IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. f/j f/. 1.0 1.1 S ^ I." ui HI lit u 110 IL25 III 1.4 III 12.0 1.6 ^- o >^ •» 7 Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WIST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MSaC (71A) 872-4903 ^ ^ \ ^ o "% .V '^ '9) A^ CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/3CMK Collection de microfiches. Canadian institute for Historical IVIicroreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiq ues ^ ^ ^\ ,av'\^-\,^.' v^. / ,-Vn.-*--w- . J JWt « >^ 01 ^^^ O a^*^ « (gp) )j (Jo »^ >Q ?3 r TO •J 5^ ^— vO o 5 rj^ (vp r» (o* and wit] Sui Pro as i unc fivi an< BC api er< Ch Lc CONSTITUTION, PREAMBLE. FOR the purpose of ensuring, as much as possible, uni- formity in the administration of the privileges, honors, and benefits of the Independent Order of Odd-Fellows within its jurisdiction, the Grand Lodge of Ontario— the Supreme Tribunal of all Lodges within the limits of the Province of Ontario— doth hereby ordain the following as the Constitution of all Subordinate Lodges working under its immediate jurisdiction : TITLE AND POWERS. Clause 1.— This Lodge shall be constituted of at least five members of the Degree of Truth, and shall be hailed and entitled BOTHWELL LODGE, NO. 74, LO.O.F., OF ONTARIO, and shall possess the full powers and privileges of a Sub- ordinate Lodge, holding a legal, unreclaimed, and valid Charter, duly granted and formally presented by the Grand Lodge of Ontario^ 4 coNsnruTrox. MEMBERSHIP. ADMISSION. Clause 2.— Candidates for Membership, by Initiation in this Lodge, must be free white males, of not less than 21 years of age, of good moral character, and in sound health, and residents within the jurisdiction of this Lodge at least six months. Clause 3. — Every proposition for membership must be submitted in writing, by a brother of this Lodge, and must state the name of the applicant, and his residence, age, and occupation— supported by a reference to at least one other member of the Lodge. Clause 4. — The proposition so made shall be referred, to a committee of three brothers, two of whom shall be ap- pointed by the N.G., and one by the V.G., who shall report thereon at the next meeting, unless excused by a two-thirds vote of members present, or the petition be withdrawn by the propo8i>T. Clause 5.— A ballot shall be taken on the proposition, immediately after the presentation of such report ; when, if less than three black balls be found, the candidate shall be accepted ; if three or more, he shall be rejected, and so declared. Clause 6.— Any Brother or Ancient Odd-Fellow, desirous of joining this Lodge, must present a Withdrawal Card or Dismissal Certificate from the Lodge of which he was pre- viously a member ; and his application shall then be dis- posed of according to the above regulations. Clause 7. — Every member, on his admission, shall sign a promise to support and abide by the Constitution and By-laws of this Lodge, and to pay all legal demands against him, so long as he shall remain a member. Clause 8. — Any candidate requiring admission, more than thirteen weeks after his election, must be again pro- posed and balloted for, as in the case of a new candidate. Clause 9. — The rejection of any candidate for member- more CONSTITUTION. « ship shall be immediately intimated to every Subordinate Lodge in the city, town, or village, in which such rejection takes place. C, ^, <(■ 10 — \f> cft-ndi.latr who hn« born vf"if<^tf'd cnn bf altci hi-^ ri'i'M-ljOM. (i .LSt. 11 NuUL,.'UM -hall 'of; aaiiiilU-il l(« li.uiuiaiy membership in this' Lodge, nor hold membership in this and any other Subordinate Lodge of this Order at the same time. Clause 12.-^No proposition for membership, either by initiation or by card, shall be received or acted upon, if the applicant's residence be out of this jurisdiction (without the consent of the Grand Master of the jurisdiction m which he resides) ; nor if his residence be nearer to any other Lodge, unless consent of the latter be obtained. DEGREES. Clause 13.— Every brother, previous to his receiving any of the Degrees, shall present a certificate from the P.S. that he is not in arrears to the Lodge, and that he has paid all charges for the said Degrees, and then shall be bal- loted for. Clause 14.— If , on such ballot, three or more black balls appear, he shall be rejected ; otherwise, he shall be consid- ered eligible, and shall be admitted to the Degree, or Degrees, applied for. In case of rejection, two weeks' notice m open Lodge must be given before a ballot can again be had. Clause 15.— No certificate for degrees shall be granted until after the candidate shall have paid the fees required therefor. Clause 16.— No brother having been less than one month in membership shall be eligible for Degrees. WITHDRAWAL CARDS. Clause 17.— Any brother in good standing, and clear of the books, desiring to withdraw from this Lodge, may sig- nify such desire either personally in open Lodge or by a 6 ^CONSTITUTION. letter addressed to the Secretary, whereupon the Lodge shall proceed to a ballot, with ball ballots, and a majority vote of the members present shall be necessary to the granting of such Withdrawal Card. If a majority of the members present refuse to grant such Card, the applicant therefor may tender a written resignation of his membership, and shall be entitled to receive from the Secretary, under the seal of the Lodge, a certificate that he has resigned mem- bership, and such certificate shall be sufficient evidence that the brother was in good standing at the time of his resignation ; provided that, upon the refusal of the Card, the member applying for the same shall have the right of appeal to the Grand Lodge. READMISSION. Clausk 18.— Should any brother, receiving a Withdrawal Card from this Lodge, apply within twelve months thereaf- ter to be readmitted a member and be accepted, the Lodge may remit in his favor the entrance fee or such proportion thereof as it may think fit. OFFICERS. ELECTIVE OFFICERS. Clausk 19. — The elective Officers of this Lodge shall be Noble Grand, Vice-Grand, Recording Secretary, Permanent Secretary, and Treasurer ; and the Lodge may also provide, by its By-laws, for the election of a Degree Master and a Physician. Clattsk 20.— Any brother to be nominated for the office of D.M. must be a P.G. having the three P.O. Degrees ; for the office of N.G., a V.G. or P.V.G. ; and for any other of the Elective Offices, except Physician, he must have served at least twenty-six nights in some inferior office, and have attained to the Degree of Truth. > Clausk 21.— All officers shall be eligible for re-election. Clause 22.— Nominations for the^elective offices shall be made only at the two meetings next preceding that fixed for the elections thereto, and no brother shall be nominated f Si I CONSTfTUTIOS'. who lias not viftnifiefl hiH willingnesH to accept thcoilicefor which he may he named ; and !i() nominee shall Ix; alloweJ to retire after the nominationa have l>een declared closed. Claithk 23. — The election of ofticerH shall take place at the last r< f^ular meetinj^ in each term, except in the case of the D.M., P.S., and Physician, who shall he elected to serve for a term of six or twelve months, as the Lodge by its By-laws may determine. Clatthe 24. — If, for any elective oftice, or for the oflice of Kepresentative to the Grand Lodge, only one brother shall be in nomination, such brother shall be declared elected by acclamation; should there be two or more can- didates duly nominated, the members present shall proceed to elect one of such candidates by ballot, and only members in good standing shall be entitled to a vote. Clause 25. - A majority of all the legal votes cast shall be necessary to election ; should there be no choice of an otKcer at any ballot, a new ballot shall forthwith take place, and after each ballot the name of the candidate, who may have received the smallest number of votes as well as those who shall receive no votes, shall be withdrawn. APPOINTED OFFICEKS. Clause 20. — The appointed Officers of this Lodge shall be W., C, O.c;., I.O., ll.S.N.G., L.S.N.O., ll.S.V.d., L.S.V. G., and R. and L.S.S. ; and the Lodge may, at its option, add a Chaplain. Clause 27. — These Officers shall be appointed by the N.G. immediately after his Installation ; except the R. and L.S.V.G., who shall be appointed at the same time by the V.G. Clause 28. — All brothers appointed as Officers must be in good standing; and the W., I.G., and O.G. must have attained the Degree of Ttuth.* * After Julj 1st, 18P'>, all OflRcers must have attained the Dejiree of Trutn.—Legislation S.G.L., 1881. 8 COSSTITUTIOS, Hi I I ! Clause 2'.). -The N.G., with the consont of the Lodfje, may appoint as O.G. a brother, of the Degree of Truth, belonging to any other Lodge VACANCIES. Clmtse 30. -Any office, the occupant of which may have been absent, without ^satisfactory excuse, from three succ s- sive reguhir meetings, may be declared vacant by vote of the Lodge, on motion to that effect: provided notice of such motion has been given at the regular meeting previous to that at which the vote is taken. Clause 31. -Any vacancy in otTice snail be filled by election or appointment, as tlie case may l)e; in the case of Elective Officers, the election may take ijlace on the second night of nomination; and bruiheis so elected or appointed • shall be entitled to the privileges and honors of the office, provided they complete the term. DUTIT^S AND P0WEI18. Clause 32.— The Officers of this Lodge shall perform r.uch duties, and he invested with such powers, as are pre. scribed by the chnrge- books and u-nnes of the Order, the laws of the Grand Lodge, and the Lodge to which they belong. Clause 33.— This Lodge shall have authority to add tv^ereto such duties and powers as may not be inconsistent with the provisions of the preceding clause. SESSIONS, TERMS, AND RETURNS. . SESSIONS. Clause. 34.— This Lodge shall hold its meetings weekly or semi-monthly, on such evening and at such time as may be provided by its By-laws ; provided, always, that, as de- cided by the Sovereign (rrand Lodge, twenty-six nights service he required as the term of office. Clause 35.— Special Sessions may be called by the N.O., such notice thereof being given as may be required by COSSTITVTIOS. 9 he Lodfje, of Truth, may have "ee SUGG H- ly vote of notice of g previous ! filled by the case of the second appointed the office, ,11 perform IS are pre- Order, the -vhich they qty to add nconsistent RNS. ingR weekly ime as may ,hat, as de- •six nights' ^y the "NXt., required by the By-laws of the Lodge. The not' ce shall contain the par- ticular reason for calling the same; and no busin»s-i but that expressed in such notice shall be entered upon at such special meeting. Clause HO.