MSI IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 Nltau ^ IIIU 6" m /# >> . '%. >, <5^ JV ."^ /^ v^ <:§§ % ^ U/3. w Hiotograpnic Sciences Corporation f^'b"^^ ^"^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. M580 (716) 872-4503 ,-!. >••••••••, ■ ;• '* ■ •• ••••••* it^fif '•••• ••....,.., -vv •••••••*» ••.••••••• • ••••#••.# •^•^lUU^... • --^^.^^.u^.^A^i^ EISTABLISHBD 1818. I 226 and 228, St. James Street, HAVE CONSTANTLY IN STOCK A VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ,T§ff m Of all kinds and of the best descriptions and Latest Styles. Electro plated IVare, Papier Mache' Ware, Marble Mantle, and other Clocks, Opera and Marine Glasses, Microscopes and Barometers, Gold, Steel, and Silver Spectacles,. Leather Bags and Dressing Cases For Ladies and Gentlemen, ALSO Pitcfiers, Jugs, Cups, Goblets, Inkstands, Spoons, Forks, &c., of their own Manufacture. sou: AGENTS FOR THE DOMINION OF CANADA OF THE Celebrated " NARDIN " Watches & Chronometers. S-A.'V-A.a-E, LYl/E^nsr &c CO., 226 and 228, St. Jamet Street, Montreal. THEODOBE LYMAK, CHAS. W. HAOAlt. HENB-T BTRKfl^ ^/W» at, T OF yles. ac/eSf, IE iters. ttreal. IMPORTANT CATALOGUE SALE or Blood Horses, Thorough-bred Cattle, WORKING HORSES, FARM STOCK, And Requisites of the latest and most approved styles, Threshing, Mowing and Reaping Machines, Dairy Utinsils and Sundries, belonging the Estate of the late John Shedden, Esq., WILL Bl BOLD AT , "OECHARD BAll^K" FARM, LOWER LACHII^rE On FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th, 1873, And by permission of tho Executors, the Ayrahire Herd of J. M. Browning, Esq., Beauhamois, same day, comprising 16 Head Pedigreed Stock, at 2 o'clock, Friday, On Saturday, September 20th, at the William' Street Premises, Montreal, the very valuable Silver and Gold-Mounted aamess, English and other Saddlery, Drags, Breaks, Buggies, and every description of Sleighs, Robes, Horse Clothing in great varfety. Sale each day at the respectire Premisei at TEN o'clock. JOHN J. ARirrON, Auctioneer. GREAT UNRESERVED SALE OF IMPORTED AND THOROUQH-BRED Ayrshire Cattle, Berkshire Pigs, Cotswold Sheep, IMPORTED ENGLISH COACHING MARES, lie, ON Tuesday, 23rd September, 1873, cc WILL BI aOLD AT BOISBie/I-AJtTT," ST. -AJSriSTE'S, Near Montreal : 40 Head Imported and Thorough-bred Ayrshire Cattle. 2 Magnificent Imported Thorongh-bred Cleveland Bay Goaoning Mares, stinted in England to first^lau Bay Stallions. 40 Imported and Thoroagh-bred and Grade Cotsvold Sheep. S5 imported and Thorongh-bred Berkshire Pigs. 13 Horses, including several half-bred yonng Horses, and Farm Horses. Bramah Fowls, Bronie Turkeys, Aylesbury Dnoks. The above Herd and Farm Stock have bebu collected and br«4 at great expense, and are said to be on the whole the best of their kind in Canada. They are s^B«rthi«.,BerUiier (en haut.) ; M2 JVancoiB Beatibien, St. Louis de Gonaagne. 43 Placide Hwtubise, CJote des Neiges. Agrictiltnral Society No. 2 Vaudreuil, Vaudreuil. Boyer & Qharlebois, St. Lambert James Tait Shirls, Lower Lachine. r JosjBph Holdsworth, Petite Cote. Karcisse Gosselin, St. Laurent. 44 46 46 48 49 ,,««*f^ 8 t«i ' ",' N THE RAILWAY AND NEWSPAPER Incoiporatftd by Iictters Patent, 32-33 Vic, Tap. 13. 199 St James, corner of St Peter Sts., DIRECTORS: T. E. FOSTER, Esq. Geo. E. DESBARATS, Esq. HENRY SHACKELL, Esq. F. E. OILMAN, Esq. A. W. OGILVIE, Esq. T. E. Foster, President. Henry Shackell, Vice-President. Edwin Kemf, S'icretiry-Treat'urer. CyNTRACTS MADE- FOR Avn ADVERTISEMENTS IN ALL NEWSPAPERS lif THE BOMINIOy, Free li^adinff Room open to all at their Ofl&ces from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 9 9f ^^ WESTERN BLOCK, DEPARTMENTAL BUILDINGS OTTAWA. nr IPJ^TIUIST'T BE^j^ISrOHI. ^^TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that in pursuance of the pro- visions of 35th Victoria, chap. 26, intitled : "An Act respect- ing Patents of Invention," His Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to approve of certain rules and regulations, and of such forms prescribed as have appeared necessary for the purposes of the said Act. » ■* E2^IC3-E/^TTOIT BE-^ITOH eOVERNUENT IMUIQRATION AQENTS OF THE ^M DOMimOl^ IK OAIif^ QUEBEC. 1 L. STAFFOB.D, Esq., Gov. Immigration Agent, 1 JNO. J. DALY, Esq., i( MONTREAL. ^1 vV. J. WILLS, Esq., u OTTAWA. ^1 R. MACPHERSON, Esq., l( KINGSTON. ^1 JNO. A. DONALDSON, Esq., t( TORONTO. :^| R. H. RAE, Esq., It HAMILTON. ^1 k. SHIVES, Esq., « ST. JOHN, N.B. ^1 WM. WILKINSON, L^Q., u MIRAMICHI, N.B. . ^H EDWIN CLAY, Esq. <( HALIFAX, N.S. fl GILBERT McMICKEN, Esq. , Resident Im. Agent, FORT GARRY, J. id. POPE, ■'/M KinUter 9f Agrieultur0. t^ I L 50 61 62 63 54 65 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 €3 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 91 82 83 84 86 10 Thomas Scott, St. Laurent. Blophe Bernard, Helceil. Agricultural Society of Hochelaga, Montreal. Moise L'Heureux, Lacadie. Michel Urgele Wolfe, St. Esprit. Agricultural Society of Soulanges, Coteau Landing. JNarcisse Poissant, Laprairie; 8th SBGIZOH. STALLIONS— Weighing leai than l.MOlbg, Alfred Landry, St. Sylvestre. John L. Gibb, Compton. John L. Gibb, Compton. Agricultural Society of Berthier, Berthier (en haut.) *. A, Charette, St. Genevieve. Bpbert Hagar, Plantagenet. Benjamin Bernard, Longue Pointe. Narcisso Eaymond, Montreal. Alphonse Lafon, Cote Visitation. William Kodden, Plantagenet Springs. William Hodden, Plantagenet Springs. James Hamilton, Belle Biviere. Michel Urgele Wolfe, St. Esprit. J. B. Meloche, fils, Ste. Genevieve. Joseph Meloche, Ste. G«nevieve. Joseph Lachapelle, Montreal. J. Bte. Paquette, St. Michel. Isidore Aub||^, St. Anns. 9th IBCIION. THREE YEAR OLD STALLIONS OF ANY BREED. Gai>riel Lachambre, St. Ours. Alex. MoOalhim, Norton Creek, Chateauguay. OypAtn AUowd, St. Alexis. Johi C«r«, liVont Hiver. Clement Banserran, Coutrecour. Ufceophile Bobert, St. Louis de Gonaagne. Wm. Cole, Prtite Cote St. Michel. Pierre Narrcisse liefebore, St. Kani. Albert Hagar, Plantagenet. A^cultm*! Society of Vaudreiul VandreuiL Felix Lussier, Vaiennes. i m 12 IN CONNECTION WITH THE MED/GAL FACULTY OF McQILL UJ\/I VERSIFY, EST-A-BIilSHEID UsT 1866. Lectures commence in October and terminate in March. Veterinary Anatomv— (including Dissection) - D. McEACHRAN, M.R.C.V.S. Institutes of Medicine— (Physiology & Pathology) . - PROF. DRAKE Chemistry - - . . - PROF. CRAIG Botany PROF. DAWSON Veterinary Medicine & Surgery - - - D. McEACHRAN, M.R.C.V,S. Veterinary Materia Medica O, BRUNEAU, V.S. for prospectus apply to GEO. LECLERC, Esq., M.D., r ' ' \ 'Wk HW^X \1SI'''^*-'t'-t'>li1Hk "^^^^ C'o««(r//^/i^«rr>M 1« DEPmiflENT OF PUBLIC WORKS'. EASTERN BLOCK. OTT^'W"^ OITTT iiy Name aad Address of Superintendents on Public Works ot tbe Dominion of Canada. NAME. W. P. Biggar J.W. Kanney Horace Merrill — F. Wyge Wm. B. Forbes. . Isaac N. Rose D, A. McDonnell. Michael Conway. WOBKS. ADDRESS. Jno. G. Sippel Levi Larue C. Pr6fontaine H. R. Symmes D. Boulanger L. Carvill Welland Canal Trent WorkB Ottawa Works; Bideau Canal Carillon k Grenville Canals. Williamsburg Canal Cornwall Canal Lachine Canal Beauharnois Canal Superintending Engineer. , St. Ours Locks k Dam Chambly Canal St. Maurice Works Saguenay Works Genrl. Supt. Intl. Baiiway St. Catherines. Belleville. Ottawa. Do. Carillon. Morrisbugh. Cornwall. Lachine Canal Office, MoatteaL Beauharnois. Montreal. St. Ours. Chambly. Three Rivers. Chicoutimi. Moncton, N.B. 17 FTIES! FTJES! FUKS! > ♦ ( Now is your time to provide yourselves with the CHEAPEST &VBEST FURS. SUCH A STOCK CAN BE SEEN AT THE WELL-KNOWN Fur Emporium OF H. W. COWAN, THE HATTER AND FURRIER, Corner of Il^otre Dame and St. Peter Streets, Montreal, N.B.— Come hetbre the great rush cor- nences 2 18 ^, , .4 . 12th 8ECTI05. , , jny, ^ ,-BaOOD MARE AND lOAL.— Weighing 1,200 lbs and over. 122 Amablo Boauvaiw, St. iHidoro. 123 Oliver Gagne, St. Romi. 124 College St. Laurent, St. Laurent. 126 Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. 126 Dd. Smoal, Potito Cote. 127 E. Hudon, Montreal. 128 JameH Templeton, Williametown. 129 Danniel Drummond, Petite Cote. 130 John Sheldon, Lachine. 131 George Kidd, Petite Cote. 132 James Roy, Longue Pointe. 133 Louis Desautels, Longue Pointe. 134 Louis Brosseau, St. Hubert. 135 Isidore Meloche, Ste. Genevieve. 136 Wm. M. Molson, Lachine. •V* Tfj* It 1^ 13th SECTION. BROOD MARE AND FOAL— Weighing less than 1,200 lbs. 137 Charles F. Blanchard, St. Marc. 138 Everriste Ouimet, St. Rose. 139 Roger & Charlebois, St. Lambert. 140 James Bucknan, Cote St. Michel. 141 J. H. Pangman, Mascouche. 142 Andrew Allan, Montreal. 143 Jules Sauvril, St. Martin. 144 James Roy, Longiie Pointe. 145 Louis Desautels, Longue Pointe. 146 Touissaint Eeaubien, St. Laurent. 147 Isidore Meloche, Ste. Genevieve. 148 John Scott, Laprairie. 149 Wm. M. Molson, Lachine. "^ I4th SECTION. THREE YEAR OLD FILLY OF ANY BREED. 150 C. A. M. Globensky, St. Eustache. 151 College St. Laurent, St. Laurent. 151 Czprien AUewd, St. Alexis. 153 Thomas Work, Cote St. Laurent. 1 KA Th, ia Tt '5, -«- wiiic vOlC ■y~ ■ n'"^ -••»• ««■«»•« 20 wr/.ii Mm /Pi tSJii^-ialiiaL ii «?3^ aj,i '@)^ MERCHANT TAILORS, 252 SO?. J-J^ls/L:HiS STI^EBT, (Next door west Ottawa Hotel.) I. >a: Keep constantly in stock everything required in a first- class tailoring business. Personal attention given to the prompt execution of all orders. One price only. Prices positively moderate. ~myiLT! RJIODELLED! EN LARGED! THE MOST COMPLETE BATHING INSTITUTE ON THE CONTINENT. THE Xjjj:K:jjjE^.ir oip the ^o-ei THE QUEEI^ OF BATHS. If you wish to enjoy a rare luxury, if you wish to be cleaner than you ever were before, if you wish to have a healthy active, beauiiful skin, if you wish to get rid of Coughs, colds, Rheumatism and numerous ills, that flesh is heir to, if you wish to escape the oppressiveness of a hot day, or get warm on a cold day ; if you wish to gratify your curiosity and astonish yourself by a thorough cleaning of the house you life in, then take a Turkish Bath, you will be sure to like it and take anotlicr. THE GRANDEST l^ri^^TER OF MODERN TIMES. 140 ST. MONIQUK ST'., Near Chrystal Palace, DAV/D B. A. MAGBEAN. M.D.. Proprietor, ■i 2] '@>^ THE COMBINED GET, 1 a first- (iven )derate. ED! ITE J-E! r than you skin, if you 5, that flesh 5r get warm aurself by a ith, you will Palace, Prietor, OieHiMil FIRE ENGINE Prince of Wales, " DICKS PATENT.) The chief merits of this En- gine con- sist in: — ^*'*'""i!'J''l'^'"'^'f ^"T P?^*""" ?^«^::«f^i°a'-y Fire Engines by the introduction of Carbonic .,n^ ^u' ?^"«™*«? i° *l»« «•■ chamber, and held in solution by the water - ' ■trH T* «8 evolved, thereby causing the instantaneous extinction of the flames 3rd.-It8 compact form, portability, and the ease with which it is worked ■ 4th.-It can be worked by o le-fourth the number of men required for an ordinary Fire Engine of equal fire^estroying power m « •"! «•" omiuary j> ire '''^"l^L^^'^ extingi:.3h Fire, without satumtion or destruction of property by water — cr ;m jortant consideration. r r j j tIk '^^ ^^^?^l^^!f "^ perfectly harmlcfis to life, health, or property Dick's Chemical Kre Engine " L'Extincteur " S„Sl!''il!lf'-^'M5^"''' ?"'' "'™'" «">■'>■ f"' Immediate use. Ocnllcmeii'ii rfildenoe. havetenre^xt^^rofrB^fuif i^r,^^^^^^^^ r.- ^''- "■--"" 22 155 Dd. Smeal, PetJle Colo. 156 Plac'de Archambault, St. Esprite. 157 Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. 158 Eobert Brodie, Goto St. Pierre. 159 Jaraej Roy, Longue Pointo. 160 Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. 161 Hon. .T. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. 162 Joseph Meloche, Ste. Genevieve. 163 John McDoiigall, Montreal. 15th SECTION. TWO YEAR OLD FILLY OF ANY BREED. 164 Amable Beanvais, St. Isidore. 165 C. A. M. Globensby, St. Eustacho. 166 C. A. M. Globensky, St. Enstache. 167 Walter McOwat, Lachiite. 168 John L. Gibb, Compton. 169 Olivier Gagne, St. itemi. 170 College St. Laurent, St. Laurent. 171 Thomas L-ving, Petite Cote. 172 David Smeal, Petite Cote. 173 David Smeal, Petite Cote. 174 E. Hudon, Montreal. 175 J. B. Perrault, tils do Solomon, St. Esprit. 176 Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. 177 John Scott, Petite Cote. 178 Gilbert Leduc, Coteau St. Piex-rc. 179 Guillaume Dumoutel, Laprairie. 180 Albert Hagar, Plantagenet. 181 Matthew Jeffrey, Petite Cote. 182 Henry Kesbitt, Petite Cote. 183 Alexis Toupin, Longue Pointo. 184 Leon Leonard, Ste. Genevieve. 185 Isidore Mcloche, Ste. Genevieve. 186 James Hodges, St. Laurent. 16th SECTION. 187-188 189-190 191-192 193-194 PAIR OF DRAUGHT HORSES. ,L Bte. Charron, Chambly. Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. Pierre Dore, Laprairie. Boyer & Charlebois, St. Lambert. L. L. 24 FAIBBANKS' STANDARD SCALES MANUFACTURED BY Hay, Stock AND jfliUora Scales jaAtOl FAIRBANKS « Co. WAREHOUSE ; 403 St. Paul Street. MoTitrfinl ORA P. PATTEN MaiiS8:er. 26 Co. mmt Coal AVB Gfrain Scales. Cromwell, Annett & Co. Iron Founders AND Dealer in first-class machinery and supplies, Perin's French Band Saw Blades, &c. Exclusive Agent in Canada ros Marthbank's Patent Foundry Cupola. Estimates and specifications furnished for complete outfits of machinery for Car Factories, &c. 90 ■vT-Eiiiiiisra-TOisr st. MONTREAL. ni^-A.JSTTJFJLCI'TJDaEIiS- Marshbank's Patent Foundry Cnpola Melts more iron with less coal than any other Cupola invented. Orders solicited for all descriptions- of Castings. 90 -VT-ELXiiisra-Toisr st. MONTREAL,. Thos. Sonne & Bro., nsro. 13 oonyciMioiT st., MONTREAL. TARPAULINS, HORSE dt WAGGON, AND ALL KINDS OF COVERS, FOR SALE OR HIRE. TENTS AND MARQUEES MA NDE TO ORDER. ^- IH YIDR AULIC Pick ai Aie Pole f obgihg Machine. For sale, the PATENT BIGHT ; or 281 Blkuht Stbmt. m 196-196 Andrew AUan, Montreal. 197-198 Andrew Allan, Montreal. 199-200 William Martin Molson, Lachino. 17th SECTION. PAIR OF MATCHED CARRIAaB HORSES 201-201^ George Winks. 