^GIHM Microfiche Series (IMonographsl . I ,\.^ > • ICMH Collection de micrdfichos • (monographles) / 1' w Canadian Institute for HittoricarMicroraproductions/lnstitut Canadian d« microra^^^ 'm TMhnical and Biblio«raphie Notn / NoiM tachitkiUM at btbliographiqiMi' ■/ ■ / ■ ■ TtM Inititut* has attamptad io obtain thabait ori«inal copy availabia for filming. Faaturas of ttii* co|»v wttidt . ntay ba MMiograpliically uniqua. wfliidi m&t altar any »y" lignificanfly «hah9a tfta utiial mathod of filmin«. ara chacfcad batoDir. L'Inatitut a microf ilm* la mailfaur axamplaira qii'ii lui a *tA poij^bla da ta procurar- Las d4taili da cat axamplaira n tiM M- Intad I L'«x«mpl»lrt flir t fut r«produit gric* i la g4n4rotiti da: St. Mfchael's College Library ' Toronto ■ :■ '■ ' ; . ' ' '■ ■ ' La« imigat suivantaa ont At* riproduitaf avac la. Slus grand toin, oon>pta tanu da la condition at a la nattatlud* raxampiaira film*, at an conformity avac iat conditions du centrat da filmaga. Laa axamplairaa orlglnaux dbnt la couvartura an papiar aat lmprim*a aont IWipk* an commandant par la prantiar plat at un tarminant solt par la darnMra paga qui comp/0rta una ampralnta d'imprataipn ou d'illustratlon, a'oit par la aacond plat, aalon la cat. toua las autraa axamplairaa orlglnaux aont fiimia an oomnnan9ant par la pramiAra paga qui compknta unaamprainta' . d'impriaaslon ou d'llluatration at 9n tarmLnaht par if darni*ra paga qui comp^rta una talla amprainta. On daa symboiaa aulyants apparaftra aur la darniAra iraaga da chaqua jmicroflcha, salon la : cas: la symbols ••^ signifla "A.8UIVRE". la aymbola ▼ signifif "FIIM", t ro ba I - tto " tha Las tartas, planchaa, tablaauitc, ate, paUyant Atra filmAs A das taux d» reduction diffArants. Lorsqua la documant aat |rop grand pour Atra raproduit an un saul cIlchA. il ast filmA A partir da I'angia supArisur gaucha, da gaucha A drolta, at da haut an bas.* an pranant la nomlifat d'iniagas nAcassaira. Las diagrammas sulvanta iilustrant la mAthoda. . 'T -:.': ■ ..1_. -,:.:y2,:-- • ■ ■ i> . , : ''^■Ia^^ -S' :^ ''.:'■:: ■.•■ /■•■■■■W^'; ■••■■■■ ;; ■ ■ V ■ ■ . :'''--\-r''-:>''' '' -^'^ >.'::^A':'r.-y^^ J' :■/■•,, ; MKROCOTY RfSOlUTION TIST CHAftt , (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART Mo. 2) r ■''.' ; ? '" ii f ^ /IPPLIED IM/QE Inc B^ 1653 Eott Mdiri StrMt r -'.a; Rechwitr^ N«w Yorit U609 USA g (716) 462 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288 -Mag -Fox ■u .■..!/■ ;,.V n ¥ i ■- •\\- ■•' ; 1 ■«'•. i'V «pf I (' ^'l'Pj«■ I BY-LAW OK THK r ROMAN CATHOLIC •,« |(aralt §t|0flrl i^arir .^ OK r TORONTO- AS AMENDED AT TlfH fieneral Meeting held November 2n(l, 1880. _ i ^^v. . . *^-; TORONTO: PRINTED AT THE " IRISH CANADIAN " OFFicE. ■':V.:: ■■■■■•°;^ >-"/^880;- ' -'^M-y T '• '^ ^ • >. 231969 •^r'.. :>K-. t{ R. C. Separate School Board. Vkkv lUiv. F. P. ROONEY. V;0., Chairman. y^^^^ or St. Lawrence.. Ward of St. bavicT. ' ' ' Cii ■"'"'"iail^^ Thomas. Ward of Si. James. Rjcv. W. Berlin. Ward of St. John. James Ryan. ^W - ^^^'^cfcof St. Andrew. ' t^ R«y, F.^P. RdoNEv, V.G. B,T ¥.,iVM. Ward of St. George. VS^ardpf St. Patrick, V nim nun T M J ii ui i iim ¥>«t Ward of Sti Stephen. Ward of St. Paul lf ll >i i wiillj£ t l >ii Ward Of St. Matth«w! Ward of St. JMtark ^Bkv. J.J. McCann. (':-, Ollici'rs of tlic l\o'An\. ' J^'i- ^ ■■-■■ ■ ■ ^' ■ ■ ',^ ■ ■'■ •'" HIS (iRAtK TIIK ARCHIUSIIOP Ol- TORONTO. .\Kitv Rk\. I'. I". KOONKN. \'.(;. . . Rkv. \V. IJKR(ilN. AssisifUii-StH-i'oinry : .INO.C HALL. I ns|)erivtor; RK\ . F{|{0. TOIiJAS, t.S.C. Solic'iiorr ,1 . J. I'( )\;, Q.G. Auditor: • T. M. HKNNKSSEY. \ ^ J 1 I^i D E X •^"V AltlOluIllMMltH . A^iHlHtanl Sfcn-tary, iMitu-H of Ui (/UllllllittcM! oil KittllllC'l' ^. . , Ingpcetor, l>iiW|f|>f the \'M.y.. II " I'linting mill Su|tj. lies ,..;... J^'X, :/ i *' SvllOrtl M.ill.ll^'rliHIll " " Sitrs ;iii(l Uiiilrii,^., Comtiiittecs, Stuuliii}: , . . • •' iJeiiiM'jil HviU'fi lor ill I, CoiDinitti'c, Strikiii-' ,^,-. . . , . .. ,.f- Mi 7 I'J IS 7 7" Local Superintondoiit l)i('...... Meetingi,\ Ordinary. . S Special.