^, ^?^v:: IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^S -% // ' ....-............. 34 Revenue establishment...... 24 Outport sub-collectors 24 Preventive officers ...........' 24 Customs' departmeiit 24 Treasury department ■,■. 25 Road Commissipners, ................................... I..... 28—35 Rates of Pilotage .^nd.Tow^ge 90 Royal Family of Great 3ritajn.. «.... 21 Surveyor General's Department 25 I^eputy Surveyors..............; 25 Surveyors UhUer Agricultural Act, 1888 25 Superintended' of Mercantile Marine 25 St. Bonaveniure's' College........ 94 Stipendiary M&gistrates......... ....;..;.;-. 87 Tarifl...^,..,......^... 105—108 Vice-Admirahy Court 86 Weather, table...... 7 fL.iidMW£i«'ih7f-i)gn iii!m 1889] THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. ECLIPSES FOR YEAR 1889. In the Year 1889 there will be three Eclipses of the Sun and two of the Moon. L—A Total Eclipse ofihi SUN, January /, i88<>r- Ilaihor Roclc. <^ape F<>K<' Offer WatUiam Funk Island Cape Frei'l>— South l»lll Grt'f nspond Island . . OffiT GooMflKTiy Island ('iipu Boiiavista— Gnll Islmul. . .. . .. rataliita Ilaibor North Head Horsecliops Trinity Ilaibnr — (Mitrunce Bonarentuic II* ad BHOcallc-ii Island— Nonh Point. Ca\'V St. FnincKs Cape Sppar C'lpf Broyli'— N< rth I'oint, ('ape Ballard Cape Race Virgin Rocks Capo Pine Tape St. Mary f Placentia Hail)>r Mortier Rocks — mid ( "ape Chapeau rouge ... Point May St. Peters Island Mglit,liou«e Cape Miquelun Lat. N. LON. W. n o 47 48 49 50 61 51 51 50 50 40 49 49 49 49 49 49 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 47 47 47 46 4G 4G 4C 46 47 47 46 46 46 47 37 8 28 54 66 12 41 80 1 37 38 59 41 59 80 80 28 40 87 80 44 21 18 40 7 80 68 80 42 40 82 28 21 80 22 30 16 SO 9 48 4 30 63 3 52 46 46 39 43 26 33 37 14 49 25 15 11 2 54 19 54 46 52 8 11 I 59 59 67 67 67 55 55 55 56 56 54 53 63 68 63 53 53 52 52 53 53 63 52 52 52 52 62 52 50 63 54 63 54 55 65 56 56 II 17 2 14 26 51 16 24 6 48 30 27 2 25 47 41 20 64 40 7 20 24 31 fl 27 59 20 66 6 8 80 11 30 18 10 44 46 43 41 38 80 67 27 63 20 69 10 66 35 30 8 45 65 H 52 ^0 30 69 8 44 19 30 True latitude of Church Hill 47" 34' North. Longitude (west of Greenwich) 62*42' West. Variation oi the Compass 32° 30' and increa- t-ing seven seconds annually. Note. — The tide table in the calendar pages may he rendered applicable to various other places on the coast by simply adding or subtracting, as the case may be. the difference between the times of hi^h wat^r on the full and change ot the Moon at St. John 8, and the time of the full tide at any other harbor; forei- ample, to find the time of high water at any of the principal har- bors of Conception Bay, add 45 minutes to the time at which it will be high water at St. John's; for Placentia Bay add 2 hours; for St. Pierre, Ih, 50m ; for Ferolle, on the North- West Coa*t, 4 hours, &c.— [/Sec table LVIl of Noriega Epitome.'] ippMm THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. .W. ' n 17 2 U 26 61 16 47 24 6 48 30 27 2 26 41 20 64 40 7 24 81 27 20 ! 5& 20 I 66 6 i 8 80 11 30 18 10 44 46 43 41 33 80 67 27 2 63 20 2 69 10 ,0 66 35 3 30 4 8 45 3 66 » 4 62 5 VO 30 6 69 .6 8 44 19 30 lorth. Test, od Increa- ^ rendered V\y adding Lweeo the loon at St. |r; for ex- Iclpal bar- It which it w 2 hours; It Co«t, 4 A Tablt for Ttlling th« Waathfr Through all Iho Lunations of oaeh Yoar, for ever. ThU table Is the resalt of many years actual obdorvatlon ; tbo whole being constnicted on a dne consideration of the attraction of the Snn and Moon in their several positions respecting the Earth, and nvill, by simple inspection, show the observer what kind of weather will most probably follow the entrance of the Moon into any of its quarters, and that so near the truth as to be seldom or never found to fail. ?r-» •So B?d ? (kta •"B B B B B _ "3 'Crq 09 aq OTQ crq ^'""^_ 5p«5-s s;- to a •♦o'p. i* ^ d B O ►1 ^ O W *^ *^ ''d e^rt* £0 CD C9 PS • C^ M« »■-• M« M« •*?■ B •< r* "^ g' CO [t 5 ^ o o St v> -^ O B ■^ O. C0!2| No P B B OS B O o >^ 1-1 p B O 5?-p B ® S® b"2 B- -^§ S B p sj «i B p S.f? B So ^° a B M S r* • CO A I 8 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [18M CALENDAR FOR YEAR 1B89. imi] Golden Number Epact * Solar Cycle aa Dominical Letter F Roman Indiction 3 Julian Period 6603 Fixed and Movable Feasts, ftc. 6 17 10 Epiphany vJ'^"' Septuagesima Sunday Feb. St David Mar. Quinquagesima— Shrove Sunday Ash Wednesday Quadragesima — ist Sun. in Lent St. Patrick 17 Annunciation— I^dy Day 35 Palm Sunday April 14 Good Friday 19 Easter Sunday ai St. George 33 Low Sunday a8 Birth of Queen Victoria May 34 Rogation Sunday, May 96 Ascension D. — Holy Thursday. . 30 Pentecost— Whit Sunday ... J une 9 Trinity Sunday x6 Corpus Christi ao Accession of Queen Victoria ao Proclamation ai St John Baptist— Midsum. Day. 34 St Michael Michaelmas D, Sep ag Birth of Prince of Wales. . . . Nov. 9 St. Andrew 30 1st Sunday in Advent Dec. 1 St. Thomas. ai Christmas Day 35 I :i_ w a 1 =' ;^-' 1 ^ ■ »> H ft ■ Q •^^ The Year Five Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty of the Jewish Era comaienues on September 26, 1889. Bamadan (Month of Abstinence observed by the Turks) com- mences on May 1, 1889. The Year One Thousand Three Hundred and Seven of the Ho- hanimcdun Era couimences on August 28, 1889. A TABLE, Shewing the Difference of Time at Various Places on the Globe, as compared with St. John's, N.F. When it is noon at St. John's it is— 18 minutes past 11 o'clock, A.M., at Charlottetown, P.E.L 2 •a B ?s §> 17 13 so 47 46 34 30 33 31 14 30 20 36 50 8 do II do do II do do 10 do do 10 do do 10 do do 10 do do 10 do do 10 do do 7 do do 7 do do ' 3 P.M. do 4 do do 5 do do 5 do do 8 do do IX do HaMfiu. St. John, N.B. Portland, Me. Boston, Mass. Quebec. New York. Philadelphia. Washington. San Francisco, California. St. Juan, Vaccouvers Island. Greenwich. Rome. Constantinople. Jerusalem. Madras, East Indies. Canton. KiK.ST (>| Fi'i.r, Mo lis, St. h.i 71 71 75 7/; 7fi 7 f» 7 r, m m I i> 7 6i 7C,\ 7 5 r w Til V .s Sir. M T W ih [10 I'' ,11 S 12 M U T W ih F 8 Su.j20 M 21 T 122 W l2a Th 24 i> 251 S ,26 Su.27 M ,'28 T |2» W I;J0| Ti. |;iil 7C,{ 7r>( 7 4! 7 4f 74; 7 4(i 7 45 7 44 7 44 7 4.'} 7 42 7 41 7 40 7,'J8 7. '{7 7ac 7 ,'j5i 7 3.'{' '•Kpipliany. h.30 10, I'en '■1. James Wat ijuii4ll«n^' iHt tlay, Ab., Him., MorniDg.r FiitsT Oir.\i('iKic Hill tlay, Uli., lOm., MornloK. ¥vi.\. Moon iOili ' Imht (jrAiMKK '24th tluy, Ob., 'Mm., Morn*iH{. Nkw Moon auth day, Tib., IJUiu , Kvuiiing. ^ v Sun ri.Hti.s Sun Sttl.H (/. app. time. C Kqua. 'i/ •:i Iliyh n liter at 1 |» at C) : SI. Jufm\i. Snn'a Decli- nalivn. lime, add. St. John's. h. ni.'li. m / II . II m. H. : H. a. m.lp. m* T 1 7 6.') 4 13 S 22 5S 6 13 00 4 48 1 181 7 00 7 30 W 2 7 54 4 14 22 52 39 3 14 14 4 28 ({5 1 1(H; 7 47 8 n Tl. 3 7 54 4 15 2'1 40 40 2 15 28 4 50 45 1 150 8l>4 8 48 V 4 7 rA 4 10 22 40 25 10 41 5 23 83 1 J 31 9o4 1) 28 S 5 7 54; 4 17 22 33 38 7 17 53 5 50 70 I 112 » 47,10 11 Sr. 7 r>4 4 1!» 22 20 24 7 18 04 17 21 I 092 10 20,10 53 M 7 7 Ml 4 LH) 22 18 44 1 19 74 43 10 1 070 11 15 11 30 T 8 7 5.i' 4 21 22 10 37 2 20 &3 7 8 58 1 047 1141 • • • • w y 7 6S 4 '22 22 2 4 2 21 01 7 33 44 1 024 37 1 01 Th iio 7 52 4 24 21 .W 5 4 2i2 08 7 57 7110 990 143 2 07 F 11 7 52 4 26 21 43 41 ^4 04 8 21 .•{9;0 1.74 2 4<^ 3 12 S 12 7 514 20 21 .']3 51 3 =^5 00 8 44 44 947 3 45 4 OU Su. 13 7 51 4 27 21 23 30 7 20 12 « 85 10 920 4 37 5 01 M 14 7 50 4 2'J 21 ]2 57 4 27 14 28 01 892 5 20 6 44 T 15 7 50 4 30 21 I 53 7 28 1(1 9 40 08 864 04 (J 28 W 10 7 4!) 4 .'U 20 50 25 y 2i) 15 10 10 00 834 42 7 00 Th 17 7 4h; 4 33 2^0 ;{8 34 3 30 14 10 29 73 805 7 21 7 45 F 18 7 47' 4 34 20 26 lU 4 31 10 10 48 08 774 8 03 8 27 8 19 7 40, 4 30 I'O 13 41 3 32 06 11 90 744 8 19 8 43 Su. 20 7 45 4 37 20 40 5 33 00 11 24 38 713 9 12 i) 30 M 21 7 44| 4;> 19 47 17 2 33 93 11 41 110 681 949 10 13 T 22 7 44 4 40 10 33 31 8 34 84 11 57 08 660 10 30 10 54 W 23 7 43 4 42 19 19 24 7 35 74 12 12 200 018 U 20III 44 Th 24 7 42! 443 19 4 60 2 30 02 12 20 73 686 01 28 F 25 7 4lj 4 46 18 50 7 37 49 12 40 40 io 563 1 34 1 58 S 26 7 40 4 40 18 34 50 6 38 35 12 63 200 521 300 a 30 Su. 27 7 381 4 48 18 10 20 1 39 18 13 5 39 488 4 10 4 43 M 28 7 37 4 4'' IS 3 35 40 00 13 10 70'0 454 5 14 6 38 T 20 7 3G 4 51 17 47 20 2 40 80 13 27 200 42I oou 24 W 30 7 35, 4 52 17 30 57 4 41 50 13 30 89,0 38C 7 00 7 30 Th 31 7 33' 4 541 S 17 14 10 1 42 35 13 45 75 3521 735 7 50 SIcinoranda, &c.— Janunry 3, Tort Royal, Jamaica, burnt 1703. (i. Kpiphaiiy. 8, Battle of New Orlouns, 1815. 9, R. C. Cathedral opened, 1850. 10, I'enuy I'obt!if,'e, Great Britain, 1840. 14, R. Bruce died, 1611. 15, James Watt born, 173G. 10. Bat. Corunna, 1809. 17. B. Franklin born, nO<5. 19, D. Webster born, 1782. 22, Byron born, 1783. 23, Wm. Pitt Oied, 1800. 24, Fox born, 1749. 27, Mozart died, 1756. 28, Colonial BiUldiiKj opened, 1850. \\ I 10 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [1880 1889] FEBRUARY, 1889. MOON'S PHASES- Calcnlated fl>r Meau Time at Mt. Jolin'8, Newlonudlaud. FiBST QUARTBR 7tli day, 5h., 27in., Moruio^;' Full Moon 15th day, Gb., 46in., Moruing. Last Quarter 22aa day, 8h., 24m., Morniug. ^' Sun rises Sun sets Q. app. time. r, in our. Equa of •2 =C Uigh fT Water at 1 at St. John's. Sun's Decli- nation. S'Z time add. St. John's. h m. h. in. O 1 II >> m. M. 1 s. a. m. |>. III. F 1 7 32 4 66 S 16 67 4 543 10 13 53 79|0 318 8 09 8 33 S 2 7 31 4 67 16 39 41 143 8414 990 283 8 42 9 00 Su 3 7 20 4 69 16 22 44* 55 14 7 37,0 249 9 21 9 45 M 4 7 28 6 10 4 2 G45 25 14 12 92 214 9 50 lO 20 T 5 7 27 6 2 16 46 48 346 93 14 17 03 179 10 38 11 02 W 6 7 26 5 3 16 27 17 9!40 59 14 21 52 146 11 l9 1143 Th 7 7 24 6 6 15 8 31 8 47 24 14 24 59 111 1145 • 1 ■ I F 8 7 22 6 7 14 49 30 5 47 86 14 26 84 077 17 41 S 9 7 20 6 8 14 30 14 3 48 47 14 28 28 044 157 2 21 Su. 10 7 19 6 10 14 10 43 7 40 07 14 28 93 on 3 04 :{ 28 M 11 7 17 6 11 13 60 50 1 49 04 14 28 79 022 4 07 4 31 T 12 7 16 6 12 13 31 950 20 14 27 87 054 4 69 5 23 W 13 7 14 6 13 13 10 49 5 50 74 14 26 18 086 6 42 OOC Th 14 7 12 5 15 12 50 25 4 51 26 14 23 74 117 (5 24 48 F 16 7 11 6 16 12 29 49 051 77 14 20 56 148 7 03 7 27 S 16 7 5 18 12 6 52 20 14 16 65 178 7 35 7 59 Su. 11 7 7 6 19 11 48 (5 52 73 14 J2 04 207 8lC 8 40 M 18 7 (! 6 21 11 26 49 6 53 19 14 74 235 8 49 9 13 T 19 7 4 5 22 11 6 27 63 63 14 77 202 9 23 9 47 W 20 7 3 6 24 10 43 55 4 54 05 13 54 15 289 10 00 10 30 Th 21 7 2 5 25 10 22 13 1 54 40 13 46 89 315 10 50 1120 F 22 7 5 2C 10 21 2 54 86 13 39 02 340 1149 • • • • S 23 6 69 6 27 S) 38 20 1 55 23 13 yO 515 305 1 14 138 Su. 24 6 67 6 29 9 16 10 2 55 59 13 21 51 38!) 2 51 3 15 M 25 6 55 6 30 8 63 61 955 93 13 11 89 412 .'j4H 4 12 T 26 G 62 6 32 8 13 25 60 25 13 1 72 435 4 58 5 22 W 27 6 51 6 34 8 8 31 8 50 56 12 51 00 458 5 44 08 Th 28 4f) 6 36 S 7 40 10 850 85 1 1 12 39 75 479 25 G49 Memoranda, dec— February 2, Caudleinas I)iy. R, Sir Koburt Peel born, 1788. 6, Fish Convention laid before the Legislature, 1857. 8, Mary Q. «f Scots beheaded, 1587. 10, (Jueeii Victoria inarrioii, 1810. 12, Lady Jane Grey beheaded, 1554. 14, St. Valentine's Day. 10, Dr. Kaoti died, 1857. 17, Septuagesinia Sunday; Benevolent Irish Socidy founded, 1806. 22, Wathington born, 1732. 24, St. Mattbias. 27, Long- fellow born, 1807. i1IOON*S Nkw Moo First Qui Last Qua Nkw Moo: ^ ; • ^ Sw ^ ' 0^ rise a» ^ ^ ^ St. h. n F 1 64 S 2 64 Su. 3 04 M 4 64 T 5 6 3 W 6 6 3 Th 7 6.', V 8 6 3: s 9 3( Su. 10 21 M 11 2( T 12 2^ W 13 2i Th 14 6 2C F 15 6 16 8 16 6 It St;. 1 7 6 14 M 1 8 12 T 1 [) 6 1(J W 2 [) (5 « Th 2 1 6 F 2 2 6 4 S 2. J '-i Su. % 1 6 M 2. 5 5S8 T 2( ) 5 GO W 2' ■ 554 Th 2( } 6 52 F 2J > 5 60 S 3( > 5 48 S11.J3I 5 46 Mcnior nOl. 3.Quli] "am 111. die( Wales niarrlei 15, Ciusar assi Newton died, tion-Lady Di L 1889] THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 11 MARCH, 1889. MOON^SI PIIANES-Calculatod t\»r Mean Time at St. Jolftii*N, Nenrfbandland. Nkw Moon Ist day, 6h., dOin., Mornlntc* First Ouartkk Otb day, 2b., 28iii., MorninK. VVJ.h Moon ]6th day, 8b., 17m., Kventng. U8r (2UAKTRR .'iSrd day, :{b., 21m., KvenlDK. Nkw Moon 30tb day, 8b., tim., Kvontii};. ^ N Sun Sun V '^ rises sets s> s» at ^ ^ St. John's. Q. app. time. Sun's Decli- nation. .c-^: Equa. of time. "-I I add F 1 S 2 Su. 3 M 4 T 5 W 6 Th 7 K 8 s 9 Su. 10 M 11 T 12 W 13 Th 14 F 15 S 16 Si;. 17 M 18 T 19 W 20 Th 21 F 22 S 23 liij. 24 M 25 T 2() W 27 Th 28 F 29 S 30 Su. 31 h. m. b. 4C 44 42 40 0.38 fi 30 6 .'.4 G 32 30 28 26 24 22 6 20 6 18 16 6 14 12 6 10 (5 8 in. 5.39 r)4l r>42 fj 14 f) 4/) 5 47 54s 5 r.o 551 5 53 554 5 56 557 5 58 5 5!> 1 6 6 5 58 5 56 5 54 552 56" 5 48 5 46 3 4 6 7 8 10 6 11 6 i;{ 14 16 6 17 6 18 6 20 6 21 23 N 7 • 7 (S 6 5 5 5 4 4 .'{ 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 23 23 (» 28 37 2S 14 23 51 12 27 57 4 41 .'57 14 l7 40 54 10 .30 43 7 8 43 31 10 .02 50 12 32 .30 8 49 45 21 2 25 40 13 3(i 7 25 15 56 35 13 40 23 23 54 47 23 10 48 34 10 67 28 20 41 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 59 50 50 59 59 50 J9 59 59 .5!» j9 59 58 58 58 58 68 58 o^ 57 12 38 62 84 05 23 40 50 69 82 92 01 09 15 19 22 24 24 23 20 16 11 04 96 86 75 62 48 32 16 90 47 29 11 53 34 6 10 58 39 21 2 44 20 8 8 ;; m. R. 12 28 12 15 12 2 11 49 11 .30 11 21 II 7 10 h2 10 37 10 21 10 5 9 49 9 32 9 15 8 58 8 41 8 23 00 74 90 77 10 99 47 54 24 57 56 23 .59 08 51 10 4.S 09 73 61 45 17 84 40 00 60 27 91 Ot 35 18 H. a. m.) 500 7 00 521 7 47 541 8 17 560 8 52 579 9 27 590 10 01 014 10 42 030 11 20 645 11 58 000 1 08 674 2 25 087 3.34 099 4 34 710 5 20 720 6 02 7.30 6 41 738 7 18 745 7 60 751 8 28 750 9 03 760 9 48 703 10 41 (» 765 U 51 706 107 707 2 37 766 3 48 706 4 41 764 5 22 762 5 68 759 7 06| 755 7 25! High Water at St. John's. |i. m. 7 30 811 8 41 9 16 9 61 10 25 1106 1160 • • • ■ 1,32 2 49 3 68 4.50 6 44 6 26 7 05 7 42 8 14 8 52 9 27 10 12 1106 31 01 12 05 46 22 30 4{) Memoranda, dec— Marcb 1, St. David. 2, John Wesley died, 1791. 3, (2uinqua};et>inia—Sbrovc Sunday. C, Ash Wednesday. 8, Wil- liam HI. died, 1702. 10, Quadragesima— Ist Sunday In Lent; Prince of Wales married, 18U3. 12, Assassination of tbc Emperor of Russia, 1881. 16, (.'{usar assassinated, B.C., 44. 17, St. Patrick's Day. 20, Sir Isaao Newton died, 1720. 21, Princess Louise married, 1871. 25, Annunclft. tlon-Lady Day. 28, Kapbael born, U83; Great fire at Jamaica, 1862. I s I u THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [1880 1889] APRIL, 1889. IIIOON*(l PHASES-Calcnlated fbr Mean Time al Mt. Johu*s, Newfbnndland. First Quarter 7th day, lOb., I6ni., Rvnn1n<;. FUIX Moon 15th day, Gli., 48in., Mornin;,'. I1A8T Quarter 2Ub day, lOb., 2i)in., KveniiiK. New Moon 20tb day, lOb., 34in., Mornin;,'. 1 1 Sun rises a St. J Sun sets t ohn*s. 0. app. time. Sun's Decli- nation. Var. in 1 hour. 1 Eqiia. 'f time. suht. »* 1-4 High Water at SI. John\i. li. m h. m. 1 It " Vh. 8. 1 s ii. .imp. 111. M 1 5 44 6 24 N 4 43 50 3 57 70 8 50 mo 751 7 52 8 10 T 2 6 42 25 6 54 57 641 3 32 15 745 8 2(' 8 50 VV 3 5 4U 6 27 5 29 62 2 57 30 6 14 33 740 8 5} 9 2;{ n. 4 5 38 6 28 5 62 44 57 06 2 56 66 733 9 3.*i 9 57 F 5 6 30 6 30 6 15 ao 8 56 79 2 39 13 72(5 10 12 10 3(; 8 6 6 34 6 31 6 38 10 5 56 51 2 21 79 718 10 5(i 11 'iO Su. 7 6 32 6.32 7 43 4 -)6 22 2 4 65 710 11 40 M 8 5 3] 6 33 7 23 9 1 55 91 1 47 72 701 124 148 T 9 6 28 35 7 45 27 1 55 59 1 31 01 691 140 2 04 W 10 6 20 30 8 7 37 2 55 25 1 14 55:0 080 2 5S 3 22 Th 11 6 24 6 38 8 29 39 1 54 90 58 35 609 4 01 4 25 F 12 5 22 30 8 51 32 4 54 53 42 43 0')7 4 53 5 17 8 13 6 20 6 41 13 10 7 .54 15 20 Hi 044 5. '50 00 Su. 14 5 18 42 9 34 51 7 .03 70 11 50 G31 6 19 43 M 15 5 16 6 44 9 56 17 2 53 36 3 47 016 (5 58 722 T 16 5 15 6 45 10 17 32 9 52 04 18 08 001 7 34 7 5S W 17 6 13 46 10 38 38 4 52 51 32 30 584 8 10 8 31 Th 18 6 11 6 48 10 69 33 4 52 07 40 13 507 8 51 9 If) F 19 5 9 6 49 11 20 17 7 51 61 59 54 5J0 9 37 10 01 8 20 6 7 6 50 11 40 50 {» 51 16 1 12 52 531 10 32 10 5(5 .Su. 21 6 r> 6 62 12 1 12 7 r)0 (50 1 25 04 512 1142 . . • • M 22 5 4 6 63 12 21 22 8 .50 17 1 ;{7 n 49.-! 41 1 OS T 23 5 2 54 12 41 20 {» 49 (16 1 48 71 473 2 1.-. 2 31! W 24 6 6 60 13 1 .('• (5 19 14 I 59 8'2() 4r,;; ;j 120 3 11 'J'h 25 4 58 57 13 20 39 48 (iU 2 10 14 432 4 V2 4 ;;(i F 26 4 5fi 5'.) 13 39 59 48 OJ 2 20 5(5 411 4 .0:5 5 17 S 27 4 65 7 13 59 1 47 49 2 30 I7i0 .'590 5 2!l 5 M Su. 28 4 53 7 2 14 17 59 40 91 2 39 2G'0 308 (5 2 (5 20 M 20 4 51 7 3 14 36 37 8 46 32 2 47 830 34(5 7 () 7 30 T 80 460 7 4 N 14 55 2 2 45 71 2 56 860 3:.M 7r20 7 no ESquatton of tirn e to be added to apparent time to the lUh, and to be subtracted the n Binaiodcr of the month. Memoranda, dec.— April 1, Prineo ItiMiiirck horn, isi.'). (>, Goidamith born. 1774. 7, Wordsworth born, 1770. 8, LorciiZ(Mle Meiliii died 1492. 10, Battle Toulouse, 1814; Lord Hacon died, 1(120. 12. Un- coln assasRinated, 186f>. 13, Catholic P:inaucip!ition, 1829; Foil i^uinter taken, 1861. 14, Palm Sunday. 1(5, Battle C'ullodcn, 174(1. 17, Sliiikc- speare born, 1564. 18, Sir H. Colo di^-d, 1882. 10, Good Friday ; Oyroii died, 1824. 21, Faster Sunday. 2.1, St. GeurKC ; Sbakcspnitru dioil, lOKi. 24, Cromwell born, 1599. 25, St. Mark. 20, Plague of London, Kta). 28, Low Sunday. NOON* First Qu Full Mo Last Quii Nkw Moo - , -, 1 N Su '^ '^ ris »> di ^ ^^St.\ h. w 1 4 Th 2 4 F 3 4 S 4 4 '. Su. 5 4 ' M 6 4 ' r 7 4 : w 8 4 { Th 9 4 S F 10 4 S s 11 4 3 Sc. 12 4 3 M 13 4 3 T 14 4 2 W 15 4 2 Th 10 4 2 F 17 42 S 18 4 2 Su. 19 4 2 M 20 4 2 T 21 4 2 W 22 4 2 Th 23 4 1 F 24 4 11 8 25 4 1 Su. 26 4 1( \i 27 4 1, T 28 4 1^ W 29 4 1{ Th JO 4 i; F 31 4 IJ Mcmoi 1870; S.8. Pt 4, Buttle of lied Powers Election imd Assembly opi Cathedral lai day. 30,As( 1889] THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 13 MAY, 1889. NOON'S PHASES— Calcnlatcd fl>r Iflcan Time at St. John*fi4 NcwfoniKlland. First Quarter 7th day, 3h., 12m., Evenings Full Moon Uth day, 8h., llin.. Evening; Last Quartkr '.2lBt day, Oh., 22m., Morning. Nkw Moon 20th day, Ih., 40m., Morning. ^ Sun 1 Sun '^ '^ rises sets »> a>t at 1 ^ St. J ohn's. 1 G. npp. time. Sun's Decli- nation. ~ S .^ I— I Equa. of time, suht. j: 5 High Water at St. John's. h. m. h. in. / 1/ II m. s. H. a. m. p. m. w 1 4 48 7 6 N 15 13 12 45 09 3 3 36 .301 8 04 8 24 Th 2 4 47 7 7 15 81 6 44 46 3 10 32 279 8 27 8 51 F 3 4 45 7 8 15 48 45 9 43 81 3 16 74 256 9 10 9 34 S 4 4 43 7 10 16 6 .5 43 15 3 22 02 234 9 41 10 06 Su. 5 4 42 7 11 16 23 17 42 47 3 27 95 211 10 29 10 53 M 6 4 40 7 12 10 40 8 2 41 79 3 32 74 188 11 14 1138 r 7 4 39 7 14 10 66 42 7 41 08 3 36 97 165 1146 • • • • w 8 4 38 7 15 17 13 2 40 37 3 40 66 142 62 1 16 Th 9 4 36 7 16 17 29 4 39 04 3 43 79 119 2 07 2 31 F 10 4 35 7 18 17 44 43 1 38 90 3 40 37 096 3r2 3 46 S 11 4 33 7 19 18 7 8 •iS 16 3 48 39 073 4 24 4 48 Su. 12 4 32 7 20 18 15 14 3 37 39 3 49 80 049 5 13 5 37 M 13 4 31 7 21 18 30 2 6 30 62 3 50 76 026 600 24 T 14 4 29 7 23 18 44 31 9 35 83 3 51 100 002 40 7 04 W 15 4 28 7 24 18 58 42 3 35 03 3 60 87 022 7 20 7 44 Th 16 4 27 7 25 19 12 33 5 34 23 3 50 06 040 8 00 8 24 F 17 4 26 7 27 19 26 6 3 33 41 3 48 G80 069 8 44 9 08 S 18 4 24 7 28 19 .39 17 4 32 59 3 46 7;3 093 9 20 9 50 Su. 19 4 23 7 29 19 62 9 31 75 3 44 210 117 10 21 10 46 M 20 4 22 7 30 20 4 41 30 01 3 41 13 140 1123 11 47 T 21 4 21 7 31 20 1(? 5;i 1 .30 06 3 37 49 163 16 39 W 22 4 20 7 32 20 2S 44 20 IS 3 3;J .30 180 1 32 166 Th 23 4 10 7 33 20 40 13 !» 2S .'10 3 2S 60 209 2.39 3 03 F 24 4 18 7 34 20 51 22 5 27 41 3 2.{ 29 230 3 3G 4 00 S 25 4 17 7 35 21 2 9 8 2(J 52 3 17 50 252 4 20 444 Su. 26 4 16 7 36 21 12 35 4 25 61 3 11 21 273 4 67 5 21 ^' 27 4 15 7 38 21 22 39 1 24 G9 3 4 41 293 5 34 5 68 T 28 4 14 7 40 21 32 20 7 23 77 2 57 14 313 6 11 6 35 W 29 4 13 7 41 21 41 39 22 83 2 40 40 332 7 06 730 Th 30 4 13 7 41 21 60 36 21 89 2 41 22 350 7 36 8 00 F 31 4 12 7 42 N21 59 10 5 20 94 2 32 02 307 8 12 8 36 _ IIIcillorailda» Ac— May 1, (iovemor Glover sworn info office^ 187G; 8.8. I'bilip and James. 3, Governor Darlinf/sicorn i" to oJ/icc,lii^i. 4, Buttle of Tewkosbury, ]471. C, Peace proclaimed between the al- lied Powers and Russia, 1850. 11, Massacre at Delhi, 1857. 12, Gen. Election tmder New Constitution, 1855. 13, First Legislative General Assembly opened; Riots in Water Street, 1801. Foundation Stone B.C. Cathedral laid, 1846. 24, Birth of Queen Victoria. 20, Rogation Sun- day. 30, Ascension Day— Holy Thursday. i ■! i i\i I 14 THE NEWFOUNDLAND AI.MANAC. [1880 188»J JUNE, 1889. MOON'S PllANfr:ii-€al«al»ted flhr Mean Time at fit. Johii*s, IVewfbundlaiid. First QuARTKit 6th ilav, 4b., Sim., Morning. FliM. MtwN I21I1 (lay, lOh., 27iii., KveiiJiw. Last QuAUTEit UUh «lay. 4b., 2m., Kveiiliii;. Nrw Moon 27th day, Tib., 28m., KvvDiiiK. ^ :^ Sun Sun V ^ rises sets ^ s> at 1 ^ St. Jt -thn*s. O. app. time. Sun's Decli' nation. ". 5 I Kqua. lime. High Water at St. John's. S Su M T W Th F S Su. M T VV Th F S Su. M T W Th F S Su M r w Th F S Su. 1 2 » 4 5 6 7 8 5) 10 11 12 1» 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2a 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 h. in. 4 12 4 12 4 11 10 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 G 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 m. 43 44 45 45 46 47 48 48 49 50 51 51 52 7 52 53 53 7 54 54 55 55 55 56 56 5(J 5() 56 56 56 56 56 N22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 N23 7 15 22 29 3(} 42 48 53 58 3 7 11 14 17 20 22 24 2r. 26 27 27 26 2(J 24 23 21 21 i) 34 ;$.') 12 2(5 16 41 43 20 33 21 45 44 19 29 15 35 31 2 9 50 i ft',) 26 29 I " 6 10 98 19 7 1(5 20 13 9 9 .33 19 01 18 03 17 05 16 07 15 07 14 07 13 07 12 06 U 04 10 03 9 01 7 98 6 96 5 94 4 91 3 8.S 2 ^o 1 81 78 25 1 29 2 .32 3 35 23 14 4 54 43 .38 41 (J 43 7 46 8 47 9 49 1 33 I 22 I 10 59 47 35 23 11 1 13 2(5 39 52 1 '■' 1 1 1 61 21 4.', .35 93'0 200 8. ) 18 31 44 57 10 19 91 40 (56 71 57 25 22 82 64 36 26 21 20 20 19 14 03 384 399 414 428 441 463 4(54 475 484 494 502 510 516 622 527 6.32 630 639 640 641 541 640 538 635 2 22 8.3 2 36 2 48 3 3 12 3 24 52 07 44 G2 68 631 626 619 611 603 493 8 9 10 10 11 1 k> mJ .3 4 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 11 (» 1 i) 3 4 m. 49 29 04 46 3.< 07 12 33 46 49 41 37 11 51 34 10 04 66 65 41 49 49 43 28 10 47 00 18 11 00 p. m. 9 13 9 53 28 1 1 09 II 57 31 1 .30 2 57 4 09 6 13 (5 05 7 01 7 35 8 15 8 58 9 40 10 28 1120 105 2 13 3 13 4 07 4 62 5 34 6 11 7 30 7 42 8 35 9 24 '. '7 Equation of time to be subtracteil from apparent tlrue to the I3ih, and to be added the remainder of the month. ^^^^^^ Memoranda, d:c.— June 1, Prince L. Napoleon kilieil, '79. 2, Garibaldi died, 1882. 4, Battle of Magenta, 18.W. 9, Fcnticost Whit Sunday; Great Fire, 1840; Governor Jiannerman sworn into office, ISoi. 13, Magna Charta signed, 1215. 10, Trinity Sunday. 17, We8ley born, 1703. 18. Battle of Waterloo, 1815. 20, Corpus CbristI; i^cression of Queen Victoria; 21, Proclamation Queen Victoria, 1837. 24, St.Jobo Baptist— Midsummer Day. 25, Corn Laws repealed, 1840. sO, George IV. died, 1830. 29, Coronation of Queen Victoria, 1838. 30,Guiteau hanged, 1882. MOON'f Fiitsr Full Laht Quii New Mot u o ^ N Su ^ '^ risi a> »> ^ St h. I M < li 4: T ' 2; 4 W 3 4 Th 4 4J F 5 41 s : 6 4 1 Su." 7 4 1 M 8 41 T , 9 4 1 W 10 4 1 Thll 41 F 12 42 S 13 42 Su. 14 42 M 15 4 2 T 16 42 W 17 42 Th 18 42 F 19 4 2 S 20 42 Su. 21 4 2< M 22 4 3( T 23 43: W 24 43; 'lh|25 4 3^ F 126 4 3. S 127 4 3( Su.'28 4 3' M 29 4 3( T 30 4 3i W 311 4 41 Memoi Canada Inauj Helena man and Cape J3i Paltchpoie, ] pore, 1857. ] t« S<. John'i Bevolutlon, 1 188»J TIIK NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. JULY, 1889. 