^. .^. %.. ^7^^- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I 1.25 ■- IlilM — 20 1.8 1-4 III 1.6 V] oroids. 131 ' Labischia Canadensis, Nicholson and Murie. (Sp.) Stromatoceriuni Canadense, Nicholson and Murie. 1878. Journ. Linn. See, Zool., vol. XIV., p. 2?3, pi. 3, figs. I) and 10. LabechiaCa7iadensi!i,^[chohon. 1886. Mon.Brit. Stromatop.. pt 1 , pi. 2, figs. 3-5 : and Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. XVIII., pi. 14, pi. 2, fig. 5. " " Nicholson, 1891. Mon. Brit. Stroma- top., pt. 3, p. 163, pi. 20, fig. 9. In Canada, so far as the writer is aware, this species has only been found in the Trenton limestone at Peterborough and Lake Couchiching, Ontario. At present it is not represented in the Museum of the Geological Survey at Ottawa. Labechia Huuonensis, Billings. (Sp.) Stenopora jTuroncnsis, Billings. 1865. Geol. Surv. Canada, Pal. Foss., vol. I., p. 185. Tetradiiim Huronense, Yoo\-Ci{\>iiVim\). 1883. Contr. Micro- PaljL'ont. Silur. rocks of Canada, pi. 7, figs. 1 and la, but not figs. 1, h-e. Labechia Ohioensis, Nicholson. 1886. Mon. Brit. Stroma- top., pt. 1, p. 32, fopt-note, pi. 2, figs. 1 and 2 : and Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. XVIII., p. 13, pi. 2, figs. 1 and 2. Labechia montifcra, Ulrich. 1886. Contr. Anier. Palffiont., vol. I., p. 33, pi. 2, figs. 9 and 9a. The types of Stenopora Huronemis are from the Hudson River formation at Cape Smyth, Lake Huron, where several fine specimens were collected by Dr. II. Bell in 1859, and not by Mr. A. H. Foord as supposed by Professor Nicholson. Mr. L. M. Lambe, who has recently studied these specimens somewhat exhaustively, is convinced that i:i2 Canadian Jiecard of Science. Lahechia Ohioennis, Nicholson, is identical with Sfmopora HuronenHis, and that the species ouj^ht to be called Lahechia Huronends. Most of the specinjens of this coral from Cape Smyth are lar^e and soirie of thorn are massive, but one encrusts a colony of Tetrad in m fihratatn and another nearly covers a shell of Vnrforera.s Podiimina. Of the six specimens figured by Foord under the name Tetradium Harouense (oj). cit., pi. 7), Mr. Limbe finds that while fig. 1 represents a portion of a specimen of Lahechia IfaronenKis encrusting Tetrad imnjihr a turn, and fig. la a ])ortion of a massive specimen of L. Haronenais, that figs. 1, h-e are sections of Tetradimn Jihrattim, Safford. A few specimens of L. ffcronejiMS were collected from the Hudson Kiver formation at Club Island, Lake Huron, by Dr. It. Bell in 1865, and from rocks of the same geological horizon on Lhe Credit River at Streetsville, by Mr. J. B. Tyrrell in 1888. liEATKiCEA NODULOSA, Billings. Beatrieea iiodiUosa, Billings. 1857. (ieol. Surv. Canada, Hep. Brogr. 185:3-56, p. 344 Hyatt. 1865. Am. Journ. Sc, vol. XXXIX., p. 266. Nicholson. 