>iS IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 'V ^ WJ., o o % % J^A IL •V, Vi 1.0 I.I 1.25 2.2 MA li£ ilO lA. II 1.6 6" ■i v:

\ '*»i4 t^ L' Vi fA :d CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut canadien de microreproductions histor IH de uctions historjques ^J i 3 mr« 'Nvlii eve to n vine teni l! thai mcc 8ue( woe the com men COli cea^ to \N bec! of t, that the onec Me? lid Vf elai* tioit riia! laial III til Till Count «/l JS3 1^ 1.^ -^J^ iEj xi*ab aii ff dau ^^usii' ^X'/ ^ £i til 1 J ^■■^■^ ^ Vii*^ in 8 Mr. Hincks rose and c;iI1(h1 tlic altiMilion Oi'iiio 'n'c r('f)rcs(>!iUiiiv(.\ Mi-. A\\m\: mec^tirig to the acl appoiniini; District ('<)!.!::ri!^, 'i\*\as; I ^vliich lie termed one of the besl measures that lie would now endf\avo!:r to ;f ever was conceded hy (he crown ofGreat liiitain ii^!^ sjiicck of .Mr. I lificks :~-(hv to any of her colonists ; it was suc!i as rnasl con- hoa-!ed oThi:, pntriotis-n and h's vinco every friend of his coiinlry oi the n!)eral in- had ifie Uin)injdii!!- efliontery !■■ lentions of the Governor General ortler to serve Inmseh* by the hi It was known to many of the o^entlcnien nresofjt ^'*'^^'* tiie execralion which h(.' t) that he (Mr. H.) had, for montlis prcvioas to the ^'^^ ^^^^^ ^"^-^^ von of the hooa^ 0)i neeting of parhament, opposed the policy >^)\\v. i;"reat benelils die <^)unlry woulu ujed by tfie late laaiented nob!em;in : aiid for ^-^'-''^^''^ ^«t'^ ^' hie!i Mr. [>aldvvH- weeks after the meetif)^ of parlianiiMil, [je pu!v.;!ed S'i'fvil; l)nt he \\{\{\ not told ya\ the same course, but so s.k)!i us [lis !..rd.-!iii) f-'^'''"^ ^^'^''^'^^ d. h.^.d in store ioi- ti^' ^ compelled such ukmi as Draoei', ()i;Jeii wwA (;li»eV — ^*^' {Iav.C) conld assure \\\<'\t members of Ids <^overmeMt, to abandon their !ory ^'-^'^ '»'>t iv.id di- act, nor h id hr [ course, and join t!ie reior:n riuiks, .'dl hostilitV ''^•- '• it until he heard of the teitn ceased in his bosou\ : and lie ielt it !o b" Insdnt^ to withdraw from th(^ I'anks n\ \\.> forr.r-i- lV;(Nids, because those <>;entlerneii wirli ni :-> overtlirov, o:;(^ '*:;; lh(^ ;f:!nr(':fj;i/;d lavj^s oi sucIj mc of the most virtuous and hhni-al administrations ^^-the titlh. ;i,id i)r. i]a:dw:n, of 1 that ev<'r was established, lierc the orator com- ''Vliiit, p;ent!e!rj(Mi. was his astoaisi: UKMiced readini;- (he iournais, uinj in eallino- ov^r '■"'^<* ^^i<' <^^dio!is — die intivaious- the names on tfie yeas and nays, he •' jnore than iu-)cmnent t!i:s morniuir. and fotind once'Mamented thi' d(dectioa of his iormer friends ^-h e.s yoin* r(^presentative liad !i — Messrs. J^aldwinand I'ricj-, who liad joined t}i(^ '^ *'^^ ^^^'^ '*<->'* t^'-dn:; the n,joecupi«? ranks of (ory C'artwriL;hi. li»rv :• !.ci-\\ ood. to;--, p-"o\inee, bat an act for coalite i i\b\\ab, and toi-y \v!.vi.i ! — .