202-202^ Charles Lacroix. 203-203^ W. W. Ogilvie, Montreal. 204-204J Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. 18th SECTIOir. SADDLE HORSES. i'i " i 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 ^17 218 C. A. M. Globensky, St. Eustache. C. A. M. Globensky, St. Eustache. David Morrice, Montreal. James Lillie, Hochelaga. James Lillie, Hochelaga. F. Wood Gray, Quebec. J. X. Marsolais, Hochelaga. George Winks, Montreal. Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. Charles Lacroix, Montreal. Master Charles Philipps, Montreal. James Eoy, Longue Pointe. Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Monti-eal. William Martin Molson, Lachine. 19th SECTION. SHETLAXD PONIES— STALLIONS. 219 Thomas Irving, Petite Goto. 220 Andrew Allan, Montreal. 221 Andrew Allan, Montreal. 222 William Martin Molson, Lachine. 20th SECTION. SHETLAND MARES. 223 Eobert D. McGibbon, Montreal. 224 Andiow Allan, Montreai. 225 William Martin Molson, Lachine. '"Vint" 28 THE UNDER-GROUND GAS MACHINE! For Lighting Dwellings, Churches, Factories ard Public Buildings, At a Saving of 50 p.c. on City Gas , Guaranteed. ^T ^r^^^ ^? *^® ^^^*^' ^^ ^^ ^^ House, no Vault, no Fire, no Danger. Is JSm-Ji^xplome ! Hequires no Care f Warranted ReliabU Winter & Summer. ™ "™ ' ^^^ ^^^ STEAM FITTER, SOLE AGENT FOR THE DOMINION, 27 ST. ANTO INE STREET, MONTREAL. MILLER~BROS. & MITCHELL, 3s^i:.A.oia:i3Nrisxs, Pattern and model Kaisers^ 53 ST. JOSEPH STREET, MONTREAL, (Old St. George's Church.) Machinery, Patterns, and Patent Office Models in Wood and Iron. HAND and STEAM POWER HOISTING MACHINES A SPECIALITY. DoiminrioDir safe factory. Q ARGENT AGREENLEAF'S COMBINATION LOCKS p ARE USED ON MY SAFES. J Fireproof Safes, Welded Steel and Iron Burglar Proof Safes, and Fire and Burglar Proof Safes combined. , The recent improTements made in my Safes truarantee them supe- rior m Fire-resisting and Burglar Proof qualities to those of any otner make of Safes m the Dominion. Also, all kmd^of requisites for Vaults, Iron Doors. Shutters. Boxes, etc., Jail, Safe, Bank and Store Door Looks. Iron Bridges & Girders. A large numb er of second hand Safes for sale cheap. MANUFACTimBaR OF STONX! CVTTEB'S TOOIiS. OFJPXCX!, 320, ST. I^JLWRElfCJE STItEST,. Factory, Cor. of Ontario and St. Gliarles-Borromee Sts., Montreal^ 99^9 emAte 9T»««T MONTREAL. Box 933i P. O. CASES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MADE TO OBDEB. Catalcgraes sent on application. 29 DOMINION METAL WORKS (ESTABLISHED 1828.) CHA8. aAETH & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, FINISHERS, COPPERSMITHS, MACHINISTS, i&c. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF Plumbers', Engineers' and Steamfitters' Brass, Copper and Iron Work, AND ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF WORK FOR Gas and Water Works, Distilleries, Breweries, Sugar Refineries, Ac, 4c. ALSO UNEERTEKF. THE Warming of Putlic & Private Buildings, Manufactories Conservatories, Vineries, &c., &c., • ': BY . Garths Patent Improved Hot Water Apparatus, GOLD'S LOW PRESSURE STEAM APPARATUS, With the latest Improvements ; and also by HIGH PRESSURE STEAM, IN COILS OR PIPES. ON HAND, AND FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST RATES, ALL KINDS OF Gasalieps, Brackets, Pendants, Glass Shades, &c. Wrought Iron Pipe, with Malleable and Cast Iron Fittings, for Water Steam or Gas. OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY : Nos. 536 to 542 Craig St„ Montreal. / J' ' ' I i n SEOOIsTD OXj^SS. DURH AMS. II H 1st SECTION. BULL— Three Year old and upwards. 250 F. Wood Gray, Quebec. 251 r. Wood Gray, Quebec. 252 Charles Eobinson, Lacolle. 263 M. H. Cochrane, Compton. 254 Luke Ford, Dunham. 256 Albert Hagar, Plantagenet. 266 Hon. C. Dunk in, Knowlton. 257 W. P. Carter, Cowaneville. 258 A. P. Ball, Sttinstead. 2nd SECTION. BULL— Two Years old. 259 Samuel Penniston, Lower Lachine. 260 M. H. Cochrane, Compton. 261 Euclide Prefontaine, Beloeil. 262 Hon. C. Dunkin, Knowlton. 263 J. W. Thompson, Nepean. 3rd SECTION. ONE YEAR OLD BULL. 264< C. S. Baker, Dunham. 266 M. H. Cochrane, Compton. 266 M. H. Cochrane, Compton. 4th SECTION. BULL CALF— Under One Year. 627 C. S. Baker, Dunham. 528 M. H. Cochrane, Compton. /' 82 ; < Department of Inland Revenue, Ottawa, May 27th, 1873. rl :r'i U^\' W ''."■■- THE attention of Traders and others is directed to the following provisions of the Act respecting Weights and Measures assented to on the 23rd inst : — Ist. It is enacted that " A weight of one hundred standard pounds "avoirdupois shall also be, and may be called and described as a " ' Cental.' " 2nd. On and after the first day of January, 1874, the provisions of the present Law as to the weight of a bushel of the undermentioned articles, namely : — Wheat, Indian Corn, Bye, Pease, Barley, Oats, Beans, Clover Seed, Timothy Seed, Buckwheat, Flax Seed, Hemp Seed, Blue Qrass Seed, Castor Beans, I otatoes. Turnips, Carrots, Parsnips, Beets, Onions, Salt, Dried Apples, Dried Peaches and Malt, will cease to have effect, and thereafter "all the above mentioned "articles, when bought or sold by weight, shall be specified by the " Cental and parts of a Cental." 3rd. It will follow therefore that parties who make contracts with reference to the ^M^/iei of any of the above mentioned articles will only be legally bound by the bushel of capacity, which until otherwise proclaimed under the provisions of the Act, will be the Winchester bushel. / A. BRUNEL, Commissioner qf Inland Revenue. 88 EAGLE FOUNDRY. mmm' 2Z TO 36 EiKG Street, itear Canal Basin Manupacturer op STEAM ENGINES Phe, Locomotive and Multitubular STEAM BOIIiERS, MILL & MINING MACHINERY FROM THE LARGEST STOCK OF PATTERNS If ifT THE Donycio^q-ion^T LIGHT & HEAVY FORCINGS MACHINE & ARCHITFCTURAL CASTINGS IN BHASS OB IRON. Also, Steam Pumps, Hand Piunps of various Patterns, Power & Hand Elevators, Bark Mills, Jack Screws, Purchase Blocks, Power Presses,|&c.,"&c., FOUNDER'S MATERIALS ALWAYS ON HAND. ■» , AGENT FOR JUDSON'S PATENT GOVERNOR. Orders Promptly Executed. Patterns Furnished. 3 34 539 530 531 532 JosephlHickson, Coto 8t. Paul. Hon. C, Dunkin, Knowlton. Hon. C. Dunkiji, Knowlton. J. W. ThomHon, Nepeau. 0th SECTION. COW— Thrse Yean Old and upwards. 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 JohnJL. Gibb, Conipton. Charles Eobinson, Lacollo. Joseph Hickson, Coto St. Paul. John Sheldon, Lachino. John Sheldon, Lachine. A. P. Bali, Stanstoad. M, H. Cochrane, Compton. M. H. Cochr.ine, Compton. M. H. Cochrane, Compton. M. H. Cochrane, Compton. utb SECTION. TWO YEAR OLD HEIFER. 337 F. Wood Gray, Quebec. 338 M. H. Cochrane, Compton . 339 Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. 340 J. W. Thompson, Nepean. 7th SECTION. ONE YEAR OLD HEIFER. 341 M. H. Cochrane, Compton. 342 Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. 343 Edward Sadler, St. Malachi. 8th SECTION. HEIFER CALVBS-Under^One Tear. 533 M. II. Cotlu-ane, Compton. #■ "»Ji •iifK B6 AYRSHIRES 9th SECTION. BULL THREE YEARS OLD AND. I'PWAKD. 2()7 John L. (JiM), Coiupton. 268 Colloi^o St. Luureut, St. Luurent. 260 Agrifultiu-al .Society of Quebec ('tty, (iuebec. 270 Medard Bruiioati. St. ("onstant. 271 Thomas Irving, Petite Cole. 272 Thomas Watson, St. Louis do Gonzague. 273 David Bonning, St. Louis de Goiizaguo. 274 M. H. Cochrane, Oomptou. 275 Bojer & Charlobois. St. Lambert. 276 William Cole, Cote St. Michel. 277 George Sniith., Lachino. 278 George Kidd, Petite Cote. 279 Andrew Allan, Montreal. 280 Hon. .T. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. 281 Wm. Hodden. Plantagenet Springs. 282 Wm. Rodden. Plantagenet Springs. 283 John Pratt, ("*obourg. Ont. if ri 1! J? )-■ 'i? ■'i .■ 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 29g 10th SECTION. BULL TM-0 YEARS OLD. N. S. Whitney. Montreal. Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. M. H. Cochrane, Compton. Daniel Drummond. Petite Cote. James Drummond, Montreal. Murdoch McLennan, Williamstown. Andrew Allan, Montreal. Wm. Rodden. Plantagenet Springs. James MoFarlane. Kelso. 11th SECTION. ONE YEAR OLD BULL. C, McDiormid, Corry Hill. Huntington. John L. Gibb, Compton. Thomas Irving, Petite Cot te. Patrick Lynch, Jr.. Pied du Couraul. Jamo? Henderson, Petite Cote. :i ! 38 298 M. 11. CochraiKj, Compton. 299 Boyci' & Charlebois, St. Lambert. 300 Matthew Jeffrey, Petite Cote. 301 James Eoy, Loiigue Pointe. 302 James Eoy, Longue Pointe. * 303 Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. 304 Wm. Eodden, Plantagenet Si)rings. 12th SECTION. BULL CALF UNDER ONE YEAR. 534 John L. Gibb. Compton, — 535 N. S. Whitney, Montreal. 536 Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. 537 Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. 538 James Henderson, Petite Cote. 539 M. H. Cochrane. Compton. 540 Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul . 541 James Drmnmond, Montreal. 542 Murdoek McLennan, ■Williamstown. 543 Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. 544 Wm. Eodden, Plantagenet Springs. 545 Wm. Eodden, Plantagenet Springs. 54G Wm. Eodden, Plantagenet Springs. 54T Joseph Lanoiiette, Eiver St. Pierre. 548 Dr. Waniess, Montreal. 549 Dr. Wanless, Montreal. < 561 M. H. Cochrane, Compton. 562 M. 11. C'Ochrane, Compton. 13th SECTION. cow— THREE YEARS OLD AND UPWARDS 344 John L. Gibb, Compton. 345 John L. Gibb, Compton. 346 John L. Gibb, Compton. 347 John L. Gibb, Compton. 348 John L. Gibb, Compton. 349 John L. Gibb, Compton. 350 K S. Whitney, Montreal. 351 N. S. Whitney, Montreal. 352 Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. 353 Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. 't<.f''t'J' 40 I! 354 Thomaa Irving, Petite Coto. 355 Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. 366 Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. 357 James Henderson Petite Cote. 858 M. H. Cochrane, Compton. 563 M. H. Cochrane, Compton. 664 M. H. Cochrane, Compxon. 565 M. H. Cochrane, Compton. 566 M. H. Cochrane, Compton, 359 Boyer & Charlebois, St. Lambert. 360 Boyer & Charlebois, St. Lambert. 361 Boyer & Charlebois, St. Lambert. 362 Boyer & Charlebois, St. Lambert. 363 James Di'ummond, Montreal. 364 James Drummond, Montreal. 365 Andrew Allan, Montreal. 366 Andrew Allan, Montreal. 367 Andrew Allan, Montreal. 368 Andrew Allan, Montreal. 369 Andrew Allan, Montreal. *370 Andrew Allan, Montre^. 371 Andrew Allan, Montreal. 372 Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. 373 Hon. J. J, C. Abbott, Montreal. 374 William Eodden, Plantagenet Springs. 375 William Eoddvn, Plantagenet Siprings. 376 John Scott, Laprairie. 14th SECTION.. TWO YEAR OLD HEIFERS. 377 John L. Gibb, Compton, 379 N. S. Whitney, Montreal. 380 Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. 381 Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. 382 Thomas Ii'ving, Petite Cote. 383 James Henderson, Petite Cote. 384 David Benning, St. Louis de Gonzague. 386 M. H. Cochrane, Compton. 386 Mathew Jeffrey, Petite Cote. 387 Andrew Allan, Montreal. 388 Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. "% '"I J I 11. J 42 389 Wm. Roddou, Plantji.ton. 567 M. H. Cochrane, Compton. 668 M. H. Cochrane, Compton. 398 Boyer & Charlebois, St. Laniboi-t. 399 James Drummond, Montreal. 400 James Drummond, Montreal. 401 Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Montrcttl. 402 Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Montroal. 403 Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. 404 Wi'.iiam Rodden, Plantagenet Spring.^. 405 William Rodden, Plantagenet Springs. 406 \\ illiam Rodden, Plantagenet Spring.s. 569 William Rodden, Plantagenet Springs. 16th SECTION. IIFIFER CALVES UNDER ONE YEAR. 550 I^. S. AVhitney, Montreal. 551 Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. 552 Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. 553 M. H. Cochrane, Compton. 554 Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul, 555 Geo. Kydd, Petite Cote. 556 Matthew Jetlre}-, Petite Cote. 557 Matthew Jeffrey, Petite Cote. 558 Euclide Prefontaino, Bcloeil. 559 Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. 560 Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. 561 William Rodden, Plantagenet Springs. 562 William Rodden, Plantagenet Springs. 5G5 William Rodden, PiantageueL Springrs. 564 Dr. Wanless, Montreal. 44 H ! • HEREFORDS. 17th SECTION. BULL THREE YEA^ OLD AND UPWARDS. 306 Andrew Allan, Montreal. 306 Andrew Allan, Montreal. 307 F. S. Stimson, Compton. >«■£ k4 I'.jr hv'4 18th SECTION. BULL TWO YEARS OLD. 308 309 310 311 312 Andrew Allan, Montreal. Andrew Allan, Montreal. Andrew Allan, Montreal. Andrew Allan, Montreal. F. S. Stimson, Complbn. 19th 8BCTI0N. ONE YEAR OLD BULL. 313 314 E. Bernard, Beloeil. F. S. Stimson, Compton. 20th Section. COW THREE YEAR OLD AND UPWARDS. 407 408 F. S. Stimson, Compton. F. S. Stimson, Compton. 21tt SECTION. TWO YEAR OLD HEIFER, 409 410 F, S. Stimson, Compton. F. S. Stimson, Compton. 2Snd SECTION. ONE YEAR OLD HEIFER. 411 412 413 Matthew Jeffrey, Petite Cote. F. S. Stimson, Compton. F. S. Stimson, Compton. I I I' *' ■ V 46 DEVONS. 23rd SECTION. BULL THREE YEAR OLD AND UPWARDS. 316 William Keeso, St. Jonn Chrj sostome. 26th SECTION. ONE YEAR OLD BULL. 31(i. Win. Koeso, St. Joan Chrysostomo. 26th SECTION. cow THREE OLD AND UPM^\RDS. . 414 Wni. Koeso, St. Jean Chrysostome. 416 Wni. Kaem, St. Jean Chrysostome. 416 Wm. Keesc, St. Jean Chrysostome. 417 Danitl Brims, jr., Atholstone. 27th SECTION. TWO YEAR OLD YEAR. 418 Wm. Keese, St. Jean Chrj-sostomo. 30th SECTION. BULL— Two Years Old. 317 R X. Chiu-ette, St, Genevieve. 318 Joseph Meloche, St. Genevieve. 33rd SECTION. TWO YEAR OLD HEIFERS. 419 Rami Leeavnlier. St. Lam-ent. ALDERNEYS. 35th SECTION. BULL THREE YEARS OLD ASD UPWARDS. 319 John Sheldon, Laehine. 320 Andrew Alliio, Montreal, 381 E. Morgan, Moore's Station. ^r 48 if •i:^ r 36th SECTION HULL TWO VKARS OLD. 322 Ronioo II. Stoplions, Muiitroal. 