". f ( CIHM Microfiche ' Series ({Monographs) ICIMH Collection de microfiches (monographles) Canadian Inatituta lor Historical ||Aicroraproductiont / instituj; Canadian da'microraproductions hittoriquaa ■ - , r- T C 1 L / \ TachiWcAl »nd BibliotrapMic NotM / Mot#t MthniquM •« btMiofrapitiquM Tha liwtltut* hM atMmptMl to obuin the bait orififMl copy aYailabta for filmwif. FaaturM of ttiit copy wriiich may IM Mbliotrapltically untqwa, mrfitcti may altar any of itM imafM m tha raproduction. or wtiicli mafy lifnificantty chanfa tha mmmI mattiod of filminf . ara chackad balow. Q Colourad to^n/ Couvtrtura 1PPLIED ItVHGE I ^•33 EoO Mom SIrMi ^hMtar. Hn Yort I4<0» us* (7I«) 28a-3M»-ra* IV V & mrmm^ .^STEI?, jgJTD ITS irsss. mi PLASTER mis & BIBES, YORK. ONTARIO. THOS. MARTIN DA|jE. ^MofMimram. $^e Yot|ti lfte«lei( it the (dhitest, Ifinest, l^irest, Uest and $h«ap8«t in (fanada. )5eo jinalytit intida. . FOR SALE BT *\ V. -'^- .- ,•>•%»„«' % > >•> \ il v / \ rmfm rtwl it, but to act u ggettioni thflrtin c«ntNiT all /../' / M )r^^.no /i. Aji*> A/-« V f PLASm AND ITS USES. jrO^ftASTER MILLS AND MINES, Hating •gm1ii,.vUit5,l/th« P)««Ur Worki of T. M«rtinil*l« ■fur ft lapM of (lv« jTMri, w« And, though th« out put ha« b«*n Twy Urg*, th« MinM ttill ramain much tb« Minn ia appeal ance. T|>« loog, whif« faca axtrnding bundrada of jarda in tha many diflWrcni workinga atUl ramaini ; and, fron. appaarancaa will att|iply •a almoat unlimilad quanUtj for many ja^ra ttfeoma. Wa uotioaJ, in ordar to aupply th« incrmiawd demand, ha haa had to lncr«at«i hia water-power bj raiaing the dam and enlarging the water wheal* •f mill, and nondfaela aatiaflad b« can again aupply hia frianda with th« Ttrj tiawit (^und and puraat White Plaater in the market. Ameog the moat valuable mineral produotiona al tha Provincn of OnUrio, ia that of UTpaura. Plaatar of. Paria ; or, in chemical language— Sulphate of Lime. Though it ia tilted, hy varioua nodes of preparation .for ordamenUl purpoaea and uae in the tine arte, ai for caatinpa, oiouldinga, 4o., iu pMteil valu depMda upon its propeniea ac a fertiliier, as, under farorakle circumatiincea, it adda eaonuonaly to the produotiveneaa of the aoil, and at a eomp«ratively amail coat. To the farmer, therefore, it ia of tha J[rmt«at importano* Its ralae, however, for almoat any purpose •r wbieb it may bit used, but mora «apecially for that of fertilizing tha aoil, depends upon ita degree of purity. It ie to b« found in varioua parte of the American contiuent, but nowhere in greater •bondanee and purity than in the region of the Grand Rirer, Ootarie. But even here the quality varica very materially, differing in various beds in color and purity, %\\\ ^onteqaently in vllue. This fact we prepoae to ahow directly bv tbe analysis of the molt expvrient and competsnt cUeuiiats, "* At the special request of Thomaa Martiodale, Esq., we paid- a visit, a few daya ago, to th«r York Plaater Beda, en tbe Grand River, opposite the village of York, in the Township of Ooei.la. ^^T^ . i . \ • ■%* "WW-f ■ *,: f ' i • ¥ I;- Tkb vdMbI* 4«M*il of OjpMB «M frti JM0OT«r«d aiul ep«o«d by TlMM* Martial*]*. Km.. tk« tmikmr ol ik« i.r«w«i »r«pri«tor. Ib 1840. m4 wm workad hj kirn MUaaivciy Ult hk 4Mtk in IHfl« Dariof UaI l«a| ftriti, m ^mtmUtj, •varMlag •bMl 3,0()0 loo* • jMr, «M Ukm Mt •< tU b«4a aai shipcMd !