IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // "mis. / / ^ J^?^ M ^ /. :/. ss v.. 1.0 l^|28 ||2^ = 1^ ii^ 12 II '-^ |22 1.1 11^ 1.25 =1 ^i. w signifie "A SUIVRE". le symbols V signifie "FIN". Lee cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent Atre fiimAa A dee taux de rMuction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atra reproduit en un seul cllchA. il est film* A partir da Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droits, et de heut en baa, an prenant le nombre d'imegea n4cessaira. Lea diagrammas suivants iiluatrant la m*thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ♦ « PASSED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE ®®^l[l^ir %W M%MW%1S^WL^ AT ITS FIEST SESSION, HELD IN JANUARY, 1850. JOHN B. GROUSE, Esquire, Warden. S I M C O E : PRINTED AT THE « ADVOCATE" OFFICE. 1850. . i 1 • i BY-L.A1VS OF THE COUNTY OF NORFOLK MUNICIPAL COUNCIL, PASSED AT THE JANUARY SESSION, 1850. A BY-LAW, To define the duties of certain Officers, and for other purposes therein mentioned Title. w Passed January 30th, 1S30. , . a.„ f^ apfine the duties ofcertaiu Officers hereinafter named, and to provide '"HERE AS it is expedient and necessary to deline tae auues - for the more ciTectivc discharge of such duties: .„..,-- ■, »„embled, Th». i. .haU be th. July of ,h. C.rk of t^» «. » »"» '» " ^^ „„„ .„„,,„ ,vitlun iWa County. .,n o, bdbrc llie fir.l Motriay m February ra the f~ '"'''• ' ^aw. of tl.i> I'rovinec : in eacli of the offices of Township and County Clerks. Preamble. Duty of Clerk. Assessment Rolls; Enumeration Rolls; by whom fur- rii?hed. Duty of A-isessurs an ' Enumerators. Defaulting Ae- MCtisors lined; amonDt: CouniyClcrk'8 roporllliereon; new Assesaor to beuppoint'd duties; p!)!v11 make re- turns; when. Wlio Bliall be Enumerator?. Persons refus ing lists orpro Iicrtv fined. Assessors to certify returns on oath; how. Kemuneration of Asses jors; I'eei to be au- dited. County Clerk to fumiali Col- lectors Rolls; Collector's au thority. Collectors to deliver bonds to Treasurers Time for co'.- lecting rates iind paying the same to Treas- urers; Proviso. And be it fvrthev enacted, By the authority aforesaid, That any Assessor or Zuuiaerutor who shall make default in taking such Assessment, Census, or Enumeration within the lime aforcbaich or who bhall fail to furnish to the eaid Clerki a copy of such book or books, in mnnner and by the time aforesaiJ, shall lorfeit and pay for such default a penalty ol not more than Five Pounds and not less than Ten ShiUingn: And the Clerk of the Conniy and the Clerk of each Town- ship shall, at the first meeting of the County op Township Council next held after the first day of May in each year, report to the said Council the name of any Assessor or Enumerator who shall not have completed and delivered into his olficc such A^.essment or Census books: And the Council of the Township for which any such dclinriucnt Assessor or Enumerator shall have been appointed, shall forthwith appoint another Assessor or Enumerator lor that year ; who shall Imvc the same power and authority, and be liable to the same responsibilities, as the Assessor or Enumerator first appointed ; and who being qualified as the law directs, shall proceed to take such Assessment and Census, and make their returns to the County and Township Clerks, as hereinbefore provided, within one month after his or their notifi- cation of such appointment And be it further enacted, By the authority aforesaid, That the respective Asacssora of Townships shall also be the Enumerators, unless it be otherwise provided by the Townshiii Council. And be it further enacted. By the authority aforesaid. Thai if any person shall neglect or refuse to deliver to the Asscs.sor a true list of his, her, or their rateable property, as the law directs, and in manner and form sot forth in the ■ Assessment books aforesaid, or shall wilfully misstate such rateable property, such person or persons shall forfeit and pay a sum not less than Ten Shilli^fc's nor more than Five Pounds, with costs, for every such neglect or refusal. And be it further enaUed, By the authority aforesaid, That the said Assessors and Enumerators shall respectively sign and certify their returns; and make oath or aflirmation-if entitled by law to affirm-before any Justice of the Peace within this County, to the elfect that the same have been truly and faithfully taken by them ; and that the same arc correct as far as they can ascertain. And be it furtlver enacted, By the authority aforesaid. That the said Assessors and Enumerators shall be entitled to receive for taking such Census, Assessment, and Enumeration, fees heretofore accu.