323 William Roddon, Planta James Ileuderson, Petite Cote. 437 Daniel Drummond, Petite Cote. 438 Joseph Holdsworth, Petite Cote. 4*9 Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paol. 440 Tames Drummond, Montreal. Ail Jiiutop Drummouu, Montreal. 442 Alexia Toupin, Longue Pointe. 443 James Cowan, Allans Corners. 444 John McClary, Compton. 445 Alphonae Poitras, L'Assomption, 446 Joseph Decolles, St. Hubert. 417 i'. .'1 Sti-^:;r., CV.iapton. 448 P. S. Stimson, Compton. 44S> Touasaint Boaulieu, St. Laurent. i9% .r. W. Thompson, Ne])eau. 44thSBCTI0H. COW— Throe yeeirs old. 451 Charles llobinsou, Lacollo. 452 Samuel Pennistcn, Lower Lachino. 453 James Henderson, Petite Goto. 454 William Paris, Sorel. i55 Daniel Drummond, Petite Cote. 156 Joseph Holdsworth, Petite Goto. 451 Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. 458 John Scott, Petite Cote. 459 George Smithy Lachine. 460 James Roy, Longue Pointe. 461 James Morgan, Jr., Montreal. 462 John McCiary, Compton. 463 F. S. Stimson, Compton. 464 F. S. Stimaon, Compton. 435 J W- Thorn pHon, Nepoan. «««•*«•««#« i N 4 ^ 52 4dth SECnOH. TWO YEAR OLD HEIFER. 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 4821. 483 484- 486 Charles Kobinson, Lacolle. Andrew Irving, St. Lamberts. Daniel Driimmond, Petite Cote. James Holdsworth, Petite Cote. James Holdsworth, Petite Cote. Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. George Smith, Lachine. George Smith, Lachine. J. H. Pangman, Mascoiiche. Matthew Jeffrey, Petite Cote. Henry IS'esbytt, Petite Cote. Henry Nesbytt, Petite Coti. Henry Nesbytt. Petite Cote. James Morgan, Jr., Montreal. John MeClary, Compton. Joseph Decelles, St. Hubert. .P. S. Stimson, Compton. F. S. Stimson, Compton. Joseph Melache, St. Genevieve. John Seott, Laprairie. 46th SECTIOH. ONE YEAR OLD HEIFERS. 486 James Henderson, Petite Cote. 487 James Henderson, Petite Cote. 488 James Henderson, Petite Cote. 489 F. X. Charette, St. Genevieve. 490 Joseph Holdsworth, Petite Cote. 491 Josejjh Hickson, Cote St. Paul. 492 Thomas Coughtry, St. Laurent. 493 George Kidd, Petite Cote. 494 George Kidd, Petite Cote. 495 D. L. McDougall, Montreal. 496 James Roy, Longue Pointe. 497 James Morgan, Jr., Montreal. 498 James Morgan, Jr., Montreal. 499 Hon. C. Dunkin, KnoAvlton. 500 Hon. C. Dunkin, Knowlton. 501 John iMcClary, Compton, 502 John McCiary, Compton. : ,:] M 1 f' 54 503 F. S. StimBon, Compton. 504 F. S. Stimson, Compton. 505 George Buchanan, Cote St. MipheJ. 671 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 560 47th SECTION. HEIFER CALVES UNDER ONE YEAR. James Lillie, Hoehelaga. Hichard Robinson, Mascouche. James Burknan, Cote St. Michel. Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. Thomas Coughtry, St. Laurent. George Kidd, Petite Cote. James Morgan, Jr. Montreal. Hon. C. Dunkin, Knovvlion. Remi Lecavalier, St. Laui-ent. George Buchanan, Cote St. Michel. FATOX STEER. 48th SECTION. 506 M. H. Cochrane, Compton. 49th SECTION. FAT AND WORKING CATTLE OF ANY BREED— Fat Cow or Heifer.- 507 J. B. Charon, Chambly. 508 M. H. Cochrane, Compton. 509 William Faris, Sorel. 510 Murdoch McLennan, Williamstown. 511 John McClary, Compton. 612 F. S. Stimson, Compton. 213 P. S. Stimson, Compton. 514 F. S. Stimson, Compton . dOth SECTION. Fat and working cattle of any breed; pair of worliing oxfrn. 515 516 Hon. C. Dunkin, Knowlton. 517 518 Hon. C. Dunkin, Knowlton. 519 520 Theodore Paquet, St. Nicholas. 521 522 .John McOlary, Compton. 523 524 J. W. Toof, St. Armand. 525 526 F. S. Stimson, Compton. ff • 56 PRINCE OF WALES PRIZE. M. H. Cochrane, Compton. Josopb Hickson, Goto St. Paul. PRIZE OF COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURE. 4 John L. Gibb, Compton. M. S. Whitney, Montreal. Thomas Irving, Petite Coto. M. S. Whitney, Montreal. Thomas Irving, Petite Coto. M. H. Cochrane, Compton. Boyer & Charloboia, St. Lamberts. Andrew Allan, Montreal. Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. William Roddon, Plantagenet Sjirings. •r- ii E. % }i' i .1 •» '1 ii. 505 566 567 'hm 569 670 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 523 &S rCTIXTlJD CL^SS. r L E I C E S T E R S. 1st SECTION. RAM — Two shears and over. Jolm Howe, South Georgetown. Charles Robinson, Lacolle. Edwfii-d f erland, Lanoraie. Fidele Perroault, L'Assoniptlon. John Symons, St. Louis do Gonzagno. Pavid Benning, St. LouiH do Gonzagne. J. B. I^agenais, St. Rofse. Louis L. Dominateur Lei'Cv.e, Hi. TJemi. Antoine Sicotto, St. Hubert. Paul Desjardins, St. Rose. R. M. AUsop, West Farnhain, Albert Hagar, Plantagenet. James Cowan, Allan's Corner. Octave Charron, St. Constant. Joseph V. Gadbois, Terrobon)ie. Alphonse Poitras, L'Assomption. John Crozier, Lachute. Robert Croziar, Lachute. Pierre Lecavalierj St. Laui-ent. SHEARLING RAMS. 2nd SECTIOX. 584 Vital Coupal, St. Michel Archange. 585 Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. 586 Charles Robinson, Lacolle. 287 Edward Ferland, Lanoraie. 588 Fidele Perreault, L'Assoraption. 589 F. X. Charette, St. Genevieve. 590 Paul Desjardins, St. Rose. 591 Albert Hagar, Plantagenet. 592 Jules Sauriol, St. Martin. 593 James Cowan, Allan's Corner. 594 Joseph V. (radbois, Terrebonne. 595 Alphonse Poitras, L'Assomption. r 60 •] . Ill ■'■■ , ■ •%■. > ''A ' i jij' J' , ' V 'S% 3rd SECTION. RAM LAMB. 59nd over. 615 David Martin, St. Esprit. (516 William Keoso, St. Jean Chryso.stomo. 617 Thonuis ii' ing, Petite Cote, 618 Robei'l Anderson, South Georgetown. 619 Charles Robinson, LacoUe. 620 Fidele Porroault, L'Assomption. 621 David Bonuir»g, St. Louis do Gon/i'gne. 622 J. B. Dagenais, St. Rose. 623 ^R. M. AUsop, West Farnhani. 624 Albert Hagar, Plantagenet. 625 Joseph Boileau, St. riiillippc. 626 E. Bernard, Boloiil. 627 Joseph V. Gadbois, Torrobonne . 628 Poitras, L'Assomption. 629 John Crozier, Lachute. 630 Robert Crozier, Lachute. 62 if ^2 633 634 635 636 637 9:^8 639 640 641 642 643 644 64r» 646 647 648 649 660 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 668 669 flth 8SCTI0V TWO HHBAHl.INd BWKt*. ThomuH Irviug, Petite Cote. Charles Robinf»on, Laccll«. Fiddle Penreault, L'Awjwunption. David Bouniug, St. LouIh do Gonr,at?no. Richai-d Robinson. Mosconche, J. R. Dagonais, St. Ructu. R. M. Albop, Wwt Farnhttin. Jules Sauriol, St. MartT« . Uloph Bernard, Boloeil. James Cowan, Allan's Corner. Octave Oharron, St. Constant. Joseph V. Gadbois, Terrebonne. Poitras, L'assomption. John Crozier, Lachute. Robert Qn^nier, Lachnto. 0th 8ECTI0H TWO BWBS— LAMBS. William Koouo, St. Jean Chryaostomo. Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. Charles Robinson, Lacolle. Fiddle Perreault, L'assomption. Richard Robinson, Mascouohe, J. B. Dagenais, St. Rose. Antoine Sicotte, St. Hubert. (Jeorge Kydd, Petite Cote. Jules Sauriol, St. Martin. Joseph fioileau, St. Philippe. Bloph Bernard, Beloeil, James Cowan, Allan's Corner. Joseph V. Gadbois Terrebonne. Aiphonse Poitras, L'apsomptiou. COTSWOLDS. 7th SECTION RAM— Two shcara anJ over. 660 John L. Gibb, Corapton 661 VitAl Coupal, St, Michel Archan^re 0655 Chaa R/jbinfion, lyacoII^» ... . 64 f I II " n €63 Pidele Perreault, rAssomption. 664 Albert Hagar, Plantagenet. 665 Eloph Bernard, Beloeil. 666 Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. 667 Jos. V. Gadbois, Terrebonne. 668 David Martin, St. Esprit. 8th SECTION. gHEARLING RAM. John L. Gibb, Compton. Constant Monchamp, St. Michel Archange. Charles Robinson, Lacolle. Fidele Perreault, TAssomption. Albert Hagar, Plantagenet. Octave Chnrron, St. Constant. Hon, J. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. David Martin, St. Esprit. 9th SECTION. RAM LAMB. John L. Gibb, Montreal. Vital Coupal, St. Michel Archange. Charles Robinson, Lacolle. Fidele Perreault, I'Assomption. Joseph Branlt, Riviere St. Pierre. Joseph Boileau, St. Philippe. Eloph Bernard, Belceil. Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. Hon, J, J. C. Abbolt, Montreal. 10th SECTION. TWO EWES— Two Shears and over. Charles Robinson, Lacolle. Fidele Perreault, I'Assomption. Albert Hagar, Plantagenet. Josepii Boileau, St. Philippe. Alphonse Poitras, rAysomption. 11th SECTION. TWO SHEARLING EWES. Charles Roblnsuii, Lacolle. Fidele Perreault, I'Assomption. 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 670 671 672 673 iron. J. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. •t. Jp 50 ift'*" GRADE C A T T L E. 43rd SECTION. COW— FQur years old .ndwpwaris. 438 F. Wood Gray, Quebec. 434 Patrick Lynch, Jr., Pied du Qonv-jM. 435 Charles Robinson, Lacolle. 436 .Tames Henderson, Pet i to Co' A 437 Daniel Drummond, Petite Colo. 438 Joseph Holdsworth, Petite Goto. 439 Joseph Hickson, Cote St. PavJ, 440 James Drummond, Montreal. 441 James Drummond, Montreal. 442 Ale:^ Toupin, Longue Pointe. 443 James Cowan, Allans Corner^, 444 John McGlary, Compton. 445 AlphonsePoitras, L'Assompvion. 446 Joseph Decelles, St. Hubert. 447 F. S. Stimson, Compton. 448 F. S. Stimson, Compton. 449 ToussaintBeaulieu, St. Luuroni. 450 J. W. Thompson, Nepean. ■;•■■ • 44tbSEC'riO?i cow— TLro ji : old. 451 Charles Robinson, Lacolle. 452 Samuel Penniston, Lower Lat hine. 453 James Henderson, Petite Cote. 464 William Paris, ibrel. 455 Daniel Drummond, Petite Goto. 456 Joseph Holdsworth, Petite Cote. 457 Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. 458 John Scott, Petite Cote. 459 George Smith, Laohine. 460 James Roy, Longue Pointe. 461 James Morgan, Jr., Montreal. 462 John McGlary, Compton. 463 F. S. Stimson, Compton. 464 F. S. Stimson, Compton. 46& J. W. Thompson, Ncpean. 1 »»^ •«•»•*• •♦♦*•♦**••♦••*•-»••••■•♦*.♦♦••♦•• •« « • v*.*! • •-«*«*'***4« •» 52 J 466 ' 1 .4Bt f 468 469 470 1 471 f 472 473 ' 474 475 ''iw'j 476 ^1 477 ■t 1 478 • 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 ' Hi "li 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 503 45th SECTION. TWO YEAR OLD HEIFER. Charles Kobinson, Lacolle. Andrew Irving, St. Lamberts. Daniel Druramond, Petite Cote. James Holdsworth, Petite Cote. James Holdsworth, Petite Cote. Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. George Smith, Lachine. George Smith, Lachine. J. H. Pangman, Mascouche. Matthew Jetirey, Petite Cote. Henry Nesbytt, Petite Cote. Henry Nesbytt, Petite Cote. Henry Nesbytt, Petite Cote. James Morgan, Jr., Montreal. John McClary, Compton. Joseph Decelles, St. Hubert. r. S. Stimson, Compton. F. S. Stimson, Compton. Joseph Mclacho, St. Genevieve. John Scott, Lapraii'ie. 46thSECTI0K. ONE YEAR OLD HEIFERS. James Henderson, Petite Cote. James Henderson, Petite Cote. James Henderson, Petite Cote. F. X. Charette, St. Genevieve. Joseph Holdsworth, Petite Cote. Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. Thomas Coughtry, St. Laurent. George Kidd, Petite Cote. George Kidd, Petite Cote. D. L. McDougall, Montreal. • James Roy, Longue Pointe. James Morgan, Jr., Montreal. James Morgan, Jr., Montreal. Hon. C. Dunkin, Knowlton. Hon. C. Dankin, Knowlton. John McClary, Compton. 54 I'd '.J, m i 11 w 603 F. 8. Stimson, Compton. 504 F. S. Stimson, Compton. 505 George Buchanan, Cote St. Michel. 671 5T2 573 674 576 576 577 678 679 ti60 47thSBCnOH. HEIFER CALVES UNDER ONE TEAR. tfamos Lillie, Hochelaga^ Richard Robinson, Masconohe. James Bnrknan, Cote St. Michel. Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. Thomas Goughtry, St. Laurent. George Eidd, Petite Cote. James Morgan, Jr. Montreal. Hon. C. ]>ankin, Knowlton. Remi Leoavalier, St. Laurent, r M)rgo Buchanan, Cote St Michel. 600 607 608 60« 610 FAT OX STEER. 48th siCTicnr. M. H. Cochrane, Compton. 49th SBCXUOI. PAT AND WORKING CATTLE OP ANY BREED-Fftt Coir w Heifer. % J. B. Chamn, Chambly. M. H. CcKshrane, Compton. William Paris, Sorel. Murdoch McLezman, Williamstovm. 611 John McClary, Compton. 612 F. S. Stimson, Compton. 213 P. S. Stimson, Compton. 514 P. S, Stimson, Compton . fiOthSECnOV. Fat and working cattle of aaj breed j pair of working oxen. 515 516 Hon. C. Dunkin, Knowlton. 517 518 Hon. C. Dnnkin, Knowlton. 519 520 Theodore Paquet, St. Nicholas. 521 622 John McClary, Compton. R9a K9A -T "W Trx^f O* A J _.,^ „„. ... ... j..^-,..j iji. -.-ii-iiiauu. 525 626 P. S. Stimson, Compton. u- 1 56 PRINCE OF WALES PRIZE. M. II. Cochrane, Compton. Joseph Hickson, Goto St. Paul. PEIZE OF COUNCIL OF AGEICUI/TUEE. John L. Gibb, Compton. M. fc. Whitney, Montreal. Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. M. S. Whitney, Montreal. Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. M. H. Cochrane, Compton. Boyor & Charlebois, St. Lamberts. Andrew Allan, Montreal. Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. William Roddon, Plantagonot Springe. w I!;ki * lyi' 58 f ' IS ■ 'f 'A •J Hi ', Ti3:i:E?.r) cx^^ss. LEICESTERS. litSBCTlOH. RAM— Tw« iht»r» fcnd 8T«r. B66 John Howe, South Georgetown. 566 CharloB Robinson, LacoUe. 667 Edward Ferland, Lanoraie. 668 Fiddle P«rreanlt, L'ABSomptibn. 669 John Symons, St. Louis de Gonzagne. 670 David Banning, St. LouiB de Gonzagne. 671 J. B. Dagenais, St. Rose. 672 Louis L. Dominateur Lefevre, St. Remi. 6td Antoin© Sicotte, St. Hubert. 674 Paul Desjardins, St. Rose. 675 R. M. Allsop, West Farnham. 676 Albert Hagar, Plantagenet. 677 James Cowan, Allan's Comer. 578 Octave Oharron, St. Constant. 679 Joseph V. Gadbois, Terrebonne. 680 Alphonse Poitras, L' Assomption. 681 John Crozier, Lachute. 682 Robert Crozier, Lachute. 683 Pierre Lecavalier, St. Laurent. 684 685 686 287 688 689 690 691 592 593 KQA 595 SHE AELiNi:! RAMS, 2ad BICTIOI. Vital Coupal, St. Michel Archange. Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. Charles Robinson, Lacolle. Edward Ferland, Lanoraie. Fidele Perreault, L'Assomption. F. X. Charette, St. Genevieve. Paul Deajardins, St. Rose. Albert Hagar, Plantagenet. Jules Sauriol, St. Martin. James Cowan, Allan's Comer. V Gadboia. Terrebonne. — X — - - Alphonse Poitras, L'Assomption. 11*. 'f'f ll ;1 1 1 ^M i'mm 596 iWM 597 WS^^m 598 '-^Pli 599 '' • 600 ) ■ ' ' 601 1 ; 602 fi 603 604 1 605 'r ■'"^' 606 i"i| 607 ■ i i ! 