# ^K* m AMMMtalfirMMMMMiMllMe* I 1100 "t '■ 'ui»",if^y\ ./** • ^^' / 't-'-^'^^'K r'-J .<♦ / tv^ ^ w^^M^ Ml r^- y^ '■5 ""/'i? 'iSS "''-VJ.I/'f*'- ■'.'..■■''*"•"■, '■•■*l CIHM Microfiche (Monographsy Collcctlofi dc microfiches (monQ0r«|>hlot) -■■^;l ■ ^, ; *• :^mr'^- .'m*,- . jothor orlglnol ooploa oro fllmod boginning on tho firtt pogo whh printod or illuttrottd improt* •Ion. ond onding on tho lost pogo with • printod or MliMtrotod Improotlon, Tho loot rooordod framo on oaeh mieroflohb •hoN oontain tha tymbol — ^ (moaning "CON* TINUf D"). or tho aymbol ▼ (mooning "IND"}, >. oharta. otOw may ba fl|mad at dlff^irant raduetlon ratloa. Thoao too larga to bo ontlroly Ineluditd in ono oxpoturo oro fllmod boginning In tho uppor loft hand cornar. laft to right and top to bottom, os many iramas aa raqulrad. Tha follO¥ring diogramipiatrata,tha mathodt; - ; -0^^'- ■..; ° . ""'■ ■■■■" '■■--'■ 'If ""- ■" '■JZ ' r 4.: ; ■■,.,■■■■:".■■ ■■■■ .• ■. Si- V r ■ -■■ ■ voxampiaiio mmo fwv ffprwiNi grooo o m gdndrooMidot Notrolpol 1 ton ToifontQ Roforonet llbrory •oldMln %Mm plua grand aoln. oompio tenu do lo oond Hl ow oi do lo nottotd do I'oaomplOIro fNm«. 01 on eonf ormH# ovoo loo oondMono du o owti ot do fllmagb. ^f-. Loo oxompMroo origlno im dbiil lo oouvortuio on poplar aat ImprimOa aont maMO on oOmmongont por 10 promlor plot ot on termln o m oolt por to dornlAro pogo gul oomporte (Nio omprohMo < d'Improaalon oo dlNuotrotlon. oolt por to ooooiNl . ptot. aalon to aoa. Toiio too outroo awowip tol raa origlnoux aont fllmda an ao mm o n gow t por to promMro pogo qui oomporio uno omptofci t o dimproaalon ou dUtoa ti otlow ot an'tarinlniiit par ^ to darntoio pofO qid oompofflo uno toio omprolnte. ;.' Un doa aymboloa aulvanta appai o l u o our to dornlAm Imaga do ohoquo mlorofloho, aalon to 00a: to aymhoto -^ algnNto "A •UIVIII''. to aymbotoY aignlfto''PIN^ f ilmAa * daa taux do r«duetlen dNfironto. Loraoua to dooumont oat trap grand pour ttro roprodult on un aaul oNohi. N oat mm* A portir do I'angia aupMaul gauoho, do gouoho * droHo, ot do haut an baa. an pranont to nombro d'Imogoa nOooaaalio. LaO dla gra awwaa aulwow ta * iUuatrant to m * th odo. %'» ■>. Yr\-A . ■2--' .. 3.- ■; /-■ r >rf Ut ,'M j^F ,' V. - *«t*' ! '"t^Trovincial ConveVition 4 Ottawa, 1896. .h' «' By J. A. Murphy. * ;^ Convention •rM TO 9tm OoracR. MOOTMm.A OCk 'W^'^- ^-Vip^-^/r-- ^ '4- \ : t^miM t^. fcaj w ™ V ;-* ^lo"^, ■?•<'.* tV''-.-t, SONGS ^... . OF tHE EVENING -* VOLi/ME OF PrLnal VERSE Respectfuify Dedicated to he Y^p's C P fnterprovlndai Convention *. * Ottawa, I89B. • By-J/A/MUf?P^^^ i v» t« \r ■•. r t. OTTAWA: rVTa ^, "'f T^wmi'.^^-" .iSi».£. ^'iJitf • M * 75 k" f ^ (. -^..s^^l^^^?^'^^'''"^' ■ ■'• ' -.i-. i''.j !,». ' 'C "^ 7. "^ ^ '*"'v' '^^''i ^ "."'•* 'jr* "^ ?i^,^* ' ^,''*' "^ii, «. I ' ll 'f . 'I . rj CONTENTS. -•, \ . '• '•■ V':^^^ ^'d.:-'-" •ft--: The Evening xStar JTb THK HUMMING-BlRtf . T^K Ark OF Sai|^ . ^- ' '• . ■ ■ ■' : » •.'•■■: ^Prayer FOR Armrnia . -A Prayer FOR Light ^ Kest Found Only ,N Action PAO» 5 9 »5 i6 ^%'- :^^ 'i.^ D V- ,*-^*-; 14lf^™^" i^^^^- "W^. ■K**^?