• vtrioaa p«rU ef (;«ti«da aii^ th« IJaltoJ HUtM , la4 U Wan* fanoua far iU luparlor •ic«ll«n<» atul valu« m • fMiiLaar. Uu ik« dMth af tha aUar Mr Martindala. tha batbaaaa lata Ika fif mJaj «f bu Mil, Thomaa Martiadaia, Kaq , tha praaant nropriator, «ko laa ooaUnuad to work iHau unintarruptadl/ up lo t^a praaant tima. IXTSNT or BBM Tha uppar lajar t atratan of aypaam baa a froataga af about flftaan cbaina on tba baaka of tba rivar, aad aitanda aoatbarlj to an undafinad diaUaoa and naarlj koHionullj, djipping bat aJi^htly, flooatUaliog a gaotla grada baakwarda and do»awarda from tba ri»ar. At the praaaat lima tbara ara not laaa than from 150,000 to 300,000 lona of baautiful whtu plaaUr laid bara, bj drifia nndar tha aaparinaaaibaQt liiaa atona and alaty rooka, which at tha furtbar and of tha main drift, bava a thiokaaaa abova, indudiag tha elarar- loam aurfaca of about aarentj Qra Of aighty faai THE MINM. Tha maia antranoa ia frMn tha Rl»ar Road, by a railway with woodaa raila, on whiah horaa-powar ia uaad ta convay tha Gvpaam in truoka, from tha point in tha drifia, whara it ia minad, to tha bank of tha river, wh«ra it la dapoaitad in boata, to ba Ukan to tba MUJa. At a dlatanoa of flva ahaiaa from tha oMoth of tha nioa. a branch drift to tba laft baa baan axtaadad a diaUnea of flva ehaina farther, from which anotbar railway ia ent at right anclaa iiitaraaoting tha maia drift, and laaring a larga triangalar naaa of plaatar yat to ba ramovad. Tan ehaina fr«ni tha main antranca ia anathar drift with ita railway, running baak into tha bad to tha laft, a diktanca of flva ehaina, and from thia oihar drifts branch off both to tha right and to tha left, ao that aftar antaring tha main way thara ara a nambar of cuttinga, all laid with woodan raiU, aad laadiag in difarant diraotions ; and from thaoa immanaa qaaatitiat of tha moat axqaiaiUly whita and aoft pur« Oypaum hava baaa obUmad. From tha flftaan ehaina in front on tha RiTer Road Mr. liarUndale'a Plaatar Bada widan out to twaaty-flra ehaina, and axtand back to tba 4th Conoaadoa of tha Townahip, a diaUnea of a mjla and a half. Thia immanaa bad of plaator aaama to ba raally inaxbaoatibla ; but, ahoald it a»ar baooma azhaostad, it ia baliaved that thara ia a Car thiokar atratom bdow tha bad not worked. Tha ^ VT •? ^* "f?" •'«*'»n» i« «*•«»» 'wr loot and a half, and tha drift* alang which tha railway pa« ara about tha aama width. i 3* -^ .. S^ iiai^^'±, / Fr^inni utttM, mo, kr« illaAliff tn tM, ir of U»« UrmaiH Mr lfAHta4J«'h nlMUr nrilla mm T«r%, mhI AMiaMad lU ••itr p«w«r c. ...„ OTuam t« WMfkt fr«ai Ito aiMrH« • attort 4i«UM« utmm th« fl»«r to tlM Milh, Um B«ia iMtiUinf af whirk ia iOiW faat. Tlia llara booaa ia flOi.V) faai whara iha |reand |>l«ai«r ta ka^ft, ami tkal fof Ika an|riHind rwlt plaalar la 80«30 feat. Tha praaaol ■ill ia aapabia of prodaeing .10 lo|||^ day of fraaad plaalar. Tkar* li aaoUiar itarakoaaa at f ^aladoallr'Villa^, lira milaa diaUal fiom Uia mill, at tko Janction of Ika Orand Trunk and Hamiltaa and N. Wi^B BiilwaTa. 80i40.\ Anotliar alorahooaa ai Da«w' MM •■ Ik* Oraad Tnmk and (Canada Houth«rn, la BOiSO faat, Oi • ImHI il Um CkjoM Huilon of tha ('auada Air I.iaa flOi.lO f*4i All tbwa ara anJar charge of tha propriator, pan baing •Idtioaad at aach atora boaaa to altaad to tka (tiling of ardara and (M akipnaqi of plaator. Tka Caldning Worka ara at Oaladonia, wbara tha plaator la praparad for ataaco work, for naa in Iha flaa •Ha, 4e. Tha aapadiy of iha CMatoing vorki U akcmt 40 hiahala Mr. Martindala haa providad kaltar faolllUk for tha eb4Ap haadliag of Iha plaatar thwi ara to ha foaiiJ at an/ othar «ork| in tha ooantry, and haa aii^la naaial arrangaaiaata for tk« vary lawaat rataa of ahipaiaat to all nrta of Canada and tha UtAktd 8ttl«. ^ Ha^an'tharaforanotaofymmly tha baat onality of plaalar, Mlhar rait or adoinad, that aU ba fotind on tba aon(inaol» but faraiahilat Icaa aoat Ihan^if othar Plaator Worka in Caoad«: Mr Marliadala himaalf raaidaa Ott a aplaodid farm at York, whioh ia, tharafora, hia noat-offiaa addraaa, and ha can taatifj to tha aaiitj of Ojpaan aa a farlilliar bj axparimaoto oada oo hia owa fann, doriof Iha ooaraa of manj yaarh. / ^ y hi addition to tha foregoing from tha Q%Aim Rivib SAOtriM, Iha foUowiag atataaiaoU, axptrinanta, and laalimooiala, in rafar- anoa lo tha ralaa of Qjpauoi aa a fartiliiar, ara aabmittad for Iha paniaal of farmara, and wa bag of than lo giva Ibo whola naltor Ihair aarnaat ooaaidoralioiS, aaliafiad that tha raaalt will ba an iamanaaljr inaraaaad prodnol oa tha farma of lhoa« who mnj bo thereby iadoead to giro the Land Plaator a fair trial. 