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K T I ^^ >s o. .J : } 5) OrOEK AND SWKET (UDKIi w.. ir I- OiiAWA, May It, llUi Ass't Deputy Minister of Inland Revenue. ■ , '^'"•.T^ ''*'*^ ''^ '■''P"'"' "1*°" "'•''ty '"'iH' (l>'.») -auiplo, (.f be\eraues sold as Cider or as iSweet Cider. These t.'rn,.s are defined by Order in Coiwu'il talting etiect from Maroii 13, 1911. Cider is defined as follow.s : — Y - \. Cider, Hard Cider, istiie pr<«iucr made by tlie normal alcoholic fermentation ot apple juice, and the usual cellar treatmii.;, and contains not more than seven (<) percent by ^olume of alcohol, and in one hundred (100) cubic centimetre-. (1*0 •(,'.) of the cider, not less than two (:'j grammes nor more than twelve ( 1") grannnes ot solid.s, not more than eight (8) grammes of sugars, in terms of re.lucin-' sugars, and nut less than twenty C-'U) centigrammes nor more than forty (4o1 centigrammes of cider ash. , , ^\ ""fty-""'e«^ samples sold its Cider, twenty-seven sr.mples meet the re-iuiremenf.s ot legal dehniti.m, and mast be recognized as genuine, under the Act. Six .samples which fill to meet the standards nani<-d, appear to have had water added to the apple juiw. This IS indic.ite.1 by the Miiall ammint of mineral matter (ash) pre-ent iSix sample.-, contain pre.sei vatives. Apple Juice or Sweet Cider is defined as folluw.s : — 2. Apple Juice, Apple Must, Sweet Cider, is the fresh fruil juice obtained from apple, the truit of l'xjr„x mnhin, has a specific gravity (L>0' C.) not less than 10415 nor greater than 1 OG'JO ; anri contains in one liundr,;d (100) cubic centimetres (-0 C.) not less than .si.x ((3) grammes, .and not more than twenty (20) grammes of total sugars, in terms .of reducing sugars, not than twenty "four (24) centi grammes nor moie than sixty (60) centigrammes of apple ash, which contains not less thiin hfty (,iO) per cent of potassium carbonate. Out of thirty six samples sold as Cider, only eight are fouml to meet the ip.iuire- ments ot the legal definition. It may be urged, in some cases, that the definition quoted diH's not apply tinct- tliQ urticleH are lal>elled with inodiReti uaoitM as .impagne Ciilfr", " HasplxM-ry Ciiltr", iVc; liut so long as the worfl cider appears upou the laJiel, •imi the beverago is supplied to our inspectors on a deuiaml for cider, it seems proper to jikIko the article as <'iiler. In connection with Conipounii (hyphenated) names, it i- iraportant to note that till-,.' names must not misrepresent the article. Wliere one of llie comiMjnents is ilself ii ligal name for a specific article such us