CANADIAN ^PACIFIC/ RAILWAY "^ ^^^pm^ » movioo&zh t o. b. a. vmuis. "^ a«Mral PaMwcar Acaai v AMt. titonomu nMMiiier Avmi T WMTBBAI.. . . *. \ KOimulAI.. t ^Ili« t ICIn« atfWt SMt, TOROMT*. ^4 lgSsSiBS3li8l»g8HS§Sil8 rffiKA A CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY MONTREAL & BOSTON AIR LINE EASTBOUND Mia OhloaKQ. 1 50 114 aas 301 488 858 Mi nr 41 71 ns" lis m 118 isir -IT 68 T7 18 iiT isr 146 141 180 168 m at. Lin . St. Jerome..? . 8te. Theresa . Mile End ou«beo..i Batisoan Three River* I , Louiieville.. 4 . St. Gabriel . St. Joseph St. Felix ... Joliette. Mite end Ar Montreal Juno list T 8 80 liiT 91 •9 T4 n :8i Montreali Dalhousie 8q.. 78 IT 61 78 M 109 145 158 163 195 336 237 250 286 174 81^ 80S 822 331 839 365 403 475 178 817 839 241 ■868 286 903 877 393 5TS" VIA MONTRBAL ..Lv Detroit . .83 J t^tgn Time.. Windsor Chatham.. 84 London .10 Toronto. .19 ..| Peterboro'..16 Smith* Fall*.. I Montreal Juno Ar Wontreali Windsor St.. 6 (mawa..iU|. Papineauville Laohuta Montreal Juno... .Ar Wontraali Dalhouife 8q . .6... Berthiervllle . ■lontreait Windsor st.Ts. Montreal Juno St. John*. .61 6... Tv So re I St. Ouillaume . St. Hvacinthe . Farnham..63 . Cowansville., Sweetsburg , Aoton.. 67.... Waterloo.. 66. Knowlton . Sutton Juno Sutton Riohford North Troy Newport.. 68 I Lyndonville .... St. Johnsbury.. Ar •Lv .Ar St. Johnsbury. Fabyana I North Conway Fryeburg; BridEton Juno Porflandl Wells River White River Juno. Ar Qreenfield . Northampton Holyoke:..... Sprinefield. . HarHord New Haven... New York... RAILWAYS Wabasn ni.Hpm •13.80 am • 1.00 9.18 4.00 t 8.45 11.481 6. 1" Dm f.(8 tT.lepm (UlSpm /•.«■ " MOpm tl-Wpm / T.Mpm l-Olpm t I.Wpm Canadian t I.Wpm *«I.lipm I.H 6.11 'I .OOpm JTlOpm Paoiflo Boston A Main* Maine Central tB«a.Bxp Loom '■■6Spm til. 10 am l.apm lO.Npm lO.npm lO.H tBoa.Bxp *16.tOpm 1.86 " ... 1.88 am/ 6. ,83 am .88 .551 .48 am .31 am 7.47 am t.8. t fnr II. .00 am .18 " .80 " ,08 am Mani 55 a m 40 am IT Dm n " 69 pm tl. tL 7. 8 te. t7 ti t8 8 e tOpm 10 pm 40 pm U " ITpm Mpm n " 01 pm ll.npm . •ll.OOmn tlO •12.10 am tlO • 1.18 " T12 « 1.40 am 112, t 2.30 am t 4.45 " t 6.15 " t B.35 " t 7.02 " t 8.20 am Boston A Maine <~8.80IU11 Con. River Woodsville Plymouth I LaVe Village... Laoonia Conoord Manchester .... Nashua Junc.l. 341 842 373 Worcester Woonsooket , Providence . Lowell. Lawrence Salem. Bq»ton i (Lowell "Pepot). Fall River NewVork N.Y., N.H. &H. Conoord h Montre;: i B.*M. N.Y., P. AB. Boston * Maine Old Colony Fall River C. •8.80 Mil •8.86 •4.44 •4.49 • 8.40 • 6.19 •6. 80 am •9.35'un tlO.49 til .80 am * 7.86 am t 7.28 am 8.48 am • 8.08 am * f.Hpm .40 pm .80 M .88 .M Mpm U " 66 " 80 " 80 " ,00 pm 01 am m " .IS " Oiam .90 am 'si'am 40 am 00 am 1.00 1 01 pm ,Mpm ,88 am ,80 am T 6.13 I If 6.80 am Tson 9.18 10.021 t 6.35 am t7.58 " f 8.80 am lU.SOam 10.83 am 11.17 am 11.34 am 11.00 pm „ tll.60 " 40pmt I.OI " .USamtl.U " .25 am t I.Mpm t 8.40 pm rt.iB " t6.61 " te.os " te.40 " t I.OOpm 1, 1.20 am t 8.09pm T2.50am • 6. 6. •7. •7. t8. t9. til. 32 am .15 am .50 " .10 " .88 " 1.39 " 1 1.16 pm t4.86 " i.n *• I.M " tO.M " tT.OO " t T.Mpm t I.OOpm t l.80pm •Dally, t Dally, except Sundajr. IT Dally, bXceptMondtqr. | Retreabment Statioiia. • Parlor or Bleeping Cars on these tralna. Time of ana connection* with foreign llnea not guaranteed. ■astern express dally Chicago to Toronto: week days Toronto and Ottawa to Montreal; dally Montreal to Boston , and dally except Saturday Montreal to Portland. Through Bleeping Oara Cbtoago to Montreal and Montreal to BottoD, Parlor Car Quebec and Ottawa to Montreal. Buffet Car Toronto to Montreal. ■oaton Kxprasa dally Chicago to Detroit, week day* Detroit to Toronto. Ottnwa and Quebec to Montreal and Montreal to Portland and Boston, "-"-^ Oar Detroit to Toronto and Toronto to Montreal . DronEo, Boflet CANADIAN PACIFIC RATCWay MONTREAL & BOSTON AIR LINE Ml 179 51 Salem 89 Lawrence O^Now York . - Fall River Ti Moaton I (Lowell Depot ). atowelT Providence ■ ll3|Woonsooket. Worcester . 19 86 74 101 103 138 167 73 110 136 144 153 172 Nashua June, i, Manchester.... Concord Laoonia Lake Village... Plymouth r Woodsville . Via MbMtRKAL ..Lv N. T., P. It B. Now Vork New Haven .... Hartford Springfield .... Holyoke Northampton... ... Qreenfield 260 White River Jo. 167 Wells River o|f>ortland i .... Bridgton June. Fryeburg North Conway.. Fabvansi 3t. Joiinsbury nt St. Johnsbury . Lyndonville ... Newport. .68. 1 North Troy.... Riohford Sutton . .Lv 49 60 91 Vs."! 189 197 333 248 264 273 276 Sutton Jo .j^...Lv 283 293 318 Ar> LvJ Knowlton Waterloo.. 66.... Aoton.. 67 Sweetsburg. . Cowansville . Farnham..68. St> Hyacinthe., St, Ouillaume . Sorel SSlSt. Johrks..6l. Montreal Jo. ... Wontreal. Windsor8t.6. ■ .|, 837 342 ■^ 8 84 68 70 76 38 -* 44 7« 13( 1 t 18C 844 449 818 863 863 Ttv Lv Wontrealf Dalhousie 8q. 6.. Montreal, Windsor St....... Montreal June Mile End . Joliette . St. Felix .. St. Juseph . St. Gabriel .Ar Berthiervllle .. Louiieville.. 4 .. Three River* |. Batitcan uebec.i » ontreal, Dal housi e SoTT l Montreal Juno. Mile End 8 80Ste.Therese. St. Jerome.. 7 . St. Lin Lachute Papineauville Ottawa. .10, Wn Montreal, WindsorSt. 6,... Montreal Jo Smiths Falls... I Peterboro'..l6 Toronto. .19 . 1 London.. 90 Chatham .84 Windsor rk««.Mi» aa i Baatem Time. Detroit.. 83 j Cental T^ne.. 889 Chicago . WAYS sHon.Sx Fall Hlver u Old Ookmy Boeton 4k Maine »»l.lipm «.«pm t e.4»pm TTSTT OODOOfd Montreal N. T., N. H. ft H. OOB. BITOT Boston It Maine • T.Mpm t 4. Mpm tl.H " tO.Mpm •I.Mpm " 1.00 ■ I.M ll.H lO.M •11.40 pm •1.17r • 1.88 am Maine Central Boeton * Maine t 7".4?ram t3.09 " t 9.30 am fWSS 1 11.88 am t 1.16 pm Canadian t 8.28 am r7r471im T 7.5Jam Paoille • Bxp. •Weatlx. • I.M pm 8.38 am 6.48 am + 7.16 " t 8.10 am • I.Mpm ' I.M 6.M 1.10 O.M I.M I.Mpm tl3.4B am t 2.28 am t 6.16 pm t7 40 tB.16 t 8.40 tlO.Upm Tia.oOm 't •2.82 am •2.88 " • 8.48 " •4.00 " 4.84 " 8.18 " 8.80 " •8.40 am •nun Tran t 8.38 1 TWi tt0.18 am 10.48 " 11.18 am ll.Mpm +11.10 '• t 1.10 " t I.Mpm t I.Mpm tT^15am 7 8.40 " 7 5.00 " t8.10 " 8.49 " 6.35 " 6.58 " t 7.07 am t 7.40 am t8".09 " 1 9.80 am 6.01am 6.80 am 6.58 am 7.48 •7.88 am tlO.OS am tll.88am tl.l»pm t 8.40 am t 7.Hpm I.M I.n I.Upm 10.80 am 11.18 am 11.89 am ll.npm t I.OOpm H. 50aro t 7.55 am 9.08 am 10.80 am TUTTftin /11.28 am ll.Mpm fTWam 9.82 am l.llpm I.M <■ t I.Mpm +10.(B " +10.35 " +11.00 am tll. M pm f I.Mpm + l.llpm + I.M " + 4.11 " + 4.46 " 1.11 " I.N " 6.07 " + I.Upm + 9.01 pm + I.K pm 7.36 am 7.81 " 8.10 am 8.40 am 9.45 " t 9.88 am T.Mpm I.H " t I.M pm HiM pm i 1.46 pu> •I.Upm + I.Mpm +10.11 pm O.Mpm T.M " I.M '■ lO.M pm t l.ill pro + 4.t7pm I.Mpm I.n pm T.Hpra T.Mpm I.Mpm T.40 " l.lCpm O.Mpm T.llpm 7 1.86 am 8 8 T 6.80 am H.45pm ,38 + I.Mpm I.Mpm I.Mpm i3!i8'am 00 pm 18 pm Slam 00 " 55 " 35 am Mpm 11 " M '< Mpm Wattaab •10.11 pm ' • Daily. + Daily, except Sunday, t Sunday ■ only. Sunday time la to.16 p.m. L Retreabment Stations, a Parlor or Bleeping Oars on these trains. Buffet Cars itween Montreal ana Toronto. Time of and connections with foreign Unes not guaranteed. Montreal Bxpreee run* dally Boston to Montreal, week days Portland to Montreal, Moc.real to Quebeo, Ottawa and Toronto. Ottawa passengers Sun- day* leaveon 11.48 n.m. train from Montreal. Bleeping Oars Boston to Montreal, Parlor Oars Montreal to Quebec, Ottawa and Toronto. Western express runs week days Boston and Portland to Montreal, Mon^ re«d to Quebeo and Ottawa, and dally Montreal to Chicago. Parlor Oars Boston to Montreal. Sleeping Oara Montreal to Quebec. Ottawa and Ohieago. GA N/l iDI AN P 'AGIFiG Ri \\i Wi vt SHORT LINE HALIFAX, N.8., 8T. JOHN, N.B., MONTREAL Oona Wmt— Read Down 754 716 494 6T7 68S 626 618 608 597 669 "570 547 524 489 481 159 STATIONS Ooiiia Ejwt— Bead Up 1 Mixed Local Exp. Shrbk. Tional Wst'n ■ Bxp. Eatm. • Exp. Shrbk. Local Local Exp. Mixed • It80C 8.48'' 8.86 •■ 4.08" 6.86" •• 8.18" 8.86" 8.66" 7.10RII Lv.. Halifax ..Ar ..Shubenacadle.. Truro .. Londonderry .. ..Spring Hill Jc. Maocan Amherst Sackville.... ....Dorchester... ..Memramoook.. imo» 8.68" 8.18 " 847" 7.88" 7.08" 6.68" 6.86" 6 06" 6.48RM '.'.".'.'.'. ■':::;: :::::!: * ■ s • t«.10Rtl ..Pt. duChene .. 7.6aRM /8.81 " 8.18" 10/16 " 10.80" lOMORM tS.OORII .... Moncton ... Petitcodiac ... Sussex .... Rothesay.. Ar Ar)8t.JohnM 18.46RM 18.81 " 18.10RII 11.47UI U.39UI 12.00if. 11. SOU 11/22 " 11.12 " 10. S8 " 10.80" 10.40 " 10.02 " 9.12" tfl.OOW ..South Stukely.. Water1oo.66.. 4.80RM '.'.'.'■'.v. 6.MRM /6.M" 6.08" 6.80" 6.80" 7.0-»" 7.8U" 8.81" 8.86MI 9.25UI /9.82" 9.48" 10.01 " 10.10 " 10.25 " 10.5/. " 11.S0-- 12.00N. a.isRM 'i.ii" 8.10" 8.86" 4.87" '4 40l!lll 70 67 61 54 60 44 30 5 Foster Fulford io:66RM Wnot Shefford.. ... Brigham Jc... .... Farnhaml.... ....St. John's.... ...Montreal Jc... Ar.. Montreal 1. Windsor St. ».n" 8.82" 8.64" 8.08" •nsos iiiiri5« •s.on/M •7.r)5" msstM 8.46RH tl.46" Ifl'IMU •t.tORM t«.10MI •5.n0ui •7.55 " llt25U 8.46RM tl.46" ■ IWISDU ....Ottawa 10... •11.40* lr40« t4.30ui iToa'a •8.00?ll W.80 " tl.86" 18.86 " fflMflny ...Peterboro'16... ...Toronto 19 1. .... London 90.. _-»_-,» 5 E.Time Detroit \ c.Time . . . .Ahlnnom. .1 u 11.45UI t8.45 " t4.00" la.sou ll«80Rll *8.00PM • Dally, t Daily except Sunday, t Dallj except Saturday, t Daily except Monday. / FIa« Station. Western Cxoresa leaves Halifax daily, except Sundays, St. John daUy, except Saturdays. Saturday's train from Halifax remains at St. John till Sunday night. Through Sleeper Halifax to Montreal, and Montreal to Toronto. ■aatern Express leaves Montreal dally, except Saturdays, and arrives St. John and Halifax daily, except Sundays. For connecUoni from West see pnge 1. Through Sleeper Montreal to Halifax. • Buffet oars . 4 ^""^ CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 800 and SOUTH SHORE Lines Bo«ton, IWontreal, St. Paul and Minneapolis ma •TATIONi RAILWAY asAD vr *7.Upm Lv Boston 1 .. .Ar Boaton * LoweU •8.06 am ( 8.«om .... " Lawrence " prwis * 7.88 pm " Lowell "" " ...Nashua June. 1.. " " ....Manchester.... " " Concord ' 7.19 am * 8 80 " Concord * Montreal •6.50 " • 8.80 " • 8.68 pro •6.19 " •5.40 am t 6. 