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Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut canadien de microreproductions historiques / ^»^^^^^^ • ^» J COUNTl Pursuant to the Decree and an o G-ilroy, and bearing date respective! sale by mmmmmmmmmmmmmm^mmmt mmm 9«i>«HH OF HRp ...i ^^^^Hh IN THE IN THE ee and an order made by the Court of Chancery, in a cause of respectively the 26th and 28th days of June, 1876, there will 1: a cause of HoUiday vs. there "will be offered for '^ Photographic Sciences Corpordtion }3 WIST MAiN STREET WEBSTER N Y !4580 716 1 872 4S03 ^:^'' Technical and Bibliographic Notes/ Notes techniques et bibliographiques The Institute has attempted to obtain the best original copy available for filming Features o* this copy which may be bibliographically unique, which may alter any of the images m the 'eproduction or which may significantly change the usual method of filming, are checked below Coloured covers/ Couverture de couleur Covers damaged/ Couverture endommagee Covers restored and/or laminated/ Couverture restaurde et/ou pelliculee Cover title missing/ Le titre de couverture manque L Institut a microfilme le meilleur exempiaire qu il lui a ete possible de se procurer Les details de cet exemplaire qui sont peut etre uniques du point de vue bibliographique qui peuvent modifier une image reproduite ou qui peuvent exiger une modification dans la m^thode normale de filmaqe sont indiqu*s ci tier^-^ous Coloured pages/ Pages de couleur Pages damaged/ Pages endommagees Pages restored and/or laminated/ Pages restaurees et/ou pelliculees Pages discoloured, stained or foxed/ Pages d^colorees. tachet^es ou piquees C b t s fl s Coloured maps/ Cartes gAographiques en couleur Coloured ink lie other than blue or blackl/ Encre de couleur lie autre que bleue ou noirel Coloured plates and/or illustrations/ Planches et/ou illustrations an couleur Bound with other material/ Reli^ avec d autres documents Tight binding may cause shadows or distortion along interior margin/ Lareliure serree peut causer de I'ombre ou de la distorsion le long de la marge interieure Blank leaves added during restoration may appear within the text Whenever possible, these have been omitted from filming/ II se peut que certaines pages blanches ajout^es lors d une restauration apparaissent dans le texte, mais, lorsque cela 6tait possible, ces pages n ont pas 6ti filmdes □ Pages detached/ Pages detachees Showthrough/ Transparence Quality of print vanes/ Qualite inAgale de I impression Includes supplementary material/ Comprend du materiel supplementaire Only edition available/ Seule Edition disponible Pages wholly or partially obi Jied by errat.i slips, tissues, ate . have been refilmed to ensure the best possible image- Las pages totalement ou partieilement obscurcies par un feuillet rt errata une pelure etc . crit (ite fdmAes A nouveau de facon a obtenir la meilleure image possible T s T V d e b ri ri n Additional comments / Commentaires supplementaires (Printed ephemeral 1 sheet (verso blank) This Item is filmed at the reduction ratio checked below/ Ce document est film6 au taux de reduction indiqud ci-dessous. 10X 14X 18X 22X 26 X 30X 1 1 i X' 1 ! ! ! ! i 12X 16X 20X 24 X 28 X 32 X mpiaire Les details jniques du vent modifief exiger un« e de filmage 55 «8d/ piquees / ntaire id by errata limed to merit I. une pelure e facop d le 32 X The copy filmed here has been reproduced thanks to the generosity of; Douglas Library Queen s University The images appearing here are the best quality possible considering the condition and legibility of the original copy and in keeping with the filming contract specifications. 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L exemplaire filmA fut reproduit grAce A la gin^rositA de Douglas Library Queen s University Les images suivantes ont *t6 reprcduitns avec !e plus grand soin. compte tenu de la condition et de la nettetA de I'exemplaire filmA, et en conformity aver les conditions du contrat de fMrr.aye. Les exemplaires originaux dont la couverture en papier est imprimAe sont film^s en commen(pant par le premier plat et en terminant soit par ia derniAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'iliustration, soit par le second plat, selon '.« cas. Tous les autres exemplaires originaux soiit film^s en commenpant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'iliustration et en terminant par la derni^re page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la derni^re image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ♦> signifie "A SUIVRE' , le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent 6xte film^s A des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd d partir de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche A droite. et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images n^^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 WKK^"' le It in nt id iar Ue Pursuant to the Decree and an o] Q-ilroy, and bearing date respective! saJe by in three separate parcels, with the approbation of Auctioneer, at the GLOBE HOTEL, in the VILLAGE OF BI at NOON, the following' lands and premisoi : FABOSL Ho. 1. The South three quarters of Lo be the same more or less, of which 130 aores are cl erected on this parcel a good frame bam with cow dwelling house. The property is situate about tei is distant about one mile and a-half from Myrtle S PAEC3EL No. 2. The South-^WTest part of Lot Nu taining 81 il^o acres, be the same more or less, and d^ Number 22rthence North 16 degrees, West 30 cha: South 74 degrees, 'West 10 chains, more or less, to centre of the said Concession ; thence South 74 de degrees, East 50 chains, more or less, to the South- place of beginning ; all of which is cleared. There stable, and open sheds. It is situate about one m FAZIOEL No. 3. Villas^e Lot Number Eleven, in Esquire, P.L.S., of part of Lot Number Seventeen, i Registry OflBce for the County of Ontario, save an< son to one Charles T. Young, by deed bearing date the Bighteer hereby to be sold being thirty eight feet in width, fronting on S said lot contains one quai-ter of an acre, be the samo more or lea and a number of fruit treees. CONDX I As to parcel number three no evidences of title will be gi^^ the fourteenth of November, One Thousand Bight Hundred an< or other evidence of title nor to furnish any other deeds or copi Each parcel will be offered subject to a reserved bid, fixed Holliday, to Wilham Kerr and John Kerr, dated seventeenth of Thirty dollars annually. The particulars of which Lease can b The purchasers snail at the time of sale, pay down a depc .^— i-X- .^! ,.1.-^ XV. _ Ji^-^ ^■C a^^^ /^«. r^4- 4-'U£v ^>.t~^^ir^'w\ /^■P 4-'\rkr\ rM -i ■*«/-» Vi C»CI /it annual instalments, with interest at seven per cent payable yej For farther particulars apply to John Hoskin, Vendor's S Dated 31st day of August, 1876. JOHN TTORTrnsI V^ndnr's Solicito ee and an order made by the Court of Chancery, in a cause of respectively the 26th and 28th days of June, 1876, there -will I 1 approbation of Greorge H. Dartnell, Esquire, Master of the said Court, lit "Whitby, b] ■j, in the ffi OF BROOZLIN, in the COUNTY OF ONTARIO, '■':Si-'*f premises : , e quarters of Lot Number 12, in the 1st Concession of the said To^wnship of Reach, con L 130 acres are cleared and the remaining 20 acres are wooded chiefly with Beech and e bam w^ith cow-stable and root-house underneath. Also a ffood frame stable. There is t rituate about ten miles from the Town of W^hitby, on the Fort Whitby and Port Perry ( tf flrom Myrtle Station, on the Port Whitby and JPort Perry Railway. it part of Lot Number 22, in the Fifth Concession of Whitby Township, in the said Count )re or less, and described as follows, that is to say : Commencing* at the South-Bast ang! ►es, West 30 chains, more or less, to the South-Bast angle of land owned by Alexander more or less, to the centre of the said lot ; thence North 16 degrees, "West 20 chains, m* nee South 74 degrees, West 10 chains, more or less, to the Westerly limit of the said lot 5SS, to the South-west angle of the said lot ; thence North 74 degrees, East 20 chains, m cleared. There are erected on this parcel a good frame dwelling* house, -^ frame barn, ite about one mile South of the Village of Brooklin, and about four miles from the To^ mber Eleven, in the Village of Port Perry (formerly Borelia), as shewn on a plan ma( iber Seventeen, in the Sixth Concession of the said Township of Reach, which said p: Ontario, save and except that part of the said Village Lot Number Eleven, conveyed by - Qg date the Eighteenth day of July, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Bight Hundred and Seventh; th width, fronting on Simcoe Street m the said Village, and extending Westerly the whole length of said Lot : he same more or less, on which there are erected a good frame dwelling house and frame stable. There is also ;es of title will be given other than a deed of the said parcel of land made to one Sarah Jane Holliday by Willi i Eight Hundred and Seventy-four, and the Registrar's Abstract of title, and the Vendor shall not be bound tc ^ other deeds or copies of deeds. ^ ^ . j a reserved bid fixed by the Master and parcel number two will be sold subject to a Lease for nme years, mad lated seventeenth of October, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-one, whereby the rent payable u r which Lease can be ascertained at the ofiace of the Vendors Solicitor, ale pay down a deposit of ten per cent, to the Vendor or his Solicitor and the remainder into Court withou r\ ir\it ■Vi^Vl Q ,,,,,,, ,. ,_ ,,_,_ ,,._..,,^^r two thirds of the "Durch^^Lse mone"^ of narcels one and two can remain on mortgage, pg per cent "payable yearly. In other respects the conditions of Sale will be the standing conditions of Sale of tl Hoskin. Vendor's SoUcitor and Messrs. Mowat, McLennan & Downey, Solicitors, Toronto. (SIGNED). GEORGE H. DARTNELL, Master M*'a SoUcitor. a cause of HoUiday vs. there "will be offered for t, 4t Whitby, by Levi Fairbanks. rrARio, ip of Reach, containing- 150 acres, ^ith Beech and Maple. There is liable. There is also a good frame and Port Pf^rry Gravel Road, and n the said County of Ontario, con- South-Bast angle of the said Lot i by Alexander Kitchen; thence 9St 20 chains, more or less, to the it of the said lot; thence South 16 last 20 chains, more or less, to the e,.^ frame barn, cow-stable, horse- Lies from the Town of Whitby. 1 on a plan made by John Shaw, h, which said plan is filed in the 3n, conveyed by one Amy P. John- 9d and Seventy; the said parcel of land ength of said Liot Number Eleven. The jtaole. There is also a good well of water ne HoUiday by Willian Rattenbury, dated hall not be bound to produce any further 9 for nine years, made bv the late Jackson the rent payable is Three Hundred and r into Court without interest, within one ain on Mortg-age, payable in seven equal [iditions of Sale of "the Court of Chancery. 0. L, Ifester at Whitby ^..f <^ 1