— No business shall be transacted at any regular or special meeting unless at least five members of this Lodge be then present ; nor otherwise than according to the Rules of Order, annexed to this Constitution. Clause o7.— Members of other Lodges may be admitted as visitors, prr.)vided they give the Password for the Term, present a proper Card, or are introduced by an Elective Otficer of the Grand Lodge ; or by any llepresentative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge from the Grand Lodge of Ontario. Clause 38.— Thi; Lodge shall have no power to resolve itself, at any time, into Committee of the Whole. TERMS. Clause 39.— The terms of this Lodge shall be semi- annual or annual, as provided by its By-laws, and shall commence on the first regular meetings in July and Janu- uary respectively, if semi-annual ; and on the fir.-t regular meeting in January, if annual. Should the D.M., P.S.. or Physician be elected semi-annually, their terms shall com- mence at the first regular meetings in July and January respectively; and if annually, then at the first regular meeting in January. Clause 40.— Every term shall be held to close on the day on which the succeeding one may commence. RETURNS. Clause 41.— It shall be duty of the last past officers to prepare and forward to the Grand Secretary of Ontario, immediatelv on the exmry of their term of office, a regular return of the work of such term, with the result of the elec- tion of officers, etc., in accordance with such blank form of semi-annual or annual return, as the Grand Lo 'ge may, from time to time, direct to be used. '•I I i 10 COXSTITUTION. Clause 42.— Such semi-annnal return shall be accom- panied by the amount due the (Irand Lodt2;e; the same being 25 cents for each unsusi)ended member on said return. Claitse 43. -A tine of two dollars shall be payable by this Lodge for every month that may elapse after the close of any semi-annual term previous tc the returns recpiired by Clause 41 being placed in the possession of the Grand Lodge. Clause 44.— Should this Lodge, or the officers thereof, fail to make the returns required by the preceding Clauses, for 12 months, it shall thereby become liable to the for- feiture of its charter; and it shall be the duty of the last installed officers to transmit- or surrender to the Grand Master, on requisition from him to that effect (or to such other brother as may be appointed by the Grand Lodge or Grand Master to receive the same), the charter, books, papers, furniture, and funds of the Lodge. FUNDS. CONTRIBUTIONS. Clause 45.— There shall be two tpgulnr Funds of this Lodge, to be known respectively as the Widons and Or- phans' Fund and the General Benefit Fund; and the Lodge may provide, by its By-laws, for the institution of a Special Fund or Funds for any of the benevolent purposes contem- plated by the Order ; provided, always, that, in the case of every such Special Fund, the receipts and disbursements on account thereof shall be kept altogether distinct from the Regular Funds hereby established. Clause 40.— The Initiation Fee of this Lodge must be paid, in every case, previous to the admission of the candi- date, and shall not be less than five dollars. Clause 47.— The charges for Degrees shall not be at a less rate than two dollars for each of the three Degrees ; an^l all moneys received on account of Degree charges shall be applied to the General Benefit Fund. Clause 48.— The contributions of each member to the CONS 'TION. 11 be accom- the same aid return. )ayable by r the close s required the Grand rs thereof, ig Clauses, to the for- 3f the last the Grand or to such ti Lodge or ter, books. ids of thia i.a and Or- . the Lodge )f a Special ies conteni- the case of sements on ct from the rre must be the candi- lot be at a ee Degrees ; largea shall nber to the regular Benefit Fund of this uodge shall be determined by tiie By-laws ; such portion thereof shall be placed to the credit of the W. and O. Fund as the Lodge may see fit, pro- vided it be not less than one-fiith nor more than one-third, the remainder to be placed to the credit of the General Benefit Fund. Clause 49.— The Lodge shall have the power of exact- ing such fees for Visiting and Withdrawal Cards and Dis- missal Certificates— except when otherwise provided by the Sovereign Grand Lodge (to be applied to the General Fund, and such fines for neglect of duty, etc.), (to be applied to the Widows and Orphans' Fund)— as may be determined by the By-laws. DISBURSEMENTS. Clause 50.— Every member, qualified as required by the By-laws, if rendered incapable of following his usual occu- pation by sickness or disability— not occasioned by drunk- enness or other immoral conduct on his part— shall be en- titled to receive from the General Fund such weekly sick benefit as may be fixed by the By-laws ; provided, always, that this Lo Ige shall not be held to pay such benefits for any term of sickness shorter than one week, unless specially 80 provided by its By-lawa. Clause 51.— In cane of the death of a brother, qualified as required by the By-laws, there shall be paid to his nearest of kin, or other legal representative, from the General Fund, towards defraying the funeral expenses — if any are incurred by the family or legal representatives — such sum as may be fixed by the By-laws of this Lodge; and the Lodge may also provide by its By-laws for the payment of a funeral benefit to a duly qualified brother, on the demise of his wife, to assist in defraying the expenses of her funeral. Clause 52.— Tiie Lodge may, by its By-laws, make such provisions as shall seem meet for the relief of brothers in a . state of pecuniary distress. ! Clause 53. — The Lodge shall make such disposition of the Widows and Orphans' Fund —for the relief and beaiefit ,1 ! i i i •! i h i , I' 12 CONSTITUTION, \ I i of the widows and orphans of deceased hi others of this Lodge, by annuity or otherwise— as it shall see fit. PENALTIES, TRIALS, AND APPEALS. PENALTIES. Clause 5L — Any brother who shall violate any of the principles of the Order, or infringe the Constitution or By- laws of this Lodge, shall be subject to be fined, reprimanded, suspended or expelled, as the By-laws may direct, ancient usages require, or the Lodge determine. TIIIALS. Clause 55.— Every broth'^r, charged with any oiience involving reprimand, suspension or expulsion (unless for non-payment of dues), shall be entitled to a fair trial, in accordance with the provisions of the claUfSes following. Clause 50.— No member of this Lodge shall be put on trial, unles- charges duly specifying his alleged offence shall tirst be svibmitted to the Lodire in writing, by one or more brothers of the Order in good standing. Clause 57. — Any charge or charges, so preferred, shall be referred to a committee of five members, three of whom shall be a quorum, to be chosen by ballot ; which commit- tee shall, with as little delay as tlae case will admit, sum- mon the parties, and examine and determine the matter in question, in accordance with the Constitution and Rules of Procedure on Trials. In selecting this coiumittee, only one name shall be written upon any ballot. Clause 58. —Should the decision of the committee not involve the suspension or expulsion of a member, and should no appeal be made therefrom, it shall be final, with- out further action from the Lodge. Clause 50. — Should the committee be. convinced of the necessity of suspending or expelling a member, a motion to that efTect shall be submitted to the Lodge by three or more of their number, in their name. Clause 00.— Any motion for the suspension or expulsion CONSTITUTION. 13 a of this EALS. ny of the )n or By- imanded, ;, ancient y oiience nlesa for ' trial, in wing. 36 put on nee shall ! or more red, shall of whom conimit- nit, sum- natter in Rules of only one littee not iber, and lal, with- id of the notion to J or more expulsion of a member shall be announced at the two regular meet- ings previous to that on which it is to be decided, which last meeting the brother, under charges, will be sunnnoned to attend; and, at the time so appointed whether the mi- plicatei brother be present or not -the Lodge may proceed 10 consider and determine the question. Clause 61.— The Lodge shall have the power, at the meeting appointed for the decision, to vary the penalty to one more or less severe than that contained in the motion submitted by the committee. BULES OF PROCEDURE ON TRIALS. [For the convenience oi Lodges, the Rules of Procerlure on Trials arc placed here, though not part of the Constitution.] 1st. All charges agJlinst members of this Order shall be drawn subi^tantiallv in the manner prescribed in "torui A, and be submitted direct to the Lodge of which the accused is a member, in duplicate, sif,nied by a member of the Order in gooa standiuL'. The general charf-'e shall be an averment ot con- duct unbecoming an Odd-Fellow," followed by specihcation or Bpeciftcations, stating the time, place and circumstances ot the offence or offences. 21 The Lodge shall, immediately after the reading of the charge, choose by ballot a committee of live, as near as possi- ble from among the i)t;ers of the accused, three ot whom shall be a quorum, to whom the charAC shall be referred. In select- ing this committee onlv one name shall be written upon any ballot, and the first elect"ed shall be the convener thereof 3d.-The accused or accuser, or any member of the Lodge acting for either of them, may cha lenge, for cause, any name appearing on the ballot. The grounds of challenge shall be stated and considered by the Lodge, and a majority vote shall be necessary to sustain the objection made. 4th. The Secretary shall affix the seal of the Lodge to one copv of the charge and specifications, and certify it substan- tially according to " Form B," and serve or cause the same to be served upon the accused, either personally or by leaving it at his usual place of residence. The Secretary shall also certify under seal the duplicate charge and deliver it to the convener of the committee, with the notice, according to lorm t., or these rules. 5th.-Tlieaccused.-^.?li, within one week from the receipt bv him of the charge aac specitications. serve his plea or answer to the same upon the Convener of the Committee, by either or several of the answ ers shown in " Form E." ■1' L Ail 14 COSSTITUTION. 6th, -The Convenor of the Committee shall, on receipt of the plea in defence, or at the expiration of the time limited therefor, with renaonalile diligence call a meeting of the Com- mittee, to attend which the accuser and accused shall be served with T)erfional notice if they can be found or by leaving the 8 ime at their usual place of residence, according to " Form D," at least one week prior to the time affixed for trial. 