16pm .... " Portland! " " FabyansI Maine Ontral t 8.20 am tlO.Upm t 4.45 am wS.lOam • . . . " Newport Can. Pao. 1/10. 80pm 1 1.80 pm t7.80 " "...Halifax, N.8.... " " . Moncton, N.B J.. " " St. John, N.B 77.1 '• " ....Sherbrooke.... " " Inter- colonial. tlMOpm t4.46 " '.'.'.'. tl0.40pm t 8.00 am Oakadiah PAOino Bast. Time Cent. Time t 1.46 " t 7.(0 pm tl0.64am . • * • " ..ftt. Johns, P.O. .. " vk.Olpm tio.espm • • • * " Quebec " If (.86 am •11.46 am " Montreal.Win.St. " • 8.(0 pm *8.40pm 4.60 " 8.48 " 8.08 pm l.SOam 4. 55 " 8.28 " 11.25 " •10.45 am 120 148 190 224 364 449 588 622 625 " Onawa |... .10 " " ...Carleton June. .. " " Renfrew " " Pembroke " " .... Njrth Bay.....Ar " Sudbury " " Algpma " " SaultS. Marie, Ont Lv ArSault S.Marie, Mich. Lv •ll.Mabi 10 90 *' 6 92 " 7 09 *< 10.80 pm 8 (6 " 8 40 " • 8.00 pm Bxpreas MU SCO LINE RAILWAY Express 625 661 6«» 688 (91 708 78S m 781 808 830 840 87( 88E 8(2 (03 (48 9(8 1023 1101 UK 112( (Central Time) LvSaultS. Marie, Mioh.Ar Ar Alexander Lv " .... Trout Lake .... " " Gilchrist " " . Naubinway Juno . " " PikeLake " " .... Manistique .... " " Gladstone " » ..North Esoanaba.. " " ...Hermansville.... " " Pembine " " Dunbar " " ..North Crandon .. " " Gagen " " ....Pennington.... " " ....Rhinelander;.... " " Prentice " " Bruce " " Cameron " " ..Bald Eagle Juno.. " ". .Nllnneapolls..." " Bt.Paul Lv MwraA- FOUS, ST. Paul AMD 8. 8. Habix • 1.88 pm 11.55 am 11.37 " 10.58 " /10.53 " /10.15 " 9.23 " 7.50 " 7.33 " 6.37 " 5.53 " 5.33 " 4.22 " 3.57 " 3.50 " 3.23 " 1.43 am /11.48 pm 10.68 " 8.80 " 7.86 " •e.66pm 18.47 pm 1.06 " 1 46 " / 161 " /S.80 " 8.88 " 6 00 ** 6.17 " 8.18 " 7 06 " 7.88 " 8.00 " 8 81 " 8.40 " 10.18 pm 12.07 am 2.13 " 3.10 " 5.59 " 6 45 " • 7.25 am Bxpreu HU BOUTH BHORE LINE RAILWAY Express •11.30 am (25 644 (72 738 780 792 795 807 (Central Time) Lv..8ault8te. Marie ..Ar Ar Wellsburg Lv " Soo June " " Munising " "...I Marquetfel ... " " Negaunee " " Ishpeming " " Humboldt " DDLUTB, BOITTB Shobb AND ATLARTIO • 1.00pm /18.16 pm 11.10 am /18.16 pm 1.80 " /4 07 " 6.66 " /8.45 " 7.10 " 8 66 " 6 27 " 7.06 " 6.17 " 7.4ipm 5.45 am t 8.80 pm 81( " Republic " •7.68 pm 8.88 " SlI 818 826 " Champion " " ....Michlgamme.... " " Nesloria " 5.15 " 8 41pm • 4 58am tin 3!¥am 649 848 874 8(6 879 m 913 987 1026 1039 " L'Anse " " Baraga " " Houghton " " Hancock " " Calumet Lv •1.8(pm • 1.18 " tlO 45 " til. 50 am •18.86 pro • 1.19 pm HlIfSBAL Bahsb •18.80 pm fl2.00n'n tll.ieam • 8.46 pm Lv Nestoria Ar Ar.| Thomaston 1... .Lv " Saxon " "...West Superior ..." " Dulufh " D0I.UTB, BODTB Shobb and Atlantio 1 35 " 12 27 am 6 45 " 8.8(pm 8.80 pm 7.00 am 8.i6pm • 8.80pm 1191 1201 " 8^ Paul " " ....Minneapolis...." ST. Paul ft DULUTH O.Upm • 1.46 pm t 6 80 pm t 7.00 pm 1210 1221 "...Minneapolis...." " Bt.Paul Lv Gbkat nobthxbii ti.Hpm i 1.06 pm •Daily. t Daily, except Sunday, t Daily, nxcept Saturday. H Dally, except Monday. | Re rreshment Stations. /Flag Stations. Sunday time is ( 6.16 p.m., u 8.17 P.m., v 12.00 m't, to 4.00 a.m. Trains east of Sault Ste. Marie run on Eastern Standard time ; west of Sanit 8te. Marie on Central Standard time, or one hour earlier than Eastern time. Dining Cars on through trams west of Ottawa, and on Soo Line. Sleepers between Huston and St. Paul via Soo Line. Tourist Cars for accommodation of second clasi passeDgers leave Boston on Fridays only, for St. Paul, returning from St. Paul on Tuesdays, Time of and oonnectlonB with foreign Unes not gdaranteed. Trains dally. Sundays Inoinded, iMtween Boston, ■ Montreal, B(. Paul, Minneapolis and Dulnth. via Boo and South Bhore Llnea. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY UPPER OTTAWA VALLEY And SAULT STI. MARIE Branoh OOINO WBST-BIAO DOWN • Bt Paul BipreM • T,l6pm t 6.16 " • 6.U " tlO.OI pm ni.45un ' I.Mpii t 1.00 " t MOpm * I.Mpm • .M " /i.N •• i.M •< I.H " /•.« " t.M " /6.1I " jf 6.19 pm tll.M tm a.Mpm T.M " •• flM • /7.0 " ■ N ■• /•.M " "»!oo"'''' /9.1I " ft.H " t».*l •• 9.H " 10.07 " /lO.IO •' 11.00 " ll.U " U.Hpm /IS.Uam /I8.40 M.55 /1.06 / 1.87 » 1.401 U.Mpm •la.SOam 1.00 a.i9 • 4.00 f's.ia'am t 1.^6pm • l.SOam /a.18 3.40 /8.47 8.04 /8.a4 /8.4« /4.80 /4.8« 4.BS /B.l* 5.40 /B.88 (.15 /(.SO (.58 /7.14 7.88 /7.8» 7.54 /8.18 8.88 /8.44 1.07 /•.» 1.4* /lO.lO 10.88 /10.81 /10.48 /10.5S /11.07 11.86 11.48 *10.45 I Paolflo Kzpreu t t.OOani t 8. 48 am •6 Uprn " l.U t 8.Mi)m tTllpii fia.asam t 8.00 pm 1 1.80 pm 111.40 am a.oo 'a.'ao' a.sB Hla 8.50 am tU.Mpm 8.26 am /3.48 /4.10 k'.oi' fi'.'is (.10 /•.as /«.88 / S.S8 7.15 /7.a8 /7.5a 8.88 /8.50 ».18 «.50 /lO.lO /10.3S /ll.OO Tll.l Sam u.aipm I.8t " I.M " 8.80 •' ti.80 " t4.»0 " tll.Mpm 1fB.85a m 1111.30 /11.58 am /ll.lupm 18.80 /U.87 /U.(7 /1.80 /l.iO /8.U /I.80 1I8.(0pm •TATIONt JJioston, lut L^ Portland, He. C. New York, NYC Su«b«o..l... ntreal..<.. DalbousleSq. • Montreal |.. WIndior 8t. ..Ottawa I.... Brookvlli* ... Lv.Preeoott. Ar .Oarleton Jo lia .... Almonte ..Lv .. Snedden't ... .. Pakenham ....Arnprior ... Braeiide .... ...Sand Point.... ...Cattleford .... ... Ruitell't .^.. I. K i njjttonTKrJtP.a " TRenfrew 88.... ...Haiev't .. Cobden Snake River ... ..Qraham't .... . Pembroke.... . Petewawa ... ...Thiitle I Chalk F.iver I .. .... Wylie .. Bast Lake ... .. Moorlake .... ... Maokey .. Rockllffe .... ... BIttett Deux Rivleret.. Klook ... Mattawa ..Eau Claire . Rutherglen Callander aAUantio Ezpreai t 8.10pm t 8.00pm * 8.45 am t 8.00pm t 8.00 am t >.41 ( t 4.1UI 8.85 pm t.30am 3.00 am a.4( a.'ao' a.os . Natboniinjc. .. Thorncliff .. . ilNorthBavLv OOma EABT, RBAD or 1.541 ft. (Mam i.a« am /1.0« /ia.4( tia.'w'am 3«4 374 878 887 390 8(8 407 41« 431 438 448 454 481 48* 475 488 481 501 501 515 583 581 888 548 558 584 578 588 5*8 887 801 808 815 888 885 Detroit i O. Time 88 ) B. Time ... WIndior, ...Chatham.... 84 ...London. ..90 St. Thomas |. Toronto. O.T.R. A r North BayLv BayAr Lv North ... Beauoage . Meadowtide .Sturgeon Falls.. ...Cabhe Bay... Verner .... Warren ... Markttay ... .. Wahnapltae.. .... Romford ... ....Sudbury.... .. Naughton .. ...White Fith... ..Worthington.. Netton .... Stanley .... ....Webwood. .. .... Mauey .... Walford..., .... Spanish .... ...Kenabutch ., ..Cook's Mill., ....AlBoma.40 ... Blind River . ...Dean Lake.. .... Dayton .... ... Thassalon.. ... Bruoe Mines Stobie.... .... Tarbutt ... ... Isbester ... Echo Bay .. .. Oarden River SSMarle.Ont.70 S. S. Marie, Mich. 70 Ai.aopm 11.80 /ll.Oi / no. 40 10.17 M.07 /».48 9.08 8.40 9.10 /7.8e /7.81 /7.08 /6.65 /6.80 t O.ljLPm t l.ttpm ' 8.18 1.09 pm tn.asam tH.OOn'n 4.45 am J^pm t 8.00 pm /*.8* /8.W 8.08 /9.00 «.«1 /«.» /9.M /9.80 /9.09 i8.(0 )pm ) (R.'Tlme ( }O.Ttme I Beaton Bxpreu > 8. (Main t " • 6.45 " ( •.80 am •8.80 pm •11.30 am t 8.9Spm t 9.90pm lO.aOam 10.07 " / ».50 " «.3* <• (.1* " / 9.08 " ».08 " / 8.47 " / 8.38 am t «.*[pm a.saara / 8.0* " 7.50 " /7.84 " /7.38 " 7.oa " 8.88 <• 8.10 / 5.51 /5.41 /5.8* 5.10 /S.OO /4.40 4.10 /8.45 8.80 / /8.87 /8.88 /a.i8 / 1.58 * 1.401 t 8.00pm t 5. 30am • l.SOam f 1.06 (( /ia.55 11 ri3.38 II na.aa 18.14 im pm m.99 11 /10.«t 10.91 II /9.i7 It /9.9i If 8.07 II /9.i0 II 8.90 /7.i9 II 7.4* f 7.91 If 7.90 II II 6.H If / If i.M f 9.40 If >.17 fl rt.ii If «.tt ff f «.ii If r«.tt tt.u fl ri.H ff 8.80 fl •9.00 If •9 00 pm * Dally. tUally except Sunday, t Dally ex^pt Satorday. t Dally except Monday. t Time on Honday* is 9.00 p.m. / Vtag Stations. | Refreehment Btatlona. a Sleeping or Parlor Can. OiningCars weetotOttawa. Timeofand eonneoUons with foreign lines not guaranteed. Paoiflo Express leaTea Boa- t?"-!"'^. Montreal daily, exoept Snnday. Atlaatle Bzp. arHTca Montreal and BortoDdally. wieeptSBBday. ^^^ 6 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Branch Lines Ontario & Quebec and Atlantic Olvisioni TORONTO, ORANQBVILLI AND OWSN SOUND BRAD 'DOWR Exp. r~~m .88 6.88 MaU 6.4811.:iil 6.66 7604 6. 18 /6.17 6. 84 6.87 6. 60 7. 00 7.86 7.84 7 7.45 8. 00 8.10 78.16 /8.88 8.86 /.^>; 9.98 H.Ki, 6.10 8.01 8.01 /?.. 11/9.81 /T.l:i/8.«8 7.:i.'> 8.98 /7.2Ti/9.87; 6.80 7.l;l: 8.18 7.(M! J 5^ (i.M fi.WI ( l'>.2(l /O.ll fi.Wi tS.40 5.08 4.68 4.88 4.88 8.80 /4.11 I.G6 r>.64 t8.40 ami pm Olbeon and Woodatook Hxd am 6.35 f6.40 (8.50 n.oo 7.10 r7.3B r7.52 /7.5n f8.3' (8.43 8.SS 19.06 /9.1U (».30 /9.55 10.20 10/50 10. S6 11.00 8.10 pm STATIONS Lv..Olb*on..Ar ...St. Marys.... ...Douglass .... ..Spring Hill... ...Rockland .... ....Keswick ...Cardigan ..Smiths Cor... ....Zealand .. Stonerldge... ...Buroside .Up. Keswirk... ...rcahills .. Hainsville.... Millville .... .Woodstock Rd. ..Nackavi/ic.... County Line .. ...Havelock . .. a.Newburg Jc|.l I.Up. Woodst'k ..Queen Street.. AWoodetook L MoAcJam Juno Vanoeboro .76 Mzd pm 6.10 6.05 /4.60 /4.46 /4.t0 4.96 /4.07 /4.00 /8.66 /8.86 (8.80 ' /8.66 /8.46 8.40 /ISO /8.80 /8.10 /1. 60 1.80 18/80 19.48 18t40 10.50 lot 25 am TorontOt Orangeville and Slora BSAD Dowa Ex. I Mall p nf nm t4.66t f'.ao 6.16! 7.10 5 6.00 8.1u2a 6.06>l23 /6.11 6.81 6.80 '■S,2ia6 8.T.i29 / «.4ll38 yB.40'/ 8.5237 6.46 6. 66 7.07 7.16 17780 7 17 7.47 7.67 8.08 8.16 ft.lP 784 7 788 pm 8. 51)38 '.l.(W41 !l.2()15 !l.a'i|48 t y. 4(1,48 H.. 52,53 1(1.1(156 10.a5»l l(l.45l66 10.n,5]69 11.2073 8.86 11. »5 t U.SR 9 42 9.48 a.iil am STATIONS Lv JTr Toronto! ■ I9ii.n(il Toronto Jc.| . i().4U .StreetsvllleJc. ui.OO .Meadowvale . \<-^>'i .Churchville .//.). 46 BBAS UP Ex. lUall Brampton. Edmonton Campbells Cr's ..Cheltenham... Inglewood Jc.80 Forks of Credit. Ar. Cataract. Lv Lv. Cataract. Ar ...Erin ...Lv Hillsburg.... Orton ..Belwood.... ... Spiers ...Fergus Ar...Blora...Lv Lv. Cataract. A r Alton. ..Lv .. Melville Jc... .Oransevlllel Ar Lv «.:w !I.2N rtt.i 11.14 !).(W 8.57 8.50 H.4(i S.IV 8.8(1 8.22 8.11 8.(B 7.52 t7^4." 8., 50 8.41 8.3(> 18.30 am om 9.06 8.46 8.00 7.60 /7.48 7.86 (7.18 .17.08 7.06 6.66 6.48 6.88 e.16 6.04 6.68 6.30 6.10 4.6' 4.46 4^80 6.88 6.81 6.18 16.1.0 pm ORANOSVILUS, WINOHAM AND TIISWATIR BBAD DOWN Exp. Hall pm am t4.66t 0.50 t 6.86 1 7.;i5 7.60 10.0i5 8.00 10.15 / 8.08 ('".2:1 8.14 io.;io 8.81 10.4(1 R.46 11.10 (8.00 (11.2(1 8.88 11. .53 9.46 12.15 10.03 /l2.:w 10.14 12. 