject, and llie result of his labours will I e reported to Parliament during the coniini' .'cssiin. 2nd, That the position assumed by Paili.imeni relit ivv.- to this (lueslion is cileulatcd to do further injustice, from the announcement of the Finance lMini^ter, that in the contenipl ted cunstitution-il changes the Municipal Loan Fund debt is to be made a local debt ; while liabhities intuncd untltr the Siignoiial Tinure Act in Lower Canada arc lo le assumed by the Federal Government, —an expenditure of a purely local character. Therefore, in accordance with the tenor of the annexed llesolution, 1 would respectfully request the co-op^-ration of your Munieip;dity, and the appointment of a dj_ utitioii for the puqwcio i.iJioiteJ, so th it pjrsu.:s sj appointed sli.iU prjojjj to Quebec on or abr ut the 1st d ly of Februiry ensuing. It is also desirable that the influence of members representing either branch of the Lej,islature in your district be secured, and that whatever action you may take in the premises bo communie.ited at an tarly day. 1 have the lienor to be, yours, &c., &c., (Signed,) JOHN FISHEIt, Warden, U. C. N. & D. L.V^ COPY OF RESOLUTIONS" Passed by the Council of the U. C. of Nortliumberland and Durham,, January 6th, 183 i. " That it is expedient to aj point a delegation cither at this or next session, composed of the most cxpci ienced members of the Council to wait on the Covernment, and that communicition be at once had with ill Municipilitics in Upper Can idi indebted to or who may have borrowed from the M. L. F., soliciting their co-operition and the appointaient of delegates for a like purpose, all to act in concert, with the view of representing the matter fully to the Ministry and Parliament, in order to the equitable and final settlement of this question." /S^ r y