IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // 1.0 I.I 1.25 i-ll^ IIIIM •^ IB IIIII2.2 :: 1^ Ilia 1.4 II 1.6 v^ v, ?,\ i'' / ^'.\ / >'< / >.\, / s< >.\, N< kv. S< \ W\ \ ^■'', \ irA' \ *."'• ^^ i55 ;?2 W s-,v We carry the Best Line of ^ Sporting Qoods sv, > •/,>■/,> •*?.•/.>-/,>*/,> V|\ ^.\ /".N i^ A ^i\ ^l\ ^l\ ^ in the Maritime Provinces, A:A;tA:;^A;A;A: Columbia and Jubilee Bicycles. Fishing Tackle. Forest's Celebrated Trout and Salmon Flies. Silverlown Golf Balls. McEwan's Scotch Golf Clubs. English, American and Belgian Guns, Rifles and Revolvers. Winchester, Eley's and Domin- ion Ammunition. Hazard's Smokeless and Black Gun Powders. Joseph Rodgers & Son's and George Woodhead Fi. Son's English Cutlery W. H. THORNE & CO., Ltd., Market Square, ST. JOHN, N. B. EDGECOMBE & CHAISSON, tailors. ♦♦♦' '♦♦♦ 104 KING STREET, v SAINT JOHN, N. B. * ^ * ¥ ^' Bicycle Tourists ^^ ^ And others visiting St. John wcnild do well X Sf. to call on EixJKCOMKE & Chaisson and leave ~ their order for an . . . « « Up-to-aate Suit or Overcoat « « ¥ * * ¥ ¥ DIRECT IMPORTERS OF HIGH CLASS WOOLENS Suitable for Fine Tailoring. a: headquarters c. w. a. :x « « « « « a ^ ? -i^ST. JOHN, N. B..^^ « « « « « E, LeRoi Willis, / x ^ Proprietor, L . A. j^ £ m, oprietor, MASSEY-- HARRIS BICYCLES Run Easy—and Keep Running: Easy. TOURING WHEELMEN will appreciate the promptness with which gfood work is done by our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. Bicycle Livery, mding flcadeiny and salesroom, ST. ANDREW'S RINK, CHARLOTTE STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. Bicyclists Will please note that we have the Best Value in MEN'S SWEATERS, NEGLIGE SHIRTS, BICYCLE HOSE, BELTS, BICYCLE COATS, TROUSERS AND SUITS. Many of our Bicycle Garments are WATERPROOF. Special Makes of Light All-Wool Underwear (^ tourists B Will please take notice that we make a Specialty of v\ ENGLISH GOODS. |> Men's Waterproof Coats, largest assortment in Canada, .... - $7.60 up. Men's English and Scotch Underwear, Sum^ mer and Winter weights. Men's Genuine Irish Socks, - 36c. up. Men's Finglish Gloves— Dent's, - $1.00 up. Finest Stock of Travelling Rugs in Canada. for Bicyclists. f Men's Umbrellas, Valises, etc. Manchester^ Robertson & Allison^ 27 & 29 KING ST., 39 & 41 GERMAIN ST., 13 & 15 MARKET SQUARE, ^^ SAINT JOHN, N. B. %^^ we make •j^ issortment $7.60 up. 'ear, Sum- 36c. up. $1.00 up. Canada. -A ■iL^-^- maritime Provinces Road Book. QUARE, E. J. ARMSTRONG, PRINTER, ST. JOHN, N. B. <:iti»vui«iri' 1MM<. .1. M. inHNKP. Kiiltri'd iiccordiiii; tn the Act ot I'ailianiL'iil iit the Ollice of llie Mi. 'stfr nt Ay^ririilHirc, Ottawa, l>.\ .1. M. Hanits, St. .Jolui, N. IJ.. May 1S!)8. m a<)i:gii tiik coi-vkkuit stands in it.s C'lllKK CONsn.S NAMK, THIS HOOK IS TIIK PROI'KUTV OK TIIK NKW HIUNSWICK DISTRUST, OK THK (lANAOlAN WHKKI.MKN'S ASSOCIATION. .NILS IN ITS H)K IS TIIK K DI.STKICT, SSOCIATION. 7^ INTRODUCTORY. A HK preparation of this hook has involved a great amount of labor on ni> part. ICver) precaution has been taken to prevent errors, hut unclouhtedly sonic have crept in. 'i'his, in a great measure, is due to the apathy of those to whom I applied for information. I would take it as a favor, if any cyclist, after going over any of the routes, would send ] me careful corrections of any errors. I I tender my sincere thanks to all who have aided me in collecting material for this hook ■ as well as assisting me in other way.s. A map has not been inserted for the rea.son that it would have to be on too small a scale ' to be useful. Rand, McNally iV Co's. map of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and I'rince ICdward Island gives a very good idea of the provinces, and is easily procurable anywhere for 25 cents. I C'opies of this Road liook will be mailed to any address on receipt of $1.00, by addressing the undersigned. Special rates to members of the C. W. A. J. M. BARNES, Chief Consul, (3) P. O, Box 19, St. John, N. B. GENERAL INFORMATION. hart roacl few Vi Ncsv lliimsuick, Nov;' ^' oiia and I'rincc JCdward Island form what arc known as tlic Mariiiini' rrovincL's. As a pleasure resort for tourists they ol'fvr every advantage. ICxpenses need not exceed $1.50 })er (lay. IMack flies are unknown, moscjuitoes are not trouMcsonie and the nights always cool. ICxcessive lual is the exception rather than the rule. Hay fever ( annot live in this climate. \'ery seldom does tlie ihernujnieter get above S5 in St. John. ( Jood shooting, famous fishing lake-s and streams, magnificent scenery, hospitable people, etc., all '(jmbiiie' to make the provinces a t(jurists" paradise. NEW BRUNSWICK. One of the finest bicycle trips is along the .St. John river. Starting at St. John the road and river run side l)y side for some 250 miles. 'I'his body of water begins in Maini' and fed by numerous streams assumes enormous proportions befoie it reaches an outlet into the harbour of St. John, through a narrow rocky gorge ncjt more than 150 yards wide. One of the peculiar features about this outlet is, that the water runs l)oth ways, that is, at low tide the river emj)ties into the harhcjur and at high tide the harbour runs into the river, backing it up f(jr twenty miles and more. The tide in the lie Alaritiiiu' :1 not exceed always co<;l. mate. Wry ng lakes and -'s a tourists" harltnur rises and falls 15 to 20 feci. Ail along our highways good drinking water is pluntiful. 'I'he roads lu.-ing of n gra\ell\' nature afford easy riding, hills not trouldesoiut-, and stopping placrs evtr> few miles. St. John to Moncton, through the Kennel )e(:asis X'alk)-, is anolhcr nice trip 'i'hcn again there is a triji u[) the North Shori' to I'lathurst and along the i!a\ ( 'haKur to ( 'am[)l)ellton and Metapedia, where the ffimous salmon fishing pools on ihr Krstigouclu' river are situated. Mriefly New Brunswick is a vast game reserve, aliounthng in moose, cariboo \\ ' deer, etc., further particulars of which ma\' be obtained from the h(.n. A. T. I)unn, Surveyor (l/neral, Si. [ohn, \. M. l'"rederictoii, the capital, is i)() miles from St. John, on thi' river. ie road and \' numerous St. John, about this 'Our and at tide in the NOVA SCOTIA. 'I'he land of I'^vangeline has been immortalized b) 1-ongfellow. It presents man) features to tourists. Halifax, its capital, is one of the strongest fortified cities in ('anada. It is naval head- ijuarters for England. Like its sister province, New Brunswick, it abounds with lakes and streams teeming with "speckled beauties." The roads are good with the exception of a part of the Annapolis N'alley, where sand is the rule. \'armouth is the most convenient starting point, from which there are two routes to Halifax. An S I extended tour would be from Yarmouth to Halifax via the South Shore route, returning by the \'alley route to Kentville, take train to I )igl)y, crossing Bay of Fundy to St. John, thence uj) the St. John river. Another way is to wheel from Yarmouth to Annapolis, train to Kentville, wheel to Windsor, train to Halifax, train to Amiierst then wheel to St. John. Wheelmen who have visited Cape Breton do not speak very highly of the roads for cycling. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. This province has been styled the "darden of the (iulf." Its delightful climate and charming scenery are very inviting. The soil is of a sandy nature, not altogether to the cyclists liking. It is reached by steamer from I'ictou, N. S. and Pt. l)u Chene, N. B. (one mile from Shediac). 'I'he rules of the road are : — -Meet to the left, pass to the right. July, August and September are the nicest months. If in the latter month a light overcoat will feel good in the evenings. Don't feel annoyed if you are asked to show your C. W. A. ticket at official hotels. Our agree- ment with hotel proprietors is very binding in this respect. The firms advertising in this book are the leaders in their respective lines. They are worthy of any patronage you lay extend to them. For pamphlets giving a fuller description of New Brunswick apply to ('. D. Shaw, Sec'y Tourist Association, St, John. N. I J. !. 2. 9- 14. 15- 16. ; by the \\illcy ) the St. John el to Windsor, ., r cycling. and charming liking. It is c). overcoat will Our agree- INDEX TO ROUTES. i. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7- s. 9- lo. II. 12. •3- 14. 15- 16. 17- 18. re worthy of ec'y Tourist 1 1°' i Si. Stephen lo Si. (jcurtje, Si. John 17 Si. Stephen lo St. Andrews, St. George, St. John 10 Si. Stephen to Harvey, Fredericton 20 St. John to Fretlericion, Woodstock, (Irand I'alls, Riviere iJu I^mip 22 St. John to Welsford, I'ledericton 29 .St. John lo Moncton. Amherst, Truro. Hahfax 30 Moncton lo Shediac, Chatham, Halhurs , Camp- belhon- 3O N'armoiith lo Weymouth, Dighy, Annapolis, Kenlville, Windsor, I laUfax 39 \'armouth to Shelluirne, Liverpool, Hridgewater, Halifax 4^ Truro to New (Hasgow, Antigonish, Mulgrave. . 46 Aniigonish to Sherhrooke 48 Antigonish to (juyshoro, Canso 49 Antitjonish to Isaac's I larbor 50 Charlotletown to Gcfirtfetow n 51 Charlottetown to Kustico Heach 52 Charlotletown to Hrackley Heach 52 Kastpnrt to Calais, Si. Stephen 53 I'"redericlon to Sheftield 54 Fredericton to Marysvillc 54 Middleton to Herwick 55 New Glasgow to Pictou 55 22. 23- 24. 2S. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30- 3}- 34. 35- 3(>- 3X. 39- 40. 41. 42. 43- 44. St. John to Gondola Point 5(1 St. John to Cedars 57 St. John to Loch Lomond, St. Martins 58 St. John to Golden Grove 59 St. John to Mispcck 59 Mill \'i!lage to liridgewater 60 Truro to Kconoiny, Five Islands, I'arrsboro. . . . 61 Woodstock to Hartland, Morcncevilie, Andover 62 Woodstock to Houlton 63 retiicodiac to Havelock 63 Suinuiersiile to Charlottetown 64 Rustico Heach to .Summerside. ... .... 64 Port Ilawkeshury to St, I'eters, Galierousc, Sydney Port IIawkesl)ury lo St. Peters antl Sydney ... . 6(> Port Ilawkeshury lo Port Hastings, Orangedale, (irand Narrows, .Sydney 67 Port Ilawkeshury to Port Hood, Baddeck, Sydney dS Haddeck to Mar}:;aree Harbor 70 Sydney to Hras I)'or, Cape Xorth 71 (iaberouse to Louishurg, Sydney 72 St. Peters to .Vrichat 72 Moncton to Shediac 73 Moncton to I lillsborough y^ Boston to Portland, Bangor, Calais 74 I'. Acadia Mines, N. S., 34 | Alljert, X. B., 7^ Albert Bridi^e, C. R, 72 Amherst, N. S., 33 [ Anagance, N. H. , 3 1 j Andover, N. B., ... .26, 62 , Annapolis, X. S., 40 j Antigonisli, N. S., 47, 48, 49, 50 Apohatjui, N. li., 31 Argyle, N. S., 50 Arichat, C. B., 72 Aroostook Junction, N. B., 26 Auburn, N. S., 41 ."vu^usta, Me., 79 Aulac, N. B., 33 Aylesford, N. S 4I1 55 Baddeck, C. B., 69, 70 lialmoral, C. B., 65, 66, 72 Bang(3r, Me., So Barnesville, X. B 5S Barringlon, N. S., 34 Barrington i'assage, N. S., 43 liarton, N. S. , 39 Bass River, X. S., 61 Batenian's .Spring, N. B. , 36 P.ath, X. B 62 Bathurst, N. B., 37 Bayside, X. B., 19 INDEX. Bear River, N. S. , 40 Bear River Station, N. ,S., 40 Beaver Cove, C. B., 68 Bedford, N. S., 42 Belledune, N. B., 38 Ben Lomond, N. B. (See Loch Lo- nif)nd), , . Benson's Corner, N. B. , 17, 19 Benton, Me., 79 Berwick, \. S., 41, 55 Beverly, Mass., . 