■iu ^. t> ^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) m y k^o :/. t/i c* 2.2 Lp iiiy^ ill u 11.6 :: I4£ 12.0 1.8 riiUlO Sciences Corporation 23 WEST VAIN STREET WEbSTER.N.Y. MSBO (716) 872-4503 m^ !\ \ :\ Foide, hia nifd (by Bill) ; and Qsufi:* M n- oiisff (inade a party in the Uaiter'a Uffii ). JMinit an. Pi;rsii;4ivt io the dbobre M^d* in tliiii Ouugo, dited tho tiv»nty.-e ot» d y of Ooti bar, ii) thti year of our LorU one t .i'm,iu4 eijbt liii ilru i iintl i pribtion of Jumcs Shanly, Kiiq., M j'torut (hit Cuurt itt London, tho undermeutioued Uod< Md tenjiueuia will bo ajld at At ibo Ctiniubers of tbo aaid Maatsi-. on Kidout Street, in tliu C ty of Loodoni at two o'clock p.m., on Satufiiai, 3[il Hugiist, M. 1867, la ono lot, consisting of apart of h-^t Number Sixteen i:i tho Fo'irth Concession of the I'uwn- (h |i .pf .uudun, in tlio i'uiinty uf MiJd a 1 1 ul uw- » I u tis , eleTjH ch.iins; theneo South twenty-one degrees, 'hiriy . minutes east, thirty-one chains, nitj lial<(| m ire or los.s. to the (Jravol Ko id ; Ihence Souti»« «..,- terly iilu-.ig tho Oravol Road nin.; cbaiU' and iiftv-t'ivj links, m"ro or loss, to the road a lo«« oi.'o Ijotween the Third and Fourth Coi.oesi 'iiS J tiic.ioj Noita ?ixty-oight degrees, thirty miU" utaa .-list, alon^ the Northeru lim.t of tae aail r ad alliiw.ii.c-', six chilns, twenty-flvd liuk(( in TO .'r lois, to tho jilaooot begiin'.ii^.OJUtiiiiing by id aua uromeut fotty-two aorei, be ibe oaia* mro lif loss. Tie a-iove-Jascriboi prr>p 'ty is altuated OS thi; L,o id .« Proof Line lluad, abiut ono mil* fiMU t..o ciiy of L)n!o:i, and is we.lauUod for Giraoi , i^Jurjory or if arm puipoiea. T.iolindw.U be suld subject to tb« Inchnat* rUht of diwer > f a imirried woman, pirtioular* ot'waich wi 1 bo given by tho Solioitora uudei- ii^n d. The piin^hiss money, loss tho amo»nt of tlj« d 'p i-it ol ton |.er cant., whioh is payable at tlM iiiutf Ul a .1), to ho |iuiJ into the Comiueroia' UanlC a', its Branch or Agency Office in tho Ciiy of X I unto >vii h interest at the rate of aix pec ont, I or before the second day of Septemba.'i A.l>« J8J7. The soi'tition' of sale are the atanding ooodi* tjjus uf ttio Court of Chancery. Paiticuiais ml c 'nditions of saie to be bad at the L»w ■ lli;u ol Messrs. (Jeary and Mono ivIT, in 111.1 '!<> "1 London, and at the Cbamben of Utt •aid .M t-tor. uaiva kUB 83cond day of July, A.D. 1887. jr. saANcv, Alaater in CbUMryt U2S3BS. O'.URY k MONCRIBfF, Vendoi'i Solioitori. liOud«B, Joly 4i 1887. DATT.K