#' t '*»^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) •••W .H 1^ ■,m- 1 • ^I'liri •jk'ii I oC96O06S Corpoiatian ^. .^ 33 WBT MUUN STRin WW mM .M.Y. MSM (7M)tn<4S03 ^ CIHM Microfiche Series (il/lonog raphe) ICiMH Collection de microfiches (mohographies) il C«n««lian InstituM for Htotoricel MlcroraproductiofM / Instltut eanadlMt de mteroreprodiietloiM MMoHquee -' ',V}.1 V* ■'■..' f Nv i^WwW^W W^B •f*li •ftfWlMiptl* a n LJta V'--: Tho * •hoM TINl .. - ' whic ) Map a tflfft . ontir bogi ^ '«9M raqu \. moti Titia da depart da la livraitan / GAniriqua (piriodiquai) da la livraiian '"•tj 10X t4X 1«X 22X 30X 12X IfX mm 7 aox 24X 2tX 32X ..f: V ^ mM VCPY ffVnMC'IWW IMS v99fl f8pfOwl09d tfMfWW t« tlm f««Mfo«ltv «f : TtM lm«f«i •ppMHfif Imv* arc tb* b«ti qualHy poMlbl* oofi«kl«rinf th« oontfltlon and legibility of th« original eopy an4 In hooping with tho filming contract apoclflcationo. Ofjiginai eopioo In prlntod papof eovora aro fllmod beginning with tha front oovor and anding on tha laat pago wvlth a printad or llluttratad Im^raa,* alon. or tho back oovor whon approprlata. All othor original ooploa ara fllmad beginning on tha firat paga with a printad or llluatratad Impraa- alon, and anding on tho laat paga with a printad or llluatratad Impraaalon. Tho laat raoordod frama on aaoh microflcho ahaH contain tha aymbol -^ (moaning "CON> TINUf D"), or tho symbol y (maaning "END"!, 'Whiohavar appliaa. ^-- - g4n4foalt4da UfllvWVnV fn T< Laa imayoo auivoiiw om ■■■ wpvwuivoo owo lo plus grand aoln. eompto tofwi do la aowd l tlo n at dii la nottotA do rowo mp lalro fNm4. ot on oonformtt4 avoo loo aondMono dy oontrot 4% flimafo. Laa ORornplalraa orlflfMMiii dont la adii^fty»a an pap^ar aat Imprlm4a aom fllmda an aomman«afi| par If pramlar plat at on tormlnam 4olt.paf li . dorniiro paga qui oornporta una amprolnta < d'Impraaalon ou d'lNuatratlon. aolt par la sa a o n d plat, salon la eaa. Toua laa autraa aw a m plalrag orlglnauK sont fllmda an eommanfant par la pramlAra paga qui oomporto una ampralnta d'Impraaalon ou d'llluatratlon at an tarmlnant par la darnlAra paga qui aomporto una taNa ampralnta. Un daa aymbolaa auK^anta apparalira aur la 49fPlikf9 Imaga da ehaqua mieroflolia, aalon !• cas: la aymbolo -»> algnlfia "A tUIVfll". la symbolo ▼ signlflo "FIN", ■,.■.: Maps, plataa, oharts. ato.. may ba fUnnTad at diffarant raduotlon ratloa. Thoaa too larga to bo ontlroly Included In ono oxpoaura ara fllmad beginning In tha upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many j||«nas as required, the following dlagram|^f|atrata the method: « - Lea eartaa. planohae. taMaaux. ato., pauvam tira fllm4e A doe taux da rMuetlon dlf f 4ia m a. Lorsquo lo document eet trop grand poiir Atra reprodult en un aaul ollchA, II eet INmi i pertir do Tangle sup4rleur gauche, do geuohe A droHo, et do haut en baa. en prenant la nombra d'lmagae nAcaaaaira. Lea diaflrammaa aulvanta llluatrant la mAthdda. 1 2 3 1 ■. '^^ wmmmm • 32X /I f 5 6 m K^-'.. "ft*;* • * • •*.j ■ . • . » » ■ . l* / . i • $■ •* \ *■■. « ■ ■ ' • 1 f. 1 - * > ;* #' ■ ■« * ^ 4. x" 4' A . ' # • 1 / t i- • V ■ % ' ■ S f « I "' . -■"',■.* : ., ••'■■■ .' ''' ■ ■ ■■ . ,< ■ ; .*: \ « - * \ ■ • , ■ ',, . .# ; -\' '* » .■ ■-'■-■' , iui' ' ' -% ~ -. ^ , ^^ , f- • -. '-ifi^^^^^^^^^^^^^s ' 1 ^ . ■ ■■ . . • ..:^li^s^^TSSs^^m^^fl^£^tS^M ^H^ ' 1 w^ ift' ■''^a^i»^B"i"fc '"""p^pni ^^^H ^'■'=., ^wr---'"' It • 1* f ' -. * • * .* ^ ■ ■ , • ■■-; > ~ # ' Ontario ArebMs' Aet' • 1. ' , , ■. , ■ ■ «, ■■' ■■ J .■■_•-■■ ... ■-■>«!;■ -•■■-. /.■; ;•■ ■" ■■.';*■' ■■' ■ ' • - ' . 'it.' . -' ' • 1. ■„..