15 II MOON'S PlIytMES-Calcnlatcd tbr Ncau Time at lit. John*H, Ncwlbandland. FiKsr QliAKTKii 5th day, 2h., 28m., Evculng. Full MOON .12th day. Oh., 31in., Morniog. Laht Quautbh 10th day, 4b., 14iii., Morning. New Moon 27th day, 8h., auui., Morning. Sun Sun 0. app. time. •n Equa. -S b" High naes sets It Sun\'f Decli- ^ ft time. 1 ^ r 4 Water at St. John's, ^ St. John's. 1 nation. mltl. 1 ' h. m. h. m. / // " m. 8. H. a. m. p. in* M , 1 4 12 7 65 N 23 5 34 1 10 CO 3 36 29 482 05 29 T ' 2 4 13 7 55 y.'i 1 10 11 61 3 47 72 470 42 10 06 W 3 4 13 7 54 22 56 21 8 12 61 3 58 85 457 10 20 10 44 Th 4 4 14 7 54 22 51 C 13 61 4 66 443 10 59 11 23 F 5 4 15 7 54 22 45 33 4 14 60 4 20 13 429 11 48 • • • • s : 6 4 15 7 53 22 39 .'<3 (J 16 48 4 30 23 413 18 42 Su.- 7 4 16 7 63 22 33 10 2 16 46 4 39 06 397 142 200 M 8 4 17 7 63 22 26 23 3 17 44 4 40 27 380 3 14 3 38 T 9 4 18 7 62 22 10 13 2 18 40 4 68 18 362 4 26 4 60 W 10 4 10 7 51 22 11 40 10 30 6 U 66 344 6 30 6 64 Th 11 4 19 7 61 22 3 43 20 31 5 14 69 326 6 15 6 39 F 12 4 21 7 60 21 55 25 2 21 26 5 22 26 300 7 01 7 26 S 13 4 21 7 60 21 46 43 9 22 18 5 20 38 286 7 43 8 07 Su. 14 4 22 7 49 21 37 40 4 23 11 5 30 01 2(J0 8 21 8 46 u 16 4 23 7 48 21 28 14 7 24 03 5 42 15 240 9 00 9 24 T 16 4 24 7 47 21 18 27 1 24 93 5 47 81 225 41 10 05 W 17 4 25 7 46 21 8 17 9 25 83 5 52 06 204 10 26 10 49 Th 18 4 26 7 45 20 67 47 1 20 73 5 57 00 183 11 13 1137 F 19 4 27 7 44 20 46 6b 27 61 6 1 73 101 1147 • • • m S 20 4 28 7 43 20 36 41 8 28 48 6 5 33 139 66 120 Su. 21 4 29 7 42 20 24 7 8 29 34 6 8 39 116 2 02 2 26 M 22 4 30 7 41 20 12 18 3 30 10 6 10 00 093 2 30 3 03 T 23 4 32 7 40 19 GO 5-* 4 31 04 6 12 86 070 3 67 4 21 W 24 4 33 7 39 19 47 23 5 31 87 6 14 26 040 4 45 5.09 Ih 25 4 34 7 38 19 34 28 7 32 00 6 15 08 022 5 20 5 60 F 26 4 35 7 37 19 21 14 5 33 49 6 16 32 002 07 6131 8 27 4 36 7 36 19 7 41 34 20 6 14 06 027 7 06 7 30 Su. 28 4 37 7 35 18 53 48 5 .36 08 6 14 01 052 7 34 37 58 M 29 4 38 7 34 18 39 37 3 35 86 6 12 46 078 8 09 8 33 T 30 4 39 7 32 18 25 7 8 36 6] 6 10, 1'S 6 7149 103 8 44 9 08 W 31 4 41 7 31 N 18 10 20 1 37 36 129 9 17 41 Memoranda, Ac— July l, Sir R. Peel died, 1850: Dominion of Canada Inaugurated, 1807. 4, Anicrloan Independence, 1770. 5, I'rim^eHH Helena married, 1866. 7, Free Trade Act passed, 1847. 10, Cape Ray mid Cape Breton Electric Cable laid, 1860. 13, Havelock's victory at Faltchpoi e, 1857. 15, St. Swithon's Day. 17, Havelock retukes Cawn- pore, 1857. 19, Governor Hill arrived, 1800. 23. 1'rimc of If^'ales arrived in St. John's, I860. 27, Second Atlantic Cable laid, 1806. 29, French Bevolutloo, 1830; St. Ignatius Loyola died, 1556. ru J' 16 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [188U ISSO] AUGUST, 1889. 9100N*M l*HAM£(i-€alcnlated fbr Mean Tiuiv at M(. Johu'it, Nowfl>au«Uaud. First Quartku 3rd day, Ob., mm., Eveninir. Full Moon 10th day. Hi., 12m., KvenlnS. Last Quautek 17th day, 7h., 21m., Evcnlnj,'. Nkw Moon 25tb day, lUb., 20m., Evening' N t ^ Sun Sun rises sets at St. John's. O. app. time. Sun's Decli- nation. ^1 Equa. of time, add. a .^ Th F S Su. M T W Th F S Su. M T W Th F S Su. M T W Th F S Su. M T VV Th F S h. m. h. m.lN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7i 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20! 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 42; 7 29 44> 7 28 7 27 7 25 7 24 45 46 48 49 50 5l| 53j 541 55 57 58 59 1 2 5 3 5 5 5 6 5 7 5 9 5 10 5 11 5 13 5 14 5 15 5 17 5 18 5 19 5 21 5 32 7 22 7 21 19 18 16 15 13 11 9 8 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 4 7 3 7 1 6 59 6 57 6 55 6 54 6 52 6 50 6 48 6 46 6 44 6 42 6 40 6 38 17 C5 17 ;J9 17 24 17 8 16 52 16 35 16 18 lU 1 15 44 15 20 15 9 14 51 14 32 14 14 13 55 13 30 13 17 12 58 12 38 12 18 11 58 11 11 38 18 N 10 57 10 36 10 IC 9 65. 9 33 9 12 8 51 8 29 14 51 11 13 30 43 42 24 52 6 4 48 18 30 38 28 (} 31 44 45 ^^^ 14 41 59 6 3 61 30 // 5|38 638 239 0:40 ll40 0;41 8j42 042 843 044 544 45 46 46 47 47 848 448 6!49 6 49 60 50 51 051 361 6152 9:52 8153 6|53 5|53i93 22 0)54' 28 10 82 63 23 91 69 26 90 53 16 76 36 95 62 08 03 17 60 21 70 19 CO 12 66 09 40 81 20 67 ni. f. 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 65 60 44 37 iJO 22 14 5 60 46 35 24 12 48 35 21 7 52 38 22 6 60 34 17 69 41 23 5 08 05 41 14 25 75 64 03 63 74 28 26 08 57 96 82 19 07 49 44 94 00 62 83 02 02 02 66 02 84 42 8. 165 181 206 232 258 284 300 334 368 382 400 420 452 474 496 510 530 650 576 506 013 632 049 667 084 700 710 731 746 760 Iliffh Water at St. John's. a. ro.lp. m 9 64110 18 10 31 i 10 65 11 161139 1143'. . 107i 2 42 4 l(i| 6 1G| 6 08i 131 3 06 4 34 5 40 32 7 17 7 56 8 20 04 9 38 6 63 7 32 8 02 8 40! 9 14| 9 56J10 20 10 361100 11 27J11 61 . . . . ' 24 1 13i 223; 3 25' 4 20i 5 or 6 45, 700: 7 15, 7 63 8 21 8 61 28 137 2 47 3 40 4 44 6 25 6 09 7 30 7 3!) 817 8 45 9 15 9 52 Ol 774;i0 03'10 27 Memoranda, d^c.— August 1, Slavery abolished In Britbb Do- minions, 1834. 4, First Atlantic Telegraph Cable laid, lb56. C, Duke nf Edinburgh born, 1844. 8, Canning died, 1827. 9, Prince Henry of the Netherlands arrived in St. John's, 1845. 14, Printing invented, 1437. lo, Gas flrst used in London, 1807. 20, Canada discovered, 1608. 21, Foun- dation Stone Weslcyan Church laid, 1850. 22, Battle of Bosworth. 14S). 26, Prince Albert born, 1819. 28, Capture of Cetewayo, 1879. 29, St. John Baptist beheaded. 31, John Bunyan died, 1088. a^ ^' /J ^ "^l'' n. Su. 1 C M 2\ t T : 3 5 W 1 4 i Th 5 5 F G 8:75 8u,, 8. 5 M • 9' T 10 ^ W 11 6 Th 12 5 F 13 ,• S 14 0.", 10 34 10 58 lIcinoraiKla. d:c. -Septeml)er 2. Adanfic Cahle of I SG.'t. gmp' pled (iiul spcHnsi}7. o. Cronuvell died, lfl')8. 8, (Ircdf Eastern ar- rivcd at llmrts Content with JSI',,') Cable, JS07. 0, Unman Catholic I 18 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [1889 OCTOBER, z88g. MOON'S PHASES-Calcnlated fbr mean Time at St. John'M, Newfbnndland. First Quarter Ist day, lOh., Full Moon sih day, 9h., Last Quarter leth day, Oh., New Moon 23rd day, lOh., First Quarter 30th day, 6h., Im., Morning. 65m., Morning. 7m., Morning. 85m., Evening. Om., EveniDL'. ^' ^1 Sun rises { Sun sets it G. app. time. Var. in 1 hour. Equa, of time. a Ilirjh Water at St. John's. ^ ^ Sim's Decli- Q -A Si. JoJin's. snbt. h.m. h. m , ° ' " \ " : m. s. fe ia. m. V. m. T 1 G 4 636 S 3 21 55 4 58 23 10 26 80 792 1135 115:1 W 2 6 5 5 33 3 45 11 8;:8 13 10 45 66 7.?U 07 1 01 Th 3 C, 5 SI 4 8 25 5 58 01 11 4 22 767 2 10 2 4i> F 4 8 5 29 4 31 36 2 57 87 11 22 47 753 3 r,2 4 K; S 5 6 9| 5 27i 4 54 43 4 57 72 11 40 38 739^ 4 44 5 (j> Su. 6 6 11 5 26 5 17 40 8 57 56 U 57 92 723 5 2ii 5 53 M 7 G 12; 5 23 5 40 40 1 .j7 38 12 15 07 700 <)(J 6 3 41 .57 ]{)12 31 82 6Sl» 6 40 7 04 W 9 6 1" 5 20 6 26 31 ] 50 98 12 48 12 <)7U 7 Hi 7 4iJ Th 10 6l7 5 18 6 40 10 56 70 13 3 97 650 7oU 8 14 F 11 6 1^ 5 16 7 11 55 550 52 13 lU 33 630 8 23 8 47 S 12 6 20 5 14 7 34 20 2 .j6 27 13 34 19 60.- 8 58 9 '22 Su 13 6 2l 5 12 7 56 56 7 56 01 13 48 51 585 9 34 O08 M 14 6 2- 5 10 8 19 17 7 55 7314 2 20 56210 2010 44 T 15 6 2* 5 8 8 41 31 8 55 44 14 15 51 53911 1(11134 W 16 6 20 5 6 9 3 38 6 55 12 14 28 14 51411 42 . . . . Th 17 6 27 6 4 9 25 37 7 54 80 14 40 18 489 57 1 21 F 18 6 28 6 2 47 28 8 54 45 14 51 60 463 2 09 2 33 S 19 80 6 10 9 11 4 54 09 15 2 .38 436 313 3 37 u. 20 6 31 4 58 10 30 45 1 53 71 15 12 61 408 4 07 4 31 21 6 33, 4 57 10 52 1) 6 53 32 15 21 98 380 4 53 5 17 T 22 34 4 55 11 13 24 5 52 91 15 30 77 352 5 35 5 51) W 23 6 36 4 53 11 34 29 3 52 48 15 38 87 323; 6 13 6 37 Th 24 37 4 51 11 55 23 7 52 04 15 40 27 293, 7 06 7 30 F 25 G39 4 60 12 16 7 2 51 58 15 52 95 263 7 40 8 04 S 26 C40 4 48 12 SO 39 4 51 10 15 58 91 233, 8 15 8 39 Su, 27 6 42 4 46 12 56 59 8 50 60 10 4 13 2O2I 8 56 !> 20 M 28 643 4 45 13 17 8 1 50 08 16 8 62 I71j 9 3010 03 T 29 645 4 43 13 37 3 8 40 65 16 12 36 14010 .30 10 oi W 30 G46 441 13 56 46 4 48 99 16 15 35 10911 271151 Th 31 G 48 4 40 S14 16 15 5 48 43 16 17 57 077; 23 47 Memoranfla, Ac— October 1, First Telegraph Messa{/e from Cape Breton, IS.jO ; First Steamer on the Hudson River, 1807. 5, Battle Thames, 1813. 6, Jenny Llnd born, 1820, 9, Great Fire in Chicago. I81I. 12, America first discovered, 1492, 14, Battle of Jenna, 180C. 1(5, Queen Mary Antoinette beheaded, 1793. 19, Battle of Leipzig, 1813, 21, Battle of Trafalgar, 1805. 25, Battle of Balaclava, 1854. 28, Benevolent Irish Society incorporated, 1S39. 29, Sir Walter Ealeigh beheaded, 1C18. h. F 11 6 s 2| 6 St'. 3 6 M 4 6 T 5 6 \V 6 f. Th 1 7 6 F i 8 7 s 9 7 Sd. 10 7 M 11 7 T 12 7 VV 13 7 Th 14 7 F 15 7 S 16 7 Su. 17 7 M il8 7 T 119 7 W 20 7 Th i21 7 F 22 7 S 123 7 Su .124 7 M 126 / T ;26 7 W '27 7 Th !28 7 F !29 7 8 30 7 [188!) 1889] THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 10 NOVEMBER, x88g. liOOK*li PHA8ES— Cslenlated fbr Mean Time At Mt. Jobn'a, Newlbandlamd. FULL M0017 7th day, Ob., 34m., Morning. Last Quarter :.15tb day, 5b., 5m., Morning. New MOON 22nd (?»7, 10b., 18m., Morning. First Quarter 29th day, lb., 68m., Morning. fn. V. rii. 3,5ll,-;!t 37 101 10 :.'4i' yj 4 10 44 oO> 21) .>; JO (i 30 40 7 04 10 7 40 50 814 iS «47 J8 9 2i> !4 tio,s !i) 10 44 (11134 >: 121 19 I'.'iS 3 3 37 7 4 31 i1 ■" 1 ■■ •> Ij 5 5 5!) 3 37 7 30 8 04 5 8 39 !>20 i) 10 03 0l0o4 riioi 3 47 V A e Q Sun rises Swi sets O. app. time. ^ ,. at St. John's. Stm's Decli- j ,S ; nation. ^ Eqtia. 1-5 y of time. Subt. Tlif/h Water at St. JoJin's. h. m., F 1 49 ts 2 1) 51 Su. 3 53 M 4 6 54 T dG W (> 57 Th 7 6 59 F 8 7 s 9 7 2 Su. 10 7 3 M 11 7 5 T 12 7 (i W 13 7 8 Th 14 7 10 F 15 7 11 S 16 7 12 Su. 17 7 14 M 18 7 1o T 19 7 17 W 20 7 18 Th 21 7 20i F 22 7 21 S 23 7 23 Su. 24 7 24 M 25 7i>6 T 26 7 27 W 27 7 28 Th 28 7 30 F 29 7.31 8 30 7 32 I. m. 4.38 4 3(i 4 35 4 33 4 32 4 30 21) 27 26 25 24 22 21 20 39 18 16 15 14 13 12 11 11 10 9 // S 14 14 lo 15 15 10 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 16 18 18 10 19 19 1 19 : 20 i 20 20 20 20 21 21 L'l 21 8 21 35 fiO 54 31 13 18 31 49 5 5 n|47 84 !M7 24 2146 62 no 8 Vti. s 16 19 16 19 10 li) :jAo 98 16 18 16 16 a. v' .- 25 48 43 1(5 17 •2(i 19 33 54 50 6 21 37 52 11 9 48 9 t) 6 49 21 9 35 8 48 46 2 2 14 57 27 29 39 38 61 24 2 46 13 45 24 20 34 30 44 16 2; 4 5 33 244 66 9'43 1)8 1|43 2 3-42 l!4l 141 040 32 5 39 54 9 38 137 037 9,30 8 35 9 34 52 7 33 63 10 14 16 10 .06 83 08 74 93 10 25 40 16 16 72 70 131 30 86 2 20 90 3 28 93 27 7! 20 95 95 6i24 91 li23 87 15 55 15 48 15 41 15 32 15 23 15 13 15 1 14 49 14 37 14 23 14 9 13 53 13 37 13 20 13 2 12 44 12 25 12 5 4:25 94 11 44 U 11 03 710 51)0 07 93 370 97 72 63 01) 88 210 68 29 04 93 9(5 15 60 010 69 570 66 90 510 33 45 870 62 72 045 012 022 055 090 124 159 195 230 200 302 338 373 10 409 11 445 481 516 551 586 621 605 688 721 753 784 814 84310 87M1 899... 926 1 13 53 40 13 47 21 58 30 13 in. p. ni. 67 2 21 ]5 3 ;;9 4 37 5 17 04 37 7 11 7 45 8 22 5)00 9 37 5() K> '>0 40 11 04 29 11 53 03 27 14 1 38 2 49 3 62 4 46 5 38 18 7 30 7 40 8 20 9 12 9 54 21 10 45 18 11 42 ...■ 24 17 1 41 26 28 22 14 64 06 25 05 48 30 Memoranda, Ac— November 1, All Saints' Day. 2, All Souls' Day. 3, Free St. Andreto's Cfitirch first ojjeued, 1830. 4, George Pea- body died, 1869. 6, Battle of Inkerman, 1S64. !>, Birth of i'rlnce of Wales, ]fc41. 10, Netcfoundland and Xeto York telcfjraph opened, Ibob. 13, Battle of Preston-pans, 1715. 14, Mozart born, 1119. IT, Suez tJanal first opened. 1869. 22, St. Cecelia. 26, Cowper born, 1731. 2 (.First Steam Printing, 1814. 28, Washington Irving born, 1859. oO, St. Andrew. f 20 I'lIK NKWKorMU.AM) ALMANAC \m\ DECEMBER, 1889. iM04>:V*N l>IIAMKN-<'Ml«nlHt««l l^r Stvun Tiiii«> nt Nt. Jollll*M, X«Wl«IIUlll»llo i -I -j-j 1 7 ..«< 4 :{ (\ tt 4 -'•J ;{ Su, 7 7 40 4 .'! '_>•_» 8 7 41 4 :: Ji' 5» 7 4'_' 4 :{ '2J T 10 7 44 4 3 U2 \V 11 74:) 4 ;{ 2:5 Th 1: 4(1 4 8 V l:J 747 4 3 •14 7 4S 4 4 ::{ 1 ;i It ::t) j " in. (V'2'2 s-2 10 ii :>l 7 21 7010 1 1 L»;_'0 CD 'J •1 I '.ill!) (jl 1) >i\ 4-' '>IH .'L* 13 .Vi 17 42 H :iH .s'Ki ;;l H H5 "i" 01.^ 20 7 )-' 4S 3!l4 O'' 7 >8 1-' 0'l2 il4 ;i u on sO C. 7 30 2I10 0«) 11 41 2! 9 r,l -. i.-i 1: S -l.'! A a. 111. p m. 30 1!»0 ().V2 2 21 2 4.") ll> (14 07 :i(> 4 (III .■)2 no I 001 4 21 44s 27 S>8 I 023; .5 OS r, :v2 3 11 I (MS .-,.14 DOS .•'.7 7(1 1 (Ri'.i 2;; C. 17 1 1 71t 1 ()!»(» (» .•)(; 7 20 4.J 40 1 KU) 7 3S S02 IS r.4 23 .)(> ;'m 4! I 27 07 12^ 140 l(i2 177 11)1 841 K) l)-I i) 211 !) 10 ioio;!4 10 1 10 3 I 203 11 42 Moinoruiula, A'c— Dt'ceinlKT l. Battle of Aibterlitz, ISOa. First Siiiulny In Advent* 2, Sf. Andiric's Kirk opciifd I,s4'!. (i. St. Nicholas. S. Sons of I'c/iipercnirr (injanized in Stirfoinulhuul, IS.'tO. 14, Georar Strevt U'csle'/an C/iurch\tpcncih JS7-'i.' 21. St. 'I'hoinas. M.\s Day. id, £t. irteplien. 27, St. John. 28, Innocents' 25, CHIUST.M Day. m. 1. m. 'J I -' «.-) :;i; -1 (HI •Ji i JS OS .-) :V2 ■il {\{)'i 'J:i 1)47 oO 7l>() US 8 02 17 S41 THK NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 21 .Ofio, THE ROYAL FAMILY OF GREAT BRITAIN. ai.i:xANi>KiMA-VKJTOKiA, hy the (triu'tj of G<>(1, of tliv UiiltPtl Kiii;,'(lom of ("Jn-ut liritaiii aii«l Ircliind, <^uo«'n, only (liiujtiitt'r iind hoir to tlu* lat(? Prince Edward, Duke of K«'nt, fourth Hon of lying Georgo III. IIh' Majesty whh Ix.ru ut Kt'iislii^ton Vuhwv. on the 24th May, 1810; liapti^cd on tlic 24th June, IHIO; ascended the Throne on the denilr*e of her nncle, Kill}? William IV., 20tU June, 18J7 ; proclaimed 21st June, 1H37 ; ami crowned at Westminster on tlie 28th June, 1888. Her Miijt'ity was married at St. James's Palace, on tlie lOtli Vch- riiJiry, 1840, to Iier cousin, liis late Koyai llijjlun'ss, Franci>*- AUH'rt-Aufjjiistus-Cliarles-Emanuel, the Duke of Smxc, Prince of < olmrj,' and (iotlui, who died at Windsor Castle on the 14th Dnrmhcr, 1801. Children: Victoria-.Vdelaide-Mary-l.ouise. VrincKXH litujah horn 21st Xovi'iiilier, ISiO; luurried 2.')th January. IS.^s, at tlie. (Jhapel KdViil. to His l{<»yal lli^^lincss, Prince FrcderleK-WiHiaiii- Xii'lidhis-Clnirles, of I'russiu. Alltert-Kdwani, hiiirc nf Woloa and Envl of ftuhliif, liorn 9tli N'nveinlKM'. 1841 ; married 10th March, ISGIJ, at Wintlsor. to Priiiirs^ Alexandria, daufrhter of Prince Christian, of Denmark. Ali(e->rautl-3Iary, horn 2.>tii A|)rii. 1848: mani(;d l;-t July, 1802. :it, Osburne, to His lioyal Highness, Prince-l-'r.'dcrick- Willhiiii-Louis, or Ilesse-Darmstadt. Altrcil-Kmest-Alhert. horu Oth Anfrust, 1844: inarried the 2r)tli I'Vhriiary, 1874, to Her Imperial Iliiihness, Alexandrovjia, daughter of tlio late C/ar of Kussla. lli'lena-Augusta-Victoria, barn 2rith May. 184fi: married the oth .Inly, ISCO, to His lioyal Ilijjhness, Prince Cliristian. of .Si'hU'i»\viCamp : Lord Gxoroe Fitzobrald. The Executive Council. Rlr Robert Tborbum, K.C.M.O., Premier. . Tbe Honorable Alfred Peonev. The Honorable A. F. Ooodrldge. Sir J. S. Winter. K.C.M.O. Tbe Honorable W. J. 8. Donnelly. The Honorable M. Fenelon. The Honorable J. S. Pitta. Clerk of tbe CoanctI :— Honorable M. Fenelon. The Legislative Council. The Honorable Edward D. Shea, President. The Honorable Augustuii W. Harvey. The Honorable Thomas Talbot. The Honorable Charles R. Ayre. The Honorable Charles Crowdy. The Honorable Philip Cleary. The Honorable James 8. Pitts. The Honorable Moses Monroe. The Honorable James McLougblan. The Honorable Charles Bowrlng. The Honorable Maurice Fenelon. Tbe Honorable O. T. Rendell. Acting Clerk : Hugh H. Carter. Acting Master-in-Chancery : Thomas J. Keough. Usher of the Black Rod : William F. Bennle. Doorkeeper: E. Morrlssey. James Cochrane. Assistant Doorkeeper and Messenger: House of Assembly— Elected Oct. 31st, 1885. [Speaker: Alexander J. W. McXeily, Q.C] District of St. John's, Eastern Division— Michael J. CMara, T. J. McCarthy Murphy, Robert John Parsons, Esquires. District of St. John's, Western Division— Patrick J. Scott, James J. Callanan, Edward P. Morris, Esquires. •NHilil ■ "^•i'«li«ft«4hrii2C*J>''t. i"aika»a4i^ 1880] THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 33 Diitrict of Ftrryland— D. JoMpb Gre«D«. Qaorg* ShM, Etqalm. Piitrtct of Coneoptlon Bty, SoutlMni DtvltiOD— Richtrd McDodmU, John YeltohiEaqutrtt. Diitrict of Conooption Bay, Port>d«-Oravi* DivUloii'-GeorR* A. Hntchlnga, Ktqalra. Diitrict of CoBooptlon Bay. Harbor firace Divlalon-glr Jamea S. Winter, K.C.II.Om Cbarlea Dawe and JoMph Ooddau, Eiquirtt. Diitrict of ConcartionBay,Carbon«ar Division— Hon. Alf ltd Penney. Diitrict of Coooaptlon Bay, Bay*da>y«rde DIvlaton— Altxander J. W. McNally, Stapban R. March, Esqulraa. Diitrict of Twtlllngata— Honorabia Anguatua Fradarlok Goodridge, Smith McKay and Michael T. Knight, Eiqutrea. Diitrict of Fogo— Jamea RoUa, Eaquire. Diitrict of Placentia and St. Mary'a-Hon. W. J. S. Donnelly, George U. Emerson and Jamea McGrath, Eaquifea. Diitrict of Burin— John E. P. Petera, Henry W. LeMessarler, Esq'ra. Diitrict of Fortune Bay— Robert Bond, Esquire. Diitrict of Trinity Bay— Sir Robert Thorburn, K.C.M.G., Walter Baine Grieve, and Ellia Watson, Esquires. Diitrict of Bonavista Bay— Abraham Kean and A. B. Morine, Esq'rs. Diitrict of St. Barbe— Albert Bradsbaw, Esquire. Diitrict of St. George—Michael Henry Carty, Esquire. Clerk : Richard B. Holden. Assistant clerk : James H. Watson. Solicitor General : . Solicitor: I. R.McNeily. Sergeant-at-Arms : Joseph Boyd. Librarian: . Doorkeeper: John Hally. Messenger: B. Keeping. Assistant messenger : — ^. Upper doorkeeper : Thomas Duff. Outer doorkeeper : Robert Walsh. Assistant doorkeeper : John Sbeppard. Fireman : James Higgins. PUBLIC OFFICES— DEPARTMENTAL. I I Attorney Creneral : Sir Jas. Spearman Winter, K.C.M.G. Colonial Secretary : Honorable M. Fenelon. Receiver General : Honorable W. J. S. Donnell/. Surveyor General : Honorable Alfred Penney. Chairman of the Board of Works : Smith McKay. Colonial Secretary's Office. Colonial Secretary : Honorable M. Fenelon. Clerks: John W. Withers and G. W. B. Carter. Messenger: Charles Brockelhurst. OflSce keeper : James Dunphy. 24 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [188!) u.^ Financial Secretary's Office. Financi»l Secretary : Michael T. Knlj^ht. Clerk : Alexander S. Keid. Stipendiary Poor Commissioner. Commissioner : John Ca»ey. Clerk : John Dunpby. Assistant clerk : Anne Hayes. THE REVENUE DEPARTMENT. Boarli Ilnrlior, bt. Jacques and Belloran), Henrv Olint'u: (iaultoiv K";..'h:inl Bradshaw ; Lal'oile, Fnmcis A. keid ; 'rwiiiiniiutc Amliew •J. I'earce: Oderin, IJichard McCJnith; Chaunel. Clntrles Mouiant; Kay 8t. Georir*', Kdward Hirst; Bav of Islands. Kaurenw I'.arron; Boiiul' Bay, Nathan X.Taylor; Jtound Harbor. Tilt Covo, an.! Bet:- Cove. John <;. Duder: Flower-^ Cove, William P. Taylor. I'revontive Ollicor.s : Bonavi-ita and Catalina, John 'Mifflcn; Bay Bnll>. J. Williani*; Holyrood. Philip Veitch ; Ferryland, Wm. ::^. Cart'-r: St.. MarvV, Ja>. Harney; Little Phuientia, Thomas Freeman: Bay lioberts, G. W. U. Hlerlihy; HeanVs Content. Charles E. BeBdell; IIant".> llarhoi', K. Belben; Burgeo, John Cunningham; Great Plaeeniia. William (4. Bradshaw; Grand Bank (Fortune Bay*, George -Simuis; rnp'ssey. Augustus Sinnns; Jlo.^e HIanche. Richard Furneaux; Jjainaliiie..Ja«. Pittman: Renews. Miebael Jackman; Fortune, J. Haddou; We?-terii Bay, James Evan> ; Harbor Bult'ett, William Hand: PnrtUiiiil Cove. William H. Webber; Salmonier. John Dakin; l'res.r|ue. I'atii'k Sullivan; Cotlroy, John Gi'Ms; St. Anthony, James Saint.: LaSci^. Daniel l>uggan; Nipper's ■ari)or, W. Cunningham; Kings Cuve. Richard Lawton. ('uNtoms* Departinoiit : Registrar of Shipping for Newfoundland and its Dependencies: Honorable W. ,J. S. Donnellv. Surveyors of Shipping: Wm. White, St. John's: Alex. Clift. Harbor Grace; Edward Doyle, Trinity: English Harbvr: Daniel Murphy, Cape Bonavl-ta to Salvage; ^MiiaW" ' •' 1888] THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 25 William Lani;. Salvage to Cnpe Freels; George Slmms, Grand Bank; . . Fortune; J. Mifflen, Catalinato Ra$n;ed Harbor ; Andrew J. Pearce, TwiUln^nte to Cban^e Islands; John O. Lucas. Fogo ; Jobn C. Duder, Tilt Cove; Richard Furneaux, Rose Blanche; Felix J. McCarthy, Carbonear. Treasury Departiaout : Receiver General— Hon. W. J. S. Donnelly. Cleric— Goorge F. Hayward. Labrador' (Collection of duties under Consolidated Statutes): Sub-collector— Francis C. Berteau; Sub-collector (Blanc Sablon, Labrador)— Richard Cormuck. Superintendent Mercantile Marine; Robert Carter. SURVEYOR GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Surveyor Genenil— Hon. Alfred Penuer. First Clerk— Thomas Long. Second Clerk— Carteret Alsop. Third Clerk— Arthur White. Assistant Clerks^George E. Turner, Albert J. Bavlev and Wm. Noel. Geological and Topographical Surveyor— .James P. Rowley. Surveyor and Civil Engineer— Charle.o J. Harvey. Messenger— WilJiam Bright. Deputy Surveyors. Auf/iorhf'd to art in ani/ part of XeirfuxudiniKl . [All ofticers in .Surveyor General's Department, St. John'*.] N. W. Arm (Green Hav), -J. B. Howson: Nipper's FlarNor. IL M. Herbert; Little Bay, James Whyte; Twillingale. T. IVvlou; Fogo, Jobn W, Webb; Greenspond, .J. T. Oakley; Open Hall. Ileury Miles; Kings Cove, lllchanl Lnwton; Bonavista. 0. E. Tlioiiipiion; Trinity, Gilbert H. Cole and Benjamin Miller; Catalina. W. Badoock; Britannia Cove, J. T. Currie; Old Perlican, Wm. Cllri^tian: Bay-de- Verds. I'billp Moore; Carbonear, A. J. Crocker ; Bay Itoiiert^, G. AV. R. Hierlihy; Brigus. Jobn Hearn, James Hearn and K. C. Law- rence: St. John's, John Maber, W. B. Read, .lobn Haddon and Allen F.Y.Long: Harbor Grace Junction, Alf. O'Mcara: Top»ail. Win. Swansborough; Mobile, Thomas Driscoll; Forryiaiid. 1!. H. White; St. Mary's, James Harney ; Placentia, Thomas O'Keilly; Fortune. H. J. Ilaifdon; I'ushtbrougb (Fortune Bayi. Henry Camp: Harbor Briton. I'bilip Hubert: (.'hanuel. IJ. T. .'r'quarry: L'odroy. ,bini'> L. Kni;,'bt: Bav of Islands. L. Barron; Bonne Bavi Donald Browne : St. George's Bay. T. W. Nevil. Surveyors under Agricultural Act, ib88. [AH otticers in Surveyor Geuoral's Department. St. John's.] Alexander Bay. William AVyait anil .Jonathan 2so.sev,ortby; Belle Isle. WilliamBennett and William Jackman: Lance Cove, Jas. A. Hiscock: Broad Cove. C. B. Belbin; -Bay Iloberts, Robert Simp- irsonand G. W. R. Hierlihy; Bishop and Bryants Cove. Israel Smith; ^ Blackhead, J. C. Sloores :" Brooklyn. Thomas Howe and M. D. Stares ; LBonavista. Charles E. Thompson': Britannia Cove. John T. Currie; Jterli,'us, John Hearn and IJ. «.'. Lawrence: Bay of Islands, Laurence ■Barron: Bonne Bay. Donald Browne and Alex.Cotlin; Bav-de-Verdo, ▼hilip Moore; Bay Bulls Arm (Trinity Bay), Josepli Lilly; Clark's Beacli, John M. 