IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT.3) / O ^ 'V/As.' ^ ^%^ M iv t LO I.I 1^ bfi 12.0 IL25 i 1.4 18 1.6 o^ ,%. ^A ^^^A' /; ^/ /W 11 x_ Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^ ^'^ %. iV iV \\ ^\^ »a i|haai4 )>• addreiied. „ ^ H, M. \^A]N-ZK» Jt Co Tahuhr List oftht Towmhips in Upper Canada, wtth ihs To,muhip, el Melan No 0«f^y Si Vrffipeht Stiiri\t©^ Sydenham aHRN,VILLE Aiignstft. E^wardsbiirgU OrtTTerS, Ox!V»rd Wolforn . HALIHMAND Capboro OdyUj^aS. Cqjnigfi N. Dmin Mpulton Ojielda Rainham Seneca Shenbrooke Waltjole n.\LTON. EsqnetsiDg NiiMuagaweya ■NelBon Trafajgar HASTINGS. Bangor . Garlow Cashel Dungffnnon ■Rliievir Farady Orirasthorpe Uerftch^^l' ^'■ Hnntifdrford Hunlin^On Lake Tjjjijuricfe Madoc Malnnora Mayo McClnre Mohteagle Ra.wdkiWeji Enphemfa ■ Moore , Pl.vraptou Siirnia Sombra Warwick LREDS. Bastard Bhrgess Cnigby N. <^rosby S. : Elizabetht'iwn Escdtt Hlmslev Kitloy' Lanbiowne Ft. Lansdowne Rr. Leeds Ft. teeds Rr. TovjBg LENOX. AdoJphugtawn Pt-edorieksburgh Rlclnnond LINCOLN. CaiHtor Clinton Oftiasboro Spina shy Gwintljam Louth Niagara MID.TDLESBX Adelaide Carradoc Delaware DorcheetOTM. Ekfrid Lobo London Metcalfe MoHa NisBouri W. Westminster Williams NORFOLK Charlotteville Houghton Long Point Middleton T( .mend . WHlrtillfjlWB W|naikaiii NORira^BBRi LAND. Alnwick Brighton Cramahe Haldimand Hamilton Monaghan 8. Murray Percy Seymgur ONTABtO ■B«)*k Oeotifliia Mara Guilford Harbum Harcourt Harvey Methuen Minden Monaghan N. Monmouth Otanabee Smith Snowdon Stanhope PRESCOTT. Longueuii Plantagenet N. Plantagenet 8. PRINCE EWA Ameliasburgh \th(.l Hallowcl Hlllier MJaryRbiws^h Sophiasbiire^ ^^^> 'liH:- Re«dh ■ 8c4t^ Tliorah Whitby Uxbridfge OoQgoct OKFORD. BJanford Blenheim Nl88«iri.B'. Norwieb • Oxford E. NxTord N. Oxfopd W. Zorra E. Zorrn W. PEEL. Albion Crtleilon Chiflguacousy Toronto Toronto Gore PBR'PH. Blanajaard. Downie Rasthope N. Easthfope fi. RlKca Elm.' Fiillarton KRbbert Logun Morpdngton \V^aIlace PETBRBORO Anstrnthe* ' Asphodel Belmont Pnrleigh Bniton Owidiff Cavendish Chandns Doiiro Dudley. Dysart Diimmer 'tihilrtitty Glamorgan RENPR Admastori Alepjna N Als{0H» g. Alice •' wlhlleia Bittn^ham Bromipy Buchanan Ganoyito Frawir Gcatfan . Grirtlth Horton Matait^fltctuin MeKay [ Kf ■ , Pem"broke ftjtawawB Rolp^, • Ross . SebaBtowbl Stafford Wevtmeath Wilberforce Wylie. tRD88«LL; Camibridge ' Clarence, t'ttmberland Rumatt ' SIMCOB. Adjala Morrison e:swi. Flos ' «9wtH1tnbury Innrhfll Meaontft , AionO^ ^ Multnfflr X<>fetawM»g|i, • Oririia Oro iNiniaidwIe < Hay • Ttfcmnseth • f fir ToworoattQ Vespra STORMONT. Cornwall Finch Osnabrock Rozborongb vicToiu. Anson Bexley Carden Dal too Digby Draper Jl«n Laxton Longford Lutterworth DMacaulay Mariposa Oakley Ops Ryde S6merrlll« Verjilam WATERLOO. Dnmfries N. Waterloo w'fimit 'Woolwich .WELLAflPD. . Berti(3 Crto^latid Snmberstone Pejham Stamford ThoVaJd WKlKfleet WiHoiBabby :> welwxqtOn'. Amaranlth , Ajjthur EraAioHa Erin ' Godlph Lutl>er PiiBnatpn 'Pnfflneh ' .'ft fit % :l| wBEwwoipra, Aiicastar iHevfeiv BjpbFook m Flanjboijough E,- Flamborougb w!. Glanftifd Baltifleet TORK. Etobiooke. Owillirabury N. Gwillimbury'B. ■King 'NTitrkhsm ,:, Sl irboroiigb^ .„, ^liitcburch ''•■'■• York >lpiip Pi I lllliplllll HISTORICAL SKITCH OF CANADA. '♦ To the celebrated Jacques Cartier belongs the honor of discovering Canada. This distinguished naviga'^or sailed for the const of America on the 20th of April, 1634, but proceeded no further ihan Oaspe. Tn the following year he procured a new commission from his sovereign, Fiancisl. and on this voyage entered the threat river of Canada. This magnificent stream he called the St. Lawrence, because he began its exploration on the festival of that martyr. He sailed up the river to the Isle of Orleans, which'whe named the Isle of Bacchus from the vines he found there. Here he was visited by Don- nacona, " the Lord of Canada," whose residence wns Stadacona. This Indian town oc- cupied a portion of the present city of Quebec. Being informed by the natives d^he existence of a large settlement away up the river, called Hochelaga, he determined io visit it. After a long though pleasant voyage, during which he was treated with great kindness by the aborigines, he landed on the Island of Montreal, which was the site of Hochelaga. Here, as at Stadacona, the natives treated Cartier and his companions with the greatest hospitality. After a pleasant interview with the inhabitants, who beV nged to the Huron tribe, he returned to St. Croix where his vessels had been left, the expedition to Hochelaga having been made in boats of a lighter draft, and went into winter quarters; but being unaccustomed to the severity of the climate, and not having a supply of suitable clothing and provisions, twenty-five of his companions died from scurvy. " In the spring the remainder of the party re- turned to France, compelling eleven of the natives to go with them, thus abusing the confidence which the Indians had reposed in them, and laying the foundation for that animosity which so long existed between the red and the white man. It was not until 1540 that Cartier returned to the St. Lawrence. On his arrival at St.- Croix he foimd that the seed he had sown was producing its bitter fruit and the natives were opposed to his settling among them the emigrants whom he had brought out with him. He therefore proceeded further up the river, laid up three of his vessels at Cape Rouge, and sent the other two back to France. A fort was built here, and a settlement attempted but with little success; and the country re- mained in the undisturbed possession of the Indians. About the beginning of the 17th century however a permanent colony was founded under the auspices of a com- pany of merchants who tradetl with the natives for furs. Further settlements were made by Champlain, De Monts, and others. Champlain first explored the Ottawa River and was the founder of the cities of Quebec and Montreal. _ After ms death the Government wac administered by M. deMontmagny, M. d'Aillebout, M. d'Argenson, M. d'Avangour, M. deMesy and Marquis de Tracy successively. In 1672 Frontenac was appointed governor. He may be said to have opened the door to civilization in Canada West. One of his first acts was the erection of a fort at Cata- raqui, near the present site of the city of Kingston; a movement that had beenpro- jected'by his predecessor, Courcelles. "During Frontenac's administration, explorations of the lakes and rivers of Canada West were made by Perrot, Marquette and la Salle. In 1685, Denonville was appointed to supersede De La Barre, who was deposed on account of his ill success in fighting the Five Nations. Denonville was a brave oflv ccr and as soon as he arrived from Fra ce went to Cataraqui with a force of 2000 men. Here he decoyed .".ome of the chiefs, put them in dose confinement and sent 1 niSTORICAL 8EKTCH OF CANADA. I them to France ; devastated the fields of the Indians and built and garrisoned a fort at Niagara, wh'u^h was shortly afterwards destroyed by the Iroquois. Great bar- barities were committed on both sides, and the country was a vast theatre of slaughter. In this emergency, Frontenac was again appointed over the Province. He brought back the Indian Chiefs who had been so treacherously seized by Denon- ville and sought to conciliate his enemies, but in vain; hostilities were continued with the same vigor aj; before. In addition to his Indian foes, Frontenac was threatened by a British squadron under the command of Sir William Phipps, who disembarked 1500 troops near the river St. Charles and endeavored to reduce Que- bec; but being repulsed by the French, he re-embarked after a few days, and re- turned to Boston, which was then in the possession of England. Frontenac died soon after the peace of Ryswick, and was succeeded by the De Caillieres, who liv- ed but a few years and was succeeded by the Count de Vaudreuil. After him, Beauharnois, Galissoniere, Jonquiere, Longuenil, Du Quesne and Sieur de Vau- dreuil came successively into power. It was during the administration of the latter that Quebec was captured by the heroic Wolf, whose exploits are too well known to our readers to need a recital hero. With the fall of Quebec and Montreal, which sun-endered shortly after, ended the French dominion in Canada. The population of the province at that time was in the neighborhood of 65,000. In the year 1786 an edict was issued dividing it into the two provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, to the former of which we will now turn. Upper Canada is bounded on the North by the Hudson's Bay Territory; on the east and northeast by Canada East and the Ottawa river ; on the South by Lakes Erie, Ontario and the River St. Lawrence ; and on the West by the Detroit and St. Clair Rivers and Lake Huron. The north-western limit is indefinite. The name Canada is supposed to be derived from the Indian word "Kanata," meaning a collection of huts. Canada consists of an immense plain, lying between a high range of hills on the North and the lakes on the South. The distinguishing feature of this , province is its lakes, which surpass in area and in depth any others in the world. Lake Su- perior is the largest body of fresh water on the globe, and its depth in many places (900 feet. The water is perfectly transparent very cold even in summer. On the South shore are the Pictured Rocks, which rise 300 feet from the water and extend along the coast a distance of 15 miles. The outlet of this lake is St. Mary's Channel, through which the water passes into Lake Huron; this lake is 82 feet lower than the former, and is about a thousand miles in circumference. The Manitoulin Islands run parallel with its northern shore, separating the lake into two portions. The principal British naval station on this lake is Penetanguishine, in Georgian Bay. On the Eastern shore of Lake Huron lies the Huron District, a fine and fer- tile region, with an undulating surface. Geologists suppose that this tract of land was at one time the bottom of a lake, from the fact that ridges of gravel and stone running in a north-east and south-west direction are very frequent, and have the appearance of having been rolled about in the water until they became smooth and round. It is a curious fact, that an immense swamp exists on the highest land in the District, from which many streams are supplied. It is supposed to be 500 teet above the level of the lake. The population of Huron District is rapidly increas- ing. Thirty years ago it was a wilderness; now it is a thickly populated and wealthy agricultural country, with a town which is fast rising to importance as a lake port We allude to Goderich, which from its lofty situption overlooks the beautiful lake below. Lake Huron empties through the River St. Clair into the lake of the same name. This sheet of water is of a circular form, being about 26 miles across. On the St Clair rapids is a settlement of Indians numbermg several hundred persons. Into this lake (St Clair) empties the river Thames, on whose banks are situated London, one of the finest cities in the Province, Chatham, and various other towns which are rapidly rising in importance. The Detroit river conveys the waters of Lake St. Clair into Lake Erie, which in a commercial point of view is the most important of the great lakes. Its length is 244 miles, breadth 58 miles, and its level is 30 feet below Lake Huron. At the Rondeau, Port Stan- ley, Port Maitland and Port Colborne expensive works have been erected to supply HTfiTORTCAL SKETCH Lake is said to be filling up by the sedi- Its navigation is quite dangerous, aa it is the deficiency of natural harbors. This ment from the rivers which flow into it subject to sudden and violent storms. One of the first settlements in this province was made on the Detroit, river by a few French families, and their descendants bear a remarkable resemblance to the hahitarM of Lower Canada. The country is well cultivated and grows grain, grapes,^ peaches, nectarines, apples and pears. Sandwich and Amherstburg arc on the bank of the river. Point Pelee is the southernmost point of Canada. Near Amherstburg and Point Pelee is an Indian settlement composed of Chippewas, Hurons, Munsees and Shawnees. Port Talbot, an extensive settlement made by Colonel Talbot in 1802, lies about halfway between the Detroit and Niagara rivers. Long Point, a peninsula between the Grand River and Port Talbot is a fertile and thickly settled cotmtry. The land at the mouth of the (Jrand River is low and sickly, but the upper part of it flows through a country luisurpassed in healthful- n«is and fertility. The Counties of Middlesex and Oxford arc thickly settled and well cultivated. A settlement of Indians was made on the Thames in the year 1792. Guelph, situated on a branch of the Grand River, is one of, the most flourishing towns settled by the Canada Company ; Gait is also rajiidly rising in importance. CanadaWest is one of the flaest portions of America, and needs only cultivation to intake it the garden of the world. The climat* of the Gore, Huron and London Districts is rem; i-kably salubrious and might almost challenge that of California. — Brantford is a sturing place, on the Grand river. Near this place a fine tract of land was granted to the Six Nations in the year 1784. This tribe of Indians, as its name implies, was made up of six other tribes ; viz : the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Senecas, Cayugas and Tuscaroras. The latter tribe joined the confederacy in 1714, previous to which time they were called the Five Nations, once they were the lords of the soil, but now only a few scatter- ed fragm^ts of them remain. Thp Welland Canal is one of the many works of internal improvement for which Canada is noted. It issues from Lake Erie at Port Colborne and enters Lake On- tario at Port Dalhousie, thus affording a safe and speedy water communication be- tween two of those great inland seas, and overcoming the great obstruction to navigation placed by nature at the Falls. During the war of 1812 we were very unfortunate on Lake Erie, the British squadron carrying 68 guns being defeated by the American of 56, and had it not been for the determined loyalty of the Canadians, England must then have been deprived of this fine Province. The first vessel that ever ploughed the waters of the great lakes, was built on Ihe Niagara river in the year 1579; and having been dragged up into Lake Erie started westward under the direction of La Salle, whose purpose was to explore the Mis- sissippi River and follow it to the sea. After traversing lakes Erie, St. Clair, Huron, and Michigan, they landed at Green Bay, and La Salle having given up the hope of getting his vessel into the Mississippi, loaded her with furs and sent her back to Niagara with a crew of six men, but nothing was ever after heard of them, and they are supposed to have found a mariners grave at the bottom of Lake Huron. Near Grand Island is a smaller one called Navy Island, which was the stronghold of the self-styled Patriots in the late insurrection. Hundreds of jnisguided men flocked to the standard of Van Rensselaer here, and provisions were furnished them in abundance; and the insurgents having purloined some of the cannon belonging to the State of New York, mounted them and opened fire upon the Canadian Shore.— The steamer Caroline which had been used for transporting the munitions of war to the Island, was taken from her moorings by a party of loyalists imder Capt. Drew, set on fire and carried down by the current over the Falls. The people of the United States were considerably incensed at this proceeding; but the sober second thought convinced them that it was not an unjustifiable act, but rather a military necessity. The malcontents evacuated the Idland on the night of January 14th, 1838. An unimportant demonstration was also made against Kingston, but upon theapproschof a band of Militia the Patriots thought it prudent to retire. The Ml OF CANADA. Tji same thing took place at Fighting Island near Detroit. At the island of Point Pela. however, the uwurgents made a determined resistance, but wtre finally overfoome and the majority of theni slain or captured. Let ub hope that we may never aira?n witness 8uch scenes of civil strife, but that all. our efforts may be directed to the promotion of harmony and good-feeling amongst all classes of our .Mtizens So much has nlroady been said and written about the Falls of Niagara it would bo al. moKt superfluous to rnefitlon them here; not because they are not worthy of men tJQKj, for Xature has jnade theui the wonder of tJie world; but bec»ufle evert oerson iw Kupposed to be in the poss^nsion of all needed information in regard to them. A short distance below the falls is the Suspension Bridge, and further down ui the romantic village of Queenston; while Forts Messassagua and Niagara euard fl.n the river at its entrance into Lake Ontario. s »»" i"e This lake is 172 miles in length, its surface is 2.S1 feet above the level of th* AtlanUc, and ite greatest depth is more than 600 feet. On BurUngton Bav at the Jiead of the Lake stands the flourishing city of Hamilton. No plaoe in the Prov" lyic© IS mofe distinguished for commercial and manufacturing enternrise R«hinH f^rm the hiUs, and before it lies the bay in all its lovelineas *^ "*• "*'""<* ; Toronto, the. metropolis of Upper Canada, lies on the north shore of the lake ahout 40 ini^ from the mouth of Niagara river. It has, increased in popuUtion ^i^h astopiii^iilg rapidity. When it was selected as a site in 1793 hvOovetno ^niqpe, iti; inhabitants were two fanwlies of Indians all told. It was first called York but Its name was afterwards changed to that of Toronto ; an Indian word signifymg tiie place of meeting. ' ""^ Thiacily was foriuprly Ahe seat of Goveirnment for Western Canada and alter ^he Union of the Provinces many persona thought it would retrograde and de^ qline as rapidly as It had risen . Its mhabitants, however, with indomitable enteJ^ prise and industry expended their means in improving it in every way wd haL succeeded in making "muddy little York" as it was formerly called o" of the hnest cities on the western continent. Toronto was again temporarily made th« capital of Canada in 1849 on account Of the riots in Montreal ^ ^ '"*'*® ^''« To the ef.stward of Toronto are the flourishing towns of Port Hope and Cobourir and between them and Kingston lies the peninsula ot Prince Edward The nrinH pal river m this region is the Trent, which empties into the Bav of oSi Belleville, situated at the head of this Bay isan im^lnt pU^' anJ Kcto^n ?u?. ther below, is a handsome town. 'vwu, mr- Kings^ton is a fine city near the .site of Fort Prontenac. It has quite a number of fine buildings, possesses an excellent harbour and is the southern terming of of the Rideau Canal The northern terminus is Ottawa, our beautiful capSaT on the right bank of the river, whose name it bears. *-apiiai on BrockviUe on the St Lawrence is one of the prettiest towns in the Province and the scenery around ,t IS charming. Further down the river is Prescott made memorable during the insurrection ; and below it lies Cornwall opposite to th?1n dian town St. Regis, where the boundary of 45 strikes the slLawSnce Ihe eastern, or rather north-eastern boundary of Canada, as has alrAnrW k„»., stated is the Ottawa. This river was once the great rouHfThe for tS„ '^ ascended it for about 300 miles in their canoes^and Sen or LefovS^to lIL Huron via French River. This stream, in conjunction with Uke NinissiJowTn nects the Ottawa with Lake Huron. The navigation of the up^er OtCa "f SS-" SrKdlX=,S:sxSS^^ r rr ffylSmt^ '-''' '' ''' -''- ^" *^« ^- -^^- Swis^pSab^; The Union Bridge, which spans these Fal'" and connects Upper and Lower The Rideau Canal, which is more properly speaking a series of canals connecting a number of lakes, commences about a miie below the Chaudiere FaUsand t^mf na es at Kingston on Lake Erie. From the Canal to Grenville on the rTer sSv miW below, .tenmboat navig-ation ,,. uninterrupted. Here commence* the SLvme viii HISTORICAL SKETCH OF CANADA. Canal consisting of three sections ; the first at the Ix)ng Sault, an inipctuous rapid in the Ottawa; the Hccond at the Pall of Chute a Blondeau, and the third at Carill- on. Another Canal has been constructed by govurninent to avoid the rapids in the St Lawrence between Presoott and Cornwall. Thus, although a comparatively new country, Canada enjoys facilities of transportation unequalled by many lancte much older in (;ivilization. Then there is our great system of railways, branching in every direction, aiid embracing in their iron arms the most fertile and valuable tracts in the Province, conveying travellers to and fro, and furnishing the agriculturist with a cheap and speedy means of sending to a good market all his surplus produce. Our climate too is mild and healthful, we produce among ((urselves all the com- forts and many of the luxuries of life, our commercial and manufacturing interests are advancing with rapid strides, our educational and religious institutions are es- tablished upon the most liberal basis, our people are possessed of indomitable per- severance and industry, and the mother country leaves nothing undone that can conduce to our progress or our welfare. It is not strange then that we are loyal and prosperous : we possess all the elements of success and why should we not succeed ? We have succeeded; and "judging the future by the past" we shall continue to succeed and to advance in an accelerated ratio, leaving far in our wake many " ships of state" whose voyage began long before our keel was laid. We do not wish to make any invidious distinctions, but we think it must be a source of congratulation to every Upper Canadian to reflect upon the fiict, that although the Lower Province was colonized long before ours.yet we have so far outstripped it in population as to outnumber it by 800,000. Our present position is a proud one and we cannot but feel a deep gratitude towards the great Disposer ofevents for the solicitude with which he has watched over our beloved land, and for the great prosperity with which he has blessed us, " No clime than this hath prouder, brighter hopes, With its innumerable and nntrod leaKuea Of fertile earth, that wait but human skill And patient Industry, by commerce fed. To win their way to eminence as proud As any nation on the varied earth, The balmy winda may breathe more fragrant sighs o'er other climes, And rarer flowers may in their gardens Dioora, But in prosperity and freedom, none May bear the palm away." rUi iiJ : ., ■ ""''WF'' TACKABUKY BROTHERS' aAI>TAXDXA.]>T ft^fli^ing ooiiTAiwiHa:.> A Brief Htatorjr of Canada, from Ite dlMovery to the present Ume ) Brerjr Port , Oflce In M^eiteni Canada, alphabetically arranged, giving the TownUiip and Comity, with the name ot the Poatmaater, and vartoua other Important StatUUcal Information. F=> U B L_ I e H E D BV E. M. & G. N. TACKABURY, or LONDON, TO BE OIROULATBU IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR (D®IPIPffiIE IPtt,AiriE MAW ©IP €A^AmA WESTP, '■'■» ■ LONDON, C. W. : - PRINTED AT THB "CITY PRESS" OFFICE, DUNDA8 STREET. I S 6 W. ' ' ' ■' ' * >l ! 310910 r I i BANKS IN CANADA, WITH THEIR AQENCIE8. PLACW. BAAK8. OTOCBW. AUaanAriA. . . .dbtarlo l».A.Mrlwmiil.l,,\Kent "tme (Jpper rVuiailuK. Ully, AKeiil „ ',' .;, Toronto Angu. HusHell, Agent IMlemlU UpptirCunaaaE. Hiililon, Agent " (''<>mm»r)mmerclal..J. I'oltcnger, Agent " ...Ontario A. lxx.'khart. Agent ('a'^ u Pouplo...LoNationale, Agent " Toronto " ^ « " Ontario << ti Samia Upper CanadaA. Vidal, Agent Sherbrooke E. Townshivs. W.l'Vwell.Jr.,Qttiliier " CifyBank....W. Ritchie,' Agent Simcoe Gore n. Campbell, Agent " Montreal S. Read, Agent Southam>ton . Commercial.. W. Sproat, Agent SlarAridge E.Townshi|)8..I. C. Baker, Manager Stanstead Provi.'*ctai. . . H. McCoUom, President " E. Townships. A. P. BiiU, Manager St. OcUheiinei . .tiiAOABJi Diar.C. M. Arnold. 'Siahier " . . Upper CanadaH. C. Bar wick. Manager Stratford Upjier CanadaT. Mackio, Agent " Commercial . . Geo. E. Small , Agent " Montreal C. M. Smith, Agent Tkrm Rivtrt. . .Upper CanadaS. DoMouUn, Agent " ...Quebec J. MoXtougall, Agent mnmin Uppkr CANADARobert Cu«sol», (iiahier " TOR0.N7O A. Cameron.Caahier " B.N. America. W. G. Cassels, Manager " Commercial . . C.J. Campbell, Manager " Montreal R. Milroy , Manager " City Bank . . . . T. Woodsit'e, Manager " Quebec W.W.Ransom, Manager " Ontario c. Ashworth, Manager " Molson's John Olaaa, Agent '* Goro BiinkofU. C, Agent " Lo Nationale.Buuk of TorouUi,Agent »r«<«rloo,C.JE..E. Townships. W.G.Parmelee,Maaag'r " . . Montreal. . . . R. J. Dallas, Agent '^liitby Montreal Thomas Dow . Manager WoudMock Gore Ed. Ambroeo, Agent Wiwitor Commercial , . J. G. McDonald, Agent TAOKABURY BRC.^S FOREIGN BRANCHES. Ckicaee, V.S. . . Montreal E.W, Willwrd, Agent. FOREIGN AGENTS. RiKK OF Britibh North Auebica — London, Head Office; New yeTIni#ii Bapk ^ ton- don; Liverpool, Bank of liverpool; Seotland, British Linen Company and Branches ; A'euj York, R. Boll & A. Ogilvio, SI I'iiio i^l£fi*^Ji^\\, fiM Bank of Commerce; Botton, Tb'e rM«rti?Hmt'« Bank. BAire OF Uppbr Ca.nada— London, Glyn, MiUs Jf Co-i Edinburgh, British Unen Co.; A'«u) York, Bank of Commarce; Sost'^n, Blake, Bros. &Co. CoiMi'ItCiAL Ba.nkof Canaba— £ondoft, liOndon Joint Stock Bank; Edinhurgh, Coipmeroial Bank of Scotland; G(asjow,Clyd68dale Banking' Co. ; Z>ui- Kn, Boyle, 1/iw, Pirn *Co.; Botton, Marrhants' Bank: New York, Bank of Comtuerca; Albany, New York Stato Bank. Cut Bank— iondon, Glyn, Mills A Co. ; Jhiblin, Na- UoDsl Btnk; Ntw For*, Bank of the Republic. Bank ofTobonto— LonAn.City Bank, London; New York, Bank of Commerce; Otwego, City Bank. QcBBKi- Bank— London, Glyn,Mill8 kCo.-.New York, SiHilland, Phelps k Co.; Si.John (A.fl.), Com- mercial Bank; Fredericton, {N. B.), Central Bank. Gor.« Bask— L«)i*m, Glyn, Mills & Co.; EdiiOmrgk and Gfa»!/oi/), National Bank cf Scotland; Belfast, J^orthorn Banking Go.j Neui York. Merchants' fiank, and Ward ii Ooi^, AU)Mny,}iV^ Yo.k State Bank; /tochesttt, City Baffle; Bufialn B»,nk of Attica. QYURIQ PiANK— LoniJon, Glyn, Mills * Co. ; Liierpool, >■ TQailTW Uvurpool; New York, Bank of the Re- public. MoiaoN'8 Bank— London, Glyn, Mills & Co.; Now York, The Mechanics' Bank. Niagara District Bank— Londoji Bosanquet & Co.; Nim York, Bank of .Manhattan Co.; Buffalo Bank of Attica. Aa.nqvr du Pkcplb— LwKton, GTjrn, MlUa s Vo.; New York, Bank of the Republic. Brastkori Bank— iV«u) York, Bank of Commerce; fttfWo, City Bank. „,,,.. La Banqob Nahonaib— Lomion, B*nk of London; Paris F. S. Ballin & Co. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. atttwiM. rovr office. Pottmaster General, Hon. Sidney Smith; Deputy Postmaster General, Wm. H. Griffln; Accountant, H. A. Wickst°ed; Secrctar^^, Wm. Whit«; Cashier, John Ash worth; Superintendant of the Money Order Branch, P. Lesueur. Clerks of the First Cliis.-^— B. M. Julyan, E. C. Hayden, J T. McCiiftig, R.Oliver, D. Lawgon, H. S. Wealborly, P. Holt, J. C. Stewart. Clerks of the Second Cla.s8— J. Audette, C.R. McKen- ale, J. Brophy. Clerks of the Third Class— Geo. J. Mason, J. Boyd, J. L. McMaiiou, E. H. Bsi^amln, Wm. D. LeSueur, B. King, G. H. Hargrave. Clerks of the Fourth Class— H. J. Garrett, G. H. I^olt, M.W, Griffln, W. Berry, T. J. HoUoway, R, W. Rirker. Intpectitm Branch John Dewe, G E. Griffin, M. 8we«tman,*J. B. MelUeur, L.L.D., Edw. F. King, ■W.O. Sbeppard, Francis Clemow,and Ogle R. Gowan. LRTTER RATS8. Lattar.: posted In Canada addressed to any place within the Province, pass, if prepaid, for 6 cents per )4ox., bti. if posted unpaid, such letters are charged 1 cents pnr ^ oz. On letters to Nova Scotia, New Brimswlck, and Prince Edward's Island, the rate is 6 cents per jioz., with optional prepayment. The rate on Letters to the United Kingdom is, by Cuadlau Packet. Not exceeding Ko« • ^^ w**- " and nc'. exceeding loz. .20 lot. and not " ■Zoi..iO SxoMdlng kDd w on, 'ncreaslDg two rates of postage fbr each additional ounce. jLDd by Cuoord FMket, it cents per >ioz., so. I«tten Ibr the United Kingdom must be preptid, or they will be «b«r|«d it flae of M. sterliof on it- Letters for British Colonies and Possessions beyond Sea, and Foreign Countries, via England, must be prepaid. The rate on letters for tWi' U.States, (except Oaliforhia and Oregon) 10 cents per Xoz. " for California and Oregon.... 15 " " The postage rate to British Columbia is, Lett^-rs IScentsper >ioz. Newspapers , . 2 cents each. MAIU9 FOR CANADA FROH ENGLAND. Two Ocean Steamers ca' ying mails for Canada leave Liverpool in each week, viz.: a Canadian Packet on every Thursday, via Derry on Friday, sailing to Quebec in Summer and Portland in WinUr, by which the Postage rate is 6d. stg. per >ioz.; and a Cunard Packet every Saturday , via Cork on Sunday , bringing Mails for Canada, alternately to Boston and New York, by which the postage rate to Canada is 8d. Btg. per }ioz. The British Poet Office forwards letters to Canada by the first packet sailing ufter the letter is posted, unless the letters bear a special direction—" By Ca- ncdlau Packet" or by " British Packet"— and in that case they are kept over for the first Packet designated. " By Canadian Mail" Is not a distinctive superscrip- tion; for any Mall for Canada is a " Canadian Mail," by whatever Packet forwarded. BMUmiU'nON OF LKTTRRS- PersoM posting Letters containing value, should be careful to reouire them to be registered, and to •j li t &U i TrOni u:t; r-jai Marker s CrfimCate of FoC^ipt for Regtotnitiott. The charge for registration, lu addition tu the Post- tie, Ism follows, tIi,: - ftttit^ IBISS^-' BHSINESe i DmSCTC ftY. i On Letters to any other place in Canada, or British North America 2 cenia. On IjOttera for the United StlH«e..' 8 " Ob Lettors for the Uuiteri Kingdom 12>i " On Letters for Brltisli Colonies o/ Possess- ions, sent via England 25 " On Ij?tt«rs for Franco and other Foreign Countries, via England, an amuuntetiual to the postage rate Both the pobtagc rate and registration fee must in all oases be preimid. Registration is not an absolute gaarantee against tbf tnisoarrioge or loss of a Letter; but a Registered Letter can be traced when an tJnregisteri d I.otter cannot, and the postirg and delivery or nondelivery can be proven. A Registered Lettei' is thus secured against nany of th<* casualtii's which, from incorrect address, forgetfulness of the ■ - These charges must be prepaid. BOOK POST WITH KRANCB. For Packet of Printe 34 " Do. exceeding 2 oz. and " 4 oa. Do. " 4 oz. and " 8 oz. Do. "8 oz. and " 1 lb And so on, increasing 17 cents for each additional ^ lb. The Book Post regulations between Canada and England apply to matter between Canadaand Franoe. NEWSPAPERS AND PEKIODIOALS. Newspapers published in Canada may be sent by Post from the office of pubiicution, addressed to any place in Canada, at the following rates, \fpaid qvar- t$rly in advapct by either the publisner at the post office where the papers are jiosted, or by the sub- scriber at the delivering poft office: For a paper published 6 times a week, 40 eta. per qr. 11 "3 " 20 " " II (I 2 :::: :k :.:::;;;;■ -Qi •••. • i5 a c : :Bied : :b; : : • ' ' ' s ° a tsf s s o g • • tio J3 S S C a .2 o ^illlllllilllillillliil^ itlltSlI "^■«;-<-<-«!