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Doc ■-I ilJl.l^ii 1^ ■ !■ i«u_) < ».^w^T^ REPORTS OF THE SYNOD OF '.I FHE DIOCESE OF RUPERT'S LAND. lOth JUNE, 1875, AND 12th JANUARY, 1876. containing 1. The (Jdnstitution ok the Church of England in Rupert's Land. IT. The Constitution of the Synod of the Diocesk of Rupert's Land, III. An Act to Incoupohate the Bishop of the Church of England Diocese of Rupeut's Land. IV. The Church of F-ngland Temioralities Act. ; Y. CUnon of Discipline. I VI. Documents Relating to St. John's College : Its Officers, Council, Etc. An Act to Incorporate St. John's College. I The Statutes of St John's College. 1^11. Documents Relating to St. John's Cathedral : Its TIhapter. An Act to Incorp(>rate the Dean and Chapter of St. John's Cathedral Church. The Statutes of St. John's Cathedral. % WIXXIPEG, MAXITOBA . Printed by ''The Sfaiuiard' I'rintiinj and Piib/in/t'nKj <'onipaii>/. I 87G. \^7 6ev. THE REFOllT OF THE SYNOD OF THE DIOCESE OF JIUFEKT'S LAND, CALLED BY THE BJSHOP AND HELD ON THE 10th JUNE, 1875. The Synod was opoiied on Wednesday, June lOtli, In' the celebi-atiou at' IJivine Service in St. John's Cathedral. After prayers the Synod met in the CathedraL The Bish(^p delivered tlie following; Address : Reverend IJiethren and Bietliren of tlie Laity,- — We meet as a Synod to-day under new circumstanceH. The last Dioew- san Synod of Rupert's Land represented the whole of Rupert's Land and the North-West Territories though, from the distance of the Clergy and tlie dilK- culty of conimuication, the representation was but nominal. But at that Sv- nod a Sanction was given, by the adoption of the following Canon, to arraiHM;- nients I had made when in England : CANON. • ,:; *• Whereas the Loril Bishop of Rupert's Land has given his consent to the division of the present Diocese of Rupert's Land into lour Dioceses, and the arrangements seem to be progressing satisfactoi'ily to Uiat end, and whereas it is necessary for the well-being of the Church in Rupert's Land, that the Bishops, Clergy and Laity of these Dioceses should be able to meet and provide for the government and administration of the Church in the same, and whereas it appears that in any colony where there is a Local Legislature, action can only be taken in such a matter by the Church of that colony itself, the Svnod of Rupert's Land hereby adopts the following Canon for the organization of the Church in Rupert's Land : — "The present Diocese of Rupert's Land shall for the present be divicMd into four Dioceses as follows : " L The Diocese of Rupert's Land to consist of the Province of Manitoba with the Districts of Cumbeiland, except the sub-District of Fovt La-Corne Swan River, Norway 'Touse, and Lac la-Pluie. ' 53074 " 2 The Diocese of the Saskatchewan to consist of the Districts of the Sas- katchewan and Englisli River, with the sub-District of Fort La-Corne in the Ciin>l)erlanr 2iul, 1874, passed the following Resolution as logards this Diocese: " That the Bishop of llupert'a Land call t mooting »)f the Syn..d of thr^ Dimrcsti of Rupert's Land after Kustcr, 1875, and that such SyiKxY shall elect th«t Clorioal and Lay Representatives for tlie Diocese of Rupert's Land ; that the election take place hv l>allot, the Clergy voting separately for the Clerical Delegates, and the Lay Merahers of the !Sy- • nod for the Lay Delegates ; anil, that in addition to those Delegates there triay ho three clergymen and three laymen elected to act iis 8ul>stitut(s in the ca«o of any of the dele- gates elected heing unahle ' attend." This is then the s})ecial object for which I have called you tog(;ther to-day, that you may elect lle^jresentatives tor the Provincial Synml. I am sure I need say nothing on the importance of the work that is before that Synod, and therefore oti the importance of the duty which you are now to discharge. For me to say or do anything to dictate to you or guide you in the selection of your delegates would be an act of presumjition. It is simply my place to call your earnest attention to the responsibility of the election you are to make and to ask you, with prayer that God may direct and govein us in all our actions, to nominate each of you those whom you thoughtfully and conscientiously con- sider most likely to be helpful to the Church in the important work that will be before the Provincial Synod. It seemed unadvi.sable to hold any meeting of the Diocesan Synod for general business duiing the interval before the meeting of the Provincial Synod and the settlement of our Constitution, and nothing of imi)ort;ince occurred to make it necessary to do so. I propose, however, to call a meeting of this Synod for general business as soon as possible after the Provincial Synod. It will, however, be proper for you at this meeting to elect the Executive Committee. It has been the practise for the old Committee to continue in office till a new election by a new Synod. But there would be a manifest impropriety in the old Committee continuing after anew Synod has Vvssembled ; and besides, as the Executive Committee are ex-officio members of the Mission Board, which I am anxious to call together without delay, it seems right that the pi'esent Synod should elect the members they wish to compose it. Hitherto certain members have been proposed for election on this Committee, but probably it will be preferable now for the Synod to elect the Committee by ballot. The Executive Committee has the management of the various diocesan funds under the direction of the Synod, carries out the decisions of that body, prepares business for the meeting of Synod, and at such meeting gives in a report of its proceedings. . ; . ... •: r. ;?»{ As I do not think of our entering on general business at our present meeting I do not propose to say much on tho general state or woik of the Church, still there are a few points on which I wish to say a few words. Endowments have been placed at my disposal by means of which a Cathedral Body has been founded under a Code of Statutes and incorporated 6 l>y the Lcgisliiture. Tlio Endowments liave IxK-n so given ms to establish the cloHftst connection luitween the (!athero8p«'rouK times effee- tive help would be given. But though we may thus aeeouut for more not being done, we arft not the less in the face of a grave ditKculty. The Stipends of manj of our Clergy must ho 8upi)lemi'nted, and 1 cannot contiune to be per- sontdlj responsible for wliat is necessary. After the members of the Executive Committee have been elected oy the Synod I purpose holding the election of the additiional members of the Mission Board by the (jualilied subscribers to the Diocesan Fund. I shall then call a meeting of the Board when I hope some active steps may be taken for securing the needed aid from oui" Parishes. i i The Society for the Pro{)agation of the Gospel granted ns la.st year .£270 to meet what we had raised for the Church Endowment Fnnd. This has been invested in Montreal C'orporatiou Bonds and Montreal Harlijour Stock. Theie is a further sum of .£85 offered us by the Society on condition of our raising $1950. Towards this sum Ij^lOOO have been obtained. I have only further to say that since the last meeting of Synod Confirma- tions have been held in most of our Parislu^s and Missions, a very effective visitation of the Swan River and Cumberland Districts having been made for me during the past winter by my friend the Bisho}) of Saskatchewan. And, now, Brethren, I commend the work of the Cliurcli to your earn(;st and prayerful help. The time of working is short. Be detei-mined to exercise self-denial and to see that the members of our Chuich do what they can them- selves. Friends pass away. In the past two months I have heard of the death of three of our benefactors. Mr, Williams Gibbs, who gave me c£5()0, my old loved friend, Dr. Monsell, Rector of St. Nicholas, Guildford, who though not seeing eye to eye with me in Church questions always gave me bis most cordial assistance and encouragement, and peihiips the most symjKithising in my special plans of all my friends. Dr. Selwyn, Canon of Ely and Lady Margaret Professor of Theology in Cambridge. In his last letter he offered me XI 00 towards my Cathedral Foundation. The.se are great losses. One ever mind- ful friend we have whom I must mention, your old beloved Bishop — Bishop Anderson. His congregation this year ga\^e for our work the munificent col- lection of £85. But again I say, while thankful for the friends that are raised up to us And whose help is invaluable to us in this our day of small things, let us be moved to greater enei-gy and devotion on our own part. And may God visit us with His Spirit to enkindle life in us and to make us consecrate ourselves to His glory. Amen. •, i , . ' - :i on ; gates. A Committee was appointed to examine the Certificates of the Lay Dele- M 8 Tlie following membera of Synod were present, besides the Ri>;ht Rev. the Bishop of Siiskatchewan, Archdeacon of Manitoba, and Canon of St. John's Cathedral : CLERGY. The Ven. A. Cowley, Archdeacon of Cumberland ; the Rev. H. George, James Settee, John A. McKay, R. Phair, S. Pntohard. T. C^ok, G. Cook, W. C. Pinkhara, Canon Grisdale, W. Beck, T. N. Wilson, Canon O'Meaia, W. H. Mooi*e, R. Young, Dr. Clarke. LAY DELEGATES. St. John's Cathedral — The Hon. C. Inkster ; M. Brown, Esq. Holy Trinity, Winni[)eg — The Hon. the Chief Justice ; G. B. Si>encer, Esq.; S. Mulvey, Esq. St. Peter's, Dynevor— W. H. Prince, Esq., J. P.; \V. I^ask, Esq.; J. Sinclair, Esq., J.P. Holy Trinity, Headingley— Hon. W. Tait, J.P.; J. Corrigvn, Usq. St. James — H. McKenzie, Esq.; H. R. O'Reilly, Esq. St. Mary's, La Prairie — W. J. James, Esq. ' Westbourne — T. Taylor, Esq. St. Paul's — W. Bunn, Esq.; J. Clousfcon, Esq., J.P. Park's Creek — Hon. J. Norquay, M.P.P. St. Andrew's — Capt. Kennedy, J. P.; Hon. E. Hay, J.P. St. Clement's — S. L. Bedson, Esq., J.P. Scanterbui-y — W. Dennett, Esq. Victoria — A. Dahl, Esq. • The Synod proceeded to the election of the Delegates for the Provincial Synod, when the following were elected : CLERICAL DELEGATES. The Rev. Canon Grisdale. The Rey. Canon O'Meara. Rev. W. C. Pinkham. Rev. H. George. And as Substitutes : Rev. S. Pritchard. Rev. R. Young. Rev. R. Phair. Rev. T. N. Wilson. Rev. Dr. Clarke. Rev. W. H. Moore. LAY DELEGATES. The Hon. the Chief Justice cf Manitoba. The Hon. Colin Inkster, President of the Executive Council of Manitoba. The Hon. J. Norquay, M.P.P., Provincial Secretaiy. The Hon. E. H. G. G. Hay, J.P. S. L. Bedson, Esq., J.P., Governor of the N.-W. Penitentiary. Captain W. Kennedy, J.P. , H. R. O'Reilly, Esq., Barrister. 9 Substitute* W. J. James, Esq., B.C.L., Barrister. G. B. Spencer, Esq., Head of H. M. Customs, IVIanitoba. H. McKctutie, Esq. The Synod tlien elected the Executive Committee. CLBEICAL MEMBERS. The Rev. Canon Grisdale. The Rev. W. C. Pinkham. Tlie Rev. S. Pritchard. LAV MEMBERS. The Hon. the Chief Justice. The Hon. J. Noitjuay, M.P.P. The Hon. C. Inkster. S. L. Bedson, E^sq. G. B. Spencer, Esq. :'ial The Synod did not transact any further business, but was adjourned after the Blessing by the Bishop. itoba. r') " , ■ "- i" -.V ■■^■"' REPORT OF Tiriil SYNOD OF THE DIOCESE OF RUI>EKT'S LAND HELD ON THE 12th JANUARY, 187G. The Synod was opened on Wednesday, Jtinuarv 12tli, 187G, by the cele- bration of Divine Service at 10 o'clock A.M. in St. John's Cuthedral. The Litany Avas said by the Bishop, and the Holy Communion was administered, Archdeacon Cowley and Rev. H. George assisting the Bishop in giving the elements. The Offertory was given to the Clergy Widows and Orphans' Fund. College. The Synod afterwards assembled in the Public School of St. John's jge. The following members were present during the Session : CLERGY. The Ven. the' Archdeacon of Cumberland, the Revs. Henry George, James Settee, Thomas Cook, Octave Fortin, S. Pritchard, James Carrie, W. C. Pink- ham. Canon Grisdale, R, Young, Canon O'Meara, T. N. Wilson, W. Beck, W. H. Moore, Mark Jukes, S. P. Matheson. • LAY DELEGATES. St. John's — Hon. C. Inkster, M. Brown. Holy Trinity, Winnipeg — The Hon. the Chief Justice, G. B. Spencer. St. Clement's — S. L. Bedson, J. P.; John McKay. St. Paul's — W. Bunn, James Clouston, J. P. Victoria — Alex. Dahl. St. James' — H. R. O'Reilly, Barrister ; Hector McKenzie. Headingly — Hon. Wm. Tait, J. P.; John Cameron. St. Anne's — Matthew Cook. St. Margaret's — D. Drummond. St. Mary's — Charles Mair; W. J. James, B^CL., Barrister, 11 The lU.shop, after prayer, delivered the following Addrofa Kkvkrend Bhethren and Brkthrkn ok thk Laity,- ^D the cele- lion was Jishop in id. John's •1 , James IC. Pink- eck, W. cer. I have called you together for the consideration of several very iiuportaut measures which have received the assent of the Executive Committee and have been, I trust, for a sufficient length of time in your hands to enable you fully to form an ojnnion upon thorn. At your last meeting you elected Delegates to represent this Diocese in the Provincial Synod. That »Synod met on August Tjrd, and by a unanimous vote passed a Constitution, which was entitnled " The Constitution of the Church of England in Ku})ert's Land." In that Constitution it was enacted respecting our own DiQcese, that the Constitution of its Synod should remain in force until altered, as is })iovided in it, in accor- dance with the Laws of the Provincial Synod. We, therefore, now meet as m Diocesan Synod, under the same Constitution as we have hitherto had ; but for any change two conditions must now be satisfied — such change must be made as laid down in our Constitution, and it must not be inconsistent with any of the Provisions of the Provincial Synod. The Synodical Bodies that we have thus formed for the government anp appointed \)y tliM (Vown. There is not otie of the (Colonial ('hurcbes that so emphatically linVs itself to the Standards and Traditions of the old (/liurch of Knglai.d as we do. And it would be strange if it were otherwise ; for the old t-hui-ch lias nourish- ed and to a great extent maintained us to this day. Such a Tem])oraHtics Act has been granted, 1 believe, by all the Colonial Legislatures from which it has been sought, and will, '. presume, be willingly given to us by our own. It will be well to take advantage of this Act to simplify our possession and manage- ment of property. It is j>roposed that, as is now usual, the Diocesan Synod be incorporat'^d. It is also pro]»osed to enable the atiairs of any Parish or Mis.sion to be managed l)y a Corjjoration instead of by Trustees, as was granted to the Roman C'atholic Parishes and Missions by 3S Victoria, chaptci- 23, This will be simpler and safer for tlie Church, and I see no practical objection. An established Corporation is always moi'e accessible to notice than uuk. own Trustees. xVs regards the possession of prof)erty, the CoJporation would be sin>j)ly on the same footinir as Ti'ustees. it is also ))ioj)osed l>y this Act (o give the Synod the regulation aiul supervision of all t('mpoial offices, property and concerns — subject, of course, in the rase of proju'rty, to any Trusts for which it may bo held. Furthei' to brinj; our vvhole svstem at once under Synodical m.iuagement, it is proposed by tin- E.