IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) !!' 1.0 I.I ■ 30 ^^" -J MAO nw^^^K US u m ■10 IIP 1^ m ^ < 6" : ► 0> % ^> Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WIBSTIR.N.Y. UStO (716)I73.4S03 88 TRANSITIVE VEBB — ANIMATE OBJECT — ^DIRECT. POTENTIAL MOOD. . PEESENT TENSE. Sing. Ke ga k4 tapw&tow in, Thoi. mayst or canst believe me &c PAST OB IMPEBFEGT TENSE. Sing. Ee ga tapw&tow £ or hty. Thou mightest, couldst, wouldst, &c or shouldst believe me Or, Sing. Ke ga tapw4to^v inapun, Thou migbtest, couldst, wouldst, &o. or shouldst believe me PLUPEBFECT TENSE. Sing. Ke ga k& tapw4tow ^ or &ty. Thou mightest, couldst, wouldi.t, &c. or shouldst have believed me Or, Sing. Ke ga k4 tapwatow inapun, Thou mightest, couldst, wouldst, &c. or shouldst have believed mc. Sing. Plur. Sing. Plur. Sing. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PEESENT TENSE. a tapw&tow eyun, ey&k, eyak, »> » »» n (that) Thou believt ^t me „ Thou believest us, 1. 3 „ Ye believe me „ Ye believe us, 1. 3 PAST OE IMPEBFECT TENSE. a tapw&tow eyupun, (that) Thou believedst me „ „ ey&kepun, „ Thou believedst lis, 1. 3 „ „ eyakopun, „ „ eydkepun, PEBFBCT TENSE. a. k4 tapwitow eyun, (that) Thou hast believed me ftc. „ Ye believed me „ Ye believed us, 1. 3 TBANSrrrVX VXBB-— AiniIA.TB OBJBCT — INYEBSB. 89 POTENTIAL MOOD. FBESENT TENSE. Sing. Ke ga k4 tapw&totr itin, I may or can believe thee &c. FAST OB IMFEBFEGT TENSE. Sing, Ke ga tapw&tot/; it& or it^ty, I might, could, would, or should &c. believe thee Or, Sing. Ke ga tapwktow ttinapun, I might, could, would, or should &c. believe thee PLUFEEFECT TFJJSE. Sing. "Ke ga k4 tapw&tou? tt4 or it^ty, I might, could, would, or should &c have believed thee Sing. Ke ga kS iapyrktow itinapun, I might, could, would, or should &c. have believed thee, ■ lix'W SUbdUNCTIVE M :>D. FRESENT TENSE. Sing, ft iapyrktow ttan, (that) I believe thee „ „ itukook, I itukwaw i " °®"®^® y°" „ it4k, ' „ We (1. 3) believe thee „ it&k, „ We (1.3) believe you PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing, a tapw&totr t'tapan, (that) I believed thee w Plur. „ „ itukookepun,| i beUe^ed you itukwapun, ; Plur. „ » „ it&kopun, „ it&kopun, „ We (1. 3) believed thee „ We (1. 3) believed you H4 V In 1 Sing, a kh tapw&tot/; ttan, &c. PERFECT TENSE. (that) I have believed thee 90 TRANSrriVa yaRB—^AlHtlATB objbot-^direot. FLUPEBFEGT TENSE. Sing. Sing. Sing. Phir. Sing. Sing. a kS tapw&tow eyupun, (that) Thou hadst believed me FUTXJBE TENSE. Eitta tapw&tow eyun, &c. tapw&tow eyune, „ eyike, eyako, eyiko, (that) Thou shalt or wilt believe me or, Thou to believe me And, (when) Thou shalt or wilt believe me „ Thou shalt or wilt believe us, 1. 3 M Ye shall or will believe me „ Ye shall or will believe us, 1.3 FUTUEE PERFECT TENSE. Eitta k^ tapw&tow eyun, (that) Thou shalt or wilt have believed me &c. or Thou to have believed me And, El tapw&tow eyune, (when) Thou shalt or wilt have believed me. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Kitta k& tapw&tow eyun, (that) Thou mayst or canst believe me Andy Sing. E4 tapw&tow eyune, (when) Thou mayst or canst believe me PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Eitta tapw&tow eyupun, (that) Thou mightst, couldst, wouldst. Sec. or shouldst believe me PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Eitta kl tapw&tow eyupun, (that) Thou might<8t, couldst, wouldst, &c. or shouldst have believed me. Sing. El tapw&tow eyun, &c. CONDITIONAL MOOD. Hadst Thou believed me. II TBANSmyi yiBB— AMIUATB OBJBCT— IHVBBSB. PLVPEBFECT TEN8tB. Sing, a k& tapwktow ttapan, (that) I had believed thee &c. FUTUBE TENSE. Sing. Eitta tapwhtow rtan, (that) I shall or will believe thee 91 &c. or. And, I to believe thee Sing. Plur. tapw&toio ttane, (when) I shall or will believe thee „ itukwawe, „ I shall or will believe you n it&ke, „ We (1. 3) shall or will believe thee „ it&ko, „ We (1.3) shall or will believe you FUTUEB PEEFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta kl tapw&totr ttan, (that) I shall or will have believed thee &c. or, I to have believed thee And, • Sing. K& tapw&toto ttane, (when) I shall or will have believed thee. &c. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Kitta ki tapw&tou; ttan, (that) I may or can believe thee And, Sing. KS tapw&tou> ttane, (when) I may or can believe thee &c. PAST OB IMPEBFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta tapwitotr ttapan, (that) I might, could, would, or should &c. believe thee PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta kS tapw&tou; ttapan, (that) I misht, could, would, or should have believed thee. Stc. CONDITIONAL MOOD. Sing. K& tapw&totc ttan, Had I believed thee. Pl ' f nm 1, T. -—._. --u-r^.,.. 92 Sing. Plur. Sing. Plur. TRANSITIVE VEBB — ^ANIKATB OBJECT — DIRECT. IMPERATIVE MOOD. PBESENT TENSE. tapw&tow in, „ inan, t> ik, <,, inan, Believe thou me Believe thou us, 1. 3 Believe ye me Believe ye us, 1. 3 FUTURE (Indefinite). tapwitow Ikun, Believe thou me „ dkAk, Believe thou us, 1. 3 * „ 4kAk, Believe ye me £k&k, Believe ye us, 1. 3. » Sing. Plur. Sing. Plur. DUBITATIVE MOOD (SubfuncHve). PBESENT TENSE. teapw&tow ttruna, If, whether Thou believest me „ ew&kwa, „ Thou helievest us, 1. 3 „ ewakwa, „ Ye believe me „ ew&kwa, „ Ye believe us, 1. 8 PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE, teapw&tow ewupuna, If, whether Thou believedst me „ ew&kepuna, „ Thou believedst us, 1. 3 „ ewakopuna, „ „ ewAkepunfi, „ Ye believed me Ye believed us, 1. 3 Sing. Sing. Sing. PEBFECT TENSE. Kk tapw&tow ewuna, If, whether Thou hast believed me K^, &c. PLUPERFECT TENSE. Ki tapw&tow ewupunfi. If, whether Thou hadst believed me Ki, &c. FUTURE TENSE. Eitta tapw&tow ewuna, If, whether Thou shalt or wilt believe K&, &c. me TIUN8ITIVX TBSB'— ANIMATE OBJEOX-^IMVBRSB. 98 DUBITATIVE MOOD (Subjunctive). PBESENT TENSE. Sing. teapwitow ttana, If, whether I believe thee „ itukwawiika, „ I believe you Piur. „ ItAkwfi, „ We (1. 3) believe thee „ itAkwfl, „ We (1. 3) believe you PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. teapw&tow ttapanfi, If, whether I believed thee „ itukwApuna, „ I believed you Piur. „ itikopuna, „ We (1. 3) believed thee „ it&kopuna, „ We (1. 3) believed you PERFECT TENSE. Sing. K& tapw&tot/; itana, If, whether I have believed thee Kk, &e. PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kk tapwitoto ttapana, If, whether I had believed thee E^, &c. FUTURE TENSE. Sir^. Kitta tapw&tot« ttana, If, whether I shall or will believe thee Ka, &c. 'Wfi '•'.^1 i H 1^1 94 TRANSITIVB VKRB — ANIMATB OBJBCT>-DIBXOT. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta k(^ tapw&tow ewunfi, If, whether, Thou ihalt or wilt have Eu k6, ice. believed me, POTENTIAL MOOD. , PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Eitta ki tapw&tow ewunii, If, whether. Thou mayst or canst Kil k^, &c. believe me PAST OB IMPERFECT TENSE. Si}ig. Eitta tapw&tow ewupuoa. If, whether. Thou mightst, couldst, Ea, &c. wouldst, or shouldst believe me PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Eitta k^ tapw&tow ewupunii. If, whether, Thou mightst, couldst, Kii kS, &c. wouldst, or shouldst have be- lieved me. SUPPOSITIVE MOOD— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Ee tapw&tow inatookwa, Thou believest me, I suppose, it seems £e „ inanatookwa. Thou believest us (1. 3) I suppose, it seems Plur. Ee tapwtltow inau>awatookwa, Ye believe me, I suppose, it seems ~ inanatookwfi, Ye believe us (1. 8), I suppose, it seems Ee >> PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ee tapwitow inakopun, Thou believedst me, I suppose, it seems ^ „ inanakopun, Thou believedst us (1. 3), I suppose, it Plur. Ee Ee » seems inatrawakopun, Ye believed me, I suppose, it seems inanakopun, Ye believed us (1. 3), I suppose, it seems PERFECT TENSE Sing. Ee kS tapw&tow inatookwa, Thou hast believed me, I suppose, it seems PLUPEBPEOT TENSE. Sing. Ee k£ tapw&tow inakopun, Thou hadst believed me, I suppose, it seems. TBAMSmVl WRfr^AKUfATB OBJBOV— IMVBRSB. 05 FUTURE PEBFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta kS t$,fvriiow ttanu, If, whether I shall or will have believed thee. Ka kd &c. POTENTIAL MOOD. FBESENT TENSE. Sing. Kitta ki tapwAtou? t'tana, If, whetheV I may or can believe thee Ka kS &,c. PAST OB IMPEBJ1BC5T TENSE. Sing. Kitta tapw&tou; ttapana, If, whether I might, could, would or should believe thee Ka Sto. PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta k& tapw&toto itapnna, If, whether I might, could, would, or should have believed thee. Ka kd &c. SITPPOSITIVE MOOD— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Ke tapw&toto ttinatookwa, I believe thee, I suppose, it seems Ke „ itinaioawatookwa, I believe you, I suppose, it seems Plur. Ke „ itinanatookwa, We (1. 3) believe thee, I suppose, it seems Ke „ itinanatookwa, We (1. 3) believe you, I suppose it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ke tapwitote itinakopun, I believed thee, I suppose, it seems Ke „ itinatrawakopun, I believed you, I suppose, it seems Flur. Ke „ itinanakopun. We (1. 3) believed thee, I suppose it seems ^K» „ itinanakopun, We (1. 3) believed you, I suppose, it seems PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ke kS tapw&toto ttinatookwfl, I have believed thee,I suppose it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ke k4 tapw&toto itinakopun, I had believed thee, I suppose, it seems. f'-l ■I '■V : 1 '•4 A \i r:- i;iViJ if 96 TRAMBimn YBRB— AmMATl OBJKOT—DIREOT. FUTURE TENBE. 8ing. Ee ga tapwitow inAtookwa, Thou thalt or wilt believe me, I &c. suppose, it seems FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ke ga kA tapw&tow inatookwA, Thou shalt or wilt have believed &c. me, I suppose, it seems. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Ke ga k& tapw&tow inatookws, Thou mayst or canst believe me, I Sec. , suppose, it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ee ga tapw&tow inakopun. Thou mightst, couldst, wouldst, or &c. shouldst believe me I suppose, it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ee ga kS tapw&tow inakopun, Thou mightst, couldst, wouldst, or &c. shouldst have believed me, I suppose, it seems. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. The same as the simple verb, with the addition of atookwa throughout all its tenses. . OPTATIVE MOOD. The same prefixes as noticed before at page 85, Ke wi being used instead of Ne wi in the Indicative and Potential Moods. TRANSITIVE VBUB — ANIMATE OBJECT — IMVBRSE. 97 FUTURE TENSE. Sing. Ke ga tapw&totc ttinutookwa, I ihall or will believe thee, I sup- gtOt pose, it seems FUTURE PERFECT TENSE, Sing. Eo ga kd tapw&totc ttinatookwfi, I shall or will have believed thcc &o. I suppose, it seems POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Ee ga k& tapw&toto ttinutookwii, I may or can believe thee, I sup> &c. pose, it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. 5*111^. Ee ga tapw&toto ttinakopun, I might, could, would, or should &c. believe thee, I suppose, it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ee ga k4 tapw&toto itinakopun, I might, could, would, or should Sec. have believed thee, I suppose, it seems. m ■I '« '-'11 m <■ % :'>'-i ;^4, K OS TKAN8IT1VB VEHB — INDETERMIKATE— ANIMATB UBJIOT — DIBBOT. INDETERMINATE— Animate Otd^ot. (3rrf Cotifug. ao.) INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Siriff. Ne tapw&t akan, Plur. Ke Ne Ke Ke »» akan, akiio, akanan akananow, akanawaw, akfiwuk, I believe somebody Thou believest He believes ' . * « f We believe low, 1. 2 ; Ye believe They believe Sing. Ne Ke Go Plur. Ne Ke Ke Oo Sing. Ne Ke Plur. Ne Ke Ke PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwAt akA, or akAty, I believed somebody akiV, or akAty, Thou believedst akA, or akAty, akAtanan, 1. 3*) akAtananow, 1. 2) akAtawaw, » »» He believed We believed akAtawaw, Or, tapwAt akanapun, „ akanapun, „ akapun, akananapun, 1. 3') akananapun, 1. 2) akanawapun, akawApun, akupuneek, 11 11 11 i> ;.} Ye believed They believed I believed somebody Thou believedst He believed We believed Ye believed They believed Sing. Ne Sing. Ne I have believed somebody PERFECT TENSE. kS tapwAt akan, PLUPERFECT TENSE. kS tapwAt akA, or akAty, I had believed somebody. TBAMtlTIVC VERB — INDETERMINATE — ANIMATE OIUECl — INVERSE. i>U INDETERMINATE.— Animate Otdect. (3rd Cmjug. au.) Sing. Fiur. TNDICATiT'E MOvlD. PBE8ENT TENSE. ~ Ne tapwit akowin, Somebody believes me Ee „ akowin, Somebody believes thee owaw, He is believed by somebody Ne Ke Ke n M u n US akowinau, 1.3) ^ j u i- akowinanow. 1. 2) Somebody beheves akowinawaw, Somebody believes you owawuk, They are believed by somebody PAST OE IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Plur. Ne tapw&t akowi^, ty, Ke Sing. Plur. Somebody believed me okowd, ty, Somebody believed thee ow4, ty, He was believed by somebody akowStanan, 1. 3) akowfitananow, 1.2) Somebody believed us akowStawaw, Somebody believed you ow&tyuk, They were believed by somebody Or, Ne tapw&t akowinapun, Somebody believed me Ne Ke Ke M »» It l> Ke Ne Ke Ke n n akowinapun, Somebody believed thee owapun, He was believed by somebody akowinanapun, 1. 3) c, , , ... , L . \ o f Somebody believed us akowinanapun, 1.2; akowinawapui), Somebody believed you They were believeil by somebody owawApun, *) Sing. Sing. owapuneek, PEEFECX TENSE. Ne k& tapw&t akowin, Somebody has believed me &c. PLUPERPECT TENSE. Ne kd tapw&t akowS, ty, Somebody had believed me. &c. /!l M m »t!\,! 100 TRANSITIVE VERB— INDBTERMINATE — ANIMATE OBJECT— DIRECT. Or, Sing. Ne k^ tapw&t akanapun, &c. I had believed somebody FUTUBE TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapwat akan, I shall or will believe somebody &c, FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Sitig. Ne ga kS tapw&t akan, I shall or will have believed somebody. W POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga kS tapwdt akan, I may or can believe somebody &c. PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapwat aki, or akAty, I might, could, would, or should &c. believe somebody Or, Sing. Ne ga tapwat akanapun, I might, could, would, or should &c. believe somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga kS tapw&t akil, or aktlty, I might, could, would, or should &c. have believed somebody Or, ' Sing. Ne ga kS tapw&t akanapun, I might, coui J, would, or should have &c. believed somebody. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing, a tapw&t akiiyan, (that) I believe somebody J 1 „ „ akilyun, Thou believest 1 „ „ akat. He believes. 1 TBANSTnVB VERB — INDBTBRMIKATB — AMIMATB OBJECT — INVERSE. 101 Or, Sing. Ne k4 tapw&t akowinapun, Somebody had believed me &c. FUTURE TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapw&t akowin, Somebody shall or will believe me &c. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Sing, Ne ga kS tapwit akowin, Somebody shall or will have be- &c. lieved me. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga ki tapwit akowin, ' Somebody may or can believe me PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapw&t akow4, ty, Somebody might, could, would, or &c. should believe me Or, Sing. Ne ga tapw&t akowinapun, Somebody might, could, would, or &c. should believe me PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga kS tapw&t akowi, ty, Somebody might, could, would, or &c. should have believed me Or, Sing. Ne ga k4 tapw&t akowinapun, Somebody might, could, would, or &c. should have believed me. m \ ' ' "f'lX IV: ■-, :' '■?! SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. & tapw&t akoweyan, „ „ akoweyun, >} at (that) Somebody believes me Somebody believes thee He is believed. ; i • • 102 « TRANSmVK VEBB — INDBTBRMINATE — ^ANIMATE OBJECT — DIBBCT. • Plur. a tapwat akSy&k, 1.3' „ „ akayuk, 1.2. „ „ akayak, (that) We believe somebody Ye believe „ „ akatchik, ' [ „ „ akatwaw, . They believe * PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. a tapwat akilyapan. (that) I believed somebody ~- „ „ akayupun, „ „ akutepun, ' „ „ akapun, ) „ Thou believedst „ He believed »' Plur. „ „ akilyiVkepun, 1. ■ „ We believed „ „ akayukepun, 1. „ „ akayakepun, „ Ye believed „ „ akatchikepun, ' „ „ akatw&pun, '„ They believed „ „ akaw&pun. ) PERFECT TENSE. Sing. a kS tapw&t akayan, &c. (that) I have believed somebody 1 PLUPERFECT TENSE. • Sing. a k^ tapwat akayapan, &c. (that) I had believed somebody FUTURE TENSE. Sing. tAtiOi tapwk akayan, &c. (that) I shall or will believe somebody or I to believe somebody » And, \ Sing. tapwat akayane, „ akayune, (when) I shall or will believe somebody „ Thou shalt or wilt believe • „ akatche. „ He shall or will believe Plur. „ akay&ko, 1. 3 | „ akayuko, 1.2) „ We shall or will believe II ' „ akfiyako. „ Ye shall or will believe „ akatwawe, „ They shall or will believe • TRANSmVB TBRB — ^ikoBTERMINATE — AXUUKTB OBJECT — ^INVBRSE. 103 Plur. A tapw&t akowey&k, 1. 3] akoweyuk, n » n M »> » »» »1 Ak, 1. 3") ruk, 1. 2) akoweyak, itchik, ) &twaw, ) (that) Somebody belii ves us Somebody believes you They are believed L. PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. & tapw&t akoweyapan, akoweyupun, Plur. itepun, akowey&kepun, 1. 3 ") akoweyukepun, 1. 2 ) akoweyakepun, Atchikepun, *) &tw&pun, ) (that) Somebody believed me Somebody believed thee He was believed Somebody believed us Somebody believed you They were believed Sing, a k& tapwAt akoweyan, &c. PERFECT TENSE. (that) Somebody has believed me PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing, a ki tapwAt akowoyapan, (that) Somebody had believed me &c. Sing. Kitta tapwAt akoweyan, FUTURE TENSE. (that) Somebody shall or will believe me or Somebody to believe me And, Sing. Plur. tapwAt akoweyane, akoweyune, Atche, (when) Somebody shall or will believe me „ Somebody shall or will believe thee „ He shall or will be believed akoweyAko, 1. 3] akoweyuko, akoweyako „ Somebody shall or will believe you Atwawe, „ They shall or will be believed «,'..«[ 1 1 Somebody shall or will believe us ^uko, 1. 2 J ■' ^4 TVS •■ .'•'' I m I . I ' -x 104 Sing. TBANSITIVE VERB — INOETEUMINATE— ANIMATE OBJECT — ^DIBECT. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta ki tapwitt akayan, (that) I shall or will have believed Si?ig. &c. K& tapw&t akayane, somebody or I to have believed somebody And, (when) I shall or will have believed somebody Sing. Sing. Sing. Sing. Sing. Sing. Plur. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. £itta kS tap wilt akayan, (that) I may or can believe somebody &c. And, Kh tapwit akiiyane, (when) I may or can believe somebody &c. PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Eitta tapwat akayapan, (that) I might, could, would, or should &c. believe somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta k^ tapwat akayapan, that I might, could, would, or &c. should have believed somebody. CONDITIONAL MOOD. KS tapwat akayan, Had I believed somebody. &c. IMPERATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwHt aka, Believe thou somebody Eitta „ akao, Let him believe „ akatan, tak, Let us (1.2) believe „ akak. Believe ye Kitta „ akAwuk, Let them believe. Inverse. Kitta ^apwAt owaw. Let him be believed „ owawuk, Let them be believed. TRANSITIVB VKBB— INDETBKMINATB — ANIMATE OBJECT — INVERSE. 105 PUTUBE PEBFECT TENSE. Sing. Eitta k& tapw&t akoweyan, (that) Somebody shall or will have believed me &o. or Somebody to have believed me Andy Sing K6 tapwiit akoweyane, (when) Somebody shall or will have &c. believed me. POTENTIAL MOOD. PBE8BNT TENSE. Sing. Kitta kS tapw&t akoweyan, (that) Somebody may or can -believe &c. me - . And, Sing. KS tapw&t akoweyane (when) Somebody may or ean be- . &c. lieve me PAST OB IMPEBFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta tapwAt akoweyapan (that) Somebody might, could, would, &c. or should believe me PLUPEBFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta k4 tapw&t akoweyapan, (that) Somebody might, could, would, &c. or should have believed me. CONDITIONAL MOOD. Sing. Ki tapw&t akoweyan, Had Somebody believed me. IMPERATIVE UOOD -Direct. Sing. Plur. Kitta Eitta FUTURE (Ind^nite). tapw&t ak&kun, Believe Thou somebody akao, Let him believe ak&kuk. Let us (1. 2) believe ak&kiik, Believe ye akawuk, Let them believe. -r 'I'll '^1 .:|] 106 TRANSITIVE VERB — INDETERMINATE — ANIMATE OBJECT — DIRECT. i ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— INDICATIVE MOOD. FBESENT TENSE. Sing. Ne tapwAt akawan, Ke Plur. Ne Ke Ke » akawan, akuwao, ") I, in relation to him, believe somebody Thou, in relation to him, believest, somebody He, in relation to him, believes akayewa, 5 somebody akiiwanan, 1 . 3*) We, in relation to him, believe akawananow, 1. « j somebody akawanawaw. Ye, in relation to him, believe some- body akawilwuk, ) They, in relation to him, believe akayewa, ) somebody PAST OB IMPERFECT TENSE. n ■} Sing. Ne tapwilt akawA, ty. Ke Go Oo Plur. Ne Ke Ke Oo Oo akiiwA, ty, » » »» akiiwAtawaw, | akay^, ty, j Sing. Ne tapw&t akawanapun, Ke Plur. Ne Ke Ke I, in relation to him, believed some- body Thou, in relation to him, believiedst somebodv akiLwA, ty, ) He, in relation to him, believed akay4, ty, ) somebody akaw&tanan, 1. 