-<-«;-<)^-«:<-<-«!-<;<;-^'«!-^^<-^-^-<^-«!^^.^-«j-^'i^ BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CO 5|s If si5i!>S|= 3 ■- S; n Jr fe i:^ P t^ tee £■=:= feeoA a <-S M§&M3MMMe I ■s-^ial ■ES=fe§: 30S :« : : :&^ : '■ 1=^ S : ■ C5«S! .» 5 ,^i-s l!i E B a _ <; « >^ t. t £ L. « ■ c - ^-* . r= Si's p5 : « ^as iififlilii^li K)(S(SaiSai(^i^afi;fe,S^(g(^S^^S^g^ nco a TACKABURY BRO&'; 5-Js g s is'&i ^-c S 8 §••! s« ts e s £ f-st IrilfiifiJiliifeil^ii^iiil fSBgCB |||ii|p|g||lf| O - . _ = , £ S a; 3 -J^ is"!- Soto pi •0 a >>a a S 2 2 a a 2 2 S « sis > 3= a o • a e o •I • a _■ -S f' '» u o o S 3 i^ ° ,xi-o Sbu'Sbii Ma MwBa « * fc * 2 — fe 0,0 3*5 = « I oa « s o -» £ S _ s " S ■o s - ^ ® ¥a i; ,i3 P a o a o bc -eg BS:g„^Si3 -."al •ISa- =«ll.Sg|||- ■S-f-a a^ s a &a&a^&&aa BUSINESS DmECTCRY. Ok, .Sgook-S '§-s.S a Ji cA e-o a-o SJ||.e|-^-2S|€ll|£o|§i-s -■■ ^^■3SS'"3fe«si:Sattsr few H^gg-grg fa-sal 's^a = 32gS'5^£g^ss' s « — •' 2'o a ;„ a-- a 5 a . h ^ ma's o,°. ^ .ff 75 rt .« J3 S 5 S !» ti b b S b t * (h b. u. ' IIIMliMMlMlllllillll . .63 • ■ >» :l|s -ill MfiMilPtKiiMlB till 1 1 ■a t S S -E -C o rt • §.s§Bi£f :ii ■fa I > mmmfim^. 10 TACKABURY BRO.'S e, ^'(.i |g-M few a Si S?' o C CT J^ r!^ iS fe.- i 3 ?5£.i, ■S .3 .■« tOg^i (5^ a a ■ Sl=i oii«ii . a 2 « l»SSll§l§ O M3 ft B,4J O d c «i «' U 4; fl -' 3i< •a •■^4 ■ a '■ 53 : : a • 8 580 CO lisiilpli ililllfilp liil|ffe|ifil .a ax: 1= s 5i -« CO ■i -5 ? i-s P <| 3 ^ O H,js^Q5y^aQi^!Si, "5 fc- b ■ S^ ii t! 4) flS rt . . w 5:^ cc bcs d • ll lllllllllj ^- l|||t^|lii|i| -' ■ : 1. 2 a> 5 iJ 5 s, 2 a 5 ^ ■g > » o 5; . ^ p is^^MM'. ■Baa lesS 'Sec -. 1-= 33 « -. ISsf • 'M •— ?^ ■ e • l|H«|-gg is: ■Sea .5 • «... 1^ ■.S ' \a • • ^'■'^ ' : '. \ s ■ : : as a £. c rs ^ ;'^ :" .^ "^ 5-==g5i^'o-a ! -S .S iS .5 g .5 n g c o. b .!= SE K|jvi^^MM;:4li, „ o5 a i a s: al^.^p"*- 'EbfeMSS-Si'Sa 5" fc a •" "T S 'S 2 ■•a iJli.^llllllili:. - ' bo • aj . _ . a o Si ■ ■^^l^ffmWg0Sat*-> BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ^MmiMmmmMMiMmMMiH ffl a .a i § 5 ^^ 'S : » 4 >> ^ O fcj Q 12 TACKABURY BRO.'S . • • -JM 5) t -3 Si's s ^^ S a ■2 U^j ;» •ip.ri^i^iSil S- « 9 -J" o r. « *< - ■* s -J _ ii 5 5 ^ .. * ja ii:gsggt3f22fc2 9?'assa«S2-5 sS'g't^S'-'iagns' s •;;•■**; I ;•;;•; I * *w • • ■ kq ■ • ' • * • ' • ■ • rr ,.>._•• is 3 60 If 3-2 >•. i Jil..f J^lslJli § 5^ ■35 * > 5 II £ 5 t• M oa J a 5 ° o « t. § 5 f: 3 £ u iii^tiilllfll^ll l£^5 M a.-%^-< A % fe> 3 9 ij ' •a llllllllal iillillPIIIIIIII : :e li-3 ago OS , S5 : : 1-9 3 ^.3 :; Iqj ::::«:::: :o ::::: : Ills o=S?l S aifegS 5\2j< 5 °^-SS C gS § 2 So^ »* .■R.a 3 ^ § 8.a.a:Si.2i9 s^'a ■--«a*ii- 14 TACKABURY BRO.'S •< >-» « J3 w ►, o ' lillllllllllfl- o S o •^c* .(Sfl lie's nsa( tlllfl|ll|?ll aS§ga&«' liiP!|i|i "S- ■ o [ eg I :-o • ■. :p afe : • : Ipi^flll ; : : a : : : : ■ P '■ '■ • fe ■■•::• j3 • • te5 ■a • - ■ - S - •■So" OS o OJ >><> 5 >«S 1 3 d ] LO i&-:^ cub BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TH '■ 15 CANADA MAP ESTABLISHMENT , NORTH STREET, LONDON, C. W. m DBSCRIPTIOl OF MilPS, MTUC, Do„ pr.p„.d.« do .he »..e with .e.tae», .„<, ai.p..*, ^ .. Lower Priees thai any other EstabMmeut in the Provinces. (6U ^»p §tpmA m& i«-jr«»ttislwil. •U«WV>U«Wi«,^/^,^,,^,^^,^^, l.»«M^.»«,«W"««M,«»#M^,,,^,,^„i^^^ MANUFACTORY ON NORTH STREET, Betwe«, Kerr MoKen^e 4 Co.', .„d Adam Hope „d Ca's Whole^le Store,, ' LONDON, a w, ^r. im. TiCilBiiRr BROS. & KBBfilN. I'/ la TACKARURY BROAS COPPERFLATE MAP ill Ihe undersigned have the pleasure to announce the completion of the New CoppBKi'LATK MAf OK (Jakada W. 9t. Subscribers who have not been supplied will be served. as soon as the Maps, can b«.inanufiot«red. Read the followinn Testimonials from the Press : — to tho M»t«rpH» iMg pubUHhcrB. We ar« glad L Low that there Ig In Canada a Mapl'uWIghlnK Urm thai U willing to Incur thu oxponso ol onhllKhlnc a ninp of this class on copper as the style of flulsh or decree of mlnutc-noss here exhibited, coul3 not be obtaluod on stone Tl^e public will be gratlflod toTcnow that the mucc.^h^ of the cnnvftHS for subscrlbcrrt has been satUfactory. and the masiwllHiepiiblUhtddurinfiihf. spring, at therfduc.d »ric»!orita|(l<»ll»rAr jT»i*le pi*t|viilch WB^avo eumlned appear to l.e aiturata, »«(! as ll,e t>uip!h««(ie<«>^«Mt rr«» thli latal Oojeri mentand local utirveyi, wo havu no iouhttliat it wfll bo leltabluX^ttStofisS*^**? ^^*"' MeBsrs. Tackabiiry Hro's. of Loudon, are about to publish a new map of Canada West. The Tackabury'B new copper-plate Map of Canada-to be published in London. C. W is ranidlv !*P.tP*^M?-''"^'***°° L T**"""^ «f « "n^ny ne wfcatures in Ihl? mafi whlch^wa mclallj wjS>»aien5 ; toah«»i*Lbirc.' Til. work upon it is BBperiQr.andthacompletZiiiwKBW w ^*^ -•VdJspensfb e to all classes. Aontlon & made of each cong»aph^tr /iiJicton, ( a f^^^ MeagrB. Tackabury Brothers, Map Publishers of this city, have sent to this office an engraved proof sheet of a section of the large Copper-plate Topoffraphical Map of this Province now ?n course of preparation, by^them- We- ape wellflatisfled witll tfie artistic skill displayed in feex^cu" tion of he engraving, which, to say the least, is fully equal to any engraved map we have ever .^een either in this country or Europe. Every intelligent pe*eon who lxan»lBe» these beautiful lipecimeiis will at once be ^ -^V I. BE OFFERED. I'RICK LOBdOM, JUB«, IMS, - - $6.00. TAGKAiiUHY BKOTHERS. , '««^.s» wei5«^ Wmm CARDS AND ADVERTISEME.VTS OF THE SUSSCRIBEHS TO TffllBlW BROS.' m? W M.1D1 iiro, LONnoN A^f^J viotnity. John Washlngfton Agnew, DUNPAS BT., BAST, LONj^OxN, G. W. A. S. Abbott, LONDOX, ('. w Andrus Brother, .SHo\^ROOM AT John Allaster, mmm a mmm, \ m«AcomlZ(mmxs m;NDA8 8TRBKT EAST. I HUOft^ROnx, ,^ "^^'^ LONDON, C. W. Kdwaxd Adams, AVl.u ai.d spirit Merpli»..* AVI.u ai.d spirit MercUa,,,, DUNDAS STREET, LONDON, C. W l»][_^e«^rfwr«we»««/j< next page, M. Anderson, ^- . T •-'"WW KOOM AT (JAKIiY'y BOOK QTnTDT^ James F. AUen, Richmond-St., opp. Crystal Block L.ONDON, O. W PiUiPlilU'oi: 1)1 ¥41 _, ,_^ DUNDAS STREET, LONDON " Sep Adv. on page 48. Robert Arkell, PBOPKIKTOR OF ARKELL'8 HOTEL Cor. RICHMOND & KING St., Lokdoi,. Alex. Anderson, eiobe Foundry, London. Joseph Atkinson, BOOK-KEEPER, At Adam Hope & Co.'s. LOxNDON, C. W. B ir*-***.. WU ^«*»,»,u 18 TACK AB (TRY BROS.' EDWAED ADAMS & Co., WHOLESALE 1 IMPORTERS OF %tm, ^n^M^M^ktm.Wim SPIRITS AND GROCERIES, IL)®SS12)®SS"2) (Bi:j4jrii2Dii W]1S1?« 1 BUSINESS DIRECTOPX 19 American Express Company, LONDON, C.V. Robert Atkinson, ~ RICIUrOND STREET, J--ONDON, oJ W. THE GORE BANK NORTH STREET. L-ONDON^ 0_ \A/> C. MONSARRAT. Agent. J. & S. BJackburn. i-'JBLI.SHERS OF LONDON. i^* Sefi Adveri \^ementon7iextpafjf. M. Btb.^'ess, MERCHANT TAILOfi, DUNDAS STREET, LON DON, C. W. Richard Bayley, BARRISTER, AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. LO NDON, C. W. A. H. Bailey, Bank of llppei Canad^ RIDOUT STREET, L.ONDON, 0_ \A/_ _____J^HAMILTON. Manager. BANK OF MONTREALr RIDOUT STREET. LONDON, O. W. A. QREER, Manager. RICHMOND STREET, LONDON. Bank of British North AmericaT RICHMOND STREET, LONDON, C. W. W. WATSON, Manager. John Beattie & Co., iMroiiTERs or DKY GOODS & MILLINERY TACKABURY BRO^ MAP PUfi£ISH3GBS LONDON, C. W. E. BeTtz^ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DITJVD^S-ST., LOJVDOjy. COMMEROIAirBANK, RICHMOND STREET, LONDON^ 0_ \A/_ J. G. HARPER. Manage J. 0. Begg, Matchmaker, Jeweller, &c,, DCNDAS STREET, I.ONDOM. John Birrell & Co., ^ 1MP0RTEH8 OP British & Foreign Dry Goods DUNDAS-ST., LONDON. I <* 'M»liW I| i» -Sfc 29 T^CKABURY BROS.' Hi THE BEST FAMILY PAPER C|e Canadian Jfree |pras anb Supplement The Largest, Oldest, Best and most reliable Western Paper, {established 14 years,) pvhlished in London, C. W. Subscription, $2 a-year; in Clubs of ten, $15. THE CANADIAN FREE PRESS is a large 36 column Newspaper, published at London. (). W., which, with a Woekl}' Supplement of 16 colunu -, makes it the Largest NcM'spaper published in Canada. It contains fifty-two long columns, and comprises a vast amount of reading matter, both original and select. 'I'he Subscribers to the Free Press will find it replete with the latest news of the day -IJriush, Foreign, Provincial, and Local ; forming a concise and pleasing epitome of the news of the week. Its columns are furnished with articles in which the passinsi topics of the daj' are discussed in an Independent spirit — the public good ratiitr than mere Party success being the object in view. Local News. — Events of interest in the surrounding localities are duly recorded. Meetings of Agricultural Societies, Assize Intelligence, County Council Proceed! nffs, City News, and other matters of interest to the community receive especial attention. Markets. — The Markets are fully and accurately given, and general Commer- cial Intelligence detailed. This department receives special attention, and farmers are put In possession of the state of the Grain and Cattle Markets at all principal places up to the time of going to press. A LARGE WEEKLY SUPPLEMENT! Containing 16 long columns is issued with the Free Press, weekly, free of charge, in order to attbrd the utmost space for the most interesting news of the day. The Supplement, which has recently been enlarged, is particularly devoted to entertain- ing reading, and is found to be a welcome gut3t with young and old at every fireside to which it gains access. The Free Press and Supplement, comprising FIFTY-TWU columns, contain more good reading matter than any other paper published in Canada. The Fkee Press is acknowledged to be the best Family Paper published in Upper Canada. No good Local Newspaper can be printed under $2 a-ycar. tEf^e Contron Bailij Mttt ^Irefis Ts now in the fourteenth year of its publication, and commands a large and influential circulation m London and adjacent parts. As an advertising medium for the West, it stands unrivalled, and is the only recognised Commercial Paper in this district. The Proprietors spare neither pains nor expense to render it a first-class daily newspaper. BuBlneBB Cards of not more tban ten lines Inserted In the Dally Free Fresa six months, $7.00 ; one year. $12.00. i" SUBSCRIPTIOS TO THE DAILY FREE PRESS 86 A-YEAR, WEEKLY, $2. Specimen copies of the papers forwarded on application. All eommiinirations to be addressed {jjost-paid) to „ , , , J. & S. BLACKBURN, loBdon, Canada Weit, f Feopbibtom. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 81 W. Y. Brunton, AUCTIONEER and CoinniH''loii Alerchniit. Money advanced on all dexcrijHionn of Property. Market Square C)N, c. w. Richard Butcher. Saddler & Haroess Maker, TA.IL.BOT STK.EET, OPPOSITE tho CITY HOTEL A. T. Bull, M.D., HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN ^jyrjf svJttnioj\-. Duiidas street, London, C W. John Bain, POLICE €ONSTABLE,G.W.R.R., LONDON, C. W. James Burton AND PROVISION DKALEB. RicllUlOUfI St.. LxiiafUmi. f! W John Cousins, PROPRIETOK OF JMLO AME R.'tii\ HOTEL Alex. Campbell, l—ONDON, C_ W- James Henry Cunningham, AT MR. SEALK'S, 22 TACKARURY BROS. W. & J. Carlu.g, r:iTY IJKEWEKY I.OJVI)ON, C. W. See Adverlinemenl ruaet page. John Crabb, ON TUK Campbell and Cousins, MANUPACTirnEKtl OK FAW?fIFG MILLS nATIIUnST STRRKT LONDON, CANADA WEST. GOYEKXOJi'S ROAD. Edward Campbell, AM3ERI€AH HOTEL i-oisrrjoisr. Duncan Campbell, GARDENER, PETKRSVILLE, LoaNTiDoig- Towaxrsi3:ii>. Henry Coombs, Kiii;r-st., immedintcly cant of Maikot, LOND ON, CANADA fVEST Thomas Craig, LONDON, C. W. Tackabury Bros., LONDON, C. W. H. Chisholm, nii'ouTKn op No. 41, Duii.lns-st., James Brown, Commission & Grain Merchant OPPICB OK YORK STREET. LONDO N, CANADA WEST. Frank Church, Prince of Wales Reslauranl, RICHMOND STRKET, LONDON, C. W. Charles Chapman, BOOKBINDER AND ACCOUKTBOOK MANUFACTURER DIL\I)AS.STJ;Ki;r, L(L\l)Ui\,C.W. 2-^^" >^«' A.drt rihevieiit par/e A'i. Edward S, Collet, SOLICITOH,&c RID O UTS T., L OND ON James Cray, BLACKSMITH RIl'IIMONn STREET, LONDON, CANADA WEST. Robert Clarke, PROPRIETOR OF Market Square, London, C. W. j'fj-'*'^ J. Cooper, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST Richmond-St. and No. 05, Dundas-St., 'a> W-V mm BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 28 m^m Si W. & J. CARLING, MALSTERS AND BREWERS OF ^Z3® m ALSO DEALERS IN MALT & HOPS COR. OF WATERLOO & PALL MALL STS., LONDON, C.W. F. Evans Cornish. Mayob of the City of Lokdon, Dunda8-St„ LoNDoir, C.W. Custom House. J.B-STRATHY, Collector of Customs, LOISTDOI^, C. ^^. Benjamin Cronyn, LONDON, C.W. Wm. L. Carry, BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY. Crystal BLook, Kichmond-St., London,C.W. John Crabb, KICIIMOND STREET, l_ONDON^ C, SA/_ V. Cronyn. L.L.B., Barrister, Attorney - at - T^aw, Solicitor-in-Chancery, ^•^^'CE in CRYSTAL BLOCK, cor. Dui.daB and liiCnTriorta streets, Loudon, C.W, John Coote, DUNDAS STREET, LONDON, C.W. William Chambers FOREMA^IST Of G.W. Locomotive Works, LOJSJDOJN C.W. ¥i I 1 t i *!f f! if 24 TACKABURY BROS; John Calder, f ^ R. Crable. SA LESMAN At John P^eattie <& Co.'s, LONDON, C, W. James Deadman. f aiutcv h f apcr ilauger TALBOT STREET, J.OJ^DOJ S; CJiJVADA fVEST. John Dulmage, PKOPUIKTOR OF GBAY'S HOTEL, NEAR THK MARKET, _TALBr)T- ST., LO^T>Oy. J. T. Defoe. TALBOT STREET, L ONDON, C ANADA WEST. Daniel Davis. ADELAIDE STREET, T^ondon, Canada West. C. & D. Dyde, WELLINGTON STREET, LONDON, CANADA WEST. John Darling", BROOM MANUFACTURER AXD COMMISSIOPf MERCHANT. L.ondoii, Canada West. P. J. Dnnnt rnopRiETOB LONDON, C. W. J. D. DaltOD, Soap & Candle Manufactory, L-O N DON_ DENISON^S [MgMfe3 [D)@[p(Q)Tr. ALBION BUILDINGS, Richmond Street, London, C.W. John M Denton, Richmoud St., opposite the City Hall, I— ONDOK|^ ^_ \A/- J. &W.Daniell. iiiilSTEii, LONDON C. W., A HAMILTON C. W. WilliaiA Durand Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, DUNDAS STREET, LONDON^ 0_ \A/_ Henry Davis, DEALER IN AND SILVER WARE, DUNDAS-ST., LOiNDON 0. W, H. H. Dart ^aitttfactor of aSlagons, GARRIAOES, 8LEI8NS, AC, BUSINESS DIIIKCTORV. 26 John Darch, Jr., Harness & Trnnk ilffannfactnrer, MARKET 8QUARB, LONDON. O. W. Joseph Elson. John Elson. BUTCHER stall No. 6, Covent Garden Market, CANADA WEST. LONDON. A. Efner, Con. 2, Lot 24, John Fei^^uson, eOR. OF RINa k 8LAREN8E ITS., LONDON, CANADA WEST. DUNDAS-STREET, LONDON, C. W. See adv. page 44. John Enkine. IMPORTKB OF DRY GOODS & MILLINERY, No. 85, Dundas Street, London, C W and Branch Establishments at Strathroy, and Arkona. William Elliot, RICHMOND-ST.,LONDON. William EUiott STONE GUTTER, AND BUILDER, L_ONDON, C_ \A/_ E. Emery and Son, AUCTIONEERS And Land and Commission Agents. CTTy AUCTION MART PUNDA8 STREET. LOITOON, C. W. LONDON BENDING FACTORY LONDON, C. W. John Elliott. Proprietor of FIPIX FOOflBY. tS^ See adv. page 46. John Elson. jr.i BUTCHER Basement of Market. LONDON , CANADA WEST. THOMAS EVANS, M and Fancy Job Printer, Publisher and Proprietor of the Conlron Mtts;s, LONDON, C. W. ^ ■ See Adv't. on next page. W. FARRIS, PROPRIETOR OF IMTERWATIOIL HOTEL AND LIVERY STABLE, DUNDA8 ST., LONDON, C.W. 8. B. Foote, Publisher of :quebec"c. e. »>*:pmm*'ilti" 26 TACK A BURY BROS.' ?Hi m EDITED BY W. G. MONCRIEFF, ESQ., A Weekly Reform Journal, published at the CITY PRESS Office, London, 0. W., is the Cheapest and Best Family and General Newspaper West of Toronto. SENT POST FREE TO ANY ADDRESS FOR |IJ® pif Mum, sfefetlf li AiFiM^e It contains every week carefully written Editorials on the prominent social and political topics of the day; also, a well digested epitome of European, American and Canadian News, selected from the columns of contemporary journals. THE MARKETS. This department receives special attention ; the Farmer being put in possession of the state of the markets in the different places up to the latest hour of going to press. THE SUPPLEMENT. .J" '^^^^J to give as full and complete a summary of the news of the day as possible, and also to afford space for articles on moral, scientific and other subjects, the Proprietor issues regularly with the News, a large Supplement of 16 columns, thus making it one of the largest and best weekly papers in Canada. THOMAS EVANS, Publisher and Propriktor. t^" SUBSCRIBE TO THE LONDON NEWS. ..^1 Of every description executed In the best Style of the Art at the CITY PEESS OFFICE DUNDAS STREET, LONDON. PARTIES WANTINC. ANY DESCRIPTION OF CAN BE ACCOMMODATED AT THIS OFFICL, e,.N SHORT NOTICE, AND IN A STYLE TIfAT CANNOT BE SURPASSED BY ANY ESTABLISHMENT IN THE PROVINCE. RlT«iTNESR DrUECTOIlY. 27 James Fitzgibbon, Proprietor of iiikerj anir Canfertioiutri), "TALBOT Q-r_ '^ J^IWN, CANADA WEST, Henry Fyah, LONDON MILLS PROPRIETOR. James H. Flock, S JL IK I^ I S rjTi ^ ^^_^ AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LONDON, C. W. Fitzgerald and'ScaLdrett Wholesale and retail Grocefs, Dundas Street, London, C.W. Gregsten and Bro. Iniportorsof BritiHh, French & American Thomas Forbes & Co. fmportcr of §xj «0ote aiti (&mmtB, London, 0. W. AND MILLINERY. I>mda, Stree t, Zonrfo». c. w. Joseph Gosnell Fashionable BOOT AND SHOE STORE, NO. 58, ' I>UNDAS-ST., LONDON, C.W. Simpson H. Graydon DUNDAS-ST.. LONDON. D. Farrar & Co. m m< ^^ NO. 90. DUNDAS-ST., LONDON, C. W. ?> Henry Flock DORCHESTER, of Devon Stock. Hewitt Fysh Manufacturer of all kinds of CONFECTIONERY, mSCUIT & CRACKERS, Dundas-St., - - London, C.W. William Gamble AND GAITER MAKER, DUNDAS-ST., LONDON, C.W. James Griffin '- Importer of and dealer in ^'l^^afT'^'^''^' City Hall Bmtding, Rich- mond st London, C.W. Treex, Shrubs, andpkmls also constantly on hand Thomas Green CARPENTER & BUILDER, BATHURST STREET, LONDON, CANADA WEST. George Goodacre FARMER'S SALOON LONDON, CANADA WEST. li 28 TACKABURY BROS. (Jraham Glass Proprietor NO. 1 SALOON, MAKKEr LANE, LONDON, CANADA WEST. Mrs. Eliza Oifford HOTEL KEEPEK, PETERSVILLE, C. W. Edward Glackmeyer MANAGER LONDON, C. W. 1 William Glass RESIDENCE, LONDON, C. W. W. C. L. Gill llqistrar, Citj of fonhn ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AG., JOHN GREEN, §mxii\ teleriuDni 6ooi)5 MILLINERY, &C., 63 DITVPAS ST., LONDON, C. W. "jAMESlmrLEAN^ WnOLESALK & UETAIL, DUNDAS ST., LONDON, G.W. r^" X. B. Biblo Socifty Depository. ALEXANDER GAITLD, AND CLOTIHEK, Duartus St., Laudoa G.W. GEORGE GORDON, LONDON, C. W. ToHN K^RnriTHs; AND PAINTER, Corner of Marki-t Lnnu and Dundas Htreet, LONDON, C.W. See adv. page 58. EDWIN HEATHFIELD, Importer & Wholt'salc Dealer in OByfiS, l5HEIV!ieAl,S Medlclneo. Ac. 134. Dinidaf>-8t., London. t^^SeeAdvf. next par/e and on page 40. JOHN J. HARRISON, Manufacturer of 9 AimI Wire Cloth, riondon. (\W. HILLIARD & SAUNBY, PllODUCE DEALERS Talbot-St, London, C. W. W. HORTON ii(Ofi©ii Talbot-St, liondon, C.W. W. C. HENDERSON, LONDON, 0. W. raOMAS ~H0WAjiD7 Landlord at BROCK'S HOTEL, LONDON, C. W. BTTSTNESS mRFrrORY. 29 DISCOVERED AT L AST ! ! GREATEST CURE IN THE WORLD FOR PAIN. • m- ^ ENGLISH WHITE OILS EQUALLY GOOD FOR MAN AND REAST. rpHTS ARTICLE CURES beyond'l peradv^ture and in many cases X almost ins.t«ntaneoiisIv, Headache. Earache. Rheunintisrn. Neumlrria. Par- al.v8m. Asthma, P. es, Gout. Glan.lular Affections. Fever and Ague, (while the paroxism .8 on) J etter Felons. Sweliinfrs, Cutaneous dinensts of all kinds, Cramps Deafness, and all Bronchial AfTections; also. Spavin, Ringbone, Splints and { uts, or Bruises m Horses and Cattle. r^TT J'^'^-i.^'''"'"''''^"'' *''^*''* '''"™"^*^'' '" ■"">''"?? that the ENGLLSH WHITE LS vvill more effectually.^ permanently. ;,nd rapidly, relieve Aches and PAIN8 than a I other remedies extant; and this not in cases of functional de- rangement oidy. but in organic diseases, by restoring that equilibrium of the cnculatmg fluids which is the indispennble condition of sound health They do not profess to claim to cure all the ills that flesh is heir to, but only the specihed class of diseases named in the lg ou 1000 lTo.^nl' r'^r" "»'• ,^'-»"g''t ^Vils a,Kf Spikes. 300 smitns look, a Complete Assortment. Also the real "O" Horse Nails. And Hames of Canadian Manufaeturc, . superior to any Imported. "^ CARPENTER'S AND COOPER'S TOOLS. Tin Plates, Spelter, Copper and Canada Plates Bar Lead, " James" Paints; Kaw and Boiled Linseed Oils. INDIA RUBBER BELTING FOR MACHINERY, Together with a fnll assortment of Sheffield, Birmingham und Wolverhampton Goods. "iHiguam \ A n ^ ADAM HOPE & Co. London, C.W., 1862. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 81 THE GRAY PLOUGH. w fimmi GEORGE JACKSON, O long and favorably known to the London public and the surroundinc country p a,s the propnetor o the VXTLCAN FOUNDRY, has the hono^to unZnce to h,s niunerous friends that he isnown.anulkcturinga Hrst-cla«s variety of Plousrhs ivhich are noted for the.r superiority in having a Steel Mould Board, Imi as it h.5 been.(?everoly tested, has proved an excellent and marked improvement unon th^ Fanner's best " agricultural friend." G. J. has now on hand^ for ile 7he fol- lowing samples of his manufacture in Ploughs, viz.: "TheTecumseh," " Niagara Premiuio/' "Toronto Premium/' puff his Cultivator he n,„,*. .ho TXiS£->:flut^:T'JZ\^. Instrument a careful examination, as contrasted with nrV.«/n..Vr I g'^\t'^e names are "Legion," round the coinSy '' Cultivators, whose All description of Stoves, Stove-pipe, Tinware, Sugar Kettles A ffrirnltnm 1 Furnaces, and every article made in a Canadian F^undfy, Sways to bTh^^^^^ George Jackson, at his Tin and Stove Warehouse Dunda/sf ^3 ■* .u City Hotel, and three doors from Talbot Kt •^""'^^'■^*-' "'^^''ly opposite the «^ FARMERS, -m REMEMBER JACKSON'S STOVE & TIN WAREHOUSE. 'ilUr m 'lO'mi ip rt j tj^ i i *am. 82 TAOKABURY BROS.' JOSEPH HOIDGE, Pastor of the Horton-St, London, 0. W. WILLIAM B. HARDING, Proprietor of CITY ARMS IM, Market Square, London, C.W. LOUIS HESSER, German ^ouse, LONDON, C. W. JAMES HAMILTON, Manager of CHARLES HUTCHINSON, BARRISTER, &c., ADAM HOPE & CO^^ LONDON, 0. W. EP" See Adv't., page 80. LONDON, CANADA WEST. DAVID HAYSTEAD, Proprietor of ElITMl ICTEL. THOMAS HISCOX, HISCOX HOTEL DUNDAS-ST., LONDON, C. W. THOMAS HASKETT, CHARLES HUNT, PRODUCE & COMMISSION, CITY MILLS, LONDON^ Q. W. BERNARD HENRY, §m f 0irk §00k Mmt, Bookseller, Stationer and News Dealer RICHMOND STREET LONDON, C. W, E. W. HYMAN, LEATHER DEALER RICHMOND St., LONDON. f C. D. HOLMES, BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LONDON, 0. W. THOMAS HASKETT, H Lot 14, west side Waterloo-st., LONDON, CANADA WEST. ALEX. JOHNSTON, Dealer in LEATHER AND FINDINGS, DUNDAB BTBUaT, LONDON, CANADA WEST. ^y" See advezilBement neztjpage. GEORGE JACKSON^ j0iiMra m& Mm M^p DUNDAS BTBBET, LONDON, CANADA WEST. IV Sm advwUacBMDt page S. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 83 FIRST PREMIUM f 4 i 3 ^ i %:^ m 3 m^a LONDON CANADA WEST. %3 ALEX- Johnston, NORTH SIDE OF DUNDAS STREET, (6th door West of Ciarence-St.,) Respectfully informs the Public that he has on hand a large and well assorted Stock of UPPER. KIP. FRENrH AND PATENT CALF ENAMELLED LEATHER PRUIELLAS, ELASTIC. LASTS, SHOE TOOLS, I FINDINGS Of almost every variety. \]i of whi-b v'" h- — iri ^f the smallest possible proiit for Cash, Ml ill Jta ■ ill C ■ H i <»iwi l ,vijt^> »»^ 84 TACKABURY BROS.' lu i»' J. W. HAWTHORN, Richmond-St., London, O.W. H. DOWNS, Wholesale DUNDAS-ST., LONDON, C.W. «%<> Advertisement page 85. A. T. JONES, LONDON, CANADA WEST. CALVIN JONES, MARKET SQUARE, LONDON, CANADA WEST S) KERR, MACKENZIE & CO., Wholeeale Importers & dealers in LONDON, C. W. ItS"' See adv. on page 56. REV. ANDW. KENNEDY^ Agent of Presbyteuian BOARD OF PUBJ.ICATION At Philadelphia, U.S.. RIOHMONP STR EET, LDH DON, C. W. H. KIRKPATRICK, TALBOT-ST., LONDON, C.W. ROBT. KIRKPATRICK, BOOT & SHOE MAKER DUNDAS-ST., LONDON. SAMUEL KEAST, Mf lit iMilL3 DUNDAS-ST., LONDON. A. KEENLETSIDE, BUTCHER. stall No. 7, Covent Garden Market, LONDON, CANADA WEST T. W. LAWEORD. Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery, and Land Ayent. Richmond St., opposite the City Hall, LONDON, C. W. L. LAWLESS. POSTMASTEfl LONDON, C.W. ALEXANDER LESLIE, PROPRIETOB OF IMliAMi INTOSIIY, Proof Line Road, 8>^ miles north of London A large quantity of Fruit and Orna- mental Trees always on hand. J. W. LESTER, HBI'OBTER OF Prototype. J LONDON, C.W. WILLIAM L. LAWRASON, Solicitor, &c., LONDON, CANADA WEST. S. PALMER LEAKE, luruitnn Paimfactunr, King.St., London, C.W. See adv. on page Si. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. H. DOWNS, 85 AND DITNDAS STHBET, X^ O M s o w A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF FANCY CANDIES! ar s,*gs5 M[<«& ^ And PioTssiou Meicliaiit, CoK. York .t Bcrwell-Sts., London. L. C. LEONARD, De. C. LEONARD'S, OPPOSrTE the post office, LONDON, 0. TT. ■«».i4 |,«.i , I I S8 TACKABURY BROS. m>>c}( ic, MANUFACTURER OF FIRE-PROOF riiiiji ID COiPOSITl ROOFS And Roofing Materials, LONDON c. w. JAMES MOEFAT Manufacturer of PATENT ROOFS. See Adv. above. ADAM MURRAY, TREASURBR COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. THOMAS MORRISON, I NORTH-ST., LONDON DUGALD McPHERSON, YORK STREET, LONDON. MICHAEL Mccormick, ADELAIDE-ST., LONDON. THOS. F. McMULLEN, LONDON, C. W. EDWARD MURPHY, ROBERT MANIEY, Dealer in DUNDAS-Sr., LONDON. W. G. MONCRIEFF, € EDITOR OF THE J.OKDON, C. W, Richmond St., London, 0. W. MULLIN & KIERAN, WHOLESALE AND Richmond Street, London, C. W. ANDREW Mccormick, 60 Dundas St., London, C. W. G. G. MAGEE, Importer and LONDON, C.W. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 39 JOHN Mcpherson. Dundas Street, London, C. W. JOHNMcCUE, Proprietor of Richmond Street^ London, C. W. A. & J. G. McINTOSH & CO., MERCHANTS, DUNDAS-8T., LONDON, C.W. J. & 0. McCIARY, Manufacturers of Pressed (S©ppeip B@tto03i8, stamped Tinware, Pk , „, Stoves, Ac, WELLINGTON-ST., LONDON, C.W. ALEXANDER MONTGOMERY, 1st. con., proof line road. PHIILIP McCANN^ ' South side of Dundas Street, LONDON, C.W. GEO. MOOREHEAD, And Chair Manufacturer, KING STREET, LONDON, C. W. See adv. page 41. CHAS. G. MOORE, P^fepkkct ami iyc*g@@R) ^of°MiHHf5^ ^^il °^, ^""^"'^ «nd County f ^i^'^oT'^A Physician and Surgeon to the City Hospital, London, C. W. R. J. MANNING, DUNDAS-ST., LONDON C.W. JOHN MULHOLLAND & CO., Dealers and Importers of R- S. MURRAY, Importer of British & ;\ merican And Floor Oil Cloths DUNDAS-ST., LONDON, C.W. JOHN COOKE MEREDITH, Clerk of the Division Court, Agent of tho Phoenix Fire Insurance Co England, Notary Public, &c., ' RIDOUT-ST., LONDON, C.W. A. McDOITGALL, LONDON, C.W. EDWARDlttlLLEi; IMPORTEB OP BERLIN WOOL Fancy Goods, Toys, &c„ WMSfeiSAtm AM© RiTTAlL. ^DUNDAS-ST., LONDON, C.W. AND GLASSWARE, PUNDAS-ST., LONDON, C.W. McKAY & HORNER, LEATHER MEEOHANTS AND MANUPACTUBBRS RICHMOND-ST ., LONDON, C.W. WM. McCLARY, r-- I 03. ^>'^'*^^«'^»^>^^^»^^^#^»^^»^^^»^^^^^^^ N. B.— All are manufactured by myself, and war- ranted to be of the best material and workmanship. «®"Liberal Inducements (jiven to Wholesale Buyers. " I'ti "M 'M iii'i ■^ii REMEMBER THE ADDRESS: FOUR DOORS EAST OF ARKELL'S HOTEL, KING STREET, L01*DON, O.W. imi 42 TACKABURY BROS.' H ,1^ 4 CHAS. CHAPMAN, and Blank Book Manufoctnrer. OF EVERY- DESCRIPTION EXECUTED IN THE BEST STYLE IN CALF, MOROCCO, RUSSIA OR ROAN, PLAIN, GILT, OE ANTIQUE As an evidence of the superior quality of his work he would state that he received the first and second class prizes at the last Provincial Exhibition for Bookbinding and Account Books. 1 W mm Of every description ruled to any pattern, and bound in the most durable manner, equal to any made in the Province. HAVING JUST RECEIVED A FIRST CLASS "' PAGING MACHIM," From New York he is now able lo Pace or Number Ledgers, Journals, Registers, &c., Ac, in the best manner. ail wiiK iiiiif ii Piiiwif ON THE MOST MODERATE TERMS. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF ACCOUNT BOOKS Always in stock, which, be^g manufactured by himself, he is enabled to SELL AT THE CHEAPEST KATE ■lit BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 43 'OHN MIILS, RICHM0ND-8T., I.ONDON, O.W. S. & A. McBRIDE, MANUFACTURERS OF TIN WARE, UealcrH in Stoveg, Coal Oil, Lamps, &c„ RICHMOND-ST., LONDON, C.W. Ei^ See adv. page 63. WILLIAM MaYo^^ OBNEKAI, OKOOEH, Tea, Wine & Spirit Merciiant, CITY HALL BUILniNO, RICHMOND-ST., LONDON. C.W. K. D. MOREHOUSE, Managtsr of the LoNDoy, C. W. C. McNAB & CO., Imprtfts of Irg §mk DUNDAS-ST., LONDON, C. W. N. MONSARRAT, Solicilor and Tonveyancer, Richmond Street, London, C. W. STEPHEN A. MOULE. Dealer in Choice FAMILY fiROeERiES ..*.B.i&,rasr,.*ao„.o.w. UoDoiroiroH & kekt AND LKjroRS, DUNDAS-ST., LONDON, C. W. GEORGE NICKELS, COMMEEOIAL HOTEL LONDON, C.W. W. & J. McBRIDE, Fullerton St., London, C. W. B. MACFIE, ire €ms BtuM, Dundas Street, London, C. W. B. A. MITCHELL, D R U Q Q 1 S Dund»s Strict, London, C, W NOBLE & LEWIS, Richmond-St., London, C. W. See Adv't., page 46. C.