-^tomed to b,T paid, or which shall be established i • the respective Township Councils for such services; which said fees shall be audited by the Aditors of the County, and shall be chargeable upon the funds applicable to the general purposes of the County. And be it further enacted. By the authority aforesaid. That it shall be the duty of the County Clerk, at the following fee, and no more, shall and may by such ff^^J^^^^^l collectors be taken lor every distress, advertising, and sale; namely, Three Shillings and Nine Pence. ^i^. And be it further enacted. By the authority aforesaid, That all fines and penalties imposed by this By-Law, shall ^'"c^^ jJ^^P^^;): and may be levied by distress and sale of the offender's goods and chattels; under and by virtue of the warrant ot a .gj aud applied Marrislrate of the County ; and shall be paid into the hands of the Treasurer of the County, for the general purposes notice of sale; thereof; eight days previous notice of said sale being given, and the overplus (if any there be) being rendered to overplus; the owner. And be it further enacted, By the authority aforesaid. That if any person who shall occupy a House, Farm, or T«JJ^'||'^ts^»'''l Tenement, in any Township or place within this County, and shall have been assessed for the same, shall leave such leaving their Township or place before the said assessed rates shall have been paid, it shall and may be lawful for the said Collector ~^^^'^ •to ask, claim, and recover the said rates (except such parts thereof as shall have been charged on moveable property,) ^g^instoWnerB from the owner of the «aid House, Farm, or Tenement: Provided the same shall be demanded fourteen days before of tenements; the second Monday in December in each year ; but should the year in which the said rates arc due expire before the excepuons; said rate be demanded, then and in that case the Collector Bhall be liable for the amount : Neverthcloss the said proviso. ^ Collector shall be entitled to procure by warrant of distre^ against any such Tenant, although he may have left the CoUej^tor sha- Township, and that the Collector may in like manner proceed to receive from all other persons residing in his Town- ^.^^^^^^^^.^ ship, sniTic 1 " ' " JOHN B. GROUSE, November. Warden. tvnship. and that the Collector may in like manner proceea lo receive iroin .u. umc. ,,o.=u>.= .v.».,....i, Collector's p, the assessed rates which shall not have been paid by the first Monday in November in each and every year ; the remedj^if^ratcs le having boen demanded fourteen days previous to the date of the Magistrate's warrant of distress. Monday in * Council CiiAMnEii, riOth January, 1S50. A BY-LAW, To provide for the remuneration of the County Clerk, to repeal part of a By-Law, and for other Title purposes therein mentioned. ' ' Passed Jamary 30th. IbjO. ^mrHEREAS it i. proper ar.d necessary that provision should be made for tbc remuneration of the Clerk of this ▼▼ County, commensurate with Ihc increased dutic. of his olTice. under recent acts of the Provincial Parliament : Preamble. 6 Authoriif By>law recited nnd npenlfii. Amount of CniiiitjrClerk'a calory ; duiicH (Je/ined; cxreption m to cfttftin fee*. Be it therefore enacted, By the Warden nnd fbuncillor. of tho County of iVor.rolk, in Miinicipul Council a.^jcmblcd, That HO much of a By-Law of tho Into Talbot Dislrict Council, pftwcd on the lOth day of Fclirunry, 18 J3, und entitled. • A By-Law to provide Ibr the remuneration of certain District Ollicers, and to amend n By-Law therein mentioned," n« provides a naliiry for tho Clerk of tho said District, he nnd the annio is hereby rcpenlod. And he it enacted, Thnt the County Clerk shall bo ensitlcd to receive and be paid, out of the fun.i.s applicable to tho general purposes of the County, in quarterly payments for the year ending on tho fourth Monday in January, 1S5I, nnd annually in such payments thereafter, the sum of One Hundred I'ounds, for preparing the annual Collector.' Rolls fur tho general purposes of tho County, under any IJy-La-.v m.i.le by tho said District Council, or to bo made by this Couneil, or under and by virtue of any Statute of tho Provincial Lcgislaturo ; and for all other services in Itis OfTico, as 9'tch Clerk, in lieu of all fee», except those provided by tho Dy-Laws of the said late Talbot District Council. JOHN B. CROUSE, Council Cn.vMnEn, > "'''''*"• 30th January, 1850. I \ Title. Preamble. w Authority. Councillors to lie paid 10» per ilay wliilc at- icnriingCouncl Prcvigo i\s to Heevcs from Houghton and Wnlsinaham. A BY-LAW, To provide for the remuneration of County Cnuncillord wlule uitcndiag iSesaiom or Meetings of Council. Pa.s.skd January 30th, ISoO. HEREAS it is proper and necessary that provision should be made for the remuneration of County Councillora while attending their duties at the sittings of this Council : Be it therefore enacted, By the Warden and Councillors of tho County of Norfolk, in Municipal Council assembled, That each and every Councillor shall receive and be paid the sum of Ten Shillings, Currency, for each and every day that he shall be necessarily in attendance at and during the Moeting.-i of the said Council; and that the said sum shall be in lieu of and in full far all travelling expenses and charges whatsoever, while attending such meetings of the said Council : Prodded always, nevertheless, That the Town Reeves from the Townships of Houghton aiui Waking- ham, shall be entitled to and paid tho sum of Ten Shillings additional, in consideration of the greatly increased distance ' which they have to travel in coming to and returning from the Meetings of this Council. JOHN B. Council CHAJinER, > Warden. dOth January, 1S50. \ . '■\ luid entitled, mentioned," ijil)lic!ible to iiiiiiry, IS5I, L'c tors' Rolia ladc by this II Itis Oflico, incii. iE, Varckn. buncU. i, 1S50. Councillors nHaembled, 1 every day ;1 sum shall ings of the Li Walsing- ad ilistancc E. 'nrdcn. {'