^,.......* * !» Money, Rbler'i^uKuliiting the KvpRnditure of l-;{, lit Ottio r8 of ihe/ltdard; . ........;.........,; ...... How j'lecterl ..... . . . . , . . / Rules of C)rdVr."k. ;. . . Secretary Treaaurer, Duties of the. ...... .v ,^ .V Solicitorl 1)ii|ti«s/>f the ..... , /, ..... . . . ...... s, ^ .7 « » 1!) 21 "^ iii' ' 8( .'" , 1 «• :>v ■■■■'.. :-^' ■- - t* ■..'. \ •^ *■} .'^ Bf-T.AW8. f.1' TIIK FlitHT t,K(JAf.^MKKTINU,«»F TIIK IIUAHtV-OPKNINCJ ANi^ paoeKeDiMOH OF tii*faxAt ui ual mkctIiWi of . / TIIK im«t». - '' -'---r 1. THo first Ij<'gal Meeting Hl|all ho ht-ld, on th<« day following th« aiiniinl «»U'ction» hi January, to .- •1 'rm» .:■•:...■ - ■■ \-.:\: ■■;/■■. .10^' ■■;..-- .;. _,,;; ■.•■■./; 7. When any member ia about to speak in debate, he shall rise in his place, and address the presiding officer, confining himself to the question under debate, and avoiding personality. 8. No member, while speaking, shall be interrupted by another, except upon tf point ^of order, or for the purpose of explanation. The member, so interrupting^ shaU confine himself to the point of order or the explanation* i ^ 9. If any member, in speaking or otherwise, trans- gress the rules, the Chairman shall, or any member may, call him to order; in which case, the member so called to order shall immediately sit down, unless per- mitted to explain ; and the j^oard, if appealed to, shall decide on the case, but without debate. 10. -No member shall speak, more than once, u|K)n any resolution or motion, except the proposer, n^lio shall be permitted to teply; nor shall any member speak, longer than a quarter of an hour, on the same question, without leave of the Board, ex,cept in ex-; planation, and then he must not introduce new matter. v \ 11. Any member of the Board may require the question under discussion to be read, at any time of the debate; but not so as to interrupt any member while speaking. 12. No member shall speak to any question, after the same has been put by the Chairman. 13. Notice, in Writiog, shall be given of aU motions for introducing new matter, other than matters of privilege afid petitions, at a lueeting, previous to that at which it comes up for discussion, unless dispensed with by a two-thirds vote of the members present. 14. A^ny matter, Virhen once decided by the Board, sh a ll not be re-introdiiced during th e continuanc e of SI tc SI u; h h ic II ti (I SI .): that year, unless by a two-thirds vote of the members then present. 11 .1 15. No matter shall be entertained ,and con- sidered by the Board, until it shall have been referred to the Committee, having proper cognizance of the 8iMn6» and such Committee have jreported thereon^ unless by a two-thirds vote of the members present. 16. A' motion must be put in writing, and secofided, l)efore it is stated by the Ghai/man'; and then shall be disposed of only bya vote of the lioard, unless the . mover withdraw it, by permission of the Board. Every member present, including the Chairman, shall vote. 17. The Secretary shall/make a list of^i^ll resolu- tions or reports on the tablje, which shall be considered "The General Order of /the Day," the order of the same to be as follows (1) Blading of Minutes ; (2) Reading communications and petitions to the Board ; (3) Reports of Standing Committees and tnsp^tor ; (4) Reports of Special Committees ; , (5) Consideration of Reports; (6) Unfinished^ buisiness from previous meetJfigs ; (7) Motions ynd discussion on the same ; 1(8) Enquiries (9) Notjces/of Motion ; (10) Miscellaneous Businesaf. "^ < No variation in tho foregoing order of business shall be permitt'ed, unless by vote of the Board, which shall be taken without debate. 