^E. NOADES, MERCHANT TAILOR Dundas-St., London, C. W. JOHN NELLES, Proprietor of the »r»w%4msiit mm Hamilton Road, London, C.W. HENRY H. NELLES. P. J). s„ DENTIWT, Office, Dundus-S?., London, C.W. ^ .... , • II I ¥i 44 TACK A BURY RROa.» }\ fi 'i'.i :■$, ESTABLISHED IN LONDON 1851 J. EGAN'S AND STOCK DEPOT, NOS. 77 & 78, DIJNDAS-ST, LONDON. J. E., having just enlarged his ostablishmont to douhlo its former size, by adding the next building thereto, and erected A mw mmmki imm To which hu has added a SIDE-LIGIiT, he feels confident in saying that he has now not only the largest but the MOST COMPLETE SUITE OF EOOMS IN CANADA WEST. VIZ. At the last Provincial Exhibition the following prizes were awarded hm, First prize for colored Photographs, Extra prize for Photographs re-touched in Indian Ink, First prize for best collection of Anibrotypes. J. lo -i long Experience in the Art, extending over a period of 13 years, gives bim advantages which cannot be attained otherwise. T0€i: BEFAMTMEMT, Operators will find it to their advantage to purchase of him. Having made arrangements with the manufactories, he is enabled to sell at New York prices. London, C.W. J_ EGAN- BrrsiNEss nrHKcToRv. 4ft NOBLE d LEWIS, BEALBRS IN WHITE LEA.D, OILS. t^. ^xm\t%, §\m, fe RICHMOND-ST., 3L. O IV 3E> O XV , O. 'C7«r %i lUl /l it 46 TACK A BURY BROS.' TO THE FARMERS. .^^*^f*Jl^.S?^^;^^?teM»*'-^ ^ENT[.EMEN,- [ now have finished the largest and best-assorted stock of ^^ Iron and Wooden G PLOUGHS. CULTIVATORS ! ^ GANG PLOUGHS, &c., That I have ever offered to the Public. The Ploughs are of new patterns, with wrought iron Shares, »Spindlcs and Square Bolts, warranted to work well, or no sale. Cultivators with Moveable Arms and Iron Cranks A GOOD ARTICLE AND WELL APPROVED OF. I likewise continue to make the FOiTUiE STOVE! Which at present, I think, stands prominent in stoves. It has given every satis- faction, and in no nislance has broken or cracked since I commenced making it — now three years. T will likewise keep on hand, as usual, a large assortment of Cheap Ploughs, Road Scrapers Plough Castings, Sugar Kettles, Fire Irons, and Wagon Boxes, for Iron and Wood Axle, And will be ready and willing to sell at a light profit for cash or good credit. JOHN ELLIOTT, Phunix Foundry, London^ C. W. N.B. CASH PAID FOR OLD IRON BUSINESS DIRECTORY 47 RICHARD OKE, CARPE NTE R, LONDON, C. W. JAMES PERCIVAL ®li HENRY PFAFF, RICHMOND St., LONDON. Corner of King and Clarence Sts., LONDON, C. W. JOHN PEGLER, FLORIST"^ Con. B, Lot 11, London, C.W. T. PARTRIDGE, nUNDAS-8T., LONDON, (J. W. CHARLES PARKINS, CRYSTAL BLOCK, Richmond St., London, C. W. PAVEY & WHITE, And Farming Implements, Kin(}-St., London, C.W. ' See advertisement page 57. C. J. PALTRIDGE, DEALKR IN Groceries, Provisions, Flour &c. Opposite Hiscox Hotel, DUNDAS STREET, LONDON, C.W. PEEL & POWELL. MARELE WOEKS RICHMOND-ST., LONDON, ' '. W. FRANCIS POPE, KING ST., BAST, LONDON, C. W. D. PERRIN, lyRgEOH ©EliTlST, DUNDAS-ST., LONDON, C. W. J.PHILLIPS, F=H YSIOI AN^ Fullarton-St., London, C.W. E. JONES PARKE, LONDON, C. W. SAMUEL PETERS ARCHITEC C.E.& P.L. Siirveyor,Commi8Bion in B.& R. &c TALBOT ST., LONDON, C.W. W. & F. PLATT, CORNER OP YORK A CLARENCK STS., LONDON, CANADA WEST. PLUMMER & PACEY, Ril)(»irT-ST.. London, C.W. ^" See Advertisement page 68. i ■II Tj J' P ft \ 48 TACKABURY BROS.' STOVES, STOVES, STOVES GREAT ATTRACTION AT THE LONDON, CANADA WESIT- THE IMPROVED KING OF STOVES Fs superior to the old King, inasmuch as the bottom is deeper and heavier, and bars in order to support the wood, which gives the Stove a much better draught, and makes it in everj' respect the best Farmer's Stove now in use. A. ANDERSON'S Mf mr itti w Ts beyond all doubt the Best Article of the kind now in use, and no farmer who knows the advantage of them will be without one. i^i I ! M. ANDERSON, MANUFACTURER OK COOE,BOXANI)PABLOBSTOT£S Of the most approved Patterns, is selling 25 per cent. less than ever offered in this market, Stove Pipe, Plain and Japanned Tin Ware, &c. M. Ander- son would call particular attention to his improved a >> a ft Also to A. Anderson's patented improved All of which are on sale at his SHOP ON DUNDAS STREET Opposite E. Adam's Wholesale Grocery Store. N. B— Old Cast and Wrought Iron. Old Copper and Brass, Wool Pickings, Bags, Hides and Skins taken in exchange for Goods. JiP/^INBfS,^ P^QTORY. 49 JOHN ROSS, SADDLE HARNESS &T)i^lK Smith's Block, DundaH-Sreet, London, C. W. WT See adv. page 60. FRED. ROWrASU, JOHN S. ROBINSON, And Manufacturer of Improved Pumps, LONDON, 0. W. ROUTH & DAVIDSON, GRAIM mEMMkHl Y0RK-8T., LONDON, C. W. Friiltd, Rcedi, &r.. Cor. of Dundas & Kklmiond-Sta, London, C.W. y , .-/■ Bi*^ Se* Advertisement page til. WM. ROBINSON, LONDON, C. W. OEOROS BOBINSON. N. REID. ■1 Richmond Steekt & Markkt Squabk. IJIPpRTBB AND JAKES M. BEID, Comer of Maitland and Hill Streets, LONDON, C. W. '^ DUNDASiST., LONDON, C.W. Dfealer In Family Groceries, &c., -.. j JDundas street, J^ondon, C. W. REV. J. H. ROBINSON, Editor and Publisher of DITNDAS-ST., LONDON, C. W. ROWLAND & SON, ROBERT REID, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, And Account Book Manufacturer, DUNDA8 ST., LONDON, C.W. WILLIAM RIDDELL " ■! Richm4»nd St., Londoii> G.u.W^ See Adv. on page 60. ■'9 And Boots & Shoes, Montreal Store, Dundao Street, London, C.W. WILLIAM ROWLAND,, AGENT, • I, ACCOUNTANT & CONVErAfJCEPl, Albion Buildings, op. the Bank of B.N.A., BlcTltt6rtd Btrelt, London, C.W. I ' il \i Hi. »Provfclon and ' ' ■ » ; ' COMMISSM MERCHANT, Dundas-St, London, CW. ■ n -i^EWASi* & TAP^, "l^'^'^nTrt^n.Ltnrer/W^'^'^ IT asu Fi.iiM«- Oi\E OF THE LiRGEST HOTELS i THE PROMCE, II.T;4:;tSr':T; Siv7.aTiSt' nll:,^;' *'°'*°"^]"^ ^^"*"**«'^- --^-ted with this beautiful dtv So^ d n.^f? ! P"*""""'' *."''' ''"^**^<^ '" ^^^^ ^^'--V heart of P ,«,*«f 11 ^' 1 "* '^'^ *** P''*'^® *" attractive temporary home. Oratefully remombering the liberal patronage T have always received, I respectfully solicit a renewal of the same * T Jur (Late of the Robinson Hall). I I& ! le Depot Trunk and *ost Office, Tn its con- t is rejilete f liicted with ry heart of onie. always le. »n Hall). BUSINESS DIRECTORY. •I FKED. ROWLAND, V mPOBTKR AND WHOLKSALI ft MtTAIL DBALIB IN ■^- vv -♦ PROVISIONS, FRU'lTg, SEfeBfe, ftc.i! A f i TOKK, SALT, . LARD, , OLOVEE SEEDS. Corner of Dnndas & Klchmon^ Stk, l^ndon. iHf~^ FRED. ROWLAm IMPORTER OF mnrk flni fal (lDi(0^ IM SHu^DES, •WRICKS, 's^o H ^ ALSO, , j I jj "^j CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASS, ST0n4) & EARTHElNW^AilE OP iVEBT DB'Si^Btri'ldl^. Japanned Ware. Table Cutlery, LooMn/j aiaases. &c. WAREHOUSE :~RICHMOND ST., LONDON, C. W. FRED. ROWLAND; DEALER in GRAIN, FORK, Ac. ' 1 LUMBER, LATH,^ -SHINGLE^, PLASTER, WATER-LIMR SAT,t }bn iro^E_STE3S33-!7, I-OKTOOU. For John Law's advertisement O-TTT- iill m. m pi- w t\ ill Ifi iii see page 71. li • I' > » i ii i .' \' !! pi ■ III 1: 'II IFACEABURT BROS.' s, QALimX OF OTdlPHI. .tmhJ^'^^^^^^M^A^^W F™'? store, ,,^,^ CORIR OP MARKET IMi & DUNDAsi. ^ I M _ *^- 2 G}-. having ttj moat extensive Suite of Rooms in Weptern Canada, would respeoMyanvite ihe dtmrnot liondon and the pflblic generally to inspect his Life Size J. H G. being the only l>rofessionai Artist inloSaon would simply say that having obtained the J^IRST PRIZE for the best ORIGINAL PICTURE at the last Provincial Exhibi- tion and at every Fine Art Exhibition held in London for the last eight years, he is prepai-ed U> produce Photographs from the smallest miniature to Life §ize, either plain or colored in oil or water colors, which for brilliancy of finish and life nkeexpressionoanoot besurpass^sd in Upper Canada. ^^-^>> ..3'Htr^ Afnr. ..f -'ir^ JAB f' tiiit^x^h, § fi^to Cameras, Gilt Frames and all kindSiJf Photographic Stock CHEAP FOR CASH. BUSIN18S DIRBCTORT. AT S. W JL M'^ ^ SdT^, ORR. OITV >HAL.I S. & A. MttR bave pleasure in info^fn^^^pir *WAtt^ c /i n . .{"^i^^ pmhiem town and country that ^ theyhaveonhandandtorsalethe^' * ^^ s ^^^''^ a^nd purest assortment of .«/y .WhU wiU be sold a grekUy:,e4„eed'pS THEIR '• ■■■ ■ - ... "SMALL PROFITS AND OmOK HETVtlN8.« They have also an assortment of COOKING & PARLOR STOVES AS WELL AS Xu' YO' ■■4.uiJkJIW V <»(/': 3R "^ ;^h,ch they are selling at greatly redocednrices. fli-^, M^MZB^ 6 • iii, If"! 84? TAOKAB0RY BROS. ,!>' J. L. SIEVENSON, H.D. Licentiate oif tbe'Rojnil, College «f HorgeoiiB, BAtnbnri^, CLARENCE-ST., LONDON, CW SA^IfE|. fC|Ep09 A. W. SPEY, AND CLOTHIER, DUNDAS-ST., LONDON, 0. W. ■I WILLIAM SIME, LONDON, C.W. CASIHET MAKER f^e. Talbot-St., oppoeite the Market, LONDON, CAn!aDA WeST JQPN SIDDQNS. ; , 'i ] \ 1 Publiiher of the; \' ; ^ \ I Office, Cor. DandftB & Richmond Ste., LONDON, CANADA WEST, ^iW SeeAdvt.page66. JAMES &EALE, , :i.T^: Manufact»i«i- of:; I'n'^ PAILS, TUBS AND CHURNS, Kins ^t., LiDndon. 'EltlHARB STOKE. Adelalde.8t., London, 0. W. I | - '; WILLIAM SAUNDEES, PffPIACElJTlST & CH£MISTi Dundas-St, London, CW. EOBEET I. SEDDON, Zooking Maui and :£Htibr$ Fmmt Manufacturer, DUjn&ASfiri'., ' * LONDON, 0. W. % Dundas-St., London, C.W. J. W. SMYTH, MARBLE WORKS Dundas Street East, London, Canada West. j y , ;e. t. SLooMAir Dundas-St, London, C.W. DEN T I ST, STONE'S BLOCK, DUNDAS-ST., LONDON, C.W. ^^ 0. SOTTTHCOTT RICHMOND STREET, , LO NDON, O. W. ,i ^ • See AdT't. on page 62. SCOTT & DOYLE RICHMOND-ST., LONDON. W. & E. SIMSON & GO. POOISBS, WINE MERCHANTSt Fruiterers, Oilmen, and Importeri of British Seeds, 88 PnndaMst., London, C.W. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 65 m ciAPiST m Bw iwsPiiPi "N W ESTERN CANA DA. Publislie.! in the City of LodJod, C.W., at th. ».r, low ml. of $5 A- YEAR IN ADVANCE ! tisements appearing in alJ our editions. ^ ' "^"^ ^**' '^''"'' ESTABLISHED IN 1851, Prototvpk is Conserva ivrand L r*- ^ ^ farmer's paper. Thk Wkkkut the latest A.nerican and I^ndlh .^™f ^5 *"?" \"' *° '!? '°'*>'^ ^^ «>n»«''n8 interesting or i^oZt eSap^n^^^^^^^ -" receives especial attention. The mZtinL J I ^^ u '?«/°"f l-ocal news Councils aid Ministerial Councils a.?fui?v IntS "™' ^f^^^}ox^,, Coun.y kets, Assizes and other eveSronrar^^rtln^^^^^ *'^ 5" Fai«. Mar- ma-kets of the City and Counfv . JT l^^V J^® P"*^^" *"^ «*«'« o^ 'lie farmers, produce dill a^dXr Anion '^"^.-""^^J" ^ ^'^""^ "'»^"' '« and the U $5. will r:c:^e 1 VhSf'gS^ "' ^''' >'^'^ '"^"^-"'^ THE PROTOTYPE JOB OFFICE neatl/rand^'^^^^^^^^^ Omc, chaapl,. shortest notice Cards namDX*\^U % ,m ?^!"^5'J^ ^"""^^ <«* «t «|,a got up to please the m^t^'Sou; t^te^ *I^ U'"?; f ^•"?''y ^^* '"J?" «»''"ff done as ch^p and well ol 1^^!^— '^^ ' ' -°- "^ dewnptioi of i»riayiiS r rr_i „. ,.t axijf utiior BBi5Wiauia«|ii jo Canada. ' JOHN SZDDONfi id '* !mfc 1 «^'' Wifi 66 ■miAW^ br6s.' il:: 1.. .AaAMAap°MflaT83W ha AND SHOES, and'boots Which they offer, at WHOLESALE only, and on liberal • terms to tli^ frkde for casA or approved credit. Hhving large' and varied assortments constantly arriving from the d^ imm i r©tii€i iAMif B 0!^,;^ Those who d«d with them can alwicys Count on being suited. EIDOUt & NORTH STREETS, LONDON, O.W. WILLIAM RIDDELL, Has always on hand a superior assortment of Wide and Narrow Cloths, Cassimerei, Beavers, Doeskins, Tweeds, Testings, Shirts, ©jiij;^ uffji »•»•) Collars, Gloves, 4 PA VEY & WHITE, ^" 'f^'fhrfw t ''"'"''" *^''°''' 5"' the very lib ral patronage extended to them for the last five 3 oars, respectfully announce to their numerous custota6r8 that they still continue to manufacture all kinds of ^amfl00, mmni 3\n%\%, AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS. AL8 O , REPAIRING DONE IN THE BEST k CHEAPEST MANNER P. & W. hope, by strict personal attention to business to merit a continuance of that favor already ' extended to them. P. &, W. beg to call attention to their celebrated Air fcl Tsts mm ■(■1 Being all of wrought Iron, and admitted to be the best in use ; and would state that they obtained THREE PRIZES FOR AGRICUITURAL IMPIEMENTS at the late Provincial Exhibition in London. All orders executed punctually, combined with least remu- nerative prices. Ml UMIHhBI '^hI ''»»! Wsk '<* wSk • t»,-iHl 4 #■ . j.,j^M r^^MH m '»J«sfg., 08 i;»„; TACKABURY BROS.' PLUMMER & FACET'S WAGON AND SLEIGH ^V^WW§R&P4^^j^ lg.^i;.:i|.v!'ir' "I I" ' VACiONrACTOHY . . ^^^_ m the country will do well to call at PLUMMER & i ACEY'S Factory on Ridout Street, near Jackson's and Leonard's Foundries, where they can purchase Wagons, Sleighs &c on reasonable terms. & > ^^^ - _L! - 1 •II I II AMP I 1% Hiijf of 11)6 auuve aniGies win De sold liHtAF tor CilSiJ. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BROOM MANUFACTORY aif@. ®&K&iS MANUFACTURER Ot DUNDA8-ST., LONDON. m^P0, .^ t Orders for Brooms, Brushes, Pails, &c., solicited, and filled with punctuality and despatch. A. G. SMYTH §nmmtt gtgewt &t, fe, DUNDAS-ST., LONDON. C. W. 0. SUMMERS J. J. & J. 8PETTIGUE, Importers and Dealeis in Dry Good$, Grocerita, Crockery, ^c, ^c, DUNDAS-ST., LONDON, O.W. And Liquor Merchant, DUNDAS-ST., LONDON, O.W. THOMAS SCATCHERD M. P. P. BARRISTER, AC, RIDOUT-ST., LONDON, O.W. SMITH, CHAPMAN & CO. Importers and Dealers in. Bntish, American, and German Hardware, H^holesale and Retail, DUNDAS-ST., LONDON, 0. W. %r Bm AdT., !>•(# 87, PHILO SOPER RIFLE MANUFACTURER To H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Dundaa St., 2 doors West of Strong's Hotel, Londm, C. W. ^" See Adv't page 61. A. A. TOWNS BEALEH IN FLOUH, Qraln, &c., MABKBT LANK. LONDON, C.W. GEORGE TRIMBLE - - - -^ — .- I -» aaas t,^ ; - j^^ g— j LONDON, C. W. '* Block, Dundas-St., London, C.W. — ^-6-— Ooilarg, when made to order by JOHN ROSS, are found to be superior to any manufactured in thia o'«y. BUSINESS. DIRECTORY. m f r dxm M^^fv to Itse tf.ji o W^ ^^mi^iU^ntSH NCE OF ZDTTUID.^S-ST'-, XaOUZDOU- i»--»- ALWAYS ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF MmW flnii |mg& HiflfK nut' f tins, IMPORTED, AND OF HIS OWN MANUFACTURE. i CONSTANTLY ON HAND. REA^OLVERS, RODGERS' SPORTING KNI V ES, POWDER & BRANDY FLASKS, FOILS AND masks; . : -T.r;^ |,..u,:,-, DIXON'S SPORTING GOODS IN GREAT Vi RIETY, &c., &c. : 4- 1^ *!'* « # "^"^^ mb!4 OMdfd Promptly to, AND ■BX'P A TDTXT/-1 Twrv kTTn » -k ??D ) i. ;• aiiaifii lifiiiSiifs >i« €2 im I ip» E'il iKl Nil' t ■nil, Hit II ^ I I I I TACKABURY BR08.» C. SOUTHCOTT'S TAILOaiNU & GENERAL €LOTHIN€ ESTABLISHMENT ON RICHMOND STREET, Near the Tecumseh House. -=^3O0c:^=^ C. S. is prepared to receive orders, and engages to give entire satisfaction. He is likewise prepared to make all kinds of Gentlemen's Own Material made up. GARMENTS CUT » »' «'»» > * » »» " < ^ w^«>#»» »« i* « < iwm «ii M»«ww» i^niii (SH/ai^©! ©[D^g^^TI BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 68 Jr* €*• 333ESC3-<3- Js constantly receiving- additions to h IS winch LOW comprises the newest patterns of Fine Gold Guards, Albert Chains, CbatUines, Sleeve Links, Stud*-. Scurf Pins and Earrings, SUPEBIiR EliillSII imKElB SHIELD AND LOCKET RINGS. GOLD & CORAL NECKLACES ^\)urmng Brooches and Ring-s, New desij^ns in Jet Bracelets Brooches, & Necklaces, Silver Guards & Albert Chains btrong Silver Shawl Piu.s, a few paiis genuine M &Mmi'' ^cQ> ^- An(] i\ large assortment of common do. FINE GOLD WEDDING RINGS, &C. AN ASSORT^IENT OF OONSISTING OF- \Z^ltXir ^'"^P^«<" P"^^' C^^^- ^''^^'^ Hnd Sugar Baskets, Salt and Mustard Pots, Vases, Spoons, ^ t orks and Butter Knives. have used them, may be seen by calling at the store of the Subscr ber, when these Watches can alw^^^s be obtained. Clocks "t very low prices. '^iwcks ai T_. ii liispecuon is itespecttiiUy Solicited. J G. BEGG. ' jij f? )«N»J goods; Fine Otirlad Hajr, Knobs. opuna;s, Hair Cloth and everything required by the Cabinet Maker and Up- holsterei-; Cane or the Chair Seater. Windov G]bsb all sizes, White Paints ^^!:t' iT^^^ ^'^ ^'' '^^^' ^^^r&c. Carpet Sweepers, HoreMs ' ^^^' '■'''^^ Smoothing Irons. Cut, Clinch and BEEEA & LAKE flUEON GRINDSTONES. AGHIOUi:.TURAL IMPLEMENTS. LONDON, C. W. Dimaas Strtef, Fioutk side, ' ' -i East qf the Market Enfrance. . , . ; i , , AltKEN WHKIE ManufaChirer of And Edge Tools, " Sec Adv., pngetk>. j^r^w-i^iy^^^r ^} ^DniU ■pT':,j;klng Htreet, I-oniJon, C. W. I'-T— Vi — .M I I .I . ■ i'' I , .ti— _■ ,- -TTT-f* W. & J. TREBILCOCK BUTCHERS :.iit; Htall No. 13, CoventGiirtlen rjafket — ? London, Ca ■" t^ir^M Wad? BLACKSMITH, ^ Kidout Street, London, C. W. EQBEaT WBDSON, ~^ PROPRIEXOE OF lUE . nada W^st. I Ill I i Ilu :^ llW. t . III! •111, ill! 'Ili TiiCKLABTTRT BfROS. MY WOLKO 0£»LBBBATEB ARE MANUFACTURED AT THE OLD STAND, E3IlDOT3-rp S'a?^SiE3'=2?, X-OUIDO:^. nPHE SUBSCRIBER would state that he has no nfeed to s^v O- anything to recommend him to public patronage, for all the farmers m the adjoining counties know hi^, aythey can well bTattd1mi?h"r;fr '" r-r""''- • ^-^^^---e^^orZ z X Dratecl bmith and Evans, he has continued to sustain their merited the best improved machinery, he can produce the original quality axe for twenty-five per cent, less than before. H^ *l|, mi^aU other kinds of edge-tools, suoii as PUMP (^ttaym\ (^Rxpnim' mA§mi^u^ %$»h Bitts and Knives for Machinery, Pteajg 1^11 tMm and Straw Cutter Knives msde U p^ni. ' ^,:E(PjlIIlIJ , ■ i i ;i .. !!/ • D. T. WARE Dealer in Setoinp; Machines, Watches, Clocks,' J (weir u, Fancy Goods, ^c, Wholesale and Relitil, DUNDAS-ST., LONION, 0. W. See Adv. paj;e 72. ioBEET WABDEIL Accountant, Conveyiancer, and Fire and Life Insurance and General Agent. ' ' :'ddrner of Dulidae & TilbotSta., 1^*"^ LONDON, C ANAI) A , WEST. WILLIAM warren; \n 0f % BL WATERMAN Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Ready Made Clothing. ' ' Commercial Blopk, Cor. of Market Li^ne, Dundas-St., London, C.W. Dr, WOODRUFF Givet attention to the Eye and Ear, Office on 01arencaSt.C>' V^ rr, ,..■ See adv., page TO. Comer of Dundas & Wellington Streets, LONDON, C.W. GEaBCfE WATSON m y 1 L D E R . C0BKB,9 OP DUNDAS AND TALSOT tlt^ LONDON, C.W. ■ See adv. on page 74. F. WE8JXAKE Wholesale & Retail LONDON, C.W. JOAlJ'WiLSOl^ BARftll¥iR, (3L G^, \ BIDOUT^T„ LONDON, G. W. BUSINESS DIREOTOfiY. ,^1 ^JJtMRCyj s ^ ' ^- %l -yrr- tf'ff''^'ffr,W WE3J.EYAN METI^O£|iaT. , ,> , ' ilev. G^. Wndera<5nV ' ', ' J i V .«? l/« U*^ "^?^ Kev W.C.Henae«K>u ,,:.:: * ' f^^^- ' xyyty. . , , A)llll»ta7lt. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. ;' / " R.V. J. W. M.rfh s^^^ „j ^ ^^^^^ _j^^^ ROMAJ^ catholic/ ^ I ' Rev. L. Musart. CANADA PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. John 8oott, i ^i' '_ ,, Rev. J. pJoudfoot. R«^- J. Mci. ven. .■ ' ' ' ' ' ^ METHODIST NEW CONNEXION. R«v. Jm. Scott. I p T Q, , ^l.ttiBundas-St, London, C.W. ^" See adv. page 74. E, YEALLAND .9UN©AS-a¥4M)IS^{f. BUSINESS DIREOTORY. 18 mm vmm facttobt. §^) O-A^ISTADA. AV^EST. '«<«»<'»«^«>»W^»W<>^>^i^> ^ #»»^»»»%|i^|>>H»^^» ^ mmmM^ emwmm •X o, MANUFACTURER OP PUfiiT iEiT FELLiES -'^ SHAFTB, POLES, BOWS, «•* n LIST OF ARTICLES: Large Pleasure Sleighs, ^ Light Two Horse or Poney Sleighs, Gutters, JEI|gl^ Front, Low Front, Eagle Head, f^^uttei Bront, Square Bbx, and Squai^ Box, Bent Felloes, 2 in. deep, 1|, 1|, H If, U, 1|, gu.lkyFeUoe», ail sizes, Top Bows by bundles or single sett. Shafts, g^^nt Heel, and Bent Heel and Fropt, C(^ord B^gy Shafts, an4 Bent Bars, Shafts, Stra^trt, torfitiggies or Wagons, Sulky Shafts, and Gig Shafts, Carriage and Buggy Poles and Pole Bars, Buggy Arms, Waggon Arms and Seat Backs, • Bent fUmnBra fiw Two Horse Sleighs, One Horse Sleiahs, Cutters, Heavy Bobs and Light Bobs-. Hubbs for Wagons, Busies tod Sulkies, Spindlei for buggies, Light Wagons and Lux^jber Wpgaof. *■ n r.w u TACKABURY BROS.' Ilu >' mill ■k.,i, it , lit ) I Nil I 'r: I! lis- H' tr ^ < i S ■^ -I .4 I P Ji)^lJ^'*(£='■a-SPv^4/»Q«Ms• f>^'>::>r:A2r:F^v^; •S.#**--:^* '^j> i a| eT. WILLIAMS, i^X|;f LICENTIATE APOTHECARY WIJOLaSALE AND BBTAO, OBAXKR IN f vugs, f |c-f tttifs, latent |gicjlm«e$, COMBS, BRUSHES, &o. 79, DundasJSt, . London, CW. THOMAS WHITEHEAD DEALER IN SEASONABLE & FASHIONABLE OOODS Comparison as to Quality, Styles and prices Invited. DUNDAS-STli F - - LONDON, CW. »*■, .^i^-llJV BUSINESS DlfeBCTORY. n ,ARPIXIPNAL LONDON CARPS HI ^^ TOO LATE FOR CLASSIPICATION. H. C. E. BECHER. |_ A \A/ Y E R , LONDON, O.W.. JOHN BROWN, CITY aV LONDON, C.W. " C.W. CONNOR, f .f ,§ J € miitt| Cttjine^r V , LONDON, G.W. i H^ D. EOMFASS, iffN^^-ST. SALOON. LONDON, O. W. ■f'.-fUurr T. D. LEDYARD, BARRISTER^ Attorney-at-La\v, Solicitor in Cliancery, ConveyBncer, &c., LONDON, , ,. 0. W. JOHNPRIITGLE, Sasb, Door and Blind t'actory NORTH-ST., LONDON, C.W. See Adv. on page 60. •rr D. C. MACDONALD, Notary PnWic and Conveyancer, Office!— Rielunoiid-St., 0pp. City Hail, LONDON, C.W. TACKABURYBROS., MAP PUBLISHERS LONDON, C.W. VICIINTITY OF LOlsrnDON. James Barclay, POND JUTIAa CORIVBR, IBT CONCESSION OF WESTMINSTER, M JKUdlenae Co.^ C. IT*. Eio^iard Berry, . ^OPRIKTOR OF TOIMM^TSE TOT] AIex.BQgg, WAGON MAKER WKLZilNOTON ROAD, OffH Con., WaiTicmn», MnoBuiMx Co. Wm. Cameron,*' ' BLACKSMITH POND MILL OOBHEK, ' ^na Con, We§tmtnat*r Co, JtHdtUt»ex C W. Charles Coombs,, PBOPRIBTOK OP Co. MlDDDUSKX. C. W. William Christiaii, Westmiastvf^ (Jo. Middlesex, C. W. 1 6 „4.i f ill 'if ' (MM I 'nl •■■■ I!' ti I i IIlT i 'k ... l) I f 'III- 1 1 III i H "^^sT^ammmmBm mi^AGE, &c. George A. Frank BEALM m LIME 1st Con., Lot 29, Wesxmijjwbh, CO. MIDDL ESEX, C. W. mm miJ^^ Westmin^tbs, Go. Middjuksex, O.W, JOHKB. WELIS, BLACK si^tTH Byron Village, C. W. ^UNO, LEES & GEIFFITH, aJanufacturatB of "' mmm. timm, &„ Byron Village, C.W, CHARLETsfBliY, Manufact^^Q^»^of EARTHESrWAfiE Conce(wlon B, Lot U, ' ' LOjypojy, CAJVAD A WEST JQHK ftfkUAiEB WSSf pR^TW IWIL I HYDE PARK COMER P. 0., . _ mjr London Township, C. W. w. D. od;ell, P^ftPjr^etor of Wellington Boad, "Westminster. HARIA SCOTT, Proprietress of Westipinstyr, C.W. JAS. WEieHT, BLAQKSMITH, Westminster, C.W. BLACKSMITH, Wellington Road. J. & 0. HEAI^P, Manofacturera of WAGONS, SLEIGHS, m,, LAMBETH, CANADA WEST. F. M. B. McBA|N, PBOPKntT'>R OP THK JUNCTION H'J'S Strathroy, CW. WM. B. LAIBDt ATTORNEY Strathroy, C.W. W. C. SMITH, sm:['::']:['s ::[ote"'. Strathroy, C.W. JOHN LEHPESLET, JB., Strathroy, C.W. E. fi. SMITH, ' "^ Strathroy, G.W. D. C. McINTYBB, M.D„ AT WM. BETt'S RAn.ROAD HOTEL Strathroy, C.W. jas. a. soxmebyille, ieacher; Strathroy, Canada West. JOHN MANNING, Strathroy, C.W. JvB. WINSLOW, ftleii d t|£ iibiBioii Court STRATHROY, C. W. JOHN NIXON, JEWELLER Strathroy, C.W. BEEF & CAMPBELL, SADDLERS, Strathroy, C.W. ""aTexandeb bobbs, strathroy, C.W. GEO. BIOHABDSON, TOWN CLERK Strathroy, C.W. J, WILSON, BailiflT, Townsliip of Metcalie, STRATHROY. C. W. YevT ALEX. rF ALLS, «wci m makm ADELAIDE. BOBEBT T. OALZ:, GENERAL MERCHAN.T, ADELAIDE. WILLIAM MAGLINE, GENERAL MERCHANT, ADELAIDE. NEWBTTRY, DELAWARE. *c. 19" CJIIVIN PARKEE, BLACKSMITH ADELAIDE. BOBERT ADAIB. BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTURER, NEWBURY. JOHN BAKEB, BUTCHER NEWBURY. GENERAL MERCHAI^I^il NEWBURY. TH0II48 STOBYr NEWBURY. ALEX. CAMPBELL HOTEL KEEPER, NEWBURY. A. GBAWFOBI>k E A Q H E NEWBURY. R B. C. FLETCHEE. :f* otj u xd :r -^' NEWBURY. WILLIAM HAYWOOD, rmwMt NEWBURY. GENERAL M^R^HANT, DELAWARE. GEOEGE^GODFEEY^ LAN D AGENT _ HELAWARJ^* cTsThaJleis; WESTERN H0TE;J^;^ DELAWARE. WILLIAM; LTOiragTONET" Agent of the DELAWARE. CALVIN G. LASS, P.M., AND GENERAL MERCHANT, DELAW ARE. GEOIUJE, S.^S9»EEa GENERAL MERCHANT, DELAWARE s. mTtowle, ~ MERCHANT Melbourne, Delaware. HENRY EDWASDS,^^ NEWBURY. i i^03(,^ JOHN OMAEA, R-l — S-^ NEWBURY, C. W. T. ROBINSON, P.M. GENERAL MERCHANT, NEWBURY. H. B. STEWART, J;' ' II* f , ,;i 80 KOMOKA. MT. BRYDGES. Ac 3115 'iiiit llMl! i I Hill '!t». II » iir 1 .11, lit''!' S. dAAHAK, MEWSeOTUNtfllM LOBO. JOHH McDOlTOAL, KOMOKA. JAMES MoCADE, FARMERS' INN, KOMOKA. D. KAYBE, KOMOKA, C.W. JOHK ROLSTON, CARRIAeE MANUFACTURER MELROSE. D. STEELE, PUMP MANUFACTURER MELROSE. S. J. LAIfCAgTER, GENERAL MERrjHANT, MELROSE. JOSEPH BULGER; ■ BObT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY, MT. BRYDGES. EDWARD HABDT, J. P. MT. BRYDGES. AlTDBSfW KELIOCS, KELLOGK'S HOTEL MT. BRYDGES. MARYIir iOTOBTTM, D I S T I L- L- E Fli MT. BRYDGES. jTlOHDOIf , ~ DEALER m VILLAGE LOTS, MT. BRYDGES. H.R. AtlCHiJR, Wholesale & Retail, W A. R D S V I L L E . ROBERTCALBEEWdOD, MAiHEis mmtk WARDSVILLE. ADAlt f'GKtMtt, Carriage & Wagon Manafiictory WARDSVILLE. JOHN DOBIE, ' HOTEL KEEPER*^ WARDSVILLE. D. HENDERSON, M. D. WARDSVILLE. W. C. JONES, M. D. WARDSVII-LE. JAMES JESDA ir, BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTORY, WARDSVILLE. H.R. PARIS, M F: R C H A N "T WARDSVILLE. Ii«l WARD8VILLE A 8ARNIA. M A. W. BAIB, A I L O R WARDSVILLE. J. C. WARD, M E ROHAN WARDSVILLE. A. D. WARD, WARD'S HOTEL WARDSVILLE. RICHARD ABRAHaIi! Manufacturer of Candles, Soaps and Potash. CHRI8TINA-ST., 8ARNIA. ANDREW Alexander" HOTEL KEEPER, SARNIA. I Chase and Armour, GPJNERAL MERCHANTS _ SARNIA. w clash; FOUNDRY, __ SARNIA. R. S. CHALMERS. SARNIA. JOHN C. BALSTER, WATCH MAKER, JEWELLER, &c. • ^7f^^ description of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry carefully repaired and warranted. PRONT-ST., SARNIA. WM. D. CLARkT GENERAL MERCHANT, SARNIA. JOHN CRAWFORD, GENERAL MERCHANT, SARNIA. E. H. BTTRKE, M. D., XD I^ TJ C3-C3- IS ^ , SARNIA. JAMES DRAKE. TAILO R, SARNIA. R. R. ELLIOTT, SARNIA. Rev.R.G.Baird, SARNIA. F. BUkkie, FOUNDRY SARNIA. Bamsburg and W. Dennott. GENERAL MERCHANTS SARNIA. JOHN W. EARL, Wx^ ®oob0 anb (Bvaux'm, ___ SARNIA. jTr^w^os; GENERAL MERCHANT, SARNIA. WILLIAM ESDEN, Point Edwards, SARNIA, and G.T R. 8t..MARY'S, Perth C.W ' 1! I'l m I 8« SARNIA. ■'Ill ' It Ml tl JAM£SFLENLOFT. KKSTBEME-HARNIA. THOMAS FOESYTH, CLERK OF THE (DURT, SARNIA. WttFARR, WAGON MANUFACTURER SARNIA. JAMES FOULD. Btkerj anTEIl, EXMOUTH STREET, SARNIA. All kinds of Stock In the Trade constantly on hand at the lowest prices, jW- CASH PAID FOR HIDES. -*« GEOBGE~SHABF BLA.CKSMITH FLORENCE, LAMBTON CO. JOSEPH SHEPLEY BOOT & SHOE MAKEF Florence, Euphemia, Jjambton Co. NELSON BOWEN WAGON, CARRIAGE & SLEIGH MAKER, MO ORETOWN. MEITCHELL BAYO BOOT & HARNESS SHOP, MOORETOWN. CHABLES BUBWELL BUILDER & JOINER MOORETOWN. PETEB BEATON MOORETPWN. MOORE YN, V. VR\^ "OK, &o. 85 J. ft w. L. bahy Groceries, Cro. AI.8O1-HCOB MOOK •irdwiui » AND COAIi. »vV'N. Alex, Cmmingha. ^ John Mc&ae. Ml LLER 3, «??fnH VHTi •"! on Liberal , rig. Every MOORETOWN. JOHHl^fHEEIN^HAl CARRIAGE, WAGON AND SLEIGH BUILDER MOORETOWN. JOHN M0ERIS80N ^flGBCHANT TAILOR, MOORETOWN. 0. A. MoDONAID CARPENTER & BUILDER _____^ MOORETOWN. A. & J. McKELVEY §mlm in Jrjf ^mfy Groceries, Hardware, Farm Produce, Cord Wood, &c., &c., FISHER'S CORNERS, MOORETOWN. ALEXANDERMcKELVRESS LUMBERMAN __^^^ MOORE "^ A. cTpousette m.d. OFFICE, MOORETOWN. H. J. HASH M.D. f^onceiolon 8, Lot 11, near WA R WIC K JJ£LAGE^aw. ^^"^ ~ii BROWN Not« Piihiic & Conveyancer, WATFORD. P. D. lEE I N N K E EIPER WATFORD. ROBERT MoIAY MSHOHANT, Dealer in Dry Good,, Gro< , ,ie,, ^c. WATPOR E. J. EDWARDS M. D. WARWICK. WILLIAM FINLEY WARWICK. JBk. MJdMJdMT MiiMM, JAMES MERRY MBBCHANT, Dealer in Dry Goods, Grocerie,, ^c, P. 0., WATFORD. ^^^IJ^ilAiTsTEWART J. pT MKRCHANT, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, ^c., WARWICK & WATFORD. •SSUER^OFMARRIAGE LICENCES. K. WILTSHIRE ~ INN KEEPER WATFORD. ^TaTatkinson MKBCHANT, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, dc, WIDDER STAT ION. JAMES BURDICZ ~ GENERAL BLACKSMITH Wagon Builder, Plonghe, &c., BIDDER, BOSANQUET. U. W. CHESTER BUILDER AND JOINER, Widder, Bosanquet, m ;il IliXIlt *'•>, o^Z-^A^^^ # IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) i.O I.I S '^ 111 o Ifi 112.0 L25 mil 1.4 1.8 1.6 nioiograpnic Sciences Corporation m ^ 1 V :\ \ m % 'i'%^ ^M ^^%> 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 % ^% Pl^ /5i,P ''III III!!. I 111! i 'llie., 'MM: 'iMiii P i; ;. l)l«ll 'ILK ■•'•■llFl ,llrtl|,l 1 s ■■ I 1 86. WIDDKEi WANSTE AD, ' ' Oak mavei, fc.,' QOLDEH.iGBMEii,, P. 0., C. W. Wliki^AM CAB80N, r' ,i;rodebjck finlayson^ .ia SAHFEj;. HTTNGEBPOBS, Dealer in ' WANSTEAP. INNKEEPER WANSTEAD. JfHUWALLACBi boot & SHOE MAKER WANSTEAD. GEOBGE BBOWN & SON, ■; / ./ Dealew In Wyoming. HENBY~KEMP, ^ : A ;■. ,. ,,WYOM|NG JAMES BEES, INN,, f^HEPER Sarnia & London Road, near WYoktNa. BOBEBT WOODS, CARPENTER & BUILDER WYOMING. JAMES boot:^, Jj)uuiaki)l«a.Uii Works. ENNI8KlUEN.S0MBRA,drc. % Pe ttoTih, Enniskillen. HOTEL KEEPER, Enniskillen Oil Works. HITGHM. lioirONELL, SOMBRA. WM. haHison; OW WORKS AGEJ^OY. ^ VM.F. SMITHS De,lerin all kiads of hard wood, ttmier SMITH'S MILLS ___PETBOtlA^NinsKILLEN. _____ENNI8KILLEN GE(m«j£?A,irrIsox, VICTORIA IRON WORKS ^»°"f*cturer of Portable Steam Engin?- for oil works, and all kinds of Iron wirk, VICTORIA . ENNISKILLEN. ^IMIAM WlESoiT -BLACKSMITH . And Wagon-Maker. ' ENNISKILL EN^ C. w. JAiES^CTclARK; ME RC H A N T Bealer in Groce/ieB, Dry Goods, Hardware, stc, SOMBRA, C. W. WILIIAM^IMilLr - .Commissioner In Q,|ien'i, Bench for Connty of Lambton, ' WlLI ggpOBT, SOMBRA. MISS M. J. McmWELL, MILLINER&DRE8S MAKER 6 CuWt ToflrNSHiP 80MBHA. THOIirAS Ttr&MULL, 6LXekfeK/irtH; WILKESPORT, SOMBRA. <^feafe(SristaiitiBato gills WILKESPOR T, SOMBRA. S. WHiTElf, eW tod InoIiJtf Wi, SOMBRA. fj- r j7 ,■ OA^ES & aoLtAND, ■ ■ i ' '■■ ' ~ t ; J- ■■ t Mannfacturerg aiid dealerB-in Lumber knd Lath TWO §TEAM MILLS, St. Clair, Michigan. D. E. SOLES, PROPRIETOR OF CITY HOTEL t « ft ^*' ^1*''"' -'Michigan. Biggige conveyed to and from the boats free of _______ . charge. ^BttNlTDODDS; WHEAT AND LUMBER MERCHANT Forest ,St}itioD, ;C.W. musTt. Edgar; RAILWAY HOTEL ' -• A ^'^;;^°PP°!?*^TjR-,pepot, Forest Station LAlDgliir ]ltSAtSEN,~ DEALER m LUMBE'^, A number oflots for sale, Fofest Station Village, C/W. "^ PHiiip sMiriT INN' KEEPEE, Forest \Si4«k)n. full; I I'll till h ... lil!!; Ill up . llM' ■!!l*i "l!«'«:| W 88 ARKONA, CORRUNNA, '■•■/{ f/ LEAMINGTON. THOS. POX, p^lEy^fe . ^' 'irOINER, TowngJiipofMe rHea. Lot 283. Talbot Roak. 'JOHK HOJE, Dealer in Dry Goods, GrBcerflis, Hardware, Boots and Slioes, &c., Towr.ship of Mersea, 0. W, PATRICK HART, HARITESS MAKER . Ringstille. C. W. HfiipiY HARRIS, Iron Founder itnd Mannfatturer of Patent Force Pnmps. Ringisville, Canada West ^X>ltrNGER,T Proprietor of Leamington Nursery. All Fruit Trees warranted genuine. Leamington, Canada West GEOiftGD MALOTT, TAVERN KEEPER, KINGS VILLE. P ARCHIBALD ItcIlrrtRE," ; TAVERN KEEPER, , WILLIAM McQREGOR; LIVERY STABLE, . ApjERSTBURG., E|IANCIS W PULFORD. Carriage & Wagon Maker, KINGSVILLE. HEKRY RBACHBlfBACK Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard- 7, ware, Boots, Shoes, &c., TILBURY WFifif Q -m- AMHERSTBl!ft»,!eft^A1'HAM, &c. 9t(> Mfli^ AND BA'KEBi,' AMHERSTBTTRG. ' JOm SIHOKB, E ing8ville.'i * JOHKOTSPA^S BOOT & SHOE MAKER, Main Stree t, Kingsville. HAfiTUf S^JtTIAX Dea^rin^PryGoods, Grocepies, Hard- wire; Boots> Shoes dkci, " J^^ tJJfi. • Leaminj^on, C. W. Boot & SHOE MAKEB, Leamington. Williaiiu ft Sasf^itoa, BOOT & SHOE MAKERS Amherstburg, C. W, Dealer in DBY QOODS. Groceries, HiMWare, Patent Medicine*. Boot* and ' Shoes, Clothing, &'c. THAMES'TILLE. I •^'B^'aAfclf.l/llAe. SASH& DOOR FACTORY' i Sixth-Streeti Chatham. THOMAS MoCOLLUil. Dealer in Dry QooJs, Groceries. Froyiffl6ns, i^ocke ry, ifeij/.J* ! MORPETH. richaSTl. haShT"" DealerJn Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard. ware, Crockery, &o., ' M >^{ RIDGETOWN. JACOB SMITH, ' ■'■"■ 'Hi, D,, ;./ Ridgetown>> . rH A.iJ. C. SHAW,* Dealerin Dry Qood8, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Patent Medicines, lc. ^* THAMES\^LLE. Dealer JOHH vssmis, *JM ^ I>SY GOODS, GROCERIES, Hard- > waife, fe|te»t fiedldnes, BdotMn^ ; Shoes, Clothing, Ac. THAliCBSVILLE. BSEABI. Importer, Dealer and Manufacturer of Mui-ble & Slate Tombstones KING-ST., CHATHlM. King-St., Chatham. c. toner; ~ ~~ ' ■ M. D., . ,c3 Blenheim, Can ada West. georW winterT Dfealcr i,^ Hata, Caps, Furs and Pur- nishmg Goods. JH"BiOKETT GENERAL MERCHANTI^ Goderidh. E S SBRBTS Proprietor of Otutham. ROBERT COOPER Judge of Huron and Brucei > Goderich. THOMSSSioiroiAN ~ Goderichi CHRISTOPHKR^SABi ~ Genera.1 PnraTa<./)<,.. j « _ Goderich, Uft^^ii Wwt, /!» 