\\sr\\. noon (;::' ••i-eat '^''^' ceitahi o()eration.l[ie v/iio!e oi' julvafilairf's of ifie Disti-jct C;rineii Ac;, and tie- unloi'tnnnte uidows;ind oi-jnians. <"lai*eij 1,1 it no nam \^h<> po-^ -;'>->, J ;i sp.;rk of ra- •''' '''^' servants o! t'a? coiinci tioiia! liberty, but would rcjoicc' ;ii 1( ; ii would ^'••'^'i- t,» !)n e.opointed by the Jv. cnid)le his constilneni- to ta-; ihn u.noeeap'iiMl pl'-'iisure— ^o (hat. -^v.y ^vv\:v\l v lands of -'ohlSlrfrl of Inc. fails, uj.:! /;/•, JJrU- 'JKMdx-rs widi iuipaait v i'oi- di-y c^ ut'i, of Toronto,'^ which liad becom;' a. \\u\.-^.,\icv '''•'^- ^•' ^'» ' " "^^ pi ".ce t.Si-. darl in the country ; and \\Q ifirrd'rd tJidt :!ir hi:: (ra:> it'Jt iihe.'ks jjrev^'nts you iVom doe!; 1' i i \{\\V, PKNCR urr arrr.. \\r Ua:\ t'l > h:.r!.'.It mattOl'S not Imw o-reat his ae tuir; dr. laddwin : fbi" he believed it c as Mr. Id. had rr^prc^senled, namoh . \U\i\: who rrsicic'd m crecfino loll gfibN (i;)on niiy, or nil the roads ui your disdict : and Hicv arc i\o{ boufxj (o hnpi^nc voi:r (o;rp»y lo t!.- rra|j naU-s s|,;,|| |,^ s:~-tn-il -f^nlietnan had orcclcd. So -oidhnuon, von innsMx.w ^xMvoivc , a;,a h.s v,rJ(io-and Ur (hat this darhn- o(i^|,ri„ir ol y... virluouJ Krforai )iiUMT !.. coavt'iio >ou lii l^irhamniit, a.»d lih-ral, and ridi'ditrncd and >v Ui^' hidest (irceplioiK l{esr)onsi!)h^ CovernmciU, inak(M v^^n as if i.v (•n h<' L) jasllvnuMitrd. laa-ic, a tax -Uhorin- and a (ax drvourino- ooons (Uuvvvcd, and ihr communhv. (Hero, ]\[i';ilincb:, crird, - (Iumx^v 7 rr^.; '^-I^!^^-^ l'"^'"^^ '^''^ i^'^^ ^'-'^ P'-^^^'<'"t the. (nil voa point out by a prop..- oal(hv;t-ai;od n ,vl()A- s;ivo!i to il by I'hay wvvq (bn^aivod. ii^rirvously doccivrd, icvcii it o be an act such v.Ik o [ln^y -iolcctcd an apostate to represent their uL na-ady, u:\ '.v:i for tax- in!er{-~(s. ( Mere, ?dr. Iliricks, rose and cried out )l such HiCMi as oidt street '' Pu'r. Carey: ironijoinen. Mr. Carey voted lor the in ni, of Toronto. ' Hut, toi ics rd the Ivlunicipal election, and he it \vas that i astonisiraant \v!ien he drove Mv. Balduin troui tlie city/' (jrreat lauo;h- ilauious— (lie dace!)live ter.j Mv. Carey said he would not complain of lud iouuil it not to l>(» an the interruption; it was true, that he did us(^ \ e had !oully describ'/d i^\rry maans in his power to defeat Mr. B. in the iJoecupi-^1 laruls of the city. And why ? I)e(;ause Mr. Baldwin, had, in • confine itin<;', i)y .a slow his opinion, abandoned his former principles. At wjjoia oi'lhe lands of the (lie city election he (MrC.) voted for 4 candidates, because they had pledoed themselves to opprjse the despotic policy tliat was (hen pursued; he did not vote for {\\rin on r.ccount of party, and M\\ }[. knew that he (Mr. C.) in o[)posing the )!' ifiay c'lnnot discijaroe drip[)ii>o--p;in candidates, was sacrificing his own In.-, darl ri-;' clidd of AJr. an(l his family's interest. There was no man >:a eleeliuL; any man. it coidd have entertained a higher respect for M'". )i'j/>!ans. iv' coiiacd, except ofK', Y the Iv.aciilivc during ■^; !'