«■ p r 1 '4 3-"'- yjM- f " • * r«. •'» ^ '"T" SONOS OP THE EvfNiNO. Bring on the day of battle, O blood-red Evening Star 1 Loud let the thunder rattle, And lightnings gleam from far I Nation shall rise 'gainst nation To war o'er all the Earth : To^day the preparation- To-morrow, victory's birth I Long sleeps the British Lion, In quiet, 'neaih restraints ; Long keeps the King 6f Zion. The patience of His saints: Till, out o^ tribulation And torment of their woes, j V Arise the conflagration That shall consume Hi« focf Within each heart it burneth, As fire on alur pan, Till into one it tumeth The many minds of man : Then Turk, and Russian tyrant, ShaU t^mWe in their plW, And he, o'er kings aspifant, , : Con^^«^^ , '■*■ T~T 'Y'* , ^w -iS-'^i^l^^ w '.' .' «-!» fin iT ''"Me Evening Star. ^^ Then with one heart the nation Shall turn toward Zibn's hill, And, M at the creation, God'-^Iory earth silll fill. No more, from horror's fountain, Sh«l| sound forth waf 's alarm ; Jn tjl Thy holy mountain ' Naught shall defile or Iwrm : ■ -^ V- - ■ For •" »hall know The*, F„h„^ 'hy riKhtcous law maintain, And learn Thy precept, rather I h.nseelt for selfish gain; No more, in fane or temple, bhall earth-born lords pr„clai„» ' ""' ""-^'on «o the simple, O Father, in Thy name 1 ■ ■- ■- . .» ■'■',' No more shall giant Evil Stalk boldly o'er the Good fw, from her.haunts primeval, J^n rear her serpept brood. rS:.m?''^ '■" ^""«'» prison; ^<»^fby the strong.,„d brave, ®"" f ""^ -°'">''» Elysian. - Arm ^witbjUJ power to save. / .* y -J I. ^k-.-.y :- ^H - A - r t^^-^.^'- ' ■*4 SONGS OF THE EVENING No inore the-i4^in leopard Shall lead th^ unreasoning throng: One throne, one fold, one Shepherd, To Whom of right belong The glory and the power, The wisdom and the grace, ^ To guide in every hour The feet; df pilgrim raca: TJnto Whose praise eternal Shall all who love Him. sing ; , While, throughout space supernal. Triumphal echoes ring* * O that the joy and gladness Might spread o'er all^the Earth 1 And sorrow, d^ubt and sadness - Be chang'd to glee and mirth ! O first and last of mornitigs 1 * O dawn s6 chaste and bright! Sweet balm f<^ earthly longings. When feith i«J tost in sightly 31e^ prospecti never feilinft- Pure source of peace and bliss ; T-o know thiit^^durifatlifife J' Shall end in joy Iflte't^^ ' t." THE HUMMING-BIRD. VoicEutss child of melody, Making music as yon fly i ; Ever seeming on the winft •As a spirit journeying Tireless up the steepy road To the home of blest abode t S-Wftofffighti-ofsightiask^ As the lucid light serene t ■ Visitor beneath the piii«i I'Aeashaftofjewdledlighv Eyfeiy ray with gems bedight r SHll thou lingerest here awhiu Our dull vision to hqjuiie Wth thy dress of gold «,d green, ^ F««tt,«.for,««an queen !^' ™»«'Nchthou&«^id,,^ »y ^e Nab jrf^^^j "««'his^aailyciia«r i ,„; ■ t ' ? *.' c *w ] mm h - . j,^ mmm^mr /Af. ><,g < f ■ 'V X lO 4 SONGS OF THE EVENING. Ere he sinks in weeping West, Shoots e'en an arrow at thy breast, Kindling there a ruddier glow- Then hides the horizon below ! /Thou, bereft of warmth and light, Frett'st not at the fleeting night ; But, betimes, when Sun is gone, Fly'st to meet him at the dawn : When we see the East aglow. Thou art greeting him, we Jtnpw I Thou a poem art of life. Ever with th6 world at strife, Seeking still thine ow» sweet will ; Probing ever with thy bill, , AU that adds unto the measure v ^ Of thy honey'd store of pleasure ! Morning glory, eglantine, Hdneysuckle, jessamine. Thistle proud, and blushing