1^ 1 2.8
i^! hjii iis :iiid
ijlu'i i ii .; •*, 8»'il?i'ii.j v.i.!i ^^ .. > '•■, yur iie.irts id tlie ly-rd."
« 1.1. in. lu.
M»- < vjcs?t*:-jE*
•'^Ili|» 'il^fE»K
Psalms and Hymns.
1. now blest Is ho who ne'er consenta
By ill ailvico to walk ;
Nor stands in sinners ways, nor sits
Where nu-n profiiiiely talk.
2. But nukes tliu perfect law of God
lli^ business and ilelig!)t ;
Devout iy roaus therein by day,
And med.'t ites by niglit.'
3. Like soiu'j fair tree, whicli fed by streams,
With timely trait dots bend,
He iitill s!iaii doaris!i, and success
Ail bis disigns attend;
4. Un^:;odiy men and tli ir attempta
No lasting root ^hail find ;
Untimely bl isted and dispers'd
Like ciiafF before t!ie wind.
5. Their guilt shall strike the wicked dumb
Belbre the judge's face :
No formal hypocrite shall th'?n
Amongst thi saints have place.
6. For (io(l approv s the jnst man's way?,
To h.ippinc.vs th.y toiu! ;
But sinners, and the p ,thii they tread,
Shall both in ruin end.
TO Father, Son, and Holy GhcSt,
Tile (iod whom we adore,
Be glory, as it was, is now,
And sauil bo evermore.
1. LORD, hear tho voice of my complaint.
Accept my secret pray'r ;
>\ill J lor help repair.
S. Thou in the iiioni wy voice ehaJt hear
And Willi the dawning day - '
To thee d.voutly I'll look up, '
To thee devoutly pray.
7. And when thy boundless grace shall mc
I o Uiy iov d courts restore,
On tlire I'll Hx my longing eyes,
And humbly tJiere iidore.
32. To righteous 'men the righteous Lord
Mjs blessings will i xtend,
And with his favour all his saints
As With a shield delLnd.
1. TITY dreadful anger, Lord, restrain.
And .vpare a wretch forlorn ;
Correct uie not in thy fierce wrath,
Too heavy to be borne.
2. Hav • nic rcy, Lord ; for I grow faint.
Unable to endure
The antrtiifh oi\\\y aching bones
■vvh.fh thou aJone canst cure.
5. I^Iy toitur'd Hcsli dl.vtraots my mind.
And fiiJs my soul with grief:
Kut, Lord, how long wilt tiiou delay
lo grant me tivy relief?
4. Thy wonted goount.s, Lord, repeat.
And case my ti oubled soul :
Lord ior tliy wondrous mercy's sake,
V oucheafc to make inc w hole..
iill mo
1. O TTIOU, to w.'in ii till creaturts bow
Witliin this cartliiy iVarnc,
\rn' ail lIi." ujfM h.v.v i^ivat iirt t?Jou !
.'i' J'l.-i .h tiiv n.
.■«>ua act , .'.re sunu,
In II.'iv'u liiy v.-.)a
Na;- lully r(;c!vk»iiM t'k
2. Aii;l yi t tiiou ii.,ik\-,f ih,' inruit t:):\iviio
Thy bouudli' :s pr.iisi' decl.rc :
Thro' th;c'thi« ^v : k cctnlouud r'i.> j.lror.g,
.\n(t cTusIi 'irir huu^hty 1',k s ;
Awl Si) thou (J,; -j'st tii.j wicked tiiionj;,
'l''iit t'lcL' ;i'kI i.hino o[)jH)S£?.
3. W.'i.n ileav'.i, thy beauteous work on hiV.-h,
Ilmploys my,'iiiijr sight :
Tlie moor, that aijL-IuIy ruh\s the sky,
W jfii :>t irs ol' fl'thler Ight ;
4. Wiiiu's mai-i (suy I) thut, Lord, thou lo
'I'o kct'p Jtiiu in tliy in'iid ?
Or wjvit his ofl'.princj thou prov'st
To thuiu so wondrous kind .-•
I. TO cole hrate thy praise, O Lord,
1 V. ill luy heart prepare ;
To all^ the libt'uiiu; workl thy works,
Thy woiid'rous works, declarf.
'2. The tljou^ht of thcni shall to my soul
Kxalt'.'d pleasures !)rln<^ ; to thy nauie, O thou most liigh,
Triumphant praise I sing.
7, 8. The Lord lor ever lives, wlio has
Ills ri,i;hteous throne prepar'd
Impartial justice to di.-pense v
To punish or reward.
9. God is a constant sure defence
AgaiiiiSt oppressing rage ;
A 2
.i* ^
As trouliivfl rise, ]m ni'cdlul a.ils
In our bdiaif cn/ruf/f.
!0. All thcs... who hav,' !ifs goodness prov'd.
VVill in itiH trutli corjldo ;
\\']i()o.- mercy no'cr fur^ool^ the imu,
Tli>it 0!i his he Ip rely'd.
1!. Siiijr praiw-.q,, thon-fori., to tl»e Lord,
J-'roni Sion, his abode;
Proclaim his JccdH, 'till ail the world
ConfcSo no o-Iwr (jod.
1. T^OJWi, who's (he hfippy man that moy
To thy blost courts r,r»airi'
isot PLran^rer like to visit tluiu,
^ Hut to inhabit there ?
i.\ 'Tifi he, wljose every thoi'r;Iit and deed
ny rules of virtue moves ;
Whose genVous tonjrue disdali'is to Fpeak
The thin-; his heart disproves.
0, Who n.-ver did a sluiid- r Cor^^e
I J is neighbour's fame to wound ;
Or hearken to a lalse report,
y>y nia]iee whisper'd round.
i: ^Vho vice in all its ponij) and pow'r,.
Can treat witli just neglect ;
And piety, tho' clotli'd in rags,
Hcligiously respect.
r-. Who to his plighted vows and trust-
Has ever liraily stood ;
And; tho' he promise to his loss,
lie makes his promise good.
(). ■\V!\oi;e soul in usury disdains
His treasures to employ ;
Whotn no rewards can ever bribe
'i'he guiltless to destroy.
7. The man, who b^ this steady course
Has happincfis insiu'd,
8. ]
9. '
25, 26.
PS.1LMr.-?ly choos.: to go,
Shall jucct with due returns from thee*
•-'H. TIl:il h, f!,, Im-ii.M,. M,ill
A 1 1. 1
ni.^l, t:., h.iHj.i/slxm-t.anmrfit.
< "I • I I.' I.OIil Jli i,n,f,
On h
And lii i o
Nor f; ,i,'(|, u JilM I
I r JKiui lous lors prevail
If Mils Oil I.V .s,,U
Hi.'st tKiiiuli-d W.J!., utHijl
... p - --•; ■•"v^. .v.M.j ti» .male.
, His wur.l ;\,-li I) jr th.. utmat tcsf'
llcsi. *t,,m«s!.ic'I(ltoailtl.anuv(|,
A.u o„n.H.surfi)rvU'cti"„,v..t.
Or who. ,xcti,t the. iM-ghtv,l. ^
Cim with rcsisii-j powV (LIukI-*
rr: hc'ay'ns (Icclaro fhy glory, Lore?,
Miuh i!iat ah)ii-- can iiiJ •
1. TI
The: finnamcut av.d Jtari'rxprcU
., T, " i"" ^''"'"^ ^'"-afor's skiU ;
>. Iho diiun of c;u-!i rftuniin^LT day
r.-^.s » beams orknoHlc^lov brintrs .
Irom darkest .r.^rfus succ-Assi^c round.H*
J>vi:ie iiiLtniclion spriii'"*
3. J'l.,-ir poucTJ-ul hn..:uago To no realm
Tis natures voic ■, aiui understood
Alike by all niaiiklnd.
4. 1 hen- doetrine docs it, snrred sense
J /iro earth s extent display ;
^^I.os.. bnnht contents the nrchnfr sun
Ooes i(,u„d tHe world convvy^
5. No brKie.M-..ou,, for hi. nuptiuis drcsl
Il:ts siij, a cIk. iful ihi.e ;
^^ pant dors ji!;e him rejoice
To run his gloriou.s race.
t :
;i)(l ;
6. r
rom rnM to w* st, from wint to CH/»f
J If^ n>ili>s
AjuI lliri*' i.iH jdO! f.>N c'u I lliil
M :
Auu viul \tatiuU) bwil
PSAur .\xii.
1 ^rV r.od my God, why loav'tt tliou me,
O ! wliy Ml) Car (Vom mi: rcmuv il,
Aihl Iroin my loml compli,int ?
2. All (lay, hiif all tin- day uiilicurd,
'I'o tliu- do I coiiiplain ;
With cries iiiiploro rJiil'all night,
IJ'.if cry uil iii^^ht in vain.
3. Vvf thou art stiii the righteous judge
( )r inrioccnci" oppress d ;
Anil tluTi Ion; Isiav Is pia.sis nro
()rrij;lit Jo thct: aildi\ss'!iil Miciititv pi\:j. .it',
(.lOil's alornMls iulioi.;; lo.ullv t( II,
^ li's womlnnis \un\i toiUI
2. To nis ):i-.<.;i ^,•.lluo H\n|i .m ,,s niLso ;
l)tvv)ul.\ i\uv t\>p.'il, jilioivl ;
Him ill his hoi, (ciu|) .- j-r.(,si>.
_ \\ lu'vc iu-'s u 1.1 .sM, nil! s'nlcidoiM.
II IVi .10 \]\\\ wall ;!ill,i/,i..i; .uv,s..-
'I ii.' \v..t'»> cumas m MniJ. i- i,,; j ks :
Ino (t,-, ,iM l.v \i'.U's at hirt vou\ ,
_ \\li,n.>. UoMi luMv'niM tiiuinUr spriiL«!,
4. .'. I l.w !u.; o. jnm'v his vooi' {ipp.iir,; !