'J <• /• ' ■"SE-"- iX. ihdL Ltj / f. 4 r I d.-.«?;^tt,ri-/ -"'»- ''^ "rir«: ' ••■• I7n4rlM. ft?- '••••• ^''" '— ."::";:;: "•••• •■•••••. ••>. '••••«» „ . • •'••t....... ■ * ••••••• • ••••••.., ••»«•••;, 1J.> .Dried |3-a 7 • 7l.a 5 M * s f I w^imm. MATTER '••'■inJoiom' ■» «•• •oU too «^i*i. would But iii«r«u- on Uioaana /•■r, if JOB "^OioJ.nd Jo obj.Pt to »^ P*r» of it* «• rtmain- ^rth and {„ •" •• »>/ tko r. W 178, Sf«t«ble pro- tight .Dried . 7 • 4M >• la Hay. 7 1.3 •M •1-3 lie matter '■' ooan« *prodaoe ^ti to tho kt« alono '»■ : lat wjbeat. >•■ acre ; '•••era; natter f, while »• thia, pi *''' y / uQ"^ In 186B, Moore, iTooU * Co., Dekroil, the Wee Ave aerea of wheat rtiaed that year ft Michigan. Mr. H. E. DeOarmo, of Spring Milla» took the pri^e, and th»follo«tpg ie the treatment of the eoil and Uie r«aaU nade bjr MR. DiOARMO: " The aiza' of the field of which the fire acres i aeree and 46 reda Part of it baa been uuder oiilli jeara, the balance nine jeara. It produced olovar in I'BII^iifd 1877, and was fallowed in 1878. li waa |iloiigli«(l only once— h:( Dhea deep— three hravy horaea being Aa«d. It wms h^rh>w rioe and aewn on the 11th of September. The aeed^Waaof th^ ilhi variet/, and waa purchased for f 2 60 per bushel. It anderwent no preparation, and the quantity w&mm/iivk one and one- half buahel per acra . It waa sown broed-caat j. top-drsaaad with 00 Sml of plaater to the acre^ at a coat of f9 pei^ton. It received do coltivatton after it began to grow ; waa^ harveated by hand and threahad with Pitta' tbreaher. The wliole crop compnrea with the ■ample ahown, and the quantity rcaliMd from the entire fielJ of 16 aerea and 46 roda waa 490, beingX little over 29^ buahela to the " I oame into poaseaaiaa of this Ukta ninis yeara befert. It was then lo worn out and knpovenihed '^^Ift the former owner had almoat abandoned anT/Attempt at raieing wheat, but was mahio poor attempt. at raiuag rye, and the crop of rye on the aama apree waa ao poor ^at it waa not worth ktrveating, and the cattle were turaod io> The laat crop of wheat raiaed on the farm before I got it eatiroated by thoae who aaaiated in harveating it, did not yield ovfr three buahela to the acre. Kow, without any fertiliser, «zcep>elover ard Plaater, I have no trouble in getting from 20 to SO>uahels of first quality whjite wheat to the aora. "Thia 16 acre field u compoaed of one-kalf of an old, worn out field (having moved the fence to change the aixe and shape of the new field) that had been cropped with wheat after wheat for 20 years until it pRidneed little but cockle and chess. The other half was elearad nine years ago, and the present ia the fourth crop of wheat None of it had born» any oUier crop to my knowledge. My manner of improving the land is to get aa macb- clover aa. I can grow npon it and leave it to mulch and protect the land from oar acorohing aun. I do not think there waa affill of rye, cockle or obcssin 600 bushels grown. There was nothing but wheat in ntnning 60 bushels through the mill for seed. I did not see one kernel of grain of foul .stqff even in the screenings. Had it not been for the cat wheat it would bar* be? n gctod seed right from the separator.'' i'-Ss»'5frr'2^'' Iw , 10 ^ In the coant of a f«ir ir^^T^^ PfoaooM atrTcllou affeou » ;■« ;ik 0YP8UM ON UAJSfVRE. W. T. 1^. of ObwIoM.Til|,, rirgfari., ^^, ^ it 064 to Ibe grSrlh of thT nu!» **f f««P; »«•• it tod •{*•. PVt growth. ^ "** '•'■•^» '"»•«•<» Md Qo«d«pt«l to will itop tb« •«*«. VLf ^i^I?u. **~ •»• ■7'M»JiOTorft piMt.Xo«irs««tij%Ji'Sc''»'''« ^s ^««^t liinm tk. •«|un b^n to e.c.pl Put « pSi •'™°- •« ••% •«! it wiU «Mt«., it Bay be aJdJ orSSl Sl^i!?."* "'•^ ^'«i«- «d th. wbaortiro |«^ rf JST ?i?""'^ •«PPi»g of wkJ tojfco •cro WM the result" H* .SiJ^^Si . i"** ®' ••»«'» "^■•« gw*n cwR "; tho ■ i.! iinS!"*^ ctorarplowrt ^^ tnd the olom rtoL ;h«ril!2, ^•^*. P»n«ni«o« for •«V«,il to a depth of tt^C w mo^' " "•^' P*"*^^^^^^ ' ■ ' , . fc ■ * "' ' '. ■ . • -■ •'^*gp v= (» » ' ' ^ '■^ 1- ^^^^^vslr'-r'-*^ ^^;Vj^-^^ T^n_ A * ■tl .~i * s.' >» 4« J- 1 J. j^«a^w , ..■^J*jr«>W'^'><»<%3Wci»p;E.'. •'». '■1'%': 'v ■ -■ 'f- •^^'a^-^^ WBAT mm. OEOEOE BBOWK . . PLA8TBB. '""\-. io 1tt*M Watk, 1880. Hon. GkMg* fitowa gRv* ki« ? Immm Ihsvn «f piMtor m a IwliUaiBf afaBk m IslUva : "I Imtt* bMB a krR* ooMiBMr ol Ij»4 PImImt for ev«r iwmij 7Mra-<«aDy af tb«M jMurs to the ozUnl of Mij toM p«r anBOia, •■at it baa a wondarful affeot for tbtaa or loitr jaala, bat tbat tha land tksn bacomaa wbat ii oallad "davar-aiek," and iu powwr eaaaaa to ba fait I Aink this ia a minpprahaniion _a«7, fawn ■«eb auarianoa I may wy I know it is sa. Tba traa axpUnation of tba ok>Tar sieknaia nay ba faand, I am eonfKlsnt. in tba grsal osbaostian of tba land by tha laiya crops lean throogh tba itimalating aiaet of tbt Qyptam, and the faiiuia to Natora tba otbar alamanta of plant grawtb. that bad baan azhaos^d W tha aa»a prossai. Exhaost tha land by grant aropa. and trost to Oypanm aolaly far a oontinnanoa and t«b may ba disappointed — bat ooapla with it a good drisaingof barnyard manura, and ybu will not aomplain of yonir orop or joar lai^d as sick. Anothar objaotioo to phwUr is tha disagraaabla task of sowing tVu-^miBg tho fingsn. flying in tha ayas, Ac Also that it takaa a graat whQa to spw a larga anifaoa with it, and jast at tha mooMnt whan tha apring work iaasanda aU tha strangtb. itiid mora than la BTaUaUa to tha fsrmar. Bat all thaaa ohjaetions sra matbyan admiraUa machina oonstraotad for tha parpoaa of sowing idaaMr, ■ada by Ifr. John Watson, of Ayra. and by usaof whieb^tha lasisst look in tha land aan sit at aasa bahind tha Korea, #ilh a atream of gyp«um tan fMt wide falling^ bahind him with psifeet tagalarity, end with any dsoirad weight to the acre, at the rate el twenty aarea' per day. I hare always held it as most fortonato, that the rest bene^tl I to be derived from the asa of Oypanm are unknown to so hl|a a body Of oar &rmers : that, even those who know and oonfess thoae banaflta avail thams^vsa to little of them, and that some oombined movement of Raflway Ooaspanies and Oypanm Oempanies has ntft long ago been made to eatoblieh Oypsam depots at railway stations, ao A«t it wonM iie of easy aeesoo te aU fhnvtrs over the land at Mtednikble ooit. Kothtng eoald ooDtribnto more to the rafid ineraaii 4f tha eropo of OaShda than snah a movement ^OeimiUy carried ant. It weald ^pay the rwlways to cftrry Gypmin ftt the •i «k SSj^StSa'g.eH . S ' BaC.igi.tgr ; . . ■ -^ 9^^*^ *^'. -..*s n • u2li«-*J!!!" *••»'•'««•«»«•• «f ihi* «>«atry, who m.k.. • ■SI uTSiCl''^."*"* «'•'' »«'«^»k.» moat h« b« who f«llj naiD«rou« ovtr oar ooaotry—rioh with gT«mi v.rdure." COL. F. M. HOLLOWAt ON PLASTER. W« now eome tOiMMnitfffr «a»a4^ or* 'fe'. SliZili ^rTl^'i''^ .«rio«UuVi.t. in their «.^,^ of ?iIfH^** *^P'^°*^ '•••* " ""^ o' «'ow which will Tield , Mat ^MjMd 25 iHuheli, 18 B).; an tdre of oeto of 60 Woehel.. 30 ft*; potatoes^ 9 Ibc Prom this w« mmj wh tho rolmti^ rrom th. soil, to produce • crop of the different pUnte. When we . .fjf • ^^u?'^ g«»«reted from definite %nd known ^b^taneee ^iig« end when we farther eee that the «tii» hSy ofTuw ItZlr fo^ ^ij •Ir^.dj cberged wuh .11 the mioerel .ubetwiee. ^SniJld^o^^ . ♦ # T'' **'.. «^"*«»n. "d that it affords all «on couetanthr going on in our c«lliT.t«l field* Bat thereia enother, en acAranoed view to be Uken of the nee of pSJter whJJ ttrg;riT£'thaY8*fT.n\^* !?'*» *»»^^!S5 mJd^ inqagbt. It le, that Salpheto of Lime or Plaater fau a DeeaUev dijintegrating inflaeno. on the oompoand Xte. of thTiSr S!Lr'^#TP^'^.**'* P^"' *ith .aJphnr and lime, and riJeS ^a means of obuining en inei«aM)d supply of potash and aM^M!! Tan andmianiirery w.H the effeet oS^I^^J?* ««uSSi Kfti'diirS-^oU ^^ '^ *i* "*^"^ « tbisdo?n.t ^ Is a thMMj iMld by Mm* Ihat Plaitor hM M^wtrful Affinity for, iad doM it* obief work in MTMting th« «molonia tbat is in ib^ ■ir, and applying il lo iba poraa of pianta for food. Bat tbia ia altoMtbar a toe raparfleial tiaw to taka of ita action. It ia |>arforming a graatar work. Tbat it yilt arraat and hold ia a Izad atato 9t volatila gaa«"■• otbar fartilison and aianoraa. Ona of tho plot* ioto wbkdi tba piaoMtf frouad waa aab^lvidad vaa laft witboat aa/ ■Mura or oUar appliaalion— jaat .in ita nataral ooodition— tba >raTieua jaar, wban t^ gnaa aaad waa •©•o. Tha plot that had M appliaatioo whatavar waa mowad t«rio% aa waa tba plularad lot ftlao, and U jialdad tha following amoant of driad gran or bar, dair vaighad aa it aama off tha fiald, odoaktad par aera :- i ^ Sai3rSS!ii«:::::::::"::::".:r i^T/ Totti ..; . MM V t>a piaoa of grouod that wm f laatarad at tha rata of twd boahala ^ man, produced aa follows :» - / 22S2'ISf.li-— • •• •• MiTii*. -'-■■ y. r-. ^^ iSNaU. : *Mli » " Tha iDoriaaa eaased by tha application of FUstar, tbarefore, waa 2,018 fta., or naarlj oaa-third. In other words thf soil without PlaatM Tieldad 2| tons par acre of hay, mostly alovar ; and the plaatored (at tba rate of two boshals per aers) yieldwl 5^ tons per WHAT GOOD PLASTER WILL ©0. ' tlM^iCHKuv FABiin, an able agrioalturml/pa^, givaasoma valMUa bifbraiatioD, the raault of exparime^ts, to show what Pki^ viUdo; and, among the axparimaata/raUtsd ara a series teiad atlba lliehigan Agrieultnral Collsga, add reported by Prof. Kadsi«, to whom we ■are indebted for modh thai ia ezceadiagly valaaUa and naefnl in practidbl farming; Tha whole aeriaa of azpariments ooaspriaed several series of top-dressing, and a plot of ground on whieh there was no application of any fertilising matter, andwhioh senrcd aa an example of what the soil produced in ita aoatded or unfed condition. The several plota ware numbered aa tws, aaoh plot oonlainii^ 72 sqoars rods :— . 1 yptopdrsssidg; a. Bastar, at 4ha -raWog *wo ^M hiH fa r i t n, . n-^ WaoiislMB, ivabudiels per acre, r 4. ]|««k, tmlMrisad, twenty loada peiaoro. i, iiMk»falf«iMir««aa^ loada m4/«Im«« bti4isb«f wOl ptraeim ■■ biukela 6. EUll, IhrM hmktU pM •mn, ^ 7. Hon* ■Maura, iwMty lotAt par man, 8. Cow maoar*, twanij loada par aara. ' ' ' Al praaant oolj tba p\oU that had no fartilixara apiJiad, aad tiM ploi tkat waa draaaad with plaaUr ara Uaalk with. In 1804 tha draaaiofa mwrn appliad frooa tba Sth to Iha iOtb of Ma/, and (ha graaa, wbiah waa tiaothjr and olot ar, aawn tha yaar bafera with oata, no manara having ba«n uaad on tha 8 jialding whara nothing waa uaad 2,806 Iba. of hnj par aara, out h aaowing aachina and earad in iha ordinary way Ih amall eoaka, « drawn in on tba 20th and 2Ut di«ya of Juna, and wsigbad on Fairbanka aeala. Tba plot No. 3, draaaad with two boabala of piaator, yialdad tba aaina waj at tha rata of 3,917 Iba. par aera, or a gain erf 37 par oaok ^ . la 1866 thara waa no additional top-droaiing with anj fMriUiaara. Plot No. 1. wbioh bad nothing, yiatdad 1,867 Iba. par aara, wbila Iba plat plaatarad in 1864 gava a yiald of ha/ waigbiog at tba nrta ol 2.9S3 tba. Qoa with no plaatar. par mn% or a g*ia of 07 par oank •var tko In 1886 Um plota vara nntouobad and (ha graaa waa allowed Tba ob>var bad moatlj diaappaarad aad iba timoibf warn tba aaoandant Tha pldt that bad no top drawing yialdad, io tiim third yaar from tha aowing, 1,388 Iba. of hay, or a liitla ovar tw'O* tbirda of a ton, wbila tba plot alongaida of it, wbioh had in 1864 two boabda of plaatar, worth aboot 00 eanta a boabal, yialdad 1,721 Iba U bay. or 23 pec.fifnt. moib than tba plot whieb waa ia ita' natural atate,,';' '•(.