74 Bible Hill, X. S., 46 Biddeford, Me., 76 Big Bras d'Or, C. B., 71 Big Bridge, C. B., 65 Big Brook, C. B., 67 Big Harbor, C. B., 69 Big Pond, C. B., 67 151ack Bridge, N. S., 47 Black River, X. B., 5S Boisdale, C. B. 68 Boom, C. B., 67 Bonaventure River, Que., 38 Boston, Mass., 74 Boularderie, C. B., .... 69 Boundary Creek, N. B. , . .... 32 Boundary Line ( Me. and N. B.), . . 63 Bowdoinham, Ale., 78 Brackley Beach, 1'. K. L , 52 Brewer, Me. , 80 Bridgetown, N. S., 40 Bridgewater, N. S., 45, 60 Broad Cove, N. S., 60 Brockway, N. B., 21 Brooktield, N. S., 3:; Brooklyn, N. S. , 44 Brook N'illage, C. I'.., 69 Brookville, N. B., 30 Brown's Flats, N. B., 23 Brunswick, Me., 78 Buctouche, N. B., 36 Bucklaw, C. B. , 69 iBurnham Junction, >., 79 Calabash Road, C. » , 6q Calais, Me., 53» '^^i Cambridge, X. S.. 41 Campbellton, iV. B., 38 Canso, X. S. , 49 Canterbury, X. B. ( .see Meductic ), Cape Xorth, C. B., . 71 Caplin, '^^lue., 38 Cara(]uet, X. B., 37 Carmel, Me. , 80 ("arleton, (^ue., 38 Cariboo Mar.'^h, C. B., . . . . 66 Cash's ('orner. Me., 76 I- . 52 So 40 45, 60 60 21 35 44 69 30 23 7X 36 69 79 69 53, «' 41 3f^ 49 leciuctic ), 71 3^ 37 So 3S 66 7^' I Calalone, C. 15., Cavendish, l\ K. I., Cedars, N. B., Charlo, N. B., Charlottetown, P. E. I.,. , . .51, 52, Chatham, N. H., Chelsea, Mass., Cherryfield, Me., Chester, N. S., Cliester liasin, N. S., Christmas Island, C. B., . Church i'oint, N. B., CIements))ort, N. S., Clifton, N. B., Clifton I'erry, N. B., 56, Clinton, Me., Clyliurn Brook, C. H., Clyde River, N. S., C'ocaigne, N. B., Coldbrook, N. B. , 30, Coldbrook, \. S., ('ullingwood Corner, N. S., Columbia Falls, Me., Country Harbor Cross Rd's, N. S., ("oxheath Ikidge, C. 15., Crosspoint, (,)ue., Cross Roads, C. B., Crow Harbor, N. B., Dalhousie, N. B. , 72 Dartmouth, N. S. , 35 64 57 3X 64 37 74 81 45 4"; 68 37 40 57 57 79 71 43 36 59 41 34 81 50 68 3'^ 68 18 3« Dedham, Me., 80 D'Kscousse, C. B., 72 Dennysville, Me., Si Digby, N. S., 40 Digdeguash, N. B., 17 Dorchester, \. B., 32 Dorchester Road Crossing, N. 15., 73 Dunstan's Corner, Me., 76 Dyers, N. B., 17 Kast Bay, C. B., 67 East Machias, Me.. 81 Eastport, Me. , S3 East I'ubnico, N, S., 43 Economy, N. S., 61 Edmunston, N. B., * 27 Eel River, \. B., (See Meductic.) Ellsworth, Me., 81 Ellsworth Falls, M , 80 i;imsdale, N. S., 35 Enfield, N. S., 3S Englishtown, C. 15., 71 F^stmere, C. 15., ^>7 Etna, Me., 80 Fairfield, Me 79 Fairville, N. 15 18, 22 Falmouth F'oreside, Me., 77 Five Islands, N. .S., . . 61 Florenceville, N. B., 26, 62 1) Folly Village, \. S.,. 34, 61 Fort Ingalls, (^ne., 28 Fox Creek, N. 15., 32 Franklin, Me., 81 F'ranklin Roads, Ml. , 81 Freeport, Me., 77 Fredericton, N. B., ... .21, 25, 29, 54 Fredericton Junction, N. 15., 29 French Road, C. 15. , 65 Gaberouse, C. B., ((labarus). . . .65. 72 ( laberouse Lake, C. 15. , (Gabarus) . . 65 Gagetown, \. 15., 24 Gardiner, Me., 78 Geary, N. 1> , 29 Georgetown, I'. E. I., 51 Getson's Cove, N. S., 60 Gibson, N. B. , 54 (Albert's Corner, N. 15., 36 Golden tJrove, N. B., 59 Gold River N. S., 45 ( londola I'oint, N. 15. , 56 Grand .\nse, N. B. , 37 Grand .\nse, C. B.,, 65,66, 72 Cirand 11." , N. 15., 23 Grand lails, X. B., . 27 Cirand Lake, N. S. , 35 Grand N'armw.s Bridge, C. B., . . . . 67 Grand Pre, N. S., 41 Grand River Bridge, C. B., 65 Grandigue Kerry, C. 1! , 72 Cininville, N. S., 40 (ireat X'illage, N. S., .61' drove's Point, C. H., 69 (iiiyshorc), N. S. , 49 Halfway I louse, C. I^., 71 i ilalilax, N. S., 35, 42. 46 Ilalhnvell, Me 7S I lampslead, N. H. , 24 I lampion, k. 15 , 31 I laiiijiton. N. II., 75 ' Ilaiiiuton \illaj;e, N. B., 31 Ilantsport, N. S. , 41 Ilanwcll. N. B 21 IIanis\ille, N. !?., 36 Harrington, Me., 81 Hartlaml, N. B 62: Harvey, (N'ork) N. B., 2[ 1 Ilavelock, N. B , 63 | Haukshaw, N. B., 25 ; 1 la) Cove, C. B. , 66 Ha/el Hi!!, N. S., 49 Heailierlon, N. S., 47 Herman, Me., 80 Hillsboroug!!, N. 1!., 73 Holden, Me 80' I loiiewell Cape, N. H. , 73 I lorton Bridge, N. S. , 41 Houlton, Me., 63 | Hoyt, N. B. IIul)l)ards Cove, N. S. Hunter's Mountain, C. Hunter Kiver, 1'. K. I. Indian i5rook, C B., . Ipswicli, Mass Irish Cove, C. B ,. . . . Isaac's Harbor, N. S., Jacksonville, N. B., . . Jac(|uet River, N. B., Joneshoro, Me., Jones' Creek, N. B., Jordan Kiver, N. S., . |udi(|ue, C. B. , . . . Kempt l\oad, C. B., . . Kcnnelnmk, !\le. , .... Kensington, I'. 1'.. I.,. Kentville, N. S Kilburn, \. B. ,. ... Kingsclear, N. B. , ... Kingstf)n, ( Kent) N. B Kingston, N .S., Ivouchibouguac, N. B. L'Arclievicpie, C. B. , I/, C. B. , . . . . Lake Law, C. 1}.,. . . . Lawrence. N. B., . Lawrencetown, N. S.,. Ltitclie's Creek, C. B., B 65 29 45 70 64 71 75 66 50 26 3^ Si 23 44 68 66 76 64 41 62 25 36 41 37 65 65 70 21 40 6S Lepage's Corner, I'. I*^. I., 52 Lepreaux, N. B. , 18 Lew isville, N. li. , 36 Liverpool, N. S , 44 Little Bras d'Or, C. B. 69, 7 1 Lncli Lomond, X. B., 58 Lockport, N. S , 44 Londonderry, N. S., 34 Lcmg I'oint. C. B., 68 Louisburg, C. B., 72 Lower Argyle, N. S 43 Lower L'Ardoise, C. I!., 65 Lower I'rince William, N. B., . . . . 25 Low Boint, C. B. , 68 Lunenburg, X. S. , 45 Lynn, Mass., 74 Mal)ou Bridge, C. 1!., 69 Machias, .Me., 81 .Malione Bay, N. S., 45 Malignant Cove, X. S., . . . . 47 Margarce Forks. C B., 70 Margaree Harbor. C. B 70 .Margate, I'. E. I., 64 Maria, Que., ,8 Marion Bridge, C. B , 66 Mary.sville, X. B.,. . .... 54. McFadden's Corner, X. B., . . . .36, 73 McKinnon's Harbour, C. B,, .... 67 Meadows, X. B., 20 < ■' 52 i8 36 44 69, 71 5S 44 34 68 1^ 43 6s I^.,.... 25 68 45 74 69 81 45 47 lo 70 64 ,8 66 .... 51 36, 7J 15., .... 67 20 Meadow Brook Crossing, N. B. , . . 73 Mecluctic, N. B., 25 Melrose, N. S. , 48 Memramcook, \. B., 32 Meteghan, N. S., 39 Melvern S(|uare, N. S. , 55 Middle Capo, C. B 6; Middle River, C. B.,. . 70 Middleton, N. S. , 4°, 55 .Mill Cove, Me 53 Mill Villiage, \. S 44, 60 .Milton. P. K. I., 51, 64 Millville, C. B., 71 .Mispeck. N. B., 59 Moncton, X. B., 32, 36, 73 Moore's Mills, \. B., 20 Mount Uniacke, X. S. , 42 Mt. Thorn., N. S., 46 Mulgrave, N. S., 47 Miis(|uash, X. B., 18 Nauvvigewauk, X. B 31 Nerepis, N. B 29 Xewburg Junction, N. H , 62 Newbury < )Id Town, Mass. , 75 Xewburyport, Mass 75 New Carlisle, (,)ue 38 Newcastle, X. B., 37 New Cilasgow, N. S. , 47, 55 New Harris, C. B., 71 Xewport, .Me. , 80 New Richmond, Que., 38 New River Beach, X. B. , 18 Xortheast Margaree, C. B. , 70 North Iiigonish, C. B. , 71 North Kingston, N. S., 55 Norton, N. B., 31 North Rustico, P. K. I. , 64 North .Sydney, C. B., 69, 71 Northwest Arm, C. B., 68 North Wiltshire, P. E. 1 64 Notre Dame du Lac, <^)ue. , 28 Xyanza, C. B., 69 )ak Bay, N. 15.,.. 17, 19 )ak Hill, Me., 76 Oak Point, N. B., 23 )gun(|uit. Me., 76 )rangedale, (.'. B., 67 )romocto, N. B. , 24, 29 ).Kford, X. S. , 34 Parrs boro X. S., 61 'aspebiac. Que. , 38 'eel, X. B., 62 ^ennfield Corner, N. B. , iS 'ennfield Station, N. B., 18 'enobsijuis, N. B. , 31 erry. Me., 53 Perth, N. B. 62 'etitcodiac, X, B., 32, 63 'etite Riviere, N. S., 60 'elite Rocher, N. B., 37 11 Pictou, N. S 55 Pictou Landing, X. S., 55 Pittsfield, Me., 80 Port Gilbert, N. S., 39 Port Hastings, C. H., 67, 68 Port Hawkesbury, C. B., 65, 66, 67, 68 Port I lood, C. B 69 Port Joli, X. S 44 Portland, Me 76 Port Matoun, N. S ,. 44 Port >railland, X. S., 39 Portsmouth, N. H., 75 Po(|uiock (See Hawkshaw. N. P..), Pownal, P. 1:. L, 51 Red Beach, Me. , 55 Red Lslands, C. B 66 Richibucto, N, B. , 36 Richmond, Me. , 78 Richmond Corner, N. H., 63 River Dennis, C. B., 67 River du Loup, Que., 28 River Inhabitants Bridge, C. B., 65,66 Riverside. N. B 30 Riverside, Me., 79 Robbinston, .Me., 53 Roix Station ( Road), N. B., 17 Rothesay, X. B., 30, 56 Rowley, Mass. , 75 Rustico Beach, P. E. 1 52, 64 Rusticoville, P. E. L, 64 ii la ■ Sal)lc kivcr, N. S Sackville, N. B., Saco, Me Salem, Mass., Salem, \. S., Salisl)ury, N. 15. Salispriiigs, N. S., Saulnierville, N. S., Seahidok, N. H., Shac; I larhor, N. S. . . Shediac, \. B., 36, Shetlielfi, N. H., .'. . Shelluirne, N. S Shell irookc, N. S., Slnilienacadie, N. S., Shunacailie, C. H., Silver Kails, \. H Smith's Cove, \. S., Soldiet's ("ove, C. J-*., South Hay, N. H., • St)uth Kay Ingonish, C. I!., S(>uth Branch, N. B., Sprinshill, N. B Spruce Lake, N. B., Stillwater 15ridge, N. li St. Andrews, N. B. St. .Andrews, N. S., 49, .St. Francis, (^ue St. (leorge, N. B., St, Honore, (^ue., 44 St. Jacciiies, N. B., 27 3? St. lohn, N. B., 19,22,29,30,56,58,59 76 St. Louis, N. B. , 56 74 St, Margarets Hay, N. .S., 45 46 St. Martins. N, B 58 32 St. Marys, N, B , 54 46 St. Peters, C". B., 65, 66, 72 39 St. Rose, (^iw. , 27 75 St. Stephen, X. B., 17, i<), 20, 53 43 Stellarton, N. S 46 73 Summerside, P. E. I ... 64 54 Sussex, N, B., 31 44 Sutherland's River, N. S., 47 48 Sydney, C. B., . .66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72 35 Sydney Forks Bridge, C. !>.,.. . . .67 68 Sydney Mines, C. !>., 69, 71 58 Tabusintac, N. B 37 40 Tea Mill, P. E, L, 51 66 Tear River, C. B., 65, 66, 72 23 Thomas' Corner, N. B. . 21 71 Thorburn, N. S., 47 29 Topsham, Me., .... 78 25 Torryburn, N. B., 30 18 Tracadie, N. B., 37 17 Tracadie, N. S. , 47 19 Trenton, N. S., 55 50 Truro, N. S., 35, 46, 61 22 Tusket, N. S., 43 17 Upper Gage(own, N. B., 24 28 Upper Settl'mt Middle River, C. B. 70 I Upper Woodstock, N. B., 26 X'anwart's, N. B , 24 Vassalbt ro, Me., 79 \'ernon River, P. K. L, 51 X'icioria Corner, N. B., 26 X'ogier's Cove, N. S., 60 Waterville, N. B. , 26 Waterville, .\. S., 41 Watervilje, Me. , jt) W'averley, N. S. , 35 VVaweig, N. B. , 17 Wells, N. II., 76 Welsford, N. B., 29 Wenham, Mass., 75 Westchester, N. S., 34 Westfield Beach, N. B., 23, 29 Westville, N. S., 46 Weymouth, N. S. , 39 Whycocomagh, C. B., 69 1 Willow Grove, N. B., . . 5S \ Wilmot, N. S.,.. 40 'i Windsor, N. S. , 42 Winslow, Me., 79 Wolfville, N. S., 41 Wood's Harbor, N. S., 43 Woodstock, N. B., 25, 26, 42, 63 Wreck Cove, C. B., 71 N'armoulh, N. S. , 39> 43 \'armouth, Me., 77 \'ork ( x)rner, Me., 76 York .Mills, N. B 21 I.' 24 79 5' 26 6o 26 41 79 35 17 7C> 2() 75 34 23,29 46 39 69 5'^ 40 42 79 41 43 25, 26, 42, 63 71 39,43 77 76 21 la lS,\Y, !■'. \V. UOAi H, In.. .\. l-'OWI.KK, C. W. IIAI.I., J. .S. .SlANKIN, - I |. !•■. Hkkton, F. W. C'ooMr.s, - J. S. Mai.i OI.M, ('MAS. COSTEK, \V. R. Carson, i:. W. GlVAN, LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. Ivlmunslon. Woodstock. Si. John. St. John. St. Jtihn. St. John. St. John. St. John. - St. John. Si. John St. Stephen. Moncton. R. II. T!;i'.MAiNi;, \V. A. Km II, C. L. IlANlNiilON, A. 1;. INCS, - W. II. IIakri>on, T. S. JiiixiK, K. 1). SOIOAN, - C. K. Crook, J. Vak McDonald, \V. S. ARrmuAi.i), Wm. I.ITIICOW, - II. ].. Dknnison, Amherst. Truro Diirchester. Chiirlottetown. .Sackville. Liverpool. lierwick. Sydney. New (ilusgow. Antiijonish. - Halifax. Di.i;t.y. 14 LIST OF HOTELS, NEW BRUNSWICK. Albert, Globe $i.oo lAndover, Perley's 1.50 Hathurst, Robertson 1.50 Buctouchc, Hay View i.oo ^'Campbellton, Royal 1.25 ^Chatham, Adams 1.50 Dalhousie, Murphy's 1.50 ** Dorchester, Windsor 2.00 *Edmunston, Herbert 1.50 Florencevilie, McMidlen I.oo *Fredericton, <^ueen 2.00 (lagetown, Mrs. Simpson's .... I.oo *(irand Falls, Commercial 1.50 *l lampton, Vendome 1.50 Hartland, Commercial I.oo I lartland, Thornton I.oo llillsboro, Ward's I.oo Hopewell Cape, Albert i.oo Kingston (Kent) Royal I.oo Lepreaux, Stafford's $1.00 Long Beach, Cedars (dinner 40c) 1.25 *Moncton, American 2.00 Newcastle, Waverley 1.50 Oromocto, Riverside 1.50 *Petitcodiac, Mansard 1.25 Port Elgin, Barker i.oo Richibucto, Irving I-So! *Sackville, Brunswick 1.50 *Shediac, Weldon 2.00 *St. Andrews, Kennedy's 2.00 St. George, Park's 1.25 SSt. John, Dufferin 3.00 *St. Martins, Kennedy's 1.50 St. Stephen, Windsor 2.00 *Sussex, Depot House 1.50 TTorryburn, Clairmont i.oo * Woodstock, Carlisle 2.00 NOVA SCOTIA. Amherst, Terrace $2.00 Amherst, Amherst 1.15 Annapolis, (Queen's .$1.25 Antigonish, Central 1.20 Arichat, Seaview 1. 15 Aylesford, Aylesford 80 Baddeck, Telegraph 1.20 Berwick, Central i.oo Bridgetown, Grand Central 1.16 Bridge water, Fairview 1.25 Canning, Canning i.oo Chester, Lovett 1.40 Digby, New Royal 1.20 Grand Pre, Grand Pre 80 Guysboro, Grant's i.oo Halifax, Queen 1.50 Kentville, Porter 1. 1 5 Kingsport, Central i.oo Kingston, Valley i.oo Lawrencetown, VAm 1.60 Little Glace Bay, Park 1.20 Liverpool, Thorndike 1. 15 Lockport, Seaview , i.oo Lower Blomidon, Blomidon .... I.oo LIST OF HO f ELS —Continued $1.25 1. 20 LIS .So 1.20 1. 00 1. 16 1.25 1. 00 1.40 1.20 .80 1. 00 1.50 1. 15 1. 00 1. 00 1.60 1.20 1. 15 1. 00 1. 00 Luiicnlnirij, King's $1.00 Melrose, Canicrun's 1.25 Middleton, Micklletun 1.20 Mulgrave, Seaside i.oo \ew Glasgow, Vendome 1.20 Oxford, Dufterin i.oo I'arrsboro, (jrand Central I.oo I'ort Hastings, Hastings 1.20 Port I lawkesbury, Far(|uhar. . . . 1.20 Sherhrooke, McDaniel's I.oo Shubenacadie, Sherman's i.oo St. I'eters, Morrison'.-, .$1.20 j Brackley Point, Shaw's $ Sydney, McKen/ie 1.20 , Charlottetown, Davies 1.50 Truro, Learmont 1.50 ( ieorgetown, Revere i .00 Weymouth, Goodwin 1.20 Windsor, Thomas 1.20 Wolfville, Royul 1. 15 Kensington, ("larkt Montague, Village i.oo Stanhojie, Pt. Pleasant. Yarmouth, Grand 2.00 j Souris, Seaview 2.00 Summerside, Clifton 2.00 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Alberton, Kllis, .$ Brackley Point, Houston's Tracadie, Acadia. Vernon Kiver I5ridge, Findlay. 15K.I1I aioNS TO ('. W. A :— t 2.') ct'iils. 2") pt-i- i-ent. [ 10 per itiii. S >'2.oi) per day and iiO ctM. for meals to C. \V. A. Meiii)iei> Jill- ilay and meals 40 ots. to ('. \V. .\. Members. •[ 80 cts. per day meals 40 els. to ('. W. A. Mi'iiiliers. I.OO -■1,.')0 Id GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. hills. Abbreviations used. '1'. K. -turn to right. T. I-. — turn to left. K. 1''. — right fork. I.. I'.- left fork. T. 1'. telegraph or tele[)hone poles. X R. — cross roads. Distances. On the opj)Osite page the figures in brackets after Benson's Corner mean that that place is 5 miles from St. Stephen; Oak Hay 6i{. miles from St. Stephen, etc. The figures before the towns beginning a paragraph indicate the total distance from starting point of that route. The figures after the towns beginning a paragaph indicate the distance from the town beginning the preceding [)aragraph. For example -•V-'|. St. (leorge, 32^/^, means St. (leorge is ^^^ miles from St. Stephen. "){)^. Lepreaux, 26)^2, means that Lepreaux is ^g}( miles from St. Stephen and 26^/^ from St. (leorge. S()A. St. John, 27):^, indicates that St. John is 86)4 miles from St. Stephen and 27^^ from Lepreaux. Direct invariably means to follow the road most travelled. This system is used throughout the book except in the route from Boston to Calais. n flOUTE 1. ST. STEPHEN TO ST. JOHN (Direct). fork. L. K- mean that that ures before the The figures the preceding II St. Stephen. III St. (ieorge. oiii Lepreaux. irout^hout the ST. STEPHEN. Windsor Hotel. — Road for most [)art gravel, with good riding, witiiout any ills. 'i\ L. along \\'ater street to King, 'I'. L. out King; i mile out take R. V. ; 2 miles out take F., thence direct to Benson's Corner (5) ; take R. V. and follow shore road to Oak Bay {(^y^)- Dirt road, hilly but fair riding. Cross bridge at head of Bay, over Lily hill. Take first road to I,. 1 mile further along T. 1,. ; thence direct to Roix Station (9^2). Take direct road ui) long grade to Waweig (10^4), dirt road, rolling, good wheeling. Leaving W'aweig T. R. three and half miles to river; T. R. and then 3 miles to bridge, cross, T. R. and direct to Dyer's (17^)- ''"'iL'iice direct to Digdeguash (203/^). Road hilly and bad. Take K. F. thence direct to Stillwater Bridge (223/^). Don't cross bridge but keep to L. until you meet main road with T. l\ In meeting road from St. George, one is apt to keep straight ahead, in which case you would bring up in St. Andrews. Turn sharp to L. where roads join. Follow direct to •i-f. ST. GEORGE, 32^. -Park's Hotel.— The old post road from St. (ieorge to I>epreaux is Igood only for about 3 miles, after which the road goes through a desolate stretch of country, little inhabited, until Lepreaux is reached, some 35 miles. The road is sandy, and nothing but wagon and I horse tracks to ride i I'his route is not recommended. Much the better way is to leave the T. l"s I! I>S ahoiil 3 miles out of St. (Icorgc, unci T. R. to Pennfield Corner (6), 'I'. 1,. over an decant gravel, level road to Pennfield Station (lo). It is atlvisable to take the train from here to l.epreaux oi Mus(iuash. I'Or those who wish to ride over a rough and had road along the coast, take R. I"", about half a mile after leaving Pennfield station across railroad track and direct to Crow Harbor (i^jj). I". L. thence direct to New River Beach (n;,'^), T. I- thence direct to railroad crossing (32)4), where you meet the road left three miles out from St. ( leorge, V. R. following 'V. V. lo ■"j9|. LEPREAUX, 26 j4.— Stafford's Hotel.— T. P. now run direct to St. John. The road for the first mile or so is fair then nothing but wheel and horse tracks for about six miles, then road suddenly becomes gravel and good 10 Musquash i')-^/^)- Dean's Hotel. Some hills will be encountered after crossing draw-bridge but surface is good and good time can be made. With the exception of a vast stretch of peat moss a few miles out there is very little to attract the eye of the tourist until the road strikes the shores of Ludgate and Spruce Lakes, which it skirts for some few miles to Spruce Lake Station (18). 20 mile.s out the jjay of Fundy comes in sight and continues so until inside the city limits. I'bllow direct street right through Fairville (24). After crossing railroad take L. V. crossing Suspension Bridge (over reversible falls) keeping direct road to left over railroad again, (now called Douglas Avenue) to M^jn street, with double car tracks. T. R. I %ollo\ jalong ST . street , Bens • more I from < to B< ( Iroix elegant gravel, ,» I ..,>r-.o,,v ,^ Trollowing douhlf tracks to Market Sciiiare, thence up King street to (Iharlotle (tup ol liill), \j I i.). ossing (22 Vo), f<(\^ ST. JOHN, 27X. — Dufferin Hotel. to The road fcjr es, then road hills will be made. With xvX the eye of irts for some in sight and (24). After hrect road to lacks. T. R. .flOUTE 2. I ST. STEPHEN TO ST. JOHN (Via St. Andrews). I ST. STEPHEN. Windsor Hotel. — (Iravel road, rolling, good wheeling. T. L. along Water [street to King, T. L, out King. 1 mile out take R. F. 2 miles out take R. 1"'. thence direct to Benson's Corner (5). R. F. and follow shore road direct to Oak Bay (C^yj). Road now gets more hilly and is a dirt one, but very fair wheeling. T. R. cross bridge over Lily Hill. Two miles from O. B. take R. 1*'., Waweig Bridge (9/^). Haifa mile from bridge take R. 1". thence direct to Bayside (12). (Iravel road, hilly, but good riding. The road follows within sight of the St. ( 'roix river direct to 21. ST. ANDREWS, 21. — Kennedy's Hotel.- 'I'his town is a famous watering ulace and is visited by thousands of tourists every year. It is very prettily situated on a hill sloping to the water, |!1 20 which encompasses three sides of it. Streets and roadways in the vicinity are splendid for bicycles. The road from here to where it joins the post road from St. Stephen to St. John (about 15 miles) contains many hills and is rough and stony in places, but fair riding. The scenery from ' T the hills is very beautiful. V. R. at hotel then T. R. first street, straight along to third cross street, then T. 1-. following direct road past the Algon(|uin Hotel. There are very few bye-roads to confuse one, ami as the 'I\ I', follow the post road th'ire is no danger of going astray. About 14 miles out the T. P. leave the post road to get across the Digdeguash river at a narrow point, but join the post road again a short distance lieyond the Digdeguash Bridge (painted dark red), where road forks. Take R. ¥. (L. 1'". goes to St. Stephen). From this point follow directions given in Route No. i. J! iiU ROUTE 3. ST. STEPHEN TO FREDERICTON. tJT. STEPHEN. — Windsor Hotel. — Road for most part gravel with good riding, without an) hills. Leaving hotel T. 1-. along Water street to King, T. L. straight out King for one mile, then take R. F. 2 miles out take F. F. thence direct road to Moore's Mills ("^/i). T. R. crossing bridge then T. F. About a mile take I.,. F. 2 miles out T. R. at railroad crossing thence direct to Meadows (14). Road is mostly a dirt one with a few medium hills, l)ut (juite good for wheeling. I lid for bicycles. ||^eaving Meadows follow direct road for 2 miles then take- R. I", direct to Lawrence (19). about 15 miles) ^(jirect road running underneath railroad track. (Road turning to left goes into Station), with fair wheeling. Follow direct to om ' T the hills reet, then T. 1,. infuse one, and s out the T. P. post road again s. Take R. ¥. ■>i r 01 low Rollincf I g, without any one mile, then r. R. crossing lence direct to 1 for wheeling. 2(5. BROCKWAY, 26. Meals can be obtained at Young's (on R. side). Patches of sand will jbe met with, no hills of any account, and fairly good wheeling. Direct road to Thomas' Corner [(10) T. R. down hill, cross bridge, thence direct to York Mills (13 J^)- Road now becomes more hilly. Cross bridge, then over a hill about two miles U;ng, keeping to right, direct into 17. HARVEY, 21. Mrs. Holland's Hotel— Road rather hilly but cjuite good riding. After [crossing railroad track keep to right, 3 miles out take R. I''. (The L. F. comes out at a point on the St. John river about 15 miles above Fredericton, and is a good road). Road gets more hilly now I and continues so. Follow direct road to Hanwell (13), thence direct to Fredericton. Nearing thi.s city there is a long down grade, dangerous for coasting. "M. FREDERICTON, 26.— <^)ueen Hotel. — En(|uire for the Boating and Hicycling club. 4 ' i I ,: I- •22 ROUTE 4 a. ST. JOHN TO RIV. DU LOUP, Via Fredericton, Woodstock, Grand Falls, etc. ST. JOHN. — Duffciiii Hotel. T. R. along ( 'harlotte street to King, T. L. down King to Market S(iuare, following double car tracks along Dock, Mill and Main streets to Douglas avenue (ist street to left just beyond church with clock in tower), '1'. L. following Douglas avenue direct, crossing Sus pension Bridge (at mouth of St. John river) and passing Lunatic Asylum (brick buildings to left), to I'airville crossing. At present a considerable portion of the above streets are paved with wooden blocks, making an exceedingly rough surface, ^^nch the better way is via Cnrleton, which is described below. ST. JOHN. Dufferin Hotel. — T. R. along Charlotte street to King, T. 1.. down King to Market Scjuare, '!'. L. across coriier of S(]uare and along \\'ater street to Princess. T. R. to ferry. Fare two cents, no charge for bicycles. After landinj^ in Carleton (West St. John) proceed straight up whart to Union (ist cross street), T. p^^along Union to end, T. I,. u[) King to Ludlow (top of first hill), T. R. along Ludlow to Prince (first cross street), T. L. then straight out Prince direct up to Lancaster Heights, from which a good view of bridges and city is obtainable. Keep direct road to I'airville crossing, where the other route joins. Keep direct street through Fairville (3) keeping to ■i; •it he ddW vroad |g()0( ft(. G foul ( li\ p ;■ run ; ^the 1 left. I of re near direc King to Market enue ( ist street :t, crossing Siis !ings to left), to d with wooden ich is described xiiig to Market rry. I'are two light up whart J of first hill), : direct up to direct road to (3) keeping to [he left going out of it. The road improves as you get out into the country. About a uiile out take k. F at Manchester's corner, following two lines of T. 1*. A short distance along there is a long iown grade, with a good surface, but in coasting one wants to keej) good look out for trains, as the road crosses the railway track at the foot of the steepest part of the hill. Road is gravel and riding !goc;d. Follow direct to South Bay (6) : road gets more hilly but with good surface. Follow direct jto Grand Bay Station (11). There is a long climb here, then considerable down grade over [good gravel road to IH. WESTFIELD BEACH, 15 ■Ciilliland's Hotel. -(See route No. ^.) About one mile I out (at top of short hill) '1". R. crossing bridge over railway thence across the Xerepis bridge lollowing r. P. The road is (juite hilly after this but the\ will not cause much inconvenience. .\s the T. I', run all the way the tourist cannot lose his way. About eight miles out there is a very steej) .lill over the Devil's back, after which there is considerable down grade. Brown's Flats ( 1 2), are on the left. This is summer cani[)-meeting head-(iuarters. Meals can be obtainetl at Mc Kiel's at the corner of road running down to river. Keep direct road to Jones' Creek (14 'J). O'd factor) on left, near top of hill, is Whelpley's skate fa('tory. Road improves towards Oak Point (17), continuing direct to ^4 !)- 38^. VANWART'S, 23. Vanwart's Hotel, — Road gets softer again, hut fair wheeling, gcb\RO rough where it goes through Sjwon Island stone quarries (3). Next stopping place is Hampstead \ (4^). Vanwart's Hotel. About 7 miles from hotel it is advisable to get ferried across thi bay mouth of the Otnabog river and thus save a ride of 7 miles over a rough and hilly road. Aftci ftf 1' crossing Otnabog it is necessary to ride through an intervale for a little over half a mile then |<. fc turn up the hill to the Exhibition hall, T. R. and follow direct road, until meeting road with T. 1'. .iets Just outside of Clagetown poles divide, T. R. down into i)lac( •")f^J. GAGETOWN, 19-)^^. — Simpson's Hotel (Telephone office). — Return same road as enter ing until where T. P. branch, keep straight road following T. P. over a rolling road. A few miles oui the road appears to end abruptly with a gate across roadway, and T. P. running through what one would take to be a private roadway through farm. Just before reaching gate a road turns off to left- Both roads meet further along. Taking the road to left is considered the best one, either road leads to Upper Gagetown (10). Road is rolling and generally good wheeling ; there is a road turning to left, known as the Shirley road, which is a few miles shorter than the one taken by T. P. By making en(]uiries one cannot make a mistake by taking the Shirley road. Both lead to '"^-i- OROMOCTO, 24. — Riverside Hotel. — After crossing draw-bridge over Oromocto river, road gets sandy for a few miles, when it gets harder. Follow T. P. direct to 15 ' wheeling, gei- is Hampstead ried across th illy road. Afki ilf a mile then road with '1". !'. i ^'■' \ ROUTE 4 b. \ *M^. FREDERICTON, 12— (^)ueeii Hotel,— l^miuire for Boating and Bicycling club. Ihey will ay you every attenion. 'I'heir club is very prettily situated on the bank of the river in front f Parliament buildings. 'J\ L. following (^)ueen street to end, then T. L. to first cross street, then T. K- following T. P. direct. Road almost level, with good surface as far as Springhill (5). Road now iets somewhat hilly but good riding to Kingsclear (9). Road continues rolling. Good stopping |)lace at Elmwood Hotel (16). Road gets more hilly to e road as enter l\ few miles out rough what one urns off to left- ther road leads a road turning by T. v. }iy |o iromocto river, 1 the one you left at Ui)per Woodstock. T. L. I'bllowing direct to Florenceville. Kroni this plan through to Riviere du l-oup the telegraph poles run all the way and no mention will be made of an\ forks or cross roads. The road between Woodstock and Florenceville can be described as roUiii. and good riding. b^^-j. FLORENCEVILLE 24. The road being on high ground an excellent view ma)- be hai of the river winding in the valle) below, the railroad and post road on the eastern side of the river ar. also visible. 'I'he road to Andover, is somewhat hilly, Init taken all through it is quite good for wheeling. 1*07}:. ANDOVER, 25. I'erley's Hotel. The road to (Irand Palls is hilly but hard surface and good riding. T. L. ilirei;t to AroostOOk Junction (4), a short distance from the Junction th' road crosses the Aroostook river following its course for about a mile and then turning inland, com ing out on the St. John river at FOU A ■> III ag ^)lid iul t Hiicl lagn l)str ^dmi |() ini iiiles oint nile I run* I's; ann I inti Main stuc; icksonville (5) e road now joir- Kroni this plai 1 l)e made of an\ icribed as rolliiiL icw may be ha' i of the river ar> (juite good fo lard surface aiK: le Junction th ig inland, com ROUTE 4d. -•>-]. GRAND FALLS. :!5 — Commercial Hotel. A day may he advantageously spent in this [llage viewing the falls and gorges. In the latter will l)e found natural wells hollowed out in tlu' )lid rock by the action of water and small stones. .Some (^f the wells are seven and eight feet deep lid tliree to four feet wide. Tht; gorge is spannetl by a suspension bridge about 75 feet high from [hich an excellent view may be had of the falls. The water rushes over a dro]) of 45 feet and is a lagnificent view as it continues on its course boiling and surging until it gets clear of its rocky [bstruction, about a (|uarter of a mile down, when it is calm and peaceful again. The road to idmundston, is rolling and good riding. Several small villages will be passed on the way but are of Jo importance. -:n\. ST. HONORE, 21.— Morin's Hotel (not recommended).— The road to St. Francis (10), — Fournier's Hotel — is mostly down hill all the way. i'he road from here to Riviere du Loup i- fairly good, and down hill. ■m\. RIVIERE DU LOUP, 26.— Commercial Hotel. iou SI I ^■'-' jLbou toad cini Bust" nii fia F; lirect 62. sad' f 74, lub! 1 >» mostly down hil' WOUTE 5. should betakti ST. JOHN, -l^uffcriii Hotel. — Follow same directions as Route No. 4, as far as \'>k WESTFIELD BEACH, 1514.— Gilliland's Hotel.— Road hilly but fairly good riding, rs t'loutier tin ^'"^"^ * '^^''^ ^^^^^ Station keep straight road following T. P. direct to Nerepis Station (5)::). rl First oart ( "^^^^^ "^^^ becomes more hilly and caution is necessary on down hills as turns are sharp, especially in re to St Honor' S^''^''^y '^^ EagJt Rock stone (juarries. At this point the scenery is very fuie. Roads improve Hearing I 25^. WELSFORD, 10.— Johnston's Hotel. -Hilly, with fair riding, l-ollow direct to Hoyt ( i 2). o St. Francis Jpugh Well's good stopping place. (Continue direct road to South Branch Station (16). About iere du Loup i- |^ "'''t; past station leave T. l\ and follow straight road. (The L. F. with T. P. goes to Fredericton fia Fredericton Junction, but the road is little travelled and very rough. Not recommended), l-ollow pirect road to Geary (29). Road gravel, good riding. T'ollow direct to 62^i. OROMOCTO, 37. — Riverside Hotel. — After crossing draw-bridge over Oromocto river, load gets sandy, but fair riding on side paths. Follow T. P. direct to I 74^.. FREDERICTON, 12. — (^ueen Hotel. — Encjuire for the Fredericton Bicycle and Boating "^ lub." :iii 4 ROUTE 6 a. ST. JOHN TO HALIFAX. roa. MONCTON, 24. — American House. 'I'. I,., following straight out Main street, past sugar refinery and over Hall's Creek Bridge, to (.'barter's ("orner (2). (Road to left goes to Shediao. I'oUow straight road, cjuite sai'dy in spots, through Fox Creek, (5), a scattered village of Fren( li (U-scent, direct to Mcdinley's Corner, T. L. crossing Dorchester River and railroad at Memramcook Station, (r5). Continue straight up the hill, T. R. following '1'. W direct to Dorchester. Just bt fore reaching Dorchester the large stone building on left is the provincial penitentiary, an inspection of which will prove both interesting and instructive. Ib^. DORCHESTER, 2:i— Windsor Hotel. Road generally sandy and hilly but fair ridini. until Hearing Sackville, when it improves. Leaving hotel, cross over hill directly in front, following Stati the ru! of the roatl c About the 111 Sfraigl ^W)ssi nou I ar the most jKnt direct road am ;. After leavitu indary Creek treet, past sug.ii oes to Shediac) illage of Frend, ^emramcook ster. Just bt I, an inspection but fair ridin. front, followin- in. T. I', to liiilmer's Mills (5), where road forks, the right fork leading through Wcstccjck, and the left through i'rosty Hollow. 'I'hese forks join again before Sackville is reached, and are of about c-(|ual length. The left fork is considered the best for wheeling. Sackxille is the seat of Mt. Allison Colleges (Methodist), and a few hours can be profitabl}- spt-nt there, visiting the art gallery and institutions. 1-7. SACKVILLE, 9. - IJrunswick House. — Clay road, good with few hills. Leaving hotel "I". L. along Main street T. K. Bridge (1st. street continuing direct across Tantramar marsh to Aulac Station (4). Just after leaving Aulac there is a steep hill. (At to|) of hill the road to right leads to the ruins of Fort Cumberland, formerly Fort Beau.sejour, taken from the French in 1765. Outside C^ the mounds and ruins of old building, very little remains of this once famous fort). Keep direct road crossing the Missicjuash bridge (the dividing line between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia). About 7^2 miles out a road turns off to the right leading down to the dock and pumping station of the marine railway. ( n niering Amherst, road [)asses Robb's l-'oundry, now called Laplanche street, straight ahead to \'ictoria street, T. R. along Victoria turning left again at railroad crossing (but not cro^^ing track) to Terrace Hotel. nOUTE 6 c. 1">7. AMHERST, 10. — Terrace Hotel. — Road a dirt ont .vith some steep hills but generally m M I oil' rolling. '1'. R. along Victoria street to Church, T. R. following Church street out of town. About mile out T. R. at top of hill, keep direct road. 4>'2 miles out Curran's mills are passed, keep dirn road. 7 miles out take L. F. up the hill. Take L. F. thence direct road until about i6 miles di then take R. F. direct to 15*.). OXFORD, 2 2.