4» lO.tO 12.55 1086 1.16 1060 1.86 11.06 1 46 11.80 8.00 pm pm STATIONS Lv Ar < Toronto ) ( via Btr^ivUle. { ( . Toronto. 1 (TUT.O.Aai .Orangeville I OrangevilleJc .. Amaranth .. ..Waldemar.. .Grand Valley. Arthur..:. . Kenllworth.. Mt. Forest.. 84 . Harrlston..35 ...Fordwich.. ....Oorrie.... .. Wroxeter. . ..Olenannan. . . Wingham ..a6 Olenannan. .Teeawater Ar Lv BBAD XIT MaTl Ex. 11.00 io.:io 8.25 8.10 (7..5!t 7.52 7.2 /7.0fi (i.50 1i.23 «.07 5.511 5.54 5.42 5.12 15.00 pm 9.06 8.86 6.86 ,6 60 ^6.40 6.88 6.86 4.60 4.80 4.10 8.40 8.17 807 8.00 8.46 5.30 8.86 8.16 12.00 pm TORONTO AND OUKLPH BBAD DOWN Mixed A.M. tl0.30 /10.37 /10.48 /10.53 11.05 Exp. P.M. tf.OO 16.80 18.0] (807 (8.16 /8.8I 8.30 Exp. Exp. A.M. t 7.10 17.40 t 8.B5 /9 03 / 9.10 /9.18 il.SS STATIONS Lv. Toronto. l*Ar Toronto Juncl.Lv ...Quelph Juno... Moffatt Corwin Arkell Ar. Ouelph.91.Lv Mixed A.M. A.M. tl3.00 til. 40 t 8.45 / 8.88 /8..S0 f 8.23 t 8.15 Mixed tlO.iS /lO.lO /10.03 /».53 t».45 Exp. P.M. t0.40 19.80 17.61 /7.99 /7.1f /7.00 17.00 Mixed P.M. 14.81 /4.17 (4.08 /4.0) 18.60 TORONTO AND ST.THOMAS BBAD DOWN Expreaa 1 8.00 pm 1 6.90 pm 1 9.19 pm /9.97 " 9.97 " /9.49 " /9.I7 •' 19.06 " 19.19 pm 1 7.10 am 17.40 am Expreaa 110.40 am /10.S3 11.04 /11.15 /11.37 11.40 am 19.00 n'n STATIONS Lv. Toronto lO.Ar Toronto Juno . Woodstock .... ..Beaohville .... ..Inceraoil ... ... Putnam Harrietsville ... ... Belmont .St.Thomaa.L Expreaa 118.00 Q'n 111 .40 am fXtaam / 8.88 " 8.1* " / 8.06 " /7.5S " 7.40 " 17.80 am 1 9.40 pm 19.80 pm BBAPnP Expreaa t 9.10pm /i.60 9.40 /I.87 /9.18 8 07 14.i0pm * Daily, t I>aUy> except Bandar, f Flag Stations. | Refreahment Stations. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY BRANCH LINES ATLANTIC DIVI8ION-Cnnttnu-ii.a)» m..; l.:iU|i.m. Hxd P.M. tl.H 8.H 6.H 6 61 T.H T.16 T.U P.M. Montreal and St. LI H ITATIOn" n Ly Ar Montreal, DalhonaleSq. 6 ....Ste< Therese .... St. Lin Juno Mascouche Ste. Anne LesPlaine. Ar St. Lin Lv ■zd a.m' 8, SO 7,45 7.25 7.15 7.05 6.55 t4.40 A.M, Hxd P.M. t6.M 6.M l.H P.M. aSortrrMnl and Nt.CuBtnohe HTATIONS Lv Ar ...Montreal, DaL Sa.. 4.. Ste. Therese Lv St. lustaohe Ar Lv Hzd A.M. 8.80 7.45 tJ.lO A.M. Ottawa and Presoott Hzp HzdH P.M.I A tlMtJ 1.40i 7 ntttfa /l.H/8 I. IT ■ I.M 1.40 /1. 41 /|•04^ t.Mi 9. P.U.I A. .h;52 M. tTATIOM Cv ITr ,, Ottawa, 10 I,, iChaudlere Jo,, i,aiouoaster,, , ..Manotick ... ..Osgoodo ... ,Kemptville.., Keinptville Jo , I... Oxford > Spenoarville.. ,.. Presoott.., Ar Lv Hzd Bzp P.M, IM , i.o; 42/8.U .82/1.61 .091 LIT 4ll l.H 25 I.M lo'/I.H .501 l.H .30,tl.N M.IP. M. Montreal and St. Jerome Hxd Bzp. |H P.^IA tl.Mit8.50 0| I.M l.H /I.M T.H Hi P.M. 9.8.') 20 9.4322 10/0027 10.20 33 A.M.I STATIOn Lv Montreal Ar DalhousleSq. 6. ..St. Therese. Lv ., St. Lin Juno ,, .., St. Janvier... St. Jerome . New Olasgow . Ar a.N IT Lv |Hzd A.M. 8.80 7.45 7.31 n.u h.ooj t6.20 A.M. Bzp. P. Mi 8.H T.M S.U ri.H ri.H P.M. FairvlUe and Oarleton Hzd Hzd am Ilt00|t7.45 11/08 /7.5S 11.15 8.00 am STATIONS Lv.Falrvllle.Ar ....Bay Shore.,.. Ar.Oarleton.Lv Hzd am 9 15 07 00 8 Hzd pm" I.M /4.M t4.16 pm MONTRKAL,SORKL AND STANBRIDOB asAs Dowa 3 STATIONS BZAD UP Hxd Ezp. Bzp. Bzp. 1 Hzd Hzd Kz^ A.M. P.M. tl.H I.M 4.16 /4.M l.H 4:m 6.01 A.M. t7.80 7.35 7.S2 /7.4B 7.55 ~8".00 8.21 "siis 9.10 10.05 10.10 10.35 11.00 fU.ll ;n.23 11,55 11. H IIH /1I.61 1.16 P.M. 8 5 10 14 Lv...StanbrldKeM....Ar Bedford Mvstio St Sabine ••• Ar .... Pnrnhnm S2..I.. Lv Lv Montreal 6 Ar St, Johns 61 A.M. 11.85 11.25 11.10 /10.49 10.85 P.M. 1,16 I.M I.OI /T.M T.40 P.M. P.M. 12.00 10.54 8.M T.M l.H l.H /I.M l.H 6.17 l.H • H l.H T.M /T.U T.M l.0« /I.U l.H P.M. 14 20 24 26 81 89 41 48 58 66 59 61 68 72 76 82 Farnham Ar ... L'Ange aardien East.Lv rPapineau Abbotsford St, Pie 9.50 9.86 /9.26 9.22 9.10 8.50 8.45 8.80 8.17 /8.10 /8.03 7,59 7,86 7,15 /7.00 t 6.85 A,M. I.U I.M "iioi 4.4T 4.10 I.U 1.44 1.17 /I.OI MM Vl.M f'm. St. Hyaointhe St. Rosalie Jc. 68 ,,, gt, Prlmo ■'t.H I.n I.U rill >I,H P.M. t 8.20 8.45 9.09 /9.20 9.45 A.M. 8t. Quillaume ,,,,.8t« Oavid ••• I.M l.H 8.M St. Robert Ar Sorel Lv /I.M P.M. SUTTON JUNCTION AND ST. OUILLAUMK A.M. Pass Hxd Mxd. Hall HU P.M. tl.H I.M e.M 8.18 l.ll I.M l.H /7,80 7.60 1.45 A.H. A.M. t 7,46 8,10 8.35 9.00 11 80 II M ll.M /I.OI l.H 1.10 l.H I.M l.H AM. t3.20 7.80 7.40 7.58 7.58 8.09 8.19 /a.86 8.48 9.10 10.00 10.26 10.54 11,101 /11,28' 11,451 75 l.Ul 96 P.M. I STATIONS Lv... Lvr Sutton Juno. , Brome Corner. ....Knowlton ■■■• , Foster. Ar, .. Waterloo.. H.. Warden . Savages Mills . . South Roxton,. ..Roxton Falls.. Acton. .67... .... Wiokham.... Drummondville. >...8t< aermain •. .... BouloKna .•■ ,.'8t. auilliume.. Sorel .Ar iLv [Ar .Lv Hall Hzd Pass i Mxd P.M. I.M 1.14 l.H 7,60 T,H T.U T.H /T.U 7.0C S.n s.n 6.« 6.M I.M /111 4.10 tl.H P.M P.M, S.n 6,« 6,n r.M 1.06 4.M l.H /I.16 I.M 1.10 I.M 11,50 til ,00 A.M. 7,00 4,90 6,40 6,26 6,2< t 1.18 I.M l.H /T.H T.U tl.H P.M. OTTAWA AND AYLMKR- E xp. I pHzd { 10.16{|'fTOOi|i/ll. 10.26 I l.IO - / 10.87 / l.H 10.4 s' 6,m Ezp. I Hzd i.hI 9,8r / 1,16 I 10,00 IClOtI 10 His STATION S Lv Ottawa iGTKr Hull , Duchesne Mills . Ar. Aylmer,.9,Lv Mxd I pBxp 8,50i 8,40 8,15 B,10| 11,001 10,90 /I0.85 tlO.fXH Mxd I Exp, 4.iit a, K 4,M S.n / l.H 1/ 8. 86 tl.lItU 9.808 t Dally, except Sunday, r Uonday, Wedneaday, Friday, i Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, i Saturdays only, p Theae trains make through connection with P. P. Jnnotlon Railway, y On Haturdayg leaves at 1,40 p,m, / Flag Statlona. | Be- treahment Statloiia. u PACIFIC TIME -H lo>-"'^^ B • It ■S.I if>fi' _ _ ' C«2ar ) Born PlfJi^s^ ^^ ^ I ^-^ 110 ° MOUl "' fJatpter X. >,A L . — B SUAnno >j? Ht^^vv^^^rs^ TLcduo Swi-^ BookyMountaiuiV.'"i"!V'" l^ SulH^mi ^ Houia ^_/BKtdDeer >- 'k ' ^ i— — V JfeGcncaco fs^Sffl^ *■ 'nr^Wr--^*?^®*'!'**'* SIM'S"" r Lincoln uVenport \<^T J Walcrvillo niUzvUlE' ,-B'cllevlew rv'Great Falls o SauJ Coulee CiUcade )RTLA' ** Dundee rfc./^ *'./>,,„, i V- MrfamsP-'os.Jcr «7/?**--:i™(? ^ ■ .T WallulaJc, cicu ^Sr'* 'Cmu/ 1 i(jkA!iiaSire?P*^^x ^Athena im^iP^n} %«'•'<'• • Vl-» Grande ^^Jip^f" 1 <) Union (jootf VJ"*^! Crown Hock I'o"!' Powder "" Vs -^v- /^ »V Baker HouQt Idaho (Freedom , «pnUdale^^ \^«e JE."',^,naconda iirTIl* E-BSllvor Bowf pendalOp ^ /Siwrldan 'Alrllo giT <^"»'l'»f/yLebaiion^'^?!^^°"('^ ° ""^ '^'■"'' JuncUontf5R..i,i.rgL:-^^fen|i >ot'''""'''° '^o M^ument ifA" "1o«'«/vl.leV lCj. J8> Leesburg o CballU„ Bonania Cltj' o "•o«> Warreu o feXlrginiWcUy VDIUou S\ / ^{ sRgd Rock ^ ,, , '.o» A. Q Prairie (!y, "CanjOB Cy. . SootUburg/ \. = i-ysfsf cm/ <>ri /Drains ^ ■•'^ fplre Cy. * 'iJjjoMbui*. , fl It-.Thielun Hardin ( n ) DrSwsey ^»J^ ElleyY yo""°°?'5^ 6 Stiver take JIamti &'*;<(TO!^'!HC'''«^'^^* ■'" \5unimer lake ro^fin«burg'^^_^,P^M^TOiipri='«^ ChS*iuc«ff • . lit «^^lledfortffli!^'''c^ -^o** Lakeview Wflmer JackMoville o •^i.KiSMH ""tJisLliikv lllc iwmw- Buntlngtonl Clajton 6 / Spring Mti jW^" jo Garden/Valley /'^ V^^ "USliK oAtlauU (.jldwcU °IdalioCx^ ^. c^^Y „Ketchum . Halley ^■*°** „.yerry))Tlkura 'W' toV"5 Market La] ^"(TEaglc ^.yyBlaekfoot osbone ,V4oka Silver OUy\o << Alvoril Bruneau Valley I gtio«t>oD\ ' ' Albion o Pooatello Mo Gammon ^ AUurwi o , oBunki A Vklali , oK'? Weavervljlo lihiii'i'i/ Wlllltmill VN^^^lgHi^ WHumieylv AJ^W J>*TUv)|lelJ grixcBAM^i ^jr\ KS::"^ IPJtjJwitnlrti \<~r» Valley S|5 ^jmh^^^i V— -^MU1«» BEpaiiia^ M^3ir» ■"""'yoillalBil Cy? AfliirJ y/ ///'/,i«'//.y/.-// / /-''-Q-v !'&. LT- y \ ^Armour 'J!'^*X»V» «?\r^'*s35=^-r=i* ..»^^'^#''' -»<"■.>> ?Uordea1^ Moriray^^^r^'Dnniilng ^i* ^<> ^Manilla ^lu^^llallluwtl/ ■ X'* IT /^fc^^ ''"aiv R '\^ S " ^^ Broken lo.X X ^lO-^ /ilES MOINES I J^Councll Bluffs > ^, , .y^^ iMAltWHAX e Croslou_oJ_al ChariluiiJ Si-ward 77^'* ^''' cu;n?WuiJHh;a \ Rlacuuiuulh --oJSwaCy.f^B^ Oakafousa Um«xWIU\lunl. o v-.xy ^.- A^% / ^l***;,/- [Hastings , I UcutrltiC VKlrkyClllu Lxi ^f Colbjr Lcht'uv ir~ — N— -^s Oaklgjr LeavenUro/th ■ ' fxlco p Ballur- M ontroM a. * GuuuUon ■))lO fihorldao Lake |p Uoatf Xt S*' ^ Fithing L, iEabimet KagtnagantQij o * ' /summit L. E A S T E RN T I ME I ^ \dSumii tons'-"*' CAtpfT- '''^Henley Ho. j(oo'' lloosc Factorj r •HuptrtB RuperU Ho, .v^;i "T A. ^•;^ L.ABITTIBT MyofawiJkaliij £. "^S^'.^'V.^" Xa&yrt'nfA /«^ Z.Jm I ''^^^^»mm». ^Grand Victoria TtmUcaming - s^ Grand L. \ L dti Battufea dc Sable St.FcllcienSL^^^^ y^S„a«goi. 1^^, St. ^'oULry^ .S-J^sSeajg Source 0/ X" / ,- \o^'"^'"l«'ftl '• -■ - ' Commis^iouLra i." -■""■■" ^ ^ '^?/ ^^--J^l Mutra; I Cr'afineati A. iourc« of Ottawa It L. (let Rapidet /*"/ o -^^^^m&^^^M LDoniiuIon City \emER80N Xaagilo&Q). Bftttigau:| ^^^v'^'^^ii »fVV\^ .^ V ..1 ,tettT Stephen ruk SivcrV "■^^Pookfui3^ j^tMuan S7k«U>iC«^||2-& CarrUigtbn 1 llayvlllc b r 1|^ i ""'l' NT<\(CloqMprjJi* Mi .■Rarucsvlne "OR. -yj' ♦♦» Napoleon fe \ ^1-T*. f. **fc o Jlompcliertlf! a" I ^^niiftlra Wllllaniiport •#^^ OranaRaf.ld.a ♦ LKibon/^ki^fl^ AH/ X°'T''^ , ' £n"'»»»''»fe/" ••»^wSdeele/r-7f^ o ^^^^/\ i^allcjJo. Miiuo3tslh|«to»GftS" "^Sf ergus Fall* }loljokc\ "^tO^,- ••hviiltolJlrcTi^/ ►V'5J- f Brain^|-|H ifdUe ERor/ »>f^t|) meld ^T Djummou.!^ MolleoXtS*^"!^'^- BllUTlawg lugor . ■ - ^ --g- WXeBeau kLoyalton 'i ar.r..- -B- 1 j,n,_^^ Man»fleld' ^'"■ttOB \Norlhvllle Tomt ClH Orloutb Bedllcii b Bradley & Turner \% VCaslk'wo) " Ft.Bullj PIEKBO ° ''" ' ■V»* A,a=^ .„«,io» ^.^..i>^- ^,.»v LamW Tfkit, Chambcrlali ~— - '-8. ' ■WoonBockcl'f"?! —A JJ — /,.„_M./''l|wslone ,_, Lake r St.Jauies r ^^■irlh^eld Eau Clai iitdCedarV^J/ FalrcliiltiV J ^ V^°>x^ Osscon cr^>i ^ N' b\A'^ McriiUal\/])e // *0 y^n^arllmuU A^basliiisWj, /; Lake CrystaJ,a<^ ^--!::il- 1,, l^aUu 1 \uM'"j''''^'^>-^^r,ilesvmc Valley Jc Toniiili ' Kimball Letchcr\ Bell KiipiUa^ "' vVO^* . we^^^^lt^;; Asalem ,-«!:. * IthaniiXX; A _,. xSioyx FallT' Tarkston {,-» V V \ Parker ■ BoMbnd Agenof ,^ MailelcNv \? A Iriayneld ^ challleld >\ illdotn ICoiA V • \t ,'a\i/' I.uverno X .^~~— V^^— 1 Fain, oat /\ F^VuMii. >■• ■) 1 roston Jlj. J ^ Maii/7 Jutic. l'ralricjJ>i^VV='r .^„M50O 'Ha ^*i*a Trlpp^ Bcotlatid^ ■''«'-/o\7"c;n;n»"^uoc\vyfic.y " • (•'''''"' ■- VContrevlll«5 VcrniinloQ 'i...'