3) We, in relation to him, believed akfiw&tananow,!. 2) somebody akaw&tawaw, Ye, in relation to him, believed some- body They, in' relation to him, believed somebody I, in relation to him, believed some- body Thou, in relation to him, believedst somebody He, in relation to him, believed some- body akiiwananapun, 1. 3) We, in relation to him, believed akilwananapun, 1. 2) somebody akilwanawapun, Ye, in relation to him, believed somebody akuyepun, ) They, in relation to him, believed akawanapun, akityepun. akayepuneek, somebody PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne k§ tapwi\t akawan, I, in relation to him, have believed &c. somebody. TBAKSiriVE VERB — IKDBTBBMINATB— ANIMATE OBJECT — INVERSK. 107 •«lil ' ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— INDICATIVE MOOD PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Ne tapw&t akowewan, Ke Plur. Ne Ee Ee » Somebody believes me, in relation to him akowewan, ^ Somebody believes thee, in relation to him owimawa, He, in relation to him, is believed by akowewanan, I. 3) Somebodv believes us, in relation akowewancinow, 1. 2) to him akowewanawaw, Somebody believes you, in relation to him owimawa, They, in relation to him, are bo- lieved by somebody PAST OB IMPEBFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne tapw&t akowew&, ty. Ee Plur. No Ee Ee n Somebody believed me, in relation to him akowewA, ty, Somebody believed thee, in relation to him owimi, ty. He, in relation to him,was believed by akowewAtanan, 1 . 3*) Somebody believed us, in relation akowewitana/iow, 1.2) to him akowewAtawaw, Somebody believed you in relation to him owimd, ty. They, in relation to him were be- lieved by somebody Or, Sing. Ne tapw&t akowewanapun, Ke Plur. Ne Ee Ee n n n II II akowewanapun, ovnmapun. Somebody believed me, in relation to him Somebody believed thee, in relation to him He, in relation to him,was believed by akowewanannpun,1.3| Somebody believed us, in relation akowewanau8pun,1.2) to him akowewanawapun, Somebody believed you, in relation to him owimapun, | They, in relation to him, were be- owimapuneek, j lieved by somebody PEBFEOT TENSE. Sing, Ne kS tapw&t akowewan, &c. Somebody has believed me, in relation to him. 'i c 108 TRANSITIVK VERB — INDETKRMIMATE — ANIMATE OBJECrT^DnOOT. PLUPERFECT TENSK. Sing. Ne k& tapw&t akAwA, ty, I, in relation to him, had believed &c. somebody Or, Sinff. Ne k4 tapw&t akuwanapun, I, in relution to him, had believed &c. Bomebody rUTUEE TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapwit akfiwan, I, in relation to him, shall or will &c. believe somebody FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga k6 tapwjit akfiwan, I, in relation to him, shall or will &c. have believed somebody. :■( lii i i POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga ku tapw&t akfiwan, I, in relation to him, may or can &c. believe somebody PAST OB IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapw&t akiiwi, ty, I, in relation to him, might, could, &c. would, or should believe some- body Or, Sing. Ne ga tapw&t akfiwanapun, I, in relation to him, might, could, &c. would, or should believe some- body PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga kl tapw&t akawi, ty, I, in relation to him, might, could, &c. would, or should have believed somebody Or, Sing. Ne ga ki tapw&t akawanapun, 1, in relation to him, might, could, &c. would or should have believed somebody. TRANSITIVB VBBB—INDBTBRMIKATE — ANIMATE OBJECT — INVERSE. 100 PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne k& tapwAt akowewA, ty, Somebody had believed me, in &c. relation to him Or, Sing. Ne ki tapwAt akowewanapun, Somebody had believed me, in relation &c. to him FUTUEE TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapw&t akowewan, Somebody shall or will believe me, &c. in relation to him FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga kd tapw&t akowewan, Somebody shall or will have believed &c. me, in relation to him. - ii POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga kd tapwit akowewan, Somebody may or can believe me, Sec. in relation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapwAt akowewA, ty, Somebody might, could, would, or &c. should believe me, in relation to him Or, Sing. Ne ga tapwAt akowewanapun, Somebody might, could, would, or &c. should believe me, in relation to him PLUPERFECT TENSE. ^mg. NegakS tapwAt akowewA, ty. Somebody might, could, would, or 4c« should have believed me, in relation to him Or, Sing. NegakA tapwAt akowewanapun, Somebody might, could, would, or *«• should have believed me, in re- lation to him. ■: :;i, , ; I 110 nUMBITIVB VIBB — IHDXTSBMUIAIX— AimiATE OBJECT— DIBECl- SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Sing, a 1 tapwit akiwuk, ti II ak&wut, »> It akfiwat, ' » II akayit, Plur. „ •1 akAwukelt, 1. 8 II II akawuk, 1. 2 II II akftwAk. 11 11 akftwatcbik, ) •i 11 akawatwaw, f »» II akayit, [ i> •I akawayit, ) PBESENT TENSE. (that) I, in relation to him, believe •omebody „ Thou, in relation to him, believett somebody „ He, in relation to him, believes somebody I „ We, in relation to him, believe I somebody Ye, in relation to him, believe some- body „ They, in relation to him, believe somebody PAST OE IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing, a tapw&t akawukepun, (that) I, in relation to him, believed some- body II i» »» i> II i» II 11 Plur. „ „ II II II II II II II i» >i 11 akiiwutepun, akawatepun, akayitepun, akay^pun, akawuke^tepun, 1 3 )un, 1.2 akawakepun, Thou, in relation to him, believedst somebody He, in relation to him, believed somebody We, in relation to him, believed somebody „ Ye, in relation to him, believed somebody akawatchikepun, v akayitopui, «°"«^y akay^pun, ■' !;r PERFECT TENSE. Sing, a kl tapw&t akftwuk, (that) I, in relation to him, have believed &c. somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing, a k& tapw&t akawuke- (that) I, in relation to him, had believed &c. pun,] somebody. TRAMimVI VBBB— I5DSTBIUfIMATI-<-AllIllATI O&ISOT— INVB1I81. Ill SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. A tapwAt akowewuk, (that) Somebody believei me, in relation to him Ptur. „ n M akowewut, „ Somebody believes thee, in relation to him » »» ame^t, ,i He, in relation to him, is believed by somebody •1 » akowewukedt, 1.8) „ akowewuk, 1.2 Somebody believes us, in relation to » »> him »» »» akowewilk, „ Somebody believes you, in relation to him »» M ameitchik, ) „ ame^twaw, 5 They, in relation to him, are be- t» »» lieved by somebody PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing, a tapw&t akowewukepun, (that) Somebody believed roe, in relation to him Somebody believed thee, in relation » »> akowewutepun, „ ame^tepun. »» Plur. „ to him He, in relation to him, was believed by somebody akowewukeitepun, ' 1. 3f „ Somebody believed us, in relation to » „ akowewukepun, 1 1 2/ him l> „ akowewakepun, „ Somebody believed you, in relation him „ ameStepun, *) „ „ ame4tw&pun, They, in relation to him, were be- lieved by somebody PERFECT TENSE. Sing, a k6 tapw&t akowewuk, (that) Somebody has belieVed me, in re- &c. lation to him PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing, a kd tapw&t akowewuke- (that) Somebody had believed me, in re- &c. [pun, lation to him. 'if •4\ * i\ I ii 112 Sing. TRAMUTIVB VIRB - INDRTHRMINATK — ANIMATB OBJCOT— DIRIOT. FUTUBE TENbB. (that) I, in relation to him, ihall or will bolieve lomebody or, I, in relation to him, to believe somebody Kitta tapwAt ak&wuk, sc. And, Sing. tapwit ak&wuke, akawutche, Flur. •I » II II II fi 11 n ak&watche, ) akiiyitche, ) akuwukeitche,!. 3*) akawi^ko, 1. 2) akawilko, akawatwawe, akuyitche akiiyitwawe, (when) I, in relation to him, ihall or will believe somebody Thou, in relation to him, snalt or wilt believe somebody He, in relation to him, shall or will believe soroebodv We, in relation to him, shall or will believe somebodv Ye, in relation to him, shall or will believe somebody They, in relation to him, shall or will believe somebody Sing. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta ki tapwit akawuk, (thnt) I, in relation to him, shall or &c. will have bulieved somebody or. Sing. K(^ tapwjU akawuke. Sing. Sing. Sing. Sing. I, in relation to him, to have And believed somebody (when) I, in relation to him shall or will have believed somebody. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta ki tapwit akawuk, - (that) I, in relation to him, may or can believe sumehody &c. Ke tapwAt akawuke. And, (when) I, in relation to him, may or can believe somebody PAST OB IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwAt akiiwukepun, (that) I, in relation to him, might, &c. could, would, or should believe somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta kS tapwAt akawukepun, (that) I, in relation to him, might, &c could, would, or should have believed somebody. I TBANBITIVB VBBB— INDITBRMIMATR — ANIMATE OBJEOT — OrVERftE. IIB Sing. Sing. Sing. Sing. Sing. Sing. Sing. FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tnpwAt ukowewuk, (that) Somebody ihall or will believe &c. me, in relation to him ot\ Somebody to believe me, in relation to him And, (when) Somebody shall or will be- lieve me, in relation to him tapwKt akowowukc, „ akowewutche, „ ameStche, « ,1.8] 1.2 J „ akowewuke£tche,1.8 „ akowewAko, „ okowewuko, ,1 ame(^twawe, n Somebody ahall or will be- lieve thee, in relation tohim He, in relation to him, shall or will be believed Somebody shall or will be- lieve us, in relation to him Somebody shall or will believe you, in relation to him They, in relation to him, shall or will be believed FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta kA tapwAt akowewuk, (that) Somebody shall or will have &c . bel ie ved me, i n relation to h i m or, Somebody to have believed me, in relation to him And, K& tapwAt akowewuke, (when) Somebody shall or will have believed me, in relation to him. &c. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta k& tapwAt akowewuk, (that) Somebody may or can believe *c ' me, in relation to him And, Kd tapwit akowewuke, (when) Somebody may or can believe me, in relation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwAt akowewukepun, (that) Somebody might, could, would, or should believe me, in relation to him PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta U tapwAt akowewuke- (that) Somebody might, could, would, Pwn,] or should have believed me, inrelation tohim. &c. &c. &c. Ill '.■ ii, • > Ii^ ■ 114 TRANSITIVE VERB — INDETERMINATK— ANIMATE OBJECT — DIRECT. CONDITIONAL MOOD. Sing. Ki tapwAt akawuk, Had I, in relation to him, believed somebody. IMPERATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. tapw&t akao, Believe thou, in relation to hiro, some- body Kitta „ akilyewa, Let him, in relation to him, believe somebody Plnr. „ akawaton, tak, Let us (L 2), in relation to him, be- lieve somebody akaw&k, Believe ye, in relation to him, somebody Kitta „ akayewa, Let them, in relation to him, believe somebody »> »» Kitta Plnr. FUTURE (Indefinite). Sing tapwAt akaw&kun, Believe thou, in relation to him, some- body akayewa, Let him, in relation to him, believe somebody akilw&kuk. Let us (1. 2), in relation to him, be- lieve somebody akawAkuk, Believe ye, in relation to him, somebody akayewa, Let them, in relation to him, believe somebody. DUBITATIVE MOOD {Subjunctive), PRESENT TENSE. Kitta Sing. teapwiU akawana, akawuna, akakwa, Plnr. If, whether I believe somebody Thou believest somebody Fie believes somebody 57 akawdkwa, 1. 31 akawukwd, 1. 2J akfiwakwii, nkawakwa. We believe somebody Ye believe somebody They believe somebody t'^ jML t W-imn ' . uiiuuiuixa a TRANSITIVE VBRB — INDKTJiiRMINATE — ANIMATE OBJECT — INVERSE. 115 CONDITIONAL MOOD. Sing. K^ t'apw&t akowewuk, Had somebody believed me, in relation to bim. IMPERATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Kitta tapw&t owimawa, Let bim or them, in relation to bim, be believed by somebody. m :ii Plitr. DUBITATIVE MOOD {SubjuncHve), PRESENT TENSE. Sing. teiipw&t nkowewana, If, whetber Somebody believes me akowewunil, owawe^ta, akowew&kwa, 1.3| akowewukwa, 1.2; akowewftkwu, owawe^tilnik, »» »» Somebody believes tbee He is believed by somebody Somebody believes us Somebody believes you They are believed by some- body ■,v''^t m il : V I , ; t II f' 116 TRANSITIVE VERB — INDETERMINATE — ANIMATE OBJECT — DIRECT. PAST OB IMPEEFBCT TENSE. Sing. teapwat akilwapanii, If, whether I believed somebody Pliir. akawupuna, akakopund, akSwdkepuDil, 1. S) akawukepuna, 1.2; akawakepuna, „ ak&wakepuna, „ Thou believedst somebody He believed somebody We believed somebody Ye believed somebody They believed somebody PEEFECT TENSE. Sing. Kk tapwat akawana, If, whether I have believed somebody El &c. PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. K& tapwdt akawapana, If, whether I had believed somebody Kl &c. FUTURE TENSE. Sing. Kitta tapw&t akawana, If, whether I shall or will believe Ka &c. somebody FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta k^ tapwat akawana, If, whether I shall or will have be- lieved somebody. Ka kl &c. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Kitta kc^ tapwAt akawana, If, whether I may or can believe Ka kl &c. somebody PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta tapwtit akawapana. If, whether I might, could, would, Ka &c. or should believe somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta kl tapwit akawapana, If, whether I might, could, would, Eri kA &c. or should have believed somebody '^~ ' ; — ■' ' ' 1 • TRAN8ITIVB VERB — INDBTBRMISATB— ANIMATE OBJECT — ^INVBRSB. 117 PAST OB IMPEBFECT TENSE. Sing. teap^ it akowewapana, If, whether Somebody believed me n akowewupuna, „ Somebody believed thee » owawe^tepunsl, „ He was believed by some- body Plur. It akowewAkepuna, 1. 3) „ . , , ,. » i_ t, - , ft M Somebody believed us a akowewukepuna, 1 .2) *' i M akowewakepunil, „ Somebody believed you » owawe4tepunanik, „ They were believed by somebody PEBFECT TENSE. Sing. K\ tapw&t akowewana, If, whether Somebody has believed me K& PLUPEBFECT TENSE. Sing. Kit tapwAt akowewapana, If, whether Somebody had believed me K& &C. FUTUBE TENSE. Sing. Kitta tapwit akowewanft, If, whether Somebody shall or will Ka &c. believe me FUTUBE PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta kS tapw&t akowewana, If, whether Somebody shall or will Ka kS &c. have believed me. POTENTIAL MOOD. PBESENT TENSE. Sing. Kitta kS tapw&t akowewanfi. If, whether Somebody may or can Ka k^ &c. believe me PAST OB IMPEBFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta tapw&t akowewapana, If, whether, Somebody might, could, Kfi &c. would, or should believe me PLUPEBFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta k^ tapwi\t akowewapana. If, whether Somebody might, could, Ea k^ &c. would, or should have believed me. iiMm IN? •..1 :) hi- I i 118 TRANSITIVE VERB — INDETERMINATE — ANIMATE OBJEOT — ^DIRECT. ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE.— DUBITATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sitiff. teapwit akdwawuktt, „ akawawutil, Plnr. » »> »> akfiwakwil, ") aknyikwi); akiiwawul akfiwawul akawawsikwa, If, whether I, in relation to him, be- lieve somebody If, whether Thou, in relation to him, believest somebody If, whether He, in relation to him, be- lieves somebody akawawuke('ta,l. 3") If, whether We, in relation to him, akfiwawukwa, 1. 2) believe somebody If, whether Ye, in relation to him, be- lieve somebody If, whether They, in relation to him, believe somebody akawakwa, akayikwa, akawayikwa,j PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. teapwAt akawawukepunil. If, whether I, in relation to him, believed somebody „ akawawutepuna, If, whether Thou, in relation to him, believed somebody J- . P - ' / If, whether He, in relation to him, Vy ._P - ' t believed somebody akijyepuna, ; •' akawawuke^tepunii, ") 1. Sf If, whether We, in relation to him, be- akawaM ukepunS, [ lieved somebody akawaw&kepuna, If, whether Ye, in relation to him, be- lieved somebody Plur. >> akawatcliikepuna,! akawatwilpuna, akSwilpuna, akayitepunfi, akiiy^pung, If, whether They, in relation to him, believed somebody PERFECT TENSE. Sing. KA tapwat akiiwawuka, If, whether I, in relation to him, ha^e believed somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. KA tapwat akawawukepuna, If, whether I, in relation to him, had K(^ &c. believed somebody. \l: le- tn, e- n, e- T11AN811IVB VERB — INDBTBBMINATB — ^ANIMATE OBJECT — INVERSE. 119 ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE.— DUBITATIVE MOOD. Sing, teapw&t akowewawukii, akowewawuta, M Plur. n n PEE8ENT TENSE. If, whether Somebody believes me, in relation to him If, whether Somebody believes thee, in relation to him owimaweeta, If, whether He, in relation to him, is believed by somebody akowewawuke^ta, 1.3llf, whether Somebody believes us, in akowewawukwa, 1.2) relation to him akowewawakwa, If, whether Somebody believes you, in relation to him „ owimawet^tanik, If, whether They, in relation to him, are believed by somebody PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing, teapw&t akowewawukepuna, If, whether Somebody believed me, in relation to him „ akowewawutepuna, If, whether Somebody believed thee, in relation to him „ owimawe^tepuna, If, whether He, in relation to him, was believed by somebody Plur. „ akowewawukedte- ^ puna, 1.3 f If, whether Somebody believed us, in . „ akowewawukepuna, [ relation to him 1.2-' „ akowewawukepuna, If, whether Somebody believed you, in relation to him „ owimaweStepunanik, If, whether They, in relation to him, were believed by somebody PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ki tapw4t akowewawuka. If, whether Somebody has believed me, K^ &c. in relation to him PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ki\ tapwat akowewawukepuna, If, whether Somebody had believed KS &c. me, in relation to him. I'M '4 '•in '■4^ Sri % ' I i 180 IBAMSITIVE VEBB — INDETERMINATE — ANIMATE OBJECT — DIRECT. FUTURE TENSE. Sing. Eitta tapw&t akawawuka, If, whether I, in relation to him, Ea &c. shall or will believe somebody FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Eitta kS tapw4t akawawuka, If, whether I, in relation to him, Eak£ &c. shall or will have believed somebody. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Kitta k6 tapwit akawawuka. If, whether I, in relation to him, Ea k^ &c. may or can believe somebody PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSR Sing. Kitta tapwat akilwawukepuna, If, whether I, in relation to him, Ka &c. might, could, would, or should, believe somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Eitta kS tapw4t akawawukepuna, If, whether I, in relation to him, Ea kS &c. might, could, would, orshouldj have believed somebody. SUPPOSITIVE MOOD— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Ne tapw4t akanatookwa, I believe somebody, I suppose, it seems , akanatookwa, Thou believest somebody, I sup- pose, it seems , akatookwa, He believes somebody, I suppose, it seems Ee Plur. Ne Ee Ke 11 akananatookwa, 1. 3| We believe somebody, I suppose, akananatookwa, 1. 2i akanawatookwa, akatookwanik. it seems Ye believe somebody, I suppose, it seems They believe somebody, I suppose, it seems. TRAMSITIVE VERB — INDBTERMINATB — ANIMATE OBJECT — INVERSE. 121 FXJTUEE TENSE. Sing. Kitta tapw&t akowewawukfi, If, whether Somebody shall or will Ea &c. believe me, in relation to him FUTUBE PEEFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta kS tapwit akowewawuka, If, whether Somebody shall or will K&U &c. have believed me, in relation to him POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Kitta k^ tapwat akowewawuka, If, whether Somebody may or can Kii kh &c. believe me, in relation to him PAST OK IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta tapwSt akowewawukepuna, If, whether Somebody might, could, Ka &c. would, or should believe me, in relation to him PLUPERFECT TENSE, Sing. Kitta k6 tapwt\t akowewawukepuna, If, whether Somebody might, Ka k^ &c. could, would, or should have believed me,inrelation tohim. SUPPOSITIVE MOOD— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Ne tapwilt akowinatookwS, Somebody believes me, I suppose, it seems Somebody believes thee, I suppose, it seems He is believed by somebody, I sup- pose, it seems akowinanatookwa, 1.3| Somebody believes us, I suppose, it akowinanatookwa, 1.2; seems akowinawatookwa, Somebody believes you, I suppose, it seems owatookwanik, They are believed by somebody, I suppose, it seems Q Ke Flur. Ne Ke Ke akowinatookwu, owatookwa. ill ' !*.,y,;i| . M a i I 1*1 *'' 122 TRANSITIVE VERB — INDFTERMINATB — ANIMATE OBJECT — DIRECT. PAST OB IMPERFECT TENSE. Shig. Ne tapw&t akanakopun, Ee „ akanakopun, I believed somebody, I suppose, it seems Thou believedst somebody, I sup- akakopun, f)ose, it seems ic Plur. Ne Ke Ke akananakopun, 1. 3 ^ akananakopun, 1. 