■■ ■ "^' : ■.,•;■ ■■" ";. ' 0'- ' ' ' ' '■; "■/■.:.: ■■■■' " \ 't '^ f-^ x ^, BILL. « Aa Act RM|Mctifif tiM ProlBtgiofi of Archit«ctt. WHIRKAt It l« dMfiMrt M|Mdl«H far tlM tMttar protocttna imm* td Iha pablle IntarMta In iIm •nKlkm of pyliltc umI pvlvMa batldlnf* In ih* Fiovtac* ol OnUurto. and In onkMr to muM» pmwMft raqulrtnc prttkm^tmai aid In Archltactur* to diatinffuUh batwMii qiMyllA«d and unqiMlllUd archllacta. and ti» «iMur« • Mnadard cj| •AdMCyte tk« fWrwMia prKtUng the pr^fMitafi of krchitactar*"" In tha Prf)vinc«. uui lor th* furth«rknc« and advancanMnt of tlM an of archltactura . TiMrafor* H«r Majwtjr. I>)r and with th* advlo* and cona^t of llw Laglalatlva AMcmbly of th« Provlaca^of Oatarlo, tnactn aa foOowa ;-« L Thdi act may ba citad aa "Tik/ Oii« •fWeilwiv lh« Aral thr«« n«mM m«ni)<>tM>l »«•» ih« (•rm i>l lKr««$ fMni. th« wio«i.llhrMn«in««iMnM<>nMl «.m lh« t«tm «i4 (««} yMf*; ito iMrd .lid lM( vitkil bir by ih« b«.|«w« ol lh« AawM Uiion aI iIm annual mmiinn '** ■•^ aMiicUttUNi qr •! • HwUl HMMlnfl oUkd Uw iImi fNirpnw . and lh« mmnhm 'or rmiii *— - 0lMalala. .w lo vii«« fcir any nMrnibaf lh«r«>f unUM .iuly qualifUil umtef tiM pfoviakma of ihia Act aai lh« byJaw« rm • quorum U,— ( f Ian ilaya any Ava mamhara In good atandtng . ahall hava pow«r lo call a anaclal maaitnf of the aaancialloo upon a noiioa of noi laaa ihan lo dava fur Iha puqxiaa of Allimi Iha vafanctaa ao bauaad (J) In caaa of an aUcilon lo All iha vacanclaa rafarrad lo in aub- aactiona i and t. lh« mambar racalvlng ih* graatar numbar of vulaa •haJI ba conaUlarad iha mambar alactad lo All tha vacancy which will raijuire Iha longer larm lo aiplr*. aad ao un uaiil iha vacanclaa ara Allod. 12. In caaa of any doubt or diapola aa lo who haa or hava baan alactad a mambar or mambara of iIm council, or aa lo iha lag alliy ol Ihaalaclion of any mambar or mcmbara of Iha council. Ii ahall be law- ful for the other duly alactad membera lo be.and ihey ara hereby coo- Miluted a oommillee lo hold an enquiry and decide who, If any la or are. ihe legally elected member or membera of the council and Uie peraon. or mrMwa. if asy. whom Ihey decide lo have been elect- ed Bhfll be and be deemed lo be the member, or membera l^ally ■.■■*• ^p- ^ - '. . ■ V ■ " g i ■ \ •I MKll ItfliM .ml H«rM m m*^ (» A.«| J.y ih. »« kl«« «« |h« «--,. C*«»Wm .K ...«m .*,-,•. „vl, .ml in Ihm |^mc« u( mi, rub m of ih. council. II .hpll |» u^r«) |..r ih« i»«.kl««i ,»^ ol 1-2 N^ .«th«r.rf4h*vte..,r*.M.„u...r In .A.ir *!«.«<• .m«I SlUr 16. AII(iMwtlrma«nhtnlU«tlnth«i te «l.«cliUd by « m«i)..riiy ^,( the immtMr* |>r«MnV iwK ti^n« M«fcUii<>n. m llMcfniiKll, •h«]| ira,,i^^ lh«n flv« In nqmtwr h» ftMi. ol lh« CiMMctt. AMd Iwmly In llM Maicullon ' CAM ul ft.«l by by-law latMci by ib<. *«.^ u.lon .1 ill. ,qnu*J iiw«iin« 18. 11m Council thaJI annually akcl from amnn* lia mamh... • pr-M«n. anH .w.. vice pp,.id.n\.. .n.l Hi It^^,'? ^^ lrea«urer. ...Iiclior anffic«r« oi th« awKilailon '"* "^ '""*"• 19. Tha council ihall hava powar to At by bv l«w iha mUtI— « 20. Th« council .hall Kavc powar and authority ; (I) to appoint an enamincr. or axaminara. for the purpoaa o# mm^ t«lninff and rap .rtinn upon tha qualification. »"'T«* °* •««- («) Of ail p«r«ont wh9 .hail prMant ihemMlvaa for •flmWNlon and enrolmcnl aa itudenta at any ol lnl'iKr*LTj|"i*" "**r«^'y "•'«• «'«'/["l«U«n. and bj^Jaw. r«,n«ct. Hf. *"• ■*••"'•:•»" •"'l r.«gi.trat|, n or,tur of V* cr-*-. lUillalrattMinr pn-Mitt ptaotltka- .IIm profoMion. (J) T«> r^ulMa ami fix lh« wtiuUl and MlmiMion fwa payabU by •rchiiccM and Mudftntn. and to piake all rulcjn, rvKiilMllont. and by- law*, naoaa^ary kir lh« prupar werkiog or carrying oat of tha pro- viaiuaa ol (Ma A« '" ' wn^iSSi7*« (4) T'» •n»ct by-lawa as to tha terma upon which It %rltl roealva •i«M. Tha matrkmlMion or j>tt»Br ctnrtlAcatea of collagaa and othw Inatitu- tknw not In tha FrrMnceot Ontario M^M^nXtoj^l! 9L Any atodant who has matrkulatad In arts in any unlvarvity Qii*dMr7.um ,n Her Maje«ty'a duminiona. or in the Ontario tJch.»ol of I'racticai Science, ahall not be rtM|uired to paaa the preliminary eKaminationa. 20.-^(1) Any perKm practiakm «ha profanaion of architecture within thia provinca. on the oomiflK Into force of thin Act. may ba- Come a member of the amociation, by causing his nam* to \m regiatered with the regiHtrar <>i the aanr elation within three montha from th» appointment o« aiich^reglatrar.and by paying to the registrar aoch faea aa may by by-law or otherwtaa be made payabia in that behalf. ( j) In caae any auch person aa aforeiiaid.omita to be registered with- in Mid period of tbraa montha, through ab«nce, illneaa. ur inadvert- ence, such person may, at the discretion of the council be admitted to enrolment aa an architect. 