\ecutive Committee that the sanction of the Synod be given to the Bishops of RuptM't's I^and continuing to exercise the ])owers conferred by tiie lloyal Jjcttcrs Patent, of appointing certain Dignitaries and appointing and removing certain Dioci »an and Episcopal Officials, mainly in close and confidential connection with the Bishop. On a future occasion we may lay down the duties and position of these several othcers. These measures will complete what may be called the machinery of our organization. I desire now to say a few woi-ds in explanation of the jiroposition that the Chuich Missionary 8ocit;ty should have a Church which, as far as the In cumbent is concerned, would be very much in the jjo.sition of the Private Cha])el of a nobleman in England. The object of the Church Missionary Society is the Evangelization of the Heathen. This of course entails on it temporarily the care of Christian congregations that their Missions may have gathered al)out them ; but the Society is always anxious that these should as soon as possible provide their own means of Oracc, and thus ."^et the funds of the Society free for new efforts for the heathen. The time has come when this ii^ to a large extent desirable in Manitoba, and the only reason for the Society still continuing the aid it gives is the necessity of our Church, our inability — mainly owing to the heavy visitations of God's Pi'ovidence on this land — to maintain the means of Grace in its old Mission Congregations without this aid Still the Society looks wistfully forward to this withdrawal, and is anxious to have the way prepared. The time, therefore, is coming when the Missions of this Society, to which the Protestant population of Manitoba as a whole is infinitely indebted, will cease to exist in our Province ; but when that u time comos it will still be necessary for the Society to have a confidential repie- seutative in it to act as their Secretary and to attend to the many wants of their mitneroiis Missions scattered throughout the interior. Still the \Nork of the Society will only give partial occupation to their Secietary. Now there is a Professorshi{) in St. John's (College in the gift of the Society, but the Society feels that the gifts on account of which thev would wish to select for the Church a Professor of Exegetical Theology are not exactly the gifts they would require in their Secretary. It is their opinion that the Clergyman whom they would wish as Secretary would most probably be most usefully employed as the In- cumbent of a ('hurch. Such a Chuich would l)e best in a city and most con- veniently in the city which is rhe capital and centre of business — where the (lovernment, the Bishop, and the Church Schools arefotmd, where goods could be easily received and forwarded, where Missionaries and Mission Agents could be most readily received and attended to. This place at present is Winnipeg — and if any other place should by and by commercially surpass it, it is not likely to do this soon enough to prevent those Civil and Ecclesiastical establish- ments being fi.\ed here that would make Winnipeg the most desirable place as the ultimate residence of the Secietary. The following is the resolution which the Societv sent to me : " That a represent.ation be made to the Bishop of Rupert's Land of the importance attached by the (J(»inmittee to their having a Church connected with their Secretariat, and of their readiness to hand over St. Andrew's to the Colonial Church in the event of the Bishop being able to provide the Society with the nomination to a Church in the 'J'oM'n of Winnipeg, to be held by them so long as they should wish to retain it." Since that Resolution passed a s[)ecial anangement has been made for St. Andrew's for the time, and with the piesent Secretariat the Society has no immediate occasion for action, but it is desirable at once, before other interests arise, that the Society should have placed in its power the accomplishment of the desire it expressed. There is no reason for supposing that this will be a Free Church in the sense of the Society paying the Stipend of the Minister. The Society wo\ild doubtless expect the congregation ministered to by their Secretary to do their part. There is nothing to prevent the selection by the Society of any other place, if it should appear afterwards more eligible for their purposes. The proposition is simply permissive in reply to the Society's communication to me. I am sure, looking at what the Church Missionary Society has done for upwards of rifty years in this country, the desire of our whole Church must be to anticipate any wish it expresses. And now, Reverend Brethren and Brethren of the Laity, I would make a few i-emarks on the position and progress of our branch of the Church in this Diocese. Our Church-work may be divided into two sections — the work in Manitoba, and the Indian Missions mainly outside it. m £60 ei Wood] tree t gi-ew both spiritually and temporally under his care. We can ill S[)are such a hiithful and etl'ectiM^ worker. Another Native ("lergyman — also a Student of St. John's C'ollege — long connected with this Diocese though he was latterly in the Diocese of Saskatchewan, has also died .since our last meeting— tiie Rev. Lukt; (/aldwell. He did faithful serrice as a ('atechist, but from the time of his Ordination his health was iudiflferent and failing. < There is an important and interesting Mission which I have been pre[)ar- ing for durinsf th(i last two or three veai's — a Mission for the Sioux Indiana that have found a refuge in our midst, and that have received from the Go- vei-nment a reservation. I have over $2,000 at my command for buildings, and a sufficient sum secured to undertake the responsibility of aj)pointing a Missionary if the Diocese is willing heartily to take the Mission up. I at first thought of a})pointing the Missionary f rst, and one well fitted for the post seemed to offer himself ; b\it the negotiations came to an end. Since then 1 thought of putting ap Mission buildings, but before doing so I was anxious to be able to secure the land on which they would be built and which would be necessary for the Mission. I believe this can be obtained if we can select a definite portion, but it is diflicult to do this until the snow has gone. So again J revert to the appointing of a (Jlergyman, and purpose doin<; so if a suitable man is heard of. There are scarcely any Sioux yet on their reserve. The Missionary could in the meantime look them up ami superintend any build- ings. Besides a Clergyman, an Interpreter will be needed. If there is time after the business put before you by the Executive Committee is finished, I should be glad if a resolution could be passed appit)priating to the Sioux Mission the Epii)hany Collections and the income of the part of the Native Pastorate Fund I'aised in the Diocese of Rupert's Land not belonging to any special Native Pastorate. I have already spoken of what we need in the future. There are especially two requisites : 1st. The earnest endeavor of each Parish and Mission to augment the Stipend of its Incumbent. 2nd. The obtaining for our Missions externallj a further sum of about $2,000. / . ,, ;; But when we look to the future a further question is pressed upon us — namely, Education. I feel increasingly the importance of our being able to raise up a Ministry of our own. I am happy to say that there will be six IS Students of Theology in residence next Term, and I hud hoped to have seen at lejust iinother ; but he is, I believe, to study with the lii.shop of Saskatche- wan. We have a suflieient Staff. Still I should desire to see added to it two othfir Professors — a Professor of Pastoral Theoloyv and a Professor of Hebrew .ind Oriental Ijanguages. We need also an additional building for Theological Students. Next comes the College Scliool. Thot has been prosperous. Unless w© required to have higlu.r Forms oir present Staif could teach IGO as efficiently as SO. But the old complaint continuoH. Wo need much larger buildings. We are more tba.i full this coming Midsummer Term. We cannot take those vrho wish to enter. There are twelve boys waiting for admission the following (vhristmas Term. And such a statement only partially aeis forth the deficiency of our accommodation. Many applications that we have to refuse we never fi'om various causes hear of asrain. "o < But there is a still greater want. Often does a regret reach me of the want of a Ladies' School. There is a need of a Boarding School for young ladies from the interior. There is also a need of a first class Ladies' School in the city. Unfortunately the position desirable for the one would not be very suitable for the other. My own inclination would be to promote a Boarding School siifficiently near to St. John's College to be under my own personal supervision and to utilize the St. John's College Staff; but I feel that such a School would not be taken advantage of by families in the City. At any rate there were last Term only four day boys at St. John's College School from the City of Winnipeg ; and. indeed, not one of these four from what I would properly call the City. So insignificant is the effect of St. John's College School on the Public School of Winnipeg. And now I wish to say a few words on the important step I am taking, of surrendering into your hands the power of altering and amending the Statutes I hav«j given to the College. The building up of this College has been my great effort. I hav(? felt it to be my pressing duty to the Diocese to do so. I might have gone somewhat more into your Parishes, but ] do not know that there would have been much advantage. I know very well how things are going on in most cases. Too much interference by a Bishop is worse than too little. But we could do nothing without Schools. I feel a good deal has been accomplished, and I wish the work to stand. Therefore, as life is very uncer- tain, I wi.sh to commit the work to your affectionate care. May (-Sod bless and |)ro8per the undertaking to the latest time, and make it to redound to HiH Glory. , * And now, Reverend Brethren and Brethren of the Laity, in bringing my remarks to a close let me say that something more is necessary than the best organization. All may only 1)6 of the earth, earthly. "It is by my Spirit, ^ays the Lord. " Except the Lord build the house, their labor is but lost that build it." What is the bpdy, though so fearfully and wonderfully made without life] We have each of \is to think of this for ourselves and for the •Church. What is the reM reipe^y for all the ills and necessities of the Church 1 1 1!) have seen ;5a8katcbe- to it two >f Hebrew heologieal LTnless wo efficientlj buildings, take thost^ I following deficiency ! we never Is it not the l>iii>tisni of the Spirit ? It is this that niaken men act from a sense of duty. It is tliis that rouses them to a willing self-sticiifice. It is this that discloses to them the priceless value of the souls for whom Christ died, Pray, Bjethren, that the Spirit of God may be with our Pastors and with their tif>oks, that they may have life — that they may find thems^elves in the fold of the Cilood Shepherd — that they may bo saved, and go in and out and find pasture. The Report of the Executive Committee was then brought up, and its various propositions were taken uj) in succession Report of the Exeert's Land ; 1. That the Synod accept the powers to be surrendered to it by the IJishop of Rupert's Land with respect to St. John's College and St. John's Cathedral. 2. That the following Canon of Submission of Clergy to the Provincial and Diocestin Synod be adopted. That before Ordination, Licensing to a Cure of Souls, instituting or col- lating to any Benefice or Dignity, the Bishop shall require the Candidate to make the following subscription and declaration of assent : I, A. B., do willingly subscribe to and declare that I assent to and abide by the Constitution and Canons which have been or shall be from time to time passed by the Provincial Synod or the Synod of the Diocese of Rupert's Land. 3. That the Canon of Discipline be adopted. 