"^Hl IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) !.0 M n^ l^||2J |2.5 |io ■^^™ M^H ■^ 1^ 12.2 H' I!* 144 ""^ ^ H^ 11 2.0 ■a •a u fUUb "^ II 1.4 6" III 1.6 ' V] yl ^;. C^^^ 'V > olure. 3 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^"•I. an,l lv,,r Mr,..tl„«,. l-«H.KK,i lox, J„lv 2«,|,, „s,6. Mur due ,„„,ulw,i„„ ,vitl, ,1,,- l!i*,„„ ,„■ V ,. . -1.«.'iY^xr ,., . I" the Commln '' -''^ '^ ' ^ >N. C'/wyvw// -=*r"'""-- "— ....^ .„.„.„ „ ,_„^- FORMS OF CONSECRATION, &c. II. A. CkOl'LKV, PUINTEU, I'KKDKKK 'ION, N. R REMARPCS. '§mh'^f4ff'P>'l:ltm ?)| a ■^fyiftlj ^i.f fjfypt^ii^l The Hisliop is rcecivcil at the iIiidi- of ilu- t'luiich l)y tlie Clergy (wcaiiiif; sur))lices|, Cluircli \Vanlen>., and others. The followiiii^r petition, si^fneii l)y the donor of the site, the Uectoi, (Inirch Wardens and others, is read and presented to the Ui'^lioii, prayini; for the eonsecration of the ( hiircli : R'.etor, (luiri'li Warden or Deputy, M\ 1.1 IK I >, I hum lily desire in my own name, and in the name of the rest of the Parishioners of tliis I'arish, tliat your l,ordshi|) would lie pleased to proceed to conseerate this new Church (or Chapel) and lUirying '. iround aeeoidin},' le will lay limit, ur if ihvrc /»■ nniirii iiuiiiitniii on the Holy Table, and then standing at the North side thereof, and turning to .ireiiilimnifiih, titi.s iv tnhfom'ltnl. the Congregation, he shall say to them as follows, or otherwise.at his discretion, DEARLY beloved in the Lord, Forasmuch as devout and holy men, as well under the Law as under the (losj)el, moved either by the secret ins])irati()n of the bles.sed Spirit, or by exi^ress command of (jod, or by their own reason and sense of the natural decency of things, have erected houses for the jjublic worship ol" (lod, and have separated them from all profane and common uses, in order io fill men's minds with greater reverence for His glorious Majesty, and affect their hearts with more devotion and huinility in His ser- vice ; which pious works our heavenly Father hath vouchsafed to approve and accept; let us not doubt but he will also graciously approve this our godly purpose of setting apart this place in solemn manner to religious worshij). and let us faithfully and devoutly beg his bles.sing on this undertaking, and s.ay. REMARKS. .6 I llun all kneelini; .lowii, ihe Kishop will ^ay the I'laycr follcwinK: OKl'KRNAL (lOl). mighty in power, of majesty incomprehensible, whom the heaven V,f heavens , annot r.ontain, much less the walls u( temples made wth hands, and who vet has been graciously pleased to pi-.mise thy especuvl presence m wlvitsoever pl'-j^;: ^^en wo o three of thy faithful servants shall assemble in thy name to offer u,, the.r supphcat.ons md"hei^ praises u. thee ; vouchsafe, () l-ord. to he now present with us, who are gatne .d Sre tolhe to c..nse.;ate this place, with all humility and reachness ot heart, to the Sonor ofth; reat Na.ne, separating it henceforth fron. all -'^^^''--f '•"'•"-y--^,,":^.;™ uses and dedicating it entirely to thy servue, tor readmg therem thy most holy U ord, lor e d\ra ng d y holv Sacran^ents, for offering to thy glorious Majesty t e sacrifice ol prayer S fe'iv^ng. for blessing thy people in thy Name, and k.r all other h<.ly Ordinances ^cit ) 1 this servi.c at 'our hands, and bless it with such success as may mos 'tend u, thy gk^ry and the furtherance of our happiness both temporal and spiritual, through fesus Christ our blessed Lord and Saviour. A.mkn. ACltr liiis ill*" Hi^li'M' ^l'^*" '^'^y' RF(; \R1) () l-nrd, the supplications of thy servants, and grant that vyhosoever shall be '' lech ci-d to thl-e in this house by Baptism, may be sanctified with the Ho y^,ho^ . delivered from thv wrath and eternal death, and made a living member of (..hrist s Church, and nSy ever remain in the number of thy taithlul and ele ,o CAerg)- is lo rfad |nil.licly (having l.ccn direclcl so to -lo l.y llu' llishop) tin- si-ntoiKc of ( 'onwcratioii. Ilicn llif < )tVuialinn Minister ic:i. ^ ,.