r % <^ ^^f/ w ^3 >T ^:5 ^ B /^ %•> " IMAGE EVALUATION TbST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 12.2 I.I JfrillM m \^ "- II IS '- u 1.25 11= U ill 1.6 Sciences Corporation // // 7 .-^ 4' /«? ^^ //If// Q- 4 f/. # .IJ Name, Object, etc. This Association shall be called the Uh^a.V Conservative Association of the City of Toronto, 1:he objects of thi-^ Association shall be : ist To secure thorough political organization in every Polling Sub-Division. 2nd. To distribute forms for ^^ddm^j^^p re^ moving names from^vc^t^er;p^^^sts.-p^"^^ CONSTITUTION. 3rd. To see that the party is properly repre- sented at all Courts of Revisions. 4th. To call conventions for the nomination of Candidates for the House of Commons and Legislative Assembly. 5th. To have the general oversight of the in- terests of the Liberal Conservative Party in the City of Toronto. Membership. The members of this Association shall be the Conservative members for Toronto in the House of Commons and Legislative Assembly; the Conservative members for East and West York in the House of Commons ; the defeated Con- servative candidate or candidates, if any, at the last general election for either the House of Commons or Legislative Assembly ; the Presi- dent, Immediate Past President, First Vice- President, and Recording Secretary of each of the Ward Associations ; and the President, Im- mediate Past President, First Vice-President, and Recording Secretary of the Toronto Young Men's Liberal Conservative Association. This Association shall recognize only one Associatiop trom each of the six wards. .1 ^ *' ^ CONSTITUTION. I Officers. The officers shall be an Honorary President, President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Trea- surer. The Vice-President, and Secretary-Trea- surer to be elected from members of this Asso^ ciation. 4 Duties of the Officers. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Association, enforce the due observance of the Constitution, decide all questions of order, announce the result of all voting, and give a casting vote in case of a tie. In the absence of the President the Vice- President shall preside. If the President and Vice President are both absent, a chairman shall be selected from among the members present The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep full and correct minutes of all meetings of the Associa- tion, and forward to the local associations the necessary forms required by them. He shall send out notices for all meetings and perform such other duties as the Associ^* 6 CONSTITUTION. tion may require. He shall receive and account for all moneys belonging to the Association, and under the direction of the Executive, pay all debts incurred by the Association, and shall have his accounts audited annually. The funds of the Association shall be deposited in a bank, to be approved of by the Association, and all cheques shall be signed by the President, or Vice-President in the absence of President, and countersigned by the Secretary-Treasurer. It shall be the duty of all officers to attend every meeting of this Association. A Executive Committee. The Executive of this Association shall con- sist of the President, and Secretary-Trc asurer, ttle Presidents of thes'x Ward Associations, and the President of the Toronto Young Men's Lib- eral Conservative Association. Five members sh^ll constitute a quorum. /in the intervals between the meetings of the Association the Executive shall have an over- sight over the affairs of the Association, and shall meet at the call of the President or any other three members. i i -^ 4 CONSTITUTION. 7 k All business of every kind which s^o^come before the Association shall be reported through the Executive at the next meeting thereafter of the Association. The Executive shall act as a Striking Committee to nominate Standmg t.on>- mittees. Meetings, The Annual Meeting of this Association shall be held on the second Wednesday in November, and the Semi-Annual Meeting on the third Wed- nesday in April, at a place to be named by the President. The meetings shall be called to order at the hour of 8 o'clock in the evening, Eleven mem- bers shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings of the Association may be called by the President at any time, or place, m Toronto he may appoint, or at the call of any other five members by at least one week s notice, but no business other than that for which the meeting has been called, and which .shall be stated in the notice convening the meeting shall be transacted. The Secretary shall send notices of each meeting to every member postpaid, s CONSTITUTION. Committees. Standing Committees shall be : — 1st. Committee on Organization., 2nd Committee on Voters' Lists. 3rd. Committee on Revision. 