'Keats: Carbonear. A. J. Crocker; Cliannel. R. T. Squarry; Codroy, John Gillis and J. L. Knight; Grand River. J. J. Doyle; Little Il'iver. John Tompkins; Cata ina. William Badcock; ■^: 26 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [1889 Colliers B^ (Trinity Bay), Uriah Cole; Cape Spear, C. CantweU: Dominion Point (Exploits), Harry Burt; Exploits, W. M. Wlnsor: Flat Bay (St. George's Bay), T. KeviUe; Fortune Harbor, Richard Quirk; Fox Cove to Cape Freels, Hoses Davis; Ferryland, K. H. White; Fogo, J. W. Webb; Fortune. H. J. Haddon; GouldB, Samuel Ruby ; (Gooseberry Island, James CuUen; Gravels, Port au Port, H. H. Haliburton ; Greenspond, John T. Oakley j Harbor Grace, John Scully ; Herring Neck, J. D. Lookyer and W. J. Holwell ; Hants Har- bor, IteubenPippy; Harbor Grace Junction. Alf. O'Meara; Hearts Content, Charles Bendell; Harbor Briton, Philip Hubert; Hermitage Cove, William Kent: Highlands, John McPherson; island Cove (Upper), Israel Smltn; Island Cove (Lower). A. J. Hudson; Kings Cove (Bonavista Bay), Richard Lawton: Kelligrews, F. Furneauz; Little Hearts Base, William Balsom; Little Bay, James Why te; Little Bay Island, James Strong; Leading Tickle, J. M. Silk; LosyBay, G. A. Rendell; Munnrave Harbor, J. B. Wheeler; Mobile, Thomas Drlscoll ; If oreton's Harbor, J. B. Osmond ; N. W. Arm (Green Bay), J. B. Howson: Nippers Harbor, H. M. Herbert and W.Ounningham; Northern Bight. Nehemiah Frost; New Bay, Peter Moores; New Perlican, Luke Pittman; Open HalL Henry Miles; OldPerllcan, Wm. Christian; Portugal Cove, W. H. Webber; Petty Harbor, S. Hanni- ford and Fred Chafe; Pouch Cove, Moses Clarke; Placentia, Thomas O'Reilly; Pushthrough, Henry Camp; Pools Island, Peter Hou^e; Robinson's Head, T. W. Evans; Roberts' Arm, Charles W. Warr; Spaniard's Bay and Tilton, Herbert Gosse;SalmonCove (Trinity Bay), William Gabriel; Swain's Island, Thomas Parsons ; Salvage, Kenneth Burden; Salmonier, F.Curtis; Sandy Point. Hector McDonald; St. John's, John Haddon and A. F. Y. Long ; St. Mary's, Thomas Harney ; Stevenville, Martin J. Hynes; Shoal Harbor (Smith's Sound), Wm. Palmer; Trinity, Benjamin Miller and G. U. Cole; Toad's Cove, Edward Howlett ; Trepassey, Henry Pennell ; Twillingate, Thomas Peyton; Topsail William Swansborough ; Tilt Cove, C S.Rowland; Western Bay, J. L. Noel. Board of Works Department, Having the management and superintendence of the Government House, Colonial Building, Court Houses, Gaols, Custom Houses, Hospitals, Lunatic Asylum, and all other buildings and property be- longing to the colony ; lighthouses, buoys and beacons, erected or to be erected, within the colony and its dependencies ; supervision of commissioners of roads, highways, bridges, &c. UOARD OF WORKS. Chairman— Smith McKay; Honorable P. Cleary, and Hon. A. F. Goodridge. Secretary and Accountant— W. R. Stirling. Assistant Clerk— Thomas Morris. Superintendent of Public Works and Buildings, and Inspector of Lighthouses— John T. Nevill. Clerk— Richard White. Mechanician— Thomas Comtek. Road Inspectors and Surveyors— R. Grace and J. J. Jackman. 1889] THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 27 ST. JOHN'S MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. ',0B Chairman : CouDcillor James Qoodfellow, ) Appointed by Govern- Councillor James P. Fox, > ment. Councillors : No. 1 Ward : John T. Carnell. No. 2 Ward : Francis St. John. ' No. 8 Ward : Hon. M. Monroe. No. 4 Ward : Michael Power. No. 6 Ward : W. D. Morlson. Secretary: P. W. Kelly. Accountants: M. B. Kearney and John Syme. Solicitor: L B. McNelly. Collector: Thomas W. Plnsent. Engineer : John Martin. Sanitary Department. Supervisor : John R. Hughes. l8t Inspector : Peter Doyle. 2nd Inspector : Thomas Ewlng. 3rd Inspector : Philip Jaokman. Stable keeiier : Joseph Snow. Impounde'.*: Peter L'Estrange. Road Inspector, (West) : Michael Bambrlck. Boad Inspector, (East) : William Carnell. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. Penitentiary. St. John's Penitentiary : Governor, John R. McCowan ; warden, Richard Byan; Ist turnkey, J. Martin; 2nd turnkey, John Fleet; 3rd turnkey, GeoflFrey Kelly; trades' warden, ; orderly, R. Hammond; matron. Miss Keating; surgeon, Cbas. Crowdy, M.D. St. John's Hospital. Besldent Medical Attendant: Charles Crowdy, M.D.; Henry Shea, M.D. ; matron. Miss Cowan. St. John's Poor House. Medical Attendant: Charles Crowdy, M.D.; keeper, Edward Morris. St. John's Lunatic Asylum. Resident Physician : Henry H. Stabb, M.D. District Surgeons. St. John's (Eastern Ward) : William C. Simms, M.D. ; Thomas Rowley, M.D. Western Ward : Frederic Bunting, M.D. Conception Bay : William Allan, M.D. Colonial Building and Grounds. Keeper : Mrs. Born. I I I fj 38 1./ / .1- , , ;:; , THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [1889 OUTPORT ROAD BOARDS. il i i I District of St. Barbe. Cape Gregory to Norris' Point, Including both Arms of Bonne Bay —Donald Browne; G. Halfyard, N. Taylor, H. McKenzie, A. Brean. Norris' Point to Port-au-Choix— Rev. C. Hollands, J. Payne, jr., (Cow Harbor), Cbas. Biggins, (Daniel's Harbor), J. Humber, (Decker's Cove), T. Walters, (Rocky Harbor). Cape Norman to St. Anthony— AzariasAlcock, iGriguet),C. LeDrenr, (St. Leonard's), Joseph Guy. (Quirpon). St. Anthony— Henry F. Moors, John Moors, James Biles. Orange Bay to Conche—Jobu Casey, Henry Gillard, G. Cramptou, G. Reld, Rev. W. Tarahan. Groais Islands— James Gardner, James Breeu, James Warren. Horse Islands— John Loch, JO-scph Curtis, John Burton. South Side of White Bay— Kev. S. Andrews, John Jacobs, William Rice, Thomas Rice, James Rice. Partridge Point to Cape John— John Carroll, W. Fitzgerald, J. Ford. District of Twillingate. Sboecove to Snook's Arm, inclusive— Wm. Jones, G. Morgan, C. S. Rowland, L. Gill, C. Coombs, J. Jackman, A. Adams, J. McKay. Snook's Arm to Buttonhole Cove, inclusive— T. Stoodley, J. Adam^, T. Bowers. Buttonhole Cove to Nipper's Harbor, inclusive — R. Batstone, W. J. Eaton, W. Cunnii)ghHiB,-D. Stark, J. Bowers. Nipper's Hurl.or to Middle Ar^v inclusive— J. Hlgs^ins, F. Martin, A. Mills. E. Fleniiug, A Gout^le. Jackson's Arm to Western Arm, iuclusive — H. Knight, J. R. Bat- stone, J. Manuel, .J. Upward. Three Arms, Wild Bight— Solomon Strong, J. Batstone, J. Norris^, R. Young. , , Little Bay Klines to IJall's Bay Head, Inclusive— Rev. S. O'Flynn. .1. Benson, J. Wliitti. jr.. -J. Delaney' C. O'B. Reddiu. R. 1). Waisli. Rev. H. Turner. (Jlloi Foote, Michael Keating. Little Bay Island— J. Strong. W. Strong, W. Anstey, R. Mnrcell, T. .Fones, A. C. Ilynes, V. Wiseman, Josftph Strong. Ward's Harbor to Roberts' Arm, inckniiug Saiuly Cove Island— S. Short, J. Rousell, J. Parsons, J. Wellinan.E. Paddick.O. l^addick. Hallsbay— J. Curtis, F, Thistle. J. Taylor. Nlmrod, Dark Tickle and Triton— Caleb Purchase, W. In>trege, J. Winsor, O. Buxge, W. Vincent. J. Fudge. Leading Tickles— T. M. Silk, T. Rousell. B. Rousell, G. Marsh, N. Chippett, J. Ilaggett, J. Ward, U. Martin. Newbay— Adolphus Yates, J. Manuel, D. Spence, E. Boone, J. Moore. Fortune Harbor to Waldrou Cove -Rev. J. Walsh. Uev. Felix McCarthy, S. Gillespie, M. Bryan, M. Glaveen, E. Gillespie. P. Byrne, M. Byrne, Richard Quirk, Exploits, Burnt Llano -T. butt, J. Manuel, T. Winser, M. Daltou, A. Manuel, G. Sevier, S. Manuel. 1SS9] THE NEWFOUNDLAND ATvMANAC. 29 Black Island— Thomas E. Harris, W. Dorey, J. Primer, W. Hamilton, W. Anstey. Kite Cove, Scissor's Cove, Kane's Point, Elliot's Point and Mumper's Island— J. Dalton, F. Jewer, J. Manuel, G. Brown, S. Manuel. Nortbern Arm to Philip's Head— W. Evans, L. Manuel, T. Antle. Dominion Point to Killock Island— James Winser, A. Beaton, J. Gill. Burntbay— Josiah "VVolfreys, John Wolfreys, R. Boone, Joseph Wolfreys, Solomon Hand. Loonbay — J. Roberts, F. Slade. Moreton's Harbor, and Western Head— M. Osmond, S. Small, T. Knislit, T. French, S. Ridoiit, (Western Head), C. Brett, S. Jones, E. Taylor, E. Small, W. Taylor. TIzzird's Harbor— R. Boyd. J. Osmond, J. Forward, Wm. Wheeler, J. Locke, George Forward. TwillinKate Islands— T. Pe\ton, F. Roberts, E. Roberts. R. D. Hodge, M. Hayward. T. Ashborne, J. Spencc J. Miiity, G. Gilieit, W. Lotlibrldge, J. Roberts, J. W. Owen, J. I'urchase, J. Anstey, (Piircell's Harbor). Herrint,' Neck and Merritt's Harbor— W. J. Holwcll. R. J. Richards, K. Blandford, J. Squires, J. Card, J. Philpot, J. D. Lockyer. District of Fogo. Change Islands— J. Dowell. T. Torraville, T. W. Taylor, J. Pelley, S. I'oberts. J. C. Waterman, H. Soammell. Fo<,'0— Dr. Malcolm, Dr. H. Findlater, R. Scott, H. J. Earle, J. Fitz- irerald, J. W. Hodire, T. C. Duder. I^iirr'd Island— A. Anthony, Levi Whicher, ]. Foster. loe Batt's Arm— P. Cournew, C. Brett, J. Freke, jr., W. Mercer, Thomas Deady. Tilton Harbor— W. Green, L Burke, jr., P. Dwyer, J. Breathers, P. Foley. Seklom-Come-By— P. N'ewell. J.Rowe. II. Penney, W. Penney, M. Hornet. Iiulian Islands— W. Collins, W. Perry, sr.. W.Perry, jr.. J. B^gslcy, E. Penney. Ganilerbxy— J. Biirsey, B. Gilllngbam, X. Gillingham. Rockyhay- Philip Hicks, Samson Russell, Stephen Clialk, John Perry, Charles White. District of Bonavista. Jumes' Cove (from West side Dalton's Cove to East side James' Cove, lioth inclusive)— Geori^e Ilynes, William Ash, Samson Handcock, Henry AVheeler, Abraham Moss. Tickiocove (from Red CliH'to ICecls, both incliisivo)— A. Skiftington, John Walsh. Michael Connors. AVm. Rus«oll. R. Humhy, A.C. Candow. John Taylor. P. M(;Cormack, E. O'Neil. KecK— S. Codin, J. Egnn, T. Ilobhs, sr., R. Mesh, W. Penney, M. Byrne, R. Penney. Fhit Islands— Joseph Samson, Wm. Samson, jr., James Petten, Wm. Samson, (of Joseph), James Pike. Newmanscove— (from Iialf-way betweiMi Bonavista Town and Birchy- irive to Upjier Amherstcov.) — Hcnjamin S<|uire<, Thomas Ford, i I i h i I 30 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [1889 Edward Brown, Thomas BalDKer, Henry Bartlett, George Ryan, William Terry, Patrick Terry, Robert Keats. Cottell's Island and Burnt Island— Daniel Turner, Ed. Lane, Jaines Whealan, Thomas White, Wm. Aylward, John Turner, (CottelPs Island), Thomas Vane, (Burnt Island). Ladle and Apseycove— R. Wellon, T. Wellon, W. West, J. Goodyear, B. Tuck. Musgrave Harbor, Dotlngcove and Ragsced Harbor— J. B. Wheeler, J. Whiteway. S. Hicks, R. Burt, S. Mutch, J. Abbott, J. Hicks, jr. Cat Harbor-H. Robbins, W. Gibbons, J. Smith, W. Butt, G.rnrsons, W. Foley, G. Norman. Plnchard's Island, viz. : Capo Frcels to Foxcove— M. Davis, H. Davis J. Barbour, IT. Melendy, T. Gill, M. Garrett, J. Salnsbury. Swain's Island, viz. : Nortonseovo to roinulcove— J. Tiller, J. Rlsliop, R. Biddleconie. K. Gibbons, P. Blackwood. E. Bisho]), J.nouiiscl- Pool's Island -P. House, W. Ivnee, J. Davis. G. Kinj,'. Greenspond— James Barnes, (Ship Island), John 8. Carter, (Newell's Island), Wm. \\'liite, sr., (Green-pond). Arthur Vivian, (Sliiuii hierscovo), John White, (Loocove), Archilialil Collins, (Now Harbor), Cieorj,'e Pritchett, (Freshwater). Fair Island— J. Brown, Job Hunt, (i. Cutler, John Uoi,'crs, (of (',), John Rogers (of II.), Jacob Hunt, S. Filthorn. Gooseberry Ishuul— A. Janes, Siiuon Wills, Edward Sweetapple. J. G. Kelley. Alexandrabay — J. Noseworthy, S. Saunders, A. Brifet, W. Arnold, j. Butt, E. Bury, J. Stroud. Safe Harbor — William Davis, John Knee, George Burton, Thomas Gilliugham, James Dyke. Salvage— James Burden, sr., James Burden, jr., J. Squires, J. Brown. J. .Sansom. Musgrave Town— John Olford, sr., T. Saint, A. Douiiny, Joseph Greening, sr., Joseph Greening, (of Joseph), J. Perry, John Olford, jr., W. Gieening, J. Yetnian. Brooklyn— William Pye, W. Stares, sr.. 31. Waugh, J. Handcoik, sr., W. Blunden, A. Lelhbridge, W. Ash, G. Harris, J. Haudoock, jr., M. I). Stares. Indian Arm— John Prince, W. Greening, R. Taylor, E. Hiimby, W. Tilly, J. Brown, G. Prince, J. Humby, T. White. Klngscove— Rev. W. Veitch, Rev. W. Kirby, D. Rjan, S. Brown, T. Ryan, W. Mouks, J. Brown, S. Ryan, P. Lawton. J. Devine. M. Aylward, J. Aylward, Michael Martin. Bonavista — A. Vincent, Win. Hunt, Wm. Sweetland, G. Keader, A. Ryder, T. Harris, sr., J. Rynn, R. Brown, J. Roper. District of Trinity. Bird Islandcove— A. Tilley, S. Trask, James Street, Solomon Carew, Joseph Baker, John Hill, Christopher Chalk. Little Catalina— J. Stone, J. Johnson, G. Reed, (of William). Great Catalina— W. Ashford, G. Courage, jr., T. Martin, J. Duflett, J. Murphy, sr., S. Jeans, W. N. Snelgrove. Ragged Harbor— M. Feehan, J. Doody, P. Peters, sr., D. Duggau, T. Dojovan. 1880] THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 31 iDKlisb Harbor to Salmonoove— B. Facey, W. Higdec, Wm. Bugden, W. Batflon, J. Penney, S. Freeman, J. Moody, H. G. Barnes, M. Miller. Trinity (town) West— Dr. White, G. H. Cole, B. Miller, F. Gover, G. Fleet, R. S. Bremner, G. Christian. Trinity (town) North— Philip Fowlow, Richard Fowlow, Nathaniel Everly, John Randall, (of Isaac), George Guppy, Joseph Butler, (of James), Israel Butler, Michael Connolly. New Bonaventure— W. H. Field, M. King, J. Ivany, L. Short. British Harbor, Careless Harbor to Pope's Harbor, both inclusive— E. Gardner, H. Gardner, R. Bannister, W. Gardner, T. Leonard, A. Clark (Dalby's Cove), Irelamrs Eye and vicinity— J. P. King, J. Toop, jr., J. Mills. Smith's Sound (Xorth Side), Popt's narl)or to tlio Bar -T. Telly, E. Pelly, li. Williams, J. Duffett, A. Stone. Smith's Sound (South Side), The Bar and Lower Liincecove— Pierce Curric, J. Pittman, U. Late, J. Butt, ^^'illianl Smith. Shoal Iliirbor— James Butler, J. Tilley. I. Adey, Thomas Cooper, Cbiirles Hansford, W. Stanley, A. Bussey. Foster's Point— G, Held, N. March, S. Pelly, W. Gullifonl, T. Smith. Hickman's Harbor— H. BUindon, J. Vardy, C. Hryant, B. Jlartiu, A. Ulucdou, Random, S. W. Arm, (North Side)— M. Martin, II, Benson, J. Frost, H. Prince, D. Benson, Hodge's Cove to Scuthern Bight, both inclusive— |. Drover, D. Puddle, J. Drudge, J, Vey, N. Gooby. Fox Harbor and vicinity, St. Jones' Without to Little Heartsease Brook— W. Balsom, H, Avery, R. Seward, jr., D. Spurrel, T. Ben- son, D. Martin. Tickle Harbor— S. Miller, D. McCarthy, U. Thorne, B. Kowe. Normanscove, (Chapel Arm)— Elisha Elford, J. Reed, E. Pretty, J. Smith, J. Piercy. New Harbor and Vicinity— M. Parsons, R. Cranford, T. Newhook, E. Moore, A. George. Green's Harbor, Witless Bay and Ilopeall— C. Crocker, William Day, A. March, Henry Rowe, J. Liniard. Heart's Delight— J. Reed, S. Humphries, F. Chlslett, E.Jerrett, S. Case. Heart's Desire— John George, (of Wm.), M, George, W, Clark, Heart's Content— G. Charlton, Rev. E. C. Smith, J. Hopkins, R. Penney, Dr. W. Anderson. New Perlican— A. Pittman, R. Bemister, X. Northover, T. Hobbs, J. Antle. Scillyeove— John Samson, George Downey. Hant's Harbor— J. H, Watson, J, Short, G. Green, R, Pe!ly,R. Belbiu. Russelscovc- A, Sparkes, M, Button, A, Harris, A, Button, J. Brown. District of Bay-de- Verde. Division 7. Old Perlican to Danielscove, both inclusive— Levi Burt, W. Christian, N. March, M. Bursey, J. Froude, J. Tizzard. i 82 TMK NKNMOrNDLAXl) ALMANAC. [1S8U I)ivi^it»ll !S. (Jrute^'cove to RedheiuJtovt', both iui'lii-iive— li. llfiLxon, W. T. Avery, K. Vey, J. r.rodijricU. j. Av<;iy, J, Uonson. DiviHion ti. I'.ay-de-A'eitle to Low Poiut, both inclii>*iv»'— |. Moore, W. Loekycr, J. Eiiibtrley, fceiir.. ]I. DiiMett, |. Xeal, I>. Ntniinui, |. llenrn. DiviM'ou .*>. l.'apliiit'ovc; to I'.unit i'oiut, both 1nrlu>ivu— !. Lewis, (i. Cull, E. Tiinif>r, L. Garlainl, (i. Cooper, (.'. .Sliinio. T. 'rin'ker, \V. Ihiliilay, II. Kn^lUb, A. Ci. lliulsuii. Divi>ion4. (iitll Isluiid to Smoothrjve, both iii(iii>lve M. I'liclilister, I{t!V. Michael liaiiitfy, J. Moore's, J. March. W. Moorts, M. hoyle. Division ;i. CK'hrepitcuve t(i\\«!>teriil>ay,l)Oth inclii^ivc -W. K'ciintMly, L. Ciunnuy. j. Crowley, R. WuMi. A. Ilalfyanl. Divi>ion 2. AdaiiiM-ove to Spojiteove. l)()th inflii>lve -I'. Jcaiis , J. Lo^•row. T. Ti icktlt. Division]. IVrrxx-ove to Fresliwuter, both iiK'lii>ive— j. Swaiiie, T. Ko-i;, W. Davi-*, W. Laini), K. Kullaway, (i. Hvcrley, F. Davis. District of Carbonear. Carbouear— ). IJyall, !•;. S. Pike, j. Mackay, j. I'eurco, T. Kennedy, U. Moore, A. I. Crocker, T. Finn. District of Harbor Grace. Harlior (irace Proper -M. W'aUh. j. Patterson, W. Taiip. I). J. (ireen, P. Walsh, C. Kossi, li. Parsons, p. Farrel, John Iloiran, Williuni •^tevonson, of John. Harbor Grace, South Side— Mosos Noel, Tobia* i?Iii'ppard, W. Dunn, P. Norcott, Edward Parsoii«i. Thos. !?heppard, Levi Noscworthy. Bryants c'ove— James Noseworthy, George Parsons, \\'ni. CoiiLdilan, Jacol) Mori,'au, Patrick Nonitu. Upper Islaudcove-Janics Crane, A. Yoim^', T. Drover, of James; A. Crane, J. Young. Bishopscovc— Israel Smith, N. Barrett. H. Hirrett, William Siiiiili.of George; J, Birrett. of John. Spani:)rd>bay— Stephen Gosse, II, (io>se. of Pobert ; Wm. C ;il!alian, J. Barrett, sr., M. Got^se, of Israel ; Henry Gosi»o, J. Gos>e, «;r. Bay ]Iobert<-C. French, M. Delaney, S. I'arsons, A. Dawe, Eli Mercer, W. Wood, S. French. Coiey'> Point -K. Dawe. J. Cireenland. ^\■. Parsons. S. Bradliury. . District of Port-de-Grave. Port-de-Grave— K. Morgan, T. Dawe, W. lUissey, Moses Mon;aii,G. Andrews. ]5arenee'l-G. II. l!u»ey, II. Xewell, 11. Morri>sey. Isaan Uicbiuds, J. Moniv. W. J. Thompson, J. B.artlett, J, IL Frendi. W. i;i.li:u-ds. Cupids — s, SpracklJn. (J. ^mith.W.Wakehaiii, M.Power. T. LcDrcw, J. Bishop. A. Smith. K. Bishop. Brigus— J. Wilcox, M. Clark, J. Smith. G. Gerret. P. Br(i;ihy, J. Tarahan. T. IJicliards. P. J. Power, A. Munden, W. A. (ircen. Ci. Kablvitts, Moses Bartlett, Thomas SpracklinV Salmon C )ve and Clarke's l>,each-Wui. Hussev. Uobt Well-. Itidi^nl Wells. Irist;oll, F. Dillon, D. l. District of Burin. Flat lHlaod>-J. HlHbois K> Collins, G. Mlllvr. Burld Proper W. H. Payno, S. Darby, J. Pjiul, K. VIku», J. U'lliieu, G. liisbop, DouIh Gorman. Uurin WoHt-Jobn Wcare, J. Keueb, G. Gudilaril, G. Muniiull, |. Uugden. St. Lawrence-G. Hrudluy, J. Uu'jvch, II. Piku, 1). Murray, |. FItzpatriuk. Lawn- Peter ConnorH, P. Tarrant, J. Kdwardn, J. CunnorN, M. >Str»uK> Lamalino— T. Haley, H. Kunneli, J. Haley, 11. HuHkull, U. isonnell, |. Hilller, P. lientaird. Fortune— W. P. Lnkc, I). Dru/il, H. J. Haddon, J. K. Luke, U. Fur.-i«y, T. RogerH, T. E. Lake. Grandnauk-W.Dufl'ctt, A.Grundy, M. Foo(l>, G. Mull, G. Fuiscy, 8. H, Tlbbo, Jobn ForKcy. Mortterbay— William Killfoy, TbumuH Slui>bcnH, NicbuiuM lialdwiii, H. E. Hodder, Jobn Coady, Jobn Iloddcr, Pbilip Cuady. District of Fortune. GarniHh— William ItecvcH, W. G randy, of Joscpb; T. Giamiy, Hcnr., G. Bamfleld. Outbarbors— H. T. Holman, Harbor DritOii, ). Gaultun, liruiiLtte; |< Rose, Littlobay; G. Keoplng, itcnconiro; 8. Fiunder, CoonibH. cove; T. Bullcy, Sn^oua ; CburicH Cliuton, Foxuovc; JessuTliorn- too, liay L'Argcnt. Belioram— T. Grandy, T. Cluctt, Hr., G. Dioks, J. Uonikey, J. Cluelt. EngliBh Harbor— G. T. li. Snolgrove, 1>. Burke, K. Lee, It. MurMiall, A. Flandor, W. Yarn, Cbarles Clinton. Harbor Brlton-P. Hubert, H. T. Holman, Dr. Fit?.},'crald, J. Hardy. llermitaKO Bay— E. C. Gallop, Uev. G. Bisbop, Dr. Tbompson, II. Camp, U. BradHbaw. District of Burgeo and LaPoile. Cape LaHune to Bonnebay— J. Brajj}?, U. KIppcn, M. Spencer, T. Ink- pen, J. Bell, sr., J. Hearlu, M. Syme, W. Pack, Jlev. G. Bishop. Uamea— J. Moorcs, J.Payne, H.Kippen, J. KIppcn, G.liossiter, 1. Cbefty. Burgeo— I. MattbowH, J. Cairns, G. Bowdridye, E. Vulchcr, W. J. DaviaKe, C. M. Deijuetteville, George DiukH. LaPoile— F. A. Read. H. Uiles, J. LeScelleur, H. JettrejH, W. Stone. 8. Biilard, J. Anaereon. Petltes— 8. Bonneil, J. Arnold, sr., G. Ellswort), J. Rose, Hr., J. Juan. Rose Blanche— R. Furneaux, J. Roberis. T Cribb, T. Garrett, R. Hardy, J. Buckland, W. Taylor. Burnt Island— P. H. Brock, G. Poole, P. Smurridge. Channel— T. Poole, J. Mugford, ]. Jeans, J.Walters, W.Scott, W. Vardy, W. Warren, S. Hall. ' M 1880] THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAf. B5 District of St. George. Codroy, (Ctipfl lUy to C>ipfl AnKullle). Rev. I). McInniM, Rov. F. Mclniilx, J. UoIIh, J. MuDoiiakI, U. V. Tomkinn, J. (jilll*. MlKlilnntlK— J. MuriiorNon, I). CjIIMh, T. Kvuhh. M.SbearK, A. Foitiine. Stttiily rolnl— lloctor MttDnimUl, Kev. ('. Jiffrcyn. I. CiiNtitn. C. Gar- nlor, C. ItlanclianI, C. U. Mcssorvy, Very Kev. M, F. Howley, D.U. Stevcnvillo— Rov. M. O'Koiirko, lioon White, KouIhjii Connler, Wil- liam IlyncH, AnKUH MclMnai;. rorl-aii-rort— A. McDoimM. f. McLcod, A. Ilarvcy, Jr., J. Leitcb, A. |. Campbell, A. Laney. }.' K. Komaino. Biy of IslantlH, South HI.K— Kov. f. I. CiirlinK, John J. Evitt, W. H. HrairK, A. Potrlo, |. HayeH,' d'. K. Lilly, U. |. Ollker, Rev. 1*. W. Hrown. Hay of iMlantlH, Norili Side— Thomas Ciirtur, C. FMior, E. Brake, I). Roddy, J. Marry. BANKS. Union Bank of Newfoundland. Dlrectorn: Sir Robert Thorhurn, K.(.'.M.G., Hon. A. W. Harvey, Walter It. Orlevc, R. H. Miiiin, Hon. W. J. S. Donnelly. JameH Goldic, initnn^nr; Charles SI. Plnsent, accountant; W. H. Crowdy, Int teller; i;h!is. K. Meehan, 2nd teller; W. W. Watson, and A. M. TetcrH, clcrkfi. l>. floMCph Ureono, notary. P. MorrlNNoy, )ncN8en<;cr. Discount Days: Mondays and ThurNdiyH from l^.W oVIock. Houru of KuhIuuhh : From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. , Commercial Bank of Newfoundland. Directors: Hon. A. F. Goodridgc, James Goodfeilow, Geo. A. IIutchinKS, Edwin J. Duder, and Hon. J. !j. Pitts. Henry Cook, manaj^er; Henry D. Carter, accountant and paying teller; James E. Kent, receiving teller; Charles P. Cruwdy, ledKer keeper; George C. Coen and F. Wood, clerks. Sir William V. White- way, r Ik-gcrlption of IJglit. (Jiill Island, Cnpo John I^ng Point. Tonlin- guot. Cann Isl'd, SeiUom- Come-Ily. OflferWad- ham Isl'd. Cn))ot (Stinking) Island, Donnvista Iliiy. Putfin Island, Greens- pond. Ijttle Dernier Island, Bonavisla Biiy. Cape Bonavista. Green Island, Catalina. Fort Point, Trinity. Hant's Hr. Trinity bay Baccalieii Island. O I II O I II 49-59.54 49.4i.a3 49.35-05 49-35-35 4q.10.a6 49.03-37 48.41.05 48.42.01 48.30.15 48.21.55 48.01.07 48.08.58 55-a>.33 .54-47-34 54-10.35 53-4S-t3 Intermittent w/iih', 4tli order F^inptrir, making onttcotnplcit! rcvoliiiioii iii a minute, appearing about 11 sec- onds lif^lil and 9 sceonds dark. Calo-Dioplric revolviiin while; al- l.'iins Rrealesf lirilliaiiey every 30 seconds. I'ixed while, 8di order Dioplric. Fixed white, .}th order Dioptric. 53.at.2T 53-32-37 53-34-05 53-04-35 53.02.20 53-20.51 53-15-07 52.47-32 IntcrmittentTd/////?, 4tliorder Dinpiric, making one complete revolulion in a minute, apjiearin^ about 11 sec- onds light and 9 seconds dark. /•y.ivi/ /•<• 31 85 10 100 IX\ 74 10 85 10, 302 19 150 15 02 II 75 10 65 9 443 24 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. •17 LIGHTHOUSES, BEACONS, ftc. [Jffhtt in the following lint arc exhibitml from nunitet to lunviio. diitianrvit ara all in nntUical milet. Thr !'■ 1^ i-' 1 Kind "M 3 a L^ of Description of liuiliiing. if e ■< I^mp. ft. Mis. Sas a6 360 a wick Iron lower on apex of Island, painted rcil Concen- nntl white, vcrtiiallv, four stripes of each color. Keeper's fiouso painted white, tric. iia ft. distant, W. by N. W 31 All No. 8 Liglit tower |)aintcd /-art, changing to octagon and finished liy a circular drum, gallery and lantern. Kear. Ferryland Head. 47.44.24 47.4245 47.41.27 47.36.40 47-32.54 47.48.30 approxi- 47-33-I7 47.31.11 47.00.58 S3.09.22 53.08.1 1 S3.12.33 S3.»o.i5 53.10.35 52.47.10 mate, 52.40.20 52.36.39 52.51.07 Description of Light. Fixed while, 8th order Dioptric. Catoptric revolving light, showing two white flashes, followed by one red flash, each attaining greatest brilliancy in 30 seconds. Fixed white, 6th order Dioptric. Fixed white, 6th order Dioptric. Immediately beneath the princi- pal white light is a projecting lan- tern in which three lamps arc placed. The two outer ones will show white, and the centre one in a line with the Southern rocks, N.E. half v.. (mag.) from the tower, will be red. Fixed red, 6th order Dioptric. I'ixed red, 4th order Dioptric. Fixed white, 4th order Dioptric, visible from seaward between W. S.W. and N.N.E. Red light, (Catoptric.) Red light, (Catoptric.) No IE.