^. ^>.^'^} VTn A.'b, IMAGE EVALUATION JEST TARGET (MT-3) ^\4^ :/. ^^ 1.0 I.I S Ui 112.0 U • 1.25 1.4 1.6 -< 6" - ► e ^ VI /a ^m ^Hfe % .^v y / ^ W '¥^ '•/ Photographic Sciences Corporation i\ en, (as independent in purse as in principle) to whom any thing like a bribe, even in the most indirect form, would have been the greatest insult that could have been olfered to them, and whose lives have never yci been marked by any dishonorable act. Not so Mr. L., (for I must speak plainly, I say again.) He is known to most of you. He has played mnny parts upon the stnge of life among you, from the time ot leaving Sir F. Burtons kitchen, up to the pre- sent day, but jievej' yet has he played the part of an honorable man! But why bandy or pervert term?^ ? Who evpr heard cf h.onor in a thief orjindopendonce in a shoeblack ? Is Mr. Layliekl a r<;isbning or reasonable man i Is he not rather the creature of impulse and passion? Is he fit, by his habits, by his education, by his talents, by his moral character, or by any other good quality, to represent the loyal, and for the most part educated, electors of Megantic .'' Answer this? — ye know hiu). Beware i say, of this man. Ho will if lie succeed in his elec- tion, mislead yon, as he has already A/iec^ to do, aiul misrepresent you as he has already done. He is a fit tool for the popular party ! Uis declaration in favour of the 92 Resolutions (which \ou have most of yon probably never seen or read, but which have for their objtcl, the .>subvcrsi()n of Britisij Rights and llriti^sh In.. stitutions) is one among uumy proofs. I!e grounds lii-* claims to success (ni the gratification of his towering hopes of anibilton)on two points : 1st a local question professedly connected vvith the interests of Leeds, & 2dlN. on an appeal to tuaitohs, if any there be, in support of the 92 Resolutions, tin; (;bi(ct of which is llic sap- ping of your political rights and institutions. To the i'ull ! Forwaid and shew ' yourselves as }ou already ha^e done by voting for an iionest and independent Bnan who is above a bribe ! ! — That man is J. G. CLAPIIAIM. Forward, I say, he is worthy of the support of every Free-born Briton ! Do yourselves and your adopted country honor by voting for him ! He 1 say again, is worthy ot tiip support of the Independent lilectors of the County <»f iVJcgantic. To the Pol' and vote for CLAPHAM. ONE OF STUART'S COALNHTTEE. Quebec, November 8, 1834.