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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre raproduit en un saul clichA. il est fiimA i partir de i'angia sup4rieur gauche, de gauche i droite. et de h^ut en baa, an pranant la nombra d'images n^cessaira. Las JIagrammas suivants illustrent la m^thoda. 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 > THE InnpH Ij^rngraiDM. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. NANNERY & McDOWALL. . . Lessees and Managers. MOI^TD^Y EVENING, JUNE 1. 18'7'4-. BENEFIT of MISS GERTRUDE KELLOGG. SHAKESPEARE'S CELEBRATED 5 ACT TRAGEDY, mill BOMEO, Friar Lawrence, Hercutio, Benvolio, Paris, Oapalet, Tybalt, Peter, - Apothecary, • Belthaeer, JULIET, Lady Capulet, Nurse, KB. NEIL WABNEB Mr. Charles LoTeday Mr. 0. H. Barr Mr. H. D. Bebns - Mr. W. H. Toang Mr. J. W. Hague Mr. E. A. McDowaU Mr. Walter Scott - Mr. J. H. Beddy Mr. Chas. Arnold MISS QEBTBUDE KELLOOO Miss Carrie Jamieson Mrs. Fliza Young To conclude with the auiusiii}; Furcc, I^end Me Five Stiillin^s. Mr. Oolightly, Capt. Phobbs, Capt. Spruce, Moreland, Sam (a waiter), Mrs. Major Phobbs, Mrs. Captain Phobbs, W. F. Owen Charles Loveday W, H. Young M. D. Bcbus Walter Scott Mrs. Carrie Jamieson Miss Belle Chipendale ADMIBSION TO MATINEE. — Ladies, 25 cents ; Children. 15 cents; Male Adults, 50 cents. The Box Office is open every day from 10 a. in. to 4 p. m. SCALE OP PEICES -Orchestra Chairs, 60 ots,. Reserved Seats, 76 ots., Ist Balcony, afl eta., Beserved Seats, let Balcony, 60 cts., Upper Balcony, 26 ots. TUESDAY EVENING, June 2nd, Bobertson's Charming Comedy, SCHOOL. BOUQUET l»ROGRAMME. THH ESTEY ORGANS FINEST ORGANS III tlie World More Ketey OrRan? aoUl in N. I!, durinit lust 12 months thiin nil tho other Orisan.". Prices from SCO to i'JM. CalaloKUcfl free. LAHSSY & HoCABTHY, 44 King St., St. John, N.B. 7irflt>olau Pianofortes from gdoo upwards. New Sheet Muaio and Musio Books at lowest prices- Orders by maU promptly attended to. The Subscriber calls the attention of those wishing to purchase To his large nnd varied Stock of first-class MACHINES, viz : HOWE MACHINES, All kinds and styles, New York iniAe. isiNOx:ri M ACiiTTVias, For Family and Manvfaeturina. Wanzer Machines, for Family and Manufacturing. Wheeler it Wilson, and Webster, Otc. 7^1,90 — Knitting Kaehinea at reduced prices. Madame Demokest's TArEii Patteiix?, Spring Styles. C. H. HAIX, 68 Germain Street. J. D. LAWLOR. Mannfaotnier of Tie Siiipr Fafflily, l\w MamifaGtiiriiii, B, P. Howe aai Law lor SEWING MACHINES, [the imperial saponaceous »li:iNTIFIlICK, j A delicious, fnigniut, agreoible and deliglit- I fill preiMiration I'or tlie teeth and gum.'*. f'mr Nflie fry GEO. STEWART, Jr., Pharmaceutical Chemiit, I :'.l Kinir Street. Craiil Wi 40 KING STREET. 40 RAILWAY. All Idndi of Sewing Macliiiiei Bepaired add Improved. DRAMATIC SEASON, 1874. •LATEST The Coolest and most doU ioos SODA. W jV T X-i R with the choicest Fruit Syrups is disiionscd at P B. MABTEB'S Drug Btore, 81 KINO STBSET, From theXriumph, the largest and most elabo- rate fountain in the Lower Provinces. Mr. Wm. Nannery has much ; pleiiBurc ill aunouueiii}j; to his Friends 1 and tlie Public that lie has associated j with him in his management this j (present) soasou, K. A. M'DowEr,!-, | Esq , of New York, and begs leave j to inform the public that they will occupy the Academy of Music for a 1 short season, for the purpose ofi presenting to the citizens of St. ; John u series of Refined Dramatic j LcSS than by any Other rOUte. Entertainments, including the great , n^^g and every inlormation can be ob- novelties and triumphs of the London i taineock Street. The best House in tho city for H E ^ 1 > Y - M iV !