— By Keeping the lights or discs in line, the largest vessels will clear all dangers. Bearing N. W. i W. Catoptric, revolving white, attains its greatest brilli.incy every min'te Fixed white, 3rd order Dioptric. LighlH " " 11 t/1 ;ii.fLB '»i^iP**-»«r' I' 1889] THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 30 LIGHTHOUSES, BEACONS, &c. LighlH ill the followinij list are exhibited from sitnuet to minri.ie. The diatances are all in nautical miles. i) ' •0 ^' i- Kind |5 of Lamp. Description of Ruiiding. t ft. VI Is. 195 16 360 I Argand. Buildings wood. Ligiit tower rising from tlic gable of the huiise — vertical parts white, roof red. J51 15 360 No. 6 Argands. Sciuarc wood house, sides painted white, roof red, from centre of which rises the lantern. 40 n Argund gas. Hexagonal wood tower, painted white. 56 8} All Seaward I Argand. Round Iron tower, painted with two red and three white horizontal bands. Store in the rear painted white. "3 12 ditto. ditto. Round iron tower painted red and white vertical stripes, three of each. House also painted with red and white vertical stripes. 123 12 ditto. 2 wick Concentric Buildings of wood painted white; roofs flat. On the higher roof is the lantern, elevated above it on a square block. 'I'he lower building is the fog alarm house. (For particulars of alarm, see list below). 134I 12 ditto. ditto. Building stone, whitewashed. On the root is the lantern. (For fog-gun, see list below). 76J Argand gas. This light is in a drum, painted white, on the roof of the Custom House. I7'l^ ditto. This light (400 yards in rear of the lower one) is in a small octagon tower, painted white. with conical roof, one side of which is painted white, as is .also a disc that sur- mounts the roof. The line connecting these two signals shews the middle of the channel. ab4 23 All No. 7 Wood house, banded red and white horizon- Seaward Argands. tally. The lantern rises from the centre. (For fog alarm, see list below). 200 16 ditto. 3 wick Concentric Round red-brick tower, 28 feet from keeper's house. Keeper's house, wood, painted white, with red roof. ;;litl| I 40 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [1889 LIGHTHOUSES, BEACONS, &c. Lights in the foUoxcing list are exhibited from sunset to sunrise. The distnnves are all in nautieal miles. Niimc of riace. 'O.a 3 1: •S o 1856 1851 1883 i860 1879 1858 Cape Race. 1879 1865 187s 1873 Cape I'iiie. i>i>int La H aye, !St. Mary's Bay. Cajie St. Mary's. Point Verde, Flaccntia. Dodding Head, Burin, Allan Island, I^malinc. Brunette Island, Mercer's Head, For- tune Bay. Garnish, Fortune Bay. Belloram, Fortune Bay. 46.39.24 46.37.04 46.54.28 46.49.34 0) 53.04.20 53-3»45 53-3640 54-"43 Description of Ligiif. Revolving 7t>Aitf light (with silvered reflectors and annular lenses) ; attains greatest brilliancy every half minute. Visible between E. N.E. to W.S.W. Fixed white (Catoptric). The in- tervening land being low, tlic light can be seen over it from St. Mary's Bay. Fixed white, 6tli order Dioptric. Revolving Cato-dioptric of ist or- der, shewing alternately a red-AwA white light at intervals of one minute. 47.14.11 55.00.19 Fixed white, 5th order Dioptric. 47.00.26 46.51.00 approxi 47-IS-32 47.14.00 approxi 47.29.00 55-08.43 554530 mate. 55-5 i-So 55-24.00 mate. 55-27-15 Second order, revolving white light, (silvered reflectors and annular lenses) , attains greatest brilliancy every minute. In consequence of great height, this light is often obscured when the coast is clear. Fixed white, 8th order Dioptric. Powerful Cato-dioptric Jlas/iiiif; white light, which attains its great- est brilliancy every ten seconds. (Obscured by the land from E.S. E. to S). Fixed red light (metal reflector). This light is only intended for the fishing craft of the locality. Fixed white, 8th order Dioptric. > . o-r u . •9- U 4) n q; 5ry 5^ X ft. Mis. 180 15 1 "mmm-mm^- 1889] THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 41 il i LIGHTHOUSES, BEACONS, &c. Li(/hta in the followinrf list are exhibited from sunset to sunrise, distances are all in nautical miles. The 1^ 4! ated Kind s.sa .5 a r N>4 of Lamp. DescripMon of Building. ft. Mis. i8o 15 180 No. 9 Argands. Round iron light tower, 40 feet high, painted red and white in broad vertical stripes. The keeper's house is— feet distant, square, painted white, red roof. The light tower is connected with the alarm house by a covered way. (For fog signal see list below). Note. — This Lighthouse is now maintained by the Dominion Government. 314 20 No. 17 Argands. Round iron light tower, 50 feet high, painted with red and white horizontal bands. Keeper's dwelling, wood, connected with the tower by a covered way. 63 9 All Seaward I Argand. Round iron tower, painted with three red and two white horizontal bands. The bands are continued around a flat-roofed store in the rear. 390 23 ditto. No. 12 Argands. Round brick tower, painted red. There is a wooden house, 15 feet on each side of the tower, and connected therewith by a cov- ered way. The houses are painted white, with red roofs. 98 II ditto. I Argand. Wooden house, painted white, and flat-roof- ed. The light tower rises from the roof of the house. 430 24 ditto. No. 6 Argands. Square wooden house, painted white, and red roof. The lantern rises from the centre of the house. 64 9 170 I Argand. Wood, octagon tower, painted red and white on alternate sides. 408 23 All No. 9 Square wooden house, painted white, with Seaward Argands. red roof. The lantern rises from the centre of the roof. 20 I Argand. A square beacon tower, of wood, standing on the end of the breakwater, carrying an octagon drum and lantern. 35 7 270 I Argand. A wooden tower, painted white, on the north point of the beach. 4i THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [1889 i LIGHTHOUSES, BEACONS, &c. Lights in the followi'ig list are exhibited from sunset to sunrise. The distances are all in nautical miles. E s S5| -S Name of Place. Br, ■s o 12 ■a , •I| Description of Liglit. 1873 1879 1885 1874 1886 1873 187s 41883 Rocky Point, Hr. Briton, Fortune Bay. Pass Island, entrance to Hermitage Bay. Gaultois. Boar Island. Burgeo. Ireland's Island, en- trance of LaPoile Bay. Rose Blanche Point. Channel Head, Port-au- Basque. Sandy Point, Bay St. George, I n 47.27.30 47-39.15 47.36.00 47.36.12 47.37-52 47.3548 47.3349 48.27.27 O I II 55.47.4s 56.12.02 55.54.00 57.35-13 58.22.13 5841.30 S9.07.09 58.30.31 Eighth order Dioptric, Fixed 7uhite, except in a line with Ilarljor Rock, in which direction it is obscured. Fixed white, 4th order Dioptric. A /•/^tfrfr^^rf light, 6th order Dioptric, is placed below the white light to distinguish the rocks and reefs extending from Wolf Rocks, bear- ing (from lighthouse^ S. 77.44 W., to Basse Terre Point, S. 61.33. The reef over the Wolf Rocks is about i| miles from the island. At a distance of about 4 miles ilie two lights merge into one. Fixed white light on an iron column. The light should be brought to bear N.E. before steering for the entrance of the harbor to clear a sunken rock S.W. by W., about 100 yards distant. Fixed red, 6th order Dioptric. Fifth order revolving white light, alternate flashes and total eclipses, attaining greatest brilliancy every 12 seconds. Fixed white, 4th order Dioptric, shewing from E.S.E. through S. to W. by N. by compass. Fixed red, 6th order Dioptric. Fixed white, 6th order DioiJtric. 1889] u ?;-• . B « .12 '5'-' X ft. Mis. 68 9 • 281 267 19 207 67 9S 90 35 II 9i II S-iS". liiHSiilii ^mmmm-^^^*^ 1889] THE NEWFOUNDLANAD ALMANAC. 43 LIGHTHOUSES, BEACONS, &c. Lidhts in the following list are exhibited from sunset to sunrise, (listatuies are all in nautical miles. The re ;j I •a u . / money-order olVices. Same of Office. District. A\wic of Officer. Bav Bulls Ferrvland Martiti Biirlci* Bay of Islands . Bay Roberts Blackhead Bonavista .•••••..•••• St. George's Harljor ilrace Bay-de-\'erile . Bonavista.. ,', William 11. Bagg William T'raser John C. Moons James Mifflin John R. Roberts Sarali .Stentaford Pierce Currie ). C. Cunningham 'i'homas Winter M. 1). Stares Bonne Bay Brigtis Britannia Cove . Burgeu Burin St. Barl)e .... I'ort-de-Grave Trinity . . . . Burgeo and LaPoile Burin . . . . Bonavista Carbonear Trinity Burgeo and LaPoile . Ferry land.. Carbonear Catalina Channel . Vt*rrvhmfl- . . . . ...... 'Tryphena NichoU Cecilia Martin Nathan Sniiih John Morry James Fitzgerald John E. Lake George R. Forsi^y William Lang 'Tryphena Birkett A. T. Drysdale Johanna Fzekiel limily Mills George Moore Fllen V'eitch Fogo Fortune Grand Bank Greenspond Harbor Briton . Harbor Grace Harbor Main . Herring Neck Hearts Content Holvrof ui ........ >••■ Fogo .... Burin Burin .... Bonavista ........ .......... Fortune . . . . Harbor Grace Harbor Main . 'T\villln£?ate. ................ Tiinity . . . . Harbor Main Bonavista .... Burgeo and LaPoile Twiliingate Placentia King's Cove LaPoile Patrick Murphy 'Thomas Mauger Richard D. Walsh. Little Bay . ♦Little Flacentia ♦New Perlican . Nipper's Harbor Old Perlican Trinity . . . . Twiliingate Bay-de-Verde . Francis Ho,' ell S. J. Blackler George Tuff :J'««Wk*W«;, 1880] TIIK NKWKOUXDLAND ALMAXAC. 40 Sivne of Officf. PIlUTIItiU Kosc Itlanclu! . St. (JforK«--'s •St. l.iiwrt'nce . St, Mary's , Slioal liiirlior . Trinity 'rwilliiigatu . Tilt Cove District, i'liici-ntia lturK<'<> and Lal'uili! St. (iforKc's. Hiiiin I Name of Officer, • •••••••I Iliinnah Hradshaw K. h'urneaux C. K. hishop 'Alice Vavasour accnt la ; I 'atrick Walsh Trinity . . . . 1 1. S. Miitiir Trinity... jAlary K. lUichnnan 'I'wiilihgatc . . .'josiah (Jolliornc vVni. Ctinningliam Way Offices. Anderson's Cove A(|iiaforte . A(lams' Cove Amherst Cove . Anchor I'oint Haine Harbor . Haldnaj) Dart-need . . Hankhead Barren Island . Hay-de- Verde Hay I.'Argent . llcaubois IScJIoram . . Hclle Isle Bishop s Cove . lionaventure Benoit's Cove . Bird Island Cove Birchy Head Black River. Brent's Cove broad Cove Broad Cove . . Branch British Harbor . Broad Cove, Trinity. . Brunette . Burnt Islands Burnt Point Cai)e Broyle Cape I'Yeels Cape LaHune Cape Norman . Ca])lin Bay Cat Harbor Cat's Cove Change Islands Clarke's Heach Coiichinan's Cove Codroy Colliers Colliers Bay Cove . . . Conception Harbor . Conche Cottel's Island . Crabbs Brook Connaigre . . Coomb's Cove Dildo Elliott's Cove »•••«••••••■• ■•••••« Fortune Bay.., Ferryland . Bay-de- Verde Bonavista . St. Barbe , i'laeentia . Trinity Brians St. (jeorge's I'laeentia and St. Mary's Bay-de- Verde,, Fortune Bay Burin , I''ortune Bay St. John's..' , Harbor Grace • Tri''ity < St. (jeorge's Trinity St. Barbe . . . , I'laeentia and St. Mary's... , St. Barbe . . . , St. John's Bay-d<;-\'erde . . I'laeentia and St. Mary's.. . Trinity . . . < 'I'rinity Fortune B;iy Burgeo and LaPoile , Bay-de-Verde . . Ferryland Bonavista ... Burgeo and Lal'oile. , St. Barbe ... Ferryland Fogo ... Harbor Main , Fogo ... Port-de-Grave , St. Barbe ... St. George's Harbor Main Trinity Harbor Main St. Barbe , Bonavista . St. George's , Fortune ... Fortune Trinity Trinity James Thornhill I'cter Winsor John Evans 'Thomas I''ord William tienge I'., Gardener William Gulliford (jeorge W. Payne Ann O'Rielly I'^liza Shea Stephen Blundon Harriet Grandy (jeorge iJober iulia Cluett I. jackman David Barrett George Field .Arthur 'Tilley Henry Halfvard A. W. Blackadar John Carroll I)yvid 'Tucker Jabez I.eGrow NIargaret ICnglish Arthiu- (jardener James Pelley Ambrose 'Thornhill. Phihp H. Brock 'Thomas 'Tucker Martin Cashin William Hann Robert Keepin John Brew«;r William Johnston Henry Rf)bbins 'Thomas O'Brien Justinia Dowell William Newell William Breen John Gillis John Cole Uriah 'Thome Johanna 'Toole Kate Dower Daniel 'Turner Moses Huelin Sarah Harris Clara M. Vallis Albert Smith Aaron Smith i so THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [1880 Namt ff Office. Englee Kngiish Har., West . English Har., Fjist.... English Harbor Exploits Kermeuse . . . Flat Islands.. Flat Islands Flower's Cove Fortune Harbor Fox Cove Fox Harbor . Freshwater Gambo . . . Gander Bay Garganelle Garnish Gaultois . Giovertown George's Brook Gooseberry Islands... Grand River Grates Cove Gravels Great Codroy Green's Harbor Griguet Grole . . . Hant'« Hafbor Harbor Buffett . Harbor Grace June. . Harbor Mille Heart's Delight Hermitage Cove Hodge's Cove... Hickman's Harbor . Holyrood, St, Mary's,,. Indian Arm Inner Island Ireland's Eye Island Cove Jackson's Cove . Joe Batt's Arm Leels Kelligrews Ladle Cove Lally Cove l^nce Cove Lark Harbor La Scie Lamaline LaPoile Lawn Leading Tickles Lee Bight Little Bay Island Little River, Codroy. . Lower English Hr. Lower Island Cove.... Manuels . Mobile Mose Ambrose . Merasheen Moreton's Harbor District. >••••' •••••••••••••* St. Barbe Fortune Bay Fortune Trinity Twillingate... Ferryland . Bonavista...., Burin . St. Barbe Twillingate Fortune Bay.. Trinity Bay-de- Verde. Bonavista . Fogo.. St. Barbe . Fortune Bay Fortune Bay Bonavista. Trinit>r Bonavista , St. George's Bay-de- Verde St. George's St. George's Trinity St. Barbe , Fortune . . . I'rinity Placentia and St. Mary's Fortune Bay Trinity Fortune Bay Trinity Trinity F'lacentia and St. M?.iy's., IJonavisia . ' . Bonavista Trinity Harbor Grpce Twillingate Fogo Bonavista . Harbor Main Fogo Fortune Trinity St. George's St. Barbe . Burin Burgoo and LaPoilc Burin Twillingate Trinity.... Twillingate . St. George's Fortune Bay Bay-de- Verde Harbor Main Ferryland Fortune . . . . Placentia and St. Mary's.... Twillingate ■ ••■•••• • • • ••••• •■ Name of Officer. Andrew Daley William Evan's Mrs. W. Hack.-ll Henry G. Balston 'Thomas Winsor William 'Tnunor Mary Hicks Henry W. t.'rann Richard Norman Richard Hamilton Charles Clinton Eliza Seward William S. Davis Simeon Osmond John Bursey William La'ngston Sabina Grandy Richard Bradshaw Elijah Burry Charles Pelley Ambro.se Jeans John Rolls William Meadus A. McDonald lames Downey Hfzekiali Burt Mrs. Noel |ohn T. Jackman Jane A. Crccn Thomas E. Colletl VVilco.\ Spraklin Charles barnes ,ames Hiimi>liries Martha Francis James Drover Joseph I'illey William St. Croi.\ Edward Humby Moses Davis 'Thomas Cooper John Crane Henry Knight I'homas Ueady Edward Penney William 'Tilley Abraham 'Tulk Stephen Gould A. J. Brown Isaac Sheppard Daniel Duijgan lames I'itnuin Francis Read J. Walsh i'licjebe Alcock Isaac Adcy John Campbell Alexander Mclsaac William Hackett George Cooper Mrs. Sarah Kearney Daniel Fitzgerald Bessie Yarn Mary Hennessey Mark Osmond I. I! 1880] THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 61 Namt of Offict. Isaac KM ■r ■arney ■aid iey Miisgrnve Harbor.... Nlusgravc Town . Newbay Northwest Arm New Hnrbor Northern Ann . . Northern Hay Northern Bight . North Kiver Ochrepit Cove . Odurin Openhall . I't-tites Filley's Island . I'late Cove i'aradise . Pass Island I'eddleton . ivrry's Ccve Petty Harbor . Pool's Cove i'ool's Island i'ort-de-Grave Portugal Cove . I'ouch Cove Pushthrough Kams Islands Kfd Island Kivorhead Hr. Grace.. Robinson's Bight kecontre, Fortune. . . . Kecontre, Hermitage . Renews kiverhead.St. Mary's . Robinson's Head kiissel's Cove . . Salmon Cove Salmon Cove Salmon Cove Seal Cove Shoe Cove Sagona Salmonier Salmonier, South Salvage. ..••.•*.•••.•• Scilly Cove . , Seal Cove Seldom-Come-By . Sound Island...' South Side Hr. Grace . South S. George's Bay.. St. John's, Central St. John's.King's B'dge St. John's, Riverhead . St. John's, South Side.. Summcrside Spaniard's Bay St. Anthony St. Brides St. Jacques Swa'in's Island Three Arms Tilton Thoroughfare . District. Bonavista Trinity . . . . Twillingate Twillingate . . . Trinity Bay-de-Verde . . Bay-de- Verde Trinity . . . . Port-de-Grave Bay-de-Verde . . . Placentia and St. Mary's.... Bonavista . . . . Burgee and Lal'oile Twillingate . . . Bonavista Placentia and St. Mary's Fortune Bay Harbor Grace . . Bay-de- Verde St. John's, West Fortune Bay Bonavista . . . . Port-de-Grave St. John's, East . St. John's, East Fortune Bay Placentia and St. Mary's.... Placentia and St. Mary's Harbor Grace Trinity . . . . Fortune Bay Burgeo and LaPoile . Ferryland Placentia and St. Mary's . St. George's Trinity . . . . Harbor Main Port-de-Grave . . . Trinity Trinity . . . . Twillingate Fortune Bay Placentia and St. Mary's.... Placentia and St. Mary's Bonavista I'rinity . . . . Bonavista Fogo .... Placentia and St. Mary's.... Harbor Grace . St. George's St. John's, East . St. John's, East St. John's, West St. John's, West St. George's Harbor Grace St. Barbe . . . . Placentia and St. Mary's.... Fortune Bay Bonavista Twillingate Harbor Grace..... Trinitv . . . . Namt of Officer, J. B. Wheeler Amy Brown E'eter Moore James Higgins \. Newhook Kate Woodford Mary Hogan Edward Benson John Bryan Bridget Perfect Kate Quirk George Shears iames M. Arnold '. W. Andrews John Cheevers Patrick Healey Eliza Strickland Francis Peddle Kachaet Kellaway Jacob Bishop Henrietta Cross Peter House I. B. Butler NIargaret Dooley J. B. EasterbrooK Henry Camp D. Fitzpatrick Elizabeth Dunphy John Coady iob Pilley Late Giovanni Joseph liarle Margaret Jackman Edward Lee Thomas W. Evans Stephen Durdcll Edward Kennedy William Hussey W. A. Gabriel Jesse Buckler George Morgan Stephen Snooks Matthv-w Carew Bridget Cormack James Burden, jr. Jacob Hiscock George Prince P. Newell Philip Brown Jacob Noseworthy Philip Morris Mrs. Rouse Richard Hayes Henry Collis Leah Taylor Thomas Carter Leah Earle Henry Moore James E. Conway George Snelgrove George Hann B. Wells Stephen Gosse Thomas Mills 62 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [188» Name of Office. District. Tickle Cove...., Tilton Harbor . Toads Cove Topsail Torbay Trepassey Trinity, £ast.... Upper Small Point Valen Island Western Bay Western Cove Witless Bay ••• a • • Boiiavista Fogo Ferryland Harbor Main St. John's, East Placentia and St. Mary's Trinity Bay-de-Verde Placentia and St. Mary's. Bay-de-V'erde . St. Barbe Ferryland . Name of Officer. Adam Slciflington Martha Brawders Catherine Driscoll Maria Moyse iohn McGuire Irs. A. J. Curtis Reginald Mills Grace Hay den _ ohn Brown " ane Kennedy ames j. Sparks amcs Shannahan. Postal Routes. Overland, by Railway, for Caibonear, xm Topsail, Kel- ligrews, Holyrood, Salmon Cove Station, Harbor Main, Conception Harbor, Brigus, Port- de- Grave, Bay Roberts, Spaniard's Bay and Harbor Grace, daily. Between St. John's and Portugal Cove, Tuesday and Friday. Carbonear to Heart's Content, tri-weekly — Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Between Heart's Content, Grate's Cove, New Perlican, Hant's Harbor, by messenger, twice a week. Mails close at 9 P.M. Tuesdays and Thursdaj s. Between Heart's Content, Random and Smith's Sound, on Friday, by boat. Between Heart's Content and Old Perlican, weekly. Between Carbonear, Blackhead, and Bay-de- Verde, by messenger, Tuesdays, and Fridays, calling at intermediate places, and at Old Perlican once a week. Between New Perlican and Trinity, weekly, by boat. Between Trinity and Bonavista, and between Trinity and King's Cove, weekly, by messenger. Between Salvage and Gambo, calling at Alexander Bay, fortnightly. Between King's Cove and Greenspond, fortnightly, by boat, touching at Salvage, Gooseberry, Cottell's Island, and Flat Islands. Between St. John's, Bay-de-Verde, Trinity, Catalina, King's Cove, Bonavista, Greenspond, Fogo, Twillingate, Exploits, Leading Tickles, Little Bay, Little Bay Island, Tilt Cove and Nipper's Harbor, by the coastal steamer, fort- nightly, on the Tuesday after the arrival r^^ ^he steamer from Liverpool and Queenstown ; and during winter months, over- land, via New Harbor, Random and Freshwater, fortnightly. Petween St. John's, Ferryland, Trepassey, Burin, Saint ^^^fe('*!)»l*t(t.' 1889] THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 53 Lawrence, St. Pierre, Harbor Briton, Burgeo, LaPoile, Rose Blanche, Channel, St. George's, Bay of Islands, and Bonne Bay, by coastal steamer, fortnightly, summer and winter, calling at Renews, St. Mary's, Placentia, Sn Jacques, Bellor- am, Gaultois and Pushthrough every alternate trip. Also calling alternately at Fortune and Grand Bank, from ist April to end of year, weather permitting. Between Heart's Content end Shoal Harbor, calling at Heart's Ease, Hickman's Harbor, Robinson's Bight, Bald- nap, Lee Bight and Shoal Harbor, weekly, by boat. Between St. Join's, Bay Bulls, Witless Bay, Toad's Cove, P'erryland and Renews, weekly, by wagon. Between Holyrood and Placentia, by wagon, on Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday, from the ist May to 30th November, and weekly from ist December to 30th April. Between Salmonier and St. Mary's, by messenger, weekly. Between Great and Little Placentia, by messenger, weekly. Between Great Placentia, LaManche, Sound Island, Harbor Buffei, Red Island, Merasheen and Burgeo, by boat, fortnightly. Between Great Placentia and Burin, by boat, touching at Isle Valen, Paradise, Oderin, and Flat Islands, fortnightly ; and monthly in winter. Between Burin ard Isle Valen, calling at Flat Islands, Oderin and Paradise, fortnightly ; and monthly in winter. Between Little and Great St. Lawrence and Lamaline, by messenger, fortnightly. Between Garnish and Harbor Briton, calling at Sagona, English Harbor and St. Jacques, by boat, fortnightly. Between St. Jacques and Bay L'Argent, calling at inter- mediate places, by boat, fortnightly. Between Harbor Briton, Pushthrough, Rencontre, Ram- ea, Burnt Islands and Petites, by boat, fortnightly. Rates of Postage. Postage on letters addressed to the United States, the Dominion of Canada, the United Kingdom and Foreign Europe is as follows : — For letters under ^ oz., five cents, and five cents for every additional ^ oz. For Bermuda, West Indies, Brazil, Peru and Uruguay, eight cents under ^ oz. letters, and eight cents for every additional * oz. For East Indies and China, Japan and Java, ten cents per i oz. rate. r h Hi'} 54 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC [1889 For Australian Colonies and South Africa, twelve cents per rate. Newspapers, three cents. Local newspapers to United S'ates, the Dominion, West Indies, Foreign Europe, and to England, one cent per 2 ozs. Foreign newspapers remailed for transmission to the Outports free, provided they are under 4 ounces. Newspapers over four ounces in weight are charged as books. Inland Postage. For letters under ^ oz 3 cents. For letters under I oz 6 cents. Three cents tor every additional ^ oz., prepaid by stamps. For book-packets, pamphlets, magazines and periodi- cals under 2 ounces, i cent ; not exceeding three pounds in weight, transmitted by post within the Island, are charged two cents for every quarter-pound of their weight or fraction thereof. Postage on letters for French Islands — St. Pierre and Miquelon — five cents per half-ounce rate, and registration five cents. " Parcel Postage. Parcels closed at the ends and sides, but not sealed or closed with gum, may be posted at an) post office in New- foundland for conveyance to any other post office or way office in the Island at a rate of postage subject to the follow- ing conditions : — 1. No letter or letters shall be concealed. 