23. Any peraon who appliaa for admiasion to registration aa aa Architect alter the coming into force of thia Act, adull be n >t leaa than tw«nty-(jne years of age, shall have served as a student not less than five years with a principal or principala entitled to reginter under this Act. or with any other principal or principals approved by the council and have paa aa d auch quiuafying examiaatiuns as may be required by this Act. '' ih-nu urprMdM. 24.— 0) All students desirous of entering the profea^ion of archi- ^tecture shall be pre:icnteil by a meiniier of the CDuncii, an.l shall cause their full names to be entered with tha registmr and ahall pay , such fees, and submit to auch examinations as shall Ite necessary In that behalf; provided that any person who. before the passing of this Act. was entered as a student for a^shorter term th.iifl shall be accompanied with such fee as the council shall troni lime to time direct, and with properly executed articles of inJeniure for the said term. (3) Any peraon who has graduated from the Ontario School of ^' i • -^.^-^-- ., L. .' _ ; ■_ ■ » •jj^ , I' : ♦, " *■■ " ■ ^ ^ ... ■*■ » . ■ \ ■ ■■-v'--.-. -. - -•''^^^ ^^l -C-.-'i.^" 7'-4^^^HI H^ifiJK^S^I^il^w^ . . ■ ■-■v^ Kug^HV^Bl ■B^MiAi .„. A_- ^ ■- mgr; 4^ ■«■■■ .L^ tab* Practical SciMtoc shall ba raquirad to aerva only thraa yaan u a atactant ooa of whWi thim jmn may ba aarv«l darlag tha tme^ (4) Upon and aftar tha pMaia^ of'thia Act. ^odaota ahall sarva •uch tarm aa la raquirad to ba Mrvad by tha nrovlaioiia of thla Act, andar Indantara. to a rtfiatarad wchltact. whkh Indantara and any f!"2P??? V**?**' *'**** •ffldavlt of axM:ation tharato attachad shall 2A. From and altar tha first day of Jaly. 1800. no panoa shaU ba —^.^ -^ '.' antltlad toukaor usa tha titla of 'iU^^tmS AtJS!iIct.-^t£ «ona or in combination with any othar word or words, or any naaa «Itflf!!f'^P*i^' *"P!^**^ **>•* •»• •• "*i««»«l andar tAs Act) ^rT!i ^J^**^ i°y P*™*»"' '^^ *^» »*>• -bova data, not baina ragistarad nndar thla Act. Ulna or uaaa any such nama tltla or daacription. as aforaaald, shaU ba liabla. on simmary^: ll^J^r."°*r"°* 'u***!^ ^^ ^ tha ifM oft«ca. a^ not axcoadinf fioo for aach subaaquant offenoa. ' ^ 36. The ragistrar of tha oonndl ahaU. In •v^yaw^ caasa to ba pjrlntad. publishad and leapt for inspactftm M his ofBea, fiaa of charga. nndar th#. direction of tNe council, a cortwrt faaiatar of tha namaa in alphabetical order according to tlM aaraamea. with the reapective residences, in the form set forth In schedule A to this Act. or to the like effect, of all perwrns appearing on the general register on the first day of January in every year, and stich raaia- t^sh,ill be cdled -rhe ArcWts^RegtoS, "W a^ofTSTSh njSisterfor the time being purporting to be so printed and publish- ed as aforesaid, shall be evidence in all courta. and before alljnatioea of the peace and others, that tha persons therein specified ara regis- tered according to the provisions of this Act ; provided always that in case of »ny person whose name does not appear in such copy a certified copy under the hand cf the registrar of the council, of the witry of the name of such person in the register, shall be evidence that such peraon is registered under the provisions of this Act. ^L "»»»«"»«*•*»" «*«!» wilfully make, or cause to be made. r»di, ton, any falsification in any matters rebting to the register, be shall be ^Sh«jrta, deemed to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction thereof, be imprisoned for any term not exceeding twelve months. iJK- Any pewon who wilfully procures, {rr attempta to procure iwk, reglstratiop under this Act by making, or producing, or cauainB to "-"iSS be produced, or made any false or fraudulent representation or *** declaraUon. either verbally or in writing, that he is entitled to such registration, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall on convictifin thereof, be sentenced to impriaoninent for any term not exceeding twelve montha. 