-.i? "i, *"^'".'1V^'!-'ot^^J?!S5 ^'Katllcrvllte Rpenecr RuthvcO Ilayncld;^ Crc.=co I)c';;>Halj.„ WaakonX^Ylcljl-ndCcr, V«lenlliic> ' Caiyfopo Y'""/a« 'Wood Lake AlutworlC JWo6r»''» I IK. T--.'^" *7 o*' t^^S^-?^ /ieliil^j-^^J^herokeo^ ^^^^^ Vcrdigre c 'CiX \SX / C iruk\'^'^\o;iv^ \ North MtOregJrfV Xi -il/ KV^* ' \ V A/C\V.Uiiiou\ ' Rcluiond hC_ 1-,, \ tJiiiiiiprV PV \ V Coburn Jc\/^lV^"''"y 'it HaMoIph uC;0„ ^ nwrlugtsB 3t1lVO*^*^w J, TierccV AVayiic^ It ^,\^^>«§^ \ ^/ ■"\». o-'lf c. Lort, Dodged w, '"■rl \ Albian\; Ittpldi , ^""P'lrm \ .1 Scribner«C\. VaW"«iK /" "*»!*" n\ »l.9ni. «. Xn, J>.\i^SMJM0B'yVBl.9 Harlan >ai0t?^^'"bu. v.. r^^jSa^KCqunc/l B'/ff» .. . Wall Lake\ Mapletuu \ C.irrollX W.-T I noo n" ^ ^^ /^ \ "~~^T / W'°'^^, Sabulaj>^ laraiiaii ^ujMi =o<:::;^^;^oBX!i-4!( " — VflTieatland ^,. , x>^ ,-, V X ^,^^ *X \^ Cedar B»Pr\ A Clinton TftUmsi'ly /o OKirknian \^ \ vy\ / (ionnellX* vS.Amalia \ ^ ^^^*-i6ouryVal.^JIarjan^^BES»101^ 'f::;;^''*I^^clT^^jA^^ ^t L Aiiautio """' c,//^rX \V /-,v>»i«_^jp^ver^|^^--i]l>j«, ~>luscalUie^ my I' ISON __^ DvsiisvllleV n^ f 1 / T 'X// Burlington •-\tes*'^^^^« , ,,„, -i i\ ^ockfopd\* sTT'r — '-'=4r S-— ^=>-«-— F i?ln TUUm^-^ Aorora s ""! ;rPl.llade)pM5-^^^° Little River » -^' JajrllUe Long L l5a*ptoa^ ij;^lS|osicT ^»''1# .-^jV^iiLa ol'V^m^urui The Qleu n 1 "> r __ ^_ _^ __ __. ...A^a^^^SP^""^^^''!^^ p- — ^Carthage Waltertown ■««*«« £^ mW ^w^owvlllo Xyons Palls jf^ Central SqSiaro^ > Vft"'™,.** ,« pNo''h»l''» Yr<3r WI-/^°"''''"^"y Nl CONCO J**' 1/ j.«y*aR/«i in ^, - fV>"gi^»>a^ i H. W^ V^ B. ( Fonda /saratog«^#^ „^,,,^,^^,^^,, \ ig.^\j^;;y^-V;g^ |^y- s^J^ ^ Orwiinci^ /'NcwDctUii wperftowa 4 Coojmansr/llA */ J M .m\4 iO|y I. £[ TO ^^-""^ BOSTON., ry #) EASTERN LINES €« ^^/ and Connections. oF^ the: S I CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TRANSCONTINENTAL LINE BBTWIBN THB ATLANTIC AND PAOIPIO OOIANS QOINO WKW— Ro d Down (Paoifio fipi r: Datb W Tu 11 &• 8u TE ft IsTC So W Tu am Tb Th ' Tim l.tORH lO.MW 9.00til 8.45U 6. URN l.WJI "THHi s.Uni K Tu /8.48 /4.10" '^ 6.06'- 6.10* ftM' /6.58' 7.15" /7.a8 /7.8a 8.25 « /8.60" 9.18" 9.50" no. 10' 10.25 • /10.35 ' /ll.OO' u.ism U.tSRM i.a> 1.65 " S.IO 6.S0 4.60 11. ism 8.35UI ll.Sulil /11.58UI /U.lOfM U.IO" /U.«7' /U.»7 " /l.«0" /l.M" /I.U /«.W" *.60" /lit /•.t6 /t.« «.U /«.M /l.M /6.«8 e.ti 7.U /7.66 /8.I6 /8.17 10.06 /10.40 /ll.MKH /la.oiAii 18.42 " /i.a4" /8.17" 8.00" 8.56" /4.86" /6.10" /6.87" / 6.00 " / 4.80 " 6.40" "^ 7.46 " 8.38" •.40" 10.16" " 1/11.06" Wgll 46MII W STATIONS v.Haiima ..•t. John 77. Boston, B.A It. Portland,lleO N«w York, arc Qu«l»e .. ISontraal.. DijhoMie Bqr. 4 .Montroatl.. Wlndtor at. .. Ottawa |... Brookvlll*.. PfOOtt 11, 318 831 337 344 348 858 364 BJtMtt .Deux Rivieres Klook .... ... Mtttawa... ...leu Claire.. .. Rutliersleii • ...Callanaer.. ..Natbonting.. .. ThornolifT. a iNorth Bay otootrolt^',^; I a ' ....Windsor ... ...Chatliam... ....London... .. St. Thomas |. ...Toronto I a. North Bay Ifirth Bay.a 1 so 114 107 229 456 364 374 378 887 390 398 407 419 431 436 443 456 461 467 478 490 496 515 533 549 565 681 699 616 630 644 661 676 694 711 727 747 768 777 787 797 806 811 829 830 847 866 880 896 •13 Time of and connaetloiu with fonUni liaai aot . RetrMbiaMU Stetiou. / Fl*g VtDoouTW, iBd Tomato aad North J OarlotonJo*! .... Almonte... > ...Pakenham... ....Arnprior ... .. LKing'on,«A» .« ....Renfrew..! Haleys .. .... Cobden .. Pembroke. ■Chalk River I Wylie 199 206 224 246 251 262...Mbo'rlake. 270^.... Mackey.... ~ .. Rookliffa ... oonro KAMT— Bead Up t ATLAMTial 4.10U 8.86PJI 9.a0tK II II II II isauoage . MeadowsTde . .Sturgeon Falls, ...Cache Bay... .... Vomer .... ....Warren ... MarksUy ... ..Wahnapifto.. ....Romford.... ...SudbHry.... .. Chelmsford.. .. Larehwood .. ....Onaping.... Canler..... . Straight Lake . . Pogamasing .. Metagama.. ..BIscofisIng . .... Ramsay... .Woman River .... RIdout ... .Nemegosenda. ...lOhapleau. .... Pardee .. . Windermere .... Dalton:.., ..Missanabie , Otter ... Brassott .. • ••as AinyOt e e • e ,.| White River. ... Bremner .. ... Trudeau ....r^; ;;s=i ..Cache Lake. .G1l-Hn ...Molgund ...SiS ..Hereii Bay../U.M" ...Penliisiila...'^'"*"" ii 9.00/i 1.26Ul^ir /1.06~ /12.49 • 12.05iUI U.IOMI ni-f» " /10.40' 10.17 10.07 / 8.45 " 8.06 8.40 8.10 /7.88 /7.81 /7.06 ;S.(6 /6.80 S.IUM ~T«iSi 8.46 8.U 1.06Rli 11.25U 12.00 n 4.45U 7.00181 Bn e.oon / 6.86 " / 6.86 " . »•" /6.00 4.41 " / 4.17 /8.46 / /S.08 8.60 /I.86 /8.U /8.08 1.40 M.OI , m.rm /11.67U 11.15 10.8S / 9.68 " / 9.17 /8.88 8.00 /7.16 /6.89 /6.5S 6.19 /4.38 /8.4S 8.00 2.16" taMuiaa r.m^ Jltfen... Jackrish.... |.Balir«llMr.|. ....Ressport.... . Bravef River . Mexokama .10.40' Idwoll . MM " •• WTh To WffiTr 8a II II 11 II II II II II II II II II Tu WTEFr aa II II II II Balao •* If II II M tt II II II II II 11 It II II II II II II II II II II II 11 II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II it II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II l« II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 11 II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 11 II II M II II II II II II II H l< m'tq iteed. Dining can on tli«Mtmlnir iMplnit Cwt% between Monttenl nnd (Unino KgonnntMa , __ xTlirougbBl* _ Bar. ltalunuionlrond«riinownln ooli.hended'*Dnn*' CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Transcontinental VAnB—Continued QOIN9 WBT-Beed Down • PAaiFii> » i» HostPMl and ViMoane. Cmm na oalr oa M2993 •...Seattle... " 9 40UI it If 1* Ii i ft tf SU m. SMRIll.... ' ..Tacoma.." 7.20JUI mi Bn Tn Sa Vt is Th ii-j rn IE rii H W 7.00tJll.... 8.ooa H 1 Pul W ' rh 1^ 3a in H 8.16U.... iB.Frnnoiaao .N.Whatcom. a laam in ATI ^1 mi t Sa sr s.ooui....! 4.30Ui' jaiSu 8u " II it f( • 1 " 8.40" 3.45" II 1 11 " Su 11 SuSa Fr rhi^ w ru M n.0OU(....!al»t.T'n8endl I2.i5»j|' rui N 1 ^hFrlS ^1 t H /viwr HUkUoiu. 1 BenreBbmeut bteUou*. f- On Sundays, dteanier connection east and we t "days." Addltloiial'tnin learei taooma for PortUod 11.00 a.m. datly; anlTliig 6.00 pjn. 1 Retunilni, Uan Ponhad fte TMOoa 6.00 v-m. itMma 11 20 cm. 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Transcontinental LlnB—Cojuinned aOINQ WEST— Head Down « FACtrio EXPUI88 Time Tuts Kir It 8a Fr lalFr Vi 28(NI 2881 13.00 18.00 '^93 2903 2906 2906 2990 STATIONS .misiionJuno ...Hammond Weitmi n aterJc a.We«tmintterl ..Port Moody.. ....Halting!.... a Vanoouvfr.l ISbange'to Btr. I Vanoouvar.a QOINQ KABT-Kead Up § AT LAMTib KxPBaaa Time Days 11.17 15.86 15.07 14.86 14.88 14.80 7.S0 3.00 K Tn Xh Th HaHu II Sn Salii 8nl V s Through aiwplnc turn between Montreal and VucouTer. OtMorvaSon Can, •paoiauj dMlgned to allow an unliroken view of the wonderful mountain Metterr, on then tralni between Canmoi* and Berelitoke, and Lrtton and Weetmlnater Junction. v On Moadi^ Steamer Conneouon Kut and W . Shanawan ...Oiborne MorritI Ar Roienfeld Jo.l.Lv .Or«tna.43...Lv Lv Roienfeld Jo. I Ar .... Plum Coulee Morden I .. Thornhill... Darlingford , {^;...Manltou|..J(]; La Riviere l«t Siding Pilot Mound . Crystal City . Cier — ''" winnip«B,iiranaonand aouris ■xtitnalon Clearwater .Cartwright .Holmfield .Klllarney I ...Ninga.. Boiitevain Whitewater Ar. . Doloraln* ..Lv OOINO lABT— Read Cp Bxp. 18.80 18.85 11.08 19.55 18.45 19.15 11.47 11.90 PaM 17.00 16.46 16.10 18.58 18.44 18.18 14.40 14.40 14.09 18.40 18.95 18.06 19.50 19.80 11.55 11.84 11.16 11.08 10.50 10.15 9.56 9.35 9.09 8.50 8.34 r 8.00 Mzd 81.80 81.10 80.80 80.00 19.40 18.60 19.00 18.00 17.38 16.35 16.00 14.80 18.46 18.00 19.00 11.80 11.00 10.86 10.15 9.96 8.66 8.86 7.46 7.16 6.86 16.00 Exp. H 4TATI6Md Exp. t 18.45 19.06 19.86 19.48 80.18 90.46 90.89 81.65 99.91 99.40 98.09 t 98.16 7 8S 99 «0 66 64 98 lOt 114 197 188 Lv. Wlnnlp«c.|Ar Bergen Meadowi..,. Marquette ... Poplar Point.... .Portage la Prairie. Burntide Sidney Carberry Sewell' Chater Ar.. Brandon. .Lv t 11.45 11.37 10.54 10.40 10.15 9.40 9.35 8.38 7.57 7.39 7.13 t 7.00 r 9.40 10.40 11.16 19.55 18.80 14.05 14.40 15.80 r 16.06 fil7 10 18.30 19.00 19.45 20.25 h 31.40 188 141 149 157 167 173 183 191 199 314 222 230 238 256 Lv.. Brpndon..At Kemnay Bereiford Sourit Menteith Hartney Lauder Napinka LM.M.IIta..|Lv Pierson .. Gainsborough .. Carlevale Carnduff Ar... Oxbow. ..Lv J 31.36 30.51 90.00 19.95 17.50 17.95 16.35 16.00 J 16.00 k 13.30 13.20 11.35 10.50 10.15 k 9.00 Kdmonton Branoh Kninrson Srnnoh Mixed H STATIONS Mixed r7.45 Lv. WinnipeslAi 16.20 8.05 8 ....St. Bonifaoe.... 10.00 8.30 18 St.Norbert 15.85 9.05 33 Niverville 15.00 9.25 81 .... Otterburne .... 14.35 9. SO 40 Dufrost 14.06 10.16 48 Arnaud 13.40 10.40 56 ...Dominion City. . Ar..Bmer«on|Lv 13.20 11.15 66 r 13.45 Stonewall Branch Mixed i 18.00 18.10 18.60 14.16 STATIONS Iv.Wlnnlpeslar ..Air Line June. .Stony Mountain. HUed Mixed Weet Selkirk Branoh SYATlONS 17.15 17.00 16.80 \S 16.00 r 18.00 18.88 18.50 19.00 19.16 19.30 Lv.WtnnlpesI Ar Kildonan Parkdale .... ... VIotoriaPark... . Lower Fort Barry . Ar Mixed Frie Bxp. HU Westminster Branoh Si *U.80 16.19 16.n 16.10 / AS 80 '^U.40 9.66 9.16 9.00 8.60 8.86 8.96 Mixed 8.00 8.08 /8.84 9.06 /(.3S 10.07 /X0.30 11.00 19.06 13.30 14.30 16.33 16.35 /17.10 17 58 /18.80 19.00 STATIONS Lv...OalBary...Ar ... Calgary Juno. .. ....Beddlngton .... Airdrie Crossfield Carstairs DIdsbury Olds... Innlsftill Red Deer.... Lacombe Ponoka ....Wetaskiwin .... Millet Leduo Otoskwan Ar.Bdmonton-Lv Mixed 19.00 18.53 / 18.35 17.55 / 17.36 16.56 / 16,83 16.08 16.08 14.00 19.80 11.37 10.35 / 9.53 9.08 / 830 h 8.00 South-Western Branch MUed M J 10.86 11.08 7 11.35 13 19.00 86 13.91 84 18.60 44 18.06 51 13.36 57 15.46 7(1 16.16 77 16.45 811 17.30 95 17.66 104 18.80 lis 18.46 131 19.06 134 19.86 181 STATIONS Lv._WlnnlDeK|Ar .Murray? Headingly. Starbuoi ....Fannystelle. I Im Creek... Barnsleyl... Ar.... Carman .... Lv...Rathwell..., ... Treherne ... ....Holland.... .Cypress River. ..Olenboro'l . ..Stookton... .. Treesbank... ... Methven .. Ar...Nesbltt,..Lv MUed 16.00 15.37 15.10 14.84 14.19 18.46 18.37 18.10 10.60 10.20 9.50 9.16 8.46 8.06 7.40 7.30 r f.OO Prinoe Albert Branoh Mixed H fe7.00 8.19 90 9.17 87 10.16 56 11.10 71 11.68 88 18.06 111 14.99 181 16.16 m 17.19 178 /18.88 900 19.00 911 90.00 899 91.00 947 STATIONS Lv. .Ar Reslna Lumsden . Bethune.... ....Chamberlain.. CraCi , Pinsbury.... .... Bonnington.. Dundurn.... ....Saskatoon I Osier Rosthern.... Ouok Lake... .... MaodowaH... a.Prlnoe Albert.i Mixed 91.00 19.88 18.49 17.48 16.48 16.06 14.68 18.80 18.15 10.48 /9.87 9.00 8.00 O7.00 Lv Vann (7 m.), Bomenet I6 m.1, Beaconifield 6 m.