IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V // :/. (/a 1.0 I.I 1.25 U ^ IIM 1.8 iA mil 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 i / to ; o/z-^ff^ua t % fS: iV N> ^ I IP JUlk RULES AND ARTICLES, TO BE OBSERVED BY THE HAND IN HAND IRE COMPANY. WHEREAS it is the indifpenfable duty of every member of a community, more efpecially in compact tovt^ns, to guard againft the fatal effects of Fire, and to prevent, as much as polfi- :ble, the dreadful conlequences of io alarming and deftruftive a calamity : and whereas it is generally ;acknowledged and confsfled, from the experience Mof every well-regulated fociety, that public affociations ihave the bell tendency to prevent thofe evils which |are too frequently felt by the unfortunate, from the ibafenefs and treachery of wicked and defigning per- |fons, who avail themfelves of the confufion incident I to fuch events, as the moft favorable for theperpe- f tration of their vile and inhuman pra(5lices : We the, j underwritten, convinced of the truth of thefe fad?, ^ and r '.#■ ••ft: t 4 ] and fatisfied of the many and great benefits, • Lr wiU refult from the eftablifliment of one or mor «'^ic?,.n, Companies, in tliis town, and repofing fpecial I'^-'^era, and confidence in the honor and integrity of ' 'I'u^c other, do hereby unite and agree, to form ourfef^e^the ( mto a Company, to be called and known by the and name of THE H/VND IN HAND FIRE-COMPANY Sal] engaging to exert ourfelves whenever a fire ma, Sn- oreak out in this town, to relieve and affift ou, Kc fellow-townfmen in general, and the Members of this ine Conipany in particular; and, in order the more he , effedtually to carry thefe our intentions in^o execufij Jb o on we agree and promife to obey and obferve the* per followmg Rules and Articles, under the penalties £ and forfeitures therein mentioned. %y I : ■^• tioi; For the more orderly conducting the bufinefs ^<^ of this Company on every occafion, there Ihall be a l«: Prehdent and Vice Prefident chofen annually bybal, h' lot on the firft Wednefday in February. The Prefi ^ dent fliall attend to all motions made and fecorded P"^ and put the fame to vote, and every refolution to be |" determined by a majority, excepting that of admit. ?^P' ting a Member, which fliall be unanimous : and in ^ ' the abfence of the Prefideat, the Vice-Prefident M *"- J'jpply his place. n. W?" « ^'^^ f"" ^' ^ ^'^''^ ^m^^icd on the firft ^^ednefday in February, annually, for which office J every I wm Ml Jmm^ benefits, C 5 ] y member prefent, tlic Prefidciit and Vice-Prefi' moi ^^^^hi^i chofcn for the faine year, only excepted, ihall ecial i^-'^'^Cfaw lots, and Jie that draws No. i lliail execute that ne or ng fpecial :egrity of ' ^^"^)^ce for one year, or pay a fine of fifteen fliillings, and form ourfefve^the drawing to be reneweduntil one is found to ferve : known by the.^d whoever fer\cs or pays the fine for not ferving, --COMPANY Aall not draw ap;ain, until every member in the com- er a fire ma} pjiny ha doiH- the fame. The Clerk is to receive all and ailift our fines and forfeitures, to fettle all reckonings at meet- lembers of this ings, and to account with 1 lie company for all miOnies 'der the more, he may receive, and diffmrie, during the time he is s in*:o executiJ Jp oiTice, and as often as the company m.ay think pro- id obferve the per to cz\[ up-'i. him; he is alfo to warn all micetings the penalties |y leav'r.g a fMmnions at each mxcmber's houfe two llvs b%:forc the time of meetino; ; likcwife to call on ^r of cLc members, once i"i every quarter, in rota- lin, .;s they iland oa \hc. lift, co accompany him for purpofeof examiring into the fi:ate of the buckets, ]^gs and baikcts, and of obfcrving that the regula- tions of this company are punclually adhered to, and tik 'ife to be better acquainted with the dwellings of ^ach other. Tlie Clerk is alfo to keep a fair andperfecl folution to be f^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^'^^ tranfaciions of the company, and to hat of admit- T^V^^^ ^^ ^^^^ Prefident, at every quarterly meetings all deficiencies, that he maydifcover, either in buckets, bags or bafkcts at the thneof his vifiting the members as aforefaid. i\ny member refufmg to make his vifit jn his turn, fliall be reported by the Clerk and pay a fine of one dollar. the bufmefs here fhall be a nually by bak r. The Prefi. nd feconded. ncus ; and in Veiident IhalJ d on the firft which oilice TTT 111. every This company iliall not exceed in number forty perfons T C 6 3 r . n,1 Parli mciubor, c.n adnunion, ftiall depofit perfons andead mc" , „„, dollar, as a fund to into the hands of . C L o ^^ ^^- ,d„,fday ^'frTrrM V ^W - November, annuaUy, : IfhS'cS.:. tlu-Prcl,dentior the time being iiiauai^i^ thpevenins:, and in tne bruary at i^ \,„viHl it cidit o'clock in the ouTrgfwhich Hull take place at the un>. heretn f xed fii meeting, Ural! pay a line of --^^-^^-^^"^^^ Lnce and ifabiVnlthe Nvhcle evemng, ^"^^J]'- iZdly ficknelsor being out of town, two Ih.Mgs In 1 rrxnence • and any member quittmg a quarlerly mitTb fore the reckoning i. ^-tledw^ithout leave from the Prefid:nt, Avail pay a line of halt a dollar. IV. Fach Member flinll, witain one month after his .dmiffiontto th. company, furniih f^^^^^^^ good leather buckets, and well made, to eou fain nearly three g^ilons nf water, ^vl,h a proper ad fubftantial handle : and alio t^^■o bags of one yatd a d three quarters in length, n,ade of ravens duck each having