608 ''& 609 • 'Si 610 • :, 611 It'; 612 ■'1''^ i 613 ;■'■'• ■^' 614 60 3rd BEGTIOir. KAM LAMB. William Kooho, St. Joan Chrysostomo. Vitol Coupal, 8t. Michael Orehaiigo. Constant Monchamp, St. Michael Orchange. Thomas Irving, Potito Cote. llobert Anderson, South (xeorgetown. Charles Robinson, Lacollo. Piddle Porroault, L'Asflomption. David Benning, St. LouiH do Gonzagne. J. B. Dagenaiit, St. Rose. Paul Desjardins, St._Rose. Albert Hagar, Plantagonet. Jules Sauriol, St. Martin. Joseph Boileau, St. Phillippo, EHoph Bernard, Beloeil. Octave Charron,'St. Constant. Octavo Charron, St. Constant. Joseph V. Gadbois, Terrebonne. Joseph V. Gadbois, Terrebonne. Alphonse Poitras, L'Assomption. 4th SECTION. TWO EWBS— Two ghettrg^and. over. 611 David Martin, St. Esprit. 616 William Keese, St. Jean Chrysostome. 617 Thoaias Ii-ving, Petite Cote. 618 Robort Anderson, South Georgetown. 619 Ohaj les Robinson, Lacolle. 620 Fidd'e Perreault, L'Assomption. 621 Davi i Benning, St. Louis de Gonzagne. 622 J. B. Dagenais, St. Rose. 623 J JR. M. Allsop, West Farnham, 624 AlbBi-t Hagar, Plantagonet. 625 Joseph Boileau, St. Phillippo, 626 E. Bernard, Beloeil. 627 Joseph V. Gadbois, Terrebonne. 628 Alphonse Poitras, L'Assomption. 681 John Crozier, Lachute. r*wwcii LfroziCr, uSiCimisi. I jn-J 62 *>;>: (' : (., ■! 634 ey dth SECTION. TWO SHEARLING EWES. • ".oiiius Irving, Petite Cote. n-lo3 RoWnoon, Lacolle. • 't'lo Perroault, L'Assomption. vMvid Benning, St. Louis de Gonzagne. Richard Robinson. Mascouche. J. B, Dagenaia, St. Rose. ¥. Allsop, West Farnhani. les Sanriol, St. Martin, -iioph Bernard, Beloeil. " . C.v.T^n, Allan's Corner. - Charron, St. Constant. ' V. Gadbois, Tt:"rebonne. ■ -^e Poitras, L'assomption. J rozier, Lachutg. . Crozi-^r. Lachute. i> ! Pi u\ I?, ..'■ 6 -If 65- 657 658 059 9 6th SECTIOH. TWO EWES— LIMBS, "illiam Keese, St. Jean ChrysoKtomc. inas Irving, Petite Cote. •es Robinson, Lacolle. *. Perreault, L'assomption. f\ Robinson, Mascouche. Dugenais, St. Rose. ^ ^^ iie Sicotte, St. Hubert. ;o Kydd, Petite Cote. js Hauriol, St. Martin. Joseph Bcileau, St. Philippe. Eloph Bernard, Belwil, James Cowan, Allan's Corn«)r. Joseph V. Gadbois Terrebonne Alphonsc Poitr.'is, L'assomption. ill COTSWOLDS. 7th SECTION. JiAM-Two shears and over. b60 John L. Gibb, Compton. -■'. , .uat vvuj;a;, ot. Michel Archant;e. 662 Chas. Robinson, Lacolle. '^ff- 64 r'. ^63 665 5 • 666 667 i '■ 668 686 ^ 687 W ^^^ ■' 889 670 Fidtile Perreault, rAssomption. Albert Ilagar, Plantagenet. Eloph Bernard, Belcejl. Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. Jos. Y. C4adbois, Terrebonne. David Martin, St. Esprit. 8th SECTION. SHEARLING RAM. John L. Oibb, Compton. Constant Monchamp, St. Michel Arf-h.-^rsge. Chni'Ics Robin.son, Lacolle. Fidelo Perreault, rAasomptioit, Albert Hagar, Plantagenet. Octave Charron, St. Constsmt. Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. Pavitt Martin, St. E.sprit. 9th SECTION. RAM LAMB. John \j. fribb, Montreal. Vital Goa})al, St. Michel An-li;iiiue. Charles liobinson, Lacolle. Fidele Perreault, I'Asisomptioii. Joseph Bnuilt, Eiviere St. Pierr.-. Joseph Boilean. St. Philippe Eloph Bernard, BelaMJ. Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. Hon. J. J. C. Abbolt, Montreal. 10th SECTION. TWO EWES— Tv,<. S"h»': r-' aud uver. Charle.s liobinson, Lacolle. Fidele Perreault, rAssomption. Albert Hagar, Plantagenet. Joseph Boileau, St. Philippe. i\' ihonse Poitras, rAssomptinti. Uth SECTION. TWO SHEARLIMaillebout. Geo. Smith, Lachine. James Morgan, jr., Montreal. A. Zebedee Ethu, Repentigny. 2nd SECTION. BEST PAIR SILVER GRAY DORKINS. Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. Louis Levesqiie, Dailiebout. John Scott, Petite Cote. 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 BLACK SPANISH. 3rd SECTION. BEST PAIR BLACK SPANISH. James Lillie, Ilochclaga. College St. Laurent, St. Laurent. Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. Louis Levesque, Dailiebout. Louis Levesque, Dailiebout. Daniel Di'ummond, Petite Cote. .Joseph Jlicksoii, Cote St. Paul. James Morgan, jr., Montreal. 919 920 BRAHMAS. 4 SECTION. BEST PAIR DARK BRAIIMAS. James Lillie, Hocholaga. .John Iliggin:, Montreal. ' •••«•««*••• ' * ' ■**••••-••«•»«■« • ••••«« •«•<*••« at* ««•••••• ••••«••«« > t •• • •<•«•••«.« ••^^•••^••^^.y^i^^ • • •• •••»<*«••• «*a«««9 • ••e«*»*»^»*»«,,,,^»^^,^,^.^j^, • « •«^«»«,««^«i^4}4 • •* *>«4*«»««««4««*a^^ •-•'•'*•««<>« 84 '■■;! '-^- '.;J fi 925 i 1 92G 927 928 929 1 930 931 932 933 934 93.'i 936 93Gi 921 Louis Levcsque, Daillobout. 922 Joseph Hiekson, Cptc St. Paul. 923 James Morgan, jr., Montreal. 924 A. Zebedec Ethu, Ropoi.tigny. 9240 Sheldon Stephens, Montreal. 5tli SECTION. BEST PAIR LIGHT BBAHMAS. C. A. M. Globensky, St. Eustache. James Lillio. Ilocbelaga. Win. Winfveld, Montreal. TVm. Winfield, Montreal. T. Yerdon, St. Laurent. T. Verdon, St. Laur-ent, Loxiis Levesque, Daillebout. Lonis Levesque, Daillebout. John Sent'; Petite Cote. James Morgan, jr., Montreal. xVndrew Patterson, Point St. Charles. A. Zebedee Eani, Ecpontigny. Andrew Patterson, Point St. Charles. SJ. COCHINS. eth SECTION. BEST PAIR BUFF COCHINS. 937 C. A. M. Globensky, St. Eustache. 938 T. Vt.rdf)n, St. Laiirent. 939 Louis Levesqeu, Daillebout. 940 Louii Levesque, Daillebout. 941 Josonb Hiekson, Cote Si. Paul. 942 A. Zebedee Ethu, Eepentigny. 7th SECTION. BEST PAIR vmiTE COCHINS. 943 T. Verdon, St. Laurent* 944 Louis Levesque, Daillebout. 945 Wm. Paris, Sorel. •»MM»««W« 3nry Phillipe, Montreal. 955 A. Zeb<)ut. Boyei- & Charlobois, St. Lambert. Et. Theodore Pauquot, St. :N'icliolas. Kt. Theodore Pauquet, St. Nicholas. LAF LECHES. 15th SECTION. BEST PAIR LA FLECIIES. .973 Louis Lovesquc, Daillebout. RED GAME. 16th SECTION. BEST PAIR OF GAME FOWL. 974 Louis Levesque, Daillebout, 975 Joseph Ilicksoii, Cote St. Paul. ' 976 James Morgan, jr., Montreal. 877 A. Zobedeo Ethu, Kepeniigny. 977| George Brown, Frontenac. BANTAMS. 17th SECTION. BEST PAIR BLACK BANTA MS 978 James LilHc, Hochelaga. 979 Euward Bates, Montreal. 980 John Higgins, MoHti^aJ. 981 Louis Levesque, Daillebout. 982 Louis Levesque, Daillobout, ,, 983 Joseph Hicksou, Cote St. Paul. 984 James Carrol, Quebec. 985 J ames Morgan, jr., Moutreat. 986 James Morgan, jr., Montreal. .i;.a.. •*«B*«*M * IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 1.25 Ittl^ H2.S |5o """^ MSB 1.8 i U 1 1.6 ^^ t^ z ^ ;\ \ % V ^ 6^ r - • ) z 90 18tb SECTION. BEST PAIR WHITE BANTAMS. 987 James Henderson, Pptite Cote. 988 TouBsaint Verdon, St, Laurent. 989 TouBsaint Verdon, St. Laurent, f 90 Louis Levenque, Daillebout. 991 Louis Levesque, Daillebout. 992 Joseph Ilickson, Cote St. Paul. 993 George Smith, Lachino. 994 A. Zebedee Ethu, Eepentigny. DUCKS. 19th SECTlOir. BEST PAIR AYLE6EURY DUCKS. 995 Thomas Irving, Petite Cote, 996 Louis Tjevesque, Daillebout. 997 Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul, 998 George Smith, Lachine. 999 James Morgan, jr., Montreal, 1000 A. Zebedee Ethu, Eepentigny. 1001 James Hodges. St. Lambert. 1002 Wm. Martin Molson, Lachine. 20th SECTION. BEST PAIR ROUEN DUCKS. 1002^ F. Wood Gray, Quebec. 1003 Louis lievesque, Daillebout. 1004 Louis Levesque, Daillebout, 1005 Boyer & Charlebois, St. Lambert, 1006 Borneo H. Stephens, Montreal. 1007 Wm. Wall, Point St. Charles. 1008 Wm. Wall, Point St. Charles. ' 1009 A. Zebedee Ethu, Eepentigny, 1010 Wm. Martin Molson, Lachine. • • • • • •■ ^^^^^E|f£i . ,.. . GEESE. 22iid SECTION. ^H t • BEST PAIR BPEJIEN GEESE. 1011 F. Wood Gray, Quebec. • ^^^^^■l 'A 1012 Syfi-o' Lavallee, Berthier. ^^Hi 1013 Louis Levesque, Daillebout. ■■H 1014 William Wall, Point St. Charles, • •• • • • I 1014^ William Wail, roint St. Charles. 92 23rd SECTION. BEST PAIR WHITE CHINA GEESE. 1015 David Martin, St. Esprit. 1016 Syfroi Lavelee, Berlhier. 24th SECTION. BEST PAIR TOULOUSE GEESE. 101 6^ Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. 1017 Syfroi Lavallee, Berthier. 1018 Louis Lovesque, Daillebout. 1019 Pierre Martin, St. Laurent. aeth SECTION. BEST PAIR WILD -GEBSB. - 1 020 David Martin, St. Esprit. 1021 Charles F. Blanchard, St. Marc. 1022 Syfroi Lavallee, Berthier. 1023 Louis Levesque, D' Aillebout. 1024 Louis Levesque, D' Aillebout. 1025 J. B. Dagenais, St. Kose. 1026 J. B. Meloche fils, St. Genevieve. 1027 Eemi Lecavalier, St. Laurent. 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 i037 TURKEYS. 26th SECTION. BEST PAiR WILD TURKEYS. Fidele Perreault, L'assoraption. Louis Levesque, D' Aillebout. James Morgan, Jr., Montreal. William Wall, Point St. Charles. 27th SECTION. BEST PAIR BJ.ONZfl TURKEYS. Eoch Simard, L'Assomption, Louis Levesque, Daillebout. Louis Levesque, Daillebout. Jules Sauriol, St. Martin. 28th SECTION. BEST PAIR BLACK OR BROWN TURKEYS. Eoch Simard, I'Assomption, Louis Levesque, Daillebout. ► •^♦♦* ••••♦♦♦ • . 94 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 Louis Levesquo, Daillebout, A. Zebedee Ethu, Eepentigny. Antoino Legaiilt, Pointo Claire. 29th SECTION. BEST PAIR WHITE TURKEYS. Fidele Perreault, I'Assomption. Louis Levesque, Daillebout. Joseph Hickson. Cote St. Paul. James Morgan, Jr., Montreal. A. Zebetlee Ethu, Eepentigny. 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 I 1051 1052 1053 1 1054 1055 1056 1057 -1058 1059 1060 HHH 1061 GUINEA FOWLS 30 SECTION. BEST PAIR GUINEA FOWLS. Toussaint Verdon, St. Laurent. Tousaaint Verdon, St. Lau^'^ut. Louis Levesque, Daillebout, James Morgan, Jr., Montreal. A. Zebedee Ethu, Eepentigny. PEA FOWLS. 31st SECTIO BEST PAIE PEA FOWLS. Louis Levesque, Daillebout. James Cowan, Allan's Corners. Samuel Blackwood, West Shefford. sand SECTION. BEST COLEECTION OF POULTRY. Louis Levesque, Daillebout. Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. James Morgan, Jr., Montreal. A. Zebedee Ethu, Eepentigny. PIGEONS. BEST COLLECTION OP PIGEONS. 33rd SECTION. John Higgins, Montreal. Edouard Ferland, Lanoraie. Louis Lsvesoue Daillsbout, A. Zebedee Ethu, Eepentigny. •••«••••«•»•••••■ i 96 BABBITS. 36th SECTION. BEST PAIR COMMON RABBITS. ••••••••fl 1062 David Martin, St. Esprit. 1063 Thomas Irving, Potito Cote, 1064 Louis Levesque, Daillebout. 1065 Louis Levesquo, Daillebout, 1066 Goorge Smitb, Lachine. 1067 A. Zebedeo Ethu, Kepentigny. 1068 "Wm. Martin Molson, Lachine. 1069 1070 WIRE CAGE. 36th SECTION. FOR THE BEST WIRE CAGE FOR EXHIBITION PURPOSES. Louis Levesque, Daillebout. A. Zebedee, Eepentigny, _... . •••••»• !»• I i 98 SIXITII CXjJ^SS. GRAINS, SEEDS, &c. 1st SECTION. AVUITE WINTER WHEAT (4 Mlnoti.) 1071 Fidolo Porrcault, L'Assomption. 1072 Eoch Simard, L'AHsomption. 1073 Thomas Irving, Potite Goto. 1074 Joseph Ilickson, Cote St. Paul. 1076 D. Turgeon, Beaumont. 1076 Joa. V. Gadboia, Terrebonne. 1077 Mathow Moody, Terrebonne. 2nd SECTION. RED WINTER WHEAT— 4 minoUi. 1078 Fidele Perreault, L'Assomption. 1079 Roch Simai-d, L'Assomption. 1080 Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. 1081 Joseph Lemire, St. Alexis. 1082 Joe. V. Gadbois, Terrebonne. 1083 Mathew Moody, Terrebonne. 1084 Ludger Ouellct, Tenebonne. 3rd SECTION. WHITE SPRING WHEAT— 4 miBOts. 1085 Edwai-d Ferland, Lanoraie. 1086 Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. 1087 Joseph Ilickson, Cote St. Paul. 1088 George Kidd, Potite Cote. 4th SECTION. SPRING WHEAT. 1089 Olivier Beaudry, St. Alexis. 1090 J. B. Charon, Chambly. 1091 Dd. Smeal, Petite Cote. 1092 Syfroi Lavallee, Berthier (en haut. 1093 Edouard Ferland, Lamo^aie. 1094 Fidele Perreault, L'Assomption 1095 Roch Simard, L'Assomption. 1096 Clement Dansereau, Contre Coeur. 1097 Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. • • • • atf V >i '•i'Cil n^rv 'W if, IH W9e ThomBe Watson, tit lx)ui« a« ilmm^- 1109 Paul DoHJardinB, Bt. Hoho. 1110 Paul DoKJardinB, St. 1U)h«. nil George Kidd, Petite CX.U'. 11 12 EvariBto (.'huurotto, Bt. Gmev^cve. 1099 r.ambert BeHnoyorB, CoU^ ViBitation. 1100 J. K. Charotte, St Gcneviovo. 1101 Sheldon Stophonfl, Montreal. 1102 Sheldon StopbcnP, Montreal. 1103 .Tamea McMartin, Bt Kustach*. 1104 Jame« McMartin, St. Eustach.. 1105 J. B. Dagonais, St Boue. . 1106 Daniel Drummond, Petite Ck)te. : 1107 JoBoph HickBon, Cote St. Paul. U08 John Scott, Petite Cote. 1113 W. Theodore Paquot, St Nicola*. 1114 AlfredX. WilliamB, Jjonguenil. 1116 MoiBe Vincent, St Hubert 1116 Francdtfl Dv^merfi, Chambly. ' 1117 Joseph Meloche, Ste. Genevieve. '1118 iBidoro Meloche, St«. Gonevieve. • 1119 Antoino Legault, Pointo Claire. 1120 Bugald Gxaham, Orrastown. 1121 Ludger Ouollot, Terrebonne. 1 112? Wm. ];lpdden, PlantAgonet Sjt.ring«. i 1123 Wm. Bodden, Plantagenot Springs. I 1124 ; 1125 |il26 !ll27 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 OIC flth SBCnOH. BARLBY-TWO ROWED (4 MinoU). J. B. Charon, Chambly. Clement DanBoroau, Contre Cceur. Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. James McMartin, St. EuHtaehe. James McMarin, St. Eusluche. J. B. Dagenais, St. Hose. Daniel Drummond, Petit•• i ■•«•••••• 'J?'- • 104 1161 Joseph Hickeon, Coto St. Paul. 1162 John Scott, Petite Cote. 1 163 Paul Desjardins, St. Roae. 1164 Paul Desjardins, St. Rose. 1165 George Kidd, Petite Cote. 1166 Jules Sauriol, St. Martin. 1167 ■ Joseph David, «t. Martin. 1168 Evariste Chaurette, Ste. Genevieve. 1169 James Morgan, jr., Montreal. 1170 Charles Lapierre, St. Antoine. H71 Joseph V. Gadbois, Terrebonne. 1172 JamesHamilton, Belle Riviere. 1173 Edward Sadler, St. Malachie. 1174 John Crozicr, Lachute. 1176 Robert Crozier, Lachute. 1176 Nazaire Prefontaine, St. Bazile. 1177 J. B. Meloche, Ste. Genevieve. 1180 James Hodge, St. Laurent. 9th SECTION. OATS BLACK. 4 Minoti. 1188 College St. Laurent, St. Laurent. 1189 Olivier Beaudry, St. Alexir. 1190 Edouard Ferland, Lanoraie. 1191 Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. 1192 Toussaint Verdon, St. Laurent. 1W3 J. B. Dagenais, St. Rose. 1194 Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. 119B Joseph Lemire, St. Alsxrs. 1196 James Hodge, St. Laurent. 