|, Noniuay (7 m.). Swan lake (S m.), iCingaley (8 m.), Tueeday and Friday, aOO o'olook. " to Kew Haven (t m.), liorae and MuMWlboro (17i m.), Friday, 7.00 o'clock. " to ButtanvUle (10 m.), Snowllake (19 m.), Howbtay (M m.|, Friday, 8.00 o olook. HUlaraey to BowUnd (IS m.), Monday and Friday, 7,00 o olook. " tb FairhaU (9 m.), Tuesday and Friday, 7.30 o'olook. " to Adelpha and Wakopa (14 m.), Monday and Friday, 7.4S o'clock. 'Uet Meaail to Preaton, Marringtaunt (10 m.), Qlonora (15 m.), Botelwnry (U m.) and Olen- dinning, Tuesday and Friday, 7.30 o'olook. BeiaeeTafai to Aloester, HeasUp, Langvale, Monday and Friday. 9.00 o dock. " to Wasiawa (8 m.), Desfoid (la m.|, Fklrlnun (« m.), Vinday ana Friday, 8.00 o'dock. fterasMS to OampbellvUle aO m.), Untiathen (19 m.). BtephenBeld, Boselseo, Itaunday, 16.46 o'clodc Keabara to Lake Frands, St Uuieat Oak Point and Olarklelgii, Tuesday and Friday, 16.46 o'cloolc " to Meadow Lea and Woodlands, Tuesday and Frid.^y, 7.80 o'dock. Carberry to Petrel and Wellwood, Tuesday and Friday, 13.00 o'olook. BrMidoa to Bapld Olty, dally except Sundays, 13.00 o'dock. To Brandon Hills, Bonnthwalts, Wawanesa, Mlllford and Two Blven, Tuesday and Friday, aoo o'dock. I«thbrldce to Fort MoLeod, 9 o'clock Tuesday, Tbnrsday, and Saturday. Betomlng, Mon- day, Wednesday, and Friday. CirUweld to Maskawata, HUlTiew, Brierwood, Biadwardins, Lothair, Wheatland, Oak BlTor and Viola Dale, Friday, 7.00 o'dock. Tlrdea to Woodworth, nm Valley, Manda, Pipeatons and Bollevlaw, Friday, I.IO odock. Moeaeasta to Oannlngton Manor, Oarlyla, Alameda, Bosoonris and Dalealwro, Fridays, S o'clock. " to Welwyn, Beaver Baplda, Fort KUlca and Wattsvlsw, Taea. and FH. , 8.80 o dock. QB'Appelle to Fort Qa'AppeUe dally, except Sunday, 8.00 o'doek. To TOoohwood and Katawa, every Friday, 13.00 o'doCk. KeElaa to Knseplaln, Tregarra. Oravan, LoaglaketcB, Maristoa, Friday at 7.00 o'slook. Saakatooa to Battlaloid. Sunday and Wednesday, 9.00 o'dock Sivtn Carreat to Saskatchewan Uadlng, Friday, U.00 o'doek. Calsary to Ksd Dear, Hdlitook,Bdmoaton and Clover Bar, Thnraday, 8.00 o'dock. ToHldna- pois, Ototoks, High Blvar, Now Oxley sad Fort McLaod, Thoisday, 7.00 o'slook. Maatleepa to Btramp Lak»and Qnllohdna, svary Monday, iboo laavas Asheroft 6.00 o dock Bildgs Oksak, Soda Oiwk, BarkerviUs. ■■eaeea Brl4Mie to Hlaida Vallay and Oraalta Oiask Mlnas, HoDdays, Lottcf " la " aftw flgnms indioatas milss. Tisssot Btsgs ooaass t teesto glvae as laloiaMMoa. ttisMt g«ai— tstd. ss M Is saWsst toehaags. ualassortsTwte? stated, the ee a nsB M oassrs by slags. Aaheren-StsgetOOsriboo laavasAsheron6.00odoekforOaekaOraek.BonaBaitfcMlnndorlS, gilnton,_Bildgs Oksak, Soda Oiwk, Alovandrta, Qnesaalla, Blanlsy and 16 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY MANITOBA-PACIFIC LINE •T. PAUL, MINNIAPOLia. WINMII*Ka AND VANOOUVBW TTT^AD bOWN 8'fATlONB _'_'_ Lv at. Louit...-T...Ar Xr . t 8^8S un t I.IOpm tlO.HpD • a.lOpm I.M I.Hpn 7.38 am 8.16am 1.00 pm I.IOpm *10.Mlm 11.68 am I.IOpm b.n l.ttpm S.SWam 7. at! am • (.Mpm * S.ll pm (.58 am l.OSpm S.W ■' 0.40 pm •11.00 pm 1.40 am 11.10 pm •I.M phi 8.30 am 1.10 ani t 9.00 pro 9.00 am 11.45 am t 7.30 am" I.IOpm 8.40 •' lO.Upm 6.00 pm TlTpm T.aftam 8.08 am •lO.Mpm l.SSam l.<6pm J.lipm • 6 aopm 7.10 1046 11.47 pm 3.10 am 4.06 6.15 8.4J 10 13 11.20 am ll.aoam I. Mpm • U.W 14.47 ao.05 l.SW 6.!U 18.15 4.45 9.80 18.55 7.30 10.56 u.aa U.St 18 01 pm 1.00 pm * 1.85 pm Ml. 40 pm 8.80 pm * 7.00 am * 3.15 am t<5.00am 8.00 • tU.OOam i;<.40 18.60 18.00 t 8.80 pm 11.45 pm 3.00 5.15 am am t (.OOun no. 00 am 11.11 pro u.asaro 7.45 " 7.558m 6.00 pm 8.40 pm 7. Warn '10.80 pro 6 86 7.80 pm •lO.OOam 7.46 pm 10 04 pm ' 6^00 pm 11.46 pm 7.5Uan 8.25 am Lv, r>ooria. Lv. Ar. .... . Chioago.... St. Paul.... . Minrnapoll* . Lv Chloaa ..Lv ..Lv XT raH.waYh O.B. A^. jfi^Tr: Milwaii1(«« Ai 771t.TiSi; ■ Minneapolit . :7r.iv Lv Lv KaniaiCity Ikt Atohiion.... ....•t. Joseph... Om:iha ..Council Bluff*. ....Sioux City Ar .. Minneapolis Lv St. Paul Lv Ar Lv.... St. Louis Ar 6.47 pro 8.00 pm 8.4U( D.lSam 18.45 20.45 83.15 Ar| .Kansas City Marshalltown Ar Ar Mason City Lv " ..8t Paul .'. " Minneapolis Lv IT .. Chioago... Milwaukee . .. St. Paul... r .'lv u., B. * g. C B. » " O. * N. W. Kan. o., SI. J. ftO. BinOs o., at. p., u. ft Omaha Wabaab Iowa Central 0.,U.4t8t. P. 0.,H.*Bt.P Lv Chicago Ar Ar Minneapolis Lv " St.Paul lv Uv. .... Kansas City .... Oes Moines Ar ... Marshalltown Lv Lv Chicago.... Dubuque ..c Ar St.Paul..., Minneapolis . TAr II .'iAr ..Lv Lv Chicago... .....Ar Lv Milwaukee Ar Ar St. Paul Lv Minneapolis Lv Lv.. .St.Paul . .Minneapolis. Willmar Benson .... .iBreokenridge.. ,.. Barnesvllle .. , Fargo ,. Qrand Forks • Qrafton ..... Neche TAr .Ar ...aretna..42 Ar L.J. ...Winnipeg j Ji* Ar. Portage La Prairie .44Lv " Brandon " " Broadview " << Regina " " Medicine Hat " " Calgary " ". Banff Hot 8prln«e." " Field II " " ....aiaoier House n ... " •< North Bend I ..." " .... Mission Juno " , Abbotsford . .Huntingdon Junc.58Lv Lv Sumas City Ar Ar.... New Whatcom.... Lv Ar Fairhaven Lv Ar Seattle . .Lv Ar. .Tac o ma L v Ar Portland Lv 7.'. Siofamento. . . vai.. - SnnFranolaoo " ..Lv Lv.. .New Whatcom ....Ar Ar Anacortes Lv ^. Po rt Towns end . . -Lv New Westminster.B.c. " ....Vancouver. " <0 •• Victoria... " 94Lv Lv Victoria, B.C Ai ArPort Townsend, Wash.L\ " Seattle •• " " Tacoma " " [Albert Lea Bonte] RKAD XSf t I.Muniit t.SOima •11.0(1 am|:..7.....r 9.0Uam| 10. Mpm |.8epm 7.60 am • O.IOpn't 7.10 am TTWanr, t.8*pm 7.a6am O., St. p. «K.a WlMonsin Central Oreat Northern Canadian Paoine B.B.ftB.C. Great Northern Steamer Nor. Pac. Uouthem Paolflc S.S. "Premier" Canadian Paelflo Htwiniwe. T.80PD ••lOpn 4.66 PIT 8.86 " l.llpm • .35 am 0.4!) S.50an) 7. 81 pro 7.66 pm (.Upm 6.10 pm 3.55 am 112.33 am 7.16 pm t 7JI6pm t.SOaiu 6.60 am •J.OOpm i:i6pn? 7.01 " 6.81pm 7.30 am 8.09 pm t 6.88 pro 11.46 pm 6. 60 pro 8.30 am t 7 50 am (.58 am 7.20 aro 7.11 pro 6.86 pm 11.45 ».40 t 7.00 7.46 am • 7. 00 am 1.80 am 4.40 " 3.20 am 8.46 pm 10.00 " 6 (Opm 7 no am •7 35 am 7.00 am 7.00 am 6.40 pm 8.86 pm 9. IS am • 9.00 am ViM pm 7.10 pm t 7. 85 am 7.15 am 10.30 " 9.'<5am 6.40 pm 7.41 am • 5.27 am 9.25 am 3.3;] am 7. Mpm '9 66pm 7^15 am 8.40 am 1.80 pm •ll.Stpm •TTlsam 6.85 " a 40 " 1.40 am 10 80 pm 10.06 " 6.80 •' 6.M " 4.01 " •8.10pm •8.06 pm 11.30 am • 11.80 14.14 11.16 4.06 88.86 10.00 23.25 19.20 18.15 20.10 ♦ 16.17 15.40 15.30 8. Upm *8.80pm 1.45 pm • 9. 40 am 7.20 am 14.25 14.20 •2.00 t 4.80 pm 1.80 pm lu.l5am t 8.00 am •Dally. tDally, except Hunday a. IDally, except Saturdays. ( On Sundays , connection la made via Seattle. Tbrong b First Class and Colonist Sleeping Oai a dally between St. Paul, Winnipeg and VancouTer, In both dIreoUon*. Tourist Oara fitted wltb mattreisee, pUlowa, etr>. . and with porter in attenaanee,mn tri- weekly between St. Paul, Winnipeg and Seattle, via New Whatcom, for aeeond elaas passengers. Leave St. Paul rues., T.hurg. and Sat. Returning, leave Seattle Tne8.,Thur. and Sat. DInlns Oar* between St. Paul and vaneonver. Obser- vation OarSt apeolally de^toned to allow an onbioken view of the wondeifnl mountain aeenery, ara on (raioe between Oanmora and Bevelatou, and I^tton and WeetmtaMter Janothm. Time of and oonnectlons with foreign lines not guaranteed. xe^ CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY c/> t«o cu 183 CD MOK OAIIH ITIAMaNIN J ALIIRTA AND ATHAIAMA % • I. MANITOU • ■TATIROOMiAOOITIOHAL % s |g4 O 0) 4.. 03 .2 e9-|l-S 2_oS.flcn„c|^0«.S32 c 3 „-l-in«» _ * ""*- *" '= " - -I- C _ m J^ lA (u _. n\ s ^ ^ >.S>:IS5:"i:>Sii(«\5 13 o CO > .- rt t/t ea bO &^fa ce 01^ t-j-H P H H 6< fe fe CO ao &< fc* 3353t!.''J3a«.rtrt33300033 S§SSS«k8 .SSSS883SSi8!3; a? BJ : nz zj ^z z :« :•§■ :"; :» cc'^c-^rr ■'"Srtc-S-^^t; rtrtrtiooo«SoC°3v!«°> >cau3b.ii.a.caOI-oSov>xm2 Ota d . a. O .. 10 3300 3 33iS>J3 >- l.>.rt OO3 3 a 3 «•>•>. 3 3 3 05 3^^>;q d 4 3 3 ISil= - nil ii CQ ; CO- : 9i3 >; ^ « o« -3o2oS«0oooi«««.2 Z aZwOE0l-0<»a.u.iI$0a» CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Condtnitd Tlmt TabU to Points on Conniotinc Hillwavt OWAHO tnUNir RAILWAY IM. * M. W. 6lV.> RKAO DOWN « K«p . P.M. tu.u U.t6 tl.45 K«p. P.M. t 6.W 6.M B.OO flTM t9.S6 B.ta t 9.46 6.18 6.46 tT«r 7.00 fTOO 7.84 7.47 8.06 8.46 t 9.86 t8.46 118.39 A.M. B«p. P.M. II.IS 1.80 t'iiu tTJO "TW 6.16 t7.90 P.M. Hall A M t 8.25 8.IU 11.10 mr tU.I6 t 1.86 11.16 116 t7.66 fTur 8.00 (.09 fTM" 9:J3 r9M V.S8 10.10 10.30 11.38 U.66 f 186 u.u t7.66 P.M. STATIONS Uv Toronto I . Ptrkdal*.... Ar.... AlUndalal. ...P«n«tang. , Oolllngwood.. .. Maaford .Ar ■.I'v jjaaford Lv Ar Barn* " Orillia.... " .. aravanhiirit . "...llorthBay.. .Lv Lv.. Hamilton. Lv Milton.. Lv. Inglewood Jot. Lv Toronto. It. C.P.R ArC' dwellJcMC.P.B Lv..Ci> 'dwell Juno.. Ar Tottenham ... " Beeton .... •• Allitton ... " Creemore.... "... CollinKwood... " Meaford .Lv Ti .Ar A' .Ar Lv Lv Barrie Orillia .... ...north Bay. .Lv gip. 10.06 t ».0S t 9.01) f¥lT 8.13 8.0S 7.18 6.20 5.30 or t 1 10 (7.00 P.M. Mall TIT 8.16 trie 8.8r 1700 6.86 6.18 6.40 4.18 8.10 t8.66 6. us t 5.80 A.M. "T55" 1.10 18.00 t 7.00 Exp. A.M. 9.5S >.4S t'iloo' «T5J t 6.08 P.M. < Sleeping Oars at North Hay from Express f 7.10 am 11.35 am 1.06 pm t 4.40pm 6.16 ■• 6.60 pm ExpreHH luave Toronto 11.16 p.m. and NoitTii Bay 7.00 p.m. or to Transcontinental Sleepers. ■Biff AMP HUBOM BA I LWAV Change t 7.00 am t U.ZRam I U.'.Uttm 10.00 " lO.iiSani Via CHATHAM Lv To re nto. ."l» . . . Ar Lv London.. 