1886. Mon. Brit. Stroma- top., pt. 1, pp. 86, 88 and 89, pi., 8, figs. 1-8. In his " Catalogues of tlie Silurian fossils of the Island of Anticosti," Mr. Billings says that this species was coUectcul by Mr. James Richardson in 1855, from the Hudson R'ver formation at Wreck Roint, Salmon River, and Battery Roint, Anticosti, and from Division 1 of the Anticosti group at Macastey Bay. Specimens of the same Species in the Museum of the (geological Survey at Ottawa are labelled as having been collected by Mr. T. C. Weston, in 1865, from the same formation at and near the West end lighthouse, at English Head, and at Gamache (or BiiBMB I Cancuiiati StromuU^poroiilii. \X\ Ellis) Bay, Aiiticosti. Professor A Hyntt, who hiis collected muiiy si)eciinen.s of Ji. nodulom ut variouH localities on the same island, says that the size of the species, "as nearly as could be inferred from fraj^ments, is not over four feet lonj^, hy from tlii-ee to Jive inches in diameter at the larj^'cr end." To the nakcid eye some of the specimens look cs if they were encrusteil by a parasitic species of Laherkia, A silicitied specimen which aj>pears to he referable to this species, thou«,'h its internal structure is almost obliterated, was collected by Mr. Weston in 1884 from the upper beds of the Hudson Uiver formati(jn at Stony Mountain, Manitoba. r)KATl{I("EA UNDULATA, Billint>;s. Bmtricen tnidulahi, lUllings. 1857. Geol. Surv. Canada, Hep. rroj,'r. LS.l.'VoG, p. 844. " " Hyatt. 1805. Amer. Journ. Sc, vol. XXXIX., p. 266. r.illings. 1865. Can. Xat. ' ser. 2, vol. II., p. 405, fi^r " Nicholson. 1886. Mon. Bri. top., pt. 1, pp. 86 and 89. Numerous specimens of this remarkable fossil were collected from the Hudson Kiver formation and from J)ivisions 1 and 2 of the Anticcsti group, at several localities on the island of Anticosti, by Mr. J. liichardson in 1856, by Messrs. Verrill, Shaler and Hyatt in 1861, and by Mr. Weston in 1865. Characteristic examples of B. undidata have since been collected from the Hudson River formation at Snake Island, Lake St John, P.Q., by Mr. Richardson in 1857 ; at iiabbit and Club islands. Lake Huron, by Dr. R. Bell in 1859 ; and in the " Upper beds" at Stony Mountain, Manitoba, by T. C. Weston, and A. McCharles in 1884. A specimen in the Museum of the Geological Survey at Ottawa, collected by Mr. RicharQjon I'M Cavadian Umml of Scirnce. at (fanuuhe Hay, Aiiticosti, which is impeituft at Iwth viuh, is ten feet five inches in Icnj^'th, as stated by Mr. liillings, and a similarly iinjMM-fect sjH'ciinen collected by Messrs. Verrill, Shaler and Hyatt, is said to be thirteen feet and r. half in len«,'th. Professor ITyatt is of the opinion that the length of an entire and adult sjuicirnen of tiiis species was " certainly not less than twcntv feet." (Silurian species.) AcTIXOSTKOMA MATUTINU.M, Nicholson. ActiiLostroma inattUuium, Nicholson. LSOl Ann. and Mag. Nat. Fist., ser. (i, vol. \IL, p. .'522, pi. 0, figs. 1 ..nd 2. L'Anse an (lascon, five miles and a half east of Port Daniel, in the Jkie des Chaleurs, \h\ Pv. Pell, 1862: cne specimen, from Division 1 of the Chaleur group, which is supposed to be " about the horizon of the Niagara lime- stone." The Stromatopora roncoUrim of the list of Poit Daniel fossils on page 444 of the (leology of Canada is almost certainly this species. Clathuodictyon VESicuLOsr.M, Nicholson and Murie. Olathrodicfi/im vesiculosiim, Nicholson and Murie. 1878. Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool., vol. XIV., p. 220, pi. 2, figs. 11-13. Nicholson and Pt. Etheridge, jun., 1880. Mon. Silur. Foss. Crirvan, p. 238, pi. 19, fig. 2. Nicholson, 1887. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., sp.r. 5, vol. XIX., p. 1, pi. 1, figs. 1-3: 1889, Mon. Biit. Stromatop. pt. 2, p. 147, pi. 17, rigs. 10-13, and pi. 18, «S. 12. Specimens which liave been recently identified with this species were collected from the Niagara limestone at Vanadia n Sfromatnpnroids. 135 Lake Tciuis/aipin^' by Sir V^', K. I. )«;iin in 184"), at Thorold, Oiilurio, 1)_^ K. UilliiiyH in IHf)?, utid in tlie Anticosti f^rou)) at .luii('Li<»n Clitl' and tlu; we»fc side of (lainaclie or Kllis Hay, Ai.ticosLi, by T. ('. Weston in IHda. It apoears bo he very ahundant at Lake Temi.s- caniin}^, where speeiuiens were reeently (-ollected hy Dr. J?. Hell in I .SIC, and hy Mr. A. K. Harlow in IX!);! und 18<)4. (.'LATIIHODfCTYO.N KAHTKUATUM, Nieholson. Clatkrodirt iimi fast itj'uit II )ii , Nictiolson. 1 .SH(). Mon. l>rit.Stro- niatop., pt. 1. p. 4.'! fii^s. 3, a-h : and, 18H7, Ann. ind Mag. Nat. Hi.st., ser. o, vol. .\ IX., p. 8, pi. 2, Hg.s. o and 4 : also, 1888, Mon. Hrit. Stroniatop., pt, 2, p. 152, pi. 1!), figs. 1-5. In the Guelph formation at (Denelg Township, six miles from Durham, where a few specimens were collected hy Mr. Townsend in 1884. Clathkodictyox osTioi.ATi'M, Nicholsou. Sfrnrnataporaodiolaia,'Nicho]sou. 187.'1 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. XII., p. !)0, pi. 5, figs. 1 and la .• 1874, Rep. Pal. Prov. Ont., pi. 1, Hgs. 1 and la: 1875, liep. Pal. Prov. Ont., p. Gl] : and, 1878, Journ. Linn., Hoc. ZooL, vol. XIV., pi. 2, figs. 1 and 2. Clxfkrodu'fi/on {Stromatopora) ostioloia, Nicholson. 1886. Mon. Brit. Stromatop., pt. l,p. 14. Clnthr()diciij()n.odlolatum,W\Q\\o\s,o\\. 1887. Ann. and Mag, Nat. Hist, ser. 5, vol. XIX., p. 11, pi. 3, figs. 1-3. The type of t; '^ species was collected at Guelph, in the Guelph formatioi., by Mr. John Wilkie, not later than the year 1873, and specimens have since been obtained at 1'''6 Canadian Record of Sew, ice. Klora by Mr. Daviy Professor Nicholson fro,n tbe Niagara lin.estone at Tborold, Z there is a single specimen in the Museum of the GeoWicul Sur.ey at Ottawa, which was collected from the Gud formation at Durham, by Mr. Townsend in 1884. Stromatoj'oka Galtensis, Dawson. (Sp.) Camstroma aalte..e, Dawson. 1875. Life's Dawn on tbe Kiiitii, p. 100 : and, 1879, Quart. Journ. (Jeol. Soc. Lond., vol XXXV p. 52. ' ' " Stromafopora GaltenMs, Xicbolson. 1891. Mon. Jbit. Stro- „ , iiiatop., pt. :!, p. 17;; Hespeler, T. ( '. Weston, 1807 : one specimen. l>rofes ,r Nicho son, who has examined a portion of this specimen ays (op. cit.) that its minute structure "is pricticX destroyed by dolomitization, but all its general eta s would lead to the belief that it is very closely reb Id o i^t^tT;;-^^-' 1^--- -d is probably ilj^tl spencer, from the Niagara lin.estone near Hamilton, doe not appear to be in any way distinguishable as regards general characters from C Galta,., Dawson, and^^tha h IS strongly disposed to think that it is really identic^ with S. t,,.a Eosen. If the above view should . T be correct, then C^nostro^ia Gciense, Dawson, and^ Canadian Strom atoporoid.H. ISI condellatum, Spencer, must be considered as synonyms of S. typica, liosen." It remains to be seen wbetber Spencer's C. comtt'llatum is the same as Hall's Srnmafopora vonsMlata (Pal. N. York, vol. iL, 185l>,p. :^,24, pi. 72, figs. 2, a-h), which latter species has nut been examined microscopically. Stromatopora. constellata, Spencer. (Sp.) Crmxosh'oina comtellata, Spencer. 