Cider, Wine, Coffee, Ac, it is evident that the impound name i^an onlv ttp|>ly properly to an article of whi< li the Rp<>ciHc constituent III nuestioM is the essential or basic part. Thus Cin'u Winr, implies the presence of » lU" : Champagne Cider, implies the presence of Cider ; Dfcnffeinatod Coil'ee implies the presi'iue of Cuffe**, Ac. Our lieveraiic stinilards provide for the use of the liriiis Sfmrkling Cider; Champagne Cider ; hut define this article as " t'ider, impregnated with carlxinic acid, itc' A solution of sugai' and flavouring e.xtiiuts is not cider ; and the impregnating lit' such a solution with yas, does not constitute it a sparkling cider. Imitations of lid r, if laln-Ued so as not to deceive, are lei,'itimate articles, provided they contain nothing injurious to health. Th-'re are certain beveragi's, such as Ginger Ale, (iinger Biht, Sas.sufras IJeer, Kofjt Beer, Ac, which have l«'i n long in use, and are well understood to be Tionalcoholjc, iilthough involving the ti-rms ale and l>eer, which properly apply to .ilcoliolic beverages. Ill the case of these articles, it may be pleaded that long usage and public acceptation justifies the name ; and it is possible that the plea may hold gof)d. ft is not a part of the duty ' •' this Department to make language. This must i.edecided by popular usage, hut it is ,Mj- duty to see that language is employeil in such a way as to guide the pur- clmser, and not to deceive him. Final ruling in of this kincl, must be based upon the careful study of the particular matter in hand. iSo far as I know, nothing else than the juice of apples (fermented or unfermented) is entitled to the term eider used either simply or in combination. Such a name us " Raspberry Cider " means nothing, unless it implies an apple juice flavoured with rasplxTry. Such a name as " Boiled Cider " or " Concentrated Cider " or " Condensetl Cider," if ajiplie*! to an article made from <'ider by boiling, would appear to he perfectly proper, as .jorrectly describing the material aohl. If applied to an artificial solution, in imita- tion of a cider concentrate, it wouhl, of course, l)e raisleiuiing and fraudulent. There need, I venture to think, be no difficulty in so naming any modification of apple juice as to cocfitly inform the purchaser regarding what is supplied to him. Apple juice, pure and simple, is not cider, any more than grape juice is wine Fer- mentation is essential ^o the prtMluction of cider. The name Street Cider is recognized, by wide usage, as -nt for apple juice. If it l)e dfsii the alcohol from fermented apple