4th. Committee on Finance. Each to consist of six members. Special Committees of not less than three members may be appointed for any purpose, and such committees shall remain in office until dis- charged by vote of the Association 1 he first-, named member of committee shall be the con- venor thereof, but at its first meeting the com- mittee shall appoint a Chairman and Secretary. A majority of a committee shall constitute a quorum. Finance. The Ward Associations, and the Toronto Young Men's Liberal Conservative Association shall contribute annually to this Association i\ I I I f i CONSTITUTION, 9 sum not less than $25 each, payable at the Annual Meeting. Alterations ©r Suspension of these Laws. Alterations or suspension of these Laws shall only be made at the Annual or Semi-Annual Meetings, or at a special meeting held for that purpose, and no alteration or suspension shall be made unless two-thirds at least of those present vote in favor of such change, and the nature of proposed amendment shall be an^ nounced at least one week in \\\t notice con- vening the meeting. Discipline. Any member or association refusing to obey the Rules and By-laws of this Association, or for other reasons, which shall be specified in a one week's notice of motion, may be expelled or suspended by a two thirds vote of those present at the meeting to discuss said motion. The Secretary shall notify in writing such member or association of the intention of the Association to consider the motion for suspen. io CONSTITUTION. sion or expulsion and the date and place thereof, at least one week previously. Order of Business. The order of business at Annual Meetings of the Association shall be as follows :— 1. Reading minutes of previous meeting and special meetings. 2. Reading Report of Secretary Treasurer and Audit thereof. 3. Receiving Reports of Standing Com- mittees and Special Committees who are to report at this meeting. 4. Reading of Communications. 5. Election of Officers and Auditor. 6. General Business. 7. Adjournment. The order of business at meetings other than the Annual, shall be as at the Annual, with the exception of Sections 2 and 5. CONSTITUTION. 11 11 Cases not provided for in these rules shall be governed as far as possible by parliamentary practice. Conventions for the Selection of Candidates. . All conventions for the selection of candi- dates for the House of Commons or the Legis- lative Assembly shall be under 'the auspices ^of this Association, pursuant tO'resoVmion Of thi's Association adopted at any regulfeir meeting, or shall be called by the Executive Committee thereof. The representatives at the Conven- tion for local purposes shall consist of the officers of this Association, of six officers of each V\ ard Association, and of delegates to be chosen by the Ward Associations in the proportion of tihree delegates for each Pnliing, Sub-Division, and of the President, First Vice-President, and Record- ing Secretary, and sixty-three selected delegates to be chosen to represent the Toronto Young Men's Liberal Conservative Association. The delegates shall be selected by the Asso- ciations, at meetings to be held throughout the Electoral Districts, not more than ten days be- fore the date of such Convention. In the 12 CONSTITUTION. absence of delegates, regularly appointed sub- stitutes may sit and vote as delegates. The meetings shall be held simultaneously, or as nearly so as circumstances allow. The names of the delegates and substitutes shall be sent to the Secretary of the Association three days at least before the date of the Convention. At a convention for selection of candidates for the House of Commons there shall be three delegates from every Polling Sub-Division (this only to include the Sub-Divisions in Electoral Districts), and twenty-one from the Toronto Young Men^s Liberal Conservative Association. If any Polling Sub-Division is divided into sections in accordance with the Electoral Fran- chise Act, 1891, Section 6, Sub-Section 6, each section shall for this purpose be deemed a sep- /erate Polling Sub Division. CONSTITUTION. I^ Rules of Order for CoiYVentidn. (a) The President shall allot each Local Pres- ident and his delegation to seats, so that the members of each delegation may be together. (d) Presentation of credentials and calling of roll. (c) The President, after calling the meeting to order, shall read the resolution or other authority by virtue of which the meeting has been con- vened. (d) The President shall then call for nomin- ations for a candidate or candidates. Such nominations shall be in writing,, with the names of proposer and seconder. (e) As soon as fifteen minutes shall have elapsed from the time of the first nomination having been made, the Presideitt shall declare the nominations closed, and no further nomin- ations shall be received unless the Convention otherwise directs. (/) When the nominations have been closed each candidate shall be allowed ten minutes in t4 CONSTITUTION. which to address the Convention. No candi- date shall be allowed to speak twice. (g) After all candidates who wish to address the Convention have done so, a ballot shall be taken for the selection of a candidate or candi- dates. The President shall appoint eight per- sons to act in pairs as scrutineers. ♦ (k) Before the ballot is taken the delegates and the candidates (or in the absence of a can^ didate his proposer or seconder on his behalf), shall, by a standing vote, pledge themselves to support the nominee or nominees of the Con- vention. (/) Any candidate shall have the privilege of withdrawing before a vote is taken* (;) Vote by ballot shall be taken on all can- didates. The ballot papers to be official ballots prepared by the Secretary. ; (k) Majority ballot shall be necessary fot election, but after each ballot shall have been taken, should there be no choice, the candidate having the smallest number shall retire, and so on until one candidate shall receive a majority of the vote cast. ., . I