18. When a efuestion is under debate, no motion shall be received, unless— . • (1) To adjourn i .\ ( 2) The previous questi o n ((3) /Td postpone ; (4) To lay on the table :-W&. 12 (5) To refer back to committee ; (6) To amend. ' 19. The Obairman i&hall put the previous question in thijB form: '* Shall the main question be now putl*'. And its adoption shall end all debate, and bring the Board to a vote, upon pending amendments, if there are any, and then upon the main question, 20. The Chairman shall consider a motion to adjourn, as always in order; and that motion, and the motioA' to lay on the table, shall be decided without debate, as also a motion to go into Committee of the Whole. 21. Any member who has made a motion niay withdraw the same by leave of the lioard, or it may be in like manner allowed to stand, such leave being granted without a negative voice. 22. In case there shall be a tie upon a question, at any meeting of this Board, the Chairman shall, in addition to his own vote, as a member, possess a second or casting vote as Chairman ; but in Committee of the Whole, or any other Committee, no member of this B^ard shall have more than one vote, and in such caseii A^hen a vote is taken on any motion, and there is a tie, the motion shall be declared lost. 23. A rieport from the Committee of the Whole may be amended by a majority of the Board, before its adoption, without going back into Committee of the Whole for that purpose. .■ ■COMMITTEES. :. :'- •.■■'::■•;.. • iV-^': t.'When^the Board shall determine to go into Committee of the Whole, the Chairman shall name, in alphabetical order, the members who will take the 8 c a 1 e c I I? i chair. ■ • The rules of the Board shall be observed^ in Committee^of the Whole, excepting the rules re- ■>.: 13 I? specting the yeas and nays, andjimitini; the number of times of speaking ; and no motion for the previous question, or for an adjournment, can be received ; but a ihember may at any time move that the Ohairman leave the chair, or report progress, or ask leave to sit again, and all original luotious shall bt^ put in the order in which they are proposed, and shall not. require to be. seconded. < 2. On niotion in Committor to rise and report, the question shall bo decided without debate. 3. Every member, who shall introduce a petition or motion upon any subject, which may be referred to a Select Committee, sJaall be one of the Committee, without being nam«d by the Board, and be the Ohairman thereof. Any member of the Board may be placed upon a Committee, notwithstanding his absence, at the time of his being named to such a Committee. 4. Committees, appointed to report on a,ny subject referred to them by the Board, shall report a state- ment of facts, and also their opinion thereon in writing; and it shall be the duty of the Chairman, or acting Chairman, to sign and present the report. 5. All petitions or communications, oh any subject within the cognizance of a- Standing tlommittee, shall, on presentation, l)e referred by the Chairman, or presiding officer, to the proper committee, without any motion ; " but it shall be competent for the Board, by a two thirds vote, to enter on the immediate considera- tion thereof. 6. No Committee shall have power to expend any money belonging to the Board, for any cause what- soever,— excepting the Committee on Printing and Supplies, which shall have the power of expending th e su m »f twenty-five dollars only, until the matter shall have been referred to the Standing Committee on Finance, and received the sanction of the Board ; nor shall any expenditure of the funds of the Board '■H the Secretary- nae shall have mmittee, and r~ salaries, or 14 be ailthorized^ by any individual member, except in \ certain, cases, which are specially provided for (see section 7, by-law V). *. 