7th,— At the meeting a Chairman and Secretary shall be appointed, and the trial proceed by examination of the parties and witnesses on their l)e*ialf. Either party may amend their l)roceediugs by leave of the committee. 8th,— The Report of the Committee shall state their finding on each specification of the charge, according to "Form F," and sha 1 be accompanied by an accurate rec rd of their pro- ceedings, rulings and decisions, together with the original evid- ence taken during the trial, which shall be submitted to the Lodge within a reasonable time after the case has been submit- ted to them. Should there be a minority Keport, it may be presented in a similar manner at the same time. The minutes of the Committee' should show : I, The date and place of each meeting, and the par- ties present. IL The exceptions taken by either party, and the decisions thereon. III. Parol evidence in full, subscribed by the wit- nesses, IV. All documentary evidence, marked as exhibits, 9th.— The finding of the Committee shall be entered in the Lodge minutes by the Secretary, who shall forthwith notify both parties that the Report has been submitted, and all parties shall be entitled to make a copy thereof, lOths— The Lodge shall take up the Report for consideration at the regular meeting to be held two weeks after it has been submitted, and may amend, afHi*m or reverse the finding of the Committee upon any one Or all of the allegations in the charge or their ruling thereon. 11th, The final decision of the Lodge shall be notified to both parties by the Secretary, immediately. l'2th.— Either party may appePv^ from the decision of the Lodge to the Grand Lodge, within three months from the ac- tion of the Lodge thereon. The Lodge shall transmit to the Orand Secretary a copy of h11 the proceedings, regularly certi- fied, upon receiving the cost* and Charlies of copying and mail- iJLg the same. To Tl Lodgfc Na.... of sue ficati( Is of offeno sepavi C( D I Fq] B %nds of... . consi You k tions the s Com] I F( To I I {give The day < you uaetii CONSTITUTION. 15 receipt of me limited the Com- 1 be served eaving the • Form D," y shall be the parties [11 end their leir finding 'Form F," their pro- ginal evid- ted to the en submit- it may be le minutes nd the par- y, and the 7 the wit- exhibits, sred in the notify both Ekll parties Form A.-CHAKGE AND SPECIFICATIONS. »ro liodge No LO.O.F. The undersigned, a member in good staiiding of T.n-iL'H No does hereby charge Bro. A. B. of Lioage Na^ .with" conduct unbecoming an Odd-Fellow; the grounds of such charge being more fully set forth m the followmg speci- fications, to wit : Ist. For that ho, the said A. B., did on the day of '...188 ,at the .......(Specify the offence' and circumstauces, and continue with further spectfica- tions. Eaeh separate thing in violation of laiv to be under a separate place in the charge. Contrary to the laws and usages of the Order. Date (Signed). B. B. FOBM B,-NOTICE OF CHARGE TO THE ACCUSED. (Date) , 188 3ro I herewith enclose a copy of charge and speciftcations preferred against you by ._^. :•—.•• »iiu spcui I ^^^ ^^^_^^ ^^g referred to a Committee, consistine of (give names) ;.■ You are required to tile your answer to the charge and specitica- tions, according to the form prescribed, within one week from the service of this notice, with the first named member of the Committee, who will notify you of the time and place of titifi"d ^" fil« bis answer thereto with yoJwithinone week, when yon wiil cause the Committee jjaeet and proceed with the trial. Fraternally,' ^, . Secretary. to 16 CONSTITUTION. Fo7?-» r» -rOTICE TO ACCUHER OR ACCUSED. (^)..... 188 To \. B. or C. D. {as the case may be, one to each partij). The Couimittce ou Trial of tlio cliarge and speciticatious ma'leby agaiunfc will nieot at on the..'. day of at o'clock, P. M., to hear and determine the same. You are required t ) Bttcu.l with your witnesses, and {prosecute or. defend tlie aavie, as the case may be). I am yours fraternally, Convener of Committee. Form E.— PLEAS IN DEFENCE. I, A. B., mentioned in the charge and specifications, prefer- red by B. B., on the day of say : 1st - That the offence in the charge mentioned is not within the legal jurisdiction of the Lodge. 2d— That I am not guilty. 3- Guilty. 4th— I admit the fact stated; but will justify the alleged offence 5th— The complaint is frivolous. n Form F— REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON TRIAL, (Date) 18& To Lodge No LO.O.F. The undersigned (a majority of f7te) Committee appointed to investigate the charge and specifications preferred by ••■••••• against respectfully report as follows: {State the findiuij on each specification). The min- utes of the Committee, evidence taken, and papers pertainiiijg to the trial are hero submitted herewith. (Signed by Committee. i vossTrnnios. 17 sp:d. 188 oh partij). eiticatioijs , will at . You ar« ^ or. defend uniittee. Form G.-DECLARATION OF WITNESS. You siucerely declare upon your honor as an Odd-Fellow, that the evidence you shall give in the matter of ... against now pending, shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Thus you declare. nn, prefer- ..say : iot within le alleged ^lAL. ..18&. ippointetJ by illy report The niin- >ertainiiijg EVIDENCE AND WITNESSES. 1.— The evidence competent to be admitted before the Com- mittee on Trial shall be : n. Parol evidence ii. e., testimony of living witnesses before the Committee.) b. Depositions, procured in the manner prescribed by the Sovereign Grand Lodge. c. Regularly certitted minutes of the Lodge. d. Regularly proved documentary evidence. Hearsay evidence cannot be received. The Committee wi 1 deter- mine the admissibility of evidence offered, subject to ex- ception by either party. The exceptions so taken shall be notilied by the Committee upon its minutes. 2.— Members of the Order shall testify under their obliga- tions as Odd-Fellows, according to "FormG," to be adminis- tered by the Chairman of the Committee. In case either the party making a charge or the party against whom a charge has been made, desires to have the evidence of any person not a member of the Order, the same shal be taken as follows: The party giving the evidence shall make a statutory declaration of all the facts relating to the matter as are within his owh knowledge, in the manner provided for the taking of statutorv declarations by chapter 31 of the Stat- utes of Canada, H7 Victoria (1874), and to be taken before any of the persons therein authorized to take such decla- rations, and such declarations when so taken .shall be re- ceived by the committee appointed to try the case; pro- vided always, that the party procuring such declaration to be taken, shall give to the opposite party forty-eight hours notice in writing of the time and place when and where such declaration will be taken, and the party re- ceiving such notice shall have the right to attend at the time and place appointed, for the purpose of asking such questions as he may wish of the party making such decla- ration, and the replies to such questions shall be embodied in the declaration ; and in case such notice as is herein required shall not be given, such declaration shall not be re;;eived by the committee in evidence. Should the party £ I 111 '! 1 18 CONSTITUTION. so uotifled not atteiifl at tho time and plac^ appointed, thti declaration shall bo takon in liis abKonce, and shall be recoived by tho committee as if tho »aid party had been present. 3.— Deix)sition9 of absent witnesses Phall be procured bv in- terroRatories and cross-interrogatories, in the form prescribed by the Sovereign Grand Lodge, subject to objection by either party, to be determined by the Committee. 4.— The attendance of witnesses must be procured by the party desiring to call them. 5.- Any member of tlie Order refusing or neglecting to give evidence or produce documentarv evidence in his possession, upon the application of the party requiring histestinjony, shall then be required by the Committee to give such evidence, and if he shall refuse, after being so required by the Committee to give or produce such evidence, he shall be reported to his Lodge, which Lodge shall take such action as they may deeia necessary to conii>el the production of such evidence. APPEALS. Clause 62. — Any member shall have the right to appeal to the Lodge from the decision of a committee, given nnder Clause 58; and notice of the meeting appointed for trying the appeal shall be given at least one regular meeting pre- vious. Clause 63. — On the evening appointed, the committee shall present to the Lodge, in writing, the grounds oti which their decision was founded; and the parties inter- terested shall have the privilege of being beard before the Lodge ; and the decision shall then be confirmed, annulled, or modified, as a majority of the members present shall determine. Clause 64.— Any member intereste,d shall have the right, of appeal t© the Grand Lodge of Ontario, provided such appeal be forwarded to the Grand Secretary within three months from the date of the final action of the Lodge om the matter to be appealed against ; and the Lodge shall be required to provide the appellant with a copy of all the pro- ceedings in the case, regularly certified, upon receiving the costs and charges of copying and mailing the same ; which charges shall be refunded to the appellant, in the event oi his appeal being sustained. CONSTITUTION, 19 fippointerT, and shall party had ared bv in- prc scribed I by cither ed by the ng to give :)08aession, jony, shall ience, and imittee to rted to his may deeia to appeal ven under for trying rting pre- jommittee ounds on ;ies inter- before the annullerl.;, $ent shall ) the righ* ided such hin three Lodge on ! shall be 1 the pro- dving the e ; which e event of Clauhe 04 a.— In case of charge and trial where the penalty is fixed, as suspension or expulsion, the accused may immediately, or on or before the time of making his appeal to the (irand Lorlge, file an application for an arrest of judgment with the Secretary of his Lodge, and send a copy thereof to the Orand Master (which application the Grand Master may refuse), and at the same time the accused shall pay all dues and demands against him to that date ; und, thereupon, his ntatiis in the Lodge shall not be alTected by reason of such trial and conviction wliile such appeal is pending, unless, after filing such application, he shall fail to perfect his appeal in the time provided, or the Grand Master shall refuse the application. Then, in such case, the judgment of the Lodge shall be enforced in the same manner as in cases where no arrest of judgment has been applied for. Such member shall not be entitled to a Visit- ing or Withdrawal Card or Dismissal Certificate during such arrest of judgment. Clattsk 65.