1884. linll. :Mns. Univ. St. Missouri, vol. I., No. 1, p. 48, pi. 0, fig. 11. " Xear the top of the Niagara series, at Carpenter's lime- kiln, two miles and a half south of Hamilton, where it is abundantly found associated with Ca^nostroma hotnjoi- dcum." Spencer. See the remarks on the preceding species. Stromatoi'ORA Hudsonica, Dawson. (Sp.) Cminopora Hiuhouicu, Dawson. 187!). <,)uari. Journ. Geol. Soc. Loud., vol. XXXV., p. 52, pi. 4, fig. 9, and pi. 5, fig. 10. Stromatopom HvAhonica, Nicholson. 1891. Mon. lirit. Stro- matop., pt. :'), \). 172: and Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. VII., p. ;! 12, pi. 8, figs. 1-3. The type of this species was collected by Dr. E. Bell in 1878 on tiie Albany Iliver, Hudson's lUy, in rocks which are said to be of rpi)er Silurian age, though ui)ou what evidence is not stated. Another specimen, which has since been identified with S. Hudsonlca, was obtained by Dr. II. liell in 1878 at Cape Churchill. Stjiomatopora Carteri, X'icholson. Stromatopom Carteri, Nicholson. 1891. Mon. Brit. Stro- matop., pt. n, p. 174, pi, 1, figs. 6-7 : and Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. VII., p. 'MA, pi. 9, figs 5 and G. 138 Canadian Record of Science, Inn??' T^^ .^"'"'^^^'" "^■'^'"P^^ ^ '"^ve seen is from a SVHING08TK0MA EiSTiGoucHExsE. Spencer. (8p.) ■ OmioMroma MistAgoachense, Spencer. LS.S4. liull. Mus. Univ Missouri, vol. I., No j^ p _^j," %'%o.fr...r. Iilstigoucke,se,^iM^,,, ,,S8(J. Mon. Brit. Stroniatop.,pt. l,p.97^pl jj_ figs. 11 and 12: and, 1891,' Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist ' ser. 6, vo]. VJI., p. 324, pi. 8,' figs. ^-S. In rocks Lelieved to be of the -.^o of the Lower Holder (Devonian S2mies.) AcmosTROMA EXPAXSUM, Hall and AAliitfiel,!. (Sp.) >S^.'o;M./o^,om expansa, Hall and Whitfield. 1873. Twenty third Keg. Hep. X. Y. St. Cab. Nat jr , ^ist., p. 22(], pi. 9, fig. 9. AcHnostronra c:cpansum, Nicholson. 1891. Ann. and Ma. Nat.Hist.,ser.6,vol.yiI.,p.;.]io pi. 10, figs. 1 and 2. ^"<»a,at asmall,.,l„„.lon the south-east .si.le of Itowson ;ay, where two .,,eei,„e„s were collected by Mr J lyrrell m 1889. ^ ' ^^' Canadian Stromatojm'oids. 139 AcTiNOSTKOMA Tyhrellii, Nicholson. Actinostroma Tyrrdlii, Nicholson. 1891. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. VII., p. 317, pi. 8, figs. 4 and o. Apparently not nncomnion and in fine condition in the Stringocephalns limestone at five different localities on the shore and islands of the southern portion of Dawson Bay, Lake Winnipegosis, where specimens were collected by J. B. Tyrrell and D. B. Dowling in 1889. ACTINOSTROMA WlIITEAVESII, Nicliolson. Actinostroma Whiteavesii, Nicholson. 1891. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 6, vol. VII., p. 320, fig. 2, and pi. 9, figs. 3 and 4. Peace Eiver, ne^'r- the mouth of Little lied Kivei', Professor Macoun, 1875 : two specimens. Actinostroma fexestratum, Nicholson. Acti7iostromafencsirat ton, Nichohon. 