7. No money shall be paid b; Treasurer, until the accouni for the first been presented by the proper sanctioned by the Board, excepting expenditure of moneys, which may b^ required in cases of emergency, such as repairing doors, windows, stoves, ifec' The expenditure^, incurred far any such emergency, shall be made on the written order of the Chairman, or Secretary-Treasurer of the Board, and shall not exceed the sum of five dollars in\any one instance. , 8. All cheques, issued by the Secretary-Tr shall be counter-signed by the Ohairman of the 9. Any work, done for the Board , shal 1 be orde writing, by the Ohairman of the Committee, duty it is to attend to the same. 10. The written order of the Chairman of the Col mittee, ordering any work to be done,i3hall be attach to the account, when presented for payment. 11. A quorum of any Committee shallv consists of one-tbird of the, regularly appointed, and ex-oflicio members of the same. \;V':\.- :■■■•■-. ■} • --VI.- ■";--^- • ■ - DUTIES OF COMMITTEES. COMMITTEE ON /FINANCE. 1. The Committee on Finance shall meet, on the jAst Thursdjky ©reach montli. 2. Tfiey shall bav6 the supervision of all the fiscal conc^rns.of the Bpard, and report the condition of the various funds quarterly. 3. They shall make the necessiry etftimates of money to be raised for the support of the j^chools, and etf^i .'«,•». ^»^.- '"% ■iv. ^^« report the same foi* the action of the Board, at the fira^ regular meeting in March, or at a specialjiieeting to b^ convened for that purpose. 4. \ They shall examine all accounts presented to the Board, and consider and report on all matters referred \to th|em ; but theV shall audit no bills pr accounts, ^nless countersigned by the (^hairman of the com- n](itteiB, having such bills or accounts in charge. . ;5, TfThey shall all^o see that ^he scjiool property is properly insured. TIL , COMMITtEE \0N SCHOOL MANAOEMRNT. Management month. shall 1. TJ'he Committed on Schoc meet, ^n the last Monday of eacl 2. T^hey shall havelsupervision! of the Schools, and shall report any changes of teachers they wish made to the Superiors, and shall insist upon such^report receiviijg due consideration, . / 3. They shall request the Supetiors of the teaching communities, to fill any vacancies which may occur, and if theiir request is not complied with, in a reasoii- abllB time, they shall rejuire the Chairman to call a special meeting of the Board, in order to take action in the matter 4. Th^y shall see thfi^t the scliools are properly graded, ind that a unifornd^programme of studies, and, {^ f ar as practidable, unilorm approved methods of teachingjand discipline are followed in all the schools, 6. Th6y shall receive from the Inspector notices of any contemplated suspensions of, pupils; they shall investigajte such cases, and, When they deem it advis- able, suspend such pupils, and report the same to the Board, at its next meeting. Board, at its next meeting. \ 6. At jbhe second regular imeeting in February of each yeaii, they shall prepare and present to the Board a report, istating thb various Ibcafities ^ which addi- 4 ' :vi W -" '4 ■- ' : •• .- :W'r- icmti- : ',/y ■ -■.■'■ /■■■ 1-6- . .; :.•.■•-■.,■ tion*l school aocoai'nodation and achool furnituro are required. 7. It Bhall further be the duty of this Committee, to draft the Prt^ramme of Protici^ncy, required for entrance to the " Higher Classes," and transmit i^ copy of the same to each head teacher in the schools, and one to the Board, not later than the iirst day of November in each year. ? ^ ^' They ghallj moreover, have taper Vision of the examination of all Applicants for admission to such classes. • 9. They shall visit the schools, ns often as pracfi- cable, at least twice ofKcially tmch year, not.) the methods of disdpline and instruction and the progress of the pupils, and report to the Board the result of their visits. 