2 ) akanawakopun, akfiwakopun, He believed somebody, I suppose, it seems We believed somebody, I sup- pose, it seems Ye believed somebody, I suppose, it seems They believed somebody, I sup- pose, it seems PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne k6 tapwat akanatookwd, I have believed somebody, I sup- &c. pose, it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne kS tapwut akanakopun, I bad believed somebody, I sup- &c. pose, it seems. FUTURE TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapwut akaniitookwa, I shall or will believe somebody, &c. I suppose, it seems FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga k6 tapwat akanfitookwil, I shall or will have believed &c. somebody, I suppose, it seems. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga k^ tapwat akanatookwa, I may or can believe somebody, &c. I suppose, it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapwat akanakopun, I might, could, would, or should &c. believe somebody, I suppose, it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga k4 tapw&t akanakopun, I might, could, would, or should &c. have believed somebody, I suppose, it seems. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. The same as the Subjunctive Mood of the Simple Verb, with the addition of dtookwd throughout all its tenses. "rvW TRANSITIVE VBHB — INDETERMINATE — ANIMATE OBJECT — INVERSE. 123 Ke Plur. Ne Ke Ke It PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne tapwit akowinakopun, Somebody believed me, I suppose, it seems akowinakopuu. Somebody believed thee, I suppose, it seems owakopun, He was believed by somebody, I suppose, it seems akowinanakopun, 1.31 Somebody believed us, I suppose, it akowinanakopun, 1.2j seems akowinawakopun, Somebody believed you, I suppose, it seems owakopunuk, They were believed by somebody, I suppose, it seems PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne k^ tapwtlt akowinatookwa, Somebody has believed me, I sup- &o. pose, it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ki tupwat akowinakopun. Somebody had believed me, I sup- &c. pose, it seems FUTURE TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapwAt akowinatookwil,- Somebody shall or will believe me, &o. I suppose, it seems FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga ke tapwilt akowinatookwa, Somebody shall or will have be- &c. lieved me, I suppose, it seems. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga kS tapwAt akowinatookwa, Somebody may or can believe me, I Sec. suppose, it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapw&t akowinakopun, Somebody might, could, would, or Sec. should believe me, I suppose, it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga k& tapwat akowinakopun, Somebody might, could, would, or &c. should have believed me, I suppose, it seems. "I, m ;i ^1, rn :|., .ii!i 124 TRANSITIVB VBRB— INDETERMINATE — ANIMATE OBJECT — DIRECT. '( ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— SUPPOSITIVE MOOD. INDICATIVE MOOD. PllESENT TENSE. Sing. Ne tapw&t akawanatookwa, Ke „ akawanatookwa, tt akawiltookwa, akayeetookwil, M Plur. Ne )f akii wananatook Wil , Ke )t akawananatookwil, Ke »» akawanawatookwa, f, aka wfltook wa nik , ^ akiiyeetookwa > akayeetookwanee, ) » l> I, in relation to him, believe some- body, I suppose, it seems Thou, in relation to him, believest somebody, I 8U])pose, it seems He, in relation to him, believes somebody, I suppose, it seems l.3|We, in relation to him, believe 1.2) somebody, I suppose, it seems Ye, in relation to him, believe somebody, I suppose, it seems They, in relation to him, believe somebody, I suppose, it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne tapwtU akawanakopun, Ke Plur. Ne Ke Ke akawanakopun, akayekopun. I) »» » I, in relation to him, believed . somebody, I suppose, it seems Thou, in relationto him, believedst somebody, I suppose, it seems He, in relation to him, believed somebody, I suppose, it seems akawananakopun, 1. 3|We, in relation to him, believed akawananakopun, 1. 2) somebody, I suppose, it seems akawanawakopun, Ye, in relation to him, believed soiuebody, I suppose, it seems akayekopun, "1 They, in relation to him, believed ukuyekopuneek,/ somebody, I suppose, it seems PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne kS tapwdt akawanatookwa, &c. I, in relation to him, have believed somebody, I suppose, it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne kS tapwdt akawanakopun, I, in relation to him, had believed &c. somebody, I suppose, it seems FUTURE TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapwat akawanatookwa, I, in relation to him, shall or will &c. believe somebody, I suppose, • it seems. TBAKSrnVB VERB— INDBTBRMINATB— ANIMATE OBJECT— INVERSE. 125 ACCESSORY OB POSSESSIVE CASE-SUPPOSITIVE MOOD. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sinir. No tapwHt akowewanatookwa, Somebody boHoves mo, in relation Ko „ owimatookifvri, Plur. Ne Ee )i »> n I) Ke » to bim, I suppose, it seems akowewanatoohwa, Somebody believes thee, in relation to him, I suppose, it seems He, in relation to him, is believed by 8oni?body, I suppose, it seems akowewananatookwa, ) Somebody believes us, in relation 1.2 I akowewananatookwa, [ to him, I suppose, it seems 1. 2 J akowewanawatookwa, Somebody believes /ou, in relation to him, I suppose, it seems owimatookwa, ) They, in relation to him, are be- owimatookwaneo, ) lieved by somebody, I suppose, it seems P.\ST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne tapw&t akowewanakopun, Somebody believed me, in relation to him, I suppose, it seems akowewanakopun, Somebody believed thee, in relation to him, I suppose, it seems owimakopun, He, in relation to him, was be- lieved by somebody, I suppose, it seems akowewananakopun, ) Somebody believed us, in relation akowewananakopun, [ to him, I suppose, it seems 1.2) akowewanawakopun, Somebody believed you, in relation to him, I suppose, it seems „ owimakopun, They, in relation to him, were be- lieved by somebody, I suppose, it seems PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne k4 tapw&t akowewanatookwa, Somebody has believed me, in re- &c. lation to him, I suppose, it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne k^ tapwit akowewanakopun, Somebody had believed me, in re- &c. lation to him, I suppose, it seems FUTURE TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapwat akowewanatookwa, Somebody shall or will believe &c. me, in relation to him, I sup- pose, it seems. Plur. Ne Ke Ke ;-;p:*-' Pi mmm 126 TRAMBITIVE VBHB — IMDETBRMIKATE — AGENT AND OBJECT— DIRECT. FUTUBE PEEPECT TENSE. Sinf(. No ga k^ tapw&t akflwanutookwu, I, in relation to him, ihall or will &c. have belioved somebody, I 8up- pose, it tieems. POTENTIAL MOOD; PRESENT TENSE. Sitiff. Ne ga k6 tapw&t akawamltookwa, I, in relation to him, may or can &c. believe somebody, I suppose, it soems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapwdt akuwanakopun, I, in relation to him, might, could, &>c, would, or should believe some- body, I suppose, it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga ki^ tiipwdt akflwanakopun, I, in relation to him, might, could, &c. would, or should hiive believed somebody, I suppose it seems. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. The same as the Accessory or Possessive Case of the Subjunctive Mood of the Simple Verb, with the addition of &tookwa throughout all its tenses. OPTATIVE MOOV The same prefixes as noticed betore at page 85. INDETERMINATK— AGENT AND OBJECT— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE, tapwat akanewew, '^ Somebody believes somebody (there „ akanewun, ) is a believing) PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwit akunewepun, -i u i k r j u i „ akanewunopun,) Somebody believed somebody PERFECT TENSE. K^ tapwat. akanewew, \ uji.ui-j vj , ( {Somebody has believed somebody 2 TRANBITIVB VBRB^IHDBTKIUimATE — AOBNT AVD OBJICT — IVVBRSE. 127 FUTURE PERFECT TEN8B. Sing. Ne ga ki tapwAt akowewanutookwu, Somebody ahall or will have &o. believed me, in relation to him, I suppoBe, it seemi. .• 'J ., !■ ^i^ I POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga kA tapw&t akowewanfitookwu, Somebody may or can believe me &o. in relation to him, I sup- pose, it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapw&t akowowanakopun. Somebody might, could, would, &c. or should believe mo, in rcliition to him, I suppose, it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga k& tapw&t akowowanakopun. Somebody might, could, would fto. or should have believed me, in relation to him, I sup- pose, it seems. INDETERMINATE— AGENT AND OBJECT— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapw&t akowinanewow, ') „ akowinanewun, i Somebody is believed by somebody PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapw&t akowinanewepun, ) Somebody was believed by some- „ akowinanewunopunO body PERFECT TENSE. KS tapw&t akowinanewew, ) Somebody has been believed by „ akowinanewun, ) somebody. !m > I : 11 1 i 128 TRANSITIVE VERB — INDETERMINATE — AQENT AND OBJECT — DIBEOT. PLUPERFECT TENSE. , [ Somebody had believed somebody „ akanewunopun, ) ^ ^ FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapwat akanewew, ) „ , , , „ .„ v i- i. j , r Homebody shall or will believe somebody „ akanewun, ) " ' FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta ke tapwut akanewew, *) Somebody shall or will have believed „ akanewun, i somebody. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta k^ tapwat akanewew, Iolj tv lj '^ , [ bomebodymay or can believe somebody „ akanewun, J ' "' PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwat akanewepun, 1 Somebody might, could, would, or „ akanewunopun,/ should believe somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta kS tapwut akanewepun, ) Somebody might, could, would, or „ akanewunopun,) should have believed somebody. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. ■A tapwat akanewik, ^ „ akanewuk, > (that) Somebody believes somebody „ akak, J PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. a tapwat akuuewikepun, ^ „ akanewukepun, [ (that) Somebody believed somebody ,, ak^kepun, ) PERFECT TENSE, a k^ tapw&c akanewik, (that) Somebody has believed somebody &c. ^i THAN8ITIVB VEBB — INDETERMINATE — AGENT AND OBJECT — INVERSE. 129 PLUPEBFECT TENSE. Kh tapwilt akowinanewepun, | Somebody had been believed by „ akowinanewunopun, ; somebody FUTURE TENSE. Kifta tapwit akowinanewew, akowinanewun » :) Somebody shall or will be believed by somebody FUTURE PERFECT TENSE, ebody „ akowinanewun, ) believed by somebody Kitta k& tapwit akowinanewew, ) Somebody shall or will have been POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta k^ tapw&t akowinanewew, ;l Somebody may or can bo believed by somebody „ akowinanewun, PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapw&t akowinanewepun, | Somebody might, could, would, or akowinanewunopun, J should bo believed by somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta k6 tapwut akowinanewepun, ^ Somebody might, could, would, or „ akowinanewunopun, > should have been believed by ) somebody SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. a tapw^t akowinanewik, „ akowinanewuk, „ akowik, PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. a tapw&t akowinanewikepun, ") ,., .^ r, u i i v i u *^ , . f, ( (that) Somebody was believed by some- „ akowinanewukepun, r , „ akowikepun, -' PERFECT TENSE. a ke tapwat akowinanewik, (that) Somebody has been believed bx &c. somebody (that) Somebody is believed by some- body »:; V t\ i> 1 i; ^•1 il V30 TRANSITIVE VEBB-i-raDETERlUNAT£ — AGENT AND OBJECT — DIRECT. PLUPERFECT TENSE. A k4 tapwit akanewikepun, (that) Somebody had believed somebody FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapwilt akanewik, (that) Somebody shall or will believe &c. somebody Off Somebody to believe somebody And, ^ ' ^ (when) Somebody shall or will believe „ akanewuke, ,• „ akiike, ) somebody FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta k& tapwat akanewik, KA tapw&t akanewike, &c. (that) Somebody shall or will have believed somebody Or, Somebody to have believed some- body And, (when) Somebody shall or will have be- lieved somebody POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. (that) Somebody may or can believe somebody And, (when) Somebody may or can believe somebody PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwat akanewikepun, (that) Somebody might, could, would, &c« or should believe somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. Ktta k4 tapwat akanewikepun, (that) Somebody might, could, would, &c. or should have believed somebody Kitta kA tapwat akanewik, &c. K4 tapw&t akanewike, &c. 5 a KA tapwAt akanewik, &c. CONDITIONAL MOOD. Had Somebody believed somebody TRANSITIVE YBBB — INDETBBMINATB — AGENT AND OBJECT — INVERSE. 131 PLUPERFECT TENSE. A ki tapwat akowinanewikepun, (that) Somebody had bnen believed by &c. somebody FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapwilt akowinanewik, (that) Somebody shall or will be believed &c. by somebody Or, Somebody to be believed by somebody And, apw a owinai^ewi , | /^hen) Somebody shall or will be believed „ akowinanswuke, > ^ . , , ;; akowike, 3 ^^ ^""^^"•^y FUTURE PEEFECT TENSE. Kitta kt^ tapw&t akowinanewik, (that) Somebody "shall or will have been &c. believed by somebody or, .Somebody to have been believed by somebody And, Kis tapwat akowinanewike, (when) Somebody shall or will have been &c. believed by somebody POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta k6 tapwat akowinanewik, (that) Somebody may or can be believed &c. by somebody And, K6 tapwat akowinanewike, (when) Somebody may or can be believed &c. by somebody PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwAt akowinanewikepun, (that) Somebody might, could, woidd, or &o. should be believed bysomebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta k^ tapw&t akowinanewike- (that) Somebody might, could, would, or &c. [pon, should have been believed by somebody CONDITIONAL MOOD. K^ tapv&t akowinanewik, Had Somebody been believed by some- &c. body -I r •I ■«MMH i i I'H 132 TRANSITIVE VERB — INDETERMINATE — AQENT AND OBJECT — ^DIRECT. 5 IMPERATIVE MOOD. Kitta tapwat akanewew, ^ Let Somebody believe somebody „ akanewun, ) Let there be a believing ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— INDICATIVE MOOD. PHESENT TENSE, tapwat akitwan, Somebody, in relation to him, believes somebody PAST OE IMPERFECT TENSE, tapwat akilwanapun, Somebody, in relation to him, believed somebody PERFECT TENSE. K^ tapwat akawan, Somebody, in relation to him, has believed somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. E^ tapwit akawanapun, Somebody, in relation to him, had believed somebody FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapwilt akawan, Somebody, in relation to him, shall or will believe somebody FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta k£ tapwat akawan, Somebody, in relation to him, shall or will have believed somebody POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta ki tapwat akawan, Somebody, in relation to him, may or can believe somebody PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwat akawanapun, Somebody, in relation to him, might, could, would, or should believe somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta k^ tapwat akawanapun, Somebody, in relation to him, might, could, would, or should have believed somebody SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. A tnpwit akiiwe^t, (that) Somebody, in relation to him, believes somebody a i; \ TRANSITIVE VERB — INDETERMINATE — AGENT AND OBJECT — INVEBSB. 133 IMPEEATIVE MOOD. Kitta tapwit akowinanewew, ) Let Somebody be believed by somebody „ akowinancwun, ) ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— INDICATIVE MOOD. PBESENT TENSE. tapw&t akowewan, Somebody, in relation to him, is believed by somebody PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE, tapw^t akowewanapun, Somebody, in relation to him, was believed by somebody PERFECT TENSE. KS tapwut akowewan, Somebody, in relation to him, has been believed by somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. K4 tapw&t akowewanapun. Somebody, in relation to him, had been believed by somebody FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapwAt akowewan, Somebody, in relation to him, shall or will be believed by somebody FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta k^ tapwAt akowewan. Somebody, in relation to him, shall or will have been believed by somebody POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta kA tapwut akowewan. Somebody, in relation to him, may or can be believed by somebody PAST OB IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwAt akowewanapun, Somebody, in relation to him, might, could, would, or should be believed by somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta kt^ tapwit akowewanapun. Somebody, in relation to him, might, could, would or should have been believed by somebody SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. A tapw&t akoweweSt, (that) Somebody, in relation to him, is be- lieved by somebody -0 1 '^ *i If i w m\ i;ti ttmmmma i ii I Kitta tapwat akawe^t, 134 TEANSITJVB VERB — INDBTBBMINATB — AOBNT AND OBJBCT — DIRECT. PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. A tapwat akaweStepun, (that) Somebody, in relation to him, believed somebody PERFECT TENSE. A k& tapw&t akaweSt (that) Somebody, in relation to him, has believed somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. A k6 tapwat akaweltepun, (that) Somebody, in relation to him, had believed somebody FUTURE TENSE. (that) Somebody, in relation to him, shall or will believe somebody Or, Somebody, in relation to him, to believe somebody And, tapwat akawe^tche, (when) Somebody, in relation to him, shall or will believe somebody FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta k^ tapwilt akuwe^t, (that) Somebody, in relation to him, shall or will have believed somebody Or, Somebody, in relation to him, to have believed somebody And, K^ tapwat akawe^tche, (when) Somebody, in relation to him, shall or will have believed somebody POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta k(* tapwat akawei^t, (that) Somebody, in relation to him, may or can believe somebody And, K^ tapwat akaweetche, (when) Somebody, in relation to him, may or can believe somebody PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwat akawe6tepun, (that) Somebody, in relation to him, might, could, would, or should believe somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta ki; tapwat akaweltepun, (that) Somebody, in relation to him, might, could, would, or should have believed somebody CONDITIONAL MOOD. K^ tapw&t akawe^ ;, Had Somebody, in relation to him, be- lieved somebody IMPERATIVE MOOD. [somebody Kitta tapw&t akawan, Let Somebody, in relation to him, believe ii '■'I \ A^:- .-^ ■l\> 1 TRANSrnTE VERB — INDETERMINATE — AGENT AND OBJECT — INVERSE. 136 PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. A tapw&t akoweweStepun. (that) Somebody, in relation to him, was believed by somebody PERFECT TENSE. A k^ tapwSt akowewe^t, (that) Somebody, in relation to him, has been believed by somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. A k^ tapwit akowewe^tepun, (that) Somebody, in relation to him, had been believed by somebody FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapw^t akoweweSt, (that) Somebody, in relation to him, shall or will be believed by somebody Or, someb( . , in relation to him, to be believed by somebody And, tapwit akowewe^tche, (when) Somebody, in relation to him, shall or will be believed by somebody FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta k^ tapwtU akowewe^t, (that) Somebody, in relation to him, shall or will have been believed by somebody Or, somebody, in relation to him, to have been believed by somebody And, K4 tapwat akowewe^tche, (when) Somebody, in relation to him, shall or will have been believed by somebody POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta k« tapwat akowewe^t, (that) Somebody, in relation to him, may or can be believed by somebody A7id, K& tapwSt akowewe^tche, (when) Somebody, in relation to him, may or can be believed by somebody PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwit akowewe^tepun, (that) Somebody, in relation to me, might, could, would, or should be believed by somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta k4tapw&takowewe^tepun, (that) Somebody, in relation to him, might, could, would, or should have been believed by somebody* CONDITIONAL MOOD. K& tapw&t akoweweSt, Had Somebody, in relation to him, been believed by somebody IMPERATIVE MOOD. [by somebody Kitta tapwAt akowewan. Let Somebody, in relation to him, be believed i ' '1 11 *t I !l 1 ■•■■■■■IHMi 136 TRANSITIVE VERB — INDETERMINATE — AGENT AND OUECT — DIRECT. ) i; : li * f DUBITATIVE MOOD {Subjunctive), PEESENT TENSE. teapw&t akanewikwa, akanewunookwa, [ If or whether Somebody believes some- body „ akanewukwu, „ ak&kwa, PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. teapw&t akanewikepuna, akanewunookopuna, [ If or whether Somebody believed some- akanewukepunil, f body ak&kepuna, PERFECT TENSE. Kk tapw&t akanewikwa, If or whether Somebody has believed K^ &c. somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. KA tapwat akanewikepuna, If or whether Somebody had believed' Ki^ &c. somebody FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapwat akanewikwa, If or whether Somebody shall or will Kfi, &c. believe somebody FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta kA tapwat akanewikwa. If or whether Somebody shall or will Ka k^ &c. have believed somebody POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta k§ tapwit akanewikwa. If or whether Somebody may or can Ku kA &c. believe somebody PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwat akanewikepuna. If or whether Somebody might, could, Ka &c. would, or should believe somebody PLUPERFECT TENSfe. Kitta kA tapwat akanewikepuna. If or whether Somebody might, could, Ka k^ &c. would, or should have believed somebody I TRANSITIVE VERB — INDETERMINATE — AGENT AND OBJECT — INVERSE. 