VTT.; IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^ :/- •^ '\ -' ^ ^ 1.0 1.1 ? itt l&i 12.2 S lift ^ *■,/ "N ij Sciences iiMrii^ii[|]i \ 23 WEST MAIN SiTREET WEBSTER, N.Y. T4580 (716) •72-4503 \ •^ CIHM Microfiche ' Series (Monograplis) V IGMH / Collection de microfiches (monograptiies) ■ - •■■■ " ' ' 'T ■- ■ ■ ■■ '• " Canadian InttituM for Historical MIcroreproductiont / Inatitut Canadian da microraproductlona hiatorlquaa >^^^^ " y :f ■ ■ '■«s>»-; ■ . ■■ ■ .""">-"-:^„ _-_ ^ . ■ ..^. . ; .;■ / \ ■ i 1 li Dk^ J , . ■ }■'■ ,'■■■"* ' .■ ■' " Q / 1 ^^.1 ^ 7' ^^^^^^^^^^^B^ - .-» , - - J ■ ■ « ■ - <*. ■ \ ^ :, ■Js ' " ■ ' . ' 'y \ ■'., ■■ /;^"";;^ "^ ■. .'' ■' Vr.. ,'..."■ , " e TMhrticiri and BibNofrapliic Notn / NotM twhniquM tt MMiotraphiquM Th* Initituta hat antrnptad to obtain tha bait ori«inal copy availabia for fUminfl. Faatiirat of thi* copy which may ba MMiptraphlcally uniqua, which may altar any of tha imatai in tha raproduction. or which may . •i9nificafltiy chanfi tha usual mathod of filmin*. ara chackad balow, L'inttitut a microf ilm4 la maillaur aMamplaira qu'ii lui a M potsiMa da M proeurar. Lat d*tailf da cat aMamplaira qui das taux da reduction dlff*ranta. Lorsque ie document est trop grand pour 6tra reproduit en un seul clich*. II est film* A partir .,^ da I'angle sup6rieur gauche, da gauche * drolta. i; et de haut en bas, an pranantia nombra ■ d'lmagas nAdiBssalra. Laa d{agramnf)aa aulvanta ■ Ulustrant la mithoda. \ .3k 1 ■ * 3 , TOBOWfO A POTIOg fiAftT, ^TALOGUE^ OJ 8TANDABD AND MBCELLANBOtS '■•'"•^iss^^ ^^?: ^ TOBBsOLI^r ^ tJBLio AUqa?io3sr, AT THE SiilBcnliert BfloiDs, Jo. 5/, rii| SlTO^^ ON THE EVENINGS OF «»• lrt.5tod «ad ard December, 1884. ; -^•^WOIMWV, «^ . '* % ms TOooioiENCB EACH BVENiNO AT70'ClS^ »-TRItM« OA«H. ) feckiSS;.;;?*. iSkJLi. i: 2« # ' S rJl,. X ■«: ■; CATJLLOGITE OF BOOKS. ,■ Holiday,. Th,«,"„5i''''P°''"'"- *^»"''«.*''ank'. 7-Life of Moaart. By Holmes. Loclchart»« r r r TwovcJ* ^"' ^'^^^^^'g^- Tales and Sketche.. li-McMurtries Scleatific Lexicon. Mills» Rh.t.^ ^ Bellew-Leftres. Jai^inC pS« ™"l^^,**netonc and I«— Sacred Mittio, In fooroitt. S.«r2.> "-''•rS?tJ^^^?>w..d •'-^'^gr' -'*'«<9 *^'^»"^'»M^<«*». TWO ,#^ *■■ LOt cS. ••"-""i^o volt. . _ „._ n, AmoU. Eng- "dJ. M-Men^^-^ Two "1.. • „„,.,. Eng. *li. ^^-^^7: l»WO«.l.- B,c.»t social „ K,-Beii.TCn'«Nali»«l"''~KS-,-, Three vol". ^S»„ ..nu^enuy <)>k Pi ose Composition. S vols. 8vo. Eng. , 81 — Complete Practicsl Brewen Pmotical Distiller. . ' Nicholl's Natural Theologv. Three vols. 8'2^-^8B8ar'8 Commemaried. Translated by 'Duncan, Svo. \ .' •4— Mlllf Potto mnA TIm*^ ^ .. I 39-*.A|axifna of Wa«hiiii»t«n a J ** ^^''■- \ ill^Wa,"^'i?r^-"»«^^Sao'p^^^^ ^?»*- ««--Surenne> New French MmS^I Cdkimp . . Speoulatiw PhU«aoDhv nT^^^' « Greet Ac^my Ap Sbtli'^'.'- .'^"«- Z*^*- Prosody. 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Eng. edi. 1 17-r-FiakeyClaMloal Antiqaitiea. BMiUiftiUif UluMtraUsd. « Modem Britiah EseayiM. AHmb. Bvo. edi. Two US— Roemer*a Polyglot Reivl9r<--Jtalian. , Flrat Italian Book. Bv PefTeri^na Turnei, Sir Roger de Goverly. Tkre0y/in< v /, ,, 111— Modern Bi>ti.<«h E«»ji^i«ii : Taironnl and Stephens. 8va Dr. Both'i Gdre oi Chronio Diaeaaea by Move- /ment 8vibC Entr. Edi 110— EiEpanaivex^eam Hnffines, aa employed in Manuftie- / turejifJto. By H ^, .»Kit\^ . > -p.^ ■,; ■ - IH^r^roson's Euelld : the first 6 Book*, and I Ith aad ISlli. p;i J9j^ S. Maynard. Fiw oopiea, jgog, edi. n- ■ -' ^^-- ■■■ - .