93 GDDERIOH. i H II nil lllll IH«. N< ' Ml* ! I 1 1I4( 8AMTJBL DUTTOH. British Exchange Hotel, Goderich, C. W. John V. Beilorift Bon, GENERAL MERCHANTS Goderich, C.W. HENRY ELVE. BOOT & SHOE MAKER, Goderich, 0. W. John Oalt, Begistrar op Huron Co. Goderich. H. K. Qriffin & Co.. GENERAL MERCHANTS Goderich. J. B. Gordon. BARRISTER, Goderich. BOBEBT GIBBONS COUNTY WARDEN Goderich. A. Horton, HARNESS MAKER Goderich. 0. M. James. GENERAL MERCHANT, Goderich. Francis Jordan, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Goderich. HnghJdmston. DftDutv Clerk of the Crown. Godsrioh. GEjIfpAL , M^CJ^AJ^Tf, Goderichi.!! Mfi^Goaiddiir BarristerB &o., > Goderich. James laniii^^ii 01 OlERSC op the PEAfcEi< )t\ Goderich* Jbhn LongfirorUk'. v,' Civil Military Engineer, Goderich. J. ][fl|k)na}d.( And Sheriff, Goderich. Thomas McQueen. Goderich. P. A. MoSongall. IfUj).. Clerk of the Division Couri Goderich. GENERAL M B R G H AN T Godericii. h J. ft *#. ifoKsiy, GENERAL MBRU H; A N,T^/ Goderich. mmM wmmmt, Goderich-. AmoslEtttin. Carriaoe Maistufaoturbr^ .J Goderich^ ' I !i» . () •Ji M}\' GODERIOH. 08 Hmrj lieDMiidtt// BAJiBIST^B A ATTORNEY Goderich. Bqot^ Shoe Makufaoturbb i Goderich. . STf i4Nli)IlEW'S GHUUCE, Goderich. BARRISTERS, A,0.;! Goderich. ^okn Stewart GENERAL MERCHANT, Goderich. Alex. Hamuth, MEI^iCjIEfl^NT TAJLOR, Godericli. Samuel Pollock. DEPUTY S&ilRIFP '' •' 'Goderich. ' Oeoiigi It PaiMM. GENERA! MERCHANT, ' ' ' • Goderich. ,' W.O. Smith. Leather and Finding StordJ Goderich. Wm C Seymonr itCo Forwarders and OommigBlon Merohante GOPERICH. Parker ft Cattle; " John Panmoiv, JE Manuf. Goderich] Carriage Manufacturer. A. a Aobettidili, rrgyincial Land Snrxeyor, 0. It Tmman, Auctioneer & Land Agent . Goderich. Vanavery ft Bnmball. Forwarders and Commission Merchanta ; " ' Goderich;-." ■"■" ."■'■"■"^■' TWeatherald, ^" Civil Engineer & Surveyor Goderich. J Wright. HUROW HOTEL, Goderich. i 9 Goderich. Samuel Btithyid. Bqp^,& Shoe Ma^ufactub er Goderich. B. BpDwaii ft Co., Goderich. Charles Wells, UIMIpN HOTEL Goderich. ' :/ 3^.33 13 os: ..fiL :nr ^. Goderich. Alexander J. Beloh, Editor and Proprietor of the 8t Mar"'* *-»n. i'uuiUUed every TnurBday Morning,-""' Oate. ou W»t.r MvMt, at. ||«7*a. -If"! It'l^ "m |!B> ' Nut, / :■ 'X 1*: 111*'- (i '''^'' K ■ MQ ST. MARY'S 'i'SfTRATFORD. BevttiiiftlAwwMi^ Boot & Sho^ Munufactarers St. Mary'ft' ,T7/.fi'>'f^i£ .li ,i:'r7Mf> St. MaiyB .> La Cflelilbh.V B A. RRISTBTl St. Mary's. ~ WlTPordC; niW GoBV0yinter aod eeneral MerebBnt, St. Mary's! __ ■s '-M t - Ooodt>ow Mamtiftctnrer Of, and Dealer In' iiaddiJa; Har- nsBB, Trunks, Ac, &c., Queen Street, , St. Mary's. -4- James Jeffirey ir and Dealer lu General Ha Paints, OUb, CHasst Coal, &c., Importer and Dealer lu General Hardware, Queen St., ,....;., .„St. Mary's. Edward Long. St. Mary's. ———^—— ■ I I V ■ • ■ — James Hao&dden Attorn isy, Solicitor, arid* - Notary Public, Water St., , -„- ^ , St. Mary's. _— r.Ja Yl P--1T- - - 1__ John McLean . , , Surgical & Mechanical Dentist. ST. maby's. — — -^ — ..I Mcintosh ft ttotthson, St. Mary's. J Di McDonald, Land and General Agent ..'T»»-w 'Sts Mary's, W MitohaU A (kH"^ HAltD^ARF MBROHAKTSi St. Mary's. PiiovmwAL LikD StrkVu^oii ' St. Ma^y'6: C^^AR MAJ^t/^ACTlJRE^, St.' Mary's: F M Robinson, CIVIL BiirGirirEteR, St. ]M[ary'8. 7 WheUhan. MERCHANT^ GROCER, Ac, Water-at,, St. Mary'^. Jam9B Corcoran Wholesale k Retail Grocer, Ontario-St, gtratford, F W Corey Stratford. i "■ - -', . -I Thonuu Clash LAND AQIEKiT Stratford. SftFDutton iiii'si-ttcB^ Stratford: 9 ^t MDaJy^ Agent Bank of U. Canada; Stratford.' B#ai*e Stratford.' STJ^ATTORD. ^'%B W W Fortune ' MuniJnictnfer'of and n«»ri.r in Saddlen, Har- noM, TrimkB, WhIpH, &c. Ontario.S t^,,,^,^,.gtratfcfd. • C WFortor ' "^"^ Attorney & Notary Public, Stratford. . Fuller BrotowT T" (^Hardwarb Mbrcrantsj Ontario-St., " T* Stratford. S«eAdvt.page9fi. Mitchell. QaTM.^ do. GENERAL MERCHANTS ■ . ^ Stratfinrd. liomaa Miller '~ AUCT I O NE E R Stratford. n *.T- RtHiggard A T T O R N E Y Stratford. J D HamoB 'PRODUCE DEALER And CommlBslon Merchant, Stratford, q ^ rFAI?MERS' HOTE|, MARBLE WORKS Stratford. - — ri ■ , - - ^-/— ^.i,-, John Manhftll , GEAIN MERCHANT '^""'^'"'^'-fetMfoi^d. '■•!<-: Stratford. J-—.) John Hamilton TOWN OLERK Stratford. Izard & Bizby BOOKS & STATIONERY Stratford. , Lizarg & HoFarland ■^^R RISTERS *^ Stratford. QW Lawrence TTT" Solicitor, Attorney ^ JVotary Public, , • I y> ••; j STRATFORD. W. Mowat EDITOR of the STRATFORD REVIEW, W&KarahalJ M E R C M A N Stratford. ' Kev. E. PattersOT^ ,^ Stratford. Edward Paget ~~^ Wilmot Township. ., S L Roberts EDITOR of thf STRATFOftD EXAMIIIER Stratford. 'i'f'i I Hi W Smith ES Service COliisSM MERCHiNT Market S cfuare, Stratford. . ' Chaiies Smith Al^ent of thA Rank nfMnntm^^i rnmma nBi/fky^j stoItf^. ! i-t I, f Ml 'I ii ii >'IM I S .iW'"' 96 STRATFORD. HARDWARE, HARDWARE. FULLER BROTHERS, P-; SIGN OFTHB nQ^^mm Im^shs STRATFORD, CANADA WEST, Have always on hand a large stock of tLe best Scotch Iron, of Glasgow and Govan brands. Hoop, Band and Swedes Irrn; Cast, Spring, Blister and Sleigh bhoe Steel; Waggon and Carriage Axles, Carriage Spnngs, warranted ; genuine G and F Horse Nails, Files, Hasps, Ac; Anvils, Bellow8,Tices and Blacksmiths' Nelge and Hand Hammers, Hubs, Hickory Spoke and '.jent stuff; wrought Nuts and Washers, and malleable castings of all kinds fur Waggon and Carriage makers. CARRIAGE HARDWARE. Enamelled Leather and Cloths, Trimmings, Ac. Best Blacksmiths' Blossburgh Coal always on hand. CMFmimS' 4 eOOFEES' TOOLS, FLMSS, <&& Shoemakers' Lasts, Pegs, Findings and Kit Tools; Buildei-s' Hardware, Locks, Latches, (fee,, Wrought Butts, T and Strap Hinges; Cut, wrought and Pressed Nails; Pressed, Spoke, Coil, Trace and Halter Chain; Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hay and Straw Knives, I » j .-! 98 ST- THOMAS. [hi If I' <*i Hit. 11,4 1 1,1 ^1* :!P' ll 111' '■is* ROBEBT CARRIE St. Thomas. WILLIAM LIPSEY TANNER, ELQIN TANNERY St. Thomas. HENRY FRANCIS ELLIS BARRiSTEK. Attorney-at-Law, Solicltor-in-Chancery Not ary Public *c., St. Thomas. W. H. GIBBONS HA RNESS MAKER Talbot Street, Si. Thomas. F. B. GOINjfi St. Thomas. E. HORTON St. Thomas. i)R. ALEXANDER HAMILTON TALBOT STREET, St. Thomas, Canuda We^i HT^MiLTON Barrister &c., St. Thomas. "WUllAM HUTCHINSON^" Proprietor of HUTCHINSON'S HOUSE Talbot Street, St. Thomas. WILLIAM JACKSON AND UNUKHTAKBH, ^ Queen Street, St. Thomas. WILLIAM KKAINS Wholesale and retail dealer In Dry Goods- i Groceries, Hardware. Ac., """"** Talbot-St., St. Thomas. WILLIAM LOVE CABINET MAKER, UPUOLSTERER & UMUKRTAKER ' Talbot-St., St. Thomas. JOSEPH LAINO LAING HOTEL ^Talbot-St., St. Thomas. LINDOP & SONS, Genera! Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. TALB0T-8T., ST. THOMAS. JOSEPH LUKE Dealer in Leather and Shoe-findings. Talbot-St., St. Thomas, A MoLACHLAN Bookseller and Stationer, and Publislier of "THE HOME JOURNAL,' St. Thomas. JOHN McLEAN & CO. Wholesale and retail dealers in Dry Goods, Gioceries and Hardware, Talbot-St., St. Thomas. jTmcadam G F^ O C E R Talbot-St., St. Thomas. GEORGE W. MORGAN, BOOTMAKER Talbot Street, St. Thomas. JOHN McCALL BOOT & SPIOE MAKER, St. Thomas. C. D. PAUL St. Thomas. ROE BROTHERS Gcnerfil Country Morchunti*. Imvorten* and Dealert, Wholesale and Retail, in Groceries and nardwafc. WarehiJUre fur the purchase of Grain and Produce. St. Thomas, C. VV. SPARTA, AYLMER, ll PnM:..l._ J . _ Ajlmer. ^AMETBUCHANAir General Dealer in Tin and r« JOHiTircioirF P-inted and Published at St. ThomaHrw k I ..^ " •"• *>*WUi J- A. EAKINS, pTff ' ~ <^'<'ncral Dealer in Dry Goods c.a ■' ^Parta, Pt, Burwell. ^OHir .Propi e:l.gin KIWSEY ►rietor HOTEL I ttWCfi e.^TgaitsoF J. p. AYLMER. ^Ia»5~ Spart) ®f weu» -A-yimtr. ti i ■'.%,--■ /IVf t I, illl'i .lift I i P' HI I mi ^ili• 100 RICHMOND, VIENNA, ry Goods, Groceries, ., , Crockery, &c., Aylmer. Ebv. J. G. Iiee» * ^ Ji "■ Aylmer. General Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard>vare, &o,, Aylmef. . CON V^ VAN O ER^ ComnilBsloner in IJ. E. & C., Aylmer. Andrew Murray. GENERAL DMLEfe IN DM GOODS, ' f ^ ; Groceries and Hardware, Aylmer, C- ^' T„T. Map. CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, Aylmer. Ajif on ?Tice Pronrletor of Printing Office, Dealer in Droge. Medicines, Paints &€., _ _ Aylmer, C.W. 09Q!Cg« Bicbardion. JlJiW CONNEXION MINISTSRi AyiiOMr. Peter Springrtead. Bailiff of the several Division Courts of the County of Elgin Aylmer, C. W. C. A. Smith. Pronrietor of the Royal Exchange and Express 'Ag«{nt, Daily Stages to all parts. Aylmer. SimoxL Terwilleger. pniBttr Of %S.i.C. in Canada, Luton, Malahide, AdolphuB Willia]n8,M,B., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Aylmer. ^ood ft Xirklimd, GENERAL MERCHANTS Aylmer. H. Wood. %xtmxtt 0f lalapj %am$\^ Aylmer. Charles Anlt. M.I)., Ilgsinan, Sarpn ^ %ttm\mx Richmond. George Laing, ler In Dry Goods, Gro ockery, and Patent M TalbolrSt., Richmond. General Dealer In Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard- ware, Crockery, and Patent Medicines, Walter Laing, Dry Goods, Groceries, and Hardware, Richmond. Thoioas Springald, Richmond, C. W. JTenie Andprioit, Viennm t7 lENNA & PORT BURWELL. 101 Ediflon & GiMo, GENERAL DEALERS Vienna. THOB. BDIBON. j^g. 0^,^,^ W. H. Eakins, MONEY LENDER Main Street, Vienna. Money to any a mount advanced on good security. S. C. Kanady LUMBER MERCHANT, Vienna. OeoigBTliornton^ BOOT & SHOE MAKER Vienna. Thomas Lnzton, Trunk Manufacturer, &c., Vienna, c. W. H. McConnell, ^F?fit*°' °^?^^ Canada Tub and Pail Factory. Kvery variety of Pails, Tubs, CheeBetub"/ Sapbuckets, &c., Vienna, c. W. H. Vogt, Watchmaker and Jeweller Front-St., Vienna. L. Biurwell, M.P.P„ POET BtTRWELli. Jehiel Mann, BARRfSTER&ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer &c. Vienna. John Bnrwell, CONVEYANCER,&c. P9rt fipmell. D. Comwell, ~~^ General Dealer in Dry Goods. Qrocprlps HArdware, Boots and Shoes Ac ,^'' Port BurweJl. Bobert ITiohol, BARRISTER, &c., V ienna. PattoD, Torr & Co., ~ cmeB, Paints, &c. AniP7monXamrt A^^ r. .. Marriage Licenses. Andrew Patton, A^^dTorr, Alfred Paltm. Suffel&Co.,^ ~ GENERAL MERCHANTS Front-St., Vienna. John A. Eakins, General Dealer inDryOpode, Qroceyies. Hardware Ac, ' Port Burwell. E.H. Gates. M.D., SURGEON, <» •■m IIHB 'llJt 102 PORT BKOOE it GALT J. W. Wrong. Anuwalewu. Fomarder and ComraiMion Merchant, ! Forw,ir<1er and Conmii8«Jon Merchanf. FT. liUR^A^KLL. PT. HlllJCE. W. & G. Youell, Klouraiid^rlHtMill. Ooiionii doalors In Dry i , Goods, Uioceriei, llardw^ni, &c., i Pt. Buiwell. Copenhagen Hotel, CHARLES KUNTZE, PROPRIKTOR, Township of MaJahido, near Pt. Bruce. Cteoi^ Sullivan, Miiuufiictiu'crol" RANNINcSi' MILLS. Port Bruce. GALT AND COUNl^Y OF WATBRLQO. J. B. ATWOOD, MANlIFi\C'niRER OF BARKELS AND 8TAVK8, Gait, C. W. HIBAM ANDEBSON, Proprietor of the GALT HOTEL & LIVERY Gait. JOHNBBOWN, BUTCHER AND DROVER Gait, WILLIAM BEBNHABD, Proprietor of the NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL Main St., Gait. BHiLING % STBICKLANT), Dealers In STOVES, PLOWS &c. ALSO, AUCTIONEERS, Gait , C. W. THOMAS BUCKLEY~& CoT" Importers of Groceries, Liquors & Provisions Gait. waltebibenn; BBYDON & WALKEB, iforemen for itttHroton, Gait. COMMERCIAL BANK, GALT, C.W. B. & J. CAETEE, Proprietors ALHAMBBA HOUSE Ainslie St., Gait. Gait. h BIC]ftAED BLAIN, V3 i MBS. COPE, GROCER, Main St., Gait. JAMES CBAIO, Painter, Glazier ^^ Paper Hanjsrer Gait C. A. DUEAND, i-.i-i-r\, «»u.- i Bar'riste Gait. r, Sz>G. Gait. OALT. 10^ H. H. DATE. - mmufmnm ni m,t Mm, Boot m""^' ^ Gait. 'I •^'^'^^^^^«e Manufac'turer WllilAMlliiiOTx, CARPENTER Oalt. FlEMMIKO~&^dBjNS0Nr~ Importers of ««^rnes a HI, ©rotertw, Gait. ' JAMEgG. PRAZEE, Telegraph A Express A^-ent. Gait. THOMAS FaAMET UNION HOTEL Gait. WliliAM feieeT""""" MY GOODS MERCHANT Gait. GOIWST MoCFIloCH & CO., -iL^i' __^.vf .CHAEIES HOIEBEOK, j^fain St., GaJt. JAMES KAY, «S iVi C l^ Main Street, Gait. R. S. STRONd&CO., Wholeimle & Retail DruKplstH, Gait. REV. J. SCHLISHTER, Professor of Oarllsle Seminary Blair, C. W. ~" thomasIeapam^ SURGEON Gait. "^M. M.lrOPPiNG, Teacher uf the JVormal School First Class, (MU C. W. TAYLOO GREEN^ MERCHANT TAILORS, Gait. CHARLES WALENTINE, BOOT ^ SHOE MAKER. Gait. EDWARD WftlTNEY, Brewer and Dealer In Hops, MALT &o.. Gait, C. W. n^ARNOCK & CO., Importers and General Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries ^•c., Gait, ' C. W. JAMES WARNOCK & CO., Importers of British, American & German Hardware Main Street, Gait. W. H. Y. & S. WILKINS, CLOTHIERS & OUTFITTERS Gait. ROBERT WALKER & SONS Sfn (H'Ntiita ^ dr.lnffKtttrt W^vflvsmftt Gait. OALT. PETEH^^^^O.;^EW HAMBURG, Ac soJoa HOBERT WAMEE * SOKS i CHWmAH FmcT^ rir ««frAi!*ifl«(i,f.«»r...i.„. ■ _ " "^ ' •■ "r^ ' r-" Gait. -«r - -•>- B LAC KSM ITH CI-OTIIIEItS&OUTFirrKRsL E R c hTm t St. Agatha. J JM ) M 1 f eioprietor of T^ I GALT HOTEL Gait. '!!); f; ' V l ^ -*- — H-, I W. WIIKIHS TAILOR & OUTFITTER ,■■, is Gait. PtibHeher of the ROMAN CATIlbllC PKIEST SAMTJEE MERKEE, A N N ^ R OEO»OE~0] MORIEY/^ „. And General PrintS^^^^^ UtP W TT IWSrrft ":.'' ' , A>^'^^' c. w, ^^^ HAMBURG HOTEL JACOB AMAOHEB iwMfk . Proprietor mimnii ^enUv ^om, ' • i Wilmot. , THEODORE BEIIITM, M. D., Peteraburg. JOHN ERNST, P M, Petei-sburg. Nev Hamburg. .^ , / yviimot. GEORGE Reynolds; Mltoriof the mm$ Paper, STEPHEN RAU ftiSONS, Hamburg. JOHN ERNST, JR., -^f — TANNER k CURRIER »^0»GE SITTHERIAND, Peteraburg. " "^ ' I^EAM IN BOOTS Am) SHOES u< >iv/ ^ ' New Hamburg, '' flij ,'l 1/ ,i(J. ERNST,^ T.l'^T ^'~"^'~lZrT'-^^~I]jr'r^ cg^^^W 04 ilttg^^ ^^ Petereburg. t. r Oi A R FPi E N T E R Nev^ Hamburg. '•i-ii, i' 4 ; I 1 ■fCilV/ 100 HAMILTON. mi ■|ii 1!;? net ■1|* '■1* M ■iiM; 1114 !ll« I ?, I ;' (' CANADA WEST FARMERS' MUTUAL & STOCK INSURANCE CO.. HAMILTDII, R.W. » 1^1 >» ^ lif^ ' THIS COMPANY IS And has been upwards of 10 Years in Operation. • 1 J*? ^usiness is entirely confined to Farm Property, ^olated Country Churches, School Houses, or Dwelling Houses It avoids all risks in Towns or Villages, taking nothing but strictly isolated property. ' Its rates are more reasonable than those of any other Deen but 1 per cent, equal to 83 cents per fl-num on the hundred dollars, nf *«nno^^ ^^^ ^°^'"^ ^^^ ^'^^ y^^^''^' c^ai"»s to the amount force, clleiff^nins^fif """"'^ "meeting, 7,676 policies in The available Cash Assets at the date of the la«;t ITS BOARD OF DIRECTION IS mmfmm iitim w ©r miiig whom tli-jrkJr+V""^'"-^ "v^««:utcu >viiu ihe raiue oi Farm Proiierty, and to whom their brother farmers may safely confide their interests. ^ HAMILTON. 107 CO.. OPINIONS OF THE PRFSS Md by the lamniig community. "^ ' FEOM^THE~TOMOT^£oBE: Country Mo^l^'SS"' fc'"„l"1r? "'■''""■"''y '" '-""""' B""'' '•>« '^'«-^« ^'^^ amount insured is promptl/ paid Th^ s 1'?^ T^"' ^"' '" ^««« '' ''^' ^« fJelajs which have frequent v to lil\ •.? T'^^ ^°»^''»''t ^o the vexatious <«mpani«9." ^ '"*'^ ^^ ^ submitted to in doing business with other "We!w?f f^^^ MONTREAL INSURANCE GAZETTE- mm, cattle and implemenC isolated nSJ'?''^^ ' «"^h as houses barns, ha^, Mutual Fire Insurance Company This (o.. ""^r^,' *^' °"'>- ««f^ ^^^'^^^^y ^or a '"jJ^^fPaymentatonceJnhand of a l«r ^ "^ **'^'' *^^ ^'«« precaution of wanted during the continuance of a three tl^ r^^^^" ^^ t^e cash likely to be Zfo- ""''■ "To' *i^^ ^«^ P''^ centege of Semimnt f P.'^^" '^^^^ ^^''^ system works othL?' 'V«/0, and the ready fetUeSTH?' *^''' -^'''•^' ^^« '^''g^ i"'^'-^'^^^ «f other good features are, the smal] n.^^f rT^ ^"* ^'^ '^^'"<^« "' hand. Among tlT'lf' *^ i-'^-g^'fi^'^^t sum Tf iss^.n /^ '°''''.'- '^' t«tal and small averagf than all, only 6*1 1 for four J^^^J S w "*"" ^'^^""^ Director'.s fees, and, better SrT'".l^^^^ • Ten doCs a year to rvof^-rr^^ "^^^ '^'^ ^^ ^^^e'"^ b; sound keep apon that track, and you wilffi„^/fi ^i'' litigation. Gentlemen, Directors I safe waters How uAlike the Mali tT "'^ ^.?'" ""^'^^ '-"""''"S or moored in number,) that figures in a Court o/^wTd^ ^J^f^^' ^^^'^ «"'j^' December ^'^^ Agent! and that upon a nalfrt n ^Ki?^^^"r^^"*' Repudiating the act of its energet.c Agents to judge from mtZh^nn f^^'' u ^^' ^^•"P^"^ «^PPears to seci re hy an agent during'thS year We ^p^S ^^^'^ hundred applications being obtained resulte for the future as from the p^t" '""'"'^ "'^^ ^^^^^ ^« ^««Pate as good Mutual nintg^rj^:?rf s:rr^^^^^^ .''^"p.f ^ ^'^^ ^^* (""'•'^^ «tt- losses as soon as thej occur. Th s s^stln T n-^""' ^^'" "^ "^^'^ *« P«^ 't« ii"8 sjstem the Dire-t...,^ always :r>t«nd to pursu*. r^Li"^-'^'^^ President. Hamiiton, C.W, w o ^^cr??^^^' ^^^^ President, R. S. STREET, Skc'v .1^ Tkeasurkr. mi 'lit; «l»l M If Hi V' i% ,1 1 h I'm-. ' 108 NEW IIAMBl'i;G.,PK.TERSIUT|jf,, HERPET.ER, Ac. JACOB WAGNER J*ropI-letyr iif the •' /. New llajnlmrg. NICHOLAS TAYLOR, Proprietor of the PKTERSBrRfi mUh IV'forNburo:. CHRISTIAN ZOEGER, GENI]RAT. MKIU^TTANT, Petersburg. Proprietor of THE BADEN HOTEL Baden. Jacob Seek, MILL AND FOUNDRY, Baden. Edward Conway, SHOEMAKER Hespeler, John S. Gmellin, IT A R N E S S Af A K E R Hespeler. Abraham Glick, HOTEL KEEPER, Hespeler. A. G. Howatt. STATION MASTER Hespeler. John Johnston. BL_ACKSMI TH Hespeler. William Knechtel, Hespeler. •^j John Switzer, C()iiimiMHl<>i| Wirchunt. l)«alor in Dry UikmIh. Ilttrdwai(\ PaiiilH, 011h,(}1iihh, I'lilty. Ac, llDd rinvlDiOuaofiUI kiutlH, Canfield, fi. A L. H. R. R. William IffcBain & Co., Hcsp«;ler. Chfistian Papst, BUILDER & FINISHER, I'loiirictor of Ifia ^ dHOBKin* BURNS MOTK I., Hes}>eler. George Rife, MERCH:A.ISrT Hespeler. John Zryd, TIN SMITH Hespeler. MARGARET SOMERYILLE. Haysville, Waterloo. WILLIAM TRUSLER, SAW MILL, Con. 2, Lot 148, Waterloo Co. GEORGE TRUSLER, SAW MILL, Con. 2, Lot 148, Waterloo Co. THOMAS HURST, Cfin-iage and Sleigh maniit'acturer. Proinip tor and mamifactnrer of Kerr'B Broad-cast Grain and Seed SOWKR in the Conntiei?or Waterloo. Oxford, Perth, Wellington, Gray, Kent, Bspux. Middlesex, Elgin, Lambton, Huron and Brncc. Bridobpobt, Watehloo Co. B. M. R. Tiy BniooB' Magic Rbltbi', and if yon are not satisfied after using the contents of one bottle, the purchaser may return );he bottle to 'the Agent,, who will in all aises refund the money. It will cure, Inflammation, TicDo- loureux, Neuralgia, Chollc, Sore Throat, Chil- blains, Cramp in the Btoraach,. Painter's Cholic, Pleurisy, Cramp. Chohtm Morbus, Pains in the Breast or Side, Lumbago, Cholera, Dysentery -•ind, in short, it 1= the Family Medleiuc. Sold by all Dealers in^ Medicines. Price 55 ccntF. ' kc. r. In Dry (tiKiclK. ■<, Putty, Ac, liudH, i. R. K. & Co.. It, WISHER, i HOTKL, ^NT I T H IVILLE, Waterloo. LER, erioo Co. .£R, ierloo Co, ^- irei-. Prqjirio- road-cast Grain igof Waterloo. , Kent, Kbpcx. ron and Bruce, o Co. and If yon arc intents of one I the bottle to !e9 refund the Jon, Tic Do- Throat. Chil- linter'sCholic. ', Paina in the -a. Dysentery, edleiue. es. VVATBRFiOO.'l JOlt WATiflRlXK) VlLLAGiSi W. H. G. KNOWLES, BOWMAN & KUMPF, I'lililif-iHTH anrtt'roprlcloroof i ■ Kxclia ngc Buildings, Wiiteiploo. DAVID BEATTIB, -Maiiiirncturerand wholoHulf Jt retail Dealer In BOOTS AND i$IiOES, Peilitcfltittyy. KdMse, ,WAt(>flo»,. t\W. Waterloo. JOHK MofiOUGA£i Importer and Dealer In att. tJ( "i^""""^ ""«' "eaier in WatorJoo., : , ,j, ^ j/ ,'''" JACOB BRICKEE & CO., . ' C. S. MAETIN, Saddle, Harness aud Trunk Maker, FOUNDERS, &o,, Waterloo. '^ H. W. BOWMAN & SONS,'" Dealers Id Waterloo. KlUK-St., North, WATBRLOO VILLAQE. D. H. MOYER & CO. WATERLOO MliLB. HENRY MUIR, Waterloo. A. MoNIDEH A.GRESMIAN, And Telegraph Operator^/^i ".. _ Waterloo. B. DEVITT^ ~~ (IBNERiaj MEBCHANT I "" fl 7 1 ■ ,. t- \^ Waterloo. p^®"* of^e Bank Of Montreal. E. & J. B. EBY, Lancast ir Mills, Waterloo Co. HENRY S. SCHJTEID^R GEIOER & S WARTS, Dealeivs in Dry Goods, Groceries, Liquors, &c., WATERLOO, C. W. ROBERT JAMESON, Wat«irJoos L^-__ ^^^^' ^ SHOEMAKER, R. TINIING, SEED MERCHANT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ' Water loo YiJJage. NOTICE. I^ ftu^. bom by au LZt MoSr""'" i"|. I fl Hi*!. 110 HAMrLTON. H lit h' I,:: 'II a HAMILTON OIL CO James St. Hamilton, C.'W. MANUFACTURERS OF THE BEST p. CARROLL, T. A. AMBRIDG-E, President, Sec. & Treasurer. CHEAP! NEATl RAPID I CHEAP FOWES PRIN^TIN^G ROOMS South West Comer of King & James Streets^ Hamilton, O.W. The materlalc of this Office have lately been so increased fhat thp Prnr„i^t«, f„„i „„ « j that he now has The mo.t complete PrlntJag E«tabll7hm;,,t I n t^ ^TJa ^""^"^ Tarletv of BabjectB and suited t "\ 7arr inclination Ktrf a" 5 it to tteir advantage to call at hi. H, V belbre leaving ?he^r order" olBewEr? * """ """^ With many years' experieoOR .. .rtxdE;.'!? the 'vantg of the hii«inB»a n.TiTu^ „:,j ^ tendance, and btricl supeVvlslo;: . t\ n^roi> ■ execuLn WwnrkSnnl^*^^^^ **■ and with the advantage of all tfc. u.k • ill ovemeXln the Ah hp u inlffJi*? ^Establishment, ing at much cheape/rate, thv.:, :■ ^r .uempteTiSTeiCn' Ca'nkdl/' O^^^^^^^^^^ Lithographing, and Engraving, t ser ated in ihe best manner "raers lor aooKDindlng, Orders from the country proinpUy attended to. Auction anil H«nH unia .f,»-.v „«• u,, .. KerlttlcfeM^s.^*"^- ^ ^'-•^'"^ °^ '' ''^ <^n.''oZtXl^S,!^^^\'^iX 1^^ Enti'inr.a next dni>r to th« TAlscrranh 1 ^m ■ •_ _ __.^ , .and KiprMiOfflce;:'"'""''" f jfe'. 'JL\ SAMSSi^ Box No. 14», Hamilton P. 0, HAMILTON. Ill BllUCE & MUGJRIDGE HAMILTO N,, C. W., .n T ■: MANUFACTURERS OP 'hi mi A OP ALL DESORlPTIONa :i"i i ! !'; ^"■•i TA >^arai AliJO, manufacturers of aU kinds of ODD ■■ .-.' I '^ JHTIil 4£E PAINTED 2 HOOP PAILS PAINTED 3 'hoop FAILS, TUBS IN NBSTO OF 3^^^^^^^ INNESTS OF 5, TUBS IN NESTS OF 8. .. Hi TIN WASH-SOAROS OP ^^^ «,,,,^^ FRICTION MATCHES ALL QUALITIBa ' We call the attention of the Pnhi;. . low pr«aj8. ,at which we are selltog. OmCE,-Kii,g-a West near 1^1^^ BRUCE & MUGEIDGE. sm.t i. ' i ill m * IIIHI Ill \im n ai.n I l»^ 112 BEmLmi J. „:^E Ji Mi N )^nn MARTIN ALLAN, €ARitXA4£ MAKER Berlin. I. BRETHO^SSfTv Berlin. ^ I'' Henlry GauBtlyi i Harnoss Maker and Saddler Berlin. W. fl. BOWLBY, -^-^^^^ BARRISTER AT LAW Kiug-St., Berlin. H. S. Httber, .^^ B^rKn. y^' J«hiiiW. Hancock, L. L. D. iOLICITOR-IN-CHANCERY, Berlin. BOWMAN & HEINS^ GENERAL MERCHANTS Berlii Sheriff of Waterloo County, Berlin. HARDWARE MERCHANT, Berlin. MARTIN F.EBT, DRUGGIST & GROCeK Rol>e)rt J^imne*!, MERCHANT TAILOR, Berlin. Wt.hJTraaer, Berlin. William Gaol, Berlin. r— ti John HaUar, HATTER, ealer ,n Gmceries, Crockery, Provi- _ Berlin. Osborne & Spier, Deal^r^ Clothing, Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Ac, ' Berlin, ^bdtiiM Pearce^ " IstiV^sistant, Central School "^^^ Bei-lin. Jittinger^ii^rS^ Queen-St, Berlin. "' B. W. RodgBn. «4 4 Us John Root, Sa% and Harness Maker %,,>' Berlin. COMMERCIAL BANK AGW, _^^ Berlin. John Bodfen. (TEACHER,) QlIl^OBRISi / ^~' -^ "U" Or <3- I S,<^ Berlin. Freibriek Snyder. Dealer In * TINWARE AND STOFES Berlin. John J. Woelfel, PLOW MAKER Berlin. •AloMnder Tonng. mmmi of the cewrai sci§ei, Berlin. i^Si ' il I (.■'I ,tfi. !'«! I <* •"*"'"""'•••' ^•-'.'-w,.^,,«^,,„., >*«<•«■>«■ _,|OSINESS CARDS AND ADVERTREMENTS .»!' !(-'. FOR HilMTftI & coifiVTy # m TfW. !> , > -AMunbridfe OPplCB,^ameB.8t., Hamilton 'SeeAdvt.pagellQ. W< j&mbrose. BAfiRT8TER &r. .____:^^«_BiocM^^ OYSTER & FRirrT ii'!.^P(^T Cor. King .irHughson Streets, '' HftmUtop. R. J. ANDREWS, Manufacturer and Proprietor <,f the "ood Samaritan's Baluj. H amilton. OlIVERBEATTYi ~ 'JOHN STREET SALOON .^^^heJUke^JIamilton. Bank of ITpper Cftnada ^ ALFRED STOWE, MANAGER, Hamilton, 114 H till ! f ::|M| It '■\\» ')!*: 1 : t« li ■'» 11, ''m n"" HAMILTON. F. G. BECKP:TT & CO., Simcoe Street, between James and MacNab Streets, near the Great Western Railway, Hamilton, C. W., 3^ ^q-' P«'«'^<^'^t "'" Buchanan, Harris & Co., ^AK ',wff ffamilton, C. IV, J. Buchanan, Harris & Co., Montreal. Isaac Buchanan & Co., f ^ ' i\^ York. ..1 Peter Buchanan & Co., Glasgow. ''- —Xz BUKLlINrGTO^Sr I Mi m@M repMiii ELQIN-3T., HAMILTON, O. W. HIRAM BROADBENT, MANUFACTURER OP, ALL KINDS OF BRASS AND IRON COCKS, BELLS OF ALL SIZES, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION of BRASS & IRON WORK In Green Sand, Dry Sand, and Loam. Patentee of the Cock termed the ''Dead Test," free from Leakage under any Pressure. rATlEKNH MADE TO OKDER. -m \\ HAMILTON. 119 'T;;i»i'j,i,.> tih^'f; £" CHRISTIAN ADVOCATIi BOOK, PAMPHLET ANB BENERAL lETTER-PRtJO No. 1, Elgin Buildings, John*St., Hamilton, PLAIN AND OMAMENTAL FEINTING I IN THE HIGHEST STYLE OF THE ART a^mftf. S2.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE and Religious. As an JD Fj5'irWA-/aTr.^Vfe)^.*'«^ both secular none W« „r T„™,„. c.^,.H„g jr^^^'^^Xf^lf^Jgct^.. BOOK DEPARTMENT ^y t^i^^^s^^^^jt-^^^^ Boo. WHOLESALE I.KALERS .,IIPP,,,EIM0N THE MOST ^ JbERA,, TKRMS, Agency for "National Magazine." " Ladies' Reposiforv » and " Beauty of Holiness." ■'' [In r' ii! -I ( 1 A -I m '■»m I'll hi ,*<»■■' MM PI '(*'■ 120 . .if ^MILTON. Canada ChrUtiau Advocate. PiibliKhed by the iW. E. CImrtti en ftanaua John-St, Hamilton. • 83^~ 8oe adv. paj{u Hi). -fH^ C. G. Crickmore, BARRISTER, &,c. King -8t., Hamilton. 0. S. Chittenden. Kin|p.St, Hamilton. H. 0. Cooper, & Co., €mxh%t '^mmUdmm Bond-St., Hamilton. James Cnmmings & Co.. And Glaaswaro, Kiwg-St, Hamilton. E Carpenter. _ . Agent for the Brtan Carpenter Cooking Stove King 81. WcBt, between McNab & Charles Sts., Ha milton. B. E. Charleton, HOTKL. Thomas Dean. PHOPRIRTOR of Mie CJTY H OyeteiB, Otme, and Hi) tf; So)ic»i<'B of the Hcam.n served at any 1 .on" of the day n he adjoining ReRlauraiit. — g^ B aeoird. i)Hf>.- m_ P. W. Dayfoot, Mmvfaclwer and Dealer im, Prnf* mid ^^e», Wholeaale und Metailf, King Street , , ■, .Hamilton. L. Devany, AUCTIONEER, Hamilton. Thomas H. Doherty, Catherlne-8t., between Henry & Lynd Sts., Hamilton. IP 'Us Corner of Kins and Wellington Streets, ijjamilton. Sm card pagie 121. Frank Dnnn, Wine and Spirit Merchant, HAMILTON. &^ See adv. page 120. Superintemlant of the O. W. Raihmy LocomoHve Work^, Hamilton, C. W. Cragie & Co., Winee and Liquors, Kiog-Street, East, Hamilton, C.W. OLD DR. DA vis; Office,— Corncsr of James and King Williivm Streetg opposite the Market. Entrance on King William Street, '^ Hamilton. Express Company, (AMBRICAN & BniyiSH AMERICAN), OFFICE^Kliig-8t. West, nciir Jf^meH* , llamilton. Bobert Evans, M tois, pllkrs ^ Clotting, Kin''-St„ opposite the lar^e Fountain, .HAMILTON. Day ft McCombe, Proprietors of ;Goi-e MARBLE Works, YORK & MEBRICK STS., HAMILTON. All descriptions of Marble Works designed and execnted in the highest style of the Art. Wr&^jrDANIELL; W. T. Ecolestone, M^tilmit m)i |eM €mMimtt Hamilton. Constantly on handa large assortment of Fancy Ca^es, Confectionary, &c. S^eA dv^Usement page 126. Janifs Street, Hamilton. Allen Easson, BROOM MANUFACTURER, Cor. KiuK-St. West and Carolina St., Hamilton. nnd Kidout Street, London. J. Eastwood ft Co., Wholesale and retail Stationers, Booksellers, ntjitik i.O'"k *ittiiufsctTif cf s, and dcul&t's in Paper Hangings, White's Block, King-St, Hamilton. HAMILTON. 121 ^OHN CAMPBELL, . *l\ \l O B ALBR I W AV' .S»B ^ ^^°^™ -^^-^^s STREET.. ^ , HAMILTON, p. w. ff( litzpatrick Bros., PAINTERS & GI^AZIERS ^York-St., Hamilton, fl. .^,_ ^ -^^^^^ *^^ Davidson. I o>^;r?«n!lt?' '?»'* Ti-nnk Manufactory. Im- ' HlrtriiSli'^^"]'''''' '" '^'■'f'*^ ""rt American Haddlei^y Hardware, Wholesaled retoUV James-St.i Hftmilton. T?r Freeman & Hahony, De^iapBiij : BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS Ontario Bu ildings, King-afci,eaaiiftort. C Foster, Merchant Tailor & Clothier ^•">l North .ide of KlDg-St., ' __^^^ HiamJUon. J. W. Ferguson, M.D., ' HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEOl^ Qore-S t.. Hamilton, R. Fuller, "' Wholesale and retail. Wfij ,fsT|.' , King-St. We st, Hamilton. G.iJJlorster&Co^ " King-St, Flamilton. Freen;ian & Craigie, ' Hlamilton. " '■' •• " !'!. > «• ■ Yor|t-St., Hattaiokj, ■owsis i ■ ."". ;'j"r""'"'"i?F" -f^^nnl denier in Leather Pib(itogs,'riiS ADJOINIW; TIIK MKCIIANICS' INSTITUTK, James Street, Hamilton, O. W. TIIOS. DEAN, PRopRrKTOR. li,'! .. laM ■ ■ 18M ■■ 1816 .. 1179 .. ]16fl .. 1148 ... 1137 ... 1072 ... 963 .. 989 .. 806 .. 787 There i« « Private Entrance to the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute through this Hotel, with Private Dressing Rooms &c. EXCELSIOR mu ^ Yl Y *^*> SAMUEL CANN Manufacturer and Dealer in C0PP18, SPM, iimmJREM MTiR nte J III '^'^° BROOMS. Office and Warehouse, Cofner of James £ M Streets, Near the Market, Hamilton, C. W. ALSO, DEALER~IN~GENE^ GROCERIES. v^^^u n J T Manufactures and has constantly on hanrl Ori™ Tartar, ^Xrj,„„, ""r"' Baking Powder " M ^utniet-a, ROASTED AND GROUND COFFEES OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS*'" '' 1 I ii»'if (if '' . ii^ Ml :M.ik rH> flK if I 124 iTAMaToir. E.N. Puller. Dealer in OHOCERIES. &c.. Corner of Synj and Mc5ab Htravtt, Uoiuiiton. 