90. ...Ar Ar Chatham. .84... Lv Lv.,,..., Chatham Ar Ar Dresden Lv Wallaoaburg....Lv Jlzpraaa t s.M'iuu 11.46 tM.6»pm Bxp raaa * 1.66 pm li.Oir •1.14 1 eiNTRAL tburg.. KAILWAYB Canadian I'aclflo Erie ft Huron RIO RAILWAY Express t 9.40 pm 6.90 " t 8.90 pm I0.3.Vam 10.00 " t 9.25 am Express t 9.40 prn 6.90 ■' t 1.90 pm t 9.i6pm 1.80 " tl9.60pm t 4.10 pm 4.46 " 6.60 pm tl.tOpiD 6.Upm til. 10 am 11,20 am 1,90 pm t 8,45 am 10,15 am 9.60 pm Via CBNT. ONT. JC. Lv Toronto.. i»..|..Ar " .... P'.it«rboroMt....Ar Ar.Oontral Ont. Jo> I'.Lv LvCentrai Ontario Jo.. ..Ar Ar Marmora Lv Ar Coe Hill Lv LvCentrai Ontarlu Jo.... Ai Ar Tranton Lv " Ploton . ■ lv HAILWAV8 OaiUMUan PMllle t 8.6Spm " 1 1.90 pm Oeatnl Ontario Express t 8.45 am 11.43 am 1J 90 pm t tSOpm 9.96 •' 9.40 •• 8.00 pm 4.00 pm 4.06 pm BAY OP QUIMTE RAILWAY * NAVIQATIOM OO. Express \ Via TWEED Ixpreaa 8.45 am 8.80 " t 0.30 am 11.10 air t 9.45 " t 8.30 am 4.10 pm 4.00 " t O.Upm 9.69 pm t 9.90pm e.t'U pm Lv. l^.uaam Lv. ' 1 46 am Ar. t 6 2uam Lv. 7.40 " Ar. 8.00 8.80 ami". ....Toronto.. 19. 1. ..PeterboroV.iB. Tweed ..80... ....Tweed... . .Tamworth . ..Enterprise. ,,,,Yarker.,. .Arl .Lv .Ly rAr .Lv } RAILWAYH Canadian Paclflo 9.55 am 10.1 am J Napa nee Kingston Bay of Quinte Express • 7.5j am 5.t0 " •8.15am f t.iOpiri 6.16 •• 6.96 •• 6.06 pm KINerval Lv LakeBtJolm Ferry from Quebec Lv Levit : Ar Rividu Loup .... ....Campbellton |.... Bathurct Nawoaatlt. .Ar .Lv ,Lv RAILWAYB Bzpreia Bzpreaa Wabaab intareokNilal tO.Hpm 119.96 pm T 6,90 am tlO.OIpm p (.40 pm 4.(0 pm r7.80l 18.10 7.80 91.19 •10.16 pm. tO.tfpm ' 7,86 am ma.lSam 7.(0 pm l.Upm t 9.00 am t(.80am 11.40 8.15 1 1.86 96.98 f 14.85 17.45 14.90 t S.95 ^9.48 • Daily, t Ually, ezoept ttunday. t Dally, ezoept Haturday. 7 Dally, except llonday. J Taeadaya, Tbaradaja and Satordaya only, r Bondaji, wednea- daja and rrldays only. /nailtatioBa. | Betraatamaiu Btattoaa. nateoCand oottneetloM with ftna^pi Bnaa aot gaaraataad. 18 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY HalHaxftSt. John to Bancor, Portland, BostoniNow York m 96* 119 197 99 ~B "i> 118 181 (M 9n 188 194 10 199 904 978 806 80* 841 "HI 866 8(9 419 ~ia l8i 488 449 Ui 868 88* 434 481 457 881 BTATIONB HallfM Plotou New Qiatgow. Truro Amheritl Monotonl.... at. John.. X* It. John.. T T Fredarleton . St. Staphtn.. St, Andrewi. ■dmundtton Pratqua ill* Woodttook.. Houtton ...Ar TV -Xi 87.. .99. Vanoaboro..76..|.. Oldtown Bangor Augusta Lawltton Auburn Portland I ...Lt ,..Ar Portland. BIddeford .... Portsmouth... Newburyport. .Ar Lv > Ar O " II ^^^ £_ Li^" •> M " <• " ba ton, Cauteway St. "* Ar Olouoester. Salem. Lynn , Portland. BIddeford Dover | Haverhill South Lawrence Boaton, Ha ymarketSa Mew York '..... tt t:::^ MewVork a ^ ** II « " S " * Ar ,Ar .Ar RAILWAT lanaooLOMiAi. OAMABIA* rAomo ■Ain oaaTEAi. Boatoa AMB HAnm Shore Line Fall RIverLlne Express n.Rpm 19.(6 " 1.10 " 9.96 •• (.19 " 7.68 " 11. 60 pm Bzpreaa 16.30 am 9.39 am (tlO.OOam 110.35 am tl0.80 " t 8.00 " t'fw""' tll.40 " til. 15 am 1 9.00 pm t9.90 •' 9.(0 •■ 7.10 " •0.00 " 10.((pm 1.35 am •"i.'ioam • S.OUam 3.88 " 8.55 •• ^.46^aro t 8:89 am 9.85 am 9.47 " • 4.30 am t 7.00 am 7.88 " 8.88 " t.43 •■ 9,97 " JO.tfpm t 4^(0pm NIgbt Ezpresa 6.09 " 8.45 •' 1.59 am 1. 90 pm 9.86 '• 7.Mpm 'rt:(0pm t 9.08pm t 9.60 pm tiiiso'am t 9.00 pm t 9.90 " t 9.90 pm IJT.iSam • 3.19 " 6.50 " 6.36 " • 7.30 " 10.07 " (11.04 " tll.l9am •18^80 pm •1(796 pm 1.04 '< (.90 " 9.0(pin • 4.66 pm 4.16 ■• I 4.46pm tUlOpm l.U <• (.(0 " (.(( " (.40 " 4.(0pm '11.00 pm • 7.80 am / 10.00 s.m, train from St. John has Buffet Farlor Car to Bangor, connecting with Sleeping Car tot Boston ; 8.30 p.n>. timln (Tom St, John hai Sleeping Car to Bangor, connecting wiih Buffet Parlor Oar to Boafon. NowYork,Bof lon,PortlandftBancor to St. John & Halifax ~5 368 385 800 881 848 -m 848 348 STATIONS New York Lv Mow York Lv 831 840 119 875 871 489 471 489 691 ^9 183 718 741 836 188 614 in ""0 89 187 318 366 318 375 Boston, Haymarket Sq South Lawrence Haverhill Dover Biddeford Portland Boaton, Cauteway St. Lynn Salem. a M * Ar RAILWAYS Fall RIverLlne Shore Ljne Olouoester . Newburyport. Portsmouth... BIddeford .... Portland.... Portlandl .. Auburn Lewiiton Augusta Bangor Oldtown > o ^ :: " Ar TLv jLv Vanoeboro..76..|. Houlton Woodttook Pretque Itia Edmundtton..(9., St. Andrewt..87.. St. Stephen Frederioton . (Ar Jlt gt. John. .77. f. gt. John . . Monoton |... AmherttI Truro New Olatgow. Piotou Hallflai TAr .Ar Boaroa ■Aoia OABAOIAS FAOIFIO lavaauoLoaxAL Ezpresa •TOOpm •la.oom't t 8,80 am 9,14 ■ 9,80 10,8« u.aa l(,15pm Ezpreti •s9.00am 9,33 9.34 am t 8.39 am 10.10 am 10.59 11.98 •U.Upm • l.i6pm (.(6 «(.(( (.(( 6.(0 • 7.(( (.Upm •13.30 am • 1.06 am f 4.55 am 19.19 U.89 ir4.00am 9.30 am • 9.85 am no. 02 am t 6.00pm 6.68 " (.19 " (.99 " 7.91 " 9 .00 pm (•7.00pm 7.06 " 7.16 pm t 6.09 pm (.Upm (.00 " 10.(( " •U.Upm •U.Upm •ii!(Opm 3.10am 9.05 " t 5.45 " (.38 " 9.55 " no. 15 am tU.46pm " 6.((pm 9,05 am 1 1.10 pm n».» " t 1,(6 pm t 7.06 am 10.55 am 1,06 pm i.» " l.U " (.n " 7.10 pm t 1.46 pm y 9.00 pm 6.46 •< (.(( " (.U " U.lOpm t SlMiJlnc and Parlor Oara; 9 a.m. train from Boston baa BulM Parlor Oar to Bangor, oon- naetiiw wltli 81npln|r Car to Bt John j 7 p.m. train from Boston has Sleeping Car to St Jolm dall; axoapt Saturday. All thronah Blacplna and Parlor Car service la via Eastern Uivlslon B. A M. n Battashmant eliaUbns. • Dally. ' t Itaby exospt Snndar. day. 1 DaOy sxeapt Batoidar. Bnudi^ttme Is « 8,15 p.m., u ia86 ■ ~ ■ 19 5 Dally azeapt Hon- o o> o CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TO AND FROM NEW YORK OONDINtKD TIMB TABLCS ooufaBocra BMUIDOwn 18.35 am lo.m 11. Warn 8.80 pm 4.<6 8.60 pm t 7.;KJBni ».5Uam l.l6pin 4.80 •■ 8.60 pm t U.29ain 10.09 " 11.00 am i.46pm 10.10 pm i.80pm Lv. .06 " Ar. .00 pm ■• , .60 am ■• , .30 " " . ,45 am Ar^ ■Wpm Lv. 46 " Ar. .86 pm •• , lOam << , 43 am " . ^80 pm tvT ,06 " i-- 00 pm ,30 am ,S5am BxpnM Ezprew t 5.<0_ lU. iOam t TbOpm 4,43 am t 4.Upm • 8.40 ■■ 7.66 8.06 *B.0O t 8.86 pm • 8.80 pm *tl.4opm 1.30 am 8.1S " 1 0.85 am n.80pm 10.40 pm S.iWam 11.45 am •"HiTpm 8.11pm 1.30 am 10. 10 am • 8.40 pm 8.15« 5.00 1.40 i 40 pm 8a pm .00 pm 45 am iw' IS 00 10 86 pm 86 pro ,10pm ,10 86 80 pm 30 am ,45 pm ,80 ,Upm 451 00 pm U " 10 pm 56 1 00 pm 11 pm 45 am 10 am tOpm 86 pm 95 am Via MOHTMAL OOma HOBTH BMMlUp .. Montreal..* , Rouiei Point.. , Platttburg ....•aratoga, Albany. ..1lontr«al..l ..•t. Albani..., ... Rutland.... Troy ^Naw Y6rk Ar. .montraal.^ .Routat Point.. .Plattiburg I.. ...Albany .NawY&rk.., Via TORONTO and NIAOARA PALLS Lv. Ar Lv. *rjL Lv. 18 Lv'. Ar. (I Ar! Lv. 48 Ar." .Owan Sound .88. Ar , Toronto.. 19. ...Lv ....North Bay..S9..Ar To ronto ..1B...LV I'oronto Hamilton Lv ...Niagara Falli Suapan. Brldaal. ..Buffalo...".... ^^.^. Buffalo . . .^Lv Sutpeniion Bridge |.Ar Buffalo... .7.. ..Ar Rochetter Lv Syraouifl,. Naw York Lv v. Suspension Bridget. A ' Buffalo... 7.... Ar Ar Elmira Lv Naw York Lv Ar. .Suspension Bridge I Ar Buffalo. ..r.... Ar Syracuse Lv Naw York Lv v. Ar. Buffalo ..Binghamton ....Soranton . . Naw York Lv. Ar. Suspension Bridge.. Ar .Oswego Ar Yc ■ Naw ^rk Bzpreaa II pm 00 " 00 pm 8O1 tll.lfpm H 46 II 80 pm 00 pm n " 01 pm Mpm 8O1 80( 4.1B 7.55 am t 7.00 li.lOpm 8.80 pm T.IOpm BxpreM Via BROOKVILI.E and railways Bxpreea tio. t». 08 pm Mam Mpm II pm Mpm 80 pm 35 am 41pm 11 pm Lv Quabac-.i Ar •'.Montraal, Win.8t (. <• .. Toronto. -it-l " " St. Paul Ar "SaultSta. Marla.TOLv ... Ottawa |.. 10... Ar Ar Ferry with Ogdeneoorg 40 pm SI 14 81 10 pm 00 pm 81 " 01 pm Mpm 80 30 >U.06am 4.15 7.65 am tlO.45 1.41 pm 8.80 p m *ll.STpm iu.55am Lv Ottawa |..l( "....Oarlaton Jo.|...Ar Ar BrookvlllA..13..Lv Stage and F'y wltliMorrlst'n Lv.... Oadanabura . . . .Ar Morrlatown.....Ar Ar.. Oantral Squara ..Lv " Syracuse " Oswego. Roohaatar Lv Lv. . . . Oadanaburs . . . . Ar Mrorrl8town.....Ar Ar Utioa Lv Lv Utioa Ar Ar Albany Lv " Naw York Lv Ar. .Utioa Ar .. Albany Lv .NawY&rk Lv Lv Utioa Ar Delaware, Ar Scrcnton Lv Laokawaana Naw York Lvanaweatem Lv... Oantral Squara.. Ar Ar Naw York Lv Canadian Pcolflo H. St. P. ft 8. 8. H. Oaaadlaa Paellle Watertown •ad Ogdeaabnrg IT 11 8 t6 t«. New York Oeatral Weat Bhora N.Y.^ntarto andWeatara •Daily! t Dally, «xc«pt Snnday. t Dally except S*tuidiv7 5 Dally, except Mandays. | Reftealuneiit Stuknu. M Connects with S.40 p jn. and 4.00 p.m. trains, via R.W. d- 0; Time of and conneetloaa with twelan lines not gnaranteed. ao 8U1 81 pm 55 am 35 am 15 am 81pm Mpm tfpm W Mpm TlSan 00 " 33 " 40 " aoam Warn 00 50 ,07 am ,00 II pm ,00 pm ,00 pm 40 pm Npm 00 18 am II pm Bxpreea Us. 80 am t T.Hpm t I.Wpm lOTi t 7.80 1 8. 50 am 7.88 " * 8.00 am 8.40 pm 8.0c: " l.n " tM.60 " t l.Olpm 0.50 am 1.(1 pm 6.00 " tH.Wpm lOs 7.1s am tll.Wpm li.Hpm 8.40 am S.IB 7.55 am 8.1s am I.Wpm T.Hpm t 7.40 am < < z am t? 04) ax 8^ a o fa MM o.£ 0= Ulttf 111 o >■» t Bprlnga or the eiaeler a* dealred. J. A; SHIFFIELD. Supt. S., D. * P. Cara and Hotolt, MONTREAU ai CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY GENERAL INFORMATION Tlokst oaoM ftt ImporteDt StetUms an open 80 mlnntM before dapartmre of traliu. pBasengera are requested to jrarohaoe tlcketa before tiding seats In oars. 10 oente additional wlu be charged fOr tickets pnronased on trains, and such tickets will not be Issued to point* beyond the run of Conductor to whom fare is paid. Passengers should always procure tickets at regular railway ticket olBoes, and aak for them via the Canadlsn Pacific Railway. OonpoB Xioketa to all Important points in Canada, United States, Burope, Japan. China and Austndla, are on sale at all Principal Stations. Passengers should designate the connecting lines by which they desire to travel, as Agents are instructed to state the routes, but to maintain strict neu&ality in regard to the different railways Interested. Lost TlOkwto— As Railway Companies are not responsible for loet tickets, precaution should be taken to prevent their loss. Upon pur- ffhaiiiBg tluongh tickets, passengers should make a memorandum of the ••Destination,''— "Bj what RaUway Issued,"— "Form Number,"— "Con- secutive Number, —Place and Date of Sale." They should make a memorandum also of their Baggage Check numbers. One- War SiOketa. of all olassefl, are valid for passage only in the direction pitnted. Bound Trip noketa, lat Class, to and from principal C.P.R. Stations, are for sale at reduced rates, are good only for a specified time, and will not be received for passage after expiration of limit They are not transferable, and are not good for Btop-over at any intermediate station, unleae so stated on ticket. St09>OT«r OheOka will be granted on application to Conductor, to holders of unlimited first class one-way tickets, and Euob other tickets as the Company designates. Stop-over Checks are not transfer- able, and will not be aooepted for passage after date of expiration. On Colonist Tickets, from points east of Port Arthur to Van- couver, any point in British Columbia or to Puget Sound Ports. Stop- oven of three days will be granted on application to Conductor at any station, Winnipeg, Man., to Calgary, Alba., inclusive, to give an opportunity of uuveoting farm lands. ■anraf •, not exceeding IfiO Ibe. in weight, wlU be checked upon prenntatlon of (me full paasage ticket^ Personal 7fi Baggage on half ticket, in excess of IfiO Passengers paying lor excess Ibaggage will ' , which must be delivered to Agent A31 baogage should be addressed. _. lbs. win be charged for, but no piece of baggage weighing more than SBO lbs. will be received. Passenger "' receive an ••Excess Baggage" Ticket, with checks when baggage is claimed. Onstoau.