> E --^AND - CHJSf OM CL\ith a little to get it out. We beg most respectfully to call attention t<. our large and varied stock of f jch fliick f ilks, LYONS MillTLS VELVETS, SHAWLS, JACKETS AND MANTLES, ffaacy Dross Matonais, , BOUILLON'S 1st Cl©lce KM RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, LACES, &c., &e. LIKELY, CAMERON & GOLDING, S3 KINO STBEET. One of the German clothing dealers in Maine recently sold a man a pivir of bootfl. A few days afterwards the man returned with them, and said he went out in the barnyard to work where it was a Uttle wet, and the soles came off. "Ah Himmel, mine friend, you didn't oug)it to walk roimd mit dem. Dey ish cavalry boots, made to ride mit ! " A D.VNOEitous Chakactkr.— A man who takes hfe cheerfully. Keep your wife at home, if you can —that is, if you have a home for her ; if not take her to the Theatre with you every night, and then you'll both be out of hiu'm's way. .V inixii wnt II note to a rich neiglibour with whom he was on friundly terms, to Ijorrow an ii98 tor a few liours. The wortliy old man was no scholar, and happeneil to have a ^iieat aitting witli him «tthelim«. to whom he did not wish to expose his ignorance. Opening the note, and pretend- ing to read it, lie retleoled a moment, and turned to the servant. "Very good," paid lie; "tell your master I'll come my-sell' presently. " A school teudier spelled oul the ^^ord " g-r-a-c-e, " and asked a rcholar to jiron- ounoe it. He gave it up, when the teacher, to refresh his memory, asked him," What did your father say "this morning hel'ore eatiii" his breiikfust! " 'I'hn '.loy thought a ininuU', and then cried, "Pa said," Uaiig those eggs, they're all bad ! ' " BOUQUET PROGRAMME, i^K/i^y^ A vMair TO Manchester Robertson & Allison's P a^.. w^^^J IBfAlMSH No. ST TCIISTG STREET, Will ivell repay any one for the trouble. Every attention shown to visitors ivhether purchases arc made or not. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures— Only one Price. MUSIC ANr> MUSICAI^ MERCHANDISE PIANOS. OMGAW8. GEO. WOODS & CO. AND THE TAYLOR & FARLEY Organ COMPANY. STEIN WAY & SONS. CHICKERING &. SONS. IIAINKS BROS, WEBER A CO. VOSE cv SONS. JRcirresented by and sold at E. FEIIilM & BMOTHEl, 64 Frimce William Street, Saint Jolm, I. E. M, a BARBOUR, 48 JPt'ince William Street, Has jnst received per Steamsliips India, Olympia, Delta, Tkojan and Royal Mail Steamer,s, via Halifax, liis Spring and Summer Stock of STAPLE ANr> :^ANCY DRY GOODS, CONSISTING IN PART OF J. C. BONITET & Co., and JATTBEET'S celebrated make of BLACK SILKS. CoU Sis M Moire Antipes, Bonnet Silts, Satins, Irisli Fojiins in all tie FasUonatle sMles. [[^°All the Silks in this establishmrnt liave been selected with the greatest care, and with due regard to durability. 3000 Pairs of BOUILLON'S 1st choice JOSEPHINE GLOVES in I & 2 buttons for Street and Evening wear. OBBaa QOQOa m all TBB PABBIONABLB MATBRMLa FOB TMB aBAaoN, Lacks in Hlack and White Maltese English Tlireiid. IIoniton, Duchksse and Cluny Lace Sette, Sleeves, (dollars. &c., ill f;reat variety. Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Hats, Bonnet*, in all (he new shades and designs, M 1 T.Ll I\ li2 11 V I rv A T^ Xj its M R jV TV C H 13 S . Mantles and Costumes Made to Order in the latest and most Jfashionabte Styles, and perfect satis- faction ffuaranteed in eyery particular, VL C. BABBOT7B, 48 Friaoe William Street. GrRAND Matinee Hatuii'da.y, 3.30 p. m. Admission '25 cts., Children 15 cts. ^'"/ THE s MUbkiUM II>ooi>N Open at 3 p. in. ii -16 am not deacidified