1157 DugalA Graham, Ormstown. 1198 O V ide Marion, St. Jacques Lachigan. 1199 Wm..Rodd.en, Plftntagenet.. 10th SECTION. .-• FIELD pease! 4MinoU. 1200 J. B. Charon, Chambly. 1201 • D; Sttieal, Petite Cote. ' 1202 Syfroi Lavallee, Berthier (en haut). 1202 . . ISdouard Ferland, Lanoraie. 1204 Pidele Perrault, L'Assomption. l^gftj JRoch Simard, L'Assomption. 1206 Thomaa Irving, Petit© Cote. I 106 1217 JoBfeph David, St. Mmti-n. 1218 James Morgan, jr , Montreal. 1219 Charles Lapierre, St. Antoine. 1220 Joseph Decelles, St. Hubert. 1221 J . B. Meloche, tUs, St. G enevieve 1222 Benjamin Beyer, St. Laurent. 1223 Joseph Meloche, St. Genevieve. 1224 Antoine Legault, Pointe Claire. 1225 Dugald Graham, Ormstown. 1207 Adolpho Ouimet, St. Eaphael. 1208" James McMartin, St. Eustache. 1209 Daniel Driimmond, Petite Cote. 1210 Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. 1213 Donald Campbell, St. Vincent de Paxil. 1214 Staneslas Laurin, Cote St. Michel. 1216 Paul Desjardins, St. Eoee. 1216 Paiil Desjardins, St. Eose. UthSECrlON. MARROWFAT PEA8E. 2 MinoU. 1226 Toussaint Verdon, St. Laurent. 1227 James McMartin, St. Eustache. 1228~ Eobert Brodie, Cote St. Pierr6. 1229~ Jules Sauriol, St. Martin. 1230 Et. Theodore Pauquet, St. Nicholas. 1231 Remi Lecavelier, St. Laurent. KthSECnOH ♦ TARES— 2 minot*. 1232 TouBsaint Verdon, St. Laurent. 1233 Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. 1234 James Cowan, AUac'e Corner. 1236 James Cowan, Allan's Comer. 1236 James Cowan, Allan's Corner. 1237 James Morgan, Jr., Montreal. mS^Et. Theodore Paquet, St. Nicholas. 13th SECTION. WHITE FIELD BBAN8-3 miBOto. 1246 F. X. Charette, St. Genevieve. 1246 Touseaint Verdon, St. Laurent. • 1247 James Park, St Marl he. 1248 Jas. McMartin, St. Eustache. !« 108 t 1256 1251 1252 1254 i 1255 ■i- 1266 1' 1267 ^ 1268 1259 1260 y 1261 1263 p 1264 E 1239 K 1240 m *1241 m 1242 m 1243 m 1244 m 1266 R t-t"- 1 Paul Desjardins, St. Bose. Paul Deajardine, St. Roao. Joseph Lemire, St. Alexis. Jules Sauriol, St. Martin. 0. JohH Tiighthall, Vankleok Hill, O. :gd. Sadler, St. Matachie. P. Demers, Chambly; J. B. Meloche, fllft, Ste, Genevieve. Eemi Lecavalier, St. Laurent. B. Boyer, St. Lauient. Joseph Meloohe, Ste. Genevieve. F. Davids Ste. Kose. Antoine Lamarche, St. Esprit. Olivier Beaudry, St. Alexis. Constant Monohamp, S^.. Michel Archange. Evariste Ouimet, St. Rose. Edouard Perland, Lanoraie. Fidele PorroauU, L'Assowption. Dd. Benning, St. Louts de Gonzague. John McCabe, St. Marthe. 14th SECTION. INDIAN CORN IN THE BAR-WWto. 1267 Evariste Ouimet, St. Rose. 1268 Edouard Perland, Lanoraie. 1269 Fidele Perreault, L'Assomption. 1270 Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. 1271 F. X. Charette, St. Genevieve. 1272 Wm. Paris, Sorel. 1273 James McMartin, St. Eustache. 1274 Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. 1275 John Scott, Petite Cote. 1276 Pierre Martin, St. Laurent. 1277 Pierre Martin, St. Laufeht. 1278 Pierre Martin, St. Laurent. 1279 Jules Sauriai, St. Martin. 1280 Evariste Chaurette, St. Genevieve. 1281 Joseph IteceUes, St* Hubert. 1282 J. B. Meloche, fils, Ste. Genevieve. 1283 Bemi Leqavolicr, pt. Laurent. 1284 Benjamin Boyer, St. Laurent. • 1285 Joseph Meloche, St. Genevieve. 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 01306 ^^HJP 1307 ^^^R 1308 ^^^K 1309 ^^^H 1310 ^^^H 1311 ^^H 1312 ^^^H 1313 ^^F^ 1314 ^^B ",-4 1315 1316 ^I^^^^B'4'^i 1 1317 ^HH' 1318 ^^^^^^w< 1319 warn 1320 no Antoino Logault, Pointo Clairo. Piorro Locavelior, St. Laurent, Folix David, St. Eose. Wm. Martin Molson, Lachino. Tiudgor Oucllot, Ton-cbbririo ISthSEOTIOK. INDIAN CORN IN THE EaR— Yellow. Edouard Forland.i^Lanoraio. Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. F. X. Charette, St. GoneviOvo. .James Park, St. Marthe. Jas. McMartin, St. Enstache. Joseph Ilickson, Cote St. Paul. Jules Saurial, St. Martin. James Cowan, Allan's Corner. Evaristo Chaurette, St. Genevieve. C. John Lighthall, Vankleek Hill, Ont. J. B. Meloche, St. Genevieve, Toussaint Beaulieu, St. Laurent. Joseph Meloche, St. Genevieve. Antoine Legault, Pointe Claire. Dugald Graham, Ormstown. Ludger OuoUet, Terrebonne. Kemi Lecavalier, St. Laurent. 16th SECTION. TIMOTHY SEED. 2 Minots. Olivier Beaudry, St. Alexis. Syfroi Lavalloe, St. Alexis. Edouard Ferland, Lanoraie. Fidele Perreault, L'Assemption. Clement Dansercau, Contre Cceur. Charles Lachapelle, St. Esprit. Joseph Broault, Eiviere St. Pierre. Placide Archambault, St. Esprit. Toussaint Verdon, St. T urent. James McMartin, St. Eustache. Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. Paul Desjardins, St. Eose. Paul Desjardins, St. Eose. James Cowan, Allaf's Corner. $' Ill Vf. Euclide Profontaino, Bclceil, C. JoBeph V. Gadboie, Terrebonne. John Lighthall, Vanklook Hill, Ont. Alfred Ij. WilliamB^ Longueul. Moise Vincent, St. Hubert. Francois Vemors, Chambly. Nazaire Prefontaine, St. Bazile. Benjamin Boyer, St. Laurent. Benjamin Cormier, Pointe aux Trembl«i. Bugald Graham, Ormetown. Felix David, St. Eoee. Lolfis Lapointe, St. Jean Port Joli. Antoine Lamarche, St, Esprit. Wm. Mai'tin Molson, Lachine. Ovido Marion, St. Jacques Ijachigan. 17th SBCnON CLOYBR BBP^ Olivor Beaudxy, St. Alexis. Charles Lachapelle, St. Esprit. Placide Archambault, St. Esprit. Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. Joseph Lemire, St. Alexis, fiuoiide Prefontaine, Belceil. IBtli SECTION. AYLSIKB CLOVER BBED. 1 BUaot. Joteph HicktOBj Cote St. Paul. 19th SECTION. FB.MP SEED. 2 Mia*t«. D. Martin, St. Esprit. Oliver Beaudry, St. Alexii. Joseph Lemire, St. Alexis. 20th 8ECT0IN- FLAX SEED. 2 MImU. 1346 D. Martin, St. Esprit. 1347 Oliver Beaudry, St. Alexis. 1348 Constant Mouchamp, St. Michel Arehaaf*. 1349 Syfroi Lavallee, Berthier en haut. 1350 Fidele Perreault, L'Assomption. nnmt Tt — I. a:'>m, St. Iloso. Joseph Lemire, St. Alcxiti. Nazairo Prctbntaino, St. Bazilo, J. B. Molocho, tils, St. (Jonevievo. Joseph Molocho, St. (lonovievo. Antoiuo Legault, Pointo Clairo. Folix David, St. Romo. Antolno'cl.c, i'l. Iv-pi'it. Ludger OuUot, Terrebonne. 2l3t SECTION. MUSTARD EEDS, 1 Minot. Joseph Lemiro, St. Alexis. T>. Martin, St. Esprit. Oliver Bouudr}', St. Alexis. 22nd SECTION. SWEEDISII TURNIPS SEED— 20 lbs. Joseph llickson. 23rd SECTION. WHITE BELGIAN FIB CARROT .SBED-1 D. Martin, St. Esprit. Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. 24th SECTION. LONG, RED MANUEL WURTZEL— 12 lbs. 137C David Martin, St. Esprit. 1377 Joseph llickson, Cote St. Paul. 137P nruoine Lamarche, St. Esprit. 26th SECTION. YELLOW GLOBE MANGEL WURTZEL SBED-12 lbs. 1379 David Martin. 1380 Joseph llickson, Cote St, Paul. 'i\ i • -y. r 1, 1381 1382 1383 1384 13S5 1386 1387 1383 1389 116 26th SECTION BALE OF HOPS— 112 lbs. Charles D. Proctor, :VLontreal. Charles D. Proctor, Hontreal. Charles D. Proctor, Montreal. 24th SECTION HORSE BEANS— 2 Minot.. Edouard Ferland, Lanoraie. Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. Daniel Driimniond, Petite Coto. Joseph Ilickson, Cote St. Paul. Jules Saxiriol, St. Martin. Wm. lloddcu, Plantagcnet. 28th SECTION BUCKWHEAT— 4 Minotf , 1390 Oliver Beaudry, St. Alexis. 1395 Toussaint Y erdon , St. Laurent . 139l> Joseph Ilickson, Cote St.Paul. 1397 Paul Dcsjardins, St. liose. 1398 Paul Desjardius, St. Eose. 1391 J. B. Charon, Chanibly. 1392 Syfroi, Lavallee, .Bcrthier (en haut). 1393 Fidelc Perreault, I'Assomption. 139-1 Pvoch Simard, VAssomption. 1399 Jules Sauriol, St. JNlartin. 1400 HvarUte Chaurctte, St. Genevieve. 1401 James Morgan, Jr., Montreal 1402 C. John Lighthall, Vankleek IbH, Ont. 1403 Kt. Theoc^oroPaquet, St. ;N'icolas. 1404 J. B. Melochc, tils, St. Genevieve. 1405 Jos. Mcloche, St. Genevieve. 1406 Antoine liaraarche, St. Esprit. 1407 ftancois Demers, Chambly. 0140 Ed. Ferland, Lanoraie. 1408 D. Martin, St. Esprit. 29th S MILLET ,CTION. 118 seveistth: oXjj^ss, im. ROOTS AND OTHER FIELD CROPS. 1st SECTION PINK-EYED POTATOES— li Minots. 1409 Joseph Tlickson, Cote St. Paul. 1410 George Ividd, Petite Cote. 2nd SECTION CUP POTATOES— li Minots. 1411 Joseph Ilickson, Cote St. Paul. 1412 Et. Theodore Paquet, St.. Nicholas. 3rd SECTION. GARNET CHILIS RED— IJ Minots, 1413 I). Smoal, Petite Cote. 1414 Fidcle Pcrrault, L'Assomption. 1415 Eoch Simard, L'Assomption. 1416 Thomas Irvini;-, Petite Cote. 1418 Evariste Chaurettc, St. Genevieve. 1433 Joseph V. Gadbois, Terrebonne. 1434 C. John Lighthall, Vankleek Hill, Ont. 1435 J. B, Meloche, ills, St. Genevieve. 1436 James Hodge, St. Laurent, 1437 Anioine Legault, Peinto Claire. 1438 Pierre Lccavelior, St Laurent. 1439 George Buchanan, Cote St. Michel. 1440 Thomas Wark, Cote St. Laurent. 1441 David Scott, Cote St. Michel. 1432 F. X. Chaurettc, St. Genevieve. 1419 James Buchanan, Cote St. Michel. 1420 William Paris, Sorol. 1421 Antoino Lafon, Cote Visitation. 1422 Joseph lloldsworth, Petite Cote. 1423 Joseph Ilickson., Cote St. Paul. 1424 John Scott, Petite Cote. 1425 GuillauTTse I>giiioutt^t, Tiaprairio. 1426 George Kidd, Petite Cote. 1427 Pierre Martin, St. Laurent. 1428 ^^^Hm-*'- 1429 1430 1431 HI « ^^Hi' 1442 j 1443 ^^■i i 1 1444 1445 ^^^^^^Rf' 1 1446 'j- 1447 1448 1449 Hi 1450 1451 Hit 1452 B' 1453 Hi 1454 ^^^^^^B ^ 1455 ^^^^^^H av 1456 ^^^^K^i 1457 1465 1466 1467 'l. 1468 ^^^^H' i; 1458 ^^^^^^B 1^1 • 1459 1460 ^^^^^E: {/' 1461 ^^H-' 1462 ^^^^^^^^B 1463 ^^^^^^B ' 1464 ^IflBf't 1469 1470 1471 ■ 1472 1473 ^ i: 1474 120 Mathew Jeffrey, Petite Cote. Henry Ncsbytt, Petite Cote. Robert lirodie, Cote vSt. Pierre. Jules Sauriol, St. Martin. 4:th SECTION. GARNET CHILIS WniTB— li Minots. James Henderson, Petite Cote. Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. Lambert Desnoyers, Cote Visitation. William Paris, Sorel. Joseph Holdsworth, Petite Cote. Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. Henry Nesbytt, Petite Cote. Robert Brodie, Cote St. Pierre. James Morgan, jr., Montreal. Joseph V. Gadbois, Tcrreboone. James Hodges, St. Laurent. Antoine Legault, Pointe Claire. 6th SEC3TI0N- EARLY GODERICn POTATOES— IJ Minots. David Smeal, Petite Cote. James Henderson, Petite Cote. Francis Ouimot, St. Rose. Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. George Kidd, Petite Cote. Mathew Jeffrey, Petite Cot«. Henry Kesbytt, Petite Cote. Jules Sauriol, St. Martin. Lambert Desnoyers, Cote Misitation. R X. Charette, St. Genevieve. Boyer & Charlebois, St, Lambert. James Bucknan, Cote St. Michel. Antoine Lafon, Cote Visitation. Joseph Holdsworth, Petite Cote. Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. Evariste Chaurettc, St. Genevieve. James Morgan, jr., Montreal. Alphonse Lafon, Cote Visitation. J. B. Meloche, tils, St. Genevieve. Joseph Meloche, St. Genevieve. Antoine Legault, Pointe Claire. 122 ^Bp; 1475 1476 1477 ^^^B^ ' '^'i 1478 1479 ^^U'll 1480 B 1481 ^HH 1482 ^Hs 1483 IHw 1484 ^Hp 1485 ^^ffi 1486 ^^Ni 1495 ^Hh 1496 ^^El 1497 ^Hb 1498 ^^Hp 1499 ^■k 1500 ^^R' 1501 ^INi' 1502 ^^^ 1487 ^^^: 1488 ^^H' 1489 ^HB 1490 ^^H 1491 ^^H 1492 ^B 1493 H 1494 ^^^Kfs 1503 ^^^^Bj]^ 1504 1505 ^^m 1506 ■HP 1507 ^^K 1508 ^^^^^ 1509 HHP^' 1510 1511 Pien'e Locavelier, St. Laurent. George Buchanan, Cote St. Michel. Felix David, St. Eose. Thomas Wark, Cote St. Laurent. William Martin Molson, Lachine. William Hodden, Plantagenet. 6th SECTION. EARLY ROSE POTATOES— 1 J Minots. David Smeal, Petite Cote. Samuel Penniston, Lower Lachine. James Henderson. Petite Cote. Fidele Perreault, L'Assomption. Eoch Simard, L'Assomption. Thomas Irving, Petite Cote, Evariste Chaurette, St. Genevieve. C. John Lighthall, Vankleek Hill, Ont. Edward Saddler, St. Malachie. Jas. Hodges, St. Laurent. Dngald Graham, Ormstown. George Buchanan, Cote St. Michel. Felix David, St. Rose. Wm. Eodden, Plantagenet. William Faris, Sorel. Antoiuo Lafon, Cote Visitation. Joseph Holdsworth, Petite Cote. John Scott, Petite Cote. Julien Lamane, Longueuil. George Kydd, Petite Cote. Pierre Martin, St. Laurent. Matthew Jeffrey, Petite" Cote. 7th SECTION. POTATOES— Any other sort of I5 Mirots David Smeal, Petite Cote. Boyer & Charlebois, St. Lambert. William Faris, Soi*el. Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. John Scott, Petite Cote. George Kydd, Petite Cote. Matthew Jeffrey, Petite Cote. James Morgan, jr., Montreal. C. John Lighthall, Vankleek Hill, Ont. 124 ',^!i 1512 George Buchanan, Goto St. Michel. 1513 Thomas Wark, Cote St. Laurent. 1514 David Scott, Cote St. Michel. K 1515. 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1630 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 8th SECTION. COLLECTION OF POTATOES.— H Minoti Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. Matthew Jeflrey, Petite Cote. George Buchanan, Cote St. Michel. 9th SECTION. SVrEDE TURNIPS.— 18 lbs. Fidole Perreault, L'assomption. Eoch Simard, L'assomption. Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. Toussaint Verdon, St. Laurent. AntoineLafon, Cote Visitation. Joseph Ilickson, Cote St. Paul. John Scott, Petite Cote. George Kidd, Petite Cote. Albert Hagar, Plantagenet. Henry Nesbytt, Petite Cote. C. John Lighthall, Vanleek Hill, Ontario. Alphonse Lafon, Cote Visitation. Dugald Graham, Ormstown. George Buchanan. Cote St. Michel. "William Martin Molson, Lachine. Vrilliam Eodden, Plantagenet. I)d. Scott, Cote St. Michel. James Eobson, Cote St Catherine. 10th SECTION. WHITE GLOBE TURNIPS— ISlbs. 1536 Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. 1537 Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. 1538 Dugald Graham, Ormstown. 1539 William Martin Molson, Lachine. 1540 James Eobson, Cote St. Catherine. 11th SECTION. ABERDEEN YELLOW TURNIPS— 18 lbs. 1541 Antoine Lafon, Cote Visitation. 1642 Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Panl. i I 11 126 1543 Dugiald Graham, Ormstown. 1544 Willinin Martin MdIsou, Lacliino. 1545 Jnmos Hohson, Coto St. Cathorino. 12th SECTION. TWENTY ROOTS RED CARROTS. 1546 Thomas Irving, Petite Coto. 1547 F. X. (Jharotte, St. (fenevieve. 1548 Jamo.s McMartin, St. East ache. 154J) Aiiloine Lafon, Coto Visitation. 