— When any brother, suspended for a definite period, for any other cause than the non-payment of dues, desires to be reinstated before the expiration of his suspen- sion, his case shall be referred to a committee of five brothers, who, after due investigation, shall report at the next regular meeting*, and if a majority of the members then present shall vote in his favor, he shall thereupon be decla»ed eligible for reinstatement, and, with the consent of the Grand Lodge, may be reinstated. Clausk (ifi. — No brother shall be reinstated until he shall have paid any arrearages against him at the time of his suspension ; and all dues that may have accrued since then, except in cases of suspension for non-payment of dues. Clause 07. — No brother who has been legally expelled, or who has ceased to be a member, for non-payment of dues— except members of defunct Lodges, and those pos- sessing Dismissftl Certilicates— shall be again admitted to membership in any Lodge of this Order without the con- sent of the Lodge from which he was expelled or dropped ; and in no rase shall he be readmitted without compliance I ■ 20 COSSTITITIOX. J nil f.\i> ' ■ f j i ,;;j ■': J If 1 ! i i with all the forms for new applicants, excepting the cere- mony of initiation. Clause 6B.— Any brother suspended for non-payment of dues may, at any time prior to six months thereafter, be- come reinstated in his Lodge upon payment of the amount due by him at the date of liis sus^xinsion, together with such 8um as may have accrued since that time. Any brother so suspended for six months shall cease to be a member. SUSPENSION AND liEIN STATEMENT. The following is the law regarding Suspension and lie- instatement, and is inserted here for the benetit of all con- cerned, though not a part of tho Constitution : Rksolvkd, That a member of the Order who becomes in arrears for dues for the period of one year may be »u8V)euded or dropped from uienibership, but he cannot be expelled from the Order on account of being in arrears for dues. « Resolved, That a niemljer suspended or droi)ped from membershii> for non-payment of dues may be reinstated in the Lodge or Encampment from which he has been suspended or dropped, within one year after suspension, by paying the amount of one year's dues, and being reinstated in tlio manner prescribed by the local law. Resolved, That, after one year from the date of suspension, a member dropped or suspended for non-payment of dues may be reinstated upon the payment of the fee charged for an nntiate of the same age, or such less sum as the By-laws may prescribe. Resolved, That a member suspended or dropped from membership for non payment of dues, who makes application for reinstatement and for a Withdrawal Card for the purpose of uniting with another Lodge or Encampment in the same Jurisdiction, may be reinstated and grmit'^d a final Card at any time within five years from the date ol .^uspcasion, upon the payment of one year's dues, and the u^uvA hvuo of a Car ( Resolved, That a member suspended or dropped for non- payment of dues, after five years' suspension, wishing to join a Lodge or Encampment in the same Jurisdiction, shall be en- titled to receive, and the Lodge or Encampment shall grant, upon proper application, a Dismissal Certificate upon the re- \; 'pt of one dollar, ■? BSOLVED, That a Lodge or Encampment, upon proper ap- j.Iication and the receipt of one dollar, may at the discretion of the Lodge or Encampment, by a majority vote of the members present, grant a Dismissal Certificate to a member suspended COSSTITVTIOX. 21 g the cere- pay merit of Teafter, be- ;he amount r with such brother so mber. NT. on and lie- of all con- becomes in uspeuded or led from the opped from itated in the usiicnded or paying the the manner f suspension, of dues may jr an initiate ly prescribe, •opped from application the purpose in the same Card at any Dn, upon the a Cai ( )ped for non- ing to join a shall be en- shall grant, upon the re- fir non-pnvmeiit of du«^H, to enable RUch susi e :d< d member to ]o[n a JlSe i^i iho same Juri.dicti.m before lae live years Lavc exi)ired. Rfsolvkp. That a niombcr fiuspendoil or dropped ^(^rnpn- i^nvnu-nt of f uoH wishing to regain membership u\ another n • s< i^^ti n t n that in which he was susp.-nde 1 or dropped. 8 , 1 e n itled to rec.nve. and the Lodge or l"^"C.uni)u.ent t.. Vhich he b. longcl shall grant, upon proper appllcatiou, a Dis- missal Certifioate. upon the receipt of one dollar. Rkrot.vkp, That in all cases wherein a Lodge or Encamp- meiit has r..f n^ed to reinstate a member susponded or dropped t r 1 I pavinent of du.^s. he shall bo entitled to rece ve. an.l th^ LodVoI f^'ican.p.nmit mIuiII. upon proper application, arant a Disiiiissal Certirtcate. upon the receipt ot one dollar. llFsor VFD, That where the books of an c^xtinct Lodge or iCncam'pment have been lost or destroyed, the ^^^^^^'"^'■^^^^ oi Grand Scribe,, ms the <:ase may be, upon being satrsiiod of the good standing of any member of such .xtinct Lodue or Encanu. ment mav issue to him a Card of Withdraval. Where the ooks o .iefui.ct Lodge or Encampment are in the Possession . a Graii.l Scribe or Grand Secretary, he may issue ^'^^^ *« tv rm -r meinbers of thedefunct Subordinate; such Cards sbull have the l^une privilege a« a Card issued by any existnig Sul.or- dinate, RERoiA-F,n. That Dismissal Certificates may 1)« received unou deposit in any Lodge or Encamptnent, us tho ff f;;;;^> ^ ^,' but the privilege of visiting a L-nlge or I'^ncainpment ''jiall n< t >.e awarded to ihe holder of a Dismissal Cevtiticate. rile Cm- tmc^ate sliall be provided bv the Grand Corresponding and Ueconhpg Sec-retarv. «nd b > sold as other supplies are sold. Hiid at the satne rate as Cards, When State (trand Officers grant cards to former »i«^>'l'f !;« of defunct Lodges, the brother receiving ^^l^Vf viStbf^ L S to the A.T.RW, The Card cannot be used for visiting Lodgi.s, but is good for deposit only by the holder as an Ancient Odd- Fellow, Reholvfd, That sll laws, by-laws, or provisions thereof, that are hS.sistent with the above general laws, c^onditmns nnd regulations. hereby abrogated or re pcalecb-pReport or Legislative Committee, Sovereign Grand LoOge, im). REGALIA AND JEWELS. IIEGALIA. CiAiTSE ()0. —The Regalia of the Order Rhall be as fol- to wit: Collars of SuborcUriate Lodges shall be wliite. 1 OWH trimmed with llie emblem latic col«r of the Degree intended I ill ill ! 22 CONSTITUTION. to be represented, namely: First Degree, pink ; Second De- gree, blue ; Tbird Degree, scarlet ; rosettes of the appropriate colors can be worn on the collars. Among, those who may have attained the Boyal Purple Degree, rosettes composed of black, yellow, and purple may be worn on the collar, either in connection with the other collars or as a separate rosette. The Noble Grand shall wear a suarlet collar ; Vice- Grand, blue collar ; Secretary, green collar ; Treasurer, green collar— each of them trimmed with white or silver. Sup- porters of Noble Grand, scarlet sashes ; of the Vice-Grand, blue sashes; Warden and Conductor, black sashes; Scene Suppouers, white sashes; Chaplain, white sash' Outside Guardian, red sash ; Inside Guardian, blue sash. [The following change in the Regalia of Subordinate Lodges was made at the Session of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, at Cincinnati, 1881 : [The Regalia of the Order shall be as follows, to wit : Collars of Subordinate Lodges shall be white, trimmed with the emblematic color of the Degree intended to be repre- sented, namely: First Degree, pink; Second Degree, blue; Third Degree, scarlet; Initiatory Degree, a plain white collar . Rosettes of the appropriate color may be worn upon the collar. [The Noble Grand, Secretary, and Treasurer shall each wear a scarlet collar, trimmed with white or silver: the Vice-Grand, a blue collar, trimmed in like manner. Sup- porters of the Neble Grand and Vice-Grand shall wear sashes of the color of those Officers respectively ; Warden and Conductor, black sashes ; Scene Supporters, white sashes ; Chaplain, white sash ; Outside Guardian, &carlet sash ; Inside Guardian, scarlet sash. [The position of each Officer shall be indicated by the jewel of the office. «.« J?^^u^^*"^k That the above shall apply to all Lodges that may be hereafter instituted, and to all Lodges that shill here- after procure new Eegalia.] JEWELS. Clausil 70.— The jewel of a P.G. is a five-pointed star; CONSTITUTION. 23 J Second De- 3 appropriate Dse who may ies composed n the collar, IS a separate collar; Vicc- asurer, green ailver, Sup- Vice-Grand, ishes; Scene ish' Outside h. Subordinate sreign Grand ows, to wit : •immed with to be repre- >egree, blue ; plain white ay be worn sr shall each silver: the nner. Sup- shall wear ly: Warden rters, white lian, scarlet jated by the Lodges that t shall here^ of Noble Grand, crossed gavels; of Vice-Grand, hour glass ; of Secretary, crossed pens; of Treasurer, crossed keys; of Warden, crossed axes; of Condutor, crossed wands; of Guardian, crossed swords; Supporters of N.G a wand having branching arms, connected with three Imks, and encompassing a gavel; Supporters of the V G., a wand, arranged same aj that of the Supporters of the N.G., en- compassing an hour glass; Scene Supporters arranged m same manner, encompassing a burning torch ; Chaplain, arranged in same manner, encompassing a Bible ; all to be of white metal. Past Grands, having the Boyal Purple Degree, may have trimmings of yellow. FUNERAL REGALIA. Clause 71.— Funeral Regalia consists of a black crape rosette, having a centre of the color of the highest Degree to which the wearer has attained, to be worn on the left breast, with a sprig of evergreen above, and such jewel or jewels as the brother may be entitled to wear, suspended below. But the Lodge may wear the ordinary Regalia at funerals, either in connection with or as a substitute for this simple Regalia, by obtaining a dispensation from the Grand Master or D.D.G.M. Clause 72.— The ordinary mourning badge, to be worn by brothers in memory of a (h^ceased brother, is a strip of black crape, passed through one button-hole of the left lappel of the coat, tied with a narrow ribbon of the color of the highest Degree the wearer has attained, to be worn for one month. Clause 73.— Past Officers and members of the Encamp- ment Degrees, and all other members of the Order, when VISITING Grand or Subordinate Lodges or Encampments, are entitled to wear the Regalia and Jewels pertaining to the highest Degree they have taken. BY-LAWS, ETC. BY-LAWS. Clause 74.