137 DUBITATIVE MOOD {Subjunctive). PEESENT TENSE. teapw&t akowinanewikwil, ] „ akowinanewunookwa, f If or whether Somebody is be- „ akowinanowi^kwu, [ lieved by somebody „ akowikwft, j PAST OR IMPEltFECT TENSE. teapw/it akowinanewikepuna, ^ „ akowinanewunookopuna, fif or whether Somebody was bc- „ akowinanewukepunfi, t lieved by somebody „ akowikepuna, j PEKFECT TENSE. Kil tapwit akowinanewikwii, If or whether Somebody hns oeen believed by somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. K& tapw&t akowin newikepuDu, If or whether Somebody had been believed by somebody FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapw^t akowinanewikwa, Ka &c. If or whether Somebody shall or will be believed by somebody FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta kS tapw&t akowinanewikwa, If or whether Somebody shall or Kit k4 &c. will have been believed by somebody. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta kit tapw&t akowinanewikwa, If or whether Somebody may or can Kii ki &c. be believed by somebody PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwut akowinanewikepuna, If or whether, Somebody might, could, Kft &c. would, or should be believed by somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta kfi tapwut akowinanewikepuna, If or whether Somebody might, Ka k& &c. could, would, or should have been believed by somebody. 1 " ! ■ ./ ^% 'Hi r ' :|« 138 TIUN8ITIVE VERB — INDETERMINATE — AGENT AND OBJECT — DIRECT. ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE.— DUBITATIVE MOOD. Sub/unctive. PEESENT TENSE. teupw&t akAwaweSta, If or whether Somebody, in relation to him, believes somebody PAST OB IMPERFECT TENSE. teiipwtU akilwawc^tepuna, If or whether Somebody, in relation to him, believed somebody PERFECT TENSE. KA tap wit akawawe^ta, If or whether Somebody, in relation to him, has believed somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. KA tapwAt akawawo^tepuna, If or whether Somebody, in relation to him, had believed somebody FUTURE TENSE. Kilta tapwat akawawe(Ha, Ka If or whether Somebody, in relation to him, shall or will believe somebody FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta k4 tapwat akawawe^tii, Kak^ >» If or whether Somebody, in relation to him, shall or will have believed somebody. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta ke tapwat akawawc^ta, Ka ke „ „ If or whether Somebody, in relation to him, may or can believe somebody PAST OR IMPERFECT TEN8R Kitta tapwiU akiiwawe^tepuna, Ka ,, ,, If or whether Somebody, in relation to him, might, could, would, or should believe somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta k6 tapwat akawawetHepuna, If or whether Somebody, in relation Ka ke „ „ to him, might, could, would, or should have believed somebody. »> ' I TUANSITIVE VERB — INDETERMINATE — AQBNT AND OBJECT — INVERSE. 139 ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE.— DUBITATIVE MOOD. Suhjunctive. PRESENT TENSE. teapwat akowewawe^ta, If or whether Somebody, in relation to hira, is believed by somebody PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. teapwilt akowewawe6tepuna, If or whether' Somebody, in relation to him,wa8 believed by somebody PERFECT TENSE. KA tapwit akoAvewawe^ta, If or whether Somebody, in relation to him, has been believed by somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. KA tapwAt akowewawet^tepuna. If or whether Somebody, in relation K6 „ M to him, had been believed by somebody FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapwilt akowewawe^ta. If or whether Somebody, in relation Ka „ „ to him, shall or will be believed by somebody FUTURE PERFECT TENSE* Kitta k6 tapwAt akowowaweitii. If or whether Somebody, in relation Ka k6 ,, „ to him, shall or will have been believed by somebody. >> POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta k4 tapwat akowewawe^ta, If or whether Somebody, in relation Ka k^ „ „ to him, may or can be believed by somebody PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwat akowowaweStr puna. If or whether Somebody, in relation Ka „ „ to him, might, could, would, or should be believed by somebody PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta k4 tapwAt akowewawe^tepuntl, * If or whether Somebody, in relation Ka kd „ „ to him, might, could, would, or should have been believed by somebody. 4.. \ ^i m ' * 140 TRANSiriVR VERB— INDETERMINATFi — AOBNT AMD OBJECT — DIRBOT. 8UPP0SITIVE MOOD— INDICATIVE MOOD. PKESPNT TENSE. tapwilt akanowetookwn, „ akanewunotookwa ra, j Somebody believes, I aupposo, it Boems akanowunokopun PAST OH IMPERFECT TENSE. ,1 seems tnpwAt akanewekopun, ) Somebody believed, I suppose, it 1 PERFECT TENSE K^ tapwAt aknnewetookwa, ] Somebody has believed, I suppose, it „ „ akanewunotookwa, J seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. IW tnpwtlt akanewekopun, „ ,, akanewuno pun, ] )kopun, ) Somebody had believed, I suppose, it seems FUTURE TENSE. Kittn tnpwAt akanowetookwil, ') Somebody shall or will believe, I „ ,, akanewunotookwa, ) suppose, it seems FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta kt' tapwat akanewetookwa, „ „ ,, akanewunotookw 1 Somebody shall or will have be- a, j lieved, I suppose, it seems. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. »i M n suppose or it seems Kitta k5 tapwilt akanewetookwa, I Somebody may or can believe, I iwunotookwa, ) suppose ( PAST OB IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwat akanewekopun, \ Somebody might, could, would, or shoi - - - - seen PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta k^ tapwat akanewekopun, ) Somebody might, could, would, or "», ) " akanewuno pun, I •kopun, J laht, coi should believe, seems I suppose or it »? M V akanewunokopui should have believed, I suppose or it seems. SUBJUNCllVE MOOD. The same as the Subjunctive Mood of the Simple Verb, with the addition of atookica throughout all its tenses. it TRAN8ITIVK VBRD— INDETERMINATE— AGENT AND OBJBOT — INVXRflB. 141 SUPP08ITIVE MOOD— INDICATIVB MOOD. PRESENT TEN8B. tapw&t akowinanewetookwa, } Somebody is believed, I luppoBo, it „ akowinanewunotookwa, J seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwftt akowinanowekppun, ) Somebody was believed, I suppose, „ akowinanewunoKopun, ) it seems PERFECT TENSE. Kd tapwftt akowinanewetookwa, *) Somebody has been believed, I sup* „ „ akowinanrwunotookwA, ) pose, it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. Ki tapw&t akowinanewekopun, *) Soinobodv hud been believed, I sup- „ „ akowinanewunokopun, ) pose, it seems FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapw&t a1< iwinanewetookwa, ) Somebody shall or will be believed, „ „ akowinanewunotookwa,) I suppose, it seems FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta kA tapw&t nkowinancwotookwa, ) Somebody shall or will have been „ „ „ akowinanowunotookwA,) believed, I suppose, it seems. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kittu kS tapw&t akowinanewetookwa, l Somebody may or can be believed, akowinanewunotookwfi, j I suppose or it seems >> »» »> PAST OR IMPERFECT TFNSE. Kitta tapw&t akowinanewekopun, ) Somebody might, could, would, or ,1 „ akowinanewunokopun, j should bo believed, I suppose or it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta k& tapw&t akowinanewekopun, ) Somebody might, could, would, or „ „ „ nVowinanewiinf»irnnun,| should have been believed, I suppose or it seems. ■ 'ft P V MH I i. 142 TRAMSrriVE verb — indeterminate — AUBNT AND OBJECT — DIRECT. ACCESSOBY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— 8UPP0SITIVE MOOD. INDICATIVE MOOD. PKESENT TENSE, tapwat akawanatookwfi, Somebody, in relation to him, believes, I suppose or it seems PAST OB IMPEEPECT TENSE. tapwat akawanakopun, Somebody^ in relation to ' him, be- lieved, I suppose or it seems PEEFECT TENSE. K4 tapwat akiiwanatookwa, Somebody, in velation to him, has believed, I suppose or it seems PLIIPEEFECT TENSE. Ke tapwat akawanakopun, Somebody, in relation to him, had believed, I suppose or it seems FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapwat akiiwanatookwa, Somebody, in relation to him, shall or will believe, I suppose or it seems FUTUEE PEEFECT TENSE. Kitta k^ tapwSt akawanatookwa, Somebody, in relation to him, shall or will have believed, I suppose, or it seems. POTENTIAL MOOD. PEESENT TENSE Kitta kd tapwSt akawanatookwa, Somebody, in relation to him, may or can believe, I suppose or it seems PAST OE IMPEKFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwit akawanakopun, Somebody, in relation to him, might, could, would, or should believe, I suppose or it seems PL U PEEFECT TENSE. Kitta k(^ tapwilt akawanalcopun, Somebody, in relation to him, might, crald, would, or should have believed, I suppose or it seems. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. The same as the Accessory or Possessive Case of the Subjunctive Mood of tbe Simple Verb, with thu addition of atookwa throughout ail its tenses. OPTATIVE MOOD. The same prefixes as noticed before at page 85. t ' TRANSITIVE VERB — ^INDETERMINATE — AQBNT AND OBJECT^^INVBRSE. 143 ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE .CASE— SUPPOSITIVE MOOD. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TBNaE. tapw&t akowewanatookwit, Oomebody, in relation to him, is believed, I suppose or it seems PAST OB IMPERFECT TENSE. tapw&t akowewanakopun, Somebody, in relation to him, was believed, I suppose or it seems PERFECT TENSE. K^ tapwAt akowewanatookwa, Somebody, in relation to him, has been believed, I suppose or it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. KS tapw&t akowewanakopun, Somebody, in relation to him, had been believed, I suppose or it seems FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapw&t akowewanatookwa Somebody, in relation to him, shall or will be believed, I suppose or it seems FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta kA tapwftt akowewanatookwa, Somebody, in relation to him, shall or will have been believed, I suppose or it seems. i.^.il' .1 '■ ; POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta k^ tnpwat akowewanatookwa. Somebody, in relation to him, may or can be believed, I suppose or it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwit akowewanakopun, Somebody, in relation to him, might, could, would or should be be- lieved, I suppode or it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta k4 tapwAt akowewanakopun, Somebody, in relation to him, might, could, would or should have been believed, I suppose or it seems. t:'a m I .1 144 TRANSnrVE verb — ^indeterminate — INANIMATE — DEFINITE — ^DIRECT. INDETERMINATE— /nantma^e—I>e/?mfe. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSK tapw&t akao, It believes „ akawa, They believe PAST OE IMPEEFECT TENSE. tapw&t aktfpun, „ akilpunee, It believed They believed PBEFECT TENSE. E^ tapw&t akao, It has believed &c. Er tapw&t akapun, Kitta tapw&t akao, &c. PLUPEEFECT TENSE. It had believed FUTUEE TENSE. It shall or will believe Eitta k4 tapw4t akfio, &c. FUTUEE PERFECT TENSE. It shall or will have believed. POTENTIAL MOOD. PBESENT TENSE. Eitta ki tapwSt akao, It may or can believe &c. PAST OB IMPEEFECT TENSE. Eitta tapwat akapun, &c. It might, could, would or should believe PLUPEEFECT TENSE. Kitta k^ tapwAt akapun, It might, could, would or should &c. have believed. TBANSITIYE VBBB — INDETEBMINATE — INANIMATB>— DBFINITB — INVERSE. 145 U^DETERMINATE— Inanimate— JDeJlnUe. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapw& chikatao, It is believed „ chikawawa, They are believed PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapvfh chikatapun, It was believed „ chikatapuneek, They were believed %t^ A r 'i Ki tapw& chikatao, PERFECT TENSE. It has been believed PLUPERFECT TENSE. Ki tapwi chikatapun, It had been believed &c. FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapwH chikatao, It shall or will be believed &c. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta k4 tapwS chikatao, It shall or will have been believed. &c. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta k4 tapw& chikatao, It may or can be believed &c. PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwa chikatapun, It might, could, would, or should be ^c. believed PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta k6 tapwi chikatapun. It micht, could, would, or should have 4c. Deen believed. lit 146 TRANSITIVE VERB — IMDBTEBMINATE — INANIHATB — DEFINITB— DIBBOT. ml m II SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSK A tapw&t akak, „ akakee, waw, (that) It believes They believe A tapwat akakepun, „^ akakepunee, FAST OB IMFEBFEOT TENSE. (that) It believed They believed PEBFECT TENSE. A kS tapwSt akak, &c. A k^ tapwat akakepun, &c. Kitta tapwat akak, &c. tapwat akake, „ akakwawe, Kitta kS tapwat akak, &c. E^ tapwilt akake, &c. Kitta k^ tapwdt akak, &c. K^ tapwAt akake, (that) It has believed PLUPERFECT TENSE. (that) It had believed FUTUBE TENSE. (that) It shall or will believe or, It to believe And, (when) It shall or will believe „ They shall or will believe FUTUBE FEBFECT TENSE. (that) It shall or will have believed or. It to have believed And, (when) It shall or^will have believed. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. (that) It may or can believe And, (when) It may or can believd PAST OB IMPEBPECT TENSE. Kitta tapwat akakepun, &c. (that) It might could, would, or should believe TRANSITIVE VEBB— INDETERMINATE — INANIMATE — ^DEFINITE — INVERSE. 147 SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. (that) It is believed They are believed A tapw4t &t „ ktwato, chik, PAST OB IMPERFECT TENSE. A tapwilt &tepun, (that) It was believed itwdpun, chikepun, They were believed It A k& tapw&t &t &c. A kS tapw&t &tepun, &c. Eitta tapwit &t tapw&t itche, „ Atwawe, PERFECT TENSE. (that) It has been believed PLUPERFECT TENSE. (that|) It had been believed FUTURE TENSE. (that) It shall or will be believed or, It to be believed And, (when) It shall or will be believed They shall or will be believed FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta k6 tapw&t At &c. RS tapw^t &tche, „ Atwawe, (that) It shall or will have been believed or, It to have been believed And, (when) It shall or will have been believed They shall or will have been believed. y\ Eitta kS tapw&t &t &c. E4 tapwilt &tche, &c. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. (that) It may or can be believed And, (when) It may or can be believed PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapw&t Atepun, (that) It might, could, would, or should be believed ■IJWIM 148 TEANSmVB VERB— INDETBBMINATB— WANIMATB — DEFIKITB — DIBBOT. PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta kS tapw&t akakepun, (that) It might, could, T/ould, or should &c. have believed. Ki tapiv&t akak, &c. CONDITIONAL MOOD, (had) It believed. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Kitta tapwHt akao, akfiwa, $t » Let it believe .Let them believe. -'h< ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE, tapwilt akayew, It, in relation to him, believes akiiyowa. They, in relation to him, believe PAST OB IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwat akuyepun, „ akayepunee, It, in relation to him, believed They, in relation to him, believed KA tapwit akayew, &c. K^ tapw&t akayepun, &c. Kitta tapwAt akiiyew, &c. PERFECT TENSE It, in relation to him, has believed PLUPERFECT TENSE. It, in relation to him, had believed FUTURE TENSE. It, in relation to him, shall or will believe FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta kA tapwiit akfiyew, It, in relation to him, shall or will &c. have believed. TBANSmVfi VERB — ^INDBTBRMINATB — IKANIMATB — DEFINITE — IKVBR8«. 149 PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta k6 tapwit itepun, (that) It might, could, would, or should have &c. . been helieved. K& tapw&t 4t, Kitta tapw&t owaw, „ „ owawuk, CONDITIONAL MOOD. Had it been believed. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Let it be believed Let them be believed. 'I* ^l• t ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— INDICATIVE MOOD. JEESENT TENSE. tapwit owimawa. It, in relation to him, is believed owimawa, They, in relation to him, are believed PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapw&t owimapun, It, in relation to him, was believed „ owimapuneek, They, in relation to him, were believed KS tapw&t owimawa, Ki tapw&t owimapun, &c. PERFECT TENSE. It, in relation to him, has been believed PLUPERFECT TENSE. It, in relation to him, had been believed FUTURE TENSE. Eitta tapw&t owimawa, It, in relation to him, shall or will be &c. believed FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta k4 tapw&t owimawa, It, in relation to him, shall or will &c. have been believed. 150 TRANSITIVE VERB — INDBTBRBIINAIE — INAMDfATK — DEFINITE—DIREOT. POTENTIAL MOOD. PEESHNT TENSE, It, in relntion to him, may or can believe Kitta kA tapw^t akayew, PAST OB IMPEEFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwdt akayepun, It, in relation to him, might, could, would, or should believe PLUPEBFECT TENSE. Kitta k6 tapw&tak(lyepun, It, in relation to him, might, could, &c. would, or should have believed. I A tapwat akayii. „ . akiiyikee, SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. (that) It, in relation to him, believes „ They, in delation to him, believe PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. A tapwut akayikepun, (that) It, in relation to him, believed „ akilyikepunee „ They, in relation to him, believed A k^ tapw&t akayik, &c. PERFECT TENSE, (that) It, in relation to him, has believed PLUPERFECT TENSE. A k^ tapw&t akayikepun, (that) It, in relation to him, had believed &c. FUTURE TENSE. Eitta tapwat akayik, (that) It, in relation to him, shall or will &c. believe And, tapwat akSyike, (when) It, in relation to him, shall or will believe „ akayikwawe, „ They, in relation to him, shall or will believe FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta ko tapw&t, akayik, (that) It, in relation to him, shall or will have &c. believed. M ve d, i, TRANSITIVE VERB — INDETERMINATE — INANIMATE — DJ£FIN1TE — INVERSE. 151 POTENTIAL MOOD. PBBSENT TENSE. Kitta kS tapw&t owimawa, It, in relation to him, may or can be believed PAST OE IMPBBPECT TENSE. Kitta tapw&t owimapun, &c. It, in relation to bD. PRESENT TE^ .. Eitta k£ tapwi chikatayikwa, If or hether It, in relation to him, EakS &c. may or can be believed PAST OR IMPERI ' T TENSE. Kitta tapwa chikatayikopuna, Ka &c. It or whether It, in relation to him, might, could, would, or should be believed PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta k(^ tapwa chikatayikopuna, Ka k^ &c. If or whether It, in relation to him, might, could, would, or should liave been believed. |-:'« X- '•!!. j V) n 176 TRANSITIVE VERB — INDETERMINATE — ANIMATE — INDEFINITE — DIREOT. SUPPOSITIVE MOOD— INDICATIVE MOOD. PEESENT TENSE. tapw&t akamukunotookwa, It believes, I suppose or it seems „ akumukunotookwunee, They believe, I suppose or it seems PAST OB IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwat akamukunokopun, It believed, I suppose or it seems „ akfimukunokopunee, They believed, I suppose or it seems PERFECT TENSE. K(^ tapwat akamukunotookwa. It has believed, I suppose or it seems &c. PLUPERFECT TENSE. \\h ta}jwat akumukunokopun, It had believed, I suppose or it seems &c. FUTURE TENSE. Kitta ta^jwat akiiraukunatookwa, It shall or will believe, I suppose or &c. it seems FUTURE PERkECT TENSE. Kitta kb taj^'W^t akriniukunatookwu, It shall or will have b«lievod, I sup- &c. pose or it seems. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSR. Kitta k^ tapwSt ab~ ..lUkunjitookwa, It may or can believe, I suppose or &c. it seems PAST OB IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapw&t akumukunokopun, It might, could, would, or should &c. believe, I suppose or it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta k4 tapwat akamukunokopun, It might, could, would, or should &c. have believed, I suppose or it seems. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. ' The samo as tlic Subjunctive Mood of the Simple Verb, \\'ih the •uldition of utookicd throughout all its tenses. " I, if TRANSITIVE VEBB—INDETERMINATB— INANIMATE— INDEFINITE— INVERSE. 