* \^^^ V '.''' '^'*"** "'■'.i^-^"' I '""01- lUH.i.M I
NN.KilXro,.! ih.iv ro. tslii; ,h , ;,is,
iO, ,1. C.ol nu ;; .h.- ;.n}jy .iuus \\,[\\ .stn-i.^^th li: n-ill sv|.j)!y,
Aud bicbs his own with ..oiu-Ui,! peace.
1. DF.FEXD mo. Lord, 0 thou my ^lcdt\\$t roek appear^ -
'iojauiteiiuid dctlud.
9. «i
4. U
5. T(
G. Al
And s
1. LE
For vv
2, 3. Lot
And n.
4,5, For
Ho jusi
C. IJy i
And ulJ
7. The
And Ia\
iu»o ;
I i Ks :
iivi !
11 M !
S. Miuco tliou, wIkmi /'och opprcw,
My lockini.l I'oifivnH iiit,
To giiulr iiu< Jonli ihnu i\uH ilit.f,roN«,
riiy wonted lirli) impart.
#. JCu)<«aH(! iiu' rroiii tin- Mmn«
VVIiiih tln-v Imvo cluNily laid,
bjucr I, O Cun] ,„y KfivuKtli, n-pair
I o tiK'o uloiic (or aid,
5. Toilur, tlicCiodof trurh,
My lii;-, and all that's ininr,
(lor Hum. pnwrv'dst uic from my youth)
I uillnigly vvn\g\u
6. All vain tk'«i|^n.s 1 hato
OCtliOHi'tlut truHt in lien •
And Mill my nouI in ovVy Htato,
To Ciod (or Biiccour then.
1. LET all the to (Jod with joy,
I h Mr chcarriij voices raiNf ;
lov w,ll (ho ri^lit.oMs It hecomeH
n n I ^'''^"'.'^KI'"' sonars oC praise.
-, .J. Let harps and ps.i.tLneH, und lutes,
In joy I ul concert meet:
And iK.vv mad.. son^r« of loud applause
I he harmony co.iiplite.
i', 5, I'or ia.thlul is the word of God ;
Ills works with trulli abound ;'
He justice ioves : and ail the earth
Is with his g()odn;-ss erown'd.
o. iJy his al.nig'.ty word at (ir^t,
Th- heavenly arcii was rear'd :
And all the beauteous hosts of li^rht
^t his coannand ajipear'd.
7. The swelling Hiods togi;ther roli'd)
He makes m heaps to lie ;
And lays us in a storehouse safe
The wat'ry treuaures by.
8, 9. Let earth ami all that thvcll thereia,
Ik'fbre him trembling stand ;
For when he spake the word t'was made
'Twas fix'd at his connnand.
10. He, \yhen the heathen closely plot,
Their counsels undermines :
His wisdom ineliectuai makes
The people's rash designs.
11. Whate'er the mighty Lord decrees
Shall stand for ever sure ;
The settled purpose of his heart
To ages shall endure.
1. THRO' all the changing scenes of life,
In trouble and in joy,
The praises of my God shall still
My heart and tongue employ.
2. Of his deliv'ranee I will boast,
'Till all that are distress'd,
From my example comfort take,
Arid charm their griefs to rest.
S. O magnify the Lord with me,
With me exalt his name ;
4. When in distress to him I eall'd.
He to my rescue came.
9. Fear him, ye saints, and you will -Ul^a
Have nothing else to fear ;
Make you his service your delight.
Your wants shaii be his care.
17. Delivrance to his saints he giveg,
When his relief thoy crave ;
18. He's nigh to heal the broken he^t.
And contrite spirit save.
22. For God preserves the souls oftlwsi^
Who on his truth depend,
To them and the' Mosterity
His blessings sboil 4«sceud.
i :
is made
y plot*
will thrfQ
^' "^f?^ J."*^"'^' '■''^ ^'^^ '"""' remains,
Lnfat horn'd depths thy judgements are r
Ihy providence the world sustains,
The wiiole creation is thy care.
^\"ce ofthy goodness all partake,
VVith wliat assurance should the just
ihy sheltr ing wings their refuge niake^
Aiid saints to thy protection tiust ?
8. buch guests shall to thy courts be led»
A A \^- "^"'l^^^ on % love's repast,
And dnnk, as from a fountain's head,
o „?1 joys that shall for ever last,
9. With thee the springs of life remain,
*ny presence is eternal day ;
O let thy saints thy favour gain ;
To upright hearts thy truth display^
1. THO' wicked men grow rich or great,-
let iet not their successful state
Thy anger or thy envy raise :
2. For they, cut down like tender grass,.-
w/*"""^ ^'^''■^ ^^^y ®^*" P^s»'
Whose blooming beauty soon decays.
3. Depend on God, and him obcy^
&o thou within the land shalt stay,
Secure from da*iger and from want j
*. Make his commands thy chief delight,
And he thy duty to requite,
Shall all tliy earnest wishes grant.
5^ In all thy ways trust tliou the Lord,
And he wul needful help afford,
To perfc'ct every just di'sign ;
6._ He li make, like light serene and clea«»
Ihy cloudy innocence appear,
And m a raid-day Btua-to «Iiiae.
7* With quiet mind on Goi ^pend,
And patit'nlly for him attc nd :
Kor let thy auger fondly rise ;
Tho' wicked men with wealth aljound.
And v>'itli .'^uccess the plots are crown'd,
\\ Jiicli they maliciously devise.
8. From angpf cease, and wrath forsake,
Let no uiig.ivern'd passion make
Thy wavVing lieart espouse their crime-;
9. For Ciod slia-l sinful men destroy,
Whilst only they the land enjoy,
Who trust on hnn and wait his time.
SO, 31. The upriglit shall possess the land,
His portion shall for ages stand ;
His mouth with wisdom is supply'd v
His tongue by rules of judgment moves,
His heart the law cif God approves,
Therefore his footsteps never slide.
4. **LORD, let me know my term of daye,
How soon my life will end
The num'rous train of ills disclose,
Which this frail state attend.
5. My life, thou know'st is but a span,i,
A cypher sums my years ;.
And ev'ry man, in best estate,.
But vanity appears.
6. Man like a shadow vainly walks,
With fruitless cares oppress'd ;
He heaps up wealth, but cannot tell
By whom 'twill be possess'd.
7. W1iy then should I on worthless toys
With anxious care attend ?
On thee alone my stedtast hope
iShall ever, Lord, depend.
19.. Lord hear i ,y cry, accept my tears,
And listen to njv nraver
V *
Who sojourn like a stranger here,
As all my fathers were.
13. O spare me yet a little time.
My wasted strength restore ;
lietore I vanish quite from hence.
And shall be seen no more."
1. HAPPY the man whose tender care
Kelieves the poor distress'd !
When I roubles compass him around,
o Ti' "t ^"'•'J.^'^^" g'vfe him rest.
In safety shall prolong ; '
And disappoint the will of those '
« T.f '^^^ f'-^ to tlo him wrong,
J. It iie m languishing estate,
Oppress'd with sickness, lie ?
The Lord will easy ma've his bed.
And mward strength supply
4. Secure of this, to thee, my God.
i«T ^,*T™>'P''''^y^''^^'^fessM;
iXu^ i^I "'''''^y' ^e»^ "ly soul,
10 Tu 1 ^^'® '""^^^ transgress'd."
1/. Ihy tender care secures my life
Prom danger and disgrace ;
And thou vouchsjifst to set me still
, „ r ^^"''•e thy glorious face.
13. Let therefore Israeli Lord and God
A J f,°T' *S^ *^ ^S^ ^e bless'd ;
And all the people's glad applause
With loud amens express'd.
1 1 A S pant^ the hart for co...g streams,-
When heated in the chacc
So longs my soul, O God, frr'thee .
And thy refreshing.grace, *
f R
For thee, my Gotl, the livirrg Go' ^'*'' ^r^^s'i strength rejoice,
y, W. lilot out »ny crying sins,
Nor me in anger view ;
Create in me a heai-t that's clear*,
, An uprlglit mind rency.
11. Withdraw not thou thy help.
Nor cast me from thy sight i.
Nor let thy holy spirit take
14. 1 Me joy thy favour gives •
Let m.e- again obtain ;
And tliy free spirit's firm support'
My fainting soul sustain.
1. GIVE car thou judge of all the earth
And listen when 1 pray ;
Nor from thy humble suppliant turn
1 hy glonous face away.
2. Attend to this my sad complaint,
xnn ■: , ^'^'^^ "^y g'ievous.nioans ;
ur ?^ '"ournful case declare,
Wjth artless sighs and groans. •
^ liiirk how the foe insults aloud f :
U'i.X T ^^"'"^^ oppressors rage !
wnost' slai,drou« tongues, with wrathful hate:
. ^ , J^g'^'"st my fume engage.
' %'ieart is rack'd with pain ; my seuJ
With fear and trembUng compass'd round,
W ith honor quite opprtss'd
G. How (Hten wish'd i iFjtn that I
The dove's swift wings could get ;
That 1 inig' . take my speedy flight,
And seek a safe retreat !
7, 8. Then would I wander far from lience^.
And in wild desarts stray,
Till all this turious storm were spent,.
This tempest pass'd away.
^' THY mercy, Lord, to me extend j
On thy protection I depend ;
And to thy wing for shelter haste,
Till this outrageous storm is past.
2. To thy tribunal, Lord, I fly,
Thou sov'reign judge, and God most high,
V\ ho wonders hast for me begun,
And wilt not leave thy work undone.
7. O God, my heart is fix'd, 'tis bent,
Its thankful tribute to present ;
And, with my heart, my voice I'll raisd» .
lo thee, my God, in songs of praise.
XT , ^' ^y ^''^^y ' ^^'V and lute,
Wo longer let your-strings be mute :■
^vn ^'.\"y t'Jneful part to take,
Will with the early dawn awake.
9. 1 hy praises, Lord, I will resound-
ty^ 'ri "^^ '^^® hst'ning nations round :
10. riiy mercy highest heaven transcend**
1 hy truth Ijeyond the clouds extends-
*1. lie thou, O God, exalted high:
Aid, as thy glory fills the sky,
So let it be on earth display 'd,
Till Ujou art here as there ob&^^
1. GOD, my ,j^racious God, to the*
My inorruiig ,>ray',„ shaH otflr-d lie •
My f...nt,nf; flesh implores thy ^rnce,
W.tlnu tlu» dry and hurron place.