4. That the following Canon on the creation of Dignitaries and Officials be adopted : That there be two Archdeaconries in the presentation and gift of the Bishop, called the Archdeaconries of Manitoba and Cumberland; that the Ai'chdeaconry of Manitoba shall consist of the Province of Manitoba and that portion of the Diocese to the east of the Province of Manitoba and of Lake Winnipeg and south of Beren's River; and the Archdeaconry of Cumberland, ot that part of the Diocese to the west of the Province of Manitoba and Lake Winnipeg, with the Norway House District, to Beren's River ; that St. John's Cathedral be the Cathedral Church of the Bishop and Diocese ; and that the Dean and Canons be appointed as directed in the Statutes of St. John's Ca- thedral ; and that the number of Honorary Canons shall not exceed one for 8 20 every ten licensed (•lorgyniou, or poiti'jn of ten, in tlio Diocese until there b« 6fty such Clergymen, juul above that number one for (ivery twenty. That the Bieliop inay form llural Deaneries and nominate Clergymen us Rural Deans, and may also at his pleasure remove the same. That the Bishop shall have such light to appoint Cha]:)lains as is usual for Bishops, and also to appoint or remove any of the following oflicials : Vicar General, Commissaries ( {om.'ral or Special, (Chancellor, Registrar, or any other* mentioned in the Letters Piitent founding the See of RujM^rt's Jiand. 5. That the Church Missionary Society having expressed to the Bishop a desire that there should be a Church belonging to the Society with a District attached to it in Winnipeg to which they might, if they thought proper in the future, appoint their Secvetaiy, as being the ap- pointment which it was most likely that he could till usefully along with the office of Secretary, it is hereby resolved that the Bishop may assign a District for that purpose out of thai portion of St. John's Cathedral Parish lying with- in the City of Winnipeg, and that the Society may have a Church within that District, and that the Conmiittee of the Society, whatever rules may be laid down for the a[ipointment of Clergymen to Parishes, shall have as long as the Society wishes, tlie power of aj>pointing a Clergyman on their list of Mission- aries, either as an ordinary or a S])ecial Missionary, as the Incumbent of the said Church and District, and of removing him at the'r jileasure and appointing another in his place, and that the said District shall be called a Parislt, and the Incumbent of the time being of it, rank with the Incumbents of Parishes in the Diocese. 111; 6. That the draft of the Church Temporalities Act be adopted. 7. That the Synod feeling the importance of encouraging the appointment of Lay Readers for new settlements commit to the Executive Committee the drawing up of regulations on the subject and request the Bishop to prepare a ■ervice for setting them apart publicly for the office. 8. That the words " or if necessary afterwards" be inserted in clause 2 of the Constitution of the Diocese, after " Easter week." R. RUPERT'S LAND, Chairman. 'M(. The Rev. Canon Grisdale moved, and Mr. James seconded, " That this Synod cordially accepts the Statutes and the power of legis- lating for St. John's College and St. John's Cathedral which His Lordship the Metropolitan of Rupert's Land tenders for its acceptance ; £yad would record its gratitude to Almighty God for the success which has crowned His Lord- 21 there b« jynien us usual for s : Vicar uy other* to the to the iy might, f the ap- with tlje Di.strios ing with- :hin that y be laid ig as the Mission- it of the )])ointing I", and the es in the )intment ittee the epare a clause 2 an. of legis- }hip the record s Lord- 8hi])'8 untiring and self-saoriticiug ellbrta to phico ihcso institutions upon a peruuiuent and effective footing." Carried unanimously. The Canon of Submission of Clergy to the Provincial and J^iocosau Synods was adopted. The following additional Resolution was carried unanimously : " That in the opinion of this Synod it is desirable that all the present Clergy of this Diticese subscribe to the Declaration of Assent eiiact«id by the Canon of Submission." The Canon of Discipline was considered clau.se by elau.se, and each elaiist* was proposed and seconded .%nd carried tinanimously, and the whole (^anon was afterwards propo.sed, secojided, and carried unanimotisly, without any amend- ment. The Canon on the Creation and Appointment ef Dignitaries and Officials was unanimously .-idopted. On the motion of ih-i Rev. H, George, seconded by Rev. Canon O'Meara, the Resolution granting to the C. ISI. S. the assigning of a District in Winnipeg and the appointment of the Incumbent, was unanimously agreed to. The Draft of the Church Temporalities Act was considered clause by clause, and unanimously adopted with one amendment- — " seven" being substi luted for "three" in clause four. (See Apjiendix.) The Rev. W. C. Pinkham moved, and Mr. W. J. James seconded, the following Resolution, which was agreed to : " That the Executive Committee be appointed to promote the passing of he Church Temporalities Act through the Legislature." The Resolution respecting Lay Readers was agreed to. The proposed amendment of the Constitution, inserting in Clause two the words " or if necessary afterward.s" after " Easter Week, ' was agreed to unani- mously. T.xO Rev. R. Young moved, and the Rev. H. George, seconded, and it was agreed to, " That the Venerable the Archdeacon of Cumberland be requested by this Synod to lay before the Sister Church in the older Provinces of the Dominion the needs and claims of this Diocese, as also to .seek to raise an interest in the growing field of Missionary and Colonial labor throughout the North-West, *' That the Synod takes this opportunity of expressing its high appre- ciation of the work it has pleased God to enable the Venerable Archdeacon to carry on during the many years he has labored in this country, and their ■l,^^" » UW"Wi.^?^^^MiWf^ 22 conviction that his experionco points him out as best fitted to julvooatf^ it« Hpiritnul ueedH." Moved by Hon. Colin Inkstcr, Hccontled by Rov. (Jiinon O'Msiiru, ami carried, " That tho Epiphany offertories and the inoonn; of the part of the Native Pastorate Fund raistid in the Diocese of Rupert's Land not bcloni^inj^ to an}' special Native Pastorate be appropriated to the Sioux Mission." Moved by the Rf v. W. C. Pinkham, seconded by Mr. Alex. Dahl, and carried, " That the addition to section three; of the Constitution as agreed U) by the Hynod of Rupert's Laud, January 8th, 1873, be adopted." Moved by the Rov. Henry George, seconded by Mr. Magnus Brown, and carried unanimously, " That the best thanks of this Synod be and arc hei-eby tendered to His Lordship the Metropolitan for the able and im[»artial manner in which he has presided at this Synod." Moved by the Rev. W. Beck, seconded by Mr. ( 1 Mair, and carried unanimously, " That this Synod, l)elieving that the circulation among the members of the Church of the excellent Address delivered by His Lordship the Metropoli- tan to the Synod would be highly useful, hereby resi)ectfully letpiest His Lordship to publish it." The meeting was closed with the Grace. > >!i-'" .'- ' •■.. ■ ,..,.u :.! , r,.-?rV:M . -:., -A-IPI^E lSriDI3Z. TIIK CONSTITUTION OK TUF. ' (JHURCH OF ENGLAND IN RUIM^RTS LAND. I. The four I)ioc«^so8 of the C-liurcli of EugUuul in tlie Province of Msmi- tolja and the North WeHt TenitorieH of Canafhi, known as the, DioeeKes of KuiKirt's Land, MooKon(>t% Sawkatchewan, s»nd Athahjwca, the liniitH of which aie definwl in the Canon of tlie Synod of Rui>erts Lun. I). Saskatchewaii — The Right Rtwereml John MxjLean, D.D., D.O.L. Ath(d)(isca — The Right Reveiend W. Vj. J^ompas, D.D., do form an Ecck'siastical Province, to he <'alled the Province of Rupert's Land, and to he under the Presidency' of a Metropolitan — His (hiice tlie Archbishop ot Canterbury being Prinvite. II. The Church of this Ecclesiastical Province receives the Doctrine ,^ Sacraments and Discipline of Christ as the same is contained and commanded in Holy Scripture, according jis the (Jhurch of England has receivt^l and set forth the same in ita Standards of Faith and Doctrine ; and it receives the Book of Common Prayer, and of Ordering of Bisho[>8, Priests and Deacons, to be used according to the Form therein prescribed, in Public Prayer and Ad- ministration of the Sacraments and other Holy Offices ; and it accepts the English version of the Holy Scriptures as apjwinted to be read in Churches ; and further, it disclaims for itself the right of altering any of the afoi*esaid Standards of Faith and Doctrine. Provided that nothing hei-ein contained shall prevent the Church of thi» Province from accepting any alterations in the version of the Bible, or the Formularies of the Church, which mav be adopted by the Church of England, or from recommending for use in this Province any Prayer or Form of Prayer drawn up by the House of Bishops, for any special object not provided for in the Book of Common Prayer ; and provided further, that it shall be in the power of the Bishop of any Diocese to permit, when he thinks it necessary in Missionary work, the abridging of the Services, and to draw up a special Service for any emergency in his Diocese, conforming as nearly as circum- stances will allow to section three of " The Act of Uniformity Amendment Act 1872." P5'"-«">"W^f»V^w-TW«.'mu^ «i iiii^*np^w uvv'M 24 III. The Provincial and Diocesan Synods, which shall be constituted as hpreinafter declared, shall be the Legislative Bodies of the Church of this Ecclesiastical Province ; the function of the Provincial Synod being to deal with questions of common interest to the whole Province, and with those which affect the communion of tlie Diocc::?^ with one another and with the rest of the Church, whilst that of the Diocesan Synod shall be to dispose of matters of local intcest, and to manage the affairs of the Diocesisho]>s are supported by the Chiircli Missionary Society, tlie selection of the new Bishops shall rest with that Society. VII. — Appointmfint of the Metropolitan. The present Bishop of Rupert's Land is hereby appointed Metro|)olitaii, and the Diocese of Ruiiert's Land is hereby constituted the Metropolitan See during the tenure of ottice of the pi-esent Bishop, and as long as the Bishop of Rapert's Land shall be appointed by the Archbishoj) of ('anterbury, provided that the question of the appointment of the Metropolit;.a and Metropolitan See shall be subject to revision by the Piovineial Synod as soon as the Diocese of Rui)ert's Land obtains the right of electing its Bishop. VIII. — CONSFC'KATION OF BiSHOPS. The Consecration of the Bishops for this Ecclesiastical Province may take [)Iace in England, should His Gi-ace the Archbishop of Canterbury be pleased so to arrange. In the event of its being necessary to consecrate within the Province, it shall be allowable for the Metro])olitan to call in, if necessary, as one of the three Consecrating Prelates, a Bisliop of either the Church of Eng- land in the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada, or of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. IX. — Subdivisions of Dioceses, The Provincial Synod may subdivide any of the existing Dioceses when it shall api)ear necessary, provided that the Bishop of the Diocese consents. The Bishop shall choose which portion of the divided Diocese he shall retain, and the appointment of a Bishop for the other portion shall rest with the Arch- bishop of (Janterbnry, unless there are within the limits of the said portion at least twelve Clergymen who are supported either by endowment or by their congregations, in which case a Synod shall be called together, vionsistiiig of the Clergy of the said portion, and Delegates elected by the Parishes within its bounds according to the rules of the Diocese before its subdivision, and the said Synod shall elect a Bishop in such manner as the Constitution of the un- divided Diocese may direct. The Bishop of the undivided Diocese shall call together and preside over the said meeting of Synod. X. — Assistant Bishops. In the event of application being made by any of the Bishops for the appointment of an Assistant Bishop on the ground of age or infiimity having rendered him incapable of fully performing the duties of his office, the Provin- cial Synod shall decide upon the application, and in the event of its being granted, the Assistant shall be appointed by the same rule and under the same conditions as those laid down for the appointment of Diocesan Bishops, and on the vacancy of the See the Assistant Bishop shall have the right of succes- sion as Diocesan Bishop, provided that in the case of the Diocese of Rupert's ^ as tlie 1 of the >j)olitrtn, itan See ishop of provided opolitan I Diocese nay take e pleased thin the ssary, as of Eng- Ipiscopal when it ts. The ;ain, and le Arch- ioi*tion at by their m of the dthin its and the the uu- Ihall call for the having Provin- Its being ihe same )p8, and If siicces- Uipert's 27 Land, so long as it continues to be the Metropolitan See, the Assistant Bishop, if allowed as aforesaid by the Provincial Synod, shall be elected by the House of Bishops of this Province, and shall have no right of succession on the va- cancy of the See. Every Assistant Bishdp shall have a scat in the House of Bishops, but he shall only be entitled to a vote in the absence of tin; Bishop of the Diocese. XF. — Functions of the Metropolitan. The functions of the Metropolitan of the Church of this Province are : 1st. To convoke and preside over the meetings of the Provincial Synod. 