— This Lodge shall stand fully invested with power t," adoDt. from time to time, such By-laws and I the to adopt, from time to illi 24 COXSTITVTIOX. resolutions as may be deemed expedient; provided they do not in anywise contravene any part of this Constitution ; the Constitution and Bylaws of the Grand Lodge of On- tario, or the principles or customs of the Order. Clause 75. —All such By-laws shall oe immediately for- warded in duplicate to the Grand Secretary, authenticated by the seal of the Lodge, and the signature of N.G. and Secretary ; one copy to be retained by the Grand Lodge, and the other to be returned to the Lodge, certified as approved, or otherwise, as the case may be ; and no such By-laws shall be operative until approved by the Grand Lodge, or, in in its recess, by its Committee on Laws of Subordinates. AMENDMENTS. Clause 76.— This Constitution, or any part thereof, shall not be altered, amended, suspended, or annulled, unless by action of the Grand Lodge of Ontario. Bu m taken ;j take t f^ openec 1 Rt as foil .25 ed thej* do tistitution ; Ige of On- RULES OF ORDER. iiately for- henticated : N.G. and nd Lodge, ertified as d no such the Grand n Laws of ereof , shall , unless by Rule I. -As soon as the Presiding Officer shall have taken the Chair, the Officers and Brothers present shall take their respective stations, and the Lodge shall then be opened in ancient form. Rule II.— The order of procedure after opening shall be as follows : 1.— Calling of the Roll of Officers. 2.— The reading, by the Secretary, of the Minutes of the last Lodge night ; the consideration of any ob- jections which may be made to any part thereof, and their approval, with or without amendment, as the case may require. 3.— The consideration of any excuses which may be offered by absentees from previous meetings. 4. — The receiving and consideration of any Reports from the Visiting Committee, or from other brothers who may have to report the fact of any brother bemg sick or in distress. 5.— The nomination or election of Officers, on the evenings designated for such nomination or election. 6.— The receiving and consideration of Reports of Committees on Character. 7.— The Initiation of Candidates for Membership. 8.— The receiving of Propositions for Membership, and their reference to Committees on Character. 9. —The receiving and consideration of any Reports of Officers or Standing Committees, which may re- q .!;*./> +rt Ua -mafia in Tiiirannnrip nf tbft BvlaWS. 10.— The receiving and consideration of any Reports of Special Committees, in the order of their seniority. 26 RULES OF ORDER, k I i! .l'-! ■ 11. — The reading and consideration of Accounts and other Communications in the hands of the Sec- retary. 12.— Good. and Welfare; being, ./t/'st, Unfinished Business, in order of priority at former meetmga and, .u'condly, New Business. 13.— The closing of the Lodge. EuLE Ill.-Any member offering a motion must do so in writing, if a request to that effect be made by the Secre- tary, the Presiding Officer, or the Lodge. Rule IV.— No question shall be put by the Presiding Officer, unless regularly moved and seconded ; nor be open for consideration until so put ; d!)d, when put, no otner motion shall be receivable, unless it be a motion : 1.— To adjourn : 2. —To lay on the table ; 3. To put the previous question ; 4.— To postpone ; 5.— To refer ; or 6. — To amend. These several motions, if made, shall have preced- ence in the order above stated: and the first, second and third thereof shall be decided without debate. Rule v.— The Previous Question shall be put from the Chair only after it shall have been ascertained that the call therefor is sustained by a majority of the members of the Lodge present, and then shall always be put in the ;vordH following: -Shall the question be now putV' which words shall be understood to have reference to whatever question may bn pending, immediately before such call for the pre- v'ous question may have been so made. Rule VI.— If the vote of the Lodge, taken pursuant to auch call for xhe xreviuaa v^jucDtiwn, oc ±,< ijs^ — ----- the Presiding Officer shall thereupon forthwith put to vote the question so pending, immediately before such call, and shall allow no amendment or further debate thereon ; and if, on th< tive, the • putting I the ques RULl I ([uestior RUL shall fii longest Rui corded, Ru] postpo cided, at the ation ' be all( Ri again ation. there* prece term R speal perm I tion, Pres avoi rise dete 1« call the call m m nVLI^S OF OUDhli. 27 ' Accounts )f the Sec- Unfinished meetings must do so the Secre- ; Presiding lor be open t. no other ave preced- irst, second debate. ut from the hat the call ibers of the n the words i^hich words /er question [or the pre- pursuant to affirmative, L put to vote ch call, and :iereon; and if on the other hand, the vote of the Lodge be m the^n«^^^^ ^ The iuestion so pending as aforesaid. longest or latestltime, proposed. ■ be allowed upon such motion. there;f shall have been given a u e neet^^>^^j ^^^.^^^ ^^^ Kt^L^^etu^^S ht'len decided. *^^. xu._.^. — n,t^ro\\trnS hi anpakins twice on any quesiioi , uu speaKin^ bw presiding Othcer. avoiding P\^»"* ;n; /e trt he r.esldlng Officer shall rise to speak at the san.e un , determine which rs entitled to the tloor. ^.T„ Tho Vresiding Officer, or any member, may BcLK Xi>. — '■■I" --- ,■,■-, -,„„|,inL> ; and, m SUCH >-»'>^i call a hrother to_^order -h.le speaking , ^^^ , ^^^ ^_^^^^^^ „„ debate so called to e shall be torinwuu ""-i^-";^7\u^ „oint order shall not proceed until the pom. order 2.S JiVLKS OF OllDKR. u. I 4 thus raised be determined, nor speak upon such point of order, unless it be to make necessary explanation, or appeal from the decision of the Chair. Rule XV. — In all cases where a member may appeal from the decision of the Chair, he shall use the words fol- lowing, and none other, unless it be for necessary explana- tion : " N. G., 1 would respectfully appeal from the decision of the Chair to the Lodge, ' and tJie Lodge shall, after such explanation from the Presiding Officer as he may deem necessary, proceed forthwith to consider and vote upon the question : " Will the Lodge sustain the decision of the Chair r Rule XVI —Any brother who may have been called to order for manifestation of temper, or improper feeling, must apologise to the Lodge or to any aggrieved party, if rpquired so to do by the Presiding Officer f and shall not seeak again on the pending question, except to explain or apologise' unless specially permitted so to do by the Per- siding Officer. Rule XVII. — The Presiding Officer, or the Lodge may, at any time, require all members present to vote upon any pending question, or may excuse any member or members from so doing. Rule XVIII.— I brothers, not members of this Lodge, may address the Lodge, on receiving permission to that ef- fect from the Presiding Officer. Rule XIX. No brother shall retire while the Lodge is open, without the permission of the Presiding Officer. Rule XX.— A motion to suspend or alter the Order or Procedure, as contained in Rule II,, for the remainder of a meeting, may, at any time, be carried by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting thereon ; but no motion to suspend or alter such Order or Procedure for a longer term, shall at any time be put to vote. Rule XXI.— These Rules, or any part thereof, shall only be altered, amended, suspended, or annulled (except in the case provided for by Rule XX.), by action of the Grand Lodge of Ontario. 29 BY-LAWS. MEMBERSHIP. 1. One week's notice shall be given, verbally in open Lodge, of intention to propose a Candidate for Membership. 2. No application for Membership shall be made known to any person, except a Member of this Order, until after the same shall have been determined favorably by election. 3. Applications for Membership shall be in the pre- scribed form, and shall be accompanied by the sum of Two Dollars ($2), which sum shall be placed to the credit of the Candidate's initiation fee, provided he appear for initiation within thirteen (13) weeks ; otherwise, such deposit shall be placed to the credit of the Widows and Orphans' Fund ; but in the event of rejection it shall be returned to the Candidate. 4. Every Brother, on his admission to the Lodge, shall sign an agreement to abide by its Constitution and By-laws, and to pay all legal demands against him, so long as he shall remain a Member thereof ; and shall give his place of residence to the P.S. ; and whenever he changes his resi- dence, he shall notify the P.S. of such change, or forfeit his claim to the attention of the Visiting Committee. 5. No Brother shall enter or retire from the Lodge dur- ing initiation. 6. Li balloting for Members, the ballot box shall be placed in full view of the N.G., and the result having been inspected by the N.G., the Warden shall proceed with it to the chair of the V.G., who, having inspected the same, shall announce whether the ballot is favoraVjle or unfavorable, and the N.G. shall declare the result to tlie Lodge. , m if ,1'» I '■'1 80 liY-LAWS. MEETINGS. 7. This Lodge shall liold its Regular Meetings every Tuesday evening, from the 1st of April to the 1st of October, at 8 o'clock, and from the 1st of October to the 1st of April, at 7-80 o'clock. The N.G. may summon a Special Meeting whenever he shall deem it necessary, or when rec^uested to do so by five Members in good standing ; provided always that not less than eight hours' notice of the time and object be given by the Secretary, by means of a written or printed circular, to every Brother of the Lodge residing in town. 8. Five Members shall Constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, at any regular or special meeting. 1). No business other than that for which such Meeting may be specially called shall be discussed at any such Meeting. 10. This Lodge shall hold its Regular Degree Meetings on the first Wednesday in each month, for the purpose of conferring Degrees. ELECTION OF OFFICERS 11. Before proceeding to open the poll for an Election of Officers, the N.G. shall appoint two Brothers of the De- gree of Truth, in good standing, to be tellers, whose duty it shall be to guard the ballot box, to count the votes given, and to make return thereof to the N.G. and to the Lodge. 12. In balloting for the Elective Officers of the Lodge, and for Delegates to the Grand Lodge, or other Officers, when more than one Candidate is in nomination, the names of the respective Candidates shall be written upon the bal- lots, and the election shall in other respects be conducted as provided by the Constitution. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. VS. It shall be the duty of the Junior P.O. to attend regularly the Meetings of the Lodge, to act as sitting P.O. for the term of six months ; to deliver the charge of that 7?r-L.-iir.s'. 81 Office at initiation, or to see that the same he clone by a P. (x. or N.G, ; to register in a hook, to he kept for that pur- pose, the name and residence of every widow, and the name, age, and residence of every orphan child receiving Benefits from the Funds of the Lodge ; to watch over their welfare and interest : to visit them, if residing in this place or with- in one mile thereof, at least once in each (piarter,and oftener if necessary ; to report their condition to the Lodge when- ever occasion may require ; and to perform all other duties pertaining to his Office. 14. It shall he the duty of the N.G. to preside in the Lodge; to enforce a due observance of the Constitution and By-laws, and proper respect for the Grand Lodge ; to see that all the Officers of the Lodge and tlie Members of Committees perfonn tlieir respective duties as enjoined by the respective Charges and Laws ; to take care that all fines, not requiring a vote of the Lodge for their imposition, be punctually charged on the books of the P.S. ; to exercise a vigilant supervision in regard to all irregularities subject- ing Brothers to Fines or other Penalties, at the vote of the Lodge ; to bring the same before the Lodge whenever known to him, without fear or favor ; to take charge of the Charter of the Lodge ; to have it always in the Lodge wdiile in session; to summon Special Meetings whenever he may consider it necessary, or when requested to do so by any tivi; Members of the Lodge in good standing; to appoint M Officers and Committees, not otherwise provided for; to '[ by appointment all vacancies occurring in Committees _ ■ 1 Offices originally filled by his appointment ; to ex- . mine the ballot box after every ballot for Members; to ascertain and announce to the R.S. the result of all ballot- ings and votes; to give the casting vote in case of a tie on any question, except those decided by ballot; to present a copy of the Constitution and By-laws to each Brother on admission ; to ascertain from the P.S. his receipts since last Lodge night, and announce the same to the Lodge ; to cansf^ the K.S. to invite Brothers to attend the Funeral of any Brother, for whom the liodge may be chargeable with a Funeral Benefit ; to take chai-ge of such Funeral, in the absence of competent relatives ; to receive the amount of ;^i" ':m i 32 JiV-LAH'S. \ I ii and regulate the diBbursements ; to draw ii]jon the Treas ' urer for all 8ums voted by the Lodp;e, or necessary for the payment of any Benefits due under these laws; to act as Chamnan of the Visiting Committee, and, in the absence of any Elective Officer, or other Officer appointed by the N. Ct., he shall appoint a qualified T^rother, pro tern., to per- form the duties of such Officer ; he shall perform all other duties pertaining to his Office by the Constitution, or By- laws of the Lodge, or by the Charges and Usages of the Order; and shall not make or second any motion, or take part in any debate while in the Chair, except in case of appeal from his decision. 15. It shall be the duty of the V.G. to assist the N.G., and in his absence to take his Chair; except during an initiation, visitation of Grand Officers, or other import- ant occasion, when he may cause the same to be done by a P.G.; to appointhisown Supporters, and the minority of all Committees on Character; to assist in examinations of the ballot at election for membership ; to act as a member of the Visiting Committee, and whenever the N.G. is absent to act as Chairman thereof ; to take special charge of the door under the N.G., and to perform such other duties as are prescribed by the Charges of his office and the Usages of the Order. 16. It shall be the duty of the R.S. to keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the Lodge; to take charge of, and keep in safety, the Seal of the Lodge; to keep carefully, and in good order, all Books, Papers, and other property belonging to his Office, and to deliver the same to his suc- cessor in like good order; to fill up all Certificates and Cards granted by the Lodge; to write, and duly dispatch, and copy into the letter book, all Communications ordered by this Lodge, and to read the same at the next Regular Meeting, under the head of unfinished business ; to punc- tually issue all notices required by order of the N.G. or of the Lodge ; to inform all Candidates of their election or re- jection, when the proposer of nnch Candidate declines to do so, but without disclosing any other fact or circumstance connected therewith ; to examine the Black Book in refer- ence to all nominations for membership, and acquaint the Ii- liY-LAH'S. HH Committee on Character with the result of such examina- tion ; to fill out for the Chairman of such Committee a notice containing the names of the Committee, and also that of the Candidate and referees ; to preserve and file all written resolutions, motions, accounts, and reports, upon which action has heen taken by the Lodge; to keep written up in good order, all hooks placed in his charge, and to carefully preserve all jiapers left with him ; to attest all warrants for moneys ordered to he paid at regular meetings ; to advise the P. 8. of all votes of the liodge imposing any assessment, or imposing or remitting any fine ; and also all fines otherwise incurred hy any Brother"; and shall, at the second meeting in each month, enter upon the minutes of the Subordinate Lodge a statement containing the name of every Brother who received Degrees at the last Degree Meet- ing, and also what Degree or Degrees he then received, and to record the same in a separate book; and perform all such other duties, consistent with his office, as may be re- quired of liim by the Lodge, or his Charge of Office ; and for such service he shall be entitled to receive the amount of $3.00 during his term of office. 17. It shall be the duty of the P.S. to keep just and true accounts between the Lodge and its Members; to charge and collect punctually all Dues, Charges, Assess- ments, and Fines ; to notify every Brother, by means of a written or printed circular, mailed to his address, at least two weeks previous to the close of each quarter, of the amount of his arrears, and the amount of regular dues for the three months in advance ; to call the special attention of every Brother owing dues for eleven or seventeen calen- dar months, as the case may be, to the pros-isions of these Laws in such cases, by means of a written or printed notice, to be mailed to his address ; to advise the N.G., from time to time, of the names of all Brothers owing dues for twelve or eighteen calendar months, to the ei\d that ■such provisions may be punctually carried into effect ; to receive all moneys due the Lodge, and pay over the same forthwith to the Treasurer, taking his receipt for the same ; to furnish the Lodge, ai the first meeting in each term, with a written statement of all moneys received by him during J: -i, § 81 liY-LAWS. m the past tenn ; to have his books written up for the Finance Committee, within twenty-four hours of the last Meeting in each Term ; to deliver up in good order, for liis successor, all books, papers, and other property pertaining to his Ollice ; to make out at the end of his term, for the (Irand liodge, a full return of the proceednigs of the Lodge during the term, and for such services he shall be paid quarterly, at the rate of ftC.OO per annum. 18, It shall be the duty of the Tniasurer to receive from the P.S. all moneys of the Lodge, and carefully take charge of and deal with the same, in such manner as may be retpiired by the By-laws of the Lodge, or by any vote of the Lodge, duly passed in confonnity tlierewith ; to pay all warrants signed by the N.O. on account of benefits due un- der these laws, and also all other warrants signed by theN. G. and U.S., but none others ; to keep a correct account of all moneys coming into his hands ; to advise the P.S. punc- tually of the state of hia books whenever the said V.H. may require the levying of an Assessment under these Laws ; to lay before the Lodge a statement of its lieceipts ard Dis- bursements, at the first Regular Meeting in each Term ; to have his books written up for the Finance Committee with- in twenty-four hours of the last Regular Meeting in each Term ; and to deliver up, when legally called upon, all moneys, bonds, papers, books, and other property of the Lodge, which may be in his possession or charge, to his successor in olFice, or to any other Brother or Brothers whom the Lodge may appoint to receive the same. Prior to his installation in oftice, the Treasurer shall give to the N.Ct. or V. Cx. or to the Lodge, as the case may be, a bond with two sureties, to be approved by the Lodge, for the term for which he may serve, subject to such penalties and on such conditions as, from time to time, may be prescribed by the Lodge.* 19. It shall be the duty of the Warden to take charge of the Rwgalia and otlser property of the Fiodge. except when * Grand Lodge advises that the bonds of a Subordinate's officers shall not be of private members, but of a guarantee company.— Journal of 1878 ; p. 82. BY-r.A\ys. 35 a keeper is employed for that i)urpoHe; to act as Chairman of the Troperty Committee, and perform such other duties aH are prescribed by the ClhargeH of his OtUce. 20. The Chaplain shall assist in opening? and closing the Lodge, according to the requirements of his Otiice. 21. Every Ollicer who may be required to state his du- ties, or to deliver any charge, in the Lodge, sliall commit Ins part to memory within two weeks after his installation. DISMLSSAL OF OFFICEKS. 22. Any Otlicer charged with official misconduct may be suspended or dismissed from otiice, by a vote of two- thirds of tlie lirothers of the Lodge present, and voting on any motion to that etitect; provided always that he has first received a fair trial, acconUng to dausf-H.-ft^^-^ii' of the Constitution. x. -^ COMMITTEES. "^ ^ 28. Tlie N.(t., on the night of his installation, shall appoint (subject to the approval of the Lodge) the following Standing (Committees, to serve for the current Term. viz. : A Visiting, a Finance, and a Property Committee. VLSnTN(f COMMITTEE. 24. The Visiting Committee shall consist of seven Members, of whom the N.O. and V.CI. shall be two, ex officio. 25. It shall be the duty of each Member of this Com- nuttee (on the day set apart for him) to visit every sick Brother of this Lodge, after receiving information of liis illness (provided he be in this place or within one mile thereof), and to render him such necessary aid as the law l)rovides or the Lodge directs. 