2. The parcel shall not contain any explosive sub- stances, glass, liquid, or other matter likely to injure the ordinary contents of the mail, under penalty or forfeiture of the parcel. 3. The weight of the parcel should not exceed five lbs., nor the size exceed two feet in length or breadth, or one foot in thickness. It must be so put up that the con- tents may be examined, to prevent letters or other communi- cations being enclosed. 4. Parcels must be prepaid at the following rates : Under i lb 2 cents. Over i lb. and not exceeding jtlh ^ 4 cents. Over i lb. and not exceeding | lb 6 cents. And so on, adding 2 cents for every ^ lb. or fraction thereof. 5. The parcel may be registered on payment of a fee of three cents, in addition to the postage. 6. If the name and address of the sender be written on the parcel, it will, if delivery should fail from any cause, be returned unopened to the sender, on payment of an addi- tional rate of 8 cents per lb. for the return conveyance. [1889 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 65 7. The parcel should have the words " by parcel post " plainly written over the address. It should be well and strongly put up, and be legibly addressed to the post-office address of the intended receiver, including the name of the district in which the post office is situated. The following is an example of the mode of address recommended :^ BY PARCEL POST. To Sent by . . Post Office. District of, . District of .. iIt Prohibitory Clauses. No written communication shall be enclosed in any cir- periodical, pamphlet, book, book-parcel, or parcel for ircel post ; and no communication shall be written "; c. any circular, periodical, pamphlet, book, book-package, or parcel. No letter, or any writing, or any marks to serve the pur- pose of a letter, shall be written upon or enclosed in any newspaper posted to pass as a newspaper. All prepaid books, pamphlets and magazines, for Great Britain, Dominion of Canada and United States, are charged the following rates when exceeding two ounces in weight : — For packet above 2 ozs., and not exceeding 4 ozs.. . . 2 cents. For packet above 4 ozs., and not exceeding 8 ozs.. . . 4 cents. For packet over 8 ozs., and not exceeding i lb 8 cents. And so on, adding four cents for every additional four ounces or fraction thereof, when the packet exceeds four ounces in weight. Commercial papers, invoices, &c., are chargeable with five cents for the first rate of t«vo ounces or fraction thereof, and four cents per four ounces, or any fraction thereof over the first two ounces. Books, trade patterns or samples, and all printed papers other than newspapers, not exceeding two ounces in weight, are forwarded to the United Kingdom at the reduced rate of : — P or a packet no ( exceeding 2 ozs 2 cents. All parcels containing books, patterns, newspapers or printed matter of any kind, must be so put up that the con- tents may be easily withdrawn for examination ; if sealed,, such packets become liable to letter rate, and will be charged accordingly. :!' i 56 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [1889 i I Unpaid books for the United Kingdom, or other coun- tries, will not be forwarded. Letters for officers serving in Her Majesty's service abroad are chargeable with the ordinary rates of postage. The attention of the public is called to the fact that the General Postal Union Treaty positively prohibits the trans- mission in the mails of gold or silver money, jewels or pre- cious articles, or any other article whatever liable to customs' duties. Therefore, correspondence originating in Newfound- land and addressed to any of the countries of the Postal Union, whether ordidary or registereH, should not contain these interdicted articles. RULKS or RATING I.F.ITERS IIY URITISH I'ACKKT. For all countries — under ^ oz., one rate ; under i oz., two rates ; under i ^ ozs., three rates ; and so on, adding one rate for every ^ oz. Letters posted in Newfoundland for delivery at any place within the Island, are charged three cents for every ^ oz., if prepaid, and six cents unpaid. Registration. Local 3 cents. United Kingdom 4 centi. United States, Dominion of Canada, West Indies, and Foreign Europe 5 cents. Australia r2 cents. South Africa 6 cents. Any letters found to contain coin, as well as any having the word " registered " written upon them, which may be posted in Newfoundland, will be forwarded to any part of the colony, charged with a double registration fee. For United Kingdom, foreign countries and Dominion of Can- ada, they will not be forwarded on any terms. Money Order Branch. Thomas S. Dwyer. superintendent ; G. B. Lloyd, clerk. Office hours : from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Money orders are now interchanged with the United Kingdom, Dominion of Canada, Prince Edward's Island, and United States, at the following rates of commission : — ON THE UNITED KINGDOM. Orders up to ;^2 os. 6d. stg. Orders over /"2 and up to /$ is od. stg. Orders over /s and up to jbj n...is. 6d. stg. Orders over ^7 and up to j^io 2s. od. stg. Maximum amount of order on United Kingdom, ;^io. ON CANADA. NOVA SCOTIA, NEW BRUNSWICK, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND AND UNITED STATES, Orders up to $10 10 cents. Orders over $10 and up to $20 20 cents. Orders over 320 and up to $y> 30 cents. Orders over SS30 and up to ^540 40 cents. Orders over $<\o and up to $50 50 cents. Maximum amount of single order, $50. ^^!ifl|J^WIW«"!»W.-. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. ft? ON INLAND ORDKRS. Orders up to ;|Sio 5 cents. Orders over $10 and up to $30 10 cents. Orders over ^20 and up to ^30 15 cents. Orders over $30 and up to $40 20 cents. Orders over J40 and up to ^^50 25 cents. Maximum amount of inland order, $$0. No half-pence to be introduced in the orders. Business of Money Order office closes one hour before closing the mails by steamer. SYSTEM. 1 . Money Orders are made out in forms supplied for the use of the Money Order Offices. 2. Persons applying for Money Orders are recom- mended to use printed " Application Forms," printed for that purpose. 3. Place of payment of a Money Order may be changed in accordance with instructions provided therefor. 4. Alteration of payee's name may be effected by issue of a new Order and payment of commission thereon. 5. Applicants for Money Orders are expected to ob- serve due care in the examination of the same, relative to filling and stamping ; defect in Orders, when presented for payment, may cause difficulty and delay, for which the pay- ing office is not to be held accountable. 6. Postmasters should be particularly careful to obtain from the person who presents a Money Order, whether the rightful owner or not, full information as to the Christian name, surname and address of the party who originally ob- tained it, unless such party be a firm, when the name of the firm will suffice. TAe only exception to this rule is — When an Order is presented through the Bank, in which case it will suffice that the Order, being properly signed, be also crossed with the Banker's name. 7. As however, After once paying a Money Order by whomsoever presented, the office will not be liable to any fur- ther claim, the public are strictly cautioned, — 1st. To take all means to prevent the loss of the money-order. 2nd. To be careful on taking out an order, to state correctly the Christian as well as the surname of the person in whose favor it is drawn. 3rd. To see that the name of the person taking out the money-order is correctly known to the person in whose favor it is drawn. 8. Although, at the end of twelve months from that in which it was issued, a money-order, if still unpaid, becomes legally void ; nevertheless, when a good reason can be given 68 niE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [188ft for the delay in presenting it, an application for payment subject to a certain deduction, is entertained. Foreign Countries. Money-orders are issued in Newfoundland on the fol- lowing Foreign Countries and British possessions : — Foreign Countries — Belgium, Denmark, Danish West Indies, Dutch East Indies, Egypt, German Empire, Holland, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzer- land. British India — Including the Agencies of the Indian Post Office at Aden, Bagdad, Bunder, Abas, Bushire, Busrah, Gurdur, Jask, Linge, Muscat and Zanzibar. British Colonies — Australia — New South Wdles, Queens- land, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia and New Zealand. Other Colonies — Bermuda, Ceylon, Falkland Islands, Hong Kong, including the Agencies of the Hong Kong Post Office at Amoy, Canton, Foo Chow, Hankow, Holhow, Ningpo, Shanghai, Swatow, and Straits Settlements. South and West Africa — Cape Colony, Gambia, Gold Coast, Lagos, Mauritius, Natal, St. Helena, Seychelles and Sierra Leone. West Indies — Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, British Gui- ana, Dominica, Grenada, Honduras (British), Jamaica, Montserrat, Nevis, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Tobago, Trinidad, Turks Island, Cyprus and North Borneo. 9. Postmasters should recommend the use of money orders for the transmission of money, in preference to such transmission otherwise. Suggestions to the Public. Facility will be given to the Post Office in the discharge of its daily duties, and greater security afforded to the pub- lic, by careful attention to the following recommendations : Post all letters and newspapers, &c., as early as practi- cable, especially when sent in large bundles. When a number of newspapers are addressed to the same office, put them up in one parcel. When a number of circulars are posted, tie them up in A bundle, with the address all in one direction. Address letters, papers, &c., in a legible and complete manner, always giving the name of the post office ; and if there be more than one post office of that name, the name of the district in which situated. In case of letters going abroad, the name of the country, as well as of the town and city, should be given in full. Letters, for example, intended for London, Canada West, it simply addressed " London," BHIHHHHHMHniiiiPtiisNiH' j^-arbc Cape Nurrnan Rig Hrook St. George Channel Itig Cove St. George Coachman's Cove Rig Suimonier Burin Hurin Rig River, Codruy.... St. George Channel Birch Cove Buniivistu Bonavista Kircti Cove 'trinity Fox Harbor Birch Islund Twillingute Exploits Birchy Cove Bonavista Bonavista Birchy Cove St. (ieorgc Hay of Islands Birchy Cove 'Iwillingute St. Bar je Jackson's Cove Bonne Hay Flower's Cove Birch V Mead Bird Covo . . ...... St. Barbe Bird Island Cove Bonavista Bonavista Bird Islands Trinity St, John's Britannia Cove Kiscuyan Covo Pouch Cove Biscay Bay Flacentia and St. Mary's. . . Trepassey Soaniard a Bav Bishop's Cove Bishop's Cove Harbor Grace.. . Port-de-Gravc Brigus Black Hrook Trinity Heart's Ease Black Duck Brook... St. George St. George's British Harbor Black Duck Cove . . . Trinity Black Duck Cove ... Trinity Hickman's Harbor Black Duck Cove . . . St. Barbe Bay-de- Verde Flower's Cove, Bonne Bay, in winter Blackhead Blackhead Blackhead St. lohn's St. ohn's Blackhead Twiilingate Litt e Bay Island hlackhead Hay Bonavista Bonavista Blackhead Cove Fogo Fogo Black Island Twiilingate Exploits Black Island Tickle.. Twiilingate Exploits Black Lead Cove Fogo Seld'm-Come-Hy, Fogo Black River Flacentia and St. Mary's. . . Great Flacentia Blanchard Fortune Harbor liriton Bloody Arm Fogo Gander Bay Bloonificld Bonavista Brooklyn Blow-me-down Port-de-Grave Hay Roberts Blow-me-down St. George Bay of Islands Bluff Head Cove Twiilingate Twiilingate Boar Island Burgco and LaPoile Burgeo Boat Harbor Flacentia and St. Mary's... . Baine Harbor Boat Head, Boat Stern St. Barbe Flower's Cove Bobby Cove Bonah, Great & Little. Twiilingate Nipper's Harbor Flacentia and St. Mary's... . Paradise Bonaventure Trinity Trinity & Britannia C'e Bonavista Bonavista Honavista Bonne Bay.Her'geBay Fortune Pushthrough & Gault's Bonne Bay St. Barbe Honne Bay Boot Harbor Twiilingate Little Bay Island Bordeaux Flacentia and St. Mary's.... Great Flacentia Boutitou, Hillier's Hr. St. Barbe Englee Bowling Pond Head. . Fogo Tilton Harbor Boxy Fortune •••• Harbor Briton M THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [1880 I I 1 Namt of Place, Bradbury's Hill Bradley's Cove Bragg's Island Braha, Great & Little. Branch •• •••••• Brandy Hr. Cook's Hr Brandy Island Braziel . . Bread and Cheese C'c Bread Cove, Clode S'd Brent Island Brent's Cove Brierly C'e.Cupc Shore Brick Yard . . ••••«• •••••• •••••• Brig Bay Brigus Brigus J unction Brigus South Briney's Cove Britannia Cove British Harbor Broad Cove Broad C'e, Smith's Sd Broad Cove Broad Cove, N. Shore Broad Cove .... Broad Cove .... Broad Cove .... Broud Cove Broad Cove Broad Cove, Rushoon Broad Cove Broad Cove Broad Cove Broads .. ...... Brook C'e, Hant's Hr. Brook Cove Distriet. PortHle-Grave Hay-de- Verde Bonavista St, Barbc Placentia and St. Mary's. . . St. Barbe St. Barbe Burgee and LaE'oile Ferryiand Bonavista St. Barbe .... St. Barbc .... Placentia and St. Mary's.... Trinity St. Barbc | Port-de-Grave •«•••• ...... Brooklyn Broom Close .... Broom's Bottom.... Broom's Point .... Brown's Cove .... Brown's Cove .... Brown's Harbor.... Brule, or Brewley, Merasheen Island Brunette . . .... Bryan's Hole,ClodeSd Bryant's Cove Buckley Cove, New- I man's Sound .... J Bull Arm Bull Cove Bull Cove Bunyan C'e, Clode Sd. Burgeo Burgeo Burgoyne's L ove Burin Burinbay . , Burin Island >••••« •••••• Ferryiand Twillingatc Trinity Trinity .... Trinity .... Trinity .... Trinity .... Bay-de- Verde.... Ferryiand , St, George , Bonavista Bonavista , Bonavista , Burin , Harbor \(ain Placentia and St. Mary's. St. John's, East Port-de-Grave , Trinity , Trinity .... Bonavista .... Bonavista .... St. George St. Barbe St. Barbe Burin Trinity Placentia and St. Mary's. Fortune Bonavista Harbor Grace Bonavista Trinity Port-de-Grave Burin .. ,,i Bonavista Burgeo and LaPoile . . . . Placentia and St. Mary's.. Trinity Burin Burin . . . . Burin .. Post Town. • • • • ^ Bay Roberts Blackhead Greenspond St. Antnony Placentia Griguet Griguet Rose Blanche Bay Bulls Brooklyn St. Antnony Tilt Cove Placentia Britannia Cove Flower's Cove, Bonne Bay in winter Brigus Railway T. P. O. Brigus South, Bay Bulls Tilt Cove Britannia Cove, via Heart's Content Britannia Cove and Trinity Dildo Britannia Cove Bonaventure Carbonear Renews St, George King's Cove Greenspond Newman's S'd, Salvage Oderin Conception Harbor "Trepassey Broad Cove Bay Roberts Heart's Content Hickman's Harbor Brooklyn, v/a Trinity or Shoal Harbor Salvage Bay of Islands Bonne Bay Coachman's Cove Burin Shoal Harbor Placentia Harbor Briton Brooklyn Harbor Grace Brooklyn Dildo Brigus Burin Brooklyn Burgeo Placentia Britannia Cove Burin Burin Burin 1880] THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 65 11 Nam* o/Plact, Burn Cove Burnt Arm . . ...... Kurntbay Burnt Hrook Burnt rove Burnt Head Burnt Island Burntisland Burnt Island Burnt Island Burnt Islands Burnt Point Burnt Woods Burton's Fond Burt's Cove Buryine Place Bussey s Point ...... Bastard Cove Butler Cove Butter Cove Butter Harbor Button Hole C'e Cabot Island Canada Bay Canaille Canning Cove Cann Island Canaries Campbell's Cove .... Cap Cove Cape Anguille Cape Ballard Cape Bauld Cape Bonavista Cape Broyle Cape Cove Cape Dog Cape Fogo Cape Freels Cape Gregory Cape Island Cape La Hune Cape Mutton Cape Norman Cap d'Ognon, or \ Cape Onion ) Cape Pine Cape Race Cape Ray Cape Rodger Harbor. Cape Rouge Harbor.. Cape Spear Cape St. Francis Cape St. Mary's CaplinBay CaplinBay Capjin Cove, L. I.e.. Caplin Cove Caplin Cove Caplin Cove Caplin Cove Caplin Cove Caplin Coves Carbonear Carbonear Island District. Ftrryland Twillingate Twillingate Trinity Twillingate Port-de-Grave Bonavista Twillingate Twillingate Placentia and St. Mary's., Burgeo and I^Poile .... Bay-de-Verds Bay-dc-Verds .... . . . . I'willingate Kogo Twillingate Fogo St. Barbe Twillingate Trinity Hurgco and I.aPoile . . . . Twillingate Bonavista St. Barbe Bonavista Bonavista Fogo St. Barbe St. George Trinity St. George Ferryland St. barbe Bonavista Ferryland Fogo Placentia and St. Mary's. Fogo.. Bonavista St. George Bonavista Burgeo and LaPoile . . . , Placentia and St. Mary's, St. Barbe St. Barbe Post Toum. Placentia and St. Mary's. Placentia and St. Mary's. Burgeo and LaPoile . . , Placentia and St. Ma'i a. St. Barbe .... St. John's St. John's Placentia and St. Mary's Ferr)!und St. George Bay-de-Verds.... Ferryland .... Harbor Grace Trinity .... Twillingate .... Twillingate .... Twillingate .... Carbonear .... Carbonear .... •••••• Toad's Cove Exploits Exploits Britannia Cove Little Bay Island Brigus Greenspond Leading Tickles Twillingate Oderin Rose Blanche Blackhead Blackhead Nipper's Harbor Ch nge Islands Nip >er's Harbor Gaiiiicr Bay Bon le B, Puit-au-Caoix Leading Ti-kles Fox Harbv^r Chan- s. . . Fogo .... St. George .... Twillingate .... Twillingate .... Twillingalte .... Harbor Grace... Fortune .... Ferryland .... St. Barbe .... Ferryland .... St. Barbe .... St. George .... Burgeo and LaPoile Fortune .... Burin Bay-de- Verde . . . St. George .... Bonavista .... Burin St. Karbe .... Carbonear .... St. John's, East.. St. Barbe .... • • • • • I St. Barbe .... Bonavista Twillingate Fogo St. Barbe Burin St. Barbe Twillingate St. Barbe Bonavista Burin Fortune Placcntia and St. Mary's. . . . Trinity .... Fogo Burgeo and Lapoile Fortune St. Barbe Burgeo and Lapoile Placentia and St. Mary's . . . . Burgeo and Lapoile Burgeo and Lapoile Fortune .... Harbor Grace St. Barbe Ferryland Burin St. George .... Placentia and St. Mary's Bay-de-Verde Placentia and St. Mary's Trinity St. John's East St. John's St. John's ••••«• Post Town. Greenspondj Placentia 1 . '-, . , Fogo Bay of Islands Twillingate Twillingate Exploits, Fortune Hr Harbor Grace Belloram Ferryland Bonnebay Ferryland (/onche Robinson's Head La Poile Belloram St. Lawrence, I^maline Hlack Head St. George's Salvage Burin and Gt Placentia Bonne Bay Carbonear Torbay < 'oachman's Cove Flower's Cove, Bonne Bay in winter Greenspond Exploits Fogo Flower's Cove Fortune Griguet Exploits, Fortune Hr Englee Greenspond Burin Belloram Placentia Fox Harbor via Heart's Content in summer; via Northern Might in winter riiiinge Islands Burgeo Gaultois St. Anthony Channel Valen Island Harbor Briton Burgeo Gaultois Bay Roberts Flower's Cove Renews Burin, Garnish Bay of Islands Placentia Carbonear Placentia Trinity Portugal Cove Topsail St. John's 70 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [1880 Name 0/ Place. Freshwater Bay . . . . Friday's Itay . . . . Furby's Cove . . . . (iads Harbor . . . . (ialliboy Harbor . . . . (iales llarbor .... (iallows Cove .... tiallows Harbor, St. Joseph's .... Gander Bay . . . . . • . • * . Gambo Gargamellc Garia (jarnish, (jreat & Little (larrott's Cove ..r Gaslciers, Gascoigne Gasiers . . Gaultois .. ,.. Georjje's Brook . . George's Cove George's Cove (jiles' Point.. Glover Harbor Glover Town Goblin Hay . . (lod Kay . . Godfather's Cove .. God Harbor Gold Cove, White Bay Golden Bay. . Goldson's Arm Good Bay, Port-aii- Clioix Goose Arm.. Goose Bay . . Gooseberry Gooseberry Cove . Gooseberry Island, (jooseberry Island. . . . Goose Cove (joose Cove (.loufre Goulds Goulds, Bay Bulls R'd Governor's Island.... Grand Bay Grandby's Island .... Grand Bank .... Grand Beach .... Grand Brook .... Grand Rruit .... Grand Cove, Confu- ) sion Bay J Grandes Ilettes Har.. Grandes Oies .... Grande Vache .... Grand Ferry .... Grand John .... Grande La Pierre .... Grand River Gut .... Grandy's Brook .... Grandy's Island .... District, Fcrryland Twillingatc Fortune St. Barbe Ihirgco and LaPolle Murgeo and I .aPoile Ferryland Placentia nnd St. Mary's... Fogo . . .... Bonavista .... St. Barbe .... ( Burgeo and LaPoile Fortune .... Trinity Placentia and St. Mary's... Harbor Main Fortune { Trinity Trinity Trinity St, George Twillingafe Konavista Fortune Burgeo and I^Poile St. Uarbe Fortune • ••• •••••! • •«• •••••< • ••• •••••! • ••• •••••« • ••• •••••• • ••• ■••••• St. Barbe •••• IMacentia and St, Mary's... Twillingatc • St. Barbe •••••• • • . . . • St. George Bonavista Placentia and St. Mary's Trinity Bonavista .... St. Barbe .... St. Barbe .... Trinity St. Barbe Port-de Grave . . St. John's .... St. Barbe .... Burgeo and I^Poile St. Barbe .... Burin Burin Burgeo and LaPoile Burgeo aud LaPoile St. Barbe .... St. Ilarbe St. Barbe St. Barbe Fortune Fortune Fortune St. George Burgeo and I^Poile Burgeo and LaPoile Post 'loTvn. .... .... .... .... .... .... ••• . * . • . .... Toads Cove Twillingatc Gaultois Bonne Bay Channel LaPoile Witless Bay Oderin Grecnsp'd in summer, Gambo in winter Salvage in summer. Shoal Hr in winter Bonne Bay La Poile Burin Dildo St. Mary's Railway, T.P.O. Gaultois, and via Har- bor Briton Shoal Harbor Bonaventure Fox Harbor Bay of Islands Leading Tickles Salvage Pushthrough Channel Coachman's Cove Burin, near Garnish Coachman's Cove Placentia Herring Neck Bonne Bay Bay of Islands Brooklyn Placentia Fox Horbor Salvage Flower's Cove ■ i St. Anthony Trinity Harbor Englee Brigus Goulds Bay of Islands Channel Coachman's Cove Grand Bank Grand Hank Channel LaPoile Tilt Cove Conche Conche Englee Garnish Belloram Belloram Channel Burgeo Burgeo 1889] THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 71 Name of Place. District. Grandy's Passage Grantly's Point Grant's Cove Grates Cove Gravels . . Great Cat Arm Great Codroy River.. . Great Colinet Island. . Great Coney Ann Great Harbor Great Harbor, Con- ) naigre Bay " | Great Harbor Deep.. . Great Island Great Jervois Great Lawn Great Merasheen Great Mosquito Cove. Great Paradise Great St. Joseph's .... Great Souttiern Hr... . Green Bay (jreen Cove and Isl'd. Green Gardens Green Island Green Island Brook. . Green Island Cove... . Green Island Cove... . Green Point Green Point Green's Bight Green's Harbor Greenspond Gregory River Griguet Groais Island Grole Guillen Cove ...... Gull Cove, Branch... . Gullcys Gull Island Gull Isl'd, Cape John . Gull Island Cove Gull Marsh Gussett's Cove Ha Ha Bay Halfway Point Hall's Bay Hall's Bay Head Hall's 'rown Hamilton Cove Handy Harbor Hants Harbor Happy Adventure. . . . Harbor Briton Haibor Buffett Harbor Deep Harbor des Veaux... . Harbor Galle Harbor Grace Harbor Grace Island. Harbor Grace June. . Harbor Island ...... Harbor Le Cou Harbor Main Burgeo and LaPoile . . . , Placentia and St. Mary's. Fortune Bay-de- Verde St. George St. Barbe .... . . . , St. George , Placentia and St. Mary's. St. Barbe Burgeo and LaPoile . . . , Fortune St. Barbe Ferryland Fortune Burin Placentia and St. Mary's... . Trinity Placentia and St. Mary's... . Placentia and St. Mary's... . Placentia and St. Mary's... . Trinity Trinity St. George Trinity St. Barbe St. Barbe Twillingatc St. Barbe Fortune Trinity Trinity Bonavista St. George St. Barbe St. Barbe For'une Post Towns. Placentia and St. Mary's Port-de-(irave... Bay-de- Verde Twillingate Twillingate St. Barbe Bay-de- Verde St. Barbe St. George Twillingate Twillingate Port-de-Grave Twillingate St. Barbe Trinity Bonavista Fortune Placentia and St. Mary's St. Barbe St. Barbe Fortune Harbor Grace Harbor Grace • • • • • St. George .... Burgeo and LaPoile jHarbor Main.... Burgeo Isle Valen Belloram Old Perlican