177 SUPPOSITIVE MOOD— INDICATIVE MOOD. PBE8ENT TENSE. tapwi chikatetookwa, It is believed, I suppose or it seems „ chikatatookwanee, They are believed, I suppose or it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwa chikatakopun, It was believed, I suppose or it seems „ chikatakopunee, They were believed, I suppose or it seems K^ tapwS chikatfitookwil, &c. K6 tapw& chikatilkopun, &c. PERFECT TENSE. It has been believed, I suppose or it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. It had been believed, I suppose or it seems FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapwa chikatritookwil, &c. It shall or will be believed, I suppose it seems FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta k^ tapw& chikatatookwa. It shall or will have been believed, &c. I suppose or it seems. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta k^ tapwa cbikatfitookwa, It may or can be believed, I suppose &c. or it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwa chikatakopun, It might, could, would or should be believed, I suppose or it seems ILUPEBFECT TENSE. Kitta ke tapwil chikatakopun, It might, could, would, or should have &c. been believed, i suppose or it seems. m' It III ...i 178 TRANSITIVE VERB — INDETERMINATE — INANIMATE INDEFINITE — DIBEOT. ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE -SUPPOSITIVE MOOD. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwat akamukunejeotookwa, It, in relation to him, believes, I suppose or it seems „ akamukuneyeetookwanee, Thoy, in relation to him, believe, I suppose or it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwat akamukuneyekopun, It, in relation to him, believed, I suppose or it seems „ akamukuneyekopunee, They, in relation to him, believed, I suppose or it seems PERFECT TENSE. Ke tapwat akamukuneyeetookwa, It, in relation to him, has believed, &c. I suppose or it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. Ke tapwat akamukuneyekopun. It, in relation to him, had believed, I suppose or it seems FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapwat akamukuneyeetookwa, It, in relation to him, shall or will &c. believe, I suppose or it seems FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta ke tapwAt akamukuneyeetookwa. It, in relation to him, shall or will &c. have believed, I suppose or it seems. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta ke tapwat akamukuneyeetookwa, It, in relation to him, may or can &c. believe, I suppose or it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwat akamukuneyekopun. It, in relation to him, might, could, &c. would, or should believe, I sup- pose or it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta k^ tapwat akamukuneyekopun. It, in relation to him, might, could, &c. would, or should have believed, I suppose or it seems SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. The same as the Accessory or Possessive Case of the Subjunctive Mood of the Simple Verb, with the addition of atookwd throughout all its tenses. OPTATIVE MOOD. The Optative Mood is formed by the addition of the same prefixes as noticed before at page 86. TBAN0ITIVE VKRB — INDETERMINATE — INANIMATE INDEFINITE — INVERSE. 179 ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— SUPPOSITIVE MOOD. INDICATIVE MOOD. PHE8ENT TENSE, tapwA chikatayeetookwa, It, in relation to him, is believed, I suppose or it seems „ chikatftyeetookwanee, They, in relation to him, arc believed, I suppose or it seems tapw& chikatayekopun, „ chikatayekopunee, PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. It, in relation to him, was believed, I suppose or it seems They, in relation to him, were be- lieved, I suppose or it seems PERFECT TENSE. Ki tapwi chikatayeetookwa, K& tapwil chikatayekopun, &c. It, in relation to him, has been believed, I suppose or it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. It, in relation to him, had been believed, I suppose or it seems FUTURE TENSE. Eitta tapw& chikatayeetookwa &c. It, in relation to him, shall or will be believed, I suppose or \t seems FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta k^ tapw& chikatayeetookwa, It, in relation to him, shall or will &c. have been believed, I suppose or it seems. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TEN^E. Eitta k4 tapwjV chikatayeetookwa, It, in relation to him, may or can &c. be believed, I suppose or it seems Eitta tapw4 chikatiiyekopun, &c. PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. It, in relation to him, might, could, would or should be believed, I suppose or it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. Eitta k^ tapwa chikatayekopun. It, in relation to him, might, could, &c. would or should have been be- lieved, I suppose or it scorns. .1 I:.. i I I' n -'< i i I 9 i fli HI il 1 11 ( 180 ) TRANSITIVE VERB —Inanimate Object. (6//t Conjug. um.) INDICATIVE MOOD— Direct PKE8ENT TENSE. Sing. Ne tapwAt fin, Ee Flur. No Ke Ee An, um, unan, 1 . anunow, 1. anawaw, umwuk, I believe it Thou bolievest it Ho believes it We believe it Ye believe it They believe it PAST OB IMPEBFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne Ec Oo Flur. Nc Ee Ee Oo Sing. Ne Ee Plur. Nc Ee Ee tapwAt a, ty, » &. ty. J. ty. atana i, tananow, Atawaw, &tawaw, 1.3 1. 2 Or, tapwat anapui., „ anapun, umopun, iinanapuD, 1. S ananapun, I. 2 unawupun, umopunoek, umoowi meek, ) r&pun, ) I believed it Thou believedst it He believed it We believed it Ye believed it They believed it I believed it Thou believedst it He believed it We believed it Ye believed it , They believed it PEBFECT TENSE. Sitig. Ne k^ tapwAt an, I have believed it &c. • « PLUPEBFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne kd tapw&t &c. A, ty, I had believed it. i « ( 181 ) TRANSITIVE VERB.— Inanimate Ol^ject. (eth Conjug. um.) INDICATIVE MOOD— Inverse. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Ne tapw&t akoon, It believes me Ee akoon, It believes thee akoo. He is believed by it Flur. Ne Ee akoonan, 1. akoona;)ow, 1. 3 ) - It believes us Ee akoonawaw, It, believes you akoowuk, They are believed by it PAST OU IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne tapwAt ak6, ty, It believed me Ee u ak6, ty, It believed thee Oo )1 ak6, ty, He was believed by it Plur. Ne Ee ak6tanan, 1 akdtananow, 1 . 3 ) It believed us Ke • 11 akdtawaw. It believed you Oo 11 ak&tawaw, yi, ty, They were believed by it Or, Sing. Nel tapwAt akoonapun, It believed me Ee 11 akoonapun, It believed thee 11 akoopun, He was believed by it Plur. Ne Ee 11 11 akoonanapun, 1 akoonanapun, 1 • 3 ) „ fit believed us Ee 11 11 akoonawapun, ako6tawilpun,^ It believed you 11 akoopuneck, I They were believed by it tt akoowapun, ) PEBFBCT TENSE. Sing. Ne kS tapw&t akoon, It has believed me &c. PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne k^ tapw&t akd, ty, It had believed me. &c. |i ■..4 N-' IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I Hi 125 Ui Uii 12.2 IL25 111 1.4 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WBT MAIN STRilT WIUTIR.N.Y. 14SM (716)t72-4S03 ■■A i> — I I 1 1 11 1S2 TRANSITIVE VERB — ^ENANIUATE OBJECT— DIRECT. Or, Sing. Ne kS tapwat anapun, I had believed it &c. FUTXIEE TEN8B. Sing. Ne ga tapwat an, I shall or will believe it &c. FUTTJBE PEEFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga k5 tapwat an, I shall or will have believed it. &c. POTENTIAL MOOD. PBEJENT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga k^ tapwat an, I may or can believe it &c. PAST OB IMPEEFECT TENSE. Sing-. Nega tapwat i,ty, I might, could, would, or should &c. believe it Or, Sing. Ne ga tapwat anapun, I might, could, would, or should Sec. believe it ■i f\ i PLUPEEFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga k§ tapwat k, ty, &c. I might, could, would, or should have believed it Or, Sing. Ne ga k4 tapw&t anapun, I might, could, would, or should have &c. believed it. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PEE8ENT TENSE. Sing. A tapw&t uman, (that) I believe it „ „ umun, „ Thou believest it „ „ uk, „ He believes it. TSANSmVB VERB — INANIMATE OBJECT — INVERSE. Or, Sing. Ne k^ tapwHt akoonapun, It had believed me &c. FUTURE TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapw&t akoon, It shall or will believe me 183 &c. FUTURE PEBFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga kS tapwiit akoon, It shall or will have believed me. &c. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga kS tapw&t akoon, It may or can believe me &c. PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapw&t ak6, ty, It might, could, would, or should &c. believe me Or, Sing. Ne ga tapw&t akoonapun, It might, could, would, or should &c. believe me PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga k(\ tapwut akA, ty, It might, could, would, or should &c. have believed me Or, Sing. Ne ga k4 tapw&t akoonapun, It might, could, would, or should &c. have believed me. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. A tapw&t akooyan, (that) It believes me „ „ akooyun, „ It believes thee „ akoot, „ He is believed by it. m. W% ..jjwyii ii u iww 184 TRANSITIVE VERB — INANIMATE 0BJEC3T — DIRECT. Plur. A tapw&t umdk, 1. 3 ) umuk, 1. 2 ) umak, ukik, ukwaw, J (that) We believe it „ Ye believe it „ They believe it Sing. Plur. PAST OR IMPEEFECT TENSE. A tapwat umapan, umupun, ukepun, ) upun, J umAkepun, 1. 3 umukepun, 1. 2 umakepun, ukikepun, ukw&pun, umw&pun, PEUFECT TENSE. U )I (that) I believed it „ Thou believedst it „ He believed it „ We believed it „ Ye believed it „ They believed it Sing. Sing. Sing. A ke tapwat uman, &c. (that) I have believed it PLUPERFECT TENSE. A k6 tapwat umapan, (that) I had believed it FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapwat uman, (that) I shall or will believe it or I to believe it And, Sing. tapw&t umane, (when) I shall or will believe it umune „ Thou shalt or wilt believe it { uke, „ He shall or will believe it 1 Phir. um&ko, umuko, „ We shall.or will believe it umako, „ Ye shall or will believe it ukwawe, „ They shall or will believe it ii /f 1 TRANSITIVE VERB — INANIMATE 0BJEC3T — INVERSE. 186 r4k, 1. 3 ■) ruk, 1.2) Plur. A tapw&t akooy&k, akooyuk, akooyak, akootchik, *) akootwaw, ) (that) It believes us „ It believes you „ They are believed by it PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. A tapwat akooyapan, Plur. (that) It believed me It believed thee » » akootepui), -i akodpun, ) „ He was believed by it » « akooyjikepuii, 1. 3 i „ It believed us u 71 akooyukepun, I. 2 « »> akooyakepun, „ It believed you >» li akootchikepun, •\ 1) » akootw&pun, > „ They were believed by it l> »» akoow&pun, 3 Sing. A kS tapwat akooyan, &c. PERFECT TENSE. (that) It has believed me PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. A k& tapwat akooyapan, &c. (that) It had believed me Sing. Kitta tapw&t akooyan, &c. Sing. Plur. tapwat akooyane, (wher »i akooyune. « >i akootche, » » akooy&ko, 1. 3 2 »> akooyuko, 1. »» >» akooyako, » )) akootwawe, » FUTURE TENSE. (that) It shall or will believe me, or It to believe me Andf (when) It shall or will believe me It shall or will believe thee He shall or will be believed It shall or will believe us It shall or will believe you They shall or will be believed A A i f (• US': ^''•"1 III m ;t:'i m t; : t; : II MLlI rn- i Tiin 186 TRANSITIVE VBBB — INANIMATE OBJECT — DIRECT. I FUTUEE PEEFECT TENSE. Sing, Kitta kS tapwdt uman, (that) I shall or will have believed it &o. Sing. K& tapwAt umane, or I to have believed it And, (when) I shall or will have believed it. POTENTIAL MOOD. PEESENT TENSE. Sing. Kitta kS tapwiit uman, (that) I may or can believe it &c. ■ And, Sing. K6 tapwat umane, (when) I may or can believe it &c. PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta tapwat umapan, (that) I might, could, would, or should &c. believe it PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta k4 tapwat umapan, (that) I might, could, would, or &c. should have believed it. Sing. KS tapwat uman, &c. CONDITIONAL MOOD. (had) I believed it. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Sing. tapwat &, Kitta „ um, Flur. „ ntan, tak, „ umook, Kitta „ umwuk, PRESENT TENSE. Believe thou it Let him believe it Let us (1.2) believe it Believe ye it Let them believe it. Inverse. Kitta tapwat akoo, Let him be believed by it „ akoowuk, Let them be believed by it. PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta k4 tapw&t akooyapan, (that) It might, could, would, or should &c. have believed me. CONDITIONAL MOOD. Sing. E^ tapw4t akooyan, (had) It believed me. &c. If' TRANSITIVE VBBB — INANIMATE OBJECT— ^INVBRBB. FUTUEE PEEFECT TENSE. 187 Sing. Kitta k& tapw&t akooyan, (that) It shall or will have believed me &o. or, It to have believed me And, Sing. K& tapw&t akooyane, &c. (when) It shall or will have believed me. 1 1 I I- ^-1 POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Kitta k§ tapwAt akooyan, (that) It may or can believe me &c. A7id, Sing. K6 tapwat akooyane, (when) It may or can believe me &c. PAST OE IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta tapwut akooyapan, (that) It might, could, would, or should t. believe me I'm. if IMPERATIVE MOOD. FUTUEE {Indefinite). Direct Sing. tapwat umodkun, Kitta „ um, Plur. „ umo6kuk, „ umodkak, Kitta „ umwuk, Believe thou it Let him believe it Let us (1. 2) believe it Believe ye it Let them believe it. 4 -SI m 'J m 188 TRANSITIVE VERB — IM ANIMATE OBJECT — DIRECT. ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— INDICATIVE MOOD. ^1 I- PRESENT TKN8B. Sing. Plur. Nc tapwHt Ke „ umwan, umwan, umwao, I beliove it, in relation to him Thou believest it, in relation to him No Ke Ke »» >» li >» I He believes it, in relation to him 1.3) umeyewa, ' ■ [ We believe it, in relation to him umwananow, 1. 2) umwanawaw, Ye believe it, in relation to him umwslwuk, ] umeyewa, J They believe it, in relation to him PA8T OR IMPERFECT TEN8E. Sing. Plur. N(! tapw&t Ke Oo Oo No Ke Ke Oo Oo » I believed it, in relation to him. Thou beliovedst it, in relation to him umw&, ty, umwil, ty, umwA, ty, ) tt i i. umev^ tv I believed it, in relation to him umw&tanan, 1.3) nr , ,. , -^ • , ^. ^ . . . , r»l "^ believed it, in relation to mm umwiitananow, 1.2) umw&tawaw. Ye believed it, in relation to him umwAtawaw, umey^, ty, f They believed it, in relation to him Or, Sing. Plur. Ne tapwut Ke Ne Ke Ke If » » umwanapun, umwanapun, umwilpun, umeyepun, I believed it, in relation to him Thou believedst it, in relation to him [ He believed it, in relation to him umwananapun,l.3) ,,, , ,. i •. • i .. * u- ^ ' > We believed it, in relation to him umwananapun,1.2^ umwanawapun, umwilpuneek, umeyepun, uraeyepuneek. Ye believed it, in relation to him They believed it, in relation to him TRAMSmVB VERB — INANIMATE OBJEOT — IMVBR8E. 189 ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— INDICATIVE MOOD. PBESENT TENSE. Sing. Ne tapw&t akoowan, Ke „ akoowan, akoowuo, Ptur. Ne Ee Ke n » It, in relation to him, believes me It, in relation to him, believes thee Ho is believed by it, in relation to him us >» akooyewa,. ) akoowanan, 1.3| j^^ j^ ^^^^^j^^ ^ j,.^^ ^j.^^^^ akoowananow,1.2) akoowanawaw, It, in relation to him, believes you akoowuwuk, \ They are believed by it, in relation akooyewa, ) to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. iS^tng'. Ne tapw&t akoowA, ty. Plur. Ee It akoowA, ty. Oo H akoowA, ty, akooy«\ ty, Go n Ne 1* akoowiVtanan, 1 Ke » akoow&tananow,] Ke n akoow&tawaw, Oo » akoowitawaw, akooyS, ty, Oo n It, :n relation to him, believed me It, in relation to him, believed thee He was believed by it, in relation to him 1 3) fit, in relation to him, believed us ,1.2) It, in relation to him, believed you They were believed by it, in relation to him Or, Sing. Ne tapw&t akoowanapun, Ee „ akoowanapun, „ akoowapun, | Plur. Ne Ee Ee » n 11 It, in relation to him, believed me It, in relation to him, believed thee He was believed by it, in relation to him us akooyepun, akoowananapun,1.3|j^^ in relation to him, beUeved akoowananapun,! .2) akoowanawapun, It, in relation to him, believed you akoowilpuneek, ^ They were believed by it, in relation akooyepun, j to him 11! k Ki^ ■ i I* )! I It MM if' 190 TRANSmVE VERB — INANIMATE OBJECT — DIRECT. PERFECT TEN8B. Sing, Ne kd tapw&t umwan, I have believed it, in relation to him &c. FLUPEBFECT TENSE. Sing. Ke kA tapw&t umw&, ty, I had believed it, in relation to him &c. Or, Sing. Ne kA tapw&t umwanapun, I had believed it, in relation to him FUTURE TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapw&t umwan, I shall or will believe it, in relation to him FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga kA tapw&t umwan, I shall or will have believed it, in &c. relation to him. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga kA tapw&t umwan, I may or con believe it, in relation to Sec. him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSR Sing. Ne ga tapw&t umwi, ty, I might, could, would, or should be- &c. lieve it, in relation to him Or, Sing. Ne ga tapw&t umwanapun, I might, could, would, or should be- Scc. lieve it, in relation to him PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga kA tapw&t umwA, ty, I might, could, would, or should have Sic. believed it, in relation to him ^ Or, . Sing. Ne ga kA tapw&t umwanapun, I might, could, would, or should &c. have believed it, in relation to him. TRANSmVB VERB— INANIMArC OBJECT — INVERflR. PERFECT TENSE. 101 Sing. Ne kS tapw&t akoowan, It, in relation to him, has believed PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sir^. Ne ki tapw&t akoowA, ty, It, in relation to him, had believed &c. me Or, Sing. Ne kd tapw&t akoowanapun, It, in relation to him, had believed &c. ne FUTURE TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapw&t akoowan, It, in relation to him, shall or will Sse, believe me FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga kS tapw&t akoowan. It, in relation to him, shall or will &c. have believed me. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga ki tapw&t akoowan. It, in relation to him, may or can &c. believe me PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapw&t akoow&, ty. It, in relation to him, might, could, &c. would or should believe me Or, Sing. Ne ga tapw&t akoowanapun. It, in relation to him, might, could, Sec. would or should believe me PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga kS tapw&t akoow&, ty, It, in relation to him, might, could, would, or should have believed &c. Or, me Sing. Ne ga k5 tapw&t akoowanapun. It, in relation to him, might, could, &c. would, or should have believed me. fk ' k k ■>i» ■d m h I I' 102 TRAMSITnne VIRB — IVAKIMATB object — DIRKOT. Sing. Plur. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. FBESENT TENSE. A tapw&t umwuk, (that) I believe it, in relation to him „ Thou believest it, in relation to him „ He believes it, in relation to him „ We believe it, in relation to him „ Yo believe it, in relation to him „ They believe it, in relation to him PAST OB IMPERFECT TENSE. M umwApun, „ He believed it, in relation to M umeyitepun, him J» umeydpun, '' >i umwukeAtepun,1.3| „ umwukepun, 1 .2. We believed it, in relation to U him >» umwukepun, „ Ye believed it, in relation to him «» umwatchikepun, s >» umwatw&pun, / „ They believed it, in relation to « umeyitepun, [ him » umey^pun, ) t PERFECT TENSE. Sing, A kA tapw&t umwuk, (that) I have believed it, in relation to • &c. him PLUPERFECT TENSE. i^ng. A k^ tapwAt umwukepun, (that) I had believed it, in relation to &c. him TIUMnnVI TBRB— INANIMATK OBJI0T-— IKVERIR. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. 198 PBE8ENT TENSn. Sing. A tapwAt akoowuk, (that) It, in reL'tion to him, believes mu -''"""'"♦ „ '.t, in relation to him, iKslievos thu« Plur. •1 akoowat, akooyit, l> •• >» »t akoowukeAt,1.8 akoowiik, 1.2 t) »» » tt akoowuk, n M akoowatchik, n »» akoowatwaw, >i »» akoowayit, It n akooyit, '' „ He ia believed by it, in relation to him „ It, in relation to him, boliovoa U8 „ It, in relation to him, believes you „ They are believed by it, in relation to him PAST OE IMPEUPECT TENSE. Sing. A tapwAt akoowukepun, (that) It, in relation to him, believed me 11 >» akoowutepun, akoowatepun, akooyitepun, akooyt^pun, It, in relation to him, believed thue Ho was believed by it, in relation to him Plur. II M l> }} 11 n »i 11 11 11 » 11 11 11 11 akoowukedtepun,1.3|„ It, in relation to him, believed akoowiikepun, 1.2J akoowrdcepun. us akoowatchikepun, akoowatwApun, akoowApun, akooyitepun, akooy^pun. It, in relation to him, believed you They were believed by it, in relation to him PERFECT TENSE. Sing. A kS tapw&t akoowuk, (that) It, in relation to him, has believed &c. me PLUPEBFECT TENSE. Sing. A kS tapw&t akoowukepun, (that) It, in relation to him, hnd be- &c. lieved me B B '■I >»i«i ' \ i I.' H f T. 104 TBANSmVB VERB— INANIMATE OBJECT — DIRECT. FUTURE TENSE. Sing. Kitta tapwat umwuk, (that) I shall or will believe it, in &c. Andy relation to him I to believe it, in relation to him Sing. tapwat umwuke, (when) I shall or will believe it, in re- lation to him >> umwutcho, 11 Thou shult or wilt believe it, in relation to him )) umwatche, } " He shall or will believe it, in re- . ») umeyitchc, lation to him Plur. >7 umwuke^tche,l-3)„ We shall or will believe it, in tt umwuko, 1.2i relation to him J> umwilko, » Ye shall or will believe it, in relation to him >} umwatwawe, ] » They shall or will believe it, in >> umeyitche, relation to him M umeyitwawe, ) FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta k^ tapw&t umwuk, (that) I shall or will liave believed it, in &c. relation to him , or, I to have believed it, in relation to him And, Sing. K& tapwiU umwuke, (when) J shall or will have believed it, . &c. in relation to him. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Eitta kS tapwat umwuk, (that) I may or can believe it, in re- &c. lation to him And, Sing. K^ tapwat umwuke, (when) I may or can believe it, in &c. relation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta tapw&t umwukepun, (that) I might, could, would, or should believe it, in relation to him PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta k6 tapwat umwukepun, (that) I might, could, would, or should &c. have believed it, in relation to him. TRANSITIVE VBItB — INANIMATE OBJECT — INVEB8B. FUTURE TENSE. 195 Sing. Kitta tapwilt akoowuk, &c. (that) It, in relation to him, shall or will believe me or, Sing. tapwat akoowuke, „ akoowutche, A7id, It, in relation to him, to believe me Plur. n »> akoowatche, 1 akooyitche, akoowukeul akoowuko, (when) It, in relation to him, shall or will believe me „ It, in relation to him, shall or will believe thee „ He shall or will be believed by it, in relation to him akoowukeutche,1.3)„ It, in relation to him, shall or akoowuko, 1.2) akoowako, „ akoowatwawe,) akooyitche, [ ' akooyitwawe, ) FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. will believe us It, in relation to him, shall or will believe you They shall or will be believed by it, in relation to him Sing. Kitta kt; tapwfit akoowuk, Sing. K4 tapwat akoowuke, &c. (that) It, in relation to him, shall or will have believed me or. It, in relation to him, to have believed me And, (when) It, in relation to him, shall or will have believed me. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Kitta k<^ tapwat akoowuk, (that) It, in relation to him, may or can believe me And, (when) It, in relation to him, may or can believe me &c. Sing. K& tapwat akoowuke, &c. PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta tapwat akoowukepun, (that) It, in relation to him, might, &c. could, would, or should be- lieve me PLUPERFECT TENSL. Sing. Kitta ke tapwAt akoowukepun, (that) It, in relation to him, might, &c. could, would, or should have believed me. iM''' t m ^ Hi. 1 \^ ! iMMiiii ^ I 196 TRANSITIVE VKBB— INANIMATE OBJECT — DIRECT. Sing. K4 tapw&t umwuk, &c. CONDITIONAL MOOD. (had) I believed it, in relation to him. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Sing. Plur. Kitta Kitta Sing. Plur. Kitta » Kitta PRESENT TENSE. tapwut um, Believe thou it, in relation to him „ umwao, •, „ uraeyewa, ) Let him believe it, in relation to him „ umwaton, tak, Let us (1. 2) believe it, in relation to him „ umwdk, Believe ye it, in relation to him „ umwawuk," „ umeyewa, , Let them believe it, in relation to him FUTUEE {Ind^ite). tapwdt umw&kun, Believe thou it, in relation to him „ umwao, „ umeyewa, . Let him believe it, in relation to him „ umw&kuk. Let us, (1. 2) believe it, in relation to him „ umw&kiik, Believe ye it, in relation to him „ umwawuk,| „ umeyewa, ) Let them believe it, in relation to him Sing, Plur. DUBITATIVE MOOD. (Subjunctive.) PRESENT TENSE. teapwilt umoowan(w)a, If or whether I believe it „ umoowim(w)a, „ ukwa, ) „ umookwu, J „ umoow&kwa, 1.3^ „ umoowukwfi, 1.2) „ umoowilkwa, ,, umoowakwa »» Thou believest it It He believes it >» We believe it »» Ye believe it »» They believe it I ■■; Ihim. TBANSITIVE VERB—IMAMIMATE OBJECT — INVERSE. CONDITIONAL MOOD. 197 Sing. K& tapwAt akoowuk, &c. (had) It, in relation to him, believed me. II IMPERATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Kitta tapw&t akoowao, ) „ „ akooyewa, ) Ptur »i akoowawuk,*) akooyewa, ) Let him be believed by it, in relation to him Let them be believed by it, in re- lation to him "»i. i. Sing. Plur. DUBITATIVE MOOD. {Subjunctive). PBESENT TENSE. teapw&t akoowana. If or whether It believes me „ akoowuna, It believes thee „ akookwa, He is believed by it „ akoow&kwa, 1.3' „ akoowukwa, 1.2 It believes us „ akoowAkwa, It believes you „ akoowakwa, They are believed by it h # 188 Sing. Plur. TBAN8ITIVB VBRB — ^INANIMATE OBJECT— DIBBCT. PAST OB IMPEEFECT TENSE. teapwat umwapanri, If or whether I believed it Sing. Sing. Sing. Sing. umwupuna, » Thou believedst it ukepuna, ' i umookopuna, » He believed it . umwdkepuna, 1.3' umwukepuna,1.2 1 » We believed it umwakepuna. *> Ye believed it umwakepuna, » They believed it PERFECT TENSE. Kd tapwat umwana, If or whether I have believed it K4 &c. PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kk tapwat umwapana, If or whether I had believed it K6 &c. Eitta tapwat umwana, Ka &c. FUTURE TENSE. If or whether I shall or will believe it FUTUEE PEEFECT TENSE. Kitta kA tapwat umwana, If or whether It shall or will have Ka ke &c. believed it. POTENTIAL MOOD. PEESENT TENSE. Sing. Kitta ke tapwat umwana, If or whether I may or can believe it Ka k^ &c. PAST OE IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta tapwat umwapana, If or whether I might, could, would, Ka &c. or should believe PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta k^ tapwat umwapana, If or whether I might, could, would, Ka k^ &c. or should have believed it. TRANSmVE VERB— INANIMATE OBJICT— INVERSE. 199 Sing. Plur. PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE, teapw&t akoowapana, If or whether It believed me :i i akoowupupa, akookopuna, akoow&kepuna, 1.3| akoowukepuna, 1.2j akoowiikepuQa, akoowakepunsl, It believed thee He was believed by it It believed us It believed you They were believed by it Sing. PERFECT TENSE. K& tapw&t akoowana, If or whether It has believed me K4 &c. Sing. Sing. Sing. PLUPERFECT TENSE. If or whether It had believed mo K'X tapwdt akoowapana, FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapwtlt akoowana, If or whether It shall or will be- Kii &c. lieve me FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta kS tapw&t akoowana, Ku k4 &c. If or whether It shall or will have believed me. I ■• iK POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Eitta kS tapwat akoowana, If or whether It may or can believe me PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta tapwat akoowapana, If or whether It might, could, would, Ka &c. or should believe me PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta kS tapw&t akoowapana. If or whether It might, could, would, Ka k^ &c. or should have believed me. 1 iJ 200 TKANSITTVE VERB — INANIMATE OBJECT — DIRECT. ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— DUBITATIVE MOOD. Subjunctive. PEESENT TENSE, ' Sing. teapw^t umwawuka, umwawutii, Plur. Sing. Plur. n n »» If or whether I believe it, in relation to him If or whether Thou believest it, in relation to him umwakwa, ] If or whether He believes it, in umeyikwu, ) relation to him umwawuke^ta,1.3| If or whether We believe it, in re- umwawukwa, 1.2) lation to him umwawakwa, If or whether Ye believe it, in re- lation to him umeyikwa, If or whether They believe it, in re- lation to him PAST OE IMPERFECT TENSE. teapwat uniwawukepuna, umwawutepuna, « »> n » n n If or whether I believed it, in relation to him If or whether Thou believedst it, in relation to him If or whether He believed it, in re- lation to him umwatepuna, umeyitepuna, umcyopunii, umwawukcAte- J if or whether We believed it, in re- puna, 1.3 lation to him umwaw ukepuna, \,2) umwawakepuna, If or vv nether Ye believed it, in re- lation to him umeyitepuna, umey^puna, ( If or whether They believed it, in umwatchikepuna, ^^j^^j^^^ ^^ j^j^ umwatwapuna, umwilpuna, PEEFECT TENSE. Sirig. K4 tapwat umwawuka, Ke &c. If or whether I have believed it, in relation to him PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. K& tapwat umwawukepunit, If or whether I had believed it, in K('. &c. relation to him. TRANSITIVE VBBB —INANIMATE OBJECT — INVEBSB. 201 ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— DUBITATIVE MOOD. PBESENT TENSE. Sing. toupwilt akoowawuku, „ akoowawutu, akoowakAVu,) ira, } If or whether It, in relation to him, believes me If or whether It, in relation to him, believes thee If or whether He is believed by it, akooyikwa, j in relation to him akoowawuko^tu, 1.3|If or whether It, in relation to him, akoowawukwil, 1.2; believes us akoowawdkwu, If or whether It, in relation to him, believes you akoowakwa, ^ j^ whether They are believed by akooyikwa, . .^ relation to him ^ akoowayikwa, ; ' PAST Oil IMPERFECT TENSE. Singf teapw&t akoowawukepuna, „ akoowawutepunsl, Plur. I) >» if M » If or whether It, in relation to liim, believed me If or whether It, in relation to him, believed thee akoowatepunu, akooyitcpuna, akooyepuna, '. , „flf or whether It, in relation to him, puna 1.3 believed us akoowawukepuna, 1.2; akoowawukepuna, If or whether It, in relation to him, believed you akoowatchikepuna, akoowat w i\p una, akoowtlpuna, akooyitepuna, akooytipuna, If or whether He was believed by it, in relation to him If or whether They were believed by it, in relation to him »i. #1 n ii PERFECT TENSE. Sing. K& tapw^t akoowawuku, EA &c. If or whether It, in relation to him, hns believed mo PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. K&, tapw&t akoowawukepuna. If or whether It, in relation to him, E6 &c. had believed me . c c • .;i r i^ii l HI M l i 202 TRANSITIVE VKRB — INANTMATB OBJECT — DinBCT. FUTURE TENSE. Sing. Kitta tapw&t utnwawuku, Kb &c. If or whether I shall or will believe it, in relation to him FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Eitta k^ tapw&t umwawukn, If or whether I shall or will have Ka k^ &c. believed it, in relation to him. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Eitta k^ tapwt\t umwawuka, If or whether I may or can believe Eii kA &c. it, in relation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. • Sing. Eitta tapwat umwawukepuna, If or whether I might, could, would, Ea &c. or should believe it, in relation to him PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta kA tapwit umwawukepuna. If or whether I might, could, would, Ea kS &c. or should have believed it, in relation to him. SUPPOSITIVE MOOD— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Si)iff. Ne tapwat anatookwa, Ke anatookwa, umotookwa, Plur. Ne ananatookwri, 1.3-^ ananatookwS, 1.2j Ke Ee anawatookwa, umotookwiinik, I believe it, I suppose or it seems Thou belie vest it, I suppose or it seems He believes it, I suppose or it seems We believe it, I suppose or it seems Ye believe it, I suppose or it seems They believe it, I suppose or it seems TRANSmyE VEBli — INANIMATE OBJECT — INVERSE. FUTURE TENSE. 203 Sing. Kitta tapwAt akoowawuku, If or whether It, in relation to him, Ka &c. shall or will believe mo FUTUBE PERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta kS tapw&t akoowawuktl, If or whether It, in relation to him^ Kii kS &Ct shall or will have believed me. f. I POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Kitta kS tapw&t akoowawuka, If or whether It, in relation to him, Ka k(^ &c. may or can believe me PASr OE IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta tapwilt akoowawukcpuna, If or whether It, in relation to him, Ka &c. might, could, would, or should believe me PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Kitta kt^ tapw&t akoowawuke- If or whether It, in relation to him, Ka ki &c. [puna, might, could, would, or should have believed me. SUPPOSITIVE MOOD— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Ne tapwtit akoonatookwa, It believes me, I suppose or it seems Ke „ akoonatookwa, It believes thee, I suppose or it seems „ akootookwu He is believed by it, I suppose or it seems Plur. Ne Ke Ke akoonanatookwa,1.3)Tx u i- t , , ^ > It believes us, 1 suppose or it seems akoonanatookwa,1.2 J akoonawatookwa, It believes you, I suppose or it seems akootookwanik, They are believed by it, I suppose or it seems I'rifl pi! f'U' S '■ ^:W lly'is SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. The same as the Subjunctive Mood of the Accessory or Possessive Case ut' thu Simple Verb, with the addition of atookwa throughout all its tenses. OPTATIVE MOOD. The same prefixes, as noticed before at page 85. INDETERMINATE-INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapw&t akunewew, Plur. (a) ) „ akunewun, „ (wa)j Somebody believes it PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapw&t akunewepun, Plur. (ec)) , / V ^Somebody believed it „ akunewunopun, „ (ee)) •' PERFECT TENSE. Kb tapwat akunewew, „ akunew ' [ Somebody has believed it ■uu, J If |). Ml TRANSITIVE VERB— INDETERMINATE — INANIMATE OBJECT — INVERSE. 209 FUTURE PEEFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga kS tapw&t akoowanatookwa, It, in relation to him, shall or will &c. have believed me, I suppose or it seems POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga k^ tapwat akoowanStookwil, It, in relation to him, may or can &c. believe me, I suppose or it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Sing. Ne ga tapwat akoowanakopun, It, in relation to him, might, could &c. would, or should believe me, I suppose or it seems PLUPERFECT TENSE. Sing. No ga kS tapwilt akoowanakopun, It, in relation to him, might, could, &c. would, or should have believed me, I suppose or it seems INDETERMINATE— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwiit akoonnncwew, Plur. (a) ) q uj-ui- ju-i. ^ ' / X [ Somebody is believed by it „ ukoonancwun, „ (wa) ) PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwilt akoonnnewepun, Plur. (ce) ■) „ ukoonanewuuopun, „ (ee) ) So^^^o^y ^^^ believed by it PERFECT TENSE K4 tapw&t akoonanewew, )wai) aKoonaaewew, -) 1 [ Somebody has been believed by it D D {>.' ' ^ i ! !JI I 210 TRANSITIVE VERB — INDETERMINATE — INANIMATE OBJECT — DIRECT. PLUPEllPECT TENSE. I« t..pwS. ak««e«P-,^__^ I Somebod, had believed i. FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapwat akunewew, ") r, i i i n -n u v ,, akunewun. j Somebody shall or will believo it FUTURE PERFECT TENSE, 1, ) lieved it. Kitta k^ tapwat akunewew, | Somebody shall or will have be- „ akunowun, POTENTIAL MOOD. PIIESENT TENSE. Kitta ko tapwat akunewew, ) c i i u i- -i. ii , , Somebody may or can believe it „ akunewun, ) j j PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwat akunowepun, "1 Somebody might, could, would or „ akuncwunopun,/ should believe it PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta ke tapwat akunewcpun, ") Somebody might, could, would or ,, akuncwunopun, ) should have believed it. subju:h"ctive mood. PRESENT TENSE. A tapwat akunewik, Plur. (ce)^ ,, akunewuk, „ (ee)> (that) Somebody believes it „ umei'k, „ (ee)) PAST Off IMPERFECT TENSE. A tapwat akunewikepun, PI. (co)"^ „ akunewukcpun, „ (cc)>(that) Somebody believed it ,, umeekepun, ,, (ec); PERFECT TENSE. A k^ tapwat akunewik, &c. (that) Somebody has believed it TBAN8ITIVB VERB — INDETERMINATE — INANIMATE OBJECT — INVERSE. 211 PLUPERFECT TENSE. KA tapwat akoonanewepun, ) ^ i-ii.ii. t i- i i -^ „ akoonanewunopun, j Somebody had been believed by it rUTUEE TENSE. Kitta tapwfit akoonanewew, | Somebody shall or will be believed by it FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. „ akoonanewun, Kitta ku tapwat akoonanewew, 1 Somebody shall or will have been 1, j „ akoonanewun, believed by it. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta k(' tapwfit akoonanewew, ") Somebody may or can be believed by „ akoonanewun, ) it PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwat akoonanewepun, | Somebody might, could, would, or ,, akoonanewunopun J should be believed by it PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta k6 tapwat akoonanewepun, \ Somebody might, could, would, or „ akoonanewunopun J should have been believed by it. u, li ! I, j SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. A tapwat akoonanovvik, Plur.{Ge)') „ akoonanewuk, „ (ee)[ (that) Somebody is believed by it „ ako6k, „ (ee)) PAST OH IMPERFECT TENSE. A tapw&t akoonanewikcpun, PL (ee)) ,, akoonanewukepun, „ (ee)[ (that) Somebody „ akookepun, ,, (ee)) PERFECT TENSE. was believed bv it A k^ tapwat akoonanewik, &c. (that) Somebody has been believed by it > I 212 TRANSrnVB verb — indeterminate— inanimate object — DIRECT. PLUPEEFECT TENSE. A k^ tapwiU akunewikepun, (that) Somebody had believed it &c. FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapwat akunewik, &c. (that) Somebody shall or will believe it or. Somebody to believe it And, tapwit akunewike, ) „ akunewuke, [ (when) Somebody shall or will believe it „ ume^ke, j FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta kS tapwilt akunewik, (that) Somebody shall or will have believed it &c. or, Somebody to have believed it And, £d tapwat akunewike, (when) Somebody shall or will have believed &c. it. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta ke tapwAt akunewik, (that) Somebody may or can believe it &c. And, Ke tapwat akunewike, (when) Somebody may or can believe it «fcc. PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwat akunewikepun, (that) Somebody might, could, would, or 4&C. should believe it PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta k(' tapwat akunewikepun, (that) Somebody might, could, would, or &c. should have believed it. Ke tapwat akunewik, &c. CONDITIONAL MOOD. (hod) Somebody believed it. TBANSinVB VERB — INDETERMINATE — INANIMATE OBJECT — INVERSE. 213 PLUPEBPECT TENSE. A k* tapw&t akoonanewikepun, (that) Somebody had been believed by it • &c. PUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapwit akoonanewik, (that) Somebody shall or will be believed &c. by it or, Somebody to be believed by it And, tapw&t akoonanewike, ) .y^^. Somebody shall or will be believed „ akoonanewuke, > ^ ' by it „ ako6ke, ) FUTUBE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta k§ tapw&t akoonanewik, (that) Somebody shall or will have been &c. believed by it Somebody to have been believed by it And, Kfi tapw&t akoonanewike, (when) Somebody shall or will have been &c. believed by it. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta k^ tapwit akoonanewik, (that) Somebody may or can be believed &c. by it And, Ke tapwt\t akoonanewike, (when) Somebody may or can be believed &c. by it . PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapw&t akoonanewikepun, (that) Somebody might, could, would, or &c. should be believed by it PLUPEBPECT TENSE. * Kitta k^ tapw&t akoonanewike- (that) Somebody might, could, would, or &c. [piin, should have been believed by it. •l! n Kl tapw&t akoonanewik, &c. CONDITIONAL MOOD. (had) Somebody been believed by it ul 214 xnANSITIVE VERB — INDETERMINATB-^INANIMATE OBJECT — DIRECT. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Kitta tapwAt akunewew, | ^et Somebody believe it „ akunewun, J ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwat umwan, Somebody believes it, in relation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwat umwanapun, Ko tapwat umwan, Somebody believed it, in relation to him PERFECT TENSE. Somebody has believed it, in relation to him PLUPERFECT TENSE. K^ tapwat umwanapun, Somebody had believed it, in relation to him FUTURE TENSE. Somebody shall or will believe it, in Kitta tapwat umwan, relation to him FUTURE PERFECT TENSE Kitta ki' tapwat umwan, Somebody shall or will have believed it, in relation to him. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. • Kitta ke tapwfit umwan, Somebody may or can believe it, in relation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta ta])wyt umwanapun, Somebody might, could, would, or should believe it, in relation to him PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta k(' tapwat umwanapun, Somebody might, could, woul(], or should have believed it, in re- lation to him. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. (that) Somebody believes it, in relation to him A tapwat umoot, TRANSlTIVr VERB — DTOBTBRMINATB — INANIMATE OBJECT — INVERSE. 216 IMPEEATIVE MOOD. Kitta tapw&t akoonanewew, | ^^^ Somebody be believed by it. „ akoonanewun, j ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— INDICATIVE MOOD. PKESENT TENSE. tapw&t akoowan, Somebody is believed by it, in re- lation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwat nkoowanapun, Somebody was believed by it, in relation to him PERFECT TENSE. Kk tapwat akoowan, Somebody has been believed by it, in relation to him PLUPERFECT TENSE. K§ tapwat akoowanapun, Somebody had been believed by it, in relation to him FUTURE TENSE. Somebody shall or will be believed Kitta tapwat akoowan. by it, in relation to him FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta k^ tapw&t akoowan, Somebody shall or will have been believed by it, in relation to him. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta k6 tapwat akoowan, Somebody may or can be believed by it, in relation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwat akoowanapun. Somebody might, could, would, or should be believed by it, in re- lation to him PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta k^ tapw&t akoowanapun, Somebody might, could, would, or should have been believed bv it, in relation to hmi. A tapwit akooweet, SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. (that) Somebody is believed by it, in re- lation to him I If m I I 216 TRANSITIVE VERB — IMDETERMINATB — INANIMATE OBJECT — DIBECT. PAST OE IMPBBPECT TENSE. A tapw&t umo6tepun, (that) Somebody believed it, in relation to him PERFECT TENSE. A k& tapw&t umo6t, (that) Somebody has believed it, in relation to him PLUPERFECT TENSE. A k& tapwat umo6tepun, (that) Somebody had believed it, in relation to him FUTUEB TENSE. Kitta tapw&t umodt, (that) Somebody shall or will believe it, in relation to him or, Somebody to believe it, in relation to him And, tapw&t umo6tche, (when) Somebody shall or will believe it, in relation to him FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta k^ tapw&t umo6t, (that) Somebody shall or will have believed it, in relation to him Somebody to have believed it, in re- lation to him And, (when) Somebody shall or will have believed it, in relation to him. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta y tapw&t umo6t, (that) Somebody may or can believe it, in relation to him And, (when) Somebody may or can believe it, in relation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwdt umo6tepun, (that) Somebody might, could, would, or should believe it, in relation to him PLl PERFECT TENSE. Kitta kS tapw&t umo6tepun, (that) Somebody might, could, would, or should have believed it, in relation to him. CONDITIONAL MOOD. KS tapwat umo6t, (had) Somebody believed it, in relation to him. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Kitta tapwat umwan, Let Somebody believe it, in relation to him.^ K& tapw&t umootche, K^ tapw&t umo6tche. TRAN8IT1VB VERB — INDBTEnMINATE— INANIMATE OBJECT — INVERSE. 217 PAST OB IMPERFECT TENSE. A tnpw&t akooweStepun, (that) Somebody was believed by it, in re* lation to him PERFECT TENSE. A k(^ tapw&t akooweAt, (that) Somebody haa been believed h] it, in relation to him PLUPERFECT TENSE. A k4 tapwitt akooweStepun, (that) Somebody had been believed by it, in relation to him FUTURE TENSE. Kitta tapwtlt akoowetH, (that) Somebody shall or will bo believed by it, in relation to him, Somebody to be believed by it, in re- lation to him And, tapw&t akoowe^tche, (when) Somebody shall or will be believed by it, in relation to him FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Eitta k§ tapwat akooweet, (that) Somebody shall or will have been believed by it, in relation to him or, Somebody to have been believed by it, in relation to him And, Ke tapw&t akoowc'etche, (when) Somebody shall or will have been be- lieved by it, in relation to him. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta kd tapwut akooweet, (that) Somebody may or can be believed by it, in relation to him And, K§ tapwtlt akooweetche, (when) Somebody may or can be believed bv it, in relation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwat akooweStepun, (that) Somebody might, could, would, orshould be believed by it, in relation to him PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta kd tapwilt akoowe^te- (that) Somebody might, could, would,orshould pun,] have been believed by it, in re- lation to him. CONDITIONAL MOOD. K^ tapwat akooweet, (had) Somebody been believed by it, in re- lation to him. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Kitta tapwat akoowan. Let Somebody be believed by it, in relation to him. E E ' > iil8 TRANSITIVE VERD — INDETERMIKATB — INANIMATE OBJECT — DIRECT. DUBITATIVE MOOD {Subjunctive). PEESENT TENSE. toiipwit akunowikwfi, „ akuncwunookwu, „ akunowukwa, „ umct^kwa, If or whether Somebody believes it PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tciipwAt akuncwikepunfi, '\ ;; :kroX:r" " - "•■«"■" ^^^^ '>°»°™'' " „ umci'kepuna, j PERFECT TENSE. KA tapwit akunewikwa, K^ &c. If or whether Somebody has be- lieved it PLUPERFECT TENSE. KA tapwat akunewikepunfl, K^ &c. Kitta tap-'lt akuncwikwa, Kri &r If or whether Somebody had be- lieved it FUTURE TENSE. If or whether Somebody shall or will believe it FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta k(^ tapwat akunewikwa, Kii ko &c. If or whether Somebody shall or will have believed it. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Kitta k6 tapwat akunewikwa, Ka k^ &c. If or whether Somebody may or can believe it PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Kitta tapwat akuncwikepuna, Ka &c. If or whether Somebody might, could, would, or should believe it PLUPERFECT TENSE. Kitta ke tapwat akuncwikepuna, If or whether Somebody might, could, Ka k6 &c. would, or should have believed it. TRANSITIVE VERB — INDETERMINATE — INANIMATE OBJECT — INVERSE. 219 DUBITATIVE MOOD {Subjunctive). PllESENT TENSE. teapw&t akoonanowikwa, ^ „ akoonivnewunookwfl,[ If or whether Somebody is be- „ akoonanowukwa, [ „ ako6kwa, ) lioved by it PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. teiipw&t akoonancwikcpunfi, akoonanowunookopuna, f If or whether SonoDody was be- _i Ai T r lievcd by it „ akoonanewukepuna, „ ako6kepuna, PERFECT TENSE. Kd tapw&t akoonanewikwa, If or whether Somebody hns been believed by it PLUPERFECT TENSE. KA tapw&t akoonanewikepunfi, K6 &c. If or whether Somebody had been believed by it FUTURE TENSE. Eitta tapwdt akoonanewikwsl, Ea Sic. If or whether Somebody shall or will bo believed by it FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Kitta k6 tapwtit akoonanowikwa, Efi kS &c. If or whether Somebody shall or will have been believed bv it. I 'I ;i 'l:| :H POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Eitta k(^ tapwit akoonanewikwa, Kii U &c. If or whether Somebody may or can be believed by it PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. Eitta tapwat akoonanewikepuna, If or whether Somebody might, Ea &c. could, would, or should be believed by it PLUPERFECT TENSE. Eitta k6 tapwat akoonanewikepuna, If or whether Somebody might, Esl k^ &c. could, would, or should have been believed by it. 220 TllANSmVE VERn — INDETERMINATE — INANIMATE OBJECT — DIRECT. ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— DUBITATIVE MOOD. Suhjunctwe. PUESliXT TENSE. toapwat uuiwawodtfl, If ur whether Somebody believes it, in relation to him PAST Oil IMl'EltrECT TENSE. toiipwit umwawetHepuna, If or whether Somebody believed it, in relation to him. SIJITOSITIVE MOOD— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwdt ukunowotookwjl, | Soiiiobody believes it, I suppose or it „ ukunewunotookwa, ) seems PAST OK IMPEllPECT TENSE. tapwat akunewekopun, ) Somebody believed it, I suppose or „ akuQowunokopun, ) it seems. ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— SUPPOSITIVE MOOD. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwat umwanatookwa, Somebody believes it, in relation to him, I suppose or it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwat umwanakopun, Sic* Somebody believed it, in relation to him, I suppose or it seems. * The remaining' Tenses of these Moods are formed as mentioned in the Lecture, page 9, and exempliiiod in the foregoing Paradigm. TBAK81TIVB VERB — INDETERMINATE— INANIMATE OBJECT — INVERSE. 221 ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— DUBITATIVE MOOD. Subjunctive. PRESKNT TENSE. teapwAt akoowawot^ta. If or whether Somebody is believed by it, in relation to him PAST Oil IMPERFECT TENSE. teapw&t ttkoowawoiHopuna, If or whether Somebody was believed by it, in relation to him. SUPP08ITIVE MOOD— INDICATIVE MOOD. I'llESENT TENSE. tapw&t akoonancwctookwa, ") Somebody is believed by it, I suppose m, ) akoonanewunotookwu, ) or it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwAt aknonanewekopun, \ Somebody was believed by it, I sup- „ akoonanowunokopun &c.* ,1 pose or it seems. ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE-SUPPOSITIVE MOOD. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwAt akoowanatookwa, Somebody is believed by it, in relation to him, I suppose or it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE, tapwat akoownnakopuii, &c.* Somebody was believed by it, in relation to him, I suppose or it seems 222 TRANSITIVE VERB — INANIMATE — DEFINITE — DIRECT. INANIMATE.— De/wiVe INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwiit urn, „ umwa, PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE It believes it They believe it tapwat umopun, „ umopunee, &c.* It believed it They believed it. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PSESENT TENSE. A tapwat uk, (that) It believes it „ „ ukee, waw, „ They believe it PAST Oil IMPERFECT TENSE. A tapwat ukepun, (that) It believed it „ „ ukepunec, „ They believed it. &c.* ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwat umeyew, „ umeyewa, It believes it, in relation to him They believe it, in relation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwat umeyepun, It believed it, in relation to him „ umeyepunee, They believed it, in relation to him * The remaining Tenses of these Moods arc formed as mentioned in the Lecture, page 9, and exemplified in the foregoing Paradigms. TRANSITIVE VEBB — INANIMATE — DEFINITE — INVERSE. 228 INANIMATE.— De/nife. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwat akoo, „ akoowuk, It is believed by it They are believed by it PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwat akoopun, „ akoopunee, &c.* It was believed by it They were believed by it. i 1 1 SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. A tapwat akoot, (that) It is believed by it „ „ akootchik^ waw, „ They are believed by it PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. A tapwat akootepun, (that) It was believed by it „ „ akootepunee, „ They were believed by it. i i t II ACCESSOUY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE, tapwat akooyew, It is believed by it, in relation to him „ akooyewa, ' They are believed by it, in relation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE, tapwat akooyepun, It was believed by it, in relation to him „ akooyepunee, They were believed by it, in relation to him. &c. 224 TRANSITIVE VERB — INANIMATE — DEFINITE — DIRECT. ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. A tapwat umcyik, „ „ umcyikee, (that) It believes it, in relation to him „ They believe it, in relation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. A tapwat umeyikepun, (that) It believed it, in relation to him „ ,, umeyikepunee. „ They believed it, in relation to him &c.* DUBITATIVE MOOD {Subjunctive). PRESENT TENSE. teapw^t umookwa, | j^ ^^ ^^,^^^,^^^ j^ j^^jj^^^^ j^ ukwa, ) umoowakwa, If or whether They believe it. r AST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. teapwilt umookopuna, | jf ^^ ^^^^^^^ j^ h^Xx^y^ik it ukepuna, ) umoowakepuna, If or whether They believed it. &c.* ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— DUBITATIVE MOOD. Subjui ictive. PRESENT TENSE. teapwjit umcyikwa, If or whether It believes it, in re- lation to him „ umeyikwanoe, If or whether They believe it, in re- lation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. teapwat umeyikopuna, „ umeyikopunanec, &c.* If or whether It believed it, in re- lation to him If or whether They believed it, in relation to him. TRANSITIVE VERB — INANIMATE — DEFINITE — INVRBRK. 225 ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. A tapwdt akooyik, (that) It is believed by it, in relation to him „ „ akooyikee, „ They are believed byit,in relation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. A tapwat akooyikepun, (that) It was believed by it, in relation to him „ „ akooyikepunec, „ They were believed by it, in relation to him. &c.* DUBITATIVE MOOD (Subjunctive). i ''i !i ! ; PRESENT TENSE. teapwat akookwa, „ akoowakwa, If or whether It is believed by it If or whether They are believed by it PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. teapwat akookepuna, „ akoowakepuna, &c.* If or whether It was believed by it If or whether They were believed by it. ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— DUBITATIVE MOOD. i PRESENT TENSE. teapwat akooyikwa, „ akooyikwaneo, If or whether It is believed by it, in relation to him If or whether They are believed by it, in relation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. teiipwut akooyikopuna, If or whether It was believed by it, in relation to him „ akooyikopunanee, If or whether They were believed by it, in relation to him. &c.' P F i-.i 220 TRANSITIVE VERB — INANIMATE — INDEFINITE — DIRECT. SUPPOSITIVE MOOD— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE, tapwat umotookwu. It believes it, I suppose or it seems „ umotookwanee, They believe it, I suppose or it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwat umokopun, „ umokopunee, It believed it, I suppose or it seems They believed it, I suppose or it seems. ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— SUPPOSITIVE MOOD. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. It believes it, in relation to him, I sup- tapwiU umeyeetookwa, „ umeveetookwanee, pose or it sccras They believe it, in relation to him, I suppose or it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwat umeyckopun, „ umeyekopunee. It believed it, in relation to him, I sup- pose or it seems They believed it, in relation to him, I suppose or it seems. &c.* INANIMAT E— Indefinite. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE, tapwat umomukun, It believes it ,, umomukunwa. They believe them PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwat umomukunopun, It believed it, „ umomukunopunee. They believed them &c.* * The remaining Tenses of these Moods are formed as mentioned in the Lecture, page 9, and exemplified in the foregoing Paradigms. TRANSITIVE VERB — INANIMATE — INDEFINITE — INVERSE. 227 SUPPOSITIVE MOOD— INDICATIVE MOOD. PEESENT TENSE, tapw&t akootookwa, It is believed by it, I suppose or it seems akootookwilnee, They are believed by it, I suppose or it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwat akookopun, It was believed by it, I suppose or it seems „ akookopunee, They were believed by it, I suppose or it seems. &c.» ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— SUPPOSITIVE MOOD. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwat akooyectookwa, It is believed by it, in relation to him, I suppose or it seems „ akooyeetookwanee, They are believed by it, in relation to him, I suppose or it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwat akooyekopun, It was believed by it, in relation to him, I suppose or it seems „ akooyekopunee, They were believed by it, in relation to him, I suppose or it seems. &c.* INANIMATE. —Indefinite. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwAt akomukun, It is believed by it » akomukunwa, They are believed by them PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwat akomukunopun. It was believed by it „ akomukunopunee. They were believed by them. &c.* \ i \ 1 .1 i i , 228 TRANSITIVE VERB — INANIMATE — INDEFINITE — DIRECT. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. A tapwat umomukuk, „ ,, umomukukee, waw, (that) It believes it „ They believe them PAST OB IMPERFECT TENSE. A tapwat umomukukepun, „ „ umomukukepunee, (that) It believed it „ They believed them. ACCESSORY OE POSSESSIVE CASE— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwat umomukuneycw, ,, umomukuueyewa, It believes it, in relation to him They believe them, in relation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwat umomukuneyepun, It believed it, in relation to him „ umomukuneyepunee, They believed them, in relation to him. &c.* SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. A tapwAt umomukuneyik, „ „ umomukuneyikee, (that) It believes it, in relation to him „ They believe them, in relation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TEN8B. A tapwat umomukuneyii epun, (that) It believed it, in relation to him „ „ umomukuneyil epunee, „ They believed them, in relation to him. &c.' TRANSITIVE VERB— INANIMATE — INDEFINITE— INVERSE. 229 SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. A tapwat akomukuk, (that) It is believed by it „ „ akoraukukee, waw, „ They arc believed by them PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. A tapw^t akomukukcpun, akomukukepunee, &c.* » M (that) It was believed by it „ Thoy were believed by them. ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— INDICA'iiVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwat akomukuneycw, „ akomukuneyewa, It is believed by it, in relation to him They are believed by them, in relation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwat akomukuncycpun, It was believed by it, in relation to him „ akomukuncyepunee, They were believed by them, in re- lation to him. &c.* SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. A tapwat akomukuneyik, akomukuneyikee. )» M (that) It is believed by it, in relation to him „ They are believed by them, in relation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. A tapwut akomukuneyikepun, (that) It was believed by it, in relation to him „ „ akomukuneyikepunee, „ They were believed by them, in relation to him. &c.* 230 TRANSITIVE VERB — INANIMATE — INDEFINITE — DIRECT. DUBITATIVE MOOD (Subjunctive). PRESENT TENSE. teapw&t umomukunookwS, ) xr \. l-l tl i. r 'i. \, umomukikwu, j If or whether It believes it „ umomukunoowakwa, If or whether They believe them PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. teapw&t umomukunookopunwa, "j j^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ .^ „ umomukukepunwa, ) „ umomukunoowakopunwa, | j^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^hey believed thein. ,, umomukukwapunwa, J ' &c*. ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— DUBITATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. teapwat umomukuneyikwa, If or whether It believes it, in re- lation to him „ umoraukuneyikwanee, If or whether They believe them, in relation to hi in PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. teapwat umomukuneyikopunwii, If or whether It believed it, in re- lation to him „ umomukuneyikopunwanee. If or whether Thev believed them, in relation to him. &c.* SUPPOSITIVE MOOD— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwat umomukunotookwa, „ umomukunotookwanee, It believes it, I suppose or it seems They believe them, I suppose or it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwat umomukunokopun, „ umomukunokopunee. &c.* It believed it, I suppose or it seems They believed them, I suppose or it seems. TRANSITIVE VERB — INANIMATE — INDEFINITE — INVERSE. 231 DUBITATIVE MOOD (Subjunctive). PRESENT TENSE. teapwdt akomukunookwa, \ akomukukwa, j akomukunoowakwu, If or whether It is believed by it If or whether They are believed by them PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. teapwit akomukunookopunwa, ') je v .1 t. 1 i- 1 , . ,, akomukCkopunwa, j If or whether It was believed by it „ akomukunoowakopunwa, ") If or whether They were believed by „ akomukukwilpunwa, ) them. &c.* ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— DUBITATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. teapwut akomukuneyikwa, If or whether It is believed by it, in relation to him „ akomukuneyikwahee, If or whether They are believed by them, in relation to him PAST OK IMPERFECT TENSE, teapwat akomukuneyikopunwii, If or wlictlier It was believed by it, in relation to him „ akomukuneyikopunwanee. If or whether They were believed by them, in relation to him. &c.* 1 SUPPOSITIVE MOOD— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwat akomukunotookwa, It is believed by it, I suppose or it seems „ akomukunotookwanee, They are believed by them, I sup- pose or it seems PAST OE IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwit akomukunokopun, „ akomukunokopunee, &c.* It was believed by it, I suppose or it seems They were believed by them, I sup- pose or it seems. I I 232 IMPERSONAL VERB — DEFINITE. rt ACCESSORY OE POSSESSIVE CASE— SUrrOSITIVE MOOD. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tnpwk umomukuncyectookwa, It bcliovos it, in relation to him, I suppose or it scorns „ umoraukuneycetookwunec, They believe them, in relation to him, I suppose or it seems PAST OR IMl'EllFECT TENSE. tapwiit umomukuneyekopun, It believed it, in relation to him, I suppose or it seems umomukuncyekopuneo, They believed them, in relation to him, I suppose or it seems. IMPERSONAL TEBB—Dejlnife. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwa wun, „ wunwa, It is true They are true PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwfi wunopun. It was true „ wunopunee, They were true. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. A tapwa wuk, (that) It is true „ „ wukee, waw, „ They are true PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. A tapwa wukepun, (that) It was true „ „ wukepunee, „ They were true. &c.» * The remaining Tcnsos of these Moods are formed as mentioned in the Lecture, page 9, and exemplified in the foregoing Paradigms. IMl'ERSONAL VERB — INDEFINITE. 233 ACCESSOllY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— SUITOSITIVE MOOD. INDICATIVE MOOD. PllESENT TENSE. tapwAt akomukunoyoetookwa, It is believed by it, in relation to him, I suppose or it seems „ akomukunoyeetookvvflnoe, They are believed by them, in relation to him, I suppose or it seems PAST Oil IiMPEUFECT TENSE. tapwSt akomukuncyekopun. It Avas believed by it, in relation to him, I suppose or it seems „ akomukuneyekopuneo, They were believed by them, in re- lation to him, I suppose or it &c.* seems. IMPERSONAL YEBBr-Inde/inife. INDICATIVE MOOD. PUESKNT TENSE. tapwa mukun. It is true „ mukunwa, They are true PAST OK IMPERFECT TENSE, tapwu mukunopun. It was true „ mukunopunee, They were true. &c.* SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. A tapwil mukuk, (that) It is true „ „ mukukee, waw, „ They are true PAST OB IMPERFECT TENSE. A tapwfi mukukepun, (that) It was true „ „ mukukepunce, „ They were true. &c.* Q G I f I 234 ISirEUSONAL VEKD— Dr.FINITB. ACCESSORY OR TOSSPiSSIVE CASE— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwfi wunoyow, „ wuneyowa, It 19 truo, in roliition to him They nru truo, in relation to him PAST OB IMPEUFErT TENSE. tnpwfl wunoyopun, „ wnncyopuneo, &c.» It WI18 truo, in relation to him They were truo, in relation to him. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. A tapwa wunoyik, (that) It is truo, in relation to him „ „ wunoyik*'/', waw, „ They are true, in relation to him PAST OR IMl'ERFECT TENSE. A tapwa wunoyikopun, (that) It was true, in relation to him „ „ wtiiieyikt'puuee, „ They were true, in relation to •Sec* him. DUBITATIVE MOOD {Suhjunctive). PRESENT TENSE. If or whether It is true If or whether They are true teiipwa wunookwa, ) „ wukwa, ) „ wunoowakwa, teiipwa wunookopuna, ) j,. „ wukepuna, ) PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. or whether It was true „ wunoowakopunii, ) xr i. ^u mu ' ,, , ' \ If or whether Thev were true. „ wukwiipuna, » &c.* IMPERSONAL VEKB — INDEFINITE. 235 ACCESSORY OR POSSKSSIVE CASE-INDICATIVK MOOD. I'KKSKNT TENSIO. tapwfi mukunoyow, M mukunuyuwa, It is true, in relation to him Thoy uro true, in rolation to him PA8T OK IMPKllFECT TENSE. tapwu mukunoyopun, „ mukunuyepunce, &c.* It WU8 true, in relation to him They were true, in relation to him. SUHJU^'CTIVE MOOD. PKESENT TENSE. A tapwu raukuneyik, (tluit) It is true, in relation to him „ „ mukuneyikt?^', waw, „ Thoy arc true, iu relation to him PAST OR IMPEUFECT TENSE. A tapwa mukunoyikepun, (that) It was true, in relation to him „ „ mukuncyikepunee, „ They wore true, in relation to &c.* him. i! DUBITATIVE MOOD {Subjunctive). PRESENT TENSE. teapwH mukunookwu, ) re ... , ., - \ If or whuthor it is true „ mukukwa, ) „ mukuuoowakwa, If or whether They uio true PAST OK IMPEKFECT TENSE. tcupwii mukunookopunu, 1 t^ , , , , . , r ^ It or whether It was true „ mukukepuna, ,' " "'"kunoowakopuna, ) if ^^ .whether They were true. It mukukwdpuna, ) «&c.* 236 IMPERSONAL VERB — DEFINITE. ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— DUBITATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. teapwa wuneyikwa, If or whether It is true, in relation to him „ wuneyikwanee, If or whether They are true, in re- lation to him PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. teapwfi wuneyikopuna, If or whether It was true, in relation to him „ wuneyikopunanee, If or whether They wera true, in re- &c.* lation to him, SUPPOSITIVE MOOD— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwa wunotookwa, It is true, I suppose or it seems „ wunotookwanee, They are true, I suppose or it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwa wunokopun, It was true, I suppose; or it seems „ wunokopunee. They were true, I suppose or it seems. &c.* ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— SUPPOSITIVE MOOD. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwa wuneyeetookwa, It is true, in relation to him, I suppose or it seems „ wuneyeetookwanee, They are true, in relation to him, I buppose or it se«)ms PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE, tapwa wuneyekopun, It was true, in relation to him, I suppose or it seems „ wuneyekopunee, They were true, in relation to him, I &c.* 8uj)po8e or it seems. IMPERSONAL VERB — INDEFINITE. 287 ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— DUBITATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. teapwa mukuneyikwa, If or whether It is true, in relation to him „ mukuneyikwanee, If or whether They are true, in re- lation to him PAST OB IMPERFECT TENSE. teapwa mukuneyikopuna. If or whether It was true, in relation to him „ mukuneyikopunanee. If or whether They were true, in re- Ac* lation to him. SUPPOSITIVE MOOD— INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE, tapwa mukunotookwil, It is true, I suppose or it seems „ mukunotookwanee, They are true, I suppose or it seems PAST Oil IMPERFECT TENSE. tapwa mukunokopun, It was true, I suppose or it seems „ mukun3kopunec, They were true, I suppose or it seems. &c.* ACCESSORY OR POSSESSIVE CASE— SUPPOSITIVE MOOD. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. tapwa mukuneyeetookwa, It is true, in relation to him, I suppose or it seems „ mukuneyeetookwanee, They arc true, in relation to him, I suppose or it seems PAST OR IMPERFECT TENSE, tapwa mukuneyekopun, It was true, in relation to him, I sup- pose or it seems „ mukuneyekopunce. They were true, in relation to him, I &c.* suppose or it seems. ! Il ! t d) 4) o 2 o ^ c3 c4 oj ti cd c3 sd cd cd c^ rt I 3 S> cS (u q o ^•S-^J^^ d»'S irt c4 c4 03 eg g3 ^ eS c3 c4 c3 c3 cd cd c9 ^ ^ ^^^■^^fe^ ^ "?>■>. cd cd cd ^^^^^^^ ^^^ cd o3 oS 8 &3 Q "2 CQ *« 05 p4 CD ^ H 1^ o PS « e S S S 3 3 9* S c 5 c p^ Ori o. S.P.S « S gr^.e-.s- 1;^=^ "fcs H » J3 ^ -eS Pi « Sea w ^ J 9 = S S eu o, Q- 3 "g £- a-lS *^ » 333 3 3 c4 ^ a--^-^^ 3 "3 ie3 cs =? ."S , ojcti^cdcdcdcdfidcdcScQ M ici CO rt ? -cS-'S -^ fe ^ W >-> P-> ^ 1^ >-. b- 'I' ^ irt CO U OS ^ ^ s i ^ ^ ^ >^ >» rt* S B 5 2 &Eh *'r3 *'rS *'^ •'rt *'i^ *'»^ *'?3 Dd •'^ ??:• ^^T" >% "*■» "i^ •?» <;} H CO 1^ PS 4) cc 3 a >r. ?t« rt a rt a „ S C q C iS c4 cd » c4 03 cd >-. t-- t^ cS ri c4 c4 o3 cj rt a. . w GO c s [f rt rt e rt w aaouBact* rt IS3 V rt (d rt I 5 I* S S i" ^ ^ ^ is >-. ^ , n oo CO p4 CO iz; 9, rt ISJ „ S S s s 3 a Q OhPh P.O. 3 a 5; ® « » ^ 1^ ^ ^ I ^ ™ efl c8 e8 ? c9 cd o3 c€ cd rt c4 CO ft HH P4 GO H H ?«; CO s '5 ^ 1^ i-S IS irt irt 2 =^ S fe fe ^ fe 9 o C irt Jiil ,J<) ^ ^ 3 ft "rt -3 Trt ^ g S) ^ •^ ^^ ft ft ^ ^ f ^ cd rt cd c4 ctf ca ^S; cQ c3 cd ed cj cO -:f"^ ^ pq fH H 00 P^ IS3 1*1 g es as OS «* rt eS rt -rf :; ;: - ■♦3 Irt ,^ ,^ uQJ ta. 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"r" -ri aaaaaaaaa «'s "5 ^ P4 P3S3333P3 3QOOOOOO0 "^ "^ orj tii OS H 00 w -o « 2 f^ « ^ V <^ ^ EH p CO «« § ^ W 2 CO O » ^ 1 H Pm H :4 w H oi u t- ci ^ s s i^ * ^ 01 3-3 •^-a ■^ e» B 3 8m ♦ '•♦-■*- ^j +j +j .** ^52 5225 irt l!S '« r- irt ^. !! J^''S-S ■^-7^-^ I S2| |2|§ S 5 s ITS AM irt c3 '3 "3 '5 HS ^ ^ ss:^ sas-^-^ a 3 "3 ^ •«-> -M 222 3 3 3 -3 -3 4J M 4^ 4^ '*' o o c o o in g fe M » 05 S S CU 2J 03 03 a § P o^ o a 3 B B r.i ifl irJ irt '2 ^ ^^ o o § 222 53 S « R B B irt ifS 3 ■s -tJ ** o o o ■»-> +a w J w - te O « !« S 15 e c ~ t 09 RJ e a B a B B . . _ 1212 S 2 222 222 2 U 0) u 4) 3) V CO > CO 09 H CD CO O !Z5 00 S 3 B I 3 3 -^^ — . O PL, a,B B ^ , O O 3 3 ea MM P< P< B CS Cy O O ^ fi MM q rt lis .1^ •It, >i t-. k* c»-, 9i i) O iJ ? 3 .S i i: ^ o u ^ g? fe? ^.i^ ^ 5 2 5* « u ^ 5 a> a> 9J 5 S 5 2 S^ 5 =5 = 3 >^ -li ^ -i^ -3 3 5 c a ^ tf o o a a a a 3 3 3 3 .4J 4^ -!-• 4^ O Q O Q ^ .jS ^ 4i> 2 2 ,33 o 1-^ -" "^ "^ t» "5 ■4-« ♦! ♦J p^ i-!^ O O O O -3 "3 *i •<-> ♦J ♦* *j *j ^ ,, „ , p p - --^-^ •« a a a a-^ 3 aaaa I ililii 1 a a a a 3 s s a ^ ^ 3333 •~"SooP33 2222 sirt ^ ^ :^BB cS s 2 gs «,< ^ «> '.ri , a, «c a, g -^ § 3 a> « o a> a a a ~ aaaa 3 3 3 3 4J 'W .4^ 4>> o o p o 4-> -M 'A -M 3, e i i 3 ?, ?, 22 is3 ' r 4i ^ V. ^ ■*" S c , — . 3 « ^ > _ O Q> 2 a a ©33 -t-> ♦J *j P P «-3 CO o H 00 43 s I a. .Si a, a. 3 ,8 g 3 a a 3 3 ■•-> -tJ O P ^ 2 o - « «^ M o o - •• 3 S O O a a P C 3 3 +S ■»-> +a *j _ „ O O I .a > |J« i?S M ^ ^ -i Si 3 o p4 '^ .u I B g s ^ ^ *" 555 J4 irs 1:3 1 Q O O '^ 4^ -t-i •«! ► ^ O^ - - •if s a 9 9 53 •^>. 55 •I s .a t I ill 5 5 5 5 3 K S R a ^ fc ^ s « « « rS §§§1 4S -S iS S 5555 ■'CtS •« r* «k 1 ft i 0. UaS en 'A H H O S 1^ a 9 a. 5 s 9 •^ ^ s &4 QQ 1 u I &: f5 ® ? ^^ fin C/3 ?» ,- if cs u o .2 5 S5 a. '^ a s s a. a o o 2 !S is a B 9 S ^^ 52 03 Ml o o o ^ -t^ -M IS :; :: :^ -Hi = '- r= "3 a, a <" -5 <■ I r-C *r^ ^^ §§ i s|| 552^i S 225555 . „ ^ '-235 ;2 I ^ s ? -^ B B c3 :S is is 8 5 s s O 1 I Co S s 2f ^ •iC t« a; ■fc» 5 (ft Al 25 r /-^ — ^ IS « *> i ♦i --i ,J3 S -IIS o o S S *5 -^ *; *- CO S O CO ?f C/3 it CO s OH — 8 I - _ a> 9 .2 § .a -^ a g, a 3 '-S -g ^^ ■1^ i:S "q; IS3 O W M W t*i ^ s s e P3 O CO w 0) « -^ » c c ^ U V o J= A ^ OQ & c -3 •> O « o , .Ji! O ^ -s CI, M O tn K .2 O te O '^ "S •= . -2 S ,2 -^ S rt - •«5 .tJ It .2 i- I-; 2 -^ (2- -^ &. w i_i c/i O en O .•SO-" i2 ,:^ • e o. s a -aj •2 "^ s "a 'a O B M e Ji « a a 42 'j2 -2 .T5 irt •'m tS i:< irt MWMW MMW M ."S irt irt M M W us (N M :s a S 1 i 1 •pn •M • »-i u^ fcd t^ V 9^ « u h 4) « fl) U J3 ja 9) jf e^- ^ Q •* a B~ is c" * c" ee CS 03 0) -s CO < +- So H ^ -^ is c & i en 'a |l -S' ^ r£3 hi U CO 1 +r ^ »H 9 a 1^ 9 s bo CO "a 8 CO ^ M s l_3 1-^ 1 .2 a •a 1 1 S 1:14 Oh 9' J3 "a hx ca M (M ^ H Ph III 8 "2 S S Oh H B e^. OJ S 3 Oh a o -S & c^ O S s-l-i 1§ 2 « 4} a ^ I5J ICj o 5 ins a o a CO s M 8 (X> o '^ M a >1 S s s B a « ^ ^ ."C ISJ ifl :^ Mww www ww^ M i. CO a -v M w u '0 i« irt gr*-^ ^ o « >'>-» o « a> 9 C B Ch o o 22 o o ■g B liS irt o. a c S s s ^ Gh a, §r:i£ .-^ g >% >, g « « O C B Oh O O 05 o Oh Oh Oh Oh "s a a rt a a iS I- .t: irt IS .'S irt IS M WWW WWW icd ii« 8 ; i.« S i. rid 8 •all $ -s a 'a * "D iz; ^ -^ ^ B IS IS Oh B B O 3 B ^ Ph Oh O O O q .14 M o o o o 2 B B Oh O O 2 o o •t: IS www WW ^ I 3 IS irt "^ C^ Oh 2 o o B -^ -^ 8w O O o o .ii O a JO CO 'a 'a 5 s a rt ^ ^ •t; is www i. ^ fc. CO o s B .x: ^. ^ o T' 1— r 2 -^ S s^ ^ «-] isS i:i ."S irt irt =1 0) ca u as ^ .o to i« '5 '3 WWW Mt:^^ MMM CIS e3 «9) M wO) 03 w C3 £ B -5 u « -3 5 IS i:i P ^ -t4 ^ ■t-' -js ■r* I" I- ^-^ -^ p >» k> O 0) V o c c Ph O O a- c -s s e ^ rt « :^ .-2 o « a> ~ C P S tn to* P< O M O o H w oj •3 .1-1 « 3 S ^ M W P> P P ^ cii a, s «^ s 5 p p .2" 8 § C to to 3 's 's W i^ W M W « ^ I p I •i M M t> Vk I 256 V. IMPERSONAL VERBS.— DEFINITE {icith respect to time). kimewun, ii rains (at present). kimewunopun, ii rained. fi kimewuk ,, kimcwukepun r. kimowuneycw kiniowunoyepun fi kimewuneyik „ kiraewuneyikepun ' i 'rosta' luicuneyikwri Lisii;-' "tmukuneyikepunfi V . : i.a .nukunotookwa Kisastaiii : 'inokopun il kisastamuuuk atookwa „ kisastamukukepun atook- wa /'. kisastamukuneyeetookwa kisastaniukuneyekopun a kisustamukuneyik atook- wa „ kisast.imukuneyikopun a- tookwfi V. kcsikamukun, it is diiy. kesikaiuukunopun, it was dai/. a kesikamukuk ,, kesikamukukcpun r. kesikanmkuneyew kosikamukuneyupun a kesikamukuneyik „ kosikamukunoyikepun te ^i ? ^ is ps .ca^jsoooo'S'oi-StoMCfl.s.aoooooo.S.S B B 8 8 rU rUM J4 .1^ ^ ' -U .^ '^ r^ (u rri /f^ ..a _fl _fl _c *^ .^^ (-» r^ S 8^8 8 8 60 .a,a^,a ©.ja ©-ta fe S fe S ^ •"- ^ -^ -i^ -1' 5 His V 4^ r1 M g ^ ,M ^ ^ J* M v4) i£0'^0 ■K 1— I 1^ -a a ^ <4 U >« s s «d 'W «j «i p S ^ - „^B^Sr.S-? B B cT BBSB3B;^B>> 3 3 a BCsT" ES^B>^2222'*'*'*i*-— sj.Sw.SaJcr^'S B 9 i •M _B •4^ B OS .s B (-< B 2 ct efl CQ «9 cs • FN ^ ^ B B B a ^ 9 ^ 9 >-• B >-i B ^1 B a> V U -1 it ^ » is is .5 > U H m u Sr, M -ut M -u- ^ _o c- Mm S r3 £ T! -S -r- 'K •!-! 'H -'^ ■" '^ ^^^^ CS O A O' O e« o rt o rs .t: U &4 •tS •*} -9J o ♦» ■^ KtS o o At CO 0) pJB 01 B XI s <^ s » £ • 12; fa H^ W 0) 0) S o- -« © o -c S -^ « -^ 9.-S O S£ § rt *- 00 s ,i B Bt.S o ^ en S *> — > as 2 = fa ERKATUM. P. 15G, line 19, Pluperfect Tense, for have believed read had believed. 201 INDEX. PAGE Titlu-pago A Key to thn Oitliograjihy . Vowd Sounds .... Consonnnts .... Ileinarks Bxtmct from the " Nor-Weiter " . A Lccturn on the rrrainmaticnl Con- Btritction of the Creo Lnii);uago . Paradigms of the Creo Verb, with its various conju^tions, moods, tenses, inflections, &c Sakehao. Indicative Mood . " . •» ■ Subjunctive „ >> » ' Imperative Mood Acceaory or Poisemvc Case, Indicative Mood . . . It . Subjunctive „ Imperative „ ... Duhilative Mood, Subjunctive Mood . . , . Accettory or Fuaamoe Case, Subjunctive Mood Suppoiitive Moud. Indicative Mood . . . . Subjunctive „ ... >» >»•••• Acceuory or Possessive Case, Indicative Mood .... Subjunctive „ . . . . >i » ... I iii iii iii iii iv 15 10 20 10 18 18 . 17 . 21 . 17 . 19 . 19 . 20 21 22 22 24 23 23 25 PAGE Sakitaw, Sak^tanewew, SakStaw, Sakotamukun. Indicative Mood . Sut>junctive Imperative » Accessory or Possessive Case, Indicative Mood . , Subjunctive „ »» i> • • . >> »» . • Imperative „ . Duhilative Mood. Subjunctive Mood . Accessory or Possessive Case. Subjunctive Mood . . , » » ... Suppositive Mood. Indicative Mood . . . . >» >( • . . It »>■... Subjunctive „ ... » 20 27 28 30 20 28 30 30 20 27 28 30 20 28 30 30 27 29 31 27 29 31 32 33 34 32 33 34 202 INDEX. Afceiiory or PoMiiivt Catc. Indicative Mood . . II II • • • • MM . • • Subjunotivo „ . . . . PAOl m m Sakehewao. Sakohowanewcw, Sakclicwiio, Sakchuwainukun. Indicative Mood . . . Subjunctivo ,, Imperative „ • . . Aecesiorif or Potieuive Caie Indicative Mood II »i • • • II II ... Subjunctive „ ... I, II • • • II II ... Imperative „ . . . Dubitative Muod. Subjunctivo Mood It II • • • II II ... Accemory or Poueuive C'a»e Subjunctive Mood . II II II II Supjivtitive Mood. Indicative Mood . II »» ... II II • • • Subjunctive „ ... II II ■ • • II II ... Acceuory or Poiuettive Com Indicative Muod II II ... n II • • • 87 ;w 40 40 40 iV\ :J7 ;w 40 38 40 40 !17 30 41 .37 30 41 42 43 44 42 43 44 42 43 44 Sultinnutlvo Mood •I II II II II llt-niai'ltit on the furegoin({ l'iiraiunctivo „ . 0( iiivo „ I'AdF. 1)4 1)11 1X1 IXl 08 1(K) 1(K) 104 104 104 1U 114 114 . 114 . 110 1-20 I'.'O l!« 124 l-2(i Taptcatakanetcew. Indicative Mood . Potential „ Hulijunctive „ . Potential „ Conditional „ . Inijteiative >> AircMory or i'outmvt Ca»t, Indicntivc Mood . Potential „ Hulijiinciivo „ . J'otiiilial „ Conditional „ . Iin|)erativo „ Duhilfitivo Mood, Sulijiinctivo Mood . . , Potontial , Arrenmiry or PoMcssive Case, Siilijunctivo Mnod , , Potential ,, . , Siippo»itive Mood. Indicotivo Mood .... Potential i» . . . . Hulijiiiiutivo ,, . , , Arremny or Po»>e$iiive Ca»e. Indicative Mood .... PotenlinI , ynlijunutivo ,, . . . . ()|itativo , Tainohtdkao, Indicative Mood Potential ,, Sulijiinctivo „ Potential ,, I'oiidilioiini „ Imperative „ Indicative Potential Siilijiiiictive Potential Conditional Imperative ■icvvmiorii or Putucfuivv Cif(» I.V2 l.Vi lo2 ir,4 lo4 J 50 ^--iK 264 INDEX. Suppositive Mood. Indicative Mood Potential Subjunctive Accessory or Possessive Case, Indicative Mood .... Potential „ . . . . Subjunctive „ . Optative „ .... Tapwataka m ukun . Indicative Mood .... Potential Subjunctive Potential Conditional Imperative Accessory or Possessive Case Indicative Mood .... Potential Subjunctive Potential Conditional Imperative Duhitative Mood. Subjunctive Mood Potential >> ■ Accessory or Possessive Case. Subjunctive Mood Potential ,, Suppositive Mood. Indicative Mood Potential „ . . . . Subjunctive „ . Accessory or Possessive Case. Indicative Mood .... Potential ,, . Subjunctive ,, . . . . Optutivt Tapicatum. Indicative Mood Potential ,, . Subjunctive „ Potential „ . Conditional ,, Imperative „ . PAGE . 168 . 168 . 168 160 160 160 160 . 162 . 162 . 164 . 164 . 166 . 166 . 166 . 168 . 108 . 170 . 170 . 170 172 172 174 174 176 176 176 178 178 178 178 180 182 i82 186 186 186 Accestory or Possessive Case. FAOE Indicative Mood .... Potential „ . Subjunctive „ . . , . Potential „ . Conditional „ . . . . Imperative „ . . 188 . 190 . 192 . 194 . 196 . 196 Duhitative Mo"d. Subjunctive Mood .... Potential „ . . 196 . 198 Accessory or Possessive Case. Subjunctive Mood .... Potential ,, . . . . 200 . 202 Suppositive Mood, Indicative Mood .... Potential „ . Subjunctive „ . . . . . 202 . 204 . 204 Accessory or Possessive Case. Indicative Mood Potential „ . • . . Subjunctive „ . Optative „ .... . 206 . 208 . 208 . 208 Tapwatakunewew, Indicative Mood Potentia'. ,, Subjunctive „ . Potential ,, Conditional Imperative „ . . . . . 208 . 210 . 210 . 212 . 212 . 214 Accessory or Possessive Case. Indicative Mood Potential „ . . . . Subjunctive „ . . . . Potential „ . . . . Conditional „ . . . . Imperative ,,.... . 214 . 214 . 214 . 216 . 216 . 216 Duhitative Mood. Subjui)3tive Mood Potential „ . . . . . 218 . 218 Accessory or Possessive Case. Subjunctive Mood Potential „ . 220 . 220 Suppositive Mood, Indicative Mood .... Potential „ . . . . Subjunctive „ . . 220 . 220 . 220 «/ INDEX. 265 Accesiory or Possessive Case. Indicative Mood . Potential „ . Subjunctive „ Optative „ . Tapwatum. Indicative Mood Subjunctive „ Accessory or Possessive Case. Indicative Mood Subjunctive „ PAGE . 220 . 220 . 220 . 220 222 222 , 222 . 224 Duhitative Mood. Subjunctive Mood .... 224 Accessory or Possessive Case. Subjunctive Mood . ' . . . . 224 Supposilive Mood. Indicative Mood 226 Accessory or Possessive Case. Indicative Mood 22(5 Tapwdwun. Indicative Mood Subjunctive ,, • • Accessory or Possessive Case. Indicative Mood .... Subjunctive ,,.... Dubilative Mood. Subjunctive Mood Accessory or Possessive Case. Subjunctive Mood .... Suppositive Mood. Indicative Mood .... Accessory or Possessive Case. Indicative Mood . . . . PAor. 2;}2 232 . 2.34 . 2.34 . 2.34 2.3(> •2m . 2m Ayaio. Tapw^tumomnkun. Indicative Mood . Subjuncti\ o ,, . 226 228 Accessory or Possessive Case. Indicative Mood Subjunctive „ . 228 . . 228 Duhitative Mood. Subjunctive Mood .... 230 Accessory or Possessive Case. Subjunctive Mood . Supposilive Mood. Indicative Mood .... Accessory or Possessive Case. Indicative Mood 232 230 230 Indicative Mood . Subjunctive „ Accessory or Posses.'iire Case. Indicative Mood .... 8ul)junctive Mood .... Duhitative Mood. Subjunctive Mood . . . Accessory or Possessive Case. Subjunctive Mood .... Suppositive Mood. Indicative Mood .... Sul)junctivc „ . . . . Accessory or Possessive Case. Indicative Mood Subjunctive „ 238 238 . 2:J8 . 238 23i» . 23t> . 240 . 24(1 . 240 . 240 LL 266 INDEX. Ayanewew. Ayaw, Ayamukun. • • Indicative Mood . Subjunctive ,, Imperative „ Accessory or Ponsessive Case. Indicative Mood .... Suljjunctive „ . . . Imperative „ . . . . Dubitative Mood, .Subjunctive Mood Accessory or Possessive Case. Subjunctive Mood .... Suppositiuc Mood. Indicative Mood .... Sul)junclive ,,.... Accessory or Possessive Case. Indicative Mood .... Subjunctive „ . . . . Tofum. Indicative Mood Sulijunctive ,, . . . . Accessory or Possessir'e Case. Indicative Mood Sui>iunctive ,,..., Dubitative Mood. Sul)junclive Mood Accessory or Possessive Case. Sul)juiictive Mood .... Suppositive Mood. Inilicative Mood Suijjunctive ,, AcCiSsory or Possessive Case. Indicative Mood Subjunctive „ PAGE 241 24T 241 241 241 241 242 242 243 243 243 243 244 244 244 244 246 245 246 246 246 246 PAQE Totakunewew. Totum, Toturaomukun. Indicative Mood Subjunctive „ Imperative „ . 247 247 247 Accessory or Possessive Case. Indicative Mood .... Subjunctive „ . Imperative , 247 247 247 Dubitative Mood. Subjunctive Mood . . . . 248 Accessory or Possessive Case. Sulyuuctive Mood . . . . 248 Suppositive Mood. Indicative Mood 249 Subjunctive ,,..,. Accesroi ynr Possessive Case. Indicative Mood . . . Suljunctive „ . . . . Mispoon. Indicative Mood . Subjunctive „ . . . , Potential ,, ... Imj)crative „ , . . . Accessory or Pu.' Case . Indicative Mood Subjunctive „ . . . . Poreiitial „ . Imperative „ . . . . Dubitative Mood. Subjunctive Mood . . . . Potential ,, . Accessory or Possessive Case. Subjunctive Mood ... Potential „ . Suppositive Mood. Indicative Mood . . Subjunctive ,,.... Potential „ . . . 249 249 249 2v5(» 25(> 251 251 25(» 25<» 251 251 252 25:5 •252 253 252 252 253 r INDEX. •267 Accessory or Possessive Case. Indicative Mood . . . ■ Subjunctive „ .... Potential „ . Optatii-e Mood. Indicative Mood .... Subjunctive „ . . . . Potential „ . . . . Imperative „ . • . . PAGE 254 254 255 254 254 255 255 Moods, Tenses, and Accessory or Possessive Cases of the following Impersonal Verbs. Kimewun KisiiBtao Notapuyew Tipiskaw Kissinnw Wapun Pipoon Mispoon Kesiiiaw . Meyooskumcew Yootiri Miltcskaw . . 256 . 250 . 256 . 256 . 256 • 256 . 257 . 257 . 257 . 257 . 257 Kissinamukun Kisastamukun Tipiskamukun Mispoonomukun Kcsikaniukun . Kissechewunomukun PAGE . 258 . 258 . 258 . 258 . 2^58 . 258 Affixes of the Principal Tenses of the following Transitive Verbs. Sakehao . Itayimao Isitisaawao Pusustiiwiio Tapwatowao . Sekahatowao Itao Nukutao Mutiio Pasewao Isitissahumowao Kwaskototowao KekeskoA'ao . Erratum. I iidex 259 25<) 2.59 259 259 259 2-39 259 259 2m 259 259 2.59 2-59 260 261