■: ■,■ •. ■ ; • ■ ■.:'■ ''-...■ .' ' ■■:..■ ■" . '\ ' .■■'.>- . ■■ ■ .,■..■"■■• ■ -^ ■ ■ . -■ .■ . ■ / ■k*.-- pt.*,™-. ^ >.. LOT 14« V ^"«»'»- 8VO e" fj^ «>^™«» Mind, fly 146-N.pier.sElectro.MeXly •',»„.,,. ^ ^ wg Purpose.. Eoir edi Ju*^ i!, *** ***'*nfi>c«ar- Guide. 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Item Copiea. 215— Collofs Dramatic French Reader— Tyler's Ctermania and Agricob of Tacitus with Notes— Leverett's Juvenal, witli Notes. Three vols. ^ , .„. \ ^ 216— 'Robertson's Philosophy of GrammaP— Wilson's First, Sec- ond. Third, and Fourth Headers. Profusely illustrated. Nine vols. ^ 217— Bowan's Modem French Beader, revised hj Jewett— Eng- lish into French i a book of Practice in French Con- rersatioB— Liberia* or Mr.' Peyton's Eiperiments. By Mrs. Hale— Lee's Master Bai]|der, or Life at a Trade. 'Fourv<|)|). { -iV ^«' J^t'-' c X, IS . LOT ^ B.r. Dr. 8e.w„', SS" ~*?7 •» »*• Oonrtita«„n. \, ■<• - -■>l"r- '■T^ WHW-''' ^'7^^- ^1^ . * ■ ,.j Y\ ] *-■ te ■ '/-■■■ LOT MfV-Seulptura. wd the PlMtio Art. ^ . ^ ^ AnDud ©f Soienkillo DaooTery— Ftota of S«i«Btiflo Art. 24l--I>r. Peretra's Food and Diet, with Dictetioal Begimen on • Indigestion. Ac. 8f». 242^De Quinoey's Theological EMayi. Two tols. M8~.Oomediee of Tbrenoe. Fablea of PhMdroe. litenllr tnntlatei br mie^. (BohaV>—Mt». 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Em,p.„, Ch„„h™« ii c.a.3i B'ri,,^»'* '"h. «M-C,.lop,di. of D„„«„,j„ si„„ ..^''iri*': -ArnofBTSelectiona from Ciew» witu v^ u ^ wo— CooiedieiofPflutui litMmlVw* i • ^^ lUiu. ■" Mf. ■s i «.j r ;■' n " , > ■■r i ( >\ ' , \/ c -«< mi' // ^ I • tS|r'* f*'«v f '"^'y^.-y l>"~' j4 fs r ; • :$-^ LOT 474- ■CooWy'i Cjdopsdia of Six Thousand Practiotl Beoo^tK,' ,^ u 8to. 476— Qicon'i EflMtt, with Annotationi. Br Archbp. WhttolV^ :: /^8fO.' Eag.edi.'^-V;v^'V \:^*;.--:.:'>:;:. ' .-^-:'-:;'-;^ ; 476— Dr. ArnbldV Anticl«ptie Gndusi Ibniititfdd ott <^ie1)erftto TjheBaunu Poeticus Linguae Latiniae. 8ro. Eng. edi. 477— ■Fantier'a and Flanter^s Enoyclopttdia of Btkral Afikira, widi feceat diacoToriea ih Agricnltiinl Obemiatiry. Bjr Cufih* bert Johnion. Boyal 8?o. • 478— Element* of Logic. ..ByArobbp.Wbately. 870. Bog. edi.' 470 — Memoira*.of tbe Qneena of Stance. By Busb. !Rpo toIi. 480— Lee'a Master Builder— Soulptore and tbe Plastic Art. 481 — Lardner on the Steam Engine. lUuBtrated. 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Eng. edL Schiller^s William Tell : a Drama, in five acts. < 488— Stevenson's Coniposition of Hydrogen. ;; > 494— Arnold's Second German' Beading Book. Eng. edii. 495— Erancia* Chemical Experiments. lUustrated. 8vo. Eng. edi. 496— Bobertson's FhUosophy of Grammar. Mve copies. 497— Wilkttrilorist Cultivator. Eng. edi. * ; M^^e Farmei^s Manud. Eng. edi. 498 — Sacred Mupic. In four parts. 10 copies. J^; , ... 499-^l^et^s Elements of G^nend History. 6007-Treffo's Geography oT Pennsylvania. Soheau'a Lc^isac** French Grammilr. ;:5l' *wa 1 1 I ''J * .■*' "■■■"'■■.■■'"■■■- ^ •**'■.. l"^ mk iM aiMi I^Hg '" • ■ ' '■■•••',. ' '" . ' ■ •■ ■ .. -'. * ', (~ •< . # .» ' ■ V . ■ ■ ■ - '' -S ■ "' . ' ■ S . ''' t\ -■ : ;- , \ ^^ ^W ,\. \ w ■ - , ■■ ■;■ ■■■. ■ .■■ \ . ^ W * ■:..-■■- ■- .; \ ■ ■ \ ■ ■ : ■ 1 V « ■ '. ^: '^'■■■ -■' . ■ ■ - ■. ' . ■ - ■ \ . 'i ' ■_ ■ ' - i" » • "' ^ ■■*■ V;--.-^;^; :■ V "v •"' / •: ^ f' f ■ .;* ' ^■■■"* ' — '—- " - :^.>- . >- '^ '".■'■-■• '.--' T • "'■>•■ - ■ ■ ■V. * 1 J V "'• '^ -" ■■.. " •'" ) ■ ..■-."■ o m- •n ih % ^