1889. Mon. Brit. Stro- matop., pt. 2, p. 146, pi. 17, figs. .8 and 9: and, 1891, Ann. and Mag Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. VII., p. 322, pi. 10, figs. 3 and 4. North-west shore of Lake Manitoba, at Pentamerus Point, three miles and a half north of the mouth of Crane Kiver, J. ll Tyrrell and J. F. Whiteaves, 1888 ; several specimens. Lake Winnipegosis, on two small islands at the southern end of Dawson Bay ; also on the south- western shore of Dawson Bay a little to the west of Salt Point, and at the south end of Kowan Island, in the western jwrtion of the bay, J. B. Tyrrell, 1889 : one specimen from each of these localities. I'lO Canadian Record of Science. ( 'LATHHowcTvoN CELLULOsuM, Nicl)oIson and Murie. Clathrodietyon celhdo.mn ,^[,hohon an.lMurie. 1878. Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool., vol. XIY., p. 221, })].^ 2^ tigs. 9 and 10. Nichol- son, 1887. Ann. and Maw Nat. Hist., Her. 5, vol. XIX., p. 11, pi. 2^ figs. 7 and 8. "Not unconMnon in the Corniferons Lin.estone (J)evon- ^ anacia. AichoLson. CLATIfltODICTVOW LAXUM, Niciiolson. Clathrodiet!,on /......Nicholson. 1887. Ann. and Mag. Nat Hist., ser. ->, vol. XIX., p. 12^?!. 3 figs. 4 and ,"). , :T ■ ,^^ '""' ''?'«'-•'■"«" i" tl'e Museum of the . «log,cal ^u,..ey at Ottawa, which was ulctifie,! w h s speces h, Vofessor Nicholson, was collected ™ ivev. vv . Ainuer .Seaborn m 1884. CLATmtowcTvo.v RETU-OBME, Nicholson and Murie. (Sp.) %/«*Wy.„ ,r<,/„™., Nicholson and Murie. 1878. .loura Linn. Soc, Zool., vol. XIV., p. 222 /-.;,„ ,-, f'- -■ %• 14. and pi. 3, HfTs. 1-3 Ck„l,ro,U,-f„„„ ,■,.,>„„,,, Nichohon. 1887. An„.° and Mag. ^iU. Hist.,ser. o, vol. XIX. p 13 pi. 3, figs. 6-8. ' ' '' "Rare in the Hamilton formation rDevonian^ ^^ Arkona, Ontario," where it was discovere 1 b J n T Huide. Nicholson. ^ "^^ ^' '^- Canadian Stro matopo roids. 141 Stromatopora. (Sp.) "Ofr. S. huchclimsis, Bargatzky, sp." Nicholson. 1891. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, vol. VII., p. 313. According to Professor Nicholson (op. cit.) two speci- mens collected by Mr. Tyrrell in 1889 from the Stringocephalus limestone of two small islands in Dawson Bay, Lake Winnipegosis, " have the general aspect of Stromatcrpora huckeliensis, liarg. sp., and are probably referable to this species. Unfortunately the specimens in question are dolomitized, and their internal structure is so far altered that this reference cannot be regarded as free from doubt." Stromatopora. Sp. " Cfr. Stromatopora Hwpschii, Barg., sp." Nicholson. 1891. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. VII., p. 314. Lake Winnipegosis, at the south end of Snake Island (one specimen), and on a small island on the south-east side of Dawson Bay (one specimen) ; J. B. Tyrrell, 1889. In reference to these two specimens Professor Nicholson observes (op. cit., p. 314) that they " belong to a species of Stromatopora in many respects similar to S. Hiipschii, Barg. Structurally they agree witii the latter common European and British type, and ditler from S. Bucheliensis, Barg., in their coarse skeleton fibre, the lax reticulation of the skeleton, and the loose spreading form of the astrorhizffi. The internal structure of these specimens is. however, very poorly preserved, and it would be rash to refer them unreser\'edly to S. Hiipschii." Stromatoporella granulata, Nicholson. Stromatoporclla granulata, Nicholson. 