VVIiLTe I rtfrt'shing wuttr« vwmt.
;^. U ! to ray longing eyes once more
u'l'^." «'"»■'""'* rww'r restore,
V\ Inch thy majestic house displays «
3. Recause to rae thy wondrous love
Ihan Ide itself does dearer prove,
4. My ide, while I thut life enjoy, ^
In blessing (Jod I wWl employ
5. My soul 8 content shaU be as jzreat'
wH '^^^ *^""'ce6t dainties eat,
« U'K "^^ ^ with joy his praiso proclaim*
6. When down 1 1^, j^eet sleep to find.
1/iou Lewd, art present to my mind;
And when I wake in dead of ni/rht ;
7. Because thou still doct succour biina,
lieneath the shadow of thy wing
I rest with safety ami delight*.
8.^ My soul, when toes would me devour.
Cleaves fast to thee, wiwse matchless vq!»'^
In Jier support is daily shown :
y. liut those the righteous Lord shaU J^xy,
mat my destructiuu wisli ; and thev
1 A T^.'^^^l^ek my life shall lose th^u o^^^
i'l I ^7 untimely ends shall die,
ineir fitsh a prey to foxes lie •
1 1 xm "* ^""^ ^'" ^^^ *^e king with joy :
11. Who thee confess sliall still rejoice ;
Whilst the false tongue aiid lying voice,
liiou, Lord, shall silence and destroy..
1. TO blotia tUy dwecnrucc.
Id m« m, Lord, incline;
fiAiA cat.tie tiic brighuicHs or tljy face
Oa ali U\y sauUs to bliinf ;
2. Tliut so thy wontlroub wny
nia M^^"^ through tile woiia be knomi :
Wlule UibUuit uuulb thtii tPibutc n«y,
And thy »;tivution own.
3. Let dilt'iuig nutiuiu, join
To ceicliiutj lliy hune;
X6t aJl tho world, O Lord, combine
lo pruiKo thy gionoiis ^mne.
4. U let theui slioui aiul sing
\\ ith joy and pious n.jfth :
For tho-i the rigiatcous Judge and King.
blmiJ govtni ail ,tlio wjrtJi.
5. Let dill 'ring nations join
To celebrate thy lame ;
Let all the world, O Lord, combine
r, rrJ^ *"'""'*^ ^^y ii*o"ou8 Name,
b, 1 hen glial! the teenung groui^
A large inerottse disclose ;
And wo plenty jBhuil be c^pm'4,
JVhichUod, ourGoilbeitows.
7. Ihtu Uod upon our land
fcihall constant blessings show'r ;
And HH the world in awe shall ijUumI
i>fhjs resistlefes, pow'r,
Good Friduy.
jp. REPROACH and gr f have broke my heart;
1 look d for some to take my part ;
To pity or relieve my pain,
But look'd, alas ! for both in viun.
2L \\ ith hunger pin'd, for lood I csiH,
Instead of lood they give me gall;
And when with thirst my spirits sink,
Ui.y give me vinegar to drink.
lb, l-or new aiflictions they procur'd
For him, who had thy Gripes endur'd ;
And made the wounds thy scourge liad torn
o- «• K .f ""^'^'^ "^'^^^ *'^'»Ter scorn.
^i» 6in snail to sm their steps betray
Oft r"^'",?^^u^^ *?^^ ^'^^^ '"«t tiie way.
28. From hfe thou shalt exclude their soul
Nor with the just the,r n^nus enrol. '
29. But me, howe'er distress'd and poc.
«n Ti ^ ''';""^' salvation s^hall restore :'
30. Thy powr with songs Til then proclaim^
And celebrate with thanks thy name.
1. AT length by certain proofs 'tis plain
Ihat God will to his saints be kind ; "
JbatalJ whose hearts are pure and clean,
9^ .T?:'/^",^^'^ P'-otecting fovour find.
/, J. 1 Jii this sustaaimg truth I knew,
. My stagg'ring feet had almost fail'd :
^^^^l i"" **'""ers' wealth to view,
1(5, 17. To tat«^ this my thoughts 1 bent,
'T-n ! .V k""* ^^ '^'^ ^0° ^'^••d for uie ;
lill to the house ot;;jGod I went ;
^o t7^^^ ^ *^*^'*" ®"*^ d'^i plainly see/,
lb. How high soe'er advanc'd, they all
On slippery places loosely stand :
liience into ruin headlong fall,
0« ivi^'"f "^Z" \ *V av«"g'ng hand.
26. My trembhng flesh, and aching hearti
May often fail to succour me •
But God shall inward strength impart, '^
And my eternal portion be.
27. For they that far from thee remove,
bhali into sudden ruin fail ;
s endur'd ;
?e liad ton*
t]ie way.
i6'r soul,
s enrol.
I poci,
■itore :
y name.
is plain
kind; '
id clean,
>r me ;
If after other gods they rove,
Thy vengeance shall destroy them all.
28. But us lor nie, 'tis good and ju •;t
Tiiat 1 should still to God repair :
In hiin I uUvays put my trust,
And Will his wondioas works declare.
1. O GOD of hoijts, the mighty Lord,
How lovoiy is tli.j piaco.
Where thou, eiithron'd in gany, sh^w'st
The brightness of thy tuce !
2. My loiiging soui fiiints with d.jsire
To view thy i)iest abode :
My panting he-art and riesh cry out
For thee the living God.
3. The birds, more happy far than I,
Around thy temple tln'ong :
, Securely there they build, and there
*'*' Securely hutch their young :
jl Lord of hosts, my Kuig and God,
How highly blest are th y^,
Who in thy temple always dwell,
And there thy praise display !
5. Thrice happy they, wliose choice has tlwe
Their sure protection made ;
Who long to tread the sacred ways
That to thy dwelling lead !
G. Wh8 pa'^^s through Baca's thirsty vale,
Vet no refreshment want :
Their pool's are lili'd with rain, which thou
At their requ -St dost grant.
7. Thus they proceed i'nnn strength to strength,
And still approach moie near,
^'ili all on Sioii'.s holy mount
lieibre their God appear.
8. O Lord, the uug!ity God of hosts,
My just request regard :
Tiiou God of Jacob, let itiy pray
He siiil with favour hciird.
9. BchoJd, () G
oU, for thou alone
tmiely aid d
^ „... ..-spense :
Un tJiy iiuioiiited servant look,
Ho thou his strong defence.
10. For in thy courts one single day
i'S hotter to attend,
Than, Lord, in any place besides
A 'i'iiousand days to spend.
i\^uch rather in God's house will I
'Ihc. meanest otfice take,
Ihan in t;ie w.aithy tents of" sin
Tviy ponipous dwelling make.
II. I'ori.od, ^vho is our sun and sliield^
. V\ iii -.race and giorj give ;
And no go..d thing wiji h. withhold
io „,f'''^"'t'»''"t'';itju-si;y live.
I^. ihou Ijod whom h;uvaly hosts cbcy.
How hglijy b.ess'd is he, "^^
Whose nope and trust, s.ciu-cly plac'd.
Is stiil rcpos'd on thee !
^' ^2J^^J *'^"" ^^''^^^ granted to thy land
i lie favours we impior'd,
And fluthiul Jacob's captive race
o Q r. ;^^^^ gi M^'iiHisiy rebtor'd.
--, J. Ihy people's sins hast thou fclti/n
And an th. ir guiit clttac'd :
Ihou iiust not ifct tiiy wrath flame oiu
Ivor ihy fierce anga- last.
4. 1, odour Saviour', ail our hearts
A o thy obedience turn ;
Ihat qucnch'd with our repenting tears ^
/- r n •^' ^''^'" "" "'"'■^' "'•»y bum, *
v>, 6. For Why sliould'st thou be angry stiUw
Aiid wratli so long rttaui ?
Revive us, Loril, and let thy saints
Thy wonted comfort gain.
7. Thy gracious favour, Lord, display,
Which we have long iinplor'd ;
And tor thy wondrous mercy's sake,
Tiiy wonted aid afford.
1. TO my complaint, O Lord my God,
Thy gracious ear inciinu ;
Hear nie, distress'd, and destitute
Of all relief but thine.
2. Do thou, O God, prei^erve my soul,
Tiuit does tliy Name adore :
Thy servant keep, and hiin, whose trust
Relies on thee, restore.
3. To me, who daily thej invoke,
A „ Thy mercy. Lord, extend;
4. Ketresh thy servant's soul, whose hopes
Oa thee alone depend.
5. Thou, Lord, art good, nor only good,
but prompt to pardon too :
Of plenteous mercy to all those
Who for t!iy mercy sue.
6. To my repeated humble pray'r,
O Lord, attentive be.
7. When troubled, I on thee will call ;
For thou wilt answer me.
8. Among the gods there's none like thee,
O Lord, alone divine !
To thee, as much inferior they
As are their works to thine.
9. Therefore their great creator thee
The mvtions shall adore :
Their long misguided pray'rs and praise
To thy bless'd Name restore.
10. AU^ shall confess thee great, and great
, T»v.,«vio tituU ixiisi, uCnu i
Confess tl,eo Cod, the Cod siipronie,
C'onrcts thee God aJoiie,
rSALM xc.
'^' '^'j;.^^^;.*"7^'^^J/"nn, O Lord, to dust,
i)t wluvU lie hr8t Mas nuuie •
And M hen thou sj,eak\st the uord, " I^turn '
lis instMtKiy oh^y'd. '
4-. IVu- in thy si;z!it a tii<»u«and vears
Are hko a day that's past ■
Or like a vvaleh in dead orni<:ht,
>7 Q Av ^ u"^^' ^'""''^ uiuninded waste.
7, b. V\ a by thine an^r are tonsuni'U,
And by thy wrath dismay 'd ;
Our public crimes, and secret sins,
Before thy sight are laid.