1550 .loseph Ilickson, Coto St. Paul, 1551 John Scott, Petite Coto. 1552 George Kydd, Petite Cote. 1553 Matthew .lottry, Petite Coto. 1554 Matthew Jeftiy, Petite Coto. 1555 II. Nosbytt, Petite Coto. 1556 C. John Lighthall, Vankloolc Hill, Ontario. 1557 Alphonse Lafon, Coto Visitation. lo58 William Martin Molson, Lachine. 1559 AVilliam Iloddou, Plantagonct. 1560 M. Scott, Cote St. Michel. 13th SECTION. TWENTY ROOTS WHITE CARROTS. 1561 Thomas Irving, Petite Coto. 1562 F. X. Charette, St. (Icnovievo. 1563 James McMartin, St. Eiistache. 1564 Antoinc Lafon, Coto Visitation. 1565 Joseph Ilickson, Coto St. Paul. 1566 .John Scott, Petite Cote. 1567 George Kidd, Petite Coto. 15G8 Matthew Jeffry, Petite Coto. 1569 Jules Sauriol, St. ISfartin. 1570 C. John Lighthall, Vankleok Hill, Ontario. 1571 George Buchanan, Coto St. Michel. J 572 William Mai'tin Molson, Lachine. 1573 William Podden, Plantagonct. 1574 David Scott, Coto St. Michel. 14th SECTION. MANGEL AVURTZEL-Long Rocl, ISlbs. 1575 Thomas Irving, Petite Coto. 1576 F. X. Charetto, St. Genevieve. »>•. 128 I 1577 lN).V(tr & ClmrUiboir*, Si. T.umhort. ir>7H .liiiiu'M McMiirtiii, St. KuMtuclie. ir)7'.) Daiiinl DrumiutMid, T'otilo Coto. insO .loHt'ph Iloldsworth, rctito Goto. 15HI .lorAopli IlickMon, Coto St. rmil. ir)H:{ Miitllu-w JtiiVry, I'otitc ('oto. .ir>K.i .liiU'.s Simriol, SI. .Murtiii. 15sr» C. Julm Lif;litlKiIl, Viiuklook Hill, Ontario. 1580 Willium lloddou, IMmitiigonot. 16th SECTION. ttED GLOBE MANUEL WURT/EL— ISlbn. 1587 Thoiuan Irving, Petite Cote. 15SH .111 men Me .Martin, Si. Kustaehe. 15S!» Haiiiel l)runuiu)n»l, Petite Cote. 15JMI .losi'ph lloliUworlh, Petite Coto. l.'.Dl Josepli Uit'kson, Cote St. Paul. 15l»2 CJeorgo Kidil, Petite Coto. lUth SECTION. VKLLOW OLUDE MANGEL WURTZEL-lSlbs 151K5 Thomas Irving. Petite Cote. I5l>t James MeMartin, St. Kustaehe. 15t»r> Daniel iH'ummond, Petite Cote. 151)6 Jo-^eph lloUls\vorth, Petite Cote. 15l>7 .Iivseph lliekson. Cote St. Paul. 151>S (ieorge Ividvl, Petite Cote. 15J»y Matthew .lettVe\ , Petite (?!ote. lUOO NVilliani Hodden. Planiagenet. 17th SECTION. LONG YELLOW MANGEL WlRTi^EL— ISlbs 1001 Thomns Irving, Pet i to Cote. 100- .liunes MeMartin. Stf i-Uisiache. UH>;> l>auiel lh-umm.>i'.d, Petite Coto. lOtU Joseph Uoldsworth, Potito Coto. 1005 Jose>>ii llioktt >n, Coto St. Paul. 1000 Ge<.>rgo Kidd, Potito Co:e. • A^^*^ «4«««««««« «••«««•• I ••••••••••«•«?«»•••»•< •«*•«• *••«••.••• «•••« 130 r * B*.l • l> ' 18th SECTION. B KOHLRAB I — 181bB. 160*7 Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. 1608 Toussaint Vcrdon, St. liaurent. 1609 Daniel Drummond, Petite Cote. 1610 AVilliam Martin Molson, Lachine. 19th SECTION. SUGAR BEETS— 18lbB. 1611 Fidele Perrault, L'Assomption. 1612 Roch Simard, L'Assomption. 1613 Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. 1614 Boyer & Charlebois, St. Lambert. 1615 Daniel Drummond, Petite Cote. 1616 Joseph Iloldsworth, Petite Cote. 1617 Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. 1818 George Kidd, Petite Cote. 1619 Matthew Joifry, Petite Cote. 1620 C. John Lighthall, Yankleek Hill, Ontario. 1621 Moise Vincent, St. Hubert. 1622 Pierre Lecavelier, St. Laurent. 20th SECTION. PARSNIP S — I8lb2. 1623 Antoine Lafon, Cote Visitation. 1624 Joseph Hickson, Cote St. Paul. 1625 (leorgo Kidd, Petite Cote. 2l8t SECTION. LARGE SQUASHES FOR CATTLE— 2 1626 Kdouard Ferland, Lanoraie. 1627 lioch Simard, Asssomption. 1628 Toussaint Vcrdon, St. Laurent. 1629 Pierre Lecavelier, St. I^urent. 1630 » Wm. Martin JMol.son, Lachine. 22nd SECTION. MAMMOTH FIELD PUMPKINS— 2. 1631 (College St. Laurent, St. Laurent. 1632 Edouard Ferland, Lanoraie, 1533 Roch Simard, L'Assomption. 1634 C. John Lighthall, Vankleek Hill, Ont. If335 Pi'osper Corheille, Mjucouche. • 132 23id SECTION. TOBACCO LEAF— 20 lbs. 1G3G Oliver Boaudry, St. Alexis. 1(337 I'ldouard Ferland, Lanoraie. 1638 Eidcle Perrcault, L'Assomptioii. 1639 Eoch Simard, L'Assomplion. IGIO Jo.-^cpli Lemire, St. Alexis. IGiO^ VA. /ebedce Ethiii, Ecientignay. 21th SECTION. BROOM CORN— BRUSH— 28 lbs. 1641 William Martin Molson. Lachine. 25th SECTION. FLAX— SCUTCHED. 1642 Oliver J3eaudry, St. Alexis. 1643 Fidele Perreault, L'Assomptioii. 1644 Joseph Lemire, St. Alexis. 1645 A. Zebedee Ethu, Eepentigny. 1646 Louis Lapointe, St. Jean Port Joli. 1647 Antoine Lamarche, St. Esprit. 28th SECTION. HEMP— 112 lbs. 1918 Oliver Eeaudry, St. Alexis. !ni \ •\- I'i V 184 eio-hith: pJii-A-ss. i"t 1649 1050 1651 1652 1658 1654 1655 1656 1657 lifiS 1659 1660 1661 1662 1664 1665 il666 11667 ^668 tl669 V670 1671 ,m 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 DAIKY .-RODUCTS i,t SECTION. jfxCd OF BUTTER-56lbn. Wultor MoOwat, T^^^^^^^^^c R X. Hoaudiv «^'^"f^'"^^ ^ ^""*''- Oliver Iknui.'-y. St. Alox.s. I B Ch*!^''"' cnuunbly. Jann'* lloiulorson, rdUe Ooto, rj^nniiH Irving, Potito Coto. /laoicio An'hambauU, St. !'>»''(. Jaiuea J'arii. St. Marlho. Jamos Mc'Martin, St. Kuslirluv (loorj^'o Kiaa, Potito Coto. Albert llagar. Plantagont- .lulos Sauriol, St. Martir .1 n, Corrivoau. St. Aiv'^ino. Louis Dcsautols, TA.nj/e Poiuto. ^ John Li-hthall Viiklook Hill, Ontario. ITroolo Cbrmior, l/^'^oiuption. .Tamos Hamilton, l>lo Uiviore. Francois 'rnuloau.^t- ^^l*;"'!^^^ ^^^' Joliotto. R. Moi-i^an, Moor« Station. E. J. Moro-an, I^'^^'-^''^ Station. Daniel Brims, ini"-. Athelstono. Louis Brossca' St. Hubert. John Crosier -i^^l^"^*^'- Robert Cvoy/' I^:«'l>"to. Henjamin O'ni'ei'. Pointe Aux Trembles. .Tohn Trei'jl'"- Trenholm, Thomas P"^. Kingsey. .lames T-^nbolm, Trenholm, P.Q. \Villi.j,,Martin MoLson, Laehine. Lueie/Napoloon Loclorc, St. Joan Port Joli. Lucl-r' '"''-'-'^bjt, Terrebonne. San)^l Blackwood, West Shefford. V ft, ill 136 1683 Samuel Bliitkwood, West Slieilbrd. 1684 Cvidc ^rarioii, St. Jacques Lachigan, 1G85 William Eoddeii, Planlagcnot. 1G8G Jame.-i Jiohf^on, CoU) Ste. Callierine. 1(J87 Vve. liazilo Gin£,'vas, St. Nicolas. inSTj- J. n. Dagoiiais, St. Uoe. •ICST^^i C. K. A. Laiiglois, Qiiebce. 1 088 1GS9 1G90 ■ 1691 1692 1G93 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1*715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 2nd ■ '■ FirJvINS OF B. -U — 28 lbs. F. X. J'eaiidry, Longue I'oinle. Olivier Heaudrj. St. Alexis. J. E. Charon, Chambly. James Henderson, Petite Cote. Francois Oiiimet, S*. Rose. Louis Bro!>seau, Laprairio. Eobert Anderson, South (Jeorgetown. Eoch Simard L'Assomjition. Thomas Irving, Petite Cote. Placide Archambault, St. Eisprit. E. X. Charettc, Ste. Genevieve. Boyer & Charlebois, St. Lambert. James Park, St, Marthe. James McMartin, St. Eustache. Georgo Kidd, J'otite Cote. Jules Sauriol, St. Martin. Evariste (/hanrette, St. Genevieve. J. B. Corriveaii, St. Anselme. Samuel Elack^vood, West Shelford. Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Montreal. Louis Hesautels, Longue Pointe. C. John Lighthall, Vankleek Hill, Ont. Urgeic Cormier, L'Assomption. James Hamilton, Belle Riviere. Francis Trudeau, St. Charles do Joliett«. Charles Cadieux, Narenncs. Edward Saddler, St. Malachie. Louis Brosseau, St. Hubert. John Crozier. Lachute. Eobert Crozier, Lachute. Francois Demers, Chambly- J. Bte. Meloche, tils, Ste. Genevieve. Eemi Lecavelier, St. Eaurent. 138 1721 1722 1723 1724 1726 1726 1727 I: • 1728 t 1729 ^ 1730 ' 1731 i 1732 1733 ^'1 1733i 1733^ i r 1734 4; 1735 ¥■ 1736 1 1737 ti 1738 ■1' 1739 B 1740 174S 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 Benjamon Cormier, I'ointo AuxTromblos. George Buchanan, Cote St. Michel. John Trenholm, Trenholm, P.Q. Thomas Evans, Trenholm, P.Q. James Trenholm, Trenholm, P.Q. Wm. Martin Molson, Lachine. Ludgor Ouellot, Terrebonne. Cassimir Brosseau, Laprairie. Samuel Blackwood, West Shciford. Samuel Blackwood, WcstShefford. Ovide Marion, St. Jacques Lachigan. William Rodden, Plautagcnot. Veuve Bazilo Gingras, St. Nicolas. J. B. Dagenais, St. Rose. 0. K. A. Langlois, Quebec. 3rd SECTION. CHEESE— 30 lbs, Walter McOwat, Lachute. Louis Brosseau, Laprairie. Pidele Perroault, L'Assomption. Roch Simard, L'Assomption. Robert Brodie, Cote St. Pierre. C. John Lighthall, Vankleek Hill Ont. A. P. Ball, Stanstead. 4th SECTION. HONEY IN THE COMB— 10 lbs. John Crozier, Lachute. Robert Crozier, Lachute. A. F. Collette, St. Luc. JVancis Demers, Chambly. Ludger Ouellet, Terrebonne. Joseph Trudeau, Basin de Chambly, James Robsoii, Cote St. Catharine. 6th SECTION. .TAR OF CLEAR HONEY. Oliver Beaudry. St. Alexis. Fidele Perreault, L'Assomption. Roch Simard, L'Assomption. William Faris, Sorel. Daniel Drummond, Petite Cote, • •••»••• ii^' 140 1755 {', John Lightluill, Vatikloolv Hill. Ont. 175G .Iol\n Cimicr, Liu'lmto, 1757 llobert ('rozier, Laeliuto, 1758 A, J'\ Cullutto, S(,I/u', 1759 Francis Deinors, CharnMy. 17G0 Pierro Locavolior, St, Laui'ont. 1701 Lnd^iii- Ouollet, Torrobonuo. 17G2 Joseph Tmloau, Ba^in do Chamliiy. 17()3 James llolwon. Co.e St. ('atharinc. 6th SECTION. MAPLE SMG All— 30 lbs. 1764 Oliver Bcaudry, St. Alexis. 1765 .Iosci»li ijemiro, St. Alexis. 176G C. John Li^hthall VanklceU Hill. 1707 Etieniie Theodore Paqxiet, St Nicholas. 1768 K. Mori^an, Moore's Station. 1769 E. J, Moraian, Moore's Station. 1771 L. M. Leclerc, St. Jean Port Isle. 'I I , 142 nsrnsTTH cHi^ss. 1772 ; 1773 1 1774 \ 1775 1777 1778 I- ' 1779 1780 |f' 1781 n 1782 w ■ 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 AGRICULTURAL IMPLE M EN T S Ist SECTION. DOUBLE FURROW I'LOUOH. Matthew Moody, Terrebonne. William EvanH, Montreal. William Evans, Montreal. James Jotfry, Petite Cote. Alexander McCrarth, Nor*li Georgetown. 2nd SECTION. J R N PLOUGH. Altred Trudel, S't. Scholastique. William Evans, Montreal. James Jeffry, Petite Cote. James Jettty, Petite Cote. James Jeffry, Petite Cote. Alexander McGartb, North Georgetown. 3rd SECTION. WOODEN PLOUGH. Pearson & Vanvleet, LacoUe. Pearson & Vanvleet, Lacolle, Pearson & Vanvleet, Lacolle. Pearson & Vanvleet, Lacolle. William Evans, Montreal. William Evans, Montreal. William Evans, Montreal. 4th SECTION. DOUBLE MOULD BOARD PLOUGH. Pearson & Vanvleet, Lacolle. William Evans, Montreal. William Evans, Montreal. James Jefl'ry, Petite Cote. 6th SECTION. SUBSOIL l^ LOUGH. William Evans, Montreal. William Evans, Montreal. ••• •••••••••«« ««^ i I- it^ Pi 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1826 1827 144 6th SECTION. HEAVY HARROWS. G eoffroi Lefebrc, Bcauharnois. Thomas Irving, Petite Coto. William Evans, Montreal. William Evans, Montreal. James Jeifry, Petite Cote. Alexander Mcdarth, North Georgetown. 7th SECTION. LIGHT HARROWS, Thomas i:rving, Petite Cote. William Evans, Montreal. James Jeffrey, Petite Cote. 8th SECTION. DRILL HARROWS. Maxime Bougie, St. Laurent. Warrior Mower Co., Prescott, Ontario. William Evans, Montreal. William Evans, Montreal. James Jeffrey, Petite Cote. 9th SECTION. IRON ROLLER. William Evans, Montreal. James Jeffrey. Petite Cote. lOth SECTION. WOODEN ROL_LEB. Samuel Vessot, Joliette. John Scott, Laprairie. William Evans, Montreal. .Tames Jeffrey, Petite Cote. Uth SECTION. ■ SCARIFIERS OR CULTIVATORS. Mathew Boaudry, Terrebone. Boyd & Co., Huntington. Pearson & Vanvleet, LacoUe. Pearaon & Yanvlcct, Laeolle. Pearson & Vanvleet, LacoUe. William Evans, Montreal. William Evans, Montreal. • •» • • • a ••• »^ • a «,« » « ..^ , « 146 ¥' ^^^Hl 1840 ^^^H' 184.1 ^^^13'' 1842 H^^H 1843 ^^^nl 1844 H^^E 1845 ^^^■E 1846 H^^^ 1847 1848 1849 ^^^Btt 1850 ^^^^^HR| » 1851 ^^^^^^^B 7V 1852 ^^^^^H"'^"' 1853 ^^^^tt. 1854 ^^^^91 1855 BMMMI^ 2802 12th SECTION, HORSE SHOES. 1828 Ma>ainc Bougie, St. liiuircMt. 1829 Boyd & Co., Huntington. 1830 will. Evans, Montreal. 1831 Wni- Kvan?, Montreal. 13th SECTION, GRAIN SOAVING MACHINE. 1832 Samuel VesBot, Joliette. 1833 William Evanf^, Montreal. loth SECTION. GRASS SEED SOWING MACHINE. 1836 Samuel Vessot, Joliette. 1837 N- Prefontaine, Longueuil. 1838 William Evans, Montreal.. 16th SECTION. COMPOST SOWING MACHINE. 1839 William Evans, Montreal. 17th SECTION. MOWERS. Beaudiiemin & Fils, Sorel. Matthew Moody, Terrebonne. Matthew Moody, Terrebonne. Matthew Moody, Terrebonne. Warrior Mower Company, Prescott, Ontario. Boyd & Co., Huntingdon. Boyd & Co., Huntingdon. M. B. & H. Jewell, East Farnham. William I'-vans. Montreal. 18th SECTION. MOWERS AND REAPERS COMBINED. Beauchcniin & Fi!s, Sorel. Matthew Moody, Terrebonne. Lockhead & Fildsley, Montreal. Warrior Mower Company, Prescott, Ontario. S. D, Ledoux, Montreal. Boyd & Co., Huntingdon. William Evans, Montreal^ W. B. & 11. Jewell, East Faiaham. Ik U8 mk SECTION. COLLECTIOK 0. HA.B IMPLEMENTS OE ALL BESCEIPTIONB. 185G Edward Sjuilor, St. Malachie. 1357 Edward Sadler, St. Malachve. 1358 Edw^grd Sadler, St. Malachie. .1859 William Evans, Montreal. 20th Section. HORSE TEDDER. 1860 M. B. & H. Jewell, Kast Farnham. 1861 William Evans, Montreal. 21st SECTION. HORSE RAKES. 1862 Matthew Moody, Terrebonne. 1863 Boyd & Co., Huntingdon. 1864 Boyd & Co., Hunlingdon. 1865 William Evans, Montreal. 1866 William Evans, Montreal. 1867 William Evans, Montreal. 1520 1). Allard Pointe Claire. 2£nd SECTION. HOl^SE PITCHFORK. 1868 Louis Brosseau, St. Hubert. 1869 William Evans, Montreal. 1870 William Evans, Montreal. 23rd SECTION. I'OTATOE DIGGERS. William Evans, Montreal. 24lh SECTION. WAGGONS. Goott'roi Lefebre, Beauharnois. C;e;>ttroi Lefebre, Beauharnois. 25th SECTION. SCOTCH CARTS. 1873 Maxime Bougie, St. Laurent. 1874 James Hodges, St. Laurent. 1875 James Jelfrey, Petite Cote. 1871 1873 1872^ 150 ^ 2Bth SECTION. HAY c A 11 T s . J. H. Pangman, Mascouche. JamcB Cowan, Allan's Corner. Alfred L. William, Longueuil. Francis Lussier, Boucherville. James Jeffrey, Petite Cote. 30th SECTION. TWO-HORSE THRASHING MACHINE. Matthew Moody, Terrebonne. Boyd & Co., Huntingdon. 3l8t SECTION. CLOVER THRASHING MAC^HINE. Matthew Moody, Terrebonne. William Evans, Mouueal. 32nd SECTION. CORN CULLING MACHINE. William Evans, Montreal. 33rd SECTION. FANNING MILLS, Calixte Ethier, St. Eustache. Timothe Giard, St. Jean Baptiste. John Mounsey, St. Athanase. William Evans, Montreal. William Evans, Montreal. J. B. Charon, Chambly. 