|^^. SecoiKl. Ili'l.r. x., v. 191026, Instead of ihf (.ollcct for lliu Day, the Hisliop says the follnwinn I'rayer : 0\U)Sr hlossod Siiviotir. who l)v thy gracious presence at the Keast of Dedication, (litlst a|)|)ro\v and honor lliese and such like religious servicrs, he pleased so to possess our souls by liiy grace, that we may he living temples, holy and acceptable unto Thee : and being cleansed from all carnal and corrupt affections, may be devoutly given to serve Thee in good works, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy (ihost. ever one (lod, world without end. Amkn. l-hcn llic Minister proceeds in the Service .if the Day, lo the end of the (ieneral riuuiksyiving. after which the Uislio). -,ays the foliowiny I'rayer : Bl.KSSl': 1 ) be thy name, () I ,ord, that it hath i)leased thee to put into the heart of thy .SVy- vanis to erect this house to thy iionor and worship. Bless, () Lord, //lew, f/ieir faiiiih, and their substance, and accept the work of their hands ; remeniher them concerning this :' wipe not out this kindness that thev have shewed for the House of God. and the offices thereof; and grant that all who shall enjoy the benefit of this pious work, may shew forth their thankfulness by making a right use of it, to the glory of thy blessed name ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amkn. Then the Minister wlio otTiciates is to ^'., .m with the " Trayer of St. Chiysostom." mid the "(iraee of our Lord Jesus Christ." Tlien a Hymn is to l)c sunj;. Then tiie Hisho|) ])rocee(is to the (.'oinniunion .Service, ami instead of the ( ollect fir the day, is to l)c used the following C'ollect : OMOST glorious Lord (Jod, we acknowledge that we are not worthy to offer unto 'I'hee any thing belonging to us ; yet we beseech I'hee, in thy gretn goodness, graciously to accept of the dedication of this i)lace to Thy service, and to i)rosi)ir this our undertak- ing : Fill us. we beseech Thee, with an awful dread of thy Divine Majesty, and with a deep sense of our unworthiness ; that so approaching thy sanctuary with lowliness and devotion, and coming beftjre 'I'hee with clean thoughts, pure hearts, with bodies tindefiled, and minds sanctified, we may always render a service acceptable to Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amkn. 'I'lien is to lie read the Kpistle. 1st Corinthians iii., v. 16 to the w\. or Kphe^ians, ii. 13 lo the end. 16. Knew ye not that ye are the temi)le of Cod. and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in ^'17. If any man deiile the temple of (Jod, him shall Ciod destroy : for the temple of God is holy ; which temple ye are. ... 18. Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seeiiietli to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that lie may be wise. ,, , u 1 y. l<'or the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, " He taketh the wise in his own t raftiness." . ,^ 20. And again, "The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain. 21 Therefore let no man glory in men : for all things are yours. 2 2. Whether Paul, or A])ollos, or Cephas, or the world, or hie, or death, or tilings present, or things to come ; all are yours ; 23. And ye are (/hrists ; and Christ is God's. Here endcth the Epistle. !l( 8 REMARKS. Ilif iMitpcl, Si. John \.. v. ii u. 17, oi loliii ii. v. 1,}. , , I u,i ilir (,.hm1 Slu'plK-nl : the (".u.xl Slu-pherd K'v^'th his life for the sheep. ■ 2 Itiit he that IS ;ui hiroliiiK. an'^' i^ ^^" '^"■'•''"«- '^"'' ?'''^] ""' '"' the slieep. ,4 1 am the C.oo.l Shepher.l. anr >UI1«. 