- Dufferiii Hotel. — ('ross I. ('. R. track, taking direct road, following il course of the River PhiHp to Collingwood Corner (8). T. L. thence direct to 177. WESTCHESTER, i8.~Purdy's Hotel.— Follow direct road. 'i"he first lo miles rollin, with fair wheeling, then hilly and down grade for next four miles to Acadia Mines (14). Waverl Hotel. Road good, hills not troublesome, follow direct road to Londonderry Station (i' Cross railroad track and continue direct. ; miles from station '!". F. then two miles more into IIOUT 212. keepinj T. !.. a Dirt ro §irect harder, to Wa good r( 271. 272. 19H. FOLLY VILLAGE, 21. — Frasers Hotel. — Dirt road with few medium hills, quite gu( wheeling. Direct road. 3 miles out T. L. thence direct for nine miles. T. R. for half a mile the T. ]-. following straight road (Elm street) into Truro. At end of Elm street T. L. into Prince stree; lot of ft along Prince for aboiit half a mile then T. R. into Ingli.s, at end of Inglis T. L. and the Learmoi Hotel is a few blocks along the Esplanade on the left. I ,'n. About (in sed, keep cliiei lUt 16 miles m i, following i! I s.^ nOUTE 6d. lilli. TRURO, 14. — Learmont Hotel. — Direet road, fair wheeling, few medium hills. I". R. keeping direct along Esplanade to Inglis, 'I\ R. along Inglis to Prince, T. !,. along Prince to Willow, T. I- and straight out Willow, follow direct road, with 'I'. P. to Brookfield (8). Graham House. Dirt road, few medium hills, fair wheeling with some had spots. Keep direct road to li.'M. SHUBENACADIE, 22. — Sherman House. — Dirt road, rolling, several patches of sand. Direct road to Elmsdale (10). Sand gets worse on the way to Enfield (13). Road now gets [o miles rolliii, harder, but rough. Follow direct road to Grand Lake (17). Considerable down hill on the way (14). Waver! jq Waverlcy (25). T. I,. leaving 1". !'. and follow along the shores of a c^hain of lakes, over a fairly Station d" good road to more into i'71. DARTMOUTH, ,57.— lake ferry across Bedford Basin to )ills, quite goo lalfamilethi, I'Ti'. HALIFAX, 38. — nucen Hotel. Encjuire for the Ramblers Bicycle Club. They are a jolly to Prince strec! lot of fellows, will take you in hand and give you a right good welcome. 1 the Learmoi i m i ROUTE 7 a. MONCTON TO CAMPBELLTON. Via Shediac «See Route 42), Chatham, Bathurst, Dalhousie. MONCTON, -Amcriraii House. — '1'. L. along Main street to Telegraph street, T. L. followin. direit ai)» 1 • '^ to McFadden's Corner dO'.. ), '!"• !■• crossing Scoudac river to 1'"^. SHEDIAC, i 1 )y.sart's bote Follow 'J'. I' • following T. I' V cutting acros- 'w T. P. to St. Louis (7), thence direct to Kouchibouguac ( 1:;), thence direct to Hall-way House (20) l''lanaL;an's hotel. Rolling earth road with sand here and there to nOUTE 7 b. "•'". CHATHAM, 40. — Adams House. — (This is(|uitea lumherinu; town on the Miraniichi ri\er. Six miles further up the river is the town of Ne\vc;astle. 'I'here is a direct inland road from ( 'hatham to iiathurst hut it is little travelled and very had). Road somewhat hilh. with some sand. Cross Sttam ferr\ following direct road with 'I'. I', direct to Church Point (20). Davidson's hotel. Tabusintac (27), Mrs. McNeil keeps hoarding house. I.arth road, level, fair wheeling, hollow T. I'. !*. TRACADIE, 42. — Young's Hotel. Road rolling with sand patches. Follow direct road t(v Caraquet (22). Mrs. Foley's st()pi)ing place, but poor. Follow T. I*, over an earth and corduro) road with poor riding to Grand Anse (,^7). Dunn's hotel. Road now much improved and mostly gravel. Follow shore of Ha) ( "haleur to BOUTE 7 c. -0(i. BATHURST, 67. — Robertson — Earth and gravel, hilly, fair riding.. The pf>st road and railroad are generally within sight of each other. I'oUow '1" !'. direct to Petit Rocher (12). ,•« (Jomeau's hotel. Road improves and of a gravel surface. 'I'his stretch is probably one of the bes! roads in the Maritime i'rovinces. Follow direct to Belledune (22). (Iravel road, rolling, fuu riding. Follow direct to 2;i5. JACQUET RIVER, 29. — Barclays Hotel. — (iravel, rolling and good wheeling. Follow direct road to Charlo ( 13). Henderson's hotel. Road rolling imtil nearing I )alhousie, when it get- hilly, good surface. Follow 'J'. 1'. tlirect to ■-T)!. DALHOUSIE, 19. — Murphy's Hotel. This is a famous watering place on Bay Chaleur and large crowds flock here every summer, (loing out road is hilly after which it becomes rolling, Earth and gravel road, good riding. Follow T. P. direct to -'70. CAMPBELLTON, 16.— Royal Hotel or Waverley. — O])posite Campbellton is Cross Poini, from which place there is a very good road following the (Quebec coast of Bay Chaleur, through Carleton, Maria, New Richmond (summer home of the (jovernor General of ('anada), Capliii, Bonaventure River, New Carlisle to Paspebiac. The road from Campbellton up towards the St. l>awrence river is all grown up and ])ractically unridable for nearly a hundred miles. ;«*■ one of the lK^' ad, rolling, tin, eeling. Follow sie, when it gcN )n Bay Chaleui lecoines rolling. 1 is Cross Point, haleur, through inada), Capliii. towards the Si. ROUTE 8 a. YARMOUTH TO HALIFAX. Via Land of Evangeline. YARMOUTH. — Grand Hotel. — ^For about three miles out of town the roads are soft, hut good riding on side paths, after which road improves. T. P. run on post road all the wa}' through. 'i\ R. ifollowing Main street direct, out of town direct to Port Maitland (i i^/j^). 'I'here is a fine sandy .|»e;ich here, in sight of road, where salt water bathing can be had. This village is (juite a summer resort. .\ mile or two out, the road gets rutty but good riding on sides of road. The inhabitants are ttiosily I'Vench, but able to speak English. Follow direct road to -"'('. METEGHAN, 2']i/l. — (Me-taig-en, em[)hasison second s) liable), -(lerman's Hotel. — Road now improves with few patches of sand, es[)ecially in vicinity of Saulnierville (5) Sown-yer- ville). Road now becomes rolling with good surface. Follow tlirect to 17.}, WEYMOUTH, 20. (loodwins Hotel. — Little hill)- in vicinit\, but two or three miles out^ road is rolling, with splendid surface. Follow T. P. direct to Port Gilbert (7), thence direct to Barton (12). A short distance from here road leaves coast going inland through an uninteresting Stretch. After going underneath railroad track T. L. following direct road. Entering Digby is a long coast. Road turns sharp to left at bottom of hill thence direct street to i\i i 40 <)74-. DIGBY. DulTeiin Hotel. A steep hill going (jut of Digby then rolling, gravel with gdm riding. T. R. along Water street, T. R. Warwick (3rd.) street, up Kjng hill, following direct road. A short distance out where road runs underneath the railroad track, keej) K. F. Follow direct to Cn< X. R., T. 1-. leaving 'W I', iheni'e direct to Smith's Cove (6). Direct rolling road of gravel h Bear River Station (S). About -^4 mile from station take K. F. crossing \ictoria bridge over Beai river. (The R. F. follows the bank of river to Bear River Village 4 '_■). After crossing bridu^ take F. F. (R. F. leads to village of Bear river). l-'oUow direct road to Clementsport (13). I this point road is good gravel, but after crossing the Moose river it becomes sandy and continues ^^ to Annapolis but fair riding is obtainable on the side paths. ROUTE 8 b. '.»2'{'. ANNAPOLIS, 23. — (,)ueens Hotel. Ooss Anna|)olis river by ferry to Granville (ojjposiu Amiapolis). Dirt road, with few hills and generally good riding with a few sand spots. T. R. follou ing direct road to Bridgetown (15). (Irand Central. ( lood dirt road, but gets sandy towards othi 1 end. Follow T. P. direct to Lawrencetov^^n (22). K\m house. Road now gets very sandy though as a rule one is able to ride on the side [laths. Follow direct to \-2-2:l. MIDDLETON. 30 — .Middleton Hotel. (Also see route No. 20).- Road very sandy. Follow direct road to Wilmot '4), Wilniot hotel. .Still sandy, rolling, side paths only availabK m ;ravel with l^od: direct road. \ ovv direct to In-: ad of gravel ' bridge over IJi.i r crossing brid^i iport(i3), I md continues ^^ nville (opposiit 1. T. R. foUou y towards othn "y sandy thougli ad very sand\. ) only availahK 41 place to ride. I'oUow direct road to Kingston (7), \'alley house. Fair side paths, h'ollow direct road to Auburn (i:;). Sandy, but generally good side paths to Aylesford (14), .\ylesford liotel. Patches of sand, but generally fair riding. About five miles out T. L. at .\. K. theme direct to 1 \-:f. BERWICK, 20.- -Central House. -Earth road with patches of sand, level and fair riding. %>, ],. to fust X. R. thill r. R. following T. V. direct to Waterville (3). (There is an Aher road between these points. 1". R. at hotel, cross railway, 'l\ \.. direct to \\'ater\ille. Other road best). Road gets sandy again, side paths [)referable. Follow direct to Cambridge (5). Rollin^i. fev.- jmtclies of sand and a few side paths to Coldbrook (7). Road sand\-, hill\, poor riding to ISi]. KENTVILLE, 12. — I'orter's House. — 'I'his town is head(|uarters of the Dominion Atlantic ;|yailway. Road now improves, earth, hilly, good riding. 'I'. R. following direct to Wolfville (7). "Illis is the seat of Acadia ("ollege (Baptist). X'isitors are shown through upon application. Follov/ direct road, good surface, to Grand Pre (10). (Irand Pre house, '{"his is where the sceiv' )f Lbngfellow's poem " ICvangeline"' is laid, (iravel road, rolling, good surface. Follow dire« t to Norton Bridge (11). Take R. F. over Horton mountains. I^ong stieji hill until top is reached, where a magnificent view is to be obtained. It is said that seven counties can be seen from this p')int, A long down grade going into Hantsport which re(|uires caution in coasting. Follow direct iiito HantSport (iS). Wall's hotel. Hilly for first part, then over what is called "bog"' road. Follow T. 1'. direct to mrrfiti--'- - I7i)'^ WINDSOR, 25. -Duffcrin or Victoria. — Don't forget to enciuire for the Avonian Bicyrl C'lul). They have splendid club rooms and will make your stay in that town very pleasant. Th( 1 is little to interest the traveller between Windsor and Bedford (38). Beyond Mt. Uniarke(2i'i the road is very bad in jjlace. until Bedford is reached. 