rose. And every beauteous flower that blows— All contribute to thy store. Yet thou seekest ever more ! Emblem of humanity, " ' — Chanting still thy moiibdy t " — irSt^ mi The Ark of Safety. ^cho of all minstrelsy | %ureof,hesour.etf,^, Kyer present, ever far, Likethcn,y:,tic polar star!. ^^nger IV^m .unnieFskies, : Sen, to teach our faith to r,W, W our eyes and chase our tears • ^'ve away our brooding rears ' Of the winter's chilling blast. . ^«> the summer Vfled and past. Thoii art ifbr eternily I Sud,ns,^neansts«.rcel,dier A^ .he Hand that feedeth thee Sha I' not. sure, foi^etful be Who fulfils Creation', plan Ifc Mm -^^ y- .■^HE ARK OF SAFETY. ''S^;^^ y- voice thai ^^^ --"^ us warnings and its pmygr. ■■*■ '>'J ij«!-5i«'^^**W« •r ' *4ir. nrn > * ■'.» 12 The Ark of Safety. ■A How eager then-when falU the night, And lurid lightnings nume the sky, ^ _ And thunderings fill their hearts with fhght-- . They to the only refuge fly| The door is closed! andinth^datk Confusion ^ites them, and dismay :- « Is there no Tcto;e but this Ark ? Or must we peH^ ere the day ? "Open the door and let us in! _ Ah, now thy message we believe The floods compel us !-aour sin ! ^ " ^ ' Can nought for us the past retneye? Whttst loudly thus they moaii and cry. The surging waters round them sweep, And biit the leaden clouds reply, , • Wi^ echoes from the sounding deep i As in the days of Noah, when The Ark rode safely o'er the wave. So soon the New Jerusalem Shan come, the faithful lew^ to sa^ Then swift sM fall the fearful death ! / TJnlessiwittGod'' AA repose, \ k 7 And entfer in to Christ l^i^ugH fsithr ,.\i s , , TO W. M. ■ • ■ ■ ■ . , » Thou Who didst lovlso well, Hast widoVd been? 3ound by life's subtlest spell, LifeV end hath seen? T^w; to all pleasure dead, Pain hast thou spurn'd? Heart hungry, has thy bread «o ashes turned? True to thy bosom's core^ Why dost thou fret ? That she, who is no more. Hath thy teve yet? - <^ou|d it be otherv friend? Loye cannot die I <^<>d doth sueh comfort send ^^<>^ from the sky [ ^ethouthestawatalght Shine blissfully^ ; ^>^d»ng their sad , s i^l^ Eteanallyl ^ v.. >]^f' * . i * * • i 1 To W M. So shall this purer flame, Lit from above, All the wild passions tame . In thy first love : , ci^nsing, if in its rays Aught dark there lie, That, brighter with her praise. Each spark shall fly : Till the small silver stream Fed from the hill, In sunlit valley seem A golden rill. HalioWd be theiri the day Of this thy loss^ If thou in faith canst pray, "Purge me front dross! "Perfect Thy work df grace In my poor heart : Y provide us still a place, No more to part l"i : 'J .-')r : ^ ■' *jmr, -, ir'i''*\sr^k^'*^^'^ -If' I'i (9 4 16 ^^- Songs of the Lveninq. . ■■■ , ^- ^ Let not Thy blood, for sinners pour'd, • Be shed in vain 1 Give us this day our daUy bread ; Forgive our sins, nor on our head Let lay the blood of martyr'd dead By Moslem slain! God of our fathers I who shaU dare To urge with shame such treason rare.