'm^ (I'rman. ,, I „l, I „,J du-uir.Mii.iv-.oMti.iKC-tri™l. -.111(1 ilit':ilii>--i»-'vt'ii'iilly|Hi-sc-.ilcin)y the IVishop, ""^ :;::':::« 'w:^^lo^l^ I i!;ivS.;:;:u^ u. u„u,h. , , th. Hi^n..,.. .1.,- snan h.in.i.iy ...cscn. 'then. ..n the Holy I'al.l.'. ivn.i ^ay thu f..ll,.winK I'mycr ; MOST blessed l.onl. aceept. we beseech Thee, of the oblation we make into Thee of tl e e Vessels. whi.:h Jo humbly dedicate to thy D.v.ne Serviee at thy Holy I able. .\nd as v. low give them u,. wholly to thy use in the min.str.at.on ot the Holy Commu- mon ri rist's iKxly and blo'od. so we pray thee to receive them f,.r th,.K- own Preserve l.em tro.n be.ng a.iy way profane. I ; and bei.ig here set apart and eonsecrated by our offil-eand tninis'ryt.^hyservicx-.let the.n always continue to be so ctnployed. through Jesus Christ Our only Lord and Saviou.-. Amkn. the rest of ihc si-ivicc tor Holy lomm" "on. 10 REMARKS. II • f •FJi 1^ 11 '§'DSi^ttN!tl}lmi flf W^M^^I^-Biw^s -m f f?^^^1 t.-CONSECKAlIOX 0|- A CKURCH-YARI). I'OdiyiHKR U IIH A CHURCH. Hcfu'.i' "I- altor Scivice in llic Cliiii-cli, ilicj U',sli(i|), (-"Icrj,'}', aiih()|i standinj; in the |)lace prfimivd foi- the pcrfDrmance of thu OffK'c, the Act oi Sentence of ( 'onsecnition shall he read hy one of the I'lergy, and sitjir-«p ^ he /> ^/«^ ^ &^^2Aj(^ yfc ^£^r / " /J ;.< »/^*r^/ >^*'^ ^/'/^ ■ '^Z*-'-* '^ ^^ 15 i ^m^m fm^ fin pukimm 4 m.mMm^ h ilipjf % PltOl'RU PsALiMS,— 12!2, 132, 133. l.st Lesson. — Ezckioi 33 to end of vcr^e 9. 2iid Lesson. — St. Luke 10 to end ofveisc'lB EPI8T..K Fo.: TiiK Dav. l.t TIu..s.salonians, 2nd Chapter, to end (,f verse 13 Gosi'KL Fou TIIK Day. — .John 10, to veivse 19 roLi KCT FOH THE Day. -O Eternal (iod, the <,nvc.r of all j;<,od gifts, who ot thy Divine Providence ha.t ordained divers orders in thy ('hurch ese replenish him with the truth <,f thy doctrine, and endue him with innocency of life, tliat he may faithfully serve hefore thee to the crjorv ot thy great name and the heneHt of thy Holy Church ; through Jesus Christ s|-ul, i> to l,e theColkvl f,,,- St. SimonVatvl St. Ju.lc's Day, jF— C'dllcct ill lliL' c:(;niiiiuiiii)n Service lioforo the (!( and also that f(jr All Saints' Dav. A Sermon may he preached l)y the Minister now instituted, or l,v some other C'leiyyman '^''x:^^.^:^.:^::^^'''^''' '"^'--^ the . benediction, the insnu.ted Minister shall, Q MObl glorious Lord God, 1 acknowledge that I tim unworthy that I W should serve under thy roof: yet be graciously please.) to accept the dedication ot myself to tliy service in this Parish, and to pros{)er all mv inder- takings. 1^,11 me with an iiwful dread of thy Divine .Majesty .ihd with a deen sense of my un worthiness : that approt.ching thy Sanctuary with lowliness and devotion w.th clean thoughts tmd a pure heart, I may .dvvays perform a service accepttihle to tliee ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. A.vien. pNABLE me U Lord, both by my life and doctrine to set forth thy holv J_j vvord, and rightly and duly to administer thy Holv Sacrameiits. And to all thy people give thy heavenly grace: and especially to those who aro here placed under my Ministry, that, with meek heart and due reverence thev may hear and receive thy Holy Word, anc: thtit they, and all who profess and call themselves Christians, may hold the faith in unity of spirit, in the bond of peace, and m righteousness of life, and may be numbered with thv Saints in glory everliisting. Amen. The Minister instituted, shall, if the Bishop be not present, i)ronounce the Benediction After induction the Alinister institute.1 is on some following Sunday, as soon as may be, to read the Thirty N me Articles pul.hcly m .he Church, ami declare his unfeigncl assent ami consent to all that scon" tamed m them, and m the J?ook of Common I'rayer. '-°"" A l.:ertiticate of this havini,' been done is to be sent to the Bisho|). /\.' TW- 16 REMARKS. (km ■■S- * <*•