29. There shall be paid to every r^tstered'hrchitect summoned ^ntntmimmai •nUtoeU. ^\- -5- 1* ^S^S^S^SSp to •ttMMVanjr court, civil or crimiml. for th« purpose of giviof avi- dene* in his profeMiooal capacity, or in conaeqance of profaeaioa- al Mtvlcea renderad by him aa an architact. for each dny ha ao at- tanda. in addilim to hla travalilof eipAnMa (if anv). and to ba Uu- aff and paid in tha mannar by law providad with ragard to tha paymaot of witnaaaaa attandinc such court tha aama fae or alfowanca «a ia payabla to provincial land aurvayora. 80.-H I) All faaa payabla andar thia Act may ba racovarad aa ordinary dabta due to tha aawciatfon. and all pmaltiaa ondar thia Act may ba racovarad and anforcad before one or more Juaticaa of tha paaca. in manner directed by the Reviaed Sututea of Caaada, ehttp. i7S.«ntitlad theSwnaMry ComvUtiom Att.mnA aoy Act amend- iflU tha eanfie. „ (») Any aum or tuma of money' ariaiiw from conviction and recovery of penaltiea aa aforaaaid. ahall be paid immediately upon the recovery thereof by the oonvkting magiatrate to the rwiatrar of the council. (3) Any peraon may be proaecutor of complainant under thia Act, and the council may allot auch portion of the penaltiea aa may be •ipadieot towarda tha payment of aoeh proeecutui. 3L Subject to the other proviakwa of thia Act, ill noticea and docuroenta required by or for the purpoaaa of thia Act to be sent, may be aent by post, and ahall be deemed to have been received at tha time when the letter containing the same would be deUvered in the ordinary course of the mail, and in proving such sending it shall be sufficient to prove that the letter cootaining the notice or docu- ment waa orapald and properly addreaaed and put in the post. Such noticea and documents may be in writing, or in print, or partly in writing and imrtly ia print, and when sent to the councilor other authorities shall be deemed to be pttperly addreaaed if addreaaed to the said bodiea or authorities, or to some oflker of the council or authority at thepHndpal place of -Business of the council or author- ity, and when sent to a person rsgistered under this Act, shall be deemed to be properly addreaaed if addreaaed to him according to hii addreaa regiatered in the regiater of the Aaaociation. 82. All monevs arising from fsea payable on ragfatratioo or the annufl renewal ieea, or from the sale of copies of the ragister, or otherwise, shall be paid to the registrar of the council, and by him paid over to the treasurer, to be applied in accordance with such ragaUtions aa may be made by the council for def^ying the expen- ses of Tsgistration and the other expenses of the {execution of this Act. and subject thereto towarda the support 6f miiseums. libraries, or lectureships, or for other pnbUc purposes cobnected with the profeasion of architecture, or towards the promotion of learning and education in connection with architectui«.^^ .• (a> The council shall have power to inveat My sum not expended as above in such securities as shall be approved by the Govern- V.A :f- »'* . ^^■ ■■"•■*^ i'-fy>^r^: ^•mt of th« Dominion of C«iumU. or ol th« Provinc* of OnUrlo In m» own* of My thtm of ihdr numUr •ppotat.di. trMJ2r;n5 •ojr locom. d«rlv«l from .och lov«t«d tSSTiSl hi ISIdTo ISd condcta^d •. p«^ of th. onilnary Incom. of tSTM^dSS. (j)Tb«MMcU(ioamay alwuMsarplas funds orlovwtadcaDitalCnr pruBlMs. to Mrv«uoAoM,.Mamlnation halls. UbrarlM mnaram^ or for My oth.r pnblic purpoM connect*! with M^SStu™ ^ boSS' i^h.'SS^lI .!f1 *''*«»»» of »!»• councU shall wtar In »^ E. SJ?*^ ^u*"* P«T»~' • »"• account of aU sams of mooay br thmn. or «ith«r of th«n. racdvad and paid undar thU Act !?^«Sri«r**""H' ^^ »» ••«'»»«« -nd submrarSacSuidi at such tima. or tlmaa. as tha council may nquln «»™^ i-if A. D. 1889. SCHEDULE A. (SgctioH 26.) Date of Registration. 