2nd. To convoke and preside over the House of Bishops when it meets na A Court for the trial of a cause, or for hearing an appeal. In the absence of the Metropolitan, the Senior Bishop present shall preside over the meetings ol the Provincial Synod and House of lUshops. XII. — Canon ov Disci punk. (1.) Any Bishop, Priest, or Deacon of this Ecclesiastical Province may be tried for the following offences : — (a) Crime or Immorality. (6.) Heresy or False Doctrine. (c.) Wilful violation of the Constitution, Canons, and Kegulations of the Provuicial Synod, or of the Synod of the Diocese in which he holds office. (2.) The trial of any Priest or Deacon shall take place in each dioceso according to a Canon to be framed by the Synod of that diocese, provided that in case of Heresy or False Doctrine the accused Clergyman may appeal on conviction to the House of Bishops, provided notice of aj)peal be given to the Bishop within thirty days of the conviction. (3.) Any charge against a Bishop must be presented to the Metropolitan, or if the charge is against the Metropolitan it must be presented to the Senior Bishop in writing, signed by not fewer than two clergymen and four lay com- municants, of at least the age of twenty -four years, of the diocese of the accused Bishop. The Metropolitan or the Senior Bishop, as the case may be, shall then take steps to satisfy himself whether there is sufficient ground for proceeding against the accusetl, and if he should conclude that such grounds "xi«t h« shall send a copy of the charge to the accused Bishoj). If the la*' • dmits th« charge to be true the Metropolitan or Senior Bishop shall pron^ j sentence as provided by this constitution. If he denies the charge, the Metropolitan or Senior Bishop shall send copies of the charge and reply to the Bishops of the Province and summon them to meet for the trial of the case. The accused Bishop shall then be summoned to stand his trial at the time and place ap- 28 pointed. If the charge should be for Heresy or False Doctrine, the accused Bishop shall have power to appeal troni the decision of the House of Bishops to the Archbishop of Canterbury, whose decision shall be linal, provided that no- tice of the said appeal shall be given to the Metropolitan or Senior Bishop with- in ten days of the delivery of the sehtence. (4.) Any charge against a Bishop, Priest, or Deacon must be presented to the j)roper authority within two years after the commission of the alleged of- fence, and not afterwards, provided that whenever such charge shall be orought in respect of an offence for which a conviction shall have been obtained in any court of common law, such charge may be brought against the person convicted at any time within six calendar months after such conviction, although more than two years shall have elapsed since the commission of the offence, (5.) The sentence to be pronounced on conviction of any Bishop, Priest, or Deacon, of having committed any of the foregoing offences shall be — (a.) For Crime or Immorality — Admonition, Suspension, or Deprivation, according to tlie gravity of the offence. (6.) For Heresy or False Doctrine — If the person convicted shall retract his error in writing addressed, in the case of a clergyman, to his Bishop, and in the case of a Bishop to the Metropolitan or Senior Bishop, within thirty days from the date of his conviction, or in the case of an appeal, within thirty days of his receiving notice of the confirmation of the conviction, the only sen- tence shall be that of formal admonition in writing ; if he fails to retract within the above period, he shall be suspended ab officio et beneficio for twelve months, and if at the end of that period he still fails to retr.*ct, sentence of de- privation of his office shall be passed upon him. (c) For wilful violation of the Constitution, Canons, and Regulations of the Provincial Synod, or of the Synod of the Diocese in which he holds office — For the first offence, admonition; for subsequent offences, admonition or suspen sion for a period not exceeding three months. , (d.) The foregoing sentence shall be pronounced by the Bishop in the ease of a clergyman, and by the Metropolitan or Senior Bishop in the case of a ^ Bishop. 4 XIII. — No change in this Constitution shall take place, umtil affirmed by! a two-thirds majority of the House of Bishops, and a two-thirds majority of I each order of the House of Delegates. "^, ,'*; M 29 THE CONSTITUTION OF THE SYNOD OF THE DIOCESE OF Hm^EllT'S LAND. 1st. Tlie Synod shall consist of the Bishop of the Diocese; of the clergy of the same liccused to tlie Cure of souls, or holding office in any College or School under the jurisdiction of the Bishop, and not under ecclesiastical censure ; and of Lay-Delegates as hereinafter j)rovided. Clergymen who have been members of the Synod, and who continue to hold the Bishoi)'s License, though they may cease to liave the Cure of souls or to hold any other office, may continue to attend the meetings of the Synod and to vote thereat. 2nd. The Lav-Delegates shall be male Communicants of at least one year's standing — members of the Congregation which they rej)resent, and of the full age of twenty-one years. They shall be elected during Easier week, or if necessary afterwards, at a public meeting especially called for that pur- })Ose during Divine Service on the preceding Sunday. The Voters shall consist of Male Communicants of the Parish of at least six months' standincr, »nd a majority of those present shall determine the choice, but no person shall vote for the Delegate or Delegates of more than one Congregation. The Incumbent or his Assistant shall preside at the meeting, and in their absence the meeting shall elect a Chairman from their own inunber. 3rd Certiticate as follows: The Incumbent or Chairman shall furnish each Delegate with a Parish or Mission of ('!!ongregation of No. of Registered Communicants. Church. I hereby certify that at a meeting of the Communicants of this Congreiocese of Rupert's Land, in which the Province of Manitoba lies, shall be a body corporat*^, and shall l»e deemetl to hav« been so frotn tht? time the said Letters took effect, by the njime of " The Bishop of Rupeit's Land ;" and he and his successors by the name and title aforesaid, shall b«? able and capable in the law, and have full power to purchase, have, take, hold, and enjoy, for the eleraosyuary, ecclesiasticjil, and educational uses of the Church of England or Protestant Episcopal Church within this Province, or of any portion thereof, besides the real estate now held and enjoyed bj the said Bishop of Ru])ert's Land, any lands, tenements, rents, annuities, hererace the same a Rupert's )p of Ru- as reprt*- that the a 'oy the with the hey also them in le Legia- lows : >ba shall r belong- )btained, Province England iocese of the said Constitution shall be the successor of the Right Reverend Robert Machray aa the body corporate known by the name of " The Bishop of Ruj)ert'8 I^and." 2. The Bishop of Rupert's Land shall, in the case of land held by him in any Parish for ecclesiastical uses for the benefit of that Parish, with the consent of the majority of the Vestry, and of the Inciimbont, if there bo an incumbent, be able to set apart land for the purpose of making a road, or to grant land not exceeding one aero in extent, for the purpose of a school, hospital or other necessary public object. 3. The Incumbent or Curate in charge licensed by the Bishop and Church Wardens of any congregation in Manitoba organized according to the Consti- tution of the !S3'nod of Rupert's Tmnd shall be a body politic and corporate, and they and their successors, under the name of the Church of England Parish or Mission of , shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, and by such name may from time to time and at all times hereafter purchase, acquiie by gift, devise, or becpiest if made at least six months before the death of the person making the same, hold, possess, and enjoy, and may have, taki^, and receive for them and their successor for ecclesiastical, educational, or eleemosynary uses, any lands, tenements, here- ditary property, rents, annuities, and all other property whatever, moveable or immoveable, and the same may sell, exchange, alienate, mortgage, let, lease, and dispose of, and others in their stead purchase, acquire and hold for the uses and purposes aforesaid ; i)rovided always that the amount of such real estate shall not exceed what Trustees of Protestant Churches are allowed to hold by 36 Vict., Chap. 16, and })rovided also that in the administration of the said property they be subject to such regulations and restrictions as regards selling, exchanging, alienating, mortgaging, or leasing real estate, or making invest- ments in stock, funds, debentuies or other property as the Synod of Rui)ert'8 Land, either directly or through any Board, may from time to time lay down ; and the said corporation shall have all the rights of corporations under 34 Vict., Chap. I. 4. All questions relating to the constitution, powers, meetings, and pro- ceeding of Vestries, the qualili cation, term of office, powers, and accounts of Church Wardens, the appointing of such Parish and Church officers as Clerk, Sexton, Organist, fees for marriages and other services of the Church, rights of pew-liolders, j>ew-rents, and such other matters relating to the regulation and management of all or any of the Temporalities of the Church of England in this Province, shall be settled from time to time bv the Diocesan Synod of Ru- pert's Land, and the said Synod by by-law or canon may, from time to time as it may see tit, repeal, change, alter, and amend any of its previous provisions — regard being had to any vested rights in pews in Churches erectei before the passing of this Act. < ; . •> 5. This Act shall be deemed a Public Act. . ■ - ^t»yi^ I i CANON OF J>rSCl]»LINE. 1. If any Priest or Deacon Ik; charji^od with luiyof tin* ollencrH inentioiiod in the (.'anoi) of Discipline of the Pi-ovince of Kui»<'rt'H liiaul, or if theie <'xist Hcaixhil or evil report of liis having 80 offended, tlie IJishoj) nia}', on the appli- cation of any party complaining tliereof, or if lie Khali think lit of his own mere motion, issue a Commission nnder his hand and neal to five [)erson8, of whom one shall be h's Vicar-General or an Archdeacon or Huial Dwm witl)in the Diocese, for the ])urpose of making in<|niry as to the grounds of such charge or report : Provided always that notice, umler the hand of thti liishoj), of the in- tention to issue such Commission, containing an intimation of the natrreof the offence, together with the n:ime or names and residence or residences of the party on whose application or motion such Connnission shall be about to issue, bhall be sent by the Jiishop to tlie party accused fourteen days at least before Huch Commission shall issue. 2. Notice of the place where and the time when every meeting of the Commissioners shall be hoMen shall be given in writing under the hand of one of the said Commissioners to the party accused, seven days at least before the meeting, and it shall bo lawful for the party accused or his agent to attend the proceedings of the Commission, and to examine or cross-examine any of the witnesses, and all such preliminary proceedings sliall be public or not as the Commissioners may determine. The Commissioners shall examine all witnesses tendered to them for examination, as well by any party alleging the truth of the charge or report as by the party accused, or whom they may deem it necessary to summon for the purpose of fully prosecuting the inquiry and ascertaining whether there be suilicient j/rima facie ground for instituting further proceed- ings. , ^ 3. The said Commissioners, or any three of them, shnll transmit to the Bishop under their hands the depositions of witnesses taken before them, and also u, report of the majority of the Commissioners present at such inquiry whe- ther or not there be sufficient /)W/»aya«e ground for instituting proceedings against the pai'ty accused, and such i-ejiort sliall be filed in the Registry of the Diocese. Ou the application of the party accused the Bishop shall cause to be delivered to such party a copy of the said Repcrt and of the depositions, on payment of a reasonable sum for the same, not exceeding five cents for each folio of ninety words. ,; 4. With the consent of the Clerk accused and of the party complaining, if any, first obtained in writing, the Bishop may at any stage of the proceed- ings pronounce without any further proceedings such sentence as the said Bishop shall think fit, not exceeding ihe sentence appointed by the Provincial Canon of Discipline for the offence. 87 putioiioil jie exist le appli- wn t lie re >f whom t})in the harge or ftlie ill- re of tlie s of the to iH8ue, 3t before [ig of the id of one efore the :teiid the iV of the ot as the viti losses thofthe lecessai'V irtaiiiing proceed- to the leni, and liiy whe- iceedings of the use to be tions, on for each 0.1 .J , plaining, proceed- the said rovincial 5. If the Commissioners re[)ort that there is awf^cient primn facie, ground for instituting pnxjoedings, then, if the Hishop or the piirty eomph\iniiig tliink tit to proceed aguinst the party accuseil, articles shall be drawn up and filed in the Registry of thc^ Dioctse, and the pei-son ac^cused or any person on his be- half sliall be entitle;! to inspect the same without fee, aiul to require mid ha\e on demand fnMii the Registrar, who is herel)y recpiired to ileliver the same, copies of the same on paynujiitof a reasonable sum, not exceeding live cents for each folio of ninety words. G. A copy of the articles so filed shall be forthwith served upon the party accused by personally delivering the same to him, or by leaving the same at his usual or last known place of residence, and it shall not be lawful to j>roceed upon any such Articles until after the expiration of foui'teen days after the day on which such copy shall have been so served. 