St. George's Coachman's Cove Channel St. Mary's Coachman's Cove UPoile Harbor Briton Englee Toad's Cove Pushthrough St. Lawrence Placentia Dildo Paradise Oderin Placentia Catalina Trinity St. George's Catalina F'lowcr's Cove Flower's Cove Exploits Bonne Bay Gaultois Britannia Cove New Harbor Greenspond Bay of Islands Griguct Conche Gaultois and Hr Briton Great Placentia Brigus Blackhead Tilt Cove Exploits Bonne Bay Blackhead Griguet Bay of Islands Little Bay Little Bay Bay Roberts Exploits Englee Hearts Content Salvage Harbor Briton Placentia Eiiglee Conche Gaultois Harbor Grace ' Harbor Grace Railway T.P.O. Bay of Islands Rose Blanche Harbor Main 1i I 72 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [1880 Name of Place. • • • • • • Harbor Millc .... Harbor Round .... Hardy Cove .... Hare Bay .... Hare Bay, Fresh- water Bay Hare Bay, near Rca contre Hare Bay Haro Bay Island Harricot or Harry's C'e Harry's Harbor Hatchet Cov^ Hatter's Point Hauling Point Hawke's Harbor Hayward's Cove, ) Cottell's Island j Hay Cove Haystack Head of Fortune Bay. Heart's Content Heart's Delight Heart's Desire Heart's Ease Hermitage Cove. Herring Neck ., Hibb's Hole ., Hickman's Harbor... . Ilighbeach Highland's Hilliard's Harbor Hiscock's Point Hodge's Cove Hogan Cove Holloway's Passage.. . Holyrood Holyrood Hoop Cove Hooping Harbor Hope All Hopewell Hopeville Hornet Island Horse Chops Horse Cove Horse Islands Hoskins Harbor Houses Point How Harbor Hungry Cove Hunter's Point, Port- 1 au-Choix j Hunt's Hnmber Valley Humber River lies aux Morts lies aux Sauvages.... Indian Arm District. Fortune St. Barbe .... Fortune St. Uarbe Bonavista Burgeo and LaPoile Fogo St. Barbe .... Placentia and St. Mary's... . Twillingate j Trinity Burgeo and I^Poile St. Barbe St. Barbe Bonavista Placentia and St. Mary's. .. . Placentia and St. Mary's.... Fortune Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity ■! Fortune Twillingate Port-de-Grave Trinity ■! Burin St. George j St. Barbe Burgeo and LaPoile Trinity Placentia and St. Mary's... . Placentia and St. Mary's.... Placentia and St. Mary's.... Harbor Main Fortune St. Barbe Trinity Harbor Main Bonavista Twilllingate Trinity Harbor Main St. Barbe Twillingate Fortune St. Barbe Placentia and St. Mary's.... St. Barbe Burgeo and I^Poile St. Harbe St.George Burgeo and LaPoile St. Barbe Bonavista Pott Town. Belloram Tilt Cove Gaultois St. Anthony Greenspond Harbor Briton Fogo St. Anthony Salmonier Jackson's Cove, Nip- per's Harbor Fox Harbor Burgeo Coachman's Cove Bonne Bay Salvage Flat Islands Placentia Belloram Heart's Content Heart's Content Heart's Content Fox Hr., via Heart's Content, via North- ern Bight in winter. Gaultois and Hr. briton Herring Neck Bay Roberts via Heart's Content in summer ; via Shoal Hr. in winter St. Lawrence St. George in summer Channel in winter Englee Rose Blanche Fox Harbor Placentia Paradise St. Mary's Holyrood Belloram Englee New Harbor Kelligrews Brooklyn Exploits Trinity Broad Cove Coachman's Cove Exploits Gaultois St. Anthony Placentia Bonne Bay Burgeo Bonne Bay Bay of Islands Channel Bonne Bay Brooklyn 1889] THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 7d Name of Place. District. Post Iffum. Indian Arm .... Twillingate Exploits Indian Bay Bonavista Greenspond Indian Hight .... Twillingate Little Bay Indian Burying Place. Twillingate Nipper's Harbor Indian C'e, Fortune Harbor Bonavista Exploits, Fortune Hr Indian Cove .... Bonavista Brooklyn Indian Cove .... St. Barbe Bonne Bay Indian Harbor & IsI'd Rurgeo and LaPoile LaPoile Indian Hr., Merasheen Placentia and St. Mary's.... Placentia Indian Head .... St. George St. George's Indian Islands .... Fogo Fogo Indian Point .... Twillingate Exploits Indian Pond .... HarborMain Kelligrews Indian Tickle, Long Id Twillingate Little Bay Island Inglewood, Random. . Trinity Ingornachoix Bay .... St. Barbe Bonne Bay Inner Island .... Bonavista Greenspond St. Anthony Ireland Bight .... St. Barbe Ireland Is and .... Burgeo and Lal'oile laPoile Ireland's Eye .... I'rinity Britannia Cove Island Cove, Upper.. . Harbor Grace Spaniard's Bay Island Cove .... Trinity Trinity Island Cove .... Trinity Fox Harbor Island Cove .... Trinity Hearts Content Island Harbor .... Fogo Fogo Isthmus Bay .... Jack of Clubs .... St. George St. t'eorge's St. George St, George's Coachman's Cove Jackson's Arm .... St. Barbe J; -kson's Cove .... Twillingate j Nipper's H. in summer ; Little Bay in winter acob's Cove, New Bay Twillingate Exploits Belloram acques Fontaine .... ames Cove .... Fortune Bonavista Brooklyn ames Cove .... HarborMain Conception Harbor ean-de-Bay ..«. Burin Burin enkins' Cove .... Twillingate Twillingate ersey Harbor .... Fortune Harbor Briton igging Cove, Branch. Placentia and St. Mary's... . Great Placentia iggingHole .... 1 rinity Trinity Blackhead Ob's Cove Bay-de- Verde . ob's Head oe Batt's Arm .... Tnnity Trinity Fogo Fogo ohn Smith's Harbor. ohn's Pond .... Twillingate Nipper's Harbor Saimonier Placentia and St. Mary's....' . osiah Spencer's Cove Twillingate Exploits uniper Stump .... Canes Point .... Port-de-Grave Brigus Twillingate Exploits Kate Harbor .... Bonavista Kings Cove Keels Bonavista King's Cove Kelligrews HarborMain Kelligrews Kelly's Island .... HarborMain Kelligrews Keppel Har., Port- au-Choix St. Batbe Bonne Bay Kerley's Harbor .... Trinity Trinity Kettle Cove Bay-de-Verde Blackhead Kilbride St. John's Riverhead, St. John's Killick Island .... Twillingate Exploits King's Cove .... Bonavista Trinity King's Cove, via Trinity in winter King's Cove .... Britannia Cove King's Cove .... Twillingate Jackson's Cove Burgeo King's Harbor .... Burgeo and LaPoile Kirby'sCove .... Burin Burin Kitchues Harbor Main Conception Harbor 74 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [I88ft Namt ofJ'lact. Kite Cove Knife Uiiy Kniglit's Cuvc .... I^dTe Cove Lndy Cove I-Abster Cove .... Fortune Belloram I^obster Harbor .... St. Uarbe Coachman's Cove Locke's Harbor .... Twillingate (x'ading Tickles I^clc's Cove .... Fogo Fogo Lock's Cove .... St. Barbe St. Anthony Lodges . . .... Trinity St. John's Dildo \j>gy Bay King's Bridge Long Beach .... I'lacentiaand St. Mary's.... Trepasscy Long Keach .... Trinity Port-de-{ Jrave Fox Harbor Long Beach Pond. . . . Bay Roberts Long Cove Trinity Fox Harbor Long Cove Trinity Dildo Long Cove, Clodc Sd. Bonavista Brooklyn Long Harbor .... Fortune Belloram Long Harbor .... Placentia and St. Mary's... Placentia Long Harbor .... Trinity Britannia Cove Ix>ng Island .... Bonavista King's Cove Long Island .... Placentia and St. Mary's. .. . Placentia Long Island .... Twillingate Little Bay Island Long Island .... Twillingate Exploits Long Point Twillingate t Twillingate Long Point, Port-au- ) Port \ I^ng Pond St. George Harbor Main St. George's Manuels lx)ng Tickle .... Twillingate Little Bay Island Loon Bay Twillingate Exploits Loon Cove Bonavista Greenspond Lord's Cove .... Burin .. .... St. Lawrence Love C'e,Clode Sound Bonavista Brooklyn Lower Amherst Cove. Bonavista King's Cove Lower Bacon Cove... HarborMain i.onception Harbor Lower Cove .... St. George St. George's Lower Burgeo .... Burgeo and I^Poile Burgeo Lower Dark Cove.... Bonavista Gambo Lower Gullies .... HarborMain Kelligrcws Lower Harbor .... Twillingate Exploits I-ower English Harbor Fortune Belloram Lower Island Cove... . Bay-de-Verde Blackhead Lower Rocky Brook.. Trinity Britannia Cove Lower Shoal Harbor.. Trinity Shoal Harbor Lower Small Point.... Bay-de- Verde Carbonear Low Point Bay-de-Verde Blackhead Luke's Arm .... Twillingate Twillingate LunaireBay St. Barbe Griguet Lushe's Bight Twillingate Little Bay Island re THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALKAN^r*. [1889 N»mt o/Plact. DUtriet. Ftt Tavm. Mack's Island .... Twillingate Little Bay Islitnd Maddox Cove .... St. John's Petty Harbor Magotty Cove .... Trinity Britannia Cove Magotty < ovc, Sound Island Placcntia and St. Mary's... Placentia Mahony's Cove .... Placentia and St. Mary's... Valen Island Main I^nd, Gut River St. George St. George's Maiden's Arm .... St. Barbti St. Anthony Mai Uay St. Barbc Bonne Bay Mall Bay Placentia and St. Mary's St. Mary's, Riverhead, Salmon er Man-o'War Cove .... St. George ..«• ...... St. George's Man Point Bonavista Gambo Mansfield Bight .... Twilling.ite nit Cove Manuels Harbor Main Manuels Margaree Burgfo and l^Poile Channel Marquise Marsnall's Folly .... Placentia and St. Mary's. . . . Little Placcntia Bay-de- Verde Carbonear Marticot Placentia and St. Mary's. . . . Paradise Marystown Burin Burin Mauve Bay, Noddy B. May Fond, Point May St. Barbc Griguet St. Lawrence Burin .. Meadows St. George Bay of Islands Menchin Cove, New- \ man's Sound J Bonavista Brooklyn or Salvage Merashcen Placentia and St. Mary's... Placentia Mercer's Cove .... Harbor Grace Bay Roberts Mercer's Cove .... Burgeo and LaPoile Burgeo Merritt's Harbor .... Twi Ungate Placcntia and St. Mary's... Herring Neck Merry Harbor .... Placentia, Valcn Island Messervy's Cove .... St. George St. George's Middle Arm .... St. George Bay of Islands Middle Arm .... Bonavista ., Alexander Bay, Salvage Nipper's Harbor Middle Arm .... Twillingate Middle Arm, Three ) Arms j Twillingate Ni[^r's Harbor Middle Arm.Rocky a. Middle Barachois B'k. Fogo .. .,.. ...••. St.George Greenspond Robinson's Head Middle Bight Middle Bill Cove.... Harbor Main Kelligrews Bonavista Greenspond Middle Brook .... Bonavista Gambo Middle Cove .... Bonavista Bonavista Middle Cove .... St. John's King's Bridge Milk Boy Cove .... Twillingate Little Bav Island Miller's Passage .... Fortune Harbor Briton Millions Cove .... St. Barbe Conche Mill Cove St. George Bay of Islands Mill Island Twillingate Little Bay Ming's Bight .... St. Barbe Coachman's Cove Mint Brook. . .... Bonavista Gambo Miot Cove, near Castor's River St. Barbe Bonne Bay Mistaken Cove .... St. Barbe Flower's Cove Mobile Ferryland Mobile Mock Beggar .... Bonavista .« Bonavista Molliers Burin Grand Bank Montgomery .... Mooney's Cove .... St. George Channel Placentia and St. Mary's. . . . Placentia Morgan Island .... Burgeo and Lapoile ...... Burgeo Mortier Burin Burin Moreton's Harbor.... Twillingate Twillingate Morts, Deadman's Bay Burgeo and LaPoile Channel Mose Ambrose .... Fortune Harbor Briton Mother Rex .... Placentia and St. Mary's... . St. Mary's Channel Mother Lake Bay .... Burgeo and LaPoile , 1889] TUB NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. n Nam* ofPlact. Mouse Iiland ... Mud Cove Muddy Brook ... Muddy Hole West.... Muddy Hole ..., Muddy Hole .... Mullt-y's Cove .... Musgrave Harbor.. Musgrave Town.... Musquito & Muddy Hole Musquito Harbor, near Ramoo Musquito Cove .... Musquito Musquito Mussel Harbor Arm... Mutton Bay Mumper's Island Naked Man Nameless Cove ...... Narrows Neck Harbor New I)ay New bay Head New Bonaventurc .... Newell's Island New Ferole New Harbor New Harbor, near ) Rencontre J New Harbor New Harbor ...... New Harbor Newman's Cove Newman's Sound NewPerlican New World Island... . Nick's Nose, near ) Jackson's Cove j Nimrod Nipper's Harbor I Noble Cove j Noddy Bay or I Mauve Bay J Noggin Cove Nonsuch Norris Arm Norris Point Norman's Cove Norman's Cove Northern Bay Northern Bight Northern Bight Northern End Northern Harbor Northern Harbor North Harbor North Hr., Sound Isl'd North River N. W. Arm, Alex. Bay N.W.Arm.ClodeSd. District, Burgco and I.APoile Burin Trinity .... Burgeo and I^Foile Fogo .. Twlllingatc Bay-de-Vcrde , . . Fogo Bonavista .... Burgeo and I^poile ... •• • • Burgeo and Lapoile Burin (Jarbonear Placentia and St. Mary's.... Placentia and St. Mary's... . Placentia and St. Mary's,... Twillingate Twillingate St. Barbe Burin Burgeo and l^Poile , Twillingate Twillingate Trinit3r Bonavista St. Barbe Bonavista Burgeo and I.APoile Fortune St. Barbe Trinitjr ., Bonavista Bonavista Trinity Twillingate | Post Town. Twillingate Twillingate Twillingate St. Barbe Fogo Placentia and St. Mary's Twillingate St. Barbe St. Barbe Trinity Bay-de-Verde Trinity Trinity Fogo Twillingate Twillingate Placentia^and St. Mary's. Placentia'and St. Mary's Port-de-Grave Bonavista Bonavista { Channel Burin Bonavista Burgeo Greenspond Exploits I t'arbonear Greenspond Brooklyn Pushthrough Burgeo Burin Harbor Grace St. Mary's Placentia, Hr Buffett Trepassey Exploits iacksons C. Nippers Hr 'lower's Cove Burin Rose Blanche Leading Tickles Exploits Trmity Greenspond Bonne Bay Greenspond Harbor Briton Belloram Griguet New Harbor Kings I'ove Kings C'e or Brooklyn Hearts Content Twillingate and Her- ring Neck Nipper's Narbor Leading Tickles Nipper's Harbor Griguet Greenspond Paradise or Oderin Elxploits Bonne Bay Griguet Dildo Blackhead Fox Harbor in summer Direct mail in winter via Dildo Catalina Change Islands Exploits Little Bay Island Salmonier Placentia Brigus Salvage Brooklyn (.1 78 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [iggg Namt o/Plact. N. W. Arm, Rocky B.. N. W. Arm, Green Bay North Wcit Brook. . . North West Cove .... Norton's Cove Nut Cove Oar Bay, near Cape ) La Hune j Oar Cove Ochre Pit Cove Oderin Offer Wadhams.. Old Bonaventure. Old Ferrole Old Man's Bay .. Old Perlican •••••• Old Port au-Choix... . OldShop Oliver's Cove Open Bay Open Hall Orange B., or Great I Harbor Deep | Otterbury Otterbury Otter Island Otter's Point Outer Cove Our Harbor Pacquet Paddle Cove, near ) Cape I^ Hune J Paine's Harbor Paradise Pardy's Island Parker's River Parker's Cove Passenger Cove...... Pass Island Pat Power's Cove Patrick C, Cape Shore Pat's Cove Paul's Island Pease Cove Peckfordrd.W'dhams Pendergras Cove Perlican Island Perry's Cove Peter's Arm Peter's River Petites Ilettes Petites Petit Fort Petty Harbor Piccadilly Piccaire Pick Eyes ...... Pigeon Arm Pilley's Island, ) Pilley Cove J Distrlet. rogo .• ■••• •••••• Twllilingate Trinity Burgeo and Lapolle Ronavista Trinity Burgeo and I^Poile Burgeo and LAPolle Ray-dc- Verde Placcntia and St. Mary's.. | Fogo Trinily Kt. Harbe Burgeo and LaPoile . . . Bay-de- Verde St. Barbe Trinity Placentia and St. Mary's. . . . St. Barbe Bonavista St. Barbe Bay-de-Verde Po'rt-de Grave Twillingate Trinity St. John's Burgeo and LaPoile St. Barbe Burgeo and I.aPoile Fogo Placentia and St. Mary's.. | Burin St. Barbe .... Placentia and St. Mary's... . Trinity Fortune Twillingate Placentia and St. Mary's... Burin Bonavista Trinity Fogo .. .... St. Barbe Trinity Bay-de-Verde Twillingate Placentia and St. Mary's... . St. Barbe Kurgeo and LaPoile Placentia and St. Mary's.... St. John's St. George Fortune Port-de-Grave St. Barbe Twillingate f'ott Toum, Grcenspond or Fogo Nipper's Harbor Northern Biglit I^Polle Grcenspond Hickman's Harbor Harbor Briton Burgeo ^ lack Head Oderin, via Burin and Placentia Greenspond Trinity Bonne Bay Burgeo via Hearts Cont't, Tues- day; via Blackhead, Friday; Direct mail, monthly. Bonne Bay Dildo Valen Island Flower's Cove King's Cove Englee Carbonear Bay Roberts Little Bay Britannia Cove King's Bridge Burgeo Tilt Cove Harbor Briton Fogo Paradise, via Burin and Placentia Burin Griguet Bainc Harbor Hickman's Harbor Harbor Briton Little Bay Island Great Placentia Burin Greenspond Trinity Greenspond Coachman's Cove Old Perlican Carbonear Exploits St. Mary's Conche Rose Blanche Paradise Petty Harbor St. George's Gaultois Bay Roberts Englee Little Bay Island THE NEWf^OUNDLANt) ALMAI^AC. 1% Namt qf Plact. Mice's Arm Mnchard's Island |>incher's Island, I RaKKcd Isiands { PinchGut Ilnchgut Tickles Fine Cove Piper's Hole Piitolet Bay I'lacentia Placentiaman'sCove ) Sound Island ) Plate Cove Plate Harbor Pleasant Cove Point-uu-Gaul Point Enragee Point La Haye Point I^ncc Point May Point Mai Point Verde Pond Cove ...... Pool's Cove Pool's Isl'd, Pools Hr. Pope Harbor Port-au-Basque Port-au-Bras Port-au-Choix Port-au-Port Port-de-Grave Portland Creek Port Saunders Portugal Cove Portugal Cove Pouch Cove Pound Cove Powles Head Presque Privaceur Pudding Bag Cove... . Pumbley's Cove Punch Cove Puncheon Cove Purbeck Cove Pushthrough Pyramid Point Queen's Cove QuidiVidi Quinton's Cove, ) I^ng Island ] Quirpon, Gt. & Little.. Ragged Harbor Ragged Harbor Ragged Islands Ramea Ram's Island Randall C'e.,Pilley Id Random Harbor Rantem Rat Cove, Ha-Ha Bay. Raymond Point Red Brook & Middle) Brook [ Red Cliff Island District, Twillingatc Bonavlsta Placentla and St. Mary's... . Placentia and St. Mary's.... Placentia and St. Mary's.,.. St. Barbe Placentia and St. Mary's.... St. Barbe Placentia and St. Mary's... . Placentia and St. Mary's. . . Bonavista Fortune St. George Burin Fortune .... Placentia and St. Mary's... . Placentia and St. Mary's... . Burin .. .... Placentia and St. Mary's.... Placentia and St. Mary's... . St. Barbe Fortune Bonavista Trinity Burgeo and I^Poile Burin St. Barbe St. George .... Port-de-Grave St. Barbe St. Barbe .... Placentia and St. Mary's... . St. John's St. John's Bonavista Placentia and St Mary's... . Placentia and St Mary's. .. . Placentia and St Mary's... . Bonavista St Barbe Bonavista ... ...... Fogo .. .... ...... St Barbe ... ...... Fortune ... ...••. St. Barbe Trinity St John's .... ...... .... .••... Twillingiite >... ...... St Barbe ... ...... Trinity .... ...... Fogo .. ... ...... Placentia and St Mary's.... Burgeo and I ^Poile Placentia and St Mary's.... Twillingate ■••• •••••• Trinity !•••• ■••••• Trinity • ••• •••••• St. Barbe •••• •••••• Fortune »••• •••••« St George ■••• •••••• Bonavista •••• •••••• Post Town, Herring Neck Greenspond Valen Island Placentia Salmonier ' Flower's Cove Placentia Griguet llacentia Placentia King's Cove Belloram Bay of Islands St Lawrence, Lamaline Garnish St Mary's Placentia St. I^wrencc, Lamaline Placentia Placentia Flower's Cove Belloram Greenspond Bonaventure Channel Burin Bonne Bay St. George's Bay Rolierts Bonne Bay Bonne Bay Trepassey Portugal Cove Pouch Cove Greenspond Trepassey Valen Island Placentia Greenspond Coachman's Cove Greenspond Change Islands Coachman's Cove Pushthrough Conche Fox Harbor St John's Little Bay Island Griguet Catalina Greenspond Valen Island Burgeo Placentia Little Bay Island Hickman's Harbor Dildo Griguet Gauhois Robinson's Head Kin • Cove in I \ 80 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [1880 Name of Place. District. Post Town. Red Cove Fortune •••» ••••«• Harbor Briton Red C'c, near Branch. Placentia and St. Mary's.... Placentia Red Harbor Burin .. •••• •••••• Flat Islands Red Head Cove Bay-de-Verde Bay-de-Verde Red Island Burgeo and I^aPoile Burgeo Red Island Placentia and St. Mary's... . Placentia Red Island St. George •••■ •••••• St. George's Red Lands Bay-de-Verde Blackhead Red Rocks St. George •••• •••«•• C^hannel Red Rod Cove Fogo .. •••• •••••• Change Island Rencontre Fortune •••• •••••• Belloram Rencontre Burgeo and LaPoile Harbor Briton Renews Ferryland •••• •••••• Renews Richard's Harbor Burgeo and LaPoile Harbor Briton Rider's Harbor Trinitv ■•*• ••••«• Hickman's Harbor Rip Rap Port-cfe-Grave Brigus River Blanche St. George •••• •••••• St. George's River Head St. George •••• •••••• Ray of Islands River Head, St. Mary's Placentia and St. M ray's.... Salmonier River Cove St. George ••*■ •••••• Bay of Islands Rivers, Cape La Hune Burgeo and I^Poile Harbor Briton River of Ponds St. Barbe Bonne Bay Rix Cove Twillingate Nipper's Harbor Robert's Arm Twillingate Little Bay Island Robin Hood Cove.. . . Trinity Trinity Robinson's Bight Trinity Hickman's Harbor Robinson's Head .... St. George •••• ••••' St. George's in summer ; Channel in winter Roche or Rocky Har.. St. Barbe Bonne Bay Rock Harbor Burin .. Burin Rocky Bay Fogo .. Greenspond Rocky Bay, Alex. Bay. Bcnavista Salvage Rocky H arbor St. Barbe Bonne Bay Rocky Harbor Trinity Fox Harbor Rocky Brook Trinity Britannia Cove Rogues Harbor Twillingate Nipper's Harbor Rolling Cove Bonavista Stock Cove, Trinity Rose Blanche Burgeo and LaPoile Rose Blanche Round Cove P'ortune •••• •••••• Gaultois Round Harbor Fortune •••• •••••• Gaultois Round Harbor Twillingate •••• •••••• Tilt Cove Round Harbor Trinity •••• •••••• Fox Harbor Rowsell's C'e, New B. Twillingate Placentia an •••• •••••• Exploits Rushoon d St, Mary's.... Oderin Russell's Cove Trinity ...• .....a Heart's Content Russell's Cove Trinity •*•• .....a Britannia Cove Sacred Bay St. Barbe .... «••••• Griguet Saddle Island Fortune ..«• .....t Pushthrough Safe Harbor Bonavista •••• «•.... Greenspond Sagona Fortune ••.• ••.«•« Harbor Briton Sailor's Island Bonavista .... *....• Salvage St. Anthony St. Harbe «••• ..•«*. St. Anthony St. Barbe St. Barbe *.•• •••..• Flower's Cove St. Bride's Placentia and St. Mary's... . Placentia St. Caro'^ St. Barbe •••• •«•.•• St. Anthony St. Genevieve St. Barbe .... ..•*•• Bonne Bay St. George's St. George .... ..•*.. St. George's St. acques Fortune •■•■ .....a St. Jacques St. ohn's Bay Fortune ••*• •«...• Harbor Briton St. ohn's Bay, ] St. ohn's Harbor, \ St. Barbe ...• •....• Bonne Bay St. ohn's Islands J St. ohn's St. John's •..» *•...• St. John's City St. ones" Without.... Trinity •••• •••.*• Fox Harbor St. J ones' Within Trinity •••• •••••* Fox Harbor dl TfiE KfeWf OlJNbLANt) ALMAl^AC. [188^ Name of Place. District. Post Tffum. St. Julien's St. Kyran's St. Barbe f'onche Placentia and St. Mary's.... Valen Island St. I^wrence Burin St. Lawrence St. Leonard's Placentia and St. Mary's.... Valen Island St. Leonard's, or Lunaire Bay St. Barbe Griguet St. Margaret's Bay.... St. Barbe , Flower's Cove St. Mary's Placentia and St. Mary's... . St. Mary's St. Mein Bay St. Barbe St. Anthony St. Paul's St. Barbe Bonne Bay St. Shott's Placentia and St. Mary's... . Trepassey St. Shore's Placentia and St. Mary's.... Trepassey Sally's Cove Su Barbe Bonne Bay Salmon Cove Bay-de- Verde Carbonear Salmon Cove HarborMain Railway T. P. O. Salmon Cove Port-de-Grave Krigus Salmon <'ove 1 rinity Trinity Salmon Cove Trinity Hickman's Harbor Salmon Covo Twillingate [acksons C. Nippers Hr Salmonier Placentia and St. Mary's... . "Salmonier Salmonier, PlacentiaB. Placentia and St. Mary's... . Placentia Salmon Point Fogo Fogo Salt Arm St. Barbe Englee Salvage Bonavista Salvage Sam Hitches Fortune Gaultois Sandy Bay ...... St. Barbe Flower's Cove Sandy Cove Bonavista Salvage. Sandy Cove Placentia and St. Mary's. . . . Placentia Saady Cove Port-de-Grave Bay Roberts Sandy Cove Fogo Fogo Sandy Harbor Placentia and St. Mary's.... Placentia Sandy Lalce St. George Bay of Islands Sandy Point St. George St. Geo.ge's Sanstond or Hoop- ing Harbor St. Barbe Engleo- Samson's Island Twillingate Exploits Savage Cove St. Barbe Flower's Cove Schooner Island St. Barbe Griguet Scilly Cove Trinity Hearts Content Scissor's Cove Twillingate Exploits Scouse Cove Fortune Gaultois Seal Bay Twillingate Leading Tickles Seal Cove Bonavista Brooklyn Seal Cove HarborMain Kelligrews Seal Cove Trinity Heart's Content Seal Cove Fogo Change Islands Seal Cove St. Barbe Flower's Cove Sealing Bight ...... Twillingate Exploits Seal Islands Burgeo and LaPoile Rose Blanche Seal Rocks St. George St. George's Seldom-Come-By Fogo Fogo Shallop Cove St. George St. George's Shallow Bav, near Cow Harbor St. Barbe Bonne Bay Shambler's Cove Bonavista Greenspond ShipCove Burin Burin Ship Cove, Oderin.... Placentia and St. Mary's... . Oderin ShipCove Trinitv Port-de-Grave Trinity ShipCove Bay Roberts ShipCove St. George St. George's ShipC'e,BayD'Espoir Fortune Gaultois Ship Harbor Placentia and St. Mary's.... Placentia Ship Island Bonavista Greenspond Ship Island P'erryland Toad's Cove Shoal Arm Twillingate Little Bay i860] TIIK NE\VFOlJNt)LAND ALi lANAC. 