\a'!t jnay snsidl t'je g a^ lc>ti't;f»r« o r«./-> till^ \ rv% O »> *^_ acceplauce lu jmriiame The act > its operatio hundred in it. IfMr. be a hypoc told you th occupied Ian that you cai old Street, Toronto, b their wild I own lands, Carev. wnij exposed tin men, that y lands of Sti iu^Xy vou mi may tax the and, if they of the tax-c food and ra be seized a deny the tr cause he di The 40th the whole tax, and thi man cxcepi tool of the ( ^Ir. Hinck steady sup paced tool c Draper,unc lion, that h All kuev Jell thpm t\ •eptauce ofoiricc, vou wouM ngain rotum l.im , for a time it would appear as if ail the Rd pariiarnent. i were arrayed against the bill. J5ut when rhe act was unjust in principle, and cruel in| stated by a friend of Lord Sydenham, t operation. They could not iind one man in a|character of his Lordship was involved ndred in this province, capable of explaining! measure; and that his Lorlship, as a pub! If Mr. Hincks understands this act, he must i must stand or fall by the issue, they thoug a hypocrite of the basest stamp; for he has visable,in order to avoid .^ collision vilh hi d you that the tax would fall ,.///?/ upon the ?m- ship, which would lead (o a dissolution upied lands in this province.. He may tell you house, to withdraw iheiij opposition to t It you can tax "those nuisances"— tlie lands of J'hey had a choice ol twoj^vils, namely, to 1 Street, of the Falls, and of J)r. Baldwin, of the measure which wouLlbrmg on a diss )ronto, buthe did not tell you that, in taxing an> place the Tories in t)ower, or supp ?ir wild lands, you must tax'the whole of ^ ^ur mearure in order to retnn power m th ^n lands, improved as well as wild. He, Mr ;n-uis, u d keep i he Tones out ot olhce irev would net Mr TTlnnlru wLv h.. La.l r..>. ir. Car. ..sked vhe i. .opting >rhat ihey now thou posed this part of the ar [♦ was true, L^entle- ^^ "''"^f ';:;''^ Assembly ? Wre they not a chsgn ,1 . I , . . X r* .1 roun'rv J Of nil men, and of allnarfu's in miscuuiue >n, that you have a power ihlS act, to tax the t„e.v uere r.one so loathm, to h.i as the - DelWiueis^ ids ot Street and Baldw n it nin*', in so do- Canada. Mr.Hincks, goadc-d by tie stings of a guilty c ^, you must lax the wholr- \our' )Vvn. You or ^ mild cuati^^ation, has "let ti}} cat out of the bag;' ly tax the lands of the wido and , e orphans. 7!^'^^ "•^^": '^^^'''^'^ between his coiduet and that of Ba 1 •/•.! ♦ r ! r 1 4 1 .1 I I '■"'t'i nnd Aylwin. Ke atimiis tint he and all his Kek d it they cannot find (unds (o meet ih^ (' ,id ,e,e c-ompelied, in order to nvoi. a dissolution oi; il n the tax-gatherer, iheir beds ai)d blanket , tlieir .otten, the most tnlentless piniiaiient iliat was ever c( 3d and raiment, or their cattle and horses, will this |»rovinre, or in Upper or Lo\'-er Canada, to sanctif ^ seized and sold for the amount. Will Mr.Ilincks ^>'' "PP'-^^«=^'t; lie went through the city procuring signa- )ll A llh UiS liOHl- ^,nvs to a potiiion against the returii of Dr. Morrison, Harper, >Solulion ol tl^e ])(>el, and \Vm. Ketchum. Was not this conduct disgraceful in ition to lii(^ l)i!l. the extreme? (Cries of yes, yes.) Aye, gentlemen, and so was , .^w.Ur ir^ r^r^r^n.LiI^ f' • I*- Gumcl's for having; accented cf the services of such a man. IIIU'IV, lO oppose , . n ,11 r- r ■ 1* 11 " ,. j ' . iMr. Hincks tells vou that the late Governor was a Inend to liber- on a dissolution ^^,^ He (Mr. C.) was averse to war with the living 5 and he or support t'le j;hould regret by any expression, to wound the feelings of the ver in tlieir own friends of the deceased. He opjmsed the policy of the late Gov- ot oilier ernor General at a time when he (Mr. C.) stood in need of his ,1 ', . ,' ,1 ^ aid — when that aid was ofiered — and when it w^ou! .■ r W * r> * ■ 1 . . , , '^1 , , his on. inon, a violation 01 the constitutions ol Great britain and tins lUluded countrv, , • ' ^ ^ ., n- 1 1 1 r 1 .1 ,^ ,. „ ^T^^.^".. the Canadas. But, as Mr. Hincks had lorced the question upofi Delormers ol upper ... .1 , >• 1 . • . ,- .u \J 1 ^ ... • ^ him, he would ask liim to produce acts in support ol the liberal of a orunty conscience, ' . ,. , ' „,, „^. '' . ^ , , ,, r fi ] ' ■" on t 'lov '""'^^ virtuous policy spoken of? Where were they to be lound l i\ the nog; aniwnty vv,.., u •...«,..-;.,„+;. «..,.., ,.i-. r*QQ nnn o ,.,>or ,v.;iho..t n.^ir />r»„_ .r .1 "4 ». roughs I Or was it in the open ami undistruived tampenne , with • lound Iron) the i^tjite- , *^. . r,-,' 1 . i r lu m n ♦ .u .. ,, ,r .1^1,,, elections s 1 his la-n charge was prelerred bv Mr.l'. ngamst the V i.! the seli-stvleu r<"- , ,_ 111' i n- i. • ■ ^v •^ . ,, , ." .-.i . lnt<» Governor : but then there was no hope of his ohtaii.irig clhce s 111 the hands ol ihe , ,. ,., . rt u 1 1 ^ t. . , , . bv ti'n< ipnr in vour iherties. He, however, could not but approve government bein^ res- > ^ -,. ,• r 1 11 u . ^ ,. ^ o ^ome nart ol us nr u'v ; he was sure everv man would besnt- members were resron- . , '.1' , . ' ' -• m 1. <• \u o 1 .1 ,, , ' . isf:P( with the rotireo'Pnt ot Afnnahan 'rorn the House, and the its ol tiK^ crown; vrt, 111 , • .1 • , o'pvnfion o Mr. Hains'on — a man u ho would, were he m the tins province pnsses>^e;l '. '''" . ,. . i /^'I o\ ♦ 1 • .^ ♦ r 1 • •LT.^/iM.. n \ hum!) e «'!tiir>tion in which he AV. L-.) stood — or in that n| n ?pubiic. He,(i\'r. ' •) 1 .• . • . .1 i 1 i »■ » r i r.i TT •» 1 e*„. '-•nidier in \hf^ '"ir!-^. or a tnr at the helm, he lound a nnn of hon- Mis ol the united >t"*os V f ' '/h^.^.L>r,,. [Here I\'r. II. said t'.nt all rrnvcrnmor.ts used like means to ole oi any other co'nr.Y l ^ , . t r, .- " /4i.^ „ .t [r ?='eciire sen^^ or iheir supnor»(^r^ nstitulKin, (the act «^1 ' . 1 1 1 r 1 .1 . ♦ i , } ut he wouM now ri->-prt, tm , ' ^^ ( ci* \ I'-e '"TtT to (^-'rv 't alesman that ever pre- V. r^ V . . . • i .c 1 ^'.. « .1 1 . ;,K .,,, , n,... that Mr. ['in^ks hml tohi hmi '' moro -I an o'>cp, ' t -t tho !nt.» has lte<'n without \our ^- , 1 . . i . .1 * - . assi2''ed lor this act <•! , , , . Ti-. . 1 n • 1 1 . » 1 u- ' » tAi^ .. /»_.^:i.. tha* eve r commandec in a Britis h 1 rovmce ; and he tc ld h' m tro. 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A y I . 3 ^lilyi- I y 'i in the country ; :hui he ifu^rd'rd ilia: :hr lax iras not Tiilir:!-: FKNtR jrr arm. Ih^h.Kl lli^ !^^lK..t H'sprct for ;M:-. RoIxmI H iMv. ':.;, ImiI !ic- conl.l \*>[ hwivvp'oi lljat this -ct, ^^!;;.•;l u-jit t> conlcr nonnct'd hv lii:n, in ih.' Iloi!