juice, the resultant beverage is prope- . as dealcoholized cider, or non-alcoholic cider, or by some other plain and inte. ' ' one. If it be desired to keep the alcohol in a cider lielow a fixed [tercentage ana I'lis be accomplished by adding water, or sugar and water, to the article, this can cor-vctly 1)6 described as watered eider, or diluted cider. But it must not be .sold as cider. It mu.;t be clearly understood that the word adulterated in this bulletin, is used eiinfoimably to Section 'A, g, of the Adulteration Act, which states that "fotni shall lie deemed to be adulterateil if its strength or purity falls below the standard, Ac. This is no suggestion of the addition of anything harmful to health. Since this is a first inspection under legal definition, it is open to question whether the penalties prescribed by the Act need be enforceil It may l;e reasonable to regard tins inspection and report rather •\s a means of bringing these recently enacted stan- dards to the notice of the trade, and the public. The last inspection of cider was made in July and August, 1908 ; and was reported as Bulletin No. 109 in Decemoer of that year. I would respectfully recomment. publication of the present report as Bulletin No. 239. I have the honour to be, sir, your olx'dient servant, A. McGILL, Chief Analyst. 2:!2J1 -1.' BULLETIN No. 239— 6 I ! Natiirv of Saiiiplf. i i •• 'A Comr. Nanif ;in(| \(|** and Ad(lrf>M< of Mftnu- I f.«tiin-r or Kurni«»li»*r ' VVmlor. ln,|«uvr.K.. |N)rt. (U not ^^__ ail I'xprtfiia- ionofopin- { i(»n). * Mitimfiwtiin r I Kumiiihcr. 5- C KM 2. JiISTRirT OK XdVA SrOTIA- Ffb. 19 SwM-t at Mar. i; 4:"2t!\\VnUel., Lt.l., M«l-3b<)M.: 25 Ann»jioli« Val-iMfw.. ifax, X S. I ley Cidtr Ci., ; B r i d g etuwn, i I ! N.S. 4702M Animi«.lit ValLv C'i M „ . Nil. I Wndon >liT Co., I!riil(ff I tuwii. X S. 4:o,«).Ia». Kimn Halifas, .'l .. Xil. CLvelaml CidHr.Mfm.. , N.S. , , ( ,,.,(thio,r.S. 'Hold aa Apple Cid«. DISTRICT or PKIXCK UWAKD ISLAND F.I.. i4S»«.t ' 40171 K. K. Ma.)(li(tan * aUiti", 30 |Anim|«pli« V^l- ! f 'id»T. Co., Clmrlottt-tDWii i ' lev Cider Co , ! i I I'.K ■. < Ltd. !•• .. ., 4C173J. Ch'.iiK, Slimmer- 3 . . ' 3Cai,tiii & Fren-. 2713 line St. .li«e|>h. \>llelief. l:i ■■ . 374( th» <'hiof Aiulyat. K .1. WAIUJH. INWI'KCTOR. KtT.'t M 9IW1 I ii3i3(i'<)ggR I 0883' U 40 !l ''*•• •> K7 2 41 9 SHi 21 n 47 OlONoiie 1 ftSlfl »rly up to I I « t an'' . »ii. I I Duiibtful. 470»'D173,Den»ity and »«t. 10 96! 1 80 12 76 1'5 1 !>2' 01 luw. Adiil terated. . 46174 Not sold a* I I Cid«r. J. C. FEROUaON. INSPECTOR. 1 l«00 9991 1 l«10 SO 7-96 5'48 1 86 704 (I 0!» 