1890. Jolyist. 1891. Aug. ist 4 ,v ■^■*- Naj^e. A. B. CD. E. F. G. H I.J. Title or Distinction (if any) 4. Toronto 6niverdlfy.... ri/ 'h >•••••••««,««« •••••« I •■••*• ( ■ '1 ■ -7— Residence. Toronto. London. Ottawa. Toronto. Hamilton. r •" \" ^l*i' IW^|!!l '"^ps*"" y *•■ pppt'im ik B!|Bpi^miflppi^|B^ 1 1.1 \mmmmmmmtmi^ f X OP The Ontafio AssoelatioQ o! Areblteets. ■~t^ !>•' ■ . '" - . - - \ \ ■ ■ ' ■ ■ '' . , \ " . • ■■ r ■ ■■' • • . ■ • ' 1 ■ \: ; '"' 1 < '^:' - ■■■■■'■ ' ■■' I ..' •** : .::._" . . - V- * '1 . . /■ ■ ■ ■* To^NTo, iSgr. 4 -. . . .' ■ \ # ■ ■•' ■ ■ ■/ J .' "\ "'■ • : "H \ ■■■•.-■ ' ■• " • i-m . . '■'■-"''m • .'% / ^■■^ ■ -J i '\ :P^' ■ \. \ ' '/ \ * • . - -V ■'-'-^- " ■ ' .■ •.■ ^ *>' \_ ' ■ . . ■ i ■ ■• v' ■ • H ^ ~- - ■■ -■- •--■-. , - 4 -■■'.■ \ ■ii^ici:.'" In. ^.. I, \ i \ ■Y-LAW« PASSED BY THE ASSOCIATION. 'y ATTHl" Annoal 9leeti% feNafy 18, 1^1. I. The AjMociation ahall meet on the first TueNcUy in Pebruary of each year, at Ruch time and place a« shall be determined by the Council and designated in the notice calling the meeting. 9. Any person being a British subject who has for ten years been praotl- ring the profewiion of Architecture and residing within this Province and is, at tne time of his nomination, a member in good standing of this Aseociation shall be eligible for election aa a member of the Councih 9'. Nominations to membership of the Council shall be in writing upon blanks to \y9 mailed by the Registrar to each member at least two months before the Annual Meeting, and must be returned and in the hands of the Registrar at least one month before the date cKf the said meeting. 4 E ach member in good standing is entitled to nominate and vote for as many candidates for election to the CounciLps there are vacancies to be fi^ed. 6. After the nominations are closed, an alphabetical printed list of all nominations made will be forwarded to each member of tne Association «t least two weeks before the date of the Annual Meeting. 0. The nomination blanks shwU state the date upon which tfie nomination will close, and list of nominations shall state the oate at which and the pfu f tr where the Annual Meeting will be held. i 7. The election to membership in the Council shall be by ballot, and shall be held upon the lost day of the Annual Meeting of Uie Association. 8. There shall be paid to each member ot the Council, for attendance at each meeting of the Council, his actual and necessary travelling and hotel expenses. A special meeting of the Association shall be called by the Registrar upon the requisition of the Council or of twenty-five members>of the Asso- ciation in good standing. The requisition shall state the time, place and object of sttch meeting; and a copy of the fequisition shall be sent to each 1". f.^tW^' ■^-^■< W' '' ■v^i" -"^^■ft*'"' ' r^ji^^ t " ■* » ft mambm-. with th« notice, caHInf tfi« in««^ln«. «t ImmI (mt f1«y« h«fof»h«nd. No buaincw «h«ll h« triin»iK.UKl at anv tlMKlal mMting other than that in«ntion«d u(mmi th« ootic* p«p«r. 10 At Mch annuAl mMting of th« AiMucUitioo. two AudiUHr*. not mvtn bmi of th« countil. ahiill \m «(«( tad. Th«y nhali h«v« ai-caiw «t dl rwMoniiblc tim«i%i th« lHM»k«, atcotintii und iMKurillr* of th« Ammk iation, and «h«ll n>iH>rt th«r«)on at the n«Mt annual nifwtlnir. In tlmrvrnt of (tcalh or reaiKna^ tioa o< Ml Atiditor. th« Tacancjr ■baU ba iUUkI by Um Coumll. -K:'^)§^5ffi^§<^<'— It N< In r ^ It •'iSr. > in ■ o ti^- *■ » I '4: •£i#^.ik; •mtrn BY-LAWS PASSED BY THE COUNCIL UHOtH AUTHOWTV Of Tbe ODtaFio Arebiteets' Aet t SUotlon of Offlo«n. All offlcOT* ot th« Council tthail b« alaGtvd by hdM. DoUm of OfflMra. Tni Pimiuknt. It shall be th« duty of the Prmident : I. To preitide At nil metitlnxii of the AMtoddtion atid of the Council. fl. To mrtruct the Kegiirtrar with ngt^ to ca)liiU| meeUog*. ■J. To counteniini all chequ«t. ' jj.? F ' No pefiKMi Khali be elijcible for election to the office of Preaident for two con- ■ecutiv^ yearn. / Tmi Vice-P«ii»id«i«t. In the abJence of the Preaident It ihall be the duty of the lat Vlce-Preal- dent,Mnd in the aVmence of thr Prtwldent nn«l of the mt Vice-Pre»»Ment, it Bhall bo the duty of the and Vice-Presi lent U» pertorm all the dutioa of Preaident. Thk ktoiaraAR.. It ahnlt be the duty of the ReKiatrar : I To attend nil meetingn of the AiMOciation and of the Council ; and meetinKM of auch CommUtecii of the Council in Toronto an may rcijuire hiH attendance: and to record in booica, to be proviled for that purpoa«, the minutea of the procee-linga of all auch meetings. a. To jfive notice of meetingH of the AwMK-iation and of the Council to thejnembera thereof, aa and when directeo tho duty o# tho Tro«iuri» J— # ... - .4. . To focolv. from timototimo from th* Rrrl-tr.r .It •«««««A«f «»>• AiocUHmT luid to dopoolt tho -mo - roc^^*» i*' V'l" ^'1 '* "' **'* ^•" «5S«n In .och bank M m.y bo rni ih* •urn of f lo •■» whU h annual auniA •hall b« dM anfl iMiy«til« on lh« fJrul .»«y of l«nuury of eo* h yr«r. mn^ If not jmUiI iMfoni th« r(r«t day «»f July folWjwinf . th* mid mnutA tm •h«l» »•• ih« •um« of #i».<» and $t%.tin tmpm:tirmlf. 1 No m«mh«r «h«il »» •Hn<»»l* for •lection to tha Coundt, and no mambar •hall Iw enUtUwl to tak* any |»*rt *n tha me«tlnipi «»f tha AMuclatlon or Council who la In affwm to «M imyniaiit of hta arnmal or tAhm itm ft WMt to tha Awoclatloti. , 4 Any niemlwr of tha A«aocUtlm> who ahall allow tha paytnant of Ma an- nual faaa t) ramnln tn arrwir for tha iwrio't «»f on« yaar aftar tha tima ap- pointad for tha puymant therwif, ahaJl (/i»f<» /'<« rtn A faa of tLoo. Sximlslon. I No member of thU AMcKlatUm shall ratain In hIa ofBce any •tudcnt unleaa tttchatudani la properly rvRiatafad and In KoodatandlnK uptm tha iMoka of t^ AMociatlon «:y - a Any member of the AaacicUllon who ahall be nullty of any act In violation of tha tma wrfrit Intent and meaning of the declnratlon of memliemhlp »hj»ll render hlmielf liable to be etpelled from the Aaaotlatlon or to lie •unpemled from memberahip therein : but no memlier shall be expelled or auapended^^nleaa upon a vote of the majority of the Council and only alter euch mrmlier ahull have re- ceived notice ol thecharnea aKatnal him and have lieeo affor.letl an opportun- Ity of defendlQR himaelf aifainat tha sania. 3 Any memlKjr convlcte«! of any criminal act ahall thereby become liable to bo aipelleil by a vote of the majority of the Council Examinations. raitlMINARV IXAMINATION. Cnndidatca, except oa provldwl in clause ai of tfie Onttrio Archltecta' Act muHt have paaaetl the Examination <»f the Second Form of a Hlirh School or Coflejpate Institute : or, a« on ftUemative. the Entrance Ex- amination to A Hijrh School or Collegi ite InUi^ute and an examination^ in Mathetnatica and either French or Oerman equivalent to that of the Second Form of a High School or Collegiate Inntitute. * ,..v" .J'/ ,^wt- ftrX ln«*-rm«.«ul» miw« U l*li»ii «mH Um IhMi otw Md BiM mittm tha* tfrt* VMn rr.«ri Kixm linw -rf ii*i«»»n« lh« l'r«ltm(M«fr •«'» «>•• H-.on.l n..t I«h itimn Immturt tn«»f« lh«n two y»*« •!«« jh»«uih ih« FUM |ni*fni«tl«t« Ih« Cmtm ll thiJI ln»v« iwwwr fnmi Um« lo Urn* Ut •■i«n.l Ilia Hni« .K !>«»"« •.•m>n.iU.«« In |M/iUt.f«r c«i«i. »f permit c«naid«i«i who m«y hav*. t»i\m\ toimM an •««mJn«U«m. tn t«wfi« up a««ia lor •••i»»»n«l»«i»i Tn* F n«I K'.mJn »•»<•.. m^v » • Mfc.n ai lh.« «.i|»«r«n» «•# iMi iMdMllMrf 4V •! My l»»« lltll^««ft«r thai h« may ch««»« i«» < om« I«»rw«f4. H r**i^ ** iiha" te «uimtfi«(l In ttui two loiamMdlAti Si fitiKM dMifniiled by lh« t'oum tl fr«>fn Um« Ui Um« «im|ttlf«d. K««mln«U«.n •h«U M||*> »••»•) *• *»«W in Toroato. Th« •««mln4l»rtH •tmll »>• H«M in Aftril In Mcb y«iir. AH cMKlktatM rntna Kiv* Uj th« Ktgttttf «»?«»• »<*«*<». Wm^ IMTINMIOUTI IXAMiNATION RvOTV c«n«il«l«Ui mtwi. iit !•«* «>o« in«»nth j»Tl«»r Ui th« data flMd for Um rirvt lnt«rn\««lUle KxamlnAtloo. mnA Uith« KairiittrMr th« (uUowIng di«w> tni{ii. which mu>«t Iw » f^tifl«'l by hU pHnclpd to \m hhi own wt»rli. Fcmr iihe«U of of .Imwlnic* illuntratlng dUf«r«nt •rchlt«;tiir«l ptHods dfMiffnatad by »>»• •ii«mln«rB, ,_*•.