^ As, " for a time," " their iwes to spare,' Uen turn from Thee ! Lead us not in temptation's way ; Deliver us in evil day ; - For Thine the glory, rule, and sway Eternally I ^" -*-^ A PRAYEI^ FOR LIQHT. Jesus, Thou Son of God! Saviour of men ! Shed now Thy love Abroad, Even as when^ _/ High upon Cilvary's side, ^ . Mocked, bleeding, seourg'd and tnea- Thou for our r a nsom died, « a And rose again ! h Ig • T .V # <* 'tf- fT Lord, we would walk with Thee ; Be Thou our Guide Over life's troubled sea, Thro' every tide- Over the harbor baiv Where the wild billows are— , When heaven seems afar. Stay by our side I Earth can poor comfort give, Evenarbest: ' ' • In Thee alone we liv0. In Thee we restiV ' Thou art our God^ld King ! Of Thy great Jjive we sing I O may Thy Spirit bring Peace to our breast I Friend of the sinner; Friend Of all who pray I Out from Thy glory send Light on our way I lighten each gloomy part, Lift up each weary heart,* "^d to #sh soul impart Heave n 's bright ray I ,* "^ - . t: V^^ ,--.'5'' ■*■■"■/ - '%'^r . A .1^ ,1* •> W| ■ •AiM REST FOUND ONL:/ IN ACTION. A little boon, O Ix>rd^ I cravp ; ^/ 6 grant my heart its needed rest 1 Tis said. "There's rest beyond the grave. :^ But cruel is th' untimely jest. Oive me to know Thy gracious will, ^ ■ Clear knowledge of Thyself impart, % That so my soul may drink its fill X Of Ufc, which Thou the (.iver art ! How may I comprehend the way Of wicked men, so flourishing, ^ho never unto Thee do pray. Nor ever of Thy:sweet love si ng? -I^hou look'st with Thi«e all-seeing Eye ^ Upon the evil and the good : ♦> Our thoughts arc born of jealousy. And envy whelms us as a flood. Thou Jrt Uie Way,4e Truth, the Life, Wherein dwells peace and charity ;—/ -«0 weary soul, with self at strile, ^ q^se thy complaining, and be free . : -liv line thro^t^^ the earth hast gone, * ^^ ' l4ou canst not miss it if thou would : Thy heart can ne'er find .est upon ^^ Aught dther ground, but doing good. \ y' ' r- r-, lit /?. vk. ix>,CALL fo« THiiii Wants OH Prescription Drugo/st, 7S SPARKS STREET, :-.<^ -tn 19 ^, ELCOME 1 OUNq f^i EOPtJB ; fj"*" "^ roa W OMrttMF^ We ^rilI noc bother you to bay. B«willbeple«ed'todK,w^-, S«»e ^ery iot«re«ing line, in ont towfe Bank St Stationer, Bddkseiter <"«^ «** Siwrt ft»^yt«ii. fci, i|j>;«5 JAMES HOPE Bookbtmlen. Pr liiUr# • •"V UrOSRORT OTTiWi iTimURT IBBIJ sooim. '^^ A ftiU ttne of Church Book«. OORNCR 8PARK8 AND ItQiN aT8.. OTTAWA. i: >t; / fi*" Callars and Ncclovcat #.. ^^ * 4g ^gKS STRgET, ■■■■♦. pt ,» - * 3.'? Wh«n yoM^iM^ T*»«« th« Wiii.,^, a^tf Don't Puy A PIANO IN A HURRY. AT LEAST NOT TILL YOU HAVE 8CEN The Matchless KaVn WE HAVE SOME NEW ARTISTIC OiSldNa :: WAREROOMS, 62 BANK ST. R. F. Lancford, Manager, "C^ iHf r*yr^ >* 1/ V /' #" ^6si^^^+^^ .^'. ,.*. >" -*» ^^ •■ ..; ■,. .' ■ ■ \ ' ./■ ■ ■ ■■ '■•,.. '.;■■. ■■'■■■■ •-.■■•■.■ .■ ■■■■-."■ ."'.'■■ ' ■' .*V- ■■.' ■ ' ■ '-- ■. •:V V- .- ■ ff ' "■■ - ■■*■■, ■■;'■' " ■■■ ■"■' ^ ■ . ■ ' ■ -4\ //•;■ ■ - » /", * . .. ' ■ * .'■■ .^^ i k."-'- ■ .' ^ Af^ k ,, ■ ' ■ il ■ . ■' •-■-.--.■ ■ *i ■ "^!' IKK '' ' ^^H ■ ^^^ ■ f ■ : ■ - • ^fe--; ■ , ^H ■ ^L^ \ " '•■-''''': ■ ' ■ . .1 . .' ■ :' J '--■ \ .<.-■;• \ 1 ■■' ,*.. -m *■ ■ '* y l^.■.■ ■-■■■. • ^^^^ ~ id ^^^^r^ ■ • ■ ■^*'' ■ . -. ;:^, \ / " . r " ■ t '■ ■ ■■ '■ %.. ■.'■-■ - . . ■ ■ ■ ■'. ■ .r ■ ■■^^^^^^['M- ': L_^.. " * ^^ V it f'-^-rr- -r'r ......; .,.._;. ^ \ ... - ■ '■-■■*■.-■■ ' \ .■ ■ ^' ■■ ■ . iKse^-sif-. -. ■ ■ " . k ■ " ' * ^■^^^L>\n , •>v ■ ■ , ■■'_■■■ ■ ■ I- * >' ' *^ \ V • - Vs „ y n • J - , , . ..." ..■ '": ■ '"■.'■'• ■ '■' ^ ■■ • . ■ ' ■ ' .;■: ' - - * '■' \ '/-■,;■■■•■ V ■ :: .■^•■>V^: