m'^mm IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I il.25 ifS, 1.4 --d <« P7 9^ Jh HiotDgraphic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) •72-4503 ^ A .eeu in operation for a con- siderable period, and it would not be desira- ble to disturb our trade in regard to those matters, when possibly it might be subjected to still another disturbance within twelve months. It was necessary he should refer to the course of the customs duties during the last year and a-half or two years. The House would find on turning to the statement laid before them in March last, Absti-act of Expen- diture and Income up to 3 1st December last, from which it appeared, that Customs duties for the whole of 1864 amounted to $6,6GC,000. On comparison of the imports of the present year, from 1st January, up to Ist of July with those for corresponding period ot 1864, it would be observed that very considerable falling off took place, amounting to $940,376, this loss had fallen on the year just closed. We had next to consider what we might fairly estimate Custom duties at from 1st July last. We found the causes that pro- duced the falling off, in the early part of 1865 as compared with the same period of 1864, arose from two things, first, bad harvest, and second, to which the decline might be more immediately attributed, the feeling of in- security and depression existing in the coun- try, and which prevented the merchants from making their ordinary importations of goods. He had consulted the Government Collector at Quebec, Montreal, Kingston, Toronto, Hn- milton and London, which collect niueteen- twentiths of the whole imports of the country, and had obtained information as to views of merchants generally in regard to fall trade, and in view of an abundant harvest which it had pleased Providence to grant the country, and the low estimate of stocks of goods existing in ail parts of the country, and the universal report received as n-gards the stock of groceries, which yield a large- pro- portion of our revenue, tea sugar, Jcc, it was expected there would be much larger impor- tations this fall than ever seen before. With regard to dry goods, although there was re- ported to be an over supply of curtain kinds, it was represented that the general importa- tions would fully equal those of past periods. As to the spring trade, the estimate was more conjectural, but opinions seem to be that the importations of next spring would be much larger Uuid this and previous years. He be- lievcH. the sources of income to which he had turned attention, were most likely to guide us correctly in estimating the revenue from cus- toms,and when we found the revenue from cus- toms last year reaching $5,661,0U0, speaking of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1865, the whole tenor of the reports received was indi- cative of there being considerable increase in that trade. He proposed now to take an esti- mate of Customs for 1864, as from 1st June to 3l8t December, which amounted to $6,666,- 000, and deduct from that $500,000, which he thought would certainly bring the estimate for customs within the limit to which it was likely to attain. He believed the reports would indicate the collection of a larger reve- nue than thfkt. Hon. Mr. HOLTON—In the fiscal year? Hon. Mr. GALT— That is from Ist July, covering the fall and spring trade. He thought he might mention,iu reference to this subject, that although the fiscal year was not far advanced, yet he already began to find that the customs revenue was reviving. In proof of which he would give the House a statement of the receipts from customs for that of the corresponding periods of 1863, 1864 and 1866. The receipts of 1864, he must however remark were the largest that had ever been received in the same period. — The revenue from customs from July 1st to August 26tfa, were, in 1863, $936,000, 1864, $1,254,000, 1865 $939,000 ; amount for the month of July this year was less than in 1863, but the receipts in August had made up the deficiency and somewhat more^ though they were about $300,000 less than in 1864, when very exceptional circumstances existed. He might also take the opportunity of stating though ttie figure belonged more properly to the next part of his remarks, that the receipts from excise have been $83,414, for the same period eight weeks 1864, and $250,371 in 1865. He therefore thought the estimate that the Government had formed of these receipts from customs was likely to be a safe one, viz.: that they would only be $1 ,500,000 less than in the estimates of 1864 notwithstanding the loss 6 i)i nearly $1,000,000 on acompariHon witlitlie first six months of tlio fiscal yoar now cloned. With referoni'c to tlu^ t-xcifio ho proposed to estimate thi? reci'iptH from licenses $05,000. They might \u-. a. htth; less or more, but they woulil not vary much from the figures of the table. With reference to spirits, the receipts last year wer<^ 30 cents per gallon on 3,000,000 gallons, the exact sum being $891,000. The estimate had been based on an expected distillation of :V200,000 gallons but duty had been r<'c(ave(l on 2,000,000 only. — In forming the estimates for the current year the Government have reference to what has been considered the regular consumption of the country, as indicated by the experience of several years past, making allowance for ex- ceptional causes ; one of these was that a large amount of spirits had been taken out of bond before July 1st, 1864, to avoid the an- ticipated increase of duty, though, the Gov- ernment have secured a good deal by having the duty collected from the time the resolu- tions were first introduced to the House. The average amount distilled was from 3,600,000 to 3,800,000 gallons. A deduction had been made in last year's estimate of 400,000 gal- Ions to allow for the evasion of duty, dimin- ished consumption, &c, ; but he thought the probability was that the distillation of spiritH would be 8om'3what larger this year than last. He did, indeed, think it would be con- siderably larger,but he had in estimation gone on a basis of 3,250,0o0 gallons. The distilla- tion might exceed this amount, but a good deal was being sent out of the country, some legally, and some perhaps illegally. He pro- posed to estimate tlie excise on beer at $160,- 000. He found it had not varied much from that amount for some time. Next, the case of tobacco. The House was aware that a considerable revenue had been anticipated last year from this source, but the House would remember that it had been resolved not to levy duty on tobacco then manufactured, and as had been stated at the time, would be 'he case this had seriously affected the reve- nue for the year just expired. There had been a large stock then on hand, which had gone into consumption, consequently the country was deprived of a good deal of what would otherwise have been realized. Under these adverse circumstances the revenue col- lected during the fiscal year had been $115,- 500, but he ought to state that in addition to this there was a duty accruing in tobacco in warehouses of $751,800, all this might not be received, because some of the tobacco might be exported and thus not pay the duty, but this was the amouut dutiable on July Ist. In estimating the receipts from excise on tobacco he had to be governed somewhat by reference to the ordinary imports of manufactured to- bacco in former years, in 1860 it was 3J mil- lions pounds, before the American war there was a large import of manufactured tobacco, during the war the import of manufactured tobacco fell oft very much, while that of un- manufactured tobacco largely increased, so much that it amounted in one year to 15,000,- 000 lbs,, a large proportion of that had been consumed in the coimtry, though a good deal had been exported The revenue ri-ccivcd during the past year undoubtedly indicated that the consumption had been mainly sup- plied from stocks on hand, the amounts im- ported and manufactured having been small. Under these circumstances we might rcasona bly anticipate that the amount of tobacco yield ing revenue to the country would approxi- mate somewhat to the consumptio' ,and the consumption could not put it down at much less than five or six millions pounds ; but in practice it was found that the law was not perhaps stringent enough ; frauds were suc- cessfully committed. It was better therefore to make a low estimate, and he accordingly put down the consumption of tobacco for the current year at 3 j millions pounds, yielding $350,000. The receipts on tobacco this year since Ist July indicate a receipt at the rate of about $275,000 for the year. Hut it was clear that the consumption which would become productive to the revenue would increase month by month, in as much as the stock of tobacco in the country was gradually becoming less, and consumers would object to purchase that which had been subjected to excise duty. These four items, licenBes and excise on spirits, beer and tobac- co would give altogether $1,550,500. The Post-ofBce last year produced $470,000; the receipts from postage were year by year in- creasing, the increased population, and in- creased business of the country materially told on the postal receipts, and we might surely estimate some addition under that head. He had preferred however putting the esti- mate at the same figure, $470,000. The Pub- lic Works last year produced $395,- 000, thib year he estimated them at $450,000. He might here give a very brief explanation with regard to the question of Canal tolls. The policy as regards the tolls, was the policy adopted at the time the President of the Council joined the Government, and that like some other questions was felt to be entirely subordinate to the general point of settling the constitutional difficulties of the country. He (Gait) at that time held his own view8,and he held them still. As to the policy of making our Inland navigation as free from burdens asj possible, he believed the President of the Council equally held to his expressed views. When he (Gult) came inio office the tolls had been reimposed by the Hon. friend behind him (Howland,) and maintained by the Hon. friend opposite (Holton.) They were after- wards slightly modified by himself (Gait.) There might be some minor changes to meet the requirements of trade; but the government did not intend to alter the rates or the prin- ciple or which they were now administered. The increased estimate of $55,000 was what he believud would arise from the much more prodiictiro harvest which the western country had had, and which he thought we might reanonably hope would yield that increase in toils, which was only half the excess of the previous year over last year. In the previous year the rocoiptH wore upwards of $500,000 last year, $695,000. For this year he took the medium between those t>mounts, $600,000, and he had every conftdence the estimate would justify the result. The estimate for Ocean postal was an average of the last two or three years — $70,000. The territorial in- come last year was $830,000 ; but it included what was a considerable payment from the Ca- nadian Land and Emigration Company,which bought a largo portion of land in the district between Lake Huron and Ottawa, and com- pleted their payment of a sum of nearly 9200,- 000 in the past year. We could not presume on an equal sum this year. And there was a reduction therefore in estimates of the cur- rent year of $180,000. It was estimated we would receive $650,000 instead of $830,000. Taking the hopeful view which we were justified in taking of the position of settlers throughout the country, we might hope there would be a much larger amount of arrears collected this year than last year. He had not made any estimate of this how- ever. In the receipts of the present year staotps yielded 9119,000 during the fiscal year just closed — somewhat more than the estimate— the data then were exceedingly im- perfect. The returns obtaindd from the Banks gave an estimate of $80,000, and he had esti- mated an incr.ased revenue of $10,000. The receipts had been considerably greater, having yielded $119,000. It would be his duty be- fore he sat down to move a resolution on the subject of stamp duties. It was found that the limitation of stamped bills and promissory notes to $100 was productive of very great evasion. Notes were divided to a very great extent. No one gave a note for $100 but it was divided so as to escape the duty alto- gether. This was not fair to the rest of the community, and certainly it was not desira- ble to allow people to evade the revenue in this way. It was therefore proposed that all bills and promissory notes of whatever value should bear a stamp ; one cent on notes of $25 and under, two cents on $S0 and under, three cents on $100 and under, by that means he expected some increase would be derived. There were also some minor amendments to the stamp act which he would embody in a bill to be brought before the House this Ses- sion, so Eu to removo some doubts which had arisen as to the interpretation of the act, This bill would provide also as fitr as possi- ble for the ase of stamped paper instead of affixed stamps, the revenue hiing undoubt- dly subjected to some amount of fhiud t>y the reuse of stamps not thoroughly defaced, taken off the notes. While on the 8abje- ject of stamps, ho ought to give some infor- mation with regard to the operation of the Act imposing law stamps which had been substituted for tho law funds formerly exist- ing in Upper and Lower Canada. Ho would reaid the iigurcs showing tho state of the various funds for each year sinco 1861, omit- ting fractions : In 1861 tho Upper Canada fee fund amounted to $47,000 ; in 18G2, $51,000 ; in 1863, $58,000 ; and last year it had increas- ed through the < peration of stamps to $68,- 000 ; the average receipts for tho previous three years having been $52,000 shows the increase in 1864 to be $16,000. Then the consolidated fund in 1861 amounted to $32,000; in 1862 to $30,000; in 1863 to $29,000 ; showing a gradual decrease until last year, when under the stamp law it rose again to $35,000, considerably above the highest receipts in 1861. The receipts of tlie Law Society in 1861 amounted to $20,000 ; in 1862 to $16,000 ; in 1863 to $14,000 ; but under the stamp law they rose to $20,000 again in 1864, being equal to the receipts of the highest previous year, 1861. These items with a large number of others were included in the term miscellaneous, but ho did not purpose to delay the Committee by going over them uriatim. The Municipalities fund; the Indian fund, and collection under Muni- cipal lioan fund formed the principal items , while with these there was a variety of minor sources of income which produced altogether in the year 1864-'65 the sum of $1,670,000. purposed to estimate them all as producing next year $1,660,000, being a reduction of 910,000. He then, in connection with the purpose of the Government as to the mode of expending these sums, adverted to the op- eration of the Audit Act, and stated to the Committee certain modifications of form which the Government were adopting with a view of creating a greater check upon the public expenditure. There was no doubt we were gradually approaching a more perfect syBtem in this respect. It had taken us sev- eral years to dc so, as it must necessarily do in any country; but it was a system more perfect than that adopted in any country of which he had any knowledge. It was, T 8 cuituiiily, inoi'i' pi'ilVi I lUuu thuu Hint of Eiigliiml ui tlio Liniti'd hitutoH ; but hu cunld tiot spi'uk witli till) suiU(! kuuwledgo hk tt> nystems ol otliti- coiiuliits. UudtT tlu! piiu- ciplu of nudit UL'coiiiit tiiu uiitliority uf Purlia. inunt wtts rc(iuiii'd for t;viiy t-xpiudituro, and »o fur it waH pi'ituctly ^ood and t'lirtd'uUy car- lied out. To lliHt oxti'ut tlit; IIouhd had con- trol over till! uxpcnditiuo : but us a uiattor of fact, Parliauiunt (outiuuully iiimlo appropriu> tions which ought to be and iieceH'^urily were Miibjuct U) tht! diucretiou of govtirnmeut as to wliether thiy should be afterwardb cxpuuded, uppropriatiouH, uh for Ottawa buildiugH, an wull as many others umdo by roiliameut Well, it was proposed as a regulation which ht! tliongh would work btUfliciuUy for the purpose of checking the expenditure to all, that the disbursing ollicers of the gov- ernment throughout the countrjr uhuuld make monthly returns to the Oov- ernmcut of sums they intended to ex- pend out of the rarlianicntary upproprio- tions. The etf(;ct of this the Government an- ticipated would be that tliey would have a better check upon the progress of public works, and in arresting any expenditure that might be saved, und it would afTord the fur- ther advantage to the Irovernment of con- trolling the demands which were being made from time to time upon the public exchequer, which demand has often to be met unexpec- tedly, and at inconvenient periods. While speaking ot this he might say the time at which the payments of Province matured was somewhat lucouvenicnt, the 1st of Janu- ary and the Ist of July, especially the Ist of July. At these periods the Government had not only to provide for interest on tlie public debt, but also for distribution of the munici- palities' money, the Educational grants to Upper Canada and other appropriations, con- sequently large sums fell due at the bcgin- ing of every half-year, and it was a question with the Government whether these periods of payment could not be altered, not to de- prive any one of money due to him, to spread disbursements in the year, but to make them due at a more convenient period. The amount of public debt to bo redeemed this year was $1,100,000, of which the greater part was tLo final payment of the Imperial loan. It was now all paid off with tiio exception of $1,400,- 000 sterling, and the Governmen. held that amount of Indian bonds to pay it. The re- mainder of the amount consisted of small de- benture8,which were now falling due amount- ing to between $300,000 and $400,000. — The interest on charges on public 'lebt was $3,890,000, including Sinking Fui ., charges employed under head of Civil Government, were all included in estimate already in tht hands of members and amounts to $4,633,000. A good deal was provided for by stipulation, and was therefore not shown in estimate in members hands. It was proposed to expend for militia during the past year $500,000, which could be more fully explained by Min- ister of Militia ou Thursday next. In regard to public Works buildiug at Ottawa, and coniplotion of enlargement of Welland Canal it was expoctiHl the total outlay the Board of Works would be $600,000, collection of re- venue was put down at $l,.')r)U,OOU,that includ- ed refund which if included on one side as revenue had to be included on other, as ex- peaditureu, these amounted to $100,000, aggre- gate of these outlays excluflive of redeeming public debt was $11,074,000 against income of $11,166,000, leaving a surphm of $G2,000. In regard to it Government had ex- ercised every economy, there was not a doubt that in a country like Canada, increasing so rapidly there must necessary be a gradual increase ir cost of Government. It was im- possible to govern 3,000,000 for same as two millions, alluded specially to the great influx from the States during late years, causing an increase of population, very troublesome and expensive to us. Government was obliged to provide for a good many sources of expen- diture which perhaps were omitted before, but which could not now appear in unprovi- ded items, expenditure on them had ceased and might not again arise. They asked for appropriations under that belief, and the de- termination of the government was to exer- cise every economy in the expenditure oi sums which Parliament might place at its disposal, and it would be supplemented by such restrictions as would give the gov.rn- ment stricter control than over before exer- cised. He went on to allude to the necessity of making additional provision at tlie Toronto Lunatic Asylum ; $25,000 would be expen- ded on that up to the 1st June next, on commencement of two wings. The House had already clothed the government with power to dispose of four mil- lions of debentures, but that had not been exercised, the debentures being lodged with the Bank of Montreal for sums of money ob- tained from that institution. Balances due to the London Agent had been considerably re- duced since January, 1864. On the other hand government had obtained temporary assist. ance from the Bank of Montreal to the extent of $1,262,000. At the commencement of the new yeargoverumentbad arranged and paia oft' $260,000 ; 7 percent was the rate, while that of the London Agents, 5 per cent. With regard to these balances, the government had not proposed to ask the House to make any final provisions ; they did not think there would be any difficulty in carrying over these bal- ances to such time as might be convenient for the public service. The London agents at once assented tocariying over these till January 1st *, government would not like to sell their securities at their present rates for the purpose of covering this, and the credit of the country would very speedily im- prove ; they had indications of that already, and there could be no doubt, now that peace bml dell mei tho yeui tur opp lUI'C at wot whi tog won 9 liiul beoii i-i!Hi(m«l ill tlio Stutefl, that confi- (IciK'i; in oiu' Het'Ui'itit'H would riwe tu thiiir for- imir rate Govornment would t'x»*rciR(i au- thority luidcr the Kupply bill of laitt yeur in ryforenct* to tlio iHHue of del>en- turi'H, liiit only on Honio more favourable opportunity arininK for placing the deben> iincH in the market. Without going further at length into th(! Hubjucts treated of, he would feel it hin duty to answer any qtieHtionn which might be Rubmitted rcRpecting them, togivethe fulleot information ri'i(uired. He would now advert at Home short length to our preflenl relations towards the United States, and what lie might term our foreign trade. He thought the committee would agree that the Iteciprocity Treaty might possibly ex- pire on the 15th ot March next, under terms of the notice given, and it would be felt that in anything he said as to the position of ^the country durirg the current year, this would be regarded oy the committee, if he omitted to notice a cause that might prove one of serious disturbs nco to our trade and seriously effect the conclusions to which he had arrived, and it would l>e considered, if he took his seat without adverting in some degree to the position of our trade with the United States, and generally to what we hoped to bo the result ofthe negotiations with that country, as also to throw out such sug- gestions as might be useful, tiiat he would be acting within the discharge of his duty. Our trade with the United States consists ot two kinds, one was independent of the Reciprocity Treaty altogether, and the other that existing under It, so to the former the privileges apply- ing to the most favored nations wonld apply in our case in 'ivery particular, but the great bulk of our trade and that which created the greatest apprehensions in the minds of our people was the belief that we are, to a very large extent dependent on them for a market for our produce. He would not desire to di- minish or derogate from the importance of trade enjoyed with that country. It was im- possible that two kindred nations, speaking the same language, actuated by the same feelings, could exist alongside each other without having intimate commercial lela- tions and intercourse, and it was evident it could not be interfered with by either nation without seriously injuring both : but while he acknowledgesthe importance of the treaty with the United States,it was not our interest nor was it his duty to exaggerate its impor. tance in view of the possability, and as many thought probable, of that treaty being abro- gated in March next, it was desirable for the House and country to look somewhat into the condition of the trade as it now exists, and into the reasons which induce us to believe that it would be continued and extended on the one hand, and to consider the position we should, on the other hand, be placed in, if our anticipations in that respect should prove to be unfounded. He hod a statement of our trade with thflU S. ainco 1860, but would not now go into all the figures. He would merely advert to wh»t that trade has hem for Home time past, beginning with 1860. The im- ports from the United States for 1860 were $17,260,000; 1861, $21,000,000; 1862, $26,- 000,000; 1863, 23.000,000; and in half of 1864, $8,000,000; fiscal year 1864 and '66, nearly $16,000,000. This was in proiH>rtion to our whole imports— 60, 49, 62, 60, 37 and 37 per cent respectively, bo that for the last 18 months our import trade with the United States has been 37 per cent of our whole Im- port trade as respects all nations. Well, our export trade with the United States for 1860 amounted to $18,600,000 ; for 1861, $14,600- 000; for 1862, $176,000,000; for 1863, $22,- 600,000 ; July of 1864, $7,000,000 : fiscal year of 1864 and '66, $24,000,000. The relative proportion this trade (rare to our whol« export trade was thus shown — 63, 36, .'iO, 64, 64 and 69 per cent respectively. He would now take the figures for the year for the pur)M)se of looking into the operations of our trade with the United States under the treaty. He would take the year 1864, '66 for this reason, that in that year our imports from the United States were proportionately the lowest, and our exports proportlouately the highest. There was no year sir.ce the treaty was enacted i n which our expc/rt trade and our market, in the United States was so large as in 1864. The leading aiiicles in our trade with the United States, under the treaty were first the products of the forest.— These amounted last year to five millions of dollars. In considering the value of that trade to us and to the United States, regard must be had to present state of the supply in the United States market. It would be found he thought that the obtaining of the lumber from Canada was quite as essential to the con- sumers in the United States, as it was to ourselves. He might advert to the average price of lumber, as including this the prices were raised from seven dollars to seven dol- lars and fifty cents per 1,000 feet to eight dol- lars iu 1869 ; nine dollars in 1860 to nine dollars and fifty cents in 18S1 ; nine dollars and foventy-flve cents in 1862 ; and ten dol- lars in 1863. Now the districts from which the United States obtained their enj}- ply of lumber, exclusive of Canada was the State of Maine, some portions of the Wes- tern States — Michigan and the States border- ing on the upper waters of lake Michigan and Superior and the Southern States ; the ti-ade ofthe Southern States had of course been completely stopped for several years past, which had given vitality to the trade here, we being called upon to supply them with ship-building timber to a large extent du.ing the rebellion, but that part of the United States which consumed timber was notthat which produced it. Large districts of New York and Pennsylvania, and the New England States were dependent for lumber on 10 importations from other parts of their own country and from Cnnada. £vec in tue North eastern States a very considerable mai-ket for lumber existed. Now, what would be the effect of the United States imposing a duty on lumber, it would either raise the puce so as to induce tho article to be brought from portions of their own country, w'- 2nce it can- not at present be brought on accoun of the dis- taact<, or they will have to ir tport it from this country, paying the duty thi aiselvesand pay- ing us the same price as now ; they might raise the cost: of the material used in their houses and ships, out they could only do so at the expense of the consuming interest, un- less the efifect of tho increased cost was vo di- minish tho consumption, they must necessar- ily go either to Canida or to the more remote districts of their own country for the supply. He contended that where a country was com- pelled to consume an article on which they charged duty, they not merely paid the duty themselves, but absolutely made a present of a similar amount of duty to all the products of the article within their own country. There will be an increase of price on the whole pro- duction of lumber in the United States ; and he believed that in the case of so bulky an article, which would cot bear a long carriage, they could not supply their market without coming to Canada. The exports of the next class, animals, and th '- products, reached a very large and ex^* ^onal amount in 1964 and 1865. In than year there were no less than $1,800,000 worth of horses, and $1,761,- 000 of cattle exported to the United States. If anything were wanting to shew the extent to which the Northern States were ex- hausted by the war, it was the excep- tional amount of exports from Canada under the head of animals during the past year. In 1861 they amounted to $1,397,000, in 1862 to $1,262,000, and in '64 '66 to $3,367,- 000, being an enormous and exceptional amount uf exports in that year, and one which we could not reasonably expect to continue, now that the cause to which it could be traced had been removed. It was clear that being compelled to come to Canada for thir large supply if they had put duty oh it, they would have had to pay it themselves. As regarded oats, we had only exported to the United States one half of what wo impor- ted. The exports amounted to $484,000 ; the effect of thsir imposing a duty would be, that instead of our exporting to them $484,000 and importing $876,000 worth of beef, bacon and pork, chiefly pork, for our lumbering estab- lishments, our lumberers would get their sup- plies from our farmers, instead of buying we!«tern pork ; of butter and cheese the ex- ports and imports were about alike in amount but with the singular difference that we ex- ported 310,600 dollars worth of butter to them and they exported 306,000 dollars worth of cheese to us. Our exports of wool was considerable, '>nd was growing; last year it amounted to 135,000 dollars, against an import of $176,000. The descrip- tion of wool wo exported to the United States was essential to their manufactures, and they took it from us because they could not get a better article, or one more suitable for their purpose anyvhere else. If they im- pose a duty so as to exclude our wool, they would have either to change their mode of manufacture or to find what would answer their purpose in some other part of the world. Of other products of animals, there was an import of $814,000 against an export of $391,000. With .espect to agricultural productions, the trade naturally consisting in wheat and flour, the prices of which are governed by the con- sumption of the European market, and in coarse grain, of which the price was chieiiy fixed by the consumption of this continent. The trade in wheat and flour might be con- sidered as a t-ansit trade, the price was not regulated by the American market, the Ame- rican market did not consume these articles ; the United States exported to the Maritime- Provinces about Ski much as they imported trom us. (Hear.) Being a transit trade, the Americans reaped the benefit of it, they had the advantage of transporting it, and of the commercial profits that arose from transact- ing it ; the effect of preventing the continu- ance of that trade would be that if Vie succeeded as well as he trusted we should ip establishing proper commercial re- lations with our maritine brethren, the trade would be conducted directly with the Lower Provinces, instead of as now with Boston and New York. (Hear, hear.) As to the trade iu coarse grains, the case was somewhat differ- ent, but the same argument held good which he had used with reference to lumber ; in- deed it applied more strongly to coarse grains than to lumber, if lumber could not be carried far except by water, it was clear that grains like barley and oats could not. Now the market for these articles was to be found with manufacturing districts of the United States, and we knew that by imposing duties on them the cost of manufacturing would be enhanced, in which case it was plain that while the New England manufacturers were now complain- ing of the difficulty of compe*' ig with for- eign manufacturers, still more would they complain then. (Hear.) W& should hear an outcry from them which the American gov- meut wr>uld have to meet either by allowing these grains to enter again free, or by increas- ing the customs duty on foreign manufactures, wfiich increase the north-west would resist and resent, (hear,) but while we exported a large amount of oats, barley, &c., worth about four and a half million dollars, weZimported nearly 800,000 dollars worth of Indian corn. Now Indian com was used to a great extent in this country in our distilleries, and if the Americans refused to take our coarse grains it would become necessary for oui distillers to 11 ID- use theui ; the American distillers in Ohio and other states purchase our barley, which was better than they could grow themselves, well they would have to uso their own com instead. The Americans now grew corn cheaper and better than we, while we grew barley cheaper and better than they. To in- terfere with the exchange wonld be inconve- nient to both parties ; riay, it would bo inju- rious to both. But tlio principal eifect would be to changi) the nature of the distillation carried on on either side o.' the frontier. (Cheers.) There were othei-s eiiected; he would not detain the Committee loi:g by an extended reference to them. The produce of the mine was not an important interest as yet, though it was r. growing one, and if we had noi free access to the American markets for our ores, we shoiild lose the advantages of a market with which we could communi- cate by telegraph in a few hours, and by mail in a couple of days ; btit at the same time it was not the American market which gave its value to the produce of the mine — this was given by the demand of the world at larpe. And though the Americans might de- prive us of the privilege of selling our ores in their market and might force our trade in minerals into a different channel, they could not prevent us from raising our ores out of the earth and disposing of them abroad. (Hear.) In the case of the fisheries. It was singular that we imported from the States a great deal more than we exported. The ex- ports being $89,000, while the imports were $275,000. He presumed the imports were of tish and fish-oil that had come from the low- er Provinces by way of the United States. Our imnorts of manufactures were of course very much larger than our exports; but it was worth noticing, that we had exported last year $460,000 worth of i^anufactures to the United States. It was impossible to tell whether they were of Canadian make or not, but he wns aware that latterly considerable orders ' ,d been received from American houses, and it was gratifying to know that our manufacturers were in a position to sell goods in the American market, even after paying the 40 or 45 per cent duty to which they were there subjeci^d. This was a good sign, and inihcated that the period was arriv- ing when they would require no protection at all to enable them to carry on their business. (Hear.) To sum up, the exports to the Un- ited States which might be said to be depen- dent on the Reciprocity Treat)' — that was the balance of exports over imports — was : lum- ber, about $5,000,000; coarse grain8,$4000,000; nnimals, $1,500,000. The tmdo in animals was much larger last year. But this about the average. Thus, a balance of about ten and a half millions of our exports was more or less dependent on f 9 Treaty. That was about the amount they could affect by 1 'vy- ing taxation on the productions of this coun- try. He would not repeat any of the orgu- ments with respect to each article, but the peculiar position of that portion of the Amer- ican market which was supplied from Canada was such that he did not think thoy would find it to their interest to impose duties on our piT^ducts, but if they did they would not merely increase the cost of every one of those articles received in their own country, but they wi' I have themsolves to pay the duty on the supplies they obtained from abroad, essential for their consumption (here.) H'j might further say in reference to this trade of ten million dollars, that it was certainly very important. Still if we were compelled by circumstances to look at the pr ssibility of On being denied we should not look so much at the proportion it bore to the total exports or imports of the country as to the proportion it bore to the whole products of the industry of the Provinces. Here we ought not to con- clude that because say five per cent of our exports went to the United States, 25 per cent to the industry of the Province would be paralized if they did not go there. Hero the result would be the change that would have to ue made inacertainamontoftho pro- ductive labor of the country. Labor hinder- • ed unceremonioiisly in one direction would be productive in another, it was so in manufac- turing purposes, it would be so in others ,apart from the derangement of commercial trans- actions which would undoubtedly be a soorce of annoyance the consequ^ncewould bethat if we had an absolute interruption of the Ame- rican trade we should have to change the character of our produce before sending it to the market, but our productive industrj' would not be i>aralyized. (Hear, hear.)— He thought the Committee would agree with him that we could do no greater service to the cause of reciprocal free trade with the United States — we could do nothing better calculated to bring .^bout such a state of feeling in the States as would lead to the renewal of the Treaty, than to do away with exaggerated views and ideas, on one side or the other. When the Americans found that the loss of their trade would not affect us so seriously as to change the allegiance of the people of this country, they would in all likelihood commence to extend commercial facilities again. In this connection ho must remark that when a gentleman occupying the position of the chiofof the representative of the commercial interests of the United States in Canada asserted that the loss of free trade with them will affect our allegiance, he showed a most Ipmentable ignorance of the state of that traae and of the country. (Hear.) He (Mr. Oalt) could not think such views were sanctioned by the authorities to whom that gentleman was responsible. To do away with any such views as he pressed woii essential, we should have it clearly and per* fectly understood that we are not so depend* ent on this Treaty as was supposed. A polit- ical question was quite distinct from tb« 12 11 ! ^h commercial one. The Aiaericans said them- eelvea that they desired ub to he on such terms with them, that more commercial intercourse would ibllow.They did not desire a suspension of trade with us. If then we could shew them that the trade was not of such magnitude as that its interruption would produce a com> plete change in oi*r hopes and aspirations and tender us willing to abandon our whole future we should remove one of the greatest ob- stacles — the re-establishment of intimate trade relations. (Hear, hear.) Again it was clear another class of people we had to meet was honestly convinced that the trade under the treaty was more advantageous to Canada than to the United States ; so advantageous indeed to Canada that we should be willing to make any sacrifice in a commercial sense to retain it. Now, it was not a good way to enter into a bargain with the United States by laying down our hands and sayicg, we must concede every thing they asked. He contended that this was not the posi> tion of Canada. He admitted that the treaty was important ; that there were im- portant interests which would suffer if it were interfered with, but he declared they were not so important that we should give up everytoing, in a commercial and financial sense, to have it renewed. (Hear.) We were called on by the Detroit Convention to en- large our canals, to give them certain assur- ance with regard to the use of those canals, also to alter our custoiiis and other duties in the sense which they tl^ought would be more advAntagtious to the manufacturing interests, than at present. Now we were prepared to enter into discussion on all these points. We said we were ijatisfied with the treaty though it was not so advantageous for us as we could wish, and ask them if they did not desire an absolute suspension of commercial inter- course to tell us the points which, in their opinion, demanded modification. Now, if taking the Detroit Convention as an exponent of the views of the United States, we saw that the enlargement of our Canals was one of the points urged by them* The position of the Government on this sub- ject was clearly and intelligibly stated the other night. We have not trade ourselves which requires such enlargement. N trade which of itself would justify us in enlarging these Canals ; we could only be repaid for such improvements by obtaining Americna trade and making it pay tolls or otht wise contribute to our revenue. If then, the Ame- ricans don't want to have any trade with us, it would clearly be the greatest mistake in the world to enlarge our Canals ; that should only be done in the event of the Americans desiring to send their produce by our routes. It was very well for them to ask us to en- large our Canals so that they might have some check on the rates of tolls taken on the Erie Canal. All very well for them to de- mand the enlargement of our Canals, whether they used them or not, but he thought that when they came to ask for it we ought very fairly to refer to some points which require to be altered in our interest. There was, for instance, the registration of shipping and the admission of our vessels to their coasting trade. The Government of Canada] con- tended that the interests of the Maritime provinces should be identical with thoseof this Country, but we should have to consider whether the facilities we were asked to fur- nish the North-west for reaching foreign markets were not of such value as to justify us in asking that our vessels should be ad- mitted to a participa 'on in their coasting trade. The registration of shipping was of great importance to the interests of the very place in which the House was now sitting. — It was to be hoped the American Govern- ment would take a different view in future from what they had taken heretofore. Large numbers of American ships had been trans- ferred to English owners durng the late war, and it would be very difficult, if he under- stood their law aright, to get their registers changed back again. A VOICE— They can't do it. Mr. GALT — Another point was this. It would be quite plain to any one who looked at what was passing in the United States that the question of their revenue had a most im- portant bearing on our commercial relation with them. That country could not main- tain very high duties in a variety o2 articles without a great deal of illicit trade being car- ried on from Canada to the United States. — He thought, and his colleagues too thought, that Canada o-ight to perform the part of a friendly neighboring country that it should, as far as possible, prevent their revenue being subjected to fraud ; but it was at the same time clear that the check which could be exercised by us on smuggling from Canada into the U. S. was next to nothing. It must be checked from the American side, not from ours. There was only one way in which it could be effectually prevented, the selection of certain articles on which the duties should be so nearly assimilated as to prevent an inducement to illicit trade. The Americans had now a commission sitting to revise their revenue laws, which commission was invited by the Detroit Convention to confer with the Finance Ministers of the British Provinces. Any suggestion that might be made by them would hie considered in the most friendly spirit, but if we were to be met by an absolute Chine" j wall of restric- tion, — if there was to be no intercourse between the two countries, — well, then, let them look after their own frontier. We would have such duties as we please, and let them have the duties they liked. ^Hear, hear.) He would now leave the question of our trade with the United States, and would like to be nermitcd to occupy the attention 18 .(« ear, of the Committee for a few momeuts, by a reference to the state of our foreign trade, — that was, our trade with other countries be- Rides Great Britain and the United States,— and in the first place he would refer to the trade of the Maritime Provinces. That trade had not been so large as had been desired, nor increased so rapidly as might have been expected, because under the Reciprocity Treaty they had obtained in tlie American markets the articles they might have ob- tained from us, which have been sent by us into the United States, and by the Unitud States exported to the Maritime Provinces. The actual results, as comparing several years, were, that we had imported, in 1860, goods worth $393,864, while in the fiscal year ending June, 186 , we imported |51 1,670. Our exports have increased, during the same time, from $723,534 to $1,065,507, an increase of about 25 per cent. From the British West Indies the increase in trade had been more considerable. Our imports were $15,802 in 1860, and 0209,327 in 1866. So there had, indeed, been a renewal of the trade with the West Indies we had formerly enjoyed. The exports to the Maritime Pro- vinces had risen from $723,000 in 1860 to $1,065,000 in 1365 ; and to West Indies from nil in 1860 to $41,000 in 1866. But while that had been the case with our own West India islands our trade with ths foreign West Indies were beginning to assume somewhat considerable dimensions. This was particu- larly the case as regarded Cuba ; and he found that the value of articles imported from the foreign West Indies in 1864 was no less than $1,480,000, of which there bad come by way of the St. Lawrence $255,000, by way of United States $660,000, and Nova Scotia $126,000. The general foreign trade of Canada amounted to so little three or four years ago that it was scarcely worthy of notice ; in 1860 the total imports trade of Canada from foreign countries, ex- cept the United States, was only $905,000, and in 1865, notwithstanding depressing in- fluences of the American war, it had risen to $3,274,000, or an increase of nearly four fold in that short period. (Hear, hear.) It now amounted to 8 per cent of our total exports of only 2i per cent. It was gratifying to the Government, and he wau certain was also gratitying to the House and country to know at a time when we were threatonud with in- terruption of trade with the United Stute8,we had trade with other foreign countries inde- pendent of British possessiourt which was growing with the rapidity indicated by these returns, a trade that now amounted to about one-tenth of the whole industry of the coun- try, if trade with the United States were put an end to to-morrow. (Hear, heai.) These observations respecting our trade with the United States, the reciprocity treaty and our trade with foreign countries generally, ac- quired perhaps additional importance at this momcnt,becau8u we knew that by instructions liom Imperial Government representativeR of (he different Provincial Governments would meet in this city during September next. It WU8 peculiarly happy at this mo- ment such a meeting as this was to take place because we had to consider two points in re- ference to our trade with the United States, we had to consider, first, what action should be taken in case the American Government undertook to enter into negotiations for a re- newal of the ireaty,and we had to consider, in the second place,wbat action should be taken if it declined to negotiate at all. Now it must be clear with reference to this trade of the maritime Provinces with Canada, that it is most important that this meeting should be held, and that a common understanding be arrivedj at by the repre- sentatives of the different Governments. He did not apprehend there would be the sligh- test difficulty in coming to an agreement on either one point or the other. The Canadian Government did not desire to engross the negotiations that might take place respect- ing the treaty. If they stood one they must consider the interests of the maritime pro- vinr^es as their own, but on this occasion they would have those interests represented by gentlemen from the governments of those provinces themselves, and they would have the advantage of obtaining from those gen- tlemen information on points relating to those interests, and by thie means he did not doubt they would be able to unite in placing before the Government at Washington the united views of those Governments of the Colonies, in reference to the trade with the United States, and especially with reference to the fisheries of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and Nova Scotia, which formed such an im- portant part qf that trade, but if unfortunately we should be disappointed in our anticiiy^ tions, that the American Government will enter into negotiations for the renewal of the treaty, then it would become .aore than nec- essary, that in understanding should be had with the Maritime Provinces in reference to the future of our treaty, it would become necessary with regard to supplies now obtain, ed from the United States, with our means of transporting the production by the St, Law- rence to the west, for he did not doubt that even if the treaty were not renewed, the fish and other productions of the Cower Provinces would find a large sale in the Western States. It would also become necessary to understand what articles they wanted with which we could supply them, and what it would be ad- vantageous to secure from them. This Gov- ernment certainly felt that it would be advan- tageous to meet their representatives at this time on these and other grounds; and they hoped that the meeting would have results even beyond them. He did cat refer now to political results, but to commercial simply ; and he thought that they would be able by 14 putting their views and actions togetlier to see how far it was possible to as- similate their several commercial systems, and to provide that the industry of one Province might have access to another with- out meeting any obstacle or burden whatever. (He&r, hear.) Again, they had reason to be- lieve that the European trade of the Lower Provinces could be very considerably devel- oped by an extension to them of the conces- sions which the French Government, with great liberality had made to Canada. To this country only of all British Provinces had been extended tiie privileges of commercial treaty between France and England under which our ships and lumber were admitted into Franco on the same footing as into Eng- land. The privilege had been given to Ca- nada alone, because probably it was looked upon as the largest and most desirable col- ony with which tu cultivate commercial re- lations, under ii. r.n extensive trade had been growing up with France, amounted yearly to about three quarters million dollars. The meeting might be instrumental in obtaining a similar favor for the maritime provinces, for whose productions France afforded a very considerable market. He then alluded to in. formation collected with regard to our trade with the West Indies and South America in the event of its being necessary to seek new outlets for our commerce. In conclusion he* thought he would be warranted for referring for a few moments to tlie position in which the House now met from that under which tiiey had last separated for several months. Before the House arose we had been suffering in common with the neighlx)uring country from the vast civil war then raging, and which bad not approached that period when any one would prophecy its termination. It had produced among other lamentable causes a very great and increasing degree of bitter- ness between that great coun'ry and ourselves. At that moment we were suffering not only from the direct effect of the United States, but also from a feeling of insecurity which sprung out of it, and out of irritation in the Ameri- can mind against this country in consequence of the raids that had taken place on the fron- tier. Consequently we were suffering not only from the depression produced by the war, but from the fear of hos- tilities extending to ourselves also. — Every one would remember that from the time the Government announced its intention cf sending a delegation to England the feeling amongst the public was one of apprehension. Defences and fortifications were the common talk from one end of the Province to the other. Hon. Mr. HOLTON— '< For wliich you are responsible." Hon. Mr. G ALT thought the responsibility might rest as fiairly on other people as on the Government. The irritation in the United States had given rise to a hostile commercial policy towards this country .we had been sub- ject to all the annoyance of the passport sys- tem unknown on this continent before our trade with the United States had been sub- jected to greater (if possible) inconveniencies by the American Government, requiring Con- sular certificates, which were both expensive and troublesome. They had given notice of the abrogation of the reciprocity treaty, and this hostile commercial feeling many feared would change to hostility, in a material sense. We were also suffering from a ba-i harvest, which was conr jdorably below the average, and the country, from all these causes,was in agenerally depressed state ; po- litically a very serious check had been given to the policy to which the Government, with the sanction of a large majority in the House and country had endeavoured to carry out successfully, the policy of Confederation. They received a check to that policy to which they looked for an end to our sectional differ- ences, by the result of the elections in New Brunswick. At the same time instead of having the support and encouragement of English public opinion, we had that opinion, to a great extent, against us. Those who ad- vocated a change in the Colonial 8ystem,and a severance of the tie which bound the Colon- ies to the mother country, had got hold, to a great extent, of the public mind in England, and consequently had produced a feeling ad- verse to Colonies, and which this country had not been accustomed to see prevail inEngland. Those causes combined hod unfortunately produced on the public mind a feeling of in- security and discouragement, which was pro- ductive of the most unhappy results in every possible way. There was a conviction in the public mind that a change was coming, and every one feared it would be attended with great disaster, perhaps with bloodshed and war, at any rate the whole state of the coun- try was one of fc.:pectancy on one the hand and depression and uncertainty on the other. The government did not propose to take cre- dit to themselves for changes beyond their influence ; it might well become him to congra- tulate the House, the committee and country on the fact that we now meet Parliament on- ly a few months after the period of this un- certainty with almost an entire chanp;e in most respects. We had to congratulate our neighbours of the United States on the iermi- notion of their civil war, and upon their re- turn to the habits of peace, with an infinitely less disturbance of their industry and trade than what coulH have been expectc:d. The American war, from the beginning to the end, had certainly earned our surprise, being in one respect greater and one which gave us the greatest pleasure, being tlie restoration of peace to a country convulsed with a most gi- gantic and destructive war. As to our- selves equally wfth them had the tear of war been dissipated. We no longer stood in dread of armed bands crossing over the fron- 15 • fkf*3iil< !.,,>(> <• tier to ravago and debtroy, or having to ex- pend large sums of money to e^md volunteers for the defence of that line, and to prevent raids into our own country. Besides l>e,fng relieved from those burthens and fears, we found most happily an improved feeling to- wards us growing up in the American mind. (Hear, hear.) He thought that food feeling was increasing rapidly and that the relations which our neighbors felt towards us not so much on our own account as on that of Qreat Britain, but which was reflected upon us — was disappearing quiclily. He thought the Americans were beginning to see that the Oovernment and people of this country had discharged their duty towards them under circumstances of great difSculty, with a de- gree of honesty and straightforwardness which he believed they would see and appreciate fully in time to come. Ho believed they would see that no step our Government could have taken could be better suited to prevent the outrages and losses which had been inflicted upon them than those adopted ; that witJi limited resources we did all we could to preserv.i peace upon our borders with our neighbors, aud we were now able to find an acknowledgment on tlieir part — in published despatches that we had clone our duty in this matter. Wlien that came to be generally recognised by the Ame- rican people he believed that the temper arising from hostile acts complained of would be entirely reversed, and that wo would be separated from any responsibility for these nnfortunato acte, and that the Americans would recognise that they owed us gratitude and thanks for the way we had performed our duties throughout the late contiict ; when a different course on our part would have en- tailed upon them serious difficulties |and losses. Then in regard to the state of feeling in England, he thought it would not be de- nied that tliere had been a manifest change in the ideas of the people there, and that the class of politicians who looked upon colo- nies as a burden instead of an advan- tage to the mother country, was no longer leading public opinion, but that the time had again come when England regards her colonies as a great source of her greatness, and that htr proper Policy was to consolidate and unite tliem more closely with herself in this position. She could be able to stand the brunt of any attack or any difficul- ties to which she might. hereafter be subjected. (Cheers."* ' He believ- ed further that England considered that the feeling of Canada was one she might fully depend upon should danger ever come. (Hear, hear.) With regard to confederation lie need only refer to the despatches before the House which fully answered the boast of the hon. member for Chateauguay, that the check it had received in Now Brun»wick was fatal to the scheme. Hon. Mr. flOLTON— What is that an. swer. Hon. Mr. GALT— Thought that the C6m^ plete sanction given the scheme of uniting the colonies — hot merely by the Imperial Government, but by the people of IS^glaiid— and the unmistakable way in which it had been mentioned ih the address from the throne wad an aos'wer to the taunt of the enemies of confederation. He thought We did therefore stand in a widely different po- sition from that occupied in March last, when one of the Lower Provinces pronounced against the scheme, and when we were quite uncertain as to the view England would take upon it as to her policy thereon. Hon. Mr. HOLTON— Yes, the policy of coercion. Hon. Mr. GALT — The coercion was that kind of coercion that the Mother Country was entitled to exercise in exchange for the burden of defence of the colonies ; it was the kind she could fairly exercise, and which was exerted in Canada in times past. (Hear, heor, from Holton.) If the Imperial Govern- ment was only to be burdened with the ex- pense of defending these colonies, and if she was to bo considered as coercing us in ex- pressing the opinion that union would help us, and promote the work of defence, then he maintained that was a coercion she was fully entitled to exert ; but the coercion the mem- ber for Chateauguay meant was not an appeal to the person's loyalty or interest of our fellow colonists, but an interference with their rights and privileges and stern compulsion,. Hon. Mr. HOLTON— That is not the com- pulsion the Imperial Government wishes, but what you wish for. Hon. Mr. GALT said — We did not desire to exercise such influence, but one that 'vould make them go heart and hand with us and do everything for the common good. We de- sire to appeal to their interest and patriotism, believing that in so doing we are using the strongest kind of coercion. (Cheers.) He would have referred to this subject before, but for the interruption of the hon. Mr. liolton, member for Chateaugay. — Ho was going to remark that in addition to peace being restored, and the dread of war removed, there was a prospect that lie be- lieved was now stronger than ever of the Union of the Provinces being accomplished. (Cheers.) Instead of having a want of reliance on the Colonial system eviden :ed in England, ho found the contrary was now the case. Besides all that, wo in Canada itself had to thank Providence for having given us an abundant harvest. We might certainly look to this to restore general pros- perity to the land. We might aad must be- lieve that the feeling of the people after hav- ing suffered from ^m1 harvests and the fear of an interruption of our trade by war, being n^PUPMBW 1% 16 now reassured, and those disadvantages no longer existing. t|iat while their Aelds were clothed with abni^ance that peace and con- tentment wonld orerspread the land.(Cheen.) He believed our fiurmeni might enter on the new financial jmt with a much greater con- fidenc«, in .the rosotirces of Canada than they had felt for many seasons. They had seen a period of great peril pass, and a settlement of our constitutional diffioulties, was fiwt approaching, and at the same time they would now he trusted find in that abundance with which theic , fields were clothed, the reward of their industry, which from Bomn cause or other for two or three years past it had pleased Providence to with- hold. The honorable gentleman concluded by moving that in addition to the stamp duties now levied, there be hereafter levied on every promissory note ofitwenty-five dol- lars and under, one cent, and on every pro- missory note of fifty dollars and under two cents, and on ev»ry promissory note of one hundred dollars three cepts. The honorable gentleman resumed his seat amid loud cheers, having spoken nearly three hours. t,. ,, oMdi t ! ■ct«,.i fitim ■ aI. bti isfiirvtf Ji(i^(|■.■•w^■'fe'■ jv.ii! mi) v,» ■ lilt -. ■•■\ ^v.iir-,-? ■■■'■ ■'-•■Vil •!': Hi:' ■ '* uatii' 1 imiO. fe«it«J lino ?.£■>.' I -nU ai . « - r M ip '(• i^A'kiymin btif.i'iiiuf .■?•;}« -!;t'.>'i i>'f,,>»» Ufiii «i' T!i 'iianwetif tiJiif t' '""iv' i'l'.'tst wriU !>»ir.ts Inut .,■.) .i, li^ijrt'Iu;) -,;i «^v , -'^fv, "ii, 'lUthmttiit .1' Printed at the Spectator Steam Preee, Prince's Square^ Hamilton, C. W,

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