« r>n« •h.wt of moulding* uxl orn«ment|t onUioing •Munplw ol «M:b of th« altovc p«rlo<1* 4M|gj|Sy»' ' ,4 ^ Tlw rabiKte for thJwm Intorni«dtatiiji|flHH| will b«|^ Rt«m«nUi of conntructlon. ^^^W^ ^ HiAtory of Archit«cttir«. Mathematioi. Technical terrnn V * Apj»li«»liich«mc«. / ^ „ •■OOMO INTINMIOIATI IXAMINATIOM. ^v«rT CMididato miurt. at I««iit one month prior to the d«te fixed for th« nd I^lnffli*^ BiMnination, «end to the KegfOrar the following , . ||r«winxiCiilXchmuHt »>e certified by hin principal to be hia own work. One perspective drawing. One aheet of drawlnjoi measured from esiatlng exampleft. One nhcet conatructional detaila aa directed by the Bxaminera. The eubjectt for the Second Intermediate Exjuninatlon will b« : Hiiitory of Architecture, (carried further). characteHatica of at^W. Strenjrth of mat«ri#la. — Oraphic atatic*. '„ .-- * __. , 1 Structional Iron work. Mathematica. A TtM Inir mot fr»»f i Mkiii fiV ,1. IPt*. rli;^- .nd ..rn«m.iH. erf •« -V*- ««/ H-^l^ ^Sf-T'^Tt^ lliout. f««lMr»« «nil ,...,. from «N»ftl« ular. fi»«l ; wllh r«>|MnkM o< m*tori«lii ^Mrnrn t«m«fite- •!»>•••- limlMtr^ : A ^ fPoandatUifM. Art hlUwtiiral )uH«|if»id««c«. _.^ I'ght tU •! linnwl«>dK« ol ImUdlng tflMft A|>t>U«. A Arnoldl. King If oOord A|Uworth. M B BaMngton. R R Halfour, J»nMa BMtwr. ItotMirt B BMrtl«tt,r BMkitt. w r Balohar, Jobo ■ B«ll, Andrad " Ball, J Antboar Bllllngi. y/»lt*t R HIaekwall, WIIIImd BouUbM, Alfr«l ■ BouaaaM, HWUamblar Bowaa. Jut R Bowman, Arthar M BowmMi, L M Braaa, Fatar Buffy, Mark L Bunnajr, WtllUm Burka, Bdmand OiMotob, A M Clohaojr, Robart CoIIIds, John Junaa Connolly, Joaapli Onddook, Oaorge Oarnr, Baniual Oaovga Oawbwtaoo. Tbonwa -,.■ '•' : ■ - _ 1 l)»y,John DMrlbig. Frank Danlaon, Arthur R Uiak. DaTld B Diok, Norman B Dolaon.BO Dnok, nanrr W Doffoa. William Bday, If oaaa Bdwarda, Robart J Bdwarda, William A Elliott. Jobn H RUis. Arthur BlliA,Jamaa A Rrb. laaao Bwart. DaTid Fairbaim. Bioliard P Titia Off Ot«ttn«tlon. AROA MRROR BA,i>LH,I)L8 AC U Mam. Can. ftOR,PLB ARIBA cm ABOA BAB.CK RIAIAHOA AROA OB AROA Raaldanoa. K4« 8 Union Ohambara. Ottawa. RroakTllla. ar Hoottlab <7bamb^. Ottawa. Caiiat. 1|IHU0 Nov. )»|*H(I» Auk- 'Z?. IHUU Ann. an, imo H«<|it. 4. IHOO Nov. 4. iwn Nov. i, tmN) ()«t. ID, IHW) Nov. 4, 1H»I M*r. tit. 1H01 oot. .ti. lam Oi!t. !l, IHU) M»r.^, IHIU N« V. H, IMO Oot. »l. IHBO Nov. It, Ingu Oct. )ti,lHgO AUR.9^1t«0 Aug. fln. IHOO' Hupt. » li«» H'l>r.'iit, IHW) Nov,'-., t'^PO Oot,ttI, IHK) ^rt. «, two cl. 37. 1«B0 Oot. »1. IHm Oot. :)1, 1H!)0 Oot. .1, IHW Oct. a, two Oot.W, tSDO Mar. ill, iH»l o«t. a. iHuo ■ '■ , . 'X' Nov.8.1»n0 \ Nov. », two I Oct. 16, IHW - Oct. HI. mm Oct. -M, WM Nov.'6.1H00 Nov. 1,1»)0 Mar. til, IWl Oct. i, )H(XI ttept. 85, IBOP Pawall, JobaUiaii II KorNU».JU Kuwiar, JuMpli A rull«r, TlioiUM Otitnm«n, John Ollmoii, ChaM .1 Utllviu. KrwtMrlok H OortlcHi, Henry II (louliiUMik, Clfo W (trity. J W(l»ou Ori'iM, Wtlltaiii Hiifua HftU, Mark llortoii, <;liarl(ta llariwr. Umnuv It llarvny, Aluxaiiiieronto. M Klnii Ht. E.,Tfiffo«to. litMulnr l<«n«, Toronto. 9 Vlutorla HtrMt. Toronto. Wit HharlKiurna fit., Toronto. Ht Thoniaa. M (nmraii Ht., Toronto. Woumld«ni^ OoiMT^Hn llo«M,J L 8 Wetland. n Metoalfe Bt, OtUwa. Aucar, IMO BALa.CB Nov. 4. IMO Chatham. Nov 8,18n Ant: 10. IMO Oa(.fli.lM0 Bbeanl. Ma,tthew 190 Yonge Ht., Toronto. 04 AdiliQde Ht. B.,*Toronto. M Adelaide Ht. B., Toronto. 168 Crawford Bt^ Toronta Mail Bulldlnc. Toronto. BImpeon, Henry BmlUi.jM RCA Bmlth, WJ Bq>t.U,U0O Bproott, Henry BieiNurt, WUIlam BtlblM,%illtMn J BoplMLlMO Nov. 5. IMO • Aac. U. IMO Oel.ni,lM0 OB Hamilton. OB Adelaide Bt. W., Toronto. Btorm.WUllamO RG AAOB 19 Union Loan Bldga. Toronto. Btrtekiand. Walter B BjrmonmWIi ' 18 Toronto Ht., Toronto Oot. «. IMO 18 Toronto St., Toronto. f Nov, 6, IMO Taylor. L F Chief Arobiteota OfBoe. Ottawa Nov. 0, IMO Tbomae, Proderiek T OtUwa. Aac.U. iMb Towneeod, B H ARC A, HonlfHABng no King Bt B., Toronto. ifw.st,un Tally, Klvao CB Publio Worka Dep't Toronto. Nov. 4, UOO WafDor, Otawrlea F Wataon, Frwl B Watte, iohnWH Toronto Bt Toronto. Nov.MSOO 16 Union Block, Toronto. Oet.