- United States Customs officers are at Montreal Stations to examine baggage deetined for United States, and passengers from or via Montreal, are recommended to have baggage examined at that point, and thus avoid examination at International Boundary. A Canadian Cnatoms Officer is at Chicago, Wabash Rd. Station, to examine baggute deetined for Canada, to as to avoid examination at Windsor, spipogite Detroit. OhUdrea under five years of age, waen accompanied, will be carried free. Children between the ages of five and twelve years will be oarrled at half rate. All twelve years of age and over must pay adult rates. mieaff* Booka, good on Ontario ft Quebec, Atlantic and Bastem Divisions, except on Main Line, Sudbury to Port Arthur, are sold at principal stations, at t86.00 for 1,000 miles. These books are valid for one year from date of Issue, for purchaser only, whose signature they must bear, and are not transferable. Mileage Book Coupons are not good on trains, but must be exchanged at ticket office tor passage uoket before enteriuK cars. OomamtetlcaTrip TiOketa.for ten trips for purchaser and family ,and for twenty-six and fifty-two trips for six members of a family, within three months from date of purchase, are on sale at Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and London, to points within aboutiO miles distant. Full particulars on application to Ticket Offices in aoove cities. BsaaoM nokota (for purchaser only), for one, three, six or twelve months, averaging one round trip per week day, and Tickets (for purchaser only) for ten, twenty-six or fifty-two trips within three monUks, are on sale between all stations east of Port Arthur, for dis- tances of about 10 miles. Liberal season ticket rates tor students and pupils on certificate from head of schools. Bontea.— Unless otherwise stated tickets will be honored by the shortest and most direct line only. Tickets between Montreal or any point south or east thereof, and Toronto or any point west thereof , wlu Ssrmit holder to travel either via Smiths Falls Direct Line or via ttawa. Oolonlst noeplngChur Bertlia are free to all holders of 3nd Class, or Colonist, Tickets. I'hey are unupholstered, but bedding, etc„ can be purtdiased at Quebec, Montreal, St. Martin Junction. Ottawa, Carleton junniion. North Bay, Toronto Union, Port Arthur, Winnipeg, Hunting- don Juno, and Vancouver, at following ratee, vis. : Mattresses, 78 cents each; Blankets, W cents each: Pillows, Noents each; Straps, 15 cents each; Curtains, 78 cents per pair. 99 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY QBNBRAL INFORMATION-Oontlnuad Bafaraaea Mark* used in this folder aret •DaUy. t Daily except Sunday. I Sunday only. t Daily except Saturday. il Daily except Monday. II Refreshment Stations. • Buflbt Cars. O Cars owned by Sleeping Car Coys., not C. P. R. a Daily except Saturday Sc Sunday, b Monday and Wednesday only, c Monday and Thursday only. d Tuesday and Thursday only. e Tuesday and Friday only. / Flag Ucations ; trains stop only when required to leave off or take up passengers. At Sta- tions opposite which no time for trains is given on time tables, such trains will not Rtop. a TueB.,Thur8., Frl. and Sat. only, ft Wednesday and Friday only, i Saturday only. / Tues., Thurs. and Sat. r Mon, Wed. and Frl. 8 Sleeping or Parlor Cars. In event of disagreement with Conductor, relative to tickets, privi- leges, etc.. passengers should pay Conductor's claim, obtain receipt ana refer case to General Passenger Agent. Conductor has no discre- tionary power in such matters, but is governed by rules which he is not authorised to change. It Is impossible in this Folder's limited space to give rates or any description of tne vast territory through which thu Railway runs, but all Information will be promptly supplied on application to Oeneral Passenger, District or any Ticket Agent of the Company. The Company keeps a staff of Travelling Agents to accompany parties of tourists, sportsmen, or land explorers, and will, on application, when parties are bemg formed, send an Agent to render assistance and give necessary information. Special Bleeping Cars reserved for parties of not less than 18 First Class pass- engers at regular fares. The Company does not undertake that the trains shall start or arrive at the times herein specified, nor will It be acooimtable for any loss, inconvenience or injunr which may arise from delays or deten- tion; nor will it be responsible for any delay, detention, loss or injury whatsoever arising off its lines or from the acts or dofauUs of other parties, nor for the correctness of the times over the lines of other companies, nor for the arrival of this Company's own trains in time for, or to connect with, the nominally corresponding trains or steamers of this or any other company. CONNECTIONS RAILWAY, STEAMSHIP AND STAGE Junction points throughout this folder are designated by numbers following stations, which correspond with numbers prefixed hereto. 1. QUBBBO, Quebec Sc Lake St John Ry. o{m} for St Raymond, Roberval, Lake St John, Ferry to Levis, Intercolonial Ry. o for Riviere du Loup. Dalhouaie, etc. ; Steamers for Saguenay and St. Lawrence Oulf Ports ; Allan and Dominion Steamship Lines for Europe. 3. ST. Tl gg S mta., Lower Lauren tian Ry. 4. bOVISBVXUCiB. during summer with stage for St. Leon Springs. 5. XiAOHUTB,with Lachute & St. Andrew Ry. for Geneva, St. Andrew. 0. KOBTRBAK, Rich, tc Out. Nav. Co. : all Steamers for St. Lawrence Oulf and Newfoundland ; Beaver, Allan and Dominion Steamship Li nes f or Europe ; G. T. R. o for New York. Philadelphia, etc 7. ■*. JB BOM B, Great Northern Ry. o{m) for New Glasgow.P.Q. 8. OA&Uim, ferry for L'Orignal, Caledonia Springs, Hawkesbury and Van kleek Hill, Stage in Winter. B. AYIMBM, Pontiac Pacific Jc. Ry. forSu8sex,Monoton,Tmro Amherst, Halifax, Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton. Bay of .„ -,.S2S?i§;?--^°4j2' DiSfby. Annapolis, Halifax, Yarmouth, etc. 78. OBBBaT ▼AU^BT. stage for Alexandria. 80. TWBBD, Bay of Qninte Ry. & Nav. Co. ofm) for Napanee, Deseronto, Kingston, lands Kingston passengers in the heart of that city. At Kingston, St. Lawrence Steamboat Co. for Thousand Islands Rich. ft Ont. Nav. Co. for River St. Lawrence. At Napanee and Deser- onto, Bay of Quinte Steamers and Deseronto Nav. Co. 82. DETBOIT. all railway lines for Western States. 83. OABADOO, stage for Strathroy. 84. CHATRAM, Erie ft Huron Ry. for Dresden, WaUacebunt, Conrt- right. Sa mia. Fargo. Blenheim and Rond Ean. 85. WAXiKEBVI£U: JUITO., L.K. & D.R. Ry., for Kingsville, Leam- ington, etc. 86. BOBTK OKEBOOB, stage for Glencoe. 87. BT. ABDBBWB, Frontier S'boat Co. for Bastport, Camnobello. 90. KOBDOV. G. T. Ry. for Clinton, Goderich, Sarala, eta *^ " 91. OVBIiFK. G. T. Railway for Berlin, Stratford, eto. 93. OOU>BB, Kootenay Mall Str. "Duchess" for Windermere, FtSteele and Cranebrooke. gs. BAB FBABCXBOO, Steamers for Southern California, South Amer- ica, Sandwich Islands and Australasia. M. VXOTOBZA, SS. o for SanFranclsoo, Alaska, Pugeb Sound. 95. TZKBUBT. stage. 96. BOBTK BOTHWBLK. stage for Bothwell. 97. BOBTR THAMBBVZUA, stage for ThamesvUle, Rtdgetown. 98. MATTAWABHCBAO, Maine Central Rd. (m) for Lincoln, eto. 99. BDBnrNDBTOB, B.B., Temlscouata Railway. ■TBAMBBZP sailings herein are weather permitting; on the St. Lawrence River and Gulf, on the Kootenay River, and on the Lakes are during season of navigation only. F«rry Connections at Quebec, Prescottand Detroit and Steamship sailings from Van- couver, Victoria and San Francisco, and on Paolflo Coast are all the year. o SeeoondMiaedForelffaTliiicTftbl* la this Folder. (m) OmuiMtioBs wlthB»Uw»7S nutf kod thus (m) »m mad* laUatoa Btatloaa 1 whan not ao mukcd, th« statlomB of tli« dinnat OonpABlM M>« rapuato. 68 ST Z Q. < K O U J u h o 4il CO b0 o C 11 £0 oO Ok oo © ** CO o o a*' E{ C ">» e a E a HAIIA miiin BIAN PA CIFIC RAILWAY Thla thoronghlr-bnilt and splendldlr-equlpped line has earned a reputation for comfort and regular time that few lines In America have ever reached, and none until after many years of operation. In the eon- Btmotlon of this line the utmost oare was taken ynth every detail, and nothing was left undone to make It what it was Intended to be, the Tvej iMSt new Uae vrtne eouetraoted on the Amexleaa OoBttneat. Banlpment.— The line Is equipped with the finest Passenger, Sleep- ing and Parlor Cars in the world. The wheels used vjaiv all the pass- enger rolling stock are of Krupp steel, 40 inches in diameter, not one of whioh has ever failed ; the axles are of steel, and of the full size of the iron axles used on other lines. The oar bodies are strongly framed to meet any contingency, and are wider and higher than those of any other railway. Both first and second class oars are designed to secure uniform warmth, combined with perfect vemUation, in winter, and an abundance of cool air, with freedom from dusv, in summer ; the oars of no other line can compare with them in these tespects, nor In stiength, ele^^oe and comfort. ^rha Bleeplnff »Bd Farlor Oara are ownel( tTirni 6.48 6.00 8.08 8.N 8.88 6.60 7.06 7.80 7.88 7.46 8.00 8.10 8.88 8.n ».tl 8.48 8.00 8.10 8.86 8.68 _, 18.08^ (Ntgbt Rxp aim 18.88 ' oOinn 40JI tl.aTMl 7.SSJI 18.M lO.IT 11.88 n.n 11. tt 11.68W la.oatii la.ieui Tim 8.88 /8.4S" '^8.48 8.08 8.18 8.40 7.00 7.10 7.17 7.80HI Tma ft.m 8. ion 1S.43U U.4SUI 18.55 1.07 1.84 1.84 1.50" 8.15' 8.35 • 8.40' 8.50' 8.18 • 8.8I> '< •■..85" 4.15" 4.85" 4.85" 4.44 " 5.00" 5.15" 5.50" 6.05" 6.15 < 6.88ni 7.88MI 7.60l!ll 8.4VUf 8.48 " /8.50" 8.85 ' 9.04" 8.80" 9.80" 9.45" 9.55 " 10.06 " 10.15>M ,«8 M 45 70 78 T8 56 18.I6)!N *'' 18.81" 97 18.40 "107 18.67 " 114 1.08 "119 1.88 "187 I.IO "139 I.n"13a 1.48 " 187 1.68 "142 8.10 " 144 8.80 "159 8.40 " 165 1.48 "147 6.30MI 8.00W178 Bxp. •TATIONS lont'lJ Hoohelaga Klont'l. Windsor St. Uioal gip. _ ta.4uui{«7 34UI ■ Montreal June. .....TMileEnd....Ar. . fault au Recollett .. ...Bord au Plouffe.... .|8t, Martin Juno.l... . .8. Vincent de Paul... Terrebonne ... ...St. Henri L'Epiphanie 39 Vauolute 43 La Valtrie Road... Jollette Juno..... ro 47' 88' 80' 80" 18" 46' 88" 87' UM Hunt. .30*8 4.83*8 4.13*8 5.5i;' siis' 5.30" 5.13" 5.00" 4.40" 4.37" 4.17" 4.04*8 4.U1*M 3.39*11 3.39*8 3.38' 8.18' 8.01' 8.50* 3.85' 3.15' 1.55' 1.50' 1,40' 1.10' 13.48 • 13.33' 13.14" 13.08*8 ii.66r 11.48 11.81 11.18 10.48 10.80 10.80 ST. JOHN, N.B., AND VANOEBORO ■sp, lotto *S.SO fTBtOB lOiTiinonno /•.oe/1.68 top. ?"«■ •" ton Bxp. P.M, t6. Exp. Ao- oom A.M. lOtOOrt.OO 1007 iqjf30/«.43 ;i.l0/4.68lq^/«.47 /8.U 18.01 iq/96/«.49 />.18 6.0410.40 6.53 2.18;6.0e|lQr48»6.5« /B.87 8.18 IQ/51 /7.08 "••i/6.81 J7.1483 6.8711.06 7.3134 y>Jt/6.S8Un6/7.3388 io/08/6.48!liy3S 7.4383 10/08/6.66 ll>31/7.eO 34 10/16 6.0811.38 7.58 37 10ffl6/8.18 1^-47/8.07 401 in HI a •'X3.00 8.30 46 18.16 M.86J 6.84 :tt:....+7.8o tl.OO 18.00 I3^iONO 10/48 11/06 U/U 11.87 11/41 11/H 1.4818.36 n.66 A.M. 18.40 A.M. Lv|.»t.John,N.B.|.77 ^r Ar tn6t9.36g7 10t35t6.15 ' 18tOSt8.. t s.sot ; 4 I. Ml 451 7 551 11.55 i 9.U8I 9. 188 9.37 /9.38 /9.47 9.57 /10.06 /10.18 10.38 10 .« /1U.41 10.48 /10.58 /11.14 /11.33 /11.33 /11.45 /I 1.51* /1I.06! 18.16 /U.I8 /18.87 /U.47 irw uid^ «Bxp. 18.86( 1.401 anb. Bip. t i.soi 1.481 at. 1.60C 8.00 /8.08 8.10 8.88 8.801 8.80t 1.80 /8.88 8.40 8.68 4.00t 8.80t Mixed 8.Q0I s.iS 14.- 4.40B 4.478 a 4.161 14.87C Bxp. Br'nob tCxp. 1 6.10| 6.8: 18.80RM1 8.40E 6.87I!N| 4.66{ 6.06 6.16 /6.M 8.11 /6.t6 6.66 8.06 8.M 6.48 8.60 8.40 /6.6t 7.08 /7.18 7.80 7.40 /7.4B 808 /8.08 8.88 /8.88 /6.48 /8.68 8.08 8. lot at.l6{ 4.87( TiB 6.66 /6.67 6.01 8.10 8.17( 6.37PH 647 /8.4S 700 7.10 7.17RM Sub. PaoUe * Bzp. /lO.I 18.UC 8.88( TW 8.18 10.88( 13.151 OTTAWA TO MONTREAL STATIONS aAtlan Exp. Ottawa. .10 1 L Hull Gatineau East Templeton .... L'Ange Oardien W. Buckingham Rockland Thurso N. Nation Mills Papineauville Montebello Pointe au Chene.... Oalumet..8| Grenville St. Philinpe Argr.... St. Andrew ...L.ftSt. G eneva A. Ry . Laohute .5 St. Hermas Ste. Scholastique... Sti Augustin Ste. Therese Ste. Rose St. Martin Jc.l Bord a Plouffe Sault aux Recollets. Mile Ena Montreal Junc....Ar Montraal.Wins'rSt, Hochelaga.. Wontraal.Dal. >al.8l 1B.05J 8.15 8.30 / 8.35 8.48 8.584 9. 10 9.S Local Exp. Exp. I Kxp. t 7.004 7.08 /7.H 7.34 /7.38 7.45 /7.55 8.03 /8.15 8.3« 8.85 /8.5» 9.08 /9.11 /9.S7 M 9.08 9.38 /9.49 9.57 ri0.07 10.33 /10.a7 10.40 /ioiis' 10.556 '11.4()At 4. 11.48S/4, y* I8.16( /ir84 Yit.w Y'i.ik /1.80 1.88 /6, /8.16 yii'.u 8.68 8.006 AW^ ANb bROoftVlLLE rii.os*. 11. lot. B.80( 8.4H ,40 m «Bxp /I0.66 P.M, ' 8.40 / 8.46 / 8.61 / 4.00 4.18 1/6.48 . / 866 11.16/ 8.16 11.46 17.30 A.H. /S.40 10.00 /I0.14 /lO.M flO.88 10.46 /U.Ol 11.14 /11.86 /U.SI /I1.I6 /11.67 . /11.66 /11.68 13.30 A.M, Bxp. 4.80 4.40 P.M. T.ftB Exp. A.M. 111.86 /iiiis M.'oa / 18.46 /'iioo 'i!86 'i!40 /8.fl8 8.86 P.M. Bxp. M A.H, 713.35 1.30 STATIONS 1 3.10 5.34 'i'.w A,M, 11.30 /iiiis /ii.n /6.88 /6.88 11.00/6.14 /I0.40 •10.80 Lv Ar A.M. A.M, u..|. Ottawa. 10,|. 4.10 6.00 3 Skeads 5 Britannia 9 ..Bells Corners.. t5....Stittsville .... 34 Ashton 38.. Carleton Jo. i.. ,. Beckwith .... 34 ... Franktown ... 43 Welshs 44. aimltha Falls.. 90 Story 53... Irish Creek ... 58 Wolford 40 Bell 41 Jelly 64 Bellamy 47 Clark 49.... Fairfield .... 73..Brookvlll«.i3. A.M. Ar Lv A.I a Daily, axoept / Plaa Stations', n aiPODlno Cam. trnlDH leave Ottawa for ;;rlt.'.iiiiia 7.45 Returning leave Britannia 8. ou a. m , 6.11 p.m. Un Saturdays • AtT Bxp. Exp. A.M. Mxd. Exp. A.M. 8.55 /8.48 /8.43 8.34 8.30 7.58 7.45 /7.3« 7.18 /7.06 7.03 /4.51 4.48 /4.31 /4.38 /4.33 4.19 /4.18 / 6.10 ■■ 6.00 A.H. A.H. Mont Kxp. P.M. 6.46 /4.6e 4.47 '4.07 'r4i 8.18 I'iira P.M. Dally. 1 Dally, except Sunday. 7 Dally, except Honday Saturday and Sunday. < Saturday only II Refreshment Stnttoni. AddlMona) a.m., 6. 00 p.m train ieaves Ottawa for Britannia 1.80 p.m. instead of 6.00 p m. Returning, of 8.1lr~ leaves Prit inula 1.10 p,m. Ingtcad ' 1p.m. 87 CANADIAN PAC IFI C RAILWAY HIAD OFFICISl MONTRBAL, CANADA W. 0. TAH BOBm PredAmt Montnal T. O. SHAuaHNMUT Vlce-PrMldent " OHASLn DBiNKWATAS. Ssoretary " Gioiisx Olds Qenaral Traffic MmnsRer " HCNBVBiATTT Manager St«AnuMp UnM vxd Lak« Trtfflo Toroato LO. OflDXM OomptroUer MontrMl W. SDTBlBLAiro TATIAR ..TnaiQiw " D. McNicoLL a«nenl PAiwnger Agent " 0. B.B. USSHIB Aait Cleneral Paaaenger Agent " i. A. SHxmxLii. Supt. Sleeping, Dining A Parlor Can aal Boteli " L. k. Hahil'ton Land GommlMtoner Winnipeg. H. P. TIMMEBMAN General Superintendent, AUantlc Dlvliion Bt.John,N.B Thomas Tait Gen. Siiimrintendent, Ontario A QuelMC Dlvliion Toronto. 0. W. Spinoxb General Superintendent, Baatem Diviilon MontreaL WH. Whvtc General Superintendent, Weetem DtvlAion Winnipeg Babrt Abbott. General Superintendent. Ftdflc Dlviiion VanoouTar G. H. BOSWOBTB AMt Freigtit Traffic Mannger, 0. A Q., A. and R. Din. Toronto. ' BOBIBTKIRB Gen. Freight and Pus. Agt, W. and P. DIvliions Winnipeg. D. B. Bbown Aaat Qen. Freight and Paea. Agt. , W. and P. Divlaiona, Vancouver C. B. HCPhibson Aaat. Gen. Paaa. Agt., Atlantic Division, etc 8t.John,N,B E. TirFiN General Freight Agent. Atlantic Dlvialon StJohn.N.P W. B, nuLUNa, Jii Frcltcht Agent, Eastern Division, etc Montreal. J.N. 8DTHBBLAND General Freight Agent, Ontario Diviaion Toronto AO. HINBV Purchaaing Agent Montreal B. L. Pknky Auditor of Diabursementa " J. H. Shearinq Auditor of Passenger Receipts " C.J. Flanagan Auditor of Freight and Telegraph Recelpta " J. OBORNX Supt Car Service " G S Cantmr Acting Oeneni Baggage Agent " AGENCIES Adelaide, a us. -.AgenU oceanic SS. Co Baltlmors Md.. H. UcHurtrie, Freight and Paaaenger Agent.. MS Hast UermaaSt Bombay, India.. Thomas Cook a Son 13 Rampart Row BMa»A_ aa... JH' J. Colvln. New Rngland Paaaenger Agent.. 197 Waaliington St Boston, Mass \q_ A.TItcomb, Cltfpaaaenger Agent BrOOkVlllO, Ont...Geo.RHcGlade, Ticket Agent 14SMain Bt Buffalo, <«.N.Y...B.P. Allen, I^relght and Paaaenger Agent UBxchangeSt Calcutta, India. .Thomaa Cook A Son llOldCourtHouaeSt ChloasO, III... J.Francial/M.Uistrict freight and Pass. Agent.333 South Clark St Colombo, .... Ceylon.. Jardlne.Jlathcsim & Co BatrnI* Minh /C Sheehr, District Passenger .\gent , .11 Fort Bt West. uaxroii, """" \ Teo. R. Van Norinan, District Freight Agent. QlaaBOW,..Scotland..ArcherBaker,Buropean Traffic Agent 95 Gordon St HallfaB N.8..C.B. Barry. Ticket Agent llSHoUlaBt Hamilton, ..Ont.W^J.Grwt, Ticket Agent 8 James St Booth HIOKO,. Japan .Fra»r4 Co HonK konc,. . China. -Fxi ILnllowar, General Agt., China and Japan. HonOlU I U , H. I . .T. H. Davies & Co CO be Japan..Fraiar4Co IverpOOl, Eng... Archer Baker, Ruropean Traffic Agent TJamaaSt London, EnS...^ '' '' „ ' ' . " " «r,««KlngWiUiamSt,B.O. London Onl...T. R. Parker, Ticket Agent lllaaonic Temple Manchester... Eng.-.Archer Baker, European Traffic Agent 105 Market Bt Montreal Que .Wm. F.Kgg, District Passenger Agent 9M St James Bt N. Whatcom, Wash.B, OConnor, rasseiiKor AKcit ( B. V. Skinner, eneral Kastern Agent S5S Broadway fJew York N.Y,< J. Ottenhelmer. lAndand Emigration Agent . 1 Rmadway, ( Everett Fraiar, China aiid Japar Freight Agent, m Wall St Niagara Pall«,N.Y...D.Iaarca Proapect Rooae NlagaraFalla, Ont...Geo. M. Colbum Olllton Houae. Ottawa Ont...J. E. Parker, city Passenger Agent 42 8parkaBt Philadelphia,. ..Pa. . .H. McMuttrle. Freight and Paaaenger Agent. {^J^g^Mdj^ Portland, Me,..M. L. Wllllams, Maine Centra; Rd. Station Portland,..' Ore. . -W.R. HInellne, Freight anj Paaaenger Agent. ..14lt First St Pt.Townaend Wash. JMnea Jonea.^^. . . . 90 Taylor St, Quebec, Que. ..J- W. Ryder, Freight and Paaaenger Agent... Ht Louia Hotel. HanBOOn,..BuriTiah ..Thomas Cook a Son Merchant Street 8. Ste. Marie, Mioh.TB. Harvey STAahmunSt t. John :n.B..U, I'l'rl'T.TIcketAgent ChnbU Comer. St. Paul, Minn-C. R Dixon 183 East Third St. fM. M. Htern, District :>tel|;ht and Paaa. Agt... Chronicle Boiidlng San Franol«00,Cal.i D. B. Jackson^ Pas««,nger Agent... ....... ......4 NewHontg'err Bt I OoodaU, Perkins A Co., PaoTno Goaat 88. Co. . .10 Market Bt. Seattle Wash...B. W. MacGlnnea fhanshal iherBroof Toronto Qnt. te?ir':'..:.J:8 Wlnnlpe* .Man. Yokohama ..Japan r SUr-BordBuilding, I Front St u..^. t^uuun... . ,...„• nacu. 8 CommeTelal St Agent Oceanio Steamanlp Company w. R. Thompaon, Freight and Paaaenger AgentMl Pacillo Avenue I, ....China. ..lartllne, Mathesou & Co. •{a, . . Qiie. . -Geo. Duncan, Ticket Agent ..Australia J. O. THOMSON Chicago. a. A.BBNT U.K. IiiDOT.soN Montreal A A. LALANDB " W.BBITT " W. BKN80N Boston. W. R. Callaway, Diatrict Paaaenger Agent 1 King St. Kiut .0. McL. Brown, Ticket Agent .Allan Cameron, Freight and Paaaenger Agent. .Government 81 .W. M. HcUod, Cltj Ticket Agent 471 Main St .I