34th SECTION. COOKING APPARATUS FOR CATTLE. William Evans, Montreal. 35th SECTION. ROOT C U T T E R. William Evans, Montreal. William Evans, Montreal. William Evans, Montreal. 36th SECTION. STRAW CUTTER. 1895 M. Prefbntaine, Longueuil. 1896 Wm. Evans, Montreal. 1897 Wm. Evans, Montreal. 187G 1877 1878 1379 1880 1881 1882 1882i 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1893 1893 1894 162 t W 37th SECTION. COEN CRUSHER. 1898 Boyd & Co., Huntingdon. 1899 Wm. Evans, Montreal. 1900 Wm. BvauH, Montreal. 38th SECTION. CHURNS. 1901 Wm. RvanB, Montreal. 1902 Wm. Evans, Montreal. 1902* Ford & Cable, Montreal. 39th SECTION. CHESBE PRESS. 1903 Wm. Evuna, Montreal. 1904 Wm. Evans, Mcmtrcal. 40th SECTION. CIDER PRESS. 1905 Wm. Evans, Montreal. 1906 Wm. Evans, Montreal. 41st SECTION, STUMP EXTRACTOR AND STUMP LIFTER. 1907 .1. B. Meloche fils. St. Gcnevive. 1908 Joseph Filon, St. Eustache. 42nd 5BCT0N. GATES. 1706 .Joseph E. Strong, Nowtonbrook, Ont. 44th SECTON. BEE HIVES. 1909 Philipe NicoUe, Lindsay, Ont. 48th SECTON. BEST APPARATUS YOR UNLOADING HAY. 1910 Wm. Evans, Montreal. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS-EXTRA. 1911 E. Caegrain, L'Islet, Ratelier pour Etables A Moutons. igi4 p. R, pebrink, Montreal, 1 Hay Press (Eailway) ; 1 Hay Press (Pepetual). ay Press 1915 V. U. Dobrick, Moiitreul, 1 liny Pn-s (IJuilway) ; 1 Uiiv Press (Perpetuul). 1917 Matthew Moody, Torrcboiim". 1 Choc-K! Cunl Cutter. 1918 PoarHOii & Vanvloot, La -oUo. 1 Com and Potatoc Woeder aixl Hillcr, coniljifUHl, 1919 .lames .Jctrroy, Polite Colo, 1 Jioatl Scraper. 1920 Ho)d & Co., lluulingdo.i, Wheel Hay Piake and Wood Cart Sood Sower. 1921 Philii) NicoUe, Lindsay, Ont., buprovod Combined Winter Attachment to Bee Hives. 1!)22 Louis Lebreie, St. Thcres^e. Oxeillew a (iraines, paWnte«s. 155 •9«4^ ftlKl ADVANTAGES iJELO Oi T TO EMUiliANTH hy tiik mfmtwwm^«. The best force in tho Frovnr proto..?^ tho r.Lixtoror„ Jw"?''"',- ^lio 7«tom of hypolho-ary reKlstration. in of all tho real Vstato 01*^1 IWinoIi.^^n^^^^^^^ ''"'" "'M'-'"'!"'-. Io.h3. A deanriptive 8oho.U,I<, each rcRistra ion offlco a id wUI ah w thi n^m„« m"!. '"■«"''^'* '?"• f'is Sohemilo will bo on view ... o£^=feKi-^' ^^-^^i;::^- and :^Pe.«., £., =j^ ..h the wor.i..,. MEOUANICS. AS WELL AS ANY LABOURERS, mil fTnTreTdY EMPLOYMENT AT SATISFAOTORY WAGES. ABOUT A,:i<)0,000 acres of CltOWN I.ANDS, feur.eyodinran„T.^8offrom^^^ present on tho Market, can be obtained Tho Prov noiaTtfSLent l^inH'- "•"■'«"■«• P"y»ble in five annual instalments. communiS°;''^h the'rrromorHom^ '''"'■ '"^^^ """•« '" '""'""'« "" ■"""dy ™ea.. of RailwavrTVe w^„°rk" t'& n a^^^^^^ !J^^'^ '•" '^'2 ^^'•'''•^ *.'''-"00 appropriated for Colnnization assist ?hem in theTr&ofsSem^nt"'"""^ "^ lu;>ative:e,np:oymcnt to settlers, and thus /REE GRANTS OF ONE HUNDRED ACRES ARE GIVEN Upon euht 01 the groat Colonisation Roads of the Province. Tho fullest protecticn is accorded by «r> o««., „. »i, i ^ ,. 'ho Uovornriientto ImiKiants- f»r their hSmHneTroatmont""'*i;ov„''n'*^*'"' """I-'''"* °" tho shores of the Provinoo, the 'aw provides charge for board anJio^^'>- ^UT^° '^T '" ^"Fx**"''"'^]'''*' '.he terms which hotol-keepers shnll line isimpf^ed UDon tK''^i,„ J^^^^^^ posted up in all boarding houses, and a heavy PEEB PASSAGES FOR EMIGRANTS FROM THE POET OF EN1EY To theirdt' lination in the Provinoe. of th?Sd1Ln"«o'^?nrn"f''''*f^^ ^y '^r''"'^' t« ^he following 1 migration Agents London -T A 0>M«n^^^?^•"AV,^^ bUROPR: Wm. IJixon and » . MaoAdams, Agontsat at Anvers Agknts i'n clvAni"' r^'^'l-.^^'' ■'tB«lfa«t: James VVhite. , i (Ha^gow ; Richard Bams, Wilirat Ottawa Thl^n'Ji^^ ^- ^'.?ff".'<'' A^ent at Quebec; J. .1. Daly, at Montreal; W- J- by theGoveramfintnf .h/p "''?'"''"f''M charge. Plans and Pamphlets prepared respecting the ?e,ourrn^ ^.f* Vk""".?*^ quel„.f in which the Emigrants will find interesting details ColStfon lo. Province of Quebec, means of Livelihood, Wages, Lands for Colo^[zat^onA^«n»'fr;»''J'i>''^"" lately a,.; .,i„ted in Heu of Mr. C E. Relic, aa Imigralion and Imigranti)h"H 86 vondent l08 d" ..U L"H CoM.p.KiiicH .10 (i.v/. 'l''i <■''•/ ,,fj'",.'i,\un-l''.-< i\ do.i primal hhko/, r^.lmtoa. Lob moiTt dos hyp<'lh.^a^Km <' .Liiih 1;. I'l.nn .'o ' " '?un , h iinii .'l>ili."^>os .!.■ la Provinoo, ost on TOio Co Calislro .Hora ox...;srt d uu. U . . uo uioa ,„,,,,.,. pc.jit ,.„ Oa.lastre est l^'ZT 'C^l t;;v.:uri:ni;ont :n;«.pluUr..^uoj^|f ^ ..don. ot lo« a,..e,a a pou.... nPTROlS GRATUITS ^AR LOTS DE 100 ACRES. rA^ SA ^^^^^^.^JVo' dWoiusnu'. dest^naUondans la Province. , ..„c.n..ov V"-onnollo,H,^.>n run- ..rUnu^ Mont. d;l^^ Pour renseignomontjj Pluf,,"''""''«'«- ^'"';'" "' '"°'- ec, Iw rnoyens d'oxistenoo, gages ,„„M.C1IAS KOY. a'lJolfa.t; 1>AV1D bALHY, a Monti ; W ■ J. ^V KU.S, ii Ut- 11 »<-«(* .-"-■-- — Oes Messioms !>.'>nt c > par le Gouye.rnomont '»« ''\ '7'"'',^,,^,';:'i, 1 i I'n.viiu'o ,i« Quobec qui peat led .utoro.-sor .sur l"-^J^'';,.;;'aVlleur3, tur.TH a o..l(.nUer, &c. Ls. ARCHAMBEAULT, Conitnin»ttlre. A«ent d'Immisratioa pour la Prorinoo de (M6bec, k Montr6al. 167 . Iiawrence Engia© W©rfci, \ 1/ to 29 Mill Street, and Canal Basin No. 2, Montreal, P. Q. W. P. Hartley 6c Co., ENGINEERS, FOUNDERS, &c. MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. The most improved Dredge Machinery made to order. IRON BOAT^ BUILDERS. Manufacturers of the Cole "Samson," Dominion and JorAr.i Turbine, and other first-class Water Wheels. Pfopdlcr Screw Wheels ahvays in Stock, or made to order on short notice. Pnniping Apparatus for supplying Cities, Towns, &c. Parties requiriiiR Steamboat EiiRiiies would do well to cull and inform themselves on ilu; Kreat econ«i»y of our new duai^n oi CoiniiouiiU httam Lngine suited lor hteaniboals, tatlorieh, l.ribt Mills, UisliUenei, llrewtries, S:c. Messrs. W. P. Partlev k Co., Montkeai., .8i1i November, 1872. C.entlemen.— In reply to vour letter of tbe Sih inst.. by wbich you ask me bow the beam engine of the Loneucuil Xavipation Company's steamer, " Montarville," built by \ou fiom a new desiKii of vour own on the compound principle has peiformcd sinte the boat has con nienced to run ; also bow the Montarville s engine compares as to economy uf fuel with that of the sister steamer " Longucuil, budt by you in i868, on ''"^ T"wl)ulcrbcB to'^siaTe" that the Companv has not yet given tbe " Monfarville's " erpine the test they wauld have wished ; but (or the lime it has been worUiiij. ii lia^ Inun ihe first day, given entiie satisfaction in every way ; and as regards economy of fuel, I do not hesiiale to say that I believe the raving in fuel cannot be less than one third, and possib.y more. ., „ , ,j,,r>Ti' wi n „, i v r-„ 1 leniain. Centlenien, Yonv;. fic. J. HURIKAU, Manager I. N. to. We fullv endorse tbe .ilove : UVIUK UUIUI.S.NK. iTes. 1. N. Lo. ; 11. CO I I K, Vice-Pus. L. N. Co. ; S. PONNEVII.LE, DiicclorL. N. Co. m , , , ' November 23rd, 1872. We imblish this moniiuK a Setter from Messrs. W. P. H.irtlcy S: Co., with one from tlie Directors of tbe Longueuil Navigation Company, on the subject of a i ew ei ;.;:..e, desigi ed by Mr. Ha.tey. or the steamer •^Montarville." 'I be leuers cxpbiin themselves, ard will be we doubt not, wiib great interest by .all persons interested in the question of economy of fuel .or navigaiion or mannuactiiring purpo.-cs 1 he statement t least i>nc-third in iuel isefTected, is a most which Mr. J. V,. I.ameie is Manager, tbe " MiiMiet."ot the Can.idi A. Milloy is Manager; the -Lady of the Lahe," on Lake Memphi President; .and the '•Prince Arthur," of tbe Uiper Ott.iwa Union persons 1 made that, with the trial, alrtadv given to this engine, a saving 01 .It , , , , .u important one, and its full significance will be more ai-parent wlie.i it is remembered that the engine on the steamer " Longueuil." with which the oompaiiso,. is made, 1. one of the best, 1,1 point of economy of working hithe ?.. in ise? It is of tbe same design as those in the '-Quebec, ' otthe Richelieu <-°n:Pany •! niiiicriu oiii.c. __ " of the Canadian Navigation Company, of which Mr. phremagog, of which Sir Hugh Allao is ^jj,^ in Forwarding Co., of which Mr. R. S. Cassels is President. All these are'wcli'kJimsn'.i't.a favoriie passenger steamers, aid llieir ergiresfrom tke esShmtnt of Messrs. Hartley A Co.. are knoVM, to be remarkable fo, economy ... fuel. I hey are now ec ipsed by the new engine, to w'liich refeience is i..icie in the correspondence which we publish : and at a timrwheii fuel isofenormou-lv inrre.ised value, living icuhed almost famine prices, such an engine « a mTtterof great i iterest "o a 1 parties engaged in ,„,vigation or .iianufacure. We congratu ate Messrs. Hartley A Co upon Lving produced an engine which is llius certified to effect a saving of thirty-three per cei.t. aver • - ' ^ • • <■•■ 1 : -1. - 1 oiwliMisinL' tvoes.— C/(lz«f:'^^. .Steaia horse itrass. 158 'rradcO.Tarks lepistered n the U. S. and other oiuitries. r ■MERCHAKT'S GAKGLII'JQ OIL, "GAIi J" "^'^•' .'' ^^, u s^n roductic.n in .S,.. by a p.aciical ami theorefcal chen, st, of years nl study and . pp c^''0^> P;"; '^ ^^^\^ „,,,„.,,, ;„ fj,;, ^nd Inreign countries. The chemical tffiL'de^°Tch are tot, . t to clvc^pe^^^ of the various .ng-edients cons.ittUin., the .iniment, lenders it an 'r.ic'^ oruniv'rsai potincy. We have, for a number o. years, pubnshed an Aht.anac for gratnuous '"''K^'ruc'^f "l^;S'"'^^inroa'b^™n,ent physician, and persa.ts disinterested. A.lly p-ov^ that no liniment ever prepared has so high a reputation wherever u ha. been used. As a famay embrocat.on, as well as for hoises and cattle, it stands unrivaled. Bunas and ScaltiH, Chilblains, Sprain.>« and llrwi.t'.v Chapped HandH, Fl«sh Wounds, Frost Bites, External rolstms. Sand Cracks, OallM of all kinds. IS G-OOID U Sitfast, IlinRbone, roll Evil, Bltos of Animals, Toothache, Uhoumatisin, Hemorrhoids or Tiles, Sore SJipplcs, Caked Breasts, Vistula, Mange, OS, Spavins, Sweeney, Scratches or Grease, Stringhalt, Wlndgalls, Foundered Feet, Cracked Heels, Foot Kot In Sheep, Iloup in Poultry, I.anie Back, Epizootic, &c., &c. Large Size, $1.00; Medium, 50c.; Small, 25c. Merchant's Gargling Oil as a Family Liniment— Without Stain. We are now. and have been for some years, preparing the Oil free f™"'/'':"'"' *? ^^f. "^=,^,f' .^°i""V°|J liniment extracthig the coloring ingredient which has heretofore rendered it objectionab e. This Oil DOsSs a 1 the medicinal properties of that prepared with the dark tinge lor horses and cattle, and vyill be Found one of the best remedies for all purposes where a liniment is required, that has ever been manufactured. ^'^'^f^e'^SLToilca^lt'd^'^Katf; S "ahh^Sgh prepared intentionaily for human llesh answers as well for hsltt^. v^ce v.'rsa, the dark Oil answers as well for human flesh, on'y it will stain auddiscolor the skin, but not permanently. Merchant's Gargling Oil as an Internal Remedy. Merchant's Gargling Oil is a diffasable stimulus, and can be taken mtemally when such a remedy is indicS For in t^nce! for Cramps, or .Spasms of the Stomach, Cohc, Asthma or Internal pain, the dose may be from fifteen to tw'enty drops on sugar, or mixed with syrup in any convenient form, and repeated at ntervals of three to six hou.s. Caution to Purchasers of Gargling Oil. The genuine has the si-nature of "Geo. W. Merchant" over the cork, ''Gargling Oil, Lockport, N. Y.,' blown in the glass, and our T'rade-raark entraved on the Internal Revenue btamp. Merchant's Vegetable Worm Tablets, a Certain and Safe Remedy for Worms in Children and Adults. The demand for a specific remedy for that troub^escme pe^i—ivarms, has induced us to introduce MERCHANT'S VEGETABLE WORM TABLETS, and the unprecedented success which they have met wiih. recommends them as the most efficacious Worm Medicine in existence. Ihey are rapidly superceding all othiir Worm Remedies, arising from the completeness with which they perform their work, and tl.e facility with which they are administered to children. The ingredients of these 1 ablets are /ar^/y veeetaile, conta'ming no Calomel, Antimony or other poisonous drugs, and may be given freely, with the assurance that they will effectually destroy all the worms existing in the intestines, correct and cleanse the stomach, and return the adult or child to health and vigor. Manufactured by Merchant's Gargling Oil Co., Lockport, N. Y., United States. JOHN HODGE, 2tec'y. 4 5 6 7 150 INDlTSTillAI. DEPARTMENT. Georj^e Perry, 5!) St. Constant Street, ?.[ontrcal— S cliildron's sleighs, '2 cliildren's wheclbairowi', 2 diildren's v.-iiggorif^, 2 children's rockiiways. David Martiu, Esprit — home made bread, home made biscuit, maple syrup. William Keesc, St Jean Crysostome— 1 pair blankets, 1 counterpane, 1 quilt. Barber & Harris, Meaf)ril, Ontario— 1 Turbine. F. Lavoie, (3G St Antoine Street, Montreal— 12 pairs gents hand mnde boots, 12 pairs gents pegged boots. Daniel Leahy, 45 Prince IStreet, Montreal — free hand drawing. Dr. A. -N . Smith & Co., 245 St. Jair s St., Montreal— 1 Wilson's adjustable chair. 8 Ford & Cable, 5GS Craij; Street, Montreal— family knitting machine, family spinning machinj, double acting house and force pump. 9 Thomas Parker, 521 St. Joseph Street, Montreal— specimens of dyeing silk in colors and shades, specimens of dyeing woollens in colors and shades, specimens of dyeing cottons in colors and shades, specimens of dyeing and scouring ladies and gents garments. 10 Danville Slate Co., 397 Notre Dame Street, Montreal— roofing slate, school slates. 11 Jean Felibean, 30 Bleury Street, Montreal— fur-lined feet-warmer, 12 Edwardsburg Starch Co., Montreal— corn starch, laundry starch. 13 Alfred Leehevallier, 434 Rue Ste. Marie, Montreal— collection stuffed birds, method for preservation of objects in Natural History, collection of stuffed animals. 