7. The Bishoj) may, by writing under his hand, require the party to ap- pear either in person or by his agent duly appointed, before him at any place within the Diocese and at any time after the expiration of the said fourteen days, and to make answer to the said Articles within such time as to the Bishop may seem reasonable ; and if the party shall appear and by his answer admit the truth of the Articles, the Bishop shall forthwith proceed to pro- nounce sentence according to the ProvincialCanon of Discipline. 8. If the party accused shall refuse or neglect to appear and make any answer to the said Articles other than an admission of the truth thereof, the Bishop shall proceed to hear the cause with the assistance of three Assessoi-s, to be nominated by the Bisho]), one of whom shall be a barrister of not less than three years' standing and another shall be the Dean of his (Jathedral Church or one of his Archdeacons, or his Chancellor, or one of the Canons ot his Cathe- dral Church ; and upon the hearing of such cause the Bishop shall determine the same and pronounce sentence thereupon according to the Provincial Canon of Discipline. 9. The Bishop may, if he think great scandal is likely to arise from the party accused continuing to perforin the services of the Church while such charge is under investigation, inhibit him from performing any services of the Church within the Diocese, and require him to supply a fit substitute whom the Bishop shall licence, or failing his nominating a substitute to the satisfaction of the Bishop, then the Bishop shall himself make piovision for the Cure of the ac- cused by licensing a clergyman to supply it, assigning in payment a sum out of the stipend of the accused not exceeding a moiety of its amount — provided also that the Bishop may at any time revoke such inhibition and licence re- spectively. 10. This Canon is subject to the provLsions of the Canon of Discipline of the Province of Rupert's Land. .!i! t: '4:. •>.>t ■f ,. ./ 39 ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, MANITOBA. (EhjtnccUor mxt (Udnx^en. THP: right reverend R. JUACHRAY, D.D., LL.D., Fellow of Sidney College, Cambridj;e; Bishop of Rupert's Land and Metropolitan of Itiiixjrt'.s Land. The RlRh* Rct. J. McLRAN, D.D , D.C.L., Bishop of Saskatchewan. Tht Rt. Rev. J. HORDEN, D. D. , Bishop of Moosanee. The Rt. Rev. W. C. BOMPAS, D.D., Bishop of Atha- basca. The Ven. A. COWLEY, Ar.-hdeacen of Cumberland. The Hon. the eHIEF JUSTICE of Manitoba. The Hon. Dr. BIRD, M P.P. The Hon. the account of the TMshop of Rupert's Land, Merchants |Bank, Winnipeg ; or to the Junior Steward, K. Machray, Esq. It was ordered at a College Meeting, May 11th, 1867, that the Bills fur Board and College Charges be bent in one month after the commencement of Term, when payment should at once bo made. Application for Admission has to be made to the Warden of the allege The Bbhop of Rupert's Land. No boy can in future be admitted as a Pupil to the College S^ik. >1 unless he can pa-ss an Examinatioii I'tbe Second Reader, or as a Boarder umler the age of 8 years; tuid no boy over the age^ of 16 can be imitted as a Boarder in the College School, except on the nominati'>n of the Church Missionary Society to one of its Scholarships, or in other specia. circumstances to be approved by the Warden. R. RUPERTS LAND, Chancbluik. AN ACT TO INCORPOllATE ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. Chapter XXXTX., U Vk?t.— Assented to May 3, 187 L Whereas it has been I'epresented to the Legish^t^re of this Province that the Right Reverend Robert Machray, Doctor of Divinity and Bisliop of the Diocese of Rupert's Land, has established a College in connection with the Church of England within this Province, under the style and title of St. John's College : and whereas it would tend greatlv to advance and extend the usefulness of the said College, and to promote the pui|>oses for which it ha.'^ been established that it should be incorporated ; Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legis- lative Council and the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba enacts as follows : 1. That there shfdl be, and there is hereby constituted and established within this Province, a body politic and corporate under the name of St. John's College, which Corporation shall consist of the Bishop of R* port's Land for the time being and the Council of tlie said College, not less than three in number, — which members oi Council have been or shall be named in the tirst instance by the Right Reverend Robert Machray, Bishop of Rupert's Land as aforesaid, and shall in the event of the death of any of them, removal or disqualification from office, or resignation of any ©f them, be replaced from time to time by other persons in such manner as is set forth and appointed in the Constitution and Statutes of the said College ; provided always that the Bishop of Rupert's Land for the time being shall ex-officio be a member of the said Council, and President thereof under the name of Chancellor. 2. Such Corporation shall have peii)etual succession, and may have a com- mon seal, with power to change, alter, break and renew the same, when and so often as they sliall think proper ; and the said Corporation may, under the same name, contract and be contracted with, sue and bo sue.l, plead and be im- leaded, prosecute and be prosecuted in all courts and places whtitsoever in this j Province, and shall have full power to make and establish such rules, orders c^nd regulations, not being contrary to the laws of this country nor to this Act, nor to the Constitution and Statutes of the said College, as they shall deem useful or necessary, as well concerning the system of education in as for the con- duct and government of the said College, and of preparatory Collegiate^Bciwel connected with or dependent on the same and of the Corporation thereof, of and for the superintendence, advantage and improvement of all the property, 41 moveable or immoveable, belonging to, or which shall hereafter belong to the 8aiJ Corporation ; and shall have power to take under any legal: title whatso- ever, and to hold for the said College, all land and property, moveable and immoveable, which may be hereafter sold, ceded, exchanged, given, bequeathed or gi-anted to the said Corpoi'atiou : or to sell, alienate, convey, l«t or lease the same, if need bci ; provided always, that such leal estate so held by the sjiid College hereby iucor[)orat«d shall not excee bers of the said Corporation, the number of teiichers on»ployed in the various hi-anches of instruction, and the course of instruction [an-sued. 5. This Act shall be deemed a Public Act •r ;;■ THE CONSTIl^UTION AND THE STATUTES OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. Wheueas We, Robert, by Divine Permission, Bishop of Rupert's Land, having especially in view the glory of God and the edification of His Church, in the training of fit persons for the Sacred Ministry of the Divine Word and Sa- craments, did establish an Institution for Higher Education under the name of St. John's College, thereby contin\iing the name of tlie College existing under Our Predecessor, fi-om which we obtained certaiii Buildings and a valuable Li- brary, and which was itself the successor of the school of which the Reverend John Macallum, M. A., was for many years Head, and whereas we did declare the objects for which the College was to be conducted aud carried on to be as follows : — Firstly — To train fit ])ersons for the Sacred Ministry and for discharging the duties of Catechists and Teachers in Parishes or Missions within this Dio- cese of the Church of England. Secondly — To provide instruction in the higher branches of education usually taught in Universities, for such students as may be desirous of the same, and thought fit for tisefully prosecuting them. Thirdly — To combine with these primary objects such kindred efforts, in- cluding a Preparatory College or Collegiate School, as may be found desirable and expedient. Fourthly — To perform such acts, matters, and things as are incidental or otherwise conducive to the attainment of the before-mentioned objects or any of them. And whereas we did further set forth that we intended this College to be a Centre for Diocesan and Missionary work and that we expected all who took office in the College, in the present Missionary condition of the Diocese of Ru- pert's Land, to make themselves helpful in every possible way to LTs and Our Successors Bishops of Rupert's Land, and, if in Holy Orders, to be ever willing and ready to assist the Bishop of Rupert's Land in his charge of souls and to supply any deficiency of Ministerial Service, either by assisting in the Cathe- dral, taking charge of a particular Church, Parish, or District, or doing occa- sional duty. 43 And whereas to cany out these ohjeefs we did grant a Constitution and Statutes to the said College, and did t'tirtlicr obtain an Act ot the Ijcgi.slature of Manitoba incorporating it under the name of St. John's College— such (!or])0- ration being subject to the said ( 'oTislitution and Statutes -and whereas in the said Constitution and Statutes wc> did set t'oi'th that it was oui- intention that the toacluug and government of the < 'oUege should always Vje in conforndty with the l)isci)>lin<' and Doctrine of the Church of fchigluiid or of that ]>Mrt or branch of it which might for purposes of self-governnu^nt l)e constituted in the said Diocese of Rupcnt's Ijaud, and tiiat, therefore, it was oui* purpose that the (.'ollege should ultimately be governed according to such Statutes as the Synod of Rupert's Land, when it was in a position to tak(^ ciiargo of the Collesie, should, with the cousfmt of the Bishof) of Rupert's iiand for the time being, enact ; provided always tiiat the Statutf^s previously given by the Bishop of Rupert's Land, and in force when tlio l^isho[)of Rnpert's Land should convey such ])ower to the Synoil of Rupert's Land, should continue to be binding till the Synod with the consent of the Bishop of Rupert's Land for the time being, should have otherwise detei-Uiineil, and whereas, till there should be snch con- veyance, we reserved to ourselves and to our successors the j)owerof altering, amending, withdi awing, or adding to them as We or any of Us might see fit. And whereas we think the time has come for conveying to the Synod the power of altering, anuniding, withdrawing, or adding to the Statutes of the College, always sul>iect to the assent of the Bishop of Rupert's Land; and where- as the Synod of Ruj)ei-t's Land agrees to accept the Trust, therefore we tlo issue these Statutes as the final Statutes ])roceeding from oui-selves, and do hereby de.rlaie these to be the Statutes of St. John's ('ollege, and to be in forci; till the Diocesan Synod uf Bui)ert's J^and in connection with the Province of Rupert's Land, as estal)lished by the Provincial Synod of the Chiu'ch'of Eng- land in Rupert's [jand, shall have, with the consent of the Bishop of Rupert's iiand for the time being, in any respect otherwise determined. THE STATUTES OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. L The Visitor and Chancellor of St. John's College shall be the Bishop of Rupert's Land. The m€nnl)ers on the Foundation shall, as Endowments are formed, be a Warden, Head jNlaster of the College School, Professors, Fellows and Scholars. Professors shall be menil>ers on the Foundation paid by an en- dowment for a particular branch of Learning, and Fellows by an Endowment not limiting its object to any special sul)je(;t but for geiKM-jd College purposes. Teachers in the College not paid by Endowment shall be called Masters or Lecturers. The Council may elect as Honorary Fellows distinguished Alum- ni of the College, Benefactors of the College, or others deemed worthy of the distinction and connected in some pi-ominent way with the Church, Country, or College, Until Degrees can be obtained bv Alumni of the College, the Conn- cil may by Examination or otherwise confer the Titles of Associate in Arts, and Associate in Divinity. ; 2. The Governing Body of the College shall be called the Council, It shall consist of the Bishop of Rupert's Land, who as Chancellor shall preaitle C T <,'■■• 44 at its meotings, of tho nishops and A.s.sist;int BisliojjS of the Province of Rn- pei't's Land, of the Dean and Archdeacons of tlie Diocese of Ku|)ert'8 Land, of the WanU^n of the ('olh!ge, and Head Master of the (Jolk^ge School, and of other meiuberH not to exceed sixteen in niunher, to he elected hv thealninniof the College as sh.ill he luM-eafier determine.!, bnt nntil there h(i deemed a snf- ficiput l)0(ly of sneh alnmni, to he from time to time nominated by the Bishop of Rupert's Land, each for a peiiod of fonr years. The Wai-den shall he Vice- (Mianceilo)", and shall i>i-eside in the absence of the Chanccdlor. Meetings of the Council shall be called by the Chancellor, or, if he he al)sent from the Pro- vince or incaj)acitated by illness fi-om acting, l)y the Vice'-(Jhancellor. Every member of Conneil, on accepting his ap))ointment, shall be und(!rstood as there- by declaring himself a bouajUe member of the (Jhnrch of England in Rupert's Jjand, and if any men\b(M', not an ex-officto member, shall not have attended a single meeting of Council during two successive years, or if lie shall cease to be M member of the Church aforesaid, he shall forfeit his seat in the Council, and he may be removed from it by the Bishof> of Rujiert's Land, yet so as that, in tlie absence of such removal, his presence in the Council shall not invalidate what may be done. Every member of Council, including the presiding member, shall, if he please, hav (^, when there is any division in the Council, one vote, and, if the votes be ecpial, then the presiding member shall have a casting vote. No business shall be transacted at any meeting of Council unless three mem- bers be present. Any member of Council, not a member ex-ojficio, may cease to be a member by sending in his lesignation to the Bishop of Rupeit's Lan-;! ill writing. In other respects the Council shall be regulated and its business conducted and decided ujton according to the Rules and Orders to be by the Council from time to time ado{)ted. 3. The Council shall take cognizance of all matters whatsoever connected with the admission, fees, studies, examinations, and condnct of the students, with the charges, arrangement, and management of Boarding houses belonging to the College, with arrangements for students living with parents or guardians or lodging at houses not directly under the control of the College ; with the condition and management of all Funds or Lands belonging to the College, ex- ercising such powers as have been committed to it by the Act of Incorporation, and with the repairs, im))rovements, and condition of Class-rooms, Houses, (rroinuls, or other property of the College. They shall pass what rules and or- dinances they think tit, on these and on othei subjects connected with the well- bung of the College — provided always that these rules and ordinances shall not at any time conflict with any of the Statutes of the College. If any member or members of the Council, excepting the Chancellor, consider any act or decision of the Council to interfere with a Statute of the College, he or they may enter a protest against such act or decision, and may appeal to the Bishop of Rupei't'a Land as Visitor of the College, who shall consider the appeal, with the assist- ance of assessors if he see tit, and whose decision shall be final. 