9. Beneath thy anger's sad effects,
Our drooping days we spend :
Cur uiu-eg;irded years break off,
in r^^'^^"^ *'^^'"^ ^^^'^^ quickly end.
iU. Our tern, of iile is seventy years,
An age tliat few survive ;
But if, with more tlian common strength,
I o eighty we arrive ; " '
Yet taen our boasted stronofh decays.
1 o sorrow turn'd and pain •
bo soonihe slender tliread is cut,
And we no more remain.
1 . HE that has God liis guardian made,
Shall under the Almighty's shade, '
becure and undi.sturb'd abide,
J- IJius to my soul of him I'll say,
lie IS my fortress and my stay,
Mx God in whom I will conHde,.
3. His tender love and wutchful care
Shall free thee from the fowler's snare.
And from tlio noisome jjjstilence.'
4. He over thee his winjrs shall spread,
And cover thy un^niarded head ;
His truth shall be thy strong defence.
5. No terrors tJiat surprise by nio-ht
Shall thy undaunted eouraf,'e fri^^Iit,
^Nor deadly shafts that fly by day;
6. Nor plague, of unknown rise, that kills
In da r mess, nor infectious ills,
Tiiat in the hottest season slay.
!. HOW good and pleasant must it bs
To thank the Lord most high ;
And with repeated hymns of praise •
His NauK' to^ m.ignity !
2. With ev'ry maiMlng's early dawn-
His goodn^^s to rjlate :
And of his constant truth, each night
The glad effects repeat !
3. To ten-string'd instrumeats we'll sing,
With tuneful ps df'ries join'd ;
And to the harp with sol-jmn sounds,
For sacred use design'd.
4. For through thy wandrous works, O Lord ;
Thou muk'st my heart rejoice :
The thoughts of them shall me glad,
And shout wit'> cheerful voice.
5, 6. How wondrous are thy works, O Lord !
How deep are tliy decrees !
Whose winding tracks, in secret laid,
No stupid sinner sees.
7. He little tliinks, when wicked men,
Like grass, look fresh and gay,
How soon their short liv'd splendor must
For ever pass awav, '
C 2 "
S, 9. But thou, my (Jod, art still most h:
Aiul ixll thV i.itly f
Who thouiWit til
oy in!c,d,
il:s nurcv is tor w r sure •
His truth, uhich alu-.ns /Irnily ;,tood,
lo eiidless ages shall cnamv.
PSALM C^Old Version.
1. ALL people that on earth do dwell
Nnig to th3 Lord with cheerful voice -
H.m serve with fear, his praise forth tell. *
' Come ye h.ture hi.n, and rejoice.
A Ih, Lord, ye know, is God indeed.
VV uhout our aid he did us make :
We are his flock, he doth us feed,
And for his sheep he doth us take,
^. U enter then his gates with praise.
P...,- ^PP'^f ^ ^^t'^ joy J'is courts unto,
i Mise, loud, and bless his Name always, .
ir or It IS seemly so to do.
4. For why ? The Lord our God is goocf,
His mercy IS forever sure :
His truth at all times firmly stood,
And shall from age to age endure.
1, 2. MY soul, inspir'd with sacred love,
t^e m';;'.^^"^'^"^'"^ for ever bless;
Ut Ai\ hjs favours mindful prove^
«? 4 .-r^'l'^ '^P ^^y ^'■^^^^^■"1 tt^anks express.
3) *. Tis he that all thy sins forgives,
And after sic.uiess makes thee sound •
From dangers he thy life retrieves,
r.y with grace and mercy crown'cf.-
b. Ihe Lord ayou.uls with tender leva
And unexampled acts of grace l'
voice J
His wnkcn'd wrath does slowly move,
His wiilii)(^ mercy flows apace.
9, 10. (lOvl will not always harshly chicle,
lUit with his anger quickly part ;
And loves his punishments to guide,
More by his love than our desert.
11. As high as heav'n its arcii extends,
Above this little spot of clay ;
So much his boundless love transcends
The snuill respects that we can pay,
PSALM CIV. Old Vernon,
1 . MY soul, praise the Lord,
Speak good of his name ;
O Lord our great God,
How dost thou appear !
So passing in glory,
Tliat great is thy fame, .
Honour and Majesty
In thee shine most clear.
2. With light, as a robe.
Thou hast thyself clad,
Whereby all the earth
Thy greatness may see i
Tlie heavens in such sorts
Thou also hast spread,
That they to a curtain
Compared may be.
3. His chamber-beams lie
In the clouds full sure,
Wljich as his chariots
Are made him to bear ;
And there with much swiftness
His course doth endure,
L^pon the wings riding
Of winds in the air.
4. He maketh his spirits
As hernlds tn rro.
— g..
AniX llglrtuings to serve
^yesee lUso past;
ILs will to acconiplisJi
They run to and fro,
To savL' or consume things
As lieonicth him best.
^•r9, RENDER thankH to God above.
1 he fountain of eternal love ;
\\ho.e mercy firm through ages past
ILis ,tood, and shall for ever last.
*. \Vlio can his mighty deeds express,
rsot only vast, but numberless ?
VVhat mortal eloquence can raiaa
His tribute of immortal praise ?
3. Hapoy are they, and only th.^,
Who rom thy judgements never fetray :
Who know what's right ; nor, only so.
But always practise what they know.
4. Extend to me that favour, Lor^,
Ihou to thy chosen dcst afford ;
When thou return'st to set,
1-et thy salvation visit me.
5. O may I wortJiy prove to see
i hy saints in full prosperity ;
That I tlie joyful choir may join,
And count thy people's triumph nHne.
b. t5ut ail ! can we expect such grace.
Ol parents viie, the viler race ;
V\ ho their misdeeds have acted o'er,
An I With new crimes increased Uie score ?
48. Let Israel's (Jod be ever bk^ss'd.
His name eternally confess'd :
Let all the saints with full accord
bmg loud Amens—Praise yc thcLorO,
1. PKAISF: ye the Lord, our God to praise
My H...,i ner ut.uM paw'r« sluui r.i.c ;
A ;th priv.ue U'wnns, ai.d Jn tJio tluo:,.r
O .sa.uts, i);^ praise shall l,,n,ysonr:'
2. n,s wor.s for Kixathcs though ,vn:,: aVL
ll.s wondrous work^ with ease ar. iouucl
I'Y hose vvh(. sc^Oiv for Uk m aric;ht,
Aiui ju the pious s.arch dciithtl
3. His wor.sare alJ of a, ttch;cs3 fame
Ami univt'raai t'h>ry cl li u •
felKilJ to ct'-rnal ages Jast. *
^•. J>y precept iio has us uijo.n'd,
lo keep i.u, wondrous works m mind;
And to pjritenry record,
That good and gracious is our Lord.
His bounty, lik.,- n flowing tide,
Has aJl ins .-,ervaiith wants suppiv'd •
Andhewilleverlieepin.Mimi ^ *
His cov'nant with our fatht r'g nlru'd.
6. At once astoninh'd and o'erjo] 'd
Ihjy saw Ills nmtchless pow'r cn.plov'd -
Whereby the heath.n were'd :
^ And we the.r herntage poss. ss'd :
/. Just are the deahngs of his hands,
l"Hnuta!)le are his commands,
«. liy truth and equity sustained,
And foi eternal ruics ordain'd.
y. iio set h.s saints from bondage free.
And tlien established h.s decree
I'or ever to remain the same ; '
in u^ i^"^ rev'rend is liis Name.
JO. Wt, , w,.s,Jom's sacrid priz,. would wiji.
^ the fear of (iid begin- '
liiiuiortal praise and hcav'niy skill
Have they, who know and do his wiU.
1. THAT man is bict'.l, aucl ioVvS lli.s isacJcU iuw ;
2. i I it. seed on ciuth sluul be ici.own'd,
AiKl With suecchsive hoiiourH crowii'd.
3. liis hou«e, Uic i,eut ul" wtUith, shuli be
An inexhaustcd treasury ;
His JMSticu, nve Irom ail decay,
S'l.tii bl'.thuigs to hvJs eOi^vey. .
4. The soul tli.u'a tiii'd with virtue's light,
^^•l)uies in liiilietioii's night ;
'J"o pity tile (I siress'd ineiii/d,
As W( li us just to all mankind.
5. n.s lib'ral i'uvors he . xtends,
To some lie giv -s, to olhas lends ;
Yet what his charity impaiis,
lie saves by prudence in uttairs.
6. Deset with tiireat'ning daiigcrs round,
Unniov'd shall he auiintain Ins ground ;
The sweet remenibrautt; of the just
Shall flourish, when he sleeps in dust.
7. Ill tidings nevi.1- can sui prise
His heart th^it hx'd on liod relies ;
S. On safety's rock he sits and sees
'J'he shipwreck of his eneinies.
9. His liand.s, while they his alms bestow'd,
His glory's future liarvtsl sow'd,
Whence he shall reap wealth, fame, renown,
A teinp'ral and eternai crown.
10. The wicked shaii his triumph see.
And gnash their teeth hi agony ;
While their unrighteous hupes decay,
And vanish with themselves away.
I. MY soul with greatful thoughts of love
£)itireiy is posscbt,
stands in nwe
iuw ;
, isliuli be
fvuy. ,
ic's light,
ihght ;
nds {
s round,
ground ;
in Uust.
lies ;
IS bc'stow'd,
fUiuo, renown.
1 see,
y ;
Its of love
Bocausy tl»o Lord vouclisaf d to licar
1 he voice of my reqiuot.
2. Since he liu-i mow liis car inclin'd,
I nc'VLT nil I despair ;
But still ill all the straits of lift.
To iiiiii address luy pray'r.
5. (i. Iltnv just and inereifulis God »
How gracious is thj Lord !
Who saves the harmless, and to me
Doth timely aid afford.
^'' '^- Jl'*-'" ^^'^ i^ ''^'tiira to him shall I
ror all his goodness make ?
ril praise his name, and with glad zeal
llie cup of Dlessiiig ijlci-.
^^An^^i' ri '.'"-;',{'" "'!"''■'"«' '''•'■"S of praise ;
And whilst I bless thy name,
Tlie just p.-rformance of my vows
To ail thy saints proclaim.