0. W. EAIIWAY OF CANADA. HIAO OPPICC8 Hamilton, C. W. WILLIAM P. FISHER, Sec. Cahadu OTL Companj Hflmilton. ^^^^^^^ {W See Adv. page 180. Importer of Mvitte, SfuBtcal ff^'rumentt (tr., dtc, James Street. Hamilton. WIlillAM 4. OLASWSP HATTER AND FURRreR sign of thy "Golden Hat," King Street, Hamilton, C. W. 8eo adv. Page 181. J. GRAirr & CO., H ami J ton Sco card page 137. W. GILLESPiE^^ PublUher of THE DAH.Y SJ'ECTATOIi Hamilton. . See a(l\\ page 184. W. A. GEDDES, Office In the Canada Life A»nuraucfi Building, Hamilton. I GURUEY, WAHE & (Jo., Hamilton. ty See adv. page lai. , VERY REV. E. GORDON, Episcopal Residence, Siiealfe-Ht. Hamilton. E. & C. GURNEYr Hamilton. AST' See Adv., page 1.SS, JOHN H. GREAR, Registrar, €o. of Wentworth, Hamilton. C. B. GALENTINE, M. D. ^King Street, Hamilton. „ OfOVlR « BCRRADiRi ManuWnirr«rs ftnd T>tnlt!r« In chnir-o braTidt (Jt t'lgarn, W'hlpn. LanlicB, Ac, SIGN OF THE "INDIAN QUKBN," Jame«-St, Hamilton. —.-—-..-..„». V- W. W. ORAltt McN ab-St. Wharf, Hamilton. F. wTgATES * COm WllOLKSALK King-^t., Hamilton. J^L LIAM HA8KINS, And Manager of Hamilton Water WorltB. Hamilton. v, ii»7HiyDsoSr~ ^ York Street, Hamilton. jImIeS HENR'f ~ WATCHMAKER AND JEWKLLER, York StMet, Hamilton. HUTCHISON & DUKE, HATTERS & FURRIERS, dealer* fn Sfcpaw Goodie Ac, Nos. 2 and 3, Jain'es Street. Hamrltbn. WILLIAM~«ARVEY, imports 0i ^xi^mt% Wines, Liquorw, &c., King Street East, Hamilton. B^ See card, page las'.' JOHlTHARDiKERr 97, (opposite K-.KJsV fhareli) Hamilton. IIAMFLTON WILIIAM hThoLCOMB. """»e. Sign, and Oro.menUl Paiqt.,- Paper-hanger. Ac. ' — --ii"!^'"'»'" St. Hamilton, THOMAS HIU, #Unuf«^urer of. und 0«.ler in all kJod* Qf FurnitMre aml.<'«bi^t W«re — — Ham i 1 ton. E- hekbeet!^ MERCHAWt TAILOR _Vork.St.,We,st of Bay. Hamilton. HOIDEN & PAPPS ~ •fiARRfSTEKS .fee OmoKin Victoria Bulldl^' ^^> 'James-St., Hamilton. HOPKIN&Amii^ MOMTREAl BOOT 8T0RE, - --i!!^ Janies^St., Hamilton. Cartage Agenta for Great We«ten. ^4 wrand Trunk Railways, Office,-King Street, Hamiltoii. .-__ VSe~8ee. adv. page 14a wmiiiTHEESAS' NOTARY PUBLIC And General Agent, JamesSt^e^ jj^^.,^^^_ CHABIES HARDyT " 12i> f-O^N p. HATT BAiiafsxep, ArroRNEY H^rnlton^"^''^''''-^ ^ ' HUED ft^ROBFafP doHcr»pfl„l'TiJi«*J'"» *" ^^ Vorkjtreet, |^„„.^^^ wh.. . '• ^hogan; ~~ ♦Vh()if«aieandKi'tnli rt...u. . Comer Of Kim; .„cl John a*oet., Hamilton. .^4E|lE|r HOLTEir Proprietor of the Hamiltc. Nurseries Offlco-Klng Street Em, ' Hamilton, J- W. INMAJT Tx I-. . , ^ ^porter and _____KmgStre^t^amil^ry - ' WSiraANOE COMPANV^~ CANADA WEST rl^SJi^g. James Str?er'"'''°% -u INSUBANCFCOMPANY CAPlTAL,~-|i,ooQ,Q^OQ Hamilton. King Street, Hamilton. THoiASBTiAiSisT Buailtoo. 5. Jusojtf & coT mmnk fmikm irmfeiib Hamilton. ' ^^OKGE Tames ' Importer of British and Foreign Dry Goods, ^ James Street. „ Hamilton. Hamilton. ' If 1 1 iM'ii nik h. ''lit ! «;' 126 HAMILTON. FRANK DUNN, I f Pi <> ♦ vt Ii' CORNER OF JAMES & REBECCA STS.. H.A.MILTOISr, C. "W". 1 1* •" 'I;. '■^" iirir ^«»i.j ii»i A COMPLETE STOCK OF WINES AND SPIRITS OF THE CHOICEST QUALITY. A m «. w ^XtQV^^ ^^'W. %P m WOOD AND IN BOITLE. €H&MFA€lfE XIBM,, IN QUARTS AND PINTS, PACKED IN CASES OF ONE DOZEN EACH. HAMILTON. ^u 127 W. J. ECCLESTONE, NO. lO, KINQ-ST. EAST HAMILTON, O. W (In their Seasons,) Constantly on hand ^LL KINDS OF CONFECTIONARY, CAKES, FANCY BISCUITS. .. fTeddny and other Cakes made to mkr ^^cmmmjmm smim at shortest notice GURNET, wSe^coT^ e^ I'AIHBANK-B PaTTSj,kj! ' ^^^ *»■ A L L S I 2 e S W A B D >v m f (I i! HMfffF 1 %i' l\ u:ri 128 1» .. r> * W' f* .iii4: i! ,|C nMtvtm. THOKAH KIIrVJltQTON, EXTEMVE GARDENER/ £^nnilton. . . , - . LAWSON'S Millfnh^ EHaUishment, arid 777, IB. ' y '•■*• J, Wliol«»al«' end Retail Millinery, Mantle and Cloak Sstablisbment, iHiutoikon. OEOBQE W. KEEGASr, Barrister ^an^ ..Attorney -at- Law, gollpltotrln' Chancery, l^jfejAry Pub'i^ Conveyplfcpr. ^J, Hamilton. JOSEPH KENT, King Street West, Hamilton. KERB, BROWN & CO., WHOLESAli tfiRCHANtS, King Street, Hamilton. *Haipyton. DAVID KNOX, Dealer In, Groceries and Provisions, Coal, Halt W.ter Lime, &c. Ag«flt.jMjrlne Department Etna Insurance oo„ Haiuorai and Home Insurance co., New York, l^cXab Street, Hamilton. -- JOSEPH Kprr, ... King Streft, Ji*milton. HARNESS MAKER, r "' IKing iStJeet, fiiuriilton. (StFW. LOtTpME ft CO., M ERCHANT 8 , Cofiier of JokQ and MalniStreet»| >u im JOHN LAW, M^ . WHOLiLSALE AND RETAIL, ' y^g^ f"^ ^^"^es S^reetg.JHigaHton. ^ it)fei4is;^W)rfff wo(i.r WHOLESALE GROCERS, Hamilton. B. ft E. MAGILL, (GjEJJ^RAL MPBCPANTS King Street, Hamilton. MOBBIS ft BBOTHEB, Wh^Uikh and JSetail p^alm's in F'^ur and Petd, King William Street, Hamilton. D. McINES ft Ca , ^ wholesaiYme'rchants, Hamilton. KEAKIISrS «; SONS. CABINET MAKERS And Brnah ATanul'aoturerg, Kijpg Strtet feas t, lH*milton. THOMAS mason" IIATI^Et AND FURRIER J«m«»-St., bfitt#|en Kiug& KiHg»W*m.St8., ^ ^amilton. •»*'«». ~ iMOOiJLE & DAV«9r ■ ; 'BROKERS, pi %$m\n)i imrai Jgents, Oor. King & il^mps Sts., over LawBon';' Store. pam ilton. ABCHiBALD MACAXltTM, Principal of Central Mool, 2 ji amilton. ' «l fl^i^JJOBBISSON, Groceries, Liquors, Flour, Bran^ Grain, dtc, Cor. cf Jdbn Street and Woodmailat, 11 1 miiii I 1 F. McKELCAN, DEALER IN Sipg'St, Juat, FLOUR I RuiUtotk oodn, and lent, ETAIL, Hftnifton. Ik GO., JCERS, L, 3ANTS an. [ER, 8 in Ftpur .milton. HANTS, rsT •*' 130 It I' HAMILTON. •C^ a) MANUFACTURERS OF AND MACHINERY OILS, AND DEALERS IN COAL OIL LAMPS OF EVER^^ DESCRIPTION. MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED lESf "TERMS. CASH. Humiitou, C. W. WM. P. FISHER, Secretary. HAMILTON. 181 i s f FURS! FURS! FURS!! HITS, DIPS, FMm» & unih W. H. GLASSCO, HATTER TO H.R.II. THE ITOCE OF WALES Begs to call the attention of his munv frioiifls ..n,i fK„ „■ m- ' THE LATEST LONDON. PARIS I IW YORK STYLES. OF SATIN HATS. Soft and Rustic Hats of every styJe and oualitv rUth n AJma. Balmoral, and GlengaiTv Ladii' Fur Bon.. ? n?T '" ^T^ '«"«^y- and Caps of every description. ^""'*'- ^'^''•^'■*^" « *«"«y Hat. -— o- *B- OBDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO The higbent price paid in CASH for all kinds of RAW FUR W. H, GLASSCO, Second door •a-t of the Gore Bank, ar the m^'o^^:;^;:;^^^^ King Street, HamiJtou. ' Bf^''' 182 I. ;i ^'' f\ III. it .4 ' J- ji ; i ] HAMILTON. JAMES MATHEWS, Joiisf, §igii :^;- #riiamfnlai |aiiuer Kin|gr-8t., West, Hamilion. D. McAIIISTEK. R. NESBIT & CO., MaimfMturer» and Wholesale utid lietml Jhnilefr» in Bontn ,it ShoM, Hamiltou. VST See ayd P*geX6J. HHtniJtou. M. O'^'OififOp^ Importer, Who Groceries, Win . KlU(?-St., Webt,,' Hamutoii, iietall Dealer in and Proviglons, ^1 noni John-St., . JOHN OSBOEN & CO., VULCAA^ BOILER SHOP, ' PRODUCE DEALERS __JlcNab-St. Wharf, Han.ilton. ^'^"^^^ ''" •^t'^^^""^' Main Sts.. MoCABE & CO, COACH FACTORY, Kiiig-St., West, Hamilton. MEIVIiTljE * EP&AR, ~ LUMBER DEALERS, _____X2':k-«t., West, UainiltDii. D. B. McDonald, & co.r Wholesale A KetatI Druggists, White's Block, King-St., Hamilton. ^' A.11 Mfdlcinos Warrttiited. JOHN McKay; gropetor 0f Wit mm ^mu, .___J5i°g-StJKast^ Haniiltou. JOHN MURRAY, Imxmt anil Cwiitmwn Jig^t, King-St., Hamilton. J. T. NOTTLE; LAND AGENT, Ham ilton. . JAMES NASi; , MERCHAWT TAILOR, ' J<>HN PEACOCX & €0 Ks^a^nT"'"''" R««dyMadeClothing : IMPORTERS OF DRY GOODS^. it mo7madi''uJ""'"'''*''°^ '*'''''' ''"'•'*=*°*'a^'« ' ««EAT WB8TBRN H0U8B, ' __ Market Square, Hamilton. 0'a5IILY,|5^CirRRnr, BAHKISTKIIS AND ATTORNKYS, ^ Hamilton. ROBERT^SBORNE, ^ tmln, Mtmlltx And Sllversinitli, King _Street^ Gore. Hamilton. ' JAMES OSBORNE, Importer of Win^, a„4 0rocerie,, Wholesale and ti^(^l, Hamilton. JOHN P. PRONGUEY; CITY COACH FACTORY _Cor.^rk &Market Sts., Hamilton. J.D. PRINGLE, B A KRISTER, &c., • HAMILTON. , , J. NICKERSOK, Jeweller, Watch and Clock Manv/acturer, <&€., Hamilton. WIIIIAMPOW^, J. .,^ . Hamilton. NEWBUR? ft »iaBiY. T"7r;r~ WhoksaleLeaUrsin Watches, Cloeh u . . ^^^^^^' Jeu>elrv, dc. ^ *' I ^^nnf^^^turer of Whips, Cwars. To, J«XB«.St, Jewelry, dc. opp. tb« Gore, Hamilton. 87, J»uiu-aL, Hamiltoa. :i^^. HAMILTON. \H i? DBIfNIS PHEIAN, BOAT BUfLDER Footof J«int.f)*t„ Hamilton. HEV. SAMUEL D. RICE, Member of Board of Diruttors. of HAMIWON FKMAT^ COLLEGE .-r lil:! Harnflton. HENRY 8. RIDLEY. M.D., ~" RE8IDKNC'B-0o»-. Main & MacNab-Sti., Hamil ton. M. rudolphT REFRESHMENT SALOON King-St., Hamilton. R. &A. ROSS, "^ ♦ PAINTERS & PAPER HANGERS ^mes-St., Hamilton. eTTritchie&Iiou PRODUCE DEALERS And rnaurance A^'onts HAMILTON. I EDWARD ROPER : ^^^'^jj^"? * Jaf""^ Stfl.. up stairs. ROBERTSON & WARDWELL' BARRISTER.^ & CONaVEYANOERS ThoB. HoBKUTflON. A. K WAHnWIfli 'Vow,, Ally, (u.w „,„ll,, "'AKmvKi.i,. ^ ,5.'»'"<'tin- , . DuudaH, COLIN D.REID B A H R T S T K R , ,t (; . , Hamilton. i R. & J. ROY, Piercers Lii Wholesale ai Hamilton. Importers. (Silk Mercers Linen anrl W'n,>ii Dra,.orH, Wholesale amiVeUil """' - OHN RIDDLE, STOCK AND SHARE BROKKR Debenture. n,..^>^^ .„.,, ,,„.,,^; "i^^i''!!!: Hamilton. ALEXANDER RUTHERFORD. Uiinf* .n4'«i... iuVJ-a _ ndp , u, mr: inei^nsoiCM' inNtitnte Haniilton. jahes reid Cabinet Maker & Ipholsterer, King St., We«t, Hamilton. ^^ Se« card page 154. RICHARDRUSSELL ~ WORKING JEWELLER, ^ames Street, Hamilton. L. ROSENBAND '" Importer nnd Wholexnle Lenhr in French and rerman. Fancy Goods, King Street, Hamilton. ^" See adv.. page 18(5, NELSON B. ROBBINS Manufacturer of Iron Railing, and Fireplace Grates, ^^ See adv. . page IM. DA Vli; D. ROBERTSON ~ James-St,., Hamiltoti, C. R. rennington" ~~ Book-Ueper at II. M. Wanzer and Coh Sewiv(, Machine Mannfactory, Hamilton. WILLIAM RICHARDSON Proprietor of the AMERICAN HOTEL ___llamntoii Stase^^rt fi-om this Hotel. GEORGE L? REID ~ Chief Engineer for G. W. R, Co Engineer'it Office. G. W.R., Hamilton. ROGERS BROTHERS ~ Man„fam.rerR of Rogers' Patent and Wheeler and Wikon Kjliewing .Maehine*. Hamilton. - ?"''"''^'- <"i inside of cover. H. J. RICHARDS j FOREMAN OF .JOB PRTNTINCt. Spectator Office, Hamilton. in t, ,' ■in )f 'I* !«• '3-1 •"{If 134 ^HAMILTON. A POLTTICAI., PUHLISHF]D AT FIAMILTON, C.W., BY WILLIAM GILLESPY. rv\ Vim "RT^P]CTATOK" Is now the OT.DEST IJPrEK, CANADA JOURNAL, but one, piihlishod West of Toronto. It was commenced in 1846, being then issued Semiwceklv; it is now issued The two latter being the CHEAPEST PAPERS 11 THE PBOVIUCE. The Political leaning of the "SPECTATOR" is well known, and as a general newspaper Las never been excelle'l. It is regularly furnished with full Telegraphic Reports of News from all paits of the World ;' and its facilities for giving the latest Markets, and other Commercial Intelligence, are not sui-passed by any other Journal. SUBSCRIPTIONS, PAYABLE STRICTLY IN ADVANCE, ARE DAILY, Per Annum ... $5 Per Copy. SEMI-WEEKLY, Per Annum - - 3 " WEEKLY, Per Annum, - - 2 " Persons sending Five, or more, Svhscriptions for any of the issues will be erditled to a Copy, GRATIS. Lettei-s should be addressed WILLIAM G-ILLESPY- Rditor "Spectatok,'' HAMILTON, C.W. 1! ; HAMILTON. IS.") E. & C. GURNEY, HAMILTOB IRON PODBDRY MANUFACTURERS OF Thimble Skein Boxes, Potasli Kettles, MACHINERY CASTTNOS ,e... 5 '-^ V^. JOHN STREET, HAMILTO N, 136 hi 1*1 .-> I' » ;!!' V ^-; <» %s «« »», ,0 -1 ,1" ' ,^ «■! • v ,*• If :ll w ■ i"! 'f HAMILTON. S. SHARP Cap Superintendent of «. W. B. Hamilton. JAMES STEWABT & CO. I MAGNA B-ST FOUNDRY j Hamilton. j _gM Advt. paga 169. IM. I geor;ge sterling. Manufacturer of, and Dealer In BOOTS &, SHOES JaoiemSt., between Rebecca A, Ktng-Winiftm HAMILTON. JOHN SIMHENS Manufacturers of Baby Cab8,ChlWpens' Slelghs^Ae King-St. Wast. Hamilton. jrV.~8P0HN BARRISTER, &c., Hamilton. JAMES A. SKINNERT&OO Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Earthen- ware, China. Glasn-ware and Fancy Goods, King-8t., Hamilton. JAMES 8TE ANGER, Proprietor of ARCADIAN HOTEL Oppoilte G. W. R. Depot, Hamilton. GEORGE SMITH. Dealer in STOVES AI,K * KKTAII, DKaTkIi's IN tmmuu, iiRiics, medi^iis, perfiimerv, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, DYE-STUFFS, Fdnters' Tools, Bi^wsli.js, * ArthW Gators, Aic. \Vp«t for more tliau n qimrtor of a century, together Avitli iiniple facilities to tmv In til ti^Rt mar kt^B for cash,,!,, them to offer inducemuntK to IntendiMjj purclmilrand U.ey\hett 8oM?it rt„l''\^^^^^^" * ^>??[ preijare and noil wliolemile and retail, the fdllowiilB celebrated liiedl- Clnen, to wliieh iiiuy solicit parlieiilar attention. ^ v-rici.™irn iiieai Bickle's Aperient .Vnti-BilliouH Pillg, Tor disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, Oiddinens, Hick Headaehe, Ac. Price, as cents per Boic lliekle^» Anti-Coiisiiiuptive Syrup, An unparalleled reme(ly lor ('oMjrhM, Colds, Inllucnza, Asthma, Croup, Whoouine Couah Hoarap- ness tlemisy. HronchiliH, Coiisumption, Spitting of Wood, diBeXs of X \est^nd Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complnint.. aidOen.M-al Oebilitr Ticeri\ and 50ct.. per^^^^^^^^^^^^ Indian Specific. A cerUin and lasting cure lor the Fever ' Ague. Warranted in all cases. Price, one dollar. Bickle^s Celebrated Anodyne Eye Salve, A cure for Inllained Byos. pHce, 35 cents p«r Box. ' Bickle's Worm Poivders, A certain and safe cure for worms. - . Price 36 rents Bickle^s Condition Powders, for Horses, KelieveB Coughs, Colds, and Complaints of the Water, pnrilleH the blood, removee eruption* on the skin, improves the appetite auil st i englhens the whole system. Price, 35 and So ctg a packet Sickle's Itch Ointment, A eafe and certain cure. - . Prjce 25 cents per Box. Bickle's Celebrated Heave Remedy, A Tiluable preparation for lleaves, Shortness of Wind, Coughs, and Loss of Aouetite Price, 35 cents per Bottle. ^ Dr. Owight's Celebrated Cholera and Diarrhw Mixture^ A »Be«dy cure lor Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhae, Dysentery, Summer ComDlainU lie • Price, 36 cent! per Bottle. ^. . . HAWrLTON Ml) WILLIAM HARVEY, IMI'ORTRR OK, AND 'M/Ai DEALER IN [RIfili ii .. .. .'I 'Wr I ivr E 9 LIQUORS, &c, ^^^■Sn BTREET EAST, HAMILTON, CANADA WEST •'1* ■" . 'm J' 140 HAMILTON. Thompson & McKinnon, riughson Stieut, Hamilton. Charles L. Thomas, Western. Pianoforte Mdnufaetory, King-St, West, Hamilton. Samuel Watkins, WholRsnle anil Itctail D('alor in Staple and Fancy Dry (loods. Roiidy Made Clntliing. Ac, No. a, South side of Junics Street, throe doorn from Kin;; Street, (Si<;n of the (ioUlen Lionx,) Hamilton. Thomas Welcl^ BOOT & SHOE MAKER McNab Street, Hamilton. T. White, Manufacturer of Melodeon-;, Dealer in Sheet Miisie, Mui*icBookH, Ac, King-St.,, Hamilton. Jamss Walker, Dry Goods, Wool Warehouse, Wholesale and Retail. Gentlemen's Clothing. Cor. James & King Sts., Hamilton. J. "Winer & Co., WHOLESALE DRUCtGTSTS, Hamilton. James Wills, Mamifacturor and Dealer in Boots and Shoes, Nearly onposite Mclnes'p, King Street, Bast, Hamilton, C."W. Watkins & Murchison, Dealers in Dry Goods, (rvoceries and Clothing. No. 2, JameB Street, Hamilton. Whan, IfocLean & €«., WHOLESALE DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, King Street, Hamilton. ~ W. Wyia & Co., Importers of British and Foreign Dry OoocIh, Market Square, Hamilton. Alexander Turner & Co., Importers of Groceries. WihesJ and^Lfkiuors; Dealent in l»roviBlon», Ac, Market Square, Hamilton. W. H. Thomas, Certifier and gbtilleVt King Strcetj^ Hamilton. See Card, page 163. Thompson & Mcintosh, Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, No. 0, Jamcs-St., Hamilton. s I Thomas Thompson £ Ob.^ Importers of Dry (hmU A Millinery^ Cor. of King and John Streets, Hamilton. CB. VanNorman & Co., Watchmakers and .fi'wellers. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry, , SUviBr Electro-plated Ware, Ac, James Street, Hamilton. See adv. page \hZ. J. M. VanNorman, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON, King-St., Hamilton, near Bay,-3t. -«-4 James F. ^Walker & Co;i General Hai^war^^Jtercbaiits, King Street, Hamilton. Sign of the Mammoth Axe and Hammer, J. M. Tarbox, Foreman in Wanzer and Ca's Sewing Machine ' f. Manufactory, *.James StrM, Hamilton. John Taylor, CARPENTER York -St., HanlDton; IRON MERCHANTS, Importers of British and Foreign Hardware^ HfttBil^>n, i . . I ' — ^—<^ — i — i — .ti-i Thomas Walker, Apsnt for the Etna and Hartford Fire InsB- ranee Companies, James.Stree.t,IU)y!Vl B^«j|,J3tv^din9s. HAMILTON. 141 James Williamson, and Wharf-B»St^.?,^;;^^*f„^^^a^^ Bay, Hamilton. James Walker, TALLOW OHANDLRR, Main-St., Hamilton, a. M, Wanzer & Co.,*' Cor. Jafeej and Vine Streots, Hamilton. JOHN A. WARD. Acconntant in the Mechanical Office of the Great Westeru Railway. Hamilton. »' •k...^. J^^S, Law & Co., WgaiKlAjJE ^QRY Q00D8, Corn.,- 01 A^»b »n4, Merrick Streets. ' • Ilaniilton. , Youngr & Brother; ' : Plumhcrs Gas Fitter., Manvfarturer, oj Coal Oil Lampg, tjV., Ilumilton. ^uc adv., pape \m. ^^ Maitland YounffT fSeneral Commission Merchant Corner of Mai.i and Huphsoi. Sheets, . Hnm ilfon. H. & R. Young-, Brass Founders Gas Fitters, Plumbers tpc, and Manufacturers of all kinds of Brass Work] *^'"g-St-, Hamilton. DXJKDAS ^ COUIVTY OF WEIVTW ORXH. Alfred Bennett^ i'roprictor of Kmg Street, Dundas. Proprietor of tftt. RefraJunent Saloon, Harrishurg Junction. Philip3rechbin, DEALER IMlfiY GOODS, IMILllMJiUc. . King Street, Dundas, Barton & Osier. Barristers, Attorneys, Solicitors, toHvei/uncers, i).c., Dundas. Robert Brown, s ^ 5=3 ,:^ ■;Si 2S ^ __K]ng^ Main Sts., Dundas. William Baillie, KMUAMl YMiLOn King Street, Dundas. ^JiBellington & Forsyth, Ma,mfacturers of Jl^ricullural ■ implement, I^' Dundas. James Brown, gHkn ma €mfmm% 'King Street, Dundas. Ckaigtm. Barton, >>olicitor-in-C/Mncen/, «^c., .^!!!£^^-_^ Du..da.s. James Carrie, Kmg Street, D.mdas. "Robert E. Curran, MECHANICS' 8AL0(m Dundas. H • I , 142 HAMILTON. HENDlilE & Co., RAILWAY AND URNRRAL 'Si Mm. m'i T AN D » O I f ^ AOENTS FOR THE Great Western Railway, Grand Trunk Eailway, Detroit & Milwaukee Rail Road, OFFICES : HAMILTON, - . CANADA WEST, LONDON. - . CANADA WEST, DETROIT, . .... MICHIGAN. CtRAND RAPIDS, - - MICHIGAN, , MILW^AUKEB, - . . . WISCONSIN, HAMILTON. 143 IS PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON, AT THE °^'^'5?£°'^ HUGHSON S-TR WEEKLY TTME8, PlTBLIgHED on KRIDAY MORNINGS, »,.00 A-YEAR, i„ ADVANCE, '>SkJlirkJfcS;?'4toW il!!.^!!'^^^^ «>« inil»rt,.i,tNe». ,„ a. j ,J^ ,"-^^ING IN OPERATION ONE OF 'S SUPERiOR €YUia©ER PRESSES ADAPTED FOR GENERAL JOB WORK There is also in .ucce.sf,,! operation in fhi"offlce one of' ^" flORDONVS CELEBIlATIiD CAlii) AND CIRCULAR I'RESSK, CARDS ''^*"'^" ■^<'«K PARTICULARLY FOR CIRCULARS, THE TYPE IS ALL NEW AFJ) OF THE J 4TFST DFSm^S that 1.0 will endoavor t^ u.orit fhdr «uCrt 'y """ Lioerallty in Prices ! Neatness ! Accuracy ! and Pnnctuality I W,. m r.. \h u 1 ,!lip, i:: IK % D r ^^'iii i«i ii *!Mr fl!' 1 ,-» 144 DltNDAS. Bernard Conley, Al.niurH-lmor of Jloofs and «L.kj,v, King Sti-eot, Dundais. ..... James Colemau, MILLER AND WHEAT BUTER, , «•'« Ciml, piiKc 145. H, & A. Egleston, AN(]As'|;ku FX)liNl)K.Y ' Jion Ko„nd,M.s ,„,d VV.M.llei, MaJhiM. ' John Leslie. Diuidas. , William Lash. .Ifrmt 0/ the Hunk of British. JVm-th •/Imcricd. i>un(las, C. W. 0. W, Everitt, ^ Mo,n;f.,,l,,nr uj ImproZd r.nn.infr MHl!>, and grmral Ctbind. Han: JJiindas. . t-j^ Sea A Umrtlgement page im. Timothy Greening, WIREWEAVE R And Dojilcr in llardwiiiv. A'c John Gartshore. uil Mills .villi sinm.., S,.parm,„H, .s,.,„„ -f^nmiK's, Ac, _jDuirla.s, q ^y F. Gabled ~~ Proprietor of the Jincaster Tannery, Aiic'istor. J. B. & J. S. Grafton, Dealers in JJr,, Goods, Milliner,/, and ( 'lothing, James MoMahon, ■ , ~j K ingjteeet, Diindas. Hugh Moore. Dry Goods, Groceries, Paints, Oils, Wholeuiile and Kctail, Dundas, Q ^ John M oAffer. GROCER !.'<• Too/.' tracker and Jii.-^euit Machines, ,|v., cH , it*^ A'ee Advt. page l-JH. Thomas Howe, William McDonald, Door, Sash and Bliiul Manufactory, Hatt Street, Dundas. A. MoTaggart, ITunibrrJigi^ntK-lartoarifr Canal Basin, Dundas. William McDonell, Proprietor of Elgin Hort^e, Dundas. Jind Leather IStore, V,>rk-St., Dundas. John Kennedy, Lau; Chancery ami Conveyancing. Omco-iiloore'8 Uuilding, Maiu'street.' Duiidaij. P. O'Conner, King Street, Dunda«. I B. & S. Overdeld, GIJNEKAL MERCHANTS Diiudas. simiM«imiimmm->m\!Kmsi i.wj»i, ' M>..,.-.)mii-. \ith ''■^ish JVorth C. w. fW- DUNDftS. HS, COILTSM^ISr f]rp-A.s. W'*// ;wy the higkek Market price m CjISH fu/ \ Wheat, Barley, Oa(s, Peas, Sta^e Bolts and Hoops. .'CORNER OP OGILVIE AND MILL STREETS I>rJIVB^JS, O. T\^. H r; J. H. Oliver. N£:\A/S DEPOT' KfcBg Street, Dtindas. WQliam Pasamere, Saddler^Snd Harness Maker, K% Street, Dundas. Cteorge M. Rrrie. Dealer in Groceries and Pravisima, , K}% Street, Duada fi. P. B. ailejr. Main Street^i>undft8. Benjamin Smith »m/e/- »» Groceries and Provisions, King Street, Dundas. Xunes Scott >N Planing Mill, Sash, Boar and Blind Factory, Stype & Wiiber ^ ~ King Street, Dundas, -4-4- «? Robertson 4& Wardell Thornton & Fisher Druggists and Stationers, King Street, Dundas. ' ' E< Thuresson ■T T ^ •«'• -Luuresson Law, Chancery and Conveyancers n • King street " aitd ' JUmf* Sfroet John A. Smith (JrtMJ^ries,' Prdvk;ons, Crockery, &c., Khig Stfeet, Dundas. James Somerville £ditbr and Proprietor of ike " Tnie Banner," Dundas, c, w Robert W. Suter Fire Marine^ Life h^uraiue jlgenl, <^ -^^iri «tte«t;JDauda«. i R. T. Wilson Dealer in Gryeeries, fflnes «> Provisions, King Street, Dundas. John Wagstaff Manufacturer of Tinware, Stovepipe King Street, Dund^is. W, A. Young, Proprietor ^/ ihe Great We.i.rn Last and Peg Factory, Duudas, • (j^ ^^ ti-'i II: r I 1U - ■'I* ■ 11 'f I'l 146 HAMILTON. HAT, GAP & FUB EHFOSnn No. 7, JAMES STKEET, HAMILTON. „., II (0 h < uj i GO QC s < < X H ■^.. CO o h < I JOSEPH MILLS, MANUFACTURER, AND WlIOLESAl.E AND RETAIL DBALBR IN BUFFALO & FANCY SLEIGH ROBES, GLOVES, MITTENS, &c., i.oiiQon woo ,8. Children 8 Hats and Caps in great variety, always oA hand COME ONE AND ATT./ ™».7b1 ".SrSJeTrll'S J'""' •"" '""■ '" « "" "" C.P, ..a .,, I, ,„. c« save JOSEPH h ^1 HAMILTON. U7 D. MOORE & Co., , CATHAMNE STREET FOUNDRY, HAMILTOK »AKl.KA,Tl.»«„«, A.V„ „„„„;„,,, ^,.„ ,„„„^ ,„.„,„,,» J) ^ RLAIN AND JAPANNED TIN WARE STAMPED TIN WAKE, T^^^OOL. MACHINES ANB r^r^'f'?;::; attention ..fl^ealers i« called to thoir very" extensive «B«„n„.nt of COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Which will ho sold on the most liberal Terms '^ » "^ ^ MACHINERY CASTINGS DCNE TO ORnPo Paper Rags, Sheepskins and old Copper taken in exchariLT^ if K . ^ ^ for shipping Furs. 'aII Jobbing TJ^^f^'^Jlf''' !'"«« P«'d D. MOOKE. ) (Sale Room, King Street next door'tn ' " . r. WARREN, i Buchanan: HarZr Co '^ ''''''"'''• ii ■"rfi lf ;,! ;i 148 DUNDAS. i> ':« .1*' :i :f: *:a^£atgi'--*>Fi-,yM«niiiT*n)n.w!iii COUNTV OF WENTVVOIiTir. 149 - w « « i;; O "^ « *-i wT A* % O BINBEOOK TOWNSHIP. •Iohi| Bi:(m'n, township ok'rk. J«l»i a*.Carle, Franklin ]Iotol. Wm. Otiiwford, hotel koenor, Sinrlnir- villc. James Cooper, axe and boiler manufac- tory, Woodhurn. John.^. Gann, Wa(*smith. i •James Ilocy, member of the council. Henry Hale, J. P., member of council, I.M., nm>9)iant and clerk of the division court. Robert I Fowftt, lumber dealer, Sinclair- ville. George W. Johnson, teacher, Thomas King, Woodbum Hotel. John Louoh, Wadismith. Thomas McCubj, boot and shoo manu facturer. W. Ptolemy, boottod shoe man ufactuier Richard Quance,. lumber dealer. Robert Shan, builder. John Staplos, bailiff. ' John Side}', reeve of township. James Scrof,'gie, member of council. William Scott, lumber dealer Georgft Tuxworth; lumber dealer, Sin- clairvdle. ■ William Young, Farmers' Hotel. ir,. lOWNSHIP OF BEVEEIY: TOWNSHIP OF BAHIOB: J. J). Lundy, .M.I)., Sheffield, -•otor «,„,„„»«.. .„,^ ^^^.,^.,^ '1'. McUluskoy, Farnieni' jtticji R^ ; (.'c-orgo Mc])ermott, boot and shoe mer- ) chant, Copetown. , Donald Martin, merchant, Kirkwall I J'"no« McQueen, J. P. Kirkwall. Wallace McDonold, township reeve, Kirkwall. William McMillan, ^^ merchant, W. C. Marian, member of council. William Nesbit, lumber dealer.. Robert Robinson, hotel keeper, Thomn- sons corners . ^ William Ross, teacsher, Kli-kwull. Riker, PM., and general mesrfmnt, Shef- lisld. .^J Jacob Shannon, Rockton HoMSe. '^*'^"KfrkwS*^' ^''''* ^""^ ^*"''' "''''''"'• R. A. Vanraroy, lumber dealer James Vrooman, hotel keeper, ]}everly^ George Whetham, merchant. James White, Kirkvvall Hotel. Peter Wood, lumber dealer. Thomas ^Ward, agent, for the Canada buddmg and saving society, Shef- William Adkins, blacksmith. Hugh Armstrong, lumber dealer W.W. Barlow, P. M. and town clerk W. VV. Belding, lumber dealer. B. Carnell, treasurer of township. John Clement, deputy reeve. Robert Camp, lumber dealer. Robert Caswell, teacher. Joseph, Dykeman, carpenter. Sheffield. David Davis, blacksmith, Sheffield. Wm. Dunn, lumber dealer, Rockton Wm. Dixon, J. P., and lumber dealer. II. N Elliott, general lu^roliant, V,^w town. 'I James lorries, lumber dealer, Rol.ert Uuntqr bailiff. "-iraciwit, lotv-nship collector. J. Kirkgatrlck, Fanners' Inn, Sheffield. A.Hrown, proprietor of the Beach Hotel. John Cook, proprietor of the Albion Miil.y. Marshall, proprietor of the lime kilns. Jacob Terryhcnn^ proprietor of mill lumber dealer &c. TOWNSHIP OF SALTFIEET: John Coivllle, farmer. Jonathan R Carpenter, farmer. A. Howard, blacksmith. n. E. Nelles, merchant, Ontario. Sylvester Smith, Dinner. Ransom R. Smith, farmer. William Spera, farmer. John Norton, farmer, John Ptolemy, farmer. F.G. Wilson, patentee and patent agent. h%"'i\\ ! 1 '« I ■ M- I* t I.' Hi. *« I ■ ■l» -' f M" ISO HAMILTON. (Ifearly opposite tU FermU VolUge,) KING-ST. EAST, HAMILTON, C.W.. H. McORAOKBN, Proprietor please his guests, will enS. n fo mprirfv, • .^ experience, and a desire to has recently been thoroughly rem^^^^^ ifron^^.. This Hotel now a«-ord/d render it in L7y r/firS £"£ :^i^^ ^^^S^^^^, At a moderate price. Special arrangements will he nade with commercial travelers and parties desnmg to remain for a lerjgth of time. ^'^'^^e'ers AN OMNIBUS ALWAYS IN ATTENDANCE To convey passengers to and fron. the cars and steamers; also, at night trains. aOOD STABLLVG ATTACHED. *Slr The Tables always Supplied with the Delicacies of the Seam ii. Mccracken. ~_ HAMILTON. 101 f Ik t R. NISBET & CO., Manumcturers and Wholesale Dealers In if 1 BOOTS AND SHOES :iiiAiii)p wiTj^ 1,1,:; jT? L^X>XEN' A.lSr> OETVTN* INDIA RUBBERS ,■■'1 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND QUALITY. i- ■^iil' 1 t I f It'" Rifi STREET, EXT DOOR TO B. riMES & CO, ^^liSEaT01F, ^„ W, tk'-' II' M rf' Ji.: uu OOirNTY OP H'ENTWORTFf. hi ! •• ■ #.. I! • 'It ' ::. " ■" ( TOWNSHIP OF OLANFORD: A. ijctji)ii)i(>, phfsioliiii Hiul Hlirnooi). .1. S, VnHv, Koiioial imsclmnt, (iluiilorrl ( ■••liter. Wnlttr \V. Fink, proprietor of Knriniw' HVifiul. lloUil. FLAlliBORa WX9T: l>.\V. Crooks it (!o., ^omrn\ iiu-rchantK, Imiilu'r (loalorH, Ac. CljiirloN Durrant, hutc^hor, doftU-r in ftt'sh tm'iits, Ac. Pfter Httnui, suddler, harnoss ni»k«r .1-3. <^>l* Jlif^nos, wigon naalwr. Iltonms' MihiT, M. R, physician and snr^!;ooll. R. Sanderson, inanufaoturor of steam onKinoR, all kintls of machinery, aKricidtnral implements, &c W. A. Voiuip, prii^ng piiii, (iourd^lw .'no, Dornan, proprietor of the OrowninR ir^fi.^ I / g t J ai iKis 1 )ohkIa«h, inmiKi fart u re» of flfcirs hedstends, &c. Williiuii (JamMe, mannfaolurer of a su- perior stylo and (piality of »K)ot8 and shoes. William iieisw^. proju-ietpr of the ITnJon Hotel. W. I'. Ilowland. Watcrdown flouring mills. Mrs. MiloR, proprlotrosH of the North American Hotel, Jam«t McMoni*?, Juik, mvi-ohaut, ornn. mlssionttf in a R.^, %, ii$rri«fli> lio«nse Mid gcMraliiflfiit, Thomas Rood, proprietor of the \'ictoria House, Port Flamboro. WELLINGTON SaiTARE. GREENSVILLE : P. I lore, proprietor of saw mills, dealer in lumber, Ac. Jwnes Jeyce. P. M. .-^ nurohRntJ Jardino ATo., mnnuf^rtnrersof carrihge genrinp. Jonathan Morden, proprietor of gristing and sawmills, dealer in flour, lum- ber, Ac WATERDOWN: Robert Rrunton. merchant and grocer. Head Raker, manufacturer of rakes, snaths, and cradles. A. Bingham, wholesale and retail dealer . > i^ tin, ooppor anjl »heot irou wnroB, stoves &c. brands cut to order. Thomas Bell, boat Arid s^tee^stfro. VV. Bunton, grain dealer. Ba.xter ittJalloway, merchants and grain dealers. John Crysh'r, carriage maker. Arthur Carter, M. I), and surgeon. A. M. Chishofcj, gcffrnATiifrc^l* ^ R«as Degarmo, propHotw of i)l' PLUIBEKS km GAS FITTERS. JOHN PKOCTOK, ♦ ii^i AXD DEALER IN PRODUCE. 300C Particular attention paid to the Shipping of Lumber and Staves. Lumber contracted from any Station on the Great Western or J3. «inu>wtua«„ ■ lo i^siwiiT ^ m og WHOLESALE di RETAIL DEALERS IN T © If E S SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE REVOLVING EDE PATENT u ss NOS. 8 *'. •I* 1., ,^- WiJl.amll. McMastcr, ,„anufucf«rer of ^r, and agricultural in.plemente. « Av' ^^^»««»'« JiT'or n.orcl.ant wid Iictnfiod auctjoneor. Knoci. Tinsmith, machinist and gurismitli. FranciH Taylor, saddle and harness manufacturer. and chair ware, and general turning mlnS. ^'''"^'''^ congregational T^avid Vandusen. pest .naster. II. Wright general merchant and pro- duce dealer. ' James B. Watson, tanner and currier, l^omas Young, dealer in general hard- Sing?"'""' *"'"'"'"g«^"^J .'^hoe TRAFAIGAa. SIIVER CREEK. L. W. Goodenow, dealen in dry m^.K gTocerlos and crockery James Preston, proprietor of hotel. BRONTE. W X Belgea & Co., general merchants. ''• J^^'lgcaASon, merchants. ^Vnl. II Courson, captain of the schoon- er Sunshme. 0. L. Oummer, miller. Ilagaman & Co., general merchants. James Mattison, grocer and confectioner ' tionZel.^'"^"^'^'- '' ^^«"*« «*- Thomas 8hain, station master. Jacob Wheeler, builder, &c. HORNBY EAST. Samuel King, blacksmith, manufacturer of plows, horse shoeing, &c. Thomas McKellum, proprietor of hotel. J. L. Skifrow, general store. Edward Mcr.erlan, carnage and waxaon >«n Ider ar.d blaoksmithing, go- l.ierlan s corners. Robert Shand & Son, plough, waggon and carnage builders, general black- smithmg; Ac. yth con., lot 15. ^'''*?n VT' ^''u"^^'' ''"^^ ^"'•"«'-' dealer m leather, Stewardtown. John Duncan, blacksmith,waggon maker and carriage manufacturer,Steward- town. R. P. Walker, proprietor cf hotel, Ste- wardtown. Charles Williams, postmaster, gristing and flouring, woollen manufacturer* lumber, &c, ' ZIMMERMAN. Donald MacCrae, mill wright, waggon maker, pattern making &c. Henry p. Zimmerman, proprietor of grist and mw mills. ]\[. B. Zaughnor, general mer<^hant and produce dealer, Omagh. NORVAL. Messrs. Alexauder, manufacturer of flax Alexander Laidlaw, M.D., and practiti- oner of medicine. Charles Mitchell, grist and flouring mills, lumber &c. ACTON. "V\'illiam Allean, dry goods, groceries, kc. Robert Atkinson, dealer in lumber, and proprietor of the Tarlton steam saw mill, con. 7, lot .3, Esquesing. Thomas Clark, hotel keeper. Charles Symons, dry goods, groceries, croclcery and produce. IIMEHOUSE. Edward Bescoby, manufacturer of lime, cement and lumber dealer. Lindsay, Farquhar & Co. Miles MacDonald, proprietor of hotel. C. J. Stull, hotel keeper. OAKVILLE. R. S. Applebee, barrister Lc. John ^ Alma, barrister and attorney, ai-law. J. M. Adkins, hair dresser, barber, ko James Arnott, general merchant. John Barclay, general merchant. R. P.Balmcr, P.M., clerk of the division court, notary public, and agent for the Colonial life assurance, co COUNTY Of , ^Alf.