73 04. None. 4ri611 Denxity and !mIi . low. Adul- ! terated. F. X. W. E. BKLAND, INSPECTOR. 1 U273 0-9998M 60 8 10282 CIS r0228 0!>!»95 10230 Ssj 6 06 4 69 128 1 0320 1 000 r 0330 None. 8 87 0-96; 770 103(>2 99981 10372' OU 9 68 ri2i 7 39 .1. C. ROULEAU, INSPECTOR. 1 40, 6 40 6 80i 16 .')4 6 97 OOSXone 8 60: 012 8-5l' 08 10 1 10 o OOj'None. 37368 Dennity and and j low. Adul- terated. 37S70I 02 01 37372 01 .. . 37400 1 01930 999till0197| 38j 5 28 ! I i I CO' 3 401 4 00 04 1 34' 03 None j 39048 Density and a»h I { I I I I , low, adulte- { I I i I I rated. Brr.LKTIN No. :'39-- I •■' 4 4 S»iij|>li'. — i , Ciili-r. Mftr. h \*!ii»' an'l Viltir*- -T ..f N.n.l'.r. e : ^ ! "8 I NaiiH' himI Acldr»->M uf the <'"'?»T. , Mi%n)ifiw-tiiiti>r. Maiiiif»ctiir>'t. Kurnwlu i Inninrtor'nllc' lort. (la U'.t HII l-Hllffi* ■ loll of OlMllioll.) 3 KISTKKT OK MoNTf KAI. 4li»>,(7 KoUrt Mill.ii,lt;hSt. :8;)!) llarrix Co., V,s !>.■ 3 .. .1 16 inoiitigii) St.,.\tont I «UMOS. Hi .linn 14i< |l..r :t ili.»t.rSt.K.,.\Ioii IKottlril liy I Wmlor. I U'll.'n. to DI.STRICT OK TOKOXTO— KeK 2l) Sweet Mar. 4 M 4 ft 4a»WTavlorA:l'rinB!ero.,'8hiit». 15 Vendorn. L'ider., Owen Sound.' . . 4!i;«H.S. ratter»on ft Co., 3 .. . M MX Iterkley »t.,l Ton into. . . 4i»3C..")T. 11. Kranklin, 72!! .3 „ , 10 i^iieenst. Kant. Tie ninto. j ! Mr-. R. Craipr, 170 .1 „ . 20 Cliristie Kt., To- ronto. I ' iti*'nuine .Apple I Cider. ;The Whitby; I Kiiiit and, I V'ineirari I C<..,\Vhit.j t.y. K.inp Hev- Cham pag ne efinfe Co., Cider. • ToronU). i SWKKr ClhKK. Ill <(r»ii)iiim pir 1 < M I'M S 1» 4 5i 01 »<« o «2 Xon- I ii2t>ji !t!r!»l 1 irjiiit oat 7 as iJft ft-.V) I ^ i I 1 ii.T'l'O jKtKSl irjTi;; MM, 7 22 8 011 o 22. H ?!• 83 XMC tVnuity Rnd ikh low. Aihil 0'27 Null'" 4iiH:ffi 6 23 .l! 81), 1 iKVft 1 7S 14 «4 10 40 175 12 15| 34j » 16 OSM B^n- ' MIIC ,'11 acid. \ \x\:> 1 WKl 1 UIVI Xone 18 .Vt IJ 4!l Xuni' 12 4li o:»; 074! 024, .. . AAiallQeniiinr. 80132 .1 VS. lUMiAX, IXSPEfTOR. 1 OI.V.O IW.M 1 iil,-^(i 40 a .W, 5 21 1!)9 7 2"' 24! 2 (« 1» cylic . I acid. 1 o;it 29 2 40 ■.'."• X one 40531!l)f nsit t. j Ad\ilt«' i^eiX. I h-nsity ai. . .h lo. . Adul- leiated, VXa>^ (id-iin*. I H. .T. I)A(}KR, IXSPKCTOR. 1 0532j0!'(»*2.1 ik->47 1 or.}i6;0 !t!W4irn«o5 i 1 073«0 WW^jl 0744 1 0373 I 99H51 0376 I 111, IS M 9 7KI 105 10 83' 30| 2 54 22 Ben ' I iM»ic acid. 40 K> 27 11 47 1 48 12 90! 32 1 OlS IK 81 12 a'l -J 70 15 (15 0-3)t 2 16: 24 I I i 2 77 25: .. 41*3(i3 Cenuine. 49364 ' i I ! 33 10 82 5 48 3 07 R 5Ei 04, 2 23 002Xone I 49365: 49366 Density and a«b low. Adul- terated. ! : II I 't ri tr^P' m' BULLETIN No. 239— Nature of Sample. i Name and Aiiilrp»« of th» Cost. I Manufacturer or Kurniahf r 1 a» ^vt-n by '.he Vemlor. ilanie and Addreu of Venfjor. 