^-' o/ A^si'iu;/! v — A MONSTK'ii. AlllcMisvhisr^l:-. !:V!rxLn-li<>ns in thr caii^^' ol rnihlic lihrrlv, ai! knt-w riu' cIjiIid he had npon the i{ratitn(li* of lli" c')n'ii:-y I'd.- !ia'.inr hcen a chicr iijstruincnt in (•slal/lis'niij'j; j\<'-vM.,,.-i- h!e Goveriinicnt ; and !if' was iirv r-iv/ircd in liavini;; it in his power to a^^nt. '.viihc i;l L'io fear orconlradictioii, that tf;e liiiarlv enjoyad l property and abandon the province if the bdl should become a law. \\r havd many more subjects to introduce and remarks to make; but as Mr. Carey, wi]o had come uj> li'om Toron- to to oppose Inm, was iio'»v in tiie room,'.-: wlio he bad no doubt uoidd make a sp(N"e!i. lie i^\\\\ jj.) ^vould rcserye further remarks until Air. C. had done. Mv. C'arey rose and assured tlic meeting" tliai he 11*' had not come u\) from Toi'onto to (Appose Mr. Hincks : he knew nothing; ot llje movemrMitsof the leading orator of the Assend)ly ; and he had oidy beard tiie day beiore that .\]r. jl, was in that part of the country. H(* (Mr. C.) had left his home, at the re<]uetit of ijjc \yido*.v and orphans of their nnn. ::i tlia ir-a p!ac«' tlii^^ darla iiin-:ks prevents \ (uj iVom (d(M'!; matle;-s not limv o-ronl his ae |niii \\}V \\\(' con.nci!, who is iioL possi'S.c estate W(al!j 'i?/X), cnrreney : ^^ vou. :/o yan nnnrov(^ ol it .^ M Ids iViends i(dl ilic eleeloi's oilln. < [) N)ph« ofe'.ery other county in t!ii a ::ian \\\\i) is not worl'i inlands. ,^3 !:L tv> rep-.'v's Nit you in counei!. !);> lar talent, i;:di?panuene(* oi" n)i;id, o know. !i,-enti."aran, it does nat. Voi vv.'io (!aj'!\ a aa: honc^st livinij; i"ro:n m e ! J t r.s n)ecnan:cs. .-^nopuK^:*, o yoiU' iicivis, t!jat possess niore talen ai;d mor^ steriia;:; honesty tiian so; Ilea] jur{!.';iei-s t'lat ha\e tinis joinet VA \:)y of your liberti's, \'> ill .',[r. [I t!;.' act i:^cja;oas aal iinoioi:-? \1 ill, it liiere a^rt* not men toiling in vo to him in honor, in learning:, and i: He will not: and yet, by t'lis act, lu such men shall not represent yon i b(*cause they do not possess an estr of £:)0(). lie (Mr. C.) woidd liko the juno-jci'.s in tfie Assembly haal hoped they liad not had recoin'se U — a pock(!t lidl ofmon(»y, or a h Idns clause of the act (the I 1th.) induced every mend)er v. ho had t country rjt heaii, to reject the \\\\c.\ The .'JOth clause, empouei's the* e TOid^ C/Al'IvS, on any roaal, aii( people to pay tolls i"or tlic:/ hors pas^uji;- throULdi tlicui. rlow da privilege, 'i'he jugglers, they woi determined to have tlie j)ound ( liinrks expi'ess!n(M% or lii'oonrers in ore taleat, more virtue, r than >n]nc ol the [joli- ais ioii'evl in ahrid-aa"- ill '.,li\ ilinck-^ deny that ;o!;- ? Will nn (ell yon liiii; in your (k'I'Js e(j!:al n^:, and i;i moral wortii ? lirf act, lit: declares, that ent you in the council 'ss []]] estate ol'tlie vahie on Id liko to !:]:o\v how nhlv hail (jualiiied; h.'^ 'coarso to a shaia estate ', or a lalse eertiiieate. ae 1 1 th.) o'lf^lit to have vho had (lie ;:<)od of the llie v.jioie hilL ;ers llu» eonacil to er!*el road, aad compels the [H'i/ horsr's, cattle, ^S.e. h'ow ('.» yo;i l\\r. this they \vould tind, were ponnd of llesh. Mr. ret tliat the ta\ ^vas not ::re. Well, liere he has have it u) mait,*' io!', a!