^'ON. 16} James Brott, groceries and liquors, J. ft A. Beatty, general merchant* John S. Bowrtito, butcher, Ac. ^' Sf Si"- h"'u*^'^'' ""•^ proprietor ot the " Halton New Era." James Crozier, miller. George K. Chisholm, mayor of OakvilUe and proprietor of flouring milk A. Dunglass, general merchant. a W. Flock, M.D. ftnd coroner. Henry Gulledge, harness maker. Joseph Hows, shoe store, E. Hemphill, carriage maker ''■^?aSr:"""^^''"'^'^'«'«»^-""- Peter Lyn, captain on lake, James McDonald, builder, &c. J. Milboume, manufkcturer of enam- elled,patent,and all kinds of leather. G. McKindsey, sheriff of th« county of Halt6n. ,-,,;_ .,; I F. McCallum, treasurer of Halton co. T, Milh, watchmaker, i William McOill, grocer, Ac. ! P. A. McDonald, general merchant I A. Matthews, watchmaker. I George Olto, cabinet maker. I David Patterson, marble works. Charles Reynold, general merchants. Wilham Robertson, hardware merchant Rev. Mr.Shanklin, St Jude's Church. John Start, attorney-at-law, solicitor-in ciiancery, and conveyancer. James Steel, harness maker. John Urquhart, Druggist, Ac. Ja nes Wilson, merchant tailor. William Wass, land agent R D. Wright, M. D. and coroner. W. H. Young, undertaker. — i-t^;,^ ♦ ^ i 'f t The Oldest and t^e«t Newspaper printed in *e Coun^ PUBLISH*,,, Ar iNG*.R«ox.i.. c";;; ' EVERY FRIDAY. AT 81.50 PER YEAR. so 1 > NEATIT AHD CHEAPIY EXECITTED Publisher. .1 ■ I illi: . '4; t : I !• -H 162 HAMILTON lt"i lit W I »»' "m if'; .f '' Wa^ram, showing the ammgement of the nuea, (damper closed,) and the position of the Fire Box. Oven and Hot Oloset it the ' "BRIAN OABPENTEB" The ])rincipftl advantagett poMctaed by th« " BRIAN CARPENTER " OT«r other Cooking StovoB are: iHt. It requiroa much less fiiel ; its peculiar construction being nuch that the entire heat generated In the flre-box is economized.. 2nd. The Oven (which, it will be obserred, is entirely encircled by the flue, hence the name " Revolving Flue,") being heated f>oni all sides equally. Bakes and Roasts evenly and thoroughly. " Turning'' in the oven, so ne- cessary in the "Diving Fine" and other stoves, to prevent burning, is in the "Buian Carpen- ter " wholly dispensed with. 8rd. A Hot Cupboard is attached to each stove — as shown above— which, as a Plate — Warmer and Heater, is invaluable, 'We are alNo Mianuf^eturerN of TIN, COPPIR Al SllT-IRON WARE! AIRIGULTUMl FURNACES & CAULDRONS. Cast Iron Pipes, Two Inch Bore and upwards. Pry and Green Sand. COLUMNS. PILASTERSJC. .FOR BUILDINGS. ' THIHBLESEmWAGOirBOXES Miaehiner^p and all kind» of Castings. Hamilton. 163 JOHN SMITH, -• Produce, Shipping, and AND INSURANCE AQENT- o ALL KrNDS"OK HOUOUT ANJJ SOLIJ ON COMMISSION. CASH AOVANeES MAO£ ON CONSf GNMENTS OFt ICK, M„,.„j „„t„, B„„m„g^„ HHmlUon.C.W. WILLIAM H. THOMAS, BlTimi iro IICTMIE. Kmg-St., Between John & Catharine-Sts., MANUPAOTURBK OP SUPE^^SOR OLD RYE, MONONGAHELA, MALT &. TODDY WHISKIES FAMILY PBOOJB; PFRE SPIRIT * Cologne Spirit, AIcoliol and Burning Plni^ WMM m FOREI'iNi? DOMESTIC WINES & LIQUORS, iltii .♦ t ill 164 COUNTY OF OXFORD. h L hi I; INGEKoOLL AND TOUMTY oF OXFORD. i I L. Bixell, Proprietor of the Ingereol Brewery. Daniel Baily, Wap;on and Carriage maker. Dr. T. Bowers, physician, surgeon, &c. W. L. Berry and Bros., druggist^ cheni- ista, etc., Thames-street. J.M.Chapman, importer of English tur- nip, carrot and mangel wurtzol seed, dialer in drugs, patent medi- cines, stationery, Xj C^ M 8!$ : LI IM ill 5 WIARD'S CELEBRATED JOINTER, And othef Ploug^hiei. CAST'NGS OF ALL KINDS MADE TTO ORncD 5 •*«■«! IIAMCLTON. If ALEXANDER STUART, 4 Doors West of the Montreal Bank, J'] 11 .11 j (I .|u UPHOLSTERER A UaiE A COMPLETE STOCK OF FURNITURE, BEOWNq, ^C, ' Hill : 1^' ■' ' { i i 1 ALTSTAYS 02sr HAND, AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES FOR CASH. ■ !« Kli^ M N 168 HAMILTON. ''I>MMfMN!3MlNG^,m;,,j. .}lf1l;'' '■ '''jiii ' t tt im .if n 'J o ALSO REPKESENTS THE » r FOR WHICH HE IS PREPARED TO ACCEPT AT RATI7C AO 1 fWir ^\^ nrwrci'nr^r.xT^ „,^. _ _ A A x^iii,^ xiw i^vu i\o Lurioioiiiivi WilH SAFETY. i / «« ICE. 'j)'^<. IM DUNDAS. 160 FACTS FORJARMERSy -« a ., .. „.„ „ . j..zr.xz«£ aaia^-? *rrwS •»""• - /« /r JVOT A FACT TbAT EVEBim EXCELSIOR MNINfi MILL FACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS O. W. EVERITT, DunclaA, C. W. TESTIMONIALS. „ , . Ancaster, March 1st, 1862. Thaiato certify that I used one of Mr Fv«rit»'o Thomas Hatt. Flamboro' West, February 16Ui, 1862 givcn7alrViTi*'"'' '*'°""' ^'y- that having John Wkir. Ancaster, Pebruwy 27th, 1852. aratioM of Kiair, from fou seeds ar.^»r 7, "'*' ^*'''- iliffiTinp from tlie k >, L!, '■*^'* "" ""'er Beed«, free an,^ iu mr so .'"p .r^^^e^ol e „'?o'*W*'"™"^'»'>^ Improved Prominm CS m n ^^ ^ ''«n't's Bible to thone whS'w,r:L%S^> j^^U'^e-iS"- EujAH CuRK, Baptist Pastor. Brantford Township, March 1st, im. Tills is U) certify that I have used vnnr um haveit, alit ^^ l^o^^tTlV^f^^r JOSBPH JOH-VSTOae. straw Cullers, «fooden Bowls, Pymps, Chairs 4 Cabinet Ware -v^^„^j, viivitp iojt i;asii or Produce at EVERITT'S OLD STANO IN DUNOAS- 1^ I, » I ^nll I . t 170 I' I liii . H LONDON. NEW ERA m MEDICAL SCIENCE ! i^imple Cure fbi* I>it^ea,se. if. ^^'" S ^tf '4 .1: I MUD STREAMING ELeCTRICITr Is curing thousands. All the savage shocking machines superceded by PALMER'S Improyed Patent Voltaic POCKET BATTER!. All the HospitalB use them. All the Doctors use them. Any person can use them. It can be worn on the body at any time. No unpleasant sensations— no shocks of any kind— no trouble. A child can wear it. It may be placed in the waistcoat iiocket. It will last for years. Any one can understand the directions accompanying each Instrument. Have you Rheumatism ? Try the battery ten minutes. Have you Gout ? Try the battery ten minutes. Have you stlft" or swelled joints ? Try the battery for quick and permanent relief. Have you general or local debility ? Try the battery— half an hour will test its value. Have you dyspepsia— indigestion ? Try the battery— gives tone and strength to the stomach at once. Have you weak lungs— consuraption ? Try the battery before yiu lose time with medicines. Have you liver compkiii^ ? Try the battery. Have you paralysis anywhere ? Try the battery. lUvc. you lumbago ? Try the battery one minute. Have you neuralgia of any kind V Try the battery one minute. Have you weak or sore eyes ? Try the battery tliree minutes. Are you deaf? Try the battery. Have you tumors, white swelling, goitre or thick neck ? Try the battery. Are you troubled with constipation ? Try the battery. Have you head or tooth ache ? Have you pain in the sides or chest ? Try the battery one minute. Have you any other kind of functional derange- ment? Trytho batte.y. Do you want a pleasant cure '—nature's cure ?— a permanent cure '' Trv the battery '^ ' Do you want proof of these statements 1 call upon H.Palmer, who lives right among you— Office next door to McCormack's, Confectioner, SmUh-» Block, East end of Dundas-st., London, C. W. All orders addressed to H. PALMER, Box £. 99. Post Office, London, will receive prompt attention. HAMILTON. 171 lELYILLE & nun, mm PROPRIETORS OF -^? ^•*'% '5 ^:},i AND MANUPAOTURERS OP ^tiii, Sill ^ Wliitw IMSis, VORK ST., HAMIUTON, JAMES BUNTIN & Co AND Of Alii Kills Of PilPIR AND EirVElOPES, Mills at Valleyfield oji the River St. Lawren ce. ■^«ffj ^N ii » ' III * I y irf ^111. 'If I 176 HAMILTON. I? 9 >!_J J Za-'U - ^ V i-' U ^._-. . -' :>-,.> I JOHN C. TAYLOR III '•'■* ^'! PROPRIETOR. THI6 HOTEL IS CENTBALLY SITUATED AND THE BEST IN THE CITY. OMlVIBXJSHi:^ To aJjid ftwnl tlie Oars and Boats on their arrival and departure. No paing will bellied'' by the Proprieftor to render it in every respect a First Class House The Table always supplied with the Delicacies of the Season JOm C. TAYLOE. 53^5 '9 COUNTY OF OXFORD. 178 tli BEACHVIIIE. J. Buchanan, Jr., dealer in tin, copper and sheet-iron ware, stoves, &c., James Collier, hotel and livery stable! Robert Thompson, millwright, Oxford h oundry. James Fairbaim, general merchant. Wm. Forman, millwright. G. A. Hicks, Prince of Wales Hotel. E . A. Nelles, general dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c, e. H. Mason, assistant P. M. John McDonald, general dealer in dry I goods, groceries, wines and liquors, shelf and heavy hardware, crock- ery, boots and shoes, paints, oils, cordage, &c., &c. EMBKO. D. Callahan, general merchant. George Duncan, physician, surgeon.&c. John Forrest, general merchant. H. Gammond, Albion Hotel. Alexander Hay, publisher of the " Embro Review." Adam James, dealer m boots and shoes. D. K McPherson, insurance agent, Provincial Insurance Co. of Can- ada. D. Matheson, P. M., and Clerk of the Court, Embro. Short & Mathers, mill owners, North Embro Mills. J. Wallace, miller. Flour, oatmeal, and pot barley, Scotia Mills. OTTER VIILE. Bain & Bennett, general dealer'! in dry goods, hardware, -joc*^ i...^, crock- ery, clothing, paints, oils, &c. Mam Street. Horatia N. Courtlandt, teacher. R. B CFomwell, general merchant. A. & J. Durkie, tanners and curriers, saddle. h.irnp<« unA ,,„f^.-u.., ' dry goods and groceries. U. A Fleak. U. D.. pbwician, surgeon and alcoBcheur, ^ ' Q. GoodVi^ fenehil mferchant. James Kelly, lumberman. AmoiH. Richards, mac on. Lewis R. St^e. dealer in tin, copp«r. sheet .1rc^ar«,-i(^(r^ M' ' jPU^rt Stover, J. ^,i^l^^cmj md provisJoq jbtord. • ^'^■' Robb Lindsay! merchant, &c., P. M. Inn^rkip. ' ' Azaliah Schooley, raerchHnt,New Dur- ham, Macauley Boyce, North American Hotel. David N. Brown, builder, carpenter, andjpmer, , John W. Cope, blacksmith. Benjamin Franklin, M.D., L p S C '^''^sSS^H^P^^fl^nion Simon Peter GH-ahaiii, carriage maker. Thomas Harris, boot, shoe and harness shop. WiUi^,^ Harris, wool de^er. Mount Efglfa. , : " David Kelso,, cat)inet maker. WiUiam McDonald, merchant tailor. F. Marett, dry goods, groceries, and milhnery. James N. Mathewd, joiner. W. H. B. Morgan, machinist. S. B. N,?wcopibe, attorney. '^*'' Offic7^'^' '^^'^ Hot«Und Stage J. H. Patton, pump and washing ma- chme factory; ' H -* .^"^ ^^'=> Edward Stonehoi^se, solicitor in chan- cery, attorney, &c. E. I|,,XiIso5, «enerai merctuint and ^ ^ 4Sr !See Advortiaement, jtage 174. iv. VauNoruian, general merchant and ' 'I sir«i ^4 I'.' ! if' ■ill ,[ ' u ''» >^- '" : ill • Jit ^ ft' ■J'.' ifi COdNTT OF OXFORD. E. D. TILLSON Is prepared to furnish, o„ the shortest uotice, Dressed and Ua.iressed ; Also SASH, BLINDS, DOORS AND MOULDINGS, Well made and thoroughly seasoned, AT HIS MILLS IM TILLSONBURG Or at hi8 Yaj-dsmj^ngorsoll and Strathroy. ' He is also ready to receive, anT^cute with neatness and promptitude, all orders for A3V-' KI]Vr> OF LUMBER i^RY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, AND CROCKERY, To be had at the lowest remiineiating prices, FOR CASH OR READY PAY AT HIS 8T0RE, " NO. 12, WEST BROADWAY, TILLSONBURG, O-aRLXS-GP xaiiL.x- AT THK FOOT OlP RRHAnWAV rm r onxn^ur^r. COUNTY OF OXFORD. lis G. PLATTSVILLE. J. W Bundle xr.o ^^. HARRY J. WALBRIDGE. R. SIARKS NEIIGAN'S ENGLISH WORM CANDY nunA "^ "^"'■'' '^^''efor fVorms. ' takl|'^" S;;fr " "--- -'" «"^ «^-e ca„dle. plea.ant, and to give immediate relief ^<^^i^:.^:^^Xtst "^^"^^-•^'•' -^-^"^ Kobert Stark. Woodstock Price It ^ve8 me much pleasure to rortifv .i,„t T 1 ,, ^^n^Iph, February 18th, 1868. i> . -^m-^^ [Signed] W. S. BALL. NO. .„,, ..'*S!„.f,t!I I^^,"? VEGETABLE PUIS. Oertiflcatefrom a Canadian, ^'*»»T Stabk Esq.,- Aylmer. January 1,5th 1862 of siSJ piLL.^ l' aL>hr olfld 'an,ri/''''' ' "i'V"^ "°^' "« alive to tell mv ntorv but for f h and got so weak I could not leave mvhPri'-''w\''i"'" "/ <^nunw but with nolvvc'rfslirrh; htnl^m" 1 ever I wns in my lift thavV. t„ JL .:"^.1'?;,?"d '" fen days I was up, andTu five more as wen a" eve I w^. ', ,nv 1 ft "^hV^" V' T^ ^'"'"«''h- «" W.I. in my lift thanks to the above pills. I am yours, Prepared by Dr. Bartpp m R '^ R 'y Vsw, r> - - .nf "t- SoPER,-This city is full of machines ?n"/. \,^^''\^^f^ nrae that I would ^ite S for ; It works to a charm. ^ ' P. W. MALLOHY. Shoemaker, London. All Machinfis Warranted. ^B-jW- WOODSTOCK. 179 F. B. SCOFIELD, ?IJMR um II Jj AND Ai iNl FACTURER OF MOULDINGS, <&c., <5co., NELSON.ST., NEAR T' ] (JREAT WESTERN RAJLWA Y, NA/OODSTOCK, 0_ \A/_ George Montgoinerv, proj.rietor of Montgomery's Hotel. Nimms (fe Bent, wholesale and retail bi)()t ;itk1 shoe depot, Woodstock and D umbo. (4eorge Nasmyth, merchant taiK.r. WiilJam Nasmyth, general dealer in groceries, provisions, gla,ss, stone, and hardware. Thomas Oliver, importer of British, French, German and American dry goods. Parker cfe Fauquioll, wheat bnver and commission niercliant. L. H. Perry, M. D. Stephen Pocock, painter and glazier and general dealer in window glass paper hangings, ! .'•/ />^ Op/i' W Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14530 (716) 872-4503 ^ iV iV w^ % ■^ V €^:^j% \ ^ % vv^ ^.5^ \H K h %] ' 180 WOODSTOCK. Robe'-t Stark, chemist, proprietor of Baxter's Pills, Pain King, Cherry Babi), Mecca Horse Cure, &c. See adv., page ITT. William Thompson, dealer in toys and fancy goods. John Townsend, dealer in groceries and provisions. John Thompson, iron founder. J. B. Vanvoorhis, proprietor of the Chirendon Hotel. Thomas Wrightj M. D. J. M. Wingfield, cabinet maker and undertaker. Every description of furniture on hand and made to order. & J. White, importers of, and dealers in Bntish and Foreign staple and fancy dry goods, i-eady made clothing boots and shoes, groceries, ' I- hi ■■' I iw. GUELPH. David Allen, miller and distiller. John Armstrong, pro])iietor of union flouring mills, township of Guelph. Hirim Black, blacksmith. Stephen Boult, architect and builder. William Burgess, photographic artist, Windham Street, William F. Clark, congregational min- ister, Park lot No. 46. Cuthbert & Alexander, watch makers, Market Place. Charles Davidson, insurance agent. Stephen Dadson, hat manufacturer, Market. Peter Emsley, grocer, Gordon Street. J. Harvey, M. D., druggist, Windham Strt-et. (ioorgi) 11. Hiiymes, hatter and furrier, Market Square. John Harris, Jr.,baker and confectioner. Market Square. Charles Hutchinson, station agont. Rev. John Holser, pastor R. Catholic church. Catholic Hill. Robert R. Johnson, barber. J. J. Kingsmill, county attorney. R. R. Kerr, patent right ngent, Bridge- port. Johr. Keller, hardware merchrnt. ^~ See Card, page 181. Lemon &, Peterson, barristers, &c. Robert M. Langon, " Mercury" office McCrae & Co., produce and commis- sion merchants. W. H. Mills, Guelph Steam Foundry, Mair, Inglis & Co., Wellington Foun- dry, Samuel D. Mathew, builder, «fec. IV ! K- .iUS^i. COUNTY OF WELLINGTON. 181 y registrar 1 nianufac- Ijc. r, stationer '. M., f»ad ries, crock- fee. of Oxford. ., comijiia- 'f Queen'fl 3f Oxford. clerk and xford. sr, County ifectioner, ^ont. Catholic ley. t, Bridge- :^nt. )age 181. &c. ^" office commis- ''oundry, n Foun- kc. m IMPORTKR OP =:1cbc3-3 t?5 (ScSticTi^oCi^' Off) i3 AND GENERAL HOUSE-FURNISHING IRONMONGERY ALSO DEALER IN OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, SIGN OF THE PADLOCK, NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE WYNDHAM STREET, GUELPH. ' James O'Neil, propiietor of O'Nfail's Hotel. Guelph Stage Office and Lirery Stable, Wyndham Street, near Grand Trunk Depot. T. S. Parker, mayor and M. D. George Palmer, barrister, &c. George Pirie, publisher and proprietor of " Guelph Herald." Rev. AHhur Palmer, Rector St. George's Church. Jacob Reed, grocer. Adam Robinson, foundryman. J, C. Robinson, road master, G, T. R. Jonas Roe, hotel keeper. Noah Sunley, stove dealer. Wm. H. Sumers, confectioner, Wynd- ham Street. Peter Stewart, proprietor of Red well's Hotel, township of Guelph. Peter Susand, hair dresser, E. Market Square. Robert Scott, carriage maker. Henry Swift, dentist, Wyndham Street. D. Savage, watch maker and jeweler, Wyndham Street. William Sunley, tin-smith. T. Trotter, dentist, Wyndham Street. John Thorn, dentist. Thomas Hs Tft^'lor- auctionaar 4rC. j James Webster, registrai, Wyndham Street. George Wilson, Trust and Loan Co. J. Wilkinson, editor and proprietor of Guelph " Advertiser, East Market Square. FERGUS. W. B. Choate, stove dealer, Robert Dryden, Queen's Arms Hotel. George D. Ferguson, conveyancer. William Kidd, teacher, fli .t class, pro- vincial certificate. Rev. George McDonald. James McQueen, post master. George Orton, doctor. William Pattisun, merchant, St. An- drew Street. Alexander Robertson, merchant tailor. William Ross, merchant. H. T. Strath moi-e, druggist. Daniel Tangney, proprietor of Wellins- > ton Hotel. ® G. H. Todd, cleik of council and gram- mar school teacher. G. N. Winstanley, barrister. James Watt, general merchant, St. Andrew Street. C. W. Watson, tanner. Jsmes Wilson, niiliwr. I m : * ':i' « il m f *4 II i-^** '«■■■ *i\' V: """li"*'' 182 COUNTY OF WELLINGTON. ELOBA. George Ariss, hotel keope.-. Ebenezer Day, wagon maker. Levi Erb, merchant, miller, St win.r iw,.,.>,i-.. m . .Hamilton, Marcli 2l8t, 1861. & Co., located in tlilH oUy anaexftminod fhr m^^^ Manufactory of R. M. Wanzer commending then> to the"^ peoplcTJr.^a'dS'asTu e^^^^^^^^^^ »"^ «■•«»* Ple««"re in re- enconragement of Canadian manufkctiirers. eiucii)ri»L wortliy of patrwiage, and also to the Buchanan, Harris & Co H. McKinstry, Mayor, Kerr, Brown & Co., R. Jiison & Co., Brown, Gillespie & Co., D. Mclnnes & (Jo., R. Nisbet & Co., F. W. Gates & Co., D. Moore & Co., E. McGivern, P. W. Dayfoot, Lawson, Bros., & Co. J. Winer, U.S. Con. Ag't. Wood & lieggatt, R. B. Morrison, Gumeys m-,.h«aora ^j^-. ...;ok ;"„__""'„'* ''■^'i.^'i°'^''j_ ^Ims they are doing to the entire satisfaction of the purchasers: 'We wish oencouragniome Vain k.V^7 '^l^'' ^°H *" j^^.j , ^^^ tho%S. Hm? R tS" w *"'^* In Canada ; Aachiue, we 'wish to see them extensile vnlllL^" '^ '»"'''«& Co. have. when we see a Company mixmj; mu imius anu neiuir at the eviiciino that vt lu to make a meritorious Aachiue, we 'wish to see them extensively UtronLd^^ Robert Gallagher, F. Gallagher, John Porteous, Wm. Montgomary, Agnes McElroy, Mrs. M. Brick, John Toms, Mary Lee, R. B. Morrison, H. Thomas, James Burnes, F. T. Barker, Ellen Toole, Isabella McClelland, Margaret Dillon, Mary Anne Dillon, Thomas Welch, Thomas Olliver, ' Emily Twamley, James Carrie, and many others. It gives us great pleasure to say to those who wish Sewinij Machines for Mannfnof „,.,•„ that we think those manufactured by R. M. Wanzer & Co Ha, Iilton«r^i''i"/'°S purposes, ever saw manufactured in the United ^tate^ wf hfvUeen Zn^ siti^Pr' "^^^ v ' ''"^ '^''^ we tared by I. M. Singer & Co.. Now York, for a ser ." of years K fn^fn^^^ mannfac- purchased one of Wanzer &Co.'s manufacture, the work o^fwh^hn^fased.^s?,^,"^^^ ^^ ufacture of Boots and Shoes, we disposed of those we had manufacWd bvl M ^Z^ "k*^*" """"■ are now running to our entire satisfaction, six of Singer's No aShinRs mJf.-ni"^*''^ "^ ^°'r?^'^ Wanzer & Co., Ilamilton, C. W. ^ ' ''■"^chines, manufactured by R. M Hamilton, C.W., April 21, 1862. r. nISBET & Co Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Boots and Shoes. Singer No. 1, $75. Singer No. 2, $85. Wheeler & "Wilson, from $45 to $90. R.M. Wanzer & Oc'sFamily ShuttleNcKMAN's pat.]$45 ORDERS SmDULDlBE^^ADDiESSED TO It. M. TT^lVZEir Ac Oo HAMILTON, C. W. IS^ See inside of FroiU Otwer. I /liny COUNTY OF PRINCE EDWARD. 185 I James Patterson, dealer in groceries, china, glass, and earthen ware. Alexander Patterson, hardware mer- chant. C. Ernest Rankin, P. L. surveyor. Walter Ross & Co., dealers in dry goods, groceries, produce, Ac, Main Street. L. Rawson, manufacturer and dealer in Street ^^^^^ ^"*^ '''**^'"'' ^*'" Richard Ringer, harness maker and car- nage trnnmer. .'oseph Redmond, dealer in groceries and provisions. Main Street. \^n?"^^' '''''"""««'°" «"'i general J. A Sheriff, photographic artist David Scott, dealer in dry goods, gro- ceries, and school books. A. Southard, lurniture dealer &c Richard Morden, general merchant i^evi Varney, principal of ladies academy. WBILIWGTOH. Rev. J. Briggs, Wesleyan Minister. Edward Brady, gener^ merchant «• P. Clark, tinsmith! ^ '^ ^ ''''IrZls':^ t/'^''' wholesale BeUevnie'"'^ ^''"*'"*^ '"^""^hants, George Dart, homoepathic physician. R- J^Foster, M. D. physician, surgeon, Dr. H. T. Tail, physician and surgeon. Irancis Taylor, butcher and grocer John Thomas & Co., carriage aiid sleigh builders, Phoenix Building John TerriU teacher in grammar and union school. James Wycott, hardware dealer. G. Webster, architect. David Williams, provincial land sur veyor. David R. Wellbanks, Steamboat Hotel David 0. Young, cabinet maker. W. Yarwood, merchant tailor, and een eral clothing establishment. BLOOMFIEID. H. £. Bo;*es, M. D., eclectic physician y till IJ a. m., and Irom 2 till 4 p m Robina Corey proprietress of Bloom^ held Hotel, Colin Geanng, general merchant J ^' 7'='^«' carriage manufiu}turer. Innes & McLeod, civil engineers and surveyors, Belleville. * ^""^ R«f & Co., deab;^ in dry goods '■ Edwins. Robbins, dealer in dry eoods grocenes, hardware, cmckTrr&c' Archibald McFaul, dealer in grain and commission merchant J. D.Selleck, grain buyer. William Thorn, dealer in groceries' h/irH ware, liquors, crocke?y.T ' "'' George Ward, maltster. W.B.Whittier. notary puyic. Charles Wood,surgeon dentist I^All operations warranted. •^^■^" DEMORESTVIIIE. ""■"Sg^i'e^ -^-^ -nufacturer Samuel E. Barton. '•go^"'^oSr^S^-'-^«^ A. Peck, hotel keeper and hop grower. MIIPOEB. 'I. Braden, physician and surgeon Rev. John English, Wesleyan Minister North Post ^'"^' merchant,. if: i 186 COUNTY OF HASTINGS. Vi COUNTY OI?^ HANXINOH. tm' ■' f -'■4i'A'' ' m .»|M ;: .« «v t '» i ■* ! <* r<, 1 t k" t ■''" ' 4 \ >"']" ^^^^ d' TRENTON. W H. Austin, general merchant and shipper, manufacturer, &c. Rev. W Bleasdell, rector, St. George's. H. R. C. Brettargh, clergyman. 0. B. Bryant,shoemaker,Queensborough. Lewis tJruickshank, proprietor of Rail- road House, corner of Water and Elgin Streets, John Coyne, blacksmith, Dundas Street. Henry W. Day, M. D., coroner for the Counties of Hastings and Northum- berland Ford Street, Trenton George Deans, dealer in drugs and fami- ly medicines, dye-stuffs, paints, oils, colors, books and stationery, Water Street John Dench, provision and feed store, Bridge Street William Davis, dealer in groceries, li- quors, crockery, boots and shoes, Water Street H W. Delong, notary public, conveyan- cer, &c. George H. Gordon, dealer in dry goods, groceries, produce, &c. J S. German, proprietor of hotel, Dun- das Street Gilmore and Co., merchants, lumber dealers, &c.. Bridge Street Albert D.C. Hawley, druggist, stationer and printer. Bridge Street. T H. Hodge, dealer in dry goods, gro- ceries, liquors, &c., Dundas Street Thomas Jeffs, dealer in dry goods, gro- ceries, boots and shoes, corner of Dundas aqd Water Streets. Kobert Lougheed, dealer in groceries, provisions, boots and shoes, Water Street. Patrick Lyons, drover, butcher, green grocer, &c., Dundas Street A E. McDonald, M. D., physician and gurgson. . Alexander MacAuley, collector of cus- toms, issuer of marriage licenses, Coun. Queen's Hench, dep. U. S. Consular Agent, office, Dundas-St G. W. Redmond, hmiberer. John Roger, cigar maker and grocer, James R. West, saddle and harness maker, corner of Water and Elgin Streets. MADOC. T. S. Agar, mill owner. J. S. Baker, merchant D. 0. Brown, blacksmith. H. Bull, jr., merchant Richard Carrigan, town clerk. John Dale, tinsmith. Dr. W. W. Elmer. W. E. D. Eadus, bailiff. Eddy B'isk, shoemaker D. Findlay, conveyancer. J. S. Fitzgerald, carpenter. Charles Gream, conveyancer Alexander Judd, clerk of court David P. Lewis, carpenter. E. Mouncy, tailor. Simon Moon, proprietor of hotel Simon McKenzie, proprietor of hotel B. H. May bee, cabinet maker. W. W. McArthur, painter. D. McDonald, bailiff. G. D. Ravel, jeweler. James Speirs, merchant Samuel Stout, barber. # A. F. Wood, reeve and post ma.ster, Andrew Wright, baker. Rev. David Wishart, Free Church. Charles E. Watson, shoemaker. Dr, A. A. Yeomans. COUNTY OK HASTINGS. Jd7 BELLEVILLE. and Hhoes, Front Street William G. Berry, G.T.R., and B. & A StSr "^'"'^ ^«^"*' «han„onville clothing store, Front Street. M.Bowell, publisher of the ..Intelligen- cer newspaper, and Hastings Di- rectory, Front Street ^'" '^andlZ"' *'^'- ?""''^'''''^' '"erchants a Benjamin, warden of the Co. of Has tings. ""^ Curry, McOandlish ^ Feild, wholesale grocers and produce merchants Francis Clement, butcher. New Market Inn, Prmces Street P. D. Conger, dealer in dry goods and groceries, Front Street J. W Carman, tjublisher of the .. fnde- SS^TVtreSr ^^ ''-'' -^ "^nfittmSS;^6-te minary. ' "^ *'** ^"*"g*2^*™o»d, barristers, &c., Bridge '■^SsTet''^"^^^^"^^'"''--. B. Flint general merchant, dealer in lumber, &c., Bridge Street ^'^'itrF^nf^l^S.^'^-^^^^^^^ '^''"t'Jrsa;'*'^^^"'^^"^-^--^ Thoma.s Hardy, proprietor of Hastinjr's Saloon, Front Street ^ E. W. Holton, merchant, Front Street f«'i ^K Z/''^'"'^''' wholesale and re- tail hatter and furrier, dealer 7n straw goods felt hpte, cloth cLps buffalo and fancy robes. NewSSk prices for raw furs. Front Street E. Harrison bookseller and dealer in pianofortes, and all kinds of mus? SontlS"^^' '^'^^^ ^-^«' ^^•. 1 E. Holden, agent Bank of U C Robert P. Jellett, barrister. J. Kennedy, dry good.s and groceries. John Lewis, hardware merchant Yaw \^rr''!* ""^ -"^rney-at. E. McAnnany, Mayor. J- H. Meacham, P.M., "^^ *'S^rr''^°'"«'^^«'=k'-e'« Hotel (late the Empire) Bridge Street ^■'SS.™^"^«-«^th«Bankof nerofFrontTnXfertes"-" Thomas Mills, town clerk. t ^- ^*''""^«> ^••«^» Timber Office. Neil McCarthur, saddle anH u. manufacturer. *^°'^^'^ William fl. Ponf»n k • ^ Street, "' ^^'"^^^r, Front '^" \„^^P^^"' ^°*P and candle and "■ *utoL w"T°"' f""™"" Agri. Robert Roy, town clerk, Joseph Reeves, saddle nn,l u manufactur;r,FSs;reot''"^'^' "TSt^^-^-dsim- Ross & Bell, barristers. M. Sawyer, chemist and druggist. Front """S-'V.lf ^' "P»^«>«terer, cabinet Jonathan Sisson, Bachelor of Laws Dn. versity of Toronto, barriSl^f^J; I Andrew Thomson, mam.^../..^ ^ i ^^'■'^i^l Bank of CaSad,; ^^"''■ 111 i;i I 188 COUNTY OF liASTlN(KS. ^ '* * a' « ' • ,1 , , J- •5 ,.• Uiriuii Sli,^oo(ls. p,ro<'o ries, «rofkcry, rodin [lapor, Ac. Front Stnicl.. Ool>n K. Wliiuloii, proprietor of the Al- bion Motel, iJtindHsStreol.Slmniioi!- ville. JmnoH VViilker, ineivlmnt tailor ami pineral elotliter. ■\Viilters and W'lilsoii, merclianl luilors and neiieral rUilliifrs, Kmul .Stret»t. W. S. Williams, the Indian llydropii- ' Ihi'^l, and llcrlialisi I'liysjeian, Front .Mti'«H't. STERLING, i (!eorjj;e K. Hull, elmiriimn lioiird of school trustees, oonveyaneer, and land ajjjeiit, Front Street. (J. H. Holler, M. 1). and.l. P., nmnieipal eoniu'illor, eheinisl and drn>?ji;is!. William Baker, miller, and j^encral dealer in idl kinds of grain. '.^sa-'- TTiTurrgrr James Holdrick, nMhftiit twHor. K. r. (lilhert, general Juerchant H. Steadman, municipal roimnllor, Kiid M:»)nwal merclmnt. William Snyer, copper, tin-plate, and sheet-iron worker. fsiuie Wolevor rehant taihir, and municipal coumilhir, MARMORA. S. VV, RIoecher, Manor Ueiijamin .lohnslon. meivlmnl. T. MeCahe, elerk, tiilmore i (Jo. W. MeWilliains, proprietor of hotel. P. (>. Pearsiilt, inerchiint. Samuel tVawtord, Miid}](i'wnfer. ('. .Morrinn, Hrid^^.water Hoase. William Power, Hrltish American Hotel, Crafton. QUEENSSORO. ('. B. Bryant, shoemaker. Ahram Diamond, proprietor of hotel. dob Linghan, lumborman. A. n. Ross, post master. Peter Vatdeek, contractor. William Wiggins, proprietor of hotel.t;; ■■ -It f r— t^ .. . 7-_^., , . . . ._ COtJlVT?T' OK aoi>i]\<:jxc>in. ODESSA. p. it ,1. Booth, lunibor niaiuifucturers and merelmnts. .loshna Booth, woolen manufacturer. 1>. B. Booth, general merchant A. Hooper, manufacturer of sawed hun ber, and dealer in allkinds of grain. P. S, Tiinmerman, post master. Anson Storms, sash, blind and door inanulixcturer. S. .1. Walker, dealer in groceries, dry goo«l8, crockery, &c. Francis R. Wycotf, proprietor of hotel. (lohnsoa Walker, proprietor of hotel. NEWBURY. Dr. Ooloiuan, (Irujrjrist, ife,.. .lohn Hani, K<'evo. Sainuol, Lak«, proprietor ofTemper- uuce House. Oeorge Lott, lunibernian. B. McGuire, lawyer, Andrew Carrick k Oo., tHnriorsand curriers. COrTNTV OF r.KNOX. 18a riN I V OJ I.KINOX NAPANEE. A. h I%nrl, goiioriil merchant, Dimdus hUoot. TiiiMiun Bi'e)jmn,c(,ii,inissi..iiur olt^umiN Hc'iicli, coiivcyanwr and u'l-ncral •ipalor. Bononia Mrig^, boot, at,,! hI.oo inanufac- iiiivr, Diiiuias Sdci-t. Al.xainlor ('nin|,lu.ll, ^^m-ral inonhaiK, and |)r()|)ri(((,rof(',m,p)„.|i'sllotol ^ <'«>''KT()(l>uMdu.siiiid ( Viili>rS(r»T(.s.' T. S DoUor, Htflti«>naKi'nt,(;raiul Trunk llailway. Hi'Mja.nin C Davy. I„HriHt«r and attor- lU'y-nt-Iiiw. liobort Ksson, .1. I'., la„d owner. .To».,MJ,,„,go. Hol.lin, M. V. V. PnirnwMinf. tins Strct;(. .i"l.n Wnrswiek. p<..vrv ,n,d ,,rovision «t«'rc, Diinda.s «t),.,.«. I 'iindas Street. ' (Jeorfto Wil«„n, KetienlnuMvluuit St'reor"'""""' '""■'■''■'^^''■' """•'«« cr in nn- COTJB^XY OI. ^^>I*T^iriTMl,Km.AJM.. COBOUEG. •^ F>. Arnionr, I^awver. Hank of Toronto, A. A. BnrnliHin, Trojviirer. (■liiich and Hoyd, printors. C.Kikhurn and Stanton, lawyers. Wni. Dolanooy, carriji(r(, maker. •^ (•• Kdjnrecornbe. carriage niakor. P. (r. Forgiis, M.D. A. .Teffreys and Son, merchants. W. Law Kurr. ^,,- .,, H, E. Lyon, dentist. L. S Neilis, president, Victoria (Col- lege. N. W. Powell, M.D. «. W. Reed, M.D. W. J. Simpson, artist. Trafasers and Co., manufacturers of cloth. I Wm. F. Vanengen, mercliant. \ Winer and Butlor, wheat buyer?. i COIBOURNE. ;':,'^- '^""•'>'r'. B. Fox, C,wtl,.(on. H. P. (}(Mild, niniage |,„ilder .lohn McH„y-|,, i,o,,3| i,^,,.|,^,._ PEKRYTOWir. J^obe..A.Oorl.t.M.|).,„u,geon,ctc. liov. John IIjitoM. NEWCASTLE. W. J- n<)nt<3, snporintendent V. S. for '-'O. Durham. Francis Colenmn, WcsIe^•un ndnistor, and Chan man of Wfiitbv District il. A Massey. iron founder, uianufoc- i"! I r' fl J! li i, 'f !"* 1;^ M 100 COrNTV OF NORTHITMBERLAND. WARKWORTH. Win. Creijr, hoUil kee(»er. Jlenj. DoFurlon^r. ini|lwii^|,i, Oeorgo (irrtffjin, HhowtnHlc^r. Alfred Maybee, merchant. W. A. Mayhew, merchanl. BRIGHTON. Nelson J. Rird, M. I), Francis W. Bir.|, surseun. c.roner, &c. •lared Clark, ooaoh and carriaife build- er. * AiJCfustneCaHtK commi«mon merchant, n. W. Thapman. merchanl, tailor. John B. R. Dejicon, pfeneral merohant. John Eyre, sohcit..r and notary pub- lic. Matthew Fflrri«, general mendiant. \Vm. E. (irant, schonl teHclier. 8. P. Gros8. gonerjil merclianf. VV. E. Kemp, copiHjr and tin manu- facturer. .John E. Proctor, i^enoral merchant, fievi Priour, proprietor Priour ITonse. Henry Pliip|ion, cabinut manufacturer. H. Spencer, editor of the " British n*)v. Charles Turner, Wesleyan minis- ter. James S. Taylor, hardware dealer. R. Wynn, dealer in boots shoes and leather. eOiriNTY OF VIC'XOKI^ ' I"" ' U: LINDSAY. John P. Albro, deputy sheriflf. lilackett, Robinson A Co., proprietors of ' Canadian Post.'' William Cottingham, provincial Warden, ivmdsay. County of Victoria. John Callis, miller, Little Britain. "'l M. Donahue, judge of County of Petcrboro. 'i'. Hohony, proprietor of Doheny's Ffotel. Martin Uunqford. solicitor. John G. Deans, chemist and druggist, dealer in drugs and family medi- cines, dye stuffs, paints, oils, lamps, books and stationery, medical hall. Kent Street. Thomas Fee, carpenter and machinist' Thomas A. Uuspeth, barristerat-law. K. D. Hand, proprietor of '' Advocate." Rev. William Johnson, Presbyterian Minister. VV. J. Logic, clerk of Division court. Robert Lang, mayor. A. Macaulay, reeve of Lindsay. John Pearson, saloon-keeper. Rev. Samuel C. Phelps, Wesleyan Min- ister. OMEMEE. J. Cooper, editor and proprietor of "Warder. ' Rev. N. Disbrow, incumbent of Omemee, Emily. John Irons, M. D. Rev. Henry McDonald, Wesleyan Me- thodist Minister. Ira D.JSpooner, saloon-keeper. COUFTY OF DURHAM. COUNTY OF DURHAM. 101 im- PORT HOPE. F. H. Burton, M. R P., King Street. H. Wurnhanj & Co., flour nianiifa.^uuer8 and Mdllcrs. ('. W. M. Barnott, builder. William Barrett, proprietor of carriHge manufactory, fiouring mill«, and woolen maiuifttotory. Rev. James liaird, Bookseller and sta- tioner. (leorge Brogdin barrister. M. Hrown.proimetor of hotel, Fletcher's Corners. W. Y. Ohurch, proprietor of Church's Hotel, Mill Street. H. F. Chisholmn, physician. (.!. W. D. (Jumcron, M. 1), John Dayman, carpenter and joiner. John T. Day, division court officer. \Villiam H. Evratt, M. D., John Street. James Found, blacksnuth, at the Guide Board. John Geale, dealer in dry goods, fancy goods, berlin wool, &c. John Gordon, principal of Grammar School. Rev. John Hunt, Wesleyan IVfinister. VV. Hogg, boss tanner. Maurice Hay, bookseller and stationer, periodical dealer, &c. Howell & Co., Port Hope, and S. J. Howell, Millbrook, general mer- chants and produce dealers. Thomas Warring Hastings, proprietor of Hiistings Hotel, John Street. Alfred G. Hayter, proprietor of the "Port Hope Messenger." Joseph Hooper, Port Hope marble works, head of Walton Street. H. B. Hales, manufacturer of saddles harness, trunks, &c. ' Philander Hanna, proprietor of Lakevillc Jlotel, Bewdley, head of Rice Lake. Robert Kerr, carder and cloth dresser. N, Kirkhoffcr, barrister &c. William Kit.-hem, hntdher. Malther riough.provincial land RUj-veyor, (fee. Thomas Molson, mill proprietor. John Madden, D. D., Catholic Priest. Nelson McDonald, Sawyer, Bewdley. William Mathews, proi)rietor of Rail- road Hotel. Ontario Street F M. Morse & Co , medical hall, drug- gist, Walton Street. Q. A. NatrasH, dentist, Knowlsom's Block, Walton Street. J. A R. G'Neill, importers of and dealers in British and .American dry goods and groceries, and manufacturers of millinery, clothing, and boots and shoes. Dealers in lumber. Edward Peplow. jr., miller. John Peacock, waggon maker, sleigh maker and cooper, Hope. J I. Perry, dealer In clocks, watches, jewelry, and fancy articles, John Street. John Pellow," proprietor of Port Hope Distillery. C. Quinlon, mayor of Port Hope. Samuel D. Robinson, j)roprietor of Rob- inson's Saw Mill. A. Ru bridge, barrister-at-law. Hon. B. Seymour, M. L. C. J. S. Smith, M. P. P. William Sisson,money lender, and dealer in lands, stocks, &c. David smart, post master. John Spalding, brewer. James Shepherd, miller. Robert Sherin, carriage manufacturer, Cavan Sti-eet. George A. Stewart, provincial land sur- veyor, civil engineer, &c. A. T. Williams, railway superintendent* William Wilson, proprietor of tannery. J. Woltinden, marble works. John Walter, builder, and manufacturer, of fanning mills, broom handles, &c, Willi^,m Ware, currier. 1' i' !:i 192 COUNTY OF DURHAM. \^ >»j »»••' 1 Li. .4 ■~r MILLBROOK. William Berry, town treasurer, S. J, Howel, general merchant and pro- duce dealer. C. Rager, editor and proprietor of " Mill- brook Chrcnicle." Granville Richardson.proprietor of Wcll- mgton Hotel. Rev. Thomaj8Stobbs,Wcsleyan jVinister. PORT BKJTAIN. Thomas Clark, proprietor of Port Britain jHotel. ■^' ">' Andrew Hunter, proprietor of Tort Bri- tain Mills. BOWMANVILLE. Christopher Boimsall, marble works. James CaHacott, blacksmith. Richard Coe, teacher, Hope, C. W. William Cowle, clerk division court. William R. Climie, editor and proprietor 01 the "Canadian Statesman." John K. Galbraith, Solicitor, ->t and shoe store, James Cairns, dealer in leather and hides. James Crawford, watch maker. L. Cross, M,D. King Street. Eccl&s& Powell, barristers and attor- neys-at^law, St. Paul Street. E. S. Friesman, painter and glazier. J. B. Fowler, watch maker and jeweler, St. Paul Street, two doors east of Queen Street. Peter Christie, impoiler and dealer m groceries, crockery, paints, oils, ST. CATHARINES. 193 A GOOD MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISING. oj llu, niland Cml, m Admmee of „n it, Cmlanporario. SUBSCRIP TIQN, - - . . «^A-YE.AR. THE *St, CATIIARIlVEH JOTJRIVAL" of,ln, VVclla/ul an d H^ldimaffd ciun iuf" '""°"^' ""^ '''"™^'-'' ^^•^^ A-YEAR IJV ADVANCF. EVEERV DESCRIR-riON OR NE^rLY, ACCURATELY. AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED ' ON REASONABLE tptdk. ^ Paul James G. Cnnie, barrister, Ac. P. Congle, draper ;iiid tailor, Ontario otrect. C. P. Camp, town clerk and treasurer, lownof St. Catharines; agentof Canada Life Aiwurance Co., Ham- "ton; and Western Fire Assnr- snce Co., Toronto. Thomas P. Ca.sey, hair dresser. Al'ohaei Cairnes, shoe store, St. Street. O. Dowell, M.D., King Street. John Dale, boot and shoe manufadui- er, St. Paul Street. Wm. Davis, grocer. King l^treet, W. L. Copeland & Co., post ofHoe Ontario St., general booksellers,' stationers and newsdealers Every thing new received as soon as published. l^icboias Dick, botanic pliysician, St Paul Street. J. L. G. Davis, Ontario Saloon. 0. W. Fares, M.D. Ilumberstone St. Wm. Grant, publisher of the » Even- ing Journal," and "St. (Catherines journal," (weekly) Ontario St. J nos. H. (rradon, manager of the JVia- gara District Mutual Fire Insur- ance} Co., St. Paul St. n. M. Giles, disjiensary chemist. Win. Gibbons, money broker, S(. Paul Street. Josej.h Grobb, i>r()prietor of Cominer- oial Hotrl. Wm. Hudson, daguerre-Hn artist. St. Paul Street. Thos J. Hardy, hatter and furrier, St. Paul Street Thos. L Hclliwell, agent Liveri^ool and London Fire Insurance Co. "••;•: -^^'"'J«» iiisuraiioe Co., t^tna Marine Insurance Co. I I iiii l! I;, ) I i I "kS£ IH' 194 ST. CATHARINES. Wm. M'GIVERIN & Co., • IMPORTERS OF GROCERIES, ONTARIO STREET, ST. O ATH^Tl iTVKS, C. TV. immm, helliwell & co., IMPORTERS OF IGM, GIMAN & AMIICM HARBWilRI, SADDLERY, COACH TRIMMINGS, &c. GEORGE N. OILL, MANUFACTURER OF SEPARATORS, CLOVER MILLS, SMUT MACHINES, MOWIM MACHINES, AND ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS IN IRON AND BRASS, i^T. CATHARINES, O. W. ST. CATHARINES. 195 HOLMES & GREENWOOD, ^ Umm, WiCGON & SLEHJH MWFiJCTURERS ONTARIO STREET, ®T:^^ATHARINES, C. W. Andrew Henderson, importer & dealer in groceries, teas, wine8,liquors,&c. Hi. Houghton, saloon. H. F. Leavenworth, proprietor " Her- ald," Pnnting House, letter press pnnting neatly executed. Henry House, tin, copper and sheet iron manufacturer, St. Paul St. Dr. Havens, Homojopathist and sur- geon. Office St. Paul St., resi- dence King St. D. Curtis Haynes, dealer in g.-oceries and provisions. Holmes 6l Greenwood, carriage makers, Ontario Street. ^^ Hee Card alore. 1 Rev. James Hill, New Connexion min- i ister, Copetown. ' W.C.Hopkins, groceries and provisions. ' John Junkm,junr, and Co., whol&sale ' and retail crockery store, grocer- ' ies, (fee. R.&. J.Lawrie,deaIers in flour and feed. ' Henry Lampman, ink and blacking i manufacturer. II. D. Leeper, groceries, provisions &c. John E. Laylor, architect and civil engineer. Rowley^ Kilborne, town clerk, Beams- ville. James McKelvy, sr., manufacturer of the new scientific refrigerator. Thomas Mclntyre, cabinet waie, St Paul Street. E. McAadle, baker and grocer. Capt. Matthias Konl >, Beamsville, hotel keeper. Thomfis R. Merrit, miller, &c. William McGiverin, wholesale hard- ware and groceries. tSf See Card,jtajje VM. Rolland MoDoqald, barrisler-at-law. ' Thornas McSloy, dry goods and paj>er hangings, No. 2, Prendergast Building, St. Paul Street. Henry Mema, land agent, notary pub- he, issuer of marriage licenses, commissioner in B. R., and in chancery. Iu8U( ance agent. Wm. May. proprietor of Cairn's Hotel. Muir Brothel^ ship builders, Port Dalhousie. Rolland McDonald, barrister, «fec., St Paul Street. James McKelvey, manufacturer of tin and copper ware. ^ D. N. Moore, dealer in groceries, pio- i n xT'')^T';'^'''^^®''y'*c.,James Street. ! l^. JN. Oill, foundry and machine shop. , J bos. Parker, collector of customs. ; ^. t. Parson, variety store. ; Joseph Palmer, gun smith. , %kert & Simpson, barristers, Ac. I W. A. Rowland, i>ublisher and pro- prietor of Welland -Reporter," Drummondville. Geo. Z Rykert, P.L.S., C.E., Ac KGv.r.Rump, New Connexion Minister, (reorge Smith, carriage maker. Simon Smith,cabinat maker,St.Paul-,st Struthers & Carlisle, importers and dealers in dry goods, rdon, druggist and stationer. I homas (rreenwood, butcher, ,.nlw.vsi„at,.n,.aneeatther . ^ - Great Western and W elland Itouwava '' '"'" "^ ""^ Carriages „,aj- be obUune.l at all times for pleasure ,irivi„p iho „,n.f .,.n " '■' - Lake Ontario, distant only about 3 nmes ; Niagaz^;Fa^« Z « '" '^'"" ' " '''' '^ and Queenston Heights. (wiK.e'BSSS,S/,rr f ?J «^^^^^ " »"««. T..e .vera, roaU. lea.lin, to tl.ose a.o.l a c..arn,i„Mr,ve , .1 , "• abonn,l8 In the most picturesque .scenery ""'' "" ""* ^"'""'•>' «"rn.uuding ^^^ ^' ^~^*''*<^* i^'n if I; fl i i h ii''' s fill. , ' iiii: 198 KINGSTON. A'" '<0 ».. k'' K I N a S T O I^ . GEORGE ANDREWS & CO., O'overmnent Contractors for Beef, &c. and General Butchers^ ' ' Kingston. JAMErAGNEWi ~ Barrister and Attorney-at-law, Solid- tor-in- Vhancery^ &c. [Kingston. bishoFoiTkingston; KIHHOP'S PALACE, Johnston Street, Kingston. EDWARD J. BARKeVm^ Proimetor of British WJiig, ^«*_«t^._ Kingston. THOMAS oTbUTLEr!! BRITISH MAIL OFFICER, Montreal-St., Kingston. A. C. CHEWITT & CO.. Victoria iron works, Corner of King and Queen Streets, Kingston. ^^EWlTcAMERON^ CITY BREWER Kingston. ' aT&Tchowf, Bagot street, Kingston. J. J. BURROWES, Barrister at La>v, Kingston. B. M. brittom; Barrister and Attorneyat-Law, Aucler B uildings, Kingston. A. H. CAMPBELL, Cashier Commercial Bank of Canada, Kingston. c. w. creIghto]^ FRONTENAC BREWERY, Kingston. JOHN CREIGHTON CITY BOOKSTORE, Comer ot King mid Brock Sts., Kingston. J. CARRUTHERlTca; Wholesale and Jietail Grocer, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Princess Street, Kingston. A. DRUMMOND, Manager of the Bank of Montreal, , Kingston. JAMES DAVIST"^ molesale and Retail Dry Goods Mer- chants, Mont/real and Bradford Home, Princess Street, Kingston. DA VIDSOnT BRUCE &DORAN Manufacturers of Steam Engines and Boilers, Potash Kettles, (Calt lip up) ' oolers, Ac, &c., Kingston Foundry Kingston. ^ ^ B. DORAN & CO., Di-y Goods Groceries, and hlliuery. No. 21, Wellington Street, Kingston. GRIFFiriTDAVIES London Wai^iouse ; British and Foreign Dry Goods Wholesale and Retail, cheap tor Cash. No second Price. Kingston. 8. F. DRENNAN, Lamlitou Buildings Princess .street, Kingston. :C0., WOKKS, 1 ytreetfi, i/ER, m. CO., Wine mid ingston. Montreal. ooth Mer- rd House, n. )OEAN, ines and t lip up) Jundry, (illinery, I Foreign il, cheap !e. ?stuu. KINGSTON. 199 WILLIAM FERGUSON & CO ImpaHer of iMtuk and Foreiqn Ihl, OoodH, W/iolemlennd lietail, -'^'L^'"!'!!?^/""^^^" Streets, Kingston. ABEAHAM FOSTER~& co ^ Wholesale ami Retail Grocers, Wine and Spirit Dealera, <&c Princess St^ Kingston. J. c. Fox~&~ca^ 2Vanufar.turn-s of Piano/orleH, < n.^.r. 88, Walker St., N. Y CANADA BJtANOH,— iROxN'S BUlLUIN(i, Kingston. Pri ncess Street^ ^ _ Kingston. ; WILLIAM FERGUSoSTjrT^ i Barrister ami Attorney at Laro, Con- ! wyancer, &c., Kingston, g^ ^^ j OVERTON S. GILDERSLeIeVE^ ' Mayor of the City of Kingston, Kingston. ELIJAH HOOKER, KINGSTON BAKERY, __2^'>''Ston Street, Kingston. JOHN HENDERSON, Bookseller, Stationer and News Dealer "city news depot," ' Kingston. CHARLES W. JENKINS, lu„ysto„ Marine Raiiwa,/ Ship Yard Coroner, Ag't Star Life Assurance Hoc'y, ' Kingston. ^onaldw^ayT ili^"i^^iL__ Kingston. williaiTkeely; "TAILOR ^^^. King St.. Kingston. ' Gildersleeve ft'oildersleeve, Clarence Street, Kingston. JOSEPH GEORGE, - Builder & Lumber Merchant, Welli ngton St., Kingston. JAMES HOPE^^ Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Boota ..,.1 Prmcess Street, 'Kingston. gTsThobart; " rhemlst & Druffgist, &c., &c., Kingston. HENDERSON, ROLCOMbITco ~ Montreal and Qucber HOLCOMB, HGNDEfesON & Co Toronto. ' HOLCOMB. COWAN & Co ura . Kingston. " IForwMder-aud Comrois.ion Merchant*. M. LAVELL, M. D , Professor of Queen's College, Johnson Street, Kingston. J. TRAVERS LEWIsii BISHOP ELECT OF ONTARIO, Kingston. ARCHIBALD LmNGSTON^ BottleroJ Kingston Ale and Porter Oor. of Princess and Bagot Sts . ' Kingston. DONALD McKAY, CLOTHIER , g'ock St., Kingston. ' A. V. G. McDONELL;~~~ OK REGEOPOLIS COLLEGE Kingston. * T. MOTHERSElE ^^vS * CONFECTIONED "'"^""an^'Sir^^'-'-'"^"" No. 72, Princess Street, Kinjfston. (•i f i ,'f ' i I , ' -IS »' 1 ! n f.i'! i , 200 i ''» ! 'ij;' KINGSTON. J. W. MORTON, M. P. P., KlngHton. JAMES MACPHERSON, Crown l.anih and Cenn-nl Lii,d A(jciit, Ac.couutunt. AirountH collected, &(c. ' VVilliiiin St., below the Coiuuierciiil kiiik, KinxKtoii. MACNEE & WADDELL^ Im}m'ten of Br it ink and Foreign Ihy (,'o)id/i, '''•""■'■■^^ «t.. "liinKHtoi.. J. MEAGHER. M.inuuer of the h'hujato,, Locomntire Worhx. STEWART MIILSAP. Proprit tor ol the Aii. ^,''?^' ■ n tli,.ii- eftecfg-and combinn ttl^ " <^ertain proi..nH.s with a Zurtonic *'s,?,TJ"'f"S<' .'■y are unequalled i" >! e e.xpillBio" ?'^^^'''"'^ lliey «ive tone to the stomarVitV Worms, tlie system. ' ^lomach and strength \.o Every mother is familiar u-ifh f i,„ produced by Worms-grl^idin^ nV ^J""'""'"* /•(•HtlesHnesH, sudden start*. rtnlV.? °f ""* l^t^th, etc., are among the unmiHtiknhhf ' • V"' ""*'«. the presence o! Worm" • a,,d i,^ '.*'^'^e"c«8 of ly happens t hat co n^uliio *^fl'tV'a "If''''"*'"'- quence of neglecting timely attention *'"'"'"■ Aymtt, HwnUton, U. W. KrN(JHT9Jf. m •K J > « w u^i^, Sir, . LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. ^^ THE SriBSf^Rn^Rjts WILL HECEIVE ORDERS FOB THE CON^ygrjOlg OP MCeMTIf] At their Works, which they are prepared to execute promptly. *l.»0, POR Bn,.„,N„ OF LOCOMOTIVE AND oniBR BOILERS AND MACHINERY I APPERTAINING TO RAILWAYS, GRIST AND SAW MILLS, AND RBPAIRSOF Do. HAHD AND STEAM FORCE PTTMPg Of every gize and pattern, and all MANUFACTUKKD TO ORDER. ^ J. MEAAUI BS EBB r»| Manoffi F. TUT OW, »r. ^^Perintenrl„,ii 111 , 8 Hi 111 202 KINGSTON. N >•' -^i -.i*" .1" , ^'.1 HENET SANDERS, Proprietor at 8ander'H Hotel* Princess St., Cor. of Montreal St., Kingston. CORNELIUS STENSON, PROPRIETOR OF CITY HOTEL, PrinooBfl Street, Kingston. WILLIAM T. L. SNOOK, Barrister* Solicitor, Notary, M, Kingston, """■ S. TAYLOR, Manager of Bank of British Upper Canada, Kingston . University of Queens College, Kingston. J. N. WHITE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in LEATHER AND BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 31, Princess Street, Kingston. ^~ JOHlTWADDELi., Proprietor of Steam Planing Mill, Sash, Blind, ajid Door Factory, Kingston. G. P. WHITE, Importers of Englinli, Frencii, German and American Fancj Oooiis, Tobaccos, Cigars, Meurscliaum, Briar, and other Fancy Pipes, Wholesale and Rettul, Princess Street, Kingston. ROBERT WADDELL & CO., Glasgow Wa/rehouse, Importers of Bri- tish and Foreign Dry Oooth, Wholesale and Retail, Cor. of Princpgs Biiil W«lllii((tou fltreflts, Kingston. "OEORGE M. WILKINSON, Grocer, Tea, Wine and Spirit Dealer ; also, importer, and Dealer in China, Glass, Crockery, Room Paper, &c., Wellington Street, Kingstou. JAMES J. WHITEHEAD, Storekeeper, Provincial Penitentia/ry, Kingston. HORATIO YATES, M. u' Professor 'of Medicine, Queens College, Physician and Surgean, King Street, Kingston. GARGLING OIL SUPERSEDED. Brigos' Bi-ACK On. Is acknowledged, by all who have used it, to be Buperlor to Gargling Oil, or any other Medicine now before thepub- llc, for Brulse8, Scalds, CntB, Galls and Freeh Wounds of all kinds, S:)raln9, Frottt Bites, Wind Qalli, Lameness, Foundered Feet, Weak- ness of Joints, Contraction of the Muscles, Ex- ternal Poison's, Scratches or Grease, Bites of Animals, Crampw , and many other diseases in- cident to Horses, Cattle, and Human Flesh.— Sold by all druggists and Country Dealers gen- erally. IM TORONTO. 203 TORONTO. E. BRADBUBN, Ageut, Cauada LI iiy, flrnt door South ( Toronto Street. J. K. ARMSTRONG & CO., flT^ l^SMMl^Bm'^ B... ana A«eu.. CauadaTi. A..u.uc. IBI, Yonge Street, Manufacturer of 8tove« The """paiiy, flrnt door South of P. o. trun D uke Cook Stove recorameiidod. " C. ASHWORTH, MAJVAWEK OF ONTARIO BANK, __Torouto Branch, Wellington-St. J. F. ANOIIBf" 3LiaU0ft fiEALER, — ^— '*'^!l!j^"'^'"' "°»'l. near Toronto. BANK, UPPER CANADA^ HOBKRT CASSELS, CASHIER, Toronto. TOKUFi'O BANK. Importers and Dea,.;.ai„Poreijju a«d Briti«h Dry Oooda, Millinery, &c., ^ettTTkay, and DealciB in Porei-'ii a Dry Oooda, Millinery, Ike, Cornel- of King and Yon ge Streets. BIAKE & BLAKE, Barristers & Attorueys-at-Law, Masonic Hall, Toi-onto. ^^ORSTr^ALLADAY~&~CO~~ D18T1LLKKS& RECTIFIERS, store, 14 IB, & 18, Church-Street, South of Front atreet. JOHN G. BOWES, Mavor for 1861-62. Office in City Hall Buildings, Toronto. wTrTbrown; ~ 60, Yonga Street. S. BgOUGH, ^ Wellington Chambers. J. BLACKBURN^ friutli-g neatly, cheaply and expeditiously ii» \r executed, 1l_:!!!1^^'- Toronto. JAMES BEATY; ■ Proprietor of Leader <^- Patriot, 63, King Street. GEORGE BROWN^ FKomiETOR OF ''GLOBE/' 25, King Street. ~ BpYD~& Arthurs; Groceries, Wliolescde Ship-Chan- ^ ... <^^^ry, dec, dtc. Wellington Street^^^^Toronto. WILLIAM BULLOCK Yonge Street. BELL & CROWTHER ..a..u.. 77' King Street.' *^-' browFbrothers Importers, ilanufacturin? SiBfi«.,„ ' ., binders, and Dealer""fn filnK^l^i B<">k- King Street. ' SAMUEL WTBORREfri Bookbinc and Paper Mult Jordan Street, \€r,' ■' f ! ! 204 itJ.1' TORONTO. BROWN BIJOTIIEKS, nmifarhiring Stationers, ^ookbinks, AND DEALERS IN 66, KING-ST. EAST, TORONTO. THE ATTKNTION OF THE THADK IS SOLICITED TO THBIH STOCK OP Account, (.opyiiift Iiivomt, Memorandum and Pocket Books, Mauufactuwd by themaelvoH, aiul warrtiutedto beoi' tlusfliut guiUlty. , A Su|»»r«or Assoptmeat ©f Rmi aad Mittcliia© Laid iwB always m In the Boolil>iii « i c J'" 1 I TORONTO. BORKOWMAN AND 1*1:AR8E, MANUPACTURBR8 AND DEALERS IN MARBLE MONUMENTS, ?®mfe§, arare. Stmmr Ttblj© m4 (^mmt^p Tops. ALSO, ON HAND, '^ iliar/^/6> r/^'ycry description for htiiMlim purpoKe, NO. 170^ YONGE STREET, 0PP()S]Te4()BE 'h()TKL TORONTO, C.W. ' NORRIS BLACK 3JoJinfacturer of Artifidal Limbs. No. 81, Bay Street. BEARDMAN & CO! ™ ♦rix 90, Yonge Street. A. K. BOO' c Mercantile Manufacturer^ and Gen- eral Insurance Agent- 93. King-St. West, Toronto. BROOKE, EVANS & CO. ^ Manufcdurers and IVholemle Im- porters of Boots '& Shoes, 4^, YoDge Str eet, Toronto. BRYCE McMURRICK & COT Importers, Wholesale Dry Goods. Ycnge Street. C. ATltACKAS Bookseller, Stationer, and News Dealer. HoHt- age Stamp Depot, No. 10, Toronto Street, I'oronto. BUNTIN, BROTHER & CO. Yonge street. •See Oard, page 2()4. BORROWM.;:: & PEARCE Proprietors of Victoria Marble Works. Toronto. SeeAth., page 206. BLAIKIE & ALEXANDER ^^: BROKERS, __Corner King and Jordan St,reet>*. W C. CMWITT & COr~" (LateMcLear&Oo.,) Booksellers, Stationers, Printers I,itho- graphers, Boole Binders; &c 17&19,King-St West, Toronto. S3Sr S eeAch^last page of this book T. G. M. COTTELL Prodnce and General Commission Agent, 67, Front Street. ROWLAND BURR Justice of the Peace, Projector of the freorgian Bay Canal. EDWARD CURRIE Importer of China, Glass and Earthen Se^ront street, ^ Toronto HENRY E. CLARK 98, Yonge Street. liK. TORONTO. 207 GEO. COX Importer of Dry Good*, and Manufacturer of Millinery and Mantlet. Wholesale and Retail, 119, King Street East. J. G£[a1iLESW0RTH & CO: Wholesale Importers of British.French, and American Dry Goods, c. 0. Tatlob, Colborn-8t., near Yonge St.. J. Charlesworth- CHILDS & HAMILTON Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes. No. 7, W jllington-8t. , Bat t, Toronto . T. M. GLAKE TAILOR &^c-, 95, King Street West. D. CRAV FORD & CO., Mmtard, Sorip, and Candle Manufac- turers, and General Merchants, Corner of Princess and Palace Streets. WILLIAM CAMPBELL. G R O C E R , No. 14, Palace Street. W. W. COL WELL, Lumber Merchant, Dealer in Shingles, Lath, Ac, 4i.4, Front Street, Toronto. alRTCHRISTIE, Superintendent of Westa-n Dimsian of Oi'and Trunk Railroad. Office at Queen's Wharf, Toronto. CUMBERLAND & STORM, Architects & Civil Engineers, Romaine Buildings. W. DESSAUR, Tobacconist, Wholesale Dealer in Fancy Goods, Cigars, and Tobacco, 60, Yonge Street, Toronto. DODGSON, SHIELDS & MORTON Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Con- fectioners, Corner of Yonge and Temperance Sis. DICKSON, LOG/ ^ & CO., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS^ 91, King Street East. e;^* ; <^'. Toronto. MONTHLY LAND CIRCULAR, Duncan & Clark, Land Agents. Toronto. ANGUS DALLa's^ Manufacturer and Importer of Willow and Wooden Ware. 76, York Street, Toronto. See Adv., page 205. WM. H. DUNSPAUGH, DRUGGIST 44, King Street East. CHARLES DURAND, BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY, Corner Adelaide and Yonge-Sts. WILLIAM DOW. Importer of Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, Corner King and Yonge Streets. F. DROUILLARD. ~ Tobacconist. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Tobacco, Cigars, Ac, 47, King Street, Toronto. J. W. ELLIOT, 39, King Street West. JOHN EASTWOOD, in Dry Qoc nery 122, King-St. East, Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Milli- nery, &c.., . . Toronto. JOHN ELLIS, ~ Enuraver, Lithographer, ttcy &c. Now 8, King Street. i! \H ! ; II m i i I. i %iVL «■ 'I l!l !i 208 :ok6jf'i'o. ■-/iV'' IN * ■ ,«" ' UK' * r,, ii' G. F. HULL, 163 King Street, Pour Doors W^^t of the RoBBin liouse, Toronto, MANUFACTURER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF UGHT 4 HEAifY CAERIAGK OF THE MOST APPKOVKD ^ -A. J^ J^ X) I A. ISI , mmim mm ami CANADIAN l^ATENTS. HENllY FORSYTH, AURORA, Co. OF YORK, C. W., And of a new and improved Farm Gate, with a valuable improvement for the hanging of Gates and Doors for Outbuilding? MR. FORSYTH IS ALSO PATENTEE OF THE ROTARY TOOTH FOR HARROWS, ctit-nv Axons, &,.., j^^, nt the earliest opWiuh S Tv w, "i SIi,'™°',,'° "''''^ '" ""' '""l^'igned Patents to dtapwe oT ' "" "' P'^^''^. as he has many ™la.ble June- 1862, HENRY FORSYTH, AUJWHA, 00. Of yORK. fil TORONTO. lES 20» i'> mm MGINi AND MACflll WORKS, FALACE STREET, ><'w^4<»«•«< "wwv^ww ALT. KINDS OF WROUGHT & CAST IRON & BRASS WORK Supplied upon the Shortest Notice and most Reasonable Terms. Oas. Water and BtlU pliWB, Oas Retorts, Kettlee, Plain and Ornamental Cast Iron Columns. HblBtlnK Machines. Screw Jacks. Balcony and other Railing CastlngB. Oven Mouths, Furnace Fronts. Improved Kiln Plates, Tile Machines and Dies, Slelf^h Shoes, Dog Irons, Stoves, ftc. THB NEWEST INVENTIONS IN ipiiiiii 4 mum mmp% And the Largest Collection of Patterns this side of .Montreal. Great improve ments in STOPCOCKS, ViLVES,& STEAM EMU fiOVERNORS. PAKTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING STEAM 3EN0INES, PftlNTIN^ PfiESSES, '^"'^ fn^"lt^ci^!T'^ Machinery. None but experienced workmen employed ; and satisfaction given -n every respect or no chai-ae made. A r,u«ntit} of Pig Iron, second hand Shafting, PulHes and Shifters for skle. Second Hand E^ffines, Boilers* M^^^^^ Commission. • Wm HAMtiiToisr iioir, Managers. Toronto. June, \m'i. ¥% ^ m "li I, ■Jir \ n-i 210 "'I ■If >f: •*i i» ,t' ♦ i' ■ ill'' TORONTO. C. E. EUGLISH, King Street. ENGLISH & WALLBRIDGE, Barristers rf- Attorneys-nt-Law, No. S, King Street West. gTh. FITRNER & CO. Importers and Wholemlc Dealers in Millinery ami Strww Goods, Toionto. II, Wellington-St. J. FOSTER riniiortor, WIk.Ios.iIc iiml Hol.iil noiilor in StipIC iiml Hciivy Harclwari'j.Sign iil' Cross Cut Saw 148. King-St. East, Toronto. HENRY FORSYTH, PROPRIETOR OF CANADIAN PATENTS, Patent rights for .sale. f©" .%'■ Advertnmmtjicuie 208. SANDFORD FANNING, C'hipf Engineer for the Northern Railway Co. C. S. GZOWSKI, & CO., CONTRACTORS. ]tomainBiiil(lin},'s, 87 KiiiK-St. West. JOHN GLASS, Produce & gencralComnmsionMerchant No. 9, Exehange Buildings, Toronto. "~THOMAS GRIFFITH, Importer ami (Jcnenil Dealer in Groceries, Wmes, Liquors, &c. 167, Yonge Street, Toronto. HENRY GRAHAM & COT, Cumda Carpel and Floor Cloth Company, 4i, King Street West, Toronto. J. C. GILMOR, &~Ca, ~ Wholesale fr.ipo^ers of Dry Goods 44, Yonge Street, Toronto. THOMAS GORDON, ACCOUNTANT & BROKER, 12, Exchange Building, Wellington-8t. JOHN W. GWYNNE, EAEEISTER, ^C, Cor. King & Jordan-gts. JOHN GRIFFITH, HARNESS MAKER AND SADDLER, Ontario Building, King-St, West. HOLCOMB, HENDERSON &Ca, Forwarding Sc Comismon Merchant, No. 2, Exchange, Toronto. WILLIAM HEWITT^ HARDWARE MERCHANT, North East cor. of Yong & Adelaide-Sts. See Adv., page, 211. JOHN HARRINTON, Wholesale and Retail Hardware Merchant, No. 36. King street East. JOSEPH HODGSON, Dealer in Stoves. andManufacturer of Tin.Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, No. 169, Yonoe Street. GEORGE W. HALE, SURGEON DENTIST, 6, Shuter Street. GEORGE W. HOUGHTON, Attorney-at-Law,So]icitor-in-Chancery &c., &c., Ollice, No 78, King Street East, over the Wesleyan Book Store. .'. JAMES HALES MERCHANT TAILOR 29, King Street West. WILLIAM HAMILTON & SON, Iron Founders and Machinists, Palace Street. V^MT See Adv., page S09. ir TORONTO. 211 ^^«1NG Too, V SPADES & SHOVELS, kmilm §>Mmim #ffi«" AND JOB POINTING ESTABLISHMENT, 80 and 88, King Street East, WHOUESAL-E AND RETAIL. CONSTANTUV ON HAND A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF BOOKS C«»««8«ngof theBestStaudaidworkiin ' TJieology. Science. Literature, HlBtory, mograpHy, Medleal Text Books, And a Great Vartlty 6t MlBcellaneous Work« BOTH ENGLISH AND AMERICAN. FAMILfilNOPOCKETeiBLESilllOWESLtfilMHlMBOOKS IN ALL 8IZB8 AND STtLES OF BINDING. A GOOD 8ELB0TI0N OF SCHOOL BOOKS, BLiM BOORS MB STITIOWRF. — o — ■ The Urgest Assortment in the Province of SUNDAY SCHOOL LIBRARIES & MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS FOR ADULT LIBRARIES AND REWARDS S. S. BOOKS, CATECHISMS, TICKETS, CLASS & OFFICERS' HYMN BOOKS A Liberal Discount to Sunday Schools and Reading R«o„,., on Mi.ceilane-.UH Book« ' For Churches, Sunday Schools, Revival and Temperance Meetings, Also. GLEE AND CHORUS BOOKS. n...... To the Trade a Liheral ^i^^o^^fon^'^'U-'Ti^'^sT^^^^^^^^ Toronto, 18«S. 1 TORONTO. 218 i* MATTHEWS & MACLEAN, !r0k«, general CoinniisskPm^ants, SUIPPKK8 & BROKERS, OLD CORN EXCHAJJGE, FRONT STREET, TORONTO, C. W. Branch Office :-DAVID E. MACLEAN & Co., IvySNTREAl O. E., »■ Advances ivade on Prodaoe inteniled for supment to Unlttd KUigOom. .e* Ipper Canada School Book Depot. > IV T O. t<«U*«>H|«<0*(>',>>(jM./IO<<.<«,<«,(at,«,,»,/l„><,H,f«t><«>laM. BOAKD, $1 Per Day. »r>. -... -\ '> /XA-v. v^-v^Nr. ?, I This Hotel has been thoroughly Re-fumished by the present Proprietor. m i I' Everf attention is paid to tiie comfoft of 0> A to IS ATTACHED TO THE PREMISES. J- SMITH, PMOPEJETOM. MAOiaiLlIVEAY « TRBW BARRISTERS, Ac, Maaonic Hall, Toronta MOWaT ft MoIElTHAir BABfiISTEBS,SrC, M Monio Hall, Toronta WPIOLKSALK GROCERS, Front-8tre«t, Toronto. a. MATHBSOH ftHuiy Made Clothing, and Retail. ^°- . King Street, Eaat 0»ai»rinR^y Made Clothing, Wholesale and Retail. ^. MAETIN BupeHntend^nt of Qmnd Trunk Hail- v)ay Locomotke Works, Toronto. EOBEET POMEEOY, MunuluctutH- of, ,„,a Wl.ole«ile l^r) nx im. No. 150, York-Street, Toronto. c. I). cmamoKoioii AOXN \ HON. J. C. MOEEISON President af Northern Edilroad, i Notary '-"Wto^mjj^iionor In Que«, 'flench, a«U "wu and House Agent ALEX. OGIIVIE, &C0., Importers and Wholesale Grocers, . ' jT ^-yop g»3traet, Toronto. F. A. O'HEIIt; " roiTOR OF THE " MjRItOR. Toronto, 0. W. n P.PATTBESOH*gO», HARDWARE MERCHANTS King-Str eet^ East JOHN S. POWEII^ bllo.Coniinisgh Land and I gjggj;;;^g ^e«t, ^ Toronto ~~~wirOEiNci^ City HaJl, Toronto. PATTEESOF^ HA¥EIsdN,~ Barristers, Attorneys &c^ Toronto, C. W. EOBEET POMEEOY, Manufacturer Of and Wholc«alo IX^aier in Speru, Lard, UepUant and Whale Oils. ^ ' PprpYiyiNIAEOci^CO:^ Manufacturors of ReUuod Illunnuatiug Kock Oil F'ARSON BROS 51, Fro nt-Street, Toronto. ' _, ^ohnpoisonT Mktuf&tui'er of Boots and Shoes, Cheap for cash. No. 145, King-Street East, Toronto. Sign of the Red Boot. P. P. passmoee! ~~ PUOVliCMl LAMii' StukVtYOR, No. 8. Kiffg-at reet West.' Toronto, C. W. 150, York-St. Toronto. JOSEPH EOBINSON, PROPBIETOR of SHEFFIEID flOKSE, ______Kji^-Street, Toronto. H. BOWNSOM\&loij~ Manufacturers .and Wholesale Dealers in Boots and Shoes, ^.