3 >. o A a O" Mannfacttirer. i Kumishtr. In«|iec tor's Re- port. ( Is not an exprp«- sion of OjHnion). DISTRICT OF MANITOBA- 1912. Feb. 19. .. 19. • 19. .. 19. Cham- lUMjne. 48616 arson '.s Confcction-Ls l)ot». r.'> iTh.- lilackwood*. .Mfrs ry, -Main »t. North, Winni|>e(<. j Sweet 48fil7 Prairii- Rp»taurant,i;< cidiir. ; Main Mt. North, \Vinni|itf(f. .. .. l*(litT;,e Whit.' Star Mfg. J Co., \Vinni|»fg. IfWaO Ltd., Wii liO K. L. Drewry, Winnii*»flr. X> Vendors Kranjre Pure j Fruit Cham- (>a^ne. OranjfH Cider . Rai*plH*rry Ci- der. DISTRICT OF CALGARY- M»r. !t. Sweet I 44i:« HalMer A Aldridge, i cider.! I Kdmonton. 3bot«. KO Brown A i . I Co., Kd-' nionti>n. 1 DISTRICT OF NKLSON- FeK 26 Sweet i 4'.Hi,'» .1. A. MclKmald, 3lK.tii. :iO ; cider. I I Nelson. i , Spokane Cider Works, S|K>- kane, C.S. DISTRICT OF VANCOl'VKR- Feb. 19. Boiled j ,'Wo05 New Westuiiuater 3 liots, ») cider.: Co-op. .Association, New Westminster. « 19. Sweet 38306 (iold Seal Liquor 3 „ .45 cider. Co., Ltii., Vano.u- ver. B.C. 19. 19. .., 3S307F. Filion, CarralUt.,'3 ... 75 j Vancouver, B.C. j j ..: .SS30« Hudson's Bay Co j Vancouver, B.C. W. K. Houston, Victoria, B.C. .Xiii. Kniit Pro- ducts Co., Ro. cheatur, N.Y. P.-uificMf^.Co., Victoria, B.C. I Pure Boiled I Cider. Duffy's refinetl pure fruit c li a Uipairne cider. Bot- tled by Ven- dors. C h ;\n\ pagne Ciller. 3 iCroiw A Co., (Allen's Vancouver! Apple Cider DISTRICT OK VICTORIA Feb. 88 Boiled 4'.nii!The West Knd fJro-Sbota. ino cider. eery, Vvctoria, B.C. Mar. 1. Sweet I 491W Copa«* Young. Vic- 3 .. tU. j cider, toria, B C. W, K. Hou.s.!Pure Boiled ton A Co.,! Cider. Victoria,! B.C. i C. Morely,|Celel)rat«l Or Victoria,! egim cider. B.C. SWEET CIDER. RiacLTH or Analthh. I i 3 : - ' 3 , 2 ' J (irainiuHs per ItX) CC. . I I: i 1 « ! s i 1 i ■= Keiiiark:< and , _ I i i 0|iinion i >( th« :2 ! i ■ S- ' Chi^-f Analyst. i-5 .=-73 £ ^ I :.,-<-*, a. >5 I A C. LARIVIERK, IXSPKCTOK. I 10307 9!t92l (017, .")3 ! I rOa'MO 3 40 i 104220 91178 1 IV444! 1 4it; U ISj 32 ^■2t' 6 65 12 117 DO!) Sali- ' 4«616i Density and ash : I i t-ylic ' 1l)w. Not soli) : ■ ! acid. ' '■ a» c-idt*'. 5 .M « '.II 22 1 '.'2; 015 ., .i 48617 Uennity and ash i I ; low. .\dul- I I I : terated. N !« » 22 012> 1 :9| lO: B.>n ' 4,«19jA!(ientiine. I J. F. POWER, INSPECTOR. 1-24990 9987;lK>16] 86 1 00O3 '.MflWl 0112 1 0298 !»972 1 0331 1034111 99821 0360 13 Bl 08 44-62j 175 2 66 062 5; 1 96 828 70t low. 08 20; 100 0131 .1 6 92; J 201 l-52i 19 I I I .adulterated. 