On Easter Day.
2. O Praise tlu- Lord, tor he is good*
His mercies ne'er decay ;
That his kind fivours ever last,
Let thankful Isreal say.
19. Then open wide the temple gates
To which the just repair ;
That I may enter in, and praise
My great deliv'rcr there.
%'^^-,^^?^'" 'hose gates of God's abode
lo which the righteous press,
Since thou hast h-ard, and set me safe.
Thy holy name I'il bless.
22. 23. That which the builders once refus'd
Is now the corner stone ;
This is the wond'rous work of God,
1 he work of God alone.
^^T7?i ^^'-^ "^u^ is God's ; let all the land
Lord, \^Q beseech thee, sarc us now.
And make us still r^JoiCe.
1. HOW bless'd are they who always keep
The pure and perfect -way ;
Who never from the sacred paths
Of God's commandrtients stray !
2. Thrice blest, who to liis l-ighteOus la\fs
Have still obedient been !
And have with fervent humble zeftl
His favour sought to win.
9 How shall the young pveserve their vrayg
From all pollution free ?
By making «till their course of life
With thy commands agree.
10. With hearty zeal for thee I seek.
To thee for succour pray ;
O suffer not my careless steps
From thy right paths to stray.
11. Safe in my heart, and closely hid.
Thy word, my treasure, lies ;
To succour me with timely aid,
When sinful thoughts arise.
12. Sefiur'd by that my grateful soul
Shall ever bless thy name ;
O teach me then by thy just laws
My future life to frame.
1. F"ROM lowest depts of woe
To God I sent my cry ;
2> Lord hear my supplicating voice,
And graciously rtpiy. .
3. Should'st thou severely judge,
Who can the trial bear i^
4. But thou forgiv'st lest we deSpond,
And quite renounce thy fear.
\5. My j
Thy r
1 6. My 1
[More dii
1 7. Let I
[ The pier
1 8. Whos
|A healiu]
|1. HOW
lUri — i;
I M nu live
2. True 1
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Its C(
3. 'Tis lik
On I
Or like th
On S
4. For Sit
The prom
|1. OPR.^
save us novr,
who always keep
ay ;
cred paths
ts stray !
is righteofus laws
11 !
humble zeftl
reserve their ways
urse of life
;hee I seek,
3 steps
I stray.
closely hid,
, lies ;
ely aid,
•ateful soul
le ;
just laws
ing voice,
?^e despond,
15. My soul with patience waits
I For thee, the living Lord ;
ply hopes are on thy promise built,
J Thy never-failing word.
16. My longing eyes look out
I For thy enliv'ning ray ;
More duly than the morning watch
I To spy the dawning day.
7. Let Israel trust in God,
j No bounds his mercy knows {
The plenteous source and spring, from whenc-o
I Eternal succor flows.
8. Whose friendly sU-eams to us
J Supplies in want convey ;
jA healing spring, a spring to cleanse,
■ Aud wash our guilt away.
1. HOW vast must their advantage be,
|„,j^/*o^v great their pleasure prove !
». nG live like brethren, and consent
In olfices of love!
2. True love is like that precious oil,
I Which pour'd on Aaron's head,
I Ran down his beard, and o'er his robes
I Its costly mosture shed.
[3. 'Tis like refreshing dew, which; dotlv
I On Hermon's top- distil ;
Or like the early drops that tail
I On Sion's fruitful hill..
14. For Si an is the chosen seat,
I Where the almighty Kiaig
[The promis'd uiossing has ordain'd.
And life's eternal spring.
I ^' O PRAISE the Lord with one consent,
And niagmry ius iSame ;
Let all the servants of the Lord
ilis wortliy praisL' prociaiin.
2. Praise him ilii ye that hi his house
Attend with constant care ;
With those that to hh utmost courts
With humble zeal repair.
3. For this our truest int'rest is,
Glad hymns el" praise to sing :
And with loud songs to bless his Name,
A most deli«^hlful thing.
4. For God his own peculiar choice
The sons of Jacob makes :
And Israel's ofispring for his own
Most valu'd treasure takes.
5. That God is great we often have
, By glad experience found ;
And seen how he with wondrous pow'r
Above all gods is crown'd.
6. For he with unresisted strength
Performs his sovereign will,
In heav'n and earth, and wat'ry stores
That eaitli's deep caverns fill.
1. THOU, Lord,. by strictest search, hast kno^
I\Iv rising up and lying down ;
2. ]My secret thoughts are known to thee,
Known long before concciv'd by me.
". Th ne eye my bed and path surveys,
My public haunts and private ways ;
4. Thou know'st what 'tis niy lips would vcnt>.
My yet unutter'd words intent.
5. Surrounded by thy pow^'r I stand,
On ev'ry side I find thy hand ;
6. O skill for huinan reach too high !
Too dazzling bright for mortal, eye !
7. O could I so perfidious be,
To think of once disserting thee !
his liouse
are ;
St courts
t is,
) sing :
s his Name,
: choice
es :
1 o«n
L'u have
rous pon'i
'ry stores
lis fill,
t search, hast knovi
wn ;
lown to thee,
v'd by me.
;h surveys,
ate ways ;
/ hps would vcnt^
[ stand,
nd ;
Iiigh !
rtal, eye !
thee !
Wliere Lord, could I thy influence shun ?
Or waither from thy presence run ?
8. If up to heav'n I take my flight,
'Tis there thou dwell'st enthron'd in lisht-
Or dive to hell's infernal plains, *"
'Tis there almighty vengeance reigns.
: \ ^}^ '"Offi'ng's wings could gain,
And fly beyond the western main,
10. Thy swifter hand would first arrive,
And there arrest thy fugitive.
i. TO God with mournful voice '
Id deep distress I pray'd ;
2. Made him the umpire of my cause
My wrongs before l)im laid. '
3. Thou didst my steps direct.
When my griev'd soul despair'd : '
i or where I thought to walk secure,
1 hey had their traps prepar'd.
4'. 1 look d, but found no frijnd
To own me in distress ;
All refuge raii'd, no man vouchsaf 'd
His pity or redress.
6. To God at last I pray'd ;
Tliouj Lord, my refuge art,
M^ portion in the land of life
Till life itself depart.
6. Rcduc'd to greatest straits.
To thee I make my moan ;
O save me from oppressing foes,
tor me too pow'rful grown.
7. 1 hat I may praise thy Nanje,
My soui from prison bring ;
Whilst of thy kind regard to me
Assembled saints shall sin". .
. LORD,, hear my pray'r„and to crjf
Thy wonted audience lend ;
In thy accustom'd faith and truth
A gracious answer said.
. Nor at thy strict tribunal bring.
Thy servant to be try'd ; **
For in thy sight no living man
Can ne'er be justify M.
I call to mind the days of old,
And wonders thou hast wrought :
INIy former dangers and escapes
Employ my musing thouglit.
6, To thee my hands in humble prayV
I fervently stretch out ;
My soul for thy rtfreshment thirsts,
Like land oppress'd with drought,
9. Do thou, O Lord, from all my t'oec.
Preserve and set me free ;
A safe retreat against their rag;e
My soul implores from thee.
10. Thou art my God, thy righteous will:"
Instruct me to obey ;
Let thy good spirit lead and keep
My soul in thy right way.
1,, 2. THEE I will bfess, hiy God and King^
Thy endless praise proclaim ;
This tribute daily f will bring,
And ever bless thy name.
3. Thou, Lord, beyond compare art great^
And highly to be prais'd :
Thy Majesty, with boundless height,
ibove our knowledge rais'd.
4. Eenown'd for mighty acts, thy fame
To futurfi timp pittf^nAu .
, ■■^■seMm-
From ago to age thy glorious Nainc ~
Successively ilescyuds.
5i 6. Whilst I thy glovy and renown,
And wondrous works express.
And thy great pow r confess.
7. The tlwt to thy love belongs,
rhey shal with joy proclaim ; ^
Thy truth of all their grateful songs
hhiui be the constant theme,
8. The Lord IS good; fVcsh acts of grace
His pity stiiJ supnlies ; ^
I-Ls anger moves with slowest pace
His willing mercy flics, '
1 o all thy works exprest ;
These $bew tJiy praise, whilst thy great N-iiru
1 , Ju ^y ^^y ^'''''''^ West. . ^ ^ '•^' ^"""^
They with a glorious prospect fir'd,
Shall of thy kingdom ,p^k ; '
And thy great pow'r by ail admir'd,
TO r^^?,^'^K'y «**bj^'^t make,
Sh '^n^ir'''"^ '*;?'^' of ancient daf«
Shall thus to aii be known •
,o „^'?P,'f.b^-*P^'"aor shown.
L,. H'« steadfast throo0,,cbajt)g«s free, '
Shall stand fpr ever fa^ ; '^ ^
His boundless sway i,o end sJuUl see
But t^me itself out-la§t. -
H, 15. The Lord ^atb thew support that fail
And make the prostrate rise : ^
tor his bn4 Aid all creatures call.
With open hftasl he
■ (^ ,■■■'
And so fuYiIs tho ju.'it «icsire
or.- v'ry ih,-g that Jiv<«t.. ,
17, IS. II »\v holy is til Loi :t, fjow just', ■
ILny right joas all his \va'",s !
How i.igh to hivii, who with fmn trust
I'or his as,-*istance |)i:iys!
10. H • gr.ints til: iVui desires of those
Vv'.'a.) ill )i witii fjjir udore ;
And wiii t-'i.'ir troubios soon compose,
When they his ai help apply.
4. of breath, to dust they turn. -
And th: re nvgi. cted lie,
And ah th. :r tlioa^hts and vain designs :
iog t .er wih them die.
5. Th..i happ, Ju>, who Jacob's God
lor !us prot. ctor takes;
Who stiU with w.^ii plac'd hope, the Lord
« rp, constatit r< fuge makes.
Q. Lord who made both heav'n and earth.
And all that they contain, '
' just,
tun trust
vviih care •
i dare,
'U, my soul,
lall last, .
the Lord
n and earth.