20. It shall be the duty of the Chairman of this Com- mittee to make su(ih arrangements that sick Brothers of this Lodge, if within one mile of this place, shall be visited at least once each day duringi their illness, by one or more Members of this Committee; to keep a correct roll of tlie names of the Brothers in the order Jii which they were initiated for the use of the Committee 36 IJY-LAWS. i (the roll to be furnished by the Permanent Secretary) and, when circumstances require, it shall be the duty of each Member, on the day set apart for him to visit, to call upon so many of the Brothers in the order in which their names have been enrolled, as may be necessary to secure the attend- ance and services of at least two Brothers to watch nightly with sick Brothers. 27. It shall be the duty of each Member, notified to attend the sick, to inform the N.G., at the same time such notice is given, whether he will attend or not; and when he is unable to attend, except for sickness, he shall be charged U, and his place supplied, as in case of residents out of the place. Should any Member not inform the N.G, of his inability to attend, or neglect to attend after signify- ing that he would, then the Lodge, on motion, can order that he be fined an additional sum of |1, as the circum- stances of the case may permit; but in no case shall the Member so notified be exempted from paying the fine of ^1, as specified in the foregoing part of this clause (unless he was ill himself). 28. In the case of contagious or infectious diseases, it shall not be incumbent on Members of this Committee to visit personally, or of other Brothers to watch, and if attendance be required, the Committee shall employ a com- petent nurse, to be paid from the Funds of the Lodge. FINANCE COMMITTEE. 29. The Finance Committee shall consist of three Members, whose duty it shall be to inspect and report upon all accounts referred to them by the Lodge, at or before the Regular Meeting next following ; and shall audit the books and accounts of the P.S. and T. at the end of each Semi- Annual Term, and make a written report thereon ; also, a report in full of the Financial Affairs of the Lodge at the second Regular Meeting in each Term ; and audit the ac- counts of all Officers or Committees charged with the receipt or expenditure of moneys of the Lodge. PROPERTY COMMITTEE. 30. The Property Committee shall consist of three nr-LAWs. 87 Members, including the Warden— who shall be Chairman thereof— whose duty it shall be to take charge of all Regalia and other effects of the Lodge, not especially entrusted to particular Officers or to other Committees ; to procure such articles as may be necessary, or as the Lodge may direct ; to cause all repairs to be made to the Regalia, or other Lodge property, as to them may seem tit, or the Lodge direct; and to make a full written report of their proceedings at the last Meeting in each Term. 31. This Committee shall in no case expend a greater sum in any one Term than «10, without the consent of the Lodge in regular form. COMMITTEE ON CHARACTER. 32. It shall be the duty of all Committees on Character to ascertain, carefully, the age, state of health, profession, habits, and character of the candidates referred to them • and to make report thereon to the Lodge at the next Regular Meeting. DISMISSAL OF COMMITTEES. 33. Any Committee, or Member or Members of Com- mittee, failing to discharge their duties to the satisfaction of the Lodge may be discharged therefrom by vote of the Lodge to that effect ; and every Committee, or Member or Members thereof, thus discharged shall forthwith surrender on demand to that effect, to the N.G., or such Brother or Brothers as the Lodge may appoint, all books, papers, moneys, and such other properties of the Lodge which may be in his or their hands. 38 BY-LAWS. i ADMISSION FEE. ^i Everv person admitted into this Lodge by Initia- tion « Ts an Ano ent Odd-Fellow, shall pay an Entrance F^e 'alrtog to the foltovingtaWe^or^cakoHe^^ z2i — rr. : ,^ T3„...,.,r^ r.r, A Tit^serve on 4-- Initi Age. lI-For Gene-12-Reserve on ral or level W. and O purposes. Fund *100 3 Keserve on Burial Fund $30. 4-- Initiation Fee llegulated. « G 00 65 7 3.5 8 10 . 8 85 9 60 10 45 11 25 12 15 13 05 14 00 15 00 16 00 17 05 18 15 19 30 20 50 21 75 23 00 24 35 25 75 27 25 28 75 30 30 31 95 33 60 35 30 37 00 38 80 40 65 42 50 44 40 46 35 48 :^ 50 30 a mount i BY.LAWS. 39 half L in;7o.r^-sr.„tSL;'':LF^^ - ^fi TV, QUARTERLY DUE8. theseBy-law«, shall beattherat of^ix dollai",'^,?' ?"«''"« or one doUarfifty cents ($1.50) per ouarti .« ' u* peryear, fore the close of each quarte" ly Term ' '^^"'^ "' °' '"'• <^^7 Th V. ^™^^ CHARGES. for IL on^fS^ZrlTT^::^t^?T ^'^ ^^ must be deposited in the hands of the P S bef„" e "nv R^T'" can be balloted for to obtain a Certificate ent1«I.•'''^'''' receive such Degrees, but shall be retoned Iv the'p 1° should such Candidate be rpfnsp,! t^; ^- ^ , ^•^■ apply to members already ?„itiated ^'' "''''"" '''"" ""' be a'cLar^rorK^*'"« "' ^'*''''™™" ^^-"J '"ere shaU FUNDS. CTM''^?^,'^I;!rT "Ji^^ "^ atthenrtltTthe s^d^ be" pj^s^r :nrs;fcrai"j:„^d°''«h;?rr'" ^^^ y'-^ account of the General lenefit F"nd ' ""™'' '" ""^ in «,u ASSESSMENTS. d/a^nd :a^X!U^e4^T^Kh°: F^af c^WK ot^^^^^ rnrrhU^sX?;nV=tfotsH^^^^^ to meet such Benefit, then the RSshan!.M ™f" '*»"'' in aid of such Fund by an Assess-nfenf ?" 4°' ^^I' ' ™"'^- proportions upon alf the Members' 'of' the TodSeThi amount necessary to meet such Beneiit or Benefits "^^ 40 BY-LAWS. INVESTMENT OF FUNBS. 41. Investment of all "-"f/ "'.^'^L^t^rmett SV made' rana -^y^, «.«-«« oij.^^^ from time to time in ™* n*""';'^ ''^ ^ that r;:!iottt»saaTi\ l^ Memw o. tue ^"''S' All moneys of theLoage.not invested as aforesaid, «haU ^euStJe hands of the Treasurer, subject to the By-Laws and orders of the Lods?e. . 4a. No motion in any way ->''*'",^ '°ftirB>lTw" of the Funds of tl^i^Lodge as prov^ed by the B>^^ ^ shall be put to vote a »'f f^f "Ji, „oUo„ ha"s been given cial, unless two weeks "ff";"' ^Mor the appropriation by the mover -, nor shall any motion to 1 1 ^^^ ^^^^^ otmone.v (other than '» ^'^^ K«^f ^^s or distant Lodges) and for the relief of ""'"'J^'L, „„tice has been given and be put to vote, unless two "f «« ""''^^j^n ,ent to the ad- S l-tSVth^Setprelt vote in its favor. SICK BENEFITS. ,4. Every Brother who has ^^^^^^^.^^^^^^^^^^^ Lodge for the space o J^^^, ^^^^^^^^^^^^ or other attainable rendered incapable of ^^^^f ^mty, not proceeding from oucupation by ^^^^^.^^f .^^ora^^^^^^^ on his part, shal drunkenness o'^^^ther im^^^^^^ ^on ^^^^ ^^ disabihty--a receive a benefit f\^""f/^^''. ^ i,e shall have attained rates following, that ^\^J^^^^^,i^,iY,e^v^t six months the Degree of '^^'f ^' *^ ^^'JJeedi^ three months and 1^1 ^2 per week for the ^ex succeeai ^ ^^^^^^^ . .^ ^^^ ^j^^^^ per week during the remamdeiot.u^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^j^ Tave attained the egree fJl^^H, .^eceeding three for the first six months, «1 ^or i ^^^^ remainder of laonths, and 75 ceiixs v^r wteK , BY-LAWS. 41 !;uch sickness; if he shall have attained the Degree of Friendship and Initiatory, ^1 per week for the first six months, and 75 cents per week during the remainder of / such sickness. '*T-r> 45. Every Brother eligible as aforesaid, and applying for sick benefits, must, with every such application, produce to the Lodge a certificate of a legaly authorized physician, showing the length of time such brother was actually in- capable of following his usual occupation by the sickness, disease or disability for which such benefits are claimed, and the nature and cause of such sickness, disease or dis- ability. 46. Whenever any Benefit shall accrue to the account of a Brother, payment shall be required therefrom of such quarterly dues as may be chargeable to the close of the then current quarter. 47. If the Brother be a non-resident, it shall be neces- sary that a statement or statements of his case, setting forth the nature of his sick'iess or disability and the time of its commencement and duration, be transmitted to tJie N.G. of this Lodge, certified by the.N.G. of the Lodge nearest to the place where he may be for the time resident or detained, and under the seal of such Lodge ; or, if he be not near any Lodge, by a Justice of the Peace, or a Clergy- man, or a licensed Physician, and su( h Brotber shall there- upon receive the Benefit provided by the preceding By-laws. 48. No Brother while under charges duly preferred against him on any matter pertaining. to his right to Bene- fits shall be entitled to such Benefits, but if afterwards ac- quitted in due course, he shall be then forthwith entitled to receive any Benefit or Benefits which but for such charges would have become payable to him while the same were pending. 49. No Brother who shall be indebted to this Lodge to the amount of one quarter's dues shall become entitled to any Benefits until six weeks after such arrears shall have been paid in full. 50. No Brother shall be entitled to any Ben'efit for fc-it'kaestj commencing while under disabilitieij. 4S BY-LAWS. X FUNERAL BENEFITS. 51 On the decease of any Brother in good standing in this Lodge, the sum of $30 shall be alloNved as a Funeral Benefit. -r> ^i • a 52 On the decease of the wife of any Brother m good stancUng he shall receive the sum of ^5, to assist m her funeral expenses. BENEFITS TO WIDOWS r: . ORPHANS. 53 The widow of any deceased .^ ..nber in good stand- inglall receive from the^^unds of this. Lodg^ the sum of ^ . j^j^ ^,P,,^ L.x_bfl-|i aid half ¥ »>n rly . J^ / ^ f-C^^ 54 Should any deceased Brother leave no widow, or shouti his widow afterwards d^f: ^^ ^-^^^if ^ orXa" shall be paid in like manner for the benefit, of his orphan Phfld or children, if any there be under the age of fifteen :^Utl^^ " t nf each M i r.h .i:hild4 ^ c h such IkmA t-^ .H^fde ied h^ ih o Lo dge 55 Should any widow be guilty of unbecoming conduct^ the Lodge r^ay withdraw from such widow the Benefit above set forth and grant the same to the orphan child or child- ren of the deceased Brother under the age of fifteen years. 56. Should the widow of a deceased B/other marry aaain while any child or children of - cli Brother «ba 1 still bf andrr the age of fifteen years, it shall be optional with the Lodge to grant such benefit, or any part thereof , to such child or children. 57 No motion affecting the Benefits of any widow or orphan in the manner referred to in the previous three Sses 4all be put to vote unless two weeks notice thereof be 7ven ; nor sLll such motion be adopted unless two- thirds of' the Members present vote in its lavor. 58 Should the family of a deceased Brother be in need of a protector or guardian, the Lodge shall, to he best ^i^ pc^^, protect and assist them, and endeavor to pL.:o BY-LAJVS. them in such 43 a position to society as may enable them to be useful themseh RELIEF IN SPECIAL CASES whose duTvTf!^ n I F^""'^^ Committee of three Brothers to the Lod^ \ h^ Le^ anv'.'n^'l'".