8i Name of Place. District. Post lown. Shoal Bay Fogo .. Fogo Shoal C'e.Cotteli's Id. Bonavista Salvage Shoal t ovc St. Itarbe Flower's Cove Shoal Cove, Fortune Harbor Twillingate Exploits Shoal Harbor Trinity Shoal Harbor Shoal Harbor, near ) Heart's Delight | Trinity Hearts Content Shoe Cove Twillingate Tilt Cove Shoe Cove Bonavista Grcenspond Shoe Cove Ferryland Renews Shoe Cove St. John's Pouch Cove Sibley's Cove, Selby's. Trinity Heart's Content Sidney Harbor Bonavista Greenspond Skinner's Harbor Fogo Change Islands Slaughter Cove St. Barbe Coachman's Cove Sleepy Cove Twillingate Twillingate Small Point, Upper and I^ower Bay-de- Verde Carbonear Small's Burgeo and LaPoile Burgeo Snook's Arm Twillingate ■••• •••••• Tilt Cove Snook's Harbor Trinity •••• •••••• Britannia Cove SopArm Twillingate •••• •••••• Little Bay Sop's Arm St. Barbe •••• •■•••• Coachman's Cove Sound Island Placentia and St. Mary's.... Placentia South East Bight Placcntia and St. Mary's.... Paradise Southern End Fogo •••• •••••• Change Islands Southern Harbor Placentia and St. Mary's.. . . Placentia South River Port'de-Grave Brigus South Side St. George •••• ••••«• St. George's Southward, South'n Bav ) South West Arm Bonavista ••■• •••••■ Brooklyn Twillingate ••«• •••••• Little Bay Spaniard's Bay Trinity Spaniard's Bay Haibor Grace Spaniard's Bay Trinity •••• •••••• Spanish Room Burin . . •••• •••••• Burin Spear Cove, White B.. St. Barbe •••■ ■••••• Coachman's Cove Spencer's Cove Placentia and St. Mary's.. . . Great Placentia Spillar's Cove Trinity •••• •••••• Bonavista Spoon Cove Burin •••• •••••• Burin Spout Cove Bay-de-Verde Carbonear Sprague's Cove Trmity •••• «••••• Britannia Cove Spread Eagle ...... Trinity •••• •••••« Dildo Springfield Port-cle-Grave Bay Roberts Spring's Arm St. Barbe St. Anthony Sprucy Point St. George Bay of Islands Salvage Squid Tickle Bonavista Stage Cove Twillingate Tilt Cove Stag Harbor Fogo .. Fogo Stanley's Cove Fortune Pushthrough Starke's Bight St. Barbe St. Anthony Step-a-side Burin .. Burin Stephenville St. George St. George's Stock 1 ove Bonavista Trinity Stock Cove Trinity DUdo Stocking Harbor Twillingate Nipper's Harbor Belloram Stone's Cove Fortune Stone Island Fenyland Caplin Bay Valen Island Store House Cove.... Placentia and St. Mary's.. . . Strickland Beach St. George Bay of Islands Sugar Loaf Fortune Pushthrough Sumnierside St. George Bay oi Islands Sunday Cove Island... Twillingate Little Bay Island Swain's Island Bonavista Greenspond Swale Island Bonavista Salvage Si 83 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [188& ^M Name of Place. District. Post Town, ^H ^uiin Island • • . . Twillinirate ..... .....-- Exploits Brooklyn Grecnspond Burgoo, Placentia Valcn Island St. Lawrence Fox Harbor ■ Swoct Bay ^1 Sworry Island .... ^H Tack's Beach .... H Tasse D'Argent or ) H Tosselo ( ^B Taylor Bay ^^1 Tea Cove . . .... Bonavista Bonavista .... ... \ • • Placentia and St. Mary's. Placentiaand St. Mary 'a. Burin .. Trinity .... ... ■ • • • • • « • ^^1 Terra Nova River.. • . Bonavista .... ...r-- Alexander Bay Leading Tickles U-ading Tickles Britannia t ove Nipper's H. in summer; Little Bay in winter St. George's Grecnspond St. Ant lony Exploits Kings t ove Dildo ' ^1 Thimble Tickles .... ^1 Thos. RowscU's Island Twillingatc Twillincate .... ... • • ^H Thoroughfare .... ^H Three Arms .... ^H Three Guts, Port au- ^H Port Bay l^^B Thrpp Islnnd Hiirb'^r Trinity Twillingate '^A. George Bonavista .... ... » • • ^^K Three Mountain Har. ^^^^^F Thivnrt Tslnnd St. Harbe Twillingate .... ... ^^H Tickle Cove .... ^^B Tickle Harbor .... Bonavista Trinity .... ... ^1 Tickle Beach , Long H . ^^K Tilt Cove .... Fortune .... Bclloram Twillingate .... ..,,■-■ Tilt Cove ^V Tilton ^H Tilton Harbor .... Harbor Grace ■ • • Railway T.P.O. Fogo Grecnspond Burin ^^K Tinker's Island .... Bonavista .... ^^^v Tiff's Cftvi* II Burin .... ^^^^F Tlr7nrd''i Hnrhrr Twillincate .... ...... Twillingate Toad's Cove ^H Toad's Cove .... Ferrvland .... ...... ^K Tom Hall's Harbor.. . Twillingate .... Exploits Topsail Torbay Valen Island Harbor Briton ^^H Topsail ^^B Torbay ^^K Tosselo Harbor Main ... ...... St. Tohn's .... ...,-- Placentia and St. Mary's. Fortune .... ... • ■ • ^H Trapper Cove, Port- ) ^K an-Choix ) ^^^k Trepassey ^^H Trinity ^^K Trinity Bay, Bona- [ ^V vista Bay ] ^B Triton, Troytown .... St. Barbe .... ...,-- Bonne Bay Trepassey Trinity Grecnspond Little Bay Island Bonne Bay Trinity Twillingate Heart's Content Placentia and St. Mary's. Trinity .... ... • • • Bonavista .... Twillingate .... ^B Trout River .... St. Barbe .... ^B Trouty .... Trinity .... ^B Trump Island .... Twillingate .... ^B Turk's Cove .... Trinity .... H Turk's Gut, N. Side.. . ^1 Turk's Gut, S. Side... . Port-de Grave Harbor Main... . ... »■• Brigus Brigus Belloram ^B Turnip (Jove .... ^B Twillingate Fortune .... ...... Twillingate .... Twillingate Flower's Cove ^B Unfortunate Cove .... St. Barbe .... ^B Union Cove .... St. Barbe .... ...... Englee King's Cove Conception Harbor Exploits Burgeo Gambo ^B Upper Amherst Cove. ^B Upper Bacon Cove. . . ^B Upper Black Island... ^B Upper Burgeo .... H Upper Dark Cove. . . . ^B Upper Gullies .... ^B Upper Island Cove. . . Bonavista .... ...... Harbor Main... . ...... Twillingate .... Burcfeo and LaPoile ...... Bonavista .... ...... Harbor Main... . ...... Kelligrews Spaniard's Bay Britannia Cove Harbor Grace. . . ...... ^^K Upper Lance Cove . . . Trinitv .... ...... H Upper Rocky Brook.. H Valen Island .... ^m Valentine Cove, ^B Ballantine ■ Venon's Bieht .... Trinitv .... ... Britannia Cove Placentia and St. Mary's ' St. George Twillingate • • • • • • Valen Island, via Burin and Great Placentia Bay of Islands Tilt Cove 1880] THE NEWFOUNDL VND ALMANAC. 84 'i\^- Name of Place. Victoria Village . . Virgin Arm.. Virgin ( ove Vitter's Cove, New Perlican Wadham Islands .. Waldron's Cove .. Ward's Harbor . . Warren's Harbor .. Waterman's Harbor Webber's Bight .. Wesleyville. . .... West Bay,Portau-rort West Cul-de-Sac .... Western Arm & C'ovo Western Hay .... Western Cove, Dar- ren Island Western Head, Mor ton's Harbor West Point . . Weymouth Whale's Brook .... Whale Cove .... Whale Gulch, N. Id.. White Bear Bay .... White Island .... White Island .... White Point Cove. . . . White Point .... White Point .... White Rock .... Wigwam Point .... Wild Bight Wild Bight Wild Bight Wild Cove Wild K 'ove Wild Coves, three on ) Fogo Island j Wild Cove Wilton Grove .... Winter Cove .... Winter House Cove, \ N. W. Arm J Wiseman's Cove .... Witless Bay .... Witless Bay .... WoU B.. Bay du-Loup Woodford Cove .... Woodford Station. . . . Woody Island .... Woody Island Bight.. Woody Point .... Wreck Cove .... Yellow Fox Cove, > New Bay j York Harbor .... Young Head .... Zealot . . .... District. Carbonear Twillingate Placentia and St. Mary's... . Trinity Fogo .. .... Twillingate Twillingate Bonavista St. Barbc Twillingate Bonavista .... St. George .... IJurgco and I^aPoile St. harbe Bay-de-Verde Placentia and St. Mary's. aPoile iPoile St. Mary's. Twillingate .... Burgeo and LaPoilt St. Barbe Trinity Burin Twillingate Burgeo and St. Barbe Burgeo and 1 St. Barbe Placentia and Trinity Trinity Twillingate Twillingate Twillingate Twillingate Twillingate Twillingate Fogo .. St. Barbe Trinity St. Barbe Twillingate St. Barbe Ferry land Trinity Uurgeo and Twillingate Harbor Main Placentia and Twillingate St. Barbe Fortune Twilllingate St. George Twillingate St. Barbe LaPoile ... • • • • • • I • • ■ • • a < St. Mary's. Post Town. Carbonear Twillingate Placentia Hearts Content Greenspond Exploits Little Bay Island Greenspond Conche Exploits Greenspond St. George's Harbor Briton Coachman's Cove Blackhead Placentia Twillingate LaPoile Englee Heart's Content Burin Twillingate Burgeo Griguet Channel Englee Valen Island Bonaventure Britannia Cove Exploits Bett's Cove Little Bay Leading Tickles Twillingate Moreton's Harbor Fogo Coachman's Cove Random Flower'y Cove Nipper's Harbor Coachman's Cove Witless Bay New Harbor Burgeo Little Bay Railway T. W O. Placentia Exploits Bonne Bay Harbor Briton Exploits Bay of Islands Nipper's Harbor Conche ttHIHi^^^^^^MM»- 1889] THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. d5 JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. Chief Justice— Sir Frederick B. T. Carter, K.C.M.G. Assistant Judges— Robert J. Pinscnt, D.C.L., and J. I. Little. Attorney General- Sir James S. Winter, K.C.M.G. Solicitor General— —— . Queen's Counsel— Hon. G. H.Enierson, Sir W.V. Whiteway, K.C.M.G. ; Prescott Emerson, D. W. Prowse, T. J. Kcough, A. O. Ilayward, R. R. W. Lilly, Robert J. Kent, Sir James S. Winter, K.C.M.G. ; A. J. W. McNeily. James G. Conroy, and D. J. Greene. Ciaief Clerk and Registrar Supreme Court — Prescott Emerson, Q.C. Assistant Clerkr, of the Supreme Court— George J. Adams and Joseph P. Carty. Registrar of Deeds— Prescott Emerson, Q.C. Crier of the Supreme Court and Tipstaff— John Burke. Barristers and Attorneys of the Supreme Court (at St. John's, accord- ing to seniority, exclusive of Attorney and Solicitor General, and Queen's Counsel)— M. J. O'Mara, R. J. Parsons, P. J. Scott, T. F. Walsh, H. H. Carter, I. R. McNeily, G. M. Johnson, Geo. H. Emerson, jr., John J. Flan- nery M. H. Carty, F. E. M. Bunting, Geo. LeMessurier, D. Morison, W. B. Kelligrew, J. A. Clift, Edward Shea, Wm. H. Horwood, Edward P. Morris, Frank D. Lilly, Herbert E. Knight, T. J. Murphy, F. J. Morris, D. Rrown- ing, J. Oliphant Fraser, Wm. Clapp, J. J. Pitman. barristers and Attorneys, Northern District — Henry A. t'lift, and W. 0. Wood, Harbor Grace. Attorney;- ..t-Law — Robert B. Holden, Arthur W. Knight, P. J. Sum- mers, M. W. Furlong. Iaw Students who are Members of the Law Society — Charles H. Emerson, and John P. Kent. Law Society Benchers — Sir W. V. Whiteway, Q.C, T. J, Keough, Q.C, A. O. Hay\vard, Q.C, Sir James S. Winter, Q.C, R. J. Kent, Q.C, Prescott Emerson, Q.C, A. J. W. McNeily, Q.C. Secretary : P. Emerson, Q.C. ; Treasurer : R. J. Kent, Q.C ; Librarian : John Burke. Sheriffs- Central District: Thomas Talbot; Sub-Sheriff: Lionel T. Chancey. Northern District: John Bemistcr. Southern District: James Carter. Deputy Sheriffs in Outports — Northern District — St. Anthony— Henry Moores. Little Bay — Thomas 1*2. Wells. Twillingate— Thomas Peyton and James Peyton. Fogo — John G. I^ucas. Greenspond — Samuel Daw. King's Cove — Michael Devine. Bonavista — Joseph Brown. Catalina — William B. Bailey. Trinity — Richard Spence. Heart's Content-Charles Rendell. Old Perlican— Elias March. Lower Island Cove— Hy. Garland. Carbonear— Frederick Rowe. Harbor Grace — Thomas W. Rogers. Bay Roberts— G. Hierlihy. Brigus— Tobias Hackett and Benjamin Butler. Conception Harbor — Edward O'Brien. Southern District — Burin . Lamaline — Wm. G. Pitman. Harbor Briton— Jacob Cotter. Biirgeo— Alfred Parsons. Rose Blanche- John A. Roberts. Channel— Jolin LeMoine. Bay St. George—H. Mc- Donald. Bay of Islands— Joshua D. Gilker. Bonne Bay— Geo. Halfyard, Masters-in-Chancery— Hon. G. H. Emerson, Q.C; Thos. J. Keougli- Q.C; Sir W. V. Whiteway, Q.C; Prescott Emerson, Q.C; Sir James S. Winter, Q.C. 80 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [1889 i,i. I Supreme Court— Spring Term, commencing aoth May, to continue three weclcs; Autumn Term, aoth November, to continue three weclcs, with power to the Judges to prolong the tenn from day to day, not exceed- ing six days in all. Sessions after Term — The first Monday in February, March, April and July, and to continue for a period not exceeding six days. Commissioners for Issuing Mesne, Final Process, &c. The following are the Commissioners for issuing Mesne and Final Pro- cess and Supocnas returnable into the Supreme Court ; for talcing Affidavits and Recognizance of Dail in any suit pending the said Court : Central District — Prescott Emerson, Q.C., George Adams and V. J, Carty, St. John's ; F. F. Furneaux, Kelligrcws. Northern District — A. Drysdale and Hugh W. Trapnell, Harbor Grace; Israel L. McNeil, Carbonear; John Wilcox, Brigus; John Lewis, Lower Island Cove; G. W. R. Hierlihy, Bay Roberts; Wm. Holden, Har- bor Main; J. Veitch, Holyrood; William Christian, Old Perlican; Richard Penney, Heart's Content ; Gilbert H. Cole, Trinity ; Moses Parsons, New Harbor; John Mifflin, Catalina; John G. Skelion and David Candow, Bonavista; Philip Levesconte, King's Cove; James Burden, sr., Salvage; Jat.ies Fitzgerald, Fogo; F. Berteau, Twillingate; Gideon Way, Musgrave Town ; Richard V. Rice and W. Lang, Greenspond ; J. B. Blandford and John Duder, Litile Bay; David Currie, Britannia Cove; F. C. Berteau, I^brador. Southern District , Ferryland; Thomas O'Rielly, riacentia; James Harney, St. Mary's; James I'itman, Lanialine; George Simms, Grand Bank ; John Cunningham, Burgeo ; Philip Hubert, Harbor Briton ; Thomas Winter, Burin ; George Sutton, Trepasiiey ; Tlios. Driscoll, Toad's Cove; Henry Camp, Pushthrough; Mi:'.iael E. Dwyer, St. Geor/jj's Bay; Richard Bradshaw, Gaultois; C. D. Chambers, Ilarboi F^uTc't; John Gillis, todroy; R. T. Squarey, Channel; Geo. R. Lily a k L. j. Barron Bay of Islands; Donald Brown and Na'han Taylor, iJonne Bay; George T. Snelgrove, St. Jacques. Vice- Admiralty Court. Judgp --Chief Justice, for the time being. Deputy Judge — PrcTott Emerson, Q.C. Regii t ar— R. R. W. Lilly, Q.C. Mars u 1— A. U. Ilaywar. , C-C. Centni District Court. JudgCi. — D. W. Prowse, Q.C, and James Gerve Conroy, Q.C. Clerk of the Court— R. R. W. Lilly, Q.C. Notaries Public. St. John's— Honorable George H. Emerson, Robert H. Prowse, Bobt R. W. Lilly, Tboma J. Keough, Sir W. V. Whiteway, Richard B. Ho' .en, A. O. Haward, Wm. O. Wood, Sir James S. Winter, R. J. Parsons, a. j. W. McNeily, John T. Gillard, D. J. Greene, John Maher, G. H. Dickinson, Robert L. Mare, James J. Collins, George R. Lilly, Geo. M. ]oba Oii, T. W. Spry, W. D. Halley, Francis Berteau, M. E. Dwyer, R. T. Sqaarey, Joseph Godden, F. E. M. Bunting, Edward Shea, and George LeMessurier. tMH^MMMiMPt^ • '* 1889] THE irEWFOUm>LANt) ALMAIf AC. 8? Harbor Grace— Henry A. C'Ult, Andrew B. Drysdale. Carbonear — Israel L. McNeil, J. A. Robinson. Trinity— Edward Doyle. Twillingatc — Francis Berteau, Samuel Baird. P'ogo— Jas. Fitzgerald. Bay Roberts— G. W. R. Hierlihy. Brigus— George Gushue. Southern District — James Carter, L. Barron and Donald Brown. Placentia— W. G. Bradshaw and Thomas O'Reilly. Harbor Briton— H. T. Holman. Stipendiary Magistrates. St. John's — Daniel Woodley Prowse, and James Gerve Conroy, Judges Central District Court. Conception Bay — Thomas R. Bennett, District Judge, Harbor Grace. Carbonear — Israel L. McNeil. Brigus — ^John Wilcox. Trinity Bay— Gilbert H. Cole, Trinity , William Christian, Old Terlican. Bonavista — Thomas W. Stabb. Greenspond — Richard P. Rice. Fogo — ^James Fitzgerald. Twillingate — Francis Berteau. Ferryland . Trepassey — R. H. Carey. Placentia and St. Mary's — Thomas O'Rielly, Placentia; James Harney, St. Mary's. Burin — G. Bishop. Grand Bank — George Simms. Presque— Patrick Sullivan. Sandy Point, St. George's Bay— Michael E. Dwyer. Bay of Islands — George R. Lilly. T^aScie, N. E. Coast — Daniel Duggan. Fortune Bay — Philip Hubert, Harbor Briton. Bur'T^o — George Q. Hunt. Channel — Robert T. Squarey. Little Bay — James B. Biandford. St. Anthony, N. E. Coast . Bonne Bay and Flowers Cove — Donald Brown. Justices of the Peace. For the Colony of Newfoundland — The Judges of the Supreme Court, the merabsrs of the Executive Council, and Hon. Edward D. Shea, Hon. James J. Rjgerson, W J. S. Donnelly, Daniel W. Prowse, R. R. W. Lilly, Paul Carty, Colonel Morris J. Fawcett, Frederick J. Vallance, William P. Tay.or, J. G. Conroy, Francis Berteau, Richard P. Rice, George Q. Hunt, Michael Dwyer, D, Brow.i, Robert T. Squarey, George R. Lilly, I e .ry Dawe, Samuel Baird, T. Si. Bennett, Geo. Bishop, G. W. R. Carter, ; mes Hippisley, Commander Robinson, T. W. Stabb, Northern District — William Christian, ^ohn G. Skelton, John Rorkc, James L. Prendergast, John Wilcox, Philip Levisconte, James Fitzgerald, Israel L. McNeil, Reuben Bemister, John Lewis, George Skelton, James Alcocck, William Stirling, William Lang, Wm. Hoklen, Hay Findlater, JohnSheehan, Gilbert H. Cole, John W. Owen, G. W. R. Hierlihy, Edward T. Pike, James Tarahan, B. T. H. Gould, James Burden, James Wirsor, m THE Nt:\VFOUNt>LA^D ALMAI^AC. [1889 R. S. Munn, John Bartlett, J. Mifflin, William Lethbridge, E. C. Watson, Thomas Windsor, Charles Dawe, Dr. White, Thomas C. Duder, James H. Watson, Frederick White, John Smith, Richard Tenny, Josiah Manuel, John Duder, Joseph Godden, Patrick Devcreux, Josiah Colborne, Alfred S. Pike, Wm. Joyce, Laurence Mackay, Felix M'Carthy, John Patterson, James B. Blandford, Joseph W. Philips, Mark Osmond, J. C. Doniiny, R D. Ilodge, James B. Tobin, David Currie, Thomas M'Cormack, Daniel A. Ryan, Daniel Duggan, Francis Perry, Norman Snelgrove, Wm. H. Thomp- son, R. H. Taylor, R. McDonnell, William Goddard, James Lockyer, VV. J. Eaton, Leander Gill, Joseph Strong, Samuel Spence, David Candow, Samuel Evans, Daniel Green, Thos. Hodge, John S. Lockyer, J. Ryan, Jabez Saint. Southern District — Edward Evans, Richard Marshall, Thomas Winter, Richard McGrath, Philip Holman, Francis Read, Thomas O'Rielly, ). White, Thomas Driscoll, Charles E. Cossmcin, Wm. Phoran, James Harney, Philip Hubert, Charles D. Chambers, josiah Small, Patrick Sullivan, John P. Bradshaw, Nathan Smith, Robert H. Carey, M.D., William St. Croix, E. C. Gallop, H. J. Haddon, John Jordan, P. O'Neill, Geo. Simms. Clerks of the Peace. St. John's (for Central District)— Robert R. W. Lilly. Hugh W. Trapnell. Carbonear : Joseph McKay. Harbor Grace: CONSTABULARY. Inspector and General Superintendent of Constabulary in Newfound- land — Colonel Morris J. Fawcett. St. John's — 1st Sub-Inspector — John Sullivan. 2nd Sub-Inspector— James Kenna. 2nd-class Head Constable — Joseph Rielly. Mounted Ser- geant and Instructor of Cavalry — John Squires. Acting Sergeant, Clerk and Storekeeper — Charles Targett. Sergeants — William Collins (cavalry), William Coughlan (infantry \ Acting Sergeants — Samuel Dawe, Philip Lacey, Peter McBay, William O'Brien, Robert Sparrow, and Richard Cleary. Medical attendants — Doctors Harvey and Rendell. Brigus — Sergeant William Grimes. Bay Roberts — Constable Josiah Sheppard. Bay Bulls — Constable Edward Furlong. Burgeo — Constable Albert Kelland. Burin — Acting-Sergeant John Smith, and Constable Wm. Moore. Bonavista — Sergeant Baily, and Constable Thomas Forsey. Carbonear — Frederick Williams (Head Constable), John Snook, Thos. Aspell, James B. Peet, James Fardy. Catalina— Constable William O'Farrell. Cape Broyle — Constable John Courtney. Channel — Constable James Wilcox. Fortune — Constable Gideon Benson. Fogo — Constable Jeremiah Dee. Ferryland — Constable John Ryan. Greenspond — Constable Francis Harris. Grand Bank — Constable Michael Kent. Harbor Grace— Head-Constable : Alex. Jackson. 2nd Head-Con- 1880J THE NEWFOUNDLAIJD ALMANAC. do Harbor Grace: ry in Newfound- Vm. Moore. stable : George Winslow. Sergeant : Daniel Freeman. Constables : Wil- liam Burke, George French, John Griffin, John Ley, John McKay, John Power, William Shave, William Chaie, Thomai Green, Arthur I^ng^ Maurice Murphy, John Ryan, Richard Spracklin, Joseph Sweeney, John Thomas. [Liable to be changed monthly.] '""''' Holyrood — Cohstable Ambrose Sparks. Heart's Content - Constable James Hatcher. Harbor Briton— Constable Albert Newhook. Hsn\^9T Main.— Acting-Sergeant George Oliphant and Constable Tbos. McBay. Herrlngncck— Constable Michael Sullivan. ' Lamalinc— Constables Edmund Mifflen and R. Cross. Little Bay — Sergeant Thomas Wells ; Constables Michael Dutton and Jostph Brod'-'rick. Old Perlican— Constable Ilcnry Ptrks. Oderin— Constable Michael Quirk. Placentia — Constable Andrew Fahey. Portugal Cove— Constable James Quinn. Port-de-(irave— Constable William F. Turner. Renews— ^Constable JOSCph Corbett. St. Lawrence — ConstabJ? James Kent. St. Mary's-r-Constable Edward Loughlan. Trinity — Constables James Russell and Benjamin Day. Topsail — Constable Joliii Bickham. Trepassey — Constable William Bailey. ; Twillingate — Sergeant Nathaniel Petten and Constable A. Burt. Tilt Cove— Constable Edward Kennedy. King's Cpye - Constable Michael Mackey. Cape Broyla— Constable John Courtney. Belloram— Constable Thomas Walsh. Rose Blanche— Constable Edward Hynes. Codroy— Constable Thomas Oldford. West Coast (Bay of Islands) — Sergeant Isaac Bartle.: and Constable John Flyhn. Bay St. George - Sergeant Joseph O'Brien and Constable G. Goodland. Bonne Bay — Constable John T. Butler. iiO :: ) I'D 'I'. > 2nd Head-Con- Newspapers Published in the Colony. Advocate — Published every Wednesday and Saturday. Commercial Journal — Published fortnightly, immediately before the closing of the mail for Great Britain. Colonist — Published daily (Sundays excepted.) Evening 7(?/(?^rA/ellon, Simeon Guy, Archibald Thompson. Fogo: Rev. George Bullen, Thomas C. Duder, Robert Scott, Fogo; W. Perry, Indian Islands ; John Holmes, Cann Islands. Hewing Neok : R^v. William Rex, Esau Blandford, Sylvester Tufhn, Herring Neck J John Card, Marrett's Harbor; Solomon Roberts, Change Islands ; Thomas W. Ginn, Thomas W. Taylor, Change Islands. Twillingate : Rev. R. W. Freeman, Peter Samways, William Hodder, Elias Roberts, John Minty, A. Linftekl, John Anstey. Moreton's Harbor: Rev. Jesse Heyfield, Mark Osmond, Thomas French, Samuel Small, Elijah Jennings. Exploits : Rev. James Nurse, Josiah Manuel, Simon Manuel, I^wrir Harbor; William Lacey, Sergeant's Cove; Matthew Dalton, jr.. Exploits. Littlebay Island; Rev. Henry Hatcher, Rev. Henry Abraham, and James Strong, Littlebay Island; Henry Knight, Jackson's t.'ove; John Batstone, Three Arms ; George Paddick, Ward's Harbor ; James Parsons. Nipper's Harbor : Rev. Samuel Jennings, Robert Batstone, W. J. Eaton, Nipper s Harbor ; Andrew Roberts, John Mackey. Placentia Bay: Rev. John Humphreys, William Eddy, Sound Island; James HoUett, Edmund Read, James Williams. Flat Islands : Rev. John Pye, Edward Collins, Henry W. Crann, Chris- topher Joyce, R. Dicks, Albert Hodder, Charles Senior. Burin : Rev. Thos. W. Atkinson, Rev. J. J. Wheatly, George Bishop, John Weare, Benjamin Hollett, Thomas Foote, Richard Beasley. Fortune : Rev. Fr«d. Geo. Willey, Robert Snook, John E. Lake, Wm. P. Lake, Philip Lake, John King, Henry Haddon. Gand Bank : Rev. William Swann, Samuel Harris, John Forsey, Geo. Forsey, Thomas A. Uickman, George Buffett, George Bell. Burgeo : Rev. W. Swann, Joseph Small, W. Davjdge, Benjamin Buffett, S. A. Parsons. Petites: Rev. W. H. Browning, William Collins, James Giles, Elias Mauger, Wm. Courtenay, Henry Riles, Wm. Stone. Channd : Rev.. Charles Lench, Samuel Forsey, Thomas Poole, Ne!son Bragg, E. J. Evans. St. George's : Board to be appointed. Bonne Bay : Rev. J. C. Sidey, Henry Halfyard, Chas. Sillars, George Halfyard, John Wight. Flower's Cove : Board to be appointed. St Anthony: Rev. J. Smith, Solomon LeDrew, John Guy, John Brewer, James Byles. Englee : Board to be appointed. Labrador, South : Board to be appointed. Labrador, North : Board to be appointed. Presbyterian Board of Education. Harbor Grace — Rev. W. J. Thompson, William H. Thompson, John Patterson, R. S. Munn, J. P. Jillard. Congregational Board of Education. St. .lohn's— Rev. T. Hodgkinson, John Haddon, L. T. Chancey, Rich'd Barnes, William J. Barnes, John Cowan, Henry W. Seymour. Inspector : The Church of England and Methodist Inspectors, alternately. 