^^"S!l^^2>___^__^or^^ PAUL, EICHMOND & CO. Dealers in,and.ManMf»cturer8 of Leath- iU>^i;^ ,«»■ and findings, 43, Yoncft Street. Donnf r.r»h" hA-r-'i-~ - -^II-WAM^ASttSAYT Grocer, Produce and Corn M«d nnt, SOjI'roi.iat.L.i, l,,i„i,!Oj •1 :[> ;■ ji ; 218 h f =1 'I TORONTO, J. THOMAS & CO., Beg respectfully to invite your attention to their i*plendid stock of FIRST-CLASS PIANO-FORTES Which they are now offering on very advantageous terms. ^fif ''1*"°» "'" ^8 found equal to any manufactured on tliig Continent, and will on insDertlnn Batisfy tiie greatest critic that their workmanship, quality of tone, touch and fln ih ai* SSnh fh^t taking into consideration their low range of prices, will ^ofy competition ' •"^'^•^^hat Amongst the many Testimonials received ' • — - ' ■' - your attention to ihe following ;— for their Piihos, they have much pleasure in calling G. W. Strathy, JEsq., Doctor ot Prom the Rev. Dr. McCaul. Principal of TIniversity College. ??.°l''«rii^^„"J"^!?L"/.J?"«l<;.»t Trinity rollege.. John_(?arter,Organ¥t";udDTr^ctor^of'the First and Second Prizes at the Provincial Show in Hamilton, 1860. 1 havu oxamin«d some Piano- Fortes made by ^ have no hesitation in speaking very hichlv J. Thomas & Co., and can bear testimony to of the Piano-Portos I : ave seen manufactured the excellence of their tone and finish. by J, Thomas & Co. , of this city. Toronto, April 4th, 1861. JOHN McCAUL. Toronto, March 28 , 1861. JOHN CARTER. The undersigned, Professors of Music, have great pleasure Ih recommending to the public generally the Piano-Portes manufactured by J Thomas & Co., as being very superior Instru- ments, and equal in evpry respect to any manu- factured on this Continent. I haTs much pleasure in bearing testimony to the superior tone and finish or the Piano- Fortes mada by J. Thomas & Co., of the Cana- da Piano-Porte Manufactory. Toronto, March 29, 1861. Q.W. STRATHY. J.D.HUMPHREYS, " iCK. M. a^BEMTock? . Avo.sBmmi'r ^ G^uarantee griven ^^itlx all theix* PiaiioN. OLD PIANOS TAKBN IN EXCHANOK. xwninu nrtu ncrMininu rnuifiKILT ATTENDED TO. YORK ST., (Oppositb thb RogsiN House,) TORONTO. TORONTO. 21 i) mmU^ HOME MANPACTURE! Baylors patent Four days in the Fir e ! One of Taylor's S afes severely tested ! The Frnindal Patont Solaimmder Kre-Proof Safe, tie oalv reliablB s«fo •gaiut F«e. a. win be Men from the foUo^ fflS Messrs J. J: J. Utu)b, Sale MuiiutiicUiror.s, Toronto C W Linusay, August 28tli, 1861. J.poM, and though exposed t.. tho iiottast part rrlh^'fl';'^'^, "J^"^' /,^^^^^ koyn having beon lost, ;. i..,l to bo cut twenty bariols or oil,, an,l varuisli whiHi koiit m nin5 J ' '"^..'■^.'' *''"'"' '^'"^Ss^ of th« fact of one of tho wheels, the n imo i latoi and km , It '^ "'^"","'' " '^"'" "^■'"' '''""• «lays; and from melted into one solid ma.s,'the ^iTXThZi^TntlmU^^^^^ «tooa alongside ofit, hiving b"u Safe 18 n* gi«d a« new, and has provod to bo a porTct ^t %^f ^h^ ^^rf'''''/' '"^' ^"^ "'« l"t«"or of tho^&r^'^^a ^d '^^^ ^^ ^ -"« confident— 0^^!^;^^^ • ™°*''^_^^,^!L_™"*''^«-^^A".^"B' Master, Dndsay SHtislaotion guarrauteed, orno sale. application, frooj which parties at a distance can order, (wtl urnn jm **■ * **■ TAYLOR. PALACE STREET. TORONTO. ^ *^^-^^'^. »«»« "uUide of Cov»r, ; i % $ % >!iii 220 TORONTO, I- I „ J '.hi .1' THOMAS ROBINSON, ClotliiBg,,Dty Goods spd Miljineiy, 127, Yniige-Street. Toronto. WILLIAM B0S8 ic GQiii Wholesale Grocers and Produce Merchants, P. RANDALL, 48, King-Street, Toronto. BOSSIir HOUSE, THE LARGEST HOTEL IN CANADA Toronto, C. W. ROSS. CRAWFORD & CROMBIE, Masonic Hall, Toronto, C. W, THOMAS 8ARGANT, Pantocboethoap, 47 & 49, King Street, Toronto, Im^tw of British and l^ot- eign Dry Goods, &c., CHARLES H. SIMMS, BarristeivatfiLawjSolicitoj'.in-Chanc^ry, &c., (fee. 79. Ki ng Street East, Toronto; R. SARGEBT & 60., ImpoTtera qf Dry Goodt, and Manufyc- turera of Clothing ai\A Boots and moes. No, 2, S t. Lawrence Buildings. STEVENS & LE8WE, T GENERAL MERCHANTS, Opposite " Globe" King areet West. JOSEPH ROBINSON & CO., Sheffield House, direct Importern of Watches, Jewelry, Cutlery, Silver and Electro-Plate and Fancy Goods, 15, King Street West. ^ J. B. rileyT (FORMEKI.Y ok the RKVKRK HOtJSK,) HOTEL KEENER, King-Street West. A. M, SMITH &C0., Wholesale Orocert, Produce and Com- mission Merchants, No. 77, Froiit-St, Toronto. JOHN T. SHAPTER, Importer ofDrngs & Chemicals, 78, Yonge Street. D. SUTHERLAND, MERCHANT TAILOa, 100, Yonge Street J. SEQ8W0BTH, ^ Importer oj WatcUt, Clocks and Jew- JAMES SMITH, Architect, Civil Engineer and Draughts- man, No. 8, King-Street We$ti Toronta *T« J 13, Yongo St., Hry, Toronto. STABBCBY *;«©., Wholesale Staple <& Fancy E»y Good^ 18, Wellington Street, Toronto. ' -^'-:- F. SHiiBMiYr^^ Contractor for JSTorthem Railway, Toronto. WILIJAiirSTBWABDii ; mmim Mmmm, Cor, of Yonge and T emperance-Sts. A^ H. ST. GERMAIN^ Proprietor of Toronto '^Evening Jom- lud:^ Office .--37, King Street Bast, Sign of the Golden Lion, ___^" ^®* Adv., page, 221. oTft^HTsEVERN; YorkvlUe Ale & Porter Brewery, Tonge Stre et, near Toll Gate THOMAS~irscOOT; DEALER IN OARPFT.n VI.U t' nO| WhoUsal* and Retail, 88, King Street ,^>*-^-~^. TORONTO. 221 AN EXCELLENT ADVERTISING MEDIUM ! ff Devoted to News, Politics, and Commerce, (Established, 6th August, 1860 ) Contanue. to tePjblij,hed Regularly, at 37. King sCt eL^sU ' of the "Golden Lion." Toronto, C. W. -J^ft^^^'lU^^^ AmugementB have been Wholesale Merchants now secure" mice in it for tw rw, V V>iVeThy the Mercantile Community. "'An^XlVZVt'^.'^ corr'eJpVnSi^thro'SSKnTi^^' '""^ P"-hasethou.ana«of copi/s fu^ffif 1.Ze"/oWrnr;;f"f^^ occasionally, and they encouraging our Advertising Patrons we have Het„^^V^ P^'IV"" '" """l^d. By way of 0il?Mi 9f tion in this and 'uljoiXrcCiXs and la k.fown ^ ,n' r** "«»tl""efl to have a large circula- per line for the flrat insertion apd Ovm r»wT. r.Q..TiVr„"7 "^I'^uui; uuiuif, mz:— ihrek (.;e anH P,„f,...i„„„, ^.^'i'f^r"?!?' «"« .je inserted at One Dollar por line by the year, wh»rt^^^*"°".*^.^'Kd8; (Without changes,) when they contain six lines tlr lea*. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING DONE NEATLY, CHEAPLY. AND EXPEDITIOUSLY. ' Toronto, May Ist., ISttS. A. H. St. GERMAIN, Proprietor. HOir. R. SPEHCE, COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS, Toronto. JOHN SPITEGEONi Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Boots and Shoes, East Market S quare, Toroato. JAMES^STOCK^ General Dealer in all hinds of Produce, Groceries, Wines, Uquors, Sc, 16, Hay Market Square, Toronto. J. E. SMITH & C0~ Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Groceries, Wines, Brandies, Ac., Church Street, Toronto. ~^ J. SMITH, nurhiriluii ur ALDlOiN hUTiil, Toronto. See Aavertigem£nt,page 216. THOMAS' SJBlLAL, Publisher of the " Echo" an.l •■ IVotostmit Episcopal Rocordar," the ouly CHi-Ktuyaimr published in Qmada, fl.OO pei^aumim, 120, Yongo-St., Toronto. THOMAS & ARTHURS, Importers of Brit ink omS Foreign Dry Goods. 25, King Street, Toronto. J- & J. TAYEOR, MannfacHrers of every dm-ription of Fire and Burglar- Proof Safes, ' Palace-St, East of the Jail. ^^ See a dv. page 219, ami oulxido of covor. JOHN TAYXOR^'&'bROTHER; DON PAPER MILLS, Flouring Milt 'and 'Shifr Mill, ' '"--'-' . West Market .Sjuarp. Warehouse and Office J. THOMAS, & ca7 Manufacturers & Dealers in Piano l<\)rtes, 86, York-Street. 1 if t; n \ III a 'I I \ t '•-. * f i 'I '•*fM io. . 'jH-j.^a- a. 222 TORONTO. JAMES TILT, Church Street. T. THOMAS & CO., PIANO MANUFACTURERS, Toronto. G. B. ware/'! / \ Dealer In Law Blanks, Law StaUoner, and U.'^ Lithographer, , ,j 'v.; York Chambers Court St., See Adv.. page 218. G. H. TURNER~& Ca7 fmportcrs and Wholesale Dealers in Milhroery and Straw Goods, WellingtoD-St. UPPER CANADA C0LLEGE7 REV.W. STENNETT, M.A. PRINCIPAL. WARNE & HALL, ■Booksellers, Stationers and Xews Agents, 35, King Street, West. J. W. G. WHITNEY, ESTATE AGENT, Toronto. GEORGE WATSON, Conductor on the Northern Railway Residence,— Collingwood. WESLEYANW)OKROOMr~ " CHRISTIAN GUARDIAN" OFFICE. 80 & 82 King Street, East. ^^ See Adverlismentpage 212. ROBERT~WILKES, Wholesale Fancy and Jeweller]/ Store 59 Yonge Street F. A. WHITNEY & CO^ Produce and Commission Merchants, Toitmto. Wilson, Patterson & Beatty. Barristers and Attorneys-at-Law, 8olicitor«-in- Chancery, Conveyancers, &c., No. 5, King-StWefit. H. WALTON, No. 1, Rossin House Block. IMPORTANT. Db. Wistxb'b Pulmonic Sybup or Wild Cherbj AND HOAEHOUND Is highly recom ru-'*w,^°'"V°"8>' S."'*^*' Influenza, HoaX neB8, Whooping Cough. Croup, and aldlseaseB ot the Lungs leading to Consumption. Sold by all De8l«ri In Medicines. Price 26 Cents G O, BPJGG8, Agent, Jlamiiton, C. W JAMES YOUNG, . , : " Produce Commission 3Ierchan(, Wellington Street. ^^N young" "^ BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, 103, Yonge Street. ••A GOOD THING." Dn. Hopb's Magnbtic Ointment is well worth a trial in any case of Piles, Bums, Scalds, Old Sores, Inflamed or Sore Eyes, Eruptions of the Sltin, and in every case where an ointment is useful. It will recommend itself after one trial. The above Medicine is sold at wholesale by Druggists in all the principle towns In Canada and the United S^te. G. C. BRIQQS, General Agent, Hamilton, C. IF. MrO]VT».^^L NT, ¥i|V1 HARDWARE » I FOLEY & COMPANY; Wholesale Hardware and General Mer- chants 301, St. Paul Street, Montreal. JAMRS KOI.KV, THOMAH (!R08». FEOTHINGHAM & WORKMAN. lro7i, Steel, and Hardware Merchanta, St. Paul-Street, opposite the Custom House Squaie. GEORGE HAGAR, Pettier in House FiirnishiiiKH, and Biiiklers Hard- ware, Htovea, Grates, ReglsterB, Ventilators, lie, ;i02 .^ .'in-i , St. Paul Street. BENNY, MACPHERSON & CO., Importers of Iron, 8teel, and Oeneral Hardware, No 262. St. Paul-St. Montreal. WILLIAM DARLING & CO., Iron Merchants, and Imjiorters of Eng- lish and German Hardware, 239, St Paul-St., Montreal. MERCHANTS. CRATHERN & CAVERHILL, Wholesale Hardware Merchants, Nun's Block, 197, St. Paul-St Agents for the Victoria Rope Walk. FERRIERft CO., ~" Wholesale Dealers in Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Iron, Steel, doc,, No. 12, St. Francois Xavier Street A. BREWSTER, " Importer of Hardware, Cutlery, Iron, Steel, &c. Manufacture r of Stoves and Cut JVails, 260, SI. Paul street, Montreal. JOSEPH N. HALL & CO., Importera of British and Foreign Hardware, Whole- sale, 147, St. Paul and 6, 8, & 10, St. Gabriel Streets. J08RPB N. HAIL, CHRUTUPHER SKYBOLD. WALKER, SNOWDEN & CO., Importers of British, American and German Shelf and Hea/vy Hardware, 264, St Paul Street JAH8S WAIJiK.R, C. C. S.VOWDKN. FOUNDRIES. AUGUSTIN CANTIN. JOHNSON, THOMPSON & CO., Malleable and Orey Iron Foundry. ManufacturerB of Malleable Iron Caslitig.s, for Carriage Mountings, and Harness Trimmings ; and Gray Iron Castlnga, Hat and ( (xai Hooksi, WanUolw Hooka, &c. , 12, Nazareth Street, Montreal. ROGERS & KING, Craig Street Ponndry, Manufacturers of Iron KailiUBs for Cemetery Lots and Private Dwell- ings, oT a variety of Patterns. All descriptione 01 House Castings for building pnrpotes, Pot- ash Kettles cast lip up. Cooking Ranges, &c„ No. 85, Craig Street GEORGE BRUSH, Manufacturer of all kinds of Steam Engines, Water Machinery, Mill Gearing, Boiler Work Light and Heavy Forgings, Machine and Archi- toetural Castings in Brass and Iron- also, Steam Pumps and Hand Pumps of various patterns. Hoisting Machines, 4c., King Street, near Canal Basin, Montreal, MajraeniioBlder, Meves ft Oaddley, MaiiufacturinL' Jewellers and iTiain Makers. Jewellery and Hair Work of every description made and roiwilred. Masonic and Odd Fellows' Jewels made to Order. Hair Work Mounted, Chasing, Engraving, Enameling, &c., executed in the best manner. St Lambert Hill, IVES & ALLEN, £*^ PoS.ndry, Manufacturers of Hardware and Hollow Ware, Iron Railings for cemetery lots and residences, of most select patterns : also, castings of every description to order, 60 & 65, Queen-St, Montreal. H. R. IVE8, R. W. ALLBK. H. B. TABB & CO., Manufacturers of Brass Castings, Brass Finish- ings, and all articles required by Plumbers and Gas Fitters ; also, all styles of Blectro-Platine ; fine Electro-Plated Tea and Coffee Sets, Tea Urns, Kettles, Cake Baskets, Salvers, Ac, 69, Craig Street REBSTOCK, HOECKH, & CO., (Successers to Brocksieper & Hoeckh) Manu- facturers of Brass and Plated Carriage Bands Montreal. I 26, Nazareth Street, Montreal, C. E. Ill M 11 224 \ l;IE *■ H' .- ^ /I"* , ■:* ■ ! m I: ; .• ft J J ■? ,/ MONTREAL, ranmiRY. MITCHELL, COCKBiyRN & Co' PLUMBERS ■" ^'^'n'WOTUfiBRS AND IMPORTims OF ''"' I>''^'«'«. Pendants, Bracket, and all kinds of Bm. Work WAREnoUSE, WORKSHOP A XTT. ^ "VIA. nnDiirift a««^. ' "'"«^»«op and foundry COR«R OF mia AJ.DjT^pjTEg m.. MaHTREAl. R. HENDERY, MILITARY ORNAMENTS, &c. — aEOTRO-PLAT^i^^^TIilTTS BKANCHES. OOX & OOUIHS, JEWELLERS, &G. SATAOE * LTK4ir icturers anil Trnr,f>rto-T' *r^,\ .^.innfecturer« of Platform and Counter Scales, ^r^^-^^tl^^f iZp}!^ 00. Cra.g Street, between Bleury and p'a&ooT'j?lne'c'utfc T"^"' '^^^'^"^ Streets, Montreal. Pan«, Dr3/6SL'8?&r^S^^«^"P«^' '^^ ermine Streets, Montreal. ' WliilAFEAVEs7 ligh auci i-rench Watch Tool? Rn,? w«f^£T NO.-53, «t. WcoTe"x:v'iArl^t;1fontreal. ^ , OAMPBEII & CO ^'~~ Manufacturers and Dealurir in i«-I,.V'i «.. Leather B6hing and'^Minufictu^ev'S^e.' •^o. 1^, ,A. X utcr oi., (^z auuiM from St. Paul Street,) Montreal. ^^K^^m^mm: MONTREAL. 216^ lYMAIS, CLARE & CO.;"""" CHEMtSTS AND DRtfOfilSTS, Maflufectoers of Linseed Oil, Painte, &€., nmm dmus, piimRr mm, m, Alfl) DYB-STX7PPS Pwiflcial AfficulW aod Indusfrial fxiin F05,I.QWER CANADA, 1853 FIRST PRIZE AND DIPLOMA AWARDED FOR COLOW GEOUNO IN OIL. RAW & BOILED IINSEBD OIL Al^B PBEPAREB BTE-W,0^^«. i ' i '' ' i t^ ' • imVERSAl EXPOSITION, PARIS, 1855. For Beji s.„p|, „f ^ed Clover Seed, Growth of Cwd.. AGRICULTURAI ExiffimONTwWER CANADA 1858 PIBSX PRIZE AWARDED ' ' > &i ' It li « s 226 MONTREAL. m ■.,■•](<■ -■J i 'I ' '14,: -»■¥■ KENNETH, CAMPBELL & CO., Apothecaries to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales. Medical Hall, Great ^t. James Street, Opposite the Post Office. =::«: KERRY BROS., ft CRATHERN, (SuccesHorHto Caster, Kerry & Co.,) Importois of EnirliBh and Fnreicn.Drngg.OhemicalB.I'atent Medici ncH. Perfumery. i)jo iStuffs Colours, I'aiutB, Oils, VarnlsheH.Ac, B. No. 199, St,PaulrSt,, Cflr. Joseph Street,, WHITHAM & SOXTLE, Wholesale Shirt and Collar Manu- facturers^ 36.;st. Francois X avier Street, Montreal. WILLIAM HOBBS, JR., Importer of Cotton and Woolen Manu- factures, 16, St John Street, Montreal. HAEUSGEN & GNAEDINGER, Wholesale Manufacturers of Hats and Caps. L.adleg and Gentlemen's Purs, Buckskin Gloves, Mitts, &c. t^T" The highest price paid in Cash for Raw Purs. No. 39, St. Peter-St., Opposite Messrs. James Johnson & Co.'s. DRY GOODS &0. W. C. MUNDERLOH, Importer of Stapled; Fane 1-y Oorda. 236, St. Paul Street, Cornei , mi\ House Square. ADAMr& CO.. ^ ~^^ Manufacturers of Corn Brooms and Telegraph Matches, Importers and Wholrsale Dealers in Wooden Ware, Baskets, Blacking, Combs, Paper Hangings and Fancy Gnods, 45, Great St. James Street, Montreal. WILLIAM H. HIAM, Wholesale Importer • i 2S0 J MONTREAL. MMm & BARSALOU. m m m Pfilk *pXL io: And Oomxnission Merchants, JOHN G-REG-ORT & Co., & I f; j. 1} jiH" :,r .i::^'^' NO. 35, ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET. * ^9 *m ^ REFEREJVCES : MesHrg. D. Maaton A Co., Montreal. Hon. L. Renaud, " Victor Hudun.Baq., " Jesse Joseph, Baq., " Messrs. Glassford & Co., Montreal. Lewis, Boyer, Esq., " II. B. Hart, Emci., New York. MeBsrs. Core & Rousseau. " :■ '' J. 0. MILLER, WOODS & CO.. GENERAL AND mm iiMii And Dealers In all kinds of Coal, fto., Office,""Corner of Youville and Gray Nun Streets, FOOT OF McGILL STREET, Constantly on hand, best qualities of Coal, Lehigh Lump, S.M., Do. Broken Do. Do. Egg Do., Do. Stove or Walnut, Do. Chesnut, Lackawanna, Snotch and English Steam, Welch, Sidney and Picton, Blacksmith's Coals. Also, Oils of all sorts. Fire Brick and Fire Clay, Oakum — English and American, &c., &c. ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. .^ 16 MONTttKAL. 231 ALEXANDEE BKYSON, ?^'l^^L'"':'!!l Montreal. JOHN QR^QGKY~&CO^, Auctioneers & Commmion Merchnnts, j^ °- ^. t^t - PrancoiB Xavler Street. . BENNINTFaARSALOuT"' Auctio7ieerHand Uommimon Merchnnts, ■'Q. at. Fraiicola Xayler Street. JAMEIg ^IILiAMsb!r& C0.7 CommiHHion MerchantH and IV.duco Brokorg. Re^ere..^i^•l«M:C«•"%ra'nr'^';^.o Hon DAVID E. MACIEAK. COMMISSION MERCHANT, . Montreal. H.~WriEm.AKDr ^ Ha/rdwwe Commiation Agent e rallrond.orother receh r'^w •*, "^ *'"" '"'""tf . to HeaboVd ..roth^r marketl of fT'""'''"!''''"? P'-'-perty at m days, or over at v^^m S*^"'""* conslgned, wl ch §?X ^^i '"f'i'' '" wl>'ch „?n,„ • „ i^dvance» made to To prevent detention' end Invoi^rd' SW- 111 Pftckaaeu marked care of N DaviR Offlce-9, GflllBpIe B«Ildln.«? Corner of' Com- mon and Port Streets. value onproperty in store Al!"'"^^,^'''*'' . ""ke ceipts of tv-arSme receipts o"r'hiii?/^J. "" "" nsurancepolicles. KB.'liVe Sea inH'''*f'''''* UommlBsion, and will ckreft.lly ?elH,« ,^°" „ _HiCTmontHcomm)t?»H ''LJ!*"^« <5on- MITCHEIir&GEAE COMMISSION MERCHANTS Importers and Dealers in n^^^ , ' No^& 84, St. «acr^''en^'itr^e;rfee,, KINGAN & KINLOCH, Wine ana Spirit Merchants, CORNER OF ST. PETER &, ST. SACRAMENT STREETS On the PremiM ,»..„ „e„pM t, Me«„ Ma„, M,™, 4 c„. i f i J. A. & H. MATHEWSON, Importers ^ Wholesale Grocers fl4, McGill Street. PRIOTTE BEOTHER & CO., Mj>,^trT» of Wines, Brandies, Gmwnd Ctgars, rgfl., IB, Hoipiifti Street, off St, Francois Xarier-St, PETEE CLAEKE & CO., Importers of Wines, Spirits, Cigars, St^Petomreet^pposite St. Sacrament Street. J. G. HOLBEET^CO Wliolesalc Conffictlftn..r. r'f^-..*._ti_ .... superintendance. iU ways on hand^hl' v^. No, 41, 8t. Francois Xavier Street, Montreal. 'f^'ammrwwmtiMm^. ■ «*2 MO^tnEAT. I h I , • ; '5tt ** « ■ . j • * I'i' I i:i' S( ' ' ^•''■S? tK ' feiiWftf^!^ AND mpn^tLims. J^Cto*iA. !t. MdLdbN & BEOS., | G. REINHAHDT & SOlfS Arh%rlt;;^-£c^|£^^^^^^ I /.....r ;?.«., AU and IWter Bre^.ry, •I. Commi.M„''..or. "airjllrHt. Mary 8tr„t. -"T' ^' "^' " ^. •^°"*"'" -WILLIAM MILESr^i— ™"^^" "'" ^^^^ ^^^"^^'^^- ^'^--'^^^%,^^X^^^^^lAKx,x^ I J. VfRTUE 56- Cc. Bwwery.-c-ollege Street. Montreal | ^ ^" '"■'*B^"a13r?n^\r***'"' '"• "^l ,**M. BROWN, MITNKO & do., (Late of Bofton, U, S.) flAMB FBMIE MAKEM tfifo, 1«4, CMAIG STREET. ^^^^^%...iW,.F^^ I)£SciPT^^ AND REGULAm. Iir OLD I^IANOS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE.^ FIJI FORTE MANPJCTORV m WARE ROOMS, Nb^. bo A, 62, BL^URY STREET, Constantly on Hand a Su^fnorAswitoientof FiritCte^ which tney wiIla eD on Advantageous terms. PtAjyfos TV2s^j(!:!Di R:BPAiiim) or rjik^jvljy'ExckMcK Several Second-IIand Pianos for Sale, Low, for Cash or Approved Credit. .m WILLIAM II. MANBY, MANUFACT^ttllhER OF Mot. la, It A 17, AT. DBKII ■TKKli:'!', HBAH MUTHJt DAH£ MTHfiBT. MONTRKAL. 383 FIEST PRIZE JffAl^UmTOEY. Wo B-„ Woo ar, €ii',.nt HI. .r«moH Htteet. S. B, WARREN <'orn«r of M,. .;„«,„.. „,.j hi "lluuiy Streets. PEARCE ft WARREN /w;>orroa, jmmtm of MUmA BMPOWERED BY R^P'^""^^^^ ISSB ^ wjiKKD BY ROYAL CHARTER & ACT OP pa ^777,. ^^"Ji-Al ST. JAMES STRKJrr. How.Kz>, Esq., AV^^-i^ZTUiZT^^^^ "''■ ====-;-_____ SEORBTARy.-j'AMES GRANT. *^''"""- Corpa?;i«yS?i&°„\t«"'^ h^'r^f" Navigation between Montreal K^!,""?'' ^ "rS- ^^"y Line «^'::^iGrcam^^es_8tre^ QlTEEir INStmANCE co7 ~ Board Of iTra."''"'"'""""' , .anada H. h n uro srararoE & akchitect I life Association of Scotland. Foundeded law w^^ terandandSfpS^^rtS^A"^''' ^- r """"^"- «--ibrc\s^^^^^^^^^^^ £Sr;rn;e%tT':'"^^'^-''-^' Advocate. Medfcl'l ^^ -r"" p^^' "" I ^^ ard, M. D. Solicifo« « ^*''°^'' «ow- Morris. Sl-r^r^"- ''°"»'^'=« * 3ecretary,_James Grant. I <^'an«da.-HeadOff 6 9 Great 8t t "' "'«»' St. Jameg Street. No. 1, Place D'ArmeBHUi. lAWPORD & NEISON ARCHITEOT-S Oivl. Engineer a^,ate^A..tantEngineeror --^^^!i::l!^!!lf^!!^l!^^ street. JosepFsavage ~~" Notre Dame Street, Montreal. T. Y. WAI8H "^^'^G^TES^ ^ '^J^ O C A T E ' ^ .$. DESJAKLINS —- __J?li:!^^l^J«me8 street. ' ^ "^"^ ^ ^ ^ .^^ ':C 3i PBEEA RYAlT ' ' ^-"jA^^^^^^^cemstreet. ^1:>VOOA.TE I A i^° w^^^ * feereT- advocate: F. H. DESPISES. PRTWrTlSAv L« Iour*Boarde«°''^*. C.lJed p.,. i!!li4_^St^ViDcent street PAPIN & AECHlMBAUiF" -^°:_5.«iVIncent street. " „ Montreal Collflmofr o-V:~-r-— - ooaraer*, «b m EnKli^Ir^h: ."'"'^OOif lour^Botrlera!"'^'' ^*"*« ^f m^mtm. 286 MONTREAL. m:isceijla.«ii:ous o^ri>s. ^ i \ 1^ if ! ** 1 !' T i^l"'' , • if, 1 ill CO. OF ELGIN. Albert Clark, proprietor Union Hotel, Union, Villaga. John Crocker, potash and soap factory, . St. Thomas. J. B. Draper, proprietor W^^stern Hotel, Port Stanley. Bobert Firbv, proprietor of Fivljys steain saw mill, dealer in lumber, Bavhain. Jas. Haigiit, manufacturer of cloths, satinetts, jeana and flannels; deal- er in dry goods, hardware, (fee, Union. M. E. Jansen, County Auctioneer, joiner, &c, Malahide. L. S. J. Kent, proprietor Orvell Hotel, Orvell. Benj. Kniglit. Hotel Keeper, Talbot- villo. Lewis & Hoyt, manufacturers pail-* & sap buckets, well and cistern, pumps, Or. ell. Francis E. Lawrence, carpenter A join- er, Yarmouth. Wm. B. Sumner, proprietor Sawmill, dealer in lumber, Ayhner, Kobert Thompson, commission mer- chant, Port Stanley. McPherson (ilasgow di Co., manufac- turers of steam engines, thresh- ing machines -^,j t riMMto ' •"•'*^ '' ^m 1.4' ' ^^^H' H' -<'! HiIIjI 1 GEO. BROCKITT ABREY. I lovlnclal Surveyor, Civil Engineer, Keal Estate Agent, Conveyancer, &c. A^ent for the Canada Life Aseurnnce Company. OJJ^e at Bear Creek, Tmcmhip Sombra Co. of Lainbton. George Arkell, merchant, Eastwood. Jacob Beck, mill foundry, Biiden. Wesley Bingham, tin smith, denier in stoves, Port Rowan. E. H. Burk, stove & tin shop, 'J'iJls- borough. Walter Boiighner, proprietor of the North American Hotel, Tilis- borough. James Brady, Mansion House. Tills- borough. H. Crea, proprietor of Port Hope Guide, Tri-weekiy, Port Hope. Wm. Cahert, ambrotype artist, watch- maker, Tiilsburgh. Andrew Gaemson, hotel keeper, hotel opposite the Doon Station. Joseph Froom, general merchant, Winterburn. AJfred E. Hayter, editor W«W*M>»^M' J. CooPEK & Bros, continue to take the best mkftfp DAGUEEEOTTPES, IVOEYTTPES AITD @J!,mT: OP ANY ARTISTS IN THE PROVINCE, Consequently their rooms are constantly crovrded with those wishing perfect like- nesses of themselves and friends, and all leave highly pleased with their success and well satisfied with the low price charged for likenesses so true and life-like. All who wish a true copy of themselves or friends, which will last for ages ailer the original shall fade and pass away, can not do better than call at either of their Galleries, where they will find a skilful artist ready to wait tlgon them. Likenesses taken in Clondy as well as Clear Weather, CARTES DE VISITE Uneqaalled by any other ArtistB, taken at the low price of 93.00 JE>XIX1. X>OZZ]7r. ^- DON'T FORGET THE ADDRESS, ^JB PTrnMAMFiCT AATH ATA aK niTATT^AC QT • ^'K'' J. COOPER <& BROa -•r-'^v .V. 244 NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENT. I £1 ^ «•■ ' - rti 5, .•! ThU Inttltution U w«U loaatMtOMoure at onoa Health. ne»wr#4k Burt^tM oonT«nl«&M. T.,., . hb:alth. Hadlon"f?orrvg?c'rw'*e'feffi?he 1^117^ '„lrlt"ed lllt^^. l^' ^-' "^^^ ^'°'=''« '^<>» »»>« bination for healthfnlneBB. "^ ""^''" ^"1» 'an.^y..*?« ?*^'« "f New York and con nected w th this Institution, where all the f>'/'^T..2fiv'\**"?.1'' ^^"'^ "" opportunity to hear iifc^, "/ h'^*"^ lectures, and those of the ' othei-profcBBors.and thus learn toBectire health if lost, and retain it if well. FEMALE DISEASES. «„f"®v? "'i-'S'is- M-»- a lady of large esperi- ence, has charge of this department. She has and 'b"uK27s/^„'^ appreciated by her sick HELP. We have competent attendantB and aesitit- »nt8 in every department. DISEASES. Wp ffouf 111) /vviitnKiA .It.. - o ^l^^nntttre wecewfolly withoat drug* of any SURGICAL DEPARTMENT. »rf^'iT"'^''^'*' operations scientiflcally perform- ed and eucco«Bfully treated In the cu ie. of hhi ' l"y sucfeBsfS"'""' """''"• *"• ^'we'Veclaf- SWEDISH MOVEMENT CURE, This we find an indispensable auxiliary In the treatment of many forms of disease, espec- laly paralysis, inactive musclee, spinal cnrri- ture, chronic dyspepsia, and that terrible dis- ease spermatorhea, the cnrse of the American BOARDERS. To boarders we offer clean, well TentUtted rooms, wholesome, well cooked food, at four to ten dollar,* per -week, leetoFCB, baths, gym- nasium, Ac, free. > bj"" PATIENTS. Pay an entrance fee of $6 doHftr^,^ and aa coc per week, for medical attendance. PROPRIETOR. I E. P. Miller, to whom all business letters i ^^5"''* ^S, a^.dressed. For Medical Advic* ; address Trail A Miller. For further partlcn- , lars call and see us, or send for circularT REFERENCBS. Tackaburv Brt)9.. Lonrtnn n. to i;^'^^- ScottMi American, N. Y. Gity. Duke A Orr Otihawa Vindicator. Dr. J. McLaurln OazetU Ottawa, C. W, G. Longman, ToromS,' a W ' NEW YORK ADVERTISKWFNTfl. 24A JEROME KIDDER'S SIX CURRBNT Electro-Magnetic Machine, [PATENTED SEP. isth, I860.] Adopted bv the Faculty of New York, for the Cure of Nervous Acuio, and Ohronio Disorders. ' The above GuU represent an aggravated cane of Spinal (7nroature eured in Thirty-five Days hy thin Instrument. The foUowlng are among the Diseases which yield readily, to Its use ■ Aithina, Agne, Whidness from ParalyBiR of the Outlc Nerve Weak and InfUmert p„„o u Aeou>ttc''«^tve,. Dropsy, ©y»pep»i«, Epilepsy, Nervouu attd.Siok Headaohft Oo-lSw2^n vl^^^ cottira from Laudanum or Opium, Neura cia Tornld or Enla^Pd r Kpt t^^^***^°; ^*'i i^l""^' Lucorrhea or Fleur Alb^! Talline ofthe Worb-mf ? S&^dy/paXi'^S the Bladder, Pr,-, ysls from an Exhausted State of the Nervous Ceiiters fcalvsii. nf Sfln/.n!,? RheumstlBm, Kickets and Goitre, Scrofula, Spinal CurvaturerThroat DlfS au«LnH„5'i°'^' matlon from Drowning, Chloroform, Accidents, &c. '"'"'"'' ^""'" ^'aeases. Suspended Anl- T ESTIMONIAL S. From -the American Medical Timjs, Jan. 18th, 1R62 "flWtl* IHYBinOK*— KiDDBB'S ElBCTBO-MahNETIC Machink— Tho n«,r>i. -»».,, magbliifer Inanejiclne Js beginning to ansume a proper lmportanc7 slnre^fi!, !^i?i"^?'''''''°: Mafteucci, DuBois-Reymond, and others havo thrm™lrtloo^?,ni^h^,.;^^^^ InTesttgatlons of tions, and have led to a proper appreciation of tr('atnu"r tLh ViU?^^^^^ nervous affeo- to form no inconsiderable part of tliiB treat" en t can no he denied and w^ m^«f 'i,T ** hereafter vention which tends to olace this agency within the re'ich of Vhp Ara^Hr """^t welcome any in netlc machine of Mr. Kfidder is on? of the tnost i sefut Kdons of th' S Jt^' «'«^f°-'n«g- acquainted. It has Six curreutB, differing in their maKneiic e ectrolvtir «nH c'^*''.^*"^'^ "I** "■•« It Is very portable, and very easily kept in good condhion ' We h^i vitneifn'if '1°"*' ^^^'^'>- ploymentl^i various medical cases, and and the reaults havo con vinced ui ?)!«f 1^ \Y fi:«1"ent era- Judicious, scientific physician, a large class of diseased are mori ».„pn.w« f *' '"Jl"-* ''*"''* "^ ^he lo any therapeutical means." ^ oieeases are more amenable to such treatment than CAUTION.— None purporting to be this kind are genuine unless thpv h..v» r^ and also the patent label upon them. K*-nuJne, unless they have my name in full, Machinae soipped tq any part of the United States and Canada with ni«)„ .„-j a i, ■ ^ iyEBOME KII)l>j!}fi. 4», Sreadinay. Jfta Tfcrl, v.». t 24« NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENT. L. DUBEIINET & Co <50«, Bi-ottclway, New York, UANUPACTUHKHS AND WHOLESALE DEALERU IN PASSE-PARTOOTS 1 ,<" I* r ,1 v:. IR^Jl^lBlTt ]Vr.4.TT"J^, 0^»I> BO^HH>s, irurtk lilliiiii .A.X>r]D — PRAMiS OF mn DiSCRIPTM. » <« i» ^. IMPORTERS OF NS!« -,A/ W <^ *»»»>«M ■u«t^anwi«naMa, KERB, lACEENZIE & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF »^e^i>y-m:^i>e OS^i AND IMPORTERS OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, H WHOLESALE ONLY. WAREHOUSES OI>X RIDOUT & DUNDAS STS., LONDON' n rxr TTI TT -™*...-.. V 248 !!•.<»: ; ,t. •A ■ : I LONDON— ITAMfl/rov, J*/. ^gA/Z ci^/;z/M -^c/z^o/z, ^. /?^., ^/^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ xyvuAi mMuL^ $30. One Scholarship for Commercial Course Bteceiiied SPaLfment, JONES & SEARLE. HAMILM OIL no, James St. Hamilton, C. W. I'.OARROI.l, T.A.AMBRIDeE, President. Sec. & Trewurer. tk, 1gb$. TORONTO ADVERTISEMENT. 249 ^.mA)u__ $30. 5EARLE. ommercial College enmanshlp. Book- t', Correspondence, -iial bu?ineg8. until I reviewing at any CO. w. W. C. CHEWETT & CO. PUBMis OF TO mmm Mkc AM™SAt'wh™\.e""NSv!H?-&KV/,'f^^^^^^ WORKS, ENOUSH ™ «„.„.. Book. ,™i e™p. ™5,;a Sf ?„SX^„1;i;7,«ci'?«rS„S"'''"™ tiona) Institutions, public and private, in the Province P"'JC'PaI Educa- Bibles, Prayer, Church Services, Albums, and Gift Books. Th«r«^Ho>. - . _ •^ ^^"^^ '^^^'^ *^^ JUVENILE BOOKS. T^eEngll^andAmerlca.PerIo J, ;u;U!».M 'As:, rr^v 4 6 101 102 l^^anstead s*: Windsor 9(1 Waterloo 10£( Waterdown.,.., 162 Wellington Square. 15i. Woodstock 17^^ Wellington 185 Warkworth 190 Zimmerman 160 \% 1/ & 108 .. 1V5 . 183 . 189 . 191 .. 192 . 188 .. 100* • ^^f .. 11 81 .. 87 . 94 . 96 . 97 . 98 . 97 . 160 . 188 . 195 . 23( . Ui . 18( . 20S . 16( . IOC 7( 8] 8t . 8(: 8f. 9(] lOSi 152 15i lit 185 190 160 PATENT DOUBL^THREAD ELASTIC LOCK-STITCH FAMILY [The only Machine manufactured under a Canadian Patent.J Machine, with ge, &c |!:3o lelled. with Draw- Meiuraer, Oil Can, ge, &c 35 'Olished & plated, 40 e. Silver-plated, ?hed with Hem- Guage and Oil 45 Half-case, Silver-plated, Polished, Glass Foot, with Hemraei , Gimge and Oil Can ^sq Silver-plated, Polished, Full-case, Glass Foot 70 Doablc-plated.Rosewood, inlaidwithPearl,Gla8g Foot, complete 90 .«-« «., «.„ „„ ^, „,„„,„ „, ^^^,^ ^^ ^__^^_^^^ ^^ ^^^ mimMd BY ROGEKS BROTHERS, I Hamiltou, Canada West. Hamilton, August J23. itjCl. fof .U?n,?^;? •"*'■'"» "^^'l the Rogers' 1 w, IM, 1/^''" ™""tl»'*, would pro- •belu ,. 1 inu" ""''• **>'' ''^'«t mater- nrr^f f ",'''* coastrnction. and in "F.tiai2^'-^*^^':):,:-tu-^actoriJ! Mach ines ,fe Engineers- • for strength and durability by u^ in j Hamilton, C. W. tt/rXwi'itv n'r'"'" «™P»city of this R. McElroy, Mayor, j Hamilton. I John C. Taylor, Royal , Hotel W. Ormiaton, D. D I James Stewart & Co i Iron Founders. John Jacques Times Offlco. William Richhrdsou. neemer & Co Alexander Robertson. H. Broadbent. -A-nson Green. L.L.D Port Nelson G. M. Barton. Barris- ,,,.Jp'^- *c.. Uundas. William Buntin. Wei- I imgton Siitiare, Their astonishing simplicitv and cheapness ogether with the neatness and perfectfon of th . work, render them unequalled, and thc^ ?p.^ny. subject''to^^Sw'u^° on^^-l''' ""^ "»'' C^mdli^ reaoboH h. .u- ._._. _