1873. Ann. aiul Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. XII., p. 94, pi. 4, figs. 3 and 3a ; and, I 142 Canadian Record of Scienci 1886, Moil. JJrit. Stromatop., pt. 1, pp.98, 94, pi. 1, figs. 4, 5 and 15, pi. 4, lig. 0, and pi. 7, figs. 5 and G : also, 1891, Ibid., pt. 3, p. 202, pi. 26, fig. 1. Hamilton formation at Arkona and near Thedford, Ontario. According to Professor Nicholson (Mon. Brit' Stromatop., p. 203), this species has been fonnd only in the Hamilton formation and S. Sclwi/nii in the Corni- ferous. Stkomatoporella Selwynii, Nicholson. Strom atoporella Selwynii,WiG\\(yhon. 1892. Mon. Brit. Stro- niatop., pt. 4, p. 205, pi. 1, fig. 14, and pi. 26, figs. 2-4. " Not uncommon in the Corniferons limestone of Port Colborue, Ontario." Nicholson, op. cit., p. 205. Stkomatoporella incuustans, Hall and Whitfield. (Sp.) Stromatopora (Cmnostroma) incrustans, Hall and Whitfield. 1873. Twenty-third liep. Reg. N.Y. St. Cab. Nat. Hist., p. 227, pi. 9, fig. 3. Stromatopora nulliporoidcs, Nicholson. 1875. Hep. Pal. Prov. Ont., p. 78. Stromatoporella incnistans, Nicholson. 1891. Ann. and Mao-. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. VII., pp. 309 and 310, footnote. "Hamilton formation at Arkona, an.l Corniferons lime- stone, at Port Colborne, Ontario." Nicholson. It is also abundant in the neighborhood of Thedford, Ontario, in the Hamilton formation. Stromatoporella (?) tuberculata, Nicholson. Stromatopora tnhercidata, Nicholson. 1873. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. XII., p. 92, pi. 4, figs. 2 and 2a: Canadian Stromatopnroids. 143 1874, Il)id.,ser.4,vol. Xni..n 8, Hgs. I, a-c: Itep. Pal. I'rov. Out., p. 14, ])!. 1, f,Vr,s. 2 and 3, and %s. 2, a-r, (.11 p. 15: and, 1887, Ann. and ^lajr. Nat, Hist., ser. 5, vol. XlX.,p. 15, pi. 3, figs. 9-11. Common m the Corniferous limestone at Hidgeway and Port Colborne. Nicholson. B. Species of douhtfcl affinitfk.s, that have not YET BEEX EXAMINED WITH THE MICROSCOPE. {Cambro-Silnrian species.) Strom ATocEKiuM rugosum, Hall. Stromatoceriam riigusum., Hall. 1847. Pal. N. York, vol. I., p. 48, pi. 12, figs. 2, 2, a-h. Stromatopora rugosu, Billings. 1873. (}eol. Canada p 140 fig- V2. According to Professor Hall, "this coral, so far as known, is confined to the Black-river limestone, and to the •dark layers alternating with the Bird's-eye limestone." (op. cit., p. 48). In the Province of Quebec, specimens of this species were collected at Lake St. John, two miles west of the Metabechouan Kiver by Mr. James Eichardson in 1857. In Ontario, specimens were collected at Paquette's Kapids, on the Ottawa Eiver, by Sir W. E. Logan in 1845 ; at Balsam Lake, Victoria Co., by Mr. Alexander Murray in 1853 ; and on Lot 13, Con. 4, of Stafford, by Mr. Richard- son in 1853. In the "Geology of Canada" for 18G3 the species is recorded as occurring on the Moira