10. They shall submit Such special rules as th«7 may deem necessary to secure the most elective in- struction and discipline of the schools, especially in reference to the management of classes, the course of study, and the order and decorum of the pupils. : 1 1. They shall also report as to the heating, venti- lation and cleanliness of the school buildings. 12. In the performance of al I their duties, they shall be assisted by the Inspector. :■■'■- VIII. ■./';. COMMIT rt*: .ox sites and blildinos/ . 1. The Committee Jjg Sites and Bui/dings shall have the general supe^Hsion of the schdol buildings They shall, from tjlme to time, report to the Board upon the expediency of bml^ling. altering, repairing, or improving any of the scihooj biiildinS or grounds. ' e -i. Whenever any new >iilding Is wanted, they shall suggest a plan and ^ode therefor ; have charge of all buildings during their erection, and generally' I r 7 -sry'jr - 17 ill as the most desir- study tht) mdst economical, as well as able changes that may be necessary, (or the comfort and welfare of all the schools under their )unsdiction. 3 They shall, ^ the first rej?ular meeting in May, make a detailed report in writing of the condition of the buildings, of the character and extent of the repairs, and improvements, made during the current year ; and recommend auy building, repairs or im- provements, which they may deem necessary or ex- pedient, for the ensuing y<5ar. •..;:.— : '■ -' .-■ -■ ix. ■ • V ■ OOMMITTKE ON PRINTING AND rtUFlM,H-». . 1 It shall be the duty of the Committee on Print log and Supplies to report to the Board all matter, that, in its judgment, ought to be printed, and to superintend all printing ordered by the Board. 2 It sh^ll further be the duty of the Committee* to purchase, and keep in repair all desks, tables, |«5hool furniture, and apparatus, and provide all necessary supplies for, the schools. They shall not alter any school furniture, or re-seat any school- room or build- ing, without the consent of thp Board. 3 Th'^y shall advertise for, and receive, tenders for the necssary fuel for the yeftr, and report the same to the Board, for consideration, and, when authorized, contract for the same. They shall also, when authorised, provide the necessary heating apparatus for the schools, and, during the summer, examine the same, reporting their condition, and recommendn.g any changes or additions, that they may deem neces^ sary, for the consideration of the Board. ^ 4 They shall prepare, in pro^Miime, and ptcseut a report, recommending all necessary details for the I2 election of members of this Board, in accordwice witfe the recjuirements of the school law, ; " IS I lUTlfts ANf> J'OWKIH OK T^IK f^AL 8irPRRlNltENDBNT. 1. The Local Sup-rintoiulcut may attend\aU meefc- mg« of the Hoard, as wol I us Oomnatteo mefetingn. 3. He may visit t!|io soIioqIs from time to timo, and report any defect to the Superiors, and to theVlipard. .'{, Ho shall generally giv^ effect to the di«Wioi»8 ot the Hoard, and Standing tJomn.itteeg, andAassist them m promoting the established system of the schools, to the niost fruitful result of which \t ia capaT)le. ^ \ 4. Diffei-ences, whirh maiTf^mBbeiween the t\acLrs and individual niemlHirs of the Board, shalF be retefred for settlement to th(j Local Superintendent. f / 5. tie may call upon the Committee on Scfcool JJanagement to assist him in his deliberations. 6. In all cases submitted to him, his decisioii shall be hnal. DUtlES OF THK IN8PB0T0R. i> 1- The Inspector shall attend all meeti/gs of the Hoard, and the Committee on School Management fts well as any other committee, to whicl/harmav be summonftd. ; V A ^ ' 2. He shall take charge of the gove/iiment of the schools, and direct, and controLthe business of teaching. 