Will never quit his steadfast truth,
Nor make his promise vain.
7. The poor, opprest, fron. all their wrongs
Are eas'd by his decree ;
He gives the hungry needful food,
And sets the pris'ners free.
8. By hmi the blind receive their sight,
The weak and fall'n he rears ;
With kind regard and tender love
He for the righteous cares.
9. The strangers he preserves from harnj.
The orphp kindly treats,
Defends the \y idow, and the wiles
Of wicked men defeats.
10. The God that doth in Sion dwell
Is our eternal King :
From age to age his reign endures ;
Let all his psaises sing.
1,2. YE boundless realms of joy
Exalt your maker's fame,
Hi» praise your song employ
Above the starry frame ;
Your voices raise.
Ye cherubim
And seraphim.
To sing his praise.
3, 4. Thou moon tliat rul'st the night,
And sun that guid'st the day ;
Ye glitt'ruig s'-ars of light,
To hiui your hoaiage pay :
His praise declare,
Ye heav'ns above.
And clouds that inove
In liquid air.
5, 6. Let them adore the Lord,
And praise his holy name, ^
By whose almighty, word.
liicy all froHi nothing earner
Ai\d all .s^haJi last
From changes free ;
His firnMlecrea
Stands ever fast.
3,2. O PRAISE ye the Lord,
•freparo your ^hd voice,
ilis praise in the g-eat
Assembly to biiig.
In our great Creator
Let Israel, rejoice ;
And children of JSion-
^9 glad in their King*
■i, *. Let them his great name
^xtol in the dance,
With timbrel and harp.
His praises express ;
Who always takes pleasure
His saints to advance,
And with his salyatioft
The humble to bless.
1. O PRAISE the Lord in that We«t place
From whence his goodness largely tiows
raise him in heav\ where hXliT '
Unveil'd i-n perfect glory shows.
wl?"u ?'"? *"" ^^""^ ^«'' all the acts.
Which ho m our bthalf hath dcuie •
His kindness this return exacts, '
With which our praise should equal run.
6. Let all that vital breath enjoy, ^
The breath he doth to them afford,
in just returns of praise employ,
1-et ev ry creature piaise the Lord..
To Father, Son, and Holy Glo&t,
The God whom earth and heav'n adore,
Be glory, as it was of old,
Is HOW, and shftU be ever more.
1 1
CM 1
AWAKE, my soul, and, with the sun.
Ihy daiiy course of duty run ;
Shake off dull sloth, and early rise,
To pay thy morning sacrifice.
Glory to God, who safe hath kept,
And hath refresh 'd me while I slopt •
Grant Lord that wiien from death I wake,
1 may of endless bliss partake.
Lord, I my vows to thee renew ;
Disperse my sins as morning dew •
Guard ev'ry spring of thought and will,
And With my heart be present still.
May all my converse be sincere ;
My conscience as the noon-day clear ;
l^or thy all-sfeing eye surveys,
My secret thoughts, and all my ways.
Direct, control, suggest this day,
All I shaii do, or think, or say ;
Ihut all my pow'rs, with all their might.
In thy soli: service may unite.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow •
^ hnn, all creatures here below • *
Praise him above ye heav'niy host ; '
Prmsc lather, Son, and Holy Ghost.
e sun,
pt :
li I wake,
1 will,
s flow;
HYMN ir.
GLORY to thee, my Gnd this nUM,
for all the blessings of the light ;
Keep n,e, O keep ,ne, King oi" kings,
Under thy own Almighty wings.
Forgive me. Lord, for thy dear Son,
The ills which 1 this day have done ;
Ihat, with the world, utysclf, and thee,
1, ere 1 sleep, at peace may be.
Teach me to live, that I may dread
The grave as little as my bed ;
Teach me to die, tha so I may
rriumphant rise at the last day.
O may my soul on thee repose,
And with sweet sleep my eyelids close :
feleep that may me more active make,
lo serve my God when I awake.
When in the night I sleepless lie.
My soul with heav'nly thought supply •
Let no ill dreams disturb my rest,
• No pow'rs of darkness me molest.
Praise God, from whom all blessings Row •
Praise him, all creatures, here below ;
Praise him above, ye heav'njy host •
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Song of the Angels, at the Nalimiy of our blessed
Saviour. Luke ii. 8—15.
WHILE shepherds watch'd tlieir flocks by night.
Ail seated on the ground.
The angel of the Lord came down.
And glory shone around.
Fear not, ' said lie, (for mighty dread
J lad Ht'i/'d their troiibhd niiud)
*' (ihxd tidings of great joy I bring
" To you and all mankind.
" To you, in David's town, tliis day
'' Is born of David's line,
" The Saviour, who is C!hrist the Lord ;—
*' And tin's shail be the sign :
" Thj heav'nly babe you there shall find
" To human view display'd,
" All meanly wrapt in swathing bands,
" And in a manger laid."
Thus spake Um) seraph, and forthwith
Apj)ear'd a shining throng
^ Of angels, praismg God, and thus
Address'd their joyful song :
" Ail glory be to God on high,
" And to the earth be peaee ;
" Good-will henceforth from heav'n to men
" Begin and never cease."
The Song of Men, responsive to the Song of Angell
WHILE Angels thus, OXord! rejoice,
.bhall men no Anthem raise ?
O may we loose these useless tongues,
When we forget to praise !
Then, let us swell responsive notes.
And join the heav'nly throng ;
For Angels no such love have known
As we, to wake their song !
Good-will to sinful man is shewn,
And peace on earth is giv'n ;
J^or lo ! the incarnate Saviour comes.
With b]
My sea
And wa
How mj
To the
Since to
We yet
Or throi
" I shall
" Thus 1
That bre
'Tis thini
It holds 1
On earth
To thee <
M ike thv
So siiiil t
'Wiuugli c
ijllity dread
:ljis day
t the Lord ;-
■re shall find
iug bandiJ,
heav'n to men
Wercy mul truth, with suect accord,
MLS rising beams adorn •
Let huav'n and earth in concert sin--.
Ineprouns'd child is born !"
Glory to God in highest strains,
In highest worlds be paid •
His glory |,y our lips proclaini'd,
And by our lives ilisplay'd.
>y'CTc Christ exalted reigns?
And learn of the celestial choir
i heir own inmiortal strains ?
\l^?K? "^''^''' '"^'^'^ ^""-^tant care
Hith blessings crowns each op'ning y.,,.
My scanty span doth still prolong,
And wakes anew mine annual song.
How many precious souls are Hed
lo the vast regions of the deail,
the Song o/Angcli .^'"^^^ ^« thus day the changing sun
- -^ ^ « Through his last yearly penud run.
We yet survive ; but who can say,
Or through this year, or month, or day,
; I shall return this vital breath, ^*
Ihus far, ut least, in league with death?"
That breath is thine, eternal God •
lis thnie to lixiny soul's abode:
It holds Its life from th..e alone
On earth, or in the world unKnown.
d ! rejoice,
To thee our spirits we resign,
M Ike them and own tluni still as thine • "
ho «aiil they ],ve secure from f 'ar
«'^2 IIYM7n[S.
Thy children, panting to be gone,
May bid the time of tide roil on,
To land them on that happy shore,
^\ here } ears and death are known no more
No njore fati<»ue, no more distress,
Nor sin nor hell sliall reach that place ;
No groana to mingle with the songs,
liesounding from immortal tongues :
No more alarms from ghostly foes ;
No cares to break the long repose ;
No midnight shjide, no cloudy sun,
But sacred high eternal noon,
O, long expected year ! begin ;
Dawn en this world of woe and sin ;
Fain would we leave this weary road,
To sleep in death and rest with God '
FROM whence these direful Omens round.
Which heav'n and earth amaze ?
Wherefore do earthquakes cleave the ground
Why hides the Sun his rays ?
Well may the earth astonish'd shake.
And nature sympathise !
The Sun as darkest night be, black i
Their Maker Jesas dies ! '
Behold fast streaming from the tree,
His all atoning blood ?
Is this the infinite ? 'tis he,
My Saviour and My God !
For me these pangs liis soul assail,
For me this death is borne ;
My sins gave shai-pness to the nail^^
And pointed every-thorn.
novvn no more
Vdt place ;
ngues :
foes ;
pose ;
Y sun,
id sin ;
ry road,
Omens round,
laze ?
javc the ground ?
i shake,
)Iack !
i tree,
Let sin no more my soul enslave,
break, Lord, its Tyrant chain,
«r^ ";^' 7^^'" t'^ou com'st to save,
Nor bleed, nor die in vain !
Tr«5TT«r. • ^P'^. EASTER DAY.
JLhUb Christ IS ris'n to day— Halleluiah
0.r tnumphant holiday ;LuamuX'
Suffer tn"'". "^'^ '^''. Cro^,-Ha„iTu ah.
Suffer to redeem our loss—Hallelujah.
Hymns of praise then let us sing-Halleluiah
Unto Christ, our heav nlv kino. P u .T- .
Who endur'd the Crorand^' av^e.-llfe^
Sinners to redeem and savf.-Sallel^^"^'^^'
But the pains which he endur'd,-Ha]leluiah
Our salvation have procured :lHaSe3
mt:T' '"rP^^^"^ king.-Haajai.
Where the angels ever singlnallelujah
Not with the Leaven, a« of old,
^'t sm and malice fed •
Bu>'. with unfeign'd Sincerity,
Anc truth's unleaven'd bread.
Christ being rais'd by pow'r divine
And rescu'd from the grave, '
Shan die no more; death shall on h
"'" "iui'c uomiuion have.
For tliat he died, 'twas for our sins
He once vouchsaf d to die ;
But that he lives, he lives to God
For all Eeternity.
So count yourselves as dead to sin,
But graciously restor'd,
And made, henceforth, alive to God,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. .
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
The God whom we adore,
Be glory ; as it was is now.
And shall be evermore.
COME Holy Ghost ! Creator, come,
Inspire the souls of thine ;
'Till ev'ry heart which thou hast made
Is fiU'd with grace divine.
Thou art the Comforter, the gift
Of God, and fire of love :
The everlasting spring of joy.