'I'he tourist would do better to take il train. Earth road, rolling, good riding for ten miles, then gets soft and mostly up grade. T. \< along \\^ater to Gerrish (ist. R.) T. R. up (ierrish following it direct out of town. The T. I*, run ,1 the way. .01. MT. UNIACKE, This is the top of the mountain and road gradual!) winds don: Very rough and stony in [)laces. Follow 'V. V. direct to '2\7'l. BEDFORD, iS;^^'. — Road now improves but is somewhat stony, but generally good ridiii. I'ollow 'I'. P., the road keeping close to edge of Bedford Basin until Halifax is reached. !si. HALIFAX, 10 -(Jueen Hotel. — Ivncpiire for Ramblers Bicycle Club. ROU YA HalitV out P; riding Follow #1- Q*e t Jnci (21;, I m. ect SXi 43 YARMOUTH TO HALIFAX. Via Shelburne, Liverpool anc^ Bridgewater. Avonian Bicy.l ^qij^E 9a. pleasant. Thci :^ Uniacke (21 '^ ^'^, jctter to take th ■■■':' upgrade. T. K YARMOUTH,— (irand Hotel. — (lood gravel road. T. 1'. follow tlie post road through to rhe T. r. run .i Halifax. T. R. iollowing along Main street, beyond the Dominion Atlantic railway station, T. K. out Park .street direct to Tusket (10). Occasionally a bad spot v/ill be met with, but generally good riding. Follow direct road to Lower Argyle (iS). Road continues hard, with good riding. ally winds dowi Follow direct road to rally good ridiii: led. 31. EAST PUBNICO, ;i.- L'arland's Hotel. — (From htire there are two roads to Harrington. Otie through the "nine mile woods," which is very rough, and bad for a bicycle. Not recommended. The other will be described). Gravel road, good wheeling, with few medium hills. Follow two lines ofi'. v. until where they divide, keep to R. F. following along the coast to Woods Harbor (12), thence direct to Shag Harbor (16). Medium hills with good surface to Barrington Passage {21;, (where steamer lands) thence direct road to h'K BARRINGTON, 24.— ("offin's Hotel.— Road gets softer and generally hilly. Follow T. 1'. direct to Clyde River {Sj4). Road still soft and rolling with a few hills. Follow direct to ■^ 4'- ROUTE 9 b. 7'.>. SHELBURNE. ^4.— Atlantic Hotel.— Road soft in some j'laces and rocky in others, l)iit gL-HLTally fair wheeling, i-'ollow T. !>. direct to Jordan River (7). (There is a direct road tu Sable River, about (c;) but it is rou.uh and uninterestin;j,. besides it cuts off I.ockportK T. R. follow i!v..i T. r. direct to 10(t. LOCKPORT. .21.-— Sea \ie\v house. Road rolling but fair riding. Follow T. I', to Sable River (i,s)- Road gets hilly and rough but good riding on side paths. Scenery said to be very grand, follow T. !'. direct to Port Joli (^4). Robinson"s hotel. Follow T. P. direct to Port Matoun (2.S). 'I'raveller"s Home. Road (juite hilly, with fair riding. I'ollow T. I', direct to ROUTE 9 c. 1-">S. LIVERPOOL, .vS. — Thorndike Hotel — (iravel road, rolling, gooil wheeling. T. L. follow ing ^[ain street a short distance then T. L. crossing drawbridge over the Mersey river, 'lake R. !•. thence direct to Brooklyn (3). After passing steam mill 'I'. L. up short steep hill. '- mile further along leave T. P. taking L. F. direct to Mill Village (10). (See route No. 27). Vou meet the T. V. again just before crossing bridge. Island Home hotel. (Iravel road, fair riding, rolling. Just out s'de of village take I,. V. following direct to a.'> l''>7. BRIDGEWATER, -'9. I'airvitw Hotul.— A line view iVoin rool of hold. AfliT cro'^y'n^ l..illa\c river, there is a direct road to Mahone Hay (14), Lhr()Ui;h the woods, said to he ver\ ^' » id luliiig. Much the nicker way is to T. K. al'ler crossing the bridge and follow I'. I', direct o\er a mlli'ig roail to Lunenburg (i:;,'-). Kings hotel. In coming out of village take R. I', following I'. V. 1 1'rt road, rolling, but generally good riding. Follow direct to Mahone Bay (i^'j)- (Xearing tips place road runs close to edge of water for 2 miles and is very preit)). Rciad rolling, fairly lt^'xI riding. I'ollow T. P. direct to Gold River (jy'j). On' or two good hills, then rolling, (iood surface. Direct road to Chester Basin (oi)-)- Some charn)ing scenery here. Little hilly 'ut -(;od surface ending up with a fme coast into til 1 ROUTE 9 d. -04. CHESTER, .3i,'.(. — Loveti's Hotel, — This is a very pretty little \illage, and tjuite a summer r'sort. Yachting appears to be the favorite pastime. Road gets somewhat hilly, but good riding. I oUow T. P. direct to Hubbard's Cove (iS^/i)- Shatft)rd's hotel. Xice view from verandah. Rolling road with accasional steep hill, but good riding. Follow T. V. direct to -'i*yj-. ST. MARGARET'S BAY, 25.— Prince of Wales Hotel.-^The fu-st 7 miles mostly ':p ^rade with fair riding, then down grade. Meals can be obtained at Hubley's, 10 miles out. I'ollov/ ii 1". r. direct. As the road approaches the North \\ est Arm (llic western boundary of Hahfax city) the hills are steeper, but good surface. After climbing u[> hill from Arm, follow direct road (now calletl (^)uinpool Koad) along to base of citadel (on I..) T. R. along South Park street to Morris (2tul cross street) 'I'. L. dire( t to Mollis, T. L. along Hollis to (^)ueen hotel (on R.). •-'•'•0^. HALIFAX. 2i;i.--(jueen Hotel. -Kniiuire for the Ramblers Bicycle Club. ROUTE 10 a. _ TRURO TO MULGRAVE. Via New Glasgow and Antigonish. TRURO, — Learmont Hotel.— Dirt road, wheeling poor for lo miles or more, medium hills. '1'. L. along Esplanade to Walker street, T. !,. out Walker to Bible Hill (^), take second road to L. tliciice direct to --. MT. THOM, 22. — Roads improve now, 4 miles out take L. F. thence direct to Saltsprings (8). Rolling road, fair riding. Follow direct to Ten Mile House (12) thence direct to Salem (15). Rolling road, fair wheeling. Direct to Salem (18) thence direct road to Westville (21). Level road, fine liding to Stellarton (23). Follow direct to bridge, after crossing continue along (leorge street, T. R. along Frovost street to Vendome hotel. *7 ROUTE 10 b. t-"). NEW GLASGOW, i8.— VlmkIoihc Hotel.— (Iravd road, rolling, splnulid ridinii. Out Marsh street, take R. F. following 'I'. P. to Thorburn (6), thence direct to Sutherland's River (S). Rolling, gravel road, good riding. After crossing bridge take 1,. I', leaving T. I', and follow direct road to 7 t. MALIGNANT COVE, -'9. Hilly hut good riding. T. K. at oUl mill and keep most used road to ROUTE 10 c. '.'•"). ANTIGONISH, 21. — (Jentral House. — Earth road, rolling, (one big hill) good riding. T. I\. following two lines of T. P. for 5 miles. T. L. following onv line of ])oles to Heatherton (10). Leave T. P. following direct road through town until meeting the I. ('. R. track, follow line railway (crossing it many times) direct to 115. TRACADIE, 20. — Harrington's Hotel. — Follow direct road to Black Bridge (2). It is advisable to make enquiries here as so many bye-roads branch off it is rather difficult to get a correct description at present. Road is very hilly, but fair riding to 153. MULGRAVE, 38. — Grant's Hotel. — Take ferry near here to reach ('ape Breton, on other side of Straits of Can- j. 48 ROUTE 11. ANTIGONISH TO SHERBROOKE. ANTIGONISH. CciUral House. Ivirtli road, hill), good riding. '1'. I^. for short distance. Outside of village take R. F. leaving T. 1*. 2 miles from town cross bridge. 5 miles out take L. V. theiice direct to Lochaber Lake. Keep on left side of lake to Sears hotel (18). Hilly, good ridi ng Continue on left side of lake and river to old mills, then leave river for some distance and take R. F. to 29. MELROSE, 29. Follow T. 1*. to right for rest of distance. •o. SHERBROOKE, n. Mel )aniers or Cameron's hotel. 4» ROUTE 12. distance, ake L. F. 0(1 ridi ng ake R. F. ANTIGONISH TO CANSO. ANTIGONISH.— Central House.— T. R. following direct road with two lines of poles for 5 miles, T. R. following one line of poles to St. Andrews (8). Road hilly, but good. Follow direct road with T. P. to Kelly's hotel (17). Roads hilly to rolling, fair riding direct to •21. GUYSBORO. 21. (Grant's hotel. T. R. following T. P. over a very rough and hilly road, but not at all unridal)le to Hazel Hill (28), (cable station of Mackay-Bennet Cable Company) thence direct to ")l. CANSO, 30 5(1 ROUTE 13. ROU ANTIGONISH TO ISAAC'S HARBOR. ANTIGONISH. — Central house.- Earth nxid, rolUng, (one hill) ',ood riding. T. R. following tsvo lines of T. I*, for 5 miles (from which point the wires run on one set of poles), thence direct t( St. Andrews (8). Eaith road rolling, good. Take second R. F., leaving T. V. (keeping river 011 right) following direct road to foot of South Kivcr Lake, then cross river and follow direct road 011 other side of lake to Argyle (21), or head of lake, y^ mile from head of lake 'V. R. up a hill. Al second lake T. L. keeping most used road till meeting T. P., T. L. to Country Harbour Cross Roads (32). Sweet's hotel. Follow '1". I', direct to .■)0. ISAAC'S HARBOR, so. Sinclair's Hotel 61 ROUTE 14. L following ;e direct t( ig river on :ct road on a hill. At jr Cross CHARLOTTETOWN TO GEORGETOWN. CHARLOTTETOWN.— Davie's hotel.— Water street. T. L. along Water street, T. R. first street to ferry wharf. Cross ferry. Ca^ road, rolling, good wheeling. Follow T. l\ to Tea Hill, X. R., T. R. and follow direct to Pownal (7). Florida Hotel. Rolling surface, good wheeling. Follow T. P. to Ten Mile house. T. L. following T. P. direct to 1-"). VERNON RIVER, 15.— O'Neill's hotel.— Clay road, rolling, good wheeling. Follow'!'. P. direct to •m GEORGETOWN. is.—Aitken's hotel f «2 ROUTE 15. CHARLOTTETOWN TO RUSTICO BEACH. CHARLOTTETOWN. Davie's hotel.— Macadam road, a few hills, good wheeling. T. 1.. along Water street, to first corner, T. L., continue straight out to ICuston street, T. L. and follow along to Malpeque road, T. R. and thence direct to Milton (7). Road now becomes rolling, with good wheeling. T. R. and continue direct road to Oyster Bed bridge, cross bridge, T. L. and continue on to Stephenson's Dam, T. R. and thence direct t«) IS. RUSTICO BEACH, 18. -Seaside hotel. ROUTE 16. CHARLOTTETOWN TO BRACKLEY BEACH. CHARLOTTETOWN. Davie's hotel.— First part of the road tiuite level, good wheeling. T. L. along \\'ater street to first corner, 'i\ L. thence direct to Euston street, T. R. and continue along to Lepage's Corner, (200 yards past People's Cemetery), T. I., and follow road direct to 14.1,. BRACKLEY BEACH, 141..— Shaw's Hotel. ■.;{ ROUTE 17. T. 1.. nd follow ing, with '. L. and EASTPORT TO ST. STEPHEN. EASTPORT. — Quoddy house. -'I'. R. following Washington street about ){. a mile, then T. R. sharply. About ^ mile further along T. L. thence direct road to tlu' toll bridge (5). (Fare for wheelmen 5 cents). After crossing bridge keej) direct road to Perry ( 7 ). Keep road to right across the bridge then T. L. first road (at blacksmith sho])'i (The straight road goes into Ferry). Follow direct road to Millcove (14), Woodbine hotel, then. _ direct to Robbinston (15) thence direct to Red Beach (19) (red granite works), th .'Ce direct to Calais (28) Horder (!ity hotel. Directly across the river St. Croix is the town of St. StepheJ;, N. B. (Canada). \\'inds()r hotel. The first five miles of the road is rolling with good surface. After crossing the toll bridge road becomes more hilly and softer, more especially are the hills stee[) in the vicinity of Red IJeach. g. T. L. along to i'.^. CALAIS. 