3 He^hall visit the schools and/administer their" government, iji every practical de^il, instituting and enforcing {such regulations as noTay be necessary to their efficiency, undeij the dire^don of the Committee on School Management. ' ./ , Vi He shall require from the Head Tea■„ ■••(■ " 19 5. He shall make an Annual 1l(>port, and Hubinii the saiue to the Board, at ^uuh tiiiio an may lie appointed in oach year ; recording tho poKition of tlm sohooli in regard to Htatistics, Bystcin of tcuohiit;^, examinations, and such other matters ns may l»e usefully discussed and recorded. 6. He shall give effect to the direi;tioH^ of the Board, and Standing Committees, and aKsist them in promoting the established system of tlui schools, to the most fruitful results of which it is capable. 7. He shall make all transfers of pupils rendered necessary by removal, promotion, or other causes. 8. He shall not suspend pupils, but shall warn them at least three times, and if the desir«(l etl\!ct be not thus obtained, he shall report the niatter to the Committee on School Management. 9. He shall prepare and issue stich circulars of information, or enquiry, as may bo from tiniM to time necessary, and he shall prepare exanunation papers. 10. He shall attend at his office, each school day from 8, to 10, o'clock a.m., and from 4, to 6, o'clock p.m.,and on Saturday from H, to 12, o'clock noon (except during school vacation), for the performance of such parts of bis duties, as have there to be transacted. ^ 11. He shall keep a book in his office, in wjiich he shall enter, each day, the visits'he proposes to make on the following day, giving the name of the schools he intends to visit, and the time such visits will be made. ^ ^ DUnBS OF THE SECRKTARY-TRKASURKR. I. The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive, and have charge of all the moneys of the School Board, deposit the same on receipt in some chartered Bank, to the credit of the Toronto R. C. S. Schobl / . '^^gUr- "^p- 30 . BoApd, and diihurw it m provided. He iihall alti^ givo leourity aa required hy law. u^i 2. H» Rliall attoad rxqlficio aJl mflotinf^s oifV Hoard, ami of the Htauding Ooininitt4MM»jt: sign all money orders and oheU have been made. ^ , XIV.. ■■ ;l^ ■ ; ■ p1ITil<:H OK TlIK HOMCJToK. 1 The Solicitor lihall attend all meetings of the Board, and of the Standing Committees, to which he may be summoned. 2 He shall draft all such petitions or memotials as may be presented, by the Board, to the LI#u»nan^ . Uovemor, or the Dominion or Pfovincial I^gisl^ures and all Acts of Parliament, which may l)e desiwed by the Board aforesaid. 3 He shall give all the necessary notices of •ppU- cfttion for such Acts, and attend to the pwsage thereof through the said Legislatures, and the vMrioua Committees thereof, provided, that he receive inilaruc- tions to that effect from the Board. - ** 4 He shall give to the said Board, and each of Its • Committees, and to the Chairman of ^the Board, his advice, or opinion on any question oi law, properly submitted for that purpose to him ; ^^^^ gf,"«'f ^I J2 flball aiv» due and proper attention to all the legal I business of the Board, when request^ to do so bj, the Board. ^ _ , 5 It shall be the duty of all Officers of the Board to fiirnish the Solicitor, upon request, with any docu- -^^' 00 -■.A-: menfcs, books, or papers, in the ouatody or poasesaion of such officers, and to give to the aaid Solicitor such other aid and assistance as he may reqmre. in the performance of the duties of his office. * -..■ ./ ' ■.. ■ ' . . :-. . : ■ ■"':-'^ ':':■■' ^v- ■■ ■ *■ '. '^ AMENDMENTS. _ No amendment or addition toany of the foregoibir By-laws shall be made, unless due noticf setting forth the proposed amendment or addition, shall have been given at a meeting previous to that at which the sam« comeaup for discussion ; and unless such change or amendment be carried, by a two-thirda tote of the whole Board. November ^nd, 1886. Applied and adopted. . F. P. ROONEY, Chairman. ^ \ . ■ *-■ . V . ■ *>. m "it -:.,- j*ft; ■V' "■ \. ^^ /I A.