-■ * '. Taking tba thraa yaara, wa fi^l that tba anplaatarad plot Erodnoad altogathar at tha rata of 8,740 poonda (about 3| tona) of ay jperaora far tha wbola tima, wbila tba plaatarad plotg^va a yiald of 18,226 Iba., or 6| tona par aora, or a gain ovar Uia anplaatarad of 4,484 poanda, baing a gain of 01 per oant. par aara, or raally tba two buadrad waight of pUater applied in 1864, at a coat of only 60 canta, bad yialdad a return of two tona aad a qnartar of bay. Thaaa ara poarerfal ralwoaa for aowing pUatar oa graaa land, aad for aowins it aa early aa poaaibla ; and it ia aho recanniendad that it ba aown with a maebioa. Whan aoob a tatam aa thia ia aecurad, the ooat of a good macbina that iaanraa a regularity of iiowing at tha right tima ia raally nominal, and aa for the plaatar, ita price baara bnt a vary amall proportion to tba Talna of tba iacraaaad prodoal Indead, it ia by fair tba obaapaat lartilitar that eaa be naad. ',../' V-"- ■i T^^S^*TS« *^~w ^.■'fM^«'^^;^j(^j- V -iisF-'f ^'aw&i.'i^ IV ^ If rURTIIBR BXPBRIUKNTa Mr. F. if. iloilowftj, 9t RilltdAU, N. Y.. in 1870 •ip«ri»«Bt«a 0a a fl«lia flaid b« aoarad 300 Iba. of plaalar, and racaivad 26 buahala of wbaal in latarn ; aod aaolliar Mro wttboul aof nonnro jialdad 10 baahala to IIm mta Mr. Hollowaj alao triad aiparimtnU on a flald of oorn bj plaaiaring OQO-bdf, and on tha othar half putting no fartiliiara. From Ida plaatorad portion ha hoaliad 80 bukatfuh, and from tha anplaatarad portion onljr 00 baakaU of oorn to tba aoia. PFOF. a L. INOERSOLL'S BXPBRIMENT. Dvrffig ttM lut tMton Prof. 0. L. InfMiwn, of tba ffuto ' Ajurioaltaral Coll«|[a, axparimaotad with plaatar on oorn. Tha foilowingaro tha facts of .tha oaaa . . : ^ rWABATlOV OK aBOClTD. Nina-taotba of an aoro was aalaotad in Sold No. 8. It «m divid^ into 36 equal plota of four aqaare roda aaob, or ona-foarth of an aora. Tba ground waa ploughed Maj 3rd, at a maan d#pth of 7| ioohaa ; tha plough turning • fuiVow avaraging aix inohn widfli A Jointar waa uaed. Tha ground waa rellad to praaa down tho farrowi, than harvowad thrao linas, and roilad again. It waa narkad in rowa four fa«t apart aaeh way, making eight rows each waj, or 64 bills on a plot. TLAMTUIO AMD CULTIVATION. The groond waa planted with the Tallow Dent variety, savfn grains in a hill, on May lOtb. Nino plots rteeived 2 be. of Plaster, distributed at the rau of one-half onnoe in eaoh hill, before plant- ing. Thirte^n on plastered ^X «^^ f-J«At TlA^ » V^f^AoI W' mmmnf, IT pi«4a, 15M4 Ibc ; M •v«rii|« of 87.648 lUt p«r plot Tliia gii . 4i9mewtm of 03,909 Ibc of oora la Mr mi an coro m ordinarily fltplai, f««r ImI AiMirt Mcb vftf . OoMpariag Um ploto «li*r« piMtor wm put in th« bllU with llioM ploto to|MlrMM4l, «• flad m diflSironoo of 673 p«r plot (n favor of piMtM ia hill, or 41.044 Ibc p«r loro. OoMpariog tiM tuipla4l«r«d ploto with Uiom haviog piMtor ia, «• tMl aa av*niM diibraooa of 3,159 |ba par plol in favor of piMtor, M 90,710lUk p«r aoro. Oonpariag aoplaotarod ploto with tlioao lop drwMad, wo Ib4 an •voraga dtfloranoa of 1,161 Iba. on aaah plot ia favor of top drMalNg. or 49.37 8 lb >o«a«m> ^ Tba aaplaatarad ploto gara a totol of 824 Iba, or an avaraga of 37,353 Iba. par plot Thia