«,U00 ROA Ottewa. Nov. 8, IMO Webeter, Henrv J Whlto, Alexander 18 Victoria Bt Toronto. Nov. a. IMO Woodatoek. OolilXlMO White, Fred W Militia Department Ottawa. ^3— t\ -h-^^ - ^--V D*Uof Mow. T/UM o«»- r. iNBo Nov A. IMH Nov a, nam Sov S.lfMn or. Sb IMO WhMslMMd. Ilvta A Wlokaoa, A rvMik WIIiimH. MmmmI Wllaon. JaiiiM L Wliulayar. H O I WliWlayMr. H O, Jr tftkiMr DteMMttoo. K—li Uw — . 1 Omm MtJL. Vmmm M ToronM m., Toronto. TamiMrMMM Bi., Toruukk |Qli*lliMn. It Tonmlo M.. Toraatow ' M Toroolo M.. Torooto. ^*. F*-^- . X-^r' " fM^,'^ ^ ■^i A^y fe a «.- 5^^ « ■ m '. A ^ |gfgBW;^^;^?Wy;3«a.'igFTaK FH^' ^W^ MM UMITfCn UUMO ACCMMM T» PUCE Of IB I, t; t t ' ' ' ALMoirra. ' .» • ■OWMANVIIXB. BwuMy. WUltoai ^ Altoii. »«>••§ a" Wit ^- "' Italln. TboauM John BBOOKVIIXB. UMMI.OWMI OMATHAII. Wltaon, Jmmm DRIIKHOfrrO. MMSto. Ho«H»r« ■ ■flMM OALT. Mslllsh. rr«l. W ( 1 D%y, John 4HAMii;roM.' S^'T'Liifrj^™.. MulUcM, OlM tM« ■. Vommn. JoMHk h!^ Umin MtTMl 1 ■4wMd% WllUftin A HIH^TLimiui M Klnc WlllUm M. Jllto. Arthur OUiMn, PtmI. B MawUnda. WUIiua ibwBuui. Arthnr M Bownuui. L M Sttddmili, a«orM HMiry. Pr«l«rlok kMlrlck' rr^drlak J itvwMlWlllkun ■mOHTON. Fowar, JoMph W « Fow«r. Thomas B r Raid. Jaaiaa B v LIMDBAT. Dufftas. WlllUm LbNOON. MflBrlda, Harbnrt O Moora. John M NAPANBB. \ Bartlatt,F OTTAWA. Alaxandar, F J. 8 Union Chambara. CaJdaron, A M til^^w7 \/ Kdoy.Mo«'aa,4aT8onierT,atBt, BUUbvLwB Kw*^ 5*»*«> ^P™"*® }Vorlw D^p't. Bwart, David, Public Workn D«>uM Fuller. Thomaa. Chiaf Arohltaot —5— No4«WNi. Willi T»yior. I. r. <'hl*r r.iO rXMBIIOBB. Movrta.iMM«L ' I JolMB ■II, J Anthony lurtoii, ChariM BkiV ltob«rt H HopKnrn, Al«i*ud«r PBTBHIIOBOIUIII. HiMkwall. WUtUm PVTBOUU. ■rb, !m4M POUT KUtlN. KlnMjr, Rolomoo O EIDOHTOWN. Duck, H«nry f ItolMon. ■ O ■T. THOMAS. Loni. DavUI H IiMNI. JohB B HTBATPOMD. Hapburn, TbomM J TILBUBY OBNTBB. Powell. Hmrr P TOBONTO i M AylMWortk. M ». CtMOm Llfo Bofldln*. B«blncton?JB B. «» QoMn Ht. W. Vr>l IH. A|Mr»*M, If Miry , 11*11 ttviMlM' MIMm, Wllltom J. « A MofW, WUtkMN (1. If I MtMiImU. Wmltmt R. ItyulMI. W I., M Ta*«M Tow Tvllcy Ml»a lll«g« A (Ininawlah Ar« WhAwM. A WUlUm^ 8M quMM M. W ?^li«Mo*. ■«••#•*, W Vle«nrU MA WMtolMMl. ImWim a. I q«Ma M*. ■. M«>»Mr«iL Dnvfat. f onwVi NA MhanM. M*Mh« ■•Mh««, m TntHM Ml. 9, m Toronle M. L I Wl0nWM0 I WlMtoyw. ft C, M Ttmmiom. mtmOmtm. ft O. Jr.. Ut Toronl* WABBWOftim n«ft««r«ft, BavM ■ WBLLAMb. ■lUl. iMSM A / OmtotMrtooa, ThomM WftftT TOMONTO JWOTIOM. . ■Arv«7. AI«iMid«r WHITHT. Foat, Albw* ▲ WWDftOB. Mall— n. Jmmm O WOOIMITOOK. White, AI«>Mi4«V I J^ > I % f §•' v ■«.; lA >: « .r.rat*^. t„J^^ j,_jjt J, ■•^^ . "..rirrt.?- t _ ^ „ ^ r-im'^-v^?' j-f' ^^ A * ■^ T ~*f- iilBMi^B^aaillb . 'i^=^^'A-Lri ^/ ■ Hif*^fP»^ Ontario Association of Architects. EXAMINATIONS Ta n umm on Thursday. April 7th, 1892. Evtry cwkiid«t« for waminjilion mutt tend in hit n«lh« to th« Rcgitinr at kwt oo« month before the date fl««d for the e««mJn«tio««. Preliminary Examination. CpndklatM, wctpt .uch •■ hm^ matricuUted in artt in ""r ""i^;*^ •ity in Her Majctty'. dominion^ or in tha Ontario School ol Pracycal Science, must have patted the elimination d the tecond form of a HiRh School or Collegiate Inttitute ;|or, aa an altemajive. muat have patted the entrance examination- to a High School or Collegiate Inttitute and tubmit to an emamination in - Mathematict and either French ^r German equivalent to that of the tecond form of a High School or Collegiate Inttitute. The firtt time of tending fn hit name at a candidate for exammatwn the ttudent thall tend alto a certificate of hia tutut with reference to the Preliminary Examination. I .^ ~\ ■»4iH*lflW!pif First Intermoliate Examination. ft IvAry cMdUtM mmI, H Imm mm mmiI prter l« iIm 4m« iw4 «w liM tumiiMikM, mnd tm tfM Rcfbtrsr liM Ibttowififl 4t%m\t<^^ mhkh hmmI Im cchMmI l»y tit« |>ftnci|Mil lo b« Hki own «