14 John Beatty, Montreal— steam engine portable with boiler complete, 10 horse power, steam engine portable with boiler complete, 5 horse power. 15 Charles F. Blarcliard, St. Mark— piece ctoffe du peup, piece d'flonelle piece d'(!toffe pour habits. ' lb' Porter & Savage, Montreal — leather belting, h(jse belting, belt leather piano leather, lace leather, leather shoe strings, belt laces, 17 F. X. Beaudry, Longue Pointe— biscuit de famille, cravatte en 1; ine. 18 C. W. Williams, Manufacturing Co., 347, Notre Dame Street, Montreal- sewing machines for family use complete, cheap sewings machines complete, sewing machines for manufacturing purposes, superior artistic pearl work and finish generally on s:-wing m.ichincg. \ 160 de t?ants en laine, 19 Olivier Beaudry, St. Alex.-W^^^^^^^^ 21b. delaine en 2 paire de -i^-'^r^ V^/d W p.ire de c uvertes, tapis de tricot., ^^^'^^l^t l^^^^^^^^ biscuits defan^ilK laine, tapis de foyer. Ill de lin, pam ^ ^ meileurliqueureP. n^eileurvin, meileur vinaigre,. meileur sirop dupajs, tneUeu q bedstead, eo„,posite beJ..ead-wrough » .d "- ' » ™ ;;„„4 „^4 ecokins stove, wood b»™,og eoo jng »'° °' ,;''7,, "^ .;(,,„„d), coal r (urot ric -.eoe.' ->.-..-p:- re"!::. ware who work, builders hardware, door locks, nonaxle., sio i> 'd-etoffo pour hnbl.,,, 21b. do lalne eo tr.eote. Mb 81 de 1 . de lain'e piece de toile, fil de lin, meileur courte pomte. pairesdechaussonsdelaine ilbs. aei „„„_ v^abit^ 1 paire de Lvs 1 piece de flanelle, 1 piece d ctoffe VO^^^^^''-J ? P^ ' ^ . • f. f.,T.i« fie tbver pain do menage, vmaigrc, couvertcs, 1 courts pointe, tapis de i«>^J' F j^ couvertes d. Ta! A-vainba-^s! p ire do couvertcs, counterpau.. precede serviette., bags, --\'^;"''';' f J ^. Vi.cuits do tau.iUe, uiciilcur vm, Se!:::;^^..'^it:.r;duPays, .eUleur liqueurs, «. do Un, ctoffe du Pays, piece d'etoffe pour habit., yards. 27 floch Siuiavd, L'A.soinption-.ucre ratin.e en panis, -^ ^^^ ^^ rBeet ^ ouvvage en rescape, ouvrage en tncotee, uuviagc tn enpa i e a ^ f n r.^JiW or hay) puire. de has de laino, paires de chau.son do lame, ;:^:'d^!:::dSne,%aire.deu.itainesdelaine, 2 lb. dela^uo cntnco , Eu, do fa,oille, o,eiUour vi„, u,eiIlour vn,a,g,o, ,„e„leu,- ..rop du pay?, uieiilour liqueurs, flanelle. 28 Bea'e Brothers, Toronto-engraving on wood with prool' ' 161 29 Clement Dausereau, Contre Cour— 2 paire dc chausson delaine. 30 Pierre Dor^, Laprairie— tapis enrelief enlaine, tapis tricoti?, cadre ett chevcux, cadre en chevclle, couverles a chovaiix, portc niontre en eeaille de poissoii. HI Chas. LaehapcUe, St. Esprit— pain dc menace, biscuits de faniille. H2 Harper & Smith, 227 Notre Dame Street, Montreal— 1 agres de peclie. 33 P. Hervier, 69-^ St. Marie Street, Montreal— tuiles a Batir. 34 Comte & Frigon, 843 Jacques Cartier Street, Montreal— machine a liis.ser la pierre, brigues et pour los batisso. 35 Miss Storey, Montreal — wor.sted flowers, (mexlean) worsted flowers. (raised bird) worsted work, (raised eat) embroidery in silk, (slippers) worsted work, (raised cross) cushion. 30 Joseph Brunei, Montreal— ecliautilliondc Brigues a Batir (S:c. cchaiitillion merbre bleu, echantillion marbre vert, echantillion dc Brigues a batir, tuiles &c.. pour toiture. 37 Hcrmidas Dufresne. 2S2 Craig Street, Montreal — echantillion de cadres pour imEo'es. 38 D. MePherson, Montreal — vinegar. ' 39 Toussaint Verdon, St. Laurent — 2 lb. de laine en tricotc, etoff'e du Pays, flanelle, chale de lainc, biscuits de famille. 40 Fredk. Birks as agent, Montreal — Clark's Glasgow Elephant 6 cord spool cotton or black thread. 41 Joseph Kiefler & Co., 39 St. Jean Bte. Street, Montreal — machine a coudre lea scmellere de chaussures princepe construit sur le " McKays sole sewing machines," machiuc a cheviller les semcllere de chaussures. 42 Jacques Clonet, Bonavewture Street Block, Montreal — 1 phoaton. 43 Augustin Laval!c«, Montreal — 2 violins, 44 F. W. Funke, 301 Notre Dame Street, Montreal — stove pipe elbows, stove blacking. 45 P. X. Trudell &, Co., Quebec — assortiement de ressorts &c. 46 Humbert & Co.. Quebec — assortiment de liqueures. sirop, brandy, jamaiquc, gin, 47 James Park, St. Martne, Vaudreuil — pair blankets I'ov domestic use. 48 J. B. Dagenais, St. Rose — piece flannel. 49 Medard Bisalion, Laprairie — 1 buggy. 50 J. C. Wilson & Co., 584 Craig Street, Montreal — assortment paper bags. 51 Miss Scott, Hochelaga — patchwork quilt, cone work, flowers, feathers. seed work. 52 Ferdinand Cahoreau, 4G St. Joseph Street, Montreal—collier de travail. 53 Paul Desjardins, St. Rose— ctofle du pays, etofle du pays, paire eoiivertea, paire couvOTtes, pain de menage, pain de manage, bags (linen or cotton.) • 11 54 r)5 51'. 57 5S r)9 (50 02 08Jr 162 11 U B"0.1le Montreal-corn meal, oat,n«al, fari.o entire, barrel flour Street Montreal— 6 sowing ninclunes. , • . : Mile. Cha^. Lenioine, 'ib;) M. Uooigt. r^iuu, niivrage tricott*. . „ . T .nl, 1 emire St Alexis -farine de bU'- o.teutic, to,,, 2 *., ,..ka»..,. llov & Cadotlc, f,n Craig Street, M«ntr.ul-2 F"-.P»°'»'°" ;^ ,^ V 1! Shorov & Co., Napaooe, Oatario-l elothes «r,„ger, 1 ■oa„glc. MtttwicHVy, I'cti'o Coie-Boet s„gar-.rApvos ies n«» du .„oy- en age. 64 65 <;6 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Henry Nesbytt, Petite Cote-qmlt iu patchwork Jules Sauriol, St. Martin-tapis de laine, tapis de ioyor. Jan,es Cowan, Allans Corners -homemade ^^^^'^ ']^^^'^^'^t,.ys, Evari.te Cbauvette, St. Genevieve-laine en tricot, ctoft. P y , flanelle, toile, fil de lin, farine sarazm. Jean Bte Corrivcau, St. Anselme-bas laine, piece des drap, piece cc. flLeUe; piece de etoffe pour habits, piece d'toile, couvre pieds en s... assortment flanelle, white and cold, poches en grams Miss Adelina Bastian, 158 German Street, robo Brod.e, une robe tricotee. Mde. Vallieres, Mile-End, Montreal-Quilt in patchwork^ Chas. Lapierre. St. Antoine-Tapis de lame, toi e. etoffe du po^ cm pointe, puin de menage, biscuits de menage, lame en tr.cote, bas h,ine, pr. convertes, flanelle, cadre en cuir. Mnno'^rams H.nri Westerlinck 21 Beaver Hall Terrace, Montreal-Monograms "^t-U^ouvrage enlumin.e, travail d'ornementation, ecnture eomiuerciale.differents genres. Matliew Mort-ev, S18 Fulha,„ Street, Montreal-mauilla a,. a.K„rt„,out, ^tZ '"F. an assortment, silk, salmon, tront line., ,,n a«„r.,>.ent, . * 168 flour, it'kets . ; Diimo : sapin. >ii ('ire, fariiio upaj'S, lU'illour paiu de rcss job " 2 tops. (,•!;;! way. gle. ilu moy- ;uitS. du pyys, piece des is en sol', lO Brodt'e, lys, comte- tc, ban de Mono,a;rains on, ecriturc asHortnieut, iient. * 74 U. n. J. J. C. Abbott, Monti oal—Blaiikots. 75 Napoleon Malo, Varennes— pumps. 76 Bainasc Tuvj^eon, Bcnumont— 4 pra. Souilliois, (rnoiita;^iiais), 1 piece wliite Flannel. 77 Joseph V. Giidboif, Terrebonne— 12 pnclies en Toiles, fil de lin, Delaine a Tricot. 78 C. John Li-hthall, (Jlengarry, Ontario— Flowers, feathers, 2 pair stockings, 2 pair Kocks, 2 pair woolen mittens, stocking yarn, etoffe du pays, woolen shawls, blankets, counterpane, home made syrup. 7,) Urgel Cormier, L'Assomption— I box cut smoking tobaeco. 80 Webor & Co., Kingston, Ontario— 2 square pianos, 1 cottngo piano. 81 Wm. Peacock, 214 Fortitication Lane, Montreal— Cricket bats, wickets, kc , 82 Francois Trudeau, St. Charles do Joliette— 2 pair has de laine, 2 pair chausson de laine, 2 pair gants do laine, 2 pair mitaincs de laine, 1 piece etoffe du pays, 1 piece flanelle, 1 chale de laine, 1 pair convertes, 2 pieces toile du pays. 83 Theodore Paquet, St. Nicolas, Levis, Quebec— couvrcpieds en petite pieces, piece d'etoffe du pays, piece d'etoffe pour habits, mcilleur sirop du pays. 84 Alphonse Toitras, L'Assomption— Chausson de laine. 85 Mde. Diiperrouzel, Montreal— Fleurs en papier, flour on batiste, 8t) B inner Sewing Machine Company, Sherbrooke— 1 2 sewing machines. 87 Miss Emina Poirier, Coteau St. Pierre— 3 couvrcpieds en petite pieces. 88 A. Giannotti & Co, 62 Notre Dame Street, Montreal— 1 groupe statues. 80 Louis Lemioux, 299 Soignour Street, Montreal— 1 small steam engine. 1)0 John L. Hardman & Co , Montreal— Leather belting. 91 Ooorgo IL Thomas, New York— Patent improved extension couch. 92 Louis Laranuc, St. Hubert— Ouvrage tricote. 93 Alexis Moquin, Laprairie— couvrcpieds en petite pieces. 04 C. A. Gregory, Montreal — Fire escape, bottling machine, corking machine, .ustic wood work. 95 A. F. Colletto, St. Luc— White and yellow wax. 96 Martin (iiroux, Mile End— 1 cage pour oiseauu en til defer et bois. 97 Francois Denicrs, (liambly— Men's shirts, l)a.s (lolaiiio, niituines de- laine, laine a tricot, tapis delaine, chale (lehiine. Nu/,aire Prefbr.aine, St. Bazile— Poches eotou e(. en U.ile, pair de couvci'li^s, tUinelle, etott'e du pays, countei-|Kiintc, siu-vietles, tuile, pain de menage, biscuits de t'aniilie, Jean l'>le. Melocho, St. (rcnevieve— ('hale de laine. lOi) Joseph M.'loche, St. Genevieve-Piece de etotVe di. pay,-, chale de- lliino, pair de couverle^. 08 09 164 101 Piorrc Lacavolier, St. Laiinmt— Pain do menage. 102 AnK.iuo i.i>gault dit DcsLauriors, Tointc Clairc-^l'ioio (U- etoffo du pays, piece d*^ (oilo, 12 yds. chalo dclaitu'. 103 V. K. in)l>nel<, Moiilioal— Ouo hoisCmg machine. 104 l)aw,s.>i» HroH., (iOO (Vai- Street, Montreal-Bookbinding (a^novt- ment.) meivluiuls' l>lank l)e()l;5:J Notre Oame Street, Montreal -Sewing machines tor lamily nsc, sewi.ii..; niachhies cheap tor family nse, sowing machines for nianuliicliuiiig jiurposes. 107 JohnMarui^, 27 St. Anloiuc Street, Montreal-Underground gas isuichinc. lOS C. Raymond, Berlhier (cu haul) -Piece dc taile, piece do serviettes, tapis do foyer, til do liii. pair de couvertes. W)' j.aiuenesse cS: Danscrcau. !) Dalhousio Street, Montreal-Voiture en deux cheveaux, rocUaway, voiture a sotre Dame Strcei, Montreal-Knitting machine. lU Miss Abneda Lai»ierre, 82 St. Lawrence Street, Montreal— Ouvrago 0,1 braid. ouvrag(^ ci-ochet, couvrepiod en sole, couvrepied petites pieces, i)roderies en coton, broderics en laine, broderies en HI ,r,,r. (uivragt- tricote, ouvrage a laiguille, &c. 1 15 (;coi-gc B. Hall, Montmoronci, (Quebec— Pails and tubs. 116 Gueli'ili Sewin;. Machine Co., Guclph, ()nt.-F„Miily sewing machine, cheap sowing uiachinc. 117 I.ucicn Napoleon Lederc, St. -Jean, Pert JcU-2 lb. laine en tricot, 2 pairs bus do laine, 2 paif gauts de luine, ! pnir convertes, 1 courte poiute. 2 pair dc miu.incs, 1 piece flannel, meilleui eirop, 1 dozen poehee. Jv ,.*?r^-£^!i m 118 lapiH Jv US) J21 122 123 124 125 12(i 127 128 129 KJO i;u 132 133 134 135 136 Walter W. Sargent, 594 Craig St., Montreal—Coal burning cook stove, wood burning cook stove, cheap cooking and heating stove, hall stove, (coal), hall stove (wood), coal grate, stove hollow warq assortment, hand made tin ware (uupaiuted), 1 mangle. Henri Chapelcau, St. Vincent de Paul— Specimens of ornamental penmanship, \Vm. Clendcnning, 214 210 St. James Street, Montreal— ornamental japaning, 40 stoves, pieces casting, 1 set tinware. Grimsby Fruit Canning Co., Grimsby, Ontario— canned fruits, canned vegetables. -lohn Vanless, cor. Cath. and Gorman Strci ts, Montreal— broderie en coton, brodorio soio, ouvrage uni a I'ttigulle chemises, jaiquettes &c., ouvrage en crochet, ouvrage tricote. Wallace Millichaiup, 14lting Street East, Toronto— druggists and jewellers show cases. Mdo. Caliste Toze 355) Rue Mignonne, Montreal— courte pointe, ouvrage sur machine en coudre. George Buchanan, Cote St. Michel— homemade bread, homemade biscuit knitted quilt. Aide. Eugenie Walsh, Montreal—ouvrage fait a I'machine a coudre ouvrage en braid, couvre pieds en petite pieces. 0. H. Lyons &. Co, 586 Craig Street, Montreal— 2 Nickel show cases. Catelli Bros., Hue Perthius Montreal — Maccaroni, Vermicelli, p»tc d'ltaila Laziini. Felix David, St. Rose — etoffe du pays, flanelle. Dawson Bros., St. James Street, Montreal — specimen of marbling, specimen of cloth binding, variety style.'? of letter press binding, variety styles blank boc\s. Joseph Pariscau, Village St. Jeau Baptiste — specimens of wood. Prowso liros., Montreal~18 stoves, stove trimmings, ornamental galvanized iron. Louis Lapointe, St. Jean, Port Joii, — pachcs en toile, toile, etoffe du pays cafe Canadian, gomme de sapin. .Jeremiah Staats, Buffalo, New York— I billiard table, cues and balls complete. |, '' Hiilou,"' 69 Pue Nouvello, Quebec— Lessiveuso et savonneuse.— Eohaulillons ,otu. leather, hlacksmith'B bellows. ui. i,w.t> '> Viitnns tulantes. U7 Catudal Brothers, ht. Jeim-^ lump ,,0 Waterloo Yca.t ('ompanyO:. K-. *,U.c„t, h..., 1"." ,,, S-™o„ Ha,nor.<~^^^^^^^ 1,4 Louis J'-f"'^;, ''7";^";„,ho,.o,. StveC, M«nU-e».-Vaint„.g 155 EdwaM John Cojlo, oW JJoici "" ^"""'' ., , IT ,.tto. pvv.. I.0OU i>.-i"tiMg (plain,) mer isfi lohn I.0V0II, M.)ii" " ' trip?,) Lovell » ^ cLuta' blank books, full calf Ku« oa„a. ^Uo ontn. ,, ■ 11-- 3§. A scries of school books. 1(17 )Hhviue, I pouv iiruais, II pour [inno ii ks solid 8 pieces, flannel astings,) )n to— An in glass.) -Painting lain,) iBer i,) Lovell's I 157 158 J 59. 1«;() ICl i(;2 103 I*- 1 ififi 167 108 109 170 171 172 173 174 175 Georgo Scott & Co., 057 Craig Street, Montreal— Two mangicH (im- ])rove(|,) one rotary l)last portable forge, stove pipe litters. W. S. Kimtnond it Co., Montreal — Railway and other istcol spiral springs, re-cut tiles, new, (assortment) belt leather, belting, lace Ufatlier, leather, hose. A. Eiio, Bocancour, 1 portrait an pastel, 1 poi-trait a la itraiu, 1 "^'^f ";;;; ^'l,.^^^ a„- K. Casmmirc Bro««oau, l,apra. lo-l «"■« ^„„, ,ied on prfitos laine, otoffo a,, pays, «anel!c, '"^^ „„vrag>« au piooes, brodorios on mourfinc, hrodenm on Mi,» A. Hom.c»cy, 155 In^poetor St.«t, M,.nl.<-a opora cape. . . John Foster, St. Sin,on-0„o vov.ieal P" «™™ _ ^^_,,^„ MiB» Christiana Thompson, f Colbor,» Ave • .^M^^^ „„, stockings, two quilts in P'^"; °~ Ct^,, eushi.n. velvot flofa cushion, ono sUk cush.on, one <.otto Donald Pinlayson, Montreal-One toy thresh.nR n,a. Inn \^, ^, \