givM a djlffaraoeo of 3,UB Iba. on Moh plo4 avaraga, or 89.903 Iba. par aara in favor of piMur. Oonpariag plaator plata, via.: That ia tkoaa with niaator in tha kill aad tbooo top^roMod, wa fiad a diffaraoM of 873 Iba. par plat, or an avaraga af 37,013 Iba. par acra in favor of plaatar, Oonpariag plaatarad ploto with thaoo thai recaivad plaator in iba bill, wa find an avaraga difTeranoe of 3,349 Iba par plot, or 108,431 Iba pM aara in favor of plaator. Coaparing anplaatorad ploto with iboM top^roMod, wa And a diffaranoa of 1,813 Iba. avaraga on aoch plot, or 75,963 par acra in favor of top-drooaiD|^ , , > ;» ,.,, ASHES AND PiisTEB. JoMph YarkM, a good.praetical faraier of Montgomary Coqntj, Ponnsylvania, rantad a wora ont farm of N. B. BoltMo, Eaq., of 150 aorfiL Ona larga fiald of 30 acrM had become ao nttarljr axhaoatad and worn oat bj pravioai tonanta, daring a period of fifty jmf, that tha laaC crop of oata grown on a graat pat t of tha flald navar rMehed a hfight of mora than eight or tan inchM, and waa hardly worth harroMing ; and, indeed, many apoto in tha field had bcooma lo impovoiithad thai IIm^ failed to produM either graM or woeda. Tba atobbla waa ploaghod down iq the apring, and the field waa planted with oom, four graiaa in a hill, tha rowa being the naofl diatAnei, foar feet apart Whan the corn waa dropped in tha hill, a email handfal of aahM ipixed with plaator waa dropped on the hill and then covered nith the com. It wa« cultivated fonr timM, fend the prodaci wai 50 baahela of com to the acre, it for the aahM tnd plaator, the erop of oom would not have .worth tho expenie of gathering, aa waa ahowa by the iireviona 1.1)1 cotnu '^Ws-^. / •. "S. 4 .'If j-VV-',"-! -y"^ '^ •f^jg'cf^yjs.-^iA*^* thA^' ^i '* >• 18 CONCmVOE ..■%j Wf b«v« gi*«9 in tk« la Um ehMfMst Mid on« •! tk« mat^' «4Mk •II ._, llHkl <3b[Vt«ai or FtMlM' tMtimi fttttOMra ItiMVB to W« hmf slicwa tkal ll b la U« kklMM MM la an •rt MOT* >MiiHi< 1^ Ma MM UkM o(k«n. W«t. aooky ImmI is prakaUj Mift llUAi bwJttwt by plM>w>. Draiaieg woaM do il Mor* good. W« adlflM lifOTi lo N«d oififallj all tko iMUmoaj w« hatro twMl od baiaio lk«B. aud ehaaiMst pada m a^ rioultarirta. VJagiaa bwialiolal to all plaB«»-~lo ^*lM|«al dafiM to all. nor lo tiM ■taaoaai B baia adla and aoaM pUala bad ia pr X •ooinara II villi tbo raaill ol IhaU owa aiporiaooa ; and, from tb« nlMla Ibajr aaanol iail lo draw a aoaad oonoloaloB aa to Um tAot •I Ptaatar sfoa g rowiaf orapa. DiBlOnONS FOR THE.UBB 09 PLAITtk 0)f PARIS OR QYPflUM. In al^ oaaaa vhw 11 oaa bo doao, Ika applkatiea ahoald bo WMi* |B,itfH vMtbor, wboD iba laavaa ara damp vitli doo aad log. or tnm raeont rain, ao aa to eaaaa tbo dtMl ta a d bara lo iko plant. Aa a gantral rub, tbo baal raoalta vUl bo altalood bj tho application of PlaaUr diraetW to Iba laavaa and at^oia of tha plant, m tbo raioa will vaah aoouAi of it down to tbo raela. Mil, aowli^ wMi Ibi iatd will pay brfaly. RED OLOVBR AMD 0RAS8K8.] . Pbator abouid bo appRod altar aaadlafc aa aooo aa tbo fraat ^i^Tia th* gnMad ia tlw apriM— rfboat 200 Iba. to tbo aotVi Sooia ■aw iBora, and aoaio a«v tap io niik* kol gtMnllj tbM flWUiUlr b If all aiWr opaaa, whaaa tW olovar «r gmaa h$» • jfr or aipre :'^mnm1k, H b baal to a»w ia |bo apriag whan tho pbi|kt b ibrao or »iJiMr teakaa high , m ita appUoalba to tho loavoi loii ot*«o b highly j^HMMal, omI tho nia vlU wpih a aoflabnl fortb* of it ^n to Ifcahoddho and orop IM .whw tho pkMM fliit atioH ibahioaateTodtroalod; iCAlhpi ioflh tiaM. AHw tbo flni .»mm baaa fUhond, giaal mmUb laUoV Irooi Aooe«nd appMwtion of ^goyMlbatothoaonlarthoiaoBadaop. Both mti 9/mNl 9^ 'ho moah iapoofod ia qaaHty ooi ^Matity. ; /;.. ^ ^^:\ ■ ; j---, . M-M- com, ¥; Tho ioiion nothod of iwlyinc fUt/Uve to ooro b to aov it 4lp0B thohiU