And Unctiort from above
Thy gifts are manifold, thou writ'st
(iod's lav/ in each true hearty
The promise of the Father, thou
Host heav'nly speech impart.
Enlighten our dark souls, till they
Thy sacred love embrace,
Assist our minds {by Nature frail)
With thy celestial grace. .
Drive far from us the mortal foe,
And give us peace within.
That, by thy guidiance blest,, we may
-bscape the snares of sin.
Teach us the Father to confess,
And Son, from deatii reviv'd,
And thee with both, O Holy Ghost !
Who art from both deriv'd.
Withthoe, OFatI)er, tl.ercfore, mav
u\e hon, from death restor'd,
And sacred Comforter, one God.
Devoutly be ador'd r-
As in all ages heretofore
Has constantly been done,
As nmv it is, and shall be so,
When time his course has run.
MV r ^?^ V'^ ,"°^^ COMMUNION, .
A . i' "J""^ '' ^^'y table spread !
And does thy cup with love o'erflow ?
i 111 her be all thy children led,
And let them thy sweet mercies know.
Hail sacred feast which Jesus makes !
K ch banquet of his flesh and blood >
lhr.ce happy he who here partakes '
Ihat Sacred stream, that heav'nly food !
Why are its dainties all in vain
Betore unwilling hearts display'd ?
Was not for you the victim slain.
Are you forbid the children' bread ?
O let thy table honour 'd be
And furnish'd well with joyful guests ■
And may each soul Salvation s?e. "
That here its holy pledges ta«tes !
Let crowds approach with hearts prepar'd
With hearts inflam'd let all attend, '
N or, when we leave our father's board,
llie pleasure or tlie profit end.
ii !
Jlecove thy churches, Lord^
^^n^bi'i our drouiMng graces live;
And pu>r. that .nergy afibrd,
A .buviour s blood aione can give.
On ike Providence of Go,, taken chlrf., from tU 23.
I salm.
ImU-^7'' my pasture shall prepare.
And feed me M'lth a shepherd's care *
Ills presence shall my wants sunnlV
And guard me with a watchful eye ;
My noondaj walks he shall attend,
AHd all my midnight hours defend. -
When in the sultry glebe I faint,
"'J'"i''^.^'''»'«ty mountain pant,
To fertile vales and dewy meads
My weary, wand'ring steps he leads •
Where peaceful rivers, soft andXw'
Amid the verdant landscape flow.
Though in the paths of death I tread,
With gloomy horrors overspread •
My steadfast heart shall fear no iil
Thy tnendly crook shall give me aid
And guide me through the dreadful shade.
Though in a bare and rugged way,
Through devious, lonely '>^ilds I s^ ay.
Thy bounty shall my pains beguile;
The barren wilderness shall smife, '
With sudden greens and herbage crown'd
And streams shall murmur all around '
WHENpH^'m''"''''"^^* ^« «o«-
WHLN all thy mercies, O my God,
My risinff s^in! «nr"P-" - ^ '
fv Ivff
_,'^ «*>,»
ive ;
':hi(f,.y from the 23a
care ;
efeiid. '
!ads ;
lo iil,
till ;
adful shade.
crown 'd,
Transported with the view, I'm lost
In wonder, love, and praise !
O how shall words with equal warmth
The gracitude declait?.
That glows within my ravish'd heart !
But thou canst read it there.
Thy providence my life sustain'd,
And ail my wants redrest,
WJien in the silent womb I lay,
And hung upon the breast.
To^all my weak complaints and cries
Thy mercy lent an ear.
E'er yet my feeble thoughts had learnt.-
To form themselves in pray'r.
Unnumbsr'd comforts to my soul
Thy tender care bestow'd,
Before my infant heart conceiv'd
From whom those comforts flowU, ,
When in the slipp'ry paths of youth
With heedless steps I ran,
Thine arm, unseen, convey'd me safe.
And led me up to man.
Through hidden dangers, Toils and Deaths>
It gently clear'd my way,
And through the pleasing snares of vice,
More to be foar'd than they.
When worn with sickness, eft hast thou
With health renew'd my face ;
And when in sins and sorrows sunk,
Reviv'd my soui with grace.
Thy bounteous hand with worldly bliss
Has made my cup run o'er,
And in a kind and faithful friend
Has doubled all my store.
Ten thousand thousand precious ffift&
x*#.y vtctii
J i.o^es.hera;su
u^;,^^,^^'J Victory, O Grave?
Psalms and Hymns
'n declares >
^he looks of Nature am/ scripture compared: or the
T Tu/i ''-^ and success of the Goy.pcl.
1. IHL heavns declare % glory, Lord,
In ev ry star tJiy v/isdom shines •
^^^J^^n our eyes behold thy u-ord,
a T,,'' 'if.^'^ % nanie in fairer hnes.
^. I lie rolhng sun, the changing light,
And nights and days thy pow'r confess ;
liBt the blest volume thou hast writ,
Tteveals thy justice and thy grace.
J. bun, moon, and stars convey thy praise
Round the whole earth, and nevtr stand ;
feo when thy truth began its race.
It touch'd and glanc'd on every land.
*. iN or shall thy spreading gospel rest,
Which see the light, or feel tlie sun.
5. txreat bun of righteousness, arise.
Bless the dark world with lieav'nly li.rht •
Thy gospel makes the simple wise, ^^ '
a T^J^^y Ja,^« are pure, thy judgments right.
o. Ihy noblest wonders here we view,
In souls renew'd, and sins forgiv'n :
Lord,^ cleanse my sins, my soul renew,
x^nu moke thy word my guide to heav'rt.
♦ ■ 'i^MSW
PSALM XXXIX.-.2d Part.
T/ie vanity of Man.
1. TEACH me *he measure of my days,
Ihou Maker of my frame :
I would survey life's narrow space,
And learn how frail I am.
2. A span is all which we c^n boast,
An inch or two of time ;
Man is but vanity and dust
In all his flow'r and prime.
3. Sec the vain race of mortals move
Like shadows o'er the plain,
They rage and strive, desire and love,
IJut all their noise is vain.
4. Some walk in honour's gaudy show,
Nome .dig for golden ore ;
They toil for heirs they know not who,
And strait are seen no more.
What coula I wish or wait for then,
l-rom creatures, earth and dust ?
Ihey make our expectations vain,
And disappoint our trust.
6. Now I forbid my carnal hope,
My fond desires recall ;
I give my mortal int'rest up,
And make my God my all.
PSALM XL v.— 2d Part.
'^}'^n\Z\^i' ''^T^V or, the mystical marriage,
\. 1 IIL King of samts, how fair his face,
Adorn d with majisty and grace •
He comes with blessings from above,
And wins the nations to his love.
2. At his right hand our eyes behold
.The queen array 'd in purest gold :
The world admires her heav'nly dress ;
Her rope of joy aiid righteousness.
2d Part.
'f my clays,
s :
! and love,
y show,
V not who,
31 then,
I dust ?
'/stical marriage,
ir his face,
ice ;
ily dress ;
3. neTorme her beauties like J,;. «wn.
He calls and scats h,r near his thron
Ia.r s ranger let thine heart former
The Idols of fhy native state. ^
i. So shall the Kfng the more rejoice
Inthee thefavViteofhlschoL
Let h.m be lov'd, and yet adorM."
- O iKippy hour, when thou'shalt rise
io his fair palace in the skies,
^"if>-^«"«{«nurn'rous't.-ain) ■
l.ach hke a prince m glory reign
e.. Let endless honours cTown his^head •
Let evry age his praises spread? '
;y' h.le we m cheerful songs approve
The condescension of his love.
PSALM U.-.2d Part.
An / P' ^? V^^' -«n^'eiv'd in sin ;
And born unholy and unclean ; '
Sprung trom the whose gjiltv fall
^. S ,on as we draw our infant br-ath
?hvWr^"^^""""P^"-' ""*" ^f*" ^t^a'"^ the Lord,
Loves his commands, and trusts his word •
Honour and peace his days attend,
And bkdsings to his seed descend.
2. Compassion dwells upon his mind,
lo wurJcs of mercy still inclin'd :
He lends the poor some present aid,
Or gives them not to be repaid.
U'l •''? *''??^,':g''o^ ^'""-k, and tidings spread,
V\ fill his neighbours round with Oread.
t'ls heart is arm'd against the fu-r,
I'or God with all his pow'r is there.
4. His soul, wvU fix'd upon the Lord,
Draws heav'nly courage from his word ;
Anndst the darkness, light shall rise,
1 o ciKvr his heart, and bL.'ss his eyes.
5. He hath dis}>ers'd his alms abroad/
His works are still before his (Jod :
■fvK-!"*^ o" ^^arth shall long remain,
VVhilc envious sinners fi-et in vain.
.Y.^'rT^.^v ^.!'^^ """^ ^yt-^s '; <^od is the towV
:-om God is all my aid ;
ae God who bi'^it the skies,
-nd earth and na. . .- made •
To which I fly ;
Hw grace is nigh
Inev'ry hcuuu
it ion« stand..
', light :
•wer's hand,
;es pabt,
nie ;
»ubles last; -
t AND niAniTAB/
fears the Lord,
trusts his vrord ;
lis mind,
clin'd :
tent aid,
nd tidings spread,
round witli Uread,
L> tt.i>r,
• is there.
lie Lord,
om Ills word ;
uU rise,
.'ss his eyes,
abroad j
lis God ;
n vain.
d is the tow'r
which I fly ;
grace h nigh
2. My feet fhall never slide,
And t'uli in fatal snares,
Since Gocl, my gaunt and guide,
I Defends iiic iroai my fears.
Tii'Wj w.ikvfui eyes
WJiiclj never s'ccj).
Shall Jsr'el keq). I
^ NVhfii dang rs r.'s,?.
3. No burning fu-ata hy day,
Nor l)!ast!i oi'ev'niu^' air,
Shall takj my h^-mi ^^^yay^
it God be ivilh nie tht-rc ;
Thou art my sun,
And thou my shade
To guard my head*
. _, "y ^H'M or noon.