- t assess lands more tlmn e the present assessment ^er to make up the re- ^ four times that sum hv ui i}»|iii:^-j;,ui I ,iinuuiu<'s, was sacruicNii^ uis own and his family's intcM'cst. There was no man enidd hav<' entertained a liiirher respect for Mr. Daidwin tlian he. As a lawyer, a gentleman, a iViend, a hrotfier, or a son, his superior could not h-> {"ouud on the continent of America. He knew^ heard of his lakino; office under the late unconsti- tutional administration, he Celt as much astonished as ifhe had heard of a virtuous matron takifii^ up her aljode in a house. Mr. Baldwin tarnished Ids character as a politician by that act. 1 Ik relbre, he cond(Mnned his policy, and used every meaiis in his power to defeat him in thf' city. He condemned him for takino- otfice. and he could not thank him ibr haviuir tlirown it up; Ix'causeMr B. knev/ the policy of the cabi- net as well before lie had entered ollice as he did w'iea he uithdrew from it. i^ut, what right had Mr. llineks — a turncodt oi the blackest Ciya — to reproach him for havinj^ op|M-)sed Mr. Baldwin in the city, when lie .himself condemns him in your presence, lor his ^M'actious opposition" to this brutal enactment .^ Mr.llincks' conduct remind- ed him of the viper in tiie fible. M. Baldwin took fiim when lie was a strano;er; a cast (tjff t^w! o{"" (he (-orporation of Toronto," and he ^vanned him into life. .\nd what has been the return for this net of Immanity ? hu.{;ratitude of the black- est ;\lina!(lwin and J/r. Price ;ibandone(l tlu^ reiorm ranks and joined torvCart- uri^ht, toi-y .^icXab, tory Sherwood, and tory Aylwin : but he has not told you that he himself had ioined the ranks oi'?rar to the knife, tory Dra- j»er, tory Day, torv ()i?, and ycur I'Mthors, nrul tlioir companions, to v fions the crown is imlebled lor tlie scilety of tliis prov Ly one fell swoop, been slript ot' almost every vestige o bcrty. He (Mr,C.) would nsU 'hem ifanv of their t'o cijiurjUiJuui Miuitis It; nut hO «^i em lb lila COI ril|)- •'' I'liiisn ^noHiI /vitier:en. i Men- larj (•onsimtMno, [ HI, that he will not explain it to yon. , 179I) perleelea by i!ie most enliiihteruMl statesman thn \ll l^..^..r iU^ n .l,v (^^^ ^ II 11 -i*!<'net." Ueally, it is etioimh t«»*makc one's blood bMd e authorised to impose upon votu" own lands and \ "^^'"""' <" ^^^^^i' ^'P'>" '''^^ s»ib>'et. Tise poor Africans i a l.».wl . ^^r rvll ♦!... ,..wl^. *" 1 I • .1 hulies iiave been emancir,a'ed, and placed in fnl! p< 5 lands oi all the \v.ido\j:ii aiul. .oa)b;ji^s .a»ua>A-,,no i.<,uer vana^.a r,y tne act Or i.i'i ; mc same 4 entions ofyour patriotic member; he told you the imoccvpied lands owned by Mr. Street r.tid •. Baldwin, but wliat of lliem ? These gcntlc- ?n cared not a fjg (or the act; Ihey possrj^sed 'ge annual incomes; and the payment of S 10()0|l>crs woidd liave trucked to Lord Syderdiam, and ful Mdd not be so much felt by either of 1 hem as g5 i'V*^ '"f''''''"''^=^ ''^ "'•'■t''' t" ^^'^rd oil" a dissolution. -v.iLl \^o. 4^ -r^t^^ r^x i\!.. T';,,.t'o' ^.^K, .<:».. ^. *, i Surelv he would not have tlie hardihood lo tell voi DuUl be to one 01 iVlr. liincKS conslituents — i ,11 . i /• 1 • 1 .1 • . ■ . All i' \ c ' • • I ^vou'd desert, hini for havmg opposei! this monstrous ( ? has tokl us Ot the lactious opposition I ip^^ead of deserting him, would not you— tories and i inifested by the son against the act; and join wiih me in returning him to *the Assendily, I ■ brings up the lands of the father (o mrd;e ''"f • Yes, i:entlemen, he knew we couhl and would believe that the son's ^^factions oppositio^r had '^' ' '^'1^' '''" f T^'r^'r '^^^^7^^;^/'^^'^'"? '}''^' ';' r or-iT TT'ion T^ rr\''i"'3 tT-no m -n r iM-ohtable to soothe the feelings 01 a (jovernor than to isen trom bELb ibH MO 1 IV Lb. [Here Mr. ..^.l your children's interests, basely abandoned your incks rose and said, that he was as much oppo- vo'ed for a bid which goet^ to oppress and enslave no d to many clauses of the act as Mr. Carev ; lie ^'*'^ ^''^^ oiVspring of your loins. collected that there was somethiiiir said about f"^''*-^- ^^'' ^'"l^;'^^ ^^'^^'^ "l"' f '^^V''^-'^' '"''''''"' ^ men, gentlemen, lienrv Sherwocd — the greatest txiry vince, published bis address in the Globe, .V^ Caiey's Gentlemen, said Mr. Carev. I am in no way astonii e Canada Company's land during the discus DU of the bill in the Assembly ; and from a com unication which he had leceived from an of- '^"S^" ''xcited bv the littleness of your representative :er of the government, he had no doubt but the ;'""I^1 ;'<>t avoid joini,.g in tin? mmlmer.t cre^ '^ii, iiiixi 11 his otdv remaifung hope of shieldinir hunseli Irom 1 ^mpany would be compelled to take out deeds odium which bis own acts, and not mv lamiuage, hav r all their land in a year or two.] Now said Mr. on him. I >.>ally pity the weakness of the man. 1 arey, you can see your representative, by his know that he (Mr. C.) was not upon his trial. Mr. 1 vn admission, in his true garb. Instead of con- ^'f ^•'''"'inal ; and he it was that couiied enquiry. B ■ I AT 1^ 1 ! • r 1 • ! .-.I-. charge which he has tlioug.it R'oper to preler agai lumg to condemn Mr. Baldwin for Ins host.lhty ^vi,-. c.) should plead uuihv to ii. It was true, gent the bdl and his factious opposition to tlie gov- ^-the greatest tory in the province, Henry Sherwood, 'nment, he wheels round, and in your preseuv^e, his address to the electors of he city to publish in th ms in the condemnation of the u ]V|0]\Tg^^pj^;^ and he could assure the mee^inp, d^at he regretted niT ni I 4.' r . ] 'ii *i • i. r '<>'''t'^ in tlie Province had not fijlowed his example. e [Mr. C] was not satished with this sort of ,,,, ,.^,,, ^i^,.,^ ^,^,^,,..^.^, ^^,,.^^.,^ p,.,,.,.^^.^,^,^,,,^.^^^ )nduct ; there was something yet that was not Buchanan, Gamiile, Hur.ter, Small, fee. (forndpg a c [plained — something that did not meet the eye ; of patriots) liad honored the Globe with their addresse id he now called upon the orator to explain why " ^'^^^ greatest tory in the province?" But, why bri .^1 ^ ^^..^^ '. 4i,^ \„. _,ui I- I silly trash ? Was it because the lacts and argun cuts 3 supported a measure m the Assemb v which •, • ,\- n 7 m.. n\... i» . 