28. Border City Hotel. ■2\K ST. STEPHEN, i— Windsor Hotel. £4 ROUTE 18. FREDERICTON TO SHEFFIELD. FREDERICTON, ',)ucen Hotel. Level, ii;ood riding. T. L. along (Juecn street to Carleton, T. R., cross bridge over St. John river, to St. Marys (i). Straight ahead a short distance, then T. R. following direct road to Gibson (2) T. J.., about 100 yards T. R. crossing bridge over Nashwaak river. From here the road is level, with some soft places, but generally good riding. T. R. first road after crossing bridge, direct to bank of river, V. L. thence direct to 22. SHEFFIELD, ROUTE 19. -22. FREDERICTON TO MARYSVILLE. FREDERICTON, — (^)ueen Hotel. — Level road, good riding. T. L. along (^)ueen street to Carleton, T. R. crossing bridge over river St. John to St. Marys (1). Straight ahead a short dis- tance then T. R. following direct road to Gibson (2). Road becomes rolling, but good riding. T. 1 ,. thence following straight road to 4.]-. MARYSVILLE, 4)4^- -This is one of the most thriving towns in New lirunswick. It contains a large cotton factory and several saw mills, which are the property of New Brunswick's Lumbe'' King, Mr. Alexander (libson. The Methodist church is a very pretty structure, and visitors are always shown through by the Pastor who lives next door. Carleton, i, then 'I". SJashwaak first road ROUTE 20. street to short dis- ding. T. t contains 1 Lumber ire always MIDDLETON TO BERWICK. MIDDLETON, -Middleton Hotel.— (Via North .Mountain road) T. L. and follow straight out for 3 miles, T. R. on Mountain Road, passing through Melvern Stiuare, North Kingston (here some sand will be met with for a mile or two), Aylesford (dont turn into station hut kee^) direct road) thence to BERWICK, -Central House. ROUTE 21. NEW GLASGOW TO PIGTOU, NEW GLASGOW, Vendome Hotel. -T. R. straight out Provost stret-t to Trenton ( i ), T. L. thence direct to PictOU Landing (7). Take ferry across to c^. PICTOU, 8. -Revere House. 6« ROUTE 22. ST. JOHN TO GONDOLA POINT. ST. JOHN,— Follow Route No. 6 a. ROTHESAY, 9)4. Belle View Hotel. — Keep straight, or centre road past store. Road hilly but good surface. Follow direct road Clifton Ferry (izji), thence direct to Gondola Point (i4>2)- The road ends here, A ferry crosses the river at this point and a short distance up the other side is the "Willows" hotel, kept by Hugh J. McCormick, a famous ice skater, who has won world's championships in his day. Clifton Ferry and (londola Point are on the Kennebeccasis river and the scenery is very pretty. 57 ROUTE 23. ST. JOHN TO CEDARS. Take route No. 22 to Clifton Ferry, 'lake ferry across river. Upon reaching main road T. 1.. Road somewhat hilly but the surface is good. Just after passing ('lifton church the road passes some farms where "cultivated" strawberries are raised in large ([uantities. Two miles from ferry landing T. R. over the hill between the St. John and Kennebecasis rivers. The first [)art is a little steep, after which one can ride. There is a X. R. about half way over, keep straight road. Shortly after the St. John river comes into view the road descends to meet the river road. He careful in coasting as there is a sharp turn near the foot. After joining the river road continue straight ahead until com- ing to a church on L. side of road at top of hill, T. L. down to the '20. CEDARS, 20 — Cedars Hotel.— Excellent boating privileges. Steamer can be taken to St. John if desirable. The hotel is prettily situated on the hill side and commands an excellent view both up and down the Long Reach. The hotel sets an excellent table. A short visit to this famed summer resort will prove very delightful. ROUTE 24. ST. JOHN TO LOCH LOMOND. ST. JOHN, — Along Charlotte street to Union, 'I'. R. along Union to Urussclls, T. L. clown Brussells to Haymarkct S(iuare, T. R. After crossing Marsh Bridge (covered with earth) take R. I"'. ^2 mile furthc^r along at X. R. keep straight road. 'I'he road is hilly until Silver Falls (3) is passed through, then rolling. Follow direct road with '!'. P. to 11^. LOCH LOMOND, u^. — lien Lomond House, 'i'he road running straight ahead follows along the three lakes to Barnesville (21). dood road nearly all the wa)-. The road turning R. at Loch Lomond goes to St. Martins. A short distance along, the road forks, the R. l'\ going via Black River, the L. F. through Willow (irove (a colored settlement). IJoth roads lead to St. NLartins, Kennedy's hotel, about 30 miles from St. John. M ROUTE 25. ST. JOHN, ST. JOHN TO GOLDEN GROVE. Vlong Charlotte to Union, T. R. along Union to l>russells, '1'. !,. aloiiL; Urussclls to Hayniarket Sciuare, T. R. following straight road out of the city, line smooth level road to Cold- brook (3/^>. After passing rolling mills, take R. 1". After climbing two hills, road becomes rolling with exquisite scenery. After passing around the end of Dolan's Lake (8)2), keep R. F. up a short hill, then rolling again. 10 miles out there is a sand hill, but beyond the road is good again. This is a favorite run. In September after the frost has touched the leaves the varied foliage is very beautiful. ROUTE 26. ST. JOHN TO MISPEC. Another nice ride is to take the road to I.och Lomond and T. R. at X. R. 1 )■$ miles out, f(jll(jwing shore for a distance of about 6 miles, when the road goes inland and strikes the water again at Mispec (9). The surface is (juite good for wheeling and the run along the shore is delightfully cool. Some splendid chances for indulging in a salt water bath. ROL ROUTE 27. MILL VILLAGE TO BRIDGEWATER. MILL VILLAGE,— Island Homf.— Follow T. 1'. for y^ mile, when they divide. Take R. F. and follow T. W direct to Vogler's Cove (7). Rolling, gravel road, good surface. T. !>. at Saw Mill i/| mill out, thence direct to Broad Cove (10). Level road, good wheeling. Follow direct to Petite Riviere (14). Mrs. [. Sperr), a stopping |)lace. Rolling road, good riding. Ooss bridge over Petite River, thence following T. P. direct to Getson's Gove (23). i^evel road, fine gravel surface. Road follows the river La Have (The Hudson of Nova Scotia) and is very pretty ride. l'"()llow '1\ 1*. direct to ■X BRIDGEWATER, 33.— Fair View. T alonj strai| road fair. 17 with Roll (10) (!l ROUTE 28. TRURO TO PARRSBORO. TRURO, — Learmont Hotel. — Dirt road, with few medium hills, fairly gocjd wheeling. T. R. along Esplanade to Ingli.s street, T. K. along Inglis to Prince, T. L. along Prince to l"^lm, T. K. straight out Elm. About 2yi miles from hotel take R. l-'. j4 mile further along take L. F. Direct road 9 miles then take R. F. direct to Folly Village (14), I'Yaser's hotel. Medium hills, wheeling fair. T. R. 200 yards from hotel, 'i\ R. following direct road to 17. GREAT VILLAGE, 17. — Londonderry Hotel.— Road hilly for first two miles then rolling with good wheeling. T. R. cjuarter mile out T. F. direct road to Bass River (10). Palace hotel. Rolling, fair wheeling. I'ollow direct road to 35. ECONOMY, 18. — Bate's Hotel. — First part of road good. In the vicinity of Five Islands (10). Broderick's hotel. Wheeling good for 3 ox 4 miles then gets worse. Direct road to OF PARRSBORO, 26. ROUTE 29. WOODSTOCK TO AN DOVER (East Side). WOODSTOCK, — Carlisle Hotel.- T. L. along Main street to King, 'I'. L. along King crossing bridge over St. John river. On other side of river T. L. following direct road to Newburg Junction (^). Junction house. Road gravel, mostly level and good riding. Follow direct road, rolfing, but good riding to Hartland (12). Commercial hotel. Continue direct road through Peel (16), to 24. FLORENCE VI LLE EAST, 24.— McCain's or McMuIlins Hotel.— The road follows the railroad, is generally level and good riding. The villages of Bath (6) and Kilbum (18^) are enroute to Perth (25), the next stopping place. Cross bridge T. K. to | ">0. ANDOVER, 26.— I'erley's hotel. •;.{ ROUTE 30. WOODSTC "^ TO HOULTON. WOODSTOCK. — Carlisle hotel. — (liavcl, level, good riding. T. L. along Main street, cross bridge over Meduxnakeag river, T. R., follow T. V. to Richmond Corner (6). Park's hotel. Road now gets hilly with fair riding. Follow T. \\ direct to Boundary Line (lo). Thompson's. Still hilly. Follow T. P. direct to l:5. HOULTON, 13.— Snell House, Exchange or Clark's Hotels. ROUTE 31. PETITCODIAC TO HAVELOCK. PETITCODIAC, — Mansard House. — T. L. following main post road. '1'. L. Cirhi road after cross- ing iron bridge, thence past the cheese factory. A short distance beyond the factory T. R. thence direct to l-'{. HAVELOCK, 13.- Price's Hotel. — 'i'he .Mineral .Springs are about one mile from Price's Hotel and are on main road to Sussex. ■•-j?" "'■"Tr.Tn.' >j*r7".;nGrr~--7i''-.'r':?-'> tit ROUTE 32. SUMMERSIDE TO CHARLOTTETOWN. SUMMERSIDE. — Leave Summersidc by eastern end of Water street and follow the T. I'. thr(Hi;j;h to Charlottetown, passing tlirougli Kensington (9) ; North Wiltshire (18) : Hunter River {25) where you can get a good dinner. Milton (33) entering Charlottetown via the Mai - IKcjue Road. (The road to Kensington is very sandy, but level. I'Voni there to (Charlottetown. f:.'r but in places (juite sandy, generally rolling with a few hills). \\\. CHARLOTTETOWN, 41 >i^.— Davie's Hotel. ROUTE 33. RUSTICO BEACH TO SUMMERSIDE. RUSTICO BEACH,- -Kustico Beach Hotel. — Cross over to fishing station on opposite side of liail'or, take road following inside of harbor to Rusticoville. Road very hilly, mostly red clay with patciies of sand. Take I-. 1'. to North Rustico and Cavendish. The road now follows the sluire to Stanley river bridge. After crossing bridge follow 'J'. l\ through Margate. Road now gets nu-re level, is still of red clay and sand. T. 1 ,. thence direct through Kensington to (road very sandy). r.j. SUMMERSIDE, ^5U. a^ ROUTE 34. PORT HAWXESBURY TO SYDNEY. Via St. Peters and South Shore. Port Hawkesbury. Parker Hotel.— Rollinii;. fair. N. River Inhabitants Bridge, 8.— Morrisons Hotel. -Hilly. ,l:;oo(1 U. Kempt Road, 6. [lilly, Kood. T. R. direct to •r.\. Grand Anse, »;. - Md'lierson's Hotel. -Hilly, good. L'7. Balmoral, 4. -Hilly, .uood. ■■i4. Tear River, 7. Flilly, .uood. •■^i. St. Peters, 2. — Morrison's Hotel.— Rollinii, liood. II. L'Ardoise, 8. Rolling, fair. 17. Lower L'Ardoise, ;,.— '^^'•''"K' f^'''- 5:5. Grand River Bridge, 6 -Mrs. Murchison's H(.iel. Kollinu, fair. (iu. L'Archevique, 7. Rolling, fair. (IS. Gaberouse Lake, s.— Rolling, fair. 7--'. Gaberouse, 4.— Rolling, fair. T. L. (See route 40). 77. French Road. 5.— Hilly, fair. si. Big Bridge, 4.— Rolling, fair. '!'. L. R. 4i(i '"«). Marion Bridge, 5. — Rolling, fim. Keep direct road. !t2. Cariboo Marsh, 6. Rolling, fair, i*)^. Sydney, 6.- -JVUKen/.ie House. ROUTE 35. 1'.}. •27. M. 4''- •MA 1) PORT HAWKESBURY TO SYDNEY. Via St. Peters direct. Port Hawkesbury,— Parker. — Rolling, fair. River Inhabitants Bridge, >\. Beaver Cove, 6.- Rolling, fair. 7<1.|. Boisdale, S.— Hilly, fair. •"^Oj. Leitches Creek, 4.— Hilly, fair. >^'^. Cross Roads, 3.— Rolling, fair. ^^)\: Northwest Arm, 3. Rolling, fair, tll.j. Coxheath Bridge, 5.— Rolling, fair. '•>^|. Sydney, 3.— McKenzie Hotel. ROUTE 37. PORT HAWKESBURY TO SYDNEY. Via Port Hood and Baddeck. Port Hawkesbury,— Parker Hotel.— Rolling, good. ."U. Port Hastings, 3>{..— Rolling, fair. Direct road. !U. Low Point, 6. — Level, fair. \^. Long Point, 6. — Level, fair. •2U Judique, 6.— Hilly, fair. ••ili.',. 4!>. 01. 70. SU. s.s. 5»7. 100. 101. 1 I ."). 121. 1 1' 1. 1 27. I 12. Port Hood, II. -Mrs. Smith's Hotel. — Rolling;, fair. Mabou Brivige, lo. -Rolling, fair. Brook Village, 6 /''• -Rolling, fair. Whycocomagh, 12.- Hay View Hotel.