1 1 j i I tU i! 1 1 I i^ M THfi NfiWI'OCUDLAI^t) ALMaNACj. am ST. JOHN'S TRAINING SCHOOL. Committee of Managemeitt— L. T. Chancey, Chairman ; Miu Good, Secretary ; Robert Harnea, Treasurer ; Rer. T. Hodgkinson, W. Chancey, R. J. Chanoey. E. Colton, A. Northfield, W. Radford, W. H. Whiteley. rd Bishop. Council— The Lord Bishop, and Revs. E. Botwood, A. C. F. Wood, A. Heygate, and W. Pilot. f rincipal-Rev. R. II. Taylor. DIOCESAN SYNOD OF NEW'KOUNDT.ANn. President— Right Rev. the I^rd Bishop. Clerical Secretary— Rev. A. Heygate. Lay Secretary — Hon. George '\\ Rendell. Treasurer— Henry Cooke. Auditors — Rev. A. C. F. Wood and John Goodridgc. Executive Committee-The I^rd Bishop, Revs. E. Botwood, ]i. Colle}' R. H.Taylor, A. Heygate, W. Pilot, A. C. F. Wood, and Hon. A. W Harvey, Sir J. S. Winter, K.C.M.G.; Hon. G. T. Uendell, Hon. C. Crowdy Sir W.V.Whiteway. K.C'.M.G.; W. B. Grieve. " Rendell. Secretary— Hon. G. T' ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. DIOCESE OK ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND. Former Prelates — Bight Bev. Dr. O'Donnell, consecrated 1796; died 1811. Right Kev. Dr. Lambert, died 1817. Bight Rev. Dr. Scallan, died 183a Bight Rev. Dr. Fleming, died 1850. Bight Rev. Dr. Mullock, diud 1869. Present Bishop— Most Rev. Thomas Joseph Power, M.A., consecrated in Rome, Trinity Sunday, lath'june, 1870, by His Eminence C.nrdinal CuUen. Vicar-General— Very Bev. Archdeacon Forristal. Churches and Clergy. St. John's Cathedral— Very Rev. Archdeacon Forristal, Administrator; Rev. J. Scott, Rev. W. Lalor, Rev. D. O'Brien. St. Patrick's— Rev. John Ryan, and Rev. E. Crook. St. Joseph's, Petty Harbor — Hev. R. Tiemey. Portugal Cove— Rev. J. Walsh. Torbay— Rev. M. J. Clarke, P.P. Pouch Cove— Rev. C. O'Neill. Belleisle— Rev. F. M'CuUow. Topsail and Kelligrews — Bev. M. P. Morris. Witless Bay— Rev. N. Roach, P.P., and Rev. M. O'DrigcoU. Ferryland- Bev. Laurence Vereker, PJ*. 1880] THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 101 Rflnows— Rev. John Wal»h, P.P. Tri'pnsspy— Rev. WIlHam Born, P.P. St. Mary's— Ilcv. Kichard O'Donncll, P.P., and Uev. Stephen P. O'Dritcoll. Salmonicr— Rev J. St. .fohn. Placentia and St. Uridei— Rev. M. Clancey, P.P., and Kev. Utiillo, Little Placentia— Uev. U. Hrennan, P.P. St. Kyrans— Rev. William Doutney, P.P. Rtirin and Oderin— Rev. V. Rcardon, P.P., and Uev. M. Ryan. St. I^wrcnce and I.Anmline— Rev. John Walsh. Harbor Uriton— Rev. J. Whelan, P.P. Convents. Presentation Order, lo; Mercy Order, 4; Schools under care of Chris- tian Krothers, 4; Schools under patronage of the Clergy, about 150. Female Urphanage— Melvidero. Male Orphanage — Villa Nova. Diocese of Harbor Grace. Uishof) — Most Rev. Dr. Ronald McDonald, consccrtted at Pictou, N.S., August 2XSt, 1881. Harbor Grace — Tlie I.,ord Bishop, Rev. J. Roe, Rev. L. Ilayden and Rev. T. M. Murphy. Carbonear— Rev. T. E. Lynch. IJrigus— Rev. V. Walsh, V.G. Holyrood - Rev. G. Battcock. Harbor Main — Rev. P. Brown. Conception Harbor— Very Rev, J. O'Donncll, and Rev. P..O'Donnell, Northern Bay— Rev. M. Hanley. Bay-de-Verde— Rev. J. Donnelly. Bonavista— Rev. J. Carolan. King's Cove— Revs. Wm. Veitch and W. Tarahan. Fogo— Rev. R. M. Wallter. Little Bay Mines— Rev. S. O'Flynn. l-'ortune Ilarbor- Rev. R. Walsh. Frencli Shore— Rev. R. M. Sheehan. LaConche— Rev. J. Lynch. Labrador— Rev. D. F. McCarthy. Convents— Three of the Presentation Order, and two of the Order of Mercy. Prefecture of St. George's, Newfoundland. (By a Decree of the 17th Sept. iSji, the Western portion of the Island of New- foundland was erected into a Prefecture-Apostolic.'S Churches and Clergy. CHURCH OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, SANDY POINT. Bay St. George- Very Rev. M. F. Howley, D.D., P.A. St Ann's, Codroy Valley — Rev. D. Mclnnis. St. Stephen's, Stevenville, Bay St. George— Rev. M. O'Bourke. Holy Family, Bay of Islands— Rev. P. W. Brown. St. Patrick's, Bonne Bay — Rev. W. J. Browne. 1 loa THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. [1880 PJ METHODIST CHURCH. NEWFOUNDLAND. Kev. G. J. Bond, n.A., President. Bev. Wm. Swann, Sccretnry. St. John's District. St. John's Kast— Ri:v8. Georg« Boyd, Joseph Parkins, G P. Storey, Chaplain of Children's Home. St. .lohn's West— Revs. George ■? . Bond, B.A., John E. Manning, 0. S. Miltigan, L I, B.A., ( hairman. Rt'v. G. Boyd, Financial Secretary. Carbonear District. Carbonear- Rev. John Goodison, Rev. J. W. Vickers, Rev. J. S- Peach, Supernumerary. Harbor Grace — Rev. T. H. James. Freshwater — Rev. Jabez Hill. Black Head— Rev. John Pratt. Western Bay — Rev. James Pincock. Lower Island Cove — Rev. Wm. Kendall. Old Pcrlican— Rev. Anthony Hill. Hant's Harbor — Rev. E. Taylor. Heart's Content — Rev. Solomon Matthews. Green's Harbor- -Rev. Henry Scott. Random, North — Rev. James Wilson. Random, South — Rev. A. brittain. Brittania Cove — Rev. Jabez Moores. Rev. John Goodison. Chairman. Rev. James Pincock, Financial Secretary. Bonavista District. Bonavista— Revs. George C. Fraser and J. E. Peters. Cafalina— Rev. J. B. Heal. Trinity— Rev. James Lumsden. Musgravetown— Rev. W. R. Tratt. Glovertown — Rev. A. McAusland. Greenspond— Rev. F. R. Dufiill. Wesleyville— Rev. W. T. D. Dunn. Musgfrave Harbor — Rev.Herbert Hooper. Indian Islands and Seldom-Come-By— Bev. A. Skinner. Fogo — Rev. George BuUen. 1889] THE NBWFOUNDLANt) ALMANAC. 103 len, Albeft Gale. era, Rev. J. S. Herring Neck and Change Ulandi— Rev. William Rex. Twillingale— Rev. R. W. Freeman and Wm. Harris. Moreton's Harbor— Rev. Jesse Ilcyfield. Exploits — Rev. James Nurse. Little Bay Island -Rev. Henry C. Ualcher. Little Bay— Rev. Henry Abraham. Nipper's Harboro-Rev. Samuel Jennings. White Bay— Rev. Akroyd Stoney. Rev. James Nurse, Chairman. Rev. R. W. Freeman, Financial Secretary. Burin District. Burin— Revs. Thos. W. Atkinson and J. J. Wheatly. Flat Island- -Rev. John Pye. St. Pierre— (One wanted.) Fortune -Rev. Fred. G. Willey. Grand Bank— Rev. William Swann. Garntoh, Fortune Bay— Rev. John I^wis. Burgeo — Agent. Petites— Rev. W. H. Browning. Channel— Rev. Charles Lench. St. George's Bay— Rev. H. J. Indoc. Bonne Bay— Rev. J. C. Sidey. French Shore— Agent. Rev. Wm. Swann, Chairman. Rev. Fred. Geo. Willey, Financial Secretary. Students attending Sackvilie— Levi Curtis, John T. Newman, W. J. Bartiett and T. B. Darby. Presbyterian Church in Canada. presbytery of the island of NEWFOUNDLAND. Kev. W. Graham, Moderator. Mr. McKenzie, Cathechist, Bay of Islands. Vacant— Little Bay and Bett's Cove. Elders— James Goodfellow, St. John's ; John Jillard, Harbor Grace. Student in College — G. J. A. Thompson. Rev. W.Graham, St. Andrew's Church, St. John's; Rev. G. Thompson, Harbor Grace. Congregational Churches. Rev. T. Hodgkinson, Queen's Road Chapel, St. John's. Rev. John Squires, Pools Cove, Fortune Bay. Rev. J. F. Geddes, Twillingate. Rev. , Smith's Sound, Trinity Bay. Reformed Church of England. Right Rev. B. B. Ussher, Bishop of Canada and Newfoundland. Conception Bay (Brigus and Clarke's tJeach*— Rev. W. Goodchild. Trinity Bay, (Newharbor)— C. F. Hubbard. m m I I 164 THE NEWI^OUNDLAND ALMAT^AC. [im Geological Department. Survey Office and Museum — Postoffice Building. Acting Geologist — James P. Howley. Commissioners of Wrecked Property. Labrador, North of Chateau— Francis C. Berteau. Red Bay— Ellis C. Watson. Blanc Sablon to Chateau— James G. iloy. Cape John to New Bay — Samuel Baird. Twillingate— Thomas Peyton. Fogo, Little Fogo, Indian and C hange Islands — William B. Fitzgerald. Cape Freelsto Cape Farewell, including Penguin and Wadliam Islands — Henry Kobins. Salvage to Deadman's Point — John T. Oakley. Cape Bonavista to Sal vage . Cape Bonavista to Horse C nops — John Mifflen. Horse Chops to Tickle Point — Benj. Miller. Grate's Point to Tickle Point — Elias March. Broad Cove, Black Head Bay, to Grate's Point— John l^wis. Broad • ove Head to Kelligrev/s, exclusive— G. W. R. Hicrlihy. Bay Bulls to I^aManche — Pierce MuUowncy. I/iManche to (Jape Race — William S. Carter. Cape Race to St. Peter's River, inclusive- Augustus Simms. St. Peter's River to I^nce Point, inclusive — Jas. Harney, I^nce Point to Rushoon, inclusive — James E. Croucher. |Jurin to Lawn Point — George Bishop. I^awn Pomt to Point May . Point May to Garnish — George Simms. Garnish to Cape LaHune— Philip Hubert. LaF'oile Division, District of Burgeo and I.aI'oile — . Burgco Division, District of Burgeo and l^Poile — M. H. Genge. Channel — l harles Cossman. Cape Kay to Little Harbor — .James McFatridge. < 'ape Gregory to Point Uiche - Donald Browne. Point Uiche to Quirpon— William P. Taylor. Chamber of Commerce. President: Hon. A. F. Goodridge; Vice-Presidents. R. H. iVowse, and W. B. Grieve; Secretary: J. Goodfellow; T. K Sn^ith, E. J. Duder, P. G. Tessier, jr., Hon. A. F. Goodridge, J. Goodfellow, K. H. Prowse, Sir It. Thorburn, K.C.M.G , Hon. A. W. Harvey, Hon. C. Bowring, W. B. Grieve, G. A. Hutchings. Hon. J. S. Pitts, H. W. Robertson. Foreign Consulates. Portugal — Thos. R. Smith, Consul General; Wm. Hayward, Vice- Consul, St. John's. Robert S. Munn, Vice-Consul, Harbor Grace. G. H- Cole, Vice-Consul, Trinity. J. T. Mifflen, Catalina. J. Henry Clements, Vice-Consul, LaPoile. H. T. i;olman, Vice-Consul; A. F. Hatch, con- sular-agent. Harbor Briton. Thomas C. Duder, Vice-Consul, Fogo. John W Owen, Vice-Consul, Twillingate. Kichard Goodridge, Vice-Consul, Renews. Spain— Don Antonio Singula, Vice-Consul, St, John's. Consular Agents — Harbor Grace, R. S. Munn; Fogo, Hay Findlater; Trinity, G. H. Cole; Kose Blanche, Philip Sorsoliel; Harbor Briton, Philip Hubert; Twillingate, W. Lethbridge; Burin, ; Gaultois, Edward C Gallop; Little Harbor, Joseph hand, manuiutured, capable of making casks un- der 45 gallons, per 100. 1^0 Cheese, tne cwt 2.50 Chocolate and cocoa, the lb o^ Cigars, ten per cent., ajo Ftuit, dried, (excepting dried apples) currants, raisins, &c., the lb aq3 Inditui meal, the bil 0.25 Iaros and preserves, 90 per cent, ad valorem, and the lb 0,03 number, tone inch thick, and so in proportion for any greater thick- ness) the M 3.50 Lumber, grooved, tongued, or planed, (one inch thick, and so in pro- portion for any greater thickness) the M 4.00 Molasses, the gallon r 0.07 Oats, the bushel 0.05 Oatmeal, the barrel of aoolbs 0.30 Oil, kerosene, the gallon 0.06 Peas, the barrel • aso Pork, the barrel of 200 lbs 1.75 Salt, in bulk, the ton.. • t o.ao Shingles and laths, the M a6o Spirits, namely : Brandy, and other spirits, not herein defined or enum- erated, and not exceeding the strength of proof by Sykes' hydrom- eter, and so in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of poof, the gallon 240 All other Spirits of greater strength than forty-three per cent., over proof shall be deemed to be undefined spirits, and be subject to duty accordingly, the gallon 340 Rum, not exceeding the strength of proof by Sykes' hydrometer, and so in proportion for any greater strength tlisui the strength of proof, the gallon x.65 Gin, not exceeding the strength of proof by Sykes' hydrometer, and so in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of proof, the gallon 1.80 Whiskey, not exceeding the strength of proof by Sykes' hydrom- eter, and so in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of proof, the gallon 2.15 Cordials, shrub and other spirits, being sweetened or mixed so that the degree of strength cannot be ascertained, the gallon 1.15 Sugars, namely : Bastard, the cwt 3.50 Loaf and refined, the cwt 4.50 tlnrefined, the cwt 3.00 Tea, twenty per cent., Qaret, the gallon 040 Hock, Burgundy, and Light Rhenish Wines, the gallon 0.85 Malaga and Mondlla, costing at port of shipment eighty cents a 1889] TBU JJT^WFOUNPMNP Al^MAI^A^C. W gallon, and any other above that price, twelve and a half pee required to describe the effect of the screw race on the rudder, and the effect produced on the direction of the head of the ship by going (ahead) (astern with a (right) (left) handed screw when the rudder is iported) or (starboarded'. How to turn asteam- ship short round. He must also understand the use and action of the sluices, and of the water ballast tanks, and the engine-room telegraph, and questions of a like nature. A master must be 21 years of age and have been 6 years at sea, of which one year must have been as first or only mate in a foreign going ship and one year as second or only m.itc. He must also prove that he has served at least one >ear in a square rigged sailing vessel in the capacity of either apprentice, seaman, mate or master. In Navigation. -In addhion to the qualifications required for a second, only and first mate, he must be able to compute the latitude from the meridian altitude of a star, to find the magnetic bearing from equi-distant compass bearings of any fixed object when at sea, and compute the devia- tion therefrom. He must construct a deviation curve upon a " Napier's" diagram, which will be furnished by the examiner, and understand the prac- tical application of the same, and give written answers to certain practical questions on the effects of the ship's iron upon the compasses, the method of determining the deviation, and compensating the same by magnets and soft iron. He will be required to find the course to steer by compass in order to counteract the effect of a given current, and find the distance the ship will make good towards a given point in a certain time, and to work out practically the correction to apply to soundings, taken at a given time and place to compare with the depth marked on the chart. He will also be required to answer certain questions relating to cyclones or revolving storms. In Seamanship.— In addition to the qualifications required of an only or first mate, he must be able to construct jury-rudders for both wooden and iron vessels and also rafts. He will be examined as to his resources for the preservation of the ship's crew in the event of wreck ; as to the management of ships in heavy weather, and as to rescuing the crew of a disabled ship; THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Ill inswer certain as to steps to be taken when a ship is on her beam ends or in any danger or difficulty, or if disabled or unmanageable and on a leo shore, heaving a iceel out, &c. He must explain the mode ot procedure when placing ship in dry dock, directing repairs, and if putting into port in distress with dam- age to cargo and ship. He must possess a sufficient knowledge of what he is required to do by law, as to entry and discharge, and the management of his crew, and as to penalties, and entries to be made in the official log, and a knowledge of the measures for preventing and checking the outbreak of scurvy on board ship, and the law as to load line marks, and the entries and reports to be made respecting them. He will be questioned as to his knowledge of invoices, charter party, bills of lading, Lloyd's agent, and as to the nature of bottomry, also bills of exchange, surveys, averages, &c., and must answer any other questions of a like nature which the Examiner may consider necessary to touch upon. He will also be required to give satisfactory answers as to his know- ledge of the mani^ement of steam ships in heavy weather. How to utilize steam appliances m the event of fire, and the best arrangements for towing vessels under various circumstances; as to the methods of constructing jury-rudders suitable for a screw steamship, and other questions of a like nature appertaining to the management of a steamship. A candidate possessing a certificate " for fore-and-aft rigp;ed vessels only," and desiring to obtam an ordinary certificate of the same grade, must prove that he has served at sea at least one year in a square-rigged sailing vessel, and will be re-examined both in navigation and seamanship. Failure. — In all cases of failure the candidate must be examined tkiicvo. If a candidate fails in seamanship he will not be re-examined until after a lapse of six months. If he fails three times in navigation he will not be ru-examined until after a lapse of three months from the date of the last failure. Ifa candidate has failed in his examination, but the subjects in which he has failed are not included in the subjects required for a certificate of a lower grade, he may, if he desires it, receive a certificate of such lower grade. No part, however, of the fee he has paid will be returned to him. Any candidate who may be guilty of insolence to the examiner, or of other misconduct, will render himself liable to the postponement of his examination, or if he has passed, to the detention of his certificate for such period as the Governor in Council may think fit to direct. BLOCK HOUSE, SIGNAL HILL. Signalman : Francis Scott. Assistant Signalman : Michael Cantwell. Description ok Signals in use at the Block House, Signal Hill, St. John's Newfoundland. Balls and Flags, hoisted in difTerent positions on the Yard Arm, show the numbers of sail that are signalled either North or South, viz : One Sail in sight — Ball close up to yard. Two Sail in Sight— Ball midway between yard and parapet of Block House. Three Sail in sight — Yellow Pennant close up to yard. Four Sail in sight — Yellow Pennant midway between yard and parapet of Block House. Five Sail in sight — Same as four, with addition of a Ball placed imme- diately above Pennant. Six Sail in sight — Same as three, with addition of a Ball placed imme* diately beneath Pennant. 112 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. {\m Seven Sail in sight — Same as four, with addition of a Ball placed imme- diately beneath Pennant. Eight Sail in sight— Yellow Pennant at yard arm ; Ball midway between yard and parapet of Block House. Nine Sail in iieht — Ball at yard arm ; Yellow Pennant midway between yard and parapet of Block House. Ten Sail in sight — Both Yellow Pennant and Ball close up to yard, the Ball above pennant A Blue Pennant at the Mast-head denotes a Barque. A Blue- White-Red Pennant at the Mast-head denotes a Barquentine. A Red Pennant at the Mast-head denotes a Brig. A White-Red Pennant at the Mast-head denotes a Brigantine. A White-Blue Pennant at the Mast-head denotes a Topsail Schooner. A White Pennant at the Mast-head denotes a Schooner. A St. George's Cross at the Mast-head of the Middle pole, denotes a Steamer in sight from the Block House ; but when it is hoisted on the South pole, it denotes that the Steamer is South of Cape Spear. When any National flag is hoisted above the St. George's Cross, it de- notes thiit a Man-of-War Steamer, belonging to such Nation as indicated by flag, iu approaching the harbor. A Blue Penant and Blue Burgee, when hoisted together, shows that a Sail has passed the Narrows, going either North or South. When a Merchant's House flag is hoisted on the South Pole, it denotes that a Vessel belonging to said Merchant is South of Cape Spear ; and when hoisted on the North Pole, it shows that said Vessel is m sight of the Block House. When a Square White flag with a Red Ball in the centre is hoisted, either on the South or Centre Pole, denotes that a Steam-tug is required. The International Code of Signals are also in use at the Block House, and the recognized House Signals of the diflerent Merchants. APPENDIX. The following appointments have been made since the foregoing sheets went to press : Donald Morrison, Esq., to be member of the House of Assembly, for the District of lionavista. A. J. Harvey, M.D., to be District Surgeon for St. John's East, in place W. C. Simms, deceased. G. S. McKay, St. lohn^, to be Deputy Surveyor ol Crown Lands. Garrett Jackman, Renews, to be Surveyor under Agricultural Act i88S. Road Boards. 1. T. Croucher, to be member of the Road Board for Fogo. Moses Moore, to be member of the Road Board for Heart's Content, in place of Joseph Hopkins. Abraham Turner, John Moss, Wm. Turner, Wm. Hayward, Wm. King, John brown, to be a Board of Road Commissionei-s for Happy Adventure, Bonavista Bay. John Cheever, Andrew Keough, Andrew Tracy, Thomas Keough, Martin Furlong, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Plate Cove, Bonavista Bay. Wm. Walker, Thos. Mullowney, Mark Walker, John Kelly, Daniel Dooley, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Sweet Bay, Bonavista Bay. iohn Welsh, to be a member of the Road Board for Cottell's Island, loah Miller, to be a member of the Road Board for Bonaventure, Trin- ity Bay. George Tavemer, to be a member of the Road Board for Trinity (town) West, in place of Geo. Fleet. ADVERTISEMENTS. "3 lier, shows that a lade since the ^T^xcelsioi^ PVOOD -:- FACTORY, Water Street. East, St. John's, Newfoundland. Herder & Hallaren, Carpenters, Contractors and Undertakers. Constantly on linnd and made ti order : Doors, : Sashes, : Mouldings, : Newels, Hand-rails, BiilhistradcH iind all other huilding requisites. Prime Seasoned Lumber of all kinds ^^on hand and for sale cheap. Also mannfacturers and hiiilders of the eeleljrated M. MONROI], AoKXT. '\/lctoria«s^ — ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS, Retail Store: 7 Water St., West. Constantly on hand : Windlasses, Winches, Hawser Pipes, Chocks, Sheaves, Steering Gear (common and patent). All kinds of Ships' Iron Work made to order; Iron Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Engineers' Stores, Boiling and Bath Pans, Presses, Dies, and all Machines fi^^for Lobster Canning constantly on hand. JJ^B. .ikILTO-EILj cSc Co- 114 ADVliR'I'ISrCMKNTS. John Sk:inner, [Established 1874,] DKAI.KR IN ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE and SOAPSTONE Monuments, Headstones, Curbing, &c., lixecutwl in Oiif;iniil Designs— ICn>;lisli and American. Designs and cstimatt's sent to any address on application. 'I'frrn Nova Marble Works, opp. Star of the Sea Hall, 325 Duckworth Street, St. John's, Newfoundland. NoTK. — lUst Stock, Artistic and Substantial Work Kiiaranteed. HEflRNSCO.. General Importers and Wiiolesale Dealers in Spirits % ProVisioi^s Manufacturers of FINEST QUALITY BUTTERINE, Hunter's Cove, -:- St. John's, Newfoundland. MORTIMER G. LASH (Of the late firm of Messrs. J. & G. Lash) BEGS to return his sincere thanks to his city and out- port customers for past favors, and takes this opportunity of reminding them tiiat he has constantly on hand at tne old stand (303 Water Street) a choice stock of Wines, Champagnes, Tobaccos, Cigars, and Confectionery. Pastry and Cakes of all descriptions. Wedding Cakes a specialty. Fruits of ever^ description in season, and a great variety of other luxuries too numerous to mention. Telephonic communi- cation with all parts of the city and direct with H. Blatch's Livery Stable. The ad vertiser hopes by strict attention to business and keeping all ar- ticles of the very best quality, to merit a share of public patronage. NE &C., cation. dland. fii. ?S and. H out- ty of itand rs, eat uni- ble. ar-