1 • - " "»^ » ward against him were unanswerable? Mr. jiinck 2 now condemns in your hearing .-' Mr. xiinciiS baici, lic was as inucn opposed to le bill when it was brought before Ihe house as [r. Carey, and he was determined to resist it, but meeting was convened by the Reform members; ; that meeting some of the evils now so ably des- mted upon by I\Ir. Carey, were discussed ; and that the Globe contained Mr. Sierwood's address! he might as well charge one of you with conuption soUl a bushel of wheat to a tory miller, or a tory mc because he (Mr. C.) had not a gilt watch, lily white long nails, that he should not be listened to. Mr. i quence was on a par with his arguments, both shei war3 not gold that glitteroi). He feared he was irespns upon the patience of the meeting. (Cries of no, no, g( •.,».„,, vo.M. thnt A r, I'lri'^K-s hml told liHT\ " mut" M nn (»pco, ? -i il,n !n».» assi2''0(l (or llns or! el r*'- • 1 ^1 ■ I I . 1 I I • ■ . ,', ,■ , .,' •.,•'• I- llinl he (>t'r^it. to he hoc.tPil iVdm tfio Provin"o. Ynii srp, .rori»'o- r A'Vir-u.s i-i ilio \VVuld bctrav them, if they should like your representative — sell iresenlative ; indeed, I tneir interests for office, or the promise of it, lie did hope they reated by the last .-stnh ; would be flayod upon their reuirn. self Irom the meriled But these obnoxious Acts had one feature that he was pleased nguage, have fixed np" ^ith, naniolv, it was not an indirect tax ; but an open undis- be man. He ought to ^^,,^^,^j ^y^tem of ojipression that would make every man, except rial. Mr. Hincks was ,^ i^f^^^.p^ ^ tax-gatherer, or a tax devourer cry aloud for their re- 'nquiry. Jiul as to the ,^|^ -^y^^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ inju.siice to assess' lands rot worth one prelcr agaimt nim, he ^.,j.^.^ ^^ ^^^^ .,g -,, . ^^ jg,^^lg ^^^-^.^ gp|, ^^ ^400 an acre? In gretied "^^^ ''^" ^"^' ti^e tax was not three pence an acre. How is this sum to be IS example. W by not ^^n^^^j^j 7 ^^.j]] i\^Q people submit to the seizure and confiscation ;an,l,1onro, Burr, ^"nn, , ^^.^^^.^ nropcrtv ] If thev do not, the tax cannot be paid, lornnnt^ a constellnt;on , ,, ' ; , , ' • r .1 ■ .. .• 1 1 • i .u eir addresses as u ' a« ^'^' ^' ^^'^^"'-^^^^ ^^'^ meeting for their attention and bid them adieu. t, why bring up .^ucli argun cuts brought for-l There was not a sinsl.e resolution ofTored to the meeting in Mr. Mr. Mincks toHs you' C's presence, and as Mr. H. joined in denouncing the acts as un- s address ! Sillv man,; jnst and oppressive, he supposed that he would have prepared a GOrruptit our time.M tlmt sum \)\ briljc- \\v \ lO'KH a 1 to ik'luclo voii, so {hat upon tllr^ . «#s • at that mei canted upr that meeting some of the evils now so ably des- Lilted upon by Mr. Carey, were discussed ; and I " ■•M" wa.s not goKl that glittorei). He feanMl he was trespas! upon the paiience of the iiiceling. (Cries of no, no, gc tiiv. v/\Aii/«ief ' r;^vi,*iii .i, * i ■ . ' * A ' ^ ■-■■§: ^ \ - * -t . .- ■ ■» ■ ' * ' -• » * ■ * 4 " ■ ^ . ' r " ^ ■■'.•' . :' ' ' .