38307 Dennity and aah I low. Adul- Sali 38,308;Densityandaah cylic 1 low. Adul- ■oid i terated. D. O'SULLIVAN, INSPECTOR. 1-23080 9998 1 1 2326 79 60 00 47 00 3 52 50-52 140 9 08 1 I 19 Ben- zoic acid. 49116 Concentrated wit h added ; suffar. 1 0640 9997 1 0642 20 1363 8-H7 2 -22 10 89 .0 27 2-47 24' .. . 49118(i«nuine. lA) Xaturr ; I . . „f ' ;; .N.llii.' ;(iii| Ailrln- SiiiiiplH. 1- ! ■•fV.n ■kI DISTRICT OK NOVA SCdTIA 4:i>-.>7 I'. N. Hi«l,.,,., K.nt :tl» ^ill^■, X.S. 47r:il;.-, X.w Mfr.... Kintr, A»1>11 & Co. :< , .S',i«sH.\, X.B. Co., St. ,. i i .rohn,X.B, '* : ••• H. Crotty. All.n's rrtined I Krwleric .Apple Cider, ti'ii, X.B. Xorwiili, Ont. Will.-ttKruit Co. , St. ■lolin, X.B, l.'i I i. ♦ ■ i : Keli. 7 Hard I Cidw. DISTRICT OK 'il'KBEC- 37.16!) Arthur Drol-t, 714 3i«it.,. r,o Belv.l Fruit and UuKloi- & o,''\J'- ^ '''"•'■■ > Vinegar C„.„ I'arad.s. C^uebec. Bristol. DI.STRtCT OF ST. HYACIXTHE- *!""■ '"c^er. i-"*'*''';iean. '''""^'■' «'• ^ '-''y"' >^«knuwn Cnkui.wn.. i. . . I 3!K)4i» Thos. HeUrt, .St. l ,. .; 10 AVils-m, Lvtie & j , Hyiicmthe. i Badirenm-.Tor j " i 1 i j onto. Mch. 26 11 HARD C'IDEH. I- • UK AX.41.VS1B. (truniiiu's iMT 1't'> tc. < U. .< e -.? Ki'iii'irks ■ all'.! Opinion •I ! of the Cliitf Analyst. %* K. J. WAl'tJH, INSl'KCTOK. 1 ii2<6 !a%7 1 Oils 3 07 « 2« 4!toNone. 4ii:> C 2o' Ml Oil None. 47027 Genuine. I 0142 !t95ol01'.lh 3 oj 4 iC 2i!<> 2 ti*i 22 211;) 12 470211 WM. A. WKEKS, INSl'KCTOK. 1 02«0 'liHM 1 020: 1 02<41 iH'71 1 (1327 2 5n' 7 74 CiiONone. 6 f>0 2o 94 0. loi None. 46172 Cenuine, 2 Oil H 3!r 7 0*1 „ 7 OH 14 1 17 0.08 4fil7o .\»li too low. Apple j H i c e watered. Ad- ullerat«rl. .1. C. KKRGUSON, INSl'KCTOK. 1 aT6o'oTO.57 10405 3 07' it 7»' 7 24 0.") 7 29, 36 2 li 0-32;Ben- ! 45612 ( ienuine. ; 1 1 I ZOIC ' 1 0267 0-9«6ti 10305 2 43; 7-47| 6 23 None. | ti 23 024 100 10 I 991910141 5 W) 3 14 95 . Acid. 4.v;i3 95 o ai 189 0-21 Sali- i 4.V.15 I cylic ' I Acid. K. X. W. K. liKLAXl), INSl'KCTOK. 2' 14 0-2«'None.l 37369 Genuine. r. C. KOl'LKAU, INSPECTOR. 1 (K(69 low. j I Apple juice 1 1 watered. Ad- ' I ulterated. mmmmmlm 3 '•J Nature of Sample. .4 a. Nam** and Addi'eifl of Vniidor. 13 Cost. BULLETIN No. 239- Name and Addreu of Man- ufacturer or Kurnixher as given hjr the Vendor. Manufacturer. Inspector 'x Re- port. (Is not I an expretM- ionofopin I ion. Furnisher. DISTRICT OF MONTRK.XL - 111 12. F,-l.. 24 Hard ; Cider. Mcli. s: 40S3fi Rohert Millar. Kw'siwta St. Mauricf St. .NJontreal. ■KiaSK.I. T. Mallette, On- 3 tario ."itrect Ka»t, Montrial. 3u .\lh'n'<< .\iiple Cider. Hot tied l)y Ven- dor. Uhf.