4. There shall be a College Board consisting of the Warden, the Head Master of the College School, and such other members on the College Founda- tion or Masters engaged in the Tuition of the College or College School, as the Council shall see fit from time to time to name, whose duty shall be to carry 45 out the ivguliitions of the (Council, to j)ass interim l)y-lawa or Ruh'swheii thought necessary with reganl to the matters n)eutione(l in Statute 3, to arrange for the Examinations and Exercises of the Term, to consiiUg* any cases of Discipline brouglit before it by the Warden or the Head Master of the (Jolh^ge School, iind generally to transact business of a routine character connected with the T'.iition of the C'dlego and M-inageineut of the Students, bcjing govnrnel by the; Statutes of the College and the Regulations of the Council The meetings of this lioard shall be known as College Meetin;,'s. and shall be called and pi-esided over l»y the War- den, or in his absence by his l)e})uty. When there is any division of opinion at a College Meeting eveiy ineml)er shall havi^ a vote, and if the votes when taken bo equal, then the Warden, or in his al)8ence his Deputy, shall have a easting vote in addiiion to his previous vote as a member of the Board. Any member or mem))ers of the Boanl may enter a jn-otest against any decision and appeal to the Council, but such appeal shall not stay any action on the decision that the Board may think necessary before the appeal can be considered by the Council. Tiie minutes of College Meetings shall be in the custody of the Warden, who shall keep them carefully in a book provided for the puipose, (filtering Hrst the names of the members of the Board present .and having the said minutes signed by the members present during the meeting. The Warden shall produce the Book whenever directed by the Council, the Visitor of the College, or by any other lawful authority. 5. The Warden of the College shall be appointed by the Bishop of Ru- pert's Land, and must be a member of the Church of England or of some Episcopal Church in such communion with it as are now the Daughter Colo- nial Churches, the Church of Ireland, the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States, and the Scotch Episcopal Church. It shall be the duty of the Warden to superintend generally the atlairs of the College, not including the College School, to see that the Statutes of the College and the Rules and Ordi- nances of the Council and the College Board ai-e cariied into eflect, to take care that every member ot the College, whether Professor, Fellow, Master, Scholar, or Student, is giving due attention to his College duties ; to take cog- nizance of the Boarding-houses of the College; to see that the students are cared for according to the arrangements of the College, and that proper disci- pline is maintained in them — lor that purpose visiting and inspecting the Boarding-houses from time to time; and to take charge of such department of College duties as may be committed to him by the Bishop of Rupert's Land. He sljall take direction of Morning and Evening Prayers, and such other ser- vices, sermons, or exercises, as may from time to time l)e deemed expedient. He shall also decide what are the proper subiects of study for students. This clause shall also govern the Head Master of the College School — the words Head Master being substituted for Warden and College School for College. The Warden of the College may also be the Head Master of the College School. In case of the absence or incapacity of the Warden or the Head Master of the College School, a Deputy may be appointed by the Bishop of Rupert's Land who shall in all respects take the place of the Warden or Head Master re «pectively. ' 6. There shall be a Dean of the College, who shall be elected by the Col 46 U'.»e Boiirrl, and his (iiitics from tiin« to time defined by the I'oard. Tlie Col- lege Board may appoint al.so a Cliajdain or Reader. <■ 7. All Sclidlai-s oil tlit^ Foiin>lati()ii of tho (!o)I«*l,'(i shall, unless in any case it he otherwise ijrovided, he eh'et«;d bv the (V)lh'tre Hoard. Thev HJiall \h: pnlilicly actniitted hy tin; Warden in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of t]n' Holy (jrhoHC. They ;i,nd all Kxhihitioners, holding any emolument at the (/oUoufo, shall act as Censors, Monitoi-s, or Prefects, if so appointed, and shall jfivi^, all possil)le assistance t)y example and otherwise to the authori- ties of the Coliefjfe. And for any misconduet Un^y shall Ix- liahle, if the Collej^c Board see tit, to suspension or deprivation of their Scholarships in addition to their lieini^ liable to such punishments as shall be liereaftei' laiil down for mis- conduct on the j)artof Students in ujent-ral. 8. For all minor offences of any Student, the Warden, Fiead Master, Pro- fessors, and other 'iVachei-s and the Heads of Boai-dinij;-hous(>s may at his or their discretion admonish the offender, oi- punish him l)y imjiositions or con- finement to the lioiirdin<:fdious(i or Class-room. If such punishment V)e not found effective, or if it be otherwise ))referre(J tlie ofIen(h;r shall be reported to the Warden, or if a boy at the College Schoo. to the Head Master, who may punish as before sentence of rustication or exj>ulsion, there be an appeal to tlie Council, 9. In the event of any endowment, gift, or gifts being made to the Colleg(« for Professorships, Fellowships, Lectureships, Scholarshi|)s, Exhil)itions, Prizes, or otherwise, fof its general purpo.ses, or to Trustees upon trust for all or any of the said objects, such endowments and gifts, if accepted by the Council, shall be appropriated according to the directions and conditions of the donor thereof, and subject to such directions and conditions, it shall be lawful for the Council from time to time to draw up or sanction Statutes, or make such rules and regulations as shall seem meet in relation to any such endowment or gift. 10. For any offence comiug within the Canon of Discipline of the Pro- vince of Ruj)ert's Land any Clerical member of the College, whatever position he may hold, shall be proceeded against and dealt with according to the Canons of Discipline of the Province and Diocese of Rupert's Land. For any other offence, such as acting contrary to the Statutes of the College, the Regulations of the Council or College Board, or otlier misconduct with respect to his duty as a member of the College, a Professor, who is also a Canon of the Cathedral, may be admonished by the Warden, or College Council, or he may be proceeded against by either of these before a Board to be composed of three persons, one of whom sliall be nominated by the Council of the College, one by the Dean and Chapter of St. John's Cathedral, and one, who shall preside, by the Bishop of Ru- pert's Land. The procedure as to drawing up artieles, serving them on the party f m ■ ! "■"■ m 47 awusod, and lioarini» tlio eaiiso sli>»ll bo as laid down in tlio Canon of Discipline «»f tbi' Diocesan Synod of riupoit's I^jind. If ho is found gniitv l)v oidy two of the nienilxM-sof tiio Board he may seek a trial by a new Board, hnt if lie does not seek a n(!\v trial, or is foniid .t,'uilty In' all three, then he shall '» ■ ;• liiionislied, huk- pended, or removed from olliev proper pi-oeefdin^'s und(U' the Statutes of tlie (cathe- dral shall carry with it suspcMisioii or removal res[)ectively fi-om the Professor- ship helil with the Canonry. Any member of the College not a Clergyman, for any olfonee or misiionduct or inetUciencv, and any Clerical memlxn- of the Col- ege not holding a, Professorship atraeliod to a Cinonry, for ineifieieiicy or any offence or misconduct not coming within tln^ ('anon of Discipline of thii Pro- vince of Rupert's Land, shall be subject to admonition from the Warden or flead Master as the case may be, the College Board, or the Council, and to suspensiv)u or removal from oHiee by the Council, but in the case of removal not until after .such removal sh.ijl have been decided upon by two successive MieetingH of the ('ouncil s))ecially summoned for the pur[)Ose, with an interval of at least one month between each meeting. In the case of any proceeding against the Warden, if the Chancellor be not present, the College Council shall elect one of its members as President for the occasion. 11. The Professor of Systematic Theology, who, by the condition of the gift of endowment of the chair, is also a (linon of the (Jathedral Church of St, John's, Ru[)ert's Land, and subject to the Statutes appointed from time to time for that Church audits (Jhapter, shall be ap])ointed by the Bishop of Rupert'.^ Land. He must be at least a Presbyter or Priest of the Church of England or of some Kpisco[>al Church in such communion with it as are novy the Daughter (Colonial Churclies, the Church of Trelan at present the Bishop of Ru])ert'8 Land. He sliall lay out and invest the Trust Funds of the College, including all moneys from time to time not required to satisfy immediate claims, in tlie purchase of land or in real securities, in Government Stock or Debentures, in Montreal Harbor Stcxik, Montreal Corporation Stock or Debentures, or ia any I Witi Wit) Wit 40 /hurch of e Scotch s and In- XH of the n'liy Stu- it uiul in II as may 1(1 appro- (Tal edu Jathedral londitious I Church Tom time iishop of hincli of 3 are now fint Epia- rch. He ecially in id of the e shall be Liturgies y on the He shall H of the I Ijand he jhools in Rupert's England, Daughter mchof the in Music oys of St. •t's Land, prescribed >val of the | education Iral as he I Rupert's including as, in tlie jntures, in or in any other safe stock of which the Council ur.\y j»|i|>r()VO, but hIiuU not involve any liability to a call or to loss beyond that of the sum invi'stcd. II«' shall also keeppi-opcr books of account that shall exhibit a true statement of the proper ty, effects, income and exjiendituivof the College. The ; ^v i i. -> shall be au- dited once a year, and the books shall be shown to the Council whenever de- siied. The liisho[> may in his abscnco appoint a Deputy Bursar, and in the case of the Rishop of Rjipeit's Land declitiiiitr to be ]iuisar. the Council shall elect a Ruisar. The Council shall not anthoiisf^ any expenditure exceeding in one ytar by ^wo hundi-ed and fifty dollars what they have at their disposal at the tiniH for me«'tin<,' the expenditure, without the consent ot the Bishop of Rup(Mt's Land. The Bursar may on liehalf of the Colle;;e appoint an attorney or attorneys if necessai-y in the manageujent of the aflaiis of the College. 16. The Council shall appoint a Secretary, who, if possible, shall be one of its members, and who shall keej) its books ; also, when nwessary, the Council may appoint a Solicitor, The Council may also ele(;t members of the College to be Steward and Assistant Steward to collect College Fees and other charges, and as far as the Council may direct and sanction to see to the Victualling Department and ai;y 'equisites of the College, and to Superintend and cany out any repairs or improvements ordered liy the College Council. Such appoint- ment .shall he during the pleasure of the Cfi'.srtorship of EfcIcNiaNtical HUtory, St. John's College. At i)reseiit hclfl by tho Bishop of Riipeit',1 Land. t Attached to the Preccntv»rship, and Professorship of Music, St. .lohn'n Colletje. Kndownicnt not yet Completed. AN iVCT TO JNCOllPOllATE THE DEAN AND CHArTER OF ST. JOHN'S CAT! lEDllAL C 1 1 UllCH. (.*AP. XXT.; :i7 Vurr.