ftringS fixed, in order to dole them wl-.en li - • td lebucletsandbags marked with the owner's name at length ; and underneath, upon the buckets, two dafped hands )>!v painted, to defignatc them as the property of the members of this c(.mpany ; . -alfo, with onebafket, t^^•o and an lialf reet long by one and an half feet wide, irraked upon the fide H H. The buckets and b'.ir^s fliall be conflantly hung up; and the bafket kept in the mod convenient part of the houfe, and not to be iifcd or removed on any pretence whatever, except on an alarm of fire, under the penalty of one dollar, for each and every article tKat may be To ufed or removed. ' • V. F-very member, upon lu^aring an alarm of fire fliall immediately repair with buckets, bags and baiket to the place of danger, and there give every aflTiftancc in his power, for tlie prciervation of the effeds of his fellow-townfmen. But v/hcnever the property of any member of the company ihall be in real dan- ger, the faving thereof ihall be the primary objed of the'company's care and attention. For which pur- pofe the members fliall fevcrally go, with bags and baflcet to the houlc or flora contaiiilng the efleds in danger, and proceed in removing them, agreeably to the ciireaions of the owner, if prcfent, or, otherwife, as fliall appear befl for liis intercft and benefit.' And rvery member who through negligcT\ce or indolence ihall omit to give his alliftancc, on iuch an occafion, ihall be for ever expelled the company, unlefs he can give a fatisfadory rcafbn to the company for his omilTion. VI. In order to prevent any deceit or impofition from intruders, at the removal of eilec% in the time of fire, one of the members fliall Hand as centinel at the I uA -"•^sniiifi [ 8 J the door ofthchour^ where Uic coir-iuiiy h cm- ployed. VII. When anyof the menibcrsfluill remove to another houfe.. he {h Jl give notice thereof to the (^lerk. v-ho will acquaint euch member of fath removal, m i.ic courfe of one vv-eek -.ifter, 0:1 penalty of paying _ dollars; and every memberneslealr.g to give notice of fuch his removal, in one v.eck atter, laall m' ^ fine of one dollar. VIIl. ■ If any of the members of thi-. company fliall loic his or their buckets, bags or balkets at a fire, and lliall decbre theiame at thcfirtt meeting of the company after the fire, upon his i>ouor he hath made a diligent and proper ilarcli for tb.cir recovery the expence of replacing fuch buckets, bags or bafkets, fliaU be paid out of tlic fund of the company. IX. Each member fliail be furniflied by the Clerk with a printed Copy of thefe Articles, omplcte, with members' names, and at everyquaricrly meeting the Prefi.ient (hall caufe them to be read, that noneottne members may plead ignorance of the articles by which they are bound; and whoever a bleats him.elt for three quarterly meetings, fucceffively, anWs pre- vented by ficknefe or abfence from town ftad be deemed as having quitted the company, and mail not em* other , v'ho n ihe lotice pay a ole hh \ ill-all npany L made -y, the afkets. k with 4th the ns:, the e of the cles by himfelf efs pre- {hail be hall not be c 9 :i be admitted again, without the ufual ceremony of^ eledion, and paying all fines he may have incurred' from the time of his lafl attendance. X. All the cafh belonging to the company, which may be in pofleiTion of the Clerk, fliall be applied to fuch purpofes as the com})any may direcl ; and the Clerk, upon a new elciftion, fliall deliver over to his fucccflbr in olllce, all the books and papers belonging to the company, together with the cafli rempiningin his handj, with a correct ftate of the fund., md'of the fines due from each member ; and any member or members refufing to pay his or their ilnes for the fpace of three month.-, after the annual election, unlefs rendered unable by misfortunes, fhall be ex- cluded- the company. • XI. And the Prefident for the time being, flxall have it in his power, on the requcft of any feven or more members, to call a meeting of the com[)any. at which all the members arc bound to attend, under the i^mie penalties and forfeitures as are flipulatcd for abfen- tees from quarterly meetings; and the 'xpences ot all and every meeting fliall be fuftained in equal pro- portions by the members prefent, excepting the Clerk for the time beinir, who, in confideration of lus ferviccs, {liail always be exempted from fuch ex- pences. XIL. / .j^^jl^^ilJprM.^^^^^^tf"^'^ z 10 ]■ XII. AS theprefent Engine Company hn tj J town^^, entitled to the firft care and att.n,.on of the nh * nnts in the time of fire, this company will extena to them the (lime aid and relief as if they were aftu- lV:-be- thereof, and alfo to fuch other Engine Companies as may hereafter be formed. P,,,,.r MmBr..s of the E.^r, i^^ Ha..z> F:.b CoM.A^'r, in the Town cf Ha'fa., 1802, r«. James Clarke William J. Allmon John Wiiliam Schwartz Andrew liddell Gharles Geddcs John George Pyke Charles Hill Richard John Uniacke Edward Kerby Richard Kidfton ■ William Forfyth John Burroughs Robert Letfon Michael Wallace W^inckworth Allan Andrew Belcher AVilliam ^laylor William Cochran l/awrence Ilartlhorue John Boyd Daniel Wood William Lyon James Foreman Conftant Connor Fofter Hutchinfon Thomas Boggs George Grallie John Bremner Jonathan Tremain, jun. Matthew RichardTon Robert Flill JohnFillis James Stewart James Thorn James Tidmarili Henry Yeomans Thomas Vs^allace JohnSimfon I James Leaver. •n, IS. niabi- tend aclu- igine Fire m jun. ion