|Ied Mil lar's C e 1 e - brated ark- ling Apple Cider. DISTRICT OF OIT.WVA- Feb. 20 Hard W133;C. Stratton. Ottaw... 31.,t,.; 15 Allen, K. Plain. Apple Cider 2i» I I 21 .TOl.14 Hate & Co., Ott.iwa ;t .'x;i:Vi A. K. K,M >t (•„., 3 i I.t.i.. ()tt»w.i. Ont. . Ottawa. ""« RiwaBi-oe., Liver- Cha». Par- Rrxui' .Siiark- |«)'V Kiig. ker, Ot- ling Devon- i tawa. .^hire Cyder. i5 h. Allen, Nor-C. E. Plain. Apple Cider.. wich, Ont. Ottawa. : DISTRICT OF KINd.sTON- Feb. 7 Hardcider 4'.».J2.").S. Fort, Port Hojie . 1 qt. " i .. . 43M5 W. I). Steph.ns Port 1 ., I ! Hope. 10 S. Allen, No wick, Ont. 10 distric:t of TORONTO- Feb. S Hardcider 4!t.'}fi2i A. IJallentin.AHro<., 3 l»)ti.. 15 Ls. .\llen Xor 171 -r.-hn .St., South, i : wick, Ont. I I Hainilhm. II' DISTRICT OF WINDSOR- Feb. 12 Hani cider 47871 A. H. Oammon *3bot«.! 8^ .Son, .Samia. [ •• 13 " . ; 47H-4 \V. H. Trecker Sar 3 , . | 6 i I riia. i 13 .. 47*75 Peter < Kirk, .Sarnia. 3 S. Allen. Xorwich. 8 Whitby Cider* Vinegar Co ,j , Whitby, Ont. 13 HARD CIDER. Kkmclts ok Anai.vmis. 43 UrnniiiicH iit-r l<"icc. !fi ' ! lii i "^ •■= is?. :? K«uiarl» and Oniniun uf tlie ("liiff A iialyKt. •^ = :-« i !^ J. J. COSTUJAN, INSPECTOK. 102710 y935 10338 1 (X172 'JMtl9irillW 4 IW' 8 30 7-45None.| 7 45 a>! 0-6U GlttNiine. 40836 Uemiine. tiG3 3 !« I \ -M 1 24' 2:^», 0-2 113 18 40838 J. A. RirKEY, INSPECTOR. 1(1292 y!tr>2 10346; 3-42; 9H 10211 ii'.l44 1 (1272 3 'J8i 7H 1 0135 !«>41 1 iilUO 4-20 4 H-t I I i (i !>7j B2| 7 .TO 3 43 None. I SW 31 1 241 24|N<.ne. 2?! 1 •«; 17 " 4 (!!• 4 fill' 12 03 II 11 5(.133Geii!iine. i ] ."KilS.") .Ash tiK) low. Apple juiie waterwl. Ad- ulteratrtl. .JAH. HOiiAX, INSPKCTOK. 1(1227 0!IO."i4 1 112:11 3 2S I! !H; 4(10 lOithtn !W4» I i«21 3 !IK « i>2 ."> '11 100 ■> Wl '>"-'< !■"■- 013 N'ont- ; 49525 tiei line i i 211 1111 o^.** Ill:* 111'-' ■■ I 4fl.'>-'«r.i n. .1. :>a(:kk, insi-ectou. 1 0140 9922, 1 1(21 5 fi3 5 04! 2-711 :»i 3 14' OW! 1 «2 211 None. i : I i 493fi2 Genuin<\ INO. TALBOT .IXSl'ECTOK. 1 0.52o'o«K>7 10197^ 3 07 « 44i 3 1« 9S' 411 OZt' 2 04 29 47871 Genuin... 1 IHIlliO '.19051 0105 (194 2(!8 052 12 (i«| R2 170 2(i .. 1 47S74' 1 (Jl'i'lO 9940'1 0263 5 0(1 6 15 3 51, 2 50: 5 01; II SO 84 2J Hen- 478:6; ( i i ' I I i ^*'"^ I i 1 I I I I 1 : ac-id. 1 i I ' I ' I w P M U , ,■' 1; H^ ■ ' .' 1 1 I 11 ; H ': f. m m\ 14 BULLETIN No. 239-'. N iiiK- Jinrl V..i.l..r. .s 5 Co.hT. .\;iiiir atl'l AHil f" of Maii- iifaclm-fr "t riirniwlitr a^ L'ucii iiy tin- Wii-tor. .liHi.ccr<-r*HKe- 1 ih-rr. (!■• iiMt ;tn t-\|>rH?>i- I I I' nnf "pin. >. j I i""- s ^ M;*inifM(.tiiivr. ' Kunii'^luT. ^ '* l)l.STI;l( T UK MAMTOliA - iiiii; j K.l>. I'.i Hai.l, i.;-. l-:r,W|'|„ li;.Kkw.Kid Ui. :tl„.ts. Nil \. ,1,1 ,r.. Appl-ei.!...