liiver, Hastings Co. ; in the township of Douro, near Peterborough. ; and on Lacloche Island, Lake Huron. The specimens are usually silicitied and their minute structure seems to be obliterated. At I^aquette's Kapids there are two I 144 Canadian Eecord of Science. forms (the one with a massive ami the other with an encrustincr cienosteum), both of which have been identified with tliis" species by -1. W. Salter and E. BilHngs. The encrnstinfj form, wliich often ahnost entirely covers the exterior of shells of Macliirea Logani, has somewhat the appearance of e Lahechia. {Silurian species.) Stkomatopora Hindei, Nicholson. Stromatomra Hindei, Nicholson. 1874. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. XI II., p. 12, and p. 13, figs. ?>, a-c. : also Rep. I'al. Trov. Ontario, p. 13, figs. 1, a-c. "Common in a magnesian limestone of the age of the Niagara limestone (Upper Silurian), at Owen Sound, Ontario. Collected by Mr. G. d. Hnide.' Nicholson. This species must be abandoned, as, m a letter recently received by tlie writer, Professor Nicholson says that " it was founded on a weathered Ctmites perforated by some boring orgtuiism." Stiiomatopoua striatella, Nicholson. Stroviaiopora striatella (D'Orlngny), Nicholson 1875. Hep. I'al. Prov. Ont., p. 49. « Common in the Niagara Limestone of Thorold. Rare at Rockwood." Nicholson. This identification, however, is not confirmed, as the occurrence of S. striatella, D'Orbic^ny (which is now known to be a Clat/irodicti/on) at these localities, is omitted by Professor Nicholson in his most recent references to that species. CAUNorouA Walkeki, Spencer. Caunopom Walkeri, Spencer, 1884. Bull. Mus. Univ St. Missouri, vol. I., No. 1, p. 46, pi. b, figs. 9 and 9a. Lower beds of the Niagara formation at Hanulton, CantiiUan Stroinatopor&ids. 145 Ontario. " In the specimens that 1 haveseen, the original matter is all Hilicitied" Spencer. Caunopora mirabilis, Spencer. Caunopora mirahilis, Spencer. 1884. Bull. Mus. Univ. St. Missouri, vol. I., no. 1, p. 47, pi. 6, figs. 10, 10, a-b. " Only one specimen has been obtained from the Niagara formation at Hamilton, so far as I am aware." Spencer. C.i^iNOSTROMA BOTRYOIDEUM, Spencer. Cwnostroma botryoideum, iipencer. 1884. Bull. Mus. Univ. St. Missouri, vol. I., no. 1, p. 50, pi. 6, tigs. 13, 13. a-b. Abundant " in the Upper Niagara beds at Carpenter's limekilns, about two and a half miles south of Hamilton, Ontario." Spencer. DiCTYOSTROMA RETicuLATUM, Spencer. Didyostroma reticidahtm, Spencer. 1884. Bull. Mus. Univ. St, Missouri, vol. I., no. 1, p. 51, pi. 6, figs. 14 and 14a, " It occurs in the cherty beds of the Niagara formation at Hamilton, Ontario." Spencer. {Devonian sjjecies.) Stromatopora perforata, Nicliolson. Stromatopora perforata, Nicholson. 1874. Ann. and Mag. Nat, Hist,,ser. 4, vol. XIII., p. 11, and p. 12, figs. 2, a-c ; also Rep. Pal. Prov. Ont., p. 15, and p. 16, figs, o, a-c. "Pare in the Corniferous limestone of Port Col borne," Ontario. Nicholson. A46 Coiwdian Jiecfrt^l of ^(;knce. 11 ii!"i I' . "iSfrKOAiATCJi^ouA : MivMiLLATA, Nicholson. Stromatopora ma)iimiil(ifa,}^.\c\\o\mn. 1873. Ann. and Map;. Nat. Hist., SQV. 4, vol. XT!., p. 94, 1)1. 4, fi