oiooon aa tho ^ntla opthno or loBrijafthaa abpat a taawwoBfal or a HtUo imto to oaeh hill. Aaoilhor drrasing •hoalo bo girta altar hoolof or eaUirating, and tha plant baa attain aatabii Ot«4 t Ihobll tbo lo •pplbd Parb< '' n tho (all aootho II tho lar|a#^ makifl^ tibct i aown a Tl MBia a •own a and bai thatth 1 r< ininadl planta I IwappI O whan i ioeh Qi bo doni or wot ragalar (rait,b --^rOi iUotln a paad gj^gS'- i ■ T - AliMk I- I»n4 » I'f »,.? '^>'l**. llMivr k of lmai«aM MltMlH* to pab bw. Il iUvM b« •own a^oa lk« kill aooo after lk« plaata Mr* up — «•« qvMiliij is Ik* kill M la wm ■i lUri nf tk« plMlar u aiMk m ptMiibU apos (k« iMkvw AlUr ko«(af. •■Bw are moisi or wet Fmit groworn in tho State of New York ase Plaster regnlarly apon their fmil trsea. It not only greatly improrca tha fmit, bat has a strong tendeney to oheek the raragao of ioseots, and ' ly ia this the ease with apples. One asanj^e, oai of a grsai nambar al haDd, is sniBdenk for iUoatfation. Henry Oilbart, Esq., of Miehigui, stated that ha had a oaadi tree and a awcat apple tree in his yard, both of whlok '7''r'f'wm'.' ij.^iRi'l*' 1^. f •• ■ * %v ^ iBMUy HU •! MMMat for M««nl |lii|>%«l Imw m Om 4kf, r«ianiin( fr«4 ptM^wIng ht« Mm vtlti • mII li4Jf fnl P I— t w . Im %knw ii «paa tiM Umm, %k«m !• f«ll bto— aai. aM NiaU «M * fall cf op of fniil on WUi lrm§ i tud • rM**'tf|^ ■Mikii ami fMfim oi ojiMnrat q«i«iiiy. , mmPVIw » 'CURBKN VBUITABLU AMD raivll ''^ '' * AU fftHM ««g«tebl«h. Bl«aii m4 ••«•«• im gNBiljr tMpv«v«4 bf ftpvqMnl op^faknikMi •! rkmuv /■«4. «li«t ia •«|imII|' tmpofiaM, i am t ia an nfpalkU. It will kM|i iMnoihor tinao Mitifvlj frMfro* ■IripMl b«|. Tho ai^plkialioa a^d^fd bo ligbi but fr«a««al, 004 ol*«f ■ attm alfm^n, or wkr* • iM*vjr duo io on Ik* plOQi. Wo wmM aUiply mI4 IW4 OjpMiB iMU •• • dUinfooUal b/ aboorbteg ■awli ol a w a gHM^ 4oaiioya bad asMlb aboal bamjardv ataUa^ oqt boaaaa, okiiLdraiita, and «oaa-poOia ; and eoBtrib«(aa groally to aaival b«BJg|4Mla oooifort. furilyimg ibo air a* il by Um •hio^Uoa uf imparo and oflotiaifa tibalati ibaktlML hit if-' ' OH" % /j" ,(» » ; f •' i. "■ ; .» , . I j;. . »'■ . ¥». 1 •■ . t f .U|Xi4^^-. ;.. 1.V .v;t t ,•"< ; ■* ^.•;*' '; :4%''*C»*:' ^■-'•a--^ •'« J E* rf4h l i A |fe^^ - ^ !^ «^ '*. 'C^ . «JiM^.^'^^i3^^^^ *^.^ . i I 'i ' 1 r- ■ [| , CI ' ^.r 1 ' 1 f - « * j 1 f . •1 V H , i .. ... \ . ■ r ' ■ ■■"*-f»'' ly^.^ m ^.-t .^ 1 '''^^ ■./. ■iT"'- ■ i<^ CALCmED PLASTER ^ V'^ '"i^v' V sw^a?^ a\ ifAtttrrAcrvRirn at tii« v:-'-o MARTmFiflJ^ MIli.iv - YORK ! '4 ' ••? iM or A v^my nupkriok quality.. ■- Mkit iSsPRODUOED in »w .^s: (^ Tbe«> woitM w«r. etUblinbed in 1849. anA^li; PiMter has •njpjwl froo^ ^^ period till now^*B ilmott anirfrsal raputation ;;;2^ih• superior exee1Io.i«a Th« Dr^Vidgpr invites all who want ^ bl,OINED 3 GROUM) PLASTER • \ ^ ■JT To send in tMflforjl^^, whidi will l»« proiiiptiy^^ lle • '3 *4 >. • ^ . ■ ■ •' - ' # ■ ■ • • ■ • f t * -* .•>-^ • • ■ A k ■ ■. -- 'A'^fte' '^•^js^^ s^^g^lmi^ .4-,:- . .^=.;^ ' , ' , y , ■ ! .i J 1 < »■ 1 , /I ♦^ " ' . jw V ■'4 ■ >■■'■ f r *^ v". . ■ ■ ■ m ■ . . ' f •'■ :."■.'* '. ,; -■ . . ■ , ".■ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1 ■ m im ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^r '■■ ' ■ .'■ •:1 V ^ " • ■ ; ■ 1W^^^ BS>' ■ ' ■ '■" ■• ' . ,■' ' ' 1^3 --■- . - ■ . ■::^ ^^^^^^^ -- v^'j^B ^r ■f ■ ^^^^^^^^: ■ ,'. r- , ^^ ■ • ' t :;;;: '. •'■' ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ]^^ ^r ' ■ 1 ' .J " : • • ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H L ''■J^^ ^Br ■* .■4_.:.,;.- •.. ■ ■ ■^':-.. ;.L~ .^^^H ^ ^K — ; ■ '" •■ ■ - / 3 - ■. •■ ■'■"•^ "•:■":■•:: 1 . ;• . % '* ^-' ■■■' ' , , ■ "■ y ■ ■v>^ ■ ■ ' • " •. ' , ■ '■■■■■■■' , *■ • ■ ' . ■^ ' ' : ■ ' ^ J ■ •'.-•■ . . / * -. ■ ." ' , * :j^m^k..