— Hilly, fair. Bucklaw, 9. -Hilly, fair. Nyanza, 10. -Rolling, fair. Baddeck, S. — 'iVlegraph House. — Rolling, good. Big Harbor, 9. — Rolling, fair. Boulardier, 3. Take ferry here. Calab sh Road, 4.— Rolling, poor. Groves Point, 11. — Rolling, fair. Little Bras D'or, 6. — Level, good. Sydney Mines, 3. — Rolling, fair. North Sydney, 3. IJelniont Hotel. — Rolling, fair. by road 15). Sydney, 15. McKeii/ic Hotel. (Ferry boat to Sydney s 5 miles. RO ROUTE 38. 1 6. 27'.. BADDECK TO MARGAREE HARBOR. Baddeck, Tflegrapli House. -Rolling, fair. Hunter's Mountain, 5. -Hilly, good. Middle River, 6. Hilly, ^ood. Upper Settlement Middle River, 5. Hilly, fair. Lake Law, <> Level, ifood. North West Margaree, 5'_.. Ross' Hotel. Rolling, good. Margaree Forks, 5.— Level, fair. Margaree Harbor, S. Crowdis' Hotel. ROUTE 39. 10 IIJ 0-) ■21 Sydney. — McKtn/.ic House. — Hilly road, fair wheeling. North Sydney, iTi. r.t-lmont Hotel. (5 miles by ferry). Sydney Mines, 3.— Rolling, fair. Little Bras D'or Bridge, 3.— Rolling, fair. Millville, 5.— McKenzie House. -Rolling, fair :^2},. Big Bras D'or, 51^,— Livingston's Hotel. Rolling, fair. 37i New Harris, 5.— Hilly, fair. \'Mj. Englishtown, 6. McRitchies Hotel. Hilly, fair. 4S^,. Indian Brook, 5. Hilly, fair. fiOA. Wreck Cove, 12. Hilly, fair. 70|. South Bay Ingonish, 10. Miss Curtis'. Level, poor. 12h. Clyburn Brook, 2. — Rolling, fair. ^ 77J,. North Ingonish. 5. lUirke's Hotel. Rolling, poor. NS^,. Halfway House, 11. (Hotel).— Rolling, fair. lUlA. Cape North, 13.— McDonald's Hotel. Rolling road, fair riding. (,■, I ROUTE 40. GABAROUSE TO SYDNEY. Via Louisburg. Gabarouse, Hilly, poor. Kcoj) straight road. IL'. Louisburg, i-'.—Louislnng Hotd. Rolling, fair. Catalone, 7.— Rolling, fair. Albert Bridge, 5. Hurke's Hotd.- Rolling, fair. Sydney. 12.— McKen/.ic Hotel. 21. ROUTE 41. ST. PETERS TO ARICHAT. St. Peters,Morrison's Hold.— Hilly, good. -'. Tear River, 2. Hilly, good. '■». Balmoral, 7. Hilly, good. I-J. Grand Anse, 4. McPherson'.s Hotd.— Hilly, good. I-'). Ferry, 3. Rolling, good. '20. Arichat, 5.— Mrs. Hosdd). (Note. — Ferry to Arichal via I)e Escoiise is 9 miles. Ferry to Arichat via ^^artinique road and West Arichat 10 miles. Grandigue Ferry to Cape La Round is 9 miles). RC 73 ROUTE 42. MONCTON TO SHEDIAC. Via Painsec Road. MONCTON, American House. — (lood road, easy grades. 'I'. I,, along .Main sn-eet, jjassing sugar rellnery, crossing Hall's (Ireek bridge, direct to Charter's Corner (2'/.). 'I\ 1,. followin^: direct road to Meadow Brook Crossing ( ), take L. !■". (R. 1'. goes to Memramcook) across railroad track, passing Scoudac (1na|)el (12), thence direct to Dorchester Road Crossing (t5'j), thence direct to McFadden's Corner (19^1.), shar[) T. R. thence direct to •20}.. SHEDIAC, 2o>^.— Weldon House. ROUTE 43. MONCTON TO HILLSBOROUGH. MONCTON, — American House. — Hilly road, hut cjuite good wheeling, T. ].. as far as railroad crossing. T. R following along }^ridge street, passing Round House and crossing Petitcodia<' ri\ir. T. L. (R. V. leads to Salisbury) following river. Scot's hill (7) should be coasted with care. I'mnul hill (r4) steep. I'bllovv direct road to I-")^. HILLSBOROUGH, 15^4. -Continuing, this road leads to Hopewell Cape (22) and Albert (35). Latter part of road hilly but good. ri ROUTE 44. BOSTON TO PORTLAND, BANGOR AND CALAIS. The following route from Hoston to Portland, Bangor and ('alais is copyrighted by the Maine division of the League of American Wheelmen and is inserted in this book through the courtesy of Mr. Abntr W. Lowell, Chief (Consul, I'ortland, Me. ROUTE I A. .Adams S([uarc, Washington street, N. R.; T. R. Flanover street to (!helsea Ferry; Ferry to (!helsea> Winnisimmet street to Chelsea Sciuare. Chelsea, — i mile; r. k. through Broadway following car trat:k lo lenno's Corner; and thence straight ahead over lurni)ike and ('ommon street (7.15 m.) to Lynn, --'^.15 m.: '!'. L. at City Hall and follow Essex street direct to Upper .Svvampscot (1.75 m.); continue on l-^ssex and Lafayette streets; cross bridge in Salem and take Central street over pavement; r. R. to Essex House (6 m.) to Salem, — 14.15 ni.; from Essex House pass through stable yard; T. K. (!hurch and Brown streets to Washington Scjuare; T. L. to Winter street; 'V. R. Bridge street 1.5 m. to Beverly, 15. ^'5 ni. ; at end of bridge T. R. and take second left Rantoul street, and follow horse- car tracks 5 miles to 6.7; Wenham,— 20.65 111.; ^^^'■'^ passing station follow telegraph poles through Hamilton (2.0 m.) 6.75 m. to Ipswich,— 27.4 m.; Agawani Hotel, Main street, T. R.; then T. 1.. direct 3.75 m. through ROUTE I B. Rowley,— 31.15 m.; through Rowley woods (good well at R. R. crossing) crossing I'arker Kiv.r 4.75 m. to Newbury Old Town,— 35.9 m.; still direct down gravel hii! (fine coast): High street: T. R. State street 4.0 m. to Wolf Tavern, Newburyport, 39 9 ni.; 1". L. from Tavern, Harris street into Washington; right Winter street over Merrimac river bridge; thence 'T. T. on Salisbury road through Kast Salisbury (2.0 m.) thcncv L. F. crossing R. R. thence R. 1". with fair side path 7.65 m. to Seabrook,— 47.55 ; thence follow telegraph poles 3 75 m. to Hampton,— 51.3 m.: thence take Lafayette road direct 1 i.o m. to Rockingham Hotel. Portsmouth, -62.3 m.; Over bridge into Maine leaving Kittery and the Navy Yard on the R.; direct to Biddeford passing 8 m. through ROUTE Ic. York Corner, 70.3111.. tlicncc througli Caiic Ncddick 1*. (). (4 ni.) 8.0 111. to Ogunquit, 78.3 m.: tlu;iu:f throiiifh Wchhaimet (3.9 111.) 5.5 111. to Wells, — 83.8 m.; tlnMicc 3.0 m. throiigli Kennebunk, 88.8 m.; thence 9.0 111. through Alfred street, Biddeford,^Q7.8 m.: thence 'I". R. Main street i m. to Saco, — 98.8 m.; thence by l*ortland road direct 6.1 m. through •^unstan's Corner, — 104.1) m.; thence 3.0 m. to Oak Hill, — 107.9 111., thence 2.9 ni. to Cash's Corner, iio.8ni.; thence over bridge into cit) tut ling first I.; ])assing Union station on ].., then '1'. R. and follow (electric tracks to Preble House (I,. A. W.) 3.75 111. Portland, — ii4-55 "< Roy ROUTE 3 A. PORTLAND TO BANGOR. Monuiiu.'iit Stiuarc; VAm street iiortlierly Diie l)lock ; T. K., ( 'unilxTland street t(j foot of sliar|) liill: T. L. Washington street direct over 'I'ukey's l)ritlge (1.5 ni) to \L. Decring (1.^401.); just heyond fountain T. R. through \'erandah street, passing the L'nited States Marine Hospital (2.64 m.) on ilu right, direct over Martin's Pond bridge (2.76 m.) into l*'almouth, thence direct over the l-'ahnouth lM)reside road to Falmouth Foreside,- 6.66 m.;* thence direct through (Cumberland Koreside ; I'. L. {-'.77 ni.) — study map for this crossing the (Irand Trunk R. R., taking first R. i;^.;^ m.) straight 5.13 m into Yarmouth, — 11.79 ''-^-j ^^^^^ easterly Ojllowing turn to I., across Royal river; thence take- llrst fork to R. direct 5.^2 ni. to Freeport, -17.71 m.; thence direct through Hillside (4.65 ni.) S.S ni. to ' jusl beyond here watch on ihe right lor an ordinary wheel on the top of Inkeylanc Cottage, the summer home of a portion of the Portland Wheel Chili. L. A. W. memhers always welcome. Wheelmen in trouMe will L-e gi%en all jiossihle aid. 7S ROV ROUTE 3 B. Brunswick. -26.5 m.; liowdoin (lollcgc, the A///ia Afateroi Longfellow, Hawthorne, William Pitt I'L'Ssendcn, and S[)eakcr Reed nestles in a corner of this New ICngland town. Main street northerly i;rossing the Androsc:oggin river i ni. to Topsham, 27.5 m.; T. R. by river road c;.o ni. to (After rains follow telegraph poles, this road shorter hut ver) sandy.) Bowdoinham, — ^^6.5 m.; T. R. and cross river arm: then take second R. to river roatl; 'I". I-. and direct 7.0 m. to Richmond,— 43.5 m.: direct river road through Iceboro ( ^ m.) Richmond f'amp-meeting on R. (3.0 m.), S. (lardiner (6.5 m.) 10.0 m. to Gardiner, — 53.5 m.; then follow electric road 4.0 m. through Hallowell, 57.5 m. ; direct past State Capitol on L. (1.5 ni.) 2.0 r.i. to dir( 7» ROUTE 3 c. Augusta, -59.5 m. ; T. H. from Water street, cross Kennober river to Hangor street, 'I'. L. and direct road to Walerville, 7.0 m. through Riverside, 66.5 m,; then 4.5 m. tliroiigh Vassalboro, 71.0 m.; then 6.5 ni. through Winslow, — 77.5.; then past Fort HaHfax (an liistoric log fort wliich dates hack to the Indian wars) on the L. just beyond the Sabasticook river bridge, and then crossing the Kennebec 1.2 id. into Main street, Waterville, — 78. 7 m.; T. R. into ('ollege street past (>ill)y University (Baptist) grounds, follow electrics 3. 1 ni. to Fairfield, — 81.8 m.; T. R. Bridge street, cross Kennebec, straight up hill; T. L. then first R. across Neck road; T. L. direct 2.6 m. through Benton, 84.4 m.\ then direct river road 4.25 m. through Clinton, 88.65 m.; then 5.0 ni. through Burnham Junction, — 93.65 m.; then 7.0 m. to ROUTE 3 D. Pittsfield, — 100.65 111.; Icavi; Nortlicrly, cross Sebasticook riwr and T. 2(1 R. 8.0 111. to Newport, --io hill) not sate to coast 10 ni. to Ellsworth Falls, 22.0111.; 4111.10 81 Ellsworth,- 26. o m.; Main street direct 6.0 m to Franklin Roads, — 32.0m.; L. V. direct 6.0 m. to Franklin, — 38.0 m.; L. F. direct over good road 18.0 m. to Cherryfield, — 56.0 m.; cross Narraguagus river direct 6.0 m. through Harrington,— 62.0 m.; direct, good road, 6.0 m. through Columbia Falls, — 68.0 m.; over fine road lo.o m. to Jonesboro, — 78.0 m.; T. L. then T. R., fine road 6.0 m. to Machias, — 8.40 m.; then 3 m. to E. Machias, — 87.0 m.; then good road 19.0 m. to Dennysville, — 106.0 m.; then good road 22 m. to Calais,— 128.0 m. For Hotels and information regarding route see next page. 82 Hotels along the route. Lake House in Dedham about i mile beyond (leorge's Tomer, 5 minutes walk from Philips Lake. (Jreen Lake is about 4 miles beyond Lake House; U.S. i'ish Hatchery at foot of (ireen Lake, can take steamer from the head to foot of lake, (lood fly fishing for trout and landlock salmon. No public house at Green Lake. II' (LITIl*- i££ Canadian Wheelmen's Association Gim you Protection on the Highway, A bright Cycling Journal twice every month. Reduced Rates at all C, W. A, Hotels, And many other advantages. 1% I If Unattached Members, $1.00, H. B. DONLY, Simcoe, Ont. II FERGUSON & PAGE ...HAVE A FINE LINE OF... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiii IN SILVER AND ENAMEL, • • CONSISTING OF • • Spoons, Cream Lad/es, Sugar Si/iers, Berry g. , Forks, Food Pushers and Math Jioxes, If COIN BROOCHES, . .1 PINS, LINKS, Etc. HKAD'.'UARTERS FOR Fine Jewelry, Diamonds, Watches, Etc. High Grade English Cutlery, ^.i-^A .+. FOIt ■-® POCKET, TABLE AND TOILET USE. sportTnc mods. 6un$, Revolvers, J\xm and Jltntnunition OF ALL KINDS. PRICES LOW. ''torU7'' • 41 KINO STREET. I T. IHcHVlTY & SONS, 13 to 17 KiDRSt.. .ST. JOHN, M. B. On m Road « % Without a good pair of BICYCLE SHOES i.s like riding a wheel that needs a thorough repairing — not much pleasure. Before you start call at ^ Waterbury & Rising's, i^ SAINT JOHN, N. B. ■FOR 1 BfCrCLING. I « * * « « Cpasfi J^atg. -f Cpa8J2 Caps. # VENTILATED TWEED CAPS, # m VENTILATED BLUE CLOTH CAPS, # A// kinds of CAPS, for Ladies, Alisses, Men .... and Boys 4r ^ « 4r » D. MAGEE'S SONS, 63 King Street, Saint John, N. B i z. I iiiiiii?' eSy Men NS.