— Assented to Jl'ly l'2, 1874. Whereas the Right Reverend Robeit Machray, Doctor of Divinity, Bishop of Kupert's Lund, hiivii.g obtained Endowments for Canonries iu the, Church of England Cathedral of St. John's, has founded a Capitular ' 'v, to consist of a Dean and six or more Canons, to be governed accoi'ding to ates that have been granted by him to that Body : And whereas tlie Bisiiop of Rupert's Land has by petition to the Legislature repiesented that it would be beneficial to the interest of this Body if it were incorporated, and has prayed that it may be incorporated by the name of " The Dean and Chaj)ter of St, John's Cathedral." And whereas it is deemed expedient to grant the prayer of t he said Petitioner ; Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows : I. The Right Reverend Robert Machray, Bishop of Rupert's Land, Dean of the C'^thedral Church of St. John's, the Right Reverend John McLean, 5t ickl by tho lit not yet HNS )ivinitv, ill the, '-, to ites IbllOp of would be pvaved of *St. prayer t of the macts as id, Dean McLean, Bishop of Saskiitchcwvn, now Arolidoacon of Maiiitoha, and thr Venerable Abraham (y0wh*y, Anjhdeacon of Cunil»erlan of llupert's Land conveyed such power to the Synod of llujiert's Land, — requiring, liowever, the consent of the Bishop for any withdmwal, change, or addition made by tke Synod ; and whereas We purpose in these Statutes to convey this power to the Synod, and the Synod has agreed to accept the same, therefore We do now Issue these Statutes as in tlie linal form from Ourselves, and these Statutes sh^ll remain in all respects in force until the Synod of Ruj)ert'8 f^and shall, with the consent of the Bishop of Rupert's Land for the time being, withdraw, change, or add to the same. STATUTE I. '' The object of this Foundation is to secure a Body of Presbyters, who, whilst they shall carry on regularly the services in the Cathedral Church, and take charge of the souls within the Cathedral Parish, known as St. John's, may be a Council for the Bishop as far as he may see fit ; may assist him as much as lies in their jiower in the Mission work of the Diocese around the Cathedral, including at [)resent, whilst the country is not filled up, new settlements in the neighborhood unprovided with the means of Grace, and in the Educa- tional work of St. John's College, more especially in the Theoloirical School of the same ; and may have the Cathedral in such order that the Bishop and the Diocese may be able, as at Ordinations, Meetings of Synod, or other occasions in connection with Episcopal or Diocesan objects, to have Divine Sei'vice con- ducted becoi.iingly and to edification. Every member of the CliJipter shall before Institution by the Bishop or lii.s Commissary, besides taking such Ouths and Declarations as are requirtid in this Diocese for Institution to any Bene- fice, make and sign in the book of the Registrar of the Diocese, this Declara- tion : *' I, A. B., do promise that I shall, in addition to faithfully discharging the special duties of my ofiice (as Dean or Canon), according to the Statutes of the Cathedral Church of St, John's, do my best endeavor to assist the Bishop of Rupert's Land in the furtherance of the objects mentioned in Statute I." STATUTE II. •rfi. The Bisho]) of Rupert's Land shall be the visitor of the Cathedral, and shall hold a visitation whenever requested by the Dean, or any two Canons of the Cathedral, or whenever he sees fit on his own proper motion. He may then call before him any or all holding any office or position in the Cathe- dral, inquii'e into the observance of the Stat>utes, and investigate any matter which has beeu the cause of any complaint, or which has led to any ])ropo8ition for improvement, or which may be considered by the Bishop as affectin» the well-being of the Cathedral and its objects. If he thinks it advisable he may join with himself one or more Assessors to take part in such investigation, and to aid him in forming his judgment ; and such judgment shall be final in all cases of interpretation of the Statutes, or in the case of any charge of neglect- ing or violating the Statutes, or of doing what is not aut!iorized by them. If 54 the judgment is not obeyed within six weeks, the Bishop may admonish the offender ; and if not obeyed within a further period of six weeks the Bishop may again admonish or suspend him from office, or from office and emolument; and if after six months from the date of suspension obedience should still be refused, the Bishop may then, if he think fit, remove him from his position in the Cathedral and declare his office vacant. The Bishop shall have the ap- pointment of his own seat in the Cathedral, and what he regards as the position of precedence when present in the Cathedral or with the Chapter in any way. He siiall have the right to preach in the Morning Service on the great Festi- vals of the Church, namely, Christmas, Epiphany, Easter, Whit-Sunday and Trinity Sunday ; also, on Good Friday, Ascension Day, St. John the Evange- list's Day, St. Andrew's Day, All Saint's Day, and on the anniversary of his consecration ; and also either personally, or by deputy nominated by himself, on six other days in every year, begiiming from Easter Sunday in the morning, afternoon or evening service, provided lie give at least in any case two weeks' notice to the Dean of his intention of exercising such right. He shall have the right of appointing special Preachers, of whom one may be himself, for a series or several series of either afternoon or evening Sunday 8 .rvioes, but not for both on the same Sunday, nor except with the consent of the Dean and Chapter for more than twenty Sundays in all in the same year at such time or times of the year as he may think proper. He may also ap- point Preachers for a series of week-day services, for one day in the week, in the seasons of Advent, Epiphany and Lent. He shall have full control of the Cathedral, including the appointing of the Preacher and the ordering of the service without being confined to the Ca- thedral Clergy at any period of the day for all services required in connection with Episcopal acts, such as Ordinations or Confirmations, or for services in connection with the Synod of the Diocese, or any special Church, Diocesan, or State occasion — such as a Day of Missionary Intercession, a Missionary or Church Conference, a Choral Festival, a Day ot Dominion or Provincial Thanksgiving or Humiliation, or such day appointed by the authority of th« Bishop, or the Bishop acting with the Synod or Executive Committee of the Diocese ; but in all such cases, for the securing of this right, there shall be at least two weeks' notice given to the Dean — and the said full control of the^Ca- thedral and ordering of the service shall not convey any right to interfere with the appointed stalls of the Dean and Canons, or with their precedence after the Bishop in any procession connected with stich service. (1 oc , STATUTE III. The Dean and Chapter shall consist of a Dean and six or more Canons. The Dean may be also Professor of Pastoral Theology in St. John's College ; but until these offices, jointly or separately, have an income i'rom Endowment of at least two thousand dollars ($2000) a year, the Bishop of Rupert's Land may appoint himself as Dean, but shall receive no income from holding such office — the interest of any investment for a stipend of a Dean being thereby allowed to accumulate. A Professor of Pastoral Theology in St. John's Col- 55 lege, even if his Endowment should be raised to the said amount of two thou- sand dollars a year, shall not thereby become ipso facto Dean of the Cathedial, unless, with the consent of the Bishop of Rupert's Land, his office as Professor is attached to the Deanery. Whilst the Bishop of Rupert's Land is Dean, lie shall have the authority and jurisdiction of Dean, and may perform any of thi* duties of the ofiice, but they yhall not bf obligatory on him. The First and Second Canonriea shall be attached to ihe Archdeaconries of Manitoba and Cumberland respectively. The Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Canonries shall be attachetl to the Profes.sorships of Systematic Theology, Lxej^etical Theology, Ecclesiastical History and Music in St. John's Oollege, according to the deeds of endowment of those Piofeasorships. The Sixth Canonry shall also )iave at- tached to it the Precentorship of the Cathedral. As long as there are no En- dowments for the First and Second Canonries, there shall be no duties devol- N ing on the Archdeacons as Canors, nor shall any residence be required from them ; yet, whenever piesent, they shall have the full rights of speaking and voting in any meeting of the Chapter. The other Canons shall have to be in residence at least nine months in the year, unless from illness or other cause they receive leave of absence from the Dean and Chapter, and also from the Bishop of ){upert's Land. Whatever funds arise from lands or otherwise, not being assigned for special Canons or special duties, but Ijeing for the Clergy doing the Cathedral service, shall be divisible in shares among the Chapter, so that the Dean receives two shares, and each Canon who has kept his residence one shai-e ; but if the Bishop be Dean, then the Dean's share shall be invested for the Endowment of the Deanery. If the First or Second Canons, though without special Endowment for their Archdeaconrie« or Canonries, keep such residence of nine months as apjwinted foi- the other Canons, taking full part with the other Canons in the Parochial and Missionary work of the Cathedral, then they shall be entitled for such service to the same share as the other Can- ons, of any mone,y acciuing from income not specially assigned as above s[3eci- tied. Any absence with leave, as prescribed in this statute, shall count as resi- dence in making u]» the nine months required for lesidence ; but if a Canon be thus absent from necessary reasons, he may be called upon by the Dean and Chapter to apportion part of his income for the services of a deputy to be a^, pointed by them. The Fourth Canonry, which is attached to the chair of Exegetical Theolo- gy, shaP be like that Professoi-ship in the gift of the English Committee of the Chuich Missionary Society of England, provided they appoint within twelve (12) months of the vacancy ; but if no appointment be made within that peri- od, then the appointment shall be made by the Bishop of Rupert's Land. It shall be sufficient for the Committee of the Society to send copies of a Resolu- tion making the appointment to the Bisho[) of Rujjert's Land and the Secre- taty acting for the Society in Ru^)ert's I^and, signet! by the Chairman of the meeting of the Committee at which the apjjointment was made, and certified by one or more of the Secretaries of tlie Parent Society. It shall then be the duty of the Secretary of the Society in Rupert's Land to leave copies, certified by him, of this Resolution with the Chancellor or other then resident bead of the College, and with the Dean or other then i-esident head of the Cathediul body, that the pro()er steps may be taken for hia institution as Ganou by the V"«^ "WF /Ui^»l ^1 ■ r)6 Bislioj) or liis Comnussary, and for his induction to his stall in the Cathedral and his Professorship in the College. Hi! The Fifth Canonry, luing in course of Endowment by the Bishop of Ru- pert's Land, shall remain unfilled as long as the present Bishop is the Professor of Ecclesiastical History ; nor shall it be filled uj» in any case until the Endow- ment of the Professorship with the Canonry reach seven hundred and fifty dol- lars ($750) a year. Should the Professorship become vacant before such En- dowment is obtained, then, according to the Deed of Endowment, the income shall bo invested rill the Endowment has accumulated so as to yield the said income, either from such investment of interest or ])y the addition of other gifts. The Sixth Canonry shall not be filled up till there is at least an Endow- ment yielding five Imndred dollars (S^OO) a yeai* ; but this shall not prevent a {)revious aj)pointment of a Precentor, if funds for his prop-r maintenance from year to year can V)e provided ; nor will it prevent the appointment of a Teacher of Music in St. John's College, and his receiving such part of the income from the Professorship as may by tlie Deed of Endowment be allowed. The Dean and the other five Canons shall be appointed by the Bishop of Rupert's Lmd, and shall in the first place have stalls set apart for them by the Bishop of Rupert's Land, but such stalls may be clianged by the Dean and Chapter with the consent of the Bishop. The Bishop may also assign stalls to the Chancellor and Registrar of the Diocese, the Warden of St John's College, the Head Master of St. John's College School, aiul to Honorary Canons of the Cathedral. If other Canomies are founded, their patronag.