*' ''^ '?^"^^' ^"^ -P-* should be granted for rdfef and^t^VTu^" '^''' °Pi"^«» the lodge bv a votP nf nnf 1 1 * f^^^ ,^^ competent for thers «?e<;pn^ M I u • * ^^'^ ^^^"^ two-thirds of the Bro- kers present to grant him any sum not exceeding m the tresenta^iw'hif Cart hT.' ^^^^^^PfV^^- -^-^' on fVi« \r n """ "^ "^s ^am, his case shall be referrpd tn De^r^of StlfX ?:T ■"^"■•'^^^ ^""^ have atTaTned the flvrZlaraThr 1? 1^*"''"'^''* ""'-■«' '»'*"''> not exceedinR FINES, fit. noLxSn7/2 ""' '""'' '""' "^ *^^<"38« ""^ «^ Begular Quarterly Dues for the ensuing quSr."^ SUSPENSION AND EXPULSION. rearf^hfi?'^^-^''^"'"' •'«n8t«'«lve calendar months in ar- by^he N r ?^ t^ ''^P'"'^ *lT°* *" the Lodge, be declared oy the N G. to be suspended from Membership ; unless on account of any special circumstances, the Lodge see fii bv vote to determine a further term of nkyment if n^L.! Z 44 BY-LAWS. 61. Anv Brother bein- eighteen cf^c^?^^/'?"^,^ " arrears, shall, on due report to the Lo.lge, be declared by the N.G. to hive ceased to be a Member, unless on account of any special circumstances the Lodge see fit by vote to determine a further term of payment, though in no case to exceed six calendar months. 65. A Member of the Lodge suspended or ceased inein- bership for non-payment of dues, may t>^:,i'e-mstated with- in one year after suspension, by paying the amount of one "ea'd'ues, and being re-instated in the n-nner pres^^^^^^^^^^ by -the Constitution. After ore year froin th- da e of su^ pension a membe3. suspended or ceased ^^^^^^^"^^ non-payment of dues, may be ro-instated upon PaM^^^^^. "J the fee charged for an initiate of the same age and subject to the provi'^ions of the Constitution above stated. 6(5 A :^Iember cf this Lodge suspended or ceased mem- b»r^hin for Don-paymei:t cf due;^ and who make appnca- ^.iS le-instateiuenl and a Yv'iLhdrawal Card. for the pur- ,0 of unitiiig with another Lodge in this jurisdiction ^t; be re-inst'^ted and granted a final Card at any time within.five years from the date of his ^^^P^^^.^^"' f P°?^*,^/ payment of one year's dues, arid the usual price of a Card. 67. A Member of this Lodge suspended or ceased mem- bership for non-payment of dues, after five y^^rs, j;i«hing to join another Lodge in this or any other jurisdiction shall be entitled to receive, and the Lodge, upon P^^P^^^f PP f^^" tion and the receipt of one dollar, shall grant a Dismissal Certificate. In all cases, when this Lodge ^hajl. refuse to re-instate a Member who has been ^^^P^f ^,^,«^^^tf,n membership for non- payment of dues, he shall l>e ^nbtled to receive, and the Lodge shall, upon proper apphcation, and the receipt of one dollar, grant a Dismissal Ceititicate. 68 Any Brother guilty of improper language or conduct in Lodge, or who shall bring charges against a Brother on evidence which the Lodge shall not regard as ^sufficient to warrant him in so doing; or who shall knowingly misrep- resent the qualifications of any Candidate for admission ; or who sbRll abuse or attempt to abuse in any way the benevo- lent intentions of the Order ; or who shaU be found guiity of m-.LAjrs. 45 cent t o7of"rabi ,ardT''^^"' '' '' '''^'^ dishonorable any infraction of ttavv/^^^ or immorality, or of to Const Tufon hi ^''"'^V ^'j"' ^^^^^ ^"^ ^'^^1 or expelled, as tS^^fo t^'^ b7v:te'^^^^^^^^^^^^^ wbi?e un^e'r t^^t^^^^^^^ f« appear in Lodge he shall have paid nn^. 11 T ^^^^^^f^^^P' "°^ ""^i' after char,eable':St hfm a. til dl^'Ahetrm^T' ^^ pension as previous thereto ^ ^ ^ ""^ ^'' '"^■ JeotJon oi^'Tan^'dXt^or*-.'^?'^^ ^^^" ^^«^^-- *he re- " Card.he shallTsubie./tL'" f '^" ^' ^°^ admission by ment as the majority of fhf ^^^'^'^ ""' '"'^ ^^^'' P""ish. whenever snSirp^i/f; ^ ^^^?^ "^^-^^ determine ; and the Lodge ^ °''"'' ^^'' ^^^"^^ «^a" b^ read to BEGALIA. offic?s\vh1^e pr^JeTt fn ft?'? '^' 'T^'' '' '^'^' ^-P^^^ive lia of the biJhest Snhn I-^°I'^'?' ^"^ ^" ^"^^^^^^ the Kega- tained ^ Subordinate Lodge Degree they have It- DEGREES.* funded, or placed to the BrotherWet'lst t^Z^. CAliDS. an A„£ iniTod":^ ™i«srp:,]:;?'"/rd' '- charges to date-including the fee for the Card • In ^ ^f majority of white balls appear shall be granted ' "^^ '^ " ^ ^ ^ dooe iu tb« i>1|rle o^^l^Sl^^^^ ^^^ Subordinate Lodges will be 46 BY-LAWS. REFRESHMENTS. 74. All spirituous, vinous and malt liquors shall be excluded from the Lod^eRoom, and ante-rooms, when under the control of this Lodge. AMENDMENTS. 75. No motion to repeal, suspend or amend these By- laws, or any part hereof shall be put to vote uutil the same shall have been read in Lodge at three consecutive Regular Meetings ; nor shall the consideration of, or voting upon, any such motion be postponed after such third reading, un- le=!s by a majority, vote of the Lodge; nor shall such motion of amendment be declared to prevail unless, upon the final division thereon, two-thirds of the Brothers present and voting shall vote in favor of it. 76. It is hereby provided that all By-Laws existing previous to this date, either printed or written in the books of Bothwell Lodge, No. 74, be and the same are hereby re- pealed. AMENDMENTS, I <* i 'I AMENl)Mj:ST!L U) ;! \t 50 AUr.NDJUJNTS. 1 «1 PEAYEES. OPENING PRAYER. ALMIGHTY and most merciful God ! we adore Thee as the God of all worlds, and the righteous Governor of all beings, upon whom we are dependent for life and its blessings, and without whose favor no human enterprise can permanently prosper. Lift upon us, we pray Thee, O Lord ! the light of Thy countenance, and bless us while we are together this evening. May all things be done in the spirit of charity and brotherly kindness, and may our labors of love be blessed to the promotion of the best interests of our beloved Order. Hear us, O God 1 in behalf of the stranger, the sick, the afflicted, the widow, and the orphan— and bless them as Thou seest they may need. Keep us ever in Thy fear and wisdom, and save us all with an everlasting salvation ; and to Thy great name be all the glory, " as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end." Amen. CLOSING PRAYER. "TTTK bless Thee, O Lord 1 that we have been permitted \ V to enjoy this, another Lodge meeting. I'ardon what Thou hast seen amiss in us ; and now, as we are about to depart, let Thy blessing be with us, and with all our brethren throughout the globe. May brotherly love prevail, and every mor 1 and social virtue adorn our lives, while members of this Lod^e below ; and at last may we be admitted to the joys of a belte^r woild ; and Thine be the power and glory, for ever and ever. Amen. ■02 INDEX. Page Constitution 3-2B Admission 3-4 Amendments 24 Appeals 1<^ By-Laws 23 Cards (Withdrawal) «'> Comributions 10 Degrees ^ Disbursements H Funeral Regalia 2B Jewels 22 Membership 4 Officers — Duties and Powers B Officers — Elective • ■ • • G Officers — Appointed ' • • • 7 Officers — Vacancies B Penalties 12 Preamble '^ Regalia 21 Returns ^^ Readmission ^ Suspension and Reinstatement 20-21 Sessions B Terms J^ Title and Powers '^ Trials 21 BuLEs OF Procedure on Trials • 18-18 Blank Forms 15-17 Evidence and Witnesses 17-lB fiirxxB OF Oiu>ER 25-2S Page 3-28 3-4 24 IB 23 5 10 5 11 23 22 4 B G 7 B 12 3 21 <) 6 20-21 8 9 3 21 13-18 15-17 17-18 25-28 INDEX, 59 Page. By-Laws 29-46 Admission Fees 38 Amendments 46 Benefits— Funeral 42 Benefits— Sick 40-41 Benefits— Widows and Orphans 42-43 Cards 39-45 Committees 35-37 Committee on Character 37 Committee — Dismissal of •. . . 37 Committee — Finance 86 Committee— Property 36 Committee— Visiting 35-36 Degrees — Prices of 39 Degrees — Application for 4?) Dues B9 Fines 43 Funds 39 Funds — Investment of 40 Meetings 30 Membership '^9 Officers — Election of 30 Ollicers — Duties of 30-35 Officers — Dismissal of 35 Other Charges 39 Eegalia 45 Bef reshments 46 Belief in Special Cases 43 Suspension and Expulsion 43 PBAYKBii 51 AMENDMENTS. AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION, the word 'application* • proposition' and also 1. That in clause 3. Ist line, should be substituted for that of the same In clause 4. 2. In 4th line clause 4 the word 'regular' should be ad- ded after the word 'next.' and that the word 'application should be substituted for that of fpetitlou' In the tlttn line ot the same etaj^se. 3. That the word application' should be substituted for that of 'proposition' In the 1st line of clause 5. 4. That the following be added to clause 6 after the word 'regulations' In the 5th line : 'Provided that In the case of the application of a brolher who within six months previous to such application has been a member or a lodge which has merged Into or united with this |o<»g®» the vote necessary to receive shall be a majority vote oy ballot. 5. Tiiat c'auHe 16 be struck out and the following sub- Mltuted: 'The lodge may by Its By-laws make provision for a class of non- beneficial degree members, on whom the degree may be conferred for any less sum than two dollars, such members agreeing that they w'll not oiaim nor be entitled to any other pecuniary bene its than those payable to initiatory degree members, until tney snaii have paid the full degree fee of the lodge, and provided further that the lodge shall not be compelled to receive such fur degree fee from any »uch member when his re- moval from the non- beneficial to the beneficial class win Involve the lodge In any Increased expenditure /or benefits. 0. That all words ^fter the Word •Treasa»^r' in^Srd line of clause 19 be struck out. 7. CMause 20 should read as follows; 'No brother shall be eligible for the oflice ol N. Q. until he has served a term as V. G., nor lor V.G. until he has served a term in some inferior offloe except that of chaplain, has attained the Third degree and is in good standing. 8. That all words after the word 'term' in 2nd line clause 23, be struck out. 9. That the words between the words 'and* and ♦ must' in sioond line clause 28 be strncK out. < 10. That the words 'or Grand Encampment" be added to clause 87 after the words 'Grand l^pdge' In fifth line. : U. That all words after the word ^annual' in fifth clause 39 be struck out. line 12. That all words after the \vord 'By-law* In third line clause 4S be struck out. 13. That the words 'other attainable' be added after the word 'usual' in second line clause 50, and that the words 'but after one week's sickness a brother shall be en- titled to benefits for each additional day or days that he may be 111.' be added to clause 50, after the word 'week' in the eighth line thereof. 14. That clause 51 be struck out and the following sub* stltuted; "In case ol the death of a brother qualified as required by the By-laws, a funeral benefit shall be paid from the General Benefit Fund, consisting of sucli sum as may be fixed by the By-laws of tnis lodge, and such funer- al benefit shall only be paid to the wl