- niSTlil 'T iiK (■AL(;A1!V M.-ir. '.I lliir.l.-.l.r UKil Ain . C ...K.lm.iiiton 3 U,t.-. (iu Antiii|«.li.\'all, v I I ! (.'y.l.T (•,,;. IIK'C' A, C. D.lni... y. K'l 3 mm hMih..i,t..n\Vir..S|,i- :! iir. I '''..K'liiMiiitiiii. 411.'..-. 1Il!-mi r.av C,,..:! <';.U.iiy. ; I.t.l.. lin.lj;,- t..»ii, N.S. !to P.nil T.iintier. ""> Anii:i[i«ili^\';ill('y Cv.liT C.I., ' I,t,l . liriHw'...: I tcHll. N.S A. V. SU: l)..nalj('„.. Kiiniuiitnn Ur.sTKK T OK NKLsoN Kel.. l.i ll.,rl,i l,T lv-.l«l Il'i_:>.,l.. l;.,v Co., :!l.,t«. 1 .-,Ml!„li„e,- .1 13 Km.ii1.»)|w. (i.C I'.MIU Wilv.ii (irocTvO)., :i Kaiiilt!*'C';iil-..ri t .\,-l>on. .'t .Siv,.|l;l. ll.C. & C. "."> .\iin:iiM>Ii.*\"aIlt'y f'v.lI.>T1;|CT OF VICTOKIA- C «';! Fell. L'7 Hani til III- I'.ill.'i \\iii.^"r (ir .it-i- r \ :< Ih.i.. T.'i T. }' (Jritliri A j j C. Victoria. !!.(•, (;,,.. I„,„,l„„. . I>f\ i.ii.< li i ru . ni.T. ISt; Mar. r.i 4!I117 li. A. IJoHi A Co. i N'ictoiia, I!.C. 49111". 1c = V > (trainni*'!* pt*r INK.-. ' U'!iiiark-< aiwl .... tM -. Opiniuii . f -i. / l >» « = :£ w thl- Chief '.V •T. ■a. 1 7. •7 ■A 1 3 Aanalyt. — _ "" A. C. I.AKIVIKKH N SPKC TOR. I ii;.'j;t n '.I' l().".r.i r -.".I 4 SI N,,i\c. t S( 2ii •.'!'.' II L'li N.)iic, 4.'*<11S(i.-iiiiiin' I K. \V. KI.KT' IlKK, lNsl'i;< Till!, I O'JK.M •.i'.'37 1 i«313 JW 7 •>:, f> '.17 Noll.', ti !I7, ii W (il; (KiH Ni.i.i-. «i:U A.«li t.-. li.w. I 1 i ; ; ' I j 1 ' Appl.- J luctt I w:itcrt'd. A'l- 1 II27SU '.''.KH'i 1 I'ifi'j -1 ^'.^ 7 71! li i;j •• n i;."> ii 21 n sr. 011 1 ultt-nit.-'l. 4413LM,.-Tinlii.- 1 017SII '.ni:M 1 (K!.">(i r> 47 31 4 r.!i 4 I'.'.i U'.' I 4" II !•-■ 44134 1 ()->s7m icKi.-, r((3-j4 2 Til xdi i: 111 ,. r, 71 1 -J 1 I'l* »m ■• t4l:ii> A>.li t(«. luw. I A|iii> ]nn-f . 1 , ^ wati-ieil. Ad- I i j 1 : I I i : ! iilterated. THOS. TAUKKH, 1NSIM:( ToK. 1 0I.V>|| '.I'.l-J.'i I iirJW .") 3:i :> 7« 373 It 11") 3 7H ii'lM 17i- n 1> Nmii-. 4s;,(K) li.-iuiiiii-. 1 Ii->31i0".l»i;4 lir.Nl -J I!-.' « i.W .■>,">!• 31 "i iHi i: 17 " ->'.i i> 1" •• . , 4S..n Asli t.K> !■ w. Ap;>Ii' juice watrrel 1.0312 3 411 S Ul li 2S Xiiiif. (! 28 21 152 O 15: Ben- acid. ulterattHi. l!Hi22Uemii-u-. .1. F. roWKK, IXSPKlTllK. 1 11168 DiMorOaaS 427 5-68, 3 94 Xoiir. 3 !I4 21 153 ir 14 Xuiie. 3!<30:: fifn-iiie. I . i i I I I). OSl'LUVAN, IXSI'KCTOK. 1 11145 ',l'.'33 1 11212 4 7S 5 22 1 iKIiXom, 4 W 22 1 IHI irl5N(iiii' 4'.I115 li.-miiiii-. 1 U158 0'.l*>5 10253 (1 '.14 45 4 84 111.100 0-9918 10382 5 94 9 28 7 08 4-84 0-211 ! 4! 13 ,. . 49117 7 08 0-22' 1 !)8 17 Ben- 49! 19; ZillC acid.