^ will depend u))on the Deeds of Endowment accepted by the Bishop of Rupert's Land ; but ex- cepting the Canonry attached to the Precentorship, no new Canonry shall be tilled up till it has an Endowment from investments yielding at least seven hun- dred and fifty dollars ($750) a year. The Dean and Cha[)ter shall have full control of the Cathedral, except 80 far as may be limited by the deed of conveyance of the Cathedral, Or by these statutes ; but they shall not introduce changes in the services or ritual without the sanction of the Bishop of Rupert's Land, nor in the internal ar- rangements and furniture without having asked and received a Faculty or leave from the Bishop for such changes. , If the Bishop appoint Honorary Canons, they shall have no seat in meet- ings of the Dean and Chapter, or of the Vestry, for the management of the Cathedral, its funds or affairs ; but the Bishop or Dean jiay summon them to meet the Dean and Chapter to consider any Diocesan matter, and such meetings shall l)e called Meetings of the Greater Chaptei. The Bishop may, if he see fit, be present and preside, otherwise the Dean or, in his absence, the Sub-Dean, or Senior Canon shall preside. cas nee cusl entl mill Thacitated from duty by illness, shall in cA'ery respect take the place of the Dean, except that the Dean shall retain his salary ; but if the Dean is present, the Sub-Dean shall sim])ly occupy his stall and take his precedence as Canon, excepting that when the Bishop is Dean the Sub-Dean may, if he please, occupy ai all times the Deaii's seat. in meet- it of the them to ind such lop may, ience, the The Dean and Chapter may, wdth the consent of the Bishop of Rupert's Land, change the Sub-l)ean, ehcting another resident Canon to the office. In case of the Deanery being endowed and the Ds an iwcapaeitated for some time from duty, and likely to be so incapacitated for a considerabhi time, the Sub- Dean and other Canons may arrange, with the sanction of the Bishop, for part of the Dean's salary going to the Sub- Dean. The Canons, whether Archdea- cons or not, shall takt^ prec<.'denee in the Ciitliedial and Chapter according to the time of their Induction, or what in the absence of Induction is by theif Deeds of Endowment, or otherwise, made legally equivalent to it. The Dean shall preside at all meetings of the Dean and Chapter, having A casting vote in addirinn to a vote with the Canons, if such casting vote is made necessary by an equality of votes. Tiie minutes of meetings shall be in the custody of the Dean, who shall keep them in a book provided for the purpose, entering first the names of the members of the Chapter present, and having the minutes signed by the members of the Chapter present during the meeting. The Dean siiall [troduce the book whenever directed by the Chapter, the visitor, or by any other lawful auMiority. The Dean shall see to the performance of their duties by all members and officers of the Cathednil. He shall have, after the Bishop, the right to preach in the Morning Service on the days paiticular- ly named in Statute 2. During the nine months of liis residence he shall have to preach once on snch two Sujidays, and may preach once on such four Sun- days every month, but not more than twice in the Morning Service, as he shall select- such election being notiiied to the Chapter when they ar- mnge for the services of the month. On any such occasion he may appoint a Deputy to preach. The Dean shall have the siime right to leave of absence under the .'■ame restrictions as are provided for a Canon in Statute 3. Whenever any Canon is unable to jierform his duty, unless another of the Canons officiates for him, he must name to the Dean tlie Clergyman whom he pro[)o.s«8 as his deputy, anervice, •. or at ! Service ) respeo- •t in the [le shall with fu- recentor Rupert's 36. The st them- Jathedral ody, and imunion, xy be re- he i)»rish , or when eeks after Cathedral, past year, sase of any ler, within The Dean shall nominate every Knster a Minister's Church v/ardcn, who aliall liold oriiee as well as the oth'-r (Miui-chwardon and the Vestrymen till the following ELister, and tlio Dean shall in ease of a vacancy appoint another as Churchwarden. Both Churchwardens sliall be communicants. Any Male attendant at the Cathedral who is a seat-holder, or who has communicated in tlio Cathedral at least three times within 12 months, if not prevented by illness or absence from home, or who is a subscriber of such amount to Church Funds, as may be agreed upon from time to time by the Chapter and Vestry, shall be entitled to take part in a Paiish Meeting and to vote after signing such declaration as the Hynod may appoint. By an attendant at the Cathedral shall be meant one who attends at least once a month or on three Sundays in three months unless prevented by illness or absence from home. Parish Meetings shall consider and determine u])on all nuitters remitted to them by the Vestry, and may by resolution express the wishes of the (congre- gation on any subject to the Dean and Chapter or to the Vestry. The Vestry shall consist of the Dean and Canons, the two Churchwaidens and the six Vestrymen. The Dean shall call together the Ve.stry whenever he sees fit or when- ever he is asked by the Churchwardens or by any three members of the Vestry. The Dean and Chapter and the Vestry shall have the joint disposal of all offertories, except on days when collections are ordered by the Synod, when they shall be ])aid to the Treasurer of the Synod, or on such special occasions as are mentioned in Statute II., when the Bishoj) has the ordering of the ser- vice and with this tl)e appropriating of the offertory, provided however that in the case of oiFertories at services in a s})ecial course by Preachers appointed bv the Bishop there be a tirst charge on them for anv experses of the said course. If the Bishop of Bupert's Land transfer the Cathedml and the Cathedral Churchyard or part of it to the Trust of the Corporation "The Dean and Chapter of St. John's Cathedral " under these Statutes, then the appointing of seat rents and the selling of plots of land in the Churchyard and the division of the procc'ds of tliese as well as the general arrangements of the Church and Churchyard shall be jointly with the Dean and Chapter and the Vestry — sav- ing, however, always the rights of the Bishop of Rupert's Land as laid down in the end of Statute III. ^ In the case of any disagreement l)etween the Dean and Chapter and the Vestry lespecting the apportioning of the offertory or other moneys, the aj)- pointingofseat rents, the arrangement of the Churchyard or any other matter in their joint niatiagement, there sliall be an apj)eal to the Bishop of Rupert's Land as Ordinary, who shall decide finally the question. The Dean and Chapter, as having the Cathedral in their special care and trust and as being responsible to the Bishop and Diocese for its condition and 8 00 for the order of its Hcrviccs, shall have the appointiuoat of all persons taking chari;e of the Oatiiodral and itH furniture, such as Veri^cr, Pew-opener, or Bell-ringers. The Churchwardens shall soe after the oi-der of the Cathedral and Church- yard, and the due perfornianco of their duty by all who are eniployet'r cleaning, lighting and heating of the Cathedral, and to all [(ui-chases or pay- ments necessary for such ])urpose. On receiving tlie sanction of the Deaii, they shall carry out such ordinary re|);ui-s as they see needed and as the fffer- tory will allow after the payment of settle*] charges upon it. Wherever the Dean is mentioned in this Statute as calling a Parish or Vestry Meeting or presiding at thera, tlie Sub-Dean may act in his absence, or failing M'-.h the Senior Canon I'osiding or present. STATUTE VII. . jg Dean and (chapter shall elect one of the Canons Treasurer of the Ca- thedral, and any Canon in residence shall it elected be bound to take this oliice. Such Ti-easurer shall i-eceive and hold all Vcistry and Cha[)ter Funds, and |)ay over to the Treasurer of the Synod and others all offertories that go to them. As far as funds held by him will permit, he shall pay orders upon him for ex- penses by the (^liurch wardens, or for })ayments from Vestry funds if they be signed by the Dean and a Churchwarden, and orders upon him for payments from Chapter funds if signed by the Di-au. He shall account to the Vestry for Vestry funds whenever the Vestry wishes, and present a balance sheet at a meeting before Easter, which the Churchwardens shall present to the parish meeting after Easter. Ho shall account to the Chapter lor Chapter funds at such meeting yearly or half-yeai'ly as the Dean and Chapter may a[)point for auditing the accounts. ''■•■■'■■" STATUTE VIII. The Precentor shall have charge of the Singing and the choice of the Choir. He shall instruct the Choir, and lead them in Divine service. He shall have the direction of the Organist, but the choice and dismissal of the Organist shall be with the Dean and Chapter. The choice of 'salms and Hymns shall be with the Deari, if he pleases, except when the Bishop has the ordering of the service, when they shall be with the Bishop, if he pleases. The Precentor shall appoint the tunes and select the anthem, if an anthem is to be sung in the appointed place, giving due notice of the anthem to the Dean. The Dean may object to any tune or anthem, and such objection shall hold good until the Precentor has the opportunity of bringing an appeal, if he think proper, before a meeting of the Dean and Chaj^ter, who shall finally de- cide the question. By the Deed of Endowment of the Sixth Canonry the Precentor shall, when the Endowment is completed, be also Professor of Music • r ^ amj^|» « ^^" " Gl in St. Jolin's College, and simll give instruction in muKic to the students in the (.Vtllccje, and as far as is aiiprovcd liy tlic Hislioji o\' Iliqi'-i I's Tiisnd, to hoy h in the (Jullcgo School. Jli* .sijall he »|ualili(Ml to sinj; or intone thrt;serihed, always re(]uired for any change; in the services of the Cathedral. If there should ever ho a Succentor or ]Minor Canons addint a Precentor hefore the Endowment of the Sixth (.anonry and Professorship is completed, sujiporting him hy an- nual stipend from funds at their command ; and such [>erson n)ay have the uanuj of Precentor and <»^cuj)y the stall of die Pn^centor, l.ut Imcan onh hold the oiHco till the Pishdji gives notice of the comph'tion of the Canoni'V and his intention to fill it, ami the IJishop may then iKjminate any qualiiied Clergy- man he prefers The duties of any such temporary Precent«fe>- ; hut if the case is moregiave, then if the accu.sed he not a Professor, tlie ]>iau and Chapter juay proceed to investigate it, and if necessary admonish, rsus|Huiid, or remove from ofiice as they see fit ; hut in the case of suspension or removal from office, the Dean or Canon .end('d, or removed from otlice, as thi> Board or the niiijority of the Board think (it : provided, hoN^wnrr, that on an Addri'ss from the Dean and Chapt(!r the Bishop of Rupert's Jj;ind may revise, and if he think lit, re- duce the sentence. Such suspension fiom the Deanery or Canonry shall also carry with it respectively suspcMision or removal from the Professorshij) and in like manner RUS])ension oi- removal fi'om a I'l-ofHssorship by pr()[)er proceedings under the Statutes of St. John's (Jollew, shall ean'v with it suspension or re- moval respectively from the Deanery or Canonry held with the Professorship. STATUTE X. Iff i I The Bishop of Rupert's Land may draw up Services for the Enthroning of the Bishop, and the Induction of the Dean and of a Canon. The Dean and every Canon shall befoie Induction have been instituted by the Bishop or his Commissary, as in the case of any Benefice, and receive fi-om the Bisho[) or his Commissary the nrandate to the Dean for the Induction, or in the cise of the Dean to the Sub-Dean or Senior Canon in residence. When the Bishop is Dean no Institution or Induction shall be necessary. STATUTE XL i! These Statntes, or any portion of them, may at any time be withdrawn, changed, or added to by the Synod of the Diocese of Rupert's Land, but in such a case the sanction of the Bishop shall be necessary for any such with- drawal, cha j^e, or addition made by the Synod, No change shall, however, be made in the appointment of the Professorship of Exegetical Theology with- out the consent of the Church Missionary Society, and no change shall affect the stipend or duties of the Dean or any Canon holding oiKce at the time of the change during their tenure of office, luiless with his consent. Given under our hand and seal at Bishop's Court, Munitoba, this day of February, in the yeHr of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, and in the eleventh year of Our Conse- cration. ... Witness — , ' ,: ^» \\ Witness — >yitness — en^ hi] wi rel 01 wj cc i il 63 e of r the )OHed ipter, ,y the them lanoii ty by utctl ; ijill he •ity of it, re- i\\ also and in L Ol VC- n'shi^). IITE PJIESEN'r ENDOWMENTS. jvoniii;^ eun and ) or his |) or his ;e of tho ishop is thdrawn, d, but in nch with- however, ogy vvith- lall att'ect le time of liis and eight )ur Conae- TIIE TJTIKD CANONRY. Tliis (wvnoiiry, which is attachi-d to tho Chair of Syateiuatic thcohjgy, lias as a'". Endow u. out : }i?3,l50 Dominion of Canada, por cent. Stock. Si^OO, Montreal Harbour Uouds, Oj. per c(Mit. Stock. !ij(G,0()(* (Corporation of Moiitreiil, (j per c(Mit. Stock. $7,300 Doiuiinon of Caiuel I, 5 percent. Stock. Yielding an income of $1)8 i a year. THE FOURTH CANONRY. This Canonry, which is att.iched to the Chair of Exegetica! Theology, has a.s an Endow ment : £1,000 3 i)er cent. English Stock, in the liands of the C. M. Soci<-ty of England. $6,000 Corporation of Mo ^trcal, 6 per c nl. Debentures. $1,000 ^Montreal Harboiu-. 7 per cent, l^oiids. $2,500 Montreal Ilurbour. G^ per cent. Bonds. And about $15G not yet invested. Tiie income will be about .^760 a year. The Third and Fourth Canons will also, iu the meantime, have the use of a house and £100 a year, on account of assisting in St. John's College School. THE FIFTH CANONRY. This Canonry, which is attached to the Cii.iir of Eccle.siasii -al History, is endowed by the Bishop of Ruprit's Land with a sum of about 6*^,000, lent by him to St. John's College for the new bufldiug improvem'")ts. This sum will be invested for the Canoniy and Professorship as soon as it can be repaid. THE SIXTH CANONRY. This Canonry, which is attached to the Precentorship and the Professor ship of Music in St. John's College, is as y^t only endowctl witi; $2,000 Montreal Harbonr 6i Bonds. There is al; i tract of over 600 acres, including the Hay privilege land, of very valuable land in the neighborhood of the City of Winnipeg, from ■which in the course of a few years the Cathedral may be expected to derive a considerable income.