4 Hast thou natgiv'n thy word,
lo. save my sou! .'Wn death >
vnil 1 tun tr u-,t oiy „ d
To keep my untai b) vtli •
ill go a 1(1 iome,
Nor fear n >Viu
"fill froni CI' iu<'h.
Thou call mo lionie.
* M^'T •'"^"'•\ '''^'""^ •''^J^'cc to hear
My iriLods d.voutiy say,
In /tun let us all appear,
''And keep tlie soioum day i"
2 I love her gates, 1 love tl.e ,;)ad ;
Ihe church adom'd with eiuce
Stands like a palace, built for God.
1 o shew his niiider face.
^ riJl ^Yr^'T''' ''■'^' i'^y ""known,
liie holy tribes r.pu.r •
The 8on of DavJcl lu. ds lifs throne
And sits m judgment there.
4 He hear8 our prais.s an.l complaints •
And, while his awful voice
DivHle. the simmers frc ai the saints.
We tremble and rejoice.
5 Peace be within tins sacred place
1.7- .", ^^y ^ constant guest ; '
With holy g.fts, and heav'niy crace
Be her aiundeuks blest. '
^ lll^^'i-/'''-' i'-^y *"'■ -^^^ still,
^\ hile life or or eath re.nains,
Sr^c'^n? '""^2^*^^ niy.;.ndred dwell,
mere God my Savawir r*» ™a
1. HOW pleasant 'tis to see
Kindred aid friends agree ;
Each in tlieir proper station move,
And each fulfil their part
With sympathizing heart,
In all the cares of life and love !
2. 'Tis like the ointment shed
On Aaron's sacred heati,
Divinely rich, divinely s%veet !
The oil through all the room
Diffus'd a clioicc perfume,
Ran through his robes, and blest his feetr
3. LiJve fruitful show'rs of rain,
Whiclt water all the plain.
Descending from the neighb'ring hills ;■
Such streams of pleasure roll
Through ev'ry friendly soul,
Where love like heav'nly dew distils.
^1 ' I,
b ^.
god's eternity.
1. RISE, rise, my soul and leave the ground,
Stretch all thy thoughts abroad ;
And rouse up ev'ry tuneful sound
To praise thf^ eternal God.
2. Long ere the lofty skies were spread,
Jehovah fiU'd his throne ;
Ere Adam form'd, or angels made,
The Maker liv'd alone.
3. His boundless years can ne'er decrease,
But still maintam their prime ;
*^ crnity's his dwelling-place,
Evsu is his time.
it his feet;
g hills ;,
e the ground,
ad ;
r decrease.
4. While like a tide our minutes fiow
The present and the past, '
He fills his own inimortal now
And sees our ages waste.
.5. The sea and sky must perish too,
And Viist confusion come ;
The creatures, look ! how old they ltom^
And wait their fiery doom. '
C. Well, let the sea shrink all away.
And flumes melt down the skies,
My God siiall live an endless day,
When old creation dies.
1. WHY should we start and fear to die ?
What tim'rous worms we mortals are ?
Death is the gate of endless joy,
And yet we dread to enter there.
2. The pains, the groans, the dying strife,
Fright our approaching souls away •
Still we shrink back again to life, '
Fond of our prison and our clay.
3. Oh, if my Lord would come and meet
My soul should stretch her wings in haste.
l-ly tearless through death's iron gate,
Nor feel the terror's as she pass'd.
4. Jesus can make a dying bed
Feel soft as downy pillows are,
While on his breast 1 lean my head,
And breathe my life out sweetly there.
1. HARK ! from the tombs, a doleful sound.
My ears attend thy cry—
" yiJr?''"^ "^^"' *^"'"^' ^'^^ the ground
" Where you must shortly lie.
2. " Princes, this clay must be your bed,
** In spite of all your tow'rs ;
»*•"# ***^
>'« HYMNS.
"Thotall, the wise, the revVend head,
" Must he as low jis ours."
'). Great God ! is t^is our certain doom ?
And are wa stfil secure !
Stiil waiki.ig downwards to the tomb !
And yet i)r-pare no more !
k Grant ud ti)j pow'rs of quick'ning grace,
To iit our souls to fl/ ;
T]ien,^ mIk'u Ave drop this dying flesh,
We'll rise above the sky.
HYMN cLvnr.
^ m
J I*
1. BROAD k the road which leads to death,
And thousands walk together there ;
But wisdom shews a narrow path,
With here nnd there a traveller.
2. Deny thyself, and t.ike the cross,
Is the Redeemer's great command ;
Nature must count her gold but dross,
If she would gain this heav'nly land.
3. The fearful soul, who tires and faints^
And wall-s tlio w.iys of God no more,
Is but estee'.xi'd ahnofit a saint,
And nuikcs I)is owii destruction sure,.
i. Lord, Itt !iut all luv hopes be vain,
Create my heart entirely new ;
Whieh hy hypocrites could ne'er attain,
"VViiich tMse apobUitts never knew.
1. STRAIT i- tiiv Way, the door is straight;
^Vliieli (eadf to joys oa high ;
"lis but a t'^iw who Ch.\d liio g.ite,
>VUile crowd.- uiistake, and die.-
'i. Bel'jvid self lurnt be dcuy'd,.
The -.n'mci and will ren'^w'd..
P.usi/n ii;ppr..\ss'd, anil p,.t!t;in:e try'd,
AaJ vuui d'jidiv ;;ubdu'u, ■
id heud,
:n doom ?
tomb !
ni'ng grace,
;ads to deatli,
there ;
and ;
1 faints^.
> more,
I sure,-
s straigHtj
3. Flesh is adangVous foe to grace,
Where it prevails ard rules ;
Flesh must be humbled, pride abas'd,
Lest they destroy our souls.
4. The love of gold be banieh'd hence,
( that vile idolatry )
And ev'ry member, ev'ry sense,
In sweet subjection lie.
5. The tongue, that most unruly pow'r^
Requires a strong restraint ;
Wenmst be watchful ev'ry hour,
And pray, but never famt.
6. Lord ! can a feeble, helpless worm:
Fulfil a ttisk so l\'avd ?
Thy grace must all my work perform,,
And give the free reward.
1. WHY should this earth delight us so?
Why should we fix our eyes
On these low grounds, where sorrows grow^
And ev'ry pleasure dies ?
2. While time his sharpest teeth prepares^
Our comforts to devour,
There is a laud above the stars,
And joys above his pow'r.
3. Nature shall be dissolv'd and die,
The sun must end his raee.
The earth and sea for ever fly
Befofk; my Saviour's face.
4. When will that glorious morning rise"?
When the last trainpot sound.
And call tiie nations to th ; s i.\s.
From underneath tlie j^rouud ?
L Witli joyful hearts nnd tuneful snng»
Let us approach the mighty Lord,
:»i. ;;■
2. His glorious name on golden lyres',
Strike all the tuneftil choirs above ;
And boundless nature realms conspire.
To celebrate his matchless love.
3. The heaven of heavens is his bright throneV
And cherubs wait his high behest,
Yet for the merits of his son,
He visits men in humble dust.
4. In tcm.ples sacred to his name,
His saints assemble round his board.
Raise their hosannas to the lamb.
And taste the supper of the Lord.
.'■>. O God our King, this joyful dav.
We dedicate this house to thee,
Here would we meet to sing and pray,
And learn how sweet thy dwellings be.
6. O king of saints, O triun'd God,
Bow the high heavens and lend thine ear,
G make this house thy fix'd abode,
And let the heavenly dove rest here.
Proclaim his honors with our tongue,
And sound his wond'rous truth abroad.
7. Within these walls may Jesus' chaims
Allure ten thousand souls to love,
And aH supported by his arm.
Shine bright in realms of bliss above.
8. There saints of every tribe and tongue,
Shall join the armies of the Lamb,
Hymn hallelujah to the Son,
The spirit, and the great I AM.
9. Their songs seraphic shall they raise.
And Gabriel's lyre the notes resound ;
Heaven's full ton'd organ join the praise^
And world to world repeat the sound,
10. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Be ceaseless praise and glory given,
By all the high angelic host,
By all on eartli and all in heav'tv
■ >■
ight throney
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
The God whom we adore,
Be glory, as it was, is now,
And shall be evermore.
Shnrt Metre. — A3 Psalm 25, 51, (vyl 1SQ=
To God the Father, Son,
And Spirit, glory be ;
As 'twas, and is, and shall be so
To all eternrty.
Lo77g Meire,—As Pmlm 36, 69, S^c,
To Father, Son, and holy Ghost,
The Go a whom earth and hcav'n adore
Be glory as it was of old.
Is now, and shall be evermore.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow ;
Praise him all creatures here below ;
Praise him above, ye heav'nly host ;
Praise Father, Son, and holy ghost.
Particular Metre. — As Psalm 37, 46,
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
'^' " ""^avn's trmniphant host,
-— *h, adore,
O LORD, assist me m worshir n'ng ^ec |%|S &C'
crpt..bie manner ; and ii, nayint ■ ' sii^iAg.^Uh the
spirit and the unders^audiug- also. Aiaen.f •
(^ f,racious God, grant that I and all here may hj
Do3a v-Ki rot uuly I' -arers of thy Word. Pardon all
our waT,d« ami imperfbctions ; and deal not with us
accordsuvr-- our deserts, but accordu.g to our needs
«nd thvi^o?; mercies in ChrietJcsus oui feu.. our. A-
A Grace before Meah,
O GOD, the author of all good, bl:ss tbrse tliy
ceaturtstoouruse. Give the.u sirei.t^tu to nun^h
us, and, us grace to love aod «<^7*^/^'^^VlJt our
thoughts, words, and actions, through Jt?suii oui
Lord. Amen.
A Grace after M""^
O GOD. '•-'='
Oiankful •
L^ s%iAg.'*itli the
iienly ' i
id all here may hQ
\'